What do teachers make research lesson. "Learning lesson" - a necessary approach to improving professional skills

What do teachers make research lesson. "Learning lesson" - a necessary approach to improving professional skills

Lesson is a study as one of the forms of a modern lesson.

The study is one of the four universal type test types, the most adequately corresponding sociocultural education mission. Any study, no matter what area of \u200b\u200bnatural or humanities it is performed, has a similar structure. Such a chain is an integral affiliation of research activities, the norm of it. Research activities creates favorable conditions to implement a competence approach in education. The student acts in an educational study as a subject, i.e. As actively, consciously, selectively, responsibly, independently valid. The structure of research activities and the principles of its organization can be represented as a table:

Research activities in the educational process

Structural elements

Principles of research learning


Student as a researcher

Principle of subjectivity


Cognitive need

The principle of problem learning

A source

Problem situation


Getting a new knowledge necessary to solve the problem

An object

Fact, process, phenomenon, real reality event

Principle of personal significance research problem


Unknown in object \u003d problem \u003d question


Convert Question In response, ignorance in knowledge

The principle of nonlinearity of the research process


Application of research methods of knowledge

Principle of search


Solution to the problem

The principle of reflexivity


New knowledge about the object of knowledge

Of course, research activities are a concept much wider, almost unlimited by temporary framework. This is a study with an unknown result. A lesson - the study is limited by a temporary framework. A research task is raised before students, the solution of which, in the overwhelming majority, is known to the teacher, but not students. The result of the lesson is new knowledge.

Lesson - Research is joint activities Pupils and teachers related to the decision of students (with the support of the teacher) of a creative, research task (even with a predetermined decision, but unfamiliar students). The leading value of the lesson - research is the value of the process of movement towards the truth.

The main goal of the lesson study is to acquire students of a functional skill of research as a universal way to obtain new durable knowledge (obtained by themselves and therefore, which are personally significant, which means durable), the development of the ability to research the type of thinking, intensifying the personality position of the student in the educational process. Thus, the main result of the lesson - the study is an intellectual, creative product (knowledge), establishing one or another truth as a result of the study procedure.


Educational: to ensure the learning of knowledge, improve the ability to analyze.

Developing: activate cognitive activity; the ability to perform and protect their point of view; develop creativity; develop communication skills in groups; Create conditions for the development of skillchildren to formulate interim problems, offer ways to solve them, to ensure the development of monologic schoolchildren and dialogic speech, develop cognitive interest in the surrounding life.

Educational: to form the main ideas, moral, aesthetic views, culture of communication and behavior.

On the lesson study, you can divert 1 - 2 hours of academic times (dual lessons).

A lesson - research refer to the lesson of the first type - the study and primary consolidation of new knowledge and ways of activity.

Used verbal - visual, heuristic and research methods of learning.

The research method is organized on the basis of a joint (more often group) of students, which corresponds not only to their increased need for interpersonal communication, but also creates conditions for their personal growth. The learning lesson gives a child the experience of group intellectual activity, becomes a source of demanding culture of behavioral habits and communication skills, intellectual interaction: not to pronounce sharp categorical judgments, not to emphasize the intellectual superiority, do not neglect the opinions of others, do not interrupt the speaker, but also to be concise and clear in statements, etc.

Work in groups of 4 - 5 people provides free exchange of views on the proposed problem, the transition to the operating knowledge.

The structure of such a lesson is worked out and repeats the structure of any scientific research:

  • motivation,
  • setting (wording) of the research task (problem), hypotheses nomination,
  • research work in groups of searching for the necessary information and transformation under the necessary angle of view (repetition of the theory on this issue, selection of tools), systematization, generalization.
  • representation of the found facts, own conclusions, checking the corrected hypothesis (if hypothesis extended),
  • reflection.

