Peculiarities of activation of creative thought in preschool children. The development of creative thought that manifested in children of the preschool age

Peculiarities of activation of creative thought in preschool children. The development of creative thought that manifested in children of the preschool age

The people of the child are a joyous moment for the family. The fathers pray and apply all their efforts, so that the child grows up healthy, happy, and sensible. Ale, how psychologists stverdzhuyut, which is not enough. It is necessary to develop more creative minds in children, thereby developing the intellect, expanding the range of abilities, learning to make sensible patterns.

Therefore, more fathers are taken to develop the creativity of children from childish fates. Modern technologies to recommend to teachers and fathers, first for everything, to shape creative ideas. For whom should stimulate the mental processes of a child: memory, respite, waking, language. In this article, we will analyze how to correctly develop the creative mind of a child and give recommendations, which will help prevent pardons while violating the creative potential of a child.

If you start to develop your creative mind, children

Vcheni came to a decision - to develop more creative ideas and to develop the legacy of the preschool age. At what stage of life, children are violating the task, tied to changing objects according to their characteristics. Emphasizing respect for this approach, intellect is formed and the range of sensible habits expands. Improving the creative mind harmonizes the emotional state, corrects the behavior, helping to adapt in society. The world is growing, children are discovering different mysteries, and up to 6 years of wine can independently describe the quality and power of the subject, put together a riddle that is connected with the subject. At the same time, wine is developing visually and building selection from the well-known and familiar images of the new. In such a rite, the development of creativity is manifested in children.

A lot of children dream up a raging fantasy. It’s all about that, that they can’t distinguish between the cause and the result between objects and podia of the navkolishny middle. In order to help someone from 3-4 years, help the child to learn to understand the logic between the cause and the result. Follow the action of simple simple mechanisms, conduct experiments. At 5-6 years, discuss with a small TV show, nutritionists: why do heroes do this? What will be given?

    Forming more creative knowledge, the next step is about the development of such features:
  • flexibility - to look at the situation from different points of view;
  • shvidkіst - the building of swedish generation of ideas;
  • originality - smart to come up with non-primary and clique speeches.

According to your approach, try and try to lay down the process itself and the result of vihovannya. Create simulated situations for the little one, which will help them develop intelligence and intelligence.

What is the work for the development of creative thought in children

Shape and desire fantasy. If the child is strong, what a dinosaur is sacking with him in the room, do not hurry to say that it is not true. Vin does not try to deceive - it is especially gra, in such wine you change. Play with your little one and your friend;

Help create. Sew clothes for cribs, build a garage, fold kazki. Malyuk is healthy, but you take positive emotions;

Sprinkle the infusion of ideas into reality. Children have a lot of speeches. The stinks improvise and see the impersonal characters. Worry about the appearance of paper, olives, farb and felt-tip pens in the booth. If the little one sees a comedy thought, give him the necessary handy materials - let him create.

    Why not work in the development of creative mind in children
  • DO NOT eat normally. On the shelves of children's supermarkets there are anonymous different kits, which are used for molding creative ideas. We can talk about how to develop creative knowledge, because they contain standard templates, for which children create their own ideas. Viklikana nayavnistyu template vіdsutnіst vyboru, for vytіlennya fantasії, obmezhuє possiblіst razvitku rozumovogo potentialіl;
  • do not rush for news. The presence of simple toys allows you to show and fantasize more, playing with them. Lyalka or a car with a siren, wonderfully, kindly, if the sounds of the day have flowed - more quickly, the child will be able to make them himself;
  • not varto fence. Most of all, the fathers don’t want to tidy up, or viprat, they don’t buy felt-tip pens, olives, and other toys. It’s easier to get lost in anxiety, having hindered the little ones, to engage in beloved processes. Tse to bring to the market the development of creative knowledge and awareness;
  • DO NOT lie for a child. Zayve batkіvske perevazhannya and control over the shkodi formation of yoga psyche. The results of a severe vihovannya can be achieved by the year. In a future child with such vihovannyami do not occupy high ranks, the shards do not build themselves to sing songs of food;
  • do not hesitate to create. Mom is the authority for her child. Show imagination and reality. Sing, read, paint, sew at the same time with the little one. Look at your creation, mark or change the imperfections.

List of rights for the development of creative thinking in children

Іsnuє impersonal right that іgor, recognized for molding in children of creative knowledge. We suggest a sprinkling of brown and simple tasks, which will help you vibrate the creative potential of the little one:

Non-violent associations. Encourage the child to look around the kitchen and pick one item. For example, tsukerka. Let them name the pickers to describe the object: bright, big, hard, chocolate, black. Next, fold the task - name the marks that do not show the image of the subject: zalizna, enigmatic, warm and smeared;

Creative test. Paint small mugs or crosses and give little ones, adding them for help with handy materials, transforming them into muffled little babies;

Yuny budіvelnik. Malyukov needs to "induce" the houses. Write a sprat of words: dog, lemon, water, ogirok, stele. Stench with the necessary minds when you wake up a booth. For example, how to vicorate a lemon? You can fill the walls in a yellow color, the water signifies a small pool. Words can be the most manipulative. All fall in the fantasy and mislennya baby;

Khmara. The right is accessible to everyone and does not require special zusil. Prompt the little ones to marvel at the gloom in the sky and tell what it looks like;

Shadow theater. You will need a prostration, a lamp and a set of cardboard figures, which you can make yourself. Play the children's fairy tales according to the finished script, which will require only actors.

The development of the creative abilities of a child cannot be dealt with periodically. Here is an important comprehensive approach and the creation of a system of education. To achieve effective results, the baby is recommended to be written in groups or sections. The nature of creativity requires the free expression of thoughts and ideas in a friendly warm atmosphere.

Occupation with the art of receiving and painting. The stench will become an important addition to your chosen method of vihovannya, reports to the susillas and efforts. Even though that game may seem simple and stupid to you, do not hesitate to improvise a little. Having become aware of the given rights and recommendations - create and invent at the same time with the little one. For this reason, you will develop the creativity of the child, get close to him and take a lot of positive emotions.

The word "creative" gets used as in scientific my, so in rosemary. Often we are talking not just about the initiative, but about the creative initiative, not about the thoughts, but about the creativity of the thought, not about the success, but about the creativity of the success. Ale, don’t start thinking about those for whom the initiative, thought and success deserve the recognition of the “creative”


Front view:

Features of the development of the creative mind of older preschoolers

The word "creative" gets used as in scientific my, so in rosemary. Often we are talking not just about the initiative, but about the creative initiative, not about the thoughts, but about the creativity of the thought, not about the success, but about the creativity of the success. Ale, don’t start thinking about those for whom the initiative, thoughts and success deserve the recognition of the “creative”.

Creativity of thought and creativity of diyalnist є specialness of people. Creative thinking is one of the types of thinking that characterizes the creation of a subjectively new product and

new creations in the samіy pіznavalnіy activity on yoga creation. Without this quality, the development of humankind and human supremacy would be unacceptable. Everything that evokes us is connected with the creative thoughts and activity of people: znaryaddya pratsі cars, booths; pobutu objects; television and radio, yearbook and telephone, refrigerator and car. Ale and hromadska and navіt private life of people is historically grounded on creativity. This is absolutely true both for today's and for the future development of a happy life.

The creative mind sees people in the world of creatures. Vono є osmyslennyam diysnostі, one of the ways of active knowledge of the world. The most creative mind enables the progress of a bereaved individual and humanity as a whole. V.G. Krisko gives the same purpose of creative thought: “Creative thought is a kind of thought to bind to creations and discover something new”

J. Gilford and E. Torrens represent creativity as creativity, as universal knowledge creativity building. The vocabulary of psychological terms gives the following designation of creativity: “Creativity is the building of a person inspired by stereotypical ways of thinking. The main factors of creativity are originality, semantic gnuchkity, building up to a sharpened spontaneity of shortcomings, disharmony”.

Creativity is the birthplace of a child, given to the people, so the preschool age of knowledge is low psychologically sensitive for the development of creativity. It has been proven that creativity is formed spontaneously in a friendly environment and in the course of a child's experiment. Ale, it is important for children to independently realize their creative talents and develop them without the encouragement of an adult. The task of a grown-up man is to preserve the creative beginning in a child, to help him to show himself as a creative person.

The peculiarities of the older preschooler are those who are sympathetic to the new. Yogo vіdrіznyає svoєridnіє vyavіdnіstі і pochutіv, such a rank of wines roztashovaniya to the development of creativity. Psychologists have brought the building to creativity with age. It is connected as with the nationality of school education on the logical component, so with the daily stimuli until I show creative energy. At 5-6 years of age for a preschooler, the most significant is the middle ground and the mind of the socialization of the child. At 6 7 rokiv vіdbuvaetsya structural perebudova creative thought. It stimulates in children the activity of experimentation and approbation of various approaches to the problem. Nadal overstepping the development of creative thought, conformism, fear of being ridiculous, unbearable. Kvaplivost and intolerance in practice take the result negligently and often ruin the creative process.

According to the tribute to the childish creativity of P. Torrens, building to creativity is manifested unevenly. Peaks її are guarded at 5, 9, 13, 17 rokiv. The last child of childhood, J. Piaget, recounting creativity as a characteristic of a child's mind, but respecting it as being centric, unreflexive, insensitive to superbness.

