Why you can not chop Christmas trees in the forest for the new year. The garden bloats late - to the death of the owner. Who loves almonds, he loves his wife

Why you can not chop Christmas trees in the forest for the new year. The garden bloats late - to the death of the owner. Who loves almonds, he loves his wife

Apple tree is not in vain called the tree of love and fertility, because it patronizes youth, marriage and children, as well as crop. In the Christian tradition, this is a tree of knowledge.

An apple tree since a long time belongs to honor, respect. It not only gives delicious fruits, but also willingly shares its positive energy. They say what ancient is a tree, the more magical power has.

To the apple tree go to be treated, ask for happiness and love. It is best to contact her with requests or immediately after sunrise, or from 16:00 to 19:00. Standing near the tree is needed from 2 to 5 minutes, and in the winter due to the decline in energy potential - about 6-8 minutes.

This is a female strength tree - it is at the representatives of the beautiful sex apple tree that gives them sexuality and sensuality, the maternal instinct awakens. It also patronizes young families - preserves love and loyalty, protects newborns from the evil eye.

Up to this day have been preserved long folk signsApple tree:

- previously sazed it near the house to protect against the uncleanness and bringing goods;

- tearing apples in the fall from the tree, several fruits left the birds - it guaranteed good luck;

- Entering B. new house, first of all, made a basket with apples and scattered them on the floor - to always be abundance;

- you can not cut the top of the apple tree - it can lead to loss of health; Who will cut the live branches - will lose his happiness in family life; If you spoil young apple trees - there is a danger to go blind.

In addition, wedding customs and rites associated with this tree are known, the apple tree was a symbol and a welfare of newlyweds, a pledge of loyalty and happiness. For example, on the day of the wedding or the birth of a child, it was sure to plant this tree - it defended the family and baby from negative energy. Since the apple is also a symbol of fertility, he was asked for a rich yield, as well as the emergency replenishment of the family.

Rituals, rites and fortune telling

- This ritual is suitable for living in villages and villages. If you wish to increase your sexuality, then in the summer it is necessary to spend at least one night under the apple tree.

- Want to know who will be your husband? Imagine its image - and the energy of the apple tree will help in a dream to see the narrowed. Or the second version of the fortune telling: in bed, cut the apple into two parts; One thing - eat, second - put near the pillow. The fruit will attract the future spouse to appear to you in a dream.

- Cut the skin with an apple with one long strip and throw it through the left shoulder. Please note what letter is the most likely the resulting form - this is the first letter of your future husband.

- Brides note: An apple tree branch is used in the manufacture of a wedding tree, which in the people called the "Giltsy".

- If the young accepts an apple from the groom during the match, it means her consent to marriage.

- A pregnant woman is useful for a couple of minutes to hold for the trunk or branches of the apple tree and mentally ask her health and beauty for the future child. For the sake of happiness, the baby and parents visit the fever best with the apple. With the same goal on the christening to all those present you need to give this fruit. And water after the first bathing of the newborn must be pulled out under the apple tree.

- The girl on the issuance should be tied on an appleary red ribbon and whisper, referring to the tree: "Show me today in full moon the image of the future husband". In the subsequent night, the narrowed will surely come to you in a dream. For greater truthfulness, it is recommended to perform this ritual to the full moon.

- If you dry the apple root part of the root and keep at home, it will protect it from the evil area, and also will save from competitors in love.

- Before the wedding, the bride needs to approach the apple tree, near which the container with water is predetermined. Sacrifice, a young tree should throw a metal coin (it is in water) - in this case, the spouses will not have problems with the money and the birth of children.

Apple Talisman

You can purchase (or do) a talisman in the shape of an apple or depicting this fetus. Such a talisman will share with its own positive energy owner, units kindness, honesty, responsiveness. And he is able to give love, the conclusion of marriage and the appearance of a child.

The apple branch, depicted on the talisman, will give younger. Will help creative people in professional activitySince being a patron of art.

If you were born from December 23 to January 1 or from June 25 to July 4, your personal totem is an apple tree. This means that it has a particularly strong influence on you, and its protective forces as high as possible.


