Cosmonaut Spafaces: Purpose, Device. First space

Cosmonaut Spafaces: Purpose, Device. First space

Vintage not in trend

The most expensive suit in the history of mankind is a space space space. $ 20mln per piece is not a joke. In essence, it is an individual spacecraft with all systems and equipment and is almost as complicated. And all because a person - the king of nature is a completely defenseless creature. We can normally exist only at room temperature, atmospheric pressure drops cause us to swallow tablets, and the slightest deficiency of oxygen in the surrounding air leads to a fainting. What to say about the super-supersonal conditions of open space or other planets.

Currently, there are two types of protective spacewear - home and output. During transitional phases of flights - take-off, landing and maneuvering - astronauts are affected by Aces sealed rescue spaces (Advanced Crew Escape Suit) made of several layers of fabric and equipped with a hemoshable, liquid cooling system, a set of survival tools, an emergency oxygen system and parachute. For the lower layers, materials based on cotton are used, for external - nylons of various textures with neoprene and urethane impregnation. Approximately the same overalls, but simply and from NEXS are pilots of supersonic fighters.

The exit has to dress more serious. EMU complex (Extravehicular Mobility Unit) is used to work in open space, creating a thin, but very reliable shell of life. Hard EMU saves from micrometeorites, solar radiation, cooling, overheating, and also provides stable internal pressure, ventilation and communication. It is possible to perform the simplest movements, but it is not necessary to speak about complex motor activity. Recall at least how Apolaro astronauts moved along the moon. Okom Lunn or Martian construction can talk, if for dressed as cabbage, astronaut was a huge problem to choose a hammer from the clumsy gloves! To wear a 140-kilogram EMU alone is impossible - the procedure for the versions and checking of onboard systems takes about three hours.

Obviously, for new missions, such a clumsy Tulupp is not suitable. NASA consider this problem no less important than, for example, the development of a carrier rocket. Question price - half a billion dollars. The official space couture of America is Terry Hill, the head of the project to develop a Constellation Space Center from the Johnson Space Center.

Court Kuturier

Despite the deadly sentence lunar programWorks on the Constellation Space Suit System (CSSS) will be completed. NASA puts very rigid tasks before the Hill group, the main of which is the modularity and versatility of the skatera, the autonomous provision of normal human activity in open space at high exercise for 150 hours, the possibility of individual dressing and increased mobility.

The wardrobe of the astronauts of the future, on the idea of \u200b\u200bNASA, will consist of a single set of clothes with a bunch of additional accessories. It is supposed to create two configurations of the SPAANDER - light and extreme. In March 2009, the development of an easy configuration of the SPACAND for transient phases of flight and emergency work in open space was charged with the technological company OceaNeering from Houston, specializing in the manufacture of protecting ammunition for deep-sea work.

In the Constellation Spaface, a traditional barometric method of maintaining pressure will be applied - the gas mixture is injected into the lower layer, and the rigid plastic inserts will be installed in the zones of the elbow, shoulder and knee joints. The normal body temperature of the astronaut will support multi-layered screen-vacuum insulation, first applied in the mid-1960s on the Soviet Space of the Berkut. In fact, the astronaut will be concluded in a peculiar sealed thermos with minimal thermal conductivity. But if in "Berkut" designers used heavy metallized fabric, then for CSSS, David Clark experts intend to develop special types of light breathable nylon with adjustable one-sided permeability. Astronauts are not alien to nothing human, including normal digestion. To utilize the products of vital activity, CSSS will be equipped with a compact assessing system.

Compact telemetry equipment and communication systems integrated into the helmet will provide a permanent connection with the Earth and, in the event of an emergency exit to open space, a base station. Alarm respiratory system will be used if necessary. It is not a problem in a lightweight jade, for this you need to literal sense Words to step inside through the long vertical zipper on the back, which can be fastened without getting up to the mirror. Limited autonomy of CSSS provides a fault system for the provision of working in open space.

The heavy CSSS configuration will be the daily workwear of astronauts. The basic part of the costume will remain the same, but it will add a lightweight and durable composite shell for the torso with an empty reserve of oxygen, battery and tools. Alone threw this rolling on yourself, it will be easy - it is put on, as a surgeon bathrobe, rear and fastened on the back automatic fastener. The final barcode is thin, but very durable overalls to protect against micrometeorites and dust.

According to Dan Barry, the Vice-President of David Clark, the experimental prototype of the Constellation modular system of the Constellation without more than 50 kg appears in September 2010. But while CSSS is just a concept for the embodiment of which new materials, technologies and time are required.

Anatomical avant-garde

Terry Hill has independent competitors with a completely different look of fashion. The creation of alternative conceptual spaces is engaged in several groups of scientists. The development of the Moon by private companies gives them an excellent chance to be on the star podium. The most radical and promising project of Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Daves Newman and her colleagues, the famous Astronaut, Professor Jeffrey Hoffman. Their BIOSUIT can already be fascinated with their hands and even try.

