Quickly prepare for EEG on biology. How to prepare for ege on biology from scratch? Where to begin? Are there any good video tutorials? Where to start an independent preparation for the EEG on biology

Quickly prepare for EEG on biology. How to prepare for ege on biology from scratch? Where to begin? Are there any good video tutorials? Where to start an independent preparation for the EEG on biology

The biology exam applies to the number of samples and hand over it will be those who are confident in knowledge. The ege on biology is considered a complex subject, as knowledge accumulated over all years of study is checked.

The tasks of the ege Various ones are chosen by biology, confident knowledge is needed for their solution on the main topics of the biology school course. Based demovesia Teachers have developed over 10 test tasks for each topic.

Themes that need to be studied when performing tasks, see FII. For each task, its own action algorithm is registered, which will help when solving tasks.

There are no changes in the KIM EGE 2020 on biology.

The structure of the tasks of the ege on biology:

  • Part 1 - These are tasks from 1 to 21 with a brief answer, the execution is given up to about 5 minutes.

Council: carefully read the wording of questions.

  • Part 2 - These are tasks from 22 to 28 with a detailed answer, the execution is given by about 10-20 minutes.

Council: literaryly set out their thoughts, answer the question in detail and comprehensively, let us define the biological terms, even if this does not require in tasks. The response should have a plan, not to write with solid text, and allocate items.

What are required from the student on the exam?

  • The ability to work with graphic information (schemes, graphs, tables) is its analysis and use;
  • Multiple choice;
  • Conformity;
  • Setting the sequence.

Points for each task on the biology of the exam

In order to get the highest score on biology, you need to dial 58 primary ballotswhich will be translated into a hundred on the scale.

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 6 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4, 5, 7-22.
  • B point - 23-28.

How to prepare for test tasks on biology

  1. Repetition of the theory.
  2. Proper time distribution for each task.
  3. Solving practical tasks several times.
  4. Check the level of knowledge by solving tests online.

Register, do and get a high score!

Greetings! My name is Vadim Yurevich. I teach biology.

I really, very much my job!

My job I am joy, I feel a passion for her, to the biology itself - calm confidence.

In addition to the pedagogical formation of the KSP, I have psychological education of the Faculty of Retraining MPGU. Moreover, I have a number of international certificates in the field of psychology.

Therefore, I have knowledge of how to fascinating biology learning not only individually, but also in the group. Most of my students pass the ege on biology to high points. This year I liked the figure - 86 points. Where did my disciples acted? This year (and for the next year there is my student again) one of the desired victories is a psychiary MSU, with an internal exam. Others were mainly in well-known medical universities - MMA, MGMS.

I constantly improve my teaching methodology and your knowledge. I work a lot with a computer, I own the method of high-speed printing, keeping track of everything new from the world of biology on the Internet, I acquire modern literature on biology, I constantly appeal to the university program on biology.

  What is the uniqueness of my approach to teaching biology? Or in other words, why do you need exactly me?

  1. Deep structuring and analysis of the material required for surchase EGE According to biology.

Why is biology in school taught 6 years? The answer is obvious: biology is very large (for example, 2 years more chemistry). I conducted a complete analysis of the content of material 6-11 classes, which must be mastering for the exam. Often, students ask a question: Namely this material will be on the exam? I provide a list of all terms, concepts, those included in state standard. All of this standard is subject to learning. With the loss of some of these, we risk losing points on the exam. Often, even with the tutor, the disciples do not have time to study something, or do not know what it is necessary. It may have different consequences.

Many underestimate the need to carefully disassemble what content blocks will be checked for the exam. Often I meet tests that go beyond the school program.

For example, in the Introductory Biology Program in Moscow State University A lot of questions leaving for the school program. To answer them requires knowledge that are not set out in school textbooks. Where to find this knowledge? How is it guaranteed to prepare, and do not miss anything? How to train not only standard tasks, but also others, unexpected tasks, often found in part with, in the Olympics?

  2. Speech mastering by biological knowledge through a live dialogue.

When can we talk about high results in the development of biology? When the student's linguistic barrier is mercilessly destroyed when he can speak freely using biological terminology. This is comparable to the development of any foreign language.

