Methodical development of the exercise "Life of the Forest". What a forest is

Methodical development of the exercise "Life of the Forest". What a forest is

Forest is a complex combination of a variety of variety of plants, which are very different in size, structure, reproduction, type of nutrition, etc. This is a kind of lively mechanism, large and very complex, and individual plants - its parts, details. Trees and all other plants in the forest are closely related among themselves in their livelihoods, affect each other.

That is why the forest is called the floral community or phytocenosis. This is really something holistic, well-coordinated, with its internal connections, and not a random set of individual plants.

Modern natural forests passed long way formation and development. For many centuries, a certain composition of plants capable of joint existence was chosen in the forest. From time to time, new plants penetrated the forest with time or another, but not all of them survived, persisted. Full members of the vegetation community became only the most persistent, most adapted to life in these conditions. The forestry vegetable community form only such plants that are able to successfully resist the influence of neighbors.

In each forest phytocenosis, many plants are developing together. But this is not a peaceful existence. The influence of the plant on each other often comes down to competition for life benefits: light, water, nutrients, etc. Stronger plants are able to inject weaker. Very noticeable, acute competition for the light among trees in a dense fir forest. Those fir, which grows faster, survive. And those that are lagging behind in growth from their closest neighbors, are in conditions of strong shading and after a while they die from the lack of light.

There is a competition between plants for nutrients contained in the soil. The roots of trees absorb these substances more vigorously than the roots of herbs, as a result of which trees can suppress the development of herbaceous plants.

But the relationship of plants in the forest is not concerned only to competition, to oppression of some others. There are other forms of interaction. Esbiosis between roots has particular importance in the life of the forest higher Plants (trees, shrubs, herbs) and microorganisms (bacteria, mushrooms - approx. Site). The symbiosis of roots and microscopic mushrooms is best studied, which is known as mycorrosis. Fit-shaped gifs of the fungus completely deteriorate the tips of the roots, forming the similarity of a loose case, and help the roots to extract some hard-to-reach nutrients from the soil. In turn, the mushroom receives feeding from the root - organic products secreted by outer root cells.

Mycorridge is very widespread among forest plants. Suffice it to say that about 80% of wood species that are part of our country's forests have Mikariz. In other words, the overwhelming majority of our trees do not cost their nutrition without the help of soil fungi. Mikoriza is also in many forest herbs.

There are two large groups of plants in the forest: green (autotrophy) and non-die (heterotrophs). The first includes trees, shrubs and shrubs, almost all herbaceous plants, as well as mosses. Green plants serve as primary sources of organic matter on Earth. In the process of photosynthesis, they create complex organic compounds Of the relatively simple - angle of acidic gas and water, and the energy required for this is obtained from the Sun.

Sapps play an important and very useful role in the life of forest phytocenosis. Their activities are reduced to the decomposition of complex organic substances to the simpler. The final decomposition products are inorganic compounds: carbon dioxide, water, mineral salts, etc. Saprofit plants - peculiar graceers in the forest: they do not accumulate the dead organic residues of plant and animal origin, they produce their mineralization.

Thus, two opposite processes continuously go in the forest: the creation of an organic matter and its destruction. One process carries green, autotrophic plants, other saprophytes.

In the forest, it is usually easy to see peculiar floors of vegetation-tiers. The top, the dominant tier always form trees. These large, powerful plants are the basis of the forest plant community. Under their canopy, a specific forest environment is created, which is highly different from that we find on an open, unborn space.

In the forest trees grow quite close and therefore have a strong effect on each other. As a result, their trunks are very elongated, the crowns are very narrow, and living branches begin highly from the ground. It is in the forest trees very much pull up and none of them can freely grow into width.

Trees interaction, brutal competition between them - the most characteristic trait of the forest.