The first stage of the lesson is motivational.Motivation - Very important stage of the learning process, if we want it to be creative. The purpose of motivation as the stage of the lesson is the creation of conditions for the occurrence of a question or problem. One of the ways to implement the motivation can be the initial (motivating problem), which should provide "vision of students with a more common problem than that that is reflected in the condition of the task."Consciousness and motivation to a specific content of research activities are formed in specially organized conditions of educational and educational games, educational discussions, methods of emotional incentive, etc., which put the student in the active position of the researcher, mastering universal methods of cognitive activity involve incritical analysis, selection and design of personality and significant content of research. At the lesson, you can also create a real or imaginary life situation in which the students are "turning out" as its direct participants.

Stage formulating the problem- The thinnest and "creative" component of the thought process. What does success depends in creating a problem situation? A.N. Leontiev, Classic patriotic psychology, Approves: "Only the problem with which a person faced during its own activity has been relevant. The problem situation should be organized in this way, in which it will not leave the children indifferent.Independent search and building new knowledge is impossible in the absence of a student need for them.Thus, ideally, the disciple itself should formulate the problem as a result of solving a motivating problem,it is desirable that the topic flows out from the scope of interests of the child.However, in real school practice, this happens not always: for very many schoolchildren, an independent definition of a problem is difficult; The wording proposed by them may be incorrect. And therefore, control from the teacher is necessary. As part of the lesson study, the teacher can specifically create a problem situation. However, no ways of creating a problem situation are quite effective.

You can use the method of "invitations to solving the problem." But the methodical move "Once we do not know this - let's study!" Also may not provide the desired efficiency: "Well, and that with the fact that we do not know! Why do we need to know this? It's still impossible to know everything! " This is one of the difficulties with which you have to deal with the teacher in the lesson - the study. To spend such a lesson, the teacher must know his students very well.

The algorithm of organizing a meeting teacher with a problem in the lesson of the Russian language can be represented as a sequence of steps:

  1. Actualization of speech experience in students: the creation of a speech teacher (real or imaginary) is a proposal to act in this situation (something to say, write or listen, read, and then evaluate what is written or read, said or heard).
  2. The emergence of the problem and its awareness of students: the execution of the proposed speech action - detection of contradictions in a given speech situation (between the speech task and disadvantage, inadequacy of cash linguistic means for solving it; between its own and foreign speech experience; between the content of the statement and the language selected for its transfer The form inadequate to this content, etc.) - the emotional experience of the state of difficulty, doubt or surprise.
  3. Formulation of a problematic question or an educational task by students themselves: the formulation of the issue in which an information request is expressed on the missing information necessary to effectively solve the speech problem in a given speech situation - reformulation of a private problematic issue into a generalized learning task (if necessary) - determining its own The goals of educational and cognitive activity, which actually comes down to finding a response to the problematic issues that have arisen, to solving an educational task.

One of the important points in the lesson is the hypotheses nomination.Useful to instill students desire to record hypotheses, which gives statements accuracy and conciseness. No need to limit the number of hypotheses offered by students.

The third stage is actually a study. Students work in groups, it is possible to allocate a leader who will control the entire process: will distribute the responsibilities between the team members, will monitor the course of the study. The collective material is collected, the study of relevant educational or special literature necessary for work. it stage to build a new knowledge. The student in the process of study independently, with the help of various methods, collects facts that help him build a new knowledge - its own description or explanation of the objects studied. Research methods:

Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, analogy, systematization);

Empirical (observation, survey, survey, experiments (mental, real), learning text documents (sources).

The student is free in choosing routes of movement to the truth. Material for observing students can also provide a teacher, and the conclusion of children make themselves.

Here students check the hypothesis nominated (hypotheses). Checking hypothesesallows you to strengthen faith or doubt the truth of the proposals, and may make changes to their wording. Most often, testing hypotheses is expediently carried out by carrying out another test. In this case, the result of a new sample is compared with the previous result. If the results coincide, the hypothesis is confirmed, and the likelihood of its truth increases. The discrepancy of the results serves as the basis for deviating the hypothesis or clarify the conditions of its justice.

