Cholovik scorpion, who needs it. Everything that is needed by the nobility about scorpions

Cholovik scorpion, who needs it. Everything that is needed by the nobility about scorpions

Cholovik-Scorpion - nature is strong and straightforward. This is a sign of a zodiac to vvazhaetsya one of the most sexy. How many women to power up - how to zakhoty the boy-Scorpion and conquer his heart for sure?

Scorpions do not have a lot of respect for the thought of those who feel comfortable, and practically all solutions are taken on their own. Tsey cholovik war and leader for his nature. He's ready to join the battle, see if he knows he can play.

Cholovik-scorpion: characteristics

Nicholas and ni, in what is not conceited, the patches of the Cholovik-Scorpion. It’s a win for us, as it seems to deprive him of the best dehydration. People of this sign are screaming hard at their actions and judgments, ale їm power, a special charm and sensitivity, like a woman’s heart from the first chilines spіlkuvannya.

Scorpions are overwhelmed by a difficult character. Stink in the first place. Bagatom people are important with them spіlkuvatisya. And all this, that a person's sign can be rude and tactless. Hourly I wondered about my thought, I don’t think I can figure out my own spy.

People of this sign are mentally strong. It’s not to deprive of alcohol that їzhі, but th robots. Bagato workaholikiv - Scorpion from the horoscope.

Stink not to love the grip, especially from the side of loved ones. To the one who doesn’t zipsuvati with the Scorpion, we will need to keep it safe with him. It’s not a matter of zmushuvati Scorpio’s cholovik to rob those who don’t want to. Tse can bring to the deplorable heritage.

Cholovik-Scorpion at the kohanna

Such people think their soul mate in words, guess the world and the bazhannya, and get involved in life. However, because of their nature, Scorpions are secret, and often feel like they don't know about їхні namiri. Penetrate your inner light can be a skin partner. Ale, it’s going to start - they are checking on you with the most scary and romantic stosons.

Zakokhaniy Scorpion to rob everyone, so he wants to roztashuvannya dіvchini, so vouchsafed. Win smilivy and singing from the sob, at the sight of it. It is very important to stand in front of such a lad. I wipe off my affiliate program with a turbo, gifting dear gifts to me, to get help and cleanse from other living situations.

Ale have the Scorpion choloviks є one shortcoming - don’t get the stench to get lost in your passions. Dexterity to the point of being suitable for passion is manifested in the kohanna. The stench is heavy to the frequent change of affiliate programs. At the principle of getting rid of the dots, the stink of the odds does not make that one.

Cholovik-Scorpion at shlyubi

Heads of the whole sign of folding, incoli of neurons. These squads often have a hard time with them. Alas, besides, the stink of a bezlich perevag. Such a cholovik nikoli does not overwhelm his family without the need to get rid of it. Win robitime everything, but his booth will have prosperity.

Naygolovnishe for Scorpions tse pochuttya. If the stench is extinguished, then the family's split is doomed to failure. If you support yourself in a quiet and quiet life, then you should know that with such a person you will definitely not be overwhelmed. Life with him is similar to a viruyuyu volcano. Here є everything: welding, s'yasuvannya stosuniv, wild jealousy, cast that boisterous reconciliation. Instruct from Scorpio to simmer addictions!

Cholovik-scorpion: how are women befitting you?

The choloviks, who were born as a sign, appreciate the beautiful half of the people as follows:

  1. Simplicity. Scorpions love openness and simplicity in people, and do not tolerate hype. Zarozumіlі dіvchata їх vіdshtovuyut.
  2. Intellect. For such lads, it is important that the name is the beauty of the dvchini, and that it is the erudition. As a matter of fact, as I have my own drowning, and it’s good for me to adapt it practically on any topic - you will definitely do it.
  3. Visibility. Scorpios love shirikh divchat. Stink do not tolerate nonsense and deception.
  4. Humor. Garnetes feel the humor is far from being attracted to all people. Alle the same psychological peculiarity in people, Scorpion is even appreciated. Smolder, your fries are kind and not similar to glazed.
  5. Adventurers. The cholovik of the sign of the Zodiac is strong until fit, for that the great role of the grandeur of the rice and the character of the children is great. Oh, adorable fun, shy people on the go.

It’s not hard to get too tired of it, because it’s not tricked out of you. Remember, what a rule, vinyatka.

Cholovik-Scorpion: like intelligence, how can you be like that?

Tsі lads іsladajutsya from succinct superinteractions, and in an hour it’s easy to say that the stench is reasonable. The stench is not to love showing your own mind at the backward glance.

Yak intelligence, which befits the cholovikov-Scorpion, - food, like the hvilyu bagatokh of beautiful ladies. It’s worth it, it’s tricky to happen to women. Elegant and sexy vbrannya, perfumes and pidbori - it is necessary to use the entire arsenal of women in the go. Choloviks love ochim, and Scorpions are not a fault. Having spoiled you at the all-out, you definitely cannot stand up.

Cholovik scorpion: yak of intelligence, how can you win?

Zakokhaniy Scorpion does not take his senses. Win is not a chance to win the heart of Kohana.

Zrozumiti, scho lad-Scorpion of gasps, you can see the yogi soppelyayuschiy look. The whole fatal cholovikov is not afraid of people who cross to the road. If it is more, it will be, it will be stronger in your soul, addiction and excitement will grow. Standing in front of such an alpha male is not easy.

Cholovik-Scorpion: how to get along with him?

As long as your obranets is born with a sign of Zodiac, and if you want your novel to be rewritten more, remember these simple rules:

  1. Keep your eyes focused. Dress up womanly that sexy, gossip, marvel at you, his veins were boiling, and his heart was often beating.
  2. Be strong. Do not fool your partner. Remember, it’s a chuiny one, and you can quickly open up your deception, because you can be very charming.
  3. Give about new. I would like to see Scorpion be built harsh, the stench of the soul is even more sensitive. Having spoiled your turbo and those who are ready to sacrifice something for the good, they will be brutalized to tears, and sooner will cost you even more.
  4. Do not flirt with others. Do not care for those who look at those people who are straightened at your bik, be sure and give your guests hospitality, do not try too hard to get jealous, as you can overcome everything.
  5. Let you be the leader. At your vіdnosinakh we can not booty, inakshe simply can’t bootie. Scorpion will not be tolerated, they commanded them. Like a woman on a new embossing, to get angry at her will, and to robiti those who do not want it, it’s great that it’s because of her.

