Unforeseen times today. Youth experiment: Daycare for every day

Unforeseen times today. Youth experiment: Daycare for every day

“Said drying” is a popular weight loss program for those who want to radically change their life and normalize body weight. Recommendations for creating a well-planned menu and scheduling physical activity every day will help you get into healthy shape and not torment yourself with thoughts about your weight loss plan.

Vasyl Smolny’s project “Tales of drying” for weight loss. Beginning in 2015, more than 20 seasons have already been held, totaling 5 seasons, 4 of which are undergoing training and are being completed healthy food, and one week of dedicating bags and voting for the participant who achieves the best result.

In total, over the 21st season, more than 200,000 people have taken their fate from “The Tale of the Land.”

The point of the project is to teach people how to eat properly, follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and follow an active healthy way of life. In addition to new achievements in existing physical activity, participants are encouraged to receive valuable prizes for best results.

Shalena drying, which conveys the Viconnian task for every day, is a popular project that is gaining wraps.

The rules are the same for all participants, regardless of the article. “Said drying” (a task for the skin day and recommendations for proper nutrition to remove skin gravel) is a project aimed at expanding the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Participants are encouraged to meet their daily caloric intake and nutritional requirements depending on their situation, age and way of life.

In addition to the completed tasks, on Saturday it is necessary to save the task on the fly, so that the participants can record it on video and post it in their own personal accounts. In a week you can mix and use one protection product.

What you need to know before drying the cob

Before you pay your dues to the project “Said Drying”, please prepare:

  1. For health problems, please consult a doctor.
  2. Next, learn the technique of cutting the skin to the right to avoid injury.
  3. In order for you to be able to claim valuable prizes, you need to take clear “before” and “after” photos.

Principles of childhood

“Said drying” (a daily routine that involves a great deal of strength and energy) requires adherence to the basic principles of proper balanced eating.

It is clear to them:

For the skin, the caloric content of the daily diet and the proportion of BJU are carried out. In order to create a full-fledged menu, we will help guide vegetarians to choose a suitable diet.

Allowed and restricted products for dry drying

The main reason for updating the rules of the project are protein products and products containing high carbohydrates. Turn off the project's need for carbohydrates.

Allowed products
Protein products Milk, dairy products fermented milk products, meat and poultry of low-fat varieties (veal, chicken breast, turkey, rabbit), fish, liver, seafood, eggs (chicken, quail), peas.
Vegetables You can live it out great quantity highly tempting vegetables, including potatoes, speed up the vegetables, mix a lot of zucchini (carrots, watermelon, beet). All varieties of cabbage and salads, greens, cucumbers and peppers can form the basis of a healthy diet for the period of the project.
Dzherela high in carbohydrates To get more carbohydrates from the menu, include a variety of grains in small quantities (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, sochetica), bread and beans. You can also eat small portions of pasta and bread made from durum wheat or from whole beard.
Fruity Apples and citrus juices.
Soy sauce is allowed as a dressing for salads.
Buried products
Virobi z Boroshna Cotton spun from white beard.
Shvidki in carbohydrates Tsukor, confectionery products, products from the Swedish food cafe.
Fruits that have a high glycemic index Grapes, bananas.
All store-bought sauces

Contraindicated before childhood

The organizers of the project do not demand evidence of health and do not monitor participants for physical tests, but the worst one is responsible for assessing their capabilities and avoiding obvious problems.

Women who are breastfeeding should first consult with a pediatrician and understand how the diet may change for the health of the baby and the storage of breast milk. On the official website of the project babybath do not respect contraindications before participating in the game.

Zazkova menu on sushiny for girls for two years

The project does not provide a complete menu of designated herbal products that are suitable for the skin on a specific day. The participant selects the leather himself, as a way to better organize his food. You can also bring the vision A balanced diet consisting of 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks- another meal, midday and another evening.

Measure the portion and drink of herbs without changing, for example, if 200 ml of kefir is prescribed, then the next day you can drink the same drink.

Snidanok Obid Supper Snack bath
Day 1 Egg cool

Hercules on water – 200 g

Parove or boiled meat (veal)

Cabbage salad (with white and/or red cabbage)

Boiled breast

Be-what a sheep

Syre – 20 g

Grapefruit/ Boiled egg whites with lettuce/ Natural yogurt - 200 ml
Day 2 Syre, add a few greens before adding – 50 g
Omelet with 2 eggs or whites, optional with kefir and 100 g shrimp (pre-boiled)
Brown rice jam

Breast baked with soy sauce

Funchoza with kvass

Salad from permitted vegetables

Natural yoghurt / Cheese mixed with herbs / Low-fat kefir 200 ml
Day 3 Detailed apple and grapefruit mixed with yogurt

Eggs (poached) - 2 pcs.

Vegetable broth

Traska steam

Morska cabbage

Boiled breast

Green salad with cucumber

Syre / Green salad and boiled egg whites / Low-fat kefir
Day 4 Egg hard - 2 pcs.

Hercules on the water

Citrus fruit

Salmon baked with cheese

Ribnium broth

Stewed with sour cream kvass

Cucumber, tomato

Apple/Omelet with 2 eggs, optional with kefir
Sea cabbage/Unsalted yogurt
Day 5 Salad with permitted fruits – 150 g

Kefir omelette – 150 g

White rice

Breast in the oven with soy sauce

Salad with celery and ogirkom

Arugula salad

Cod is lubricated without oil

Natural yogurt/ Syr and greens/ Low-fat kefir
Day 6 Boiled egg

Hercules on the water

Cooked yalovicina with kvassole (capsicum)

Sheep salad

Boiled breast Sir and yogurt/ Grapefruit/ Whatever green salad/
Day 7 Poached egg – 2 pcs.


Stewed with mushrooms and cheese kale

The breast is boiled

Salad with celery and cucumber

Stuffed squid

Morska cabbage

Low-fat kefir/ Boiled eggs 2 pcs/ Sir
Day 8 Greek porridge

Poached egg – 2 pcs.

The breast is boiled

Cabbage salad (white and/or red cabbage)

Riba parova

Whatever the green salad

Low-fat kefir/Apple/Syr and greens
Day 9 Hercules on the water

Fruits made with natural yoghurt – 150 g

Steamed meatballs Boiled breast

Cabbage salad

Unsweetened yogurt / Boiled eggs – 2 pcs / low-fat kefir
Day 10 Boiled or poached eggs - 2 pcs.

100 g boiled shrimp

Syre mixed with greens

Baked salmon

Salad from permitted vegetables

Stewed zucchini Grapefruit/ Syrah and greens/ Unsalted yogurt
Day 11 Omelette made from 2 whites, optional with kefir – 150 g

Half a grapefruit

Breast baked in kefir

Radish and cabbage salad

Steamed veal cutlet

Salad with whatever greens

Unsweetened yogurt/ Be it vegetables – cucumbers, tomato/ Sir and greens
Day 12 Hercules on the water

Boiled egg – 1 piece

The breast is boiled

Brown rice

Lubricated without oil Apple/ Lettuce salad/ Greens/ Unsweetened yogurt
Day 13 Boiled or poached eggs - 2 pcs.

