What is common in the interiors of all Byzantine temples. Watch what is "architecture of Byzantium" in other dictionaries

What is common in the interiors of all Byzantine temples. Watch what is "architecture of Byzantium" in other dictionaries

Architecture of Byzantium

Architecture of Byzantium

Architecture of Byzantium

At the end of the 4th century after the separation of the Roman Empire and Transfer

emperor Konstantin his residence in Greek Byzantium leading role

in political, economic and public life goes to the eastern

part. From this time, the era of the Byzantine state begins, the center

which became his new capital - Constantinople. History of architecture

Byzantium is divided into three periods: the early Byzantine (V-VIII century), the average

byzantine (VIII-XIII centuries) and late Nevisantine (XIII-XV centuries). Time

the highest heyday was the first period, especially the time of the reign of Justinian

(20-60 years. VI century), when the Byzantium turned into a powerful power,

coming in addition to Greece and Malaya Asia, the peoples of anterior Asia, southern

Mediterranean, Italy and Adriatic.

Continuing the ancient traditions, Byzantium also inherited cultural

achieves of conquered peoples. Deep synthesis of antique and eastern

elements is characterlike Byzantine culture.

The domination of the Christian ideology affected the development of dominant

types of monumental stone construction. Searches for the composition of the church in

accordance with the designation of the building was combined with the task of approval

imperial power. This led to the well-known unity of searches and

the relative community of development of the types of cult buildings, despite

regional differences in which features and traditions manifested

individual peoples.

The most important contribution of Byzantium to the history of world architecture is

the development of dome compositions of temples, expressed in the emergence of new types

structures - dome basilica, centric church with a dome on eight

supports and crestus-dome system. The development of the first two types falls on

earnevianizan period. The crossed-domed system of temples received

widespread in the period of the Mid-Byzantine architecture.

The Byzantine era includes the addition of monasteries as a special type

architectural complexes. The most peculiar country monasteries, usually

constituted by the walls of the fortified items within which

in addition to residential and economic buildings of the monks, the extensive

the refectory and dominant building - the church. Buildings and fortress structures,

calculated most often on an exalted place asymmetrically, represented

harmonically agreed spatial compositions - ensembles.

The architecture of Byzantium inherited from Rome of his achievement in the region

arous and vaulted structures. However, concrete equipment was not perceived in

Byzantium; The walls usually consisted of bricks or crazy stone, and also

from bricks with stone strips or stone with brick pads.

Vaults were made of brick or stone. Overlap - for the most part

vaulted, sometimes combined with wooden structures. As well as

crusades were widespread and cylindrical crosses

arches. In the support of the dome per square base was often used

eastern reception - thrombus.

The most essential constructive achievement of Byzantine

architecture is the development of the dome support system for separately worth

four supports with a sailing arch. At first, the dome was resting

directly for sails and leaf arches; Later between the dome and

the support structure began to arrange a cylindrical volume - drum, in

the walls of which left the openings to illuminate bribing space.

This constructive system made it possible to free the interior of buildings from

bulky walls and further expand the inner space. The same idea

the spatiality of the interior served the admission of the renovation arches

policopoles that create together with the dome single spacesometimes

reaching very large sizes. Mutual balancing arches - one

from the outstanding achievements of the Byzantine architecture. Using

spatial Formspowered by geometric structure

stiffness and resistant, allowed to minimize massiveness

reference structures, rationally distribute building materials in them,

get significant savings in labor and material costs.

The main construction materials was a flat brick - Plinth

about 5 cm thick, stacked on the solution. Most used

plind size 35.5x x35,5x5.1 cm. In the eastern regions of the Empire, rich

careers of limestone and tuff, a laying of cradle stones was used on

solution (Syria, Transcaucasia).

In the solution used lime to which Melko mixed

wounded brick - cemina to give a solution of greater strength and

hydraulic resistance. In the walls, the solution was laid horizontal

layers with a thickness of several centimeters. Sometimes mixed was used

masonry: 3-5 rows Polenfins laid on a thick layer of solution alternated

with several layers of dashest stone. The outer surface of the walls is usually not


A quick-proxable cement solution made it possible to erect vaults and

the dome on the ancient prior custom, without the use of expensive forests. For

the construction of domes The laying was carried out by separate rings with inclined rows

brick. Continuing the construction traditions of the Eastern Empire regions and

neighboring countries, the design of the Byzantine architecture from bricks sharply

different from the design of Roman archs, erected on wooden


To facilitate weight, porous stone rocks were introduced into the laying of the archs,

in particular pumice. Dome and vaults were covered with tiled or lead

For perception of the arches and arches in the process of their construction in

byzantine buildings were often used metal and wooden

tightening, which were sometimes left in the already erected building. In domes

laid stretching rings made from oak bars or

strip iron.

The crusades used widely used in Byzantium most often had

plowed form that appeared as a result of the refusal of elliptic

the outlines of the diagonal edges of the ordinary arch and transition to a simpler

semi-Russian abras, easily delineated using the box.

The next step in the evolution of the arch was a refusal of diagonal ribs and

the transformation of the plowed vault into the sailing.

In the eastern regions of the Empire, where the natural was dominated in the laying

stone, vaults and dome were erected by circles. Along with the Taucan applied

dog stone on the solution.

Among the vaulted forms made of stone, it should be noted closed

and crusades, as well as arches and arches in Syria and Transcaucasia

strengthened outlines.

The overall progress of construction equipment and architecture was accompanied by

the development of theoretical thought. The architects of Byzantium were familiar with the treatise

Vitruvia. Known written at the turn of the VI-VII centuries. Original work

bishop of Isidore "20 books began, i.e. true knowledge" in which

big extent based on Vitruvia, also reflects the needs

byzantine time.

It should be noted the use and development of Byzantine architects

hellenistic sources. It is known that one of the builders of the Cathedral of Sofia

Constantinople Iscorera from the Mileta was the author who did not reach us

comments on the book of Geron Alexandrian "On Designing Consignments".

The second architect of the Cathedral of Sofia Anthimi from Thrall himself was the author of the treatise "On

paradoxes of mechanics. "

Artistic understanding of new constructive systems in Byzantine

architecture went on the influence of local architectural schools and primarily under

the influence of Greek traditions. Identification in the composition of the structural form,

infeceding ancient Greek architecture, it became in the Byzantine era

the main tectonic principle. However, this principle manifested itself in new

conditions prepared by the gigantic development of vaulted-dome forms at

the dominant value of the indoor space. Main funds

expressive served the design elements - dome, vaults,

arcade, clearly read in the interior with emphasized by the detected surfaces

without unnecessary plastics and decorative overload. Walls are often covered

fresco painting or faced with multi-colored marble plates.

