♐ Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius - Sagittarius Zodiacal Sign Sagittarius

♐ Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius - Sagittarius Zodiacal Sign Sagittarius

Planet Governor: ♃ Jupiter. Element: The fire.

Character of Strelts

Sagittarius is a feast man in the best sense of the word. This kind of life-free zodiac sign is almost always in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit and is ready to raise the mood to others. Thanks to this, in noisy companies, it is so easy to distinguish the Sagittarius from other signs of the zodiacal circle: usually the Sagittarius is located in the most thicker people, in the very center of events, and rasple with jokes without a break. He has a rare talent to infect everyone around his bright, drowning through the edge of emotions, what helps him ease, optimism and innate eloquence.

Indeed, the Sagittarius is able to speak without ceasing, which makes it a soul company at parties, but in everyday life - at work, in everyday life - often tires others. In addition, Sagittarius has another opposite direction: he says so much that he doesn't always have time to think about what was said, because of what is able to break away the interlocutor to offend superfluous or careless words.

That is why Sagittarius is often accused of tactlessness, although the case here is more likely in its lightness in combination with pathological inability to crush the soul. Sagittarius is sincere, truthful and does not make a flattery. Another person who has such "uncomfortable" for the life of the qualities at the right moment will simply be silent. Sagittarius, unfortunately, does not know how to silence diplomatically.

However, it is simply impossible to be offended for a carefree shooter for a long time, because he is so charming and looks like a big child! As a child, the Sagittarius does not recognize the routine and are unable to stop on the spot - his novelty is entitled, adventure, travel, change places. He is very inquisitive, active, adores animals and is a champion of justice, to defend which is ready to throw with fists. True, quickly flashing, the Sagittarius is no less quickly moving away and may regret the rawful actions that did in the mouth of a quarrel.

Like a child, Sagittarius is amazing fearless, as if congenital optimism does not give him to think about the bad. He can drive a car at super-speed, engage in a dangerous sport or even choose a profession associated with risk.

Sagittarius (from Lat. Sagittarius) - the ninth zodiac sign, under the influence of the element of the fire. The main qualities of representatives of this constellation are curiosity, activity and desire for new impressions. Sagittarius never sit in place, they are active and adventurous, love adventures and travel, are easy to rise and prone to risk. Even being in unusual, new circumstances for themselves, representatives of this sign are not confused and will easily find like-minded people and friends. Sociability and openness helps them easily go through life and play with difficulties.

Sagittarius are honest and straightforward. They do not hide their opinions and express it openly and without embellishment than they can offend others. At the same time, the archers usually do not want to cause someone suffering, they only consider their duty to publicly express their point of view. Because of this, they are often considered rude and uncompatible.

Sagittarius are rapid and unrestrained, the most terrible one for them is monotony and boredom. They grab about new cases with enthusiasm and full return. Sagittaris easily exploring foreign languagesobtaining education and any other activities related to the opening of new horizons.

Sagittarius is very unreasonable and inconsistently, they are easily fond of and also quickly cool to new things. Representatives of this sign can go to Melancholy or even depressed if someone will limit their freedom. However, in the company of friends who support their endeavors, Sagittarius - real eternal engines and generators of ideas. They easily create around themselves the company, witty joke and never remain unnoticed.


Men-Sagittarius - sociable, open and immediate. They love new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate boredom and banality. Men born under this sign are usually wonderful speakers, they love to tell stories and be in the center of attention. Sagittarius - Balover of Fate, any undertaking is given to them easily and effortlessly. They are often risking, but, as a rule, this risk is justified and brings good dividends.

The desire for a new and thrust for adventure make a man-Sagittarius not the most reliable companion. He will constantly look for new emotions and sensations. In addition, representatives of this sign are very in love. Therefore, a woman who decides to make the happiness of the Sagittarius, will have to apply all his wisdom and ingenuity to not bother with his beloved. In addition, the Sagittarius is very valued freedom and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

Men-Sagittarius - appropriate, and sometimes even aggressive, nothing can be stopped on the way to goal. Relations with such a man are bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep in place or tie with some obligations.

In the professional sphere of the Men-Sagittarius of ambitious and initiative, their desire for success can sometimes be taken for the unprincipledness and desire to "go on the heads", but in fact, Sagittarius simply cannot sit without affairs and passively watch the course of events.


Sagittarius woman - independent, strong and powerful person. She does not go on others, lives according to its own rules and does not depend on the opinions of others. It is creative and multifaceted, easily fonds with their ideas around others and inspires them to be accomplished. Such women are accustomed to being leaders and in the profession, and in relationships. They do not tolerate control and strive for freedom.

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius - Perfectionaries and workaholics. They do not accept flattery and delicacy, honestly belong to themselves and others. Ready to recognize your drawbacks and boldly indicate another mistakes on their mistakes than sometimes scare away wounded and shye.

