Accurate horoscope for the year by date. y - the best time for the wedding

Accurate horoscope for the year by date. y - the best time for the wedding

2017 - the year of red rooster on the Eastern calendar. A selection of horoscopes on the Okulus website traditionally includes a horoscope for the year for the signs of the zodiac, horoscopes by months of 2017, the gardener and flower calendar. By the New Year, the section of horoscopes for 2017 will be complemented by copyright of our bloggers and recommendations at the meeting of the Year of the Red Rooster in the traditions of Chinese astrology

Key accents of 2017 are the transit of Jupiter on the sign of the scales, and from October 10 - on the sign of Scorpio. Saturn in 2017 is in the sign of Sagittarius. International relationships In focus of attention. Populist movements will continue to overlook the world, confidence in the institutions of power will weaken. How to plan individual activities in instability and make 2017 as creative as possible, read in our horoscope for the signs of the zodiac. Author - Irina Zvyagina

The love horoscope for 2017 brings to the fore Elegance and attractiveness of the chosen character, as well as caution and selectivity in relationships. Representatives of air signs - Scales, Aquarius and Gemini - in 2017 will benefit the impulse to change and variety of options. Since October 2017, water signs will take the baton. Author - Irina Zvyagina

Major astrological accents of the year, advice, cautions. Continuation - horoscope for zodiac signs for every month 2017. The author is Nani Davitashvili.

Trends in 2017, a detailed forecast for every month on key astrological configurations. Kaleidoscope astrological metaphor. Author - Valentina Vittrock
Horoscope 2017 on: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

In the choice of dates, favorable for marriage, priority is given to the harmonious aspect of the marriage of Venus and Moon as the main planet responsible for harmony and the comfort of the marriage union. The main astrological aspects are also taken into account.

The time of the Chinese New Year on the thousand-year sunny calendar - on the night of 3 to 4 February 2017. Knowledge of the nature of the impact of annual stars allows us to make the necessary changes in your home, in order to strengthen the impact of favorable forces and level the power of unfavorable. The author - Sultanthbekov Sheli

This little note is activating our old New Year's blog. This is how to open a forgotten chest with New Year's toys. Reliable, remember ... Read, perhaps you will be useful to you - recipes, crafts or memories. If there is a desire, replenish.

In Chinese astrology, it is believed that the year of the Red Rooster is the year of cheerfulness, lifting, strengthening good luck. The rooster loves all the order, but not indifferent to the lush ceremonies.

2017 VIP-dates are days with high energy potential, which is accompanied by an abundance of opportunities and a special Aura of success and luck. Events on such days are on the rise and inspiration, impressive with a scope, optimism.

In 2017, we expect two solar eclipses of 140 and 145 Sarosa series - February 26, 2017 and August 21, 2017. This eclipse series contains a trace of events of 1945 and 1999.

The article indicates the phases of retrogradity of the planets in 2017, given recommendations and advice on the correct use of energy of their influence at appropriate periods

Amazing tarot forecast for the signs of the zodiac, a description of the annual tendencies in love "for all and everyone". Read the Tamta Rot Blog cycle from 5 articles.

Planting and transplanting houseplants, seeding, soil looser, making fertilizers, the fight against soil pests - everything you need to know gardener and Ortsman in 2017. The author is Oksana Tamilin.

Okulus calendars include moon calendar With the ability to see the lunar day for today and the interpretation of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, the lunar calendar of the gardener, the lunar calendar of the flower plant, the beauty calendar, as well as the calendar of favorable days for business, home and life, shopping.

Forecast on the runes and Lenorman's small deck for 2017 (part 1). The author is Natalia Buchacksky.

Horoscope 2017 foreshadows all the signs of the zodiac an interesting year, there will be many unusual impressions. Are you interested in how the next year will affect your life? Read the horoscope for your sign and find out what the stars promise you good luck, with what difficulties will have to face how relationships, love and financial circumstances will be collapsed. Look for a passing wind into your sails and use all the features that are waiting for you ahead.

Horoscope for 2017 year for Aries

Aries awaits an interesting year. Representatives of your sign will feel an innovative impulse that encourages to make changes, something fresh and romantic in your life, rebuild it or update it, remake yourself. It will be the time to define new priorities, building new concepts, the foundation of which was laid during previous years. Many of you will refuse outdated stereotypes and are solved on something new.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

The year promises to become very saturated for the Taurus. Favorable opportunities will constantly appear, and your task is to notice them on time. In life and worldview will occur amazing changes, cherished dreams can come true. However, we should not count only on the stars and good luck, because the inaction will not bring the result. Choose responsibility and conscientious as your guiding star.

Horoscope for 2017 for twins

Twins a year bears the possibility of growth and progress in various spheres of life. Achievements are expected in a quarry, relationships with friends and relatives will be warm and positive. Stars will help you, but do not forget about your contribution - make a maximum possible so that all wishes to be implemented. The romantic component of life promises to be quite stormy and diverse, because in the House of Love Gemini until October 2017 is Jupiter, Planet Good luck.

Horoscope for 2017 for cancer

2017 will be important for home and family of cancer. Jupiter, Planet Good luck, during the first nine months is in the family sector of your sign, promising you excellent opportunities to improve the quality of life. The influence of Jupiter can be expressed in the purchase of an apartment, building a house, repair, expansion or modernization of housing. It is possible to move to a large house or acquiring long-term goods that increase the feeling of comfort. Some of you are expected to change the place of residence, moving to another city or even the country.

Horoscope for 2017 for lion

Lviv expects a successful time when new heights can be achieved. However, for this you need to activate your energy to take advantage of the favorable opportunities that stars provide. Sign representatives Lion have support for Saturn and Uranus, two slow planets that enhance your potential. The period is favorable for a career, especially if you do not refuse new features. In addition, and at the personal level you will achieve what you want.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Virgin

The year is marked for the Virgin mixed influences. He can bring a lot of trouble, but even more joy. Representatives of your sign are known for excellent analytical abilities, so you will not be difficult to follow the right course. You can make harmony into your life, gain reliable friends and conquer new vertices. Until October 2017, the Planet of Good luck Jupiter remains in your money sector. This is a good planetary position promising growth in material and financial plan.

