What the singularity of the theory of the Big Bang. What is singularity

What the singularity of the theory of the Big Bang. What is singularity


The equations of modern cosmology allow you to find the law of expansion of the homogeneous and isotropic universe and describe the change in its physical parameters in the expansion process. However, the theory uniquely determining the behavior of the universe at the initial stage was not developed.

The model of the isotropic universe highlights a special initial state - singularity. This condition is characterized by a huge density of matter and curvature space. From singularity begins explosive, slowing down with time expansion. In this state, the classical laws of physics are violated, which causes physicists to seek consistent models, which will be mentioned below.

Picture near the singularity is as follows. In high temperature conditions near the singularity, not only molecules and atoms could not exist, but even atomic nuclei; There was only an equilibrium mixture of various elementary particles.

Quantum theory of gravity

As mentioned above, singularity is a "stumbling block" for the classical laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and gravity. They lose their physical meaning at the point of singularity. A special position in this regard is a quantum mechanic. As is well known, it is completely abstructed from such concepts as coordinate and speed and can successfully describe the behavior of objects through energy characteristics: mass and energy. Therefore, many scientists hope to obtain a consistent description of the early stage of the evolution of the universe using the theory of quantum gravity. "Science does not yet have a complete and agreed theory that unites the quantum mechanics and gravity - writes in one of its works Stephen Hawking, but the possibility of describing processes is only with quantum mechanics leads to revolutionary conclusions":

1. Due to the fact that the state of the universe is described only only by its quantum-mechanical characteristics, and it has a probabilistic nature, then such a characteristic of our being is completely disposed of.

2. For a quantum-mechanical state, it is characteristic that the past is not the cause of this, and the present is not the cause of the future in the strict sense of the word. Consequently, it can be said that "even if there were any events before a large explosion, it would be impossible to predict the future, because At the point of singularity, the determinism of events is zero due to quantum-mechanical processes. "

The cause of the world, as we see, is still an open question for science.

Alternative models of the Universe

The state of singularity from which the history of the Universe began, may be a weighty argument in favor of the creation of the world. Science is currently not able to answer the question about what was at the time of the Big Bang, or even a little earlier. "White spots" in this area of \u200b\u200btheoretical physics, forcing scientists to develop various models of the universe, in which singularity is not an obstacle to the classical laws of physics. Below we consider the most significant of them.

Model Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold

In 1948, Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold suggested the model of the stationary universe. It is based on the perfect cosmological principle: "There is not only a privileged place in the universe, but also a privileged point of time." Therefore, at any time, at all points of space, the average temperature and the density of the universe will have the same meanings. Such an universe is characterized by an exponential expansion compensated by the permanent birth of a substance. "The synchronization of the expansion of the universe and the birth of a substance maintains the constancy of the density of energy and thereby leads to the representation of the eternal universe, which is in a state of continuous birth of a substance."

The modification of the theory of relativity really "allows" 1 km3 of the Universe for 1 year to create one particle. This does not contradict experimental data, but, as Hawking notes, such "productivity" is catastrophically, for the "creation" of new galaxies. Due to the fact that there is no "subtle bond" universe and the birth of the substance, this hypothesis is controversial.

Model Alan Guta

Later, American physicist Alan Gut suggested a model in which the universe had a temperature below critical for a large explosion without disrupting symmetry of forces. This condition can be compared with supercooled water when it is in cooling in a certain way, does not freeze and at a negative temperature. The universe is unstable and has additional energy, which is an anti-gravity action of which is similar to the action of the L-term in the equation of the stationary universe. According to this model, even in places where the universe was too dense, the mutual attraction of its parts was weaker than the repulsion, which influenced the nature of the expansion of the universe. All inhomogeneities could simply be smoothed as wrinkles when inflating the rubber ball smoothed. Gut came to the following conclusion: "The current smooth homogeneous state could develop from a large number of inhomogeneities." Stephen Hawking disagree with the withdrawal of Guta: "The universe expanded so quickly that the proposed phase transition model could not exist without a violation of the symmetry of the forces." Moreover, the isotropy of the relic background indicates that in "... the past the universe was even more homogeneous."