In relations with men, the Sagittari women will not suffer Patriarchate. They are accustomed to being equal with a partner, are not afraid to show the initiative and take the situation in their hands. Only bright and charismatic men are capable of conquering such a woman, in anything not inferior to their beloved and capable of making a decent pair. Sagittari women are open and honest, but flirting and flirting them alien. Therefore, it is possible to understand whether she fell like someone, you can easily.

Sagittar compatibility with other signs

Lions and Aries are the most suitable pair for representatives of the Sagittarius. They will be able to coexist on equal, without suppressing each other's freedom. In such unions there is no place of jealousy, together they constitute a strong tandem, inspiring each other to new achievements. With fishes and devivs, Sagittars can show their leadership qualities, playing the first violin.

Scorpions are difficult to get along with the Archers because of their desire always and in all of being the best. And the scales will not be able to understand the constant aspiration of the archers to change and craving for adventure, so such relationships are likely to be harmonious.

Celebrities born under the sign of Sagittarius


Winston Churchill, Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Hendrix, Giannie Versace, Stephen Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Woody Allen, Yen Somerhalder, Til Schweiger, Jake Jillenhol, Samuel Jackson, Ben Stiller.

Women Sagittsev

Jane, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner, Judy Dench, Jane Birkin, Kim Bischerger, Taira Banks, Mill Yovovich, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Daryl Hannah.

Planet Sagittarius

The patron of Streltsov is Jupiter - father and king of the gods. Born under this sign generous and fair. They are constantly striving for knowledge and sincere in their beliefs. Perhaps, their unshakable optimism is to blame.

Sagittarius is infinitely indulgent to themselves, and thanks to charm and sociability, they all turn out easily.

Element Sagittarius

Sagittarius - fire sign. But the fire of Sagittarius does not look like the ardentity of the lion and the Aries. This is fire, smoldering under the ash, coals of internal passions. On the other hand, like fire, which moves quickly and is not amenable to control, Sagittsev Fur from one subject to another, never look back. For Sagittarius Action and Adventure - the most important thing. They have a lot of vitality. They are full of enthusiasm and tend to go beyond their capabilities.

Also, fire is the element of inspiration. Sagittarius always watch forward. They are curious and spiritualized. There is nothing surprising in the fact that they easily attract sympathies of people, especially with their skill of having fun and nice to spend time.

These are very sociable and friendly people.Different with a direct relationship with others. Sagittarius is straight line, but a rather deep mind and high moral qualities are hidden behind it and tactless manners. Thanks to the rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament, the Sagittarius usually becomes the center of attention in any society. He does everything sincerely, False and deceit him alien. Like the shooter just does not know how. False contradicts his nature, and naturally, any attempt to sat down with a complete exposure. Therefore, he also strives to truth and does not carry it at all when he is accused of dishonesty.

Despite its straightness, Sagittarius - good friends and are always ready to give you a good advice.

Sagittarius sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people, but they have something for children: they do not want to see seriousness in life. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. Sagittarius do not like to take responsibility for themselves and try to avoid it with all the forces. They can easily get out of any complicated situation.

Sagittarius is a sign of fire, so people of this sign are talkative and extravagant, friendly, but hot-tempered. Sagittarius can protect themselves perfectly.

These are avid travelers. They are distinguished by fidget and hunt for change of places. They always run somewhere, hurry, strive. Adore fast ride by car. Streltsov attracts the danger, physical and emotional risk.

However, the Sagittarius must beware of congenital desire for speed and adventure, which in our age can pour out the tendency to the dangerous driving of cars and the exhibition of sports. His impulsiveness is only uve-lumbering risk, and by nature it is inclined to accidents.

Rutin and mediocreness is not for them. Sagittarius love to play a role important, substantial, the character is best manifested in leadership posts. They do not like too hard work, although we usually hold out for the fact that they have chosen, are given to work with enthusiase. Best of all, they work in the team than alone.

If the Sagittarius exceptional frivity does not spoil his health, he has every chance to live to deep old age in the right mind and solid memory. Diseases are subject to easy, lungs, liver, arms and legs.

Sagittarius do not like to lie in the hospital. They barely surrender diseases and quickly recover. In general, life rarely defeats these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday.

They fall in love quickly, but instantly cooled as soon as they hear the word "marriage". I think for a very long time, do not connect your destiny with anyone, but can not decide.

Many Sagittari men can lend money, not even asking why you need them. Each shooter in the soul is a gambling player and trains. Among the shortcomings inherent in the articles, it is necessary to recognize increased quick temper, increment, love for drinking, which can lead to alcoholism, caustic sarcasm and inability to keep secrets.

Fantastic memory. They remember the dates well, events, different little things in life, but at the same time extremely scattered and always lose some kind of gloves, the umbrella, the keys, then the wallet.

Sagittarius - Incorrigible OptimistsSince fate often gives them gifts. These are merry and happy people, exceptionally successful. Whatever the Sagittarius, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist. And he never will change his habits, individuality, his freedom.

Sagittie men.

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius, frank and talkative. True, these conversations are not always pleasant, but the tactics are not different. On the other hand, if he gives the word, it can be rejected on it. He is a light, tolerant, understanding friend.