Horoscope for 2017 year for weights

This time promises to be quite favorable for weights. In your Sign of Scales until October 2017 remains the Planet Good luck Jupiter, its influence is positive in many ways. It's time for your most intimate dreams come true. Jupiter gives you self-confidence, energy and vitality, brings successes. You will feel that life becomes more complete and more prosperous. Focus on purpose and act, and then what you want will become yours. Communications with foreign countries and foreigners will be beneficial for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for scorpion

2017 year for scorpion will become quite stable. Many of you will focus their efforts on professional development. As for relations with friends and in the family, they will develop calmly. In personal life, some concern can deliver your second half. The misunderstandings associated with the short-sighted partner are not excluded, although serious problems are also not expected. In the House of Love Scorpion there is a romantic Neptune, instilling hope and promising love joy.

Horoscope for 2017 year for Sir

Streltsov expects a favorable period. You can realize your ambitions, planetary energies will have a positive effect on all sides of life. At the same time, you need to remember that the stars do not guarantee good luck in everything, they will help if you decide to act intelligently and show perseverance. To succeed, the horoscope advises you to focus on the most important tasks. Spraying your hand in various directions is undesirable, it is better to choose those relative to which you feel confident that we will cope. This year can be very successful for love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn

Horoscope 2017 foreshadows Capricorn successful time. Perhaps astrological influences recent years Forced you to recover, but this year everything will calm down, you are expected to achieve in all spheres of life. Relationships will come back in your direction fresh breeze Positive change. Facels favorable circumstances for career and financial growth. Jupiter, planet of great happiness, is in the house of Capricorn's career, so you have high aspirations and grand plans.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

For water, a year may be happy and successful. You will make a significant step forward in your career, the influence of stars on your side. You need to learn, receive new knowledge and experience, and then you can create favorable situations yourself or take advantage of successful chances. You will gladly notice that people will be friendly to you, they will look at you with respect and appreciation or with love if it comes to personal relationships. Many of you will receive offers to participate in projects that will be very profitable.

Horoscope for 2017 for fish

For fish, the period may be quite successful. You can direct your energy to implement the most bold projects without fear of losing. No one and nothing will stand on your way, you are awaiting success. There are chances to earn big money and improve your financial situation. However, the stars advise to remember that this year moderation is important, so you need to define priorities and do not try to get everything immediately.

Oracle: Forecasts and Predictions 2017

"Dear readers, I do not really like to predict. First, because ungrateful this thing: people often ask to tell the future, and having learned it, or they do not believe, or cease to work on their lives and spoil it. Secondly, not all, nice (and ethically) voice. But now I decided to make an exception, move away from my principles.
I will share with you not a forecast, but rather with my forebodings about the upcoming 2017.

Economic forecast

Future 2017, according to my feelings, will be one of the most successful and more favorable over the past 20 years. In all areas. I can not start with an economic topic. I am waiting and seeing the rise of Russian business. Improving business climate, and favorable environment for entrepreneurship. Wishing to invest in our country will appear again, the dollar rate will be stable, the profits of Russian producers will grow.
This, of course, will affect the psychological climate of Russian citizens. Each family will feel relief. Many will make it easier to find a job. We will go to the past thoughts that tomorrow may be nothing to feed the children. Women will stop worrying about the fact that the breadwinner will suddenly stay without work ...

2017 - the best time for the wedding

But when our favorite is less worried, they become gentle to husbands! So the next year is also a year of stability in the family. So those who are on the eve of 2017 reflect on marriage, do not miss the moment: do the offer!
Red rooster favors newlyweds. Cute ladies! Do you think, is it time to bore the union by the official stamp?
It's time, 2017 - best time for the wedding.

About Russia and the World

Russia's relations with all countries of the East will improve, and some European powers will compete for Russia's favor.
But the influence of our main strategic enemy to politics and the economy in the world (well, you understand, about whom I say!) Will decrease.

Higher forces will be in every way to help twins, fish and lions

I especially want to appeal to representatives of three signs: twins, fish and lions - you are lucky! All this year will get it! All conceived will be. No obstacles on your way! Higher forces will be in every way to help you. Good luck will seem to keep your hand. The rest of the signs will need to be a little bit to succeed, but they will be squeezed at some moments the incredible lightness of being.

What awaits Russia in 2017

The year will be fine: I do not see any terrible cataclysms in our country. Yes, the world around will be fevering, in Kaleidoscope the most
Different events of trouble will not be less: fires, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, but we will only be sympathetic here
spectators. Russia seems to be a cocoon protective tighten from all natural troubles. Will be part of her terrible tragedies
With large human losses, unless the floods are lightly disturbed our calm existence, but we will safely handle it.

On the eve of 2016, I was asked me too, what awaits our country? And I answered then: I see falling aircraft. Well, unfortunately, I was not mistaken. So this year they will not fall. A long time ago, the strongest of those known for me, the legendary Wang, said: "Time will come, and the country will have the leader, the president named Vladimir, who will exalcate Russia." This hour has come. Russia is rightfully engaged in a key place on the world stage. We left to take one step, and it is to be done in 2017! Happiness to you all! "

Oracle Magazine: Prognoses and Predictions for 2017


DEAR READERS, I DO NOT REALLY LIKE TO PREDICT. Firstly, Because IT IS An Ungrateful Job, People Often Ask to Foreretell Their Future, But Once They Learn It, They Either Do Not Believe, Or Stop Working On Their Lives and Spoil Them. SECONDLY, NOT ALL INFORMATION THAT I CAN SEE IS NICE (AND ETHICAL) TO SHARE. But Now I Have Decided to Make An Exception, to Diverger from My Principles.
I Will Share With You Not a Prognosis, But Rather My Presentiments About Upcoming 2017.

