Gate with a gate with their own hands. Automatic gate with homemade drive: we build it yourself

Gate with a gate with their own hands. Automatic gate with homemade drive: we build it yourself

In order to choose one of the options of the gate, you need to learn about each of their species separately. Space and sliding structures are considered the most popular among the population. Each of these types has its own positive and negative sides when erecting and further use.

Swing design

Swing doors (Book) - the most common variety of fence, which can be seen mainly in the territory of private houses and country buildings. It is popular, as for the construction of this design, the materials can be selected the most affordable, to the same, to install it with their own hands on even beginners.

The scheme of the gate is a simple frame in the form of two or three poles, which are fixed with the hinge. Depending on which side of the supports they are attached, is determined, the gate will open inward or outward the courtyard.

Folders, as a rule, are performed from the profile pipe and look like a frame structure, which can be trimmed by various materials, such as a tree or sheets of metal. In the manufacture of frame and installation of the trim, it is important to take into account that their total weight should not be too large, since the support pillars can progress, and the gate themselves will not function properly.

The main disadvantage in the use of swing construction is the presence of free space for opening sash. It is especially inconvenient to use it during the winter period, when it becomes necessary to clear the snow to call or go to the courtyard to the vehicle.

Varieties of sliding structures

Sliding gates that can be made independently are divided into several subspecies: cantilever, retractable and suspended. The last of the listed are rarely used as part of the fence, since their design has an important distinctive feature - the sash are hanging from above, which significantly limits the height of cars that can come to the courtyard.

To any new type of construction, it should be taken seriously and with special care, and to the erection of the most simple variety of gates - swing - too.

To make such a gate, it will be necessary, first of all, to determine their design, and then prepare a drawing with precise size, thanks to which you can calculate the amount of the required material. Basically for supports a bar or a metal profile is used, and as a sheat - boards and professional flooring.

Regardless of the material chosen for the construction, before using it, it must be carefully examined for the presence of flaws and process. If it is wood, it is impregnated with several layers of an antiseptic solution, and in the case of metal - all corrosion formations are cleaned with emery paper. The material then cuts into parts according to the dimensions specified in the drawing. After that, you can proceed directly to the construction of the structure.

Installing columns

Installation of swing gates should be started with the construction of support pillars. To do this, it is necessary to put markup, in accordance with distances in the drawing, and dig 2 or 3 wells, depending on the presence of gate in the design. Their depth, as a rule, is no more than 1 meter.

For reference! In some projects, the wicket is envisaged in one of the doors of the gate, so the individual post is not required for it. However, such a design is not entirely successful, since additional weight can affect the level of the frame and its possible deviation.

The bottom of the wells falls asleep by sand or rubble on a thickness of about 0.1 m and thoroughly tamped. After that, they are installed in them strictly in a vertical position, the bottom of which is sometimes tied with a metal frame to ensure more reliable fixation.

Then, the supports are poured with a concreting mixture to the edges of the pits and wait for her complete frost. As a rule, the process of cement solidification takes several weeks.

Framework and construction framework and construction

As long as the foundation is frozen, you can go to the manufacture of the gate frame. For this, pre-prepared billets are taken, which are most often running from the steel profile, and weld among themselves to turn out to be a frame. Also, certain crossbars are also attached to the frame, which will be fixed with the gate.

The trim can be fixed before you hang the frame, or after it is installed. Material is fastened on the sash using self-tapping screws or rivets, and the framework itself is a powerful loop on the support pillars.

After the design is installed, proceed to its external finish. It must be deguted if it is performed from metal, primed and paint. Then, after drying the paint, the closing devices are performed on the gate, as well as decor elements.

Performing all the above actions in order, make a swollen iron gate, even with their own hands will be quite simple. In addition, the construction of this type of construction is considered to be the least costly, since the materials for this can be used not only the cheapest, but not new.

Features of the setting gate

Retractable gates are most common in areas that are not exposed to heavy snowfall and a strong decrease in air temperature in winter. Their design is performed in such a way that the sash at the opening and closing moves along the chapeller, mounted in a concrete foundation.

For reference! It is managed by such a type of gate, mainly using an automatic mechanism, which allows you to control them remotely.

As in the case of encouraging, start the construction of a retractable gate should be with the development of a sketch and drawing up a design drawing with the indication of all sizes. The width of the opening in this case is usually no more than 4 meters, and the height should be equal to the main fence.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare components, materials and tools in advance. The most optimal web for this is the profiles from metal and sheets of professional flooring, however, some owners of household plots are used as a wooden bar or wrought iron elements as a conversion.

Bookmark Fundament

Under the installation of a rollback design, you must unscrew the trench according to the dimensions previously designated in the drawing. It is frightened on the side of the goal where the main load is accounted for, that is, where the sash will be fixed.

Further, the bottom of the trench is covered by the layers of rubble and sand, which must be tamped. After that, the formwork is installed in it, on top of which the waterproofing material and the frame of the reinforcing steel rods are stacked.

Then the trench is flooded with a concreting mixture, and sheller puts down the shelves down to their complete immersion. It will be possible to continue the process of installing the gate only a few weeks after booking the foundation, waiting for complete drying of the cement.

Supports in the retracting gate, as a rule, serve as brick or concrete pillars, which are installed along the usual scheme after hardening the foundation.

Fire frame connection and fastening

The skating gate frame is most often done from the profile pipe with a cross section of 60x40 or 60x30 mm. For the installation of jumpers, steel bars with a smaller cross section will be required. All material should be treated with a solvent in advance, cutting with a grinder on the workpiece of the required size and paint.

Parts of the proftrube with a large cross section are welded among themselves around the perimeter, forming a frame structure. After that, it is mounted on the inner part of the jumper in the middle and diagonally, and to the bottom, to prigerate the carrier beam.

Attention! All welding places should be pasted so that there are no coarse surges, cover anti-corrosion primer and paint.

Installation of the trim can be performed immediately before the frame will be fixed on the poles. For this, the professional flooring is cut into sheets and is fixed on the frame of self-drawing or special rivets in such a way that the second and subsequent sheets go a little braziness in the previous one.

At the same time, the distance between the secretion places should not be too large, approximately 1 m 2 of the canvases are 6 clamps.

Installation of the gate

To install the finished design, you will first need to assemble the retracting mechanism. For this carriage are planted on the mounting plate and at the noted distance is welded to the chawlier. On them and on the sash with bolts and welding, rollers and traps are installed, whose work must be immediately checked.

