Speech therapy with self-analysis for 1 category certification. Self-analysis of a speech therapist teacher

Speech therapy with self-analysis for 1 category certification. Self-analysis of a speech therapist teacher

Natalia Shevchenko
Self-analysis of the activity of a speech therapist teacher for 2016-2017.

self-analysis of activity

teacher- speech therapist MBDOU - d/s combined type No. 2 "Spring" X. Potapov.

Shevchenko Natalia Evgenivna

for the 2016 -2017 academic year. m

Number of children: 105 children were covered, of them 3

FNR - 8 os_b,

FFNR - 14 os_b,

OHP 1st level (Alalia)- 1 person;

OHP 1st level (Dysarthria)- 1 person;

OHP 3 levels - 2 individuals;

26 children are insured at Logopunkt.

Number of children bred in mass groups (to school) with clean promo - 19 osib.

Number of children who are unable to continue their employment - 7 individuals (TNR, poor fluidity, frequent illness).

The effectiveness of correctional-language work in the minds of the preschool speech therapy center was 73%.

No. DAN number of children%

1. date of completion: 10/01/2016.

2. number of children 26 100

3. with them with the packing:

FFNR (Erased form of dysarthria) 2

4. number of children released 19 73

of them: With good promotion 15

with significant additions 2

to mass school

to the mass school with obligatory classes at Logopunkt 1

to school - -

6. number of children who were excluded from repeating the course 7

7. number of children who have been exposed to fate 1 -

Diagnostic robot.

Robot teacher- The speech therapist will be focused on the development of the age-old, individual characteristics of children, the structure of mental disorders, the stages of corrective work with skin problems, as well as his illumination. Therefore, the correctional-pedagogical process is organized on a diagnostic basis. In my work, I have studied “Methodology for the significant development of preschool children” by O. A. Bezrukova, O. N. Kalenkova.

The test task of the proposed methodology is disaggregated from interdisciplinary positions, which allows the integration of various parameters, such as vrahovuvati when assessing children's behavior. For children with TNR, a vikoryst guide for diagnosing mental disorders “Methods for pacifying children”, M., 2005 (Edited by G. V. Chirkin); for the diagnosis of children, adolescents Russian (Neridnaya) Movyatoskaya scheme is monitored by the molesty of Ditini with the Rosiysky nervous mobes by the authorities of the doshkiylovy, all the same species for the diti okenni Movi T. B. Filichev, G.V. Chirkin, T.V. Tumanova, S. A. Mironova, A. V. Lagutina "CORRECTION OF PORUSHEN MOVIE".

As a method of early detection of problems in the development of children, screening is carried out to monitor children's mental health, which is related to the identified possible difficulties in the development of children with mental health problems. All children who have reached the tertiary age undergo speech therapy.

These monitoring data are used to design individual educational routes for caregivers, adjusting the educational tasks to ensure the access of children in the mastered programs.

Corrective and developmental robot.

In my work I value implementation superiors program and command of correctional work. I systematically provide organized lighting for the children. activity This is consistent with the main illumination program, which is implemented in the kindergarten, and the established layout of the central lighting activities, And also similar to the work program “Corrective and developmental work for the treatment of mental disorders in children 4-7 years of age in the clinics of the Logopunkt”, developed for 2016 - 2017 initial river.

The main form of work is a work program and a game activity. A natural playful medium, in every day's flavor, is the ability for every child to find its place, show initiative and independence, It is easy to realize your needs and lighting needs in a way that is optimal for achieving these goals. The inclusion of active methods of training in the light process allows you to create such a middle ground, both in the classroom and in the world activities. The main requirement is individual speech therapy, which is carried out 2 - 3 times a day with skin problems. The frequency of individual studies is determined by the nature and severity level of the mental disorder, as well as the individual psychophysical characteristics of the children.

In order to engage in microgroups, children who may have a similar character and level of severity of impairment are brought together. You're busy here appears:

o Reinforcement of new sounds.

o Practicing skills and creating collapsible storage structures that are formed from the correct sounds.

o Development of readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words.

o Expansion of vocabulary in the process of automation of sounds.

o Consolidation of grammatical categories.

o The development of a conjunct speech.

In order to ensure the right of every individual to satisfy cultural and social needs, a work group has been organized at the MBDOU "Logoritmika". The relevance of the robot group is based on the popularity of new methods, methods and forms of processing the destruction of the language and the need for a complex input into the destruction, so I took Logorhythmics as the basis for the work, as a complex system of rights, game tasks based on the formation nanny music, ruhu, words. Speech therapy rhythm, aimed at corrective, illuminating and healthy solutions tasks: The expansion of children's language for the additional formation of the rhythm of the language, the development of a sense of rhythm through the movement for the additional formation of auditory respect.

The priority tasks of teachers in the current preschool setting are to preserve and enhance the health of children. Comprehensive and clear awareness of preschoolers is possible only with the use of health-saving technologies. These technologies create psychophysiological comfort for children to keep them occupied for an hour, and also help them organize activities of both interest and variety. I’ll briefly discuss what I’m exploring in robot technologies for saving and stimulating health.

Dihal gymnastics

articulatory gymnastics

Finger gymnastics.

Gymnastics for the eyes


Sand therapy


Kinesiological gymnastics (Add.)

Technologies in a healthy way life:

right to self-massage of flesh

Massage of biologically active areas

The organization of the subject-development center deserves special respect speech therapist teacher, So, as it is one of the minds of the full-fledged development of the specialness of the child, it is consistent with the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Therefore, regardless of the standard size of a speech therapy room, I wanted to arrange everything as much as possible so that it was aesthetically pleasing, scientifically, and functionally.

Registration of the speech therapy room vrahovuvati Current lighting technologies (SOT).

Particularly oriented technologies to take insurance in such a manner: For the safety of individual children activities Situations of busyness and burying of the skin child are created.

To implement current gaming technologies, transferred

expanding the functionality of the subject-developing middle: In the robot, tabletop-handed games, game libraries, speech therapy therapy, finger theater, sensorimotor games are used.

design technologies activities also widely vikorist: To ensure the feasibility of implementing the research, experimentally - cognitively activity, The child is to blame for the choice of the method of conquest.

The current educational process is inexorable without the search for new, more effective technologies that promote the effective development of children, the formation of children self-development and self-illumination. This is again confirmed by the design activity Based on the realities of today, adults can achieve universal knowledge. It is important to re-evaluate the possibilities for the development of a child, as the project gives activity. And for children with severe disabilities, this is especially relevant and necessary. stagnation of the design activities emphasizes the cognitive motive, initial motivation of children. Pursuing this directly, I sold the sprat projects: Speech therapy this week "We speak beautifully", Short-line speech therapy project “Toys for developing the movie”, Project, directing to the dikhannya rozvitok "Merry Wind".

In addition, to correct mental problems, enrichment and development of children, it is necessary to create a friendly environment that serves the interests, needs and development of children.

Help before organizing a meeting middle:

Movi culture is mature;

Good at hearing and sensitive to children;

The kind, calm tone of the teacher;

Be smart to respond promptly, encourage children to learn, and enter into dialogue;

Creation of the situation for free communication;

Learn more about child nutrition;

Providing support for various points of vision;

Smartly focus on the process of non-median situational communication.

For this purpose, I regularly conducted consultations for therapists “Movna culture of a teacher”, “Suchasna correction of the subject-developing middle ground”, “Accept pedagogical work to teach children the skills of correct behavior”, “Victory of parents and companions to ensure the psychological comfort of children with mental disorders”, “Victorian games in robots with the development of grammatical language” And otherwise, speak at workshops and seminars on the development of preschool education for teachers of MBDOU.