Such a person is almost always surrounded by a crowd. This is an excellent narrator and a charming guest. Sagittarius love only those who have a quick response. They have a wonderful sense of humor, so they are supporting people closed, who are not able to support an interesting conversation, and are always looking for true value in man.

Sagittarius is so optimist that may not be offended by the insults of the enemies. At the same time, it is impossible to say that he does not have enemies at all, but still they are much smaller than other signs.

His imagination can take him a lot of trouble, but fate always stretches his hand to him in time. Sagittarius is so lucky that sometimes it seems unfair. And naturally, with such luck, he quickly comes to himself after the blows of fate, if they still overtake him.

The sin of Silver is tactlessness and inattention, but not intentional cruelty. Already in cruelty it is impossible to accuse him. Its speech is just as straight like an arrow. He can tell everything that he thinks, but if he sees that you are in love with him, can pretend that nothing understands.

Men-Sagittarius are very in love and windy, love to flirt and strive for a variety. No matter how many times the Sagittarius disappointed in women, his optimism does not decrease. He believes that every day gives him new opportunities.

Sagittarius love life is very superficial, but it is very honest. He is sentimental, he has a sensitive heart. He likes to be in love, but he very gently comes into contact. None of his hobbies remains long because it is from nature inclined to create problems in a scratch. He needs easy relationship. Sagittarius always wants to be your friend, and you yourself must decide whether you want your relationship to go on.

Sagittarius are in love, but when it comes to a wedding, they are ready to turn back. Marriage ties scare them. Nevertheless, the Sagittarius is very loving and belong to women with great tenderness and warmth.

Women often incorrectly interpret the attitude of a man - Sagittarius. They consider the relationship as more serious than they really are. Sagittarius resists too closely rapprochement and does not like jealous women. He prefers relationships with those who are inclined to perceive love as easily as he himself. For the most part, Sagittarius look at every pretty woman. They love to a certain ideal, a beautiful dream and are looking for it everywhere, and his good luck usually helps him get out of difficult pollen.

Male-Sagittarius is not ready for long-term relationships. He belongs to love too easy. Falling in love, does not commit obligations and always keeps the opportunity to retreat. He should always have a backup way out, because he never clearly knows what he wants.

Give him freedom if you want to keep it near yourself. Be generous, courtesy, do not arrange to him scandals, but at the same time let it understand that he cannot fully dispose of you that you are also free Spirit. Do not interfere with it to implement his ideas. Take care of anything else while he launches his arrows to the invisible gave.

You will not burden new relatives, since mostly Sagittarius do not attach great importance to relatives. But he should not be imposed on his rhodas - better go to visit them without him.

In the Union with Sagittar, you will have to travel a lot. The infinite change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly correspond to the approximation of Sagittarius. Sagittarius love risk and some extravagance.

Find yourself classes and give him the opportunity to feel free. A woman marrying for the Sagittarius must remember that this man is married or not, always remains a bachelor in his soul. If you hold it, it will run away, despite any locks.

Usually, Streltsov has to apply a lot of effort and tact to correct mistakes caused by the straightforce of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive.

When he does wrong, he will always tell you about it. Sports to listen to his frankness and persuade yourself that he loves you, instead of listening to rumors and gossip.

Subscribe and easily flowing into despondency, it can become irritable. Fortunately, it lasts long. Sagittarius hates scandals like no other and in every possible way avoid them.

Be how he is economical in the manifestation of feelings, and you will be surprised how strong love can be growing on such soil.

Sagittarius is very practical in financial affairs. He impresses a generous man. Loves luxury and makes dear gifts.

Sagittarius love comfort, a certain atmosphere of ease and choose a woman who not only increases their opinion about themselves, but also is well leading a household.

Sagittarius is almost not interested in young children, but over time it will be more and more messing with them. He loves children more when they have already grown. Going with them in hiking, engaged in sports. For children, he is more like a friend than father.

Sagittarius woman

Friendly and frank Sagittarius woman usually embarrass your heart only to her inherent charm that you just have nowhere to go. Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet and the sense of humor will delight any man.

She is always somewhat straightforward, because he sees the world as it is.

First of all, like a man, the Sagittarius woman loves to tell the truth. She will never lie to you.

She pretty frankly behaves with men and is not inclined to coquetry, says and acts as it feels.

Few, as she knows how to use logic in any situation and at the same time keep a happy ability to believe in the best. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract it to some one feature - enthusiasm, a sense of humor, and it will not pay attention to his less desired qualities. Sensitive and touching, she loves flattery. Checks with a well-suspended language can easily conquer her heart.

Like a man-Sagittarius, it is difficult to incline to marriage. You need to have a lot of patience to get it in my wife.

She is in constant movement. Female-Sagittarius loves to entertain and participate in entertainment.

As a rule, such a woman is independent and early leaves the father's house to lead an independent lifestyle. Both of both in terms of this sign has alienation from related ultrasound.

If you want something from it, you need to ask, but not demand. She likes to defend her, but she can't tolerate when she was ordered. At the same time, it completely does not endure weak men.