Among the vіtchiznyanyh vchenih L.S. Vigotsky, having experimentally revealed a change in the development of creative thought with age, in connection with the development, in the meantime, conquer and formulate new concepts. A.A. Wenger pov'yazuvav zbіlshennya z vіkom zdatnіst to tvorchostі z razrazvitiya razumіnnya causality - zdatnostі vyyavlyat zv'yazykі vіdnosinі vіzh obіzh і їkh vlastivnosti, vіdobrazati ob'єktivnі regularity.

MM. Podyakov calls the childish mindfulness of mind, which ensures the knowledge system has been mastered, which reflects the object in various super-smart aspects. Vіn pov'yazuє z tsієyu especially such a form of childish creativity, like experimentation. childish

experiment, according to M.M. Podyakov, - the transformation of a child of unknown objects and independence, manifested in them by the attachment of powers and vidnosin.

The peculiarity of the creative thought of an older preschooler is the silliness of the mind of a preschooler, which is connected with the re-budding and re-evaluation of the situation, the axis of building should be new in the old, and not old in the new. It is the peculiarity of the mind of an older preschooler to lie down because of the wisdom to see him in the mastered minds of the new power and the blue, because of the humility to zastosovuvaty before mastering the bones of the mind in new minds. It is typical for an older preschooler to analyze the image of an object and include earlier non-human characteristics for the development of a child's mind.

The results of A.E. Melik-Pashayev show that in the world the promotion of a preschooler in the middle to pre-preparatory groups of kindergarten is designed to increase the level of development, to independently change the system of knowledge in the field, to successfully develop knowledge in Having seen three equal developments of the gnuchkost mind of an older preschooler, they are characterized by different evocative manifestations:

Rivnі razvitku gnuchkostі myslennya doshkіlnjat. Їх three - for the first level, it is typical to be aware of a child's problematic situation, they do not see the essence of the power of the object, do not see those other aspects of the rozumovyh zasobіv. Another rіven is characterized by the appearance of an analysis of the authority of the object with the sight of the obvious and ignorance of the facts, but less obvious ones. Analysis of rozumovyh zabіv vyrazheniya, but not differentiations, scho not roar. The third rіven is characterized by the fact that the child of expressions analyzes the power of the object, sees obvious and attaching the origins of power, the Zorova orientation is clearly confused, the child clearly grasps the peculiarities of the problem situation.

From the improvement of the features of the process of passing the creative thought of older preschoolers to developing programs, a whole complex of vimog is presented. The teacher, who implements the system for the development of creative thought in children aged 5-7, is responsible for the development of creative thought.

The principles of the development of creative thought can be seen:

The principle of openness of thought, which transfers the stimulation of building to generate an impersonal solution of a creative task, following the method of "brainstorming";

The principle of soft magic lies in the fact that the victorious magic between teams, constantly changing its warehouse, and intangible wine city wins and participation;

The principle of cooperation and cooperation is based on the fact that you can win the skin task individually, in pairs or in a small group;

The principle of a friendly climate for a teacher is to set the task of encouraging the activities of a friendly socio-psychological environment, as it is characterized by psychological safety and insane acceptance of the values ​​of the skin child;

The principle of inestimable activity gives the possibility to give the skin participant the right to pardon;

The principle of positive reinforcement of bad behavior is based on the fact that, whether it was known to you, it was remembered as a guide to the possibility of re-introducing such a behavior;

The principle of activity ensures the development of the creative abilities of the child and the invigoration of yogo power activity for the decisions of the creative task. Vykhodyachi z ogo you can identify the main directives to the development of the creative zdіbnosti older preschoolers:

Reveal the rose;

A development of the essences of the mind, which form creativity.

The main pedagogical task for the development of creative thought in the senior preschool age is the formation of associativeness, dialectic and systemic thought. So, how is the development of the very tsikh yakosto rob myslennya gnuchky, original and productive.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative habits for those who are already drunk in their own children;

The injection of image-creating art into the development of a child and, in general, the individuality of a person is even greater. Vihovannya creative sprynyattya navkolishnogo svіtu awake in children zdatnіst not only vіdchuvati and bachiti the beauty of the world, but also create their creative products of activity. L.V.Paramonova is aware that the art is the original way of shaping the creative mind of the preschoolers so like it’s to speak figuratively, it’s like a close child of the preschool age.”

Zagalnovidomo, when a child is aware of the world of nature with its richness of appearances and beauty, absorbing its sounds, smells, farbi, enjoying its harmony, it becomes perfect as specialness. Vіn may not be able to convey the hostility in words to the whole world, but in a little vin you can speak more and more clearly your thoughts, emotions and thoughts.

T.M. Bondarenko designates that the painter should be astonished and make a new light. Through painting, children begin to understand the harmony of nature. Image-creating diyalnіst naє dіtinі great opportunities in expressing their own individuality. Through the little ones, the development of a creative mind is manifested, so that the same object, seen by children, is depicted with individual features. Through the little ones, the preschooler hangs the setting to the image of the subject. As psychologists say, at the moment of image-creating activity, an older preschooler is included in the work and all intellectual processes are actively developing. The image of the navkolishny world, otochyuchih subjects and є showing a creative mind.

The senior preschool age is favorable for the development of creativity to the development, just as at the same time the psychological basis for creative activity is laid. A child of the first century building up to the creation of a new baby, design, method, fantasy, as if resurrecting originality, variability, fragility and fragility.

An older preschooler is characterized by an active and active position, cicaviness, fast food until grown-up, building up to a quick comment on the process and the result of his/her work, a strong motivation, to endure a resigned state of mind, and an easygoing attitude. Initsiativnist po'zana z dopitlivistyu, zdatnistyu, dopitlivistyu rose mind, guilt, building up to volovoi regulation of behavior, mitigating hardships.

The peculiarity of the dedication of the figurative art in the preschool age is those who have two main approaches to the dedication. You can designate it as an academic and creative student before starting.

With the academic approach of children, it is possible to start imagining objects in a viable way to a realistic image-creating art. With this system of education, children become deacons of novice, illustrious in a distant life, but they don’t succeed in reaching the heights of artistic tasks, they weakly reach the level of art. Tse navchannya with a small frequent creativity. (T. S. Komarova. Educational activity in a nursery. HYPERLINK " "HYPERLINK" "Program and methodological recommendations. HYPERLINK""HYPERLINK "Ht HYPERLINK""tps://"For to take with children 2-7 years. "MOZAIKASINTEZ", 2006)

In another mood, with a creative approach to learning, a friendly middle is created and mind for creativity. Pre-school children know a certain degree of self-expression, reference to artistic materials, etc. (Likova I.O. Educational activities in a kindergarten: planning, notes to take, methodical recommendations. - senior group. "Karapuz-Didactics", 2009) Today's pedagogy took two steps, created a synthesis of the training of creativity, which we won in organizing figurative activity for the help of non-traditional artistic techniques. .

Art-pedagogy brings creative and academic development. This integration gives a result that overturns the results of skin straightening. Art-pedagogical approach widely used non-traditional artistic techniques of painting, integrating them with lighting techniques.

Submitting your good work to the knowledge base is simple. Vikoristovy form, raztastovanu below

Students, graduate students, young adults, like victorious base of knowledge in their education and work, will be your best friend.


1. Creative minds preschool talent is the result of a goal-directed injection

1.1 The concept of "creator of thought"

1.2 Features of the creative mind of preschool children

1.3 Wash the development of creative thought for preschoolers

2. Flat modeling - one of the reasons for development

creative mind of older preschoolers

2.1 The essence and features of developing mountains

2.2 Significance of flat modeling for the deep development of preschoolers

2.3 Organization of pedagogical work with planar modeling


List of references


Our hour is the hour of change. At the same time, Russia will need people who will adopt non-standard solutions, so that they can think creatively. It's a pity, today's mass school still saves non-creative pidhіd until knowledge is acquired. Odnomanіtne, template not repeating one and the same diy driving in interest to the beginning. Children enjoy the joy of seeing and step by step they can spend building up to creativity.

Like richly healthy and talented children. The average number of talents is significantly less. And the talents have grown - tse shvidsche vinyatok nizh rule.

What goes with children on the way to maturity? What do you want them to do by themselves? Why do the tendencies of individuality in their greatness wither, and do not turn into a stalk of marvelous flowers? That is why obvious zdіbnosti often do not open up, do not become talents. Current psychological findings indicate that the foundations of the dialectical way of thinking are laid from the chotiric way (N.N. Podd 'yakov, N.Y. Veraksa and іn.). At the end of the day, before the teachers of preschool institutions, there is a task of creating optimal minds for the development in children of the main romatic operations of a dialectical character.

metaterm paper: Clarify how it is necessary to develop the creativity of children correctly.


Take a look at the features and understand the development of the creative mind of preschoolers;

Vivchiti osoblinosti and klasifikatsiyu developing іgor;

Take a look at the pedagogical work on flat modeling;

To analyze the work of a teacher with the organization of creative thought in preschool children.

methods follow up:

1. analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the problem of research; empirical;

2. Purposes of directing supervision over the process of development of children, analysis of basic programs and scientific and scientific documentation.

