Water pita. Waterwear for a pond: how to plant? Nymphi Care and Landing

Water pita. Waterwear for a pond: how to plant? Nymphi Care and Landing

For subsidiaries, on the site of which there is an artificial reservoir is always relevant to the problem of its design. Artificial fog, the backlight of the water and the coastline is everything wonderful, but you should not forget for what, in fact, a man-made pond was satisfied. And he was made in order to create the illusion of proximity to natural nature. So for an artificial pond there is no better decoration than aquatic plants, such as a water lily.

That you should not do when landing

Another way is to put the root with a small substrate on a piece of jute, holding only four corners, the fabric ultimately rotates, and the plant will be installed at the bottom of the lake. In no case do not put the manure next to a mixture of fertilizers, especially if it is a cattle, because high level The nitrogen contained in it will kill the nymph. Apparently, with a manure, after two to three days, he will have a quick "splash" of growth, then it will disappear and die before the week. Always prefer organic compounds Or clay soil for making fertilizer in a mixture if you want to promote a healthy growth of your species.

Water pita It is the floating leaves of the rounded shape, which are connected to the bottom of the reservoir with long stiffs, as the ship connects with the seabed anchor. During the flowering period on the surface of the green sheet appear beautiful flowersfor which coloring in bright gentle colors is characteristic.

So that water pitches have successfully accumulated in your reservoir, you need to create appropriate conditions for them, and for this it will be necessary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of their development. For those who are ready for such difficulties, we are published by the website www.Site in general, we will talk about the basic rules for the breeding of this plant and the necessary care for it under artificial reservoir. Waterwear for the pond: how to plant - the topic of our article.

Natural pond artificial pond - This is a place for planting vegetation, which will quickly become a lush, because it will never come out of the water! This abundant vegetation will contribute to installing any wildlife, useful for your garden. Cover the maximum of one third of the water surface by plants so that light and oxygen penetrate deeply.

When to install a water plant?

It is better to wait until the middle of May or, better, June so that the water in the pond is hot enough. The growth of aquatic plants is very quickly, and next next month you will have the first colors. Most are sold in a bucket or container made of plastic, like perennials. Water lilies sometimes have the shape of a fleshy rhizome. If you can not squeeze immediately after purchase, store buckets and containers in the water pool. Environ the rhizome of the water lily in a wet newspaper and burck on a wet peat so that it lasted a maximum of one week.

First of all, you need to choose from the available variety of varieties and types of water lugs that is the best of all suitable specifically for your reservoir. Here you need to take into account its middle depth and area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface. For ruined concrete reservoirs, the simple shape area is determined by the multiplication of the length of the width.

In the case of plastic forms for which the presence of bends and protrusions are characterized, to determine the area will have to carefully examine the passport details of the purchaacility. Deciding with a pond area, it is necessary to ask the standard dimensions of the sheets of the water pita striking.

What to install a water plant?

Hessian. Even if there is a soil at the bottom of the pond, it is better to plant in the basket, pinches: their subsequent maintenance is easier. Especially water lilies are very greedy, which require transplant every year. Align the basket with a piece of burlap, which will allow water to skip and hold the soil in the basket. Make it wide behind the edges of the basket.

Extravagant - Lily Ponns water lily

Put the gravel layer on the bottom. Cut the burlap on a centimeter below the edge of the basket. Fill up to two thirds of the height of the special soil of aqueous plants with a high clay content. Depot water plantwhere you kept the bucket in water: the primer should be completely raw. Win the ball with your fingers.

Determining whether the variety is suitable for your reservoir, keep in mind that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe leaf of the pita should not exceed half the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface of the pond. At the same time, do not forget that like any plant, the waterway will multiply and after a few years the place of one sheet will appear 2-3 of its fellow.

How to put a water jug?

Little-timer - Golden-Pinkwear

If it is rhizome water lily, bury it vertically, leaving the initial point of the opening of the stems. Fill the emptiness with the same soil soil, very much so that the soil remains in the basket and did not plant water from the pond. For the same reason, cover the surface of pebbles, stones, well tightening them.

Immerse the basket in a bucket within a few minutes so that the soil is good satisted, well flooded. Then carefully screw the basket in the pool and carefully place it in my last place below. If necessary, adjust the depth, imposing flat stones or bricks.