The Sagittarius female is incapable of a deep emotional feeling and is not going to lose their individuality for any man, even his beloved. But she is nice to know what you feel about her with love.

It belongs to those people who first do, and then think and never listen to the advice or warnings from the side.

Although it seems that it is capable of solving its own problems, it is only visibility.

It really feels in love with a man, she is experiencing a heavy sincere crisis. But this is a very strong woman in the spirit. Often it is considered cold and heartless, but it is incorrect. Like any Sagittarius, she comes to indignation when they doubt her honesty.

She openly flirts without any intention to turn it into a novel. Usually it surrounds a lot of men. She considers himself an equal man, can copy men's manners, wearing men's sweaters, as well as men, loves sports. Although by nature it is very feminine.

The female Sagittarius is smart and can stand up for himself in the critical situation, but her heart is defenseless. By nature, she is a gullible child and an incredible idealist.

Sagittarius loves good food, wine, clothing, traveling first class and easily spends her money on it.

She does not know how to hide feelings. Direct and frank, it is also friendly and generous. She loves her freedom, and nothing should interfere with her to travel. She needs a variety of service. For her, this is a source of inspiration. But she cannot be happy alone, her happiness should divide the surrounding.

She is never sitting in place. Her apartment usually looks like it just entered or going to leave. It is tiring the need to endlessly wipe the dust, causing order, clean. She hates routine home affairs. Although in his house she may, and will be landscaping. Mountain makes Sagittarius do a lot from home work. It must be surrounded by beauty and purity, and in addition, she understands that if she doesn't do it, no one will do it for her.

Most Sagittar women do not have much desire to cook.

She is a good listener, a good comrade for a man, loving adventure, and a beautiful mistress, able to revive any party.

She is surrounded by interesting people. Its friendliness gives people a feeling that they are encountered with pleasure, besides, it easily extinguishes any conflicts.

True, she is unlikely to get along with Melancholic. It physically does not tolerate gloominess and pessimism. When she bad moodThis may be terrible, but fortunately, this happens rarely.

Sagittarius's wife is better than other signs of the zodiac and entertains guests, in her house they feel very comfortable than goodness, friendliness and degrades of the hostess.

Sagittars are usually not too hot parents. Mother, overcoming the initial sense of increased responsibility, behave like good senior sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children. Children adore such mothers.

Mutual compatibility

Sagittarius - Aries

They are well compatible, they like to be together. They have full friends. Both like active recreation and sports. Marriage promising.

Sagittarius - Taurus

The practical house for the Taurus is not suitable for anonymous Sagittarius, seeking adventure. Even short-term relationships require self-discipline, which is here to talk about marriage.

Sagittarius - Gemini

Both love fun, and for a while they are satisfied with each other's society. However, the twins will definitely begin to criticize the partner, and the shooter will not stand it. To marry to be durable, effort will have to make.

Sagittarius - Cancer

Cancer needs safety and stability. Sagittarius seeks freedom and looking for adventures. Cancer is overly sensitive to reconcile with an open Square. They can be good friends, but marriage is hopeless.

Sagittarius - Lev.

Both are distinguished by large directness and fretsome, they have a common love for adventure, they easily win difficulties. An excellent connection that may turn out to turn into one of those marriages that they are performed in heaven.

Sagittarius - Deva.

The pedantic virgin, prone to a simple life, has little in common with a reckless, impulsive, loving Razzlya Silver. In turn, the shooter of Virgo will seem too big boring.

Sagittarius - Scales

Sludge weights - just what is needed. Scales will be with enthusiastic amazement to follow the extravagant tricks of the Sagittarius and will be able to find it in a partner best sides. Good hopes and short, and on the length of the relationship.

Sagittarius - Scorpio

Scorpio is needed a true partner on which you can rely. Sagittarius rapidly annoyed and soon cools. Scorpion saves irritation and ready to explode. Physically, they can maintain a connection for some time, but their marriage will not be happy.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius

Their tireless, winsted nature sooner or later will require freedoms from each other. Marriage is unlikely to be successful.

Sagittarius - Capricorn.

Corporate Capricorn is afraid of impulsive archery. Capricorn sights. Sagittarius goes to expenses without thinking and wants to have everything you can buy. In addition to mutual discontent, it is difficult to expect something from this marriage.

Sagittarius - Aquarius

Aquarius can keep this connection in equilibrium. Both like adventures. Both unwretched and do not try to dominate the partner. There may be a happy marriage.

Sagittarius - Fish

None of them can give a partner a sense of reliability. The shooter seems to be connecting his shysteriness of fish, and its energy and vitality slowly drown in the swamp of despondency. Extremely complex communication and almost impossible marriage.

Born under the sign of Sagittar

Ludwig Van Beethoven, Walt Disney, Pope John XXIII, Maria Callas, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Dale Carnegie, John Milton, Frank Sinaratra, Nikolai Karamzin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Anatoly Lunacharsky.