In contrast to the classical concepts of spaces, in which the optimal pressure is supported by barometric - by pumping the gas mixture, the human body is compressed mechanically due to the elasticity of the material. NASA In 1971, an attempt was attempted to develop a space suit with a mechanical compression of Space Activity Suit, but the work got up due to the lack of necessary tissues. And the idea was very tempting - instead of a bulky inflatable case, fighting movement, get a flexible and light sports suit in which you can play football on the moon.

NewMen's colleague, Jeffrey Hoffman, knows about the dubious pretty of a hard skateman not at the breakdown, because he made five flights on Shuttle space shuttle and a total duration of 50 days, of which he spent 25 hours in open space. According to him, even the simplest manipulation of astronaut, closed in EMU, turn into heavy work. Together with specialists from Soldier Nanotechnologies Institutional Laboratory, creating materials and technologies for the manufacture of military ammunition of the XXI century, the designer agency TROTTI & Associates and a famous manufacturer of sports protection Dainse from Molvena, Newman and Hoffman challenged the Constellation project.

To begin with, Chris Carr's physicist studied in detail the biomechanic of human movements in the conditions of Martian gravity constituting only 38% of Earth. It turned out that from the point of view of energy efficiency best technique Movement on Mars - Running. But in the current EMU not to run away - the fixed fixation of the stop and the negligent knees allow you to make only jumper in the style of Kangaroo. This is how the members of the apollo missions moved along the moon.

To ensure mechanical compression, a soft scaffle is not enough to be just tight - it should not give folds when flexing the limbs and in essence there is a second skin! Even the core of the best fashion houses are not able to do something like from ordinary fabric. Spandex with various properties came to the rescue.

In the Soldier Nanotechnologies laboratory, MIT engineers developed a laser 3D scanning technique human bodywhich allows you to calculate the most accurate mathematical model of deformation of the skin when performing movements and reveal the grid of the so-called constant lines. In other words, make accurate digital patterns after the only fitting. No bubbles on knees and wrinkles! Moreover, individual layers of the skatera can literally draw directly on the astronaut according to the technology of spraying microfolocon and liquid polymers.

To suit a suit

To date, the NewMen and Hoffman group has already made several cosmic overalls prototypes. For convenience, they are all sewn by the hands of designers from Dainse by the standards of Dave Newman, the benefit of Professor Aeronautics has an excellent figure. In the design of thin and at the same time multilayer biosuit, the developers testified a number of machineral technologies that were still quite recently described in science fiction novels.

The optimal pressure inside the spacecraft will be achieved through the use of an external electric exoskeleton from the ribbon ribbon with the shape memory - metal muscle fibers. Thin compression level configuration in separate BIOSUIT zones will provide an electronic control system. The gap of the skuffard will no longer lead to a fatal outcome, since the pressure loss will occur only on little plot Body. The minor repair of Biosuit can be easily produced in the field, elementary to the place of breaking the tightening bandage. The inner quenching layer with a filler from the thermosetting gel will provide removal of excess heat and moisture, and water vapors will not accumulate in the drainage system, and immediately output from the one-sided permeability of all BIOSUIT layers. The double layer of a metallized spandex with a poroplastic and gel thermal insulator will protect the astronaut from the outer temperature drops reaching 100 and more degrees Celsius on Mars.

At first glance, the process of vestments into such a fitting overalls should be no less difficult than the three-hour collective wear EMU, but it is not. Biosuit is stretched on the body literally per minute thanks to a well-thought-out zipper and electric power supply system. The metal tape at zero voltage acquires an initial stretched configuration, and after the astronaut connects the power supply, compressing until a complete felting. Complement to Martian Equipment Semi-rigid protective elements made of composites, a torch shell with containers for life support system, shoes, Ishle gloves.

From Hi-Tec to Haute Couture

Before the completion of the BIOSUIT project is still far away, but Newman and Hoffman are confident of his success. Even if the final appearance of the future of the future will be different, the principles of elasticity and lightness will remain basic for him. The side results of the work of MIT scientists can not only have a huge impact on prosthetics and making compensating clothes for the elderly and patients, but also to turn the fashion. Household filters for water, contact lenses, neoprene materials for shoes, wireless tools, smoke detectors, heat-saving clothing and still thousands of different useful things - all this was invented during space research. So why now scientists do not wipe on Haute Couture?

April 2010 |

Beauty technology
Let you do not deceive the external frivolism of the fitting biosuit. This is not glamorous pseudohaitete. The elegant overalls of Davey Newman - clutch of breakthrough ideas in the field of nanotechnology, textile industry and metallurgy. No wonder in 2007 BIOSUIT was included in the list of 100 most significant inventions of humanity, compiled by the Time Magazine magazine

Double CSSS
CSSS Spa Tank exists in two options. Easy configuration will be used during take-off and entering the atmosphere and for short-term work in open space - in particular, the emergency repair of the ship. A heavy configuration is designed for long work outside the ship - in particular, walks on the moon and Mars. Lightweight space consists of five layers. The lower is a hermetic chamber of neoprene, holding pressure. The top is made of orange refractory fabric. The spacecraft will receive new bearings on the wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees and hips

