Wiring section. Wire section for home wiring: how to make the calculation

Wiring section. Wire section for home wiring: how to make the calculation


Before connecting the load to the network, it is important to make sure in sufficient thickness of the emerging cable. In the event of a significant exceeding the permissible power, the destruction of isolation and even the core itself is possible due to its overheating.

Before calculating the cable cross-section for power, the power of the connected electrical appliances should be calculated. In most modern apartments, the main consumers are:

  • Fridge 300 W.
  • Washer 2650 W.
  • Computer 550 W.
  • Lighting 500 W.
  • Electric kettle 1150 W.
  • Microwave 700 W
  • TV 160 W.
  • Water heater 1950 W.
  • Vacuum cleaner 600 W.
  • Iron 1750 W.
  • Total 10310 W \u003d 10.3 kW

In total, most modern apartments consume approximately 10 kW. Depending on the time of day, this parameter can significantly decrease. However, when choosing a conductor cross section, it is important to focus on a greater amount.

It is necessary to know the following: the calculation of the cable cross section for single-phase and three-phase networks differs. But in fact, and in another case, first of all three parameters should be taken into account:

  • Tok strength (I),
  • Voltage (U),
  • Power consumed (P).

There are also several other variables, their value varies for each specific case.

Calculation of the cross section of the wire for a single-phase network

The calculation of the cross section of the power wire is carried out using the following formula:

I \u003d (p × k and) / (u × cos (φ))


  • I.- current strength;
  • P. - power consumption of all electrical appliances in the amount;
  • To I. - the coefficient of simultaneity, usually the standard value of 0.75 is received for calculations;
  • U. - phase voltage, it is 220 (B), but may vary in the range from 210 to 240 (B);
  • COS (φ) - For household single-phase appliances, this value is unchanged and equals 1.

If necessary, it is possible to quickly calculate the current to omit the COS value (φ) and even to and. The resulting value will differ in a smaller side (by 15%) in the case of the application of the formula of this type:

I \u003d p / u

Having found a current on the calculated formula, you can safely begin the choice of the feed cable. More precisely, its cross-section area. There are special tables in which data are presented to compare the current value consumption and the cable cross section.

The data differ greatly for conductors made from different metals. To date, for apartment wiring is usually used only hard copper cableAluminum practically does not apply. Although in many old houses, all lines are laid with aluminum.

The cross section of the copper cable is selected according to the following parameters:

Calculation of the cross section of the wire in the apartment - Table

It often happens that as a result of calculations, the current is obtained between the two values \u200b\u200bpresented in the table. In this case, it is necessary to use the nearest greater value. If, as a result of calculations, the current value in the single-core wire is 25 (a), it is necessary to select a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 or more.

Calculation of cable cross section for three-phase network

To calculate the cross section of the feed cable used in the three-phase network, you must use the following formula:

I \u003d p / (√3 × u × cos (φ))


  • I. - The strength of the current on which the cable cross section will be selected;
  • U. - phase voltage, 220 (B);
  • Cos φ. - phase shift angle;
  • P. - indicator of the total power of all electrical appliances.

Cos φ. This formula is very important. Since directly affects current current. For various equipment, it is different, most often with this parameter can be found in the technical accompanying documentation, or it is indicated on the housing.

The total power of consumers is very simple: all power is folded, the value obtained is used for calculations.

A distinctive feature of choosing a cable cross-section for use in a three-phase network is that a thinner vein can withstand a larger load. The desired section is selected according to the typical table.

Cable Selection for Three-phase Network - Table

Calculation of the cross section of the wire in power in the three-phase network is performed using this value as √3 . This value is necessary to simplify external view Formulas.

U linear \u003d √3 × u phase

Thus, if necessary, it is possible to replace the product of the root and phase voltage to voltage linear. This value is 380 (B) (U linear \u003d 380 V).

When choosing a cable cross section, both for a three-phase network and for single-phase, must be considered permissible long-term current . This parameter indicates current strength (measured in amperes), which can withstand the conductor during an unlimited amount of time. It is determined by special tables, they are in PUE. For aluminum and copper conductors, data differ significantly.

Permissible current duration - table

When the table is exceeded in the table, the conductor begins to heat up. The heating temperature is inversely proportional to the current strength.