In order for the student to speak, in consciousness, systems should be created deeply learned concepts. In order to respond to any tests, on the tasks of the part "C" in the EE to pass the internal exam in Moscow State University, you need to be able to write texts on biology. Accordingly, before that it is necessary to speak, discuss, reveal a huge number of topics in classes with a tutor. How many student speaks on biological themes? We are very deprived of a lively specialized speech. Yes, many have one lesson in biology a week at school. But all other time is contact with books, computers. A live dialogue with a knowledge carrier is an opportunity for a slight time to learn a lot of new things, go through absolutely different topics, fill the gaps.

  3. Use the most modern computer programs and books on biology.

Real story. I meet with a new student. And I see in his arsenal books an excellent selection - two textbooks on biology of different authors! Great, preparing for this literature, he is ready to take an exam tomorrow. But no, can I go for such a risk? We need other sources. Often in some textbooks, students are less understood by the material, in others more. We need a minimum of 2-3 lines of school textbooks. But you still need computer programs. They have excellent animations, video, tests, drawings and schemes. All this dramatically increases the level of understanding of the material, contributes to more effective memorization when preparing for homework.

How to choose such programs? How to evaluate them? How to combine work on these programs with the study of other sources when preparing homework? Another need - manuals for preparing for the exam. What is better to choose? I appreciated these benefits, chose the most serious, known.

  4. Development of logic in the lessons and permanent answers to the questions: why, why, how?

We analyze (any questions detail in detail), synthesize (fold entire pictures from parts), we summarize huge topics. As a result, an in-depth understanding of the most complex sections is coming. We learn to reason, search for causal relationships, and even enter into discussions with students. Moreover, I teach the search skills in every paragraph of the text of the main and secondary thoughts, as well as how these thoughts are connected. Text has not only content, but also a form. Contents are basic and minor thoughts. The form is how they are located are connected. Sometimes the main idea is hidden, or not indicated at all. How to find it? All this is necessary for high-quality reading when preparing homework.

  5. Penetration into the storage structure itself.

Emotions are needed for memorization. The student begins to test them when the deep intensively thinks over many issues when interest lights up. When he sets smart and detailed questions. Moreover, I always purposefully offer such questions to the disciple. Biology becomes alive for a student. When he reads, performs homework, he forgets everything, as fully included in the process. That's the memory and triggers 100 percent! Knowledge obtained through the passion, through the experience, through bright visualization, remain forever.

Moreover, I often ask students such a question: "What do these knowledge look like?". Why? So that the student himself, or with my help, came up with a living, bright metaphor - then knowledge will forever remain, on the physical level, in the body. After many years after the exam, such knowledge can be retrieved to surprise the descendants. I will never forget as one of my student who entered the psychoak of Moscow State University this year, came up with an excellent phrase when studying the counterators of mannial animals. In the detachment, the wooden two subjournal - ruminants and unwashed. So, the ruminant stomach is four-chamber, and most have a horns (for example, Giraffe). So, if there is a horns, this is a ruminant animal. The student came up with the phrase immediately: "If you are a rhombus, you are also a stag!". Funny!

  6. demanding detailed testing of the quality of the material assimilation with the results of the result in percent.

I am demanding and strict. EGE is a big responsibility. Systematic careful preparation of homework are needed. I evaluate the oral replies of the student on a special system. Any answer can be structured, split into parts and resulting into interest. I give a lot of written work with difficult tests, tasks, tasks that the student must do with me on the assessment.

I also look at how the student responds to the standard tests of the EGE from independent computer programs, where the programs themselves are evaluated. At the same time, each student is a personality for which I have an individual program and its own learning speed. What is the statistics of such a knowledge check, the playback training gives a significant increase in the quality of the knowledge of the student, more and more guarantees success. Successful results increase confidence, instill love for the subject. The whole process becomes easy, pleasure, especially when the huge sections are mastered in biology.

In life, everything is simple, if you know how it is arranged! By the way, how is biology arranged? I believe in you!

My friends, thank you for reading my page! I wish you success with all my heart, and I will be glad to see you in my classes!