Apple, like an apple tree, radiates the energy of good and creation. It is for this reason that the fruits have long been used for ghostas and in healing magic. This fruit has many contradictory symbolic values. The most famous is the temptation and deception, as well as fertility, love, wisdom, youth and marriage. In context, five seeds are similar to five-pointed starwhich is a symbol of a person with five senses authorities - that is why the apple also symbolizes sensitivity.

- To strengthen love and respect in the family, you need to cut the fetus for two halves and each of the spouses to eat one part.

- To bring wart, cut the fruit into two parts. Eat one half, and the second soda the affected places, after which they jump this halves of the fruit into the ground. Similarly, you can get rid of acne.

- pull out all seeds from the apple and each give a certain male name. Next, attach seeds to the cheeks - and the one that will first fall, tell you the name of the future spouse.

- Take several seeds, each give the name of a potential cavalier. Put them on the burning frying pan or the hearth grille and say the words: "If you love - fly away, if not - lying, burn". From high temperature, the seed buzzed and flew away? This means that the guy loves you. And in the case of combustion, one should be ready for the fact that he has no serious feelings towards you and a break.

- It is desirable that apples have always been on the table on the table - they will clean the energy in the room and maintain harmony in family relationships. And also increase the sexual attractiveness of the spouses and strengthen the bonds of marriage.

In Starina, Holy believed that the thistle would drive the devils, dead men and any evil.


From the seeds intended for sowing, there should not be either grain - worms of the harvest will be eaten.

All the preparations of seeds and seedlings to the crop need to be done alone - otherwise the bad eye will destroy the whole harvest.

The hedge is better to make them dry corporal or trunks of trees, shedding storms. If you use raw forest, you can not grow anything in the garden.

If sunflower put in August put under the pillow - you can find a thief.

Thoughtful seeds rose better, and the threaded seedlings are better accepted.

The fruit trees will bloom later than the neighbors - to the death of the owner.

If the trees in the garden creak without wind - to the sickness of the owner.

Do not cut down fruit trees - To tears.


On each side of the cabbage bed, drive in a linden peg crucifably - helps to get rid of pest insects.


A good man of a bee is not stamped, a person who is unrighteous is better than bees not to breed - they will be told to death.

If the bee was stung, then he sinned that day.

The bee was stung - to be a quarrel.

On the night before Ivan Kupala Trees go from one place to another and talk to each other.

You can cut all the trees. You can not cut the old trees - you need to wait until the wind breaks, and the trees planted by a person; It should not chop the lipa, rowan, as well as a pine, which one branch is directed vertically up ("threshold"). You can not chop trees with a round bitch, when the smooth round hole is designed, it can lead to sickness and death of the lumberjack.

It is impossible to chop a tree that creaks, "the soul of man suffers in it.

If there is a bird's nest on the tree, then such a tree should not chop up - it will bring misfortune.


Birch - a tree of happiness. Good to put in the threshold of birch and for well-being in the family, and to scare away unclean power.

Mermaids descended from birch by birch, they can impart female diseases for the inhabitants of the house, next to which such birch grows.

Birch branches in the pigties are brazed on the trinity of the girl - whose pigtail does not work longer, the girl will marry the first girl.


Who will fill with a lipa, he will get lost in the forest.

Lipa in the garden dried at the garden - to a bad change in life.


Ospen is a tree on which Judas hanged himself, who betrayed Christ, so on the ox, even on a windless day, foliage.

Aspen has emergency strength against sorcerers and magicians. The aspen of the grave is trembling in the grave, the aspen stake in the heart is driven, then his afterlife and wanderings of his black soul ends.


Big crop rowan - to a difficult year, sometimes to war.

Who will fight Rowan, he will not live for a long time, or someone from his family will die.


Where are a lot of ammorov, there are many white mushrooms.


When collecting medicinal herbs, bread and salt or a small coin were left in the forest, otherwise the grass will not have healing power.

The grass of Chertopoloch, flooded wax, you need to sew incente and wear on the chest - good tool From all sorts of temptations.

Thistle distinguishes the devils, dead men and all sorts of unclean power.

Thistle fuse the guns, then they do not kill, but only wounded to game.

The leaves of the plantain scare the snakes, for this, these leaves hang beams in the yard.