Systematization and analysis of the material obtainedit is convenient to exercise using tables, schemes, graphs, etc. - They allow you to visually determine the necessary links, properties, relationships, patterns. The teacher can pre-prepare "working sheets" that students will fill in the lesson if all the stages of the study are carried out in the lesson, and not pass the preparation step. His own findings students can compare with a cultural analogue (with the conclusions of the textbook). Appeal to the experience of scientists in such a situation increases the value of knowledge in the eyes of the child.

At the next stage, students represent the facts found, their own conclusions, check the corrected hypothesis (if hypothesis is assumed).

The results of the study are submitted or in the form of an oral report, report, reports, or rely (in case) on the presentation decorated in the POWER POINT program.

And the last stage of the lesson is reflection. The child understands that the discovery made them really arms it with a new way to solve problems. Due to the fact that the disciple's problem decided on his own, he feels free. Children enjoy the fact that they themselves received knowledge.

Thus, the lesson-research technology allows you to achieve school education goals in the context of a competence approach: children learn to independently analyze situations, make optimal solutions, solve problems, explain the phenomena of reality, their causes, relationship, learn to learn (define goals, enjoy different sources of information, Proceed observations and conclusions, find optimal solutions, interact).

Technology lesson-research "Works" to the formation of the personal characteristics of the graduate, prescribed in the standard of the second generation:

Inquisitive, actively and interested in the knowledge of the world;

Owning the ability to learn capable of organizing their own activities;

Ready to act independently;

Able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion.

Lesson study as a means of obtaining new durable knowledge.

About me: Work experience in the field of education 8 years. Professional interests: accompanied by gifted children, integration processes in the educational environment, competenced approach.

Now the words of the FGOS and innovative technologies have become very fashionable, but this treasureness is dictated by the time and new needs of modern society.

The very emergence of new generation standards is associated with the dissatisfaction of society by the results of training that were before. It turned out that modern society is not enough to have specialists, stuffed with a certain set of knowledge. Specialists are needed to operate with these knowledge, use them in practice, transform the situation, respectively, to constantly learn, update knowledge and practical skills, creatively use them, to achieve new performance results.

That is exactly such specialists we must grow with you and prepare for vocational training. How to form such a person in the school walls? Forces of the subject matter? Last years It was shown that the previously used pedagogical technologies do not give the desired result now, we are designed to look for new ways to solve pedagogical problems - the use of innovative technologies, that is, such technologies that allow you to achieve new learning outcomes in demand. Such technology for me for several years is a research technology or a study lesson.

Research is one of the forms of creative activity, so it should be considered as an integral part of the problem of the development of students' creative abilities. Intellectual and moral development of a person on the basis of involving it in a variety of independent activities in various areas of knowledge can be considered as a strategic direction for the development of education. The development of the personality of the student, his intellect, feelings, will be carried out only in asset activities. The human psyche is not only manifested, but also formed in activities, and it cannot develop outside of activity. In the form of neutral-passive perception, it is impossible to form neither durable knowledge or deep convictions, nor flexible skills.

It should be immediately noted: one should not identify such concepts as research activities of students and a lesson - research: research activities - the concept is much wider, almost unlimited by temporary framework. This is a study with an unknown result. Lesson - the study is limited by a temporary framework - 45 minutes. The student is raised by a research task, the solution of which, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is known (but not student). The result of the lesson is new knowledge.

In a typical educational situation, which, as a rule, determines the nature of the educational process, the standard positional scheme "Teacher" is being implemented - "student". The first broadcasts knowledge, the second absorbs them; All this is happening in the framework of the workshop of the URACTION scheme. At the lesson - the study, these positions face realities: there are no ready-made knowledge standards that are so familiar to the blackboard. It initiates the beginning of evolution from the object - the subject paradigm educational activities - The direction of action from the teacher to the student - to the situation of joint comprehension of the surrounding reality, the expression of which is a couple of "colleague - colleague".

Lesson - research.
Under the lesson - research, I imagine the activities of students and teachers related to the decision of students (with the support of the teacher) of a creative, research task (albeit with a predetermined decision, but unfamiliar students) and involving the presence of the main stages characteristic of the study in the scientific sphere:
- formulation of the problem,
- Repetition of the theory dedicated to this issue,
- selection of tools for research and practical possession of them,
- processing the result obtained, its analysis and generalization, own conclusions.
Such a chain is an integral affiliation of research activities, the norm of it.

