From what birch juice helps. Birch juice - benefits, harm, mining and storage of birch juice

From what birch juice helps. Birch juice - benefits, harm, mining and storage of birch juice

Birch is not just a symbol of the Russian people, but also a source of a very healing product. (the benefits and harm of the product is proved), which is still customary to call Berezovitsa, is a unique drink in the composition, which is invaluable for a person.

Basic components of drink

The composition of this product is really unique. Among other things you can meet different kinds Sugar, such as fructose, glucose and sucrose, all sorts of organic acids, enzymes, as well as substances, the main action of which is aimed at combating microbes (phytoncides). In addition, birch juice, benefits and harm is no doubt, rich in mineral elements that are so necessary human organism In the spring. That is why the use of this drink will become excellent prevention of hypovitaminosis. Berezovitsa will replenish your body with reserves of the following elements:

  • potassium (need for muscle and health nervous systemss);
  • calcium (preserves bone health);
  • sodium (supports kidney performance);
  • magnesium (involved in the absorption of glucose and energy generation);
  • copper (takes part in blood formation);
  • iron (the deficit of the element can lead to the development of anemia);
  • manganese (very necessary for the organic development of the human skeleton).

Another feature of the birch juice is the fact that there are no fats and proteins in it, and the amount of carbohydrates, as a rule, is about 3 g.

Useful properties of Berezovitsa

The benefits of birch juice are really great, because there are so many different substances in it that is extremely necessary for our organism. This is vitamin C, and as well as various essential oils. It can be boldly to drink on hot days, because he can cheer up and quench you thirst, as well as easily fill the stock of mineral salts, which in large quantities Lose overwhelming sweating.

Together with all the listed components, birch juice contains special substances that highlight it against the background of analogs. These substances are saponins. It is due to the presence of these components, berezovitsa and has a beneficial effect on the body and treats from many diseases.

Treatment of birch juice

  1. It is useful for various kinds of throat diseases, in particular, with angina and cough. For treatment you need to use slightly heated birch juice. Benefit and harm (how to store, you can learn further in the article) are unequivocal. It is pre-mixed with some milk and starch. Drinking this drug is better every day, it will be more benefit, until you become healthy.
  2. Indispensable in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as it is capable of stimulating the selection of the desired amount of gastric juice, as well as enzymes that are required in order for the digestion process in normal mode. If you have problems with a chair, birch juice will definitely help them solve them.
  3. Excellent mouth care agent. If you suffer from inflammation or caries, simply use birch juice as a rinse. No need to spit it, hold down a little in the mouth before swallowing the portion. It is beneficial to stand out against the background of fruit juices, because only positive impact on the enamel of the tooth.
  4. Birch juice will replace many medications intended for removing the painful head syndrome.
  5. With symptoms of colds, in particular, a cold, birch juice need to be drunk in the amount of one glass daily. Anti-inflammatory compounds that are part of the drink will greatly cope with any colds, and it will make it very quickly.
  6. The kidneys will also be grateful to you for the use of birch juice. Evenkers, stones and sand will be completely defeated by this drink. However, there are some rules of use: before direct application requires a mandatory recommendation of the attending physician, since folk remedy It has a diuretic. Maybe if you use birch juice, benefit and harm. How to take, so as not to harm yourself? First, no longer two weeks, daily. Secondly, you need to drink about 3 cups of drink.
  7. Even skin damage can heal birch juice (benefits and harm are defective). Any wounds, ulcers and abrasions are enough to handle fresh liquid, which is not required to dilute. And if you use it inside, you can forever forget about the eczema, deprive and furuncula.
  8. At elevated temperature, the following composition will help: birch juice, sugar, wine and crushed lemon. This mixture is in a dark place for three months, and then use as an antipyretic agent.
  9. Spring depression will definitely retreat if you take a glass of juice every day every day for two weeks.
  10. To purify the body, it is necessary to include 200 ml of juice in your diet before breakfast. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts about 4-6 weeks.
  11. And also, this drink is simply a miraculous dietary dish. There are no fats, no proteins, which is why it should be in your diet, if you carefully follow your figure.

Any disease is easier to prevent than then he is treated. And birch juice is just a wonderful preventive agent. During the month, drink one glass beverage per day - and no diseases are scary to you.