Fruits with natural yoghurt

Cabbage salad

Steamed rib

Pilaf with chicken Grapefruit / low-fat kefir / Syr and greens
Day 14 Hercules on the water Steamed veal cutlets

Morska cabbage

Chicken breast is boiled Low-fat kefir/ Omelette with kefir – 150 g/ Syrup and greens

Rules for training on Skazhenі sushtsі

Training must be stopped today. Everyone has the right to exercise without special sports equipment; they only need sports shoes and lifts so as not to slip on the underside. Skin training takes 30-50 minutes and does not require going to the gym. Therefore, the program is suitable for older students and girls with small children.

“Said drying” - the routine for each day here is circular training, which consists of 2-4 stakes (approach) for a few days, with a break for 1 round. To achieve the result, it is necessary to master the correct technique of witchcraft, which you can watch in the video or on the game’s website.

Cream training, Every day there is a special job where you can retire for 24 years. You can do 700 squats and 200 burpees.

Right for the first time

“Said drying” (the orders for each day can be the same or change every day) in the first year gives participants the opportunity to complete one set of rights for 4 approaches with a break of 1 exercise for 5 days.

List of rights:

Special department:

  • day 1 - chair (white walls), stand for a maximum of an hour, 20 approaches;
  • day 2 - 12 rounds of planks per number of approaches;
  • Day 3 – 15 rounds of jigging maximum capacity repeat;
  • day 4 – 20 burp approaches, more repetitions from 1 to 20 for the skin approach;
  • day 5 - 600-1000 skeletals.

Command for vilit – trim at least 9 berpi in 90 seconds. The task was filmed on video and posted in a special account on the site of the game.

Correct for another year

“Saying dryness”: the task for each day of another year of the project is represented by two exercises, one of which is recorded on video. You can run it and move to the right behind Yulia Smolnaya.

Which one is worse he chooses, which training is vikonuvatime.

Chastina Right Repeat number Number of approaches
Day 1 1
  • haircuts (or jumping jack);
  • butt bar;
  • berpi (for those stuck through - with a turn);
  • fall diagonally;
  • berpi (for those stuck through);
  • squatting with hands behind the head;
  • pushap (for those stuck in - with arms spread wide apart);
  • haircuts;
  • pіdyom tulub (possible with tight ones);
  • The run is curled up on straightened arms.
30 s each
10 skin foot
1040 sec
  • go up, or sit down (you can squat on one leg, take a break for 30 seconds).
20 4
Day 2 1
  • wiggle with worms;
  • zirochka;
  • static star;
  • The table is white on the wall.
15 sec
60 sec
  • squat (with knee lift);
  • vipadi;
  • plank (or superman plank);
  • Jack at the high plane.
15 skin foot
60 sec
  • skelelazi or skelelazi navskis;
  • come to Sidnytsia;
  • pіdyomi tuluba (oblique);
  • Air sit down.
20 skin foot
Day 3 1
  • haircuts;
  • push up;
  • squat;
  • vipadi;
  • fall back.
Tabata 20/10 (20 sec to the right, 10 to the right) 3
  • bar
tabata 40/20 4
  • hyperextension;
  • Let's go to Sidnytsia.
  • skeletal climber;
  • Jackie u planci.
Day 4 1 You need to pay 50 kilos for 50 khvilins. For one right you are given 1 quilina, it takes an hour to complete the task, which is left until the end of the quest after the end of the task. 20 10
  • come to Sidnytsia;
  • vipadi.
4 skin foot
  • pushapi;
  • triceps push-ups;
  • squat (hands behind head).
  • Superman's bar;
  • Jack on a high plane.
20 sec
  • burpees
8 10
  • haircuts;
  • skelelazi.
10 skin foot
  • haircuts;
  • sitap.
Day 5 1
  • bichny press;
  • sitap.
5 skin lesions
  • lift up your legs while lying down;
  • squat or squat with your legs wide apart;
  • burpi;
  • bar;
  • dog vishtovhuvannya five;
  • burpi;
  • statics chovnik;
  • triceps curling exercise.

30 sec
15 each
30 sec

3 skelelazi. Tabata 20\10 5

Special care for every day varies and gradually develops:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
For 20 khvilin vikonati bar zagalom 10 khvilin Pull up and shave the jumping jack by the skin. In 1 squeeze, squeeze 10 times, an hour, until you can’t finish the strokes, in another - 9 squeezes and strokes, and so on up to 3 squeezes. The special order can be selected from a number of options:
  • 80 burpees;
  • 100 vejiman simple rounds;
  • 100 air squats;
  • 150 steps of the tub.
Two special rooms to choose from:
  • 30 squeezing with worms (after skin 10 squeezing, 40 seconds of planks);
  • 30 squeezes with a worm (after the skin 10 one quill, add a new one to the right - run in handstands, climbers and jacks).
A special task is deadlift with a straight leg (radine from 12 to 5) or Bulgarian lunges.

Yak correctly vikonuvati to the right:

  1. Jumping jack- Stribok, when you are victorious, you need to spread your legs a little to the sides and grunt over your head.
  2. Beam planks. Turning on your side from a supine position, rest on one straight arm, so that your body can lie on one straight line without bending.
  3. Burpee with a twist. The first part to the right is a twist, when you need to touch your breasts, the other part is a stripe with a side and at the same time a turn of 180 °.
  4. Diagonal drops. From a standing position, sit on one leg, in which you give a friend a kill. The knee of the bent leg obliquely extends to the edge of the foot.
  5. The race is in the soldier's arms. Leaning on your outstretched arms, gently pull your legs up to your elbows, not reaching them.
  6. The locality is Sednichny. From a supine position with arms stretched out from the sides of the body and pressed to the support, legs bent at the knees (feet a little further from the knees), lift the hips and pelvis from the support and lift the upper part of the body, at the top point with squeeze the seats.
  7. Knee squat It turns like a simple squat, with the legs straightened, one of them, bent at the knee, rises up to the outstretched arm.
  8. Vipadi bend forward, the knee of the joint must go beyond the edge of the foot.
  9. Jack at the high plane. Standing in a plank position with straightened arms (high plank), spread your legs apart, then straighten your legs towards you and back.
  10. Superman plank she curls up, leaning on one hand, with her other hand pulled forward above her.
  11. Vijimanya with a worm. Stand, bend crosswise and, moving your hands, move to the top bar position, squeeze, then step over your hands, turn to the release position.
  12. Star, static star. From a supine position with your arms above your head, stretch across with one hand to your proximal leg. In a static stare, the arms and legs are lifted under the covers and washed for a long period of time.
  13. Skelelasi navskis. The right is similar to the rock climbers, except here the legs stretch across the length to the arms of the outstretched arms.
  14. Air squat. You just have to sit down, but when it’s time you need to trim the hill.
  15. Rear fall. From a standing position, fall forward across the skin with your leg backwards, bending that leg as it loses its place.
  16. Curling triceps push-ups. Place a table behind you and rest your hands on it, bend your legs, and sit on the table. Work your way down and up the hill with the help of your hands, so that when you lower your elbow, it comes out to 90°.
  17. Bichniy press. From a lying position with your legs bent at the knees, lift your head and shoulders from the support. Then reach your feet with your hands outstretched, right-handed and left-handed.
  18. Let's go up and lie down. From a lying position, raise your legs straight to the maximum height, reporting from the side of the lower press.
  19. Dog vishtovhuvannya five. Standing crustaceans, raise your legs across the mountain at 45 or more degrees. Work your arms up and back, straining the sore muscles and trying to squeeze the heel itself.
  20. Static Choven. Lying on your stomach, raise your legs above your back and stretch your arms forward, bending them across. Get dressed in such a position.
  21. Deadlift with a straight leg. From a standing position, lower yourself to the floor with your hands, raising one straight leg. The legs and back are on the same parallel and point to the right.
  22. Bulgarian fallouts. Bulgarian fallbacks are completed by lifting one leg back and placing it on the toe, and the other, bending in the knees, or painfully fall out.