Mosaic painting was widely used, intended usually on curved

surfaces of walls, in domes and vaults. Carved Sculptural Wall Processing

perceived as a light embossed pattern, not destroying the plane

In clear members of the interior, orders are preserved, but disappeared

characteristic of an ancient Rome Ordar Arcade.

Arcade on the columns, which appeared in the period of the Roman Empire, became

byzantine architecture to the dominant motive. Arcade shape -

constructive. Only his carrier part of the column remained from the Roman order,

perceiving the load from the arches. The form of the capitals transmitting

concentrated efforts from the arches with a rectangular base on a round

column. More massive than in Roman columns, it gets a form

tipped hemisphere with truncated sides. Her sculptural processing

performed in the form of light geometric pattern, shape and plastic -

various. Trunk, columns were often made monolithic, in some cases

both ends of the columns were superimposed lead gaskets. All elements of the system

differed expedientness.

In the Runnevian Temples, the type of basilica is used -

an extended building with medium nave-width and height

separated from small arcade oils on columns. Great value for

the development of Byzantine architecture had basilica, built in the Eastern

districts - in Syria, Malaya Asia, Transcaucasia.

A great influence on the development of Byzantine centric buildings was also

domestic structures in these areas (church in ESRA 510-515

gG, Church "outside the walls" in Rusafa in Mesopotamia, 569-586). Special

the value acquires the dome on four or eight supports (dome on

"Drum"). One of the early examples of this type in Syria can serve

church in Bosre (513), in which the dome relied on four supports.

Church in Esra, southern. Syria, 515, Sergius and Vakha in Constantinople, OK.

526-527, San Vitaly in Ravenna, 526-547 are

the centric composition on eight stations, the basis of which is strongly developed

bibilic space. Step structure and rich plastic

formed mainly constructive elements:

dome, semicircular arches, diagonal excesses, stood,

arches on columns, etc.

In the domination of the dome in compositions, diagonal

niche expedi. In combination with the columns, they formed spatial

the foundations that perceive the pouring of the dome in the diagonal direction. In this

the developed structure of the centric dome building the role of the interior was

leading according to the peculiarities of the Christian ritual,

that happened mainly in the center of the temple under the dome - symbol


The vertex of the development of arous-vaulted structures was the grandiose

dome Basilica of Sofia Cathedral in Constantinople constructed by Greek

architects of Anthimi from Thrall and Isido-Rom from the Mileta in 532-537, in

the Board of the emperor of Justinian.

This is the most ambitious and most outstanding work of Byzantine


Cathedral of Sofia was the main building of the Byzantine Empire and the court

the temple of the emperor. Here the emperor was the folk masses surrounded

sweets and clergy. In creating a strong emotional impression

the architecture was assigned the main place.

The dome basil of the temple seems to combine the features of the structure

outstanding Roman facilities - Basilica of Constantine and Pantheon. but

the total sizes of the Cathedral of Sofia significantly exceed them, and constructive

the basis is significantly different from prototypes.

The temple is in terms of a rectangle with parties 74.8x69.7 m.

The central space is formed by four massive height pylons

23 m connected with each other by the bombards and sails to which

relying the central dome with a diameter of 31 mi thick in the castle 0.6 m. carrier

the design of the dome consists of forty radial brick ribs,

relying on a circular ring, cross section 2.1x0.8 m, made of durable

stone. The ring outside is supported by forty small counterphorts. In order to

maximum relief of the design of the edge of the dome and filling between them

laid out of specially made Pumice bricks on fat

the layers of the cement mortar. Ribs having a sectional section 70x15 cm, with

the elevation of the dome is gradually reduced to a complete disappearance on

distance is 5.7 m from the axis. Thin walls between the edges below are cut

openings with a height of 4.6 m and 1.5 m wide. Sails concluded between

lunch arches are lined with bricks. Carrying these arches pylons posted

from limestone quadrov on a lime solution with lead gaskets in

top part. They are connected by arches with pylons that perceive space

dome in the transverse direction. Ripping dome in the longitudinal direction

perceived by the grand semi-cubicles with a depth of about 14 m, supporting

the design of the main dome from the East and from the West. Policopole are written

even lower half-centles exhedder. Created clearly interacting

the system of dome and half-welded spaces merging into one huge

space of the main owner of the 1970 m2 area (Pantheon Hall area 961

m2). Comparatively thin brick "shells" of these forms have beautiful

spatial rigidity. The volumes of each of the small half-cups serve

peculiar "counterphorts" in relation to the volumes of large half-cubs.

Such is the role of the latter in relation to Dome.

Significantly narrower lateral oils have two tiers separated from

the main owner of arcades on columns. Reparatively thin temple walls

(1.1-1.5 m) are lined with bricks with wide layers of the cement mortar.

The roof was covered with lead sheets.

The interiors were distinguished by the wealth of forms and decoration. Here

spatiality and airiness are combined with a gigantic scale. but

despite the Grand Dimensions architectural forms Do not suppress a person.

The most important feature of the interior is its tectonic clarity,

underlined by the whole building members, finishing and lighting. Spatial

plastic and balanced design based expressiveness. System

spherical surfaces - dome, sails, half-century and konhi exhedder -

accented with mosaic images on a gold background. Light solution

the compositions also emphasized the value of spherical forms, especially the dome.

This goal is numerous openings arranged at the bottom of the dome and

half-guns, as well as increasing from the periphery to the center intensity

light flows that reaches its climax in abundant lighting

bibilic space from the sphere through 40 openings in its foundation.

Covered with light dome as it will boil over all interior, emphasizing him

air and spatiality.

In the tectonics of the interior of the building, arcades play on columns. They are

not opposed by the wall, but are their organic part in places

disclosures of side galleries in the main nave. Solid trunks columns have

entazis, a complex base with classic profiles and constructively

expedient shapes with flat threads emphasizing integrity

block. Loaded arcades are accurately followed in terms of the outlines of the main

constructive forms. At the same time, they perform a significant role in

the size of the interior, tying the grand shapes with the size of a person.

Sofia Cathedral in Constantinople had a huge impact on the subsequent

development of architecture. And although no building has already achieved sizes and

the magnificence of this temple, his composition was a sample to which

imprived and on which many generations of builders studied.

In urban planning to 6 c. There were medieval features. In cities

The Balkan Peninsula appeared fortified top, the city near which

residential neighborhoods have grown. Syria's cities were often built by

an unregulated plan that meets the terrain. Type of residential building with

inland courtyard in a number of areas of Byzantium has long retained communication with antique

architecture. In Constantinople, high-rise buildings were built, often with

arcades on facades.