Despite the high content of glucose in the composition, people standing at the endocrinologist, you can also drink birch juice. Use and harm in diabetes mellitus of unequal. For the use of diabetics, it is necessary to cook the solol of oats for 30 minutes for 30 minutes, which was assembled during flowering (straw proportions to juice 1: 3). This decoction take to meals in the amount of 100 ml.

You can drink all birch juice. The benefits and harm for children are unequal.

Pregnancy - the best period in the life of a woman

Many wonder: "Is it possible to drink pregnant birch juice?" The benefits and harm for pregnant women are obvious. The drink is recommended only if the woman does not suffer from various allergic reactions to this product. Otherwise it is better to refuse it.

Birch juice is very useful for pregnant women, because it can make it easier for heavy toxicosis. The amount of beverage should be on a day sometimes about 2 liters, the course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks before the complete disappearance of signs of toxicosis. However, it is still not abused due to the high content of glucose.

High or low blood pressure during pregnancy can also be cured, taking half a glass of juice up to three times a day. Together with normalization, you will feel swelling.

After childbirth, you can increase the lactation, and your baby will never be hungry. However, use juice with extreme caution.

Application in cosmetology

Birch juice can be used to care for hair and skin. If it is periodically to rinse the hair, then the appearance of dandruffs can be prevented. And in combination with brandy and decoction of the root of the reurenger, the juice will save you from hair loss. This composition should be applied to the hair, leave on them for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Birch nectar is considered an excellent tool to rejuvenate the skin and for its nutrition.

If you suffer eels, use a special mask. Mix egg squirrel, berezovitsa and honey. As a prophylactic agent, it is enough to lubricate the face of undiluted juice or ice cubes from it.

Relief from small wrinkles will help the mask of birch juice (2 art. L.), Germinated wheat (50 g) and sea buckthorn, which you need to wipe (200 g). The owners of dry skin will fit the following composition: in equal amounts of juice and honey.

Contraindications to use

Despite all beneficial featuresBirch juice can apply some harm. If you are a lover of delicious drinks, which are at the same time and useful, can without restrictions to drink birch juice. The benefits and harm of this drink are unequal.

The main contraindications are:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • allergy to wood pollen, in particular, to pollen birch earrings;
  • stones in the kidneys.

In addition, you should not use juice, which was assembled in close proximity to the highways, or with the finished expiration date.

Product collection rules

The optimal period when you can collect birch juice, is the beginning of March. It should be borne in mind that one tree can give about 3 liters of juice, in rare cases - about 7 liters.

First you need to determine if the juice is in a specific tree. To do this, it is enough with the use of sewing to do a small hole in the crust. If after these actions you will see the distinguished drop, you can safely begin the collection of nectar.

Only adult trees need to choose, whose crown is well developed. Drill a hole preferably from the south side at a distance of 50 cm from the ground. The drill at the same time should be directed down. After that, in the hole you need to insert the groove. It is on it that will die juice in the abandonable container. To maintain the vital activity of the plant, it is recommended to collect no more than 1 liter of fluid per day.

How to store?

Freshly broken juice can be kept in the refrigerator to three days. Also, they can be preserved. It can be obtained if drinking canned birch juice, benefits and harm. Recipes will helpal anti-contraindications. The liquid must be warm, after which it is to clean and close to sterilized banks and tightly, using a special key for conservation for these purposes.

Another way to store juice is freezing. All nutrients will be saved.

Everyone is already used to that you can drink orange, peach, apple, grape juice. Have you ever heard about birch or at least remember the words of the song - I drank birch juice in a birch forest? Perhaps you even tried it, especially if ever lived or simply visited the village. And you wondered what birch juice benefits and harm? Let's deal with.

It is known that such a drink is used by people for a very long time. It is most common in Russia, though, it should be noted that other countries begin to look after this drink. Previously, in the USSR, birch juice was easy to buy in almost every store. Nowadays, this is no longer. And young people don't even know what taste has this drink.

In general, this type of juice is a liquid, on the species transparent. It is influenced by the root pressure of the tree stands out from its barrel. In order to taste it, it is necessary to cut a little or break the bark, and insert a small tube into the resulting gap - it will be stuffing juice. And of course you need to prepare a jar, a bottle or other container you want to fill. Place of collection after all this procedure should be sewed to wax so as not to harm the tree.

Such a drink can be collected from April to May (up to the middle).

It tastes very fresh, with a small sweet taste. At the same time, he is very well quenched thirst. Birch juice contains a lot of vitamin C, mineral and tanning substances, as well as essential oils.