To make an entry gate with automatic control, you should choose a suitable automation kit in advance, given the size and weight of the entire design. It is best to install it without yourself, but to entrust the installation by specialists.

No matter how difficult, neither seemed at first glance the installation of metal or various designs, fulfill all the work for this with their own hands you can still. At the same time, the fence made independently will not only allow to save on the involvement of specialists, but will also bring invaluable experience, which can be useful in the future, and also gives pleasure from the process itself.


Reliable, convenient to use and simple metal gates are excellent for installation in country areas, country areas and any other objects. The assembly and installation of the design under consideration can be performed with your own hands. It is quite simple and much more profitable than to entrust the same work to professionals. Most often on individual sites, swing metal gates are installed. This is the most simple in the assembly system, with the device of which you can cope with your own any problems.

Before starting work on the device metal doors It is necessary to prepare a detailed competent project of the built structure. The most important thing is to determine the optimal dimensions.

So, if trucks will pass through the gate, the design width should be 350-400 cm. For passenger cars, there will be a fairly width of 250 cm.

As for height, for the gate in private territories, it is usually quite enough for the indicator in 200-250 cm. Everything, again, depends on the size of the car.

Additionally, refer to a project some gap between the surface of the Earth and the gate frame. Thanks to this gap you can open the gate to snowy weather.

Features of the design of the gate

The basis of the design of the metal gate is the framework. For the frame assembly, an ordinary pipe with a diameter of 2-4 cm is usually used. The framework can also be made from the profile with a square cross section.

Each shutter of the gate must be equipped with 1-2 horizontal ratings, thanks to which a higher rigidity of the system will be provided. Instead of the horizontal location, it is possible to choose other options, for example, place one transverse horizontal consumption and two diagonal.

For self-assembly, the gate need to own the skills of handling the bulgaria, elementary measuring instruments, a welding machine, a screwdriver, a brown. In the absence of proper skills will have to spend some time on training.

To secure sash, you can use screws, but it is best to perform a standard fastening with loops. For one sash, a pair of loops with a diameter of 2 or 3 cm.

The reference pillars are made from the profiled pipe 2x4 cm or a round tube with a diameter of 7-7.6 cm.

Supports can be erected directly from the pipes covered in the ground and fixed by concrete solution. There is also an option according to which the pipes are installed in the brick poles. A pair of mortgage details should be present in the brickwork. Cover racks of homemade gates will be welded to them.

The locking mechanism of the metal gate usually has the form of the letter "g" and is made from the iron pin. Elements of the mechanism are set at the bottom of each gate sash.

In the place of fixing the sash in the ground, special mounting holes are created. For their device it is convenient to use metal pipes. Select such pipes so that their inner diameter of about 1 cm exceeds the thickness of the locking mechanism. It is desirable that the length of these pipes does not exceed 500 mm.

To cover a metal frame, the most convenient to use profiled sheets. Modern professional flooring fits perfectly into the design of any plot. Pick up such a material so that it is well combined with the fence. Professional official is usually fixed at an altitude of about 50-70 mm from the base.

What you need to work: a list of tools and materials

Pre-prepare everything you need during the implementation of the work under consideration.

Set for self-assembling metal gate

1. Pipes of the sizes mentioned earlier.

2. Brick.

3. Cement brand is not lower than M400.

5. Metal profile.

7. Hammer.

8. Rivets.

9. Self-tapping screws.

10. Pencil.

11. Measuring tools (tilter, roulette).

12. Emery.

13. Bulgarian.

14. Tassel and paint (if you plan to paint the gate after installation).

Step-by-step instructions for assembling and installing gates

First stage - Production of supports

Prepare materials for the assembly of glowing supports and collect them into a single design. As the basis can use pipes and metal profile. You will also need a channel. It is important that the width of the shelf width is at least 10 cm. The stronger the support is, the longer the entire design is.

Second Stage - Installation of Supports

Mortar support poles will be exposed to an increased load, especially when closing and opening the design. Therefore, at the stage of installation of supports, you will need much more responsibility, rather than when installing the adjacent fence.

Supports are swapped into the ground and poured with concrete solution or the same brick base. There is also an option to install a support directly to brick bases, but for the newbie correctly perform this installation is very difficult.

Sheds Make out of garage loops. Pick the number of loops according to the size and weight of the sash. In most cases, there are enough two hinges for each sash. If the sash is very massive, increase the total number of loops up to six pieces.

To both sides of each loop, weld steel plates thick of about 5 mm. Plates should be welded throughout the area of \u200b\u200btouch.

The third stage - the device of the pillars

Make these racks from the square of the square cross section. Cut a couple of pieces of one length. Directly the length of these parts should be approximately 20-30 cm less than the height of the carrier sash.

We weld the plates of mounted loops to the finished columns. You should get two identical in size and spatial design.

Secure ready-made designs on installed supports. Mounting, follow so that there remains a width of no more than 3-4 mm between the pre-post and supporting structure.

Cut the upper part of metal products of the appropriate length and secure the cut at the upper points of the support racks.

Fully secure all structural elements using a welding machine. Follow the welding point.

Fourth stage - final

Install the central racks in the number of two pieces in the center of the metal gate. Installation Perform so that the order of 1 cm is left between the mentioned elements. Central racks need to be "tarning" with welding. Steel plates are thoroughly welded to the support racks.

To enhance the homemade gate, take the sheet of steel thickness of about 50 mm and cut it into 8 parts. Secure the parts received along the corners of the carrier flaps. At the end, it is necessary to divide the structure into 2 parts using an ordinary grinder to get two identical flaps.

If possible, make gaps a couple of millimeters in the loops. These intervals will avoid the displacement of the carrier flaps in the future.

At the end, you can perform the finishing finish of the finished gate to the preferred material, for example, paint.

In the modern market there are many means and devices that allow you to perform automation of homemade metal gates. If you already tired of moving the sash manually, buy an ordinary linear electric drive, and the problem will be solved!

The automation means under consideration consists of two linear electric drives and control unit. Also, the structure includes an electromagnetic lock, a special antenna and a warning lamp.

To power the automation tool suits an ordinary household power supply to 200 W.