Order for the 6th day - trim at least 11 berpi in 90 seconds, adding 1 trim more than last time.

Sports tavern at Skazhenіy sushtsia

“Tales of Dryness” is not a project for professional athletes, so there are a lot of mysteries in people’s minds about obov'yazkovom zastosuvanni or the fence on sports food. Following the given recommendations for eating every day, the participant determines the norm of essential nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) needed to survive that day.

Some people simply cannot reach the required amount of protein for a meal of food products, so they need to come to the aid of sports food in the form of whey protein. Half of the protein can be obtained from such a dzherel. You need to take protein in a number of doses, starting one year before training and one year after.

To increase energy metabolism in the muscles, trainers may recommend taking creatine. The product is safe and will help speed up the process of burning fat.

The fly lady system puts things in order and organizes your life. You can no longer worry about those who are causing trouble around you. Leaders of the law enforcement system, ladies, you will overcome chaos! The online magazine “Korolivnam.ru” will tell you how to make plans for each day and successfully lead your life. Oh dear, remember!

The assigned fly lady is behind the folded lists of references that need to be completed throughout the year (month). You can compile such a list in the Fly Lady paper audit trail or in an electronic version. To forfeit the cost of razdrukovovat yogo immediately for consumption (and invest in the same quality of life) and immediately plan for the month.

You can get started in several stages: divide the apartment into zones and organize tasks into zones, or create a single list of references for a specific day of the year. The first option is basically similar to the other, so let’s look at the fly lady lists on another application.

How to put together a plan for ensign lady

All the ladies have to make a plan every day or, in other words, a list of tasks. Here's how to do it: It's time to take a clean paper, a pen, a ruler (or sit at your computer and open Word) and a couple of smart ideas from your head.

Create a table that consists of 7 columns, one each day. These days of the year will serve as the headings of the adjacent graph. Every day you can give your special name.

For example, Marla Silli, the founder of the “FLY lady” trend, recommends marking Monday as the Blessed Year at home (or, in Russian, tidying up). That day you do everything related to the Emergencies: wash the window, wash the window, bring in the laundry, drink, rake the moth. And all this must be done continuously for one year.

Professionals have their own certificate for such an emergency situation and will spend 30 to 40 hours. We suspect that for the past hour it will also lie down depending on the size of your booth.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to dedicate the emergency situation itself on Monday. You can do this on any other day of life that is special to you. Perhaps you will call Monday a “purchasing day” and take a look at your lists of essential purchases. Or your purchasing day will be four, if you have had at least half a year to accumulate all the lists.

It’s important to marvel at yours while I’m “sitting” the sign for the rest of this year. The name is given for a reason. The real idea is to click on the associative row from your information. So, as soon as you get up from bed, you must realize that today is Monday, then you will lose most of the work associated with your bed. Since today is Saturday, you will dedicate the hour to this day and the verse of the certificates dedicated to your khan people.

After you have decided that you will be leaving that day, proceed to the completion of the commissioned ensigns of the lady. You don’t even need to practice your skills to get everything in one go! If you try to complete a whole decade’s worth of work in one day, or even a month’s worth of work, you will simply “burn out.” And I almost want to talk about the fly lady system and get clear. But we don’t want anything, right?

Households who fly just to master the system can start without three obligatory certificates. Little by little you will get used to it and increase the intensity you need. As manual as the system is, we appreciate that everything in it is completely individual. You don’t have to adapt to the system; in your life, the system itself adapts to you.

Professional flying housewives are pleased to spend the weekend taking care of themselves and their families, having taken care of all the household chores and tedious tasks. So you can, with a clear conscience, talk to the khans and devote an hour to your little affairs. Zhreshta, for a whole year you have rightfully deserved it.

And to make the transition from your daily homework to your holidays smooth, plan a romantic relationship with your boyfriend (or your boyfriend) on Friday. So a positive mood for the beginning of a new year is guaranteed.

Apply the fly lady on your every day

We present to your respect the possible applications of the plans of your squandered tasks. The online magazine “Korolivnam.ru” is to organize (paint) 4 important lists at once, so that you have the best plan for the month.

So, what and how can you add to your lists:


For Marla Silli's sake, Monday could become an emergency day. So on this day you can:


Secondary is completely suitable for a variety of plans. This day you can plan a menu, a list of groceries and other purchases, make a plan for weekend visits, or even plan a trip to nature. Just don’t forget that it’s important to take 15 minutes to dedicate to the careful cleaning of the flow zone:

  • clean up the area for 15 rubles
  • water the flowers
  • plan your menu for the week
  • open the refrigerator
  • compile a shopping list of essential products
  • plan your family holiday


By Wednesday, you can check out the tasks that you have been constantly submitting for a long time: clean the aquarium or get back to your email. You can pick up old magazines and books and put them in boxes. It’s important, it’s important to remember about the work in the production zone, hot spots and about the top 10 “vikin’ tse negayno”:

  • clean up the area for 15 rubles
  • clean out the hot spot for 2 hvilini
  • leave 10 unnecessary speeches
  • make an appointment with the doctor
  • rose email or send your primary metal Postal screenshot such as newspapers, sheets, receipts, leaflets and other items.


By Thursday, you will already have all the necessary lists, so you can safely go about all your purchases. One shopping day is exactly what is needed in order to break down the days spent on long shopping trips. The tidying up of zones, as before, will be lost:

  • clean up the area for 15 rubles
  • clean out the hot spot for 2 hvilini
  • leave 10 unnecessary speeches
  • buy products from the list
  • buy everyday chemicals and cosmetics that are out of stock.

pay the bills


You can dedicate Friday to resolutions that are not included in the list of other days. You can get receipts and papers from the police, find out the forgery in any area, put things in order with your bag or tell your car (surprisingly, there are also a lot of obscene speeches there, especially in the trunk and glove compartment) and control people kovі supper with candles . Hot spots and zones will be lost:

  • clean up the area for 15 rubles
  • clean out the hot spot for 2 hvilini
  • leave 10 unnecessary speeches
  • take back important papers
  • put things in order with Sumy
  • romantic dinner with a man (or your young lady)


Saturday is ideal for spending the so-called family day. With children, trips to nature, going to the cinema and walks in the park - everything can be planned in advance. Even a woman who spends time with her lover and has children knows how important it is to spend time with people dear to her heart. You can't buy a good hour of sleep for a few pennies. And how many joyful laughs will your family bring to you? For this, you can sacrifice everything in the world, including life at home.

  • go to the cinema
  • take a walk in the park
  • go to the Restoration Center to the dacha
  • play games in the fresh air or in family board games
  • prepare a delicious family dinner


And, decide, so that you don’t feel like a draft horse that works for everyone and everything tirelessly, see the day for yourself, khaniya. Emotional release is needed not only by your family, but especially by you. Spend the day as you wish. You can create something sacred for your body in a beauty salon or during the day of spiritual enjoyment with books, films, shopping, chatting with friends. And let the whole world be on guard * beach *

  • go shopping
  • go to the beauty salon
  • take a hot bath
  • Get a manicure/pedicure
  • read a book/watch a movie

The axle is small butts. The plan for the month of ensigns is laid out behind the main plan, of which there may be 4 pieces in a set. To change, more than everything, it’s no more important to come on Saturday.