The signs of the zodiac are divided into 12 equal parts, starting their counts from the day of the spring equinox. The movement of the Sun along the zodiacal circle occurs in the twenties numbers of each calendar month and means the transition of the power of one sign to another. The position of the Sun on the birthday of a person determines his belonging to a particular sign of the zodiac. The ninth in the zodiac circle is Sagittarius sign. It rules on fate from 23.11 to 22.12.

Defenders and talismans

Sagittarius Planet Patron - Jupiter. His action is passed thin thread Through all the life of Sagittarius, giving him the qualities of the head and the commander. Strength and perseverance in achieving the goals, curiosity and power - all this is the echoes of the strong and militant planet of God Zeus.

Element sign - fire. People born under this sign are energetic and temperament. They instantly light up in any case and can also cool to him.

Stones - Emerald, Amethyst, Sapphire. Emerald acts on representatives of this sign soothing. Helps them to doubt their fireproof and find peace. Favorable with insomnia and problems with the cardiovascular system. Amethyst also brings peace and pacification, especially in heart matters. This makes it possible not to label something in the sneaking or in the heat of emotions. Sapphire helps ambitious archers to get promotion and achieve recognition in society.

Basic Colors - Blue, Purple. This colors indicate calm and harmony, help to calm the fiery manifestations of the sign.

Flowers - Narcissus, Carnation, Vasileuk, Palma.

Metal - zinc, steel. Zinc helps to send an inexhaustible energy fountain in the right channel and increase immunity. Steel protects the owner from ill-wishers and lovers of easy profit.

Tree - High trees with a wide crown, bonsai, ash, ram. For the manufacture of a wooden mascot, it is necessary to take a solid piece of living tree. Bonsai gives winner wisdom. The ash protects against dangers and strengthens the gift of premonition. Grab charges luck on a personal front.

Talismans - images of fire and flame, horse, horseshoe, centaur, salamander, runes, arrow and onions, phoenix. Since the sign belongs to the element of fire, a very favorable mascot for him is a flame image. It concentrates strength and helps to find a sacheant balance. Even a small pocket lighter will help a person to concentrate and take himself in hand. Horse mascot charges energy owner. Horseshoe gives good luck.

Sagittarius is made to depict as a centaur, which enters the arrow. He is strong, not curled and ready for battle. Amulet or picture with his image will sign confidence and humility with its own energy and all aspects of the person. Salamander (fiery lizard) helps to achieve intended goals.

Runes Scandinavian, Celtic and ancient Greek helps to cope with difficulties on life path. But it stands with great care to approach the choice of one or another rune as a guard, after examining their meaning and influence.

Arrows and onions give happiness in personal life. Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of revival and cleansing through fire. Gives strength to new achievements and helps to recover.

Brief characteristic sign

Sagittarius is active and full of thirst for discovery, the fire will be boil in his veins. The surrounding hard time for the move of his thoughts, and he himself rarely manage to trace the thread in his own head. Distinctive features of people belonging to this zodiac sign:

Zodiac compatibility

In love, Sagittarius strive for adventures and adventures, are not prone to jealousy and scandals. Often, the partner idealizes, adding to him the qualities that do not really exist. And disappointed, immediately go to search for a new half. To conquer this sign, you must have common goals and looks to life with it. It is necessary to constantly set new tasks before it and configure the fabulous finale. The compatibility of Sagittarov with other signs of the zodiac circle is as follows:

Representatives of strong sex

Men's archers bold and generous. In life, they protect the luck. They always believe in the best and are not afraid to grow forward. Impulsive and unpredictable, they are ready to live in a mad rhythm hand in hand with their faithful companion.

Representatives of the strong sex of this sign in friendship appreciate frankness, and in love - devotion. They are always honest with their own second halves, which deserves respect and some condescevement on rare pricking statements against spouses or girlfriends.

In life, they appreciate luxury and freedom. Do not tame such a man, risking scare. Freedom in love is much more important than coercion without it.

Girls and women

They are miles, gentle and good-natured. Their life resembles a holiday filled with bright colors and music. Always believe in the best, they firmly go to the intended goal, without turning around from their own way. An exception can be the new and more interesting goal.

Representatives of the beautiful half of this sign are surprisingly frank and sharp on the tongue. They are not afraid to look silly or unnecessary, expressing their true opinion that will find the chosen one in the most unexpected situations.

Characteristic Sagittarius gives women by force and pride. They are able to see the world as it is, while radiating genuine enthusiasm and positive. Of these, faithful wives and beautiful fair mothers who are ready for all sake of their child are obtained.

Career and profession

Sagittarius choose the work capable of matching their rapid lifestyle. The most successful on the horoscope for them are such professions:

Work must bring satisfaction and good income. In priority, they have positions, where the proud and self-lean shooter could feel in the center of universal attention and divide the pride with the public for their works.

Among the celebrities a lot of people born under the sign of Sagittarius. The most famous and popularly beloved representatives of this fiery sign include:

Sagittarius is a sign of the zodiac, the characteristic of which can fit in several phrases, they briefly and clearly will transmit its essence and nature itself.