It’s the first time that we’re happy, we don’t stamp on the weak side, and wait for the hour of welding. Scorpions are even more important to see their souls before kimos. And as soon as you go to the door or laugh about it, you can shrink back at once.

If the cholovik Scorpion reads the article at once, then I want to privatize it! It’s the very sign of a preference for the peak of popularity among the antiquated statues. The і sign on bloos is the less popular one for me. I don’t think I would like to greet you, that a large number of my friends and one-thinkers have seen a sign by their rank. At that number of middle people. Let me smelt the stench of my own, I will open a selection of secret secrets. And they have secrets - a carriage and a small visok. It's not just that Scorpio will get involved in the greatest, we will add and we will secret.

There are a lot of people who love self-reliance.
Їm befit to marvel at the boards, at the thunderstorm, ale from the window in the house. Don't you know the stink in a whole lot. So, the soul has a stench of romance. Ні. Navit is not right. Just by the soul! І in the whole stench, too, do not know nikoli,ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowed

It's not wonderful. On the right in what? For Scorpio to show his fair share - it's all the same, yakby you have been torn apart. For the choloviks, for the choloviks there is nothing terrible, for the choloviks Your scorpion, try to fit into the soul, will not be pre-river. So just give him a good idea about you. Get to peace with the tsim, as you plan with such a cholovik dovge that happy life.

The stench to love, yak tse is not scary at once did not sound b, marvel, yak you suffer, suffer. Not literally 🙂. Scorpio often vivodit his behavior from rіvnovagi. Inodі to reach kumed. The head of this sign can destroy the tragedy from the commonplace dishware. Youmu needs an element of life. Yomu need emotsії. Strong and wary.

Cholovik Scorpion at the kohanna

The kohanna cholovik Scorpion is much more gliboki. As soon as you see him at the 100s, don't hesitate - to love you. Logic food - what's the point? To that, Scorpio can sleep with be-kim, or love only one person. Kohannya, as for me to be built, for the Scorpion cholovik is similar to an otruta. That, if you are parting with people, how to love, be singing, there is a lot of hate. Sberіgatime friendship with kolishnіmi, yak, Scorpion will not. It's a sign of contrasts: chi I love, chi ni. Ale if you love, then with all your heart, soul, head. It’s for me to be built, scho viraz at the virgins with the head here pіdіide. However, do not insure, but the Scorpion cholovik will trumpet for the whole world. We should cherish our kohannyam, we will inflict it on him. Cholovik Scorpion is afraid, well, you know, well, you are weak in front of you;

And the sign is even more infuriating. I vengeful. I can see why. It’s not my heart that it hurts me more often, and it’s more painful for me, but it’s more painful for me, but more painfully for me. Ale, it's a pity, I see it myself.

Inodі vin can happen, like a tyrant. І in the mind of the choloviks of the evil elements, in the minds of the deprived ones.

Cholovik Scorpion Summiness

Cholovik Scorpion is ambiguous because of the woman Scorpion. Resentment is jealous, ale and o, but often not to talk about. Є here і folding. As a cholovik, as a woman who loves to engage in sadomasochism. Good consistency from the women of Ribami. However, there can be problems in sexual life. Ribi is not such a weird sign that is needed for Scorpio. Cholovik Scorpion, obviously, not Aries. You won't be able to beat the dishes and tear the shirt on the child's wines. Qia addiction glibsha. Scorpio is also rough and cold-blooded. Win not against some kind of sex, poses, really, if you want 🙂. If you are a woman, if you don’t take anything good for giving, then you’ll not be happy with him. On a compromise, it’s not a matter of guilt.

Women of Aquarius are vol-loving, and Scorpio be-a kind of manifest freedom to re-translate into a scandal. Tse can straighten out in a sexual life, ala Aquarius such a nervousness.

The scorpions and Levits are even more scared. The stink of nicoli will not be calm. Speka will be from women to the sign of Aries. Ale here is not the problem of "hto golovniy". That is why the sheerness of the food is good because of the Cancer women, because they do not have such food. Surely, the cholovik will be the head there.

Garna is the sumptuousness from the Divine. The workmanship has a sense of wonder. Those same with women Capricorns.

Cholovik Scorpion

The key word in the characteristic of the cholovik, the folk with the sign of Scorpio, I will call the glybin. I wanted to vibrate the word "addiction", but I don’t call those that I want to say. Everything, before what the hero of the statty, win vivchak, is trying to get involved. It can be a hobby, a robot, a cohannia, friendship, and creativity. Before the speech, often barefaced, the head of the Scorpion sign is not baiduzh to rock music. That principle is not baiduzhiy to music 🙂. I want to give a little joy: do not drink it, if I love the song. Tse yogo special, call to tsoo. There is a lot of space, on which there is a sign "side entry fenced off". As soon as I want to let you in there, I’m trying to break it myself.

Stink duzhe talanovitі, protest not in usom 🙂. Most often I choose one area, and most of them are not. It is tied about those who have the sign of Scorpio є fixed. You can fix the word overwhelm, yak post_yniy.

Cholovik Scorpion has succeeded in the old age, ala, as my practice has shown, not in his youth. It can be tied with tim, so Sonce Ingresu at Striltsya and Scorpion will grow bigger. And maybe that, through the rock, the wine becomes more and more philosophical. Itself in adulthood, the legendary magnetism appears. I thought from a little bit of the article, or else I wanted to vipendritis 🙂.

Especially less in the physical plane, it is often pricked. There are more than two of them. One of them is Artem Grigor'ev - an actor who became famous for the help of one serial. Ale yogo Mars in Scorpion is kindly seen in the film "Zaza". The axis is there є magnetism, you can open your face itself through the role.
The other is the provincial and earlier announcer Oliv'є Min. As a matter of fact, having become a volodya magnetism even after 30 years. I know it for a Ford Boyard release. Before the speech, tsya gra maє yaskraviy scorpion dreamer. I marveled at the vipuski, de vin young - not the same 🙂.
I have also seen a black color in my wardrobe. І vin їm duzhe yde. The new stench, it’s not marvelous, I’ve lost my charisma and the black one doesn’t shit. I said, I’ll say that I’m hanging out in NATO.