The temperature on a certain area may increase not only due to incorrectly selected section, but due to poor contact.For example, in the place of twist of the wires. Quite often, this occurs as a result of direct contact of aluminum cables and copper. The surface of the metals is oxidized, is covered with an oxide film, which significantly impairs contact. In this place the cable heats up.

Cable products are now presented on the market in a wide range, the cross section of the vein is from 0.35 mm. and above, this article will see an example. calculation of cable cross section.

To calculate the resistance of the conductor, you can use the calculator for calculating the resistance of the conductor.

Wrong selecting a cable cross section For household wiring, may result in such results:

1. The temporon meter of too thick casualties will cost more, which will cause a significant "blow" by budget.

2. The cores will soon begin to heat up and will melt the insulation if the inappropriate diameter of the conductor (smaller than necessary) will be selected and it can soon lead to short closure or self-burning wiring.

In order not to spend the means to be wasted, it is necessary before starting the installation of wiring in an apartment or house, perform the right calculation of cable cross section Depending on the strength of the current, power and length of the line.

Calculation of cable cross-section for electrical appliances.

Each cable has a rated power that it is able to withstand during the operation of the electrical appliances. When the power of all electrical appliances in the apartment will exceed the calculation of the conductor, the accident will not be avoided soon.

You can calculate the power of electrical appliances in an apartment or house yourself, for this it is necessary to write onto a sheet of paper. The characteristics of each device separately (TV, vacuum cleaner, plates, lamps). Then all obtained values \u200b\u200bare summed up, and the finished number is used to select the optimal diameter.

The formula for calculating power has this kind:

Pont \u003d (p1 + p2 + p3 + ... + pn) * 0.8, where: P1..pn-power of each electrical appliance, kW

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the number that needed to multiply on the correction factor is 0.8. Indicates this coefficient that only 80% of all electrical appliances will work at the same time. This calculation will be more logical, because, vacuum cleaner or hairdryer, will definitely not be in use for a long time without a break.

An example of calculating the cable cross-section in power is listed in the tables:

For conductor with aluminum veins.

For conductor with copper veins.

As can be seen from the tables, their data is values \u200b\u200bfor each specific view of cableIt will only be necessary to find the nearest of power values \u200b\u200band see the corresponding cross section lived.

For example calculation of the cable cross section looks like that:

Suppose that the total capacity of all devices is 13 kW. It is necessary to multiply the resulting value to the coefficient of 0.8, as a result, it will give 10.4 kW of the actual load. Then a suitable value must be found in the table column. The nearest figure is 10.1 with a single-phase network (220V voltage) and with a three-phase Network of the figure 10.5. So stop the selection of section with a single-phase network on a 6-milimmeter conductor or with a three-phase on 1.5-milemmetrov.

Calculation of the cable cross-section.

More accurate Calculation of cable cross-sectionSo it is best to use it. The essence of the calculation is similar, but in this case it is necessary only to determine which current load on the electrical wiring. First you need to calculate the current strength for each of the electrical appliances.

The average power of household electrical appliances

An example of a power display of an electrical appliance (in this case, the LCD TV)

To calculate, it is necessary to use such a formula if a single-phase network is in the apartment:

I \u003d p / (u × cosφ)

When the network is three-phase, then the formula will have this kind:

I \u003d p / (1.73 × u × cosφ), where p is the electrical capacity of the load, W;

  • U - actual voltage in the network, in;
  • cosφ - power factor.

It should be noted that the values \u200b\u200bof table values \u200b\u200bwill depend on the conditions of the conductor laying. Power and current loads will be significantly large when installing open wiring than if the wiring laying is in the pipe.

The resulting total value of current currents is recommended to multiply by 1.5 times, because with time more powerful electrical appliances can be purchased into the apartment.

Calculation of the cross section of the cable in length.

You can also to calculate the cable cross section. The essence of such calculations is that each of the conductors has its own resistance, which contributes to current loss with increasing line length. It is necessary to choose a conductor with cores greizing if the magnitude of the loss exceeds 5%.

Calculations occur as follows:

  • The total power of all electrical appliances and the current is calculated.
  • The electrical wiring resistance is then calculated by the formula: the resistivity of the conductor (P) * length (in meters).
  • It is necessary to divide the resulting value to the selected cross-section of the cable:

R \u003d (P * L) / S, where P is a table value

It should be paid to the fact that the current length is multiplying by 2 times, since initially the current goes on one dwell, and back it is returned on another.