A heavy saucer will receive hands, legs, shoe fastenings and a helmet from easy configuration. The new hinge system of the rigid shell will allow an astronaut to lean and raise items from the ground. The pressure inside the square will be increased compared to the predecessors, thanks to which the astronauts will suffer less from decompression.
Exercise of the "Orlan-E"
The project "Mars-500". Imitation of the piloted flight to the Red Planet

The experiment "Mars-500", which is carried out on the territory of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (ISBP), and is aimed at collecting data, gaining knowledge and accumulation of experience to prepare a real expedition to Mars, started on June 3 last year. On June 15, "unconscription" occurred from the orbital station, on June 23, a transition to Heliocentric orbit was carried out, and on December 24 - on a spiral. On February 8, 2011, the crew was divided into two parts: Sukrob Kamolov and Alexey Sitiev (both - Russia) and Roman Charles (France) remained at Orbit, and Russian Alexander Smoleevsky, Italian Diego Urbina and Chinese Wang Yue went in the landing module to Mars By committing a successful landing on the "surface" of the Red Planet on February 12. According to the "Legend" of the project, the "primary" occurred in the region of Krater Gusev, located approximately 15º north of the equator and called in 1976 in honor of Russian Astronoma Matvey Guseva (1826-1866). The crater with a diameter of 166 kilometers was formed approximately from three to four billion years ago and is allegedly a bottom of the dried lake. The water origin of the Gusev crater, in combination with the relatively safe surface and the "convenient" location near the Equator makes it one of the most attractive zones for future research missions - automatic, and subsequently manned. The Martian atmosphere is about 100 times more resolved than the earth. Nevertheless, on Mars, there are times of the year, winds, clouds and weather. A person can work here only in a scaffle. Crater Gusev and the adjacent territory are 3-4 kilometers above the average zero level of the planet, so the atmospheric pressure there is even lower and is about 6.1mm. The duration of the Martian day is 24 hours 39 minutes 35 seconds, and gravity is about one third of the earth.
Cosmonauts flew from "Mars" on February 23.

The set of the "Orlan-E" Speaker includes:
- A proprietary system of internal ventilation, an excess pressure control system, a wired system for conducting a speech connection, is an autonomous system of superior and ventilation to ensure ventilation and creating an overpressure in a scaffron (compressor, gas consumption control, interfaces) - is out of the spacecraft; - Additional equipment, including the place of dressing of the skatera (truck-simulator) and a specially equipped place of rest; - Individual gear (underwear, headset, gloves). The shell of the "Orlan-E" Speaker includes: - a rigid part (body and quarrel); - soft parts (legs and sleeves); - Gloves. Space weight is 32 kg. The soft pieces of the shell are equipped with adjusting ribbons, allowing the fitting of the spacecraft in accordance with anthropometric test data. The quarrel is simultaneously input hatch. To regulate the pressure in the scaffle, an overpressure regulator is installed, and to control pressure - pressure gauge. The sample size of the Spentter with an individual adjustment of the soft shell allows us to provide a bot with tests, in which the growth of standing is in the range of 165-180 cm. The control of the ventilation air flow is carried out within 0-280 NL / min. Tests, equipped in the Orlan-E Spa, under an overpressure of 0.2 atm, can independently move along the horizontal surface, perform movements that simulate operating operations in the assembly: slopes, turns, squats, moves. Working hours at a moderate physical activity up to 2 hours, with periodic rest.

1. General view of the Eagle-E Squadder
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

2. Skafandr "Orlan-E". Inner space
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

3. Exchange of the "Orlan-E"
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

4. Suitable SPACE "Orlan-E"
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

5. Exchange of the "Orlan-E"
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

6. Exchange of the "Orlan-E"
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

7. Demonstration of one of the layouts of the future Martian Squadder
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

8. Option of the internal space of the future Martian Skafandra (layout)
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

9. Demonstration of one of the layouts of the future of the Martian Squadder
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

10. Demonstration of one of the layouts of the future Martian Skafandra
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

11. Spacks "Orlan-E" and the layout of the future of the Martian Skafandra
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

12. Tests of the "Orlan" Speaker in the Martian surface simulator
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

13. Tests of the "Orlan" Speaker in the Martian surface simulator
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

14. Tests of the "Orlan" Speaker in the simulator of the Martian surface were carried out by employees of OJSC "NPP Star"
Photo: IMBP / Oleg Voloshin

It should be started from the very definition of the word a jade, which from ancient Greek literally translates as a "man of man" or "boatochelovka". The first to use this word, in a sense known to us, the French abbot and mathematician La Chapel to describe the costume developed by him. The mentioned costume was an analogue of the diving and was intended for a comfortable crossing of soldiers across the river. A few later were created aviation savages for pilots, the purpose of which is to ensure the salvation of the pilot when the cab is depiculated and during the catapultation. With the beginning of the cosmic era, a new type of skatera was formed - Space.