Well, how do you plan your day - to lie only with you, depending on your capabilities and the obviousness of the hour.

Here you can look at the electronic plan of the plant's purchases, which we created for our audit trail.

The principle of its formation is simple, it’s a shame to remember what you can’t re-create for yourself. Start with small tasks first. Over time you will realize what you need and how much you can earn.

I have a long plan and a great mood for the rest of this year!

The axis and the end of the last month of summer! It’s completely impossible to fly by and the initial river will come again... Well, well, well, don’t worry! We encourage you to carry out the serpen in such a way that you remember it forever! Last year we created a special summer calendar and decided to continue this wonderful tradition.

Before speaking, if you are today finishing our “tasks” and sharing on VKontakte or Instagram your photo posts with the hashtag #having reached the sickle, then you are rejecting great gifts from YES! Today we remind you about the price. :)

Well, what shall we do? :)

Prepare delicious summer lemonade. Look for the recipe. Can you guess yours? Have fun with your fantasies! Aje fruity lemonade – this is the taste of summer :))

Ride a bike. Choose a route to your soul: along the road, along the embankment or off-road, tie a fire scarf... and forward, in the face of the wonderful sickle wind.

We've had so many days on YES! The competition “Your blinding summer is shining!” will end. The main prize is a flight on the windy cooler. In order to win, you need to take a photo with him and post your photo here. We suspect that we will spare you! If you say either way, then don’t get carried away, because a summer photo shoot is a wonderful idea to spend a wonderful day. Those photos will be lost :)) Share them with us on Instagram and VK

Enjoy wonderful vegetables and fruit bouquets and celebrate your family and friends.

Watch this summer mini-series. You can review the collection

Be a bully! Buy plastic eyes and start eyebombing.

Zrobi frosty yourself.

Dedicate the day to mysticism - go to the Yakus exhibition and museum

Have a pajama night!

Spend the whole day with your dads or grandma and grandpa, be gentle, see the old family secrets :)) Maybe there’s a stack of leaves from my great-grandmother’s love letters?

Enjoy windows shopping with your girlfriends - go through the shops and marvel at what the buyers brought of your favorite brands. Try on different bows and figure out how to update your look this fall. Why create something completely new and unsatisfactory?

Admire the Zorepad! 12-13 September pass one of the most beautiful meteorite plaques - the Perseids. Don’t miss this view, take your friends out into nature to spend the night in sleeping bags. Zorepad looks even more romantic, so much so that you can wish for a fairy tale by looking at the falling mirror on your skin!

Time to update the play list! Arrange your TOP 20 compositions for this autumn. Please share with us :))

Get started basic fate It would not be so difficult if we painted it with original stationery accessories.

Take the gift of the forest. So that the summer leaves for the whole winter, be sure to get out into the forest and bring some valuables: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, or just a cramp, which is a fashionable hanger.

Do yoga in the park

If you live near Moscow, you’ll be amazed at the layout of those without cats to do yoga in the parks of the capital

And since in your area no one does yoga in the parks yet, then you can organize this revolution.

Make the jam yourself, pack a jar and give it to your friends! You can put it in the refrigerator and give me a freebie :))

Play on a giant trampoline

Prepare your favorite apple dessert. You may enjoy the recipes

The time has come to look through the list of literature for the summer and realize that you haven’t read it yet. Now is the time to enjoy reading!

Control the open cinema at your dacha. In American films, the heroes often marvel at the movie in the fresh air. Do you think it’s impossible to earn money on your own? It's so possible! You will need a dacha, a TV set and a shoe, for help you can pull it into the garden. Scatter the blankets and pillows around and stock up on popcorn for the whole movie. Before speaking, it’s better to figure out which films you admire: there may be some favorite films that you don’t bother watching, or, for example, a thematic selection of films about vampires. Respect! Don't forget to protect yourself from mosquitoes.

Take a walk around the place and search for unexpected places. For everyone, tell it yourself little place It’s welcome from other people’s eyes, but it’s even more of a place. Later, it can become your secret headquarters and a place for the latest photo shoots.

Get summer masks for your face, for your hands, for your stomach and for your hair. You can look at the recipes

Picnic, picnic again! This item may be obligatory on the list of your summer certificates! How long can you still lie on a blanket, soak up some sleep, and forget that it’s soon spring?

Give a friend a life like a household moth, for example, old CDs, light bulbs or tin cans

Come up with your own walking excursion and ask your friends about it. And if the theme of the excursion will be “The beloved place of my childhood,” then kindly take your friends to the old children’s square and to the shop with malts from the lava where the Sea whale sleeps forever.

Confidential with your girlfriend on the summer terrace of some cute cafe, savor a warm summer evening and a delicious dessert.

Create your own flower composition! Let everyone know that you are still a florist!

Saturday evening - at the dance, of course! Clubs, discos, parties with friends and, of course, dancing in the fresh air. Moscow has the most fashionable places for open air dancing - Gorky Park (axis layout) and VDNG(). Well, the coolest dance point in your place is where you dance)

Go to some kind of concert that's simply heavenly to beat the hot weather. But if you do load the boards, you won’t be able to! You can listen to music while you're at it :))

Find your favorite summer photographs and create a fun gallery of them in your room.

1st day - like a new point in the distance. As the clock strikes, our sky is reset: we have new worlds and goals, inspired by our plans for the coming river. In front of so much power and less than 365 drives for small joys. Unpack this list, hang it on the refrigerator, and pick up the ones you want to earn. And there’s nothing terrible about it, because it doesn’t suit you - replace these points with yours and enjoy your life today.

1. Write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror with toothpaste (may this please your family, your father, or you).

2. Brew mulled wine (you can use non-alcoholic wine).

3. Give a surprise to a close person (for example, tell a surprise at a cafe if they are paying attention to your friend).

4. Draw a watercolor sketch (you can paint the little ones on a teaspoon on the table or with your hand).

5. Take a walk in the forest (at least one year).

6. Take the herbarium (especially since you didn’t stop him from his childhood).

7. Buy a book (just the one you deserve).

8. Buy a bouquet of flowers and fruits from a sweet granny on the street.

9. Take a photo of the garniy Svitanok.

10. Take a photo of the sunset.

11. Take a photo of the fun.

12. Spend an hour drinking water (please point it to the fountain).

13. Ride on cowhide or lickers.

14. Take a ride on the wheel and look around.

15. Be skimpy (I'm throwing in the sea).

16. Write and send paper sheet old friend.

17. Send a leaflet from the road (don’t forget to send a leaflet from the village to your grandmother).

18. Leave 10 unnecessary speeches.

19. Rearrange 27 objects around the booth (it seems like it changes life dramatically).

20. Add a shelter for the creatures.

21. Donate old clothes, waste paper or vikoristan batteries for recycling (receive nature).

22. Sign up for a dream and earn a little money (for example, if you want to buy an apartment, add a key fob).

23. Donate as a donor (if this is impossible, try to help in another way).

24. Eat watermelon for Halloween (it doesn’t matter how holy you are - just have fun with your friends).

25. Praise other people (for example, the person who packs your purchases at the checkout).

26. Give up your place at the transport, at the checkpoint, at the sample.

27. Buy cookies for your colleagues.

28. Have the most delicious dessert.

29. Make a snowman.

30. Make a friend for the snowman (or a girlfriend, and even no one is to blame but yourself).

32. Play at the beach volleyball or football.

33. Prepare your favorite herb at home and treat your friends.

34. Take a walk with someone else’s dog (you can do it in a corner).

35. Take the fate of the family.

36. Take a new photo of your family (with your dad, grandma and grandpa, if possible).

37. Collect a photo album of photographs from the remaining dates.

38. Compile a track list that will brighten your mood (and listen to it for hours).

39. Pet the cat and listen to its purr.

40. Watch the match of the Russian national team at the world championship in football (which will be held in Russia) or the world championship in hockey (whichever is closer to you). Cheer for the team with friends and even strangers.