  • Voltage loss is calculated: the current is multiplied by the calculated resistance.
  • Next, the amount of losses is determined: voltage loss is divided into voltage in the network and multiply 100%.
  • Analyzed the final number. If the resulting value is less than 5%, then the selected section of the core can be left, but if more, then you need to select the conductor more "thick".

Table of specific resistivity.

Be sure to make the calculation, taking into account the loss in length, if the line is stretched on a fairly extended distance, otherwise there is a high probability select a cable cross section wrong.

Right choice electric cable To power the electrical equipment - the key to the long and stable installation operation. The use of an unsuitable wire entails serious negative consequences.

Physics process of deterioration of the electric line due to the use of an inappropriate wire is: due to lack of space in the cable cable for free movement of electrons, the current density increases; This leads to excess energy and an increase in metal temperature. When the temperature becomes too high, the insulating shell of the line melted, which can cause a fire.

To avoid trouble, you need to use cable with suitable thickness. One way to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe cable cross section is to repel from the diameter of it lived.

Calculator calculating the cross section of diameter

For the simplicity of calculations, a calculator calculating cable cross-section for diameter was developed. It is based on the formulas on which it is possible to find the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bsingle-core and stranded wires.

Measure the section need to be measured by the core without isolation otherwise nothing will happen.

When it comes to calculating dozens and hundreds of values, an online calculator is able to significantly simplify the life of electricians and designers electrical networks Due to the convenience and increase the rate of calculations. It is enough to enter the value of the core diameter, and if necessary, specify the number of wires if the cable is multiply, and the service will show the desired cross-section of the wire.

Formula of calculation

Calculate the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe electrical wire can different ways Depending on its type. For all cases, a single formula for calculating cable cross-section in diameter is used. It has the following form:

D - core diameter.

The diameter of the core is usually indicated on the wire braid or on the overall label with other technical characteristics. If necessary, it is possible to determine this value in two ways: using caliper and manually.

In the first way, measuring the diameter of the core is very simple. To do this, it must be cleaned of the insulating shell, and then use the caliper. The value that it will show is the diameter of the vein.

If the wire is stranded, it is necessary to dissolve the beam, to recalculate the wire and measure the calipers only one of them. There is no meaning to determine the diameter of the beam of the beam - this result will be incorrect due to the presence of emptiness. In this case, the formula for calculating the cross section will be viewed:

D - core diameter;

a - the number of wires in the dwelling.

In the absence of caliper, the core diameter can be determined manually. To do this, its small segment must be released from the insulating shell and wind on a thin cylindrical subject, for example, on a pencil. The coils should fit tightly to each other. In this case, the formula for calculating the diameter of the wire conductors looks like this:

L - Wire winding length;

N - the number of full turns.

The larger the length of the winding of the veins, the more accurate the result will be.

Selection of table

Knowing the diameter of the wire, you can determine its section on the finished table of dependency. The cable cross sectional table of the core diameter looks in this way:

Conductor diameter, mm Explorer section, mm2
0.8 0.5
1 0.75
1.1 1
1.2 1.2
1.4 1.5
1.6 2
1.8 2.5
2 3
2.3 4
2.5 5
2.8 6
3.2 8
3.6 10
4.5 16

When the section is known, you can determine the values \u200b\u200bof permissible power and current for the copper or aluminum wire. Thus, it will be possible to find out what the conductive lived on which load parameters is calculated. To do this, you will need a table of dependence of the cross section from the maximum current and power.

In the air (trays, box, emptiness, channels) Section, sq.mm. In the ground
Copper cores Aluminum cores Copper cores Aluminum cores
Current. BUT power, kWt Tone. BUT power, kWt Talk, A. power, kWt Current. BUT Power, kWt
220 (B) 380 (B) 220 (B) 380 (B) 220 (B) 380 (B) 220 (B)
19 4.1 17.5