1 . More creative minds preschool talent is the result of a goal-directed injection

1.1 The concept of "creator of thought"

“A healthy eye has a wonderful scent, but an old man has dull teeth” - this is how K. Dunker [Dunker, 1981: .37] described the meaning of the thought of one of the most famous people in the world, opposing yoga to a healthy eye in an obvious manner. What is so mislennya? What is yoga intelligence in other ways of recognizing people's activity?

Persh for all mislennya є vyschim pіznavalnym process. Vono is the birth of new knowledge, an active form of creative transformation and transformation of human activity. Myslennya gives rise to such a result, which is neither in reality, nor in the subject at the present time is not known. Myslennya (in elementary forms, it is in creatures) it is also possible to understand how to acquire new knowledge, more creatively transforming obvious manifestations.

The mindfulness of the mind in other psychological processes is determined by the fact that it may be related to the manifestation of a problematic situation, task, as it is necessary to virishiti, and an active change of minds, in which the task is set.

Myslennya - a whole bunch of ideas that reveal the essence of speeches. The result is not an image, but a thought, an idea.

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv myslennya:

- Theoretical concepts

- Ttheoretical figurative

Having offended, you see the thought is indecently adding one to the other, people are discordant, but mutually dependent on the side of the butt.

Noteworthy is the peculiarity of such a seemingly thought - Nagliabottom-shaped- I believe in the fact that the roaming process at the new one without intermediary engagements with the adoption of the mind by the human being is a real action and without the new one it is impossible. Thoughts are figuratively imaginative, people are attached to the point of being meaningful, and the images themselves, necessary for thought, are presented in the first short-hour and operational memory (for theoretical figurative thought, images are taken from pre-stroke memory and then re-created). This form of thought is most often and most vividly presented in children of preschool and young school age.

Remaining sight of the thought - ce on thenachno-dієve. This particularity lies in the fact that the very process of thought is a practical transformation of activity, created by a person with real objects. The main mental task in this type of situation is the right things to do with different subjects. This kind of thought is widely understood by people who are engaged in real manufacturing practice, the result of some creation of a concrete material product.

All the thoughts of a person are repaid, they can be represented in one and the same activity. However, in the staleness of the nature and final goals, the other kind of thought dominates. At tsіy pіdstavі stinks everything is different.

Thoughts on the vision of other processes seem to be quite logical to the point of singing. Clearly, in the structure of thought, one can see the next logical operations: alignment, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and refinement. Por_vnyannya rozkrivaє totozhnіst i vіdminnіst speeches. Analysis - tserozchlenuvannya subject, vyavne or practical, in warehouses yogo elementi s coming їkh pіvnyannyam. Synthesis є pobudov whole from analytically given parts. Analysis and synthesis work at the same time, acquiring greater knowledge and action.

abstraction- tse vision of whether there is a side of any other phenomenon, yakі in action as self-sufficiency does not exist.

outrageous acts as a conclusion of the original (abstraction) and connection of yoga with a class of objects and phenomena. Understanding becomes one of the forms of obvious zagalnennya.

concretetization acts like an operation, a reversal. It manifests itself, for example, in the fact that from the sacramental designation - understanding - there is a judgment about the belonging of single speeches and manifestations to a singing class.

Krіm looked at the views of the mind and another operation of the mind: judgement, reasoning, destined to understand, induction, deduction. Emotions are often involved in the process of thinking. It seems that a little bit of thinking is great passion. Without a little thought, a productive thought of a flooring is impossible, like without logic, know, learn, learn.

What is more creative than myslennya? One of the first who tried to formulate the answer on the diet was J. Gilford. Vіn vvazhav, that the "creativity" of the idea is connected with the dominance of some new features: [Nemov, 1994: 244]

1. Originality, non-triviality, inconsistency of the ideas that have been developed, clearly demonstrating the exaggeration to intellectual novelty. A creative person can always live and hardly know one’s own well, to see other decisions.

2. Semantic flexibility, so that the building of the object under the new dawn, reveals its new victories, expands the functional zastosuvannya in practice.

3. Adaptive flexibility is figurative, so that the building can change the sprynyattya of the object in such a rank, so that it is new, attached to the guarded side.

4. Spontaneous flexibility is semantic, so that the ability to produce different ideas in an unimportant situation.

Obviously, what we understand is closely related to the concepts of “creativity”, “creative activity”. Under creative activity, we understand such activity of people, as a result, what is being created is new - whether it be the subject of a new world or a spiritual thought, which will lead to new knowledge about the world, or else it will be, that inspiring new things to reality.

Creativity is a folding mental process, connected with character, interests, peculiarities. Uyava є yogo focus, center. A new product, possessing particularity, in creativity can be objectively new (for socially significant opinions) and subjectively new (for oneself). In most children, most of us have products of creativity of a different kind.

However, we do not exclude the possibility of the creation of children's certificates and objective statements. The development of the creative process, in its own line, enriches the mind, expands the knowledge, informs and interests of the child.

Creative activity develops like children. Starting the process of creativity, the child sees the whole range of positive emotions, both in the process of activity, and in view of the finished result. Creativity brings more optimal and intensive development of greater mental functions, such as memory, thought, spriynyattya, respect. Stop, in your line, to signify the success of the child's education. At the same time, at the same time, it is significantly included in the initial process; Creative diyalnist develops the specialty of a child, helping him to conquer moral and ethical norms - distinguishing between good and evil, compassion and hatred, compassion and fearfulness, etc. Creating creativity, a child instilling in them his own life values, his own special power, reinterpreting them in a new way, is taken over by their significance and depth.

All children, especially older preschoolers and schoolchildren of the young and middle age, love to engage in art. They sing and dance, sing and paint, compose music and fairy tales, engage in folk crafts and so on. Creativity to rob the life of a child rich, povnіsha, radiant. Children of the building create as independently from the month and hour, ale, nagolovnіshe, independently from special complexes. The people have grown up, often critically evaluating their creative vibes, to be ashamed of their manifestation. Children, on the vіdmіnu vіd grown up, zdatnі schiro chuvvatsya mystetskyi diyalnostі. The stench is happy to perform on stage, take part in concerts, competitions, exhibitions and quizzes.

Creativity is especially important for gifted and talented children. Giftedness is a complex of zdіbnosti, scho allow mothers to reach in a particular gallery of art, science, professional and social activity. Few children are conscious of a clearly expressed talent and giftedness. For a gifted child, yava appears as the main characteristic quality. You need constant activity of fantasy. Non-trivial approaches to the cherry on the head, original associations, non-primary perspectives of looking at the problem - everything is typical for a talented child and is the result of visualization.

Giftedness and talent are closely related to the outstanding development. Such children enjoy more high results in pairs with their singles. And it is much easier to reach these results. The stench exudes greater sensitivity to the most necessary light. Before speech, children are especially sensitive to mental functions in specific periods. Such periods are called "sensitive". Qi period has a specific function (for example, language, thought-development, or logical memory) is most accommodating to sub-studies of the outer world, easy to train and develop intensively. Such periods are seen in psychology for all functions. In qi periods, children show special achievements in the results, which will be on viable functions. For a great child, one century falls Sentimental period for one or two functions. Talanovita child demonstrates "sensitivity" to a wide variety of functions.

The building has been devastated, typical for children of a young school age, gradually spending its activity in the age of greater age. At the same time, the vivacity and freshness of the enemy, the originality of the associations, the warmness of the match and the richness of the other are used together. In such a rank, obviously, it is clearly connected with specialty, development. The peculiarity of a child is formed gradually under the influx of all the conditions of life. However, the sphere of life of a child is especially special, as it provides specific opportunities for a special development - ce gra. The main mental function, which ensures the game, is itself awake, fantasy.

In respect of game situations and realizing them, the child forms in himself a whole series of special authorities, such as justice, courage, honesty, a sense of humor. Through the work, compensation for the lack of real opportunities for the child to endure life difficulties, conflicts, and solve the problems of social interdependence is revealed.

Engaging in creativity (for which it is so pershochergovim є vyavu) the child forms in itself such a quality, like a spirit. In the case of tension, all the activity is turned on, accompanied by especially positive emotions. The richness of the robot is often associated with the development of such an important special character as optimism.

1.2 Peculiarities of the creative mind are preschoolers

Creativity is an alloy of rich qualities. І nutrition about the components of the creative potential of a person is left without a dosi vodkritim, wanting to have a sprinkling of hypotheses at once, that these problems arise. A lot of psychologists will help you build up to creative activity, first for all the peculiarities of the mind. Zokrema, famous American psychologist Guilford, who, having dealt with the problems of the human intellect, established that creative features of power in the so-called divergent thought [Godefroy, 1992: 435-442.]. People who are capable of this type of thought, in the event of a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the one correct solution, but begin to search for solutions in all possible directions, so that they can look at more options. Such people are able to establish new combinations of elements, like more people to know and victorious only with a singing rank, or to form a link between two elements, so as not to think of anything at first glance. The divergent way of thinking lies at the basis of creative thinking, as it is characterized by offensive main features:

1. Shvidkіst - zdatnіst vyslovlyuvat yakomog more ideas (in this case, it is important not їх іїкії, їх іх іхіїї).

2. Gnuchkist - building a wide variety of ideas.

3. Originality - the creation of new non-standard ideas (it can be shown in different ideas, solutions, unbelievable ones with general acceptance).