Having bought a pitcher, try as quickly as possible to deliver it to the landing site - the plant is gentle and heavily tolerates long-term transportation. In order for the plant quickly and painlessly stuck, it needs a special nutritious substrate, so it is best to plant a pitiful in a special container in the form of a basket.

Depending on the grade of the pitcher, the preferred diameter of the container ranges from 45 to 60 cm. Height In this case, there must be at least 25 cm in any case.

Flower water lily water lily and her photo

Floating plants such as hyacinth or water salad live on the surface of water, roots that are not associated with any substrate. You just throw them on the surface as soon as your plantations are finished. If your pond is new, fill it for a while before landing so that the water is heated, and chlorine from running water evaporated. Therefore, it can better place plants.

Think about oxygen-containing plants that are necessary in a small artificial water branch or natural reservoir to maintain the biological balance and clean, without the smell of water. Each sheet is a small plant, as it has autonomous roots. During the spring season, you can enjoy the beauty of very small inflorescences that expect the development of fruits containing seeds. The main feature of these samples is that they are developing on water, and sometimes they can be very poisonous.

So that the nutrient substrate does not erode and do not clutter the water of the reservoir, the inner surface of the container before filling is covered with underfloor material.

A special container can be replaced by an ordinary plastic pot, but for this you will have to do additional holes in it.

The basis of the seating substrate for aquatic jugs is clay and peat, mixed in 2 to 1, respectively. To increase the nutrition of the soil, organic fertilizers add to it - the best manure is best.

Water Lily: Growing

They have rapid development so much that they can multiply their structure in three days, in addition, they are able to absorb nitrogen present in water, and carbon-thrown into the atmosphere. Water lentil is a perennial plant that develops in slow streams, wetlands and small lakes. In the event that the season is characterized by an overly cold period or vice versa, excessively hot, you may notice that the plant seeks to get closer to the bottom of the pond. If you do not have a suitable area in the garden, lentils can also be placed inside the aquariums, where they usually grow more energetically.

Landing the wipes passes as follows. First, the container is filled with a substrate on 2/3 of its height. Then the plant is placed in it and put it with its remaining substrate, just enough to hide the rhizome. The remaining free part of the container is filled with gravel, the layer of which will protect the root system from the detonation and ascembly.

Fertilizer is another indispensable factor that provides good development of aquatic lentil; Buying the most common fertilizer for green plants, it is added to lake water only if there are no living beings, such as fish or other animals.

Water Lily: Multiplication

As you can understand, the reproduction of water lentils occurs autonomously. This is only due to the fact that small leaflets that develop during the spring season will generate independent roots that stick to the bottom of the pond or a stream, creating a kind of reproductive chain. Then each sample is separated from the parent plant, and then produces a new sample. Water lentils can also occur for seeds. In this case, you can use seeds collected from fruit, or buy them in any nursery, sow and leave cum in water, while new seedlings will not grow so much to transplane in a new pond, in water or in a conventional aquarium.

Before immersion of the finished container, its contents need to be moistened, richly spilling with water. Immediately immerse the plant to a greater depth, it is impossible, to start it needs to be placed not below 20 cm from the surface of the water. It is possible to increase the depth of the depth as a walker grows if the petiole stops to be smooth and start being bent - it means to change the depth.

Water Lily: Water Lily

And self-proliferation, and the distribution of seeds must be implemented during the spring season. Water lentils, in addition to special care, is not subject to parasitic attacks or occurrence of diseases that can lead to death. In addition to this, cultivation methods that must be implemented are very few; They do not need watering, special soil, trimming, fertilizer is very simple in practice and can reproduce themselves. In addition to this, water lentil has countless advantages over the purification effect of the water in which it is placed.

A special question is wintering water lily. Winter-hardy varieties can remain in the pond, but the depth of their occurrence should be at least 60 cm. The plants of thermal-loving varieties are covered out of the water along with the container, which is put on the board, the pits need a depth of 0.5 m. The root is covered with a rubberoid and the earth falls asleep.

