Kharkov University of Air Force and Kozjadbab. Aeronautical group of top pilot "Russian Vityazi"

Kharkov University of Air Force and Kozjadbab. Aeronautical group of top pilot "Russian Vityazi"

Kharkovsky national University Air Force named after Ivan Kozjadbab (HNUVS)- The leading multidisciplinary institution, which has a high scientific and pedagogical potential, a powerful teaching and material base, is able to prepare highly qualified military and civilian specialists, as well as modern scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The university is located in two towns: ul. Sumsk 77/79, ul. Klochekovskaya 228. Training sessions are held in the audiences equipped with computer equipment, simulators and existing armament samples. The university has an educational aviation brigade, training center, training landfill, training airfield, training complex, sports complex and other structural units and parts of the provision.

At the university created the necessary conditions For recreation and cultural development of cadets and listeners. At the university clubs there are cinema halls, vocal instrumental ensembles, studios of ballroom, pop, sports dance.

Training of cadets and officers is carried out on state procurement, students - under the contract (paid form). Additionally, students can learn from drivers training courses and on the stock training program. The form of training cadets and students - day, officers - day and abnormal. Graduates receive a state diploma.

At the university, there are constantly raising courses for advanced training of officers and civil servants. Armed Forces Of Ukraine, scientific and pedagogical workers of the highest military educational institutions Language courses.


  • Fatery faculty
  • Engineering and Aviation Faculty
  • Faculty of Zenit Rocket Forces
  • Faculty of automated control systems and terrestrial aviation flights
  • Faculty of radiotechnical forces of air defense
  • Faculty of Air Defense Ground Forces
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Education
  • Faculty of training officers in the contract
  • Faculty of Information and Technical Systems

Kharkov University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhevab

Kharkov University of Air Force
them. I. N. Kozhevab.

Alimpiev Andrey Nikolaevich

Legal address

Kharkiv University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhevab (HBS) - The largest higher military educational institution, holding training for the air force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Based in 1930.

History of University

The foundation of the university is connected with the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the highest military education. Kharkiv Air Force University was created on the basis of the Kharkiv Military University and Kharkov Institute The air force according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 10, 2003 No. 1430. The university has become a successor of the case of training personnel for aviation 2 military academies and 9 senior military schools:

  • Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School of Pilotchikov. S. I. Grovetsy (1930-1993);
  • Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School of Radio Electronics. Leninsky Komsomol (1937-1993);
  • Military Engineering Radiotechnical Academy of Air Defense. L. A. Gorovova (1941-1993);
  • Kharkiv Higher Military Command and Engineering School. N. I. Krylova (1941-1993);
  • Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (1941-1993);
  • Poltava Higher anti-aircraft missile team school. Army general (1941-1995);
  • Chernihiv Higher Military Aviation School of Pilotchists. Leninsky Komsomol (1941-1995);
  • Military Academy of PVA Ground Forces them. A. M. Vasilevsky (1947-1994);
  • Kiev Higher Military Anti-aircraft Rocket Engineering School. S. M. Kirov (1937-1994);
  • Lugansk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigator. Proletariat of Donbass (1966-1994);
  • Kiev Institute of Air Force (1951-2000).

The university began its history on November 12, 1930 - the founding of the oldest military educational institution - the 9th military school of pilots and pilot observers. At all stages of state development, these military educational institutions have played an important role in protecting the Motherland and increasing its defense capability.
A significant part of these military educational institutions was created in the alarming pre-war and firing war years.

Corps and campuses

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For Naddan to cadets, the hears of practical novice behind the Fakhl University of Maє at his warehouse: Incortable Aviatin Brigade with an inundix-trip-rolled complex for pіd preparation of the Fakhivtsіv Protipovіtryno Ramp; Inachtime half Study-tripowvali complex of the Aviatiy's simulator; In addition, Trenuvalnі complexity faculty ta tahedron; Sportsware.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Kharkov National University of Air Force
them. I. N. Kozhevab.

Alimpiev Andrey Nikolaevich


History of University

The foundation of the university is connected with the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the highest military education. Kharkiv National Air Force University was created on the basis of the Kharkiv Military University and the Kharkiv Institute of Air Force. The university has become a successor of the case of training personnel for aviation 2 military academies and 9 senior military schools:

  • Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School of Pilotchikov. S. I. Grovetsy (1930-1993);
  • Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School of Radio Electronics. Leninsky Komsomol (1937-1993);
  • Military Engineering Radiotechnical Academy of Air Defense. L. A. Gorovova (1941-1993);
  • Kharkiv Higher Military Command and Engineering School. N. I. Krylova (1941-1993);
  • Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (1941-1993);
  • Poltava Higher anti-aircraft missile team school. Army general (1941-1995);
  • Chernihiv Higher Military Aviation School of Pilotchists. Leninsky Komsomol (1941-1995);
  • Military Academy of Air Defense Forces. A. M. Vasilevsky (1947-1994);
  • Kiev Higher Military Anti-aircraft Rocket Engineering School. S. M. Kirov (1937-1994);
  • Lugansk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigator. Proletariat of Donbass (1966-1994);
  • (1951-2000).