The subject-development center is competently organized at our logo center hides:

Purposeful formation of an emotional-positive psychological climate in the process of correctional work;

Realization of the subject-practical directness of the special pedagogical space;

Security feels like psychological predation;

Incorporation of basic and innovative methods in the organization and implementation of corrections.

The problem of interaction between kindergarten and family, community and family care at the moment I consider one of the most pressing. Unfortunately, the worst pedagogical system cannot be effective in the rest of the world, since there is no place for the family in this system. Nutritional advancement of the psychological and pedagogical competence of fathers, who care for preschool children with major disabilities, is one of the priority areas of work in our preschool primary care. Correction work in our kindergarten includes traditional forms, but practice shows that this is not enough, so I chose an innovative form of recruiting fathers into the educational process. U 2016 - 2017 to the beginning The father's club "Friendly Family" continued its work on the basis of the kindergarten. Its purpose is to provide theoretical and practical assistance to fathers in the development of their children, such as the prevention of mental disorders and mental disorders, including children of the early age. The club is an additional component of the spiritual-illuminative process, guys can otrimati knowledge and develop your mind. Pull it out basic fate, the fathers took a reckless fate in correctional processes: Selected manual reminders, electronic consultations, practical skills and knowledge; took part in competitions for the preparation of speech therapy games and aids, "Don's talents", V "Reader competitions".

In the 2016-2017 school year. We are certified for any qualification category.

I took part in a remote seminar with topics: “Pedagogical technologies of inclusive education in preschool education organizations” (within the framework of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Features of current pedagogical

technologies in the minds of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education »

directly "Preschool education");

I'll continue self-illumination on the topic: “The use of information and communication technologies in robots” teacher-speech therapist in the minds of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.” In my practice, I actively use Internet resources as my main resource self-illumination. I will post photos of the visits on the DNZ website (MAAM.Ru, in the local newspaper "Romanovsky Visnik". I take part in webinars on the main directions of speech therapy work with the correction of speech disorders in preschool children ("Basic approaches to the development of phonemic hearing in children with disabilities from the restriction of interactive content", “Development of communication among children with SEN for the help of innovative technologies”, “Carrying out pouch quilting and assessing the results in children with disabilities”, “Effective implementation of software and didactic complexes "Logomer", "Mersibit plus"і "Stabilometer" in the correctional-pedagogical practice of daily fachivtsya” and others). Practical activities vikory presentation for children and their fathers, colleagues as part of open-ended visits (occupy, sleeping project activities with preschool teachers); Vikorist e-mail for consulting fathers; placement of material that parents can use in their home minds when organizing games and keep their children busy; Vikorist computer games-simulators, including basic programs of various types activities; created her own mini-site on the portal nsportal.ru .; MAAM. ru.

Self-analysis of professional achievements of a speech therapist teacher


(Name's nickname after Father's name)

BOU metro Kiev "Secondary dark-illuminated school No. 63"

(Mistse roboti, posada)

Information about the speech therapist teacher:

External work experience - 6 years;

teaching experience - 4 years;

in this village - 4 rocks; in this setting - 2 days.

Navalization (for the period from the previous certification) for the rocks:

20 years 2006 - 2007 initial river

20 years 2007 - 2008 initial river

15 years 2010 - 2011 initial river

15 years 2011 - 2012 initial river

1. Dynamics of the results of the development of students (conductors) for the period from the previous certification

1.1. The success rate of students' mastery of programs,

implemented (created) by a speech therapist teacher

One of the most common reasons for the failure of primary school students is various impairments in oral and written language, which often make it difficult for young people to read and write correctly. This, first of all, children whose shortcomings are accompanied by immature processes of phoneme formation. The introduction to phonetic development creates serious obstacles for the child’s successful acquisition of program material from reading and writing, since they have insufficiently formed practical understanding of the sound structure of the word.

Children with ODD experience even greater difficulties in the beginning, which is manifested in the immaturity of all components of the brain system (phonetics, vocabulary and grammar). When they go to mass school, such children become unsuccessful students due to their anomalous mental development.

At the speech therapy center at the Kiev municipal educational institution “ZOSH No. 63”, 50 individuals were insured during the period from the beginning of the river (Addendum 1):

· From foreign underdeveloped languages ​​(ONP level 3) - 4 students (8%);

· With sharply expressed foreign language (NVONR) - 8 students (16%);

· Z phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN) -%);

· Phonetic irregularities (FN) - 3 (6%);

· For problems with writing and reading, learning the FSF - 22 students (44%).

Of these, 43 people (96%) were released with corrected treatment, 7 children (4%) were transferred to another stage of education to continue correctional work due to a complex defect.

· Correctly use new words in propositions of various syntactic constructions (i.e., establish connections between form and meaning);

· Convey the essence of the constricted rights, the sequence of the vibrating rosum’s actions in a kindled pot.

At another stage of correctional training in children, the knowledge of the division and identification of morphological parts of a word is accumulated, the stock of single-root words is expanded, and the skill of choosing translator words is perfected. Gaining respect for the sound side of language and the morphological structure of the word develops children in ways, with the help of which they independently expand their vocabulary, accumulate sound and morphological structures. This creates the mind to clarify grammatical understanding and thoroughly (consolidate) knowledge of the singing rules of spelling. The acquisition of morphological features of language occurs in the process of the students’ natural (communicative) activity (formation of propositions, word production, nutritional responses, etc.).

As a result, upon release from the speech therapy center, the following will begin:

* We rejected all the information about the sound boat;

* Gained skills in scientific analysis and synthesis;

* Developed skills in correct writing and reading;

* We took away the rozvinenu link of the language.

2. The results of the activity of the teacher-speech therapist with teachers, university specialists and fathers (legal representatives)

2.1. Information about consultations for teachers, teachers and fathers (legal representatives)(Addendum 4)

Close cooperation with teachers and educational psychologists begins already in the spring in the process of diagnosing the students’ language and continues with the continuation of this initial fate (mutual cooperation, mutual assistance, engagement of teachers before control social activity of children). I take an active part in the methodical work of the school: participation in monitoring the adaptation of students, participation in pedagogical councils, participation in seminars for teachers of the primary school.

According to the plan of methodical work, father’s meetings are held, at which fathers learn about the results of fastening, about corrective work and the need for participation in it. For children who are insured at a speech therapy center, it is possible to get to know in detail the general profile of the class and child, with information about the obvious impairment of sound, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, development of vocabulary motor skills, spatial orientation. Individual consultations are also carried out, both for readers and fathers, where recommendations are given to eliminate defects in oral and written language. Such information encourages a significant portion of fathers to take a constructive position towards their children. They change a number of attitudes (“Everything is fine with my child; everything will go by itself, without my participation”, etc.), it seems to be consistent with the intensity of the beginning, they begin to joke about new forms mutually syn with children. As a result of interaction with parents, children are motivated to engage in speech therapy, and the process of correcting impaired physical functions becomes much easier and faster.

2.2. The variety of directions and forms of education and preventive work of a speech therapist teacher with adults (teachers, students, fathers)



Lighting in Galusia for the development of children

* Advisory assistance to fathers in the nutritional development of children, the choice of treatment strategy and methods of correctional training.

* Speech before the fathers of future first-graders on the topic “Children’s readiness before starting school.”

* Published in the materials of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “A Visible Lesson” (on the Festival’s website, on a CD and in the collection of materials) a reminder for fathers of future first-graders “What fathers need to know about global readiness before the present day” Channya at school."

Illumination in Galusia is the beginning and treatment of children with broken language

* Published in the materials of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Incredible Lesson” (on the Festival website, on a CD and in the collection of materials) speech therapy lesson for 2nd grade students “Sounds [v] - [f]. Letters B in i F f ".

