The world of tanks when will be updated 9.20.

The world of tanks when will be updated 9.20.

As Valve and promised - a global update 7.20 already in Dota 2. Immediately at the end of the major in Kuala Lumpur, a patch 7.20 is rolled out, which we have to play the next half of the year. The list of patch changes is very impressive, let us understand: first of all the annoying heroes were weakened, the formulas for obtaining experience were changed, for the achievement of allied crips now give gold, several new items were added with the patch of 7 20, see the video review of the patch 7.20 in more detail Dota 2 plus.

Patch 7.20 - list of changes from 11/18/2018

Mechanics of Denaev

  • Denai Union units no longer give a 25% experience player
  • Denai Union units now give 20% of the award:
    Middle Fight Crimes - 7-8 Gold
    Far Fight Crimes - 9-11 Gold


Neutral crips

  • Neutral stacks now give 35% awards instead of 25%
  • All neutrals, except the ancients, are now given by 5% more than gold when murder

Concept of randomy heroes

  • There are no more bonuses for choosing a different hero
  • With a random choice, you will be given a hero from the entire list of characters, with the exception of the 25 items you often choose (Bonus remained the same)
  • Choose random heroes Now you can no longer later than the second peak in your team.

The formula of the armor is changed on (0.052 * armor) / (0.9 + 0.048 * armor)

Recycled Experience System Heroes

  • A series of 3 murders now gives a bonus for experience, a bonus in the range from 200 to 1250 units
  • Recycled the formula for the accrual of experience, previously she took into account the experience of teams (Cambak Mechanic), no more. Formula: (40+ 0.14 * The number of experience in the dying hero) / number of killers.

Updated Map.

Health and Mana Regeneration at 7.20

  • Recycled mana and health against attributes. Now they do not multiply regeneration values
  • Mana Regeneration: Intellect Now gives 0.05 Mana Regeneration
  • Mana Regeneration: Basic Regeneration Available at 0.9 Units
  • Mana regeneration: recycled regeneration indicators in accordance with the change in the formula
  • Health Regeneration: The Force now gives 0.09 health regeneration
  • Health Regeneration: The basic value of regeneration is reduced by 1.5 units
  • Health Regeneration: recycled regeneration indicators in accordance with the change in formula

The concept of movement speed is changed.

  • Boots of Speed: 15%
  • Power Treads: 15%
  • Phase Boots: 15%
  • Arcane Boots: 15%
  • Guardian Greaves: 17%
  • Tranquil Boots Inactive: 20%
  • Boots of Travel: 32%
  • Eul "S Scepter: 6%
  • Spirit Vessel: 6%
  • Wind Lace: 6%

General Changes Patch 7.20

  • Change of the day and night now happens every 5 minutes instead of 4
  • Scan no longer ignores enemies in Roshan's log
  • The maximum value of the attack speed is increased from 600 to 700 units.
  • The radius of AUR by default is increased from 900 to 1200 units (this change does not affect Gem Of True Sight, Natural Order and HeartStopper Aura)
  • Now all the crips on the lines have the same value of the movement speed (earlier the crimes on some lines moved faster until the time of time is on 7:30)
  • Added sound losing in cases where the team loses all the barracks
  • The opening of secondary stores now highlights items instead of hiding some
  • When installing wolds, you can now see the range of other Ward
  • Added new game mechanics - Binding (LEASHED). Units under the binding now act in the same way as under a disconnection, but they can use teleport and abilities associated with movement, but cannot move in the usual way. The following abilities now bind enemies: pounce, Dream Coil and Soulbind
  • Damage by itself no longer disables CLARITY, BOTTLE, BLINK and similar interactions
  • Vampirism now regenerates damage depending on your attack, and not the current number of unite
  • Now you will not be able to shift items in a backpack under the action of provocations (Winter "S Curse, Berserker" S Call and Similar)
  • Reduced bonus for moving in the talents of the following heroes: abaddon (25-\u003e 20), AXE (40-\u003e 30), Bane (65-\u003e 50), Batrider (50-\u003e 40), Bounty Hunter (25-\u003e 20), DAZZLE (50-\u003e 40), Enchantress (25-\u003e 20), Legion Commander (50-\u003e 40), Lich (25-\u003e 20), Naga Siren (25-\u003e 20), Nature "S Prophet (35-\u003e 25), Night Stalker (45-\u003e 40), NYX Assassin (35-\u003e 30), Ogre Magi (90-\u003e 75), ORACLE (65-\u003e 50), Outworld Devoourer (35-\u003e 30), Pangolier (25 -\u003e 20), Pugna (25-\u003e 20), Sand King (25-\u003e 20), Shadow Demon (35-\u003e 30), SkyWrath Mage (25-\u003e 20), Techies (60-\u003e 50), TideHunter ( 25-\u003e 20), Tinker (40-\u003e 30), UNDERLORD (30-\u003e 25)
  • Heroes with the main attribute of intelligence are now obtained by 0.2 units of force less for each level
  • The destruction of Observer or Sentry Ward now provokes the appearance of a notification in the chat for your allies
  • Time to return on 1/2/3/4 level increased from 5/7/9/13 to 6/8/10/14
  • Rollback of rotation time (TURN RATE) in patch 7.00
  • Attributes of attributes with two decimal plated signs are now rounded
  • Shrine are now restored by 2% of health and mana per second more

Changes of rossing damage

  • Cleave is now a damage of a physical type, which means it will decrease by the armor of each involved unit
  • Cleave's indicators at Great Cleave, Empower, Battle Fury and talents were recycled: the range of Cleave from 625 to 650 increased, width - from 330 to 360
  • PSI blades at Templar Assassin Templar Assassin no longer work as illusions
  • Vampirism from abilities and spell amplification now do not affect splash damage
  • SPLASH damage now takes into account the type of armor
  • Damage Type Splash Attack from Black Dragon is changed from magical to physical
  • Black Dragon Splash Attack now inflicts 100% damage within a radius 250
  • The same changes for Splash-damage Dragon Knight Dragon Knight

Video Browse Patch 7.20 from NS

Overview of the main points of the update 7.20 from Yaroslav NA Kuznetsova.

Changes of Heroes Patch 7.20

  • Movement speed increased from 310 to 325 units
  • Dexterity is increased by 6 units.
  • Mist Coil Flight Speed \u200b\u200bReduced from 1600 to 1300
  • Recycled Curse Of Avernus. Slowing target whose attacks changed by 10/15/20 / 25% for 4 seconds. If you have fallen 4 strikes, it gets Silence and slows down at 30/40 / 50/60% and the allied heroes get a boost to the speed of attacking this target +40/60/80/100.
  • 25 level talent: Instead of Curse of Avernus now +375 Aoe Mist Coil
  • Using Ice Vortex no longer gives a bonus to yourself.
  • Recycled Chilling Touch. Now it is a passive ability to recharge 15/11/7/3 sec. Gives you an additional magic damage 50/85/120/155, slowing 100% per six seconds, as well as an additional range of attack 60/120/180/240 for 30/50/70/90 mana
  • Now Aghanni does not work for antimagogram.
  • Spell Shield's ability is replaced by Counterspell. Gives a magic resistant passive 15/25/5 / 45% and can activate the Counterspell shield by 1.4 seconds. This shield blocks all spells, and reflects them into enemies, recharging the shield 15/11/7/3, requires mana: 40.
  • Award for the murder of Tempest Double increased from 180 GOLD / XP to 180/240/300
  • Bonus Berserker "S Call is reduced with +40 to +30 protection
  • Talent 15 levels: changed from +350 to +300 health
  • Recycled Enfeeble: Reduces the enemy cutter by 36/44/52 / 60% and reduces the speed of the attack 40/60/80/100 for 8 seconds. It may be dispelled, the range of application 1000, recharging 12/10/8/6, requires mana 70/90/110/130
  • Level 15 Talent: Changed with Enfeble Reduces ENFEEBLE Damage Reduces Attack Speed
  • Talent 15: Changed with -100 ENFEEBLE damage on -100 Attack speed

Call of the Wild recycled. Now the ability does not encourage neutral crip and has two separate buttons for the call of borov and eagle. Eagle is a global ability that sends an invisible uncontrollable eagle, starting from the place where you are. Features of units:

  • Health BOAR: 300/450/600/750
  • Damage type BOAR: HERO
  • Damage BOAR: 16/32/48/64
  • Slow out from attacks Boar: 10/20/30 / 40% for 3 seconds
  • Boar, Mana cost: 50
  • Hawk: 300/450/600/750 Health
  • Hawk movement speed: 300/340/380/420
  • Hawk: 600/700/800/900 Review Rapid
  • Hawk: 60
  • Recharge time Hawk: 60/50/40/30
  • Hawk, Mana cost: 30
  • Bonus movement speed from Primal Roar increased from 30 to 40%
  • Radius of discarding from the purpose of Primal Roar increased from 300 to 450
  • The duration of the discard from the purpose of Primal Roar is raised from 0.6 to 1.0 seconds
  • Purpose PRIMAL ROAR is now slowed down just like additional goals
  • The slowdown in the secondary goals of Primal Roar increased from 50 to 60%
  • The 25th level talent is changed from +2 caused by Hawk on -15 seconds to Hawk recharge
  • Thrist now gives no bonus damage, and 30/45/60/75 Attack speed
  • The speed of movement from Thrist is increased from 7/18/29 / 40% to 12/14/36 / 48%
  • Inbound and outgoing damage from Bloodrage reduced from 25/30 / 35/40% to 10/15/20 / 25%
  • Bloodrage is now acting regardless of radius (previously weakened half at long distances)
  • Blood Rite damage increased from 120/160/200/240 to 125/175/225/275
  • RUPTURE now inflicts 8% of the current health with a net damage for 100 units. Can not be lethal
  • RUNUTURE duration time reduced from 12 to 8/10/12
  • RUNUTURE APPLICATION Changed from 800 to 700/800/900
  • RUNUTURE recharge time changed from 60 to 70/60/50
  • The talent of the 20th level is changed from + 18% to the level of RUNUTURE by +600 to RUPTURE
  • The value of power is recalculated from 18 + 2.1 by 20 + 2.5
  • Shadow Walk more on causes 30/60/90/120 damage. Attack from invisibility now lowers movement speed by 14/20/26 / 32% for four seconds
  • Jinada recycled. Recharge time - 12/9/6/3. Attack causes 80/10/140/170 bonus damage and steals 12/18/24/30 unreliable gold with enemy heroes
  • Track movement speed is now given only by BH
  • Attacks Hero under Track will be critical with a multiplier 1.4 / 1 / 6/1/8
  • Using Track now does not stop the effect of invisibility
  • Radius of gold from Track increased from 925 to 1200
  • The talent of the 20th level is changed from + 125% to critical damage from Jinada by +90 stolen gold from Jinada
  • The amount of the resulting intelligence is increased from 1.3 to 1.6
  • Basic movement speed increased from 295 to 305
  • The cost of using THUNDERCLAP is reduced from 90/105/130/150 to 90/100/110/120
  • DRUNKEN BRAWLER recycled. Now it is a buff working on yourself. Lasts 5 seconds. Gives 50/60/70/80% to the damp and 80% chance for critical strike 200/120 / 240/260%. The speed of movement varies from -20% to + 40%. Recharge: 20/19/18/17. Mana: 35/40/45/50
  • Drunken Haze is replaced by Cinder Brew. Covers the area with a radius of 400 alcohol, slowing down enemies by 25%. Enemies have 20 / 25/30 / 35% chance to attack each other instead of the original purpose. Lasts 7 seconds. If the goal is attacked by any Fiery Spell (including the Fiery Spirit from ultimate), the response time will resume, and the goal will be lit and receive 10/25/40/55 damage per second. Recharge: 20/18/16/14. Mana: 50. An ally attack cannot lead to death
  • The following characters have fiery abilities: Dragon Knight, Jakiro, Phoenix, Ax, Doom, Ember Spirit, Brewmaster, Lina, Ogre, Batrider, Wraith King, Clinkz, Invoker, Warlock, Underlord, and Huskar
  • The 25th level talent is changed from + 15% to the chance of DRUNKEN BRAWLER by + 200% damage from critical strikes