The transition from antiquity to the "middle" centuries caused a deep crisis in

artistic culture, determining the disappearance of some and the birth of others

species and genres visual arts. The main role is started to play

art types related to church and state needs -

wall mural, icon painting and book miniature (mainly reliable

character). Penetrating medieval religious worldview, art

changes its figurative nature. Human value

it is transferred to the other world. In this regard, the antique is destroyed

plastic method, the medieval state of art is produced,

which from now on reflects the reality will not by the direct image, but

mostly with the help of spiritual and emotional structure of artistic

works. Conditional images are endowed with sustainable emotional

spiritual meaning (mosaic with the image of imp. Justinian and his wife Feodora

in the church San Vitaly in Ravenna, OK. 547;

mosaic church of Panagia Cancarian in Cyprus, 6th century, as well as more

immediate and fresh in the world's view of Mosaic 7 V.- in churches of Assumption

in Nica, now Janik, and St. Dimitri in Thessaloniki).

Gradual feudalization process, acute social struggle and folk

movements in the 7th and early 9th centuries. caused a significant fracture in artistic

culture of Byzantium.

In mid-9-12 centuries, during the heyday of the art of Byzantium, the type of temple, with

the dome on the "drum" was established finally. He is

system reliability connected with each other spatial cells,

lowering in a slim pyramidal composition. Structure

the buildings are visible inside the building and clearly reflected in its appearance.

The outer walls of such temples are often decorated with patterned masonry and

elegant ceramic inserts. Cross-dome temple is

completed architectural type. In the future, the architecture of Byzantium is only

developed options for this type. In the classic version of the Cross-Dome

the temple of the dome is erected by sails on free supports

(Churches of the Lips Monastery and Mirhelon - both 10th century, Pantokratcher Monastery, 12

in., - All in Constantinople; Church of Our Lady in Thessaloniki, 1028, etc.).

In the territory of Greece, the type of church with a dome on the thrombus (Temple

Catholyon in the monastery of Hosios Lucas, 11th century, etc.). In the monasteries of Athos

a tricon kind of temple (with apsides in Northern, East and South

the ends of the cross).

In 9-10 centuries. Temple paintings are given in a slender system. Walls and vaults

churches are covered with mosaics and frescoes located in

strict hierarchical order and subordinate compositions of the temple. In the interior

created an artistic environment imbued with a single content in which

the icons placed on the iconostasis are included. Sculpture 9-12 centuries.

represented mainly relief icons and decorative carvings,

characterized by the richness of ornaments of both ancient and eastern

origin (altar barriers, capitals covered with elegant lace

After the invasion of the Crusaders in 1204, the Byzantine culture again

removing in the mowed in 1261 Constantinople and associated with it

states in Greece and Malaya Asia. Church architecture 14-15

explosive Mostly repeats old types (elegant churches of Fethiye and Molla Gürana

in Constantinople, 14th century; the gallery church of the Apostles in

Thessaloniki, 1312-15). Mr. Churches are built, uniting basilica

and the Cross-dome temple (2-tier church of the Pantanass Monastery, 1428).

Medieval based architecture sometimes absorbs some motives

italian architecture and reflects the formation of secular, renaissance

trends (Church of Panagiy Parigoritis in Art, now Greece, about 1295:

tefur-Serai Palace in Constantinople, 14th century; Palace of rulers Mistra,

13-15 centuries, etc.).

After capturing the Turks of Constantinople (1453), which put the end of the story

Byzantium, the best masters of Byzantine art left the country. So,

the work of Feofan Greek could develop in full force only in Russia.

The late period of Byzantine art coincided with Gothic and in time, and

in style. The art of Byzantium ceases to exist with

the death of the Byzantine statehood, but his artistic

traditions that have had a huge impact on the artistic culture of countries

Balkan Peninsula, Southern Italy, Venice, Armenia, Georgia.

The fruitful role was played by Byzantium in the development of artistic culture

Ancient Russia. The art of Byzantium was fully appreciated only at the beginning.


Bychkov V.V. Small story Byzantine aesthetics. - Kiev, 1991.

KUDAN A.P. Byzantine culture (X-XII century). - M., 1997.

Culture of Byzantium. In 3 tons. - M., 1984-1991.

Polyakovskaya M.A., Chekalova A.A. Byzantium: life and morals. - Sverdlovsk, 1989.

Udaltsova Z.V. Byzantine culture. - M., 1988.

Architecture of Byzantium

After the emperor was transferred by the capital of the capital from Rome in Byzantine (at the end of the IV century), named after Constantinople, began the flourishing of the Great Byzantine Culture, including architecture. After the conquest of Greece, the countries of the front and small Asia, Italy, the Mediterranean, Byzantium becomes a huge state. The traditions of the peoples of new territories were simply a huge influence on its culture. Of course, the ancient ancient traditions were observed.

The main features of Byzantine architecture

. Using the dome in the central part of the building. Although such structural elements were used earlier in Rome and in the East, the Byzantines were first invented to place them on the so-called sails, which made it possible to organize less bulky walls, and, therefore, expand the room. The dome was put on the parallelepiped, the walls of which in the upper part had an arcuate form.
Inside the temple, in a bribing space, a gallery resembling choirs is created. It was supported by the columns. The dome itself is set up a window designed for lighting.
The columns were performed in the form of a tetrahedral truncated pyramid and were located smaller downwards. These elements were decorated with ornaments, most often vegetable.
Minimum architectural details in the inner decoration and maximum of rich design. The walls were facing marble and covered with gilding, mosaics from smalts and frescoes.
The windows are usually narrowed narrow and with rounded riding. Often, the ancient architects grouped them two or three. Such compositions were drawn up with a fake arch and separated a small column. Often the windows were closed with a grid or a stone design with holes.

All these main architectural elements developed gradually and not always fully applied. During the construction of buildings, Plinth, brick and stone were usually used. Fastened with a lime solution. Often, the thick brick was added to his strength. Sometimes in the masonry brick and the stone stirred in the masonry. In those areas where limestone climbed near the cities, he was used to build temples. The influence of Byzantine architectural traditions has spread almost all the territory of modern Europe. Temples built in this style have still been preserved in many countries. In Russia, in Kiev, Sophia Kiev was built in the Byzantine traditions of architecture. The Constantinople Sophia Cathedral can be considered the most characteristic of the Byzantine style. In addition to him, you can remember the Sundays Monastery and the Church of St. Irina in the same place, in Constantinople, who is currently called Istanbul.