I Feel That 2017 is Going to Be One of the Most SuccessFul and Favorable Years Over The Last 20 Ones. In all Areas. I Cannot Not Start With Economic Issues. I'm Waiting for And I See The Rise of the Russian Business. Better Business Climate and Favorable Conditions for EntrePreneurship. There Will Be Those People Again Who Will Be Willing to Invest in Our Country, The Dollar Rate Will Be Stable, The Profit Of Russian Producers Will Grow.
This, of Course, Will Have An Impact On The Psychological CLIMATE OF RUSSIAN CITIZENS. Every Family Will Feel Relief. Many People Will Find A New Job Easier. Thoughts That Tomorrow You Will Not Be Able To Provide Your Children With Food Will Remain in The Past. Will No Longer Worry About Their Breadwinners Suddenly Losing their Jobs ...
Red Rooster Favors Newlyweds. Lovely Ladies! Are you Wondering Whether IT's Time to Register Your Relationships with An Official Stamp in Your Passes?
IT's Time, 2017 is the best time for weddings.
The Relations of Russia Will Improve, and some European Powers Will Compete for the Favor of Russia.
At the Same Time The Impact of Our Main Strategic Enemy on Politics and Economy In The World (Well, You know Who I'm Talking About!) Will Decrease. I Have Especially Good News for Representatives Of Three Signs: Gemini, Pisces and Leos - Lucky You! ALL YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE FORTINATE THIS YEAR! All Plans Will Come True. THERE ARE NO OBSTACLES IN YOUR WAY! Higher Powers Will Help You in Every Possible Way. Luck Sems to Hold Your Hand and Guide You. The Other Signs Will Need to Put a Little Bit More Effort In It To Succeed, But The Will Feel The Incredible Lightness of Being At Some Point.

The Year Will Be Wonderful: I Do Not See Any Terrible Disasters in Our Country. Yes, The World Will Be in a Fever, in a Kaleidoscope of the Most Various Not Reduce: Fires, Earthquakes, Terrorist Attacks, Technological Accidents, But We Will Only Stay Sympathetic Spectators. RUSSIA WILL BE HIDDEN FROM AL NATURAL DISASTERS WITH A PROTECTIVE COCOON. Terrible TRAGEDIES WILL SLIGHTLY DISTURB OUR PASS WILL SLIGHTLY DISTURB OUR PEACEFUL SLIGHTLY DISTURB OUR PEACEFUL EXISTENCE, BUT WILL SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS SUCCESSFULLY.

ON THE EVE OF 2016, PEOPLE ASKED ME, AS WELL, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO OUR COUNTRY. AND I SAID, I See Falling Aircrafts. Well, Unfortunately, I Was Not Mistaken. SO This Year They Will Not Fall. ONE DAY THE STRONGEST PROPHETESS I'VE EVER KNOWN, THE LEGENDARY VANGA, SAID: "The Time Will Come, And The Country Will Get a Leader, A President Named Vladimir, Who Will Make Russia Great." This Time Has Come. Russia Will RightFully Take a Key Position in The Global Arena. IT Remains for US to Take One Step, and We Will Do It In 2017! Great Happiness to All of You!

(beginning January 28, 2017)

Solar eclipses in 2017: Ring-shaped - February 26 in the fish; Full - August 21 in Lev.

Lunar eclipses in 2017: Polevoy - February 11 in Lev; Partial eclipse - August 7 in Aquarius.

For the world

At the change of a restless and unpredictable fiery monkey will come a plumbing and proud, warlike fiery cock. It will bring bright and cardinal changes with it, both in financial and in the spiritual sphere around the world.

For the whole world, 2017 will become a turning point. The warlikeness of the fiery sign in this period will completely reveal. Many countries will try to "play muscles" in front of each other, exposing the power of powers. But before the "fight" it is unlikely to reach, since the fire cock is not only a symbol of militancy, but also diplomacy. The ability to negotiate for the strengths of this world will come out of the attacked situation.

Countries that will not find a common language with their neighbors, still risk unleashing the war. The turning time and conflicts may flare up new powers. For our country, the main thing is not to succumb to provocations and refrain from large-scale hostilities. Although this time we must do everything so that we are not drawn into world War, and stand up aside. And those who want to push our country in the abyss of war will be plenty. Let's hope for the wisdom of our leaders!

For Russia

2017 will be held under the auspices of the eccentric fiery rooster. The Lord of the Year Conservative, and does not like innovations, he prefers to philosophize than to act. But at the same time, the rooster leader - changes in Russia, of course, will be, because our country will continue to strengthen political positions. The main thing is that 2017, as the year of the century of the October Revolution, did not become the year of the next great shocks.

The danger of fiery rooster for Russia is attacking nearby countries. The government will have to show persistence and do not be tricking the deposits of the enemies. Otherwise, the outcome of the crossing will be sad - war and devastation on both sides.

Part of the sanctions will be removed, but only part, the enemies will still try to make a discord into gradually reinforcing connections. The government will put all the forces on the eradication of terrorism. But someone else's war can "hook" and Russia, if the allies do not turn on. Due to the assistance, the country will be able to protect against the actions of terrorists.

The fiery rooster will check for the resistance of residents of Russia. The economy will not grow, the revenues of Russians will wish to be desired. Therefore, rebellion is possible, clashes the simple people with representatives of power and protests. However, the government will find a way to return everything "in circles of its own" and prevent one more civil war.

Changes continue in Russia, Koi brought the year of the fiery monkey, the year will be the same intense as the past, all the trends of the year of the monkeys will continue, to change for the better you need to go through this year. There will be inspections, the leadership will continue to shoot corrupt officials, leaders in the economic block will change more than once.

New educational, medical institutions will begin to be built and open. Since the country will critically be lacking for financial resources, it is not necessary to wait for breakthroughs in the economy, but the trend towards changes is already scheduled and the leadership will constantly try this way, then the EDAC will overcome the financial crisis. There will be no strengthening of the ruble, inflation will continue. The inhabitants of our country waiting for another financially difficult year.