Many schoolchildren ask themselves the question - how easy it is to learn biology without resorting to a van and similar methods of study. It turns out that you assign a large amount of information on a variety of biological directions and it is easy to pass the USE, if you follow simple rules.

How to remember biology?

The main time at the beginning of training is a complete revision of its attitude to this science. To easily and quickly remember the necessary information, you should arouse interest in monitoring the development and emergence of living organisms. To learn the material also helps serious motivation - for example, the desire to expand their horizons or enroll in a certain university. Think about how our body functions, how is the thinking, why we want to sleep, there is also other reviews of your attitude towards the learning process, you can easily assimilate and remember the large amount of information.

When studying biological science, it is also helped by:

  • reading specialized magazines and newspapers, viewing news - Questions raised in these sources can meet you on EEE 2016;
  • website site as a source of information;
  • cheat sheet cards for repetition;
  • lessons and courses compiled and organized by the professional tutor in biology Vadim Yaroslavtsev.

How to learn biology to the ege quickly and convenient? EgeVideo offers affordable and efficient video learning in Moscow and the Russian Federation. All our programs are drawn up by the best tutor of 2015 - Yaroslavtsev V.Yu. They are well structured, are presented in a simple language and even beginners are understandable.

You can contact us in any way convenient for you - online, according to the site specified on the site or by ordering a callback. We will be glad to see your child in class!

Many high school students are interested in the question, how to prepare for the ege on biology from scratch alone? He especially worries those who want to link their lives in the future with medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary, agrotechnical specialties, psychology, physical education, or seriously engage in the same science. According to statistics, for last years About 17-18% of graduates take the biology and it takes 5th place among the selection exams.

Is it possible to learn the entire amount of biological knowledge yourself, and even in a short time (half a year, year, or and at all a couple of months)? Of course, yes, if you know what to represent the exam, and understand how to prepare it right?

Before moving to the structure of the exam itself, I would like to recall what is included in the school biology. These are the topics as:

  1. Kingdom of bacteria, mushrooms, lichens, plants.
  2. The kingdom of animals.
  3. Anatomy and physiology.
  4. General biology is the largest and most difficult section. Includes cytology, molecular biology, genetics, theory of evolution and ecology, and also complements and structures knowledge from previous sections.

The exam itself includes 28 tasks of different levels of complexity: basic, elevated and high. The task is no longer divided into A, B, C, and the first 21 of them correspond former parts A and B, the answer to them will be the number of the correct (or several correct) variants or the sequence of numbers, and the tasks from 22 to 28 correspond to the questions of part C and require full detailed explanation. The execution of all tasks is given 210 minutes.

For each correct solution, you can get from 1 to 3 so-called primary points, which are further translated into the test, where the maximum possible number of primary points corresponds to 100 tests. However, the chance to get all 100 points, especially when preparing from scratch, very low: for all recent years they do not recruit 1% of the examinations. But to pass the exam on a high score, and even more so on the passing, quite real.

What to do?

How to start preparation for the exam? In our opinion, with self-discipline. The most important thing is starting to prepare for the exam, it should be done regularly. It is desirable that the constant frequency and classes are not skipped. After all, after studying even 15 minutes to 5 days a week, you will achieve much more than if you are tormented by the whole day, but absolutely irregularly. Also distracted undesirable, it is necessary to fully immerse yourself in the study of the subject.

Preparation should include both the solution of test options and individual parts and its familiarization with theory. It's not so difficult to learn biology, if you first solve a pair of tests and determine which topics you know quite well, and which "sank" and require additional attention. It is the last and necessary to study more carefully.

You can use the Internet for training, and books, and better - both. On the Internet there are a lot of places where you can try to solve tasks from the exam in both the structure of the USE and in separate sections. The same can be found in the literature on the exam. Information to study individuals is available to find both in their school textbooks, both in books and on the Internet.

It is recommended to first pass a test test, then work on separate sections, with a limited time starting from the weakest, after which it again moves to the passage of tests. It is such a structure that most tutors adhere to, and therefore, and those who prepare himself, it is worth taking it into service.