The automation of the gate can be performed according to three different methods. The specific method is selected taking into account the direction of the goal sash open. They can operate inside, out either insurgently with refinement of support pillars. The newcomers are best to give preference to the option with the opening of the outflows outside.

The control unit can be installed on the right or left. Specific installation recommendations are given in the attached instructions. Also, the instructions indicate the requirements for the cross section of the wires. Specify all these moments before the start of automation work.

Directly the installation process differs for different models of automation systems. Specific scheme consider individually. You will find it in the instructions for your device.

It is important to know one general feature Installations for all systems - the drive should be placed at a certain distance from the support pillar. Information about the optimal distance you can also be found in the instructions for your device.

After installing the control unit, use the gate is much more convenient. You can control the position of the flaps from a special stationary console or portable device as a miniature key fob. There are also structures that are automatically disclosed when the car approaches them, but this option is more suitable for sliding gates.

Thus, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the independent construction of the metal gate. You only need to determine the optimal dimensions of the design, collect the basis, consolidate all the necessary items, and at the end, if such a desire arises, make simple work on system automation. Follow the instructions, and everything will definitely.

Good job!

Video - Metal Gate do it yourself

A good, reliable fence with a beautiful gate is not only the protection of the country area from the unborn guests, but also gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits borders. To make the fence more convenient and practical, its gate supply fixtures that simplify their opening and allow you to make this process automatic. One of the most popular designs is a system with a mechanism that allows you to shift the linen fence to the side. Today, many companies are engaged in installing a rollback gate, but we suggest making them with your own hands.

Device and principle of a rollback gate

Depending on the type and location of the supporting surface, the slotted gates are divided into rail and roller, but since the second have more reliable designToday, today systems with lower rail guides are practically not used. As for the mechanism with supporting rollers, it is easy to assemble independently, since all components can be purchased in the trading network or do it yourself.

Popular previously pinned sliding gates with lower guide rails today outed more reliable design with support rollers

These gates can be built in two ways:

  • monoshire
  • double synchronous design.

Monoshirma is a design of one sash, which relies on the roller guides (trolleys or console supports) installed on the side of the side of the roller. On them the gate is shifted in one direction, opening the place to drive the car. Such a system does not require the upper battles between the columns and is used at the height of the canvas not more than 2 meters. Simplicity and convenience of monosolism contribute to its popularity for the arrangement of private sites, open areas and courtyards.

Scheme of roller sliding gate

Double synchronous gates have a couple of shifts that drive away in opposite sides. Unlike monoshire, the design has two supporting foundations and an upper beam, which serves as a guide for additional rollers. The console system is able to withstand the cloth increased weight, therefore it is used for a gate of more than 2 meters high. It is a good option for equipping garages for trucks and high hangars, various warehouses, industrial facilities, etc.

Since for a private compound, the need to install high gates occurs in infrequently, then we will consider single systems. Among other things, such a sliding gate has a simplified design, so they are more suitable for making with their own hands.

Roller carts are the main support elements of the design

In addition to the guide and roller supports (console blocks or carts), the performance of the design provides several other elements.

  1. Nizhny and upper catcher. They are P-shaped brackets installed on the edges of the capturing column (supports, racks) and intended for fixing the gate in the closed state. The upper catcher prevents the "false" sash sash, while the lower retainer in addition to this function also loosens the load on the rollers and the guide.

    Slippers are made of thick metal, because the reliability of the gate fixation in the closed position depends on them.

  2. Supporting tire or bracket (roller limiter). It is installed on the upper edge of the main rack and serves to additional fixation of the canvas.

    Supporting bracket assembly with rollers

  3. Support roller. Fastened to the front end of the guide and serves as a plug, damper and reference element. When you enter the sash to the lower catcher, it softens the blow and assumes part of the weight of the structure.

    Support roller with rubber damping pillow

In addition, some details of the system are supplied with plugs that prevent snowing and serve as decorative elements.

Design features design

Before proceeding to the purchase of materials, at least a small drawing or sketch with an indication of the main sizes and the calculation of the required material should be made.

Sizes of the canvas

One of the main issues in the design of the gate is the definition of width and other design dimensions. First of all, the distance between the columns of the gate should be determined, since all further calculations depend on this value. At the same time take into account:

  • dimensions of vehicles that will enter the site;
  • car entry angle;
  • free gap between the overall width of the car and the supports of the gate, which should be 0.3-0.5 m on each side.

For middle-class passenger cars, there will be a rather round of 2.5-3 m wide, while the truck or tractor requires a speed of at least 3.5 meters.

Construction and dimensions of the sliding gate linen with a frame for metal

If the movement perpendicular to the fencing line is difficult and will need to enter an angle, then this value must be increased 1.5 times. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the car for any reason (slippery surface, an inexperienced driver, incorrectly fixed cargo) can shift or lean to the side. Therefore, the optimal can be considered the width of the gate of about 4.5 m - this will be enough for any situations.

Calculating the width of the canvas, 20 cm is added to the size of the face. This must be done so that with the closed gate from the supporting rods the yard did not view through the gap. If this possibility was not taken into account in the manufacture of the sash, then from the situation you can go out, slightly shifting each other posts. When determining the height of the gate, many believe that it should be the same as that of the fence, but usually the canvas make a little smaller. This is due to the fact that the lower edge of the fence is set with a minimal gap on the level of the site, while the sash of the land does not apply and is set with a gap of about 10 cm.

Drawing of the leaf of sliding gates without frame for filling profile

In fact, the distance between the lower guide and the level of the yard is adjustable with the help of reference sites that the height of the roller carts is exhibited. Depending on their position, the sash towers above the section at a height of 10 to 15 cm.

In addition, the height of the canvas affect the size of the frame of its frame and the width of the lower guide. In the end, the gate was on the same level with the fence, when designing, it is necessary to take into account all these nuances and make an accurate calculation.

Drawings and schemes

The basis of the design of the retractable gate is the guide that moves through the console blocks.

So that the supporting rollers do not interfere with the passage, they are shifted behind the side envelope. In this case, the sash is lengthened due to a special slope that performs the function of the counterway. You can avoid skew when closing a retractable gate can be possible if the slope length will be equal to ½ width of the sash.

The entire load during the operation of the mechanism takes on roller carts, so it takes a durable, reliable one for their installation. The foundation is replenned in the form of a massive reinforced concrete structure with an upper mortgage pad from a wide metal schwell. In the future, it will be convenient to use not only for mounting roller supports, but also for mounting the automation drive.