Under the canopy of trees, lower vegetation tiers are usually located: underbris (shrubs), herbal and moss.
Not only individual plants are connected in the forest, but also whole structural units of forest vegetation are various tiers. The thick wood canopy, the usually underlying the underlying tiers are weaker and the more depressed individual plants forming them. The depression of plants is manifested in the fact that they are poorly growing, do not bloom and discover other signs of depressed development.

Fir forest plants

In the spruce forest, of course, spruce. But along with her, fir can meet and occasionally. The ate creates a strong shading, even on a hot sunny day in a spruce forest in a gloomy and cool. They deplete the soil with branched surface root systems. Therefore, there are few mineral substances necessary for other plants. Such conditions adapted only to some of the herbs (ordinary acid, Majnik Two-Leaf) and Mai (Cukushkin Len). Occasionally on the edge of Lial increases. Shrubs can grow here (Krushshki, Kalina ordinary), but, as a rule, they do not form thick thickets. In spruce wet forests, the mass of mushrooms is growing: chanterelles, cheesegles, agarms.

Animals of spruce forest

The community of animal fir forest is represented by the most diverse species. From the predators there are sable, caressing, burrow, badger, fox, lynx, wolverine, brown bear, and in the Far East - Ussuri tiger. If for minor predators mining - rodents, then for the largest - deer, moose, boars. From birds in the spruce forest you can meet delay, Ryabchikov, Sinitz, Kolikov, Kleztov, Dyatlov, as well as Filin. And of course, in a wet atmosphere there is a huge number of insects, an indispensable amount of Gnus.

Relationships in the natural community of spruce forest

Trees and herbs, forming the forest, and animals living in it: Deer, boars, birds, proteins, hares, insects, - as well as a variety of mushrooms, bacteria and algae living in the soil - all combined with a circulation of substances and energy, which carried out through food and other ties. The transfer of potential food of food from its creators - plants - through a number of organisms by eating some others is called a food chain. In the forest, numerous food chains are intertwined, forming nutritional networks.

Effect of forest on the environment

Fir forest as a mature natural community formed thousands of years. Spruce - evergreen plant, so round year It produces oxygen during photosynthesis. Like any forest, spruce affects the environment. Forest arrays in areas with plenty of precipitation and the closest standing of groundwater protect the territory from the fever. Roots absorb water, and CE leaves evaporate.

Forests prevent the formation of ravines. Forest plantings protect the soil from leaching during the period of spring and summer storm rains. The forest cleans the air from dust and pathogenic organisms. The analysis shows that dust in the forest and is practically none near it, while on the flanks, the amount of it increases. Fitoncides allocated by fir and some other plants kill microbes. Plants purify air, water, soil from pollution dangerous substances. The forest is capable not only to absorb the substances to be poisonous for humans and animals, but also to turn them into other, lost harmful qualities.

The forest community is the habitat of many animals who find the condition necessary for living here. But, living in the plant community, animals have a significant impact on him. Useful and necessary for the forest are animals, destroying plant pests, pollinating plants that expand their seeds and fruits. Animals living in the soil have a significant effect on its structure and fertility. Thus, in the natural community, everything is interconnected. Mushrooms form mikurizes with roots of plants, bacteria inhabit in the soil, plant residues mineralize. Forest is a natural community living with his life.

municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education Children

Children's Ecological Biological Center

cities Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

Methodical development Events:

« Life of the forest »

Children's age: 8-10 years

Developer: Harchenko Elena Borisovna

teacher of additional education

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, 2015

Explanatory note

Forests give food, drugs and fuel, provide inlets and serve as a source of income for 1.6 billion inhabitants of the planet. Forests cover 31% of the earth sushi.

The forests are the most biologically diverse sushi ecosystems, where more than 80% of the terrestrial species of animals, insects and plants live and grows. Forests are also housing, work and safety for population-dependent.

They play a key role in our combating climate change. Forests contribute to maintaining a balanced oxygen content, carbon dioxide and moisture in the air that we breathe. They protect watersheds that provide 75% fresh water in the world.