Recall how the discoveries occur? Most often, the opening is random and because they are extremely interesting both for the participants of the events and for a wide range of non-specialists. After all, the history of such discoveries is a kind of scientific detective, with the difference that the author - a scientist never knows what his search will be crowned. Most often, discoveries occur in those areas of sciences in which you can use tools (substances, devices, materials ...). This creates a certain model (design), affecting which results are studied. Philology in this sense is not the most promising area for the accomplishment of discoveries, but for conducting lessons of study with students, we will have enough tools such as interpretation, analysis, synthesis. That's all tools! We are not going to make discoveries, with the help of this set of tools, students will receive (almost alone!) New knowledge. And in order to achieve the goal, they will have to design ˝yidi, using philological tools, to affect them, ˝ prohibit in memory there is a fairly large amount of knowledge. The basis of the teacher's activity at such a lesson I consider the test of ideas (even unprofitable, until it becomes obvious!) Students offered to solve the problem. If there are no such ideas - it is necessary to bring students to their appearance with a proposal of at least one idea (never immediately offer faithful, students should find it independently by brute force various options).

The main goal of the lesson is a study - the acquisition of students of a functional skill of research as a universal way to obtain new durable knowledge (obtained by independently and therefore, which is personal and meaningful, and also durable), the development of the ability to research the type of thinking, intensifying the personal position of the student in the educational process. Thus, the main result of the lesson - the study is an intellectual, creative product (knowledge), establishing one or another truth as a result of the study procedure.

The leading value of the lesson - research is the value of the process of movement towards the truth. Lesson - Research is a joint (teacher and student) process of movement to the truth !!
The main sacrament of the lesson research is the origin of the idea of \u200b\u200bsolving the problem.
The developing function of learning Russian language and literature requires a teacher not a simple presentation of knowledge in a certain system, but also suggests learning schoolchildren to think, search and find answers to the questions raised, extract new knowledge, relying on already known. It is appropriate in this regard to bring the words of the French philosopher M. Montene: "The brain is well arranged more than the brain is well filled."

Philology should not be considered as an object with a set of ready-made knowledge, but as a specific intellectual activity of a person. Training should be in a reasonable extent to pass in the form of re-opening, and not a simple transmission of the value of knowledge. Now at school, training is largely built by the formula: "Mastering \u003d understanding + memorization."

But if we want to really develop young people, we must be guided by the following formula:
"Mastering \u003d learning + applying knowledge in practice."

Cognitive processes are effectively developing only with such an organization of learning, in which schoolchildren are included in active search activities, and this activity must be assessed.

Evaluating the success of students in the implementation of the study.
When assessing the success of the student in a project or study, it is necessary to understand that the most significant assessment for it is the public recognition of success and effectiveness. A positive assessment is worthy of any level of the results achieved.
Evaluation of the degree of formation of skills and research skills is important for a teacher who must estimate:
- degree of independence in the implementation of various stages of work on the project;
- degree of inclusion in group work and the clarity of the execution of the assigned role;
- practical use of ZON;
- the number of new information used to execute the project;
- the degree of reflection of the information used;
- originality of the idea, how to solve the problem;
- understanding the problem of the project and formulating the purpose and objectives of the project or research;
- level of organization and presentation;
- possession of reflexia;
- a creative approach in preparing objects of visibility presentation;
- The value of the results obtained.

The search for the new is the basis for the development of will, attention, memory, imagination and thinking. An effective means of learning and development is the organization of lessons - research, the purpose of which is to help students independently open new knowledge and ways to deepen and systematize the studied.

