When the lugs are blooming on the lake. Water lily is a charming and tender white water lily. Waterwear for the pond: species diversity

When the lugs are blooming on the lake. Water lily is a charming and tender white water lily. Waterwear for the pond: species diversity

Water lily - Charming and tender white water lily - nothing but a famous fabulous lentra-grass. Molver attributes her magical properties. She was given the properties to guard people, she could give the strength to overcome the enemy, to protect the troubles and misfortunes, but could and destroy the one who was looking for it with unclean thoughts. The jug was invested in Landan and wore as an amulet.

If you have an old lava stone from the filter or the previous landing, use it. We always apply Lava to tighten it. On the top of the lava breed, we add one more sand layer for surface sealing. If there are no koi, the sand will perform this work.

Watch the pot in the ground several times. It squeezes most of the soil air, which ensures that the minimum soil will be blown up into water when the air goes into water, and the pot is less likely to be a tip in the first few moments after it was omitted in the pond. Just raise a pot of several centimeters from the ground and lower it. Lower it in the pond slowly so that the remaining air breaks out, and you are finished. If the plant is shorter than deep-water, it usually reaches the surface for several days.

Folk Names: Lebel-Grass or Lebel White, Balabolok, Switcher, Rusalogy Flower or Rusalkin Color, Water Machine or Poppy Water, Breaker, Bobchyak, White Juroys, Water Farer, Water Color, White Water Lily.

The water lily is beautiful! This is one of the most beautiful plants. White water lily sincerely was considered a symbol of beauty, indisputability and mercy. These large and white with golden midflowers grow in the quiet reservoirs of our rivers and lakes. A nymphy pit also call "Sun": her beautiful flowers Twisted in the morning and closed with the onset of twilight.

Plants in a small pond

Stilly lilies will grow about 5% water, while most tropics prefer water, which is less than 30 inches. Water lily is an indisputable star in the water garden. Learn how to plant water lilies in the garden pond. Water lilies can be placed in a bucket in the courtyard or in the ponds of any size. They grow from tubers, planted under water, stems with rounded leaves and star-shaped floating on the surface of water.

Vegetable waters in the garden pond

Water lilies are reliable and easy to install - a good choice For beginner. They are flourished in the morning and close their flowers after sunset. Go through three or four days before immersed under the surface. Flowers appear from spring to autumn, blooming in all colors, except blue and purple. Tropical water lilies that bloom in exotic colors need greater caution, but it is worth it. Night blooming varieties have bright, almost electric colors. Tropical water lilies need water temperature more than 21 degrees Celsius, and tubers must be removed from the pond in winter.

There are many legends about the origin of this wonderful plant. It is said that her name was her name in honor of Nymph, dwelling, like these plants in water. As you know greek mythologyNymphs are nature deities: forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and seas. It is not surprising that the flowers, named in their honor, are beautiful. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe water lines is associated with mysteriously mermaids.

Vegetable water lilies in the pond in the garden - step by step

Use a container that is wide and flat. The tuber, which is similar to the rhizome iris, grows horizontally. If there are drainage holes, place the burlap in it to save the soil in the tank. The soil that leaches can dip water into your pond.

Use heavy soil for use in the garden, not fluffy fill that floated from the container. Avoid earthy mixtures with perlit, vermiculitis, peat for the same reason. Enrich the soil fertilizer, especially for aquatic plants. Remove old leaves and thick, fleshy old roots. Let leaves and kidneys appear, and new, thin roots.

Scandinavian legends say that every pitcher has his friend - an elf, who is born with her, and dies with her. By people beliefsIn her flowers and on the leaves there are nymphs together with small elves. Leaves and flowers for these little elf serve by boats.

Grow the tube on the side of the pot, with a growing tip up - more than 45 degrees - and to the center of the pot. Cover the ground with a layer of rock or gravel to keep the soil in the pot. A planned pot should be lowered in the pond at an angle so that the air can escape. Leaves will swim on the surface. If the pond is deeper than 45 cm, you need something that can support the pot.

How to cook your pita in the garden pond for the winter. Get your lips for the winter, removing all the dead and dying leaves. If the pond freezes in your climate, then remove the water lily, the tank and all that. Keep the entire container while maintaining it cool and wet in the plastic package.

In an ancient Greek legend about the pitcher, it is told about how beautiful white nymph, hesitated with love for Hercules and did not receive a response from him, from grief and love for him turned into a white pitcher.

If the pond does not freeze, do not remove the pot, but simply lower it in the very deep part of the pond, where water does not freeze. In the spring, return the pot back to the right level in the pond in the garden. Keep your pond in the garden clean and beautiful. Do not overeat plants. They will also feed algae, which, in turn, will make a pond with green water. Do not overflow fish or too many fish for the size of the pond. Remove the decomposing vegetation. Make sure that 60 percent of the pond is shaded with water lilies or other plants.