4. Completion - building up your “product” or giving it a final look.

Vіdomy vіtchiznyany doslidniki problems of creativity O.M. Luk, spiraling on the biographies of eminent wives, winemakers, artists and musicians, saw the coming creative vibes [Luk, 1978: 125.]

1. Buildings solve the problem there, de її do not work out otherwise.

2. Zdatnіst zgortati rozumovі opsії, replacing the sprat to understand with one and vikoristovuyuchi more and more єmki in the informational use of the symbol.

3. Building to zastosuvat newcomers, wake up at the hour of the completion of one task until the completion of another.

4. Building to take action in full, not crushing it into parts.

5. Building is easy to associate with distant understanding.

6. Building memory to see the need for information in the need for good.

7. Flexibility of thought.

8. Zdatnіst choose one of the alternatives to solve the problem before rechecking.

9. Building include a new adoption of information from the already existing system of knowledge.

10. The building of speeches such as stench, see the speeches that are brought in by interpretation.

11. Ease of generating ideas.

12. Creative wavy.

13. Construction of additional details, to a thorough idea of ​​the cob.

Candidates of Psychological Sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov, based on a wide historical and cultural material (history of philosophy, social sciences, art, and other areas of practice), they saw such universal creative vibes that were formed in the process of human history [Kudryavtsev, 529-555 No. 1959 , No. 10: .54-55].

1. Reveal realism - figuratively scoping out a deak іstotnoy, zagalnї tendentsії chi regularity development of a whole object, before, like a person can understand about it clearly and can enter it into the system of suvorih logical categories.

2. Uminnya bachiti before parts.

3. Supra-situational - transformative nature of creative solutions - building in the event of a problem is not just choosing from the imposed alternatives, but independently creating an alternative.

4. Experimentation - the construction of the mind, in some objects, the most opulently reveals its attachment to the natural situations, as well as the construction of the prostration and analyze the peculiarities of the "behavior" of the subjects in their minds.

Teachers and educators who are engaged in developing programs and methods of creative development based on TRIZ (the theory of solving wine problems) and ARIZ (algorithm for solving wine problems) take into account that one of the components of the creative potential of people add up to such uniqueness, [Efremov. ].

1. Building rizikuvati.

2. Divergent thought.

3. Flexibility in thought and spirit.

4. Shvidkіst thought.

5. Building to develop original ideas and find new wines.

6. Bagata vyava.

7. Sprynyattya ambiguity of speeches and appearances.

8. High aesthetic value.

9. The intuition is debauched.

Analyzing the presentation of the point of view from the point of view of the storage of creative properties, it is possible to grow visnovoks, which, without regard for the appearance of the steps to their destination, the successors one-and-one see the creativity and the brilliance of the creative mind as the language of the creative components.

Based on this, you can identify the main directives to the development of the creative abilities of children:

1. Reveal the development.

2. The development of the signs of the mind, which form creativity.

1.3 Wash the development of the creative mind of preschoolers

One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is the concoction of minds, which is to adopt the molding of their creative vibes. Based on the analysis of the work of several authors, J. Smith [Dyachenko, 1994: .123] and L. Carrol [Efremov, Unicon-TRIZ: 38-39], we have seen six main minds of successful development of children's creative abilities.

The first step to successful development of creative skills and early physical development of a baby: early swimming, gymnastics, early training and walking. Then early reading, reading, early acquaintance with various tools and materials.

Another important intellectual development of the creative qualities of a child is the creation of an environment that exalts the development of children. It’s necessary, it’s possible to sharpen a child with such a middle ground and such a system of inputs, so that they would stimulate the most creative creativity and willy-nilly develop in the same way those that at the current moment of creation are most effectively developed. For example, even before the beginning of reading, a single child can buy cubes with letters, put an alphabet on the wall and for an hour and a half to name the child's letters. Tse spryaє early volodinnya readings.

The third, super-important, intellectually effective development of creative zdіbnosti viplivaetsya from the very nature of the creative process, which vymagaє maximum tension forces. On the right, in the fact that vigor develops more successfully, the more often in their activity people get "to the stele" of their abilities and step by step raise the stele more and more. Such a mind's maximum exertion of forces is easily accessible, if the child is already up, or else you can't speak. The process of knowing the world at this hour is even more intensive, but you can’t speed up with the sight of grown-up babies, so you can’t explain anything to such a small one. To that, in this period, the little ones are more disturbed, if only, to be engaged in creativity, to create impersonal absolutely new things for the new task independently and without forward training (as if, wisely, they have matured enough to allow them to work, stench to viruciate them for the new one). At the child, the sofa ball slid far away. The fathers are not guilty of hurrying up the distance for you to play the toy of the sofa, as a child can do this task himself.

A quarter of the mind of a successful development of creative abilities is in the child of great freedom in the choice of activity, in the number of rights, in the trivality to take one yakim-nebud right, in the choice of methods, etc. This is the child’s hope, yoga interest, emotional support to serve as a hope, a guarantee that you won’t bring more tension to your mind before a change, and send the child to melancholy.

And yet, the child does not exclude such freedom, but, on the contrary, transfers to the hateful, sensible, good-natured help of the grown-ups - tse and є p'yatu of the mind of a successful development of creative zdіbnosti. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but to help in a hint. It’s a pity, a tip - to expand the middle of the father’s way of “helping” children, but only to misbehave on the right. You can’t work for a child, as if you could work for yourself. You can't think for someone else if you can think of it yourself.

It has long been seen that for creativity, a psychologically comfortable environment and the presence of a free hour are necessary, that Shost of the mind of a successful development of creative vibes - a warm, friendly atmosphere in the family and the children's team. We have matured guilty to create a safe psychological base for turning a child into a creative search and good judgment. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to creativity, to show sleepiness to the point of failure, it is more tolerant to inspire to wonderful ideas, it is not powerful in real life. It is necessary to turn off that convict for a living.

However, the creation of friendly minds is not enough for the development of a child with a high creative potential, even though the deacons are zahіdnі psychologists and at the same time respect that the creativity of the cob is a powerful child and that it is only necessary not to respect you to express yourself freely. But practice shows that there is not enough of such a thing: not all children can pave the way to creation, and preserve creative activity forever. It seems (and pedagogical practice to bring the goal), as if to use different methods of teaching, then to inspire preschoolers, without losing their originality of creativity, create more high equal, lower hatred of self-expression of the same name. Not at once so popular are children's groups and studios, music schools and mystic schools. Obviously, there is still a lot of super talk about those why and how to read children, but the fact that you do not need to read sumniviv.

Vihovannya creative zdіbnosti children will be effective only in that case, as if it would be a goal-directing process, in the course of which a number of private pedagogical tasks are violated, directed at the reach of the end of the year. And in this work, on the basis of the study of literature and given themes, they tried to identify the main directions and pedagogical tasks for the development of such important components of creative vitality as a creative mind and experience in the preschool age.

2 . Flat modeling is one of the ways to develop creativityth thought of older preschoolers

2.1 The essence and features of developing mountains

To the cob of the preschool age of the child is already Volodya singing

zhittєvim dosvidom, which is still insufficient notification and is

a faster potentiality, lower building was formed

realize in your own activity. Zavdannya vyhovannya polygaє

as if in the fact that, spiraling on the potentiality of potentiality, push forward the witness of the little one, lay the cob of a full-fledged inner life.

How can you solve this problem in the minds of a suspenseful preschool education? Namagayuchis v_dpovisti on the chain of nutrition, zupinimosya on deyakih principial provisions that lie at the basis of the proponated system of igor.

The first for all developing games is a joint activity of children with grown-ups. The most grown-up to bring into the life of children tsі іgri, to know їх зі змістом. Vіn vyklikає іn іtеіє іn interest іn children, sponkaієєєєєєї їх іх іхі іхії іхі, without such gra it's not possible, є clearly vykonannya іgrovyh іy, kerіvnik gri - organіzovuє іgroviy space, znayomiom z igrovim material, stalking for vykonannymi rules.

There are two types of rules - the rules of the game and the rules of cooperation with partners. The rules of the game determine the methods of action with objects, the wild nature of the disruptions in the space (tempo, sequence, etc.). The rules of interplay are added to the character of the mutual participants in the game (the number of the most important roles, the succession of children, their utility, etc.). So, in such games, all children play at the same time and at the same time, which brings them closer, unites, and leads to a benevolent partnership. In other games, children play hard,

small groups. Tse give the opportunity to the child to watch for the same-year-olds, to win them over in their own way. I, nareshti, in the skin division there is a grey, in some cases it is important, the role of vikonuetsya according to the call. Tse spryaє molding of courage, vidpovіdalnostі, inculcate spіvperezhivat partner in grі, for the sake of yogo success.

These two rules in a simple and accessible form for children, without poshchalnosti and imposing roles from the side of a grown-up person, inculcate smallness to organization, resilience, self-feeding, vivouyut in the mind of spivperezhavat, respectfully placed to otochuyuchih.

All the same, we still can only be in that mood, like a gra, broken up by an adult and proponated by a child, in a ready-made look (tobto with a song of light and rules) actively accepted by a child and become a warm thunder. Evidence that the game is accepted

є: prohannya children repeat її, vikonannya is quiet the same game day -

independent, active participation in the same group with repeated її conducted.

Just as soon as you become in love and cicava, you can realize

its developing potential.