Lindea model

In 1983, the famous cosmologist Andrei Linde offered a chaotic model of inflating. According to this model, the Universe evolved without phase transition and supercooling, but under the influence of a speaking field. Quantum fluctuations of this field in some areas of the early universe increased, as a result, the particles began to swell. The energy of the field began to slowly decrease until the inflating has passed into the same expansion as in the "hot universe" model. "One of the regions," notes Linde, "can turn into the universe observed." Linde model showed that " modern condition The universe could arise from a large number of initial configurations, but such an universe could appear from any initial state. "

The inflating model leaves the question of the initial conditions for the emergence of the universe open.

Hoking model

Stephen Hawking is particularly in a number of physicists of theorists. The main thing for him is to find a suitable consistent mathematical model of the world. Therefore, it is strongly fightered by the introduction of mathematical variables, functions that are not a reflection of reality, but only serve to simplify the mathematical apparatus of the theory of them. To simplify the mathematical apparatus, it can be used to transition from one coordinate system to another and unshameded by any real physical processes replacing the actual time imaginary.

Hawking believes that singularity deprives the model of a large explosion of predictive strength, because At the moment of singularity, the laws of physics and "... from a large explosion could have anything." Since the quantum theory argues that "can happen anything, if only this is not prohibited absolutely," Hoking attracts the mathematical apparatus and methods of quantum theory in its entirety. It introduces the concept of the wave function of the universe. The need for integration requires the introduction of special boundary conditions. Hawking them introduces: "The boundary condition for the universe is that she has no borders." In his model, the universe does not have borders and closed. Hawking cites the following example: if we go along the equator, we will return to the same point without reaching the edge (boundaries) of the Earth, and no one will argue that the earth is limited. Hawking believes that "the assumption of the absence of borders can explain the entire structure of the universe, including small inhomogeneities like ourselves."

Hawking Universe does not experience any singularities. Moreover, "the situation of the absence of boundaries turns cosmology into science, since it allows you to predict the result of any experiment." In this model, the Universe is born from nothing in literal senseAnd for this not required vacuum existence.

Hawking notes that even if the quantum theory restores the predictability lost by the classical theory, it does not completely. " For Hawking, it is not that his theory does not reflect the reality, but the fact that this theory has predictive strength: "I do not require the theory to fit reality, as I do not know how it is arranged. Reality is not the magnitude that can be checked with a litmus paper. All this I associate with the fact that the theory must predict the measurement results. "

However, Hawking itself agrees that his quantum model "does not describe the universe in which we live, which is filled with matter ...", and to build a more "realistic model", the cosmological member has previously attracted to explanation and "includes" the fields of matter: " ... It seems that you need to have a scalar field with the potential V () "in the Universe, which only under certain conditions is equivalent to a cosmological member.

In our opinion, the Hoking model is a reflection of the author's worldview. In order to get a spontaneous, chaotic birth of the universe, Hawking imposes on the universe condition of lack of boundaries. His universe does not need Creator, does not need an external reason, it exists only because it cannot but be due to its own need.

Ilya Prigogin believes that the introduction of imaginary time Hawking instead of a real distorts the picture of reality: "Hawking offer (about the imaginary time - V.R.) goes beyond the theory of relativity, but in reality it is another attempt to deny the reality of time, describing our universe as Static geometric structure ... ".

We believe that the impeccable use of the mathematical apparatus can confirm any theory and any model, however, the world endowed with the characteristics of the Eternal Being cannot reflect the reality in which we live.

Cosmological model of Prigogine

The Nobel Prize winner for achievements in the field of non-equilibrium processes Ilya Prigogin offered his understanding of the origin of the Universe. He believes that the universe originated from the "quantum vacuum" due to the irreversible phase transition. He claims that the universe began to be in time, i.e. Time is forever, and the world, our universe exists a certain time. The model of the creation of the world "from nothing" is named "free breakfast", and is untenable, because "... the vacuum is already endowed with universal constant." Therefore, in his model, the Universe occurs, is formed from something before existing. The creation of the world of Prigogin calls an act transcendental to physical reality.

The very emergence of the visible world of Prigogin binds not with singularity, but with the instability of a quantum vacuum. "A big explosion," he believes, "an irreversible process." Prigogin believes, "that from the affected, which we call the quantum vacuum, a phase transition should occur ...".

According to the priest, "the universes arise where the amplitudes of the gravitational field and the field of matter have greater values."

Finally summary Concepts of scientists need to note that any reasoning about the physical condition of the Universe is only the fruit of intellect. Here, science is suitable for "... to the edge of positive knowledge in dangerous proximity to science fiction," because it is impossible to experimental confirmation of the theory. Therefore, the construction of a scientist theoretical model of the Universe is always a reflection of his worldview.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. In conversations with people, we sometimes hear rare, incomprehensible to the majority, the word "singularity". To give the importance of his own person, a person turns such words, but to accurately answer what it means is not able to.

