Funding for education. Financing in the Education Service Criteria School without Educational deadlocks

Funding for education. Financing in the Education Service Criteria School without Educational deadlocks

In the Department of Education of Moscow, a weekly press conference was held on the development of the metropolitan education system. During the meeting with journalists, the head of the department of Isaac Kalina spoke about the nuances of working with schools demonstrating the negative dynamics of the educational process. This writes the information portal "Province New".

"To such an indicator, as the dynamics of the development of the educational process, we pay special attention. If the school sustainably occupies the lower line of the citywide rating, we offer staff to join the school without educational impasters. With participation in the program, the school has the right to count on the direct assistance of the Moscow City Methodological Center specialists and additional funding at the expense of the municipal budget, "said Kalina.

According to the head of the department, to participate in the program, the school must fulfill two conditions. First, teachers of the institution must pass training EGE - Independent diagnosis of teachers' personal knowledge. Secondly, the managers team should not have employees working in the institution for more than three years.

In the confrontation between the deceived shareholders and CJSC "FCSR" occurred significant event. On October 1, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of Moscow, it was decided that the "FTCR" is a developer of the LCD Triumphal LCD and decided to apply paragraph 7 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)". Thus, the shareholders have legitimate grounds to enter the register of creditors' claims on the transfer of residential premises. About it talked Federal news agency.

As the Temporary Managing "FTCR" E.Dovichenko noted, the seventh paragraph no longer allows you to seek the reasons for postponement of consideration of the requirements of shareholders. Previously, she analyzed the activities of the Developer, establishing that he had no opportunity to pay on his obligations. Along the way, signs of the presence of actions aimed at the deliberate bankruptcy of CJSC FCSR were found.

In fact, the desire of the leadership "FCSR" to bring assets explains its reluctance to meet the shareholders and attempts artificially to tighten the bankruptcy process. Now people expect that the definition of their status, as the shareholders, will speed up the decision of the case in their favor. They expect that the Moscow authorities will help to change the developer who will complement the residential complex.

Consul of Hungary in the city of Beregovo declared non-Grata person. The message about this was published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The agency noted that the corresponding note was transferred to the ambassador of Hungary in Kiev Erno Kesken. The decision was made in connection with the activities that are incompatible with the status of the consular official. The diplomat is prescribed to leave the territory of Ukraine over the next 72 hours.

The activities of the Hungarian representation in Transcarpathia had previously caused discontent with Kiev due to the emergence of information on issuing citizens of the Hungarian passports.

The disagreements of Budapest and Kiev are associated with the situation around the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia. In Budapest, the number of diasporas is estimated at 150 thousand people. Hungary accuses the authorities of Ukraine in the discrimination of ethnic Hungarians. So, the criticism was subjected to a law on education, which limits teaching in the languages \u200b\u200bof national minorities.

Ukrainian sailors were ready for clashings with Russian border guards when passing ships of the Navy "Korets" and "Donbass" through the Kerch Strait. This was told by the captain of the first rank Dmitry Kovalenko, who led the transition of ships in the Azov Sea. He noted that the sailors have taken the necessary measures, leading armament of ships in combat readiness.

Also, the captain spoke about the intention to wash off Russian border guards if they were useful on board. For this, fire sleeves were prepared. Among other things, Kovalenko noted that the Korets ship at an occasion of the Kerch Strait violated the rules and said that he plans to pass, and did not ask for permission to him.

On September 23, the search and rescue vessel A500 "Donbass" and the sea tug A830 "Koret", owned by Ukraine, with the permission of the Russian side and, accompanied by the Coast Guard of the FSB border guard vehicles, passed under the Crimean Bridge.

The United States is actively working on the creation of hypersonic arms and will begin to conduct tests faster than expected. This was announced on Wednesday by First Deputy Minister of Defense Patrick Shanakhan. He noted that at the moment it is determined how many weapons are needed by the states, and complex energetic work is carried out in this direction.

Earlier, the Minister of Defense James Mattis noted that the development of hypersonic weapons and steel protection products for the US Sun is a major priority. It is noted that China and Russia are ahead of America for a number of directions for the development of hypersonic weapons.

For the first time in 10 years, the states unveiled the uncommitimate version of their new strategy of national defense on January 19. The Minister of Defense stressed that the new SEO aims to long-term strategic rivalry with China and the Russian Federation.