In Russia, there was a custom in Lakes and Rodnikov, whose water was worshiped holy, throw coins, rings, earrings to lose the pagan gods living there. Now people throw coins in the reservoir to return to these places again.

On fishing, before throwing a fishing rod, you should cry for a worm so that the fish is better to peel.

If the first came across a small fish, you have to post her twist with the words: "Father went, the mother went!" - And throw back into the water, then a large fish will be caught.

On the water, whistling especially dangerous - water whistles does not like; At the sea, the whistle can cause wind or storm.

Mute people who did not have a cross during swimming on themselves are becoming.

To find the body of a drowned man, the river was allowed to loop bread - where bread will stop, there and need to look for the body.

In a guest

In someone else's house, choker - in a year you will be again there.

Sitting between two sisters is to marry, between two brothers - married to get out soon.

If you sit down between two theses (people with the same names), it's more likely, the desire is more likely until no one noticed, "will come true.

Spill a glass on the holiday - again be on the feast again.

Pain in the doors of someone else's home your clothes or clinging for anything - it means to be in this house.

Do not recognize someone from acquaintances - it means it will soon get rich.

A visit to go - gifts to carry.

Give iron, cast iron - to trouble, silver - to tears, gold - to a safe outcome of the case.

Work, study, causative house

The paper table is not wiped - there will be a noisy quarrel or you will receive a reprimand from the boss.

Overcome the enemy, the envious at work will help the chalcedony, wearable on the neck; For the same purpose, the diamond is worn.

The faithful tool so that your enemy is dead is to put a candle in the church behind his soul or not turn the church candle and light it with another end. Also on the destruction of the enemy the burning candle is quenched.


In the new year, the first buyer give the goods as cheaper as possible - the main thing is not nava, but the prick.

I don't miss the first buyer for anything - otherwise the trade will not.

If in the morning the first buyer man - all day will be successful trade.

If you do something inadvertently - three more money will lose.

If the goods got together, they should be chispered on honey: "How the bees piano will have to buy the goods to me." Then this honey must wash the merchant.

The cow is sold with the subsidence, and the horse is with a launder.

If some goods from the regiment fell - to be sold first.

Money, reversed from the first sale, spend on the goods - sold faster.

If you sell in the need for a cattle and envy to someone who bought it, then they pluck her lump of wool and put on the oven, saying: "Peer, like this wool!" - And the cattle in the new owner will not live.


There are many student admission associated with passing exams.

Going to the exam, you need to put a copper five under the heel of the right leg.

No matter how much exams, they should be walking on, in the same clothes, it cannot be erased (if the first exam received a bad mark - unfortunately, change it).

Wash your head on the eve of the exam is impossible - everything that I knew will forget.

We must try to say hello to the examiner so that he does not smooth you.

You need to take a ticket with your left hand, standing on my right foot.

On the night before the exam, put a papers under the pillow with ticket numbers. Waking up in the morning - pull out, without looking, one piece of paper - the same ticket will stretch on the exam.

Do not start any new business, no calculations, nor summing up, if you have laces on your shoes: to failure.

On the night before exams under the pillow, you can put a copper pile on happiness.

During the exam pass, your friends who know about it should scold you, but you can not use words like "Fool", "Idiot", scold Mat.

If you pass a particularly difficult exam, your relatives should have all the time while you are present on the exam, keep your left hand for your right ear, without releasing for a second.

To successfully pass the exam, you should search for a flower of lilac with five petals, finding, immediately eat. But if you find a flower with three petals - to failure.


Before entering the house, where you will ask for something, you need to take the door bracket three times and speak:

How this bracket is polvit, it would be so brought (name) against me.

And entering, you need to suddenly look at the one who ask, and speak out loud or about yourself:

I am a wolf, you are a sheep; I eat you, I swallow me; Fear me!

Flowers, in pots presented, will not grow, if they do not give a symbolic ransom for them.

About the reason for at least a symbolic payment of a gift, especially a living (whether it is, a bird or a plant), we have already said: For a gift there should be lessons; Because it is possible to forget about the lesson for an inexpensive thing, it is better to immediately "buy out". At the mystical level, you can take such a version: the plant, just left in someone else's house, considers himself a stranger here, and if it bought it - he understands that he has a new owner.