However, despite all these invaluable environmental, economic, social and medical properties, we destroy this so much the forest fabric to survive. The global deforestation continues in a threatening pace of 13 million hectares of the forest annually. The fraction of deforestation accounts for 12% -20% of the global volume of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to global warming.

To date, most people have a consumer approach to nature. An even low level of perception of environmental problems as personally significant, superficial knowledge of the objects of nature and the principles of their protection is not developed the need for practical participation in real environmental activities. That is why it is necessary to develop as soon as possible to bring up the foundations of environmental culture in children. The traditional classes contribute to the upbringing of an environmental culture, which is why me introduced a methodological development of the exercise "Life of the Forest", with the help of this classes you can introduce students with a species diversity of the forest in the forest. Explain how important everyone is the type of animal and plants, instill beige attitude towards the beautiful and fragile world of nature.


    To form a student idea that the forest is a natural community;

    learn the relationship in the natural community "Forest";


    introduce to plant and animal world of forests;

    refine the role and importance of forest in human life;

    consider forest protection measures and safe behavior in the forest;

    bring up careful attitude towards forest wealth;

    to raise the desire to make your own contribution to the protection of forests;



    presentation "Amazing Forest Life";

    distribution material for the didactic game "Forest - Multi-storey House";

    booklets "Take care of the forest!";

    illustrations of animals, birds, plants, medicinal herbs, mushrooms;

Event flow:


Hello guys! Today we will get acquainted with such an amazing natural community as a forest.

Have you ever been to the forest? What did you like there, I remember?
(Student Answers)

Guys, what do you think, why are the forest call the natural community?

(Student Answers)

The forest is a whole world in which many animals and plants live, the life of which is closely interconnected, they live together, together. All together they make up the natural community. In the forest, everything is interconnected, one link cannot exist without the other. Thus, an environmental equilibrium is maintained. Plants provide food and shelter by animals, and animals spread the fruits and seeds of plants. Forest inhabitants together live side by side, together, helping each other, as if neighbors in a large high-rise building.
Modern natural forests have passed a long way to formation and development. For many centuries, a certain composition of plants capable of joint existence was chosen in the forest. From time to time, some died, while others survived and persisted. Full members of the plant community, became only the most persistent, most adapted to life in these conditions.

Forests were formed in our different parts of the country, in different soil climatic conditions - in the north and in the south, on the plains and in the mountains, in the sands and on the loams, on the watersheds and in the floodplains of rivers. In different conditions, various types of forest occurred. For example, in the middle lane of the European part of the country on poor nutrients and dry sandy soil, we usually find a pine forest with a cover of lichens and a scant set of other plants. On the soil of sublinous, sufficiently wet and full of nutrients, a completely different type of forest will meet - most likely a spruce with the cover of the oxygen. The composition of the plants here will be different than in the pine tree, and species diversity much more.

Forests and green areas occupy almost half of our homeland. Most of the forests of Russia - coniferous. The most valuable coniferous forests of the planet are cedar, existing practically only in Russia.
In the forest, it is usually easy to see the peculiar floors of vegetation - tiers. Upper, the tier always form trees. These large, powerful plants are the basis of the forest plant community. Under their canopy, a specific forest environment is created, which is highly different from that we find on an open, unborn space.

Guys, remember which trees can be found in the forest? (Student answers).

That's right, it is spruce and pine, fir and cedar, birch and larch, oak and linden, aspen and Iva, Maple and Rowan. Let's look at these representatives of the first yarus of the forest. (Show presentation. Slide number)

What do you think, and what plants do the second tier? (Student answers). Really guys, to the second yarus of the forest, can be attributed to bushy plants, or, simply speaking bushes, such as: hazel, honeysuckle, white, bearer, and others. (Slide number)

I think you have already guessed that the third tier of the forest includes herbaceous plants - herbs. For example: Medicarian, fern, acidic, strawberries and many others. (Slide number)

The latter, but not by meaning, is a layer of soil, without which all other forest inhabitants could not exist, mushrooms, moss and lichens are located on the ground. (Slide number)

And now, I suggest you, play a very interesting game, which is called "Forest - a multi-storey house." Holding didactic game "Forest is a multi-storey house."