Viscous Nasal Goo - reducing armor increased from 1/1/14 / 1.8 / 2.2 to 1.4 / 1.8 / 2.2. / 2.6

Resistance to magic in Spiderling / Spiderite reduced from 50 to 40%

  • The amount of strength obtained is reduced from 4.3 to 4.0
  • HOOF STOMP damage reduced from 100/150/200/250 to 80/110/140/170
  • Double Edge damage changed from 175/250/325/400 for 150/200/250/300 + 40/60 / 80/100% of the current force
  • Double Edge time is reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
  • Return is renamed RETALIATE
  • Retaliate now does not depend on force
  • Retaliate damage increased from 16/18/20/22 to 16/32/48/64
  • Retaliate gets charges every time you attack the hero or tower. The ability can be activated with the flow rate of all charges. Enhances the basic damage to a certain percentage for each charge. Maximum amount charges - 10. Gives 6 / 9/12 / 15% base damage for charge Time Recharge: 55/50/45/40
  • Stampede recharge time increased from 90/75/60 \u200b\u200bto 110/100/90
  • Mana costs on StamPede increased from 100 to 150
  • The talent of the 10th level is changed from + 10% to the magical resistance by +20 to the speed of movement
  • The talent of the 15th level is changed from + 15% RETURN damage from strength by + 50% damage Double Edge by force
  • The talent of the 15th level is changed from +75 to the damage by +30 to the basic damage
  • The talent of the 20th level is changed from +300 damage Double Edge by +50 damage from Return
  • Chaos Strike Recycled. Now this is a passive ability. Guarantees a critical strike - from 120% to 160/190/220/150%. Strike has 35/40 / 45/50% vampirism. Recharge: 8/7/6/5 seconds
  • REALITY RIFT now does not reduce armor
  • Reality Rift now moves target to 250/300/350/400 units
  • Reality Rift now wounds a goal, slowing down at 15/25 / 35/45% and depriving 30/50/70/90 ataction speed for 2 seconds
  • Reality Rift Recharge Time Recalculated from 18/14/0/6 to 20/15/10/5
  • Reality Rift Reality Changed from 550/600/650/700 to 475/550/625/700
  • The minimum damage chaos bolt is changed from 75/100/125/150 by 60/90/120150
  • Maximum damage Chaos Bolt changed from 200/225/250/275 at 180/210/240/270
  • The speed of the CHAOS BOLT cutter is reduced from 1000 to 700
  • PHANTASM: The number of illusions is always equal to three
  • PHANTASM: Damage illusions changed from 100% to 40/70/100%
  • PHANTASM: The lifetime of illusions is reduced from 42 to 30
  • The talent of the 25th level is changed from -7 to armor from Reality Rift on -2 seconds to Chaos Strike Recharge
  • Penitence charge rate reduced from 2000 to 1400
  • Penitence no longer increases incoming damage
  • Penitence now increases the speed of the attack on 30/60/90/120 of all units driving a goal
  • Test of Faith is changed to Divine Favor. It acts on the Allied units, gives 7/13/19/25 health regeneration and increases all incoming treatment by 25%, and damage - at 10/20/40/80. Lasts 12 seconds. Recharge: 26/24/22/20 seconds. Application range - 800. Mana - 110
  • Holy Persuasion can now encourage crips 4/5/6/6 level
  • HOLY PERSUASION: Minimum units have increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
  • Holy Persuasion now sends a friendly unit at any point of the card to you, instead of sending to the fountain. The ability is canceled if the unit receives damage from the hero
  • HOLY PERSUASION: Recharge time is reduced from 32/24/18/10 to 15 (works like Recall at Kotl, which is no longer)
  • Talent 15th level Changed with -10 seconds Recharge Test of Faith on -10 seconds Divine Favor Recharge

Death PACT is replaced by Burning Army. Applied vector. Calls on 4/5/6 archer skeletons in a line of 1300 units. Sielets use searing arrows, have a basic clink damage, cannot move and destroy from two hero blows. They beat only heroes. The range of attack depends on clock, appear after 0.8 shame after use. Application range: 800. Recharge: 110. Mana: 125/175/225. Lasts 20 seconds, baseline Attack: 1.8 / 1.65 / 1.5

  • Rocket Flare projectile speed increased from 1750 to 2250
  • Power Cogs: The discard distance is increased from 250 to 300
  • Power Cogs: Duration of the discardment increased from 0.85 to 1
  • Power Cogs: Damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 50/125/200/275
  • Power Cogs: Manya burning is reduced from 50/100/150/200 to 50/80/110/140
  • Basic damage increased by 2
  • Frostbite no longer interrupts Spella
  • FrostBite: Application range increased from 525 to 550
  • Freezing Field now applies instantly
  • SURGE: Duration is six seconds at all levels
  • SURGE: Recharge time Recalculated from 13/12/11/10 at 16/14/12/10
  • The goal under SURGE can now slow down
  • SURGE: Speed \u200b\u200bChanged from 550 to + 36/54 / 72/90%
  • The goal under SURGE now ignores the maximum value of the movement speed
  • The goal under Surge now ignores all collisions
  • Wall of Replica: Now the vector use of the ability
  • Wall of Replica: Application time is reduced from 0.4 to 0.2 seconds
  • Wall of Replica: Application range increased from 500/700/900 to 1300
  • Wall of Replica now slows down the heroes until they come out of the wall
  • Wall of Replica: Slowness reduced from 75% to 50/160 / 70%
  • Mana expenses on Poison Touch increased from 80 to 80/90/100/110
  • Debuffes from Poison Touch now add up
  • Weave is replaced by Bad Juju. Passive ability. Reduces recharging abilities by 30/40 / 50%. When using Dazzle any ability, all enemies within a radius of 1200 are losing 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 armor for 10 seconds. Debuff folds and updates the time of action. Does not work on Roshan
  • Shadow Wave recharge time increased from 12/10/8/6 to 13/11/9/7
  • Tencent 25 levels changed from +0.5 armor of Weave per second at +0.5 to reducing armor Bad Juju
  • the level 25 is changed from -4 from the Shadow Wave recharge by + 40% deceleration from Poison Touch.
  • Movement speed increased with & nbsp305 to 310
  • Spirit SiPhon is now takes away from the enemy and gives a DP 4/6 / 8/10% movement speed.

Damage from Thunder Strike increased from 40/60/80/100 to 45/70/95/120.

  • Basic range of attack enlarged from 150 to 175
  • Devour can now be used when the last Creep is not digested
  • Devour now gives 5/10/15/20 health regeneration per second for each eaten crip during action
  • Devour now requires 80 seconds to digest any crip
  • Devour can now be used without replacing the ability from past crip
  • Scorched Earth no longer restores health
  • recharge SCORCHED Earth reduced from 55 to 55/50/45/40
  • damage from Scorched Earth increased from 16/24/32/40 to 20/30/40/50
  • talent level 10 is changed with +10 to damage and treatment from Scorched Earth on +20 to the damage from Scorched Earth.
  • Splash from Elder Dragon Form now inflicts 75% damage within a radius of 300
  • Splash from Elder Dragon Form now does not cause partial damage during the misacle.
  • Precision Aura now increases the attack by 20/36 / 52/68% of agility, and not damage by 10/20 / 30/40% of agility
  • Recycled Marksmanship. Now gives a 20/30/40% chance of a triggering of a punching attack, which cannot miss and passes through the protection of the enemy. Ignore the armor, instantly kills crips. It turns off if the enemy is closer than the radius 400
  • talent 20 levels changed from +20 to agility from Marksmanship by + 25% to evasion
  • talent 25 of the level is changed from + 20% to the damage from Precision Aura by + 25% to the speed of attack from Precision Aura.

Recharge Fissure increased from 18/17/16/15 to 21/19/17/15.

  • The increase in force is increased from 3.5 to 3.8
  • the effect of Rolling Boulder is changed from 80% of slow motion by 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1 second to stunning by 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1 second
  • stunning from Rolling Boulder increases by 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1 second when using stone
  • the effect of Boulder Smash is changed from 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 seconds of stunning by 80% of deceleration by 1.25 / 2.5 / 3.25 / 4 seconds
  • damage from Boulder SMASH increased from 50/100/150/200 to 105/170/235/300
  • the maximum number of charges STONE REMNANT is increased from 6 to 7
  • magnetize radius increased from 300 to 350
  • level 25 is changed with +1 second stunning from Boulder SMASH by +0.75 seconds of stunning from Rolling Boulder.
  • Damage from Astral Spirit reduced from 60/90/120/150 to 50
  • astral Spirit return speed increased from 600 to 800
  • additional damage to the attack from Astral Spirit increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80
  • Astral Spirit now gives + 1.5 / 3 / 4.5 / 6, armor for the hero and +0,5 armor for Cryp
  • the speed of movement from Astral Spirit per hero is increased from 5% to 7%
  • an extra speed threshold from Astral Spirit increased from 30% to 40%
  • astral Spirit bonuses time increased from 9 to 10 seconds
  • talent 25 levels changed from + 100% Lifsteal on Astral Spirit gives invulnerability to magic.

FIRE REMNANT is now damage throughout the flight (half of the radius) instead of the destination point only.

Basic movement speed is reduced from 300 to 290.

  • Time Lock now allows the Faceless Void to apply a double attack when the goal is overlap. Applies an additional 30/40/50/60 damage and stuns by 0.75 seconds
  • Talent 15 levels changed from +100 to Damu from Time Lock by +70
  • Added to Captains Mode
  • Soulbind now imposes a bundle effect on target, blocking teleportation and use of mobility abilities
  • the duration of SoulBind is reduced from 6/8/10 to 6/7/8
  • Phantom "S Embrace Creature is now pouring closer to the goal before fixing
  • Ink Swell is now gaining maximum power depending on the exposure time on the enemy, and not depending on the damage caused by the characters
  • maximum Duration Ink Swell & NBSpumed with 2.2 / 2.8 / 3.4 / 4 to 2 / 2.6 / 3.2 / 3.8
  • talent 20 levels changed with +2 hit to kill Phantom on +1
  • Berserker "s Blood no longer gives resistance to magic. Now increases regeneration up to 20/40 / 60/80% of the force, depending on the missing health
  • action Berserker "s Blood is now enhanced more when health becomes less
  • Inner Vitality is replaced by Inner Fire. When a health fall below 35%, scatters all enemies within a radius of 500 from themselves, inflicting 100/155/210/265 damage and rebuilding by 1.75 / 2.5 / 3.25/4 seconds. The enemies are discarded at a distance of 550 from the hero. Duration of discarding - 0.6 seconds. Recharge - 18/16/14/12 seconds. Mana consumption - 75/100/125/150
  • talent 15 levels changed from + 15% to vampirism by + 20%
  • talent 15 levels changed with +10 at the damage per second from burning spears on +15
  • talent 20 levels changed from +15 to strength +20
  • talent 25 levels changed from +150 to the radius of attack on +175

Recharge Spirits increased from 26/22/18/14 to 26/24/22/20.