· An article from speech therapy on the topic “The infusion of finger skills into language development.”

· Outline of a speech therapy lesson (1st grade) on the topic: “Word. Proposition. Text ".

Interactions with other stakeholders of the educational institution (for example, consultations, ShMPPK, etc.)

Speech at the pedagogical council of grades 1-4 on the topic “Promotion of literacy and reading lessons in “speech therapy exercises”.

Speech at the pedagogical council of 1-4 grades on the topic “Dysgraphia, caused by deficiencies in phonemic hearing.”

Other areas of preventive work and coverage (including work with students)

Took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Current problems in the education and care of children with special needs - 2012” to the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of Omsk State Pedagogical University, prepared and presented material on the topics and “Development of dialogical communication among young schoolchildren from ONR of the 3rd level and NVONR for additional organization collective activity".

3. The result of the activity of the teacher-speech therapist in the creation and testing of program-methodological, didactic, elementary and other materials.

To consolidate theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, ancient psychology, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics and speech therapy, new items of psychological-pedagogical, special and methodological literature are being published. Audiovisual functions and Internet resources will become available.

Since 2010, I have been working on the methodical topic “Advancement and correction of the destruction of written communication among young students with knowledge of computer technologies.”

Took part in the II All-Russian presentation competition for schoolchildren and teachers “TopSlide”. A presentation was submitted for the competition on the topic “Non-voices in the root of the word. Secured” (the diploma of the participant in the competition has been removed).

4. Ensuring the organization of the correctional-lightening process based on the effective use of current technologies (speech therapy techniques), including information technologies

Corrective speech therapy robots use the latest modern pedagogical methods and technologies:

Lighting technologies and techniques

Goals of different technologies and methods

Wikorist results

1.Health-saving technologies

Victimization of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches for preserving and valuing the health of students directly in primary activity.

Zastosovaya with individual, frontal, subgroup forms of organization to take the right for breathing, relaxation, physical education, the right to develop major mental functions, elements of logorhythm, articulation and facial expressions personal gymnastics, gymnastics for eyes, fingers.

Successful adaptation of students to the light and social space, the development of their creative abilities.

2. Speech therapy technology for correction of writing and reading impairments in primary schools,

Filling the clearings at the initial stage, preventing these problems from moving to the next stage of development.

Vikoristova for brushing up on writing skills, writing lesson plans and notes for logo lessons, for correcting dysgraphia and consolidating the material.

laborious and reversal tasks.

Improvement of all components of the washing system. Until the end of the initial fate, correction of both the nose and the written language,

The success of the training program has increased.

3.Technology of differential input

The creation of optimal minds for identifying and correcting global imbalances.

Assimilation by programs on various planned levels.

Pure sound, sufficient vocabulary, grammatically correctly formed propositions and expressions.

4.Gaming technology

The development of reality, respect, memory, language, thought, memory, comparison, creation, analogy.

Vikorist's didactic and verbal games, games for the development of mental processes, phonemic hearing, storage structure, and literacy skills.

Enhancement of cognitive activity, formation of motivation for initial activity.

5. Technology of organized communication

Developing dialogical thinking, communicative activities, and working in a team.

During classes, models of mutual interaction are developed: “teacher-student”, “student-student”, “student-group”, “study-beginning material”.

The communicative side of the initial process will be strengthened, the activity of students will be ensured, and communicative memories will be formed.

(Certificate of ICT competence available)

Enhancement of motivation, development of originality and creative activity, formation of interaction with information, a clear change in control over the activities of students.

Developing speech therapy programs and simulators for all Maidan programs: “Play for Tigris”, “Baba Yaga learn to read”, “When you learn to speak correctly”, “I don’t know where I’m going there”, “Merry Abetka”, “Tsikava Logic”. Presentation before skin activity.

Clear individualization of the beginning, expansion of the presentation of initial information, ensuring the flexibility of managing the initial process.

5. The evidence of the methodical system of the teacher-speech therapist, tested in professional teaching.

The topic of the pedagogical report: “Advancement and correction of the impairment of written communication among young students with knowledge of computer technologies.”

The essence of pedagogical knowledge.

The problem of impaired written communication in school is one of the most pressing for school education, with a number of children with mental impairments invariably growing from time to time. Students who struggle with academic development are not successful in the classroom, and their lessons turn into a series of school failures. In such children, self-esteem decreases, and they lose success in their abilities. Hopelessness in the beginning is manifested in a decreased interest in the beginning and in an increase in mental and physical stress. There is a need to constantly engage in a thorough correctional-illumination process, in order to improve the effectiveness of the correctional infusion on the scientists and the minds of the speech therapy center during the darkening of the illumination. th school.

Computer technologies are among the most effective technologies in science. Supply Kom'yuterni technology permit to Men Vikoristovati comp'yuter in the di -diagnostic tslyakh (the barrel of the Daniye Movny Formation Bank for the cob in Kinzi Korkitziya Roboti, conduct analiza of the result by Vighimi Dіagram). To implement corrective tasks in individual lessons, combined with traditional methods, use specialized computer programs (“Games for Tigris”, “Baba Yaga learn to read”, “Speak correctly every time”, “I don’t know where to go”) udi", "Vesela abetka”, “Tsikava logic”) with the addition of all technical and sanitary-hygienic benefits (SAN Pina 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03). The computer program Power Point has found the most widespread use in my practice, as it allows you to create presentations before consultations, Fatherland meetings, front-line studies, workshops, conferences. An invisible part of the work in eliminating mental disorders in children is the interaction of the speech therapist with parents and teachers. Created computer presentations: “Articulatory gymnastics”, “Motor readiness before starting school”, “Dysgraphia and disorphography” help to expand the knowledge of fathers and teachers in nutritional correction of mental disorders difficult Speech therapy classes with computer presentations have been conducted since 2010. Improved presentation of instrumental skills allows you to introduce an effect of precision into the lesson and helps students who require corrective instruction to learn the material more and more in detail. Presentations give the opportunity to present carefully prepared information in an attractive way. The use of this type of information technology provides motivation to engage in speech therapy, maintain respect at all stages of employment, and develop cognitive activity. Creation of motivation, promotion of emotional mood is one of the main factors for success in the advanced correction of writing and reading impairments. I would like to point out that relying on ICT for skin correction is neither realistic nor necessary. No small computer can replace a teacher when learning a child. Only by combining one another, the reader and the technique can achieve high results in optimal terms. New computer technologies make correctional work more beneficial for students and more positive for teachers. In this case, the effectiveness of the robot is high because ICT is not accepted as a “panacea”, but as a warehouse part of a well-thought-out, pre-planned robot system with correction and prevention of existing defects.

Submission of a methodical system


*Mska methodical collaboration between teachers and speech therapists outside the world

school, at the municipal educational institution "ZOSH No. 54", ledge

Self-analysis of professional achievements of a speech therapist teacher
____________ Yulina Viktoria Volodymyrivna ___________

(Name's nickname after Father's name)

BOU metro Kiev "Secondary dark-illuminated school No. 63"

(Mistse roboti, posada)
Information about the speech therapist teacher:

External work experience - 6 years;

teaching experience - 4 years;

in this village - 4 rocks; in this setting - 2 days.

Navalization (for the period from the previous certification) for the rocks:

20 years 2006 - 2007 initial river

20 years 2007 - 2008 initial river

15 years 2010 - 2011 initial river

15 years 2011 - 2012 initial river

1. Dynamics of the results of the development of students (conductors) for the period from the previous certification

    1. The success rate of students' mastery of programs,
implemented (created) by a speech therapist teacher

One of the most common reasons for the failure of primary school students is various impairments in oral and written language, which often make it difficult for young people to read and write correctly. This, first of all, children whose shortcomings are accompanied by immature processes of phoneme formation. The introduction to phonetic development creates serious obstacles for the child’s successful acquisition of program material from reading and writing, since they have insufficiently formed practical understanding of the sound structure of the word.