The country can succeed in the field of accurate sciences and in the field of education. The results are awaiting good, but you need to act actively and vigorously. Despite the cold beginning of the year, the warming of relations between the government and the State Duma should be expected. Stabilization will not come to our country with the fighting of chimes - the process is this long and gradual. But positive changes will be noticeable, there will be trends for improvement.

In 2017, it is expected to rise in medical production, pharmacology, including in the sector of new technologies, international corporations may reach in some regions. Not expected to improve the situation for state employees - people dependent on state payments will experience certain difficulties associated with inflation. But in many regions will decrease the level of official unemployed. Rooster, compared with the owner of last year, will suit more responsibly. In the year of the rooster it is worth waiting for breakthroughs in the development of space, and Russia will be able to be proud of its achievements.

In the year of the Red Fiery Rooster, Russia will continue to strengthen its authority, positive changes will be noticeable in the cultural life of the country. 2017 will be a period of spiritual and intelligent transformation.

Basically, the forecast for 2017 for Russia is positive, but only with the correct placement of priorities, since the fiery rooster loves and appreciates accuracy in everything.

For us

Next year will be held under the auspices of the purple phoenix or fiery rooster. This means that all the problems that appeared in 2016 are increasing under the action of fiery birds, and people morally and spiritually reap.

But not everything is so rosy, as it may seem at first glance. The company expects various kinds of conflicts that will be settled only due to the competence of the authorities and the cohesion of the people.

Fire cock will bring people opportunities for self-realization, business development, career growth. In 2017, first place must be put in family and family values. The fiery bird will help to establish relationships with long-distance relatives, return warmth to the family hearth.

2017 is dangerous for hot-tempered people who do not know how to control their emotions. It will only bring the fiery rooster and suffering, since under his influence the aggressiveness of people increases. If a person does not learn to control himself and ignore the attacks from the outside, then it is waiting for a year filled with conflicts.

Ambitious, volitional people will get an increase and will take high paying positions. But it is not necessary to relax and let the further development of events on samonek. The fiery cock does not tolerate laziness, therefore it is necessary to continue productively work.

Since the symbol of 2017 is considered to be a big soul, spending money without special needs. Otherwise, you risk trying all the "joy" of the financial crisis for yourself. Investing finances in dubious projects is also not recommended, since you are in any case to prit. To take loans not the best time, it is better to refrain. Scoop, and not to take into debt - the motto of the upcoming year.

To the first spring months, the fire cock will start to fully. During this period, people will face sharp changes in life. Some will understand that the position previously occupied by them does not bring them the material benefits or satisfaction. Therefore, they will change the scope of activities for more profitable. People associated with art will be scented with an emotional rise and tide of inspiration. They will begin to create, discovering other talents.

Businessmen and people associated with trade will try to optimize their business and reduce costs. But people associated with sales, we need to beware of the tricks of enviously disguised as friends and companions. If you do not detect a "Salad Cossack" next to you, then the business can "fall apart."

The year of the fiery rooster requires a more neat attitude to finance. Financial frauds, deception, theft and fraud are not welcome a honest fiery bird. People who earn the material benefits at the expense of suffering, tears and poverty of others will be punished with a fiery rooster. Any dishonest act associated with finance will soon reveal. And the money obtained by a dishonest way will go away in the same way, as they came, but at the same time they will entail negative consequences.

The year of the fiery rooster will bring change in personal life. The one who was previously alone will meet his second half and gains happiness. But for the couples already consisted, serious tests have prepared. If the lovers do not give each other enough attention, and will react to envious gossip, they will soon disperse.

Families are possible on financial soil. If both spouses do not negotiate and save, then a long-term painful belling is possible.

In 2017, it is not recommended to dive into "self-confidence" and try to find non-existent flaws. Analyvy fiery rooster than only by those who respect, appreciates, loves himself and takes his own "I", what it is that it does not cancel spiritual growth and self-improvement. Self-development in the coming year will bring sense-paying positions to purposeful people. But do not forget about our own spiritual development. The fiery bird appreciates not only the intellect, but also the spirituality of man.

In 2017, strive to support people close to you, if possible, avoid conflicts. The fiery rooster appreciates cohesion, and therefore it will support people, kind heart, as well as those who have the gift of diplomacy.

How to meet the year of the fiery rooster

You are not so pleased to please the owner of the coming year. It should be remembered that the fiery cock is a symbol of family, love and warmth of loved ones. Therefore, the new year astrologers advise to meet in the circle of relatives and faithful friends. Gather a big company, because the fiery bird loves so much attention.

The decoration of the house is an important aspect at a new year meeting. But it is not necessary to overdo the shiny decorations, as was done on the eve of the year of the fiery monkey. A bright red bird does not tolerate excesses, everything should be in moderation.

In decorations, red, coral, scarlet, gold, green shades should prevail. These colors will help to place an eccentric fiery rooster.

On the festive table should not be chicken meat, ducks and housing. The traditional baked bird is better replaced by pork, beef or rabbit, otherwise the fiery rooster is angry. Salads, greens, red vegetables and fruits in large quantities - All this will help get support from fire birds.

Before the feast you need to choose an elegant, bright, but at the same time not vulgar clothes. Red rooster does not tolerate people who do not know how to dress with taste. Because to get its location, you need to give preference to classic suits with bright shirts, dresses of red and golden, emerald shades.

From the decorations on yourself on the eve of the year of the Red Rooster you can wear gold and silver, pearl products. But you do not need to remake - jewelry should be at least.

In the middle of the festive table, it is possible to endure a fiery rooster, in the form of assorted croup, fresh greenery and red vegetables. It will lead to a good luck in the coming year, because a bright bird will protect you and your family.

Rooster will be happy if there are many guests, especially children. Kids are better to put apart from adults, and not bad if the children themselves decorate the dishes for their feast. Do not limit them fantasy - let the rooster find a little fidget success and good luck. The main characters of the New Year holiday fruit, especially tangerines - lay out them everywhere where you can.