Macropyre damage is now delayed on victims within 2 seconds

Agility is increased by 10 (basic damage has not changed)

After a won duel automatically used Press The Attack on the hero

  • Feast changed from 4.5 / 5.5 / 6.5 / 7.5% of the current health to 1.75 / 2.5 / 3.25 / 4% of maximum health
  • Talent 25 levels Changed with + 2% of the current health to + 1% of maximum health
  • Slow out from Mana Drain changed from 16/19 / 22/25% by 20/24/28 / 32%
  • Finger of Death now becomes stronger with every murder. Gives +50 damage for each killed hero. If the enemy dies within 3 seconds after using the ability, the bonus is still provided
  • Intelligence increased from 16 + 3.3 to 20 + 3.6
  • Frost Nova The cost of mana is reduced from 125/150/170/190 to 105/130/155/180
  • ICE ARMOR ability is replaced by Frost Shield. Imposes a shield that reduces 30/240 / 50/60% incoming damage by 6 seconds. Each attack within a 600 AOE radius causes 20/30/40/50 and slows down by 35% by 0.5 seconds. Recharge: 30/25/20/15. Mana cost: 100/110/120/130. You can throw on the buildings.
  • Talent 20 levels: Changed with +180 GPM on +2 sec FROST SHIELD
  • Talent 20 levels: Changed C +175 Cast Renge by +150
  • Talent 25 levels: Changed C ICE Armor Provides +30 Health Replacement on Frost Shield Provides +60 Health Replacement
  • Basic velocity speed increased from 320 to 340;
  • Basic vehicle speed Spirit BEAR changed from 320/330/340/350 to 340/350/360/370
  • The response time of the attack at Spirit Bear is reduced from 0.67 to 0.4
  • Damage from the SPIRIT BEAR attacks increased from 35/45/55/65 to 35/50/65/80
  • Changed abilities:
    • Spirit Bear now has the ability at the first level, Defender. 30% damage applied by Lone Druid goes to Spirit Bear if one is in a radius that allows him to attack
    • Replacing Rabid on Spirit Link. Adds both a 30/50/70/90 of the speed of the attack and turns 40 / 50/60 / 70% of the damage to the Hero of Spirit Bear and vice versa.
    • Duration: 10 seconds. Recharge: 42/34/26/18. Cost: 50/60/70/80
  • Lunar Blesing now provides a Bonus +8/14/20/26 by the main attribute as a bonus aura, instead of bonus damage
  • the talent of the 15th level has changed from +24 to the damage from Lunar Blesing on +14 to the main attribute LUNAR BESSING

Recycled HOWL. Now gives +21/34/47/60 to the speed of the attack, +3/4/5/6 to armor and +4/6/8/10 to the health regeneration by all controlled player controlled by units on the map. Lasts 9 seconds. Recharge: 50/45/40/35. Cost: 25/30/35/40

  • Recharge Skewer reduced from 25 to 26/24/22/20
  • Recycled Shock Wave. Releases the wave to the target point, slightly pulls the units and causes 75/150/225/300 damage. Slows enemies by 60% for 0.75 seconds. Width: 200, distance: 1200, Starter speed: 900. Pull Duration: 0.2. Cost: 90/100/110/120. Recharge: 14/13/12/11
  • Stone Gaze no longer gives enemies + 100% to magic resistance
  • Stone Gaze no longer instantly kills illusions
  • Mystic Snake no longer changes the type of damage against enemies under the Stone Gaze effect
  • Basic movement speed increased from 310 to 320
  • Replacing Geostrike on Ransack. Each attack steals 8/12/16/20 health in enemy heroes (and 4/6/8/10 from crips) and heals all MEEPO for the same amount
  • Clones now receive only 50% normal XP from the level of level 10 reduced from +20 to damage to +15

Now when using the LEAP, the hero turns towards the point of the jump

  • Now Mischief always turns into a courier if another courier is nearby
  • Now Mischief gives you 0.3 seconds invulnerability during transformation
  • Recharge Mischief increased from 3 to 20
  • The duration of Mirror Image is reduced from 30 to 24
  • Recharge Mirror Image reduced from 40 to 45/40/35/30
  • The cost of Mirror Image has increased from 70/80/90/100 to 70/85/100/115
  • Incoming damage mirror image changed from 550/500/450/400% to 475/450 / 425/400%
  • Rip Tide was recycled. Now passive ability. Gives a chance that the attack will cause the triggering Rip Tide, which causes damage by region and reduces armor
  • Experience for the trenches is reduced from 30 to 20
  • Gold per trents reduced from 21 to 16
  • Basic attack radius reduced from 550 to 500
  • The bonus for regeneration from murders now gives HeartStopper Aura, and not Death Pulse (if the Necrophos himself takes the murder)

Night Stalker

  • Changed Crippling Fear. Now, when activated within a radius of 375 Aura puts silence to enemies while they are nearby. Duration of aura 5/6/7/8 seconds (3 seconds during the day). No longer has a chance on the slip. Recharge: 30/25/20/15. Cost: 50. (Since this is a Aura, it is not removed using Manta Style)
  • Darkness is replaced by Dark Ascension. Causes you to turn you into a stronger flying creature with a bonus damage +50/100/150 and 900 with unhindered vision. Lasts 30 seconds. During this day, the day turns into the night. Recharge: 160/140/120. Cost: 125/175/225
  • Talent 25 levels Changed with -8 seconds Recharge CRIPPLING FEAR on -40 seconds Recharge Dark Ascension

NYX Assassin.

  • Vendetta now applies exhaustion on target for 4 seconds

Ogre Magi.

  • Multicast can now be activated when using items whose effects apply to enemy purposes. In the case of MultiCast activation, the effect of the subject is activated re-on another random enemy target
  • MultiCast no longer improves basic abilities
  • Ignite extended range increased from 700 to 700/800/900/1000
  • Ignite now launches two shells
  • Recharge Fire Blast reduced from 12 to 12/11/10/9


  • Purification can now be used on unresponsive unresponsive units
  • Repel replaced with Heavenly Grace. Directly on an allied unit and applies a strong dispersion, and then increases resistance to debuffs by 50/60 / 70/80% and health restoration by 8/12/16/20 for 8 seconds. Recharge: 17/16/15/14. Cost: 75. Application range: 500
  • GUARDIAN ANGEL application radius increased from 600 to 1200
  • Recharge Guardian Angel is reduced from 180/170/160 to 160/150/140
  • Talent 25 levels changed from +3 seconds to the duration of Repel on -8 seconds Recharge from Heavenly Grace
  • Damage from Fortune "S END is increased from 90/120/150/180 to 120/150/180/210

Outworld Devouourer.

  • Arcane ORB now spreads bonus damage in radius 175 around the goal
  • Arcane ORB now does not cause bonus damage illusions
  • Replaced by ESSENCE AURA on Equilibrium. Applied on yourself. All of your spell damage restores manu in the amount of 60 / 80/100/10% of damage and slows enemies to 8/16 / 24/32% for 1.75 seconds. Lasts 7 seconds. Recharge: 20 Cost: 50


  • Heartpiercer replaced by Lucky Shot. Gives 20% loyalty to apply Debuff on 2/3/4/5 seconds, which slows down the target by 40% and imposes to it silence or disarming on it. Debuffa stack when reuse

Phantom Assassin.

  • Recharge Phantom Strike replaced from 14/11/8/5 to 11/9 / 7/5 /
  • delay Before using Phantom Strike is reduced from 0.3 to 0.25
  • bonus Speed \u200b\u200bAttack with Phantom Strike Changed from 130 to 100.125.150 / 175
  • Phantom Strike no longer has a limit attack
  • bonus speed of attacks with Phantom Strike disappears 2.5 sequences after use
  • pHANTOM STRIKE COST Changed from 50 to 35/40/45/50
  • bonus speed Attack with Phantom Strike now works when attacking any goals
  • Blur no longer makes Phantom Assassin invisible on the mini card passively. Now, when activating the ability of Phantom Assassin becomes invisible for enemies at a distance of 600 units. The attack does not disperse the effect. The effect is restored after 0.75 seconds after the enemy noticed Phantom Assassin. Duration 25 seconds. Recharge 60/55/50/45. Cost 20

Phantom Lancer.

  • Slow out from Phantom Lance reduced from 10/20/30 / 40% to 10/18/26/44%
  • damage by JUXTAPOSE illusions increased from 600 to 650%
  • Slow out from ICARUS DIVE changed from 28% to 19/22 / 25/28%
  • Dream Coil Now imposes a binding effect and prohibits them to teleport and use the ability to move
  • talent 15 level now gives +90 damage instead of 50
  • talent at the 15th level now gives + 15% to strengthen spells instead of + 8%
  • Flesh HEAP no longer increases magic resistance
  • Flesh HEAP now gives 3/6/9/12 to health regeneration
  • dISMEMBER damage from force increased from 30/45/60% to 30/60/90%.

Queen of Pain.

  • Sonic Wave now repels units for 350 units for 1.4 seconds
  • Unstable Current slows down or cleans random enemy units every 5 seconds.
  • Unstable Current now causes 60/80/100/120 damage to all enemy units within a radius of 500 units every 6/5/4/3 seconds
  • Plasma Field now slows down opponents. Slow out from 5 to 25/30 / 35/40% by 1.5 seconds. Every blow to the ability updates slowdown
  • Talent on the 25th level now gives +200 to Damu from Unstable Current instead -3 second to Unstable Current
  • Recharge Blink Strike changed from 16/12/8/4 to 10/8/6/4
  • blink Strike damage changed from 100 to 75/90/105/120
  • Basic damage increased by 3
  • dexterity increased from 14 +1.6 to 19 +2.1
  • intellect increments increased from 2.4 to 2.7
  • NULL Field replaced on Arcane Supremacy:
  • Passive ability. Gives 14 / 18/22 / 26% to the power of spells and increases the duration of all negative effects of the embedded RUBICK by 20/28/36 / 44%
  • a delay of 0.15 appeared before using Spell Steal
  • talent at the 15th level now gives +125 to the range of applications instead of 100
  • talent at the 20th level now gives -5 seconds to Recharge Fade Bolt instead of + 5% to NULL Field
  • talent for the 25th level taper gives + 50% to the power of stolen spells

Sand King.

  • Sand Storm is no longer interrupted ability. Now the ability ends as soon as Sand King leaves the selected area.
  • sand Storm Radius Changed from 525 to 350/450/550/650
  • sand Storm damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100
  • recharge SAND STORM Changed from 34/26/18/10 to 34/28/22/16
  • duration Sand Storm reduced from 50 to 20/25/30/35
  • improved Sand Storm Visual Effects
  • epicenter defeat radius now always increases 50 units after each hit

Shadow Demon.

  • Recycled Soul Catcher:
  • It is applied to the region with a radius of 175/200/225/250 units. All units in this area lose 25/30 / 35/40% of the current health. Half of the infused damage is restored after 10 seconds. Recharge 26/24/22/20. Application range 700. Cost 110

Shadow Fiend.

  • Basic armor increased by 1

Shadow Shaman.

  • Mass Serpent Wards Now form a circle with a slightly enlarged space in the center
  • when using Mass Serpent Wards now shows the scope of application

Skywrath Mage.

  • Concussive Shot now falls in Cryp, if there are no enemy heroes in the application
  • Basic armor increased by 1
  • Bash of the Deep is recycled. Passive ability. Each fourth attack stuns a target to 1/1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 seconds and applies additional 75/125/175/225 physical damage
  • the duration of stunning Slithereen Crush is reduced from 1.25/15 / 1.75 / 2 to 1 second. The duration of slowing down movement and attacks increased from 2 to 3/4/5/6 seconds, and its effectiveness is from 20 to 20 / 25/30 / 35%. Damage increased from 75/125/175/225 to 80/140/200/260
  • talent at the 15th level now gives +100 to the damage from Bash of the Deep instead of 75
  • talent at the 25th level now gives +1.5 seconds to a stunning with SleThereen Ctush instead of + 15% to a stunning chance with Bash of the Deep
  • The rotation speed is increased from 0.6 to 0.7
  • Pounce now imposes a binding effect that prohibits targets to teleport and use the ability of movement
  • duration Shadow Dance Changed from 4 to 4 / 4.5 / 5
  • now, if the hero with the negative ESSENCE SHIFT effect is dying, SLARK is stern stealing 1 unit of dexterity
  • Now Take Aim can be activated to double the attack range of the next shot. Recharge 15/12/9/6. Cost 30

Spirit Breaker.

  • Nether Strike can no longer be used if Spirit Breaker is chained to the place
  • CHARGE OF DARKNESS can now exceed the maximum speed. The ability gives 300/325/350/375 to the speed of movement
  • fixed a bug in which Charge of Darkness did not take into account the speed of movement in the collision
  • Greater Bash no longer increases the speed of movement
  • damage Greater Bash reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 16/24/32 / 40%
  • Empowering Haste is replaced by Bulldoze:
  • When activated, the hero receives + 12/18/24/30% to the velocity of movement and + 30/30 / 50/60% to the effects of the effects for 8 seconds. Recharge 22. Cost 25/30/35/40
  • talent at the 20th level now gives 15% to the Greater Bash chance instead of 30%
  • talent at the 20th level now gives -7 seconds to Bulldoze recharge instead of +400 to speed Charge of the Darkness
  • Recycled Warcry. Now you give a bonus to the speed of movement and the nearby heroes of heroes and a health shield that blocks the damage from the attack on the basis of the health of the shield. Lasts 10 seconds. Buff finishes if the shield is consumed. Movement speed: 8/12/16 / 20% Motion speed. Attack Shield Health: 100/200/300/400 Health. Raudus: 700 Recharge: 36/32/28/24. Cost: 40.
  • Basic movement speed increased from 270 to 315
  • Basic intelligence increased by 2

Templar Assassin.