The university began its history on November 12, 1930 - the founding of the oldest military educational institution - the 9th military school of pilots and pilot observers. At all stages of state development, these military educational institutions have played an important role in protecting the Motherland and increasing its defense capability.
A significant part of these military educational institutions was created in the alarming pre-war and firing war years.

The territorially university is located in two towns (st. Sumskaya 77/79, ul. Klochekovskaya, 228). The total area of \u200b\u200beducational and laboratory premises is more than 100 thousand square meters. Training classes are held in the audiences equipped with computer equipment, exercise equipment and existing armament samples. In the laboratories, the department uses modern laboratory settings that allow research of various phenomena and processes studied in academic disciplines.

For cadets and students of 18 computer classes, of which 3 classes provide access to a worldwide Internet. The possibilities of using personal computers in class and during self-preparation are constantly expanding. Over the past two years, over 200 own software developments have been introduced into the curriculum.

For the advent of educational practical skills in the University, there is an educational aviation brigade, training center, training ground, training airfield, training complex, sports complex and other structural units and part of the provision. The university has a unique library, one of the best libraries not only among military educational institutions, but also in the national education system. Its scientific and technological fund consists of over 1.3 million publications, artistic - over 100 thousand publications. The university typography is able to publish training editions in a short time. Most textbooks and tutorials enjoyed by cadets are prepared by scientific and pedagogical workers of the University.

Faculties university

  • Faculty Faculty
  • Engineering and Aviation Faculty
  • Faculty of Air Defense Ground Forces
  • Faculty of Zenit Rocket Forces
  • Faculty of automated control systems and ground support of aviation flights
  • Faculty of radiotechnical air defense troops
  • Faculty of Information and Technical Systems
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Education
  • Sergeant college
  • Faculty of training officers in the contract

Famous graduates

  • Oleg Peshkov - Russian military pilot, lieutenant colonel, hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Sergey Yalyshev - Ukrainian military pilot, participant in battle for Donetsk airport.
  • Nadezhda Savchenko - Ukrainian Military Letchitsa, Hero of Ukraine

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Excerpt that characterizes Kharkiv University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozjadbab

- Yes, nothing, jumps, - answered Nikolai. "Just ran in the field of Mature Rusak, I would show you what kind of dog!" He thought, and turning to the strive said that he gives the ruble to someone who would suggest, that is, will find a habit hare.
"I don't understand," Ilagine continued, "like other hunters enviously on the beast and dogs. I will tell you about myself, the graph. I am fun, you know, ride; Here you will eat with such a company ... already what is better (he took off again his beaver card in front of Natasha); And this, so that the skins are considered how much brought - I do not care!
- Well yes.
"Or so that I was hurt that a stranger dog caught, and not mine, I would just admire the trick, isn't it? Then I judge ...
- Atu - it, he was heard at this time with a long cry of one of the stopped War Spear. He stood on the semi-bunker, lifting the arapge, and repeated it again: - And - Tu - Him! (The sound of this and raised arapist meant what he sees the underlying hare.)
"And suspicious seems to be," said Casually Ilagin. - What, Create, Count!
- Yes, you need to drive ... yes - what, together? "Nicholas answered, peering in Erzu and in the Red Swear Uncle, in the two of his rivals, with whom he had never managed to take off his dogs. "Well, how with the ears will tear my Mill!" He thought, next to the uncle and Ilagina towing to the hare.
- Mature? - I asked Ilagin, moving toward the suspicious hunter, and not without excitement looking around and dropping to Erzu ...
- And you, Mikhail Nikanorych? He turned to Uncle.
Uncle was driving out.
- What should I like, because your - a clean thing march! - On the village behind the dog are crying, your thousandths. You measure your, and I'll see!
- Ruga! On, on, - he shouted. - Rugajushka! - he added, involuntarily by these decreasing expressing his tenderness and hope assigned to this red male. Natasha saw and felt hidden by these two old men and her brother excitement and worried.
Hunter on the half-digurbation stood with a raised arapist, gentlemen went up to him; Hounds, smashing on the horizon itself, wrapped off from a hare; Hunters, not the Lord, also drove away. Everything moved slowly and stepwise.
- Where is the head lies? - asked Nikolai, approaching the steps to a hundred to the suspicious hunter. But I did not have time to answer the hunter, like Rusak, Chuy Frost to tomorrow morning, did not cut down and jumped up. A flock of hounds on the bows, with the roar, rushed under the mountain behind the hare; On all sides, greyhounds, who were not for the samples, rushed on the hounds and to the hare. All these slowly moving hunters tales with a cry: stand! knocking down dogs, Bryazniki with a cry: Atu! Directing dogs - picked up the field. Calm Ilagin, Nikolay, Natasha and Uncle flew, not knowing how and where, seeing only dogs and a hare, and afraid only to lose at least for a moment from the type of passage. The hare caught a mature and frisky. Jumping, he did not immediately pockel, and he led her ears, listening to a scream and the fog, who suddenly had a sudden from all sides. He jumped Ten times not quickly, subpaucting dogs to himself, and finally, choosing a direction and realizing the danger, put her ears and rushed into all legs. He lay on the stuffy, but ahead was the Green for which it was topk. Two dogs of a suspicious hunter, who were closer to all, the first were renewed and laid behind the hare; But they were still far from moved to him, as the Ilaginian Red Erza flew out for them, approached the distance of the distance, with a terrible speed, led to the tail of the hare and thinking that she grabbed him, rolled his cubarem. The hare arched his back and quit even shiber. Because of Eruz, a wide guard was carried out, the black hole and quickly began to sing to the hare.
- Milushka! mother! - I heard a triumphant cry of Nicholas. It seemed that the Milka would now hit and pick up a hare, but she caught up and swell. Rusak screening. Again, the beauty of Erza again and the tails of Rusak hung, as if trying on how to make a mistake now, grabbing behind the back chamber.
- Erzanka! Sister! - I heard crying, not my voice of Ilagin. Erza did not lose his plea. At that very moment, as it was necessary to wait that she would grab Rusak, he had shown and rolled out on the line between the green and Znibie. Again, Erza and Milka, like a drawing couple, leveled and began to sing to the hare; At the turn, Rusak was easier, the dogs were not so quickly approaching him.
- Ruga! Ruga! Clear Marsh! - I shouted at this time a new voice, and Rugai, a red, hunchback dog Uncle, pulling out and bending my back, comespaced with the first two dogs, put forward because of them, I gave birth to a terrible self-deduction over the most hare, knocked him down from the turn on Green, Another evil was finished another time on the dirty green, drowning by the knee, and only it was visible, like he Kubarem, a stacking back in the dirt, rolled with a hare. The star of dogs surrounded him. A minute later everyone stood around crowded dogs. One happy uncle tears and spazanchil. Shocked hare to flow blood, he disturbedly looked around, running through his eyes, not finding positions with his hands and feet, and said himself not knowing with whom and that.
"This is the case of the march ... Here is a dog ... Here I pulled out all, and the thousandth and ruble - the pure business march!" He spoke, choking and viciously looking around, as if scolding someone, as if all his enemies were, everyone was offended, and even now he finally managed to justify himself. "Here you and the thousandths - the pure business march!"
- Ruga, on Pazanka! - he said, throwing a sliced \u200b\u200bpaw with a nanileous land; - Deserved - Clear Marsh!
"She walked out, three hijacles gave one," said Nikolai, who also does not listen to anyone, and not worrying about whether he was listening to him, or not.