The first cosmonaut's jade ("SC-1") - Yuri Gagarin, was designed just on the basis of Vorkuta Aviation Costume. The "SC-1" was a soft type of the square, which consisted of two layers: thermoplastic and hermetic rubber. The outer layer of the Skafandra was found in an orange case, for more convenient search for search. In addition, a heat-stained overall jumpsuit was put on the skate. The latter was attached pipelines whose task was to ventilate the costume, the withdrawal of moisture and carbon dioxide allocated by a person. Ventilation took place with the help of a special hose connected to the scaffold inside the cab. Also, "SK-1" had a so-called assictive device - something like elastic panties with replaceable absorbing gaskets.

The main purpose of such a skatender is to protect the astronaut from the harmful effect of the environment in an emergency. Therefore, during depressurization, the ventilating hose instantly cut off, the helmet was descended and the air and oxygen from cylinders began. For normal work The ship, the time of operation of the skatera was about 12 days. In case of depressurization or problem of life support system (SZhO) - 5 hours.

Modern space skateman

Severe two main types of spacewashers: hard and soft. And if the first can accommodate the impressive functionality of the life support system and additional protective layers, then the second is less bulky and significantly increases the maneuverability of the cosmonaut.

To the first way out of a person in open space (Alexei Leonov), space safts were divided into three types: for salvation in case of an emergency, to work in open space (autonomous), as well as universal.

The basic model of the Russian Squadron without exiting Outdoor Cosmos is "Falcon", American Aces. The first model "Falla" was commissioned in 1973, and put on with astronauts at each flight on the Soyuz ships.


The design of the modern version of the Squadder ("Falcon KV-2") includes two glued layers: power - outside, and hermetic - inside. Pipelines for ventilation are connected to the gerumobole. The pipeline for laying the oxygen is connected only to the slope of the spacecraft. The dimensions of the Squantra depend directly on the parameters of the human body, but have the requirements for the cosmonaut: height 161-182 cm, breast girth - 96-108 cm. In general, significant innovations in this model did not have a skateback perfectly with the goal - preserving the security of the astronaut in Space transportation time.


Soviet Space Spacek, designed to conduct work in open space. The MK model is applied to the ISS from 2009. This jacket is autonomous and is able to maintain the safe work of the cosmonaut in open space for seven hours. The design "Orlan-MK" includes a small computer, which allows you to see the condition of all systems of the space system during extracurricular activities (CCM), as well as recommendations in case of problems of any of the systems. The Skafandra helmet has a gold deposition to reduce the harmful effects of sunlight. It is worth noting that in the helmet there is even a special system for purging the ears, which lay down when the pressure is changed inside the spacecraft. The wrath, located behind the player, contains the mechanism of supplying oxygen. The weight "Orlan-MK" is 114 kg. Opening hours outside the ship - 7 hours.

You can only assume the cost of such a skatender: in the range of 500 thousand dollars to 1.5 million dollars.


Real tests for the developers of the scafflers began from the moment the preparation of the landing of astronauts on the moon began. To carry out the task, a "A7L" skate was developed. Briefly speaking about the design of this Skafandra, you should mention a few features. "A7L" consisted of five layers, had thermal insulation. Internal engineest had several connectors for the SZGO, the outer durable shell included two layers: anestrated and fire-resistant. The shell itself was made of 30 different materials to ensure the aforementioned characteristics. The noticeable component "A7L" was wearable at the back of the wrath, which contained the main components of the SLC. It is noteworthy that in order to avoid overheating of the astronaut, as well as the fogging of the Hermosham, the water was circulated inside the square, which was transmitted heat allocated by the human body. The heated water entered the wrath, where it was cooled through a sublimation refrigerator.


Extravehicular Mobility Unit or "EMU" is an American costume for extracurricular activities, which, along with the "Orlan-MK", is used by astronauts to enter outdoor space. It is a half-rigid suit, for the most part similar to the Russian development. Among some differences:

  • A liter container with water connected by a tube to the slope;
  • Reinforced housing capable of withstanding temperatures in the range from -184 ° C to + 149 ° C;
  • Opening hours in open space - 8 hours;
  • A slightly smaller pressure inside the square is 0.3 atm., While "Orlan MK" is 0.4 atm.;
  • There is a camcorder;
  • The presence of the above features affected the weight of the costume, which is about 145 kg.

The cost of one such a skatera is 12 million dollars.

Clothing of astronauts of the future

Looking nearby, let's say about the commissioning of the new modification of the Olan-MCS system in 2016. The main features of this model are automatic thermoregulation, depending on the complexity of the work being performed at the moment, and the automation of the training of the player to perform the exit to open space.

NASA also develops new befdres. One of these prototypes is already tested - "Z-1". Despite the fact that "Z-1" externally is very similar to the Basz Laater Space from the cartoon "Toy History", its functionality has some significant innovations:

  • The presence of a universal port in the rear of the square will allow you to connect to it as an autonomous crystal, in the form of a wound and the life support system provided by the ship;
  • The increased mobility of the astronaut in the Spaceland was achieved at the expense: the new technology "inserts" in the field of bending parts of the body, the soft design of the costume, as well as a relatively small weight - about 73 kg, in the assembly for the Department. Astronaut's mobility in "Z-1" is so high, which allows him to bend down and get to the toes to the fingers, sit on his knee, or even sit down in the pose like a "lotus" position.