Oh, the article is great. I have a split image of Rhett Butler. It’s fair, і respectfully, і humor, і charisma.

Know more about your cholovik, you can see it by turning for.

Cholovik Scorpion- at least one of the most beautiful meanings of the signs of Zodiac. How to characterize such people in one word, the word “ addiction". The stench is strange in everything: in kohanna, in friendship, in captivity, in robots. For them, there is no pivton, the stink of nicoli does not whisper compromises, does not follow the lead of other people. It is even stronger and more vivid in the dogs.

Cholovik Scorpion - the hottest sign of the Zodiac

Cholovik Scorpion is a devil of honor. One of the main types of rice is aggressiveness, zhadoba before leadership. Cholovik, a nation under the sign of the scorpion, attracts women, may have a strained sexual potential. Win vipromynyu charm, tameness, strength and tse cannot but be enchanted.

A scorpion cannot be overcrowded, since it has grasped the decision. And if there is a blame for the temptations, then damn everyone and everything - this kind of wine is hot and non-roughening. Ale tsya hotness is not visible immediately. The Scorpion chapters have their own calls spokyly and intelligently, albeit in the middle of the new fire. Nicholas are not podozryuvatimesh, but the wine is far from so new, as it is built on the first glance. It’s reasonable to come nicely.

It is not important to recognize Scorpio in the middle of not-so-awkward people - to see a scorching, penetrating look, in case of great calmness and peace, it’s possible to build. The very eyes see the whole inner fire of the person. The look of Scorpio is not nicholas, we’re not inevitably, or we’ll go out. The name of the wine is rendered to be a phlegmatic - such a trifle, compassionate, thoughtful, non-rich. If the closest look at you, you are good, but they are not the ones who were looking at them. In the middle of a new one is a volcano. Maybe we will take it as a surprise for you, but maybe not. It's hard to be with such a person. If you’re not angry, be on your own, because it’s not Scorpion itself, be ready to complain.

Bazhayuchі bite - the main part of the rice

Why did the Zodiac sign itself be called "Scorpio"? To that, it’s sick for it, it doesn’t bite. Win zhorstokiy. Cholovik Scorpion otrimuvatime sadistic satisfied, feeling about you - bite yo, without which Scorpions are not Scorpions. It’s easy to catch a drink at a suspense, you’re close-minded, ugly, wasteful. - The price is so rosy, I wish she was ready for a happy birthday. Don't worry about all your thoughts so much - just laugh more. Close the colo. Yogo mova - yogo sting. Wine is not rich, but what is said will be sufficient, so I can help you. That і vvazayut mustache, scho Scorpio is even a tough man and it is important with her. And it’s true.

Many people hate the rules of behavior, if they have to impose on them, they have their own thoughts on everything and fix them in such a way that you will need them. There is a constant change in otochenny, everything is fine, even a sign of the power of ruin.

Yak life from the Scorpion cholovik?

With a scorpion you can't be a meek. Win the first stop you shanuvati. For them, a woman has an important mystery, as well as inner strength and passion, like a new one. Show me that it hurts you to hurt your oppression - be aware of your feverishness and weakness. Move and laugh. I want bi yak important. Tilki in tsyu vipadku ty otrimaєsh above him a mountain. Don’t think, don’t cry, don’t erase - it’s just the check, just calmly wondered at you in the eyes of that laugh. Win will be more bitisya, ale the inner will tell you.
I nikoli, for zhodnyh minds, do not belittle him. Win for the price, not fit with his emotions. I have a taste of myself. So it is in the Kohann. That is why women are literally "attached" to their inner strength of individuality, charisma to the whole wondrous duality of Scorpio. But for the price, you have to pay a high price. Masochists, not innakshe. Cholovikov Scorpio needs a predilection for life, for being an ideal girl, it is necessary for being a bitch. If everything is quiet and calm, it’s good to use it on your own head. Khtozna, kudi won yogo you can bring. As soon as you spend money on your girlfriends, the stench will grow up - like so, so quiet and addicted to rozpalyu? Can't bootie! So, in humans, Scorpions are one, but in a special life they are. They are, however, managed by both emotions and roses. I nikoli not prorahєsh, well, once in a mountain.

Yak conquer the scorpion head

Vin is even sticky, temperamental, jealous. Women, like a scorpion at a stosunka, cannot be deceived, it’s easy to get separated from her. As soon as you have conquered the scorpion's head in the distance, it’s not so easy to slacken, demanding to be ready to conquer this knowledge, even if you’re all shy.

The confusion of the Scorpion man

Woman Aries

Tse even a burkhliv union, aloof to achieve the mint of the common with the other unions. Хні stosunki are reminiscent of addiction. Cholovik Scorpion and the woman Aries є volodar strong characters, even if the smell of nature is romantic. Welding and scandalousness are not often carried out in the family's life, but not for the crimsonness, the fucking emotion and passion. Tse nad_yniy that pre-construction union.

Woman Taurus

Many couples of partners have the same sexual confusion. It stinks to go alone and in a common life, that is why the Taurus woman has a calm character and does not react to the aggressiveness of the scorpion head, for which it is a fault of his mind, which is not an easy character for him. Anything between them can be even trivial and trivial, all life.

Zhenka Bliznyuki

The stench absolutely does not come alone. The female twins do not grow up because of the folding character of the scorpion head, she herself loves robiti, which is important for the needs, lover of versatility. It’s an uncommon quit and a lull at home, such a woman will go to the house of her friends to get lost on robots, and not try to go to the kitchen at home. The scorpion cholovik will be displeased with her, you will be jealous all the time. Lyubovnі stosunki can still go on for a decade, but whoever loves it is hardly possible.

Woman to cancer.

The cholovik scorpion is for the delivery of the battle, and the female cancer has a calm and fearful character. Sleepers of aggression that strong character of the scorpion head will be driven and hurt. A woman with a cancer does not bark, and she doesn’t bother with a scorpion, she’s just shut up in her and doesn’t feel happy. Such a woman is shydko on a scorpion, and in a shukatime of new sentiments, new hundreds of people on the side.