The benefits of birch juice

What is the useful birch juice? It is worth saying that due to the large content of nutrients in birch juice, it generally has a favorable and health effect on the body. In addition, it is accepted as a medicinal product.

For example, if the cough suffers you, then you need to drink a heated birch juice, pre-mixing it with starch and milk. Such a drink is to drink every day, 1 cup, until the cough passes.

With a cold, and especially if he is chronic, daily need to drink a glass of birch liquid. This will help get rid of him in a short time, or at least ease it.

Do you have small problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract? Then just drink this juice more often. After all, it stimulates the selection of gastric juice and generally favorably affects digestion. It eliminates constipation and leads stools to normal. And if you have any inflammation in the oral cavity, you can rinse with juice.

Birch juice helps in fighting swelling, which appear due to sand or stones in a bustling bubble or kidney, as well as in general, with a violation of the kidney function. The fact is that it has a diuretic property. But if you have one of these diseases, it is possible to be treated with this drink only after consulting with your doctor.

If you have abrasions, ulcers or other wounds, which have not been healing for a long time, then try to treat them with undiluted birch juice. He will help tighten them.

Birch juice also helps to soften the spring depression and cope with vitaminosis. To do this, drink a glass of this drink every day for 2 weeks.

By the way, if you follow your figure, then such a drink will have to do you like. After all, there are no fats or proteins. It fully consists of carbohydrates, and its calorie content is extremely low. In this case, this fluid has high nutritional. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it if you have already lost some weight and now this process has stopped.

In addition to therapeutic, birch juice has cosmetic properties. So, they can rinse the hair. This will help restore the water balance in the head of the head, thereby contributing to strengthening the structure of the hair, as well as the prevention of the occurrence of dandruff. If you are suffering from active dropping out, make a mask from this drink, adding the decoction of the root of the reurenik and a little brandy. This mixture should be applied for half an hour, after which it was washed with water comfortable for you.

The drink helps and for rejuvenation and nutrition of the skin of the face or body. For example, with it, you can get rid of acne. To do this, once a week make a mask from juice, honey and egg protein. If you do not suffer from acne, you can use birch liquid for prophylaxis: just wipe your face in the morning and evenings.

Harm and contraindications

If from birch juice and there may be some kind of harm, then it will definitely be weak. That is why it is allowed to drink people of any age and even pregnant women, nursing mothers.

But still there are contraindications. For example, if you have allergic to pollen from birch earrings. By the way, this drink can cause allergies extremely rarely (except for the already mentioned case), unlike the same orange. But there may be irritations of various kinds and rashes on the skin.

Also, it can not be drunk with a stomach ulcer. It is better to limit juice consumption if you take antidepressants or other medicines in large quantities, smoke and drink.

A very great impact is on how and where the drink was collected. Above we have already described how to collect birch juice. If you really want to get favorable properties from this drink, you can not assemble it next to road road and plants. After all, otherwise, it will contain heavy metals in large quantities. Drinking such a juice, you not only won't get any dozing effect, but you can make serious damage and get poisoning.

In the period when the bright spring sun begins to pull the cold snow, the Russian birchings begin to wake up from the hibernation. In their trunks, there is a nutrient fluid with minerals, acids and vitamins necessary for the growth and flowering of wood to the smallest twig and swelling kidneys. This birch fluid produces so much that a "superfront" can use for its purposes. Especially since the benefit of birch juice is difficult to overestimate.

The cheapest and useful way to quench this juice thirst - get it directly from the tree itself. In any store you will not find the useful birch drink, which our parents remember. How correctly, without damaging the tree itself, to gain juice, we told in the article "", and now let's talk about rich chemical composition of this miraculous drink.

Birch's real juice can give the human body the enzymes needed to maintain immunity. This is especially important in the spring when we are most susceptible to colds.

In addition, even if the immunity did not have time to strengthen, but they managed to catch a treacherous cold, contained in large quantities in birch juice. Tubils will help with ease to overcome the inflammation and speed up the process of recovery.

Important for the heart of potassium, magnesium, calcium also occupy an honorable place in the composition of birch juice.

This drink is not just useful, and in some cases it can help keep someone's life. Special substances that are contained in birch juice are capable of toxin from the body in a short time, which is very important in poisoning. Alcohol intoxication can also be attributed here. So, instead of artificially created "Tablets from a hangover", it is better to use natural natural medicine - birch juice. Although even better - do not bring your body to the state of hangover.