Sofia Konstantinople

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople can be called a real architectural treasure. It was built during the reign of Emperor Constantine in the VI century. During the construction, the remnants of marble structures of ancient temples brought to the capital of many provinces were used. For example, the columns were delivered from Rome, Ephesus and Athens. Holy Sofia often suffered from earthquakes and fires. It was subjected to looting during invasions. For the first time, they made Crusaders in 1204. For the second time - the Turks in 1453. They smeared the priceless frescoes with plaster, and four minaret attached to the temple itself. Sofia Kievskaya was renamed Ayia Sofia. The composition of this cathedral is based on the type of three-spoke basilica, combined with a centered way of building a building. Walls are made of bricks. The main dome lies on four pillars separating the space of the temple for three nefs.

Cathedral of Holy Irina

The church of Saint Irina is one of the earliest Byzantine churches. It is located in the courtyard of the Palace Topkapi, who was erected on the spot when the residence held here by the Byzantine emperors. Very interesting can be called a mosaic adder of this temple. The church was erected in the IV century also during the reign of Emperor Constantine. Built the temple on the site of the former pagan cult factories dedicated to Aphrodite. In 532, the church burned down. She was restored by Emperor Justinian. Perestroika the temple was subjected to 740, after he was much suffered during the earthquake. After the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453, weapons warehouses were located in the premises of the cathedral. In later times, the archaeological, then the Imperial, and then the Military Museum was arranged here. Currently in the temple is concert hall. The main features of the Byzantine architecture can be called dome, mosaic and frescoes. Culture and, in particular, the traditions of architecture of this ancient state had a great influence on the architecture of Europe and Russia of that time. To this day, fortunately, quite a lot of beautiful monuments of Byzantine architecture came.

At the end of the 4th century, after the separation of the Roman Empire and the transfer of his residence in the Emperor by Emperor, the leading role in the political, economic and social life goes into the eastern part. From this time, the Epoch of the Byzantine state begins, the center of which has become its new capital - Constantinople.

The history of the architecture of Byzantium is divided into three periods: the early Byzantine (V-VIII century), the Middle-Byzantine (VIII-XIII century) and late Nevisantine (XIII-XV centuries). The time of the highest flourish was the first period, especially the time of the reign of Justinian (20-60 years. VI century), when the Byzantium turned into a powerful power, who conquered in addition to Greece and Maja Asia, the peoples of anterior Asia, southern Mediterranean, Italy and Adriatic.

Continuing the ancient traditions, Byzantium also inherited cultural achievements of conquered peoples. The deep synthesis of antique and eastern elements is the characteristic feature of the Byzantine culture.

The domination of Christian ideology affected the development of dominant types of monumental stone construction. The search for the composition of the church in accordance with the appointment of the building was combined with the task of approving the imperial power. This led to the well-known unity of searches and the relative community of development of cult buildings, despite regional differences in which the features and traditions of individual peoples were manifested.

The most important contribution of Byzantium to the history of world architecture is development of dome compositions of templesexpressed in the emergence of new types of structures - dome basilica, a centrical church with a dome on eight supports and a crossed dome system. The development of the first two types falls on the earlynessization period. The Krestovo-Dome Temple System was widespread during the Middle-Byzantine Architecture.

The Byzantine era includes the addition of monasteries as a special type of architectural complexes. The most peculiar suburban monasteries, usually representing the fortified items, inside which, besides residential and economic buildings of the monks, the extensive refectory and dominant building was built in addition to residential and economic buildings. Buildings and fortress facilities, located most often on an exalted place asymmetrically, were harmoniously agreed spatial compositions - ensembles.

The architecture of Byzantium inherited from Rome of his achievement in the field of arous and vaulted structures. However, concrete equipment was not perceived in Byzantium; The walls usually consisted of bricks or dashest stone, and also from bricks with stone strips or stone with brick pads. Vaults were made of brick or stone. Overlapping - for the most part vaulted, sometimes combined with wooden structures. Along with the domes and cylindrical crops, crusades were widespread. In the support of the dome per square base was often used oriental reception - thrombus.

The most essential constructive achievement of the Byzantine architecture is to develop a dome support system for separate four supports with a sailing architecture. Initially, the dome relied directly on the sails and the gifted arches; Later there was a cylindrical volume between the dome and the support structure - the drum, in the walls of which left openings to illuminate bribing space.

This constructive system made it possible to free the interior of buildings from bulky walls and even more expand the inner space. The same idea of \u200b\u200bthe spatiality of the interior was the reception of tapping a bunch archer by half-cubs, creating a single space together with a dome, sometimes achieved very large sizes. Mutual balancing of arches is one of the outstanding achievements of the Byzantine architecture. The use of spatial forms that have due to the geometric structure with rigidity and stability, allowed to minimize the massiveness of supporting structures, rationally distribute building materials into them, to obtain significant savings in labor and material costs.

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SPBGLTU them. S.M. Kirova

on the topic of the architecture of Byzantium

St. Petersburg 2014


1. Early stage in the history of architecture (from the emergence before the formation of the empire)

2. The middle stage (from the emergence of the empire to the Renaissance of the Macedonian dynasty)

3. Late stage (from the Macedonian dynasty to the fall of the Empire)




In the history of world artistic culture, Byzantium played an outstanding role. The existence of this state approximately coincides with the chronological framework of the Middle Ages. And it was the Byzantine culture that largely determined the development of artistic culture in Europe of the Middle Ages.

The Byzantine State originated at the turn of two eras - the collapse of the late antiquity and the birth of a medieval society as a result of dividing the Roman Empire to the eastern and western parts, which occurred in the 5th century. The separation of the eastern part of the Roman Empire began in the 3rd century and was caused by both economic and political reasons.

A constant split between the Eastern Western World, the crossed of Asian and European influences became the historic Dettle of Byzantium. Mixing Romanesque and Oriental traditions imposed a print on social life, statehood, religious and philosophical ideas, culture and art of the Byzantine society. However, Byzantium went its historical way, in many respects other than the fate of the countries, both east and west, which determined the characteristic features of its culture. At the same time, the Culture of Byzantium itself was subjected to cultural influence on the part of the states inhabited by her nations and their neighboring states. During its millennial existence, Byzantium came across powerful external cultural influences, which emanated from countries that were close to it, from Iran, Egypt, Syria, Transcaucasia, and later the Latin West and Ancient Rus. On the other hand, the Byzantine Empire had to enter into a variety of cultural contacts with nations, which were over several or at a significantly lower stage of development, called barbarians.

If you try to separate the Byzantine culture from the culture of Europe, the front and Middle East, the following factors will be the most important:

1. Language community (main language - Greek);

2. Religious unity (the main religion was Christianity in the form of Orthodoxy);

3. With all many ethnicity, there was an ethnic core consisting of Greeks.

4. A distinctive feature was a steady statehood and centralized management.

The process of development of Byzantium was not uniform. There were epochs of the lifting and decline. But the sprouts of the new, living, advanced sprout sooner or later in all spheres of life, at all times. Therefore, this culture is an interesting cultural and historical type with very specific features that can be talked in more detail.