The tight type has a very simple design. Understanding the mechanism of work is enough to independently make the necessary sketches and make calculations. Nevertheless, we provide to your attention the schemes and drawings of the structures that will serve as visual aids and will help in work. Among other things, one of the finished projects can be taken as a basis in the manufacture of a rollback gate personnel.

Drawings for manufacture

Mounting scheme for making a rollback gate Drawing roller support Drawing of a canvas with guide rail Drawing of the support bracket Mounting scheme of a mortgage platform Structural Scheme of Retold Gate Drawing of the end roller Specification of design details Drawing guide with roller assembly

What do you need for the construction with your own hands

Getting Started to build a gate, you need to have a set of components (fittings), which can be purchased with a set or manufacture yourself. As for the tools, you will not need any specific devices - everything you need can be found even at a novice homemade master.

Select details for rollback mechanism

There are several options for components for a sliding gate, depending on the width of the width and weight load:

  • for a gate weighing up to 400 kg and a width of no more than 4 m;
  • for cloth weighing up to 600 kg and no more than 6 m wide;
  • for sash mass from 600 kg and 6 m wide and more.

Choosing one or another kit for its needs, it is necessary to take into account the material filling material, because it has a significant impact on the weight of the sash.

The creation kit consists of such details:

  • lower guide;
  • supporting bracket with rollers;
  • roller support - 2 pcs.;
  • supporting roller platform stand - 2 pcs.;
  • reference (terminal) roller;
  • lower and upper catchers;
  • plastic plugs.

The guide of the lower rollers must be sufficiently rigid to maintain the original shape and not deformed under wind load. To ensure this condition, the responsible manufacturers make rail from high-quality structural steel with a thickness of at least 3.6 mm - to this parameter and you should navigate when it is selected.

Set of fittings for assembling a rollback gate

Since the roller carts hold the whole mass of the gate, their bearings must be high quality, and the rolling surfaces themselves have a high hardness. You can find console blocks with plastic rollers that reduce the noise level when the gate moves. Note that after a while, these details will have to change, because even the most high-quality thermoplastics will not be equal to cemented steel. Before mounting, the bearings of the support rollers are recommended to be opened to check the amount of lubrication - it depends on whether the gate will creak when driving, and how long these parts will work without the backlash and jams.

Fixing the sash on top provides supporting bracket. To ensure stability and reliability of the structure, its thickness must be at least 4 mm. As for the guides installed on it, rubber rollers have proven. The load on them is not so great, but the fact that they do not scratch the frame of the gate during operation, a positive way affects the aesthetics of the structure.

When choosing the lower catcher, it should be borne in mind that it works in a pair with a support roller. It should be checked how freely the confusion is included in the retainer. In addition, the end roller is designed to redistribute the load at closed gates, so the same requirements are presented to it as the main reference elements of the system.

The metal plate from which catchelors are made should have a thickness of at least 4 mm, since the reliability of the locking of the sash in the closed position depends on its quality. In addition, the strength of these parts should be provided by the welding compound.

The plugs of the rail rail will be suitable for any. The main thing is that they prevent snow in the snow and performed a decorative function.

The selection of the firmware is completely dependent on personal preferences and financial capabilities, so you can use:

  • professional flooring, which has a small weight and is easily mounted with ripples or screws. Profile panels can be chosen in thickness, color, depth and width of the waves, and their coating is capable of protecting the metal from corrosion for many years;
  • steel sheets - chosen in thickness and sizes. Most often used as the basis for wrought elements of the gate;
  • polycarbonate with which the gate will be the easiest;
  • stakenik or lining - they must be treated with antiseptic means and covering varnished or paint. Only in this case, you can count on durability and aesthetic appearance of sawn timber;
  • forging - can be used both separately and in combination with polycarbonate, sawn timber or steel sheets. Today in the trading network you can buy separate forged elements, of which, with the help of welding it is easy to build a real work of blacksmithing art;
  • fillunka (chocolate) - to obtain metal sheets subjected to stamping. You can find "chocolates" of various sizes. They are fixed with welding or ripples.

Using the forging, steel sheets or fillets to cover the canvas, should take into account a significant increase in the mass of the gate when the roller supports and other structural elements are selected.

You can find Filong of various sizes on sale, which allows you to create the gate of the original design

What instrument and materials will be needed

The construction of a retractable gate will require the fulfillment of not only plumbing, but also concrete work, so it should be prepared:

  • shovel;
  • scrap or kirk;
  • traam;
  • containers for bulk materials and concrete;
  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian (corner grinding machine or ushm);
  • cutting and credit circle for the USB;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • a set of horn keys;
  • roulette;
  • chertilka or pencil;
  • compressor with a pulverizer or brush for painting works.

If the sash cover will be performed not by metal, but by a tree, then there may be a circular or end saw, plans, chisels and other carpentry tools.

For the manufacture of the door of the gate is best suited profile steel pipes

In addition to the components and elements of the trim, there will be a lot of other materials. So, to make a sliding gate for a 4-meter passage, you will need to get to the site:

  • not less than 18 meters of profile pipe 50x50 mm or 60x40 mm with a wall of 2 mm - for welding frame frame;
  • up to 20 pipe meters pipe 40x20x2 mm, which will be needed for the internal parts of the frame;
  • schweller No. 20 at least 2 m long - for the construction of a mortgage reference site for roller guides;
    Instead of a channel, you can use two segments of the steel corner with a 100 mm long shelf, which are welded along the length. Installing mortgages only under carriages of roller supports, as well as concrete studs, it is not recommended - in this case it will be difficult to set the rollers and adjust the automatic closing device (drive).
  • fat sheet metal for nicknames - mortgages, which are installed in the masonry when building side supports (columns);
  • about 15 m of reinforcement or steel rod with a diameter of 10-12 mm, which will be needed for fastening the chapellery and the foundation structure;
  • sand, crushed stone and cement for making concrete.

It should be taken in advance about the aesthetic structure, so it will take paint and primer to dye the frame or the entire canvase. Any alkyd enamel is suitable for outdoor work and primer for metal surfaces.

Phased mounting a rollback gate

The correct approach to the manufacture of the retractable gate will allow to obtain a solid, reliable design and avoid errors in work. Therefore, the whole process is better divided into several stages:

  • construction of support pillars;
  • foundation arrangement;
  • manufacture of web and individual structural elements;
  • installation of construction.