Zhinka Lev

The splash between them is possible, but not all at once. Cholovik scorpion and female lion were sounding as leaders and as heads in everything. Love stunners for them are possible at once, fragments for them are more sexually difficult, so as I drive the whore even more completely, if you don't mind, maybe because of them you will be on other roles.

Zhinka Diva

Quiet and spokіyna woman diva to go to the fiery and strong cholovіkovі scorpion. They both have a rich spіlny, the stench is straightforward, they didn’t sound the entrance to the difficult life, and the offense is ready to the serious stones of that family life. Scorpio mind, that the diva is ready for anything for a new person, there is a hope and a good idea, it’s worth it. You can smell a lot at once.

Zhinka Terezi

Хній union of the mighty, say fifty to fifty. Vrahoyuchi is sexually difficult, a woman of a vagi and a scorpion is easy to converge, but then it is difficult to fix. Terezi is a sign of people who are subtly aware of that, the people of the people are a sign, it is important to put up with a small scorpion. The woman Terezi suffers from a rude and wicked scorpion, and often cannot be brought to the point of separation.

Zhenka Scorpion

Union of two scorpions of admonitions for separation. They don't have a lot of wine at first glance, a bit of a stench denotes a strong, one might say, vibuhoneless character, it’s unlikely that they want to give up. You can re-create your life on a permanent basis, uninterrupted welding and storing up a lot of money, only if both of them are magatized to help their wild return.

Zhinka Strelets

Zhanka Strelets roztsinyu zealous scorpion cholovka yak zazikhannya for freedom, special space. The whole union is nedovgov_chny, so offense do not be able to blame alone. The woman, the people of the woman by the sign of a shooter, is indiscriminately independent, and the scorpion head wants to be a leader, in the opinion of the win simply cannot. The union between them is energetic, as the woman is a shooter to come to the senses of the value of family life, and the scorpion man does not become too busy to drive him down.

Zhinka Kozerig

You can say an ideal union. Insult signs are even more similar. Vlasniki of strong characters and at the same time to reach the senses, to move one to one, moreover, between a female capricorn and a scorpion, it is more sexually difficult, as it’s not a matter of time. It’s not boring at once, there’s a sense of emotion, romance and jealousy in these people. The offense was set up on the seriousness and didn’t get rid of them, it’s a miracle that it’s just one thing that’s ready to make life difficult at once.

In order to learn, yak love Scorpion, vivchimo the main characteristics of the zodiac given to the sign

A scorpion can do a good job of trimming under control of your character, ale є kіlka prikmet, you can learn about one of these people. Qih people have a hypnotizing look, like the uglib people marvel at. Scorpions know their own price, and no one will succumb to a change of thought. The stench doesn’t make a big deal of respect on the image, and the positive messages may not be vicious on the faces.

This sign of the zodiac cannot be accepted by the least criticism: the stench of knowing all the necessary information for oneself. The scorpion might even laugh, ale varto keep on guard with him. Most people, who were born as a sign of zodiac, know about the hypnotic power of their eyes, so they often walk around the eyepieces of the sun. It’s not easy to feed the people’s tsikh obedient to the delight of a special thought; If the Scorpion seems to you to accept speeches, appreciate the moment, the same sign of the zodiac is not lured by flattery.

How can I love Cholovik Scorpion?

Cholovik Scorpion is not cheated on by a woman's respect, we are preparing a varto bootie before we can change one of the other. In order for a boy to love you, you need to be a strong, self-sufficient woman, so that you do not appear before the cohan for all a hundred times. The majority of women are priced by women.

Schob cholovik Scorpion loving you, you need to follow some basic recommendations.

    Be guilty of always pragmatic to the ideal of your choice. Varto lecture vivchiti of all yogo likeness, drowning. It is also a great way to sposter on yogo reactions. Be-if you are ready to give a read on the nutrition about yourself. Zagalom, guilty of viprominuvati, as you see your person and supernatural.

    It is necessary to be self-sufficient. Scorpion choloviki do not love women, as they lie in front of them at all. Vinyats, loudly, moss, ale, even a little bit dear.

    Cholovikov Scorpio needs a woman because of a riddle, as a single charm and sexuality. Varto come up with your own special manner of behavior, albeit in the wrong time it’s not so hard to get jealous of the Scorpion man.

    In order for a person to fall in love with you, it is necessary for him to continually grow, perhaps, to lose his mind. This can be done simply by showing the incomprehensibility of one's character.

    A woman who is ideal for a Scorpion, who is good, ready, ready to help.

To reach just zviknuti to the deyaky features of the character of the Scorpions. Cholovik, who is a nation known to the zodiac, is passionate about loving and seeing gliboki nizhni, and even for a new falsehood - the tse of wildness.

How to love a Scorpion woman?

The fearful cholovіkovі nіkoli will not succumb to the zakohaya woman of Scorpion in himself. Only the cholovikov, which is the knowledge that you need to see your life, for the strength to guide such a woman.

The Scorpion women have a nizhnaya, emotion and vimogliva. This type of people does not need just a shvidkoplinny flirt, but rather a kohanets for one night. Tsei sign to zodiac - vlastnik. The cholovik, who doesn’t want to cover his goiters, can’t go to the Scorpion. All of them are strong to harsh agreements from the names of their minds.

It’s a chimeric woman to bring a cholovik yak to the camp, so I’m happy. For the woman of Scorpio, the cohannia is even more important, there is enough to eat, so it’s easy to give in to screw up the respect of a man. To a sign of a zodiac, powerfully recognize everything in the cholovich nature.

Scorpion is a watermark, which is usually placed before the senses of people. Naybilshe taka woman mrіn about the mіtsniy and mіtsniy union. The scorpion cannot survive the coldness of those who are not, not resigned from them, but they were put on a different plane.

Unimportant to all information, I will aim at the sight, the Scorpion woman will be the most beautiful friend and true companion for her partner. Cholovikovi simply do not want to know their best ally. The Scorpion woman wants to be vile, a little more people, who saw love, I can tell you that the stench is ready to be powerful forever.