The literal translation from Latin is easy to find. Word singularis. means special, the only one, indicates uniqueness Any event, creatures, phenomena. It seems much easier, but there are incomprehensibility here.

This concept is applicable in different spheres of human life, science, technology, philosophy. In each area, it is explained specifically. An inexperienced citizen seems to be about completely dissimilar things. There is no agreement even in understanding the meaning of the word.

Meaning of the word

As if specifically, to confuse all finally, the minds came up with several singularity varieties. According to Wikipedia, there are:

Singularity of understandable language

Yes, it was easier! You are confused and outraged: "What is it, simple words You can not explain? ". Let's try. Take for example the two mentioned interpretations and explain all this as simple as possible (on your fingers):

  1. Gravitational. Suppose on the road open hatch. Road covering is the space, the edge of the hatch - the horizon of events (the boundary of the curvature of space or more beautiful - the horizon of events). All that happens inside the pit, you do not see, but the hole is formed by a singular object. You throw one stone in the hatch, missed - the stone remained in our space. The next - got, he flew the border of the horizon and hit the singularity zone (uncertainty);
  2. Cosmological. Imagine a small ball with unreal high temperatures and density. At some point he explodes with a huge force, forming a bunch of fragments, particles and dust. Imagine everything that happened to the ball at the moment of the explosion? This is called the state of singularity.

Two common interpretations of this phenomenon are able to describe its main distinguishing features:

Compliance of something at least one of these signs says that the singularity is.

The most bright on both signs singularity illustrates black hole. It is believed that in its center, the indicators of all physical characteristics are infinite, the laws of physics do not work, and the time flows on the rules unknown to us. Since it is impossible to predict the behavior of such an object, then forecasting loses any meaning.

Do you think that everything described far in time, space and us does not concern? I will show you that it is not.

Singularity in our lives

Most processes in society, economics, history, biology occurs under conditions involving the point of singularity at a certain point in time. The development of this phenomenon is the law of hyperbole. Right now around us is approaching their interchange processes that originated billions of years ago.

Humanity and global product

The most understandable example is the increase in the population of the Earth's population and the increase in world stocks of the product. Communication due to certain conditions was built by millennia. If you now leave these dependencies unchanged and continue them to the future, very soon we will come to the point of singularity.

The number of people on the planet and the global product have long been calculated by scientists. Two or three decades ago it became clear that the number of people increases in quadratic hyperbola, and the production of products - on a simple, that is, 2 times slower.

Forecasts showed that in the period from 2005 to 2020 the time of singularity will come. That is, today we are inside this phenomenon. Tell me, do you observe around a comprehensive abundance and wealth?

And again technological singularity

The same point when the complexity of developing technologies will not be available to human understanding, not far from the mountain. Presumably we will meet it from 2030 to 2045. The script of probable events is known to all of the fantastic films.

Biological revolutions

Singularity in the Biology of the Earth The case is familiar. It happened with the hyperbolic growth of the population to some moment. For example, dinosaurs were the owners of the planet. But after the revolutionary events, they were almost left. Is that crocodiles modestly occupy a non-essential niche.

When scientists of the men analyzed the frequency of the dates of revolutions that took place in biology, and then the human unrest added to this information, they noticed a clear connection with the point of singularity in the 2010-2050 region.

Singularity in history

This phenomenon happened quite often. Remember the history of states and empires. Let's say Ancient Rome At the beginning of its development, hyperboles developed under the law.

The growth of the population caused the seizure of territories, identified some technical development. So it continued to several epidemics of the plague, when it died to a third of the population. After that, humanity wondered about the density of residents in one place.

Attempts to restore the number of people allowed the empire to hold out for some time. But still the state for many reasons contemplated. So, the algorithm is a sharp increase, a violation of equilibrium, small oscillations, a change of resource balance and death.

Similar predestinations were discovered in:

  1. science;
  2. demographics;
  3. economy;
  4. culture and other areas of human life.


In the specified historical interval, something incredibly important, comparable to the release of living organisms on land, which will radically change the future.

Just do not say that everything disappeared and the fate of crocodiles is prepared. After all, Rome did not disappear without a trace. Yes, and we differ from dinosaurs. We can think, make predictions, search for solutions and adapt Wednesday to your needs.