1. Yu.V. Zavodsky. Memo for a teacher. Jd Head. Management of the modern school. №6, 2007
2. N.Yu. Skelenkova. Organization of student research in school scientific community. Jd Head. Management of the modern school. № 5, 2005
3. N.S. General Methods of working with gifted children in a comprehensive school. Jd Head. Management of the modern school. № 8, 2009
4. L.G. Provided. The organization of research activities of students is the prospect of the development of children's gifting. TTP: //Festival 1September.ru/articles.
5. Organization of research work from the experience of schools of the Altai Territory. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/568376/

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school named after S.A. Akhtyamova village Manzaras "

Lesson - research
Educational methodical development lessons

using ICT

when studying the objects of the humanitarian cycle

(history and social studies)

W.chiele of Story and social studies


Mutigullina Lily Ravilevna


Lesson - research

Preparing for the next lesson, I ask myself a question - what is more important for my students: to get acquainted with the events of history and modernity, or, comprehending them, enrich and realize themselves, their place in this huge world and historical space?

Knowledge learned, but whether they helped the student to feel more reliable in the surrounding life, they prompted the creativity, active their use. Another Aristotle noticed that "... The mind lies not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to make knowledge in business ...".

To form key competencies, it is necessary to choose such technology for learning, in which the students most of the time work independently, planning, organization, self-control and evaluation of their actions and activities in general.

From the manifold of modern educational technologies, as a leading technology, I chose a research. I believe that this technology, no matter how other, contributes to the formation of almost all key competencies selected by me. Dominance of research technology in training does not mean the complete exception of others, it assumes only its prevalence.

The basis of the pedagogical technology that simulates the process of scientific research is the system of concepts, definitions, rules, didactic means and methodical techniques. The implementation of technology goes through the conduct of lessons studies, research workshops, home practical work and extracurricular research work. In the study lessons I put two goals: learning subject (didactic) and studying research activities (pedagogical). The goals are achieved during the solution of specific tasks that contribute to the formation of competencies:

Table №1



Food competencies

Purchase of general educational skills

Working with a textbook, to make tables, design observations, formulate thoughts in internal and external speech, carry out self-control, carry out self-analysis, etc.

Communication, self-development, information competences

Purchase of special skills

Absorption of actual material on the subject

Subject competencies

Purchase of Intellectual Skills

Analyze, compare, summarize, etc.

Solving problems, self-development

Purchase of research knowledge and skills

Select problems, formulate hypotheses, plan an experiment in accordance with the hypothesis, integrate the data, draw conclusions

Solving problems, self-development, cooperation

In terms of the volume of scientific research methodology, I spend lessons research and lessons with elements of research. In a lesson with elements of research, students exercise separate training techniques that make up research activities. According to the content of research elements, I use the following types of lessons: lessons on the choice of the topic and the research method, to formulate the ability to formulate the purpose of the study, lessons with experiment, work with sources of information.

In class studies, with my help, students master the scientific research methodology, assign the stages of scientific knowledge.

In class lessons I use various forms of student learning: individual, group, pair, collective. I give preference to group and collective, as they are, to a greater extent, than others contribute to the formation of key competencies. In order to avoid deficiencies in group work (conflicts, "hide behind foreign spins", etc.) are mandatory developing together with children and then use group work rules.

Information technologies - an integral part of modern life. I believe that any teacher interested in improving his professional skills, regardless of the subject matter, should have a high information culture (able to extract information from different sources, to process it, be able to use computer equipment and devices to it, work with popular computer programs, be able to use the Internet resources), and most importantly - to teach this children. I agree with the author of these lines: "... in the lessons under the guidance of a teacher, schoolchildren can learn how to use computer technologies for educational purposes for the comprehensive development of their intelligence, master the ways to obtain information for solving training, and subsequently and production tasks, to acquire skills that will help continue education. Throughout life. "

The structure of the lesson using information and communicative technologies may be as follows:

Stage lesson

ICT use form




Demonstration presentation

Creating a working attitude to a lesson, readiness check.



Demonstration presentation

Entry into a new topic.

Explanation of a new material.

Demonstration presentation using video phrases and illustrative rows

Formulation of the topic and setting goals, tasks of the lesson. An increase in visibility, motivation to perceive the material. Fastening the skills of working with historical cards, didactic material.

Fixing the material studied

Demonstration presentation

Development skills work with text tables. Form creativity.