  • Talent 20 with Refraction Dispels To Meld Dispels
  • Talent 25 Changed from Psi Blades Spill Paralyzes to 1.5s Meld Hit Bash


  • Sunder can no longer pierce immunity to spells
  • Talent 20 levels reduced from -10 seconds Reflection Reflection up to -8


  • Anchor Smash now causes damage equal to the sum of the attack of the hero and bonus 45/90/135/180 units of damage, all enemy units in the zone of the defeat
  • Ravage damage increased from 200/290/380 to 200/300/400
  • Talent 10 levels increased with +80 damage from GUSH to +100


  • CHAKRAM projectile damage no longer ignores ancient crips
  • Whirling Death now always deals pure damage
  • Damage from Whirling Death reduced from 100/150/200/250 to 90/120/150/180
  • Reducing attributes from Whirling Death changed from 15% to 12/13/14/15%
  • Whirling Death now inflicts 10/14/18/22 additional damage for cutting out
  • Talent 25 levels Changed with + 8% Whirling Death up to + 12%
  • Damage on the area from Tree Grab no longer works when finishing his units
  • Recharge Tree Grab increased from 24/20/16/12 to 27/22/17/12
  • Grow no longer provides 30/40 / 50% Status Resistance
  • Armor GROW increased from 5/10/15 to 7/16/25
  • Recycled mechanic Avalanche. Now the unit in Square is continuously affected by short mini-centers and damage every 0.3 seconds. Each blow stuns at 0.2 seconds
  • The duration of Avalanche is increased from 1 to 1.8
  • Avalanche radius increased from 275 to 400
  • Recharge Avalanche reduced from 23/21/19/17 to 23/20/17/14
  • General damage from Avalanche changed from 120/180/240/300 to 90/160/230/300
  • Bonus to the dam against Toss Avalanche increased from 2x to 3x
  • Level 10 Talent Changed with + 20% to Magic Resistance to +20 to Movement Speed
  • Level 25 Talent Changed with -12 seconds to Recharge Avalanche on -9 seconds

Treant Protector

  • ReWorked Nature "S Guise. Passive. HAS A 4.75 / 4/3.25 / 2.5 Second Fade Delay, Taking Damage Resets The Counter. GRANTS You Invisibility, Treewalking Ability, And 10/15/5 / 25% Movement Speed \u200b\u200bBonus AS Long As You Are Within 265 Distance of A Tree. HAS A 0.75 Linger Duration. Attacking a Unit Out of this Roots The Target for 0.4 / 1 / 1.6 / 2.2 Seconds and Deals A Total of 30/80/130/180 Damage During The Root

Troll Warlord.

  • Basic damage increased from 38-56 to 44-56
  • Berserker "S Rage Now applies a stupor instead of Basha
  • Berserker "S Rage - a trigger chance increased from 10% to 10/12 / 14/16%
  • Basher and ABYSSAL Blade items are no longer prohibited.
  • Fervor Stack Limit Increased From 7 To 12
  • Fixed Fervor Incrementing WHEN Missing Attacks
  • Fervor Now Starts at 0 Stacks WHEN Attacking A New Unit
  • Reworked Battle Trance. Now Causes You to Go Into An Uncontrollable Trance, Forcing You to Attack The Closest Targets in A 900 Aoe. During This Trance, You Are Unslowable and Cannot Die. GRANTS +140/170/200 ATTACK SPEED, + 30/35 / 40% Movement Speed \u200b\u200band + 40/60 / 80% lifesteal. Lasts 6.5 Seconds. You Gain Normal Vision Over The Target You Are Currently Locked On. Cooldown: 90. Manacost: 150
  • Level 25 Talent Changed From Battle Trance Basic Dispel to Battle Trance B Dispel
  • Replaced Frozen Sigil on Tag Team. Activated aura. Lasts five seconds. Makes enemies under the action to receive more physical damage from attacks on 25/50/75/100 and slow down 75% by 0.5 seconds. (Not sure about the accuracy of translation) Radius: 350. Recharge: 15. Cost: 40/50/60/70


  • Atrophy Aura now gives a constant bonus damage +2/3/4/5, when the hero dies under the aura
  • Basic movement speed reduced from 305 to 295
  • Recycled Flesh Golem. No longer increases damage. The slowdown is now constant 24/32/40% within a radius of 375. The enemy units within the 400 radius lose 7% of their current health per second as Magic Damage. You get the +400/1000/1600 health in this mode. Recharge: 110.
    Flesh Golem model size increased slightly
  • Fixed a bug, due to which Overpower did not count the attack when they died

Vengeful Spirit.

  • Vengeance Aura no longer creates the illusions of the dead allies
  • Vengeance Aura creates an effect as a scepter when death as a basic mechanics without the ability to crack spells. SCEPTER unlocks caste spells
  • NethersWap's ability range changed from 700/950/1200 to 700/850/1000
  • NethersWap has 2 charges with replenishment at 90/80/70 seconds


  • Level 15 Talent Changed From +200 Cast Range to Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards
  • Level 20 Talent Changed From Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards To + 15% Spell Lifsteal
  • Nethertoxin area increased from 300 to 350
  • Damage from Nethertoxin Changed from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65
  • Fatal Bonds now bounces off the unit to the unit, and not just looking for units near the goal
  • Fatal Bonds no longer ignores units in the fog of war
  • Units under SWARM have a higher attack priority
  • Recharge Geminate ATTACK increased from 7/6/5/3 to 9/7/5/3

Wraith King.

  • Skeletons health reduced from 350 to 250
  • Skeletons are reborn in three seconds after the first death

Witch Doctor.

  • Death Ward damage increased from 60/105/150 to 75/125/175
  • Nimbus no longer stands out when tab is pressed
  • Nimbus "S Lightning Bolt no longer depends on reducing recharge on the hero

Artifacts - patch 7.20

All bonuses to the velocity of items on the basis of objects now add an indicator in a percentage ratio, not a permanent:

  • Boots of Speed: 15%
  • Power Treads: 15%
  • Phase Boots: 15%
  • Arcane Boots: 15%
  • Guardian Greaves: 17%
  • Tranquil Boots Inactive: 20%
  • Boots of Travel: 32%
  • Eul "S Scepter: 6%
  • Spirit Vessel: 6%
  • Wind Lace: 6%

Phase Boots.

  • There is no more active ability. Now passively gives a bonus to the speed of movement when colliding and turning every time you attack the goal. Improvement disperses whenever you go to another place and cancel the attack. The maximum range of attack is 900 (if you give an order from a larger distance, and then enter the diameter 900, the mechanics will work). The ability has no recharging. Buffa keeps 0.5 seconds
  • Phase Boots speed bonus for long-range heroes reduced from 13% to 10%
  • Recycled Phase Boots Recipe:
    • Old assembly
      • Requires:
        • Boots (500)
        • 2X BLADES OF ATTACK (860)
      • Worth: 1 360 gold
      • Gives:
        • +50 to movement speed
        • +24 to Daultu
    • New assembly
      • Requires:
        • Boots (500)
        • Chainmail (550)
        • Gloves of Haste (500)
      • Worth: 1,550 gold
      • Gives:
        • + 15% to movement speed
        • +5 to armor
        • +25 to the speed of attack

Power Treads.

  • Now requires blades of attack. Gives +16 to the damage instead of the speed of attack
  • Attribute bonus increased from 10 to 12

Tranquil Boots.

  • No longer come down when attacking crip
  • Now gives + 12% to the resistance to debuffs instead of applying injury, which reduces the speed of movement and attack

Heaven "s Halberd

  • Now gives + 14% to the resistance to debuff instead of applying injury, which reduces the speed of movement and attack

Sange and Yasha.

  • Now gives + 16% to the resistance to debuff instead of applying injury, which reduces the speed of movement and attack
  • The cost of the recipe is reduced from 700 to 650
  • The cost of the recipe is increased from 500 to 650.
Added new atep: Yasha and Kaya.
Added new atep: Kaya and Sange.

Sange / Yasha / Kaya and Sange and Yasha are balanced:

  • Sange.
    • +16 to power
    • + 12% to Debuffam resistance
    • +8 to Daultu
  • Yasha.
    • +16 to agility
    • +12 to the speed of attack
    • + 8% to the speed of movement
  • Kaya.
    • +16 to intellect
    • + 12% to reduce the loss of mana
    • + 8% to strengthen abilities
  • Sange and Yasha.
    • +16 to power
    • +16 to agility
    • +16 to the speed of attack
    • + 16% to Debuffam resistance
    • +12 to Daultu
    • + 12% to the speed of movement
  • Yasha and Kaya.
    • +16 to intellect
    • +16 to agility
    • +16 to the speed of attack
    • + 16% to reduce the loss of mana
    • + 12% to strengthen abilities
    • + 12% to the speed of movement
  • Kaya and Sange.
    • +16 to intellect
    • +16 to power
    • + 16% to reduce the loss of mana
    • + 16% to Debuffam resistance
    • + 12% to strengthen abilities
    • +12 to Daultu

- Ring of Tarrasque. Costs 700 gold. Gives +3.75 to health regeneration and +150 health. Improves to Heart Of Tarrasque and Holy Locket.

Added new subject - Holy Locket. Passive. Thanks to it, all your treatment and health regeneration increase by 25%.

  • Requires:
    • Void Stone (850)
    • Ring of Tarrasque (700)
    • Cloak (550)
    • Recipe (550)
  • Worth: 2650 gold
  • Gives:
    • +200 to health
    • +4 to health regeneration
    • +3 to mana regeneration
    • + 15% to magic resistance

Solar Crest.

  • Recycled subject
  • Requires:
    • Medallion (1 175)
    • Ultimate ORB (2 150)
    • WINDLACE (250)
    • Recipe (300)
  • Worth: 3,875 gold
  • Gives:
    • +10 to all indicators
    • +12 to armor
    • + 6% to the speed of movement
    • +1.5 to mana regeneration
  • Active ability: You can apply on allies or enemies, removes your bonus to armor (+12). It gives allies +70 to the speed of attack, + 10% to the speed of movement, +12 to armor. Gives enemies -70 to the speed of attack, -10% to the speed of movement, -12 to armor (concerns only bonus armor)
Added new basic subject - Crown, +4 to all indicators, 450 gold (available in side shops). Used in items that previously demanded Bracer, Wrait Band and Null Talisman.

Ring of Aquila

  • Ring of Aquila is removed from the game;
  • Bracer, Wraith Band and Null Talisman can no longer improve to other items
  • the cost of BRACER / NULL / WRAITH recipes increased from 165 to 210
  • changing the main indicator from Bracer / NULL / WRAITH increased with +7 to +8
  • Now gives + 6% to magic resistance

Wraith Band.

  • Now gives +8 to the speed of attack


  • NULL TALISMAN: Now gives + 3% to strengthen abilities


  • Wraith Band.
    • +8 to agility
    • +3 to power
    • +3 to intellect
    • +8 to the speed of attack
  • Bracer.
    • +8 to strength
    • +3 to agility
    • +3 to intellect
    • + 6% to magic resistance
    • +8 to intellect
    • +3 to power
    • +3 to agility
    • + 3% to strengthen abilities

The following recipes are changed due to the fact that Bracer, Wrait Band and Null Talisman can no longer be components of objects

Hurricane Pike.

  • Now requires a recipe for 450 gold instead of Wrait Band
  • Changed recipe
  • Old assembly
    • Requires:
      • 1X STAFF OF WIZARDRY (1 000)
      • 1x NULL TALISMAN (465)
      • Recipe (1 250).
    • It is worth: 2,715 gold (1 level).
    • Gives:
      • +18/21/24/27/30 to intellect
      • +3 to power
      • +3 to agility.
  • New assembly
    • Requires:
      • 1X STAFF OF WIZARDRY (1 000)
      • 1x Crown (450)
      • Recipe (1 250).
    • It is worth: 2,700 gold (1 level).
    • Gives:
      • +18/21/24/27/30 to intellect
      • +5 to strength
      • +5 to agility

Veil of Discord.