To succeed, you need to do everything according to the work plan. Each step must be accompanied by the control of geometry and other technological parameters. Only in this case can it be relying on the fact that the gate can even discover the child.

Installing columns

Installation of support pillars is one of the most responsible stages, because in the future they will be responsible for the sustainability of the entire structure. Racks can be made from various materials - oak bar, massive metal rolling, brick or concrete. It is recommended to concrete pillars to a depth of at least 1 m, and in areas with a high level of groundwater, it is equipped with a common foundation for all structural elements of the retracting gate.

Scheme of reference gate

If metal pipes are used for racks, the installation of catchers and the supporting tire does not cause difficulties - they can be consolidated with welding. In the case when the pillars are made of stone or bricks, the mortgage must be installed in the laying. These mounting elements are metal platforms from thick sheet steel, to which the segments of the metal rod or thick wire are welded. In the process of facing the column, flexible elements are placed in the seams, setting the nicknames at the desired height.

So, for mounting the reference racks dig a diameter with a diameter of at least 0.5 m and a depth of more than 1 meter in which a pillar is installed. Next, exhibit it with the help of a level and poured concrete. For reliability to the lower part of the metal rack, you can welcome several crossbars from pieces of corner, pipes, reinforcements, etc.

Construction of foundation

Before starting the installation work, it is necessary to make the markup of the foundation of the reference site and prepare a pit for its arrangement. For these purposes, 0.5 m is retreating from the plane of the fence - this will be the width of the trench. The foundation should be longer than the counterweight of the sash at 20-30 cm.

If automation will be used to open the gate, then at the stage of installation of pillars and the construction of the foundation in the ground, electric cables are paved. To protect them use corrugated plastic casing.

As a mortgage foundation, a width of up to 20 cm wide is used. Its length is half the width of the outlet plus a 10-20 cm allowance for the installation of the pads of roller supports. To ensure the monolithic of the mortgage, it is enhanced by a frame of fittings.

Drawing of the base site

The foundation is constructed so:

  • dig a trench with a depth of 1-1.5 m. On sandy soils, as well as at a high level of groundwater, the bottom of the recreation should be below the friction point;
  • from a metal rod or reinforcement, rods are cut: a long 1-1.5 m (in the depth of the trench) and a short 0.2 m. The latter will be twice as smaller - they will be used as jumpers;
  • long pieces of reinforcement welded to the side sheller's side shelves at a distance of 30 cm from each other, getting a design like a bench with a multitude of legs;
  • the opposite rods are connected in pairs with the help of 20-centimeter jumpers at a distance of 0.7-0.8 m from the chavell;
  • the trench lowers the design of the mortgage, aligning the channel in the height of the site.

    The channel must be set strictly horizontally so that its upper plane coincides with the level of the carriageway. If the tile, concrete or aspal coating is only planned, then it is necessary to consider an increase in the height of the passage.

  • install formwork and armoois;
  • poured concrete and carefully compacted.

According to technology, the foundation should stand for 28 days so that the concrete has reached valuable strength.

Arrangement of the foundation of the reference site

Production of sash

For the manufacture of the carrier frame of the gate, profile metal pipes with a cross section of at least 50x50 mm are used. In order not to get a sash, which was led by the "propeller", it is necessary to equip the platform with a strictly horizontal plane. To do this, choose a wide, even place and with small gaps lay wooden rails or bars on Earth. Level control is carried out using a laser or bubble tool and a construction cord.

For welding of leaf sliding gates conveniently use wooden backups

The welding of the canvas lead upwards, laying separate structural elements on the prepared plane.

  1. Produce outdoor frame, which is the main frame of the sash. To do this, the pipe frame is welded to the rail rail with a cross section of 50x50 mm or 60x40 mm. After that, the vertical pipes are fixed to its upper plane, the upper crossbar and slope are mounted. Welding seams can be performed by sticking 2 cm long every 0.5-0.6 m.
    The welding of the frame is carried out in a checker order. This will prevent overheating of individual sections and disruption of the design of the structure.
  2. To the base of the frame welded elements of the filling frame, which will be needed for fastening the professional flooring and will make the design with more rigid. Internal bulkheads are made of 40x20 mm pipes.
  3. Welding places are cleaned with an angular grinding, after which the design is covered with primer.
  4. With the help of the pulverizer, two or three layers of alkyd paint are applied.
  5. After drying the protective layer, the canvas are trimmed by professional flooring. For its fastening, self-tapping screws or rivets are used, the holes under which are drilled by the electric drill.

Frame, which will be shifted by a professional, wood or polycarbonate, must be painted before filling

If steel sheets or forging are used as filling, they are welded at the framework of the framework of the framework, after which they are cleaned and only after that the gate is prepared for staining.

Design Assembly Instructions

  1. Installation of the retractable gate starts with marking. In order to designate the trajectory of their movement, along the roadway it is necessary to pull the cord. The gap between it and the road surface should be 150-200 mm, and the distance to the support pillar is 70 mm (with a recommended canvas thickness up to 70 mm). In the future, the cord will serve as a axial line when installing console supports
  2. Define the installation site of the front roller cart. The principle is simple here - the further supports place apart from each other, the less the load on the bearings will be. Nevertheless, the neighboring part of the supporting rollers is installed not at the extreme dimensions of the pillar, but at a distance of 15 cm in the direction of rollback. This is done in order that the protruding roller protruding from the sash does not perform the roadway. To determine the extreme position of the rear console support, from the total length of the canvas (with a counterweight) is subtracted 100 mm. The resulting value is deposited from the receiving pillar (on which the catchers will be attached) - this point will be the outer boundary of the second trolley.

    Definition of installation of roller supports

  3. Supporting platforms of roller supports are exhibited by the obtained points and grab the welding, after which the rollers are installed on the adjusting plates.

    Roller supports are installed on the support plate by means of supporting sites. This allows you to avoid overheating of the rollers when installing and get the opportunity to set the guide "in the horizontal"

  4. The leaf of the gate is not the place, rolling the guide on the rollers. Check the correctness of the installation of the supports, after which the sash is removed, and the carts themselves are dismantled.
  5. Adjustable plates weld reliably.