41. Try a new fruit.

42. Try the frosty with the taste of the chewer (if you don’t know anything else, choose some other taste that is unheard of for you).

43. Dress up a bright accessory (zhovta cravat, red brooch).

44. Give a compliment to an unknown person.

45. Get along with as many classmates as you do at school.

46. ​​​​Plant a flower in the yard.

47. Take a bath like in a movie - with a bunch of piña and candles.

48. Go for a massage (feet massage is a real treat).

49. Be patient in the house as much as you can’t get your hands on.

50. Take a tsukerka on any bridge.

51. Pet the dog and give it something tasty.

52. Take a nap without an alarm clock (sleep as much as your soul enjoys).

53. Indulge the hungry.

54. Go to the concert of your favorite crowd.

55. Write a sheet of gratitude to the one who, in your opinion, is the most suitable.

56. Get up on the 6th morning and go for a run.

57. Dance.

58. Sing your favorite song at karaoke or in the shower.

59. Lay around all day with a book and cocoa.

60. Marvel at the children's cartoon.

61. Swim by the sea, river or pool.

62. Play with the children.

63. Donate for charity.

64. Give a gift to others without profit.

65. Hug mom.

66. Go on a picnic.

67. Sign up for a photo shoot, take a bunch of photos and be nice to yourself.

68. Create a national grass, no matter where you come from.

69. Write a handwritten note to a loved one.

70. Buy something new from your wardrobe.

71. Go visit.

72. Paint a picture (or rozfarbuvati zabarvlenya).

73. Bake the cake (you can put it in a heap using an additional microfiber oven).

74. Pamper the squirrel.

75. Brew tea with sea buckthorn and ginger.

76. Take a ride in the dark place.

77. Vulgarity in Kalyuzh.

78. Get out of the water.

79. Smile at the idle passerby.

80. Fall into kuchuguru and create an angel.

81. Go through the labyrinth or solve some kind of puzzle.

82. Tell fortunes using cavoy grounds.

83. Ride on a carousel or play on a trampoline.

84. Get kidnapped by Goydaltsi.

85. Years of doves and snows.

88. Listen to jazz.

89. Laugh at something stupid.

90. Snatch up a stash so that you can find out.

91. Hug a tree.

92. Sit in the fire - rich, fireplace or with candles.

93. Marvel at the stars and make a wish.

94. Talk like that all day! to all propositions, so as not to harm anyone.

95. Go to an exhibition at the museum.

96. To see any country, where you have not yet been, and to know the place in your region.

97. Go out into nature with plans (with friends or better yet with family).

98. Wash your hedgehog home.

99. Stop lying and realize that you are absolutely happy.

100. Peti from work earlier.

101. Change the ringtone on your phone.

102. Buy your favorite perfume (or quickly use a tester at the store so that you can enjoy the pleasant smell all day long).

103. Ride all the water slides at the ice spot.

104. Spend the whole day watching TV series.

105. Try to indulge in bad habits (smoking, drinking, crossing over fences).

106. Kiss someone.

107. Help someone carry important bags.

108. Give the child a gift bag (can be someone else’s).

109. Finish the great work.

110. Help your friend’s wheels with your list of joys.

111. Make peace with each other.

112. Refuse mail.

113. Let’s grab some chocolate.

114. Win a superchka.

116. Marvel at a film that makes you think (I recommend it to Ove, a friend of Life).

117. Bury your belongings and fold the map.

118. Dispose of other treasures for free. You can do it all at once.

119. Meet friends at a restaurant without a drive.

120. Find the natural mushroom from the fox.

121. Grab the fruit from the garden bed and harvest it.

122. Take the fate from yakomus zmaganni.

123. Talk to a foreigner.

124. Walk on the grass barefoot.

125. Lie on your back, looking at the gloom and guessing what the smell is similar to (you can do it in company).

126. Make a list of your strengths and positive traits (it definitely stinks!).

127. Snatch this from the great price.

128. Dedicate the whole day to the dads.

129. Damage a car (maybe not your own).

130. Zasmagati (this is not contraindicated for you).

131. Vipecti charlotte.

132. Help the child’s booth.

133. Make a T-shirt with a funny print (or decorate it yourself with markers).

134. Go to a small road with a car.

135. Read 20 new words with foreign language.

136. Find out what's better at a flea market.

137. Make a cup or statue out of clay.

138. Spend an evening with your best friend or girlfriend and talk to your heart’s content.

139. Go to the cinema and eat popcorn.

140. Have supper with candles.

141. Something new is being discovered that you never thought of before.

143. Go to bed before nine o'clock in the evening and sleep until the morning.

144. Stay together with close people.

145. Climb the mountain.

146. See a friend in another place.

147. Give back to those that you haven’t been interested in for a long time.

148. Dress up the boat.

149. Drink some fresh juice.

150. Take a walk for 20 minutes if you don’t feel like it at all.

151. Rozgadati crossword puzzle.

152. Write a story that begins like this: “Divinity began when Fred bought a booth for his miniature pigs...”.

153. Marvel at your children’s photographs.

154. Launch paper airplanes with due diligence.

155. Blow out the candles on the cake.

156. Add fluffiness to knitted scarves and walk around the house when it’s cold.

157. Allow yourself to laze all weekend.

158. Tatoy’s news about the most beautiful legend from childhood that is connected with it.

159. Launch the paper boat.

160. Hug someone you don’t like for a long time.

161. Hang a garland in the house, as if it were not the New River.

162. Play at the board game.

163. Clean up your room and enjoy the new atmosphere in the booth.

164. Let’s get to know each other.

165. Go for a walk and take 10 pictures to describe your place.

166. Have lunch or dinner at the “letnik”.

167. Inhale someone for a good meal until his death.

168. Make and eat hot sandwiches.

169. Run a marathon (you can change the distance to 3 km).

170. Organize a special party (you can do it at home).

171. Find out something new about yourself.

172. Bake some food.

173. Go to the theater.

174. Ride a horse (or pamper him with carrots).

175. Fly the windy kite and the heavenly likhtarik.

176. Read a few suzirs and show them to other people.

177. Tell someone that everything will work out, and let them know.

178. Almost a compliment.

179. Eat shawarma (just one!).

180. Get busy gym and see the result of your efforts.

181. Be able to see the sunset and spend an hour the way you want.

182. To be with friends is sacred, but to be with your company is not. For example, the 3rd of today is the National Day of Cocktail Straws.