  • Changed recipe
  • Old assembly
    • Requires:
      • 1x Helm of Iron Will (900)
      • 2x NULL TALISMAN (930)
      • Recipe (500).
    • It is worth: 2 330 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +14 to intellect
      • +6 to strength
      • +6 to agility
      • +6 to armor
      • +5 To health regeneration.
  • New assembly
    • Requires:
      • 1x Helm of Iron Will (900)
      • 1x Crown (450)
      • Recipe (700).
    • It is worth: 2,050 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +15 to intellect
      • +6 to strength
      • +6 to agility
      • +6 to armor
      • +5 to health regeneration

Drum of Endurance.

  • Changed recipe
  • Old assembly
    • Requires:
      • 1x Bracer (465)
      • 1x Sage "S Mask (325)
      • 1x Wind Lace (250)
      • Recipe (575).
    • It is worth: 1,615 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +7 to power
      • +3 to agility
      • +6 to intellect
      • +0.75 to mana regeneration.
  • New assembly
    • Requires:
      • 1x Crown (450)
      • 1x Sage "S Mask (325)
      • 1x Wind Lace (250)
      • Recipe (500).
    • It is worth: 1,525 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +6 to strength
      • +6 to agility
      • +6 to intellect
      • +1.5 to mana regeneration (new mana regeneration formula)

Rod of Atos.

  • Changed recipe
  • Old assembly
    • Requires:
      • 2x bracer (930)
      • 1X STAFF OF WIZARDRY (1 000)
      • Recipe (1 100).
    • It is worth: 3,030 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +15 to power
      • +6 to agility
      • +20 to intelligence.
  • New assembly
    • Requires:
      • 2x CROWN (900)
      • 1X STAFF OF WIZARDRY (1 000)
      • Recipe (850).
    • It is worth: 2,750 gold.
    • Gives:
      • +12 to power
      • +12 to agility
      • +20 to intellect

Ring of Basilius.

  • Mana regeneration increased from 0.5 to 0.65


  • No longer has Pocket Deny
  • no longer reduces the rest of the respavna
  • passively increases your mana regeneration twice
  • has 12 charges, when death loses 3 charges, when murder adds 1 charge
  • each charge gives 0.25 to mana and health regeneration
  • now you can apply - transfer 60% of your current mana to health. Recharge time: 250 seconds


  • Health increased from 250 to 300
  • mana enlarged from 250 to 300
  • no longer gives passive resistance Debuffam
  • gives + 50% to Debuffam resistance for 2.5 seconds of active Buff
  • Passively gives 30% to resistance to Debuffam
  • bonus damage reduced from 50 to 25

Heart of Tarrasque

  • Now gives + 50% to strengthen health regeneration
  • regeneration outside the battle is reduced from 7% to 5%
  • bonus health reduced from 500 to 400
  • now requires reader, Vitality Booster, Ring of Tarrasque and Pecipe for 400 gold

Spirit Vessel

  • No longer enhances health regeneration and does not give the current health regeneration percentage
  • damage enemy per second increased from 20 to 25


  • The cost of the recipe is reduced from 300 to 175 gold
  • The cost of the recipe is increased from 900 to 950. In general, the cost decreased by 75

Arcane Boots.

  • Mana recovery increased from 135 to 160

Guardian Greaves.

  • Treatment increased from 275 to 300
  • mana recovery increased from 160 to 200

Pipe of Insight

  • Now gives +2 to the indicators from its components

Skull Basher.

  • The cost of the recipe is reduced from 1,000 to 900


  • No longer has active ability


  • Bonus damage increased from +30 to +38


  • Reducing armor increased from 6 to 7

Force Staff.

  • Now bursts pounce from SLARK

Hand of Midas.

  • Attack speed increased from 30 to 40

The output of the first total patcha test 9.20 - 2-3 August, download will be available only then
The output of the second common dough Patch 9.20 - 16 August, download will be available only then

  • Tree of studies of the USSR.
  • Technique of the USSR, concrete numbers.
  • France studies tree.
  • France technique, specific numbers.
  • German studies tree.
  • German technology, specific numbers.
  • American average tanks.
  • US technique, specific numbers.
  • Japanese heavy tanks.
  • Japan technique, specific numbers.

In the update 9.20, the rebalance will affect some cars of the five nations: France, USA, USSR, Germany and Japan.

Tree of studies of the USSR

As the game develops, some Soviet cars have lost fighting efficiency, and the expansion of the branches of technology at higher levels was not consistent. In the update 9.20, we will try to restore the sequence of development of PT-SAU branches, medium and heavy tanks.

Middle tanks

The rebalance of medium tanks must consolidate the role of active art with a strong tower. This will allow the Soviet st play "from the tower", while the body will have to be reliably hiding behind the shelter.

T-44, T-54arr. oneand T-44-100 (p)

Top Tower Tanka VIII.

T-44 Received 200 mm of the reduced armor in the front (where it used to be 120-140 mm) and up to 300 mm on sides. Now the tank will not need to avoid duel against classmates and even more high levels. VIII.T-54 first sample and VIII.T-44-100 (P) Received a similar improvement.

Moreover, the selection of T-44 guns did not provide a variety of playing process. Therefore, we changed the parameters of the guns 100 mm LB-1 and 122 mm D-25-44. A 122-mm gun gained an increase to rapidity and became a good alternative to a decent one-time damage. A 100-mm gun will provide an effective shooting both on the go and from a fixed state due to improved stabilization and information. The gun will be an excellent choice for shooting at medium distances. And last: Armor-piercing projectiles of LB-1 will be able to punch 190 mm armor, which will significantly increase the efficiency of firing in classmates.


IXT-54. Could literally solely "disassemble" any average tank. However, his tower over time lost its former efficacy, and now he does not feel as confident in the battles on medium and long distances, as it was before. We strengthened the booking of the Tower of this car (zone for the mask of the gun) to return to the former confidence.

The parameters of the top guns are also revised to focus on the difference in the study of T-62A and "object 140". T-62A, which has higher accuracy and better stabilization, is studied through a 100 mm D-54 gun, more suitable for firing on medium and far distances. "Object 140" is rather suitable for medium and melee and is studied through the instrument of D-10T2C. Using the opportunity, we also strengthened the reservation of the tank tower to the proper level.

"Object 140"

The combination of high speed, excellent tools and decent booking allows X.Object 140. Being a "universal soldier" - it can effectively do everything: and "shine", and perform flank maneuvers. However, the thin armor of the roof of the tower was a weak place. To fix it, we have improved the roof booking of the tower to the T-62A tank level. Nevertheless, vulnerable turrets will remain. Be careful, going into battle on the updated "object 140": these turrets can still be the cause of rapid strength loss.

Heavy tanks


Revision of tank parameters X.IS-7. We will ask the direction of rebalans for the entire branch of heavy tanks of the USSR. Bad stabilization and accuracy of the guns do not allow to conduct aiming fire, especially on the go. Thus, the players make up a feeling that any other heavy level tank is much better. To give the car such a long-awaited "AP", we have reduced the time of information, spread when driving and turning the tower. This should allow the machine to fully realize its firepower, and 2400 strength points will increase the survival rate in combat. The combination of these changes emphasizes the role of the IS-7 as a breakthrough tank, which is always on the attack's tip.

Break forward: In the future, we plan to significantly dissolve the roles of the branches of the IS and KV. Our goal is to make the entire branch of the KV sequential and appropriate role of well armored cars with high firing power.

Although there are two branches of Soviet PT-SAU in the game, most players prefer the one that leads to the "object 268", and within the branch itself, many stop at the ISU-152 or study "Object 268", but never play it. We realized that a stimulus was needed that would allow the players to learn the "object 268" and play it. To do this, we needed to change the characteristics of ISU-152, and such things usually do it difficult. We decided to leave self-containers a high one-time damage, but to reduce armor-proof, compensating for this by improving mobility and strength. Then it was possible to proceed to an improvement in the "object 704" and "object 268".


VIII.ISU-152. - This is a real "fighter" of tanks, "Object 704" is largely similar to IPU-152, but stronger, but the "object 268" slightly falls out of this triple. The sequence was needed on the way to "object 268", and we started with replacing the top gun BL-10 at 152-mm D-4C. It is similar to BL-10 in many respects, with the exception of a slightly reduced armor-proof (260 mm). This tool allows ISU-152 to remain a "fighter" of tanks, but gives us a little freedom to improve the reservation of the machine, increase its strength and mobility. In addition, some 122-mm guns were abolished to speed up the pumping machine to the top configuration.

If you have not studied the top gun and use 122 mm BL-9C, with update output 9.20 you will get a new top gun.

"Object 704"

Favoring fear IXObject 704. will receive an alternative tool 152 mm D-4C in addition to the mighty BL-10 as a top-end to make a variety of game process This self-propeller.

"Object 268"

To do X.Object 268. A worthy award for the entire traveled path, we increased the speed of the shell flight from 760 to 950 m / s, and also increased the angle of declining the gun to the level of the "object 704". All this should increase efficiency when shooting from a distance and on moving targets.

Technique of the USSR, specific numbers

T-54 first sample

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the chassis is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of 100 mm D-10T-K when turning the tower is reduced by 25%.
  • Time Information Tools 100 mm D-10T-K for T-54 Tower The first sample changed from 2.4 ° C to 2.2 s.
  • The range of the tower is increased from 360 m to 380 m.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • EARR-412 equipment armoredness 100 mm D-10T-K extension increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • Earth-412P equipment of UBR-412P, 100 mm D-10T-K increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The angle of declining guns is 100 mm D-10T-K increased from -6 to -7 degrees.
  • The ammunition gun 100 mm D-10T-K is increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • The spread of 100 mM LB-1 guns when turning the tower is reduced by 15%.
  • Time of 100 mM LB-1 tools is reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the T-44 is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the T-44M is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the T-44 is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the T-44M is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the gun 122 mm D-25-44 is reduced from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • The spread of 100 mM LB-1 guns when turning the tower is reduced by 14%.
  • Recharge time 122 mm D-25-44 reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • Recharge time 100 mm LB-1 is reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The time of the instruments of the gun 122 mm D-25-44 is reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • Time of 100 mM LB-1 tools is reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • Bruckover equipment UBR-412P tools 100 mm LB-1 increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armoredness of the UBR-412 projectile, 100 mM LB-1 implements increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The spread of 100 mm D-10T2C is increased from 0.35 m to 0.39 m.
  • Scatter 100 mm D-54 reduced from 0.39 m to 0.33 m.
  • Recharge time 100 mm D-10T2C reduced from 7.8 s to 7.4 s.
  • Recharge time 100 mm D-54 increased from 8.2 s to 8.5 s.
  • Time Information of 100 mm D-10T2C is increased from 2.3 seconds to 2.5 s.
  • The time of 100 mm D-54 tools is reduced from 2.9 ° C to 2 s.
  • Strengthen the reservation of towers and housing.
  • Bruckover equipment UBR-412P tools 100 mm LB-1 increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armoredness of the UBR-412 projectile, 100 mM LB-1 implements increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The angle of declining guns 100 mm D-10T2C is increased from -5 to -6 degrees.

"Object 140"

  • Strengthened the roof booking of the tower.
  • Added engine M-50Ti.
  • Removed engine M-50T.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 16%.
  • The spread of the guns from rotation of the chassis is reduced by 16%.
  • The spread of 130 mm C-70 guns when turning the tower is reduced by 25%.
  • The time of 130 mm C-70 instruments is reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Strength rose from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • Added to a gun 152 mm d-4c.
  • Removed tool 122 mm A-19 arr. 1937
  • Removed tools 122 mm D-25C arr. 1944
  • Removed gun 152 mm bl-10.
  • Removed UBR-471 projectile.
  • Removed gear bro 471d.
  • Removed UF-471 projectile.
  • Removed shell 53-OF-551.
  • Removed UBR-551 projectile.
  • Removed UBR-551P projectile.
  • Strength increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of research of the BL-9C guns is reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 units of experience.
  • The cost of studying the following in the branch of the machine "Object 704" increased from 176,500 to 192,500 units of experience.