Apple apples are sinful.

Believing originated on a mystical level: it is impossible to eat apples to the rescue, who have children died, "so that they get apples to them (mean the spiritual substance preserved on the fruit tree). But about this forgotten, and only a ban remains for everyone. It is based on the fact that in the villages until August (that is, it is before Savior) not all apples have time to mature; Children, fastening green apples, suffer from a stomach disorder. In order not to be a temptation, they are talking about this ban.

In winter, the indoor flower will bloom, the dotole in the summer flourished, - to death in the family.

Believers are common not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. And it applies not only to indoor plants, and to those that do not bloom in the yard (especially fruit trees). The reason can be sought at the symbolic level: blooming among the winter - to die soon. There is a more gentle belief: the blurred flower is not at the time - to the Wests that were not waiting.

Do not sleep near Belen - you will not wake up.

The use of white or long inhalation of the smell of its colors leads to hallucinations, temporary disorder of reason and rampant deeds. They say: "Dritting, as if the whites were laughed." If you breathe it for a long time, you can really die.

Stolen flowers and other plants are suitable better than bought or presented.

It is quite household signs leaving both ethics and mysticism. Stolenly leaving better than bought, because they plant them faster in the ground, while they did not have time to come. In addition, the bought or received as a gift, the roots can dry can dry, and stolen - just from the Earth and again to the ground.

Peas scatter - to tears.

Believers are built on the external similarity of tears and peas. But there is a more legendary explanation when the human relationship has been punished for the prejudice, so as to save people, the Mother of God cried and tears became her peas.

This pea is only when the night has been the star.

Very simple interconnection: the desire for pea to be as many as stars in the sky.

There is someone else's trouble on Bobah, I will not attach to my mind.

This refers to the common fortune telling on the beans, which are attributed to mystical, supernatural properties. On the beans do not just guess, but they strive to prevent trouble, divorce it "in different directions", destroy.

Ryabin can not chop, especially near the house. Skubil - it means, will soon die or the dead will be in the house.

When dental pain, it is necessary to take a rowan rod, a junk quadruple and put to the sick tooth. But Ryabina berries after that can not have several years.

The rowan is associated with a lot of acceptance and believes - both due to the red color of the berries, similar to blood and due to the fact that its fruits are used in home medicine. In particular, rowan kvass is a laxative, and an anti-inflammatory agent, it is given at high temperature as antipyretic, etc. Abundant harvest of berries on Ryabina foreshadows a long cold winter. Some researchers believe that in this way nature itself takes care of feeding for birds for the winter. To cut down the rowan-kormilitsa, especially near his own home, to deprive himself for the winter of a natural medicine and leave the birds without feeding. The ban on berries after using a rowan rod - "apology" in front of the tree for the damage caused.

You will see a flower of lilac about five petals - eat. This is fortunately, to luck.

It is believed that happiness is as rarely found, like a flower with five petals. Therefore, becoming its complete owner (eating), a person fastens good luck. By the way, you can compare it with the find "Kurichnaya God" - a stone with a hole in the middle - on the sea coast. Founding is considered lucky and must make a desire that will be fulfilled.

If the snow melted and on this place the mold appeared - to the mushrooms.

This is not just a crop of mushrooms, but about the abundance of mushrooms on this, noted place. The mold, which appeared from under the snow, testifies to the fungnye (it is also mycelium) - the subtlest branched and intertwined threads forming the vegetative body of mushrooms.

The garden bloats late - to the death of the owner.

Explanation is the same as about the winter or late bloom of plants: late bloom threatens death - and it is symbolically transferred to the owner. Obvious bust with similar signs in the collective consciousness of the people - the testimony of his difficult life over the centuries.

Who will sit down with their own hands at home, he prepares a journey.

It is understood that this person will die then when the willow-planted will be suppressed by a shovel. Believement refers to the number of gentlemen: the willow grows for a long time, and by that time you can really die from old age. Unlike the young willow, symbolizing health and fertility, the old willow is universally considered "damned," because neither the fruit, nor the shade she gives. The proverb "fell in love as the hell in the old version" confirms a negative attitude. Such a tree, especially absolute, was heard by the refuge of the unclean power. One of the explanations can be wounded in the forgotten legend of the nails, which crucified Jesus: they were not iron, but made from the willow.