Children with ODD experience even greater difficulties in the beginning, which is manifested in the immaturity of all components of the brain system (phonetics, vocabulary and grammar). When they go to mass school, such children become unsuccessful students due to their anomalous mental development.

At the speech therapy center at the Kiev municipal educational institution "ZOSH No. 63" for the period from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012, the initial river insured 50 individuals (Supplement 1):

  • from underdeveloped language (OHP level 3) - 4 students (8%);

  • with sharply expressed foreign language (NVONR) - 8 students (16%);

  • with phonetic-phonemic disorders (FFN) - 13 (26%);

  • with phonetic irregularities (FN) - 3 (6%);

  • with problems with writing and reading, learning the FSF - 22 students (44%).
Of these, 43 people (96%) were released with corrected treatment, 7 children (4%) were transferred to another stage of education to continue correctional work due to a complex defect.

Well, the main goal of my professional activity is the creation of ideas for the mastery of language as a primary subject in the field of correction and the development of all aspects of oral and written communication.

Consistent positive results in the program material mastered by students are ensured through the implementation of all areas of speech therapy work.

Taking into account the characteristics of children, it is advisable to choose different organizational forms: subgroup and individual activities. Widely based methods of differential diagnostics, which means the correctness of the composition of subgroups and the choice of an adequate strategy and technique of mental underdevelopment in individual classes.

The effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work with students is progressing with the advancement of new pedagogical technologies and the use of multimedia skills.

For most students, two years after receiving speech therapy assistance, there is an increase in the ability to master program material in Russian language and literary reading.

Early detection of learning disabilities, correct classification of obvious defects in oral and written language, and organization of corrective instruction make it possible to prevent writing and reading impairments in these children and prevent placement in acquired program material on Russian language.
1.2. The effectiveness of diagnostic work with students is expressed through various indicators of mental and intellectual development (for example, the development of mental processes, mental functions, communicative skills, etc.)
At the beginning of the primary period, speech therapy is carried out for students in primary classes. In total, 579 students were covered in two years, from which the following were revealed among first-graders (Addendum 2):

  • Zagalne nedorozvinennya mov (ONR 3 lvl) - 4 navch. (2.4%),

  • sharply virazhene zagalne nedorozvinennya mov - 8 navch. (4.8%),

  • phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN) - 13th beginning. (7.7%),

  • phonemic underdevelopment (FN) - 3 beginnings. (1.8%)
middle students 2-4 grades:

  • impairment of writing and reading, development of phonetic-phonemic deficiencies - 22 beginnings. (13%).
To diagnose local injuries, diagnostic material from O.V. Inshakov, the results were assessed using the method of G.V. Chirkin (Addendum 3). For diagnostics of written language, students use I.M.’s method. Sadovnikova, L.I. Tikunova.

Based on the diagnostic data, a correction program for the skin condition is developed. Due to the possible defects, young schoolchildren are divided into groups. Great respect is given to the individual approach to children with respect to their psychophysiological state. This is due to the fact that scientists of the same class differ sharply in terms of the level of scientific development, in terms of the formation of analysis and synthesis, in terms of the level of manifestation and pathogenesis of sound impairment.

Analyzing the results of diagnostics, it can be seen that at the beginning of the initial period, rich students lacked the formation of a grammatical mode of language: allowances were allowed for the established collapsible receivers, amendments for the transformation of the names of the multipliers. The skills of sound-literary analysis and synthesis are also insufficiently formed (it would be difficult with a significant amount and consistency of sounds on a larger foldable material); When taking dictation, a large number of specific errors were allowed (replace d-t, b-p, zh-sh, omitted both voiced and vowel sounds), which were associated with deficient phonetic-phonemic processes and became more pronounced in children with impaired Innervation of the organs of articulation (with a clinical diagnosis of dysarthria), and also had some hesitation when reading folded words, and spoke in anticipation of completion.

It can be said that this is the beginning of fate for rich students:

  • Beware of increasing the pace of writing;

  • troubles were solved with the development of graphic skills;

  • some of the schools were ungrabbed and free;

  • Some of them have a low level of social communication;

  • Some students show persistent failure in basic subjects, and such children have significant declines in short-term and long-term memory.
Throughout this initial period, correctional and speech therapy work was carried out with the children, and as a result, at the end of the period, positive dynamics of social development were observed.
1.3. The effectiveness of correctional work with students.

Results of work on correction (development) of students’ written communication

The effectiveness of work with first-graders, which may impair oral and written communication

The effectiveness of work with students, who have lost their oral and written communication, were released from the speech center.

As a result of the work on the program of the course for “Podolannaya zagalnogo immudnovlennogo language in schoolchildren 1-2 grades of secondary schools” after the first stage of entry into schoolchildren 1st grades in two years, the formation of advanced knowledge, memory and skills :

  • full-fledged auditory acceptance and direct attention to the sound side of language, filling in the main gaps in the formation of phonemic processes, clarification of the beginnings of the sound-letter, syllabic structure of words with the organization of software aids (24th century - 92.3%);

  • place and differentiate all sounds (24th century - 84.6%);

  • clarified and activating the vocabulary stock that children have, introducing into the active vocabulary words-terms necessary at this stage of learning (sound, warehouse, zlittya, word, voices, voices, hard - soft voices, dzvinki - voiceless voices, propositional ія), clarified constructions of a simple proposition with slight expansions (25 beginnings - 96%)
The ordering of information about the sound of the word, the development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound-literary structure of the word creates the necessary changes for the formation and consolidation of the skills of correct writing and reading, the development of mental sensitivity, the development of literal functions onal illiteracy.
Upon completion of the second stage of the course, 20 students - 90.9% in practical terms learned:

  • orientate yourself in the morphemic structure of the word, then note the meaning behind certain parts of the word that come before or after the leading part of the conjugate words, new words are created and their meanings change;

  • actively explore different ways of word creation;

  • correctly identify new words in propositions of various syntactic constructions (i.e., establish connections between form and meaning);

  • convey the essence of the constricted rights, the sequence of the vibrating rozumov actions in the kindled potion.
At another stage of correctional training in children, the knowledge of the division and identification of morphological parts of a word is accumulated, the stock of single-root words is expanded, and the skill of choosing translator words is perfected. Gaining respect for the sound side of language and the morphological structure of the word develops children in ways, with the help of which they independently expand their vocabulary, accumulate sound and morphological structures. This creates the mind to clarify grammatical understanding and thoroughly (consolidate) knowledge of the singing rules of spelling. The acquisition of morphological features of language occurs in the process of the students’ natural (communicative) activity (formation of propositions, word production, nutritional responses, etc.).

As a result, upon release from the speech therapy center, the following will begin:

* We rejected all the information about the sound boat;

* Gained skills in scientific analysis and synthesis;

* Developed skills in correct writing and reading;

* We took away the rozvinenu link of the language.
2. The results of the activity of the teacher-speech therapist with teachers, university specialists and fathers (legal representatives)
2.1. Information about consultations for teachers, teachers and fathers (legal representatives)(Addendum 4)

Close cooperation with teachers and educational psychologists begins already in the spring in the process of diagnosing the students’ language and continues with the continuation of this initial fate (mutual cooperation, mutual assistance, engagement of teachers before control social activity of children). I take an active part in the methodical work of the school: participation in monitoring the adaptation of students, participation in pedagogical councils, participation in seminars for teachers of the primary school.