Summing up the lesson

Demonstration presentation

Learn to carry out analysis and self-analysis learning activities. Create a positive attitude in the lesson.

It is assumed wide use Differentiation levels, problematic tasks and phased control over the learning of knowledge (in order to identify gaps and their liquidation).

At the lesson, schoolchildren work with multi-way sources, atlas and contour cards, comparative tables, graphics, diagrams, illustrative material.

Work can be carried out individually, in pairs, in subgroups.

At any stage of the work, the student is oriented to find problems or choosing ways to solve them.

Often the lesson begins with input control. By carrying out him, the teacher checks the degree of assimilation by students' students (based on the fulfillment of various tasks). Input control makes it possible to logically go to the study of the new material.

Work on each educational element is necessarily motivated and localized over time.

Independent work with sources is combined with the discussion problem issues.

Carrying out the current and intermediate control, you can identify gaps in the knowledge and difficulties arising in the process of mastering the material. Thus, you can manage the learning process.

You can use self-control and mutual control. In this case, students compare their versions of responses with the correct options in the response sheet and are affixed in the estimated sheet of scores in points; Mutual control is carried out when working in a subgroup or educational pair.

Throughout the lesson, it is necessary to advise students, participate in the discussion of problematic issues, control the activities of schoolchildren, to sum up the preliminary results (the final results of the work of each student may only be summed up at the beginning of the next lesson).

Before the final control, you can make a generalization, remind the guys about the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, briefly describing the results of the work of experts, subgroups, class as a whole. The purpose of the final control is to check how students learned the new material. Schoolchildren are invited to do one of three tasks. Control at this stage is carried out by a teacher.

At the end of the lesson, schoolchildren on a five-point scale estimate their work in the lesson, determine that this work gave them. Thus, the guys clarify what they have achieved in the study of historical material. This one is the final - the stage of work is called reflexia.

The teacher formulates issues without difficulty to evaluate the results achieved in the lesson. For example, schoolchildren can offer the number of points characterizing the degree of assimilation of the material: Self-confinement criteria



My mark

Assessment of teacher

1. my assumptions coincided with historical facts

1 B.

2. I was attentive (when the teacher's story, comrades, when watching video of the plots


3. I got it


4. I was able to answer questions


5. I was active in the lesson


The prerequisite for conducting a study lesson is the presence of each student, printed didactic material and textbooks or packet of documents to the lesson.

Training in the second concentrationit intends to study the material already known for students on a problem-theoretical level. The main goal of the teacher is not the formation of a representation of the historical period and historical concepts, and the formation of skills of working with various sources of historical knowledge, to compare the assessments of historical events, phenomena, personalities of the past and modernity, determination and orientation of their own attitude towards them. Lessons - research as it is impossible to better improve these goals.

To achieve these goals, it is effectively organized by group work and apply the following methodological techniques.

1. Summary ("Speech").

Students after discussing a certain text or listened information are prepared in 2-3 minutes. Spich on a given topic.

Reception allows - to express acquired information to express with your own words, briefly formulate information, express evaluation judgments.

2. "Six hats critical thinking».

The purpose of the method decomposition of thinking into components, with the release of six main types (in some lessons we use only some of them).

The method allows you to consider the problems discussed from different sides.

Red Hat - the brightest events of the studied period.

White hat - statement of facts, statistics.

Black hat - critical understanding of events.

Yellow hat - optimistic (positive events, facts).

Blue Hat - analytical, search (free reflection).

Green hat - inventive, creative.

3. Method "Sinkwein"(from a French - fivestand).

Five lowercase poems, consists of brief expressions that require the synthesis of information and material.

Effective at the stage of reflection, generalizations and synthesis of concepts and new information. Synkievine writing rules.

  1. stitch - 1 word, noun name, topic title.

  2. stitch - Description of the theme two adjectives.

  3. stitch - a description of the action with 3 verbs or verbalias.
4 stitch - winged phrase, saying, showing feeling,
attitude towards the topic, first word.