Developing games to avenge mind, what to cherish in full

the development of special features: unity of knowledge and emotional grounds, positive and internal activities, collective and individual activity of children. When the games were carried out, it was necessary that all the minds were realized, so that the skin gra brought the children new emotions, increased the level of communication, developed the spleen and individual activity. [Boguslavska, Smirnova, 1991: .6, 202]

The psychological age of a child is understood by the mind and is not only determined by calendar terms, that is, by the number of lived lives and months, but also by the level of mental development. The smut here is the sequence of stages of development (it is unacceptable to step over the whole stage). Playing due to proponuvatsya gradually until the necessary succession of stages - in the simplest and most accessible to the skin baby and then move on to more folding. In the skin, it is necessary to rely on those who already know the child and who love themselves to work. It is important for the teacher to know and understand what to remember and love the work of yoga independently in their century, and on this basis to introduce new activities and new tasks.

So, for example, children of trinity, as a rule, love and are able to love bigati and stribati. Vikropovychi Tsi Vmіnnya, you can organizevati novіvі Ігри, Sync Ruhiv, ї ї івідосності ихихів, ї ї ї ї з Сміст і і osismennі: not just bigati і ілибати, and Strebati in the estimates of situzії (on bugs on bins Cati Lisitzі , yakі can їх evil).

In addition, at the skin age-old stage between children, significant individual viability is established, and it is so necessary to take care of it during the Igor. Mayzhe in the skin group of a child nursery, we accept three types of children, which, according to different circumstances, should be carried out every day, including in the game, and in a different way, depending on the different approach.

Children of the first type are more active, rickety, shy to the point of being very agitated. The stench is willing to accept a new group and enthusiastically join it. Sound the stench of the stench of the gris and start to take on an active role. Ale often tsі vikhovantsі do not give respect to others, and take a demonstration of their powers. For such children, the most important rules are those that stimulate their spontaneous activity: check your cards, do not collapse to the song signal, give up the main role or make the subject more important. At the same time, vikonannya tsikh ruled especially badly for them. Before the hour of the wedding, it is necessary to try to show such children the importance of keeping these rules and working so that the stench will take away the satisfaction of seeing them.

Children of a different type are more fearful, optimistic, protective. The stench doesn’t sound like they understand the essence of the gri and they don’t want to switch to a new activity for them. The stink on the back is strained, without interest they watch over the children of other children. In no case do you need to zmushuvat such a child to take on an active role, until you are ready to go. Watching for the storm and accepting a passive fate in it, gradually becoming infected as a grown-up and as one-year-old with interest to the gri and in a deaky hour you begin to show the initiative yourself. Zvichayno, we can do it for encouragement and praise (although not in primus!)

However, not all children are included in the group for support of the master. In the skin group, there may be a glint, a passive vyhovantsi, which may appear in the development of one-liners and may not work with them. Navіt with bugatoriasis recurrence of the stench does not understand the essence and uniqueness of active roles, but having taken them on oneself, it is wrong. Such children require special respect from the side of the guardian. Collective, group work with them is not effective. The stench will require special contact with the grown-ups, in particular respect, explanation, interest. Individual employment is necessary for normal mental and special development.

In this manner, different children require a different approach and require different infusions. At the same time, unfortunately, in children's gardens they sometimes use methods that are unacceptable for some children and for some conditions.

In any case, it is impossible to forcibly (by fences, threats, punishments) frighten a child to work those things that you don’t want wine, for which you are not yet ready to wine. The head of the vikhovanya (and in what way the magic of vihovannia) - zatsіkaviti malyuka, zahopiti yogo brown busyness, pіdrimati least success. Primus can only arouse interest until the grill, so that the entire whirlwind process is stupid.

The floorings are without gluz and navit shkіdlі vіmogі can be memorized or acquired in grі. We have already said that a child in a preschool age cannot learn to help an adult. Vіn building to remember and conquer only those that are necessary for you yourself, in which vіn vіdchuvaє practical need. Such a need is naturally blamed for cicavi and suffocating grit. Give the game the rights of a lesson, vimagati a mechanical repetition, such as it is unacceptable. There is more, unacceptable roaring tone and rudeness in girls with children.

Kindness, surprise of a different kind of incompetence - is much more effective in working with children. І qі koshti zavzhd in your hands. It is necessary to remember to cheer at once, or

to be embarrassed, to intrigue the children as if by a lack of confidence, to speak out of a suffocation, to show mimicry, intonation, to shake your head with thunder and success in your child. Zvichayno, all tse vіmagaє vіd vihovatel artistry. Only the joy of success, suffocation, zatsіkavlenіst lead to the formation of a person's complete specialty. [Mendzhritskaya, 1982: 156]

2.2 Significance of flat modeling for the deep development of preschoolers

In childish creativity, the navkolishnіy svіtkrivaєtsya in a different way, in the staleness in the yogo inner camp, only to you alone, vіdchuttіv і bazhan. Children are especially smart to their emotions. Blaming them for their uninterrupted appearance, the images and plots oppose us with their unmistakable colors, shapes, naming patterns. With these little ones, you can breed a black elephant, a creeping budinok, a red board and a rich other. What does it take a person to be creative?

When organizing work on shaping creative zdіbnost it is important to give respect to the social and emotional development. It is important to encourage the children to show their independence and creativity in the figurative activity.

The results of the work in this directly to blame:

Activity and independence of children in creative activity;

Clever to know new ways for an artistic image;

Cleverly convey your feelings in robots for the help of various means of artistic virtuosity.

The creation of the image in its own way is the most important way, which wields knowledge and hostility towards the children of the great. A lot of emotional din of spiritual experiences, wondering, being afraid - all this helps the child to create wonderful pictures, collages.

Creativity on the square

A childish art in the field of organization and surface processing - that which is called a childish little one and painting - from the moment of the appearance of a closed one, pass through its typical path.

Tsey way maє two head channels. One signifies dbailivim setting to the surface, otherwise - the struggle with it. The first one is tied with a head rank with a rukhovo-dotik installation of the psyche and її elimination, which is more important for the ordering of the image of the timing moments and rhythms. It is an important organization of the primary elements and forms of creative expression: color, surface features, lines. Vono, when roamed in this city of building, looking and transforming the rest into looking aesthetically engendered from the same parcels, like we hung in the first place, mysticism is ornamental and decorative.

The other channel is connected with the growing overflowing over the rukhovo-dotik setting of the psyche - the setting of the zor, subordinating the image of the spacious concept, the transition from rhythmic multiplicity to the same rhythmic unity. This one is directly connected with imagery and all forms, which are similar in appearance, suitable for foldable processes of reason. Tse those mystetstvo, as it can be called ideographic, as if the city will become illusory. [Bakushinsky, 2006: 5-9]

Ornamental and decorative form

The childlike ornament first appears on the surfaces of speeches, as a result of the rhythmic organization of these on the surface for the help of their articulation.

This is the first sign here, with which the child begins to embellish speech for additional color. The back of the river is rozfarbovuetsya all in one color - chi will be a box, a ball or a baby, chi will be forgiven or folded. In such a rozmalovtsi color, like a mass, is locally tied to the mass of speech, it is a method of artistic deed. Dalі mi posterіgaєmo go to multicolor. The surface of the skin voluminous form, like parts of the folding form, is characterized by a special color. Khmarno rozfarbuvannya color step by step is replaced by one and the same surface combinations of colors. There, de contour begin to earn head respect, reinforce and succumb to rice. So the line ornament is born from the color. All lay in the form of material and methods, as well as the cost of processing. So, on the clay of a child with a stick or a finger, rob rows of pits or risks. On the back of the stench - only signs of rukhovo-dotik viraznosti; pіznіshe, in speeches - the same ornament.

On a hard, non-plastic material, the ornament is given to roses. On the back of our minds, we everywhere override the rukhovo-zorovoi foundation in yoga. The main feature here is the ordering of the ornamental-spacious form of the primitive, simple rhythm of the hand movement: horizontal, vertical, frail and three elementary combinations of these movements. Forms, narodzhenі such a way, are easy to create a rukhovo's memory. The expanse of life is pointless, out of image. This is a pure geometric style, which is a combination of either color masses or elementary curves and straight lines, strokes.

The ornamental composition is transformed into a decorative composition. Such a composition is entirely natural for the child's creativity, with the presence of such constructive forms, embellishment of such constructive forms, embellishment of such a closed feeling. Just as the side surface of the cylindrical box emphasizes the ornament in a completely different way, then the round top lid, plate, spoon, lampshade, lining of the lining, the borders of the cloaks of the wall emphasize the composition of the decorative and zastosuvannya її zakonіv.

The aggravation and zamikannya of the elements of the ornamental-decorative form calls out inevitably a number of associations for similarity and contrast. Thus step-by-step the vizierunki are established from elements that are already purely natural. Motifs and forms of growth appear in the first black, and then creatures. Such an order can be summed up, probably, because the constructive forms of the growing world are more developed with the most typical forms of a geometric, non-figurative ornament, lower forms of creatures. The human figure is not soon and even more rarely in the slanderous it appears as an ornamental motif, - it is possible, in conjunction with it, that it has long been deprived of a self-sufficient symbol, we will understand for a child a deep internal change and that distant view of a purely formal, decorative rhythmic victoria.