As for hairstyles, the Lord of 2017 is not too demanding. "I fell from the haymaker" - the appropriate option, because the rooster loves the naturalness and classical mess. Of course, it is not worth literally to perceive this advice - negligent curls are the highest pilot, and not every lady can boast the ability to achieve such perfection. The outfit is better to choose a bright and original, with ruffles and swans. Men will have to look stylish, elegant, and courageously.

And the main requirement of the rooster is a good mood and noisy company!

For each zodiac constellation, the year of the fiery rooster will be held in its own way. Someone will bring good luck and the long-awaited meeting, and someone is sadness and longing. But in everything you need to rely on ourselves, because we are the creators of their own happiness.


For impulsive and hot-tempered Aries, the year of the fiery rooster will bring change, help climb the career staircase. In the first half of the year, representatives of this sign need to keep themselves in their hands, otherwise, because of their quick-temperedness, they risk stay alone.

Aries need to assimilate that only work on themselves and following a clearly planned plan will help to overcome vital difficulties. In 2017, suspicious individuals should not be trusted - the enemy can appear next to the Aries, covering a friend's mask.

The year of the fiery rooster for representatives of the sign is a period for long-term planning. When drawing up lists of Aries, it is recommended to properly arrange priorities. The main goal should be to ensure a comfortable life for themselves and their loved ones, and not a waste of money for entertainment.

In the personal life of Aries await change. Temperamental representatives of the sign in the coming year will finally find not just the second half, but also like-minded people who will support them in all endeavors. Family Aries will face cooling in relationships. But you should not panic and break strong bonds. Astrologers are recommended during this period to completely devote themselves to the spouse (spouse), constantly showing their feelings and seeking reciprocity.

The coming year is promulit the abundance of attention from the opposite sex. But you do not need to waste yourself for short-term relationships. Family hairs should withdist themselves from "hikes to the left", since the fiery rooster does not leave a betrayal of unpunished. The walking not only will not find happiness in new relationships, but also destroy strong family bonds, and in the end there will be one.

Free Aries will face a series of disappointments in the elect (chosen). To avoid this, do not disclose before the partner after 2-3 dates. Keep your own inner world and emotions with you. True love It will find you myself, so it is not necessary to dive with your head into the ohut of passions. It only exhausts you emotionally and will not bring long-awaited happiness. Each act of Aries in 2017 should be thought out, as any of them will affect future representatives of this sign. The runtime of the fiery rooster for Aries is a fateful.

Autumn 2017 will be marked for people born under the auspices of a fiery sign, improving the financial position. Moreover, cash flows will bring cases previously considered unpromising.


The year of the fiery rooster will force the slow tanks to engage in self-improvement. Moreover, work on oneself will bring significant fruits: the signs of the sign will learn to control the anger, will become open to communicate and stop stubborn without reason.

But with Skopidomism and greed, the calves are unlikely to cope. The fact is that under the influence of the fiery rooster, these negative qualities are enhanced. To deal with them, the calves will have to make a lot of effort.

People born under the auspices of this sign in 2017 will be able to pay for old accounts and close all debts. But at the same time the year of the fiery rooster will not bring material enrichment to the calves. Their revenues will remain at the same level, but with the right distribution of finance, for the second half of the year, the sign representatives will be able to scatter a decent amount.

In 2017, the Taurians need to be afraid of random connections. Relationships for one night can lead to a long connection, but the chosen one will actually be an alphonse or sweat.

Year of Fiery Rooster Sulit Great Strengthening family relationshipsReunion with relatives. You do not need to repel close people from yourself, try to understand them and take it as they are.

Family carts will be resolved for the birth of a child. The news of the replenishment will make even more work for the benefit of the family. Single Tales will always be the center of attention, but they need to learn to distinguish real feelings from hypocrisy. Otherwise, they risk staying with a broken heart and an empty wallet.

In the year of the fiery rooster, the Tales are recommended to abandon dubious transactions, spend more time with family. Special attention should be paid to children (if they are). Turn off for a short time, talk with your offspring, and you will feel how easy it becomes like.


The most restless and windy sign of the zodiac in 2017 is waiting for change, both in work and in personal life. Gemini, tired of routine and events, will change their place of residence and spread up with an adult work. In this fiery cock, they will support them and will help to overcome with the ease of all obstacles.

Astrologers recommend representatives of this sign not to spend money on entertainment, but to save them to acquire more than worthwhile. In the year of the fiery rooster, the twins are in the risk zone, as they love to spend, and they do not like to earn at all. They need to overpower themselves, learn to save and spend money with the mind.

In 2017, Gemini will be able to easily leave conflict, thanks to the innate gift of diplomacy. They will be able to reconcile long-winning parties, collect all family members at one table and prevent them from quarrel. But twins will face misunderstanding and irritability. This will be connected with their permanent findings.

Fire cock will not bring a windy mark of light money. To somehow hold out "afloat", the twins will have to make a lot of effort that at the end of the year will allow them to relax and the body and soul.

Air sign coming year prepared a lot of tests. Gemini may face deception from close people. Always open representatives of the sign and are not suspected that under the masks of a friend or the beloved there may be a traitor. Moreover, betrayal may be in the form of ordinary deception, and in the form of treason. But the twins will not despair, they, having embraced from the life of the traitor, will go further with proudly raised head.

The fleet novels, intrigue - all this is waiting for windy twins in 2017. Always in the center of attention, these people in the soul will remain lonely until they meet their second half. And this will happen at the very beginning of the year. Fire rooster gives a changeable sign with bright feelings and emotions.

Family twins will strengthen relations with the second half, not looking at past quarrels and problems. The free representatives of this sign, having met love, can decide on marriage.


Cuts Fire Cock prepared many bright events that can affect both positive and negative in the sign of the sign. In order to succeed in 2017, cancer will have to mobilize all the forces and become more movable, cheerful. If this is not done, then in the coming year, the representatives of the sign will not be able to achieve anything substantial.