5 stitch - noun or phrase expressing the essence first
line, "Synonym" of the first line.
Of course, our subject is emotional and fascinating, his teaching is designed to wake the imagination of the student and in addition to teach children competently express their thoughts. The lesson is a study - this is one of the ways to enhance the activities of students, forming the skills of independent work and culture of mental labor.
Topic: Culture of ancient Russian state in 1x-XII. centuries.

  1. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of the culture of ancient Russian state, identify the features of the culture of ancient Russia and the features of the cultural culture of the Middle Ages, to form the concept of continuity, synthesis and identity of the culture of Russia;

  2. Develop the ability to navigate in historical time and space, the ability to compare the culture of different countries of one historical period, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, form receptions of research work;

  3. To promote cultural enrichment of students, aesthetic education, the formation of love for the past of its country.

Pavlenko, Andreev "History of Russia from ancient times to the XVIII century."; Time Tape, Research Plan, Stand "You need to know", signs on expert tables: Byzantium, Caliphate countries, European countries; Presentation: "Culture of Russia IX - XII centuries";

Type of lesson:lesson - research

Methods: S.lovely visual, partially search.

During the classes.

I.. Organizational part. Teacher:

The theme of our lesson "The culture of ancient Russian state in the IX - XII centuries." And what does the term culture for each of you mean? So, warm-up (Acceptance of the Association or the game one offer).


The culture of the Renaissance, the culture of the early Middle Ages, architectural monuments, sculpture, etc. etc.

Teacher:Well done, you have the correct idea of \u200b\u200bculture. We are not the first time we meet with this concept.

The purpose of today's lesson is to study the culture of the ancient Russian state, to identify the features of the similarities of Russian culture with the culture of other peoples during this period of the Middle Ages.

Today we have a lesson - research:

The study of the culture of the ancient Russian state in the IX - XII centuries.

Today we must reveal the similarities and differences in the culture of ancient Russia with the culture of other countries.

I Group - Experts of Culture of Byzantium.

Group II - experts of the culture of the countries of Western Central Europe.

III Group - Cultiphate Culture Culture Experts.

Information about the culture of ancient Russia you will receive from written sources and video phrases, presentations.

(Slide number 1)

Open the notebook, write the subject of the lesson.

Get acquainted with the study plan. (Slide number 2)
II.. Actualization.

2.1. Culture, cultural values. What big groups can we share everything that created by the hands of a person?

2.2. And what can be attributed to spiritual values? So, let's start our study.

III. Formation of new knowledge.

3.1. Development of writing. Books. (Slide number 3)

Appearance of writing one of the most important points Stories of every nation. Written sources are the most reliable, giving the greatest information about the history of the people.

How did writing in Western and Central Europe, in Byzantium and Asian countries?

Word to our experts. Recall the development of writing in your countries.

(Groups are preparing "Speech" for the specified plan). (Slide №4)

I. Group. Countries of Western and Central Europe.

II. Group. Byzantium.

Greek language was state

Books were handwritten.

Rewritten in the monastery

There were more competent people than in Western European countries.

III Group. Country Caliphate.
Latin East "- Arabic
Books were handwritten
Written sura from the Quran

The books were rewriting at the palaces of caliphs and Emirov wrote on parchment, papyrus, paper.

But how did the writing and education develop in Russia? You will learn about this from the video. And you have to find answers to these questions while watching:

  1. When appeared writing in Russia?

  2. Who created the Slavic ABC?

  3. What language did you write?

  4. What did they write on?

  5. How many literate people?

  6. What were the books?
(answer after video school)

We conclude:

Cyril and mythodies created the Slavic alphabet. She penetrated on Russia in the X century. They wrote on Parchment and Bereste.

3.2. Literature (Slide number 5)

We will continue our research in the field of spiritual culture and proceed to the study of literature. How the literature developed in the countries of the early Middle Ages. Who will start their performance? For a guideline, you must answer these questions?


1. What literary genres gained development?

I. Group. "Western Europe"

In the countries of Central and Western Europe Competent people most of all read the gospel, the lives of the saints. Chronicles created in the monasteries. Singers and teachers composed epic poems.