The color scheme in the period of the primary scheme and the rukhovo-zor, more importantly geometric ornament, exudes steadiness, a clear-contrasting character with success, tension. Earlier z'yavlyaєtsya and the victory of greens. The color schemes, shifting in different directions, give different patterns, similar to a linear ornament, but a smut in this ornament is not a line, but a color. Dalі z'yavlyaєtsya necessery obmezhennia kolіrnoї masi contours, - іnakshe kazhuchi, poshuki ploschinny forms. The whole contour of the back does not mix with the color mass, appearing after it. It is given wine and earlier color, but color and in such spivvіdnoshennі often do not get along with it. Rukh hands ditini or not bring the farba to the contour or jump over the new one. The first hour of innocence does not disturb the child, not to reach the point of witness, as a fact of anti-aesthetic and illogical. Then let's mark the wine and make it and in that and in the other fall, - surrounding the color flame with a contour and filling the contour with a color, - know exactly the timing between both forms. So vinikaє rozumіnnya contour, like a clear between the color of the mass. This is a silhouette that speaks to life, in which the line plays its primary role, and gave the line itself, like an independent creative language, like an artistic form.

The further the development of the flat artistic form in the creativity of the child, the more significant the line is. The child is more willing to corrode with her everywhere, de іnstinktivіn іn іt hаѕ tο bе аn thе surface. So, as the color and line of a child are accepted and interpreted realistically, as the elements of the surface, then the surface itself, as such, becomes the subject of aesthetic inspiration and artistic processing. Here the main role is played by light, like an organizing cob. Vіn pіdbiraє і rozpodіlyaє vіdpovіdnі materials, pіdsilyuє аbo їх їх svіtlovіdbіvayuche dіyu, pragnuchi bolshі bolshі foldable combinations. Vіn koristuєtsya in tsikh tsіlyah gold and srіbnoy farbs, - beloved vzagalі in the palette of the early age, - graphite, fabric and paper with a rich timbre of the surface.

It is especially important to emphasize the miraculously wise respect of children for folding volumetric surfaces: if necessary, simplicity and rigor of pure constructive forms and vіdnosin; if it is necessary - unimpressive, rarely accessible to the grown-up (as if you are not a great artist), the rich richness of the decorative and ornamental arrangement of the constructive design, - obviously, with more and less inspirations in that direction, fallow in the face of individuality.

The older the child, the more the interest grows to the more complicated combinations of formal elements: the barvista gamma becomes richer. Previously, it was primitive and developed, but now it will sometimes be on a folding suborder and mutual connection of colors in the same chi and other tonality. Characteristic relish to quits, we’ll make a sound of zmіshuvannya, ringing not in the early age and now delivering a great wine-drinking joy to a child. The appearance of a new color in the sphere of respect for children often vibrates the whole revolution. The new color and new baristy material is not only stagnant without a break, but it also calls for a number of constructive changes in the system of many color shades. The vast range of spectrally calm and radiant farbs was replaced by minuscule, hot sounds, for example, black with chervonim, yellow and white, sometimes densely purple and blue. Tsya barista changed sharply and into a pictorial form: the line became sharper and simpler, sharper and more dynamic than the movement of images (sound - women and in dance).

At the same time, the setting becomes more complex and richer in color, as if recognizing the future role of the light in the color design on the square. Such shyness is manifested especially by gifted and nervous nature, with unstable moods and we put it together in the same spiritual way. Sometimes such a phenomenon is the result of a sprat of early development.

Significantly more interest is shown in the past century before the processing of the material: yogo masi, on top - until the next time I dyed the color on them. Before, everything was the same, but simpler, more primitive. It is not uncommon now to see the relish to the technology in robotic children to direct the stimulus. So, in the rich little children of the older age, we know clearly how to put a matte surface on a shiny one, a short coat on a smooth one, then it’s absolutely equal to the surface of the farboi, then it’s more insanely manipulative and on the edge of an individual stroke of a penzle, strokes, more barvy less thick. Every teacher is fascinated by the burying of children in their own “golden” and “silver” farbs, glossy paper for application, matte surface, decorated with a color crede.

Now we're going to have to wait for everything until it's clear that in the guarded period a child copes with objective images on the square. The subject is depicted on the back, like a symbol, like a primary scheme. Either in faces or in the most characteristic position, only one planometric projection, Silhouette is given. Tsya characteristic is enmeshed in these signs, like a child in respect of the head ones. So, the human figure is depicted on the back of the body looking like an amoeba-like body with a faceless dot - eyes. Let's sweat the tips, - I'll put my feet, we'll sweat my hands, which hit right behind my head. Tulub z'yavlyaetsya more late. And now only kіntsіvki are following him. The stench does not sing the form and proportions: the number of fingers is sometimes larger, sometimes less, lower. Eyes, mouth and nіs look more approximate, but in a correct amount, give faces the character of an individual.

What does such a zorovo-ploschinne pobudova mean? Synthesis of knowledge about the subject, like a general speech, - knowledge, taken on the basis of the head rank of the rukhovo dosvіdu, adopting the subject from the mustache sides, from the mustache head points of the dawn.

It is best to run the process of larynx on the plane of the volumetric shape in the childish portions of the projection of the cube. After a respectful crowning of the cube, - crowning and tactile and zorovy, - the children should pronounce the painting of the cube. The first little one is a typical creation, it sounds like a scale change, a planimetric unit of a cube is a square. But if you commemorate a child, - but you don’t see it right away, - if you’ve only made one side of the cube, you’ll go to the additional tricks. Considering the real volume of the cube, then, the need to depict it not only in front, but also in the back, the flooring is strong, which sometimes gives rise to the characteristic of trying to complete the task before the appearance of the method of spreading on the flat. So, the six-fold girl on the back gave a planimetric projection of the cube. Ale, її not satisfied, and she tried to depict the back side of the cube on the back side of the tієї w side. However, she didn’t piss off anyone, because “no one can be beaten”. Todі vіnіshila vіrishila poobrazit the front side, and then christened the back side of it, - її more, because otherwise it would not be visible.

Another child, a lad of 7 years, giving a planimetric image of a cube. Ale, if you remember that it’s not right, give it a ring with a flourish, re-cross it with a square. The whole circle symbolizes the circular movement of the planometric unit, which makes the cube. More trohi pіznіshe on the same leaf of wines, having given a flare-up on all six sides of the cube.

From that moment, when a child begins to depict the image as a spacious trivity, he is given a surface for such an image, for example, a sheet of paper - sound to lie horizontally in front of him, from the canopy field for the image of the first symbols of speeches becomes a real, real depth , like a child really opens up, organizes, zapovnyuyuchi images of objects. At the same time, at the same time, there is an expanse of scale-change, that is projected geometric, like a plan, from one parallel surface to another, and to that, obviously, to the song of the world, expanse and image, expanse - a symbol.

In the first tests of organizing such a spaciousness, the first child for everything means direct areas, for example, drawing a two-way road, chairing the form of the rate.

Sometimes, in early childhood, the sky is depicted as a whole symbolically, with a small, fringed cloak of characteristic color, - in deakie vipadkah and with luminaries, head rank, stars. The sun and here is depicted okremo, in space.

The transitional period is characterized by a light geometric-planned projection. In the transitional city, we can expect to find one hour in the same little geometrical projection and illusory one. The first is given by a typical upper point of the gap, perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, that is a direct cut of the gap, a powerful projection from one parallel plane onto the other side. From tsієї points of dawn, like and earlier, straight lines and perimeters of the image are given. So, like before, for example, roads, streets, rivers, gardens, fortresses are depicted.

Another projection is given even by a high point of the dawn, - so under such a starry hood, which represents the deac, even though it is even smaller, the geometric projection is seen in the axis of the gap, as it is marked by a direct hood. Vіdmova vіd geometric proektsії і pov'zazano z it principle razgortannya obtіv z dekіlkoh dot zoru vіdbuєєє in izobrazhennі folded figures, - for example, Figures of people. For the image, now there is one yogo beach view, some kind of one profile. At the same time, the figure is now freely depicted from either side in the fallow in the image image: in front, behind, in profile.

A new moment in the development of an illusory spacious form in the transitional period is such an encouragement, in which the image of objects is brought up to the point of attachment only from the same position of the gazer. The image of the object is folded along lines parallel to the axis of the gap - sound parallel to the side sides of the paper sheet and perpendicular to the upper and lower sides, folded in a folding-friezed order of a rich plan, starting from two to three. Pan_vne typical structural pobudova - three-dimensional. This preparation and steel can be explained by the fact that it most economically allows the creation of an illusory image of a trivial enclosed space.

For the child, there are no isolated forms of life of the manifestations of the art. A leather moment of life, a skin of my own power I create for a new one, I can become artistic and aesthetically designed. That is why, with the strength of contemplation, one sees in a child and intensified tієї activity, that setting before speeches, as we call it aesthetic. That's why all the creativity of a child acquires an important artistic character, it becomes a miracle in a completely understandable way. In this way, in their artistic creativity, children do not know the difference between art and life, how to accept and experience through the artistic form, between art we “clean” and “applied”, “virobnichim”. Every act of life for children is worthy and inappropriate. For every act of life, the artistic form for the child takes its rightful place, its proper place. [Bakushinsky, 2006: 11-15]

For the most part, said loudly, it is necessary to carry out a special work in children’s gardens in the clear minds, aimed at the development of creative children, more importantly, the preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of this process.