Cancers must understand and accept the fact that help in 2017 will not expect from anyone. "Want to do something well, do it yourself" - a quote that exactly describing the life of a non-retorrope. The only thing that will be able to get cancers from people close to them are moral support.

Fire cock will not give representatives of the sign to relax. Cancers will have to constantly be in motion, adapt to colleagues, friends, relatives and beloved. In the spring of cancer will be able to get a favorable position, but if they, as always, will pay back, then someone will get it better.

Throughout the year, the representatives of the sign will face the indecent behavior of their second half. Cancers will be jealous, sometimes bringing the situation to the absurdity. Astrologers recommend them during the rule of fiery rooster to learn how to restrain themselves, otherwise their jealousy can lead to a protracted depression and a nervous breakdown.

Long-term business trips are possible at work, both in the native country and for its borders. Cancers will learn a lot of new things, make useful dating and get a lot of bright sensations. But if the family cancer decides to Ajulter during a trip, then a blank apartment will be waiting for him at home and the court for divorce.

For single cancers, a business trip to another city will be a great chance to meet his love. Just do not need to immediately rush into the ohwow with your head - before you open a partner, look carefully for him.

In general, 2017 for cancers will be favorably, if they are rapidly, they will not be stubborn and be crazy with their jealousy of the second half.

a lion

The invested and strong lions of 2017 promises success in all endeavors. The fact is that the elements and the year, and the sign of the zodiac completely coincides - the fire will flare up more and more, heated by its warmth of Lviv. And the sun will protect his wards throughout the year.

Sign representatives can relax, this year everything will be asked as they wish. Lions will rise through the career ladder, will be able to carry out a long-standing dream. But not everything is so rosy. Element of fire will make the negative features of the sign, which is why close people will suffer. Lions need to abandon the habit of command and consider themselves the center of the Universe. If they do not do this, they will suffer from loneliness and misunderstanding from friends, loved ones and colleagues.

In terms of finance, in the year of the fiery rooster, Lviv expects material enrichment, only under the condition that they will satisfy their pride and can take criticism as due. Sign representatives are advised not to try to make several tasks at the same time. Despite the abundance of energy, the lions better devote it to one, but large-scale cause. It is it that will bring more income and can morally satisfy the fiery sign.

Astrologers advise not to work alone, but to create and lead the team of professionals. This will facilitate the sign of the process of achieving the goal.

The coming year will give a fiery sign of a beard of feelings and emotions. But gullible and falling lions on flattering should be careful in choosing a partner. No need to pay attention to people sprinkling you by compliments and trying to be in the soul. Pay attention to modest and interesting people, you can find your happiness with someone of them.


The year of the fiery rooster for restrained and judicial maiden issued fruitful. The owner of the year will give representatives of the sign by the prospects, personal and career growth. But for this, the devies need to stop walking against fate.

In 2017, this earthly sign will have to work a lot to achieve raising. Be stubborn and diligently, then luck myself will come to your hands. Astrologers are not recommended during the reign of fiery rooster to raise relations in the workplace. A service story will not turn into something more, but only emotionally exhausted.

The fiery rooster will help the devies to acquire what they wanted so long ago. In 2017, representatives of the earthly sign can afford large spending, since this period promises to be profitable. The economy and practicality of the virgins will help them avoid the financial crisis.

In 2017, astrologers warned their virgins from rampant deeds, the consequences of which will have to "rake" for a long time. Deev should not risk their health or relationships with loved ones. Otherwise, an unjustified risk will end with a hospital bed or discharging in the family.

At the beginning of 2017, the devies will receive a profitable proposal, to refuse which it is not worth it, otherwise the highly paid position will get to someone else. If they will miss such an opportunity, then Fortuna will cease to smile. While making serious decisions, the devies are better to listen to the opinion of more experienced friends, relatives and colleagues. They will not be mistaken and help get the desired as quickly as possible.

Relations with the opposite sex at the Dev in the year of the fiery rooster will be harmonious. Family representatives of the sign are encouraged to learn how to make decisions along with their second half, otherwise the protracted quarrels can not be avoided. Free Virgin will make a man who will give them love and warmth. But not everything is so rosy. If this person will be married at the time of dating, then the flirting and dating pairs should not go. The partner will leave a virgin, returning to the family, and conscience and pain will be eaten from the inside.

The year of fiery rooster Astrologers advise the devies to devote self-realization, family and the most faithful friends. They will support, and help to avoid negative situations.


For weights, the year of the fiery rooster is a period of great opportunities, getting rid of obstacles before reaching the goal. Astrologers throughout the year advised to listen to their own intuition - it will help to take the right decision in fateful issues.

In 2017, letters will have to work a lot, sometimes, beyond measure. Stormy activity will not let you feel unnecessary and lonely. Planning cases will help weighs to avoid processing and fatigue.

In the year of the fiery rooster, with competent spending of finance, the sign awaits improving the material situation. Already in spring, the scales will be able to purchase expensive equipment or real estate. Astrologers do not advise in the summer and autumn period to give and take money into debt. The loan may not be returned to the appointed day, and the money taken into duty is quickly spent and weakened the activity of the scales. In order not to occupy, plan your budget correctly.

From boredom or high need for new feelings and emotions, weights at the beginning of the year pulls on love adventures. But with your head to go into passionate relations or light flirting is not necessary. Weighs advise in time "Include" the head and "turn off" the heart, otherwise, hungry, they "roll firels."

In the year of the fiery rooster, this balanced sign awaits travel. Scales will finally be able to relax from the city bustle and enjoy new impressions. For family representatives of the sign, vacation is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the Union and make bright paints into it. Free scales on the trip will meet a person with whom a short romantic relationship will be covered.


This watermark of the zodiac in 2017 is expected to be dramatic change. Scorpions will replace the work, place of residence, rupture old, who have granted lovelines. Representatives of the sign in the year of the fiery rooster will be able to achieve success in business, climb the career ladder, without applying great efforts.