According to the plan of methodical work, father’s meetings are held, at which fathers learn about the results of fastening, about corrective work and the need for participation in it. For children who are insured at a speech therapy center, it is possible to get to know in detail the general profile of the class and child, with information about the obvious impairment of sound, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, development of vocabulary motor skills, spatial orientation. Individual consultations are also carried out, both for readers and fathers, where recommendations are given to eliminate defects in oral and written language. Such information encourages a significant portion of fathers to take a constructive position towards their children. They change a number of attitudes (“Everything is fine with my child; everything will go on its own, without my participation”, etc.), it seems that they are moving towards the vigor of the beginning, they begin to joke about new forms mutually syn with children. As a result of interaction with parents, children are motivated to engage in speech therapy, and the process of correcting impaired physical functions becomes much easier and faster.
2.2. The variety of directions and forms of education and preventive work of a speech therapist teacher with adults (teachers, students, fathers)




2010 – 2011

2011 - 2012

Lighting in Galusia for the development of children

* Advisory assistance to fathers in the nutritional development of children, the choice of treatment strategy and methods of correctional training.

* Speech before the fathers of future first-graders on the topic “Children’s readiness before starting school.”

* Published in the materials of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “A Visible Lesson” (on the Festival’s website, on a CD and in the collection of materials) a reminder for fathers of future first-graders “What fathers need to know about global readiness before the present day” Channya at school."

Illumination in Galusia is the beginning and treatment of children with broken language

Took part in the work of a methodical discussion of teachers of primary classes of the Municipal Educational Institution "Bilostok Secondary School" on the topic "Advanced and correction of dysorthography with the development of modern pedagogical technologies", prepared and presented material on the topic “Correction of dysgraphia using modern information and communication technologies.”

* Published in the materials of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Incredible Lesson” (on the Festival website, on a CD and in the collection of materials) speech therapy lesson for 2nd grade students “Sounds [v] - [f]. Letters B in i F f ".

  • An article from speech therapy on the topic “The infusion of finger skills into language development.”

  • Outline of a lesson in speech therapy (1st grade) on the topic: “Word. Proposition. Text ".

Interactions with other stakeholders of the educational institution (for example, consultations, ShMPPK, etc.)

Speech at the pedagogical council of grades 1-4 on the topic “Promotion of literacy and reading lessons in “speech therapy exercises”.

Speech at the pedagogical council of 1-4 grades on the topic “Dysgraphia, caused by deficiencies in phonemic hearing.”

Other areas of preventive work and coverage (including work with students)

Took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Current problems in the education and care of children with special needs - 2012” to the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of Omsk State Pedagogical University, prepared and presented material on the topics and “Development of dialogical communication among young schoolchildren from ONR of the 3rd level and NVONR for additional organization collective activity".

3. The result of the activity of the teacher-speech therapist in the creation and testing of program-methodological, didactic, elementary and other materials.
To consolidate theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, ancient psychology, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics and speech therapy, new items of psychological-pedagogical, special and methodological literature are being published. Audiovisual functions and Internet resources will become available.

Since 2010, I have been working on the methodical topic “Advancement and correction of the destruction of written communication among young students with knowledge of computer technologies.”

Took part (leaf fall in 2010) in the work of a methodical meeting of teachers of the cob classes of the Municipal Educational Institution “Bilostok Secondary School” on the topic “Advanced and correction of dysorthography with the development of current pedagogical technologies”, prepared and presented material on the topic “Correction of dysgraphia using information sources communication technologies."

Over the course of 2 years, I have been taking an active part in the work of the Moscow methodical meeting of teachers - speech therapists from out-of-school schools on the topic “Advancement and correction of dysorthography with the development of current pedagogical technologies”, prepared and presented the material:

- up to the theoretical part of assistance on the topic “Symptoms of dysgraphia” (2010-2011)

- thesaur to the theoretical part of the textbook “disorfography” (2011-2012)

Published in the materials of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Incredible Lesson” (on the Festival website, on a CD and in the collection of materials) speech therapy lesson for 2nd grade students “Sounds [v] - [f]. Letters B in I F ", and also a memo was published for fathers of upcoming first-graders "What fathers need to know about physical readiness before starting school." She was awarded a diploma for presenting her pedagogical achievements at the All-Russian festival “Instructive Lesson”.

Created a social network of practitioners to highlight her personal website (Web addresses for the site: http:// nportal. ru/ Yulina- viktoriya- vladimirovna), I posted my electronic portfolio on New. Up-to-date materials published on the personal website:

  • « Influx of finger games into the development of the language"- on this material, a positive comment was taken from the teacher of the primary classes of the Chuvash Republic, Alatir Ivanova Olga Dmitrivna (portfolio).

  • Speech therapy lesson on the topic "Word. Proposition. Text."

  • Presentation on the topic: "Development of dialogical discourseyoung schoolchildren from the People's Republic of Tajikistan for the additional organization of collective activities ».
Awarded a diploma as a teacher, who trained the laureates of the All-Russian creative competition “Broad Oil” in the nomination “Fuck!”, which was held on the Remote Lighting Portal of the “Extended” since 10.02. to 03/15/2012

Took part in the All-Russian creative competition for teachers “Subtle Mystery” (published here, with a certificate issued), which was held on the Remote Lighting portal of the “continued” (Berezen 2012).

Took part in the II All-Russian presentation competition for schoolchildren and teachers “TopSlide” . A presentation was submitted for the competition on the topic “Non-voices in the root of the word. Secured” (the diploma of the participant in the competition has been removed).
4. Safeguarding the organization of correctional and illuminating process based on the effective use of current technologies (speech therapy techniques), including information technologies
Corrective speech therapy robots use the latest modern pedagogical methods and technologies:

Lighting technologies and techniques

Goals of different technologies and methods

Author's didactic safety

Wikorist results

1.Health-saving technologies

Victimization of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches for preserving and valuing the health of students directly in primary activity.

Zastosovaya with individual, frontal, subgroup forms of organization to take the right for breathing, relaxation, physical education, the right to develop major mental functions, elements of logorhythm, articulation and facial expressions personal gymnastics, gymnastics for eyes, fingers.

Successful adaptation of students to the light and social space, the development of their creative abilities.

2. Speech therapy technology for correction of writing and reading impairments in the primary school L.M. Efimenkova, I.N. Sadovnikova, A.V. Yastrebova,

T.V. Mazanova

Filling the clearings at the initial stage, preventing these problems from moving to the next stage of development.

Vikoristova for brushing up on writing skills, writing lesson plans and notes for logo lessons, for correcting dysgraphia and consolidating the material.

laborious and reversal tasks.

Improvement of all components of the washing system. Until the end of the initial fate, correction of both the nose and the written language,

The success of the training program has increased.

3.Technology of differential input

The creation of optimal minds for identifying and correcting global imbalances.

Assimilation by programs on various planned levels.

Pure sound, sufficient vocabulary, grammatically correctly formed propositions and expressions.

4.Gaming technology

The development of reality, respect, memory, language, thought, memory, comparison, creation, analogy.

Vikorist's didactic and verbal games, games for the development of mental processes, phonemic hearing, storage structure, and literacy skills.

Enhancement of cognitive activity, formation of motivation for initial activity.

5. Technology of organized communication

Developing dialogical thinking, communicative activities, and working in a team.

During classes, models of mutual interaction are developed: “teacher-student”, “student-student”, “student-group”, “study-beginning material”.

The communicative side of the initial process will be strengthened, the activity of students will be ensured, and communicative memories will be formed.