Big crop rowan - to a long and frosty winter. Rowan in the forest is a yield - to rainy autumn, if not - to dry.

Signs tested by time and fixes the regulatory functions of nature. As already mentioned, the rowbank is more common in front of a tightening frosty winter, because without her bird berries will not be able to live to spring. The question is how nature is withstanding this pattern. But by itself, the sign is true, like the second of those shown here.

Birch, close to the house planted, evil scares and protects from lightning.

From lightning protects every high tree, since it serves as a natural threshold (lightning-saving). That is why in the field during a thunderstorm you can not hide from the rain under the tree: being the only towering object, it will first of all be a victim of lightning. As for the feature of the birch, scare evil, it is related to its white color and with legends. The once birch was covered by the impact of the Virgin and Jesus, and another time hid in his branches from the unclean power of St. Friday, because he enjoys the patronage of all three. One of the explanations can be wounded in ledge that the souls of dead relatives who continue to help the survivors are put into the trinity into birch branches.

If the patient has to drink to the mammary with birch juice, then it will recover.

Maxim and Jason's Day (Jassson) - April 28 of the old style - on May 11 new. On this day, they usually begin to collect birch juice. The most healing is the juice from the top of the trunk. The production of juice was settled magic rites And strictly regulated not to damage the tree. The meaning of the signs is that it is on this day - "at Maxim" - birch juice has the highest healing properties.

If you go to the elder, then you will not be terrible, neither evil people nor wild animals will be.

Such an attitude to elderly was recorded by researchers not only in Russia, but also in England, Germany, Scotland and other countries. This is based on its healing properties and beneficial smell. Infusion of elderberry flowers are cured by fever. The branch of the elder with sobra wear from the evil eye. Naturally, these features are transferred to the staff, which can also physically protect the traveler.

Mushrooms on the wall are growing - to wealth.

We are talking, of course, about the external, and not the inner wall of the house. The meaning of believing the order of the subsidiary, and now few people can identify the true origin. Many say that at the heart - the quantity: they say, wealth will be like fungi. Or that it will appear itself, as mushrooms appear.

An eyelible spruce can not be chopped - to trouble.

The people are believed that the old, age-old spruce is a residence of Leshgo. If you cut down, the slave will begin to take revenge on all it available in ways, right up to arson. And certainly will shoot down from the road to the forest, where he is the owner.

A man who was addicted to heaven can remain childless.

Previously, it was just a promising experience based on observations. Now, knowing about the narcotic properties of hemp and its impact on the body, you can make sure that the longtime folk surveillance can be delivered: indeed, the use of cannabis (meaning very frequent) reduces potency.

If the grass is barrel to lay down a gun, then it becomes a fault.

Of course, the rifle in itself, without a hunter, can not be laid or nonmetone. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it is about the impact of the smoke barrels not on the gun, but on the vision of the hunter.

Want to be a good enough, it's naked.

Believers were born back in pre-Christian times, when nature was spiritualized and deified; Slavs believed that any plant would also think and feels like a person. Studying, wanted to fool Len - so that he thought: I need to crumble, and then there is nothing to wear and wear on myself! After all, Len served as the main cloth for clothes: all the casual wear of Russian peasants were made of a rough linen cloth, from thinly selected and decorated - festive.

He dried linden in the garden - to the Houdo.

The explanation here is the same as in the case of rowan and other plants that are a natural pharmacy. Lipa heals from colds and other diseases, provides a medical unit, in the old days she shook (lapties from the lime scroll), and served as raw materials for wooden crafts. To lose the linden in her garden - really, to the Hood.

If during the case on the neck of the animal to tie a bulb, it does not get infected.

Quite logical and correct observation, because onions (like garlic) has medical properties. This was fixed in the minds of the people such, for example, the proverb: who eats onions, that God will save from Muk. Recommendation has been preserved: there is a raw bow with bread, salt and kvass - to be healthy and lighter.