Well done boys! You perfectly coped with the task of the game and remembered the plants of various forest tiers well, but in every tier, there are our inhabitants, a variety of representatives of the animal world: beasts and birds, numerous insects, etc. They inhabit forest top to bottom - from the vertices of the crowns of trees to the ends of their roots. Even forest soil remains unopened.

All living beings living in the forest are closely connected with each other: they find refuge, food, reproduction conditions.

The inhabitants of the first tier of the forest are birds. Dyatlah and Tits, Klezlets and Snegiri, Soroki and Owl, Cuckoo and Fresh, Finch and Zean. (Slide number) Birds Watch in the thick of the green branches of the nest, remove chicks, find here and feed: beetles, larvae, caterpillars, grass seeds, fruits and berries of shrubs and trees. In addition to birds, in the hollows of trees, we can see the protein and the kunitsy kunitsy.

Residents of the second, third and fourth tiers, that is, shrubs, herbaceous plants and soil are mammals, reptiles and insects.

Let's remember which mammals (beasts) live in the forest. (Student Answers)
- Right! Bear and wolf, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, boar and elk. And still a forest mouse, a chipmunk, raccoon, lynx ... (slide number) in the forest lives a lot of animals. Some of them live in Norah, others, hide under the bushes, many animals find secluded corners in the most deaf more often, arranging the lair there.
- Recall who lives in minks under suede stumps, under the roots of high trees.
Tonight! Badger, hedgehog, fox. Forest forests and mouses live in the earthen norah.
Under the thick twisted branches of shrubs is hidden bunny. Wolves are sleeping in their lair, which is chosen in the most deaf places - forest chatters, and in the evening they go hunting. Bears in autumn, look for a place for the burgogs, and climb into it for the whole winter.
Lives in forests and many insects. (Slide number) On the edges and glades, the bees are flying from a flower on a flower, they collect sweet floral nectar and pollen, and at the same time pollinated plants of the forest. Large striped bumblebees and butterflies help them. Bees, bumblebees, butterflies bring forest plants. Ladybugs are also frozen friends. After all, they eat spoiling leaves and stalks tool.
Near mossy stumps, under high pines, the builders of the ants take their high thermal agents. Ants are wonderful forest assistants! They exterminate many harmful insects. Red-haired forest ants - inhabitants of one anthill - about a million diverse insects and their larvae are destroyed over the summer. In addition, the ants suffer the seeds of forest plants.
Mushrooms are special living organisms. These residents of the forest are also friends with plants and animals. The threads of the mushrooms grow up with the roots of trees, shrubs, herbs and help them suck water from soil with salts dissolved in it. In addition, mushrooms help to decompose the residues of the stumps, dried branches that have fallen on the land of trunks and fallen foliage. And to enjoy tasty mushrooms like many forest inhabitants!

The forest is invaluable wealth for humanity. It cleans the air from production exhaust and carbon dioxide. Promotes the prevention of flooding, landslides and hurricanes. Cutting trees are used as building material and for the woodworking industry. There are many forests in Russia, but they are quickly destroyed. For the protection of forests, reserves are created, they are followed by the correctness of the deforestation, for compliance with the terms and rules of hunting, the harvesting of the wild animals for the hard time of the year is to feed. In the reserves - forests such work is conducted by hunts. In nature, everything is interconnected and if one of the links disappear - this leads to the death of others.

Securitythe woods - This is the urgent problem of modernity, to which no one should remain indifferent. After all, the future lives of people fully depends on whether we will protect the forest, as well as many types of plants and animals from the disappearance.

At the end of the classroom, booklets "Take care of the forest!"