But with "Z-1" already in the initial stages there were problems - his bulkness does not allow to be in it astronauts on board some spacecraft. Therefore, NASA, in addition to Z-1 and the already announced modification, "Z-2", reports work on another prototype, whose features are not yet disclosed.

It should be noted that innovative bold proposals are also arising in this area, the most famous of which is "BIOSUIT". Deva Newman - Professor Aeronautics of one of the best universities of the world (Massachusetts technological) worked on the concept of such a costume for more than 10 years. A feature of "Biosuit" is the lack of an empty space in a suit for filling its gases in order to create external pressure on the body. The latter is mechanically produced using titanium and nickel alloy, as well as polymers. That is, the jade itself is tightened by creating pressure on the body. Being divided into segments, "Biosuit" "is not afraid" of the squantron punctures in one way or another place, since the place of the puncture will not lead to the depressurization of the entire costume, and can be simply stuck. In addition, this technology will significantly reduce the weight of the jade and will prevent the injury to astronauts arising from a heavy suit. What else remains in the development process - this is a helmet that, unfortunately, according to the specified technology, it is not likely to create. And therefore, probably in the future, a certain symbiosis of the Biosuit and EMU player is awaiting us.

Summing up, I would like to note that the rapid development of technologies leads to just as rapid development of space technology, tools and equipment. Only funding can be a braking factor in the development of scafflers, as this equipment costs millions of dollars.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a surveyor appeared in the XIX century, when the genius of fiction Jul Verne published his "from the ground to the moon with a straight way for 97 hours 20 minutes." Former on a short leg with science, Verne understood that a cosmic costume would pass a long way of their development and will absolutely unlike the diving.

The current scafflers are a complex complex of clothing and devices that serve to protect a person from adverse space travel factors. In parallel with the evolution of this complex, the range of flights increased and the nature of the work produced by astronauts was complicated. We traced the history of the development of scapping from the beginning of the last century to the present day.

So in 1924, scientists imagined the space of future astronauts. At that time, they had already understood that the space saucer should differ from the diving costume. However, the development of a fundamentally new costume was still carried out on its basis.


In 1956, the United States Air Force began to develop high-altitude costumes designed to protect a person from pressure drops. Despite his funny look, it was quite possible to move in this safe. But this prototype never entered production.

The rescue Skafandr-1 was developed in the USSR in 1961 for flights on the ships of the East series. The first spaces sewed in size selected for the flight of cosmonauts - Yu. Gagarin and his dublerov - Titov and Nerubov.

Alan Shepard, who participated in the first space flight of American astronauts "Mercury-7" in 1961, was dressed in such a suit. This jade did not change his shape poorly, and the astronauts were practically immobilized under high pressure.

Also known as AH1-L, was produced in 1963. Black rubber spirals on her knees, elbows and hips allow astronauts to be free to flex their limbs. Supporting system of belts on the chest holds a suit from excessive expansion. Without it, the jade under pressure would swell as an air ball.

The ILC Industries- The company that has entered into a contract with NASA for the development of spacewinders - created A5-L in 1965. The prototype was made of blue nylon. Cosmonauts, landed for the first time on the moon, packed there just in the modified version of this costume.

Developed by GUS GRIMSSON in the same 1965 G3-C, the jade consisted of 6 layers of white nylon and one layer of the number (refractory material). Multicolored valves on suit served for air ventilation in it. Blue - for pumping inside "good" air, red - to remove carbon dioxide.

The prototype "Yastreb" was created and tested in 1967. He was a soft-type spafula with a removable metal helmet. The first cosmonauts used by the Jastberry Spacera, became E. Khrunov and A. Eliseev during the flight Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 ships.

Ah-2 was made of Fibergles and layered foam. His prototype was developed at the Eix Research Center, the NASA department in 1968. Steel springs on the waist allowed astronauts to be easily leached, but this cumbersome safe had a significant drawback: in close conditions of the spacecraft, it was very inconvenient to move.

"Orlan" was created in the USSR to protect cosmonauts when working in open space. This model of the skatera was created in 1969 and since then is constantly modified and improved. Currently, the modified version of "Orlans" provides safe extra-reliable activity of astronauts from the ISS.

Z-1 was developed and designed by ILC DOVER, and according to the magazine "Time" was named the best invention of 2012. For more efficient pressure control, a combination of nylon and polyester is used. And to speed up the dressing process, the entrance to the jade is located behind, unlike previous models.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bengineers, the elastic tissue of the new generation of the new generation will be posted all over the area thin threades From nickel-titanium alloy. The costume connected to the power supply will make the threads cut, tightly making an astronaut's body. In such a protective outer, people can easily move around the surface of different planets.

I will grow up and become a cosmonaut, - to say any boy in short pants. But, if one more than a few decades flights could only be carried out in space, then today - in the century of modern technologies, you can not only want to fly to the stars. This is a new type of tourism - cosmic.

Given the growing rates of commercial flights and taking into account the planned missions, the cosmonauts regularly go into open space, which, by the way, remains an extremely hostile medium. No matter how technologies did not develop, but if you accidentally find yourself in an airless space, you can hardly be saved. And in order to protect against all these negative factors, astronauts use protective suits - Spa and Spacers. The suit of the modern cosmonaut looks beautiful, but to wear and wear it is inconvenient.

Engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology took to solve this problem, and developed the concept of the future skatera. Instead of a bulky suit, astronauts and space tourists will be closed in flexible streamlined clothing, which will protect against the dangers of space no worse than modern analogues. All this will be real if the new concept of researchers will reach the stage of the commercial product.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopers, a light elastic suit of the costume will be posted over the entire area with tiny coils. The spacecraft connected to the power source on the spacecraft will make the coils cut down and cover the cosmonaut's body with a dense cocoon. In such a protective closet, people will be able to move on the surface of the other planets with ease, and if the surprise suddenly need to remove, it will take only a small physical effort.

Development of the concept belongs to a team working under the leadership of Dava Newman, professor of aeronautics, astronautics and engineering systems. Scientists have already manufactured a prototype of the "second skin" tissue, dying with spring-like coils, which are reduced by reacting to heat. The coils are made of alloy with shape memory: if one day the fabric will take a definite form, the material will repeat it when heated.

Engineers also granted coils into burnous cuffs and submitted electric current to create heat. At a certain temperature, the coil "remembered" its former shape and cleaned the fabric around the human body. In the course of subsequent tests, the Group found that the pressure generated by coils is equal to the desired value for the full support of the astronaut in space.

Professor Aeronautics Notes: "Supported ordinary Skafander, a person turns out to be in a balloon of gas, which provides the necessary pressure of one third of the atmospheric. We want to achieve the same degree, but by means of mechanical backpressure, applying force directly to the skin and avoiding the use of gas. In our concept, we combine passive elastic fabrics and active materials, creating a comfortable suit for movement on other planets and in open space. "

In order to find an active material that would be most suitable for use in space, scientists tested 14 types of modifying the form of materials, ranging from dielectric elastomers and ending with polymers with form memory. So they picked up nickel-titanium alloys with shape memory.

Spring-coils of small diameter were made of this material, which were able to produce a significant amount of force when heated. All the material has a small mass.

The technology of creating coil fibers for Fabric Newman and her team borrowed from colleagues-robotics, also working in Mit. Form memory alloys can be "teach" to return to the initial form in response to a certain temperature.

For the "learning" of the material, scientists first thickened nickel-titanium fibers into the springs with a millimeter diameter, after which they were heated to 450 degrees Celsius. At room temperature, the coils can be stretched or bent, like a paper clips, but passing for the threshold of 60 degrees Celsius, the system will begin to change, and the fibers are repeatedly tightly curled into the springs.

Having gathered from coils and elastic material cuffs, Newman and her colleagues successfully tested the system. When heated from 60 to 160 ° C, the coils pulled the fibers and the cuff was delayed, tightly making it easier for any rigid body.

"As soon as the cosmonaut puts the costume, he will simply need to connect it to a power source, and he himself will feel tightly to the body," Names Newman in a press release.

Now scientists have to find a way to fix the material in the tight body of the state. The first way is to maintain a constant high temperature, which is impossible, given that it can be painful for astronaut and too costly for electricity. The second way is more real: it will be necessary to understand how you can block the coils from relaxation while reducing temperatures, they write Vesti.Ru. The developers note that such a costume can be useful not only in space. It can be worn soldiers, rescuers or athletes. Moreover, the compression system with increasing temperatures can instantly respond to an emerging firearm and tighten the wound to pouch, preventing excessive blood loss.

aslan. Wrote in April 12th, 2017

Few people know that for the Soviet Expedition to the moon was completely ready and only one component was tested - the Space Lunar Spacery "Greet". Even fewer people know how he is arranged.

With the development of reactive aviation, the problems of protection and salvation of the crew during high-altitude flights arose. With a drop of pressure human organism It becomes more difficult to absorb oxygen, a common person Without any problems can be at an altitude of no more than 4-5 km. At high altitudes, the addition of oxygen in inhaled air is necessary, and from 7-8 km, a person should breathe clean oxygen in general. Above 12 km lungs and are allegedly losing the ability to absorb oxygen - pressure compensation is required to raise to a large height.

To date, there are only two types of pressure compensation: mechanical and creating an overpressure gas medium around the person. A typical example of the first-type solution is the high-rise compensation flight costumes - for example, WCC-6 used by the MiG-31 pilots. In case of depressurization of the cabin such a suit creates pressure, squeezing the body mechanically. This costume is based on a rather witty idea. The body of the pilot is emitting ribbons resembling eight.

A rubber chamber is skipped into a smaller hole. In the case of depressurization, compressed air is supplied to the chamber, it increases in diameter, shortening, respectively, the diameter of the ring, an entangling pilot. However, this method of pressure compensation is extreme: a trained pilot in a compensating costume can be carried out in a depressurized cabin at a height of not more than 20 minutes. Yes, and create uniform pressure onto the whole body such a suit is impossible: some parts of the body are pulled, some are generally unveiled.