The owner of the year favorably mysterious and bright scorpions. They will be in the spotlight, collecting fans and grateful listeners around them. Active scorpions, changing the place of work, immediately deployed rapid activities. This will help the sign representatives all 2017 feel significant.

Fire cock gives scorpions with bright impressions, new acquaintances. Astrologers advise not to preserve old relationships, bringing suffering, and to tear them without thinking, as 2017 - a period of positive changes in the life of scorpions. Soon after the rupture, they will meet reliable and faithful satellites.

In the year of the fiery rooster, the scorpions will feel an unprecedented tide of strength. They want to act, conquer other people's hearts and comprehend the minds. In the business sphere of scorpions, there is a sharp rise, which can end up. If the watermark does not learn how to take criticism as due from the authorities, it is expected to have problems at work.

To implement large-scale projects in 2017, scorpions must be collected. Support for professionals need representatives of this sign to remove part of the duties. Scorpions must remember that only coherent work will help achieve success in the year of the fiery rooster.


The coming year will not be simple for Sagittarov. Despite the favor of the fiery rooster, the signs of the sign will face a number of problems. At the work of Streltsov in 2017, there are expecting with colleagues and bosses, and in the family - quarrels with sweethearts, a long-term breaking with someone from relatives. To avoid conflicts, a fiery sign you need to temper your dust and gain patience.

In the financial plan, the year of the fiery rooster for the archers will be positively, but only under the condition of hard work. Active, hardworking signs of the sign by fall will be able to earn decent money without applying special efforts. Non-painted and apathetic archers in 2017 will have to be not easy. They will face a lack of money, because of which they will have to look for additional earnings.

In the year of the fiery rooster, the rigging relationship with the opposite sex will be folded harmoniously. But if a hot-tempered sign does not learn yourself to control and ignore the shortcomings of your partner, the relationship will quickly give a crack.

In the coming year, Family Sagittarians will have the opportunity to refresh the feelings in marriage, return the former passion. Free representatives of the fire sign in the summer will meet their second half, the relationship with which will turn into something more. Astrologers advise the Sagittarians to relate to their chosenses with tenderness and warmth, and scandals and hysteries minimize.


Reliable and decisive Capricorn 2017 prepared many tests. From the beginning of the coming year, the representatives of the sign will face vital tasks, the decision of which will depend on their further fate. Capricorn needs to morally prepare for possible tests and do not fall in spirit.

In the year of the fiery rooster, the earthly sign will be engaged in self-improvement, which will help him understand himself and the surrounding people. Thanks to the analytical warehouse of the mind and the intuition of Capricorns, they quickly fly out of their circle of communicating enemies hiding behind the mask of friends.

In 2017, the wards of the earthly sign will expose the deception on the part of a loved one, which will entail a breaking of relationships. But it is not necessary to despair, the fiery cock will not allow the loneliness of the Capricors. Soon after the rupture, they will gain long-awaited happiness. The fire cock encourages the Capricarians for their perseverance and high performance. But they need to remember that during the reign of this bird should not make money with a dishonest way. Such material benefits will not bring you happiness.

In 2017, Capricorn is not recommended to trust personal savings suspicious personalities. Believe your intuition, it is never mistaken. You should not refuse to friends and relatives in financial assistance - the money you will take close people have all the chances to return back.

Single Capricors in 2017 expects acquaintance with their future spouse. Family representatives of the sign will strengthen the marriage bonds and will be able to spend more time with children and beloved.

Astrologers advise Capricorn in the year of fiery rooster to pay special attention to their second halves. During this period, they will especially need your support.


Insightful water in 2017 are waiting for the discovery and obtaining new knowledge. Working on themselves, the wards of the air sign will open the talents that they have not been previously suspected of. In the year of the fiery rooster, freedom-loving aquarities are decided to acquire family.

At work, the air sign should not be expected by rapid career takeoffs. The financial situation will be stable, however, to maintain material wealth, the Aquarius will have to make efforts and abandon the spending on entertainment. To succeed in the year of the fiery rooster, representatives of the air sign will only be able to defeat their own laziness. Aquarius, overpowered by themselves, will achieve an increase in service.

The wards of the air sign will face misunderstanding from their second half. The lover of water in the year of the fiery rooster will be especially difficult to accept them with their constant lack and abnormal working day. Because the air sign is recommended to find time for communication with a partner or change the scope of activity, otherwise the relationship will break.

Free Aquarius, meeting an interesting person, is decided to marry. The union concluded in the year of the fiery rooster will be strong and happy. Aquariuses do not advise to go into love adventures, to raise relations, being married. Treasure will not bring satisfaction, and about the ADULTER, your partner learns very quickly and ruins the marriage bonds.


The year of the fiery rooster for fish will be successful. Wardwinds await change for the better in all life areas. Astrologers are recommended throughout 2017 to listen solely to their own intuition and not be guided by other people's advice in achieving the goals. Even closest people will not be able to give the right advice in solving fateful issues.

In 2017, fish expect conflicts at work. Intrigans and gossips will build a goat wardwinds. It is useless to fight this, the fish you need to just ignore their lunges. The words will not go further. In the year of the fiery rooster, the sign of the sign is waiting for the increase, but with a new position they are even more responsible. In order not to persuade at work, competently plan your day and find like-minded people who will help you.

During the rule of fiery rooster, the receipt of money in large volumes can not be expected. Fishes need to learn how to save, since only then they will be able to hold out afloat until the second half of the year. In summer, their financial position will significantly improve by changing the scope of activity or increase.

In relations with relatives and beloved, astrologers recommend to refrain from the manifestation of anger. In the year of the fiery rooster you need to be tolerant to loved ones, otherwise the risk of losing relationships with them forever.

For family-run fish 2017 will be a serious test. Since the beginning of the year, they will delete cooling in relations with a partner. Fix this state of affairs will help romantic evenings and high attention to the spouse. Do not let your close person suffer and bored.