You have already been converted, but your hands still scratch and the soul do not want peace, we offer you another lesson: set in your pond of pita. Their disembarka, as well, and the transplantation can be engaged from May to September. And now the gardeners have the latest opportunity this year to add beauty to the water elements of the landscape.

They are able to absorb nitrites and nitrates, waste derived from fish and ammonia. In other words, in water, under this sample, a poor oxygen medium is created, which allows to divide and absorb the entire foreign material from water, without going beyond the pond experiencing a typical smell of stagnant water; The area above the hyperkisorbin plant.

Gardening is a passion that attracts more and more people. The construction of the parquer is not easy, because we must take into account many factors. One of the most important things to think about before the blooming flower beds is that bloom is not logical: not all are equal, not everyone needs the same amount of water and care so that they cannot live on one land.

Skeptic readers who are confident that the nymphs do not tolerate cold, declare: World Botany stepped far ahead and today in the market you can easily find excellent winter-hardy varieties that are quietly coming up in the European part of Russia and Siberia. Their flowers and the leaves are not inferior to the "summer" fellows. Even on the contrary, sometimes you won this dispute. As a visual example, we publish a selection of photos of the most popular winter-hardy varieties of Namphi.

The natural cycle imposes that, since the flowers bloom at the end life cyclethey concern; It makes us put the inflorescences that can paint our garden at any time of the year, but if we want to create a colorful water stove, let's say that if it were our goal, there would be nothing better than that.

It is ideal as a decorative plant for decorating ponds, pools and ponds, or its cultivation in large masts or similar containers filled with water on terraces. IN greek mythology water lily Always represented Platonic love as unsurpassed love. He is one of the greatest artists-plenuners, the most impressionists from impressionists as defined.

The thing is that winter pitches - mostly hybrid species, which means, different varieties can please the eyes with flowers in the shades of yellow and pink, and leaves from classic green, to the motley with burgundy splashes. And another plus (non-uniform eye, but useful) is a compact rhizome, which is not sprawling throughout the water and allows you to plant the pita even in containers in small water bodies.

Obsessed to the point forcing him to deviate from the course of the Hand of the Seine to build a huge garden of the water, he showed a more chance to become the most famous veneer of water lishes. Taking what he made MONE as valuable help, we can say that in order to create a long-term water garden, we can grow the pita as the main product. Their origin is Asian, mostly their family consists of fifty species, each of which differs from each other.

In nature, two types of water lilies are dominated: rustic and tropical. Rustic lynys survive even at the temperature of Italy, so they can be safely cultivated in our country with our climate. Tropical ries are relatives for the Far East, Australia and South America. It often happens that water lilies are confused with the flowers of the lotus. It must be clarified: both plants are water, belong to one family, but have two different types. Water lilies are made of green leaves, which come out of the water and from the flower.

By the way, landing into the container, basket or box is one of the most convenient options. First, the plant is always easy and convenient to transfer to a new place, not alarming the roots. This means that you are a huge selection of songs with the participation of nymph, which you can make up your pond. Rearming the basket on the bottom, you can continue coastline, smash the reservoirs on the zones and even make a flowerbed in the center of the pond (but do not forget that the water lily loves the sun, and place it in the shade, for example, the coastal largest largests are not worth it). And secondly, if you still fear for your colors and decided to remove them for the winter, then the container landing will greatly facilitate this task.

Round leaves, green with reddish bottom, protected by a wax layer with a deep cut, reaching the insertion points of the stem. They grow from the bottom, rolled and go to the surface and pull out the palm. Flowers, however, are very large and carrying flowers, due to which they come out of the water just a few centimeters. They bloom during the day and close at night; As previously reported, tropical lymphatas are followed by the reverse process, thrive only at night.

One of the important features of these water colors is that they have a very short duration, just a few days. Petals are numerous, and they are becoming less and less as they approach the center of the whisk. The compromise is that they are "planted in water" where the sun is often beating.

They are born from the root, which is placed in a plastic jar at the bottom of the pond. The soil for the substrate should be clay mixed with sand and bone flour in equal parts. In winter, they completely lose vegetation at very low temperatures. Upon arrival of the spring, when water is heated, new leaves appear and with the advent of summer the brown flower production of color.