Positively affects birch juice and on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, people suffering from low acidity of the stomach, birch juice - not just one of the few allowed products, but also a drink that is stimulating the production of stomach acid.

In addition to the effect on the internal vital systems of the body, birch juice is successfully used in the treatment of various skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema, acne and furunculosis, and the like. Enough, evening and morning water procedures to spend with him, and not with water. Cosmetologists have long taken to armared this drink, and thanks to him, they save their patients from dandruff, and strengthen their hair. For achievement good result You can simply allocate your hair with this valuable fluid.


In addition, birch juice is able, in a small percentage of cases, bring harm to the human body. Those who doctors are called allergies, subject to allergies to the pollen of the birch tree, this juice is not recommended. The body's response can be submitted immediately. Also contraindicated to consume this drink will be considered a urolithiasis. Causeing active urinations, birch juice can cause the movement of stones, which will manifest itself with the strongest painful sensations.

Of great importance is also the place where the drink was collected. Trees growing in close proximity to highways and downloaded automotive trails will give juice, "infected" heavy metals. To clog your body with similar elements is simply unsafe for any person, so before buying birch juice, it is advisable to ask in what areas he was assembled.

Birch juice-based drinks

Syrup, which is obtained, evaporated to a certain state itself, is unusually popular in the United States. To get one liter of syrup, it is necessary to use about 100 liters of valuable moisture of birch trees. But in such a state, birch juice can be stored not one month.

In the USSR, in 1968, a formulation of birch kvass was developed, and a birch wine was invented a little earlier from this juice, but today nothing like the Russian industry does not produce, and only home recipes for cooking beverages from the juice of the Russian tree itself remain.

Svetlana Franzev

More on natural juices.

The traditional Russian drink has a special healing force, allowing to protect against disease and strengthen human health. From time immemorial, it is revered by folk signs, and an extensive list of diseases that juice can cure, impressive. What is useful to birch juice, how and when it is necessary to collect it, in what cases to drink, and whether there are contraindications in its use - interesting information about the drink in our article.

"Tears" of the Russian village consist mainly of water. The taste of them is the same, only with characteristic gentle, sweet-tarts of wood notes. It seems to be nothing special, but in fact the whole secret - in a unique chemical composition.

After all, birch juice includes:

  • different tanning substances;
  • fruit saccharides;
  • a set of useful vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • saposids;
  • essential oils.

Separately, it should be indicated on a huge variety of microelements that have positively affecting a person supporting the vital tone.

With all this calorie drink is minimal, only 25 kcal per 100 ml. After all, there are no fats in it, but carbohydrates and proteins - in small quantities.

Birch juice: benefit for human body

In nature there is not so many natural products, especially drinks, which can boast of such a spectrum of healing properties in combination with unique safety for health. After all, the juice is recommended for use without exception, including children, pregnant women and mothers, nursing baby breast milk.

How influence the "birch tears" on the body:

  • improve digestion;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • normalize the throat microflora and respiratory tract;
  • possess antiseptic properties;
  • increase the total tone of the body;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • serve as caries prevention;
  • remote diuretic action;
  • increase the functionality of the kidneys;
  • remove toxins, slags;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • eliminate the symptoms of depression;
  • prevent the emergence of neoplasms of various genes;
  • improve blood formation processes.

Especially perfectly juice copes with such a seasonal spring phenomenon as avitaminosis.

What is useful to natural birch juice for women

Like any medicinal products, the drink for each person affects its own way, individually.

What is used to birch juice for the body of women?

It should be noted its special impact on the hormonal background of representatives of the fine sex:

  1. The introduction of a beverage in the diet during the climax helps women eliminate unpleasant symptoms: irritability, nervousness, pressure jumps.
  2. Nectar during pregnancy reduces the edema, which often accompany this difficult period, increases the mood and vital tone, supplies a useful vitamin complex in the body of the future mother for the development of a child.
  3. The cosmetic properties of "birch tears" help improve the condition of the skin of the face, strengthen the hair and eliminate dandruff.

Therefore, any age laryrs are not worth a hurry to give up this healing elixir. If we are talking, of course, there is a natural product, and not about sweet shop surrogate.

Useful properties of a beverage for men

Strong half of humanity will find the necessary and missing components in nectar to improve sexual health.