"Object 704"

  • Added to a gun 152 mm d-4c.
  • The cost of studying the following in the branch of the machine "Object 268" is reduced from 301,000 to 239,000 units of experience.

"Object 268"

  • The angles of horizontal tip are increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The speed of the shell of 152 mm UBR-551m gun 152 mm M64 increased from 760 to 950 m / s.

France studies tree

Now the cars of France are only a shadow of what they were before: PT-SAU looked as much as few people want to explore them, and AMX 30 and AMX 30 B simply duplicate the role of German Leopard Prototyp a and Leopard 1. In the update 9.20 we tried to return their role on the battlefield:

  • We revised the characteristics of the average ix tanks and x level so that they become accurate machines of support from the average distance, providing players a unique gameplay.
  • To PT-SAU France again could shine on the battlefield, we gave them a shopping system. We also worked on mobility, booking and vulnerable zones.

Middle tanks

AMX 30 and AMX 30 B

Survival IXAMX 30 1ER Prototype and X.AMX 30 B. It will increase due to a significant strengthening of the reservation of the tower and the game "from the relief". However, you should not forget that the body will remain very vulnerable to the enemy's shells. These tanks will also receive good stabilization, which, in combination with a decent speed and maneuverability, will allow them to quickly change the positions and to be found exactly where the situation requires. As for the guns, AMX 30 and AMX 30 B will receive the highest rate of damage per minute among all medium tanks. They will be able to dig up, put a significant damage and come back into the shelter. In order for these tanks to play exactly on the middle distance, we will slightly reduce their accuracy and penetration of armor-piercing shells.

Heavy tanks

AMX 50 100.

VIII.AMX 50 100. It has excellent mobility in combination with impressive firing power. However, often these strengths it is difficult for him to be implemented in battle due to a high profile and extremely weak body armor. In the upgrade 9.20, the tank will receive an increase to the angle of guns. Now he will be able to fire, hiding his big and "soft" housing from the enemy in the folds of the terrain.

We wanted to make a shopping system business card French PT-SAU VIII-X levels, so we give the "drum" by self-propelled AMX AC MLE. 48 and AMX 50 FOCH.

AMX AC MLE. 48 and AMX 50 FOCH

IXAMX 50 Foch Received a 120-mm gun with a shopping system for 4 projectiles and an average damage of 400 units per shot.

VIII.AMX AC MLE. 48. Received a 120-mm tool with a shopping system for 3 projectiles and an average damage of 400 units per shot. Moreover, both self-propelled shifts now have a sufficient onboard booking to send enemy projectiles into ricochet. AMX AC MLE. 48 will get a small increase to mobility, but AMX 50 FOCH will lose it a bit.

AMX 50 FOCH (155)

X.AMX 50 FOCH (155) - The real old-timeling world of tanks. Although B. last years The weaknesses of the car became obvious, and it significantly loses compared to other PT-SAU of the tenth level, it is still possible to periodically notice on a bolt of battle. But we changed specifications Machines VIII and IX levels, Therefore, it was necessary to also change the characteristics of AMX 50 FOCH (155) so that this PT-SAU corresponds to the overall concept of the branch and, when they kept all distinctive features, for which players like it so much.

Updated 9.20 FOCH (155) will be a substantive machine, and a new PT-SAU will be added to the tenth level. AMX 50 FOCH B. This machine is essentially a modified option for self-propelled AMX 50 FOCH (155), on which a 120-mm gun equipped with a shop on six shells is installed instead of a 155-mm gun. Each of them is able to cause 400 units of damage. In addition, the new machine will be strengthened the booking of sides and forehead housings. Due to the design features of AMX 50 FOCH (155) there were bad corners of the vertical tip, which negatively affected its combat efficiency. We have improved these parameters to give players the opportunity to use the folds of the terrain when playing this car.


Some technical aspects of the translation of AMX 50 FOCH (155):

What will happen to AMX 50 FOCH combat characteristics (155)?

We have improved the parameters of the machine in accordance with the characteristics of the new PT-SAU levels (with the exception of weapons - the machine is still equipped with a 155-mm gun with a shopping system): improved boards and arms of the body, as well as the corners of the vertical tip.

How can I get AMX 50 FOCH B and AMX 50 FOCH (155)?

If you have previously been investigated and bought AMX 50 FOCH (155), the car will remain in the hangar, while it becomes a promotional one. In addition, you will be credited with a new PT-SAU AMX 50 FOCH B.

If you have already explored the car, but I have not bought it, hurry to do it before updating the update 9.20.

If you have not yet explored this tank fighter, you should hurry, because after updating the AMX 50 FOCH (155) update (155) will be removed from sale.

What remains from players on AMX 50 FOCH (155)?

The players remain the current combat statistics on the car, earned experience, achievements, medals and distinctive marks.

What is postponed to a new PT-SAU AMX 50 FOCH B?

All items external view (Camouflage, emblems and inscriptions) are transferred to AMX 50 FOCH B, taking into account how one or another item was purchased. The AMX 50 FOCH (155) crew (155) is automatically converted to AMX 50 FOCH B. Since AMX 50 FOCH (155) is a promotional machine, you can transplant the crew with any other French PT-SAU.

What will happen to existing ammunition and installed equipment?

Available ammunition will be written off, while its full cost in loans will be credited to the account as compensation. The equipment will be dismantled and sent to the warehouse. You can install it on any other machine.

France technique, specific numbers

  • The ammunition gun 75 mm SA49 is increased from 42 to 44 units.

Bat.-Chât. 25 T.

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis AMX 30 B is reduced by 25%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the AMX 30 B rotation is reduced by 25%.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 increased from 0.3 m to 0.36 m.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 When turning the tower is reduced by 33%.
  • Recharge time 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 B tower is reduced from 8.9 to 7.8 s.
  • Time of 105 mm MLE instrument. F1 for the AMX 30 B tower is reduced from 2.1 to 2 s.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 is increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 when the trunk is rotated by 42%.
  • Added a store charging system on a 120 MM AC SA46 tool for AMX AC MLE tower. 48.
  • Time Information Tools 120 MM AC SA46 for the AMX AC MLE Tower. 48 Reduced from 2.9 to 2.7 s.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases.
  • The ammunition gun 120 MM AC SA46 is increased from 64 to 66 units.
  • Added SCR 619F radio station.
  • Added engine SAURER 1000F.
  • The SCR 619 radio station is removed.
  • Removed engine Saurer.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases.
  • The angle of elevation of the gun 155 mm AC SA58 is changed from +12 to +18 degrees.
  • The angle of declining gun 155 mm AC SA58 is increased from -5 to -6 degrees.
  • The machine is translated from the studied in the vocational one.

Bat.-ch. 25 T AP.

  • The ammunition gun 100 mm SA47 is increased from 30 to 42 units.
  • The spreading of the guns from the movement of the AMX 30 1ER prototype is reduced by 11%.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis AMX 30 A pré-série is reduced by 12%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the AMX 30 1ER prototype is reduced by 11%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the AMX 30 A pré-série is reduced by 12%.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 A PRÉ-Série tower increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 1ER PROTOTYPE tower increased from 0.34 to 0.38 m.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 When turning the AMX 30 A pré-série tower is reduced by 40%.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 When turning the AMX 30 1ER Prototype tower is reduced by 30%.
  • Recharge time 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 A PRÉ-SÉRIE tower is reduced from 9.9 to 8.7 s.
  • Recharge time 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 1ER Prototype tower is reduced from 10.2 to 9 s.
  • Strengthened towards the towers.
  • Earth armor remoteness of OFL-105-F1 gun 105 mm MLE. F1 is reduced from 260 to 248 mm.
  • Circumptability of the OCC-105-F1 OCC-105-F1 gun 105 mm MLE. F1 is reduced from 320 to 300 mm.
  • The angle of declining tools 90 mm DCA 45 is increased from -6 to -9 degrees.
  • The angle of declining tools 90 mm F3 is increased from -6 to -9 degrees.
  • The angle of declining gun 100 mm SA47 is increased from -6 to -9 degrees.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the AMX 50 FOCH movement is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the AMX 50 FOCH BIS movement is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the AMX 50 FOCH rotation is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the AMX 50 FOCH BIS is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 is increased from 0.33 to 0.35 m.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 when the trunk is rotated by 30%.
  • Added a store charging system on a 120 MM AC SA46 tool for AMX 50 FOCH tower.
  • Time Time Tools 120 MM AC SA46 for the AMX 50 FOCH tower increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases.
  • The ammunition gun 120 MM AC SA46 is increased from 64 to 68 units.
  • Added to replace AMX 50 FOCH (155).

We know how much of you tremendously belong to Bat.-Châtillon 25 T. We analyzed the test results and did not find sufficient arguments for the rebalance of this sign machine. Bat.-Châtillon 25 T will remain unchanged.

Tree of research Germany

Heavy tanks


IXMäuschen. Practically did not need to be editable, with the exception of one: in the basic configuration, the tank was frankly weak, so we improved him mobility to make it more attractive for players. The change should also facilitate the promotion of players on this branch of German hard tanks.


As a result of the latest changes, MAUS again became an unsolved fortress capable of blocking a huge number of damage, but in its desire to improve this tank we moved somewhat. Especially in increasing its fighter indicators. In updating 9.20 we want to keep it specific traitsIn particular, outstanding booking indicators. It is important to emphasize its difference from the other German heavy tank, E 100. We have reduced the reserve of MAUS's strength, and also increased the time of reloading tools. Thus, damage per minute will decrease, but the style of the game will remain unchanged. MAUS will still play the role of a mobile fortress.

8.8cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

Firing and accuracy VIII.8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger It was leveled by her bad mobility, which did not allow to fully reveal the potential of this car. Her speed did not allow to quickly change the flank and help allies if necessary. We have improved the mobility of this PT-SAU so that it can join the battle when necessary. Thus, players will be able to decide when entering into battle, instead of waiting until the enemy arrives at a sufficient distance.

German technology, specific numbers

  • Improved the cross-country's permeability on all types of soils.
  • Time Recharge guns 12.8 cm kw.k. 44 L / 55 increased from 12 seconds to 13.3 s.
  • Strength decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 6%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the chassis is reduced by 6%.
  • The speed of rotation of the chassis is increased from 22 to 26 degrees / s.

American average tanks

M48A1 Patton and M46 Patton

IXM46 Patton. and


We are ready for preliminary innovations version 9.20: Rebalans of technology, new PT-SAU of China and much more.

Please note: the list is not final. We will publish final information immediately before updating.

So, the SuperTest version 9.20 will be available today. Update will take into account your feedback on the mechanics of stunning and revising the research tree, and will also add the format "30 to 30" into random fights. And on Super Testa, new PT-SAU of China will appear.

SuperTest is held at the earliest stages of development - as a rule, over a month and a half before the update is released - it is designed to check the changes, as well as to search for critical errors before the open test step. SuperTestes in World of Tanks are divided into technical tests (new cards, balance of equipment, etc.) and versioning tests (the integrity of the update).

When the Super Test Stage is complete, general tests begin, where any player can appreciate the changes.

And now more about all changes.

Rebalanse technology

We will focus on four nations: Japan, France, USA and the USSR. Some changes will also occur in the study tree of Germany. They will touch the following cars:

Today, the details of the upcoming rebalance of technology are the most discussed update theme 9.20 on the game forum. Therefore, where we are talking about the reasons for change, as well as answer your questions.

Changes in class saau

The refinement of SAU continued since the update release 9.18. For several months, we analyzed your feedback and statistics of changes. And now we will make a number of improvements to make the gameplay more comfortable for both SAU players and other participants in battle.

The increased radius of the separation of fragments led to the emergence of situations where the player who considers himself safe in the shelter was still damaged. So that such cases did not occur, we finalized the mechanics of the calculation of damage and stunning, adding a number of additional parameters when shooting through obstacles:

  • The fire of artillery can not be worried if the structure (destroyed or non-destructive), which is used for shelter, has a thickness of 2 m or more, and your machine is completely covered after it. There you will be safe: your car will not get damage and will not be stunned.
  • The car standing behind the fence or little structure Thickness less than 2 m, will receive damage and will be stunned, as it happens in the open area.
  • The third scenario: the structure is durable (2 m or more), but the car is not completely hidden behind it (for example, stunning occurred at the time of check-in for the shelter). In this case, the duration of stunning and damage will depend on which part of the car was attached. Depending on the area, which was shelling, the car will receive:
    • 25% of the total damage and stunning time;
    • 50% of the total damage and stunning time;
    • 75% of the total damage and stunning time;
    • 100% of the overall damage and stunning time.