Keep water rich in oxygen, wells or waterfalls. Without killing algae chemical treatments, it will also damage the plant, fish and useful bacteria that live in a pond. As a symbol of purity and vitality, it has a color with a paradise charisma: water lily is an indisputable pond queen. As soon as beautiful nymphs came out of the pursued sources and water, the kidneys break through the surface of the water and open.

The legend of the North American Indians suggests that the water lily appeared when the polar and evening stars collide, from their sparks. These two stars argued among themselves, who would get an arrow, which the Great Indian leader was put into the sky and collided in flight.

Symmetrically located petals that open like roses are of particular attractiveness. With their bright white, pale pink, yellow or partly purple flowers, they give a pond or biotope noble and crowning look. Depending on the size of the leaves - small frogs are often sitting on the cup-shaped floating green islands - blooming more or less by proportion. The closest after dinner and the resumption of the next morning with increasing light. In its main flowering period, from the end of May to July, the water lily holds an average of 5 to 10 days, depending on heat and weather.

According to the Northholder belief, the pita rose on the site of the two dead mermaids, which evil Nix killed (in the ancient German mythology - mermaid), who lived in the lake.

The Italian legend says that the pita is the children of the beautiful blonde Countess of Melinda and the ugly terrible marsh king, who abducted it. Once, I lived, beautiful Melinda. And after her all the time watched the marsh king. The eyes of the king mercy when he looked at beautiful girlAnd although he was terrible as the hell, nevertheless he became a husband of Melinda, and to get his beauty helped him a yellow cube, personifying his profits and treasure.

They can be distinguished from cold-resistant for a number of signs

The greatest growth in the spring-summer period is water plants. The decisive are climate, water depth and soil conditions. Sunny place - the pond should be sunny every day for at least five hours - and calm waters meet their needs.

Then they quickly spread and can cover the entire surface of the water. Water lilies multiply with the help of the rhizoma. Rhizome is strongly compressed and due to the stock, mostly starch, thickened axis of the stem. For this, the rhizome is separated by a knife. Place individual parts into the substrate. Cover the soil with a layer of gravel to provide a balanced moisture level. New leaves and shoots unfold from resting eyes, a few weeks later young plants grew up.

Walking with girlfriends in a swampy lake, Melinda loved in golden floating flowers, reached out for one of them, stepped on the coastal stump, in which the Vladyka was hidden, and he fascinated on the bottom of the girl. On the spot of her death, snow-white flowers with a yellow core. These colors turned out to be water waters.

Split-pitched, however, require recovery time and usually not flourished until next year. The depth of water or landing is sorted. Dwarf species, as well as shallow arral at a depth of 0, 1 to 0, 5 m and aqueous surface from 0, 5 to 1 m². This is, for example, the varieties of "Walter Phagels", "Aurora", "Leidekery Lilacea", "Frobleli" and "James Bridge". Average landing depth from 0, 5 to 0, 8 m and aqueous surface from 1 to 2 m², "Hermione" and "Marliacha Albida", "Murai", "Fabiola" and "Rosennamefe", "Meteor" and "Charles" de Meurville.

In deep water from 0, 8 m and spatial requirement from 2 to 3 m², especially "Gladstonian", "Mariliacha Chromatell", "Marliacha Rose" and "Attraction" are thriving. Dead water varieties should not be too flat, foliage in otherwise It will be very lush, and the plant is no longer motivated to continue to spread through the flowers and seeds. It blooms in the episode only rarely. Water lilies are planted into special plastic containers with perforated walls through which the roots of fibers can grow.

Whitewater is protected by law, as they remained in the reservoirs of rivers and lakes is very small. Flowers water lily long, from the end of May and in August. White lily flowers are open in the early morning, and late in the evening closes.

Landing nimfei and caring for it: video and description

You can also put a piece of rhizomes right into the ground. However, the vascular landing facilitates the care of plants and a pond in the future. In the deep waters, the vessels can be raised by placing stones or reduce water levels to optimal depth. Also, water lilies need fertilizer. In the spring, knead the horny chips in Suglink and press in several places in the soil. The leaves that are yellow in late autumn can be deleted, but they do not need it. If the pond freezes for a longer period of time, it is advantageous to cover frost-resistant varieties, such as dwarf and shallow.

If you come early in the morning on the lake, then you can perekly, as these flowers appear from the water. This is an unforgettable spectacle! Here from the depths of the lake begins to rise something, and a large bud on the surface is shown. In a matter of minutes, it turns into a wonderful white flower. Near another one, a little away ... It's amazing that the buds pop up in front of the sunrise, and open, barely sun rays Touch the surface of the water.

Why not blooms water lily?

Low-grade varieties are safely safe, if not with full freezing of water from the pond, you should expect. Tropical water lilies are included in local conditions. They require special antifreeze or winter in the basement. Remove flower plantsRemove all shoots and roots and place them in the sand container. Regularly hold the sand container wet. Spring plant fresh.