After all, drink:

  • reduces irritability;
  • contributes to psychological equilibrium;
  • normalizes testosterone production;
  • increases the activity of the semennikov;
  • improves reproductive function;
  • restores potency.

In addition, no recipes from the doctor for the beginning of such "treatment" are not required for men. It is not necessary to worry about the negative consequences of this natural therapy.

Benefit for the child's body

Due to its biostimulating properties, the juice has a positive impact on immunity. For a children's body, this aspect is very important, which is why pediatricians are recommended to include a drink into the diet of children from 1 year.

It prevents anemia in children, fights rapid fatigue and vitaminosis.

Juice is a hypoallergenic product, but it is necessary to introduce it into the diet of kids gradually, because individual allergic reactions are possible. It is better to start with a dosage with an incomplete dessert spoon, gradually increasing it every day. Maximum daily dose - 100 ml of juice.

It is necessary to take into account that the benefit brings fresh juice. Purchased packaged option is not recommended to give children.

In what diseases use birch juice

Therapeutic properties of the beverage help to eliminate a variety of pathology and indisposition. Also juice is used to prevent certain diseases.

Among the readings:

  • respiratory diseases - pneumonia, bronchitis of different genesis, angina, pharyngitis, tuberculosis;
  • reducing the functionality of the gulb bubble;
  • otings because of the failures in the work of the kidneys;
  • teenage acne, rash (for outdoor use);
  • period of seasonal infections;
  • urol and renal disease;
  • avitaminosis, general weakness;
  • anemia, blood disease;
  • pathology bone system - gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis of different types;
  • increased acidity of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • fever;
  • aggravation of the depressive state;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • digestion disorders - constipation, diarrhea, heartburn;
  • headache, migraine attacks;
  • rubber, cough, first symptoms of colds;
  • reduced or increased pressure;
  • pancreatitis, Gastritis
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • scurvy;
  • wounds, ulcers on the skin (local use);
  • obesity.

Application in folk medicine

The characteristics know that such a product can not be ignored in their recipes.

In therapy is used clean, undiluted wood juice. There is also drugs with the addition of apple, beet or carrot nectar.

Effective healers recipes are based on the beneficial properties of birch juice:

  1. To eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, it is necessary every day (a week - two) drink a glass of beverage per day, separated by two receptions.
  2. Couple anemia will help a cocktail from apple, birch and carrot nectars divorced in the same proportions. Daily dose - 2 glasses, use 3 - 4 times before applying food.
  3. Patient throat will cure rinsing with warm juice. It is necessary to make them after eating until the removal of painful sensations.
  4. Lower heat will help a birch drink. The cotton disk or bandage in it should be attached to the bends of the elbows, on the forehead, armpits and knees. Also such compresses give a positive effect if you impose them to the place of irritation, rash.
  5. Cancel salted sediments (stones and sand) from the history will be able to 3-month course of therapy "Birch tears". For this morning, and before going to bed it is necessary to drink 1 cup of fresh nectar.
  6. The healing agent for patients with weakened immunity is prepared from juice, cow's milk (1: 1), with the addition of 5 g of starch. Drink the drug should be 0.5 glasses 3 - 4 times a day.
  7. The problems with the digestive process will help to eliminate the infused on 1,5 liters of the juice of the glass of the oats. At first it must be placed on the cold for the night, and then boil on a water bath until a decrease in the amount of fluid is twice. Take a tool is needed three times a day for 1 cup 28 - 30 days.
  8. Unpleasant symptoms of bone and joint diseases will remove the use of fresh birch juice. It is necessary to drink it 3 times a day for 1 cup, while in the morning and in the evening with the addition of 200 ml of warm milk.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to internal use, the drink is used and externally. The antiseptic properties of the juice found their use in cosmetics.

After all, "birch tears":

  • eliminate skin inflammation;
  • toned dermis;
  • reduce the amount of acne, boils;
  • reduce the number of sequels of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • strengthen hair;
  • normalize the water balance of the skin.

Cosmetic masks and tonic significantly improve skin health.