(Certificate of ICT competence available)

Enhancement of motivation, development of originality and creative activity, formation of interaction with information, a clear change in control over the activities of students.

Developing speech therapy programs and simulators for all Maidan programs: “Play for Tigris”, “Baba Yaga learn to read”, “When you learn to speak correctly”, “I don’t know where I’m going there”, “Merry Abetka”, “Tsikava Logic”. Presentation before skin activity.

Clear individualization of the beginning, expansion of the presentation of initial information, ensuring the flexibility of managing the initial process.

5. The presence of a methodical system of a teacher-speech therapist,tested in professional partnership.

The topic of the pedagogical report: “Advancement and correction of the impairment of written communication among young students with knowledge of computer technologies.”

The essence of pedagogical knowledge.

The problem of impaired written communication in school is one of the most pressing for school education, with a number of children with mental impairments invariably growing from time to time. Students who struggle with academic development are not successful in the classroom, and their lessons turn into a series of school failures. In such children, self-esteem decreases, and they lose success in their abilities. Hopelessness in the beginning is manifested in a decreased interest in the beginning and in an increase in mental and physical stress. There is a need to constantly engage in a thorough correctional-illumination process, in order to improve the effectiveness of the correctional infusion on the scientists and the minds of the speech therapy center during the darkening of the illumination. th school.

Computer technologies are among the most effective technologies in science. Supply Kom'yuterni technology permit to Men Vikoristovati comp'yuter in the di -diagnostic tslyakh (the barrel of the Daniye Movny Formation Bank for the cob in Kinzi Korkitziya Roboti, conduct analiza of the result by Vighimi Dіagram). To implement corrective tasks in individual lessons, combined with traditional methods, use specialized computer programs (“Games for Tigris”, “Baba Yaga learn to read”, “Speak correctly every time”, “I don’t know where to go”) udi", "Vesela abetka”, “Tsikava logic”) with the addition of all technical and sanitary-hygienic benefits (SAN Pina 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03). The computer program Power Point has found the most widespread use in my practice, as it allows you to create presentations before consultations, Fatherland meetings, front-line studies, workshops, conferences. An invisible part of the work in eliminating mental disorders in children is the interaction of the speech therapist with parents and teachers. Created computer presentations: “Articulatory gymnastics”, “Motor readiness before starting school”, “Dysgraphia and disorphography” help to expand the knowledge of fathers and teachers in nutritional correction of mental disorders difficult Speech therapy classes with computer presentations have been conducted since 2010. Improved presentation of instrumental skills allows you to introduce an effect of precision into the lesson and helps students who require corrective instruction to learn the material more and more in detail. Presentations give the opportunity to present carefully prepared information in an attractive way. The use of this type of information technology provides motivation to engage in speech therapy, maintain respect at all stages of employment, and develop cognitive activity. Creation of motivation, promotion of emotional mood is one of the main factors for success in the advanced correction of writing and reading impairments. I would like to point out that relying on ICT for skin correction is neither realistic nor necessary. No small computer can replace a teacher when learning a child. Only by combining one another, the reader and the technique can achieve high results in optimal terms. New computer technologies make correctional work more beneficial for students and more positive for teachers. In this case, the effectiveness of the robot is high because ICT is not accepted as a “panacea”, but as a warehouse part of a well-thought-out, pre-planned robot system with correction and prevention of existing defects.

Submission of a methodical system



2010 - 2011

2011 - 2012


*Mska methodical collaboration between teachers and speech therapists outside the world

school, at the municipal educational institution "ZOSH No. 54", ledge

Natalya Skvortsova
Self-analysis of the activity of a speech therapist teacher

self-analysis professional reach speech therapist teacher

Skvortsova Natalia Ivanivna

(Name's nickname after Father's name)

teacher-speech therapist _MBDOU TsRR d\s No. 7 "Place of Ditinstva"

(Mistse roboti, posada)

Information about teacher-speech therapist:

experience (Zagalny, on the outskirts speech therapist teacher) 12, 3; in the suburbs Speech therapist teacher -9 rokiv.

navantazhennya (For the period from the previous certification) By Rokiv:

1. Dynamics of academic development results (Vykhovantsiv) for the period from the previous certification

1.1. Successful mastery of students (by Vikhovantsi) program,

implementation (Folding) speech therapist teacher

Rik Zagalna quantity

students (medical residents who are insured in a speech therapy group) Number of children who have mastered

program (Or released from the speech therapy group/point)

2011-2012 26 26 100

2012-2013 31 30 96.7

Comments (description of up to 3 thousand characters, which includes the name of the program, meta wiki, author's methodical security and the result, including the appearance of the little ones

The robot is based on a speech therapy program for OHP in children, author: Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V.

The robotic method is the implementation of a correctional program from the development of learning, correcting shortcomings in the development of preschool children 5-6 years old, on the basis of a differentiated approach and an individual approach, given in due course validated systematic speech therapy support.

I implement the steps in my robot zavdannya:

Development of sensorimotor functions.

Formation of the kinetic and kinesthetic foundations of the articulatory structures.

Development of phonetic and phonemic hearing.

Formation of basic sound-literary analysis and synthesis.

Development of prosodic components in language.

Securing the interconnection of corrective and post-morbid developmental processes.

Development of cognitive processes.

Development of fine motor skills and hand coordination.

The development of global communication.

A specially oriented approach.

Ensuring mutual relations with teachers and preschool teachers.

Recruitment of fathers to work due to the formation of physical defects in convalescents.

out-of-the-way correction activity Working with children in two forms: Individual and frontal. Children are insured after unclothing and bags at the PMPC meeting in the district. On the skin of the child there is a special person on the right, in a yak enter: Certificate of birth, father’s application, father’s year for rehabilitation and work as a speech therapist, personal card, direct to PMPK, protocol for insurance, individual program.

Frontal classes are carried out three times per week, individual classes - according to the cyclogram activities.

The correction process will be based on the regulatory documents of the organization of speech therapy work preschool educational institution: Convention on the rights of children, Law of the Russian Federation “About lighting”, Concepts of special (Corrective) cover the Ministry of Defense of the Rostov Region, the Standard Regulations of the Preschool Educational Institution, the Standard Regulations on Special Education (Corection) Educational institution for students, graduates with special education and development, etc.

A single corrective developmental center has been created, maximally straightened to the heels of children’s injuries.

In addition to this work, a group of workers is carried out, as children take their parents to drink once a week. There is also a plan for this work, and a log of progress is kept.

1.2. The effectiveness of correctional work with students (by Vikhovantsi).

Robot results teacher-speech therapist for correction (Rozvitku)

oral communication of students (Vykhovantsiv)

rik Indicators of positive dynamics of educational development (Vykhovantsiv)

Development of sound pronunciation Development of a dictionary Development of grammatical mode of language Development of connected language Development of communicative skills

Chol. % Chol. % Chol. % Chol. % Chol. %

2011-1012 24 92.3 26 100 26 100 26 100 26 100

2012-2013 28 90.3 29 93.5 31 100 31 100 31 100

Effectiveness of work with correction of behavior for two initial periods (2011-2012, 2012-2013) depicted in river reports, protocols for the issuance of PMPC, diagnostic cards.

Until the end of the initial development of grammatical language, development of communicative skills and skills, the development of the vocabulary of students in the 2011-2012 school year will be 100% complete. The birth rate returned to normal, but in 2012-2013 the birth rate of one convalescent did not correspond to the secular norm, which is due to the individual development of this child and his recessionary factors.

Until the end of his initial years, Zvukimov did not meet the norm in 2011-2012 in two individuals; in 2012-2013 - 3 people. Despite systematic correction, these patients have lost their normal sounds, which is due to the severity of the physical defect of these patients themselves.