The Summiness of Scorpio with the Signs of Zodiac

To report on the knowledge of the Scorpio's madness with the zodiac signs, look at the table below.




Give signs to the zodiac of madness in the sexual plan, ale, since the stench comes from the bedrooms, to fix the reason, but the stench is too similar.


It’s not the nicest sign of zodiac signs. Theresa are powerfully overwhelmingly calm and unacceptable in vidnosyny, so Scorpio risiku vikriti his partner in zrada.


Pobudova stosunks for zodiac signs is a waste of an hour, and there are even more vidminities in them.


There are two signs for a zodiac, just one for one. The stench is stinking mentally, and physically.


The whole union is not trivial, even the values ​​of the representatives of the signs of the zodiac and the children are not trivial, and the same goes to life.


Tse one of the most convenient combinations for Scorpion, Aje Ribi just bazhayut stat part of your bazhan.


The whole union will be pliable to deprive the sexual plan. Combination is even more aggressive for life, because violence is strong.


Unimportant for those who have two signs of a zodiac - the most important ones, їхній union will be great... Insulting signs to reach a high estimate of trivial stosunki and vvazhayut for the beautifully correct the pardons at once.


There are two signs that all life can be reflected in oneself, so the miracles and trivials of this combination do not shine.


Denmark union є one of the best vigidnykh for Scorpio, also Cancer is ready to be a true friend of all repair partners.


It is also far from being the nicest, and even offending signs, it’s too early to notice that you can show your character, which will bring you to the point of breaking up hundreds of items.


It's a pity that the combination is also not about anything good, so the Divine cannot be seen as a sexual likeness to Scorpio. To deliver often the price of bets will be distributed at once for the first time.

Scorpion (24 chives-22 leaves) - one of the most mysterious and most attractive signs to the zodiac, a sign of love and death, calmness and mischief, sensitiveness and cold rose. The nature of Scorpio is super-verbose and bagatolic, not a sign of extreme, the change of all the most beautiful and most beautiful, who can be in people. Scorpio is a sign of kings.

It has long been noted that if a child-Scorpion pops up in the family, then for the first time in this family it will die, not even a close relative or a distant one. I navpaki, as in the seven in the world there are Scorpions, then by stretching out to the fate of the whole family, a nemovlia will be born. On the thought of astrologers, the price is tied with that, which is the symbol-patron of Scorpio є ptah-Fenix, who is expected to see the message of death. Obviously, for the people of Scorpio, a great amount of energy is needed, as it appears from death. Tom Scorpion is a separate life of the Earth, a symbol of revival.

Before the scorpion-cholovik do not stand up to see a blameless beauty. As long as the memory of this love has spared it, we can sing it out, it’s possible to remember it until the end of your days. Scorpio and kohannya is an understandable person.

The list of choloviks-Scorpions, which made their popularity grow, to finish the great. Among them are businessmen Roman Abramovich and Bill Gates, artists Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet, composer Nikkolo Paganini, actor Mikola Karachentsov and Alain Delon, Russian writer F.I. Worthy and rich.


Scorpio's element is stagnant water, overpowered by a fierce sensibility, by an emotional feeling and by a glimpse of intuition. The penetration of robbing the Scorpion-cholovik is sensitive to other people's problems, it’s because it’s good to help and to help you, if you don’t get into sentiment, don’t use the grip of everyday life. Scorpio's water is garnished with "everyday life" and partiality, so that it allows one to know the way out of any kind of anxiety-free situation. Signs of the element Lead to goodness in your mind and thoughts, stream bazhannya. The sensitivity of the scorpion-cholovik can be increased by the presence of alcohol and other teeth.

The main competitor of Scorpio is the element of Vognyu, that is, people who were born under the suzirs of Lev, Striltsya and Aries. Having stumbled into a special life, or on robots, two opposing elements of the general conflict, one feels one to one dislike. Tim is not mensh, we are not in fire and with water, but not sound, it is more difficult, especially in the sexual plan, so those who love them are not childish.

The beauty of the "watery" people is the element of the Earth, that is, that was born under the suziryas of Taeltsya, Divi and Capricorn. The earth will receive water, given a contour. There are two elements of the wing, one for one thing, especially when life is lost. But it’s not a matter of forgetting, but when the earth is changing, it’s just one day to go through a brood, and in such conflicts it’s even more important to choose the right words and clearly listen to your thoughts. The water of Scorpio is determined by the virus, and when it is calm with the raptom, it means that there is a strong storm ahead of it.

The ideal place of living of Scorpion is the coast of the sea, lake, stagnant waters. It’s not a pity, you can build a swimming pool near the courtyard or put aquarelle in the booth.


The rulers of the planet are Pluto and Mars. Strong Pluto to rob people with superbly strong and vitriolic like physical and moral. Weak Pluto will transform a human being into a rebel, a ruiner, a chaos and a bezle. In the great horoscopes of spontaneous dashing, catastrophes and wars of light, there is a strong inflow of Pluto. The planet symbolizes majesty concentrated power.

In astrology, Pluto is a detached person of death and a temporary revival. To the sphere of yogo I am inundated with human instincts and sexuality of people. Cholovika-Scorpio Pluto is overwhelmed with power, power to health, and evil. Pluto is a unique tim, which has a perfect connection from the most beautiful and most beautiful instincts of human nature.

Inodi cholovik-Scorpion himself is afraid of the power of power, like Pluto. The planet is just strong, and the people who rule are richly given in life, and they will drink from them.

Mars, which also rules Scorpio, is the planet of energy and activity. Vona overpowered the cholovik with such qualities as aggressiveness and hostility, strength and boldness. The planet is also a majestic, mystical sexual energy and eroticism.

Weak Mars can overwhelm a person with aggressiveness, rudeness, schlichnosti to violence and harshness, and moreover, in a lascivious form. The high disapproval of the Cholovik-Scorpion is a great stranglehold of the quality, for that many of them are noble people, successful professionals and wonderful family.

Greater Scorpions, by the influx of the ruling planets of Mars and Pluto, by the same passion of nature and boisterous temperament, non-promiscuous energy and non-vicious penetration, incoli and frowning character and unsociability.