  1. The mask of acne consists of 1 egg whit, 30 ml of honey and 100 ml of birch juice. The mixture must be wiped the problem areas of the skin several times a day.
  2. The formal cream includes 2 tablespoons of juice, germinated wheat (50 g) and flipping berries of sea buckthorn (200 g). Regular use of such a means will help women eliminate small wrinkles, smooth the skin and return her shining look. Store cream is better in the refrigerator.
  3. Mask for dry skin from honey and nectar (1: 1) Improve the water balance of the dermis. It must be applied for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Frozen cubes of birch juice perfectly tone the skin of the face, neck and zone neckline.

Hair becomes much stronger after using a special mask. It will take juice, alcohol or alcohol drinking drinks and decoction of the buried (1: 1: 1). After applying to head to wait 15 minutes and wash off.

Normalize the water balance of the skin on the head, eliminate the dandruff will help hair rinsing. In nectar, you can add a few lemon drops for better effect. The hair will become stronger and attractive.

Contraindications and possible harm

It will be fair to note the fact that the benefits and harm of the birch juice are not equally equivalent. The drink has very little contraindications, which indicates its safety and hestructal.

Do not drink "Birch tears":

  • with allergies to pollen plants;
  • in the case of the presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder;
  • for ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

In this small list, the absolute contraindication is only the possibility of manifesting allergic reactions after drinking. In two other cases, it is necessary to be careful, to consult with a specialist regarding the possibility of juice consumption.

It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, so the day does not need to drink more than 600 ml of a refreshing drink.

And remember that the beneficial properties have only fresh, just collected juice. In products that can be found on the shelves of hypermarkets, there is almost nothing but water and food additives, nectar there is in minimum quantity. If at all is present.

As soon as the snow begins to melt, and the earth is gradually warming up, you can confidently go to the birch grove. March - the beginning of April is a favorable period that continues until the first servants on the trees appear. By time - from noon to hours 18 pm.

Collect healing nectar is better away from highways, industrial facilities and settlements. It is necessary to choose a birch that gets more sunlight, grows away from its sisters - then the juice will be especially sweet.

The young tree is not suitable for collecting, and too old has a thick bark, which will be difficult to drill. Therefore, the optimal version is a tree with a barrel of about 25 cm in diameter.

To get to juice, which flows between the bark and the barrel, it is necessary:

  1. At a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the ground to make a small hole. Its depth is no more than 3 cm. Do not do on one tree more than three holes.
  2. In the slot should be placed in the groove, which will be able to go juice: hose, aluminum or wooden tube.
  3. The second end of the device is sent to the puresysya.

During the day, the tree "sits" 2 - 3 liters of their "tears", but you should not use the vulnerability and kindness of birrors and collect their more liters.

It is necessary to take care of nature and not leave the open "wound". The hole must be smeared with wax, close the moss or score with a wooden peg.

Fresh juice is not stored for a long time, up to 3 days in the refrigerator. To preserve the nectar longer, it can be frozen or put it.

In nature, everything is thought out, we just worth listening to its advice and use healing properties to promote health. And birch juice - bright and incredibly tasty confirmation of this.

The article discusses birch juice. You will find out what beneficial properties has a drink and which contraindications to drink has. We will tell about the workpiece of juice, and how and how much to store the product. Following our advice, you will learn to prepare a canned birch drink and kvass.

Birch juice - a clear liquid with a sweet taste that flows under the action of root pressure from the trunk and branches of birch. Other drinks are based on it: wine, kvass, syrup.

The benefits of birch juice lies in its rich composition. The drink has a fascinating effect on the body.

Birch juice is safe for human health at any age. The drink can harm the body only if it is consistent with contraindications. We will talk about them a little later. Birch juice is useful for the body.

Composition and properties of birch juice

Birch juice has a rich composition:

  • group vitamins in;
  • vitamin C;
  • ash;
  • sahara;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins.

The juice strengthens the heart muscle, reduces blood pressure and eliminates the pain in the chest. Drink is taken with headache and dizziness.

Birch juice has a useful property - reduce tumors. It is effectively used to treat oncological diseases.

Useful juice stimulates metabolic processes and derives toxins from the body. He breaks the stones and takes them out of the kidneys.

The drink produces a healing effect in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. The product eliminates cough and inflammation. It is used with laryngitis, bronchitis, lung inflammation.

Healing drink applied externally for treatment skin disease: Eczema, psoriasis, acne, neurodermita and fungal infection. In this case, juice is used for compresses and lotions.

Preparation of birch juice

The movement of the birch juice begins in April and lasts before the blown of the kidneys - until May. At this time, the drink is started. You can collect juice only with adult trees. Young birchs are not used for product workpiece to prevent their breathing and death.