List of sources used:

    Methodological manual with pooping developments " The world»M.: Education, 2012.

    http: // RU. Wikipedia. ORG / WIKI /Forest

    Encyclopedia for "Avanta +" children. Volume 2.Biology

    Encyclopedia for "Avanta +" children. Volume 19.Ecology\u003e 9390 / ZACHEM-NUZHEN-LES /

The forest is a complex combination of a variety of variety of plants, which are very different in their size structure, reproduction, type of nutrition, etc. This is a kind of living mechanism, big and very complex, and individual plants - its parts, details. Trees and all other plants in the forest are closely related among themselves in their livelihoods, affect each other. That is why the forest is called the floral community or phytocenosis. This is really something holistic, well-coordinated, with its internal connections, and not a random set of individual plants.

Modern natural forests have passed a long way to formation and development. For many centuries, a certain composition of plants capable of joint existence was chosen in the forest. From time to time, new plants penetrated the forest with time or another, but not all of them survived, persisted. Full members of the vegetation community became only the most persistent, most adapted to life in these conditions. The forestry vegetable community form only such plants that are able to successfully resist the influence of neighbors.

The forests were formed in our different parts of the country, in different soil-climatic conditions - in the north and in the south, on the plains and in the mountains, in the sands and on loams, on watersheds and in the floodplains of rivers. In different conditions, various types of forest occurred, since vegetation is closely related to environmental, heavily depends on climate and soil. In each type of forest, we find a certain set of forest plants, which corresponds to these natural conditions. Consequently, the forest includes such plants that are adapted not only to joint existence, so to speak to the inner environment of the forest, but also to certain soil-climatic conditions, i.e. to the external environment.

Especially clearly manifests the dependence of the vegetable population of the forest from the soil conditions on a small flat space, for example, on the territory of some forestry. In the middle strip of the European part of the country on poor nutrients and dry sandy soil, we usually find a pine forest with a cover of lichens and a scant set of other plants. On the soil of sublinous, sufficiently wet and full of nutrients, a completely different type of forest will meet - most likely a spruce with the cover of the oxygen. The composition of the plants here will be different than in the pine tree, and the species diversity is much larger.

In each forest phytocenosis, many plants are developing together. But this is not a peaceful existence. The influence of the plant on each other often comes down to competition for life benefits: light, water, nutrients, etc. Stronger plants are able to inject weaker. Very noticeable, acute competition for the light among trees in a dense fir forest. Those fir, which grows faster, survive. And those that are lagging behind in growth from their closest neighbors, are in conditions of strong shading and after a while they die from the lack of light.

There is a competition between plants for nutrients contained in the soil. The roots of trees absorb these substances more vigorously than the roots of herbs, as a result of which trees can suppress the development of herbaceous plants.

But the relationship of plants in the forest is not concerned only to competition, to oppression of some others. There are other forms of interaction. The symbiosis between the roots of higher plants (trees, shrubs, herbs) and microorganisms (bacteria, mushrooms) has particularly important in the life of the forest. The symbiosis of roots and microscopic mushrooms is best studied, which is known as mycorrosis. Fit-shaped gifs of the fungus completely deteriorate the tips of the roots, forming the similarity of a loose case, and help the roots to extract some hard-to-reach nutrients from the soil. In turn, the mushroom receives feeding from the root - organic products secreted by outer root cells.

Mycorridge is very widespread among forest plants. Suffice it to say that about 80% of wood species that are part of our country's forests have Mikariz. In other words, the overwhelming majority of our trees do not cost their nutrition without the help of soil fungi. Mikoriza is also in many forest herbs.

Thus, two opposite processes continuously go in the forest: the creation of an organic matter and its destruction. One process carries green, autotrophic plants, other saprophytes.

In the forest, it is usually easy to see peculiar floors of vegetation-tiers. The top, the dominant tier always form trees. These large, powerful plants are the basis of the forest plant community. Under their canopy, a specific forest environment is created, which is highly different from that we find on an open, unborn space.