Obviously, the best option is to introduce special programs to take the development of a child's mind. In the rest of the hour, a large number of methodical rozroboks appeared to take such. Zokrema, in our country, the Gromadska laboratory of the methodology of winemaking and the development of a special course “Development of the Creative Way” (RTV). TRIZ, ARIZ and the theory of development of technical systems G.S. Altshuller. This course has already been tested in different creative studios, schools and preschool institutions, de vin dovіv its effectiveness. RTV develops not only creative minds, but also creative minds of children. Since there is no possibility to introduce additional employment, then the facilitator can be encouraged on the basis of the program, on the basis of the program, on the basis of the wines of practice, without sharp changes in the form, to take up the elements of TRVZ for the development of the creative potential of children.

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Children, who are trained in the first classes, learn the main things, knowledge, and newcomers. In addition, professionally approach your work as a teacher, and also, in the light of your father's respect, try to lay the ground for the success of the little one in the process. It is important to be creative in thought. It won't just show up. Navit, as your creative child, it is necessary to develop yoga beginners. What do you need to work? What are the methods of winning?

Understanding creative mind

Varto designate that the process of thought is one of the types of mental activity. And the axis of the creative mind is important to the minds not only to know, but to make a non-standard task. For a long time it was felt: creativity does not require development. Modern psychologists are still concentrating on nutrition.

American historian D. P. Guilford has long been active in recognition. The very win of the zmіg stands for rice, characteristic of creative thought:

  • Shvidkіst - a child of the building, to quickly create different cіkavі ideas, to make propositions.
  • Gnuchkіst - a child of the victorist's rіznі approaches in a particular situation.
  • Originality - to stagnate the old in the new situation.
  • Structurization and accuracy. The child is logically vibudovuє future decision.

I. Lerner of the impressions, that the cream of creativity, the child is guilty of combining different methods for the achievement of a particular task. Varto means, more creative than thought - tse neobov'yazkovo written works, paintings, music. - a great form of knowing activity.

Main Powers

Creativity in staleness in the light of time may have its own power:

  • Intensity. As a scholastic dopitlivy, vіn bude reach vіdminnih results.
  • Space-hour characteristics. The child can expand his thoughts for any period.
  • Intermodal - vminnya zvichny object to rethink in a different way.

The creative process has its own stages:

  • All necessary operation is selected.
  • It is necessary to prepare internally, for which the student is not guilty of rationally violating the task, the new one turns on the responsibility.
  • There are solutions, ideas.

Features of the creative rozum process

Depending on the specific type, the method and tools of the schoolchildren are selected. It is important to lie, little children:

  • Mayut lack of information.
  • Chi is not described by special skills of the rozum process.

The peculiarities of the creative mind can be seen:

  • No control over the mind.
  • Uncertainty.
  • Zv'yazok with different rozumovy species.
  • Raptovist.

As a way to compare with other types of thought, creativity - to endure one thing, knowing about other aspects of life. Obviously, young schoolchildren are not at once able to identify a new problem in an old subject, vibuduvaty sing algorithm. Here, motivation is needed to achieve, so that the student wants to achieve a positive result.

What is more creative thinking?

For the solution of a non-standard problem, the necessary elements are necessary. For the help of special rights, it is possible to organize a scientific process of learning. To the main elements one can see:

  • Logical vibudovuvannya symbols, numbers, objects.
  • Seeing the main figures that describe the subject to be transferred to other languages.
  • Rational and clear solution.
  • Vіdminna in the first classes.
  • Uyava, vminnya fantasize - not typical for all children.

Young schoolchildren have a great creative potential. It's a pity, wine is not broken. The potential may have the following features:

  • Climbing up to creativity, vіdmіnno rozvineny rіven іntelektu.
  • The peculiarities of power of study are emotion, motivation, patience, willpower.

Teachers and fathers for the development of a creative mind are obliged to take obov'yazkovo to respect:

  • Individual development of the skin child.
  • Psychological drawings.
  • Naskіlki rozvinenі zdіbnostі.
  • Emotional sphere of the whole class.

Important! Sob for schoolchildren to develop creative newbies, the teacher is to blame for their mother himself.

Readers and fathers goiter:

  • All robiti, schob child better mirkuvav, knowing how to get out of the situation.
  • Nalashtovuvati, that pardons for the accomplishment of tasks can be.
  • Create a singing algorithm.
  • Memory develops, logical thinking, fantasy, respect.
  • Think about it, so that the child will grow up more beautifully, with a little restlessness.
  • Step by step simplify the task.
  • Help learners learn the right choice.

All the busyness is due to the mother non-standard head. You can connect different forms, for the help of such a quicker you will get the material. Young schoolchildren are obliged to show interest in excursions, olympiads. Accuracy helps to gain knowledge:

  • Develops memory.
  • Improving brain activity.
  • Helps to speed up the process of thinking.
  • Develops coordination.

As you can see, the creative mind gives you the opportunity to achieve more success. This is the key to motivation for a problem child.

Methodical tricks for children

Psychologists and educators delight vikoristovuvaty:

  • Brainstorming, especially if you are starting a new topic.
  • Mozkova attack can be paired, individual and group.
  • Vibudovuvannya logical lances.

What problems can be fixed?

As a rule, in general, the obsyazі pass smoothly. The following broader problems are most often blamed:

  • Vtrata contact between students and teacher.
  • Navchannya for the template, like developing only a mechanical memory.
  • Low score for the creative task.
  • Less practice, more theory.
  • Vykoristannya standard methods of training. For example, individual tasks - an abstract.
  • Great is the number of zavdan - it is not possible to overwhelm a child too early.

In this rank, the creator of the mind is not guilty of looking at direct statements. Here it is necessary to know your own directly, not forgetting to protect the age, especially the development of the child. If you put a reading for yourself, you have everything obov'yazkovo!

Olena Upilkova
Development of the creative mind of preschool children

Topic: « Development of creative thought in children of preschool age».

In our hour, the problem of the raznobіchnogo vyhovannya of a person is even more relevant on the very cob of yoga path, in childhood. Vihovannya Ludini, in harmony developed b emotional and rational on the cob.

Nowadays, the state of affairs is becoming more and more powerful to the point of being special. I especially often order with lesser qualities, such power of specialness is seen, like creativity. word « creativity» these days at the bagats on the bushes. The Danish term has been used by the American psychologist Elis Paul Thorens (slide 2, the whole word is used not only by fahivts, related to the arts and culture, but also by representatives of business, business, management and richness of other professions. Understand « creativity» became an invisible component of the pedagogical sphere.

The Russian language has a word « creativity» It appeared not so long ago, and victoriously it is mostly worthy of new ideas and unseen phenomena.

(Slide 3)creativity- creativity of an individual, which are characterized by readiness to adopt and create fundamentally new ideas, which are inspired by traditional or accepted schemes myslennia and enter the structure of talent as an independent official.

« creativity» - the whole word for bagatioh has become a synonym "Creativity", Ale do not varto hurry up to understand the understanding.

Creativity - dig deeply, marvel at insults, smell smells, marvel at the crisis, stretch out your hand into tomorrow, listen to the gut, sleep at the spring of the key. » J. Gilford. A creativity as a labor for help to the intellect and myslennia.

The exact nature of the state can be shown by the scheme. (Slide 4)

(Slide 5) American psychologist Abraham Maslow creativity- tse creative directness, is naturally powerful to everyone, but it is used more under the influx of a molded system of vihovannia, enlightenment and social practice.

On the butt line creativity it manifests itself as a clemency, until the heat of the problem is solved, i.e., the building is within reach, you know how to get out of trouble-free situations, victorious situation, objects and furnish them with an unimaginable rank.

Psychologists can't come up with a single definitive term creativity. Ale z upevnіstyu can say that creativityє full extension of the template myslennia. Psychologists are one-sided in that creativity and intellect - not one and the same, but closely intertwined. Based on the numerical results of competent studies, not all people with high IQ are creativity.

In a wide sense creative pіdhіd - tse vmіnnya svіnnya zvіchаnі speechі z nespodіvannoy foreshortening and know the original solution for a typical problem.

be like creative skill, If there is a natural craving for creativity, if special ones are to be occupied, they will stimulate the child to create a new one and help him in the future to develop his potential more and more. Preschool age is the best age for the development of non-standard thought. This is the time for children to begin to win their fantasy and manage it.

children of the young viku on the cob domineering talent. The pochatkovy period is considered the most important in the study to the beautiful. Creativity zavdannya spriyat scorching creative development of special, Scho, in your own line, whimsical strangeness, artistry, figuratively associative myslennia, Activating memory, caution, intuition, i.e. Forming the inner light of a child.

Іsnuyut psikhologichіchі іnstrumenti vymіryuvannya creative (creative) myslennia, Nayvіdomіshiy in svіtovіy psihologichіchnіy praktitsі - Paul Torrens test. This test allows you to evaluate the step creativity, Like in a child, so in a grown-up one. (Slide 6,7,8,9)

Torrance, having dealt with the problems of human intellect, having installed wine, what creative peculiarities of power in the so-called divergent myslennia(Anonymous solution to one and the same problem). What is this type of myslennia, In the event of a problem being solved, do not concentrate all your efforts on finding the single correct solution, but start searching for solutions on all possible direct lines, so that you can look at more options. Such people are able to establish new combinations of elements, like more people to know and victorious only with a singing rank, or to form a link between two elements, so as not to think of anything at first glance. divergent method the idea lies at the basis of the creative idea, Yake is characterized by offensive main idiosyncrasies: (Slide 10)

1. Shvidkіst - zdatnіst vyslovlyuvat yakomog more ideas (In this situation, it is important not їх іїїїї, їїїї їіїїї їіїїїї їїї їїїїїїї.