Cholovik-Scorpion, a populace in the first decade (from 24 zhivtnya to 3 leaf fall), has the greatest swirling rice of specialness, the dominant sign. Wine is energetic, kind and inspiring in his own, that the talismans are guilty of, they are solid and prosperous expensive stones. For example, amethyst, diamond, tiger's eye, hematite or girsky kryshtal.

Choloviks, who were born in another decade (from 3 to 13 leaf fall) - the smilivtsi, which may be kindness, gentleness and smilinism. Yak stone-talismani are good for them coral, amethyst, biruza and sardonyx. Tsі minerals add to the appearance and power of the most beautiful rice to the character of the Scorpion-cholovik.

Those, who were born in the third decade (from 14 to 22 leaf fall), are susceptible to being passionate, non-promiscuous, artistry, zakokhanistyu and even foldable for a reasonable character. A cinnamon stone for such a cholovik would be pomegranate, beryl, olexandrite, topaz chi smaragd.


Most of the Scorpion choloviks are great skeptics, they are not the least, they do not volodya mystical building over their amulets with neurotic power and energy, which will help you in your life.

Naygolovn_shim talisman є, wickedly, a figurine, for the image of the scorpion itself - a symbol of drinks, ruinous and self-ruling. However, the very tsya of the creature is supplementary to the representatives of the sign of the zeshkojuvati of the thresholds, who overpowered them with great energy, vitrived by that power. Mayuchi takiy talisman, cholovik-Scorpion vidchuvak the bazhanya of life and struggling, pidkoruvati new heights. Talisman will help his master to develop over-the-top and penetration, which can then be converted to the gift of transferring.

Not one less tedious talisman for the Scorpion cholovik is a scarab beetle, which is to bring you material goodness. The amulet attracts pennies from all unmatched dzherel, so you can buy shalens, "light" pennies, for there is no reason for the decline of gifts.

Such an ignorant talisman, like a toad, will give his master a dodatkov strength and happiness, especially if a vison will come from the material of green color (for example, skla or malachite). Tsya creature vmіє bring clarity to the situation, extinguish addictions, how fired up.


The majority of Scorpions-Scorpions are physically dearer than those of the world, they do not seem to be a great complex. Cholovik can be happy, because the power of the pole is in character, and not in stature. Risy revealing vigorous and brightly chiseled, nis call great, nagaduє dziob. Color of disclosing blids, eyebrows wide, mayzhe zrozheni on the page. On the legs and feet there is a presence of richness of oduvate, the height, which is good for men. The color of your hair is dark, and more than the middle of the Scorpions you can see more blondes grow.

Cholovika-Scorpio can be recognized in a spokiyniy, nezvorushniy call and vividly on the eyes, which may seem to have a special magnetism. Yogo look penetrates directly into the soul, so the sp_vrozmovnik can feel calm, magicka to enter the eyes.

In the promos of the scorpion-cholovik, right in the timbre, in the tone of that, the voice is sure to feel the uninvited self-singing, that one wants to be true. If the stench doesn’t come off as balacuch, I’m more slyly feeling humor and laughing at myself.

Reese the character

Due to the peculiarity of all the Scorpion choloviks, there is boundless courage and anger to death. It can be blamed whether it’s a blame, viprobuvannya, non-harassing and insecure, always ready to steal and attack, fighting for success in life for significantly more zealous people, not deciding all the signs at once.

Tsі cholovіki can think of a clear life, without embellishment, due to difficult problems. For them, all life is a struggle, the stench is simply not vm_yut crokuvati harshly, it is easy. Tim is not the least, most of the Scorpions-Scorpions are brought up to the rank of even more successful people with great health and great talents.

There are three types of choloviks-Scorpions, which are often based on character. Skin from three types is born to grow up at a pure viglyad, all changes in the quality of that world appear in the skin head-Scorpion.

  • The first type is the people who are not safe, they are not safe, they are merciless and spiteful. The stench of your hatred is not just the majestic ruin, but the self-abasement. The paradox of the nature of the polar world is that it’s not a good idea that it’s unkind that it’s too early to wrap itself up against it. It will be more easy to live with a cim-man, protesting magnetism and sexuality in the power of Scorpions.
  • Another type is strong, independent, and fair. I will direct my strength to work, and not to ruin. The name of the wine can be meager and quiet, but the middle of the virus is addiction, like in all Scorpions. Vіn ruthless in Pershu chergu in vіnoshennyu to himself, in life to rob without lіch try all the changes, rewrite, see all the collection. Often go across the land, to people, but not to be fair and noble. Tse dіyalna, energіyna lyudin, as not to be afraid of going across the supportive thoughts. The breeders of their tsikavosti people volodyut unabashed commercial health, as well as innovation. Tanginess and addiction, so hard to get used to, like a magnet will attract people to new people, especially women.
  • The third type is the best of the Scorpions. The whole person can suffer because of the fact that you cannot know the consumption of your non-gamified energy, so you can expect displeasure with yourself and those who feel good. Winning to be lost in one's own life, not to get overwhelmed by changes in one's life. Such people can be bored well, because the stench is not so weak. Tim is not the man, I can really "press" the friend's hand. Yogo konik - the trick of that backward intrigue. Win is pragmatic in everything, to look at insignificant details, seen in the middle, to show that wine is the essence of the most orderly, not making friends with all of them. Victim tactics to rob from a new, insecure, viral gateway.

Putting the Scorpio-Cholovik to the newest light is abundant in what to lay aside from the one whom you can reach in your life: not so much as you call his historical and revenge, and that, who spent on the summits, to enrich yourself with the people who love you. Often it’s deprived of a man’s mind before adulthood, because he properly ordered the energy given to him by nature, and until that hour to rob the life of his life without mercy, as soon as he’s deprived of his will and ambition.

The majority of the Scorpion-choloviks take off the light as a better middle-class, because it is impossible to trust someone that is skinny for itself. Do not allow a stab in the back, but we are guilty but we prepare for an attack and a hijacker, with whom we don’t take pity for ourselves, but we are too weak. Determination of the day of such a people is easy, or it is possible to think about it and be wide, and even the scorpion's aggressiveness and tolerance will go to another plan, sacrificing a little gentleness and generosity.