We will make changes to the postback interface: To completely display the battle efficiency of the player, information about the total time of the stunning time will be shown.

Chinese PT-SAU

Nine PT-SAU of China already warm up the motors and are ready to show themselves on the battlefield! Yes, we are talking about the branch of technology, which came out on China servers a few months ago. Now this branch of cars will be available for all players.

We will tell you in detail about each car closer to the update output - follow the news. In the meantime, you can estimate the characteristics of PT-SAU and learn about the number of experience and loans needed to study them.

The content is available with a greater width of the browser window.

New format in the "Random Fight" mode

Would you like to test your game skills in battle, different from the format "15 to 15"? Well, you will soon have such an opportunity. In the update 9.20 in the game, a new type of battle called "General Battle" in the format "30 to 30" will be available. 60 players will fight on new Map "Nevelburg" size of 1.4x1.4 km, created specifically for this type of battle.

"General Battle" - exclusive for techniques of levels. This type is based on standard rules of the game: the capture of the enemy base or the destruction of its entire technique. The amount of SAU is limited to 4 machines to the command to provide a comfortable gameplay for all types of equipment. "General Battle" is similar to the oncoming battle and storm - it can be enabled or disabled in the game settings.

Detailed overview of the "general battle", in which we will tell about all its features. Wait for a separate article closer to the update output 9.20. Feel free to leave feedback and ask questions!

HD model

And finally, 12 more cars will be translated into HD quality.

Update is available for download and download. Through the Loncher will be downloaded: 498 MB for the SD client and an additional 349 MB for the HD client.

Over the past few weeks, we talked about the upcoming changes in the balance sheet of technology, the editors of the CAU, the new branch of the Chinese PT-SAU and the epic type of combat "General Battle". With the update output 9.20, all this appeared in the game, and you can try out the innovation. If you still do not know all the latest changes, this article is just for you.

World of Tanks servers will not be available August 29 from 3:00 to 11:00 (MSK) Due to the update output.

The situation on the global map will be frozen from 4:00 (MSK) on August 29 to 4:00 (MSK) on August 30. Also on August 29 will not work "offensive" in Strongs. Well, the clang portal will also be unavailable during the update.

Players, who, at the time of the start of technical work, a premium account or other temporary services are active (for example, camouflage), will be compensated for by a premium account and / or a day of use of services starting from August 29 from 3:00 (MSK) according to. If you want to make purchases in the game, wait for the server launch.

What's new?

Click on the images below to find out the details about each innovation.

Rebalanse technology

In the last update, the changes were touched by the following nations: Japan, France, Germany, the USA and the USSR. Among other things, the French PT-SAU FOCH (155) will be replaced with a new X level machine - FOCH 50 B. Those who in the hangar already have FOCH (155) will be able to become happy owners of both cars. We also changed the parameters of a row of machines in the German development tree - as part of a large-scale revision of the characteristics of the technique, which we are engaged in the beginning of 2017. This time the changes were affected by Maus, M äuschen and 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger. Not bypassed the change and IS-7.

Artillery refinement

For quite a long time we work on artillery and the revision of its mechanic. This is a difficult task, but it's time to give you to try out these changed mechanics in the game.

With the appearance of stunning, players often found themselves in a situation where the gap of the artillery projectile taped their car even behind the shelter. We introduced a number of additional variables so that the defeat of the goals behind the shelters was calculated as correct as possible. Briefly: Now, if your car is behind the shelter of a thickness of more than two meters, you can feel safe.

If the shelter thickness is sufficient, but the machine is hidden behind it completely, the duration of stun varies depending on the size of the visible tank section. In addition, a string appeared for artilleryrs in post-wage statistics showing the total duration of stuns caused by them.

Chinese PT-SAU

These PT-SAU, who used to be only available to players in China, are now in your disposal. Nine new cars form a full branch.

New PT-SAU low levels are characterized by a good review range for machines of this type. In combination with high secrecy, it gives you a great opportunity to fire from the distance. At medium-sized levels, Chinese PT-SAU boasts higher mobility and booking, as well as an increased one-time damage. Since the guns of these machines are still not the highest accuracy, the most acceptable option of the battle is to participate in the skirmishes at the middle distance.

At high levels of the machine of this branch, thanks to the balance of high one-time damage and rapidity. And, although in the game there is a PT-SAU with even greater damage per shot, Chinese PT-SAU has more than enough fire power to fight with any opponent.

General Battle

You asked us to create more large-scale battles with a higher amount of tanks and a biggest size of the cards themselves. And now the type of combat battle is coming to the scene. It is available within the framework of random battles, along with counterfeit, standard battle and assault. In general battles you are waiting for 30s 30 on the map "Nevenburg" with an area of \u200b\u200b1.4x1.4 km. Play in battles of the "General Battle" battle can be only on level techniques. At the beginning of the battle, the technique of teams appears in three points on the map, and the amount of SAU is limited to four to the command.

The general battle proceeds according to the rules of the standard battle: you need to capture the enemy's database or destroy all its technique in 15 minutes.

What will the awards in this type of battle? Each player will be able to earn bones for their fighting progress. The number of Bon depends on the experience: the more experience you earn, the more Bon get. In turn, bones can be exchanged for presets and improved equipment.

Participate in the general battles and share your impressions!


Previously, the only way to earn bones was to participate in rank battles. With the output of version 9.20, you can also get a new currency in random battles on levels of levels: it is enough to get into battle with one "dozens" and make more 400 units of clean experience out of it. We work on additional ways to obtain and use Bon, follow the news.

Please note that the remitary instructions and advanced equipment that can be obtained only in exchange for bones, you can use in other modes - in fact, like any other game currency. They will increase the efficiency of your car and crew and will use you in random and rank battles, clan wars and tournaments.

And one more important moment: Now improved equipment can be dismantled only in exchange for bones. With the output of version 9.20, such equipment will be automatically dismantled free of charge from the machines of all players so that you yourself can set it at your discretion.

The rebalance of medium tanks must consolidate the role of active art with a strong tower. This will allow the Soviet st play "from the tower", while the body will have to be reliably hiding behind the shelter.

T-44, T-54arr. oneand T-44-100 (p)

Top Tower Tanka VIII.

T-44 Received 200 mm of the reduced armor in the front (where it used to be 120-140 mm) and up to 300 mm on sides. Now the tank will not need to avoid duel against classmates and even more high levels. VIII.T-54 first sample and VIII.T-44-100 (P) Received a similar improvement.

Moreover, the selection of T-44 guns did not provide a variety of playing process. Therefore, we changed the parameters of the guns 100 mm LB-1 and 122 mm D-25-44. A 122-mm gun gained an increase to rapidity and became a good alternative to a decent one-time damage. A 100-mm gun will provide an effective shooting both on the go and from a fixed state due to improved stabilization and information. The gun will be an excellent choice for shooting at medium distances. And last: Armor-piercing projectiles of LB-1 will be able to punch 190 mm armor, which will significantly increase the efficiency of firing in classmates.


IXT-54. Could literally solely "disassemble" any average tank. However, his tower over time lost its former efficacy, and now he does not feel as confident in the battles on medium and long distances, as it was before. We strengthened the booking of the Tower of this car (zone for the mask of the gun) to return to the former confidence.

The parameters of the top guns are also revised to focus on the difference in the study of T-62A and "object 140". T-62A, which has higher accuracy and better stabilization, is studied through a 100 mm D-54 gun, more suitable for firing on medium and far distances. "Object 140" is rather suitable for medium and melee and is studied through the instrument of D-10T2C. Using the opportunity, we also strengthened the reservation of the tank tower to the proper level.

"Object 140"

The combination of high speed, excellent tools and decent booking allows X.Object 140. Being a "universal soldier" - it can effectively do everything: and "shine", and perform flank maneuvers. However, the thin armor of the roof of the tower was a weak place. To fix it, we have improved the roof booking of the tower to the T-62A tank level. Nevertheless, vulnerable turrets will remain. Be careful, going into battle on the updated "object 140": these turrets can still be the cause of rapid strength loss.

Heavy tanks


Revision of tank parameters X.IS-7. We will ask the direction of rebalans for the entire branch of heavy tanks of the USSR. Bad stabilization and accuracy of the guns do not allow to conduct aiming fire, especially on the go. Thus, the players make up a feeling that any other heavy level tank is much better. To give the car such a long-awaited "AP", we have reduced the time of information, spread when driving and turning the tower. This should allow the machine to fully realize its firepower, and 2400 strength points will increase the survival rate in combat. The combination of these changes emphasizes the role of the IS-7 as a breakthrough tank, which is always on the attack's tip.

Break forward: In the future, we plan to significantly dissolve the roles of the branches of the IS and KV. Our goal is to make the entire branch of the KV sequential and appropriate role of well armored cars with high firing power.

Although there are two branches of Soviet PT-SAU in the game, most players prefer the one that leads to the "object 268", and within the branch itself, many stop at the ISU-152 or study "Object 268", but never play it. We realized that a stimulus was needed that would allow the players to learn the "object 268" and play it. To do this, we needed to change the characteristics of ISU-152, and such things usually do it difficult. We decided to leave self-containers a high one-time damage, but to reduce armor-proof, compensating for this by improving mobility and strength. Then it was possible to proceed to an improvement in the "object 704" and "object 268".


VIII.ISU-152. - This is a real "fighter" of tanks, "Object 704" is largely similar to IPU-152, but stronger, but the "object 268" slightly falls out of this triple. The sequence was needed on the way to "object 268", and we started with replacing the top gun BL-10 at 152-mm D-4C. It is similar to BL-10 in many respects, with the exception of a slightly reduced armor-proof (260 mm). This tool allows ISU-152 to remain a "fighter" of tanks, but gives us a little freedom to improve the reservation of the machine, increase its strength and mobility. In addition, some 122-mm guns were abolished to speed up the pumping machine to the top configuration.

If you have not studied the top gun and use 122 mm BL-9C, with update output 9.20 you will get a new top gun.

"Object 704"

Favoring fear IXObject 704. It will receive an alternative gun 152 mm D-4C in addition to the mighty BL-10 as a top-end to make a variety of the gameplay of this self-propeller.

"Object 268"

To do X.Object 268. A worthy award for the entire traveled path, we increased the speed of the shell flight from 760 to 950 m / s, and also increased the angle of declining the gun to the level of the "object 704". All this should increase efficiency when shooting from a distance and on moving targets.

Technique of the USSR, specific numbers

T-54 first sample

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the chassis is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of 100 mm D-10T-K when turning the tower is reduced by 25%.
  • Time Information Tools 100 mm D-10T-K for T-54 Tower The first sample changed from 2.4 ° C to 2.2 s.
  • The range of the tower is increased from 360 m to 380 m.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • EARR-412 equipment armoredness 100 mm D-10T-K extension increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • Earth-412P equipment of UBR-412P, 100 mm D-10T-K increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The angle of declining guns is 100 mm D-10T-K increased from -6 to -7 degrees.
  • The ammunition gun 100 mm D-10T-K is increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • The spread of 100 mM LB-1 guns when turning the tower is reduced by 15%.
  • Time of 100 mM LB-1 tools is reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the T-44 is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the T-44M is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the T-44 is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the T-44M is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the gun 122 mm D-25-44 is reduced from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • The spread of 100 mM LB-1 guns when turning the tower is reduced by 14%.
  • Recharge time 122 mm D-25-44 reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • Recharge time 100 mm LB-1 is reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The time of the instruments of the gun 122 mm D-25-44 is reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • Time of 100 mM LB-1 tools is reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • Bruckover equipment UBR-412P tools 100 mm LB-1 increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armoredness of the UBR-412 projectile, 100 mM LB-1 implements increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The spread of 100 mm D-10T2C is increased from 0.35 m to 0.39 m.
  • Scatter 100 mm D-54 reduced from 0.39 m to 0.33 m.
  • Recharge time 100 mm D-10T2C reduced from 7.8 s to 7.4 s.
  • Recharge time 100 mm D-54 increased from 8.2 s to 8.5 s.
  • Time Information of 100 mm D-10T2C is increased from 2.3 seconds to 2.5 s.
  • The time of 100 mm D-54 tools is reduced from 2.9 ° C to 2 s.
  • Strengthen the reservation of towers and housing.
  • Bruckover equipment UBR-412P tools 100 mm LB-1 increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armoredness of the UBR-412 projectile, 100 mM LB-1 implements increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The angle of declining guns 100 mm D-10T2C is increased from -5 to -6 degrees.