    Before welding the supporting platforms and install trolleys in place, the gate canvas remove

  6. Install roller supports and canvas in place, after which the gate is fixed in a closed state.
  7. The construction level is set in one plane with a guide, after which the adjusting bolts of the supporting sites exhibit the gate "to the horizon".

    The correct installation of the roller cart (with a supporting platform) will make it possible to adjust the level of the guide beam without any problems.

  8. The roller roller is installed inside the guide, after which they are fixed with bolts and grab welding for reliability.

    Installation of rolling roller

  9. On the contrary to the roller trolleys of the pillar to the top edge of the canvase, the roller limiter is installed. The supporting bus is fixed with welding, after which the setting of the gate vertically is adjusted.

    The bracket of the supporting tire to the post can be fixed with welding - a wide range of adjustment of each roller allows you to easily exhibit the door of the vertical gate

  10. Mount the lower catcher. To mark the place of its installation, the gate is fixed in a closed position, set the catcher bracket under the supporting roller and pressed to complete touch. The catcher is attached to bolts so that in the future it was possible to adjust its position relative to the roller.

    If you do everything right and carefully, then in the end there should be such a design.

    Video: how to install a rollback gate with your own hands

    How to equip them automatics

    Installing the automatic opening system can be installed on such a gate only when they are easily and without jerks moving along the rollers. To do this, purchase:

    • toothed rack;
    • electric drive;
    • signal light bulb;
    • limit switches or photocells;
    • remote control;
    • control block.

    Today there is no need to buy components separately - you can find ready-made automation kits. For the installation of the system, the same tools that were used in the manufacture and installation of the gate will be needed.

    Automation set for sliding gate

    The electric drive is fixed to the same bedding chapeller as roller supports. Work is performed in stages.

    For safety reasons, the signal lamp is installed on the extreme pillar. After that, check the correctness of electrical connections and include the supply of electricity.

    A screwdriver or any electric motor with a gearbox can be used as a sliding gate drive, and apply an inexpensive car alarm for remote control.

    Video: Retractable gate with a drive made of screwdriver

    Although the net gate requires more financial investments than the usual, the lion's share of costs can be saved if you make them with your own hands. Ease of operation and comfort, which gives a remote control system, combined with high reliability and ability to save space on the site. A good argument in favor of modern and functional design, isn't it?

    Thanks to the versatile hobbies, I write on different topics, but the most beloved - technique, technology and construction. Perhaps because I know many nuances in these areas not only theoretically, as a result of study in technical University and graduate school, but also from the practical side, as I try to do everything with your own hands.

Swing gates are among the most common, since their cost is much less compared to sliding, retractable or lifting. They are quite simple in the installation and can be metallic or wooden. They can be made with their own hands, if you precisely follow the instructions, drawings and instructions, as well as have the necessary materials and tools.

Swing Gate: Types and Design Features

According to constructive features, biscuit and single-handed gates are distinguished. Often in garages, hangars and warehouses use a combined option - with two sash and gate. So much saves the territory and materials for the device of a separate entrance.

Garages usually put a gate with two sash and gate

In most cases, we meet the designs of metal sheets or a wooden stakenik and only in some public places (hospitals, government organizations and institutions, schools, kindergartens, etc.) - forged, tubular or lattice. They can also be mechanical and automatic.

  1. Metal gates can be made from professional flooring, aluminum (cheaper, but have a smaller service life) or steel sheets with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm. The last resistant to various damage, but very heavy, so they need more strong support racks. The swollen gates from the professional flooring are an excellent sample of reliable, durable and aesthetically attractive design, which can be made in almost a few days from minimum quantity material. The lack of metal gates - corrosion exposure with short care.

    Metal swing gates are durable and reliable, but are subject to corrosion

  2. Wood products durable and reliable, have beautiful view. Their advantages are an acceptable price and long service life, and cons - low degree of refractory and exposure to rotting.

    Wooden swing gates look beautifully, but have a low degree of refractory

  3. Very often you can meet the combined option - steel supports with metal flaps, covered with wooden boards, which also serve as an additional element of strength.
  4. The automatic swing gate with the electric drive simplifies the process of their opening and closing, as it does not have to do manually. The principle of operation of the electric drive is the work of the gearbox, which leads to the movement of the lever, controlling the swollen gates. Usually in the configuration of the automatic installation there is a signal light, an electric block, photo cells and a castle itself.

    Automatic swing gates are often made from corrugated

Electrical drives in automatic structures are divided into three types:

  1. Lever. They are equipped with a curved lever, which leads the sash in motion. This is a simple and inexpensive drive that meets all the requirements of strength and reliability. It allows you to open the gate weighing about 1 ton.
  2. Underground. They are quite complex in the installation and subsequent maintenance, so rarely used.
  3. Linear. They attach an aesthetic appearance to the open gate due to the fact that the lever is tightly mounted to a metal or wooden canvase. They have a large power supply, therefore more expensive lever.

Device of swing gate

The design consists of a frame of a round or square pipe of a certain diameter and sections and sash, in each of which can be:

The optimal width of the gate of 3 meters. This distance is enough to enter any kind of passenger car and even a truck. The height of the gate without taking into account the lifting over the soil usually reaches 2 m.

Preparation for the construction of swing gates: drawings and sketches

Previously, you must select a place for swing gates and spend some preparatory work:

  • weaken territory;
  • remove trash;
  • if necessary, align the surface.

Also need accurate drawing of the structure.

Accurate drawing of the swollen gate will help calculate the required amount of material

What will be needed for work: materials and tools

To build a frame of bivalve swollen swings, you will need:

  • metal profile cross section 8x10 or 10x10 cm with a thickness of the walls of about 0.7 cm;
  • profile pipe 6x3x0.2 cm;
  • stewed beam with walls with a thickness of 14-16 cm.

Professional flooring - Light metal sheets covered with special compositions that allow substantially to extend the service life of the material and do not need additional processing and painting - most often used to cover the frame of the disintegration rod design. Distinguish several brands:

  • C is a durable and light sheet that is made of galvanized steel and has a small height of the Ryube;
  • Ns - has a large height of corrugations and leaf height;
  • H is a heavy leaf that has high level Strength and reliability, use for lining of large structures.

Usually people acquire a brand C8 or C10 professional owl, as it is considered the easiest and durable. The digit here indicates the depth of the wave. The masters recommend using a sheet with a thickness of 0.4 mm: so the gate will weigh about 50 kilograms, they will not need large lifting devices and mechanisms.

