Poster We are for clean lungs. Report on the event "We are for clean lungs" dedicated to the World "Day of Combating Smoking"

Poster We are for clean lungs. Report on the event "We are for clean lungs" dedicated to the World "Day of Combating Smoking"

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1 State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 9" Report on the event "We are for clean lungs"Dedicated to the World" Day of Combating Smoking ". Responsible for holding the preventive week teacher - psychologist Velichko Yu.M.

2 Plan of preventive week "We are for clean light" Basic goals and objectives: - Pupils of reliable information in an affordable form in all aspects of the dangers of tobacco. - Formation of communication skills and decision-making in various situations - Motivation to preserve health, including safe and responsible behavior - Evidence of the sense of responsibility for the health of its own and the environmental plan 1) Studies of information and materials in this area. 2) the introductory part. Lectures "Harmful poisons." "We are for clean lungs." Students7-8 classes. 3) Lectures "I am not an enemy of my health, I am a friend." "We are for clean lungs." Students 9-10 classes. 4) "We are for clean." Students 6 classes. 5) Registration of the information stand. 6) Presentation of a video clip "Harmful poisons." 7) Reflexive part, involving the feedback of students in oral and writing. 8) Drawing up a report of the event with placement on the School website. In our school from May 22 to June 2, 2017, a preventive week "We are for clean lungs" took place. The significance of this event is very important and relevant recently, since the habit of tobacocuria in our country, to regretfully gains large revs. Reports medical organizations Clearly show the seriousness of the problem with smoking in adolescence in Russia. For example, in Russia, the prevalence of a detrimental habit among schoolchildren is estimated at 44.3% (it is still necessary to add 31.6% of passive passive

3 smokers). For comparison, we give the fact that the results of the global survey of the 2009 adult population show that 39.1% of the population over the age of 15 smokes in Russia. Even more sad statistics gives a special study of the Pulmonology of Pavlov SPBGMU. According to their data, it smokes 29.4% of schoolchildren today, and the championship holds girls here (31.7%). The first cigarette boys in half cases take in the mouth at the age of years, and 15% of respondents began to smoke daily at the age of 8-9 years. Among the girls, 23% of respondents were first addicted to cigarettes per years, and at the age of 8 smoked 3% of respondents. It should be understood that smoking in adolescence arises not simply and has concrete reasons. Specialists noted, first of all, the following. Negative family example. A survey among smoking parents shows that a third of them smoked in the presence of children at home, although only 14.4% considered this act badly. At the same time, only every eighth of his parents is ready to get rid of a detrimental habit to preserve the health of their children. Statistics show that in the family, where both parents smoke, 75% of boys and 65% of girls were addicted to a detrimental habit, and almost all the remaining children tried to smoke. If a father smokes in the family, then the boys smoke only in 15% of cases, and girls are 9%. If I smoked my mother, then smokes every second boy and every fourth girl. In a fully non-smoking family, 7% of boys and 5% of girls were addicted to a delicate habit.

4 From here, it is possible to make an obvious conclusion that smoking in adolescence is largely determined by the behavior of the parents and their concern for children who need to explain that nicotine poison for a person. Psychological problems of transitional age associated with the desire to look more adults, look original and attract additional attention to the opposite sex. The desire to "take everything from life", seeking to get new impressions. These two habits are largely related to the lifestyle and adolescent environment in which the child communicates. Parents also play an important role here, as they must interest the young man, to protect him from the negative impact on the part of the street, without locating it at the same time at the same time. Harm tobacocuria for teenagers. Smoking in adolescence in many respects even more dangerous adult, which is associated with quite objective reasons. This is due to the fact that the body still continues to form a negative impact of nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke, contributes to an imbalance. In prior, scientific research reliably confirmed that adolescent tobacco is becoming one of the most important factors contributing to the development of other dependencies (narcotic, alcohol), which still directs the still adult life under Sunshit. Secondly, tobacoccoing negatively affects the blood supply to all organs and, first of all, suffers from the brain, which consumes the bulk of oxygen. This negatively affects the performance of a teenager, reduces mental abilities. In addition, the metabolism and the body slows down slowly, and this is a direct answer to the question of whether smoking affects growth. Thirdly, smoking cigarettes hits a cardiovascular system, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, worsens