Russian Railways OJSC studies the possibility of equipping cars with transformer spaces and capsules, the director of the company Oleg Belozerov said. He also reminded that Russian Railways is developing a new concept of passenger cars, projects "2019" and "2020". They will be highly comfortable, equipped with sockets and Wi-Fi.

Earlier, the Director of Russian Railways on Passenger Transportation by Dmitry Peregov noted that the company plans to replace the old coupe and second-class cars in innovative cars in the next few years. As an example of consumer properties, it led an example of highlighting bubble baggage compartments, shower cabins, adjustable darkening of windows, touch screens, the development of recreation areas for small passengers.

Wagon-2019 will replace existing one-storey coupe cars. The replacement cards will be replaced by new open-type wagons, equipped with dry goods, air conditioning. Such a measure will preserve the stability of socially significant traffic.

Washington can resume the use of F-22 fighters in Syria and F-16 CJ aircraft in response to the supply of S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems. The United States has already used such a technique at the beginning of the campaign.

On the eve of the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the transfer of Damascus S-300 system. In total, Moscow sent 49 units of technology to SAR. Among other things, the suspension locators, the main definition systems, four starting settings, as well as control machines.

According to the head of the Russian agency, the training of Syrian military management complexes C-300 will require about three months. The formation of a unified air defense system in Syria is planned to be completed by October 20.

Recall that the supply of C-300 in Syria became a forced measure after the Syrian rocket of the Russian aircraft IL-20 shot down over the Mediterranean Sea. As a result of the incident, fifteen Russian servicemen were killed.

US Vice President Mike Pens believes that Russian attempts to interfere with the country's affairs are fascinated compared to what China does. According to him, Beijing mobilized the hidden agents of influence and enjoys propaganda in order to change the perception of American politics by Americans. According to Vice President, China uses long diplomacy in order to spread its influence. Also in his speech, he mentioned the information of American intelligence, according to which Beijing intends to take advantage of the contradiction between the local and federal authorities of the United States.

According to his speech, the vice-president also declares that China has tried to influence entrepreneurs to condemn America's trade policy. Also, Pens pay attention during the nearest performance to the incident in the waters of the South China Sea, when their ship passed 40 meters from the American destroyer, forcing him to change the course, leaving the collision.

The return of 30 thousand wagons of Ukrainian Railways demanded Ukraine from the Russian Federation. This was told about the Ukrainian media, referring to the first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Geraschenko. She added that cars are located in the territories of the DNR and LNR and now they trade in the proclaimed republics and Russia.

Among other things, according to Geranoshenko, 85 of these cars were made new and bought on the funds of the European Bank for reconstruction and development on credit, which is not yet repaid.

After the events of the spring of 2014, there are no direct trains of Russian formation between Ukraine and Russia. On the territory of Ukraine there is only one transit train FPK Moscow-Chisinau-Moscow with a stop.

The remaining trains that connect both countries belong to "Ukrainian railways»And CIS countries. From October 2015, at the initiative of Kiev between countries, flights are completely discontinued.

On September 10, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladimir Omelian stated that the potential termination of the railway reports from the Russian Federation will not bring losses of the UZh.

In Moscow, a lecture was a lecture on nutrition nutrition Natalie Makienko. Among the guests were also seen of Star Girls: Actress Theon Dolnikova, TV presenter Galina Rjaxenskaya, Karina Khimchinskaya designer. Participants learned about the secrets of the right autumn diet, conducted a Chest-up organism and amounted to an individual grocery basket on the autumn season.

Natalie Makienko - The author of the methodology for changing food habits - spoke about the peculiarities of the adaptation of the body by autumn, how to avoid stress and prevent problems with the functioning of organs, which during this period receive the maximum load. How to prevent viral infections and be treated without additional medicines and even dietary supplements.

Many common seasonal symptoms can be avoided by adjusting the grocery basket under the individual characteristics of the body. Below give several recommendations. It is important to take into account that they are given within general rules For a healthy body. In other cases, an individual adjustment is required taking into account the preliminary collection of anamnesis.