The optimal view of the proflists to cover the swollen gate - the material of the brand C8 or C10

We also need a runneroid or other waterproofing material, concrete solution and metal corners.

Calculation of material

To determine the total frame length, perform actions:

  • the width of one sash is multiplied by 4;
  • the height of the frame is multiplied by 6;
  • we find the amount of the numbers received.

The number of metal products is counting like this:

  • we find the area of \u200b\u200bone sash (its width is multiplied by height);
  • the resulting value is multiplied by 2.

If you choose a standard width and height of the sash (2 m), then you will need 8 m 2: two sheets of 4 m 2 for the device of two sash.

The height of the support pillars should correspond to the height of the proflist, taking into account the injection into the ground, and this is another plus 50-70 centimeters.


To build a swollen gate will need:

  • drill, bayonet and soviet shovel;
  • drill;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • cornel and level.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture and assembly of the gate

After clearing the place to install the design and preparation of materials and tools, you can start the main job.

  1. Place a place to bury the support pillars, and then make the pits with a depth of approximately 1.2 m, and with a diameter of 0.5 m. If there is no drill, you can use a shovel. Poles should stand very firmly, as the reliability of the future gate depends on it.
  2. Clean the pipes, removing rust from them, treat the anti-corrosion tool and wrap the bottom edge belt. This is necessary to protect parts from corrosion.
  3. At the bottom of each pit, pour a layer of rubble with a thickness of about 15 cm, install pipes and pour concrete. The tops of each rack close with special plugs so that water does not fall inside.
  4. The vertical of the supports is controlled by level. So that the poles do not bother, they can be pushed by special bars. Wait until concrete dry (3-5 days).
  5. Collect a frame on a special level platform.
  6. Swim it and additionally strengthen with steel corners.
  7. Long sides of the frame visually divided into 3 parts and to the conventional points to privar the jumpers - ribbon ribbon. You can breed the strips also diagonally.
  8. Cut the loops to the places of jumpers.
  9. Lower the frame of a straightened straightener, having previously cut out a rectangular removal for loops with a knife for metal.

    Recesses for loops on a straightener cut out with a metal knife

  10. For fastening, use screws with a hexagon head, selected for the color of the main material.

    For fastening the professional sheet use screws with a hexagon head

  11. The loops better weld when the frame is still on the site. So that the gate could not be removed, to weld over the top of the additional fastening corners.
  12. Hang the gate on the loop and put a wooden stand on the middle of the design.

Powerboard for swing gates

This item can also be made with your own hands if you understand the electricity. Its main part is a mechanism from a parabolic antenna with worm transmission. The satellite TV of the old sample has a rotary mechanism that can be installed on the swing gate. Worm gear acts as a turning mechanism, but can work from low voltage at 36 volts. Factory actuators work only from a 220 volt power grid.

For the assembly will need:

You can collect the device in one day.

Installation of factory electric drive

If you prefer a more reliable system, it is better to use automatic factory devices. But first it is necessary to determine where the sash will be opened - inside or out.

Drive installation tools:

  • electric drill;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • insulating tape;
  • a hammer.

To select the type of device, you will need to measure the distance between the loops and the inside of the support:

Next, we define the width of the sash, as well as take into account the mandatory wind load. The gate sash should go easily so that the electric drive can smoothly open and close them. If the design opens inside, you can install any electrical drives. For steel columns, it is best to take a linear or lever model, and for bricks - only the second. If the gate sash opens out, it will suit any system that is mounted inside the loop. It takes about 15 centimeters on each side of the design.

Operating procedure:

  1. In the circle of the column to weld metal amplifiers when mounting an electric drive to a brick pillar.
  2. Install the hydraulic drive on the manual mode and connect the mounting elements to the goal using welding.
  3. If a linear model is selected, then after welding, leave after a complete opening of the gate at least 1 cm for smooth and free stroke. Check the course of the flaps and the clarity of the motion of the electric drive, and then put the stops and engines.
  4. Put the planks, set the consoles and turn on the system. Then the automation to equip switches.
  5. Install a signal lamp and a photographic device that cannot be equipped until all other systems are adjusted.

After the welding work, you need all seams to glue well to remove the scale and excess metal. Poles and frames are better to handle a special anti-corrosion and paint.

Cans for swing gates

If you plan to install automatic on the gate, then complex constipation and deposits will not be needed. But if desired, you can put them. Vertical models are among the most common, as they are easy to make them from ordinary fittings:

The overhead of the horizontal casov is usually installed on a swing gate from the corrugated flooring on the transverse framework of the frame.

Video: how to make a door with an electric drive

Washing gates with electrical drive can be built on their own. Following the installation instructions and the framework, the installation of the automatic system, the owner of the house will be able to install reliable and durable design on its site.

In modern conditions, the gate is not only an element of security, partially reduced the likelihood of hijacking or damage to the machine, as well as penetration into the area or in the garage of foreign, but also part general interior Garage, houses or plot. In this article we will talk about various types of gates, the features of their installation and operation, advantages and disadvantages, as well as tell me how to install them yourself.

What are the gate there

Despite the fact that most types of gates are universal, that is, they can be applied to the home, garage or fence, there are gates that are only suitable for one one. Therefore, we list the main types of the gate, as well as point out why they are best suited.

  1. Swing.
  2. Skump.
  3. Folding.
  4. Retractable.
  5. Sectional.
  • Swing doors

This is the most common and universal type of gate that does not change its design for thousands of years and consisting of two vertical supports, several canopies (loops) and two sash. Depending on the material of the sash, they can be conditionally divided into:

  • solid;
  • with lumens;
  • wooden;
  • metal:
  • from sheet metal;
  • worn.

The main advantages of the swollen gate are the simplicity of installation and maintenance, the main minus - the sensitivity to the size of the snow cover and the dependence on the free space in front of them. If the snow rose above the bottom edge of the gate or there is any obstacle (the car, a bunch of garbage, the FS block), then open them will be problematic, the remaining types of gates are deprived of this shortage.

  • Return gate - drawing

The second is the popularity of the gate, which can be installed only where there is enough free space, that is, the 1.5-2 widths of the portal opening. Because of this, they are installed only in fences and garages located in the basement or lower floor of a residential building. Despite the fact that there are a rollback gate, made partially from wood, they did not receive widespread, so almost all the sliding gates are made of metal. At the same time, the gate of the sheet, pipes and rods use the same demand. The main advantage of these gates - they do not require the presence of free space, but much more often require maintenance than swinging due to the heavier mode of operation of rollers and carriages that ensure the movement of the gate.