I'm healthy

Nature did not skimp on living power for the Scorpion-cholovik, for that, the prototypical ailments to a very old age are to blame. In addition to being busy with sports, as a matter of fact, one can gain satisfaction. But the nature did not skimp on viprobuds, too, because the head often gets sick drops, possibly car accidents, occasional injuries.

All Scorpions were cured before infectious ailments, but a lot of nasty pristosovanosti. Wait an hour to sleep, be-like an epidemic, and then take care of yourself, encircle your moving around in crowded places. Cholovik-Scorpion, as a rule, will try to play it better for those people, as it is absolutely impossible to indulge in self-strangulation. Every ailment protested violently, it’s hard to come quickly.

Typical ailments of Scorpios are ailments, hepatitis, problems with teeth and wicked ways. Whether the cholovik-Scorpion ailments come down stiffly, often willingly cope with them on their own. Helping you, as a matter of fact, is natural - I am actively collecting information about my illness, analyzing and robbing visnovki.

The main factor in preserving the health of the Scorpion-cholovik is peace of mind in everything, fixing it through the hankering, ending with fleshly things. Guilty is guilty of waging an innocent struggle with his nasty little creeps, craving for alcoholism, controlling the accumulation of negative emotions. If we see the accumulation of negative energy, the growth of aggression, then the best way to get around it will be physical improvement. I’ll get a little pesimism, it’s just necessary to accept it, to get along with the people we accept, to change the physical option.


Be-like a cholovik-Scorpion, to which type of wine is not put, I can be smart to a professional with a rider. It’s good, physically and morally stiff, the people for the fight and the overwhelm. Be a risky person for insurance coverage, all activities are aimed at results. Bagatokh cholovikiv-Skorpioniv has received service in the army of law enforcement agencies.

Scorpions may give the gift of a gift to people, who were so blisky with oratorical goodness, that among them there were few sales consultants, politicians and teachers. Successful implementation in medical practice is naturally sensitive to that love to the point of knowing, pragmatic to getting to the bottom of truth. Typically cold baiduzh_st to strangers allow citizens to become an excellent surgeon, pathologist.

Pedagogical skills, especially a robot with children, allow cholovikov to touch human nature, become a meek and bearable, in the process of becoming a specialty and on a singular infusion. Vchitel-Scorpio is eager to become a great leader in science - to help the whole mind to help the natural magnetism that manipuluvati people.

Before a robot can fall to the soul, be a Scorpio, especially in chemistry, physics and medicine. Among them there are fewer wines, and fewer who have realized their ideas. Spraga knowledge, which is dominant to the skin representative of the sign, leads to the broadening of horizons and accumulation of information.

"Smell" for a penny can help cholovik-Scorpion become a happy business man, such people call it good to see what it is necessary for the people, to quickly swallow fashion trends, not to be afraid of being innovators and the first flaws.

Kar'єra cholovikov-Scorpion will come in general, in a way, from the viewpoint of the distant view. Aleksandr's parents are not privy, and due to difficulties, they are less mature. Only one, which can be a pidkositi - intrigue, an unprepared situation at the collective.

Boo so, cholovik-Scorpion endure fiasco, if you play yourself with your own cunning and the bazhannyam to see the camp of the people. Such individuals, in the region of its centric and pitiless, in the struggle for the world by the sun, or they can end up being cunning, so that they can get their help.

Until then, the Scorpion-cholovik goes energetically and aggressively, however, with a singing rod. If you want your help in a fair way, then you can donate to family happiness. All Scorpions love a robot that is smart, dynamic, and bring a lasting result. It’s not the same repeated stitches, the robots have long lasting, the routine is monotonous without the rosy add-on.

Something in the distance is the rock of professional activity - from 33 to 41 and from 50 to 57 rock. From 20 to 30 rockets, you want to pass by the fight and every soul try to get through.

Financial prosperity

The uncommonness of the misery, the leaders nahili and the richness of the yachts allow the Scorpions to become who are not only millionaires, but even more successful people in the financial plan. The stench of loving the process of earning money itself, and if they didn’t have a lot of money, all vitrati would be borderline reasonable and rational. In general, financial activity is the sphere, de representatives of the sign of the most happy.

Love to a penny at the great cholovik-Scorpion is intelligent, and not overlooked - it’s because he’s hesitating the rules, which are penniless. Such a person is not worth a penny in panchoh, but just try to be cared for with them, but try to contribute to the priest's right. Win um rakhuvati pennies, and the financial sense of the new mayzhe is fantastic.

Representatives of the sign will demand minimum comfort and maximum luxury. With a lot of them, they can be greedy, they can feel quicker with vitrati, or they can get lazy ones for the satisfaction of special needs.


Sex for the Cholovika-Scorpion has a lot of busy times, so the partner can say goodbye to the coupled ones, and there won't be harmony in the girls. Bazhano you won’t be ready to be ready to satisfy the Scorpion bastard, moreover, it’s not just for show, but will come out with passion and without surplus. Deyaky choloviki-Scorpion will be satisfied with the change in sex and pain, that partner needs to be ready to finish the terrible erotic nahilіv before joining him.

As a representative of the element of Vodi, Scorpion will reject especially unhappiness from sex in the water: for example, in the pool of chi souls. With a special entusiasm, I’m making love for a woman, as I’m not vicarious with contraception - a whole zbudzhu.

If a woman wants to sound the cholovikov-Scorpionovs of her bazhanya, then she needs to be in even more delicate form, so as not to inculcate her hypertrophied cholovic vanity. Lead with instincts, love, if a woman worships and cries, and does not dictate her mind. At the same hour, you will see a miraculous cohan who is willing to bring women unearthly satisfaction.

Kohannya ta schlyub

Cholovikov Scorpio it is rare to give in to the protection of his first shlyub, beckon to befriend more than once. It’s not marvelous, it’s not easy to get along with a people with such a flexible and super-articulate character. A perky cohannist, a nervy master, an important partner in a cohanna, whoever wants to rewrite the affiliate program for herself, as if not to blame the falsehood and lightly imposed on life - not everything about it. Ale is a terrific woman, and for a moment, the woman is very sensitive to the possibility of being able to stay with her for her own happiness.