For the Byzantine culture, solemn pomp, inner nobility, grace of shape and depth of thought. During the entire 1000-year-old existence, the Romary Empire, which has absorbed the heritage of the Hellen-Romanesque world and the Hellenistic East, was a center for a kind and truly brilliant culture. In addition, until the thirteenth century, Byzantium, by the level of its development, there was ahead of all countries of medieval Europe and only partially inferior to some Arab-Muslim states.

Such typical of the Byzantine state features like a centralized management system with the official hierarchy, the prevalence of the religious ideology of the East Christian Orthodox sense, a claim for development in its state of the type of antique world monarchy on a leading role among other states, conservatism and many other features combine different stages of development Byzantine culture. The features of "Byzantinism" are traced in architecture, for example, in predominance in the monumental cult architecture of centric architectural types and a centric compositional principle.

During the eleven centuries of its history, the Byzantine Empire - a powerful medieval state - was the main stages of development from the collapse of slavement to the birth, the flourishing and decline in the feudal system. The story of Byzantium as an independent state began with the section of the Roman Empire on the Eastern and Western part. Constantinople, founded by Emperor Konstantin, became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. After the invasion of the barbaric tribes in 476, the Western Empire ceased to exist, and the eastern part of the empire became its succession. The Byzantines themselves called their empire Romary Kingdom, i.e. Roman Empire, and Constantinople - New Rome. Since Constantinople was on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium, therefore the name and the entire eastern part began to call the Byzantine Empire, or Byzantia.

In the history of Byzantium, features related to geographical, political, economic, ethnic, religious factors are traced. The mixing of Greco-Roman traditions imposed a print on social life, statehood, religious and philosophical ideas, culture and art of the Byzantine society. Byzantium went its historical way, in many respects other than the fate of the countries both the east and the West.

The main stages of the development of the Byzantine Empire and Culture are:

1. The earlynessization period (5-8th century)

2. Meshnevyazansky (8-13th century)

3. LEVERNIZATIONSKY (13-15th centuries)

These stages of development we consider separately to identify both similar traits and differences, characteristic features. We will follow the change in time periods, duration, and meaning in the history of Byzantine culture.

architecture Byzantine Handling

1. Early stage in architecture history. Earlyzantine period

This is the period of the highest flourishing of the Culture of Byzantium, especially the time of the reign of Justinian, when the country has become a powerful power, who conquered in addition to Greece and the Malaya Asia, the peoples of anterior Asia, the Southern Mediterranean, Italy and Adriatic. Domestic churches of two types were developed during this period: Dome Basilica and Central Churches with a dome on eight supports.

A very significant variety of cult buildings of this early period was Martyri, that is, the church over the grave of the saint. Among the architectural varieties of the type of Martiriev, large monumental buildings with a plan in the form of a four-hundredth century are especially distinguished. Many of them had more wooden dome, but met and those who were covered with brick domes. The four hundred in terms of the plan highlighted the central point of the main premises, even to the detriment of the altar.

Of all the architectural types that existed on the eve of the occurrence of Byzantine architecture, the dome basilica, which was then based on the basis of Constantinople Sophia, had the greatest meaning for the occurrence of Byzantine architecture.

With regard to building materials and constructive techniques, the architecture of the addition period of Byzantine architecture decays into two large schools, of which each has contributed its very significant contribution to the formation of Byzantine architecture. One of these schools is metropolitan, Constantinople; Another, eastern, most brightly represented by the buildings of Syria.

For the Syrian school is characterized by laying of perfectly died blocks of stone. Overlapping-- usually wooden. However, the old point of view is that these were flat floors or open inside the roof rafters, should be based on the latest research, which is very often in monumental structures, and maybe in residential buildings, the dome from wood was used, the internal surfaces of which were used There were in some cases decorated with mosaic. Syrian stone masonry is the further development of antique, ultimately, Greek masonry. However, it is possible that in some cases the outer surfaces of the walls were covered with a thin layer of plaster.

Syrian and partly A little media architecture tends to distinct geometric volumes, delivered isolated, to small windows, small numbers, to static interiors. In Constantinople architecture and in the architecture of other largest cities of the Byzantine world, there is a tendency to complex dynamic interiors, to the predominance of them over the outdoor masses of the building, to dissected, even sometimes fragmented volumes and their connection with urban development.

In the Constantinople School, building materials and technical techniques were less homogeneous and represent a complex picture in which there are some not enough special features. The main difference from Syria is very widely used bricks and arches. As a result, the architectural monuments of Constantinople are preserved in a very small amount and that there are a number of difficulties on the way to their sufficient detailed study, it is impossible to imagine the masonry of the walls of Constantinople buildings during the addition of the early Russian architecture. Many questions remain still controversial, they can only answer them allegedly.

I would like to pay separate attention to the Cathedral of Sofia in Constantinople. He was the main building of the entire Byzantine Empire, the Church at the Capital Public Center and the Patriarch Temple. Due to the fact that in Byzantium, religion played a huge role in the life of the state, Sofia was the main public building of the Empire.

Sofia Cathedral in Constantinople refers to the works of architecture that are deeply related to the past, which take into account all the basic achievements of the preceding era architecture, but in which the new one is dominated. A new appointment, new constructive techniques and new architectural and artistic features are so prevailing in Sofia, which they act on the fore, moving the traditional and shielding him with themselves.

A little from the history of the construction of Sofia:

The first basil on the peninsula, washed by the waters of the Marmara Sea and the Bay of the Golden Horn, originated in 324-337. With the emperor Konstantin first. After it was destroyed by fire, the emperor Feodosius the second commanded to build a new building on the ruins, but in 532. She died in fire and she.

The Church of Saint Sophia in Constantinople was erected under the emperor of Justinian, it was supposed to strengthen his position after Nick's uprising, when many buildings built under the emperor Konstantine were destroyed. At the site of the previously existing church of St. Sophia, a construction was to be erected, which would have exceeded the construction of their size and luxury. And it was full of its creators fully.

The church had a centric composition, height reached 55 m, its central square in terms of space is blocked by a dropped dome on sails, having a diameter of 33 m. The load from the large domes is distributed into four powerful pylon with a height of 23 m, and the stability of the arch and repayment of horizontal conditions is provided by two Policopoles, which, from two sides of the longitudinal axis of the temple, are based on the same pylons.

The church is striking by its indoor space, a giant dome, which, thanks to the design features of the building and the windows cutting on the base, seems like faulting in the air. The capitals of the temple columns are made of white marble, and the walls are covered with flickering mosaics.