183. Write your dream on paper and the lines that will lead to it. Hang on a dark place.

184. Watch out for monthly or sleepy blackouts (whatever happens).

185. Create your own family tree.

186. Eating potatoes cooked on a large scale.

187. Take care of your business.

188. Get an autograph from the star (or people, what motivates you).

189. Ride a bike.

190. Make something with your own hands and sell it (him others for 10 rubles)

191. Tell the wheels that he’s done well.

192. Buy 10 dried bags and walk the street with them (you can give them as a gift to someone).

193. Take part in tasting (wine, syrah, yogurt...).

194. Change your image.

195. Exchange souvenirs with you.

196. Post your own video.

197. Take the fate of a flash mob (for example, Hugging Day).

198. Buy something of your own, for which you would have spent pennies in the future. І do not harm.

199. Earn 1000 rubles from your talent (you can do this more than once).

200. Grease marshmallows (you can do this at home in the kitchen).

201. Swim in swimming eyepieces.

202. Take a walk for an hour.

203. Become a volunteer.

204. Fly on a windy cooler.

205. Do yoga or meditate (if only in life).

206. Spend time behind the border (because you would like to get a foreign passport, since you don’t have one).

207. Get a tattoo (as soon as you think about the decision).

208. Learn a new skill (calligraphy, perhaps?).

210. Choose and give a book to a person, as you think, to her.

211. Bring unnecessary speech to the social assistance point.

212. Dare to change your job because it won’t bring you joy.

213. Marvel at the place from the rich surface.

214. Sign up for courses or attend any training ().

215. Play paintball or laser tag.

216. Shout loudly in a sparsely populated place (this even helps, if it’s really crazy).

217. Create mehendi.

218. Buy this at the fair.

219. Conduct research (as there are no ideas, Google it or try inflating mile balloons in the cold).

220. Walk 10 km in a day (you’re welcome, it’s so much fun).

221. Extinguish the borg.

222. Write “I can do anything” at least 20 times.

223. Walk a new unknown route near the city.

224. Deprive the park of a book for your own reasons.

225. Go crazy with water pistols.

226. Go to the metal (there and take water guns).

227. Tell a loved one another secret.

228. Dress up just like that.

229. Give a fruity bouquet.

230. Try open air.

231. Spread greenery on the windowsill.

232. Buy new bedding.

233. See your readers.

234. Go directly to the subbotnik.

235. Treat someone with kavi.

236. Paint with kreida.

238. Take a steam ride.

239. Take a walk in Paris or Lisbon, quickly browsing Google or Yandex panoramas.

240. Write a leaf to Santa Claus and send it to Veliky Ustyug.

241. Learn what other people do.

242. Spend the weekend in the countryside or dacha.

243. Z'isti kavun.

244. Plan a trip (though you still don’t have the ability to do it right away, it will become difficult).

246. Plant a tree.

247. Get rid of the opposition.

248. Take pictures near the field with dormouse.

249. Sleep on the sink.

250. Play a musical instrument (especially if you don’t care).

251. Play with friends at the crocodile.

252. Go to the lazne.

253. Dance in pajamas, don’t bother anyone.

254. Start a naughty schodennik.

255. Fly somewhere like this.

256. Rosie a friend.

257. Be alone with yourself (you can have a quiet and quiet room).

258. From the start, run into the water.

259. Let out a mile of bulbs.

260. Pick up a bouquet of hairs, chamomiles and twins.

261. Vipiti milkshake.

262. Propose to everyone from whom you signify a new river, place gifts under the jar, and 1 day open them at once.

263. Take smіttya from the forest in the yard.

264. Visit the castle.

265. Paint a family portrait.

266. Write down everything that went wrong today, and then find this paper and let the situation go.

267. Create an anniversary for the birds.

268. Greet your mom on Mother’s Day (the last week of leaf fall).

269. Greetings on Father’s Day (third week of the month).

270. Eat all the chocolate quietly.

271. Climb onto a fresh haystack, take photos.

272. Put up a skiff.

273. Burn a bunch of sparklers.

274. Create a collage with pictures that symbolize dreams and visualize them.

275. Go to the farmer's market and buy something tasty.

276. Go to the Holiday Fair.

277. Take a gastronomic tour of a local cafe (for example, try jasmine tea in three different places in one day). Change your expert rating.

278. Play with friends at Snowy's.

279. Update the music on your playlists.

280. Bake the cake and top it with your favorite filling.

282. Fly in a wind tunnel.

283. Rule the day for shopping.

284. Climb to the best point near the place.

286. Go to a dance class (like Zumbi?).

287. Find a quiet voice at a second-hand store.

288. Take away all the blessings of the past and rush forward.

290. Sleep at the mark.

291. Eat sweet cherries.

292. Display photographs around the house.

293. Go for a manicure (it’s a shame for the boys).

294. Sleep for 15 days in the middle of the workday.

295. Get up early to prepare and eat a delicious snack.

296. Prepare food for a loved one.

297. Eat midnight jam.

298. Make a list of the places you want to visit.

299. Know the video of others who live far away.

300. Pobachiti waterfall.

301. Please write under the appropriate window.

302. Vlashtuvati girl’s evening or cotton.

303. Eat some cotton candy.

304. Marvel at the fireworks.

305. Give a certificate to a veteran.

306. Have a nice dance with us.

307. Zrobiti fruit salad.

308. Vipiti for brotherhood.

309. Take a lesson in extreme water sports.

310. Take the dog's gut from the corner (only if you have thought about the decision).

311. Vivchiti garniy versh.

312. Eat okroshka.

313. Go to a disco of the 80s or control it yourself.

314. Paint graphite (only without vandalism!).

315. Go to your school or university after finishing.

316. Take leave.

317. Watch Harry Potter in the original (why are you in Volodar’s pen?)

318. Ride a Segway.

319. Play at the bowling alley.

320. Shoot at the shooting range.

321. Feed the rabbit carrots.

322. Spend an hour with your child.

323. Try new hobbies.

324. Marvel at the new films of the whole family: “Home Alone”, “The Irony of Fate, or With an Easy Couple”, “Yalinki”.

325. Ride a hoverboard.

326. Go karting.

327. Show a natural monument.

328. Complete an internship at MIFi.

329. Buy a lottery ticket and try success (don’t get embarrassed if success is not included in the ticket).

330. Watch old videos from a special archive.

331. Lie on the sunshine.

332. Introduce the new graduation party to classmates (or hold a graduation rehearsal, starting with the presentation of diplomas).

333. Spend an hour with your colleagues at work.

334. Cheer for someone on a dog sled run.

335. Get drunk among the plump apple trees.

336. Get kidnapped on goydalki.

349. Go to the solarium in the middle of winter or summer.

350. Lie down by the hammock.

351. Find a kvitka buzka with five pelyusts (well, I’d like to enjoy the smell of kvits).

352. Know the stable owner (it’s possible, we’ve been verified).

353. Marvel at the performance of cynologists with dogs.

354. Play at the darts.

355. Give yourself a shout and accept it.

356. Collect your capsule in an hour and deprive the message (for yourself in 1 rik and 5 rik, for your children and grandchildren).