The main thing is to understand what is happening and on time to change the conditions of the game to prevent irreversible processes.

Because singularity is a point with an infinite density, where all the laws of physics are violated, and the suggestions about the future are unknown. It loses its meaning in it. And the understanding of what is happening also does not matter.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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To date, the question of what a singularity is, but also worries not only people interested in science, but also the best scientists in the world. This term is found in mathematics, physics, astronomy, cosmology and other accurate sciences. His interpretation varies slightly, but the principle remains the same. But now we alternately consider what is a singularity from various points of view, and find out how so interesting for researchers is a mysterious phenomenon.

General interpretation of the term

Before we begin to delve into the secrets of the Universe, we turn to the history of the universe. The most correct version of the world is the theory of a large explosion at the current moment. At the time of the origin of the whole thing that surrounds us, there was only one-only point of singularity. Its dimensions are definitely unknown, but for understanding scientists often compare it with a pea. It should not think that this mini ball could be kept in hand. His mass was equal to the mass of all stars and galaxies that there are in space today. Moreover, the temperature of this pea is simply broken, and the force of gravity in it was higher than that of the existing black holes. In other words, the point of singularity is a unit of space-time, which concluded all the matter, filling our universe.

How did the time come?

Certainly it is necessary to allocate that under the term "matter" is implied not only spaceconsisting of billions of astronomical units, but also all time segments. Yes, it is difficult to imagine it, but to understand what a singularity is, you need to imagine the time as a spatial dimension in which you can move both forward and forth. All this is inextricably linked to the curvature space, which we will talk about below. Scientists are also unknown, for which time on earthly standards, this pea existed. Paradoxically, that in such a compressed state in any measurement infinity is zero. Later, the point of singularity began to grow, the temperature in it fell, the particles were repelled from each other. So time separated from the rest of the measurements and ceased to be a spatial unit. Therefore, today it can only go ahead.

Cosmological concepts

As is known, science cosmology is engaged in the study of the evolution of the universe. There are all the so-called epochs that followed after a large explosion. It is in accordance with this theory, scientists put forward a hypothesis that the universe arose from singularity. At the same time, the period of existence is impossible to establish the latter. Based on this, two most believable versions are still carefully worked out. The first is that our world is statical. The big explosion occurred at a certain point, when all the particles in the state of infinite compression were sharply pushed apart from each other. In addition, the singularity of the Universe until the explosion was characterized by the presence of matter and antimatter. Nowadays, scientists did not find a single antiparticle. The second version is based on the fact that the big explosion is a real space. It has been established that the galaxies are constantly removed from each other, therefore, the process of expanding the world continues to this day.

Singularity in cosmology

In the evolution of the cosmos, oddly enough, there is no place of physical formulas acting on Earth and laws. This phenomenon is clearly demonstrated by cosmological singularity. Of course, in practice, it is impossible to find out in the moment of the origin of the world, it is impossible, but theoretically, scientists counted paradoxical patterns. The first is the curvativity of space-time. This means that laying a flat geodesic line or an angle in the field of singularity is impossible. The second is, as we said, quite different time. Here you can get anywhere in the time segment. Cosmological singularity, according to scientists, is a reference point, which is called a large explosion. During this period, the density and temperature of the substance was nearing infinite. At the same time, the measure of chaos sought to zero, multiplying two previous units. From the point of view of earthly physics, the temperature and density cannot simultaneously be in an infinite state. And this is just one of the many paradoxes that scientists cannot solve.

Old and new theory

Many years ago Albert Einstein presented the world famous theory of relativity, which is now called the theory of gravity. Thanks to her today we describe all the phenomena in the space and the time that they surround us. In accordance with the theory, physical objects cannot have a singularity. That is, in practice, no substance or matter can have a mass, density or temperature, equal to infinity. But mathematics will be heard as theoretical science, because it has a place of functions with infinite values. Overlapping one area of \u200b\u200bknowledge to another, we get exemplary calculations of what could happen at the time of the Big Bang. This, as already mentioned, points with endless physical quantities. Such a phenomenon was named physical or cosmic singularity. But its laws are incompatible with the theory of relativity. Explain such a phenomenon can be a new quantum gravity theory. This is where the behavior of light, its properties and significance in the universe is studied. The theory itself does not yet exist, but there are certain calculations and prerequisites that can become its basis.