The artistic effect of the inner space of the temple is constructed on a harmonious composition of curvilinear elements - huge semi-curvous arches leaving for a forty-meter height, smaller-sized half-one, large arcade of the first tier, semi-curvous completes of window openings and, finally, the giant dome (with a diameter of 31.5 m). The rhythms of curvilinear elements are harmoniously connected with vertical rhythms of colonnade and powerful horizontal cornices lines. The fact that the inner space of Sofia seems great than it is, is the result of a thinly developed system of large-scale relations. Therefore, no photos can be transferred to this optical effect.

Already in the earlynessization period in the city ensemble, the centralization was very manifested, reflecting the leading beginning of the Byzantine state. Streets converge towards the city center, in which the Cathedral is mainly held.

On the eve of the formation of the Byzantine architecture, a basilical architectural type was quite widely widespread. In different areas he had various options. The most bright basilical plan was expressed in the facilities of Italy, and especially Rome itself.

Therefore, first of all, note the shortening of the basil, which is found in various parts of the then Christian world, and mainly in the east.

Thus, the Earnevianizan architecture gave the beginning of the formation of an independent variety of Byzantine architecture, and then - to the creation, on an ancient and the Byzantine basis, its own architecture. The greatest merit of the earlynessizanist architecture was that she gave a powerful impetus to its development in the future.

2. The middle stage in the history of architecture. The Meshnevyazansky period

The transition from the Earlyzantine period to the Modemizanisti was associated with the tragic time of desperate resistance of Byzantium by external invasions and with deep changes within the empire. The Byzantine peasantry has increasingly enforced, the power and power of individual feudalists has greatly increased. In this regard, instead of large state structures, they began to build up the benefit of small parish and monastic churches with small adhesions on the choras or at the bottom - home chambers of the customers buildings.

In the history of Byzantine architecture, a very little studied question about the planning of the city, a country feudal estate, monastery and a rural village. At that time there were no construction of new cities, but much attention was paid to the construction of fortresses. However, it has reduced almost exclusively to restoring old cities and repairs erected before the fortress walls.

A regular development inherited from antiquity has become increasingly replaced by a free building in the sample of rural settlements. However, on the basis of a free, natural development, there were freely condated settlements and urban quarters with the asymmetric arrangement of buildings and the curvilinear outlines.

Monumental structures were isolated, most advantageous on elevated places. They could be circumvented around them, they did not rarely occupied the central part of urban areas. This explains the more closed nature of their volumetric architectural composition.

A new feature characteristic of the Meshnevacy architecture compared to the preceding stage of the development of Byzantine architecture was small size of buildings. Instead of the majesty of Sofia Cathedral in Constantinople and other Earlyzantine buildings, dwarf proportions appear, which give parts of buildings and even buildings in general the nature of miniature structures.

This does not mean that the Modemizanist architecture has not created anything. It reflects the most opposite trends. Founding with each other, they formed something new.

In the history of Byzantine architecture, a very little studied question about the planning of the city, a country feudal estate, monastery and a rural village. We only know that at this time there were no construction of new cities. The times were difficult, the Byzantines had to be defended from the barbaric tribes on them from all sides. As a result, they paid a lot of attention to the construction of fortresses. However, it has reduced almost exclusively to restoring old cities and repairs erected before the fortress walls.

But also with respect to the nature of the construction of cities, it is possible to make a significant observation. Separate fragments of the development of Constantinople and other major cities of the Empire, which can be attributed to the Middle Committee of Time are studied. They suggest that regular development inherited from antiquity has become increasingly replaced by a free building on the sample of rural settlements. It cannot be argued that the settlements of the Meshneyzanist period did not have a holistic appearance. However, on the basis of a free, spontaneous development, there were freely built settlements and urban quarters with the asymmetric arrangement of buildings and the curvilinear outlines of the streets.

The main achievement of the Meshnevyazan architecture was the creation of a cross-foam architectural system. This system originated in the earlyness of the Russian Federation, but it reached its maturity, only in the Middle Azaten architecture. The congestion buildings of Byzantium produce an exceptionally strong impression by their surprisingly balanced composition, which is aimed at identifying the main spatial coordinates. The interior of the cross-block building decays to nine spatial cells, which are strictly subordinated and form a visual hierarchical system of space.

In the whole world architecture of the previous periods there was nothing, which could be equated to the Meshneysian cross-foam system. Its value is that it was for the first time a grouping of spatial cells was developed.

What else has the new appear in the cross-based system?

The dome on the drum was more directed upward than the relatively lower and flat domes of the previous time. He relied on four free standing supports. From the bribery space, cruciform, focusing on the sides of the world, diverged the "sleeves" of the equilibrium "Greek" cross - rectangular premises, blocked by crops, as a rule, cylindrical. The entire space of the temple, from the northern to the southern wall, from the main entrance to the altar part was associated together and subordinated to the central dome.

In the crusher buildings there were no straight overlap, only arches, dome, vaults were picricated. This (as in St. Sophia's Cathedral) created the effect of "hanging" architecture. Since every religious construction during the Middle Ages reflected a whole range of public ideas, expressed with the help of Christian characters, then this feature of the Cross-Dome Temple had a certain interpretation. The spatial orientation, expressed at the same time the movement up, to the dome and from the dome, as a central point, symbolized the idea of \u200b\u200bthe biblical mystical "stairs", which is committed to communication of the Earth and the sky.

The outdoor type of temples lost asceticism and severeness, since the volume of buildings acquired greater dismemberment and, grieving around the main dome, rose to the center. Great importance began to give the processing of walls from the outside.

The characteristic building of this period was considered the five-winning church "NEA" (new) in Constantinople, erected under the emperor Vasily I and consecrated in 881.

At the same time, Byzantine architectural style Began a triumphal march on distant outskirts of the empire. Several local schools have developed, successfully applying and developing achievements of Byzantine architecture. The importance of vertical lines and members of the facade increased everywhere, which changed the silhouette of the temple.

Stretching appearance Temple, builders have increasingly resorted to the use of patterned brickwork. In Greece, for example, while maintaining some archaic forms (the absence of the plane of the facade, traditional forms of small temples) with an increase in the influence of a new style, a patterned brick decor and polychrome plastic were used. In the XIII - XV centuries. The territory of the Byzantine Empire is increasingly reduced. The board of the dynasty of Paleologists (1261--1453) is the last in the history of Byzantium. The cultural monuments created during this period are the monuments of the Byzantine province, and not the capital.

In the Materially Russian period there were three types of architectural schools. It:

1. Konstantinople

2. Easternizantine

3. Greek

I will not delve into the description of the differences between these schools, but only allocate the most characteristic differences in each of them:

The closer to the Constantinople Palaces was the richest Palaishes of Venice. Characterized colonnades that occupy the entire street facade of the palace. The main street of Constantinople and some other streets were completely built up with such buildings. They formed solid rows of columns that framed the street on both sides.