Another thing is a spacecraft, in fact, which is a hermetic bag, which creates overpressure. The time of the residence of a person in Skafandra is practically unlimited. But he also has its drawbacks - restricting the mobility of the pilot or cosmonaut. What is a sleeve of a skateland? Almost this is an aerobic in which an overpressure has been created (the pressure of 0.4 atmosphere is usually maintained in the skaters, which corresponds to an altitude of 7 km). Try bending the pumped car chamber. Difficult? Therefore, one of the most protected secrets of the production of scafflers is the production of special "soft" hinges. But first things first.

The first spaces, before the war, manufactured in Lii them. Gromova, was created for research purposes and were used mainly for experimental flights on stratospheric balloons. After the war, the interest in the Skafandra resumed, and in 1952, a special enterprise was opened in the Moscow Region Tomilin, a special enterprise for the manufacture and development of such systems - Plant No. 918, now NPP "Star". Within the 50s, the company has developed a whole line of experimental scafflers, but only one of them, "Vorkuta", created by the interceptor "Su-9," was released by a small series.

Almost simultaneously with the release of "Vorkuta", the company was issued a task on the development of a skatera and the rescue system for the first astronaut. Initially, KB Koroleva issued a "star" the technical education for the development of a skatender, entirely closed on the life support system of the ship. However, a year before the flight, Gagarin received a new task - to a conventional protective suit, designed to save the astronaut only during its catapulting and drive.

Opponents of SPACES The likelihood of ship depressurization was considered extremely small. After half a year, Queen again changed the decision - this time in favor of the befements. As a basis, ready-made aviation safesters were taken. There was no longer left for dusting with the on-board system of the ship, therefore the autonomous version of the system of life support system was adopted, placed in the catapult seating of the cosmonaut.

The shell for the first SC-1 Space Speaker was largely borrowed from Vorkuta, but the helmet was fully renovated. The task was extremely rigidly: the spacecraft had to save the cosmonaut necessarily! No one knew how a man behaves during the first flight, therefore the life support system was built so as to save the cosmonaut, even if he lost consciousness, many functions were automated. For example, a special mechanism controlled by a pressure sensor was installed in the helmet. And if it fell sharply in the ship, the special mechanism instantly slammed the transparent took, fully sealing the skate.

Spacks consist of two main shells: internal hermetic and external power. In the first Soviet spafers, the inner shell was made of leaf rubber by elementary gluing. Rubber, however, was a special, high-quality natural rubber was used for its production. Starting with Sokol rescue Spacks, the hermetic shell became a rubberkune, however, in the spaces designed to enter outdoor space, alternatives of leaf rubber is not expected.

Lunar Spacera Astronauts - Participants in the missions of Apollo.

Outdoor sheath - tissue. Americans use nylon for her, we are a domestic analogue, Capron. It protects the rubber shell from damage and keeps the form. The best analogy than a soccer ball is difficult to come up with: a leather external cover protects the inner rubber chamber from Buds of football players and provides unchanged geometric sizes of the ball.

To spend a long time in the rubber bag, no person will be able to (who has an army experience of the march-throtts in the rubberized general-purpose protective set, will understand it especially well). Therefore, in each scaffle, there is no compulsory system of ventilation: the air-conditioned air is supplied according to one channel, on others it is sucking.

According to the method of operation of the system of life support, the sweatshirts are divided into two types - ventilation and regeneration. In the first, simpler design, the air used is thrown out, similar to modern scuba. According to such a principle, the first SC-1 Speakers were arranged, Leonov's Spacel for access to Outdoor Cosmos "Berkut" and Sokol's light rescancing spaces.

For a long stay in space and on the surface of the moon, regenerative studs of a long stay - "Orlan" and "Breet" took place. In them, the exhaled gas is regenerated, moisture is selected from it, the air is designed with oxygen and cooled. In fact, such a jade in miniature copies the life support system of a whole spacecraft. Under the astronaut's spacesuit, the cosmonaut clothes a special mesh water cooling suit, all penetrated with plastic tubes with coolant. Problems of heating in weekend spaces (intended to go into open space) never occurred, even if the cosmonaut worked in the shade, where the temperature rapidly drops to -100s.

The fact is that the outer jumpsuit perfectly performs the functions of heat-shielding clothes. For this purpose, a screen-vacuum insulation operating on the principle of thermos was used for the first time. Under the outer protective sheath of the jumpsuit there are five to six layers of a special film from special polyethylene, a tech, from two sides of which aluminum is sprayed. In vacuo, between the layers of the film, the heat exchange is possible only by radiation, which is redested back by a mirror aluminum surface. External heat exchange in vacuo in such a safe is so small, which is considered to be zero, and only internal heat exchange is taken into account when calculating.

For the first time, screen-vacuum heat shield was applied to "Berkut", in which Leonov went into open space. However, under the first rescue spaces, which worked not in a vacuum, dressed TCE (heat-styled ventilated suit), made of warm sealed material, in which ventilation highways were laid. In modern rescue spaces of Sokol, this is not.

In addition to all this, cotton linen is worn on astronauts with a special antibacterial impregnation, under which the last element is located - a special bib with telemetry sensors attached to it that transmit information about the state of the body of the cosmonaut.