People who have emerged under this sign are very active and cheerful, they are always ready to extend a friend's hand to help and help out the difficult situation. They are always surrounded by many buddies and good friends who really appreciate the straightness and honesty Comrade, who is sincerely ready to substitute his shoulder. It is difficult to be offended, because natural charm and impulsivity make people go with them hand in hand, helping to achieve their goals.

ATTENTION, only today!

Sagittarius zodiac sign characteristic

Sagittarius are very sociable and friendly people who are different in relationship with others. They make no sense to be angry or offended, because They have no anger, their shocking comments are issued with complete innocence, and the fact that they can offend a person do not reach them. Do not judge them strictly, they have no bad intentions. Under their tactless manners hiding very smart person and high principles. A unique combination of witty intelligence and purposefulness introduces them into a circle of winners.

Sagittarius sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people. They constantly say: "I didn't want to touch any feelings." They all make sincere, false and cheating to them alien. They are the same sincere and serious as 6 year old children. They are very moving, love animals, speed, sport.

A typical shooter attracts danger, they adore physical and emotional risk. Few people can resist Sagittar for a long time, because There is no malfunction in his behavior. This is a sign of fire, so they are bollables and extravagant. In the shower it is trains. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. But their mood may change if people abuse them are surrounded by friendliness or become too familiar with them. They can also indignant by the manifestation of power over themselves. They do not avoid struggle and do not name to help. All Sagittarius can protect themselves perfectly. At all, they do not endure when they are accused of dishonesty. After the shock, they feel repentance and try to establish relationships. Sagittarius avid travelers. They always have something for children, they do not want to see seriousness in life, although many of them can show a great sense of responsibility. But Sagittars do not like to be responsible, try to avoid it.

The most sensitive places for diseases are light, liver, arms and legs. Their big love for sports can lead to injury, but as a rule, Sagittarius are not long in the hospital. They barely surrender diseases and quickly recover.

In general, life rarely defeats these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday. Each approach is a gambling player. They fall in love with quickly, but instantly cool, mostly, when used by a woman's word marriage. They think about the decision to marry and cannot decide, "catch" them difficult.

Among the most unpleasant features of Sagittarius - a tendency to drink a lot and is that can lead to alcoholism. Their mental shine can go into sarcasm or eccentricity, as well as in the inability to store secrets. But the shooter can easily get out of any situation. Many Sagittari men can lend you money, not even asking why you need them. And the Sagittarius woman can adopt the sirot or to fit the lost animal.

Sagittarius fantastic memory, they can remember the dates, different little things, but may well forget where they left their coats. They constantly lose their belongings.

Whatever the shooter was, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.
If the Sagittarius targets something, then he shoots higher than the rest of people can consider, past the stars, where all the dreams are born.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius-man

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

I do not want to disappoint you, but Sagittar may have a lot of oddities. It is he who can jump on a horse and rush around the city, defending some business. Or he can suddenly appear to mix with clowns in the circus ...

It can be conquered by certain efforts and manners. First of all, it needs to be forced to get off the horse and lead from the circus crowd. All that he defends, leaves him little time for family life. Such an unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity of the Sagittarius are infectious. Sometimes he can move the boundaries in various matters. You can feel like asked in the air and not caught back: He just forgot to do it. This person is almost always surrounded by a crowd.

And one more obstacle for you. You will have to always sweep them to get closer to it. But do not be pessimistic, because this person is a huge optimist. He is so optimist that may not be offended by insulting enemies. This type of optimism can be dangerous, because This word can be synonymous with blind faith. The blind faith is good, but he is trusted with such naiveness that he often falls into the puddle. It is very easy to fall in a puddle when you hurry all the time and run, looking at the sky in search of such a high goal, to mark into which you have the courage. But in the strict sense of the word Sagittarius is not a dreamer. His dreams are always accompanied by logic and curiosity. Silver, they may be somewhat not practical, somewhat unbridled. As soon as he feels that there is some possibility to achieve a goal, he gives this goal all the bright colors, for which his imagination is only capable. But there are always people who do not approve progressive ideas and try to flood before they justify themselves.

His imagination can take him a lot of trouble, but fate always helps him in time. He is so lucky that it even seems unfair. And, of course, with such luck, he quickly comes to his senses after the blows of fate, if they still happen. This applies to love. He does not love dishonesty and that's why many friends and goodwire surrounds him. He always seeks true value in man. It cannot be said that he has no enemies at all, but they are much smaller than other signs. People who listened to his comments can be offended, but as a rule, they quickly depart, because Understand that his intentions are unloved.

Sin Sagittarius is his tactlessness and inattention, but never deliberate cruelty. His speech is just as much as symbolic boom. He can tell everything that thinks, but if you are in love with him, he can pretend that he does not understand this. But you can offend the behavior of Sagittarius, when he sees you for the first time, frankly looking at you and says that you are such a woman who can be chosen in the mistress. And when you are ready to clutch with him, he appears an innocent facial expression and he explains to you what I meant, saying it. He will say that in the Middle Ages they married a woman close by origin, while the wife could be ugly, so men always chose only very beautiful women. Hearing it, you will feel that this is a kind of compliment of your beauty and will not be offended. Sagittarius will impress you. Well, what else man will spend time on studying history?