"Object 140"

  • Strengthened the roof booking of the tower.
  • Added engine M-50Ti.
  • Removed engine M-50T.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 16%.
  • The spread of the guns from rotation of the chassis is reduced by 16%.
  • The spread of 130 mm C-70 guns when turning the tower is reduced by 25%.
  • The time of 130 mm C-70 instruments is reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Strength rose from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • Added to a gun 152 mm d-4c.
  • Removed tool 122 mm A-19 arr. 1937
  • Removed tools 122 mm D-25C arr. 1944
  • Removed gun 152 mm bl-10.
  • Removed UBR-471 projectile.
  • Removed gear bro 471d.
  • Removed UF-471 projectile.
  • Removed shell 53-OF-551.
  • Removed UBR-551 projectile.
  • Removed UBR-551P projectile.
  • Strength increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of research of the BL-9C guns is reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 units of experience.
  • The cost of studying the following in the branch of the machine "Object 704" increased from 176,500 to 192,500 units of experience.

"Object 704"

  • Added to a gun 152 mm d-4c.
  • The cost of studying the following in the branch of the machine "Object 268" is reduced from 301,000 to 239,000 units of experience.

"Object 268"

  • The angles of horizontal tip are increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The speed of the shell of 152 mm UBR-551m gun 152 mm M64 increased from 760 to 950 m / s.

France studies tree

Now the cars of France are only a shadow of what they were before: PT-SAU looked as much as few people want to explore them, and AMX 30 and AMX 30 B simply duplicate the role of German Leopard Prototyp a and Leopard 1. In the update 9.20 we tried to return their role on the battlefield:

  • We revised the characteristics of the average ix tanks and x level so that they become accurate machines of support from the average distance, providing players a unique gameplay.
  • To PT-SAU France again could shine on the battlefield, we gave them a shopping system. We also worked on mobility, booking and vulnerable zones.

Middle tanks

AMX 30 and AMX 30 B

Survival IXAMX 30 1ER Prototype and X.AMX 30 B. It will increase due to a significant strengthening of the reservation of the tower and the game "from the relief". However, you should not forget that the body will remain very vulnerable to the enemy's shells. These tanks will also receive good stabilization, which, in combination with a decent speed and maneuverability, will allow them to quickly change the positions and to be found exactly where the situation requires. As for the guns, AMX 30 and AMX 30 B will receive the highest rate of damage per minute among all medium tanks. They will be able to dig up, put a significant damage and come back into the shelter. In order for these tanks to play exactly on the middle distance, we will slightly reduce their accuracy and penetration of armor-piercing shells.

Heavy tanks

AMX 50 100.

VIII.AMX 50 100. It has excellent mobility in combination with impressive firing power. However, often these strengths it is difficult for him to be implemented in battle due to a high profile and extremely weak body armor. In the upgrade 9.20, the tank will receive an increase to the angle of guns. Now he will be able to fire, hiding his big and "soft" housing from the enemy in the folds of the terrain.

We wanted to make a shopping system for charging the visiting card of the French PT-SAU VIII-X levels, so we give the "drum" by self-containers AMX AC MLE. 48 and AMX 50 FOCH.

AMX AC MLE. 48 and AMX 50 FOCH

IXAMX 50 Foch Received a 120-mm gun with a shopping system for 4 projectiles and an average damage of 400 units per shot.

VIII.AMX AC MLE. 48. Received a 120-mm tool with a shopping system for 3 projectiles and an average damage of 400 units per shot. Moreover, both self-propelled shifts now have a sufficient onboard booking to send enemy projectiles into ricochet. AMX AC MLE. 48 will get a small increase to mobility, but AMX 50 FOCH will lose it a bit.

AMX 50 FOCH (155)

X.AMX 50 FOCH (155) - The real old-timeling world of tanks. Although in recent years, the weaknesses of the machine have become apparent, and it significantly loses compared to other PT-SAU of the tenth level, it is still possible to periodically notice on the battle. But we changed the technical characteristics of the machines VIII and IX levels, so it was also necessary to change the characteristics of AMX 50 FOCH (155) so that this PT-SAU corresponded to the overall branch concept and while the fact that the players love it so much.

Updated 9.20 FOCH (155) will be a substantive machine, and a new PT-SAU will be added to the tenth level. AMX 50 FOCH B. This machine is essentially a modified option for self-propelled AMX 50 FOCH (155), on which a 120-mm gun equipped with a shop on six shells is installed instead of a 155-mm gun. Each of them is able to cause 400 units of damage. In addition, the new machine will be strengthened the booking of sides and forehead housings. Due to the design features of AMX 50 FOCH (155) there were bad corners of the vertical tip, which negatively affected its combat efficiency. We have improved these parameters to give players the opportunity to use the folds of the terrain when playing this car.


Some technical aspects of the translation of AMX 50 FOCH (155):

What will happen to AMX 50 FOCH combat characteristics (155)?

We have improved the parameters of the machine in accordance with the characteristics of the new PT-SAU levels (with the exception of weapons - the machine is still equipped with a 155-mm gun with a shopping system): improved boards and arms of the body, as well as the corners of the vertical tip.

How can I get AMX 50 FOCH B and AMX 50 FOCH (155)?

If you have previously been investigated and bought AMX 50 FOCH (155), the car will remain in the hangar, while it becomes a promotional one. In addition, you will be credited with a new PT-SAU AMX 50 FOCH B.

If you have already explored the car, but I have not bought it, hurry to do it before updating the update 9.20.

If you have not yet explored this tank fighter, you should hurry, because after updating the AMX 50 FOCH (155) update (155) will be removed from sale.

What remains from players on AMX 50 FOCH (155)?

The players remain the current combat statistics on the car, earned experience, achievements, medals and distinctive marks.

What is postponed to a new PT-SAU AMX 50 FOCH B?

All appearance elements (camouflage, emblems and inscriptions) are transferred to AMX 50 FOCH B, taking into account the time or another item was bought. The AMX 50 FOCH (155) crew (155) is automatically converted to AMX 50 FOCH B. Since AMX 50 FOCH (155) is a promotional machine, you can transplant the crew with any other French PT-SAU.

What will happen to existing ammunition and installed equipment?

Available ammunition will be written off, while its full cost in loans will be credited to the account as compensation. The equipment will be dismantled and sent to the warehouse. You can install it on any other machine.

France technique, specific numbers

  • The ammunition gun 75 mm SA49 is increased from 42 to 44 units.

Bat.-Chât. 25 T.

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis AMX 30 B is reduced by 25%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the AMX 30 B rotation is reduced by 25%.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 increased from 0.3 m to 0.36 m.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 When turning the tower is reduced by 33%.
  • Recharge time 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 B tower is reduced from 8.9 to 7.8 s.
  • Time of 105 mm MLE instrument. F1 for the AMX 30 B tower is reduced from 2.1 to 2 s.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 is increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 when the trunk is rotated by 42%.
  • Added a store charging system on a 120 MM AC SA46 tool for AMX AC MLE tower. 48.
  • Time Information Tools 120 MM AC SA46 for the AMX AC MLE Tower. 48 Reduced from 2.9 to 2.7 s.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases.
  • The ammunition gun 120 MM AC SA46 is increased from 64 to 66 units.
  • Added SCR 619F radio station.
  • Added engine SAURER 1000F.
  • The SCR 619 radio station is removed.
  • Removed engine Saurer.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases.
  • The angle of elevation of the gun 155 mm AC SA58 is changed from +12 to +18 degrees.
  • The angle of declining gun 155 mm AC SA58 is increased from -5 to -6 degrees.
  • The machine is translated from the studied in the vocational one.

Bat.-ch. 25 T AP.

  • The ammunition gun 100 mm SA47 is increased from 30 to 42 units.
  • The spreading of the guns from the movement of the AMX 30 1ER prototype is reduced by 11%.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis AMX 30 A pré-série is reduced by 12%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the AMX 30 1ER prototype is reduced by 11%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the AMX 30 A pré-série is reduced by 12%.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 A PRÉ-Série tower increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 1ER PROTOTYPE tower increased from 0.34 to 0.38 m.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 When turning the AMX 30 A pré-série tower is reduced by 40%.
  • Sparkling gun 105 mm MLE. F1 When turning the AMX 30 1ER Prototype tower is reduced by 30%.
  • Recharge time 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 A PRÉ-SÉRIE tower is reduced from 9.9 to 8.7 s.
  • Recharge time 105 mm MLE. F1 for the AMX 30 1ER Prototype tower is reduced from 10.2 to 9 s.
  • Strengthened towards the towers.
  • Earth armor remoteness of OFL-105-F1 gun 105 mm MLE. F1 is reduced from 260 to 248 mm.
  • Circumptability of the OCC-105-F1 OCC-105-F1 gun 105 mm MLE. F1 is reduced from 320 to 300 mm.
  • The angle of declining tools 90 mm DCA 45 is increased from -6 to -9 degrees.
  • The angle of declining tools 90 mm F3 is increased from -6 to -9 degrees.
  • The angle of declining gun 100 mm SA47 is increased from -6 to -9 degrees.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the AMX 50 FOCH movement is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the AMX 50 FOCH BIS movement is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the AMX 50 FOCH rotation is reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the AMX 50 FOCH BIS is reduced by 10%.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 is increased from 0.33 to 0.35 m.
  • The spread of the gun 120 mm AC SA46 when the trunk is rotated by 30%.
  • Added a store charging system on a 120 MM AC SA46 tool for AMX 50 FOCH tower.
  • Time Time Tools 120 MM AC SA46 for the AMX 50 FOCH tower increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases.
  • The ammunition gun 120 MM AC SA46 is increased from 64 to 68 units.
  • Added to replace AMX 50 FOCH (155).

We know how much of you tremendously belong to Bat.-Châtillon 25 T. We analyzed the test results and did not find sufficient arguments for the rebalance of this sign machine. Bat.-Châtillon 25 T will remain unchanged.

Tree of research Germany

Heavy tanks


IXMäuschen. Practically did not need to be editable, with the exception of one: in the basic configuration, the tank was frankly weak, so we improved him mobility to make it more attractive for players. The change should also facilitate the promotion of players on this branch of German hard tanks.


As a result of the latest changes, MAUS again became an unsolved fortress capable of blocking a huge number of damage, but in its desire to improve this tank we moved somewhat. Especially in increasing its fighter indicators. In the update 9.20, we want to preserve its characteristic features, in particular, outstanding booking indicators. It is important to emphasize its difference from another German hard tank, E 100. We have reduced the stock of the MAUS strength, and also increased the time of reloading tools. Thus, damage per minute will decrease, but the style of the game will remain unchanged. MAUS will still play the role of a mobile fortress.

8.8cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

Firing and accuracy VIII.8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger It was leveled by her bad mobility, which did not allow to fully reveal the potential of this car. Her speed did not allow to quickly change the flank and help allies if necessary. We have improved the mobility of this PT-SAU so that it can join the battle when necessary. Thus, players will be able to decide when entering into battle, instead of waiting until the enemy arrives at a sufficient distance.

German technology, specific numbers

  • Improved the cross-country's permeability on all types of soils.
  • Time Recharge guns 12.8 cm kw.k. 44 L / 55 increased from 12 seconds to 13.3 s.
  • Strength decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 6%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the chassis is reduced by 6%.
  • The speed of rotation of the chassis is increased from 22 to 26 degrees / s.

American average tanks

M48A1 Patton and M46 Patton

IXM46 Patton. and


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