  • Limit red meat, offal, if it is not written according to individual readings;
  • Slide the use of coffee and drinks with caffeine, as well as alcohol. In the fall, give preference to fruit, berry teas;
  • Gradually, enter the warming products in the diet: bright vegetables, including baked or stewed, honey, sweet fruits, spices (especially ginger and cinnamon), vegetable broths and cream soups;
  • Add an indispensable fatty acids, they will help to prepare for winter: vegetable oils, nuts, avocado, fatty varieties of fish.
  • In the diet of yellow and orange vegetables, sweet fruits (bananas, dried fruits) and sour-sweet (apples, pears, figs).
  • Spices to your taste, except mint.
  • As a source of protein, it is better to choose eggs, legumes, fish, seafood, white meat.
  • From beverages in addition to water (in which you can add a piece of ginger root) add herbal and fruit tea. As well as the options for "tea without tea": water, ginger, orange / lemon, agave syrup / honey in a tea cooled to 40-50 degrees.
  • In the fall, the "sweet taste", especially the feminine body, is necessary. And we are not talking about sugar. Sweet taste, for example, also cereals (oatmeal, shell, for example), sweet fruits, honey, maple syrup, thermally treated dairy products (for example, in the form of cheesery).

If during periods of stress to maintain the body with food, gradually adjusting the diet, this will allow you to preserve health, shape and well-being, and autumn will cease to be perceived as a period of serness and a handra.

The mysterious fantasy event will take place on October 31 in the Luxury Castle Nemchinovka Park in Moscow within the framework of the Wedding Brunch 2018 project.

This is a new type performance with elements of the immeractivity, located on the borders of different genres - a combination of theater, dance, music and 3D projections.

On a fantastic costume ball, you can meet mystical creatures, mysterious heroes arriving like guests for the celebration. Ghosts and surrealistic images in the dark corners of the centenary black forest, fantasy creatures, the army of good and hordes of evil in the eternal battle for the world .... The presents become direct characters of the exciting spirit of the thematic performance, which unfolds during the magical evening in the shrouded in the secret forest.

In the Welcome zone, muted light, burning candles and among the fabulous scenery and the landscape of the mystical forest is an amazing bar with cocktails and wonderful sweets.

Guests are waiting for real wonders: the action unfolds among the audience, the actors play both on stage and in the hall, so the audience have to choose who to observe. Artists appear from dark depths and labyrinths of light. Then it seems to dissolve in the fog ... This supports an unexpected, indescribable atmosphere, and the audience seems to be in the magic world, inverted and strange, in which the boundaries of natural and unnatural are blurred, without understanding who is part of the performance, and who is a guest.

With the help of 3D mapping in the interior of the beautiful hall, the effect of time presence and transfer to the imaginary show of the show is created. Spectators, together with heroes, participate in the battle for the beautiful Snow White, are immersed in the magical world of elves and trolls, princesses and monsters, fall on the bottom of the ocean, fall into the castle on the wedding of Snow White and brave hunter.

Director's directors and choreographers Show Victoria Zelikova and Dmitry Tashkin (participants in the body of the project "Dancing with the Stars").

The role of the powerful evil queen is played by the actress, the model Evgenia Feofilaktova.

In the role of the beautiful Snow White of Maria Smolnikov (multiple champion of large Russian and international tournaments, the participant of the project "Dancing with the Stars"), the brave hunter playing Jan Khachaturov (Vice-Champion of Peace and Europe, the silver medalist of Russia for sports ballroom dancing).

In the evening program, a luxurious star show in the fantasy genre of the new evening collection of the IRNESTE brand (designer Irina Stepanova) in the collaboration with the brand of exclusive jewelry Aleksandr Titkov creates a large-scale illusion, involving the spectators consciousness in his world and Budraja! The stars of Russian show business and secular persons come to the podium! The show opens the extravagant dance show "D-Queens".

Special guests of the event: movie stars and television, metropolitan beauday, model and business show, businessmen, famous writers, musicians and secular persons.

Leading Events - Showman Alexander Ismailov

Director, Project Sound Director - Christian Luschevskaya

The event is held in support of the charity fund of assistance to children born on early time "Give sunlight".