1,5 77 5.9 17.7

35 5.5 16.4 19 4.1 17.5 7,5 38 8.3 75 79 6.3
35 7.7 73 77 5.9 17.7 4 49 10.7 33.s. 38 8.4
*2 9.7 77.6 37 7 71 6 60 13.3 39.5 46 10.1
55 17.1 36.7 47 9.7 77.6 10 90 19.8 S9.7 70 15.4
75 16.5 49.3 60 13.7 39.5 16 115 753 75.7 90 19,8
95 70,9 67.5 75 16.5 49.3 75 150 33 98.7 115 75.3
170 76.4 78.9 90 19.8 59.7 35 180 39.6 118.5 140 30.8
145 31.9 95.4 110 74.7 77.4 50 775 493 148 175 38.5
ISO. 39.6 118.4 140 30.8 97.1 70 775 60.5 181 710 46.7
770 48.4 144.8 170 37.4 111.9 95 310 77.6 717.7 755 56.1
760 57,7 171.1 700 44 131,6 170 385 84.7 753.4 795 6s.
305 67.1 700.7 735 51.7 154.6 150 435 95.7 786.3 335 73.7
350 77 730.3 770 59.4 177.7 185 500 110 379 385 84.7

Watt translation to kilowatts

In order to correctly use the table of dependence of the cross section of the wire from power, it is important to properly translate watts to kilowatts.

1 kilowatt \u003d 1000 watts. Accordingly, to get a value in kilowatts, the power in watts must be divided by 1000. For example, 4300 W \u003d 4.3 kW.


Example 1. It is necessary to determine the values \u200b\u200bof the permissible current and power for the copper wire with a core diameter of 2.3 mm. Power supply - 220 V.

First of all, the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross section should be determined. This can be done on the table or by the formula. In the first case, it turns out a value of 4 mm 2, in the second - 4.15 mm 2.

The calculated value is always more accurate than tabular.

With the help of a cable cross section of the cable and current, one can find out that a capacity of 7.7 kW and a current of 35 A. is allowed for cross section of copper veins.

Example 2. It is necessary to calculate the current and power values \u200b\u200bfor the aluminum stranded wire. The diameter of the vein - 0.2 mm, the number of wires - 36, voltage - 220 V.

In case of stranded wire It is inappropriate to use the table values, it is better to apply the formula for calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross section:

Now you can determine the values \u200b\u200bof the power and current for the stranded aluminum wire with a cross section 2.26 mm 2. Power - 4.1 kW, current - 19 A.

When laying wiring you need to know, the cable with the cores of which section you will need to lay. The selection of the cable cross section can be made either by power consumed, or by current consumed. Also consider the length of the cable and the laying method.

Select the cable cross section

You can choose the wire section in the power of the devices that will be connected. These devices are called the load and the method may still be called "on load". The essence of it does not change.

We collect data

To begin with, we find in passport data of household appliances consumed power, write it down on the leaflet. If it is so easier, you can look at the nameplates - metal plates or stickers fixed on the body of equipment and equipment. There are basic information and, most often, power is present. Identifying it easier by units of measurement. If the product is manufactured in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine is usually worth the designation of W or kW, on the equipment from Europe, Asia or America, it is usually an English designation of watts - W, and the power consumption (it is necessary) is denoted by the reduction of "TOT" or TOT MAX.

If this source is not available (the information was lost, for example, or you only plan to acquire equipment, but have not yet been determined with the model), you can take the average data. For convenience, they are reduced to the table.

Find the technique that you plan to put, write out the power. It is sometimes given with a big scatter, so it is sometimes difficult to understand what figure to take. In this case, it is better to take a maximum. As a result, during the calculations, you will have a slightly overestimated power of the equipment and the larger cable will be required. But to calculate the cable cross section is good. Only cables are burning with a smaller cross section than necessary. The tracks with a large cross section work for a long time, as they warm less.

The essence of the method

To choose a cross-section of the load on the load, fold the power of the instruments that will be connected to this conductor. It is important that all the capacities are expressed in the same measurement units - or in watts (W), or in kilowatts (kW). If there are different meanings, bring them to a single result. For translation, kilowatta is multiplied by 1000, and watts are obtained. For example, 1,5 kW will be transferred to Watta. It will be 1.5 kW * 1000 \u003d 1500 W.

If necessary, you can reverse conversion - watts translate to kilowatts. For this, the figure in watts is divided by 1000, we get kW. For example, 500 W / 1000 \u003d 0.5 kW.