357. Take an old photograph of these very people in that place.

359. Eat sunitsa.

360. Get together with friends and see how they like a movie, dessert, dew, sea, etc.

361. Give your bags to the fate that passes, having seen only well.

362. Fold the plan for the offensive fate.

363. Earn those things that everyone thought you couldn’t get.

364. Pay attention to those things that, in your opinion, you can’t see.

365. Compile a list of 365 joys for 2019.

For me, New River, this is an hour to fill your bags, think and ask yourself... Ask yourself what happened and what didn’t, think about what you could have done better and faster. It’s a pity that you don’t have time, because of the fate of your skin, you’re getting old and you understand that the time has come to think more intensively with your head, otherwise there’s no way...

A long time ago, there was a thought that with a new fate, we all have the opportunity to start life from a clean place. Well, what do you have? Our saints have been worrying for a long time, but we wanted to go and have given up, but I don’t understand anything special about it. It’s just sometimes to reach the point of absurdity, so what’s the point in marking the New River under water? Well, nothing, as far as I’m concerned. I want to take my family and go to live in the mountains, why not...

And yet, wicked bajan... Under the clock, everyone says goodbye to the old new rock, and looks forward to the new rock, which will give them a charming wand, as we all work for them. Ale tse all, kazka, Gentlemen, the original new kazka... Praguvat can really happen, and there is no smell of chaklunism here anymore.

It’s clear that you won’t be able to protect anyone from making a fortune, but you’ll be surprised. And in the meantime, it’s better to get the hang of it, put together a concrete plan, and as long as the idea is clear and doubts are not in your head, Grab the right.

We're still a month away from the new fate, and we're already thinking about what and how to work.

Very small list, only 100 items =) And the speeches are serious, funny, and simply heartfelt. I hope that whoever reads this will bring you rich and new ideas for your future plans for the new river.