Many Materialist church buildings of Constantinople have been preserved, but they reached us in a strongly distorted form.

The main descendant to us is the construction of Constantinople, is a wonderful complex of the three fused together the churches of the Pantokrator Monastery. It consists of an earlier northern church attached to it a little later than a slightly larger southern church and a dome space located between them and their connecting. The South Church was built after Northern, as its staircase, located north of North, leaning towards the southern staircase tower of the Northern Church. The earlier dating of the Northern Church is also confirmed by the fact that it is in its architecture several archaic southern church. The architectural type of the northern church is an intermediate version between the five-fruined and three-penette crossed buildings.

The main attention in the Easternizantine architectural school was drawn to the restoration and some expansion of urban fortifications and to repair those buildings that could still serve. Production and residential buildings of that time are preserved in a very small quantity. This is explained by the fact that the subsequent conquest of the Turks led to the destruction of buildings or to a change in the very appointment of buildings, which was associated with their restructuring. New residential buildings could only build major secular and church landowners, as well as the richest townspeople. These were just a single facilities. The main community buildings were at the time of the church. Their, where it was possible, was also built anew. At the same time, their architecture was distinguished by a number of features from the metropolitan cult builds.

As an example of a major city in Malaya Asia, which existed in the magazine of the Byzantine Empire throughout almost the entire averages of the average time, it should be given Nikey. The walls of the city and the main planning system of streets have been preserved from antiquity and from the Rannevizanist period.

Another example of the Meshnevyazan city can serve as a coronor located on the southern sea coast of Asia Minor, in Kilicia. The city is interesting because it constitutes part of the fortress system built in 1104 by Admiral Evstartius to protect the Byzantine state.

In Greek architectural school, the features characteristic of Constantinople and for eastern school Byzantine architecture. However, the works of the Greek School of Meshnevyazan architecture are distinguished by a rather single and independent character, despite numerous deviations typical of one or another part of Greece of this period.

For this school, it is especially characteristic of buildings in which in one or another there is a dome on a square base. This suggests that the origins of the architecture of Byzantine cult buildings are rooted in utilitarian structures, folk architecture and residential buildings.

3. Late stage in architecture history. LEVERNIZATION period

The LEVERNIZATION period has come after the restoration of the empire, which lasted before the capture of Konstantinople by the Turks in 1453

After the fall of Constantinople in 1204, the decline began in the empire, and it was divided into four parts. One of them is the Nicene Empire, became the keeper of the traditions of the past, including architectural. The earlier architecture of the Meshnevyazansky period developed earlier, now it was simply improved, but new forms were no longer developed. And even after the return of Konstantinople in 1261 and two hundred years of peaceful life in the Empire, the Latestress culture was in a state of stagnation, without creating anything new. The Byzantine Empire has lived his last days. The LEVERNIZATION period corresponded by time the era of the Gothic and the origin of the Renaissance in Western Europe and the era of the formation of a Russian centralized state in Eastern Europe.

By the 14th century, the most preserved palace buildings of Constantinople - the building, which the Turks called Tekhur-Serai. It represents a small part of the Varhun Palace. This is a summer room and a dining room located in the third floor and built over earlier walls that the Vellase Palace has been strengthened by the city.

A distinctive feature of the masonry of Tekhfura, according to which the Plystinople's Plysaniantine building will immediately identify, is the inclusion of a stone in the arches laying.

For the last period of the Byzantine architecture, the saturated decorativeness of the facade of Tefura is very characteristic. Picturesque character has the masonry wall itself. It effectively alternate narrow red stripes of bricks and solid stripes of a warm yellow tone.

In the Latezantine time, even the best buildings of Constantinople reflected a lack of funds due to the difficult economic situation of the Byzantine Empire in the last period of its existence. Almost increasingly large buildings of Constantinople end 13 V. and 14-15 centuries. They represent the restoration of the facilities of an older time, usually accompanied by the addition of new parts or superstructure. With such an extensions to the previously existing building, the overall picturesque character of the Latezantine architecture is associated.

One of the first buildings after the liberation of Constantinople from the Crusaders was the tomb of the Paleologists dynasty, attached to the Meshneysian Church of the Lips Monastery. The newly built complex consists of the church of the peristil type, symmetrically surrounded by the gallery with burials in the niches. All these parts are picturesquely stuck to the old building.

The outstanding work of the Latezantine Metropolitan Architecture is the church of the Khora Monastery, built by the courteous one, Fedor Metohit. Turks turned her into a mosque called Cachrie-Jami. Church of the Choir Monastery is a restructuring of an earlier building. From the latter, only fragments of the middle part and three apses remained. In the Latezantine time, Keli were attached, converted from Northern Nefa, Nartex, Eksonartex and a special church extension from the south in the form of a very elongated nef, ending the apse. The feature of the building is the asymmetric location of three small domes relative to the main dome. Two of them are above Nartex, the third one over the southern church.

In the Latesty Time in Constantinople there was a very peculiar final stage of the development of Byzantine architecture. The very nature of the rearrangements of old buildings and the addition of new parts to the previously existing premises generates a picturesque beginning. It is expressed in the free grouping of parts characteristic of residential architecture. The location of buildings on the slopes of the hills was very common in the Latezantine time, so some of their walls were higher, while others went to the ground.


As a result of the topic studied, it can be concluded that Byzantine architecture has made a very large and significant contribution to the treasury of world architecture. Its main achievement was the wonderful development of a centric architectural composition based on overlapping the main part of the dome building. Dome - main topic Byzantine architecture.

The study of the Earlyzantine architecture shows that Sofia Cathedral occupies a completely exceptional place in it. It would be wrong to believe that the repetitions of Sofia were not because Sofia was a random phenomenon in the history of Byzantine architecture. She could not be repeated because he could not repeat the task to build the main church of the Byzantine Empire. It is like a structure that answered this task and unusually fully reflecting the Byzantine worldview, the Byzantine statehood and the principles of Byzantine art, Sofia in Constantinople is the most characteristic work of all the Byzantine architecture. The works, especially fully reflecting their era and the worldview of the cultural and people who have given rise to their culture and the people, and, nevertheless, the remaining not repeated, also arose in other era. Such, for example, the Pokrovsky Cathedral (Vasily Blessed) in Moscow.

Sofia Cathedral is, primarily, a monument to his era, who had an extraordinary power of exposure not only to contemporaries and the coming generations closest to them, but also on people of subsequent centuries and even the subsequent millennium.

As for individual elements of Constantinople Sofia, for example, sails, inner marble wall cladding, bump and many others, they had a lot of influence, both on the Byzantine architecture of subsequent time and on the architecture of other countries.