Who loves almonds, he loves his wife.

This observation can be attributed to any nuts (including forest, and to walnut). All of them are recommended in food to men, because Positively act on the sexual function of the body. Recipes, both ancient and modern, there are a great set. In addition, nuts are well saturated, and vegetarians are successfully replaced with them (as well as beans) meat.

Find a dental grass and wearing with you - talent and good to find.

Leb test - the folk name of the pita. Special properties were given it for the fact that it was used in medicine, serving an antidote and a means of dental pain. Over time, she, already on the basis of the name, attributed the property to overcome not only pain, but also evil people, sorcerers, all kinds of misfortunes.

In order to protect the newlyweds from the damage, the pieces of the bark of alder are put into pockets.

The magic wubble of alder became due to the red bark, which is associated with blood. As everything is bright, the Red Bark attracts a glance and, accordingly, protects against the evil eye. Even if the bark is hidden in his pocket, a person has confidence that he will not be smoothed.

Who wears with a walnut-twirl, will be rich.

At the heart of the belief - the quantitative principle and the confidence that empty walnut is to hunger, and full - to sufficiency. Especially - a nut-twilight.

You can get rid of the vampire, or pushing it with the chest aspen with the aspen stake, or by burning it on the aspen fire.

The roots of the beliefs lie in relation to Osin as a tree on which Judas hanged himself. It is believed that since this tree coped with betrayed Jesus, then with the up of it will definitely cope. Ghole, who was united to a person, vinyl in the suicide of this unfortunate.

It is possible to cure a patient from a fever, hiding in the aspen stump his hair and nails.

In order for the child to overgrow his illness, his hair and nails should be hidden in the Schire trunk at the level of the child's growth. When the aspen is growing, it will take the disease.

If the sick person sit on fresh aspen stump, then the stump will take his illness.

With insomnia, a child must put him in the cradle of the sprig of aspen.

At the heart of these and many other beliefs lies with the attitude towards aspen as a wrapper. At the same time, it was forbidden to plant it near the house, drowning her firings without need (although it was noted that the smoke of these firewood destroys soot in the furnace) and apply in construction.

Petunia grass from a black drink takes.

Indeed, this plant, often found in the gardens, has a property to neutralize the effect of alcohol. The recipe is simple: before using alcohol mix the spoonful of olive oil with two spoons of unwound petunia and take it inside.

If you attach a break-grass to the castle, it will immediately open or split on the part.

The rupture-grass breaks both iron, and steel, gold, and silver. If you throw it into the forge, then the blacksmith will not work.

These and many other beliefs associated with the legendary grass breaks until they have clear reasons. It is believed that the leaves of this mysterious grass have the shape of the cross. Like a fern, disrupting the rupture-grass only on the night of Ivan Ivan. It blooms very long - during this time it is possible to only read "Our Father", "Virgin" and "believe."

If a straw was stuck to the tail of the chicken - to the dead man.

This sign is rather a consequence than the harbinger. From a mystical point of view, it can be based on the fact that the chicken, carrying eggs, symbolizes the continuation of life, and straw - something taught, the dead. But if you proceed from the custom, throwing out a straw to remote places, on which the dead man was wrapped, and the chicken habit was shusting everywhere and to rake everything, the real reason for the connection between this straw and the dead man will become clear.

Who will eat-grass will eat, that whole winter will scoop and the future will be able to predict.

Herbs with pronounced sleeping pills, a lot. These include: Duram, Gorizvet, Atropa Belladonna, Pulsatilla Patens, Viscaria Vulgaris, famous for the people of Dream, Pesi Cherry, Blue Anemone, Dream Interpretation, Seduces, etc. In other words, sleep-grass is a collective name. As for its peculiarities to endow a prophetic gift, then we need to lead about a light narcotic state in which a person flows. And, as you know, some dreams are things.

Keep in the house dried shamrock - to well-being.

It seems that they have been kept in the house any dried grass, which is used in folk medicine, be it St. John's wort, yarrow, mint or chamomile, - to well-being, if under such a health care.

If the radish or radish cut the knife is not on top, but from the root, then the belching will not be.