You can decide that you will become an intellectual wife. But here you make a mistake, you can be a mistress of an intellectual, you may not understand this right away. He moves forward fast, and you will become a fallen woman. Of course, not every woman will take such an explanation, but they may well stay friends. All this should push you on the thought, in which you can be danger with Sagittarius. His naive smile makes it absolutely not like a wolf. Sagittarius love life is very superficial, but it is very honest. After all, he did not tell you that you approach his wife. He said in "mistresses". He needs easy relationship. Let's go back to his honesty. If you already know how often oaths in love are false, then you may like the frankness of the Sagittarius. You will not even object to his stories about the former beloved. It will never enter into marriage, sister from you a true feeling. Sometimes, of course, it happens that he is forced to marry. But in such cases, the proposal usually comes from the girl. In this case, he will do everything to avoid this marriage. If she succeeds in catching it in time, he can decide what comes to him in something, she can come up and otherwise. He marries. And thus we can assume that the next divorce will soon be called.

Women often misunderstand the attitude of the Men-Sagittarius to them. They think their relationship is more serious than it really is. They hope that he needs strong connections, while he wants only a light relationship, maybe even Platonic. His successfulness usually helps him get out of difficult positions. It is impossible to deny that he likes to flirt, but he needs not only sex. He needs a variety. If he sees that the woman begins to get tied to him, he can turn everything into a joke.

Most of the Archers are accused of looking at any pretty woman. These accusations annoy Sagittarius, because He believes that he just applies to everyone friendly. If your head is designed not only to wear on her curlers, do not be jealous and suspicious. Give him freedom if you want to keep it about yourself. Do not ask him extra questions, do not frighten it that throw it. And immediately imagine what it will be for him relief. If you are taking life just like it, then you can count on your wife. If you are honest with each other, then launching flying snakes together very interesting. And why think that it will be with them when they fall to the ground.

No you have to give this man, everything he wants, be the one who he wants you to be. Let him lead your energy, love sports, go to hiking with him. Be generous, courtesy, do not arrange to him scandals every evening, but let him understand that he cannot fully dispose of you that you are also free Spirit. Do not interfere with him to carry out his ideas. Do something else while he launches his arrows to invisible gave. And, it is possible that then he will tell you one evening that you have almost all that he would like to see in a woman. And since he reached it, tell him also frankly that he also suits you and that it was time to decide something. Notice at the same time that you love him so much that you consider it possible to marry him, provided that he will not prevent you from using certain freedom. And also tell me that you are very curious, what will happen when children appear.

After you get married, you will see that you will not have trouble with his relatives. Sagittarius are surprisingly indifferent to related relationships. And they do not take theories that you need to love our relatives, even if they do not deserve love. Your suitcase should always be ready, because You will have to travel a lot with him. Find yourself all sessions and give him the opportunity to be free. If you hold it, it can break the door. When he does wrong, he will always tell you about it. Sports to listen to his frankness and persuade yourself that he loves you yet, instead of listening to rumors. Be the same as it is practical to human emotions. And you will be surprised how strong love can be, growing on honest soil.

Since he loves sports, then you may, together you will watch sports television programs. He can enter you into society if you are charming enough and love people. He will be proud of your talents, so try to have them. Read, be prepared to defend his affairs. It may be somewhat extravagant. Sagittarius love to risk. But it makes it generous about your spending. You can hear criticism from it sometimes painful and tactless. To this you need to get used to it. He loves children more when they have already grown. He goes with them hiking, engaged in sports with them. He is closer to the boys, but gentle with girls. He is more like a friend for children than father.

Sagittarius thinks and mind and heart. And not always therefore he will come wisely. He stumbles and falls, gets up and trying to start all over again. But forgive you almost everything, because he gave you a big gift - honest love.

Sagittarius Woman Zodiac Sign

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

The Sagittarius woman does not always say what you would like to hear. Most often, it will affect you with their frank statements or questions claiming in an awkward position. Although from time to time she can pronounce something beautiful, from what you want to sing. Friendly and frank Sagittarius woman usually embarrass your heart only to her inherent charm that you have nowhere to go. She is always somewhat straightforward, because the world sees such what it is. And, it must be recognized, talent.

Few people can apply reasonable logic to any situation and at the same time keep the happy ability to believe in the best. She will never lie to you. Sometimes you even want it to lie. Show curiosity as it spends time when you do not meet with it. And you will receive an honest report on how many dates she postponed by phone, then she can say that he thought about your relationship and decided that there was only friendship between you, and not love. You will not want to hear such recognition. But do not shout too loudly, you hurt her and she can explode. Perhaps she will live alone.