I solve the secrets of gravity

In astrophysics, there is such a concept as the runoff speed. It is used to determine the debris, with which a certain object can resist for example, a rocket, taking into account its mass, should move at a speed of about 12 km / s to leave the atmosphere of the Earth. But if our planet had a diameter of not 12,742 kilometers, and one centimeter, then to overcome the field of attraction, it would be necessary to move with a speed greater than in this case the land would not surround the strength of the force, but gravitational singularity. Of course, everything is because if our planet takes similar dimensions, it will turn into a black hole. But such an experience makes it possible to understand what the value of gravity in the universe is.

What depends on the force of gravity?

The closer the atoms are located to each other, the denser of the substance. If the molecules somehow interact with each other, then the heating process occurs, therefore, the temperature of this substance increases. On earthly conditions, such processes occur within a certain framework, because we have long invented formulas that allow you to calculate the behavior of any chemical element. All because the power of the earth's attraction does not give particles to get closer than a certain distance, and give up more than a specific amount. In the open space, where the empties between the galaxies are observed, the space is especially discharged, this is called vacuum. There is no gravity here in principle, because the small amount of matter is in Chaos. Near very dense objects (giant blue stars, quasars, as well as black holes) The force of attraction rises to unreal for us, earthlings, quantities. The particles here are located so close to each other, which is formed a phenomenon called "gravitational singularity". This is the very basis affecting the distortion of space and the degree of curvature.

Gravity and behavior of matter

In the field of singularity, the matter is not suused. Only the cosmic wind and microscopic particles are attracted there. But the person is purely theoretically can go to such areas by goodwill. They are located in quasars and black holes and, alas, for living beings are deadly from the point of view of biology. Finding into the area of \u200b\u200blarge tidal strength, the body will begin to stretch both along and across. As a result of the outline of a person, they will enhance the sphere and will rotate in it. Theoretically, if the eyes still see and transmit a signal in simultaneously can see all its parts of the body, including a person who will rotate in front of it, exceeding the speed of light. It is clear that in this form the human body cannot exist, but it concerns earthly physics. However, this example gives us the opportunity to imagine what is a singularity from a practical point of view. It would be interesting to assume that we are like a biological sight can take these new physical laws and exist in such forms, forming new worlds for yourself.

Time flow

What time is it can argue forever. Today it is defined as the process of passing physiological, physical and mental processes for living organisms and matter of our world. But the properties of the time, its hidden capabilities have not been studied. We perceive it as something subjective, and it can be carefully traced, remembering your past years. When we lived the first year of life, this segment was equal to 100 percent. He was the only thing that we have, with all life and experience. For one year's second birthday, one year has already become 50 percent, on the third - only third. For the 80 years of age, one year was already only 1/80 particle of life and did not mean anything practically. So it happened because during the first year all that we saw was new. In the future, we already came across more and more familiar things and phenomena. Therefore, it seemed that childhood stretches incredibly long, and the mature years flew instantly. This is a visual example of how the perception of one person distorts the flow of time. And what will happen if you look at this term from an astronomical point of view?

Time at the beginning of time

It was a slight digression that made it possible to understand everything that we see. Being locked in the framework of physics and, moreover, their own perception, it is difficult for us to imagine that the world was and can be completely different. So, the singularity of the time had the same place in cosmology as the singularity of the space. Now to overcome the segment of 1 kilometer at a speed of 5 km / h, 0.2 hours will be required. To fly from land to Saturn, you need to spend several years. But what about time, if all distance that is in the world is 1 centimeter? Multiplying so insignificant parameters to infinitely greater density and mass, we get the curvature of space-time. This means that at the moment when the universe was singular, everything could happen that we see now. Events may have been stirred, incredibly distorted and compared. It's easier to expressing, any material object could look like in the past land or another planet and its future.

Technology and accession to a new era

There is also the so-called theory of singularity, according to which our planet will soon turn into a large biotechnical intelligence. According to the researchers, the computer will be created by the middle of the 21st century, the possibilities of which will exceed the possibilities of the brain. Artificial mind, naturally, will take the top over less developed creatures. At this moment, such a name would come invented because it is not known than such a progressive jump in the field of science will end and whether to survive humanity.