2. Results teacher activities-speech therapist with teachers, university specialists and fathers (By legal representatives) get started (Vykhovantsiv)

2.1. Information about consultations for teachers, teachers and teachers (Legal representatives)


Rik of teachers and teachers of OU Batkov or legal representatives

2011 9 64.3 28 100

2011-2-12 10 71.4 26 100

2012-2013 10 62.5 31 100

The year 2011 is marked in the table, since in this nursery I work for the year 2011. In 2011, the number of teachers in the kindergarten was 14 people. In 2011-2012, the initial population of teachers and teachers in the garden was 14 individuals. In the 2012-2013 academic year. roci ped. the warehouse has been increased to 16 units.

Consultations for caregivers and therapists took place both in a group form (on the clinic and during training hours), and individually, with the help of a therapist or specialist.

those consultations:

Development of motor skills in early age children.

Development of lexical and grammatical manifestations in children with ODD.

Work with the fathers of an advisory nature was carried out in 100% communication. These include group consultations and individual consultations, in the form of booklets, and speeches at Fatherland meetings.


This is the stage of forming the child’s language.

The alphabet for fathers of young preschool children.

Play in the kitchen.

We read and analyze and create together with the children.

If you need to go to a speech therapist.

The fourth river of life. Development of language.

2.2. Variety of directions and forms of awareness and preventive work teacher-speech therapist for adults (Teachers, students, dads)


activities 2011-2012 2012-2013

Lighting in Galuzia for the development of children Vistup on the Moscow region Vistup on the pedrad on the cob of rock. Dopovidi MO stretches out to fate.

Obvyta in Galuzi, the vihovannya di -vikhenyami movie west on Pedradi on the ears of the rock of consultants, the recommenders of the skills of speech therapy for the іndivodal pіddemda to the Vikhovanets I, the Vicoristovanny techniques.

Interaction with other representatives of the educational institution (For example, consultations, SHMPK etc.) Participation in PMPK DOU. Folding a package of documents. Individual programs Participation in the work of PMPK DOU. Creation of individual development programs.

Another direction of preventive work and illumination (Including work with students) Consultations for children do not constitute the Department of Health Supervision of the practice of a 4th year PFU speech therapy student at the Faculty of E. S. Markova. With the developed practice programs and recommendations for it, on the basis of our preschool educational institution.

The basis of corrective correctional work is the understanding of the direct importance of the effectiveness of diagnostic, corrective and preventive work with children based on the level of professional expertise, special knowledge and intelligence including all participants in the correctional and educational process. This robot is given a lot of respect.

3. Result teacher activities- speech therapist for the creation and testing of program-methodological, didactic, basic and other materials.

In 2013, the company posted its electronic portfolio on the lighting project website. what is testimony about? (addendum).

There she also took part in the seven-thousandth competition “The best summary of busyness”, De presented a summary of the occupation of the speech therapy group "Miracle Tree", For zhovten (Certificate included). “The shortest script is holy” Summary of the combined event until Mother's Day “Mother’s orders are good!”, For leaf fall (Certificate included).

Also took part in an interactive competition "Magist"- “The best summary of busyness”.

Є member of the creative group of the DNZ. She took part in the work of the adaptation group of the Children's Health Sciences. The work was organized and carried out in this group during the winter of 2013. (Notes in addition)

4. Ensuring the organization of the correctional-lightening process based on the effective use of current technologies (speech therapy techniques, including information technologies

My robot has vikoryst current lighting technologies:

Information and computer technologies.

The results of the development of information and computer technologies are a positive influx on different aspects of language, the mental development of children, an expanded level of educational capabilities with the help of current multimedia abilities. Victimization of computer presentations at all stages of individual and group education activities as an initial didactic material, as well as visualization itself, it indirectly promotes motivation to mastery, a greater concentration of respect, develops creativity, and forms skills self-control, vmіnya independently gain new knowledge.

Technology of problematic learning.

Helps you learn ways independent accessory knowledge, Beginner, learn how to motivate the search for real features of the new situation, which requires action. Creation of problematic situations and active independent activity In training, their emphasis at all stages is based on the zone of closest development of the child’s peculiarities, which supports puberty knowledge, memories, skills, and the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of children.

Gaming technologies Reinforce role-playing, shape readiness to be meaningful and meaningfully assessed activities. Imitation of real situations, invented or updated Kazkov stories or mini-stories. Formation of reality, symbolic function of information, language, development of other mental functions.

  1. To what extent does the meta-professional activity of a speech-language pathologist serve the purposes of the activity of a lighting professional?

Prior to the priority task of the national project “Osvita”, it is necessary to ensure accessibility and increase the brightness of illumination, and verify the starting abilities of children when entering school. This has found its reflection in the designated activity of the establishment, which lies in the organization of work on the comprehensive development of children through the creation of a single open space, the implementation of an integrated approach in the pedagogical process sі.

A large number of children with impaired mental development of various etiologies are admitted to the DNC. This group will require the implementation of speech therapy intervention, the main focus of which is language development, correction and prevention of disorders.

The goals of the professional activity of a teacher-speech therapist are the provision of an organizational, collaborative, methodical warehouse of the speech therapy segment in a single clear space, the integration of mutual, mutually influencing forces. adulthood for the maximum development of children's abilities, elimination of obvious mental pathologies in them, prevention of secondary disorders. This corresponds to the current state of the lighting installation and the implementation of current lighting tasks at the current stage of its development.

  1. What important problems have emerged in the period since the final certification?

During the period after the last attestation, work was carried out on the following steps:

Improvements in the awareness of graduates of preschool speech therapy groups in terms of the development of shortcomings in mental development (The dynamics of the performance of the teacher-speech therapist are presented in paragraph 9 of this self-analysis);

optimization of the integrative interaction between the facili- ties of the lighting system for the correction of physical disorders in children based on active adhesiveness, mutual complementarity, synergy and responsivity.

Expanding business and creative contacts with colleagues, promoting and expanding the results of work, publications and other forms of activity.

The rapid growth of children with speech pathology, the complexity of medical diagnoses, the decrease in the level of knowledge of humanities subjects in children who suffer from mental health, the disruption of the psychological profile, the decrease in The levels of social adaptation in the micro-macro-society made it possible to position the problem and formulate the activities of the teacher-speech therapist for instructions period - the search for optimal ways to improve the level of indicators of the corrected language, identifying and eliminating local problems.

Analiz is stuck on the periode of the earnings of Roboti for the rings of the Dani of the forms, the method of I Priomiv showing a reserve of a mere mutual slaughter, the yake is not to the tilki, Ale I really healthy. The development of theoretical literature, diagnostic methods and techniques, analysis of data obtained as a result of diagnostics, made it possible to develop a scheme of integrative interaction, to establish a measure of the special characteristics of all hours, highlight the organizational connections between them, create an atmosphere of focus on the results of the work.

The results of the work on the most important problems include:

    regularly conducting closed sessions for hearing courses for advanced qualifications in various profiles;

    confrontation with speech therapists;

    conducting consultations for fathers;

    publication of statistics.

  1. What is the role of the teacher-speech therapist in the implementation of the lighting installation development program (Indicate the status established by the speech therapist teacher)?

The program for the development of a municipal public education system for children of preschool age conveys the highest task for the formation of a single public space “Earth School - Kindergarten”, increasing the development of physical and mental long-term health, creating the foundations of the corrective-developmental interaction “Adult - child” with by developing the mechanism of compensation for damage to the skin of the child. My fate, as a speech therapist, was expressed in the development and implementation of corrective-developmental direct development programs: folded individually oriented educational routes for children, which may cause problems in the future. knowledge of etiology; organization of work of complex psychological and pedagogical support; creation of video materials.