Indeed, the fibers of this plant are arranged. By the way, the folk draws with the use of another plant were built on this feature: if the bitter pepper cut across, then the bitterness is obvious, but if the same fruit is cut along, then it can be calm, instead of bitterness feeling sweetness.

If you cook the turnip, but the remaining water is washed by chiri, they will soon disappear.

Observation based on experience folk Medicine. This agent entered some, herbalists. Probably, in the brave of the turnip contains substances that help healing.

Waking up inadvertently rye - to luck.

The belief is based on the same principle as the shower by the grain of the newlyweds: the grain is a symbol of fertility and life.

Hall-grass husband returns to his wife, and his wife - to her husband.

It is possible that this grass is really possessed by such a feature. A conspiracy has been preserved, which we need to say, drinking a drink from the street-grass for someone who sobbed: "As you, the grass, caught the chapter of her to Earth, so it would be (she) caught his head to me and was with my heart and soul Before the coffin board! " The herbalists report that the grass is a painful and cherry blossom, yellow flowers, leaves with legs.

Who with Her Dry Hop is wearing, he saves from damage.

Hop stands in a row natural Oberegov Due to the fact that it is also used in medicine, and in the manufacture of food products (for example, beer). Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bfun and health is connected with it.

If the house swear, then the flowers are dying.

No longer, correct observation. Many have drawn attention to the fact that in other houses the flowers grow lush, and they do not take root in others. The case can be both in quarrels and in the character, in the biofield of the host. Some types of colors react even on sharp sounds.

We called flowers in the house - to the update.

It is quite natural because you have to buy or breed new ones. The sign is aimed at consolation, which is not so often found, unfortunately, in the beliefs and signs of our people.

Who eats with the food Chernomist, he may not be afraid of either sorcerers or snake bites.

If the Chernomist is hanging in the house, the unclean force will not appear there.

Who in front of the day Ivan Kupala puts the wreath of the Chernobyl, the head and eye pain passes.

Chernomist (he is - Chernobyl, he is a Buddle, Artemisia vulgaris) - kind of large wormwood. The root is given under the fader of the disease. Like many plants with a sharp odor, this grass serves as a guard: either scares, or causes dominant attention, without leaving the forces of the forces on the evil eye.

If you take a thistle on the road with you, it will save from temptations.

The decoction of the stems of the thistle to rub the sides and back with a cold.

The thistle protects the house from the witches, and people - from damage.

Thistle, also known as the names: Murat, Osay, Wolf, Recipe (types of Cirsium and Carduus), is a barbed weed grass. Screensing properties are attributed to her because of the barriers. It is believed that all the cakes (needles, pins), directed by the edge of the evil person, deprivates its ability to damage the damage, because the look rises to acute.

Who eats garlic, even unclean power is afraid.

If the crushed boiled garlic is attached to the ruins, they will soon pass.

When snake bite, it is necessary to smear garlic, roasted in wooden oil.

Who eats bread with garlic, does not get sick.

Eat an empty stomach baked garlic -Golos will be ringing.

If the fever nuts, it is necessary to insist vodka on garlic and drink little after attacks.

Sick and believes associated with garlic, a lot. This plant and the Slavs, and the Egyptians, the British, and the Germans, and the Persians, and the Russians, and the Germans, and the Persians, and the Turks, and the Greeks, and many other peoples, is equally revered. The reason is that garlic is a natural pharmacy, pantry vitamins. Nowadays, as often as in the old days, garlic is used in the fight against the cold. As for the ability of garlic to scare out unclean strength, to protect from the evil eye and damage, the ability to be attributed to him thanks to the resistant sharp smell, which distracts the "glaze" people and the evil spirits. Since ancient times, it was treated as a precious product to garlic, this mystical cult was consolidated.

Today, no one is a secret that mankind of Barbarian uses the wealth of his planet, while not only taking everything that is possible, but also destroying the remaining.

That is why the deforestation of forests in our time has become one of the most important problems of ecology. After all, if we continue to make "light" lands at such a pace, it will not be very soon on it.

And what will happen to us? After all, forests not only enrich the surrounding atmosphere of so necessary oxygen, but also the main in the process they take moisture from the soil, and then, filtering and cleaning it, isolated into the atmosphere, thereby increasing humidity.