5 Quality nutrition cardiac muscle and helps reduce the strength and elasticity of vessels. Fourth, smoking in adolescence adolescently affects the state of the digestive tract, which contributes to the development of the duodenal ulcers and the stomach. In addition, the impact of nicotine at a young age significantly increases the emergence of oncological neoplasms, worsens the state of the oral cavity, and the first evidence becomes a specific smokers. Fifth, the respiratory system, directly in contact with the tobacco smoke, suffers the very first. This is here not only about lung cancer, which develops in smokers much more often, but also about numerous bronchitis, other diseases associated with a decrease in the immunity of the body of the teenager. Sixth, tobacocurias negatively affects nervous system. This is due to the possible development of anxiety, fear, a panic state, which pushes to smoking the next cigarette. This leads to a rapid increase in the growth of the number of cigarettes smoked during the day. The prevention of adolescent tobacco intercourse against the background of an unfavorable situation with smoking on the territory of Russia is relevant to the prevention of a detrimental habit, which should go immediately in several directions. The greatest role in the life of a teenager played by his family, which should create a positive image of a healthy lifestyle. It all depends on parents, who not only need to abandon smoking, but also to encourage the desire to play sports, lead an active lifestyle, in which the smoking will not be time. In addition, parents must unobtrusively determine the circle of communication of their child, in which there should be as few smoking people and personalities as possible, negatively affecting his behavior. The second important factor

6 which will reduce the number of smoking adolescents, the state remains. We are talking about promoting a healthy lifestyle, explaining the negative consequences of a delicate habit, an increase in the cost of cigarettes, which will make them less accessible and so on. Lectures on the dangers of smoking for adolescents. Hello will prevent a teenager to periodically watch special films and video tracks devoted to the danger of tobacco and can be viewed with their parents). In our school, such events are often held quite often and are devoted to the main problems of dependent behavior. All lectures and videos are devoted and aimed at awareness of the adolescent influence of negative manifestations, such as tobacocco on their own health. Reflexive part. Reviews of children about the lecture on the "harm of smoking". "Smoking is harmful. Starting smoking, man begins to kill him slowly. We are against smoking! We must stop it! In our hands our future "" Cigarette weapons of slow motion. It is important to remember that the smoking person kills not only herself, but also others. Our task is to stop it, to convey to smokers, what harm they cause themselves. "Smoking kills-going negatively." "Smoking is bad, because you can die." "Smoking burns your health" "Yes, smoking will undoubtedly harm human health, but this is a personal choice of everyone, and if someone wants to smoke, let him smoke, just do not impose his position with non-smoking. However, one category of people, namely pregnant and nursing women, wrong choose: they should not interfere in this way into the life of an innocent child. " "In my family, no one smokes and I think it is right. You need to take care of your health! " "Cigarettes are harm. They spoil human health. Destroy the organs. " "I take care of smoking and smokers are extremely negative. Look liked. Need more often to remind students about the dangers harmful habits"Summing up all the above, you must admit that smoking in adolescence is a serious problem that requires an integrated approach to the solution. At the same time, the main role in its resolution should play the nearest surroundings of the teenager (family, friends and school). Only in this case, there is a chance to reverse the situation and reduce the number of smokers in the country.

7 I want to express tremendous thanks to all active participants of this event, especially those students who visualized their negative attitude towards tobacco in the form of posters.

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Annually on May 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Warm Day without tobacco, attracting attention to health risks associated with tobacco consumption, and calling for effective

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Introductory word Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic Jumabekova S.A. Bishkek, June 22, 2011 Dear guests and participants of the National Conference "Tobacco or Health"! Allow me to greet you from

Work plan for the prevention of neglect, offenses and crimes, drug addiction and toxicization, alcohol, smoking among minors. The name of the event work with teachers.