Spacks were not always on the ships. After the successful six flights of the "East", they were recognized as a useless cargo, and all further ships ("sunrises" and "unions") were designed for flight without regular spaces. It was advisable to use only external spacecraft to enter outdoor space. However, the death in 1971 of Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Pazayev as a result of depressurization of the cabin "Union-11" made back to the proven decision. However, the old Spacks in the new ship did not fit. Urgently, under the space needs began to adapt the slope of the Sokol, originally developed for the T-4 supersonic strategic bombard.

The task was not the lungs. If, when landing "Easterns", the astronaut catapulted, then the "sunrise" and "unions" carried out a soft landing with the crew inside. Soft it was only about - the blow during the landing was tangible. Depreciated the blow of the energy absorbing chair "Kazbek" development of all the same "stars". Foresting "Kazbek" individually under each cosmonaut, which lay in it without a single gap. Therefore, the ring to which the Skafandra helmet is fastened, the cervical vertebra of astronaut would have breakdown when hitting.

In Sokol, the original solution was found - sector helmet, not covering the occipital part of the player, which is made soft. From Sokol, a number of emergency systems and a heat shield layer also removed, since in the case of a leading when leaving the "Union", astronauts had to change into special costumes. The life support system of the Skafandra was greatly simplified, calculated only for two hours of work.

As a result, "Falcon" became a bestseller: since 1973, more than 280 pieces were manufactured. In the early 90s, two "falcon" were sold to China, and the first Chinese cosmonaut flew to conquer space in an exact copy of the Russian Skafandra. True, unlicensed. But no one sold space for open space space, so they still do not even plan to go to open space.

In order to facilitate the design and increasing the mobility of external scafflers, there was a whole direction (primarily in the United States), which studied the possibility of creating all-metal rigid spaces, reminiscent of deep-water dilapides. However, the partial incarnation idea found only in the USSR. Soviet Spacks "Greets" and "Orlan" received a combination shell - a hard case and soft legs and hands. The hull itself, which constructors call Kirace, is welded from individual elements from AMG aluminum alloy aluminum alloy. Such a combined scheme was extremely successful and now copied by Americans. And it originated as needed.

The American lunar safe was made according to the classic scheme. The entire livelihood system was located in a lesometer's spine on the back of the astronaut. Soviet designers may also go through this scheme if it were not for one "but". The power of the Soviet lunar rocket H-1 allowed only one astronaut to be delivered to the moon, unlike two American, and it was not possible to fit alone into the classic skate. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200brigid rock with the door on the back for entering the inside was put forward.

A special system of cable and side lever allowed to reliably close the lid. The entire livelihood system was located in the folding door and worked not in vacuo, like the Americans, but in a normal atmosphere, which simplified the design. True, the helmet had to do not turn into the early models, but monolithic with the case. The review was compensated for much more glazing. Helmets themselves are so interesting that they deserve a separate chapter.

Helmet all over the head
The helmet is the most important part of the Squadder. Back in the "aviation" period, the spacesuit was shared into two types - mask and icyless. In the first, the pilot used the oxygen mask, according to which the air mixture was supplied. In the second, the helmet was separated from the rest of the skatenra's volume as a kind of collar, a cervical hermetic curtain. Such a helmet played the role of a large oxygen mask with a continuous supply of the respiratory mixture. As a result, a dismissal concept defeated the best ergonomics, although he demanded more expense Oxygen for breathing. Such helmets and moved into space.

Space helmets were also divided into two types - removable and non-removable. The first SK-1 was completed with a non-removable helmet, but the Leonovsky "Berkut" and "Hawk" (in which Eliseev and Khrunov in 1969 passed from the ship to the ship) had removable helmets. And they were joined by a special handling unit with the Herm shirt, which gave the opportunity to cosmonaut to twist head. The mechanism of rotation was quite interesting.

On the frames of the newsreel, the helmets of astronauts are clearly visible, which are made of fabric and thin skin. Communication systems are mounted on them - headphones and microphones. So, the convex headphones of the headset were included in the special grooves of a hard helmet, and when the head turn the helmet began to rotate along with the head like a tank tower. The design was quite cumbersome, and they refused it in the future. On modern skaters, the helmets are non-removable.

Mandatory element of a helmet for access to space - a light filter. Leonov had a small inner flame filter of a fleet type covered with a thin layer of silver. When leaving the Lyon space, it felt very intense heating of the lower part of the face, and when looking towards the Sun, the protective properties of the silver light filter were insufficient - the light was dazzling bright. Based on this experience, all subsequent sweatsets became equipped with complete outer filters with a sprayed rattle layer of pure gold, providing transmitting only 34% of light. The largest area of \u200b\u200bglazing is "Orlana".

And on recent models There is even a special window from above - to improve the review. We are almost impossible to split the "glass" of the helmet: it is made from superproof Lexan polycarbonate, which is also used, for example, with glazing armored combat helicopters. However, it is the "Orlan" as two combat helicopters. The exact price is not called, but they offer to navigate the value of the American counterpart - $ 12 million.


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