In the forest trees grow quite close and therefore have a strong effect on each other. As a result, their trunks are very elongated, the crowns are very narrow, and living branches begin highly from the ground. It is in the forest trees very much pull up and none of them can freely grow into width. Trees interaction, brutal competition between them - the most characteristic trait of the forest.

Under the canopy of trees, lower vegetation tiers are usually located: underbris (shrubs), herbal and moss.

Not only individual plants are connected in the forest, but also whole structural units of forest vegetation are various tiers. The thick wood canopy, the usually underlying the underlying tiers are weaker and the more depressed individual plants forming them. The depression of plants is manifested in the fact that they are poorly growing, do not bloom and discover other signs of depressed development.

What of our trees are light-minded, and which shades? The first include larch, birch, pine. About their lightness can be judged by appearance The appearance: the crowns of these trees are very loose, openwork, they skip a lot of light. Shadowish trees, on the contrary, have thick, dense crowns that create a strong shading. Examples of such trees can be spruce, fir, linden. Oak occupies an intermediate position, it cannot be attributed to neither typical light-loving or typical shadowless woody rocks.

Most plants that are found in the forest can be attributed to a specific tier. However, there are such forest plants that do not enter into any tier and are special, extra-Russian vegetation. One example of such rhodasy. Weak, thin stems of these peculiar inhabitants of the forest use trees as a support and rise from the ground to the top of the crowns, are thrown from one tree to another. Various lianas climb on trees in different ways. Some of them are wrapped around the trunk as a spiral, others crawl along the crust, attaching through special roots of bars. There are those that engage for a tree with strong beaches or sharp spikes resembling hooks. Liana are well adapted to life in the forest, here they find quite favorable conditions for existence. In the forests of the middle strip of our country, Lian is very small. Several more of them in the forests of the Caucasus and the Far East.

Second qualification category

Latypova L. M..

Tasks lesson:

1. To introduce students with the forest, as with the natural community;

2. Development of observation skills, the basics of research work in the study of certain types of plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the Bavlinsky district;

3. Educating curiosity, careful attitude towards nature.

During the classes:

I.Organizing time.

II.Repetition of the material passed.

Answer the test questions.

III. Message Topics lesson.

(Prepared student reads V. christmas poem)

When you enter the forest fragrant and cool,

Medium solar stains and strict silence

Meets your breast so happy and greedily

Your foot slides on the osp needles

Or rustle grass, shaky drops grew.

And the gloomy canopy of wide

I slept with the foliage of alder and young birches.

Hello to you, shelter peace and freedom,

Native north unpretentious forest!

You are full of freshness, and all in you lively,

And so many mysteries and miracles!

Did you guess, having listened to the poem, where will we go today in the lesson? What is this "shelter peace and freedom"?

Today we go back to the forest and look at the life of its inhabitants.

IV. Work on the lesson.

What types of forests grow in our country?

(Coniferous, mixed, broad-sized forests are growing on the territory of our country.)

What do they differ from each other?

(Coniferous forests are less demanding of heat. Here we grow: pine, spruce, fir, cedar.

Wide forests are formed by thermal-loving trees with wide leaves: oak, maple, linden, ash, elm.

Mixed forests, here, as it were, coniferous and deciduous trees were mixed.)

We will talk about mixed forests. Mixed forests are growing in our republic. With you many times went on excursions to the forest. Now I will show you fragments of trees and shrubs who grow in our forest, and you try to determine them. (drawings)

-- Well done! But this shrub can you and you have seen, but you probably do not know how it is called (I show the shrub of the bearing) .... Story…

The forest can be compared with a multi-storey house. Each floor has their plants and animals. The brightest will be the "attic", located in the crowns of high trees. Here at the top of the leaves always look at the sun with the upper side. Fresh greens attracts insects. At the roof of the forest, hundreds of caterpillars - future butterflies, many may beetles. On this penetrated sun and wind altitude, many birds grow chicks, proteins hide among the foliage of the nest.