When solving tests, as well as in the exam itself, it is necessary to follow another very important rule - carefully read the question! Very many examiners make stupid mistakes not from ignorance, but from inattention. The latter, in turn, may appear due to excitement, so the following important rule is not to worry. It can be difficult, so it is worth remembering when preparing that there is nothing terrible in the exam, and even a failed test is not the end of life! The ability to relax and calm down can become a good assistant when passing the exam.

What should not be done?

After we consider what you need to do, I would like to briefly affect the topic of what you should not do. Unfortunately, a lot of those students who belong to the exams are too frivolous or, on the contrary, strains over measures.

What should not do:

  1. Hoping "Avos." EGE is more complicated every year so that the percentage of "guessing" was less and less. Therefore, it is not needed to prepare for the exam at all, at least stupid.
  2. Write "Spurs". The surveillance for each participant of the exam is quite serious. You can be removed during testing, and the right to rewrite it will be only a year later. Therefore, you can write spurs, of course, you can. But it's not worth bringing them to the exam.
  3. Becoming yourself to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes a person who starts preparing for the biology exam, believes that the more time it is spent on the study of the subject, the better. On the contrary, ignoring the needs of the body in the rest, you risk or bring yourself to a nervous breakdown, or at least forget everything you need at the time of the exam, due to overload. Everything is good in moderation!
  4. Learn material on the last night. First, to put the volume of all knowledge of biology in your head for the night you will simply fail. Secondly, if you come to the exam by the unreasonable and tired, the chances are good to pass the test you will have a little. Therefore, regardless of what you managed, you need to lie down early before the exam and sleep!

Prepare for the biology exam is possible even from scratch if you understand what you want, you know how to discipline yourself, but at the same time give yourself the opportunity to relax and are ready to learn. We wish you a successful crossing of the ege on biology!

How to prepare for the ege on biology? This question is asked by many. After all, tutoring services are quite expensive, especially for those who are not in Moscow, but in the regions. As a biology teacher with many years of experience, I can say: yes, you can prepare for the EEG on biology yourself.

But there is a key point: preparation for the exam on biology is independently possible if the high school student knows how to organize himself. If he can make a plan and follow him.

After all, there are schoolchildren who, without external control - parental, teaching, teacher, cannot organize themselves. It is difficult for them to develop a plan of action. Such children necessarily need a teacher, you need a third party that will regulate them and direct.

How to start an independent preparation for the EEG on biology?

Now on the website of the FII, and in bookstores you can find a classifier for themes of biology, installed by the FII. For this plan and you need to prepare. Moreover, the topic can be very large. It can be subsections, and all of them need to go through, shifting, learn.

Immediately after studying the topic, we solve thematic tests. There are many collections of training tasks in the format of the exam. They must be solved as much as possible. The main thing is practice.

Even if you are preparing to the ege on biology yourself - well, when there is someone to consult, determine how much time to devote each topic. Everything topics EME Biology different! There are very large, global. For example, zoology or botany, where the volume of the material is huge.

How to calculate the time of self-preparation for the EEG on biology?

If you started to prepare in grade 11, in September, you have almost 9 months to prepare. But at the same time, you will have to remove a month-one and a half of them to some unforeseen circumstances: I could not sit down for textbooks, or fell ill, or holidays, or in school asked too much. And it remains somewhere 7 and a half months. Highlight a month and a half to work out exactly esmer options According to biology. And the rest of the time distribute to the study of theory, thematic tests and tasks.

How can parents help in independent preparation for biology?

First of all - parents know and understand their child. They can evaluate whether the tutor is needed, or courses, or their high school students are so organized that it can prepare for the exam in biology itself.

The ege on biology choose those who at least about representing where to do. And these are serious specialties - medicine, psychology, veterinary medicine. The ege on biology does not pass "just so" to pass something. And it is better to discuss with parents, where to do what directions, as far as it really is. Because to swing on independent preparations for the exam on biology and then do not pull it out - it can be very offensive.

Starting preparations for the exam on biology, determine if you can make a work plan and follow it. Will it be able to distribute time to pass the impressive volume of theoretical material. Find ways to check your knowledge. Or - choose until it is too late, the qualitative courses of the ege on biology. This option is a win-win.


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