Fish suffering in marriage is not worth building illusions about the relationship of the partner to them. Relationships are unlikely to be adjusted this year, but maybe maybe everything will change in the future, how to know? In the year of the fiery rooster of free fish, numerous fleeting novels are waiting, one of which can end with a strong marriage. Do not ignore the signals of fate and listen carefully to your own intuition.

2017 - the year of the fiery rooster - everyone will bring his fruits, will give a lot of new, and it is from you depends good or bad. Accurate horoscope For 2017, it is shown in this article.

Immediately it is worth noting that the year of the rooster itself is very fruitful. Rooster is a very ambiguous and changeable bird, so in 2017 it is worth expecting a change. And if you are ready to accept them in your life, then get ready to accept and difficulty at the beginning of this year, which will certainly lead you to success. In what area of \u200b\u200blife? Depends only on you. Would you like success in working and moving on a career ladder? Then you like B. professional activities Or do we develop your own project. Failures in a personal life? It's time to start making new acquaintances.

This year is wonderful for self-improvement in any kind of activity, whether it is a sport, drawing or studying anything new. Everything will go smoothly, and the successes in different cases will pursue you with space speed.

Rooster is a very working animal that will not suffer from laziness. Therefore, this word needs to be forgotten, otherwise the astrological forecast for 2017 will not be favorable for you.

As for financial investments, it is extremely careful in this matter. Rooster itself is a very wasteful bird. This means that the stars will not help ensure that money is embedded. You yourself must carefully monitor your money to do not disappear during rash shopping, unreliable deals, rash investments. It is also not worth spending their finances, since there is a risk to stay quite without money.

In terms of health global problems Stars do not promise, but the aggravation of chronic diseases and the appearance of completely new influenza viruses are quite possible. Reasonable people bother about prevention in advance so that during the year they did not have to spend a lot of money and forces for treatment, and it was possible to deal with their lives. In some cases, diseases associated with respiratory authorities may also be possible. It is worth noting that in the winter of 2017 an increased danger is expected to get injured, it is worth paying attention to it, since the risk of a fracture will increase at times, and with it the opportunity will not have time to fulfill all the plans and skip the most favorable period for development.

It is extremely important, according to the astrological accurate forecast for 2017, participate in the social life of society. New friends and connections acquired this year will remain with you for a long time, and your second half will be true to you all my life. But do not forget in the whirlwind of the success of old friends, which are already tested by time and which is likely to be in any difficult moment for you.

The rooster does not like to remain unnoticed most of all, so do not stand in the shade, you need to change and more often to be in humans. Cardinal changes The rooster is also welcomed, so if you decide to change the work or radically change the appearance, then all these beginnings will certainly be crowned with success.

Thus, the new year 2017 horoscope advises to be the most concentrated on improving his life in all aspects. This year all the most. That is, if you achieve success, it will be the highest, but if you are lazy or silent money, then the defeat in this case will also be the most deplorable, and to rise from the bottom to the top is always harder than just go to your goal. Therefore, only on you depends, there will be a cock for you, or you just miss your chance. Rationally evaluate the situation, and the stars will help you.

It is worth noting that the very beginning of the year will be very difficult, because changes will sharply begin, perhaps cardinal. It is only worth withstanding all these difficulties, and you will be generously rewarded for your durability. Naturally, it should not be hoped only on the stars, they will help you if you yourself will work for your success.

Closer to the middle of the year you will feel the tide for new achievements. Do not miss this period, because it is extremely important and determines your future fate. If at the beginning of the year you did not give up, then it is probably already by the summer of the fruits of your efforts will be felt about themselves, and they will be more pleasant than you expect.

The order in everything is the motto of 2017. This is a year of successful and implemented people. It should be noted that those who decided to disrupt the law are unlikely to come out of the water. The rooster does not like this, so the punishment for such misconduct will be immediate.

We see that in 2017 there is a real chance to change your life and become successful in the whole person. This applies to all the signs of the zodiac, the criterion is only a desire or unwillingness to become better. New Year Be sure to bring happiness and will become a memorable period of your life.

How the horoscope foreshadows on September 2017, the fish can safely advance in the development of their ideas and plans. The month will become a successful and fruitful period, while everything will leak enough calmly, without hassle. You manage to abide by the balance between work and family. You enjoy your favorite thing and get pleasure from everything. Feeling [...]

As the horoscope predicts on September 2017, the Aquarius will spend a period enough. We will have to take steps to establish cooperation, a lot to decide and control. Be careful, listen to the advice of reliable people. To achieve harmony in relationships, you have to adapt to a person. Come objectively to solving any tasks, place everything around the shelves. Many Aquariols [...]

As the horoscope promises for September 2017, Capricorn will spend a month fruitful. To achieve good results, you will have to work hard. Focus on your purpose and try to prove to yourself that you can solve all questions yourself. Let the surrounding your plans seem absurd, you must move forward and overcome all obstacles. Do not let others make decisions for [...]

As the horoscope recommends on September 2017, the Sagittarius can safely take on the execution of his desires and plans. Special success is waiting for representatives of the sign in self-realization and career. Stretty periods behind, and you can look at the future with optimism. Changes also occur in your worldview. Your talents and abilities are revealed, new features are opening [...]

As the horoscope predicts for September 2017, Scorpio will be in the very center of events. There will be many wishing to contact you for help and support, do not deny if you help in your power. Use your inner flair to avoid trouble and foresee the development of events. Avoid conflict situations, do not get involved in disputes, be friendly [...]

As the horoscope foreshadows for September 2017, the scales will open in front of them a lot of new perspectives. Favorough the fateful events and meetings that will make you otherwise look at life. Tense moments behind, you can safely take on the development of long-haired projects. Avoid putting finances in the first place, pay more attention to your moral state. You [...]

As the horoscope promises to September 2017, Virgo will spend the period interesting and rich. There comes a period of active actions and incarnation of goals. Act organized and purposefully, set priorities to fulfill all planned cases. The horoscope recommends not to roast your talents, but to give them development. Creative devans will have a chance to make their passion for something [...]


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