Love and scorpion - it is even more difficult to come to know, how can you not do without soul-mates. Scorpions are equally passionate to love and hate, they are dumb. When you meet with the Scorpion-cholovik you can be even warmer and more trusting, or it will be repaired into an uninterrupted, long-term struggle. The sentiment of such a person can take some doom, and love can be robbed by an angry and angry, who is even more afraid and magical to be unique.

The evidence of the scorpion-scorpion polyagu is that if I try to turn my partner's program back on, so that it’s not just that, but my thoughts, mriya, praznennya and help. The nature of it is to recognize everything for itself, but the woman's problem will be that it doesn’t take her individuality into such a tight cohann. The paradox of being a Scorpio in the fact that, from one side, I’m bazha’s volodya about my cohan, and from the other side, in order to take your interest, you need to be on the sidelines.

The cholovik-Scorpion marveled at its own squad, the yak at its own power, which passed on to the next volodinnya. However, it is the fault of the organization for the family, even of the testimony and encouragement of their loved ones' readiness for self-sacrifice. Unimportant to their independence, they will even need to know the turbot, the best way.

Scorpio's savage individualism to beat him is even more persuasive, we can talk about it, we can say a bit of a guide, about which, because of that, we’re sorry for ourselves. Do not allow wine, but the squad was dictating to you, mind you, just listen to the thought and the time. The squad is guilty of the nobility, who is a chilovik of schilates to the point of pesimism, and the need not to give them the ability to get rid of their unfailing camp.

The female nikoli does not want to compromise with the Scorpio man, an act, indulgence in the minds of her image. It is not included in the post-welding, check-ups, and try the partner to provide them with the help of the family members, to bring them satisfaction. At some point, if they want to be alone because of themselves, and at that moment it is more beautiful.

A spooky romance for a scorpion-cholovik will sprymay as an area of ​​human wins, as a motherfucker until the next day, as a fortune teller. It’s not a good idea to prevent it, but the sound of the sounds on the boats was blocking the little ones by the family. Ale those, which is allowed to you, none will not be allowed to women - the squad is not guilty of giving the best drive for the jealous, and її zrada means another collapse of the family.

Freaky people are blind, they see, if you know you can open a deception, and you hate fake people. Even if it went wrong with everybody, then it’s not safe to block it and it’s not safe - you know you’ll know how to recognize people’s unbearable beat. Scorpions are not vmyut - tse not in ichny character.

Yak Batko Cholovik-Scorpion is even more vimoglivy and nivy Suvoriy, but later children are intelligent, but for them is a fair shield that will be safe from any life. Winn nikoli do not throw their children about the opposite whore, children do not become "coli" for a new one.


Aries-Scorpio- there are two superbly strong signs, as there is nothing to be half timid about. The stench will be attracted one to one and will be pulled out at once, so the welding and confrontation in the whole union is inevitable. Wonderfully those who, for two years, loving people fix to listen one to one, besides, the stench of offense is attributed to the stability of the stosunkah, that is why the happy fellow among them is full of energies.

Taurus-Scorpio- Close two different people can be close, like a couple of people can be seen. Help to survive in one go - to help the same look at life and the confusion of temperaments - a spoky woman -Bull may not react to the attacks of the Scorpion-cholovik, and at the same time to preserve its identity.

Bliznyuki-Scorpion- the whole union doesn’t have a kohannya from the first glance, and the sexual intelligence is beautiful, and the axis of the miraculous is even more unhappy. Vlasnik that maximalist Scorpion will be important to make peace with the wind and the need for the woman-Bliznyuk. In the whole union of the people, we will feel the conversation, and the women will be spoiled.

Cancer-Scorpion- there are two people from parallel lights, with absolutely different temperaments that were put before life. Cholovik-Scorpion is less of a high goal and a root to the world, and life is more quiet than life for Cancer. The miraculous union between them is moody, as soon as it stinks to negotiate and see the least problems in the family, and not to accumulate images.

Leo-Scorpion- a great union of two leaders, who can miraculously develop a sexier life. The smells are easy and straightforward, and they are quite similar in some ways. Ale shlyubny union of two leaders is born in the distance, moreover, the dear ones from partners are not ready to give them a special space. If you make friends, you should move on and accept one of these, like є, this alliance can become boring.

Diva-Scorpion- Tse is an ideal schlyub, a foundation for the union of two prototypes. Tikha Diva and temperamental Scorpio is more beautiful to walk alone, at once the stench of the building burns up. This union can be successful, not deprived of the shlyubi, but of the business, especially since it will be on the right.

Terezi-Scorpion- To reach a foldable union, so as a sensitive and disagreeable woman, you will be very important to be met by the attacks of the slender Scorpio. You need equality, and you need to dominate. However, as soon as a woman’s fat is wise, she’s zoomed in and fit in with the difficult character of her cholovik.

Scorpion-Scorpion“Sexual people don’t know who they are, but the partnership’s axis is two bombs that are good for us. The spirit of the life of two Scorpions will be reimagined into an uninterrupted life of two superbly strong, bright and non-vicious people. Ale do not slip into oblivion, but from any rule there will be no vignettes.

Strelts-Scorpion- the union wants to expand, but not even worse. Zhenka-Strelets can give the jealous Scorpio as little as possible, and win at her own devil she will have all the freedom to wrap her head around. As soon as you come to try to improve your partner's independence and confidence in a special space, then your life can be trivial and calm.

Capricorn-Scorpion- A miraculous sense, based on the golden vitrims of the Capricorn woman and the emotionalism of the Scorpion-woman. As soon as the stench is spotted on the seryoznі stosunki, then on the way to the very happy stench to sweep the whiskers. It is not easy to bring up problems and problems - it’s not about them.

Aquarius-Scorpion- Sexually heavy mobility, and the axis of the union is for food. They have no idea of ​​living and family values, and the woman-Aquarius also values ​​her independence, which is unacceptable for Scorpio. Don't be afraid to stand for the plate and take care of the statehood of the distant view of Scorpion's announcement about the ideal lord.

Ribi-Scorpion- a ceremonial, even far away union of two dissimilar people. The stench is one for one zavzhdimutsya unsolved riddle, protest twice їm will be comfortable. The energy of the Scorpion smoothly transforms into the pulp and dexterity of the Ribi woman, nourishing her strength and excitement.


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