  • Folding gates

This type of gate got widespread in various enterprises, because it is deprived of the main flaws of the gate of other species and is located on a protected area. Due to the fact that the lower guide is closed by a gate, even during heavy snow, it is not clogged with snow, so there is no problems with the opening of the gate. Therefore, only two disadvantages are inherent in this goal - the high cost of the installation kit and installation, as well as a weak security action, because they perform only a decorative and logistic function. However, with proper execution, these gates will look very nice on the garage under the house. Nevertheless, this gate has not received widespread in residential buildings.

  • Cleaning gates

Cleaning or lifting-turning gates are very in demand in garages located inside protected areas. The gate does not depend on the level of snow and relatively inexpensive, but they occupy a lot of space under the ceiling, where they are cleaned during the opening of the garage. Due to the fact that the gate is made in the form of one huge sash, which completely closes the glowing opening, their opening looks very beautiful - the gate rise, unfold and leave somewhere inside the garage. In addition, such a gate require regular professional services, so they put them only those who can conduct all regulations and repair work Independently or has sufficient finances to conclude a service contract with a serious firm.

  • Sectional doors

Sectional, they also rolling gates are the optimal choice for a garage located inside the protected area. They do not depend on the magnitude of the snow cover, do not require a large space under the ceiling (with the exception of the large-scale gate), are simple in service. Thanks to the use of modern materials, they provide good garage insulation without any additional events, because the insulation is inside the metal (less plastic) framework from which the sections are made. Such the gate is very in demand, but to establish them on their own difficult due to complex design, high requirements for accuracy and configuration.

Which gate can be made independently

If you are an experienced builder, have access to the necessary equipment, components and you have the necessary assistants, you can make independently any of the gates described above. If you a common personwhose talents and abilities lie in other areas and have minimal construction, plumbing and welding skills, then you can create only swing and sliding gates. We recommend to do the swollen gate - despite the serious shortcomings, they are easy to install, look beautiful, and the search for materials for them does not cause difficulties. Below we describe the main stages of creating and installing swinging and retracting gates, it will help you better understand the process, evaluate your strength and independently create a beautiful and functional gate.

How to create and install swing gates

To create a gate with dimensions of 2.2x2.2 meters you will need:

  • steel profile (square) cross section of 30 mm 20-30 meters;
  • steel profile (square) cross section 100x100 mm or steel pipe with a diameter of 100-120 mm 6-7 meters (two segments of 3-3.5 meters);
  • garage loops 4-6 pieces;
  • door loops 2 pieces;
  • door lock;
  • professional flooring 6-7 square meters;
  • steel armature with a diameter of 10-14 mm 3-6 meters;
  • manual or mechanized car with a diameter of 300-400 mm;
  • manual traaming (you can use log suitable length and thickness) to which handles attached for ease of use;
  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill with a set of different drills;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • acute core;
  • corolnic;
  • plumb and level;
  • sand, crushed stone, cement and water;
  • shovels;
  • several helpers.

Creating sash

When creating sash, you must determine in advance how they will be attached to support, their width depends on it. If from the inside, then the width will be equal to the width of the pass, if in front (outside) is equal to the width of the opening + dual width or diameter of the supports. It is also necessary to determine in advance, whether you will embed to one of the leaf of the wicket, because the location of the framework of the framework depends on it. After that, it is necessary to determine the number of vertical frame racks - in the regions with weak winds on the gate of such a width to optimally put 3 vertical racks on each sash. If the wind blows strongly and often, then you need to put 4 racks.

Place vertical and horizontal elements in length and cut with a grinder, then weld from their frame. Be sure to use the square when markup, and also check the shapes of the flaps during welding, it will avoid the skew of the gate and their alterations. When the flaps are made, hang them on the supports. Consider that from the quality of welded seams that you connect the loops with supports and sash will depend on the strength of the gate. Some wizards who have to install the gate in the mountainous terrain, first install the supports, and then the sash will be made under them and hang them. This approach allows you to adjust the gap between the goal sash.

If you decide to make a gate with a gate, then take into account the size and shape of the canopies, because the wicket must be freely open and closed, but there should be no big slots between it and the sash frame. You can hang a wicket and cut the lock as before the gate sink and after.

Installation of support

Using a drill, drill the hole under the support. If there is no boraar, you can dig through the shovel, but at the same time the diameter of the hole will be several times more, and therefore it will have to either start with a support with stones or pour much more concrete. The depth of the holes for the support should be 30 cm more of their shuffle. This is necessary to create a sandy-crushed stone pillow, which will protect the gate from groundwater. This pillow must be carefully sealing the rubbing or log.

If it rains in the fall in the fall, and in the winter the temperature drops below 15 degrees of frost, the depth of the hole under support should be greater than the depth of the soil.

In addition, the hole must be made with a diameter of at least 40 cm and insulate it at the level of the depth of freezing by foam. You can also install (if free space allows) screw piles that will play the role of supports. When installing supports, pay special attention to the distance between them and their verticality, for this use the roulette and level or plumb. Check the level or plumb to spend from 2-3 sides. Placing supports, lock them and fill with concrete. You can hang the gate in 20-25 days.

Snack and sheathing

There are two technologies for the mood and trimming of the sash at the gate of this size - the first implies the trim first, then the scene, the second, on the contrary, first the hitch, then the trim. The first technology is used when you can attract a sufficient amount of assistants and, it is not possible to raise the sash, the second is used if you work together or even alone. The gate hitch is made in the same way as conventional doors or windows - the sash lift, top and bottom combine the pins of the canopy on the support and the hole of the loop on the sash, then lowered. This operation can be performed alone, but only on flaps without a trim. For sash, there are at least 2 people (better 3).

Profile cut with accuracy to a millimeter, observing direct angles, in otherwise The whole design will look like closer and ridiculous. For fastening, use screws for metal, consider that self-tapping screws, these are not bolts, so too strong tightening will only lead to breaking the thread.

Installation of constipation and locks

Unified standard of locks or constipation for swing gates does not exist. Some are limited to the chain and mounted lock, others install a mortise lock or goas, the third install automation. Therefore, experiment, based on the materials available to you.


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