Organizer - Wedding Agency Shubin Wedding

General partner - Nemchinovka Park Hotel

Golden Partner - Studio 22.12. - 3D Mapping Studio

Gold Technical Partner - Laser New Tec. - technical support of events

Golden Partner - Company AvSystems. - Rent of sound, light and video equipment

Silver Partner - (Trading House Special Flowers LLC) - Innovative Stabilized Plants from around the world

Silver Partner - Alexander Titkov - Exclusive manual jewelry

Official Dance Partner - Unique Dance Club Format Galladance

Official Decor Partner - Project Kiavava and Pihi - many furniture, textiles and dishes for rent

Official partner for visa - Estel Shine

Official BEAUTY Partner - Brand MgBeautysalons

First of all, he shared with the participants of the club an opinion that money is a bad owner and at the same time a very good servant. Therefore, financing is not a master who manages us, but a servant that should obey us.

"If you are able to submit financing to pedagogical purposes, you will have pedagogical results. If you are not able, you will have only expenses, "the head of the Moscow Department of Education emphasized.

Asaac Iosifovich noted, the main landmark for metropolitan managers are the socio-pedagogical objectives set by the Moscow Government:

1. Ensuring equal rights of citizens on the resources of the city;

2. Ensuring special attention to the needs of children with disabilities;

3. Ensuring the motivation of all urban institutions to the massive high quality of the formation of citizens.

An important factor in improving the quality of education in Moscow schools is the material encouraging of directors and pedagogical teams.

The Moscow Government allocates grants from 2 to 15 million rubles (next year the size of grants is planned to increase). However, according to Isaac Kalina, the main incentive for directors and teachers is not so much the number of additional funds as objectivity and transparency of their distribution.

The criteria are clear and understandable to everyone: this is the number of students and their educational results, of which the school rating is.

Hence, one of the main principles of financing - the formality ("Money follows the student"). And this formula is very simple: the number of students, multiplied by the standard per student. School status and its staff schedule do not have.

"The number of students testifies to the school's demand," says Isaac Kalina.

And since one of the priority socio-pedagogical tasks is to ensure special attention to the needs of children with disabilities, it is provided for them with a higher ratio of 2 or 3, and in the final calculation of the rating points included terms, which take into account the work of the school with children with disabilities.

Moreover, points accrued for the results of children with limited health opportunities (according to the indicators of the EGE, OGE, diagnostics, preschool children, the Olympiads) are multiplied by the coefficient 3 and 5.

Financing capital schools Isaac Kalina characterized as personal-oriented, since the budget is based on the student's requests.

The task of the school is to become an agent of the city, to open access to the various possibilities of the metropolis for each student.

In conclusion, Isaac Kalina formulated the main conclusion: pedagogy without money powerless, and money without pedagogy is meaningless.

True, not everyone is satisfied with the current system of financing the capital education. For example, the rate that the official salary of the School Director depends on the average salary of 50% of pedagogical workers of this educational organization with the lowest salaries.

The director of the Lyceum HSE, Dmitry Fishbain, believes that this requirement makes the directors dismiss the teachers who are low-paying at metropolitan standards and increase the burden on the remaining, which does not contribute to improving the quality of their work.

In the process of discussion of the report, the club participants asked questions. So, it was important for them to find out where to take additional resources to the so-called "lagging" schools, which occupy the last lines of the rating?

According to Isaac Kalina, in Moscow, in order to support such schools, a school without educational impasters is carried out, but the funds receive only those educational organizations, the administration of which is not more than three years. IN otherwise Support is useless, the Head of the Metropolitan Department of Education is confident.

One of the main issues that the discussion worried participants was that it prevented from the regions to borrow Moscow experience?

Different versions were made: the lack of necessary resources, the impossibility of combining schools into large educational complexes In rural areas or in territories with special climatic conditions ...

Some believe that the leaders of regional education authorities scare away the leveling status of schools, as is done in Moscow, where from that school year The names of the "Gymnasium" and "lyceums" were abolished, and all educational organizations became schools.

However, many participants in the discussion agreed that the reason for the complex situation in the education system of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation is not so much with the deficit of funds as with the municipal status of the majority of Russian schools.

By the way, Moscow schools have regional status, since Moscow - both the city, and the subject of the Russian Federation.

The famous Moscow director of Efim Rachevsky noted that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation set the task of translating the foundation of schools from the municipal to the regional level in order to improve the quality of education and the creation of a single educational spaceand supported this idea.

A pilot project by decision of this task started this year.

Olga Dashkovskaya
Photo of Irina Kuchemyoy

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