For the cultivation of aquatic plants, it is necessary to take into account the lands on which they are planted, choose the most appropriate vessels, use the most appropriate landing methods and, first of all, to perform good service to make the best way to take care of them.

All day they will not find them in the same position. In the morning and until the evening, blooming jugs follow the movement of the sun, turning the floating head towards his rays. At noon, they reveal all their petals. Then the flowers from them begin to gradually close and the flower is similar to an unspoiced bud. And here is interesting: the closed flowers of the pita, begin to slowly dive into the water. This is the screamers, shortening, pulling flowers behind yourself. The pitches are very loved by the sun, slightly rag clouds and they slowly begin to close

Lotus is aquatic plants that usually live in slow watercourses or freshwater reservoirs and live on small depths. They are usually a lot of petals. It is noteworthy that the lotus is known for the durability of its seeds, as they can germinate for several centuries. When a new, leaf bright green, as it aging, the petiole is lengthened, pushes it and opens out the outside space for a new sheet, then begins to die, becomes yellow, and then brown, before disappearance under water.

In winter, the leaves disappear to appear again in the next spring. Flowers are opened in the morning or at night, depending on the species. They are pollinated by insects and should be grown under the full sun. It should take care of fixed water of the species, since the plant does not tolerate a very busy water and has an intense sun for at least 6 hours of the day.

Lotus plant just like tropical and stable water lilies, and use the same type of soil and fertilizer. In order to grow in a healthy way, they need to carefully process. To make it right, you must perform the following steps.

Use a special plastic container with a capacity of 3 to 4 liters. Use a mixture of 50% of the fertile and rich substrate and 50% of washed sand. You can also add organic compost and in this case reduce the amount of sand up to 25%, putting a 25% compound. The leaked plastic container allows water to circulate through the substrate, providing a plant with oxygen and nutrients.

The cords and long roots go down from the rhizomes, and to the top on the surface - rounded, wide leaves with cuts at the base on the stiffs, as well as flowerons. The start of flowering water lishes occurs in May and lasts until the onset of the first frosts. The most peak is expected in July-August. Snow-white lug flowers with thin aroma. Outside the colors are located 4 cup of green, inside - white petals, which are moving to the ladder in the center. Such a flower is preserved for four days. After the water lily is blocked, the flower makers twisted and hides under the water.

Initially, the vase should be placed on a bunch of bricks so that the leaves float on the surface of the water. As the plant ripens, remove one layer of bricks at a time, bringing the plant to the bottom of the tank until the desired depth is reached. In a natural reservoir, the accumulation of a fertile substrate at the bottom is sufficient to maintain growth.

Easy way to introduce a plant, already embedded in a natural pond, is to associate the weight around the base of the stem, and then put it in the pond in the selected place to grow. Make sure the depth is sufficient, and the leaves remain on the surface, and for several weeks the roots will grow in the mud.

In decorative ponds, a lily-hybrid is most often grown. For small and medium-sized water bodies, nymphy pinks are suitable. They are the most enduring and are not very growing.

Location of water lilies

The solar location is suitable for nymphy. If the reservoir is in full shadow, then the plant will not bloom. Plant Lilya follows one by 0.5-4 square meters. m. Otherwise, a sense of running will arise. It should also be considered that lilies love standing water, and it is not recommended to arrange fountains next to them.

Landing lilies and their transplant

It is best to acquire and plant the pita in early May until graduation. Plants can immediately land into the ground, but it is better to initially put it in a plastic capacity of about 5 liters.

  • For landing, it is good to use a peat with a layer of 2-3 cm, placing it at the bottom of the sudine.
  • Next use a mixture of compost, garden land, sand in equal proportions. Looking a pitcher, you should not plunge the kidney of growth.
  • After the soil is frozen, falling asleep by pebbles so that after the plant does not come up.
  • Then the appeal neatly placed in the reservoir. Suitable depth depends on the variety of plants. For dwarfs, it is 15-20 cm, the tall - 70-100 cm from the surface to the kidney of growth.
  • In the spring to accelerate the development of plants, placing a container with Lily is better in shallow water until the leaves have yet been formed. Already after their rustling, it is necessary to carry out deeper placement. Plants that planted early may have time to be rooted and blooming in the first year.

Waterfront for the garden (video)

Care for a lummy during wintering

The most difficult to cultivate water lishes is to preserve them for the winter. In each case, the approach is individual. The plant can be left in place for the winter, if it is located at a depth of 0.5 meters or more. At the same time, the reservoir should be greater and not to water. If this is not the case, then the tanks with water lilies are better to pull out and put in a dark, cool place. You can familiarize yourself with the fish for the pond.

From sleep, the wipes are departed in spring time, after water heating. It is at this time that the plant should be returned to the place. If in the reservoir a little melting water, then it is worth adding a plumbing. After a while, water can become muddy green. It is not necessary to worry and change it, after a week everything will come to normal.

For frost-resistant species, spring frosts will not be scary.

How to breed the pita?

How to put a suite (video)


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