The singularity of the black hole, from which, in fact, consists of this space object, is one of the biggest mysteries of the world. The Merchant Nora itself does not look like a pit with a funnel and a narrow tunnel, but as a sphere formed by a giant gravity force. We have already spoken about black holes above, identifying them as deadly objects in the universe. The strength of their compression is incredibly large, because the space on the horizon is being twisted and the time stops. The singularity of the black hole is comparable to the theory of a large explosion. It is not thoroughly studied, but it is believed that the strength of compression inside the worms is the same as at the moment of the birth of the world. That is why there is a theory that black holes are the evolution of new universes that exist in parallel with ours.

Annex explaining a part of the theory

In general terms, the theory and infinite density makes it possible to understand the game "Singularity". The passage of the mission is associated with moving in space and time, where these two concepts are united. The hero moves between 1950 and 2010, correcting the mistakes of Soviet scientists and saving modern convicts enclosed on the island surrounded by radiation. If you dive into this world, you can gradually understand what it means time in the spatial dimension.


The study of all secrets of space that concern gravity makes it possible to understand that the theory of relativity limits us extremely. Of course, this is an incredible find for earthly conditions, but if we are talking about the study of other spaces, it is worth discarding all stereotypes. Such a concept as "singularity", turns over the perception of sound, light pulses, curvature of space and time duration. But it is still found that only in mathematical theory, and in physical practice does not find an explanation. The in the most detailed now investigated the singularity of the black hole, but it is believed that this area is though compressed to infinity, this is not the most populated point of the universe.

At a certain point in time, in the past, when the energy density (matter) and the curvature of space-time were very large - the order of the planacian values. This condition, together with the subsequent stage of the evolution of the universe, while the energy density (matter) remained high, is also called a large explosion. Cosmological singularity is one example of gravitational singularities predicted by the general theory of relativity (OTO) and some other theories of gravity.

The possibility of the occurrence of this singularity while continuing back in the time of any decision of the OTO, describing the dynamics of the expansion of the universe, was strictly proven in 1967 by Stephen Hawking. He also wrote:

The results of our observations confirm the assumption that the Universe originated at a certain point in time. However, the moment of creation, singularity itself, does not obey any of the well-known laws of physics.

For example, it cannot be simultaneously infinite density and temperature, since the infinite density of the measure of chaos seeks to zero, which cannot be combined with infinite temperature.

The problem of the existence of cosmological singularity is one of the most serious problems of physical cosmology. The fact is that no Our information about what happened after a large explosion cannot give us no Information about what happened before.

Attempts to solve the problem of the existence of this singularity go in several directions: firstly, it is believed that quantum gravity will give a description of the dynamics of a gravitational field free of singularities, secondly, it is believed that accounting for quantum effects in the rope fields may violate the condition of energy, which is based on the proof of Hawking, thirdly, such modified theories of gravity are proposed, in which singularity does not occur, since the maximum compressed substance begins to sweep the gravitational forces (the so-called gravitational repulsion), and not attract each other.

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Excerpt characterizing cosmological singularity

"No, I don't want," said Pierre, repelled Anatol, and approached the window.
She kept by the hand of the Englishman and clearly, clearly expressed the conditions of betting, turning mainly to anatol and Pierre.
Shelahov was a man of medium height, curly and with blond, blue eyes. He was twenty-five years old. He did not carry a mustache, like all the infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was all visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. In the middle of the upper lip, the upper lip went down to a strong lower sharp wedge, and constantly something like two smiles was formed in the corners, one on each side; And all together, and especially in conjunction with a solid, brazen, intelligent look, was the impression that it was impossible not to notice this person. Shelahov was a poor man, without any connections. And despite the fact that Anatol lived tens of thousands, she lived with him and managed to put himself so that Anatol and all who knew them respected longer than Anatol. Shelahov played all the games and almost always won. No matter how much he drinks, he never lost his head clarity. And Kuragin, and Shard at that time were celebrities in the world vision and kutul St. Petersburg.
The bottle of Rom was brought; The frame, not to get to sit on the outdoor slope of the window, was laid out two lakes, apparently rushing and robusts from the councils and screams surrounding the Lords.
Anatole with his winner view approached the window. He wanted to break something. He pushed Laces and pulled the frame, but the frame did not give up. He broke the glass.
"Well, you, strongman," he turned to Pierre.
Pierre took over the crossbar, pulled and with a crackle with a tonorotype Oak Frame.
"All won, and then think that I hold down," said Shahov.
"The Englishman blows ... And? ... well? ..." said Anatol.
"Well," said Pierre, looking at Dolokhova, who, taking a bottle of Roma in his hands, approached the window, from which the light of the sky was seen and merged on it morning and evening dawn.
Roma with a bottle of Roma in his hand jumped out the window. "Listen!"
He shouted, standing on the windowsill and turning to the room. All silenced.
"I bet (he spoke French, so that the Englishman understood him, and he said not too well in this language). I bet on fifty imperials, want to a hundred? - he added, referring to the British.
"No, fifty," the Englishman said.
- Well, fifty empires, - that I will drink a bottle of Roma all that does not take away from my mouth, drinking, sitting outside the window, here at this place (he bent and showed a sloped ledge of the wall outside the window) and not holding anything ... so? ...
"Very good," the Englishman said.
Anatole turned to the British and, taking him for a flock of a phraka and at the top looking at him (the Englishman was slightly tall), began to repeat him the conditions of bet.
- Wait! - shouted the share, knocking a bottle over the window to pay attention to. - Wait, Kuragin; Listen. If anyone does the same, then I cry a hundred of the imperials. Do you understand?
The Englishman nodded his head, not giving anyway, whether he intends or not to accept this new bet. Anatole did not let go of the Englishman and, despite the fact that he, nodded, let's know that he understood everything, Anatol translated him the words of Dologis in English. Young slender boy, Liebe Hussar, lost this evening, halve out the window, leaned and looked down.