The floor below is not so light. Shrubs grow here.

As the scientific are called forest "floors", you will find out by reading this on page178 textbook.

(After reading)

How are forest "floors" called scientific? - Tarusami

What is the upper tier formed? - trees

Trees form two tiers. The upper tier consists of high, light-loving tree breeds, the shapeless trees are located below.

What two tiers are shrubs? - Shrubs and shrubs

What is located on the lower "floors" of the forest? - Grass and mushrooms,

mossi and lichens.

What is the value of mushrooms in the life of the forest?

Having read the article "Does the forest mushrooms need?" You will learn how the mushrooms and trees are connected.

So, how are the mushrooms and trees connected between?

Animals in the forest spread "FASTERY". Some rises to the "attic", others go down to the "basement", that is, under the ground. Consider animals on the page

Name animals that live on trees? - Squirrel, woodpecker,

drozd, Oriole,

silkworm, bug core

(Oriole message)

Oriole is one of the most beautiful birds found in our forests. She is yellow - golden chest, head and back, and wings and tail - velvetisto - black with black splashes. So paints are painted. Females have a more modest color. Because of its bright, noticeable coloring of the Orioles arrive later than other birds, when there are already many foliage in the trees, in which you can hide. Arriving from the south, the organizag reports itself a sonorous song, similar to the sounds of the flute.

Who leads terrestrial life? - Caban, Polevka, Forest Mouse, Lask.

(Message about affection)

Lask - a forest animal of 13-26 cm long, weighing from 60 to 250 grams. He has an extended, flexible body, short ears and paws. In winter, caressing fur white colorAnd in the summer - two-color: head, back, sides and legs brown-brown, throat, chest and belly - white. Moves the caress of leaps. Flexing back like a snake, it is closed in piles of twigs or stones. Easily penetrates the holes of mice and climbs on trees and bushes. This predator is destroyed a large number of rodents.

Who can be found in the "basement" of the forest house? - animal soil, rainworm.

And also the guys, it is a loft, agricultural woods, mites, vyl-chills that recycle waste and feed on dead foliage. They assist bacteria and ringed worms. All together they turn the mountains of the leaves into fertile soil. Read about it in the textbook on page 18.

What animals do we call herpoding?

Name the herbivan animals of our forest? - elk, hare

Give examples of insectivore birds? - Sparrow, woodpecker, rapid

What animals do we call predatory?

What are the predatory animals of our forest? - Wolf, Fox, Owl.

Are there predators among insects? - Ants

What do bears eat? - berries, mushrooms, honey,

meat other animals, fish.

How do boars feed? Vegetable food, birds of birds,

fish, small beasts.

What are these beasts? Omnivorous

What animals are easier to find food? Omnivorous

Environmental equilibrium is in the forest. For example, living here mouse and voles eat a lot of seeds and trees fruit. They bring offspring big. Why can't they set up so much to destroy all future plants?

Work in working notebooks.

Open workbooks p. 56 task8.

Plant Seeds --- Flying ---- Lask

Oak-boar wolf

Holy-fox plants

Oak --- Forest mouse-owl


Aspen-Boostic --- Protein

Oak --- rodents --- Fox

Guys, why are the forest call the natural community?

All the inhabitants of the forest plant, animals, mushrooms, microorganisms are closely related, they live together, as if together. Therefore, the forest is called the natural community.

V.. Fizminutka

IV. Design work

Many plants and animals, which previously met often, have become rare. They are brought into the Red Book.

Why is this book so called?

(Red is the color of danger, means "Stop, not Gubi")

That's right, it forces its brightness of all to pay attention to the specified danger, in this case, people caution about possible severe consequences that will occur with the death of whole types of plants and animals.

How is the red book?