  1. How to insure the health care needs of health care workers in professional activities?

Corrective-speech therapy work with the child will be in accordance with the basic needs, individual and age-old characteristics, which are immediately apparent to us as a result of the comprehensive treatment carried out in the first half of the spring. The results are entered into the map of the installed language, which allows you to choose the route of individual speech therapy work, make a detailed prognosis, divide into subgroups based on the structure and complexity of the speech defect, follow the dynamics of speech new process.

I implement the basic needs of children within the framework of the following directives:

  • work with the development of a sophisticated language;
  • creation of motivation for the development of international communications;
  • formation of spatial phenomena and sensory-motor skills;
  • correction of defective sound signals;
  • development of phonemic hearing and phonemic awareness;
  • clarification and expansion of vocabulary;
  • acquisition of grammatical categories;
  • development of the psychological basis of thought;
  • development of clear provocation and active motivation before initiation;
  • preparation before starting school.

All work is based on the savings of the analyzer, on the protection of the child’s compensatory abilities, creative abilities and sensitive periods of development.

  1. What should you do to ensure an effective time for children and a productive time at work and their activities? What technologies and methods are used in pedagogical activity?

The effectiveness of children’s time in the classroom and their activities is achieved through clear planning of all aspects of work, forms, methods and techniques of organization. Planning, in turn, is determined by the goals and objectives set for the current initial stage, as well as monitoring studies, individual characteristics of children. Within the framework of group, subgroup and individual discussions, let me take a look at:

  • advanced organizational and methodological tools, gaming technologies (In consideration of the activities carried out with children of preschool age and the activities carried out during this period - play);
  • technology “Pedagogy of spivrobiology” is based on a humane and special approach to the child. The name of the technology was given by a group of innovative teachers, who, according to the published evidence, were better than the traditions of the Radian school (N. K. Krupskoy, S. Shatsky, V. O. Sukhomlinsky, A. S. Makarenko), Reach of the Russian (K. D. Ushinsky, N. I. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy) and foreign (J.-J. Rousseau, J. Korczak, K. Rogers, E. Bern) psychological and pedagogical practice and science;
  • technology of regional differentiation, individualization;
  • information technologies (O. I. Kukushkina, P.L. Goncharova and in.)
  • developing skills (I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K. D. Ushinsky, L. S. Vigotsky, L. V. Zankov, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davidov, N. A. Menchinska);
  • adaptive pedagogy (E. A. Yamburg, B. A. Broide and in.).

Regularly, I am committed to organizing individual and group consultations for fathers and teachers, workshops, speaking at methodological meetings and pedagogical conferences, preparing various methodological materials for the stand x is consistent with the river plan of work.

  1. How to organize interaction with children during classes and their posture?

Interactions with children in classes are systematic and constructive in nature, implemented through various organizational forms: classes (Individual, subgroup, group), play (Elementary, advanced, cognitive, developmental, productive, communicative, creative, subject, plot, role-playing, verbal, carefree, etc.), Integrated activities in friendship with other workers. The criteria by which a group of children is formed may vary, for example, according to the age-old principle, the formation of these and other skills is equal, however, the news of correction in connection with the automation of one and the other These are groups of sounds. As part of the conducted lesson, I will explore the most interesting types of activities, methods and techniques, as well as obligatory respect for the formation of children’s skills to work in macro-micro groups, in pairs, to listen to the rumors and feelings of a friend, to conduct value and self-esteem. When organizing interactions with children in the classroom and their activities, the threefold task is imperative: illumination, education, correction, which is a factor in the success of learning and socialization of children .

  1. How is the level of cognitive interest of students assessed in the classroom? Why should you work to develop your interest?

The level of educational interest of children in all forms of activities will almost always remain consistently high. However, this does not mean that every single child with a great degree of readiness to accept the presented material. And boys with a low level of motivation for initial activity. And there is a lot of work to be done on this to understand the root cause of this phenomenon, which may be related to disruptions on another plane, below. Collection of historical data, dynamic monitoring, use of various diagnostic methods, review of nutrition at a psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation allows you to choose an individual educational route, carry out a correction if necessary bath, in the end bag, develop knowledge about the reasons for the lower level of cognitive interest of these and others children.

The boys of the speech therapy groups take part in all baby competitions held at the level.

  1. How can we ensure that the everyday needs of other students with special needs and skills are met?

We would like to inform you about the situation regarding several positions. Pritamannye skhilnosti i (Abo) up to any type of activity (Educational, constructive, etc.) It is necessary to strive for maximum efficiency in order to achieve the highest level of correctional and developmental tasks. For example, the skill or development of a child before molding allows for the development of the hand-motor praxis, finely differentiated arms and their corresponding preparation for the leaf, sensory, replenishment and enrichment of the vocabulary stock In the future, there will be a speech on the demonstration of actions, the practice of grammatical categories, the automation of sound, development of the communication language.

Significant weaknesses and weaknesses may arise from a variety of reasons. Thus, in our installation we integrated children with special needs, (Their language impairment is explained by sensorineural deafness). A different kind of work was carried out on them. Their differences, diagnostic results, and reliance on saving analyzers must be ensured when selecting a task, organizing work, and creating a similar adaptive environment.

  1. What is the dynamics of performance in the subject, what is reflected?

The data is based on the minutes of the meeting of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

  1. What methods of assessing the performance of students are used? To what extent do they correspond to the goals set? How is the information removed as a result of the assessment processed? What fate will begin at the end of their initial activities?

In the process of specially organized activities, the following assessments are established:

  • in the form of an emotional stage;
  • appraisal judgment (Verbal desire and in.);
  • icons-symbol (“Sonechko”, “hmarinka”, etc.).

Information removed as a result of evaluation is liable to undermine the stimulating function, even if it is universal. The involvement of health care providers before participating in the assessment of their initial activities has a positive educational-illuminative effect: other knowledge is clarified, the analytical activity of the brain is developed, critical There is, the understanding of the material has been acquired.

The assessment must be objective, fair, clear and reasonable for the child, and provide information about his successes.

  1. How do you assess the level of psychological atmosphere in a group of children? How do you get used to creating an environment of mutual trust, respect, and openness?

The psychological atmosphere in the group is comfortable, and the majority of children have a good, cheerful mood. When carrying out any approaches associated with special moments, there is a feeling of concentration, a feeling of worry about the result. The data is confirmed by sociometric research and the results of the questionnaire. For children who may have any particular mood, behavior, individual correctional-psychological work is carried out, various visits are allowed, and special activities are organized on any subject.

  1. Forms of interaction with fathers: how is information about initial achievements communicated? How can the idea of ​​the fathers and their parents be ensured for the success and development of their child?

Constructive interaction with parents is one of the cornerstones of the successful work of a speech therapist teacher. Status of various forms: conversations, individual and group consultations, Fatherland gatherings, conferences and clubs, organization of sleepovers, selection of various educational activities, exhibitions, sleepovers Nanny for individual clients. It is imperative to ensure that the thoughts of fathers and their children are taken into account for the success and progress of the child, various forms of activity of fathers and children are organized, in order to find out the basis of the facts, if Fathers are indifferently assessed both to the obviousness of the damage, and to their results of work in a good manner.

  1. How do you rate your relationship with your colleagues?

Like partner, constructive, trustworthy. A lot of colleagues are desperate for help, which I don’t think they can do.

  1. How do you promote the level of professional excellence? What place does self-illumination occupy?

The level of professional mastery is regularly promoted both in specially organized courses for advanced qualifications and by participating in seminars at various levels, methods of education.

I was engaged in self-illumination during the period. .. By. .. rik. pratsyuvala


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