It is especially essential that Sofia served as a sense of the starting point for the development of a subsequent time crosses. She and in this respect is deeply natural and necessary for the development of the Byzantine and all world architecture.

The characteristic feature of Byzantine architecture is the dome located on a square base, which, unlike the rotunda, can be expanded by the annexes, the dome based on four supports, the dome on the drums. The reason that the center of the attention of Byzantine architects was a centric dome building, there was a Christian religion. Christian temples had to remind all their appearance about another world. According to the Byzantine architects, it was a centric domed building corresponded to the Christian faith. The cross-dome system was a well-known universal method of architectural composition, covering the functional, constructive and artistic side of architecture. This method opened the architects of that time and subsequent eras the opportunity to widely vary and develop a centric domed composition - one of the most valuable and versatile achievements of the architecture of all times and peoples.

Byzantine architecture influenced Muslim architecture, especially for Turkish architecture, when one after the other reproduction of Sofia began to appear in Istanbul.

Byzantine architecture was a kind of nodal point of development of architecture between antiquity and the era of the Middle Age and New Time.

The influence of the Byzantine architecture on the development of Eastern architecture and Western Europe It was very large, and so far it is not rather evaluated. In relation to Eastern Europe, mainly Russia, no special evidence is required, since the Byzantine origins of Russian architecture are fairly generally accepted.

Much in the Gothic architecture explains the influence of Byzantine architecture, for example, the opening of the Gothic Cathedrals, which was the development of the characteristic features of Constantinople Sophia, or the system of Gothic Baldakhins, developed from the Byzantine prototypes, or, finally, ArkButans, arising in Byzantium and then turned into Western Europe.

The influence of the Byzantine architecture on the Renaissance architecture is particularly significant. It affected mainly in the centric dome architectural type and traced ranging from Bruntelleschi through Bramteh up to Palladia. The influence of the crossed system on many outstanding buildings of the Renaissance was carried out in part through a number of Byzantine buildings on the soil of Italy.

If we consider the most outstanding European monumental buildings, then their connections with Byzantium will perform very clearly. These relationships were carried out through intermediate links, mainly Renaissance buildings (especially Peter's Cathedral in Rome), but also directly. In Paul's Cathedral in London, Pantheon in Paris, the Cathedral of the Smolny Monastery, Kazan and St. Petersburg Cathedrals in St. Petersburg, we will see the congestion system in the ultimately of Byzantine origin.

Total, the Byzantine architecture was a binding intermediate link between the ancient architecture and the recovery architecture and subsequent time in Europe.


1. Kondakov N. P. "Byzantine monuments and churches of Constantinople"

2. Morozov MA "Monasteries of Medieval Byzantium"

3. Sedov V.V. "Kilisa Jami: Metropolitan architecture of Byzantium"

4. http://artprojekt.ru.

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/byzantine_architecture

Posted on Allbest.ru.


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The architecture of Byzantium wore a cult. The new religion radically changed the destination of the temple, its architectural forms and decoration, created prerequisites for creating a new type of Christian temple. Such a temple united the memorial sanctuary, a prayer room, to be a solemn building - a monument, and accommodate a large number of believers. Architects of this period as the basis took two types of Roman buildings: mausoleum and basilica.

Mausoleum- The memorial sanctuary over the grave - was a centric structure, crowned with a dome. Such a form in the form of a circle (rotunda) or 8-square (octave) impressed peace and approached church sacraments. So it was used for buildings baptistery(baptine) and capel. Later, this type was based on the cresto-dome church, which was distributed in the Eastern Roman Empire.

With the adoption of Christianity in the Western Roman Empire, the spread received simple in the form and spacious in the size of the church, the plan of which later acquired the look of the Latin Cross. The sample for them was reworld in accordance with the new requirements of Roman basilica (from Greek. - "Tsarsky House"). This is a rectangular building, divided into three (later on 5 or 7) longitudinal compartment - nafa: Higher Central Neft and Two Side, separated from the central range of columns. The high central num was lit by windows located on the top tier above the bottom side of the sidelines. In the Christian Church of the Basilical Type, the "Paradise Dvor" was added - atrium - a colonnade of a four-born courtyard with a well for ablution in the center. The altar part was in the east, ended with one (or three) - apse- (from Greek. - Arch) - with a rounded protrusion, overlapped by a semi-shot. The first basilica had a T-shaped form, and then - cruciform, because the transverse oil appeared - transeptwho betrayed the look of the Latin Cross.

Over time, the first temples are characteristic of the Byzantine culture characteristic of the Byzantine culture, and not borrowed from previous civilizations appear in the Byzantine architecture. Such a temple is the "Cathedral of Hagia Sophia" in Constantinople, built on the Cross - dome plan. It is typical for him: there is a form of a flat (Greek) cross, a turret or a dome over a medium. The space of the Cross-Complex Temple increases the score of the pillars supporting the arch. The Temple of the "Wisdom of God" was erected by two architects - Anthimius and Isidore. The temple is located on a high hill, so it can be seen from the Bosphorus. The central dome of Sofia (31.5 m in diameter) is the most remarkable achievement of architects. Very richly and inner decoration of the temple: green and pink marble wall cladding and golden mosaic arch. The columns are combined by wavy arcades, which creates the impression of the rhythmic movement.

2. Byzantine Basilica. Its design and lighting system.

The style of the Byzantine architecture developed gradually, elements of ancient and eastern architecture were organically combined in it. The main architectural structure is the temple built by the type of basilica. Basilica (from Greek. Yaz. "Tsarsky House"),

If the Egyptian temple is intended for the priests of solemn ceremonies and did not allow a person to the sanctuary, and the Greek and Roman temples served the location of the Divine, the Byzantine became the place where the believers were going to worship, i.e. Temples were designed for the stay in them.

Basilica is distinguished by the simplicity of the plan: this is an elongated building, which is longitudinally divided inside the rows of columns on the part, - no oil, the number of which reached 3 or 5. All temples are oriented to the East, because There, on the representation of Christians, was Jerusalem - the center of the Earth. From the eastern part to the temple, the semicircular niche is adjacent - apse with the altar located in it - the sacred part of the temple. The characteristic feature of the Basilica architecture is wooden beam floors facing the inner space of the temple. The entrance of the building in the West usually adjoined the yard - an atrium surrounded by indoor colonnade.

A feature of the design of Byzantine temples was the contrast between the external and internal appearance. The appearance of the Basil is emphasized by a strict and strict basil, it strikes the harsh smoothness of powerful walls cut by rare narrow windows, the lack of decorative parts in the design of facades. But, like a modest Christian with his rich inner life, Basilica had a richly decorated interior. It is decorated with facing on the walls, luxurious objects of decorative and applied art.


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