To get birch juice, it is necessary to make a hole in the tree trunk, for example, with a nail. Insert the tube, a groove or a dropper, along which juice flows into the gathering container is inserted into the resulting hole.

One birch gives an average of 2-3 liters of juice per day. From large trees you can get up to 7 liters of fluid per day.
Birch tube goes into a bottle. After collecting the hole you need to smell. To do this, use wax or garden var. The hole can be pushed with a branch or moss. This procedure is necessary to prevent the infection and death of the tree.

FROM detailed instructions By billet drink can be found in the video. How to collect birch juice video:

How to store birch juice (preservation)

Natural birch juice is stored in the refrigerator no more than 2-3 days. To extend the shelf life of the drink can be preserved.

At home, sugar and lemon are used for the conservation of juice. Birch drink is brought to a boil and dissolve sugar in it. The sterile jar is laying lemon and poured hot juice. The jar rolled out, turn over and wrapped with a blanket.

After 3 days, the container with juice is cleaned into a dark cool place. The drink retains useful properties throughout the year.

For details on how to collect birch juice, see the following video:

How to take birch juice

Birch juice is harmless and can drink for a long time, for example, as the prevention of infectious diseases. Universal dosage - 3 glasses during the day. The medical course is usually 1-2 weeks with a larger dosage - up to 6 glasses per day. When aggravating chronic diseases, birch juice is diluted with water before use.

Recipes with birch juice with lemon

For the conservation of birch juice, fresh lemon or oranges are used. With citrus juice, the juice is adjusted to a boil and add fresh slices before sunset cans. Lemon acts as a natural preservative.

You will need:

  • Birch juice - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Lemon - ¼ PC.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the lemon with thin slices and pour them off with sugar.
  2. Fill with juice and bring the fluid to a boil.
  3. Pour a hot drink into a sterilized jar.
  4. Put a piece of fresh lemon in juice and sunk.


Calorie 100 ml of product - 41 kcal.

Instead of fresh lemon, citric acid can be used. Consider the second recipe:

You will need:

  • Birch juice - 3 liters.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Lemon acid - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook:

  1. Boost birch juice.
  2. Pass sugar and citric acid.
  3. Stir until complete dissolution.
  4. Pour sterile jacket juice and sunk.


Calorie 100 ml of product - 34 kcal.

Kvass from birch juice

At room temperature, birch juice quickly begins to wander, so when cooking kvass or wine, you can use yeast. Consider both recipes:

You will need:

  • Birch juice - 1 liter.
  • Raisin - 3 pcs.
  • Yeast - 15 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Heat birch juice to 36 degrees.
  2. Add a raisin and yeast to it.
  3. Pour the liquid into the jar and close the lid tightly.
  4. Insist the drink for 1 week.


Calorie 100 ml of product - 56 kcal.

You will need:

  • Birch juice - 3 liters.
  • Rye bread - 150 gr.
  • Currant leaves - 3 pcs.

How to cook:

  1. Cut bread into pieces and dry them in the oven.
  2. Pour juice into a three-liter jar.
  3. Add bread and currant leaves to the drink.
  4. Cover the can with a lid with holes or gauze and insist for 2 weeks.


Calorie 100 ml of product - 30 kcal.

Is it possible to drink birch juice to pregnant and children

Birch juice is useful during pregnancy. He eliminates signs of toxicosis, facilitating the state future mom. The drink normalizes the work of digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, the juice reduces the swelling, which often appears on the last trimension of pregnancy.

Regular use of birch juice strengthens the immune system of the future mother, and improves the quality of milk. Therefore, the drink is recommended to use breasts during breastfeeding.

Starting from one year old, birch juice can be introduced into the diet of the child. For the first time, it is enough to give 50 ml of drink. If an allergic reaction has not followed, which is extremely rare, then the dosage can be doubled. By 3 years, the rate of birch juice consumption by a child comes to 3 glasses per week.


Contraindications to the use of birch juice:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • individual intolerance.

What to remember

  1. Birch juice is useful for the body. It normalizes the work of cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and urogenital systems.
  2. The drink has a short shelf life. In order to extend the juice canning.
  3. On the basis of the birch drink, kvass, syrup, wine are prepared.
  4. Birch juice can be used during pregnancy, during breastfeeding period and childhood from year.

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