Wintering nymphy in pond

Multiplication is carried out by dividing root roots in spring. Along with the parent plant, new rhizomes are produced every two years, which are carefully removed and buried. The basis of the child's success is clean water. Therefore, before planting it is necessary to filter the well of the pond and get rid of leaves and other polluting impurities. It is best to place water lilies right at the bottom, but in the container, where we place it under the surface. Strawberries are especially suitable for direct sowing.

To make lips in containers feel comfortable, choose low, but wide containers in which there should be many drainage holes. From the inside the container must be put on the burlap so that the ground is not washed out of time. Another advice on the boxes for nymphi is already purely aesthetic - use dark tones containers. Then they will not be noticeable and do not distract attention from colors.

After selecting the container time to prepare the soil. For planting water lily, a mixture of compost, ordinary garden land and large sand is perfect. It is not bad to add to it and a little bone flour that works like a fertilizer for nymph. You can lay such fertilizer and about the reserve. To do this, during the landing under the roots, the water lirsts are placed on clay balls, which are sunk and bone flour. Such feeding will be consumed gradually and enough for it for a long time.

Now actually landing and installing the container in the pond. To make the plants well, you need to position the rhizomes correctly, that is, put them on the ground down the cord-like roots. Then the roots are sprinkled with a cooked substrate so that the pita could not be elapsed. The rhizomes themselves must oppose the soil so that the growth point remains open. The depth of immersion of the filled container must be chosen depending on the variety. For dwarf water lily, the distance from the kidneys to the edge of the water should be about 20 cm, but the strollery nymphs need to "draw" almost to a meter.

Using the depth adjustment, you can speed up the development of plants in the spring. While the pitches have not yet released the leaves, they can be moved to a smaller portion of the pond (about half the depth required for this variety), and when the first leaves appear - to return to the laid place. The released leaves after a few days will also appear on the surface.

We will talk about the surface of the reservoir. The pitches are quickly growing and covered with a pond mirror. But it's not worth glad. True beauty These plants you can evaluate only if they are shaded by water. Therefore, landscape designers are recommended to leave free at least half of the reservoir. For the same reason, many nymphon in one pond should not be planted at once. They will quickly float it, and the leaves in the cramp will become small and no longer so spectacular. Agree to a 15-centimeter flower on a 25-centimeter sheet much more prettier than small flowers no more velhahatts on a leaf as if the linden. Another purely decorative advice: in one density group, Nymfe is best to combine the same variety color. If you want to put the pitches of different tones, it is better to divide them by a water stroit.

We have practically not written anything about the current care. But he is nimphounds and is not required. At the beginning of the season, the plants can be filled with clay balls with bone flour (the same as when landing). They must be embedded in the ground next to the roots. And as the pond will remove old flowers and leaves. The rest of the pita is very independent and they are not terrible diseases and pests. Is that in dry years on water flowers can be afraid, but she also affects the overall health of the nymphs.

This is what it is worth saying is about the reproduction of water lishes. In the middle lane of Russia, only one option is possible - rhizomes. To do this, cut off in an adult plant, any area of \u200b\u200brhizomes with kidney and as soon as possible to plant according to the rules described above. In an adult plant, the location of the cut must be poured with pilent wood coal. If the climate in your area is warm, then you can dilute the nymphy and seeds. They are put in pots or containers and lowered into the water.

And last: since we are approaching winter, we will tell how to help the water lilies to transfer the cold (read also the article "Pond in the Dacha: Autumn, Winter, Spring"). We have already said that many varieties are calmly winter in reservoirs. But for this you need to comply with several conditions.

Nothing needs to be done if your reservoir is more than 60 cm. Such ponds are rarely freezing to the bottom, and the nymphs are transferred to the cold without problems. If the pond is smaller, but the bottom of him is natural, you can dig in it about 50 cm deep in it, move containers with plants into it for winter, and fall asleep with soil to spring. But if you have a petty reservoir, and the bowl of his plastic or concrete, which will not allow to deepen in the bottom, it will still have to pull out containers on land, crop leaves and flowers, and then put on the wintering basement with low, but still plus temperatures .

Dear visitors, we also recommend you to read the articles of "Plants for the Pond", "Fish in Pruh" and see video about landing nymph in pond.

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