List of references to the river! 100 speeches you need to give your new family

  1. . It’s not surprising that this planting point is first on my list. In addition, the process of development undergoes gradual improvement. All of us know that we need to change our own skin in order to improve. So we can guess all these moments and put together a list of 5-12 Shkdlivikh zvichok. And then we go to point 2 and work a whole river over them.
  2. . The process is similar to forming a list of bad habits, but we can now understand exactly what needs to be done in order to become disciplined and healthy, or to become an expert in any problem. This is your flow of fantasy. Because It will take about a month to form new badges. During the coming season, 12 new tricks will appear in your arsenal to make your life easier. Think about what names you can take from our list ahead of time, because... The items in the list below may be your new tip.
  3. Come up with ways to implement them. To transform the world on purpose, and for whom our plan for the upcoming river was created.
  4. Write your plan on the river and follow it. If you have a plan, then you know where to go.
  5. Sometimes you go to a quiet cavern to be alone and make a plan for the coming month. My favorite cafe is the one I love most.
  6. Take yourself an hour once a month to prepare a new herb. In this situation, you can kill two birds with one stone: first, know your menu or know your signature herb, which you will serve to your guests.
  7. Vivchiti new / or bring to rozum old foreign language(English/German/Italian). What are the advantages of training your brain: firstly, you train your memory, and secondly, you train your brain. Golovna understand that language will require steady, consistent practice.
  8. Just the vertices. This point, like the first one, trains our memory, and sometimes at a party you can show off your intellect. Whoever doesn’t love twisted vertices can sing their favorite song. And remember, what a headache.
  9. Read at least. And maybe more, everything depends on your appetite. Before speaking, if you choose to read specialized literature, then you can become an expert in your chosen field.
  10. Just marvel. How can you tell if the film is good? It’s easy, ask your friends what their favorite movie is, or read the videos on the Internet before watching the movie. After carrying out such an investigation, you are 90% sure that the film will be able to marvel at you. Don't waste an hour binge watching movies and TV shows. Before speaking, you can watch movies with friends on Fridays. 😉
  11. Start cooking the licorice bottles and then turn off the purchased liquor.
  12. Go through a medical examination or just make an appointment with the necessary doctors. Look after your health, and we will see you through the worst.
  13. . It’s smart to laugh and see yourself as a victim, which is why you need to get rid of it in the first place. Of course, there is nothing nasty, as long as you tell someone about your problems once. If this is repeated consistently, it can zap your positive aura and your friends begin to dislike you, then you need to start getting rid of these lipsticks right away.
  14. (with vitamins and minerals) and stick to it. I don’t think there’s much to say about measles here proper food. The only thing I want to emphasize is that a planned menu will help you save time and money.
  15. Get yourself into a special regime (go up to 5-6 mornings, wake up until 23:00) Zavdyaki to this regime you will have a lot of extra time. Even if the place is leaking, you have already earned a lot of money.
  16. Say “I love you” as soon as possible. To our own, distant, close people!
  17. There are a lot of plans to get together with this month. Don’t forget old friends, if you rarely study, call them, and even better get in touch.
  18. Plan an hour when you can visit distant relatives. You rarely study with them.
  19. Get to know your homeland better. Cafes, exhibitions, booths, quiet corners. Viral yourself. See once a month, if you can find your place.
  20. . If people are squeamish about something, they don’t value the stink of those who scrounge at once. And God takes it away from them early and late. So, it’s almost time to value everything that has hit you right away, without expecting a new fate.
  21. I would like to turn off my mobile phone for the whole day once a month and devote the day to thinking.
  22. I would like to learn once a week to think about ways to earn income (passive and active). We have a very optimistic forecast for retirement insurance. So, insure yourself, create passive income and invest in the future on your own.
  23. Write the story of your life. Stop writing a joke. If you have read this article after the beginning of the coming fate, then do not wait for the coming fate to begin. Start writing right away, everything that excites and motivates you. And don’t forget to analyze today.
  24. Work on one characteristic photograph every day. The details are quickly erased, but you can take pictures of those that were important to you on this special day. You will have to guess later. Create a folder on your computer. And sign the skin photo with a special name. Before that, it is important to instill discipline in you.
  25. Read all the capitals of the world. And put together a plan for these quiet places that you are hoping for if you want to get sick. Don't forget to explain why you are doing this. Fold report description cutaneous. What kind of place are you there? This will bring you closer to the snow.
  26. Fold the list from 12 reach for the river. It happens very often, when you come to a conversation, they feed you about achievements. And there’s nothing to tell you. You've been running all over the world like a squirrel in a wheel, but you can't guess anything. So he needs to write everything down. Plan your reach ahead. Think over the area you want to reach. And go ahead for the riches.
  27. Rozplanuvati budget(20% contribution, 10% charity, 50% permanent expenses, 10% for promotion)
  28. Shrink the government's budget. I think you repeatedly revealed that the money had run out, and until the salary they kept checking and checking, without buying anything, but the pennies were evaporated. So, they have such power and knowledge. But you can take control of them. Why do you need a special budget? If anyone needs it, you can use the template .
  29. Buy speeches from sales. Protect your budget by checking with Sichna and Lipnya and you can buy speeches at a maximum discount.
  30. Stop it. Yakshcho Vi not vi, then who? Ask yourself what to eat. Now start loving yourself and spoiling yourself.
  31. Please make a deposit for Mayday. This, melodiously, is one of the most complex orders for the coming river. Ale, it’s still possible. Try to do your best to ask immediately. You need to clean the frying pan, do this at once, you need to end the sound before getting to work. Of course, since the one on the right is not five-footed, you have to decide how to create your own apartment cleaning project or conservation project. And if the right is broken up, you will write about yourself, even if you have finished a whole project.
  32. Spend less and earn less. Life on credit is not life. Live for money. Naturally, force majeure occurs, but there are many times in life. If you want to spend more, find the opportunity to earn more.
  33. . In the case of directly meaningful words and thoughts, there are no needless thoughts. It is important for you to work it out in your head, write down your thoughts on paper and burn them. This ritual will help erase unnecessary thoughts from memory. Don’t rush to fill your brain with everything. Concentrate more on unnecessary speeches.
  34. Learn to meditate. Due to our crazy pace of life, it is absolutely necessary to relax. The fashionable word comes from yoga. You don’t have time to go out and do something busy. Sit quietly or listen to instrumental music and try to get all your thoughts out of your head. Enjoy the quiet. Start to respect and embrace the outside world.
  35. Limit social boundaries for up to one day. And even better, get excited about them. I just can’t do anything, even though it’s important to keep in touch with old friends, like being behind the cordon. And you need to cut around the axle for an hour, and then wash it, so that you can get notifications and look at the page.
  36. Give yourself some peace. Kozhen can have mercy. We get caught up in the pardons. Stop thinking about them. Otherwise you will live in the past.
  37. Learn to save money. I am behind the dacha as a fellow human being. It is important for me to understand how people can move if they walk together. Ale need to get a grasp of this. Because Silence also brings people closer and you won’t be able to say anything.
  38. . There are many methods of concentration. I would like to read the book by L. J. Palladino - Maximum Concentration. You have free access to the Internet. Perhaps in this book you will find your own way to concentrate. I have so far found one way for myself - the Pomodoro principle (25 hours of work, 5 times of substitution)
  39. Don’t go out in the sun without sunscreen cream. The sun is no longer safe for the skin. Take care of it.
  40. “Prepare” your brain. In fact, there are a lot of ways to develop our brain: games, crossword puzzles, solving puzzles and logical tasks.
  41. Sharpen yourself successful people. The saying “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” was not invented for nothing. Do you want to be successful people? Have fun with people like that. And you won’t notice how you start to change.
  42. Watch the speeches of the previous speakers, learn their voices and intonations. I really like the Internet channel http://www.ted.com/. Everywhere the rivermen share their secrets. It’s even more informative and English. I want Russian subtitles there.
  43. Stop messing around with people, as it’s disgusting to put themselves before you. It's true that you get along with people who don't value you. Relatives are the culprit. And the axis behind the mine can be said goodbye graciously.
  44. . This, melodiously, is one of my weak little spirits, for which I earnestly fight. Try to finish the skin on the right until the end. Don’t start a new book if you haven’t finished reading the old one.
  45. Play board games. Winter is coming, and it's best to spend an hour with friends.
  46. Most often, call your dads. Most beautifully.
  47. Learn how to communicate well with people. This is the sweetness that is worth the money. You don’t care about those who are afraid of rich people, but it’s not your fault to respect how well you do. You can learn a lot from a skinny person, but the choice is yours.
  48. Try to make yourself equal to others. Ti ce ti. And you will never become another person. There is no need to get rid of it. Equal the results with those you have passed. Here are the results and results of your achievements.
  49. . This joy will be yours in many areas of life. While sitting on the subway, pay attention to the details, otherwise you will remember everything along the way.
  50. Stop wagging, you love them. Let's face it, it's important to protect your skin when it comes to skin problems. What's the matter? It didn’t make any sense. Try to get out of problems if you are close to your loved ones.
  51. Know the robot to its core. These are the things that can make your skin healthy. Everyone has the right to good work and self-esteem and satisfaction with work.
  52. Clean up the apartment thoroughly. In fact, it’s difficult if you devote less than 20 dollars per day to cleaning. Divide the apartment into zones. Clean one area every day.
  53. Find some time to let your imagination run wild. We are all children at heart, and it is very important for us to die. Don't deprive yourself of anything. Fantasize.
  54. Focus on what works best for you. Tse can become a new jerel profit.
  55. Let the motlokha budinka go. If it’s difficult to throw everything away, give it to someone. Do not take the firebrand into the garage. This is for your Mercedes, not for saving money.
  56. Your mind will begin to replay negative scenarios in your head. Do not receive negativity, of course, be careful not to think about it.
  57. Find out your special interest. Go ahead and get closer, put together a list with your other half, and then step by step.
  58. Learn the word trimati. If you want to respect your friends and colleagues, keep your word. If you can’t stand it, it’s better to just think about it.
  59. Introduce the rule of 10 times in your life. If you need to earn money, but you don’t have any money to spend, use the 10-khulin rule in your life. If you please, give me 10 quilins a day. Complete the task within the given hour. Without reaching this magnificent zusil. Even 10 kilometers fly by quickly.
  60. Spend a weekend in another place in the country.
  61. Have a professional photo shoot outdoors or in a beautiful studio.
  62. Green up your apartment/house. When we grow up, we will make the booths more comfortable and quiet.
  63. Plan the entrance in electronic form, compile a list of speeches and necessary documents. Let us spare the hour of our plans for the coming fate.
  64. Pamper your body(Massage, SPA salon, manicure, pedicure, etc.)
  65. Expand the coloquent area.
  66. Experiment with sex. Of course, if you are over 18 =)
  67. Try a new drink(Quest room or room of fear, shave on a trampoline or else.
  68. Help people in need. And it doesn’t matter how kindness would help or just get grandma across the road. The head is placed to the right.
  69. Earn money that you have never dared to earn
  70. Learn how to make things with your own hands.
  71. Get a surprise for the Kohaniy people.
  72. Go on a hike with plans
  73. Spend National Day in another country (or with a group of loved ones)
  74. Take the great puzzle (1000-3000 pieces). You'll have plenty of fun during the holidays. 🙂
  75. Buy a gift for the upcoming river. Buying Raja is not just a bargain. And your schodennik. The very one you will remember. For this purpose, experiment with stretching the rock. Yakshcho You will throw in a shodennik for this week. This is not yours. Don't boast, joke away.
  76. Donate to friends for 1 week
  77. Update your wardrobe and change your style.
  78. Go to football and cheer for your favorite team or just marvel. Tse neutral wiki emotions.
  79. Sign up for any basic course from coursera.com and similar sites.
  80. Adopt new technology.
  81. Start creating passive income.
  82. Organize the conference based on specialties.
  83. Eat 5 kg half-full. 🙂 If you’re serious, mind your own food Vivchiti principles of proper food.
  84. Find a new place in their own country they are behind the cordon.
  85. Become an expert in one area
  86. Hang out with friends to the camp site on the weekend
  87. Take a licking ride ta onoviti new suit.
  88. Ride a bicycle at least 100 kilometers. If there is no bicycle, it means to pass. It's not so complicated.
  89. Make sure you walk more often. Wherever it is, in whatever place it should be. Get ready to go out into the nature of your skin for the weekend.
  90. Go mushroom picking.
  91. At Chervna go to the forest for sunnitsa.
  92. Zvariti varennya with kulbab. Korisno and guesses childhood.
  93. Go to the cinema for a good large-scale film.
  94. Create your own website or blog.
  95. Invest 10% of your income in navchannya. People need to develop. Buy books, take courses, attend thematic conferences.
  96. Zrobiti schos bezkorislive. You made a girl cry on the street, give her a wedding. Although we can’t go into the subway and pay for it.
  97. Take a trial yoga class.
  98. Go to KVK
  99. Standing at the “planca” for 5 hours

Zagalom, I’ll never stop 🙂 . Ale, everything can be heated, smut, sob bulo bazhannya.