Each page book has its color

* Black - already extinct (sea cow, wandering pigeon)

* Red - disappearing species (snow leopard)

* Yellow - Rare species (pink flamingo)

* Green - Restored Types (River Beaver, Elk)

The Red Book was established by the International Union nature conservation In 1966. However, even in the international red book it is impossible to record all types of rare plants and animals that need protection. Many countries began to make their own red books. So in our country

The Red Book appeared in 1974. Scientists and local history Tatarstan lead their red book.

(Showing a layout with clean sheets)

Today in the lesson we will create a project

"Pages of the Red Books of the Bavlinsky district"

1 stage of the project - the formation of groups, definition subtop. At the last lesson, the class was divided into 3 groups:

1st group - "Researchers"

2nd group - "Observers"

3rd group - "Artists"

"Researchers" for 4 days had to collect the necessary information about the extinct animals listed in the Red Book.

Where did you collect information? (in the library, on the Internet, in the museum.)

"Observers" using their life experience, create rules of behavior in nature.

"Artists" create environmental signs in support of disappearing animals and plants.

Stage 2 - Independent study.

3 Stage project - project protection.

4 project stage - project presentation.

Let's summarize our search. The first group "Researchers" protect their research projects.

First group "Beasts"

The second group "Birds"

Third Group "Plants and Mushrooms"

Fourth group "Fish"

The second group "Observers" protects its project. They had to draw up the rules of behavior in nature.

Examples of the rules of conduct in nature:

1. Only tear and not destroy these plants.

2. Talk about careful attitude to plants and animals to other people, even adults.

3. Rejoice at plants, animals, admire them, extinguish in nature.

4. Do not destroy animals and plants in nature!

The third group "Artists" protects its project.

What environmental signs in support of endangered animals and plants you made up.

So, we came to the last stage of work - the presentation of the project "Pages of the Red Book of Bavlinsky District". Let's see what pages we created and what they depicted on them.

Red Book

Bavlinsky district but.

Birds Birds Plants and Fish Mushrooms

VI. Total lesson. House. Back: In Workbooks:

What new did you know for yourself working at the lesson?

What personal qualities have you purchased today by studying the pages of the Red Book?

What would you advise with your peers?

Our lesson approached the end. Let it be completed by the poem, which is the covenant to us with you:

Pupil: Love your native nature:

Lakes, forests and fields.

After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

On her we were born with you,

We live with you on her

So be the same, people, all together

We treat her kinder!


Squamous detachment

Falconia family

The view under threat of disappearance.

The view dwells in the forest-steppe zone, the mountains of Eurasia from Slovakia to East Gansu. In Tatarstan, it was noted in the vicinity of Kazan, Arska, Buinsky, Laishevsky, Pestrechinsk, Alekseevsky, Chistopolsky, Leninogorsk, Almetyevsky, Bavlinsky, Menzelinsky districts. Very rare. There are no more than five pairs in the republic. Nesting replacement view. It occurs from April to September. Nest suits on trees. Feels on birds, gopters, small mammals. As limiting factors, anxiety of nests and the use of pesticides in agriculture . The view is included in the Red Book of IUCN and Russia. The protection of nests, artificial breeding for the purpose of subsequent release and propaganda among the population is necessary.

Bumblebee Pomorum

Sponden detachment

Family of bee

Vulnerable, threatens disappearance.

The species dwells in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, is quite common in medium latitudes of Europe. For RT indicated as a normal view. In 1980, a single copy was marked in Eastern Garde. Currently extremely rare. It dwells on dry meadows and in the meadow steppes. Nests in the ground, sometimes in the nonorah rodents. Winter in fertilized females who leave wintering places at the end of May - early June. Life cycle The same as other types of bumblebees. Adult individuals prefer feed plants from the families of brown, legumes, lubber and comprehensive. An excellent pollinator of many cultivated plants, the most important pollinator of the red clover, but does not have any economic importance due to low numbers. Due to the union of land there is a sharp reduction in areas suitable for its nesting. Serious damage is applied grazing and sealing, as well as widespread use of pesticides to protect field crops. The view is listed in the Red Book.


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