2. Gnuchkist - building a wide variety of ideas.

3. Originality - the creation of new non-standard ideas (it can be shown in different ideas, solutions, unbelievable ones with general acceptance).

4. Completion - building to finish your "Product" otherwise slap you endings looking

The role of the mature person is important in the process development of creative mind, T. K. Children themselves are not in a position to fully organize their activities and evaluate the results. When necessary, the teachers were kind and tolerant to the childishness of the child, they were able to accept and calmly discuss such options, as at first glance they seem to be incomprehensible, absurd or neimovirnimi.

teacher creative practical screenwriter, director and actor-Vikonavtsy. The task of a teacher is to help create a microclimate and minds for natural “growing” and maturation of a child’s unique growing specialty.

We are guilty of knowing that creative development process follows the principle of the spiral. On the skin new "coil" new yakosties appear, and at the same time old ones are restored. creative development is a system of non-negotiable changes of specialty. It is necessary to want the child until the yakoma has a greater number of decisions, and then evaluate the quality with him.

Psychologists have seen warehouses creative activities in the world of modern science due date:

1. Gnuchkіst rozum - zdatnіst up to see the istotnyh sign and zdatnіst shvidko perebuduvatisya from one idea to another.

2. Systematicity and sequence - ideas are systematically and sequentially analyzed.

3. Dialectic - vminnya formulate protirichchya and know the way of their expression.

4. Readiness to risk and promptness for making a decision.

All children, especially preschool children love to do art. They sing and dance, sing and paint, compose music and fairy tales, engage in folk crafts and so on. Children of the building create as independently from the month and hour, ale, nagolovnіshe, independently from special complexes. The people have grown up, often critically evaluating their creative vibes, to be ashamed of their manifestation. Children, on the vіdmіnu vіd grown up, zdatnі schiro chuvvatsya mystetskyi diyalnostі. The stench is happy to perform on stage, take part in concerts, competitions, exhibitions and quizzes.

shaping creative mind of a preschool child.

Zavdannya, what to stand in front of grown-ups - form at children are like that:

- to create a sound appearance and power of the subject from memory;

- guess the subject according to the verbal description of authority and sign;

- to create a natural look of the object on the basis of its own part;

- recognize in non-graphic forms (Inky patches, scribbles) different known objects;

- combine and combine in one subject power and signs of other subjects and objects;

- know in two or more objects spilnі and vіdminnі signs;

- recognize the object for the description of possible activities with it;

- transfer di, scho zastosovyatsya up to one subject, to another;

- put together a story line, a fairy tale, a riddle about some kind of object.

Back to back it was important that develop creativity maybe only with gifted people children, Ale, it turned out that you can develop in all normal and navitable in development of children. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho have the rights and tasks of the development of the essences of creative thought is not known"Wrong opinions". Vlasniy dosvid idini, yoga experience and the main forms of activity and the main factors of yoga development. Rhubarb on the cob development child is not important, so how can you expand one's own sensibility through the creativity of his future insight into new problems, situations, etc.

Creativity preschoolers be successful for such minds.

To accept that gra has become and was deprived of conductive activity preschooler.

fold developing medium: The teacher is obliged to create a friendly mind in a child's garden, so that the natural exercise of the child for creativity will be satisfied with the stench of guilt, but accessible to the child and the child to excel. For example, even before the beginning of reading a child, you can give cubes with letters for gri, put an alphabet on the wall and for a hour and a half to name the child's letters.

Victory in the robotic method of projects, if the children touch the whole technology, the achievement of the task - from setting the nutrition to the presentation of the result.

Work with children will include various types of creative activities (image-creating, artistic-moving, musical, plastic and others).

comforts develop more successfully, How often do people get to their work "To the wall" of their abilities and step by step raise the stele more and more. At the child, the sofa ball slid far away. The grown-ups are not guilty of hurrying up the distance to you tsyu іtoy z-pіd of the sofa, like a child can do this task himself.

Teach the child to reflex and shape your fantasies and thoughts in a modern form, and therefore, speak to him yourself.

develop search activity in all areas: Stimulate to ask nutrition, proponuvaty vіdpovіdі, robiti di zі zі stav stanu subject, robiti prodіzhnі vysnovki; listen to ideas that are not far away and continue to look farther away.

But the child does not turn off such freedom, but, on the contrary, transfers to the hateful, sensible, kindly help of grown-ups - ce and є such a mind is successful development creative zdіbnosti. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but to help in a hint. Unfortunately, a tip - widening the middle of the grown-up ways "Help" children, but there’s only a little mischief on the right. You can’t work for a child, as if you could work for yourself. You can't think for someone else if you can think of it yourself.

The development of creative thinking among preschoolers you can seek help from special іgor іt is right. For example, you can give a child a ball or a skipping rope and ask Yogo himself to come up with a right for a ranking exercise. you can read preschooler voice vіrsh i ask yogo to paint this vіrsh on arkush paper. Children can be given the task of inventing a little fairy tale on their own and also painting it on paper.

"Sleep artist".

You need arkush paper and olives. "Artist" to tie up the eyes, and the wine under the dictation is guilty of painting the little ones, which you have guessed. You say how to carry on olive: Uphill, down, draw a circle, two dots, etc. choose simple little ones: Budinok, people, tree.

"Space is more expensive"

Divide from the paper a kіlka kіl of a different rozіru, arrange them in a proper order. Promote the children to reveal that the stake is the whole planet, on the skin of those and their bags. Ask the little one to come up with the names of the planets, populate them with different origins.

Gently direct your children, for example, to speak about those who on one planet are only good creatures, on the other - evil, on the third - sums, etc.

Let the little ones show their imagination and paint the inhabitants of the skin planet. Virizanі z paper, stink can "Litaty" one to one on a visit, eat in different favors, conquer other people's planets.

"Charivna mosaic".

Vicorist sets of vir_zanih z shchіlnogo cardboard geometric figures: Kіlka kіl, squares, tricutnikіv, pryamokutnikіv different sizes.

The teacher distributes sets and it seems that this is a charming mosaic, for which you can put together a richly flowered one. For whomever needs different figurines, whoever wants to, report one to one so that the image looks like. propell magic: Who can make more of their mosaics of different objects and come up with a story about one or more objects.

Smut for the teacher, memory row rules: (Memo)

To lust after independent thoughts and children, so as not to stench the obvious shkodi otochyuchiy;

Chi do not respect the bajanny children, grow up, depict it in your own way;

Honor the point of the dawn of vihovantsa, which would not be won "Bad" or "Wrong"- do not strangle її with your own "Correct" setting and thinking;

To encourage the children to be more timid with their little ones, verbal, sound, tactile and savory images, chicks and other spontaneous creative manifestations in the course of taking;

Valuelessness to children's creativity - so as not to establish an explicit system of assessments of children's products, to discuss other important moments of their work, not to quarrel with other children, but only with him, with his past achievements;

Chi do not laugh at the invisible images, the words of a child’s hands, so that every critical laugh can call out to the image, the fear of mercy, the fear of "not this way", I strangle in the future spontaneously bajannya experiment and independently shukati;

create and play together with children - as an ordinary participant in the process;

Chi do not impose your program of images and diy, the manner of image and myslennia, Your faith, but, on the contrary, learn to understand the logic of the child and wake up in it;

Give more respect to the organization of the creative process of creating something, supporting the process, and not the results;

develop feel like peace at the vіdnoshenі children up to some kind of creative activity, proponuyuchi raznomanіtnі tsіkavі zavdannya, including psychophysical workouts in occupations, right svіchaynoї gymnastics, etc.; ce allows you to avoid single-manit, overvoltage and re-opening;

It is important to keep a positive emotional tone in oneself and at children - badorist, Calm serenity and joy, faith in my strength and in the ability of a skin child, kindly intonation in my voice.

shob develop creativity of preschoolers, The teacher himself is to blame buti creative: Constantly add to your own inertness, templates and formalities in your work, pragmatically to the point of acceptance and stosuvannya of new methods in learning, forms of creative communication, self-dosing. It is necessary for the facilitator in the course of professional self-development develop in their constructive features of the installation, which help children to take care of their own significance, in the hemorrhages of their ideas and images, in the fact that self-reliant try and jokes - this is an important and worthy process, corny for self-development of special.

Principles of encouragement to work on development of creative abilities of children:

1. Organization of interaction between a teacher and children on the basis of spivpratsi and spivtvorchost.

2. Appearance century and individual features of the child.

3. Individual development and the teacher's belief in the potential of the skin child

4. Povaga thoughts of a child, yoga special position.

visnovok: Creative molding robot (creative) zdіbnosti bude efektivnіshe, yakscho, there to take an active part and fathers. Do not call sumnіvіv, that the very molding of creative (creative) comforts preschoolers help us"Reshape" skin children in a competent specialty, zdatnu adequately think, understand and act in cultural success.


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