Cable cross section, mm2 Conductor diameter, mm Copper wire Aluminum wire
Talk, A. power, kWt Talk, A. power, kWt
220 B. 380 B. 220 B. 380 B.
0.5 mm20.80 mm6 A.1,3 kW2,3 kW
0.75 mm20.98 mm10 A.2.2 kW3.8 kW
1.0 mm21,13 mm14 A.3.1 kW5.3 kW
1.5 mm21.38 mm15 A.3.3 kW5.7 kW10 A.2.2 kW3.8 kW
2.0 mm2.1.60 mm19 A.4.2 kW7.2 kW14 A.3.1 kW5.3 kW
2.5 mm21.78 mm21 A.4.6 kW8.0 kW16 A.3.5 kW6.1 kW
4.0 mm2.2.26 mm27 A.5.9 kW10.3 kW21 A.4.6 kW8.0 kW
6.0 mm22.76 mm34 A.7.5 kW12.9 kW26 A.5.7 kW9.9 kW
10.0 mm2.3.57 mm50 A.11.0 kW19.0 kW38 A.8.4 kW14.4 kW
16.0 mm2.4.51 mm80 A.17,6 kW30.4 kW55 A.12.1 kW20.9 kW
25.0 mm2.5.64 mm100 A.22.0 kW38.0 kW65 A.14.3 kW24.7 kW

To find the desired cable cross section in the corresponding column - 220 V or 380 V - we find a digit that is equal to or slightly more than the previously calculated power. The column is chosen based on how many phases on your network. Single-phase - 220 V, three-phase 380 V.

In the found line, we look at the first column. This will be the desired cable cross-section for this load (the power consumption of the instruments). Cable with veins of such a section and will need to look.

A little bit about the copper wire or aluminum. In most cases, when, use cables with copper cores. Such cables are more expensive aluminum, but they are more flexible, have a smaller cross section, work easier with them. But, copper cables with a large cross section, no more flexible than aluminum. And at large loads - at entering the house, in an apartment with a large planned power (from 10 kW and more) it is more expedient to use a cable with aluminum conductors - you can save a little.

How to calculate the current cable cross section

You can choose a cable cross section. In this case, we carry out the same work - we collect data on the plug-in load, but we are looking for the maximum current consumed in the characteristics. Having collected all the values, summarize them. Then we use the same table. Only we are looking for the nearest greater value in the column signed by the "current". In the same line, we look at the cross section of the wire.

For example, it is necessary with peak current consumption of 16 A. We will lay the copper cable, because we look in the appropriate column - the third left. Since there is no value exactly 16 A, we look at the line 19 A is the closest more. Suitable section 2.0 mm 2. This will be the minimum cable cross section for this case.

When connecting powerful household electrical appliances from pulling a separate power supply line. In this case, the selection of the cable cross section is somewhat easier - only one power value or current is required.

You cannot pay attention to a slightly smaller value. In this case, at maximum load, the conductor will warmly warm, which can lead to what isolation melts. What could be next? Can work if it is installed. This is the most favorable option. May fail appliances Or start a fire. Therefore, the selection of the cable cross section always makes the greater value. In this case, it will be possible to install the equipment even slightly more in power or consumed current without rewriting.

Calculation of power cable and length

If the power line is long - several dozen or even hundreds of meters - in addition to the load or current consumed, it is necessary to take into account the losses in the cable itself. Usually long distances of power lines at. Although all the data must be listed in the project, you can be reinsured and check. To do this, you need to know the dedicated power to the house and the distance from the post to the house. Next, on the table, you can choose a cross-section of the wire, taking into account losses on the length.

In general, when laying wiring, it is better to always take some margin on the cross section of the wires. First, with a larger cross section, the conductor will be warm, which means insulation. Secondly, more and more devices operating from electricity appear in our life. And no one can give guarantees that in a few years you do not need to put a couple of new devices in addition to the old. If the stock exists, they can simply turn on. If it is not, you will have to wise - or change wiring (again) or ensure that there are no powerful electrical appliances simultaneously.

Open and closed wire laying

How we all know, when passing current on the conductor, it heats up. The larger the current, the more heat allocated. But, when passing the same current, according to conductors, with a different section, the amount of heat released changes: the smaller the cross section, the more heat releases.

In this regard, with the opening of the conductors open, its cross section may be less - it cools faster, as the heat is transmitted. At the same time, the conductor cools faster, the insulation will not deteriorate. With a closed laying, the situation is worse - warm is slower thanks. Therefore, for a closed laying - in, pipes, in the wall - recommend taking a larger cable.

The selection of the cable cross section, taking into account the type of its gasket, can also be carried out using a table. The principle was described earlier, nothing changes. Just takes into account another factor.