Alexander Sergeevich Suvorov (Alexander Suvory)


Part 6. Cosmological Singularity.

So, what do we have at the beginning and started on the Bible?

God, darkness over the vast and the Spirit of God, who rushed over the water. At the same time, God created the sky and the land, which was insidious and empty. (The author for ease of writing text lowers numerous quotes given in quotations).

However, these data indicate that it was before God began to create the world, before the first day of creation ...

What was and happening at the beginning and started on the existing scientific model of the emergence of physical, that is, our modern material universe?

Up to or at the initial moment of "scientific" emergence, birth or "large explosion of the Universe" there was a state of "cosmological singularity", that is, the "state of infinite density and temperature" of some original substance (matter).

Such a "singular" condition of the substance (matter) comes from " general Theory Relativity ", which describes the" dynamics of an expanding physical universe ", which" modern science objectively, experimentally and theoretically examines and exploring all means available to humanity. "

According to the general theory of relativity, the Universe "originated at a certain point" and this event was. It originated in one place, from one place, from one point of the material space-time-matter.

In order for such an unthinkable Universal Big Explosion, this material space-time-matter should have been "infinitely dense and infinitely hot" (with an infinite temperature).

In the currently, an existing material or real universe cannot simultaneously exist any substance-matter with an infinite density and temperature, because "with the infinite density of the measure of the chaos of matter-matter, tends to zero," to absolute hardness, massiveness. At the same time, the infinite temperature is so heated by matter-matter, which she strives for infinite chaos, that is, to absolute disappearance - annihilation.

For example, the most solid and dense steel or basalt when heated becomes liquid, the dense substance of small meteorites is completely evaporated with a fiery passage through the atmosphere of the Earth, the super-density filling of nuclear bombs instantly almost annihilates with atomic explosion, while becoming elementary particles and emission energy.

Today, science cannot in no way evidence to explain the existence of "cosmological singularity" and declares: "The moment of the creation of creation, singularity, does not obey one of the well-known laws of physics."

However, we are theoretically "know", which was immediately after the beginning of the large explosion of the Universe - the gravitational singularity or the curvature of the gravitational field, or the transformation of matter into energy and the simultaneous transformation of energy into matter, or the conversion of antimatter to matter.

In fact, the anti-the universe from the antimatter is rapidly "collapsed", "squeezed", "bored", destroyed, "collapsed" in the super-duty point of cosmological singularity and at the same time also rapidly "exploded", "revealed", "revived", " Rose "in the form of space-time-matter in our modern physical universe.

Algorithms of "coups" or "revolutions", "change of magnetic poles", the emergence of super-glitter "black holes", rapidly "suction" monstrous gravity, the whole world around, all the nearest space-time, and the explosions of super-dense supernovae exist and relatively often carried out in our universe.

Almost all elementary particles and atoms of all substances, of which all the material bodies of our universe are created, including our sun, planets, earth, atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, as well as all living organisms and our human bodies Created as a result of such simultaneous collaps-compression-squeezing "black holes" and supernovae explosions.