Woman-Sagittarius is very independent. Both of both sexes of this sign have alienation from related ultrasound. Maybe it happens because she loves to travel very much. She is in constant movement. Immediately you need to remember: when you want something from it, you can ask, but not demand. She believes that the techniques of a cave person are not suitable. She likes to be protected, but does not tolerate her to order her. Even a mother can not always achieve something from her, and even more so you. However, it has oddity - although it does not like to command, especially in humans, you should always be firm in everything, it does not endure weak men.

If she too disperse, offended you, take it for a minute to her like Tarzan, just to put it in place. Show yourself strictly when we wipe it out. The Sagittarius woman is not going to lose their personality for any man, even his most beloved. But she is nice to know what you feel about her as a woman. Many of them confuse friendship with love. There is no humility in it. This woman pretty frankly behaves with men and does not play flocks. She says and acts exactly as it feels. Her excessive frankness naturally causes an incorrect opinion about it, not to mention that he simply hurts you. This is a very strong woman in the spirit. Her pride goes to the surface and cuts her out of crisis situations, allowing it to relate to her heart experiences as a joke. Inside, she can sob, parting with you. But she will attach all his mind and strength, announcing his friends that her novel with you was just flirting. Little to my mind, how much tears she flipped into the pillow, asking himself a question that she could do such that led to a gap.

All Archers come to indignation when they doubt their honesty. Its excessive honesty, few men perceives correctly. She openly flirts without any intention to turn it into a novel. She is because of this acquires a reputation as a cold heartless woman. In fact, it can even stay with an old girl, but at the same time she will not be angry and harmful, she will play life and have fun. She will have many interests to replace a man them. Of course, you plan to make it your wife. She relates a little with prejudice to loss of their freedom. You will have to consume a lot of bait to get it. She has no conventions in relationships with men, because She considers himself an equal man, she can copy their manners, wearing their sweaters, she just like men loves sports. Although by nature she feminine.

Since it is very honest, she can somewhat lightly refer to their reputation, as well as to what society thinks about her. Usually it surrounds a lot of men. She knows that her reputation is flawless, and this is the only thing that has a value for her. Naturally, she is wrong. What other people think is very important for women's reputation. But try to understand her. If she laughs over a frivolous joke, it means that she did not understand the subtext. The subtext and the double game are very often not clear the shooter.

The main truth is that in its nature she is a gullible child. And her views are so naive what they make it vulnerable to the seducer. Forget about her mind and stunning logiciness. It has nothing to do with her heart. She is very smart and can stand up in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless, it is often broken. And she is a little clumsy. You can watch how it is gracefully walking down the street until it turns out about the side of the sidewalk and will not start clumsy enough for the kiosk to stay on the legs, while turning the pair of boxes. But its friendliness saves the position. Sometimes she can remind you of a clumsy puppy. A typical shooter has a big appetite. He loves good food, wine, clothing, travel first class. It is usually transit money. The money is not interested in money for money. Think carefully before leaving her money.

Sagittarius woman can perform in the show, because She like ramp lights. Do not expect that for you, she will leave her career. Never forced it to choose between you and the public. After some time, she will get tired of finding public and artificial light, and she will return home to feel something real and you can become it. She needs a person who will say that honesty is a beauty, and deception - disgrace. If she throws his career, it does not mean that the wings are denied her, they have her birth. The suitcase will always be next to it. Ride with her on vacation or release it, trust her. She loves you, and not those who spend time with. Because of her somewhat indifferent attitude towards love and timidity before marriage, you might think that she lacks sensitivity.

You are mistaken, she can sob when looking sad movies, reads poetry, maybe she saved your first note. As for her talent, like hostess, here are verifying courage and patience. It is tiring the need to constantly wipe the dust, to restore order, clean the bed. She just hates it. But when she heads his house, maybe she will take himself in hand. Although she prefers to hired a house. worker. If there is no such possibility, it will make efforts so that there is order in the house. Her mother will hardly believe it. Pride makes Sagittarius make the necessary things around the house. First, it must be surrounded by beauty and purity. And then, she understands that if she won't do it, no one will do it for her. About her cooking is also difficult to say anything. If she prepares all week, you can hardly expect that a luxurious lunch will be served on the weekend. You have to go to the restaurant. Most Sagittar women do not have much desire to cook.

Her own bad mood may be terrible, but fortunately, it is rare. When she is truly offended, she becomes sarcastic, but can forget what she said before she graduated from the proposal. And she does not understand why you are offended at the same time. She is not seated with Melancholic. It physically does not tolerate gloominess and pessimism. Children may have to adore it. It will be good to receive guests, no one can entertain so ambitious as she, even a lioness. Its friendliness gives people a feeling that they are met with pleasure, besides, it can easily eliminate conflicts. As long as you apply for her soul, let it feel free, you will get triple income from it: loyalty, trust, love. All these three things for her are inseparable. Since giving your love, she gives her friendship.

Footage woman just incredible idealist. And this is the secret that she may never open you, she fell in love with you when was another little girl and guess a desire for a falling star so that she had a man with honest heart in life. When you finally appeared, she immediately recognized you.


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