And finally, several practical Soviets. Going to the market behind the cable, take a caliper with you. Too often, the declared cross section does not coincide with reality. The difference can be in 30-40%, and this is a lot. What threatens it? By burning wiring with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, it is better to check if this cable is really the required core section (diameters and corresponding cable cross sections in the table above). A Read more about the definition of section cable for its diameter can be read here.


Heard about some difficulties arising from choosing equipment and its connection (which socket is necessary for an oven, a cooking panel or washing machine). In order for you to quickly and just decide that, as a good advice, I suggest you will get acquainted with the tables below.

Types of technology Included in the kit What else is needed
El. Panel (independent) Terminals The cable, submitted from the machine, with a margin of at least 1 meter (for connecting to terminals)
Gas panel Gas hose, Eurora
Gas oven Cable and plug for electrical Gas hose, Eurora
Dishwasher Cable, plug, hoses about 1300mm. (drained, bay) To connect to water output ¾ or passage crane, Eurora
Refrigerator, Wine Cabinet Cable, fork


Hood Cable, fork may not be completed Corrugated pipe (at least 1 meter) or PVC box, Euror dress
Coffee machine, steamer, microwave oven Cable, fork EuroraZet
Types of technology Socket Section cable Automatic + Uzo⃰ in the shield
Single-phase connection Three-phase connection
Dependent kit: email. panel, oven about 11 kW
(PVS 3 * 6)
(PVS 5 * 4)
Separate at least 25a
(only 380V)
El. Panel (independent) 6-15 kW
up to 9 kW / 4mm²
9-11 kW / 6mm²
11-15kW / 10mm²
(PVS 4,6,10 * 3)
up to 15 kW / 4mm²
(PVS 4 * 5)
Separate at least 25a
El. Gloomy cabinet (independent) About 3.5 - 6 kW EuroraZet 2.5mm² not less than 16A.
Gas panel EuroraZet 1.5mm² 16A.
Gas oven EuroraZet 1.5mm² 16A.
Washer 2.5 kW EuroraZet 2.5mm² Separate at least 16a
Dishwasher 2 kW EuroraZet 2.5mm² Separate at least 16a
Refrigerator, Wine Cabinet Less than 1kW EuroraZet 1.5mm² 16A.
Hood Less than 1kW EuroraZet 1.5mm² 16A.
Coffee machine, steamer up to 2 kW EuroraZet 1.5mm² 16A.

⃰ Protective Disconnection Device

Electrical connection at voltage 220V / 380V

Types of technology Maximum power consumption Socket Section cable Automatic + Uzo⃰ in the shield
Single-phase connection Three-phase connection
Dependent kit: email. panel, oven About 9.5kW Calculated for consumed power set 6mm²
(PVS 3 * 3-4)
(PVS 5 * 2.5-3)
Separate at least 25a
(only 380V)
El. Panel (independent) 7-8 kW
Calculated for the power-consumable panel up to 8 kW / 3.5-4mm²
(PVS 3 * 3-4)
up to 15 kW / 4mm²
(PVS 5 * 2-2.5)
Separate at least 25a
El. Gloomy cabinet (independent) about 2-3 kW EuroraZet 2-2.5mm² not less than 16A.
Gas panel EuroraZet 0.75-1.5mm² 16A.
Gas oven EuroraZet 0.75-1.5mm² 16A.
Washer 2.5-7 (with drying) kW EuroraZet 1.5-2.5mm² (3-4 mm²) Separate at least 16A- (32)
Dishwasher 2 kW EuroraZet 1.5-2.5mm² Separate at least 10-16a
Refrigerator, Wine Cabinet Less than 1kW EuroraZet 1.5mm² 16A.
Hood Less than 1kW EuroraZet 0.75-1.5mm² 6-16A.
Coffee machine, steamer up to 2 kW EuroraZet 1.5-2.5mm² 16A.

Choosing a wire, first of all, you should pay attention to the rated voltage, which should not be less than the network. Secondly, you should pay attention to the material lived. The copper wire has greater flexibility compared to the aluminum wire, and it can be soldered. Aluminum wires can not be laid on the combat materials.