Damage that defores the forests is so great that it threatens with global warming planet, because With their decrease, the number of greenhouse gases increases.

Of course, for a person a huge economic importance of the forest. Wood used in the manufacture of more than twenty thousand different products. It is plastic, and synthetic rubber, and alcohol, and fertilizers, and paper, etc.

However, to consider the benefits of forests only in a materialistic aspect is very wrong. The human life is impossible without them as it is impossible without nature.

The problem of deforestation develops in parallel with the history of mankind, and the further technical progress is underway, the sharper the problem of deforestation of our once very green planet. And gradual development of infrastructure - roads, cities, agriculture - very strongly stimulates this process.

Forest cutting is simply vital for agriculture, but it is precisely it, and quite primitively, causes nature a lot of damage, burning trees to enrich the soil.

Forests can traditionally be divided into three groups.

The first includes those that perform sanitary, water protection and wellness function, are protected areas, in one word, carry the most important environmental function. Foresting of the forests of this group is categorically prohibited.

The second group includes those that have limited operation. They are also important for ecology and are in tightly populated areas having a developed infrastructure. They are cut down partially, while carefully following the timely recovery

And the third group is the operational forests that can be cut off completely, and in their place it is necessary to plant new seedlings.

Russia largely depends on forests located on its territory. In addition to raw materials for industrial needs and valuable wood, it is more than one hundred species of berry, fruit and other plants, about 200 different medicinal and edible varieties of trees and shrubs, as well as mushrooms. You can add a huge amount of fishing birds and animals that live in them: sables, squirrel, cunits, beaver, muffuhar, row, etc.

Scientists calculated that about 80 percent of all representatives of the flora and fauna planets are in tropical forests, the deforestation of which leads to the destruction of the ecosystem and the disappearance of very many plants, although some of them are indispensable components of many vital drugs.

According to the newly published UN report, the world deforestation continues to grow in a huge pace. Every year more than 13 million hectares of green plantings are destroyed, while only their half are filled. And this means that daily from the face of the planet disappears a forest with a football field.

And although in Asia for several years ago, the area of \u200b\u200bgreen plantings began to increase, but the consequences of the cutting of forests still make themselves felt.

Humanity for his history already knows a lot of sufficiently sad examples showing what the unreasonable and barbaric cutting of forests can lead to, when there is no time green and a living corner can turn into a lifeless, uninhabited desert, where to live a person already becomes impossible. A vivid example - the death of civilization on

Security ambient It is one of the priorities of the state. That is why the principle of paid use is established legislatively natural resources. In addition, in the unauthorized cutting of the forest in places, which are not intended for such a deforestation, citizens may impose irreparable damage to the nature of individual areas. That is why even when making a fee for the deforestation of the New Year, authorized officials indicate a specific place in which such cutting is allowed. The violation of the procedure for the use of forest plantations leads to the application of various responsibilities, as well as to refund caused damage.

What punishment will follow the cutting of one ate?

If a citizen is illegally fading one fir, he may be appointed an administrative penalty, the size of which will be 3000-3500 rubles. For officials, the size of the fine is increased to the range of 20-30 thousand rubles, and for organizations - up to the amounts of 50-150 thousand rubles. It should be noted that the dimensions of the fines are used in the case when mechanical instruments were used for logging (axes, hand saws and others). If automated mechanisms (for example, chainsaw) were used, the amounts of fines increase significantly. The payment of the fine negative consequences for the intruder are not limited, since it will additionally have to compensate for damage. The amount of such compensation depends on the size of the illegally fired fir, however, in most cases it exceeds the designated levels of penalties. If you refuse to voluntarily compensation, the court will follow the appropriate requirement.

In what cases will criminal liability follow?

In some cases, a real criminal punishment can be understood for the illegal logging. Such consequences occur if the size of the damage caused by the forest, calculated on the basis of the tax approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is significant. At the same time, such damage is significant, which exceeds five thousand rubles. Already in this situation, it is possible to suffer quite strict punishment, and the most serious measure of responsibility involves imprisonment for up to one year. The indicated responsibility increases significantly when achieving large or especially large amounts of harm caused.


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