Kharkiv Institute of Military Air
Forces name Ivan Kozjadbab

Major General Medvedev Vladimir Konstantinovich - Head of the Institute since 2000, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor.

The birthday of the institute with full right should be considered on November 12, 1930. It was then that the creation of the ninth military aviation school pilots and pilots of observers in the southeastern district of Kharkov north of the Rogan station began. He is definitely one of the oldest in Ukraine, has a famous history, is among the 100 best higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

Kharkiv Institute of the Air Force today- This is a single Higher Military Educational Institution of the Air Force of Ukraine, in which, thanks to the reorganization of the VVPS of Ukraine, the Kharkiv and Chernihiv Higher Military Aviation School of Schools, Kharkov and Kiev Higher Military Engineering Schools, Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School of Radio Electronics, Lugansk Higher Military Aviation School navigator.

For the 70-year history of the Kharkiv Institute of the Air Force 513 graduates were awarded the honorary title of the hero Soviet Union, 23 were twice the heroes of the Soviet Union, 22 graduates visited space, 82 - awarded the honorary title "Honored Military Pilot". Among the graduates of the Doctor and Candidates of Sciences, members of the Academy of Sciences, Laureates of State Prizes.
Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 11.11.2000 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the institute was awarded the name of the outstanding air ACCC of the Second World War three times the hero of the Soviet Union Marshal Aviation Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevab.

The team of teachers, workers, doctoral students, adjuncts, listeners, cadets numbers about 4800 people, of which 38 doctors of science, 214 candidates of science, 26 professors, 112 associate professors and 14 senior researchers, over 2000 cadets, listeners and students.

Students are prepared on a contract basis, students of the institute and other higher educational institutions under the stock officers program are being prepared.

At the institute 3 faculties. Training is conducted by 5 specialties and 17 specializations. Work 40 Department, Postgraduate Studies, Doctoral; Educational library with a fund over 2 million copies. On the territory of the Institute there are 8 educational buildings, 7 barracks, 2 hostels, 4 stadiums, 1 swimming pool, 7 sports towns and 10 sports halls, 4 of which are equipped with modern simulators.

Act training courses.

Based on intergovernmental agreements, foreign military specialists for the armies of other states are being prepared.

Faculties and specialty:

Factory Faculty:
Military pilot for all types of aircraft and helicopters
Military assault on all types of aircraft and helicopters
Officer of combat control flight of aircraft

Engineering and Aviation Faculty:
Production, maintenance and repair of aircraft
Computerized complexes and systems of weapons and equipment of troops (forces)

Faculty of terrestrial provision of aviation hostilities:
Radio electronic complexes, systems and means of weapons and military equipment
Technology and technological equipment of airports


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