Also, you should pay attention to the cross-section of the vein, which must match the load in amperes. You can solve the power (in watts) of all connected devices to the voltage in the amps of all connected devices on the network. For example, the power of all devices is 4.5 kW, voltage 220 V, it is 24.5 amps. We find the desired cable cross section on the table. It will be a copper wire with a cross section of 2 mm 2 or an aluminum wire with a cross section of 3 mm 2. When choosing the wire of the seen you need, consider whether it will be easily connected to the electrical devices. Wire isolation must comply with laying conditions.

Laid open
S. Copper cores Aluminum cores
mm 2. Current Power, kWt Current Power, kWt
BUT 220 B. 380 B. BUT 220 B. 380 B.
0,5 11 2,4
0,75 15 3,3
1 17 3,7 6,4
1,5 23 5 8,7
2 26 5,7 9,8 21 4,6 7,9
2,5 30 6,6 11 24 5,2 9,1
4 41 9 15 32 7 12
6 50 11 19 39 8,5 14
10 80 17 30 60 13 22
16 100 22 38 75 16 28
25 140 30 53 105 23 39
35 170 37 64 130 28 49
Passed in a trumpet
S. Copper cores Aluminum cores
mm 2. Current Power, kWt Current Power, kWt
BUT 220 B. 380 B. BUT 220 B. 380 B.
1 14 3 5,3
1,5 15 3,3 5,7
2 19 4,1 7,2 14 3 5,3
2,5 21 4,6 7,9 16 3,5 6
4 27 5,9 10 21 4,6 7,9
6 34 7,4 12 26 5,7 9,8
10 50 11 19 38 8,3 14
16 80 17 30 55 12 20
25 100 22 38 65 14 24
35 135 29 51 75 16 28

Wiring marking.

1st letter characterizes conductive vein material:
Aluminum - A, Copper - the letter is descended.

2nd Letter Indicates:
P - wire.

The 3rd letter denotes insulation material:
In - shell from polyvinyl chloride plastic
P - Polyethylene sheath,
P - rubber shell,
N - Sheath Nairitova.
In the brands of wires and cords, letters can also be present, characterizing other elements of the design:
O - braid,
T - for laying in pipes,
P - flat,
F -t metal folded shell,
G - increased flexibility,
And - elevated protective properties,
P - Braid of cotton yarn impregnated with antickered composition, etc.
For example: PV is a copper wire with polyvinyl chloride insulation.

The installation wires PV-1, PV-3, PV-4 are designed to supply power to electrical appliances and equipment, as well as for stationary laying of lighting power grid. PV-1 is produced with single-wire conductive copper vest, PV-3, PV-4 - with twisted copper wire veins. The wire section is 0.5-10 mm 2. Wires have painted PVC insulation. Applied in the variable circuits with a nominal voltage of no more than 450 V with a frequency of 400 Hz and in the DC circuits with a voltage to 1000 V. The operating temperature is limited to the range -50 ... + 70 ° C.

The PVA installation wire is designed to connect electrical appliances and equipment. The number of veins can be equal to 2, 3, 4 or 5. Conducting veins from a soft copper wire has a section of 0.75-2.5 mm 2. Produced with twisted veins in PVC isolation and the same shell.

It is used in electrical stations with a rated voltage, not exceeding 380 V. The wire is designed for the maximum voltage of 4000 V, with a frequency of 50 Hz, applied for 1 min. Operating temperature - in the range -40 ... + 70 ° C.

The PUNP installation wire is designed for laying stationary lighting networks. The number of veins can be equal to 2.3 or 4. The veins have a cross section of 1.0-6.0 mm 2. The conductive livel of the soft copper wire has plastic isolation in the PVC-shell. It is used in power grids with a rated voltage of no more than 250 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. The wire is designed for the maximum voltage of 1500 V with a frequency of 50 Hz for 1 min.

The power cables of the VG and WEGG brand are designed to transmit electrical energy in stationary alternating current settings. The veins are made of soft copper wire. The number of custody can be 1-4. The cross section of conductive lived: 1.5-35.0 mm 2. Cables are produced with an insulating sheath of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. WDGG cables have reduced flammability. Applied with a rated voltage of no more than 660 V and a frequency of 50 Hz.

NYM brand power cable is designed for industrial and domestic stationary installation indoors and outdoors. The cable wires have one-wire copper living area with a cross section of 1.5-4.0 mm 2, isolated PVC plastic. The outer sheath that does not support combustion is also made of PVC plastic light gray.

Here, it seems to be the main thing, which is desirable to understand when choosing equipment and wires to them))


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