These are already evidence facts confirmed by the relevant experiments and objective scientific discoveries, not dependent on anyone or will, even the Divine.

"In the beginning, God created" gravity, gravitational field, gravitational singularity, moment and point of gravitational separation of the super-proper state of space-time-matter and a superactivistic state of energy, "top" and "bottom", "over" and "under", which are expressed in Symbolic structures-images - the words "sky" (top, energy) and "Earth (bottom, matter).

Thus, in the first part of the first verse of the first book, Moses "Genesis" of the Old Testament is not simply represented by the preamble of the events of the "Creation of the World God", and the primary event is expressed and the separation of the previous state is indicated. primary matter»On gravitational components - top and bottom, energy and matter," heaven "and" land ".

That is why in the following stanza of this verse it is indicated that "Earth", that is, the physical matter of the "created world", at the moment and at the point of gravitational or cosmological singularity "was insidency and empty", that is, did not empty a single quantum of light and did not have Another modern physical material or real incarnation.

At the same time, "darkness", that is, an innumerable amount of dark matter and dark energy (this is the expression of the symbolic structural structure - the concept of "darkness"), was already "over the vague", that is, from above (around) the boundless, unlimited, super-density point of gravitational Or cosmological singularity, the place of existence of the "primary matter", the place of the gravitational collapse of "antimatter" - the previous state of the previous or parental anti-universe.

It is noteworthy that "Dark matter" is a symbolic female or maternal embodiment of the previous or parental anti-uniform, and "dark energy" - male or fatherly. At the same time, the place or point of gravitational or cosmological singularity is the place, the point of "origin" by our modern physical universe.

At the moment and in the point of the gravitational or cosmological singularity "over the water", which in this case is likely to be a symbolic expression of fluidity, changeability, transparency and at the same time presence of primary matter, "flew of God's spirit."

At the same time, the "Spirit of God" or the energy and the image of God, that is, a certain subject, "inhabiting" in all systems of mythologies of the peoples of the world is always "upstairs", rushed, rushing, tremped, galloped, chaotically moved, etc.

"The Spirit of God" is the structure-image symbol and the embodiment of the "original reason", "creative strength", "energy of creation", "parent embryo", "Genetic Parental Sample", in the image and similarity of which the world environment is created - contemporary physical Universe.

"Spirit of God", "Holy Spirit" or Ruach Ha-Kadesh - "Breath", "Wind", "invisible driving force", "the power of God", "the life-giving property of God", "Mind, Honor, Conscience, Mind, Intellect God, "the" creative thinking of God "," the personal consciousness of God "," the image and similarity of God "," Spark of God "," the embodiment of God ", the" german of God "is the third hyposta of a single God -" Holy Trinity ".

So naturally arranged in any "life" of any structure-system - all and any "parents" should disappear, dissolve in the environment, breeding at the same time new life, Introducing parent genes, quality, parameters, images, spirit, memory ...

Even God Father through his Spirit of God and some spatial-temporary matter or ambient The habitat of God's father gives rise to her son of God ...

Thus, a comparative systemic analysis of the "Creation of the World" on the Bible and according to the generally accepted cosmological theoretical model of the "Big Explosion" shows their identity or integrity, identity, systemic unity.

Are there physical and theoretical scientific evidence of this identity or identity of the biblical and physical "creation of the world"?


Dear Alexander Sergeevich!
By and large, you affect the questions for which it is impossible to definitely answer.
Build physical models without mathematics on prose is not serious. But I remove the hat - you have worked seriously.
A pair of errors stuck. Quote: "For example, the most firm and dense steel or basalt when heating becomes liquid, the dense substance of small meteorites is completely evaporated with a fiery passage through the Earth's atmosphere, the super-density filling of nuclear bombs instantly almost annihilates with atomic explosion, running on elementary particles and emission energy."
No clear mutual connection between density and hardness. The density of steels and clean iron is close. Mercury density 13.5 g / ml, steel approximately 7.86, and steel and mercury hardness can not be compared, and so everything is clear. Diamond density 3.5, and its hardness exceeds the hardness of the most solid hardened steel almost two. Melting temperatures with hardness and density also do not have a clear communication.
So that words about hardness, even inserted for clarity, look strange.
The filling of nuclear bombs, of course, is far from superpost. Hearing such strange. And annihilation during the explosion, of course, does not occur (no antimatter). Extremely small mass of the substance (mass defect) is transformed into energy.
Such "clarity" only damage the publication.


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