Week prevention of the use of tobacco products "We are for clean lungs!"

The World Health Organization in 1988 announced on May 31 World NO Tobacco Day. The world community was tasked with task, to ensure that in the 21st century the problem of tobacocurias disappeared. The XXI century has come, but the problem remains. Fighting nicotine continues.

According to the World Health Organization in Russia on the causes associated with smoking, about 300 thousand people die each year. This is more than from road traffic accidents, drug use, or from AIDS.

From May 16 to 20, 2016 in Municipal general educational institutions Weekly preventing the use of tobacco products "We are for clean lungs!". The week was dedicated to the World Wide Venue without tobacco (May 31).

The week was aimed at reducing the risks of possible use of educational tobacco products, expanding the presentation of adolescents about the replacement of tobacco use (work, sports, creativity, rolling games), developing the skills of the will of the will and the adoption of their own solutions (choice).

Events of the week, whose participants were 5568 schoolchildren of 5-11 classes, 260 teachers and 786 parents (legal representatives) were presented thematic classroom clock, rawlines, interactive classes, games, books, books, brochures and newspaper materials, competitions of drawings and social posters "Sport-Alternative to Difficult Hookies", Sports Competitions, Shares ("Letter Smoking Movement"), Protection of Creative Projects, Performance "In Healthy Tel - Wellness ", Flash Mob" Breathe Free ", etc.

Assistance in carrying out activities provided employees of a branch of GBUZ "Irkutsk Regional Anti-Tuberculous Dispensary", Ozbuz "Ust-Ilimsk Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary", Obbuz "Ust-Ilimsk City Children's Polyclinic", OSTN MOI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Ust-Ilimsky", as well as a representative of the regional system on preventing drug addiction and toxicism.

In general, the activities carried out in the framework of the preventive week, I liked 96% of the participants who agreed that, no matter how much efforts the state was applied to solve the topical smoking problem, the achievement of the result is in the hands of each of us.

Details Created: 05/20/2016 10:52 Views: 4509

An analysis of the preventive measures under the regional week "We are for clean light!" In MOU "Middle Education School No. 6"

The main task of the educational institution is to upbringing a healthy lifestyle. The school emphasizes attention to the current problem of preserving the health of students and to raise a healthy lifestyle. The health of the nation is one of the priorities of modern Russian society. Today, the security of the country, political stability and economic well-being are in close causal relationship with the total potential of children, adolescents and young people. As part of the week, "We were for clean lungs" activities were held: inform-release "We will be healthy!" (broadcast on TV, recreation of the 1st floor), demonstrating the information poster "We are for clean lungs"; Class hour "smoke - to harm health?!"; sports competitions "Sports and Health Day"; Round table on the topic: "Sport and productive communication - the success of attraction!"; Creative exhibition "We are for clean lungs." Pedagogue Psychologist held communicative classes "Learning to communicate and interact without tobacco."

Within the framework of the class hour, a short film "Essence of tobacco" was shown, clearly demonstrating the effects of tobacco use and its negative impact on all organs human organism. In an affordable form round Table. T.p.Styba Feldsher School and S.K.Vasiliev Specialist in cooperation with social institutions and public organizations talk about tobacco, about the detrimental effect of these harmful habits on the body. The discussion is not chosen random, since the information is absorbed better than an academic conversation with a social teacher. Developed a memo on the dangers of teenage tobacco "Attention - poison". The memo contains a brief historical certificate of tobacco, as well as a recommendatory list of literature on the formation of an intolerable attitude to smoking, "psychological resistance" to negative examples, as well as habits for a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of the analysis of students' responses, the following conclusion was made: the majority of students negatively evaluate smoking. Teens and youths are well informed about the dangers of smoking and consider it, first of all, as the main cause of lung cancer. However, some of the young people believe that there is no big trouble in smoking, if it does not create problems.


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