II. Group. Byzantium.

read the Bible, religious books

studied the works of the ancient scientists of Homer, the tragedy of Eshil and Sophokla

historians on the basis of documents, told eyewitnesses, personal observations

created bright essays and a description of countries.

III Group. Country Caliphate.

Listened and told fairy tales and stories about amazing adventures,


Arabs had a rich poetry, one of the famous poets was Firdusi.

And what was the literature of ancient Russia? Here we will help a written source of knowledge.

On the tables, the texts of the sources that need to be studied and draw conclusions.

And now we conclude.

Literature originated in Russia in the XI century. Chronicles were written, the lives of saints,

works in the genre of the word, poems.

    1. Architecture. (Slide No. 6, 7)
We looked at the development of spiritual culture during the Middle Ages.

And now we will pay attention to the development of material culture and consider the development of architecture.

What architectural monuments can you call? What material built at this time?

I. Group. "Western Central Europe"

The knights built the castles, at first they were built from a tree, later from the stone, built churches, monasteries, stone palaces built imitations to the Romans.

II. Group. "Byzantium"

In Byzantium, the Cross-Domestic Temple was established.

The largest monument of architecture was the temple of St. Sofia B.


In Byzantium, stone architecture was spread.

III Group. "Countries of the Caliphate"

The builder was erected for caliphs magnificent palaces, tombs and fortresses. The cities built Muslim temples-mosque. The construction was made from stone.

While watching the video library, find answers to the following questions.

  1. What is architecture?

  2. What traditions had architecture in Russia?

  3. When did the construction of stone temples in Russia begins?

  4. Who were the first stone temples built?
Let's make a conclusion, responding to the above questions.

Wooden architecture was common in Russia, the houses were multi-tiered, decorated with intricate carvings. After making Christianity in Russia, the construction of stone temples began. Temples combined Byzantine and Slavic traditions.

XII century marked by the appearance large number Russian artists in all areas of art. The most outstanding among them is honored by mentions in the chronicles, but there are a lot of unknown masters.

The Russian land during this period was published by the boundaries of feudal principalities, but was the unified territory of the Russian people. On her extensive spaces, the Russian people lived, who spoke in the same language. In the folk epic, the protection of the native land, military valor, and loyalty to the Motherland. Craftsmen were carriers of the ideas of the political unity of Russia. But in life there was not yet clear ways to unite all the lands, so the unity of Russia was drawn in the idealized images of the past, in the form of the Kiev powers of Vladimir and Yaroslav Wise. These princes put in an example by the author of "Words about the regiment of Igor".

Russian architects in their buildings also sought to express ideas of Russia's unity. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe tower-like church was associated with wooden architecture, with fortress fags and terragenous arms of civil architecture. Masters builders of one region were built in different principalities, it led to expansion to

the appearance of artistic I. technical achievements and developing community techniques.

If the Byzantines used the temple used only for prayer, the Russian architects understood the connection of their art with nature, the interaction of the building and landscape.

Angribls of the Old Russian cities - Kiev, Vladimir, indicate that the architects chose the best places for the most important buildings of the city.

Look, on 86 of your textbooks, Friday Temple in Chernigov, in this temple found a complete expression of identity, features of Russian architects.

You still have a reproduction of the councils of the Old Russian cities. All of them are not like each other. But at the same time they have one shared feature. What? One high dome unites somewhat small.

As if an ancient master calls everyone to unite around one center.

IV. Fastening.

4.1. Compare using the methodological technique "Six Critical Thinking Hats"

I group. Literature of Western and Central Europe with literature ancient Russia. Compare from the position of the yellow hats.

II group. The architecture of Byzantium and Ancient Russia. Compare from the position of a red hats.

IIIgroup. Development of writing in the countries of the Caliphate and Ancient Rus. Compare from the position of blue hats.

4.2. Make a general conclusion, how was the level of development of culture in ancient Russia?

Were the old-Russian masters have been able to form their own distinctive traditions? Have the masters of ancient Russia used cultural achievements of other peoples?

Record the conclusion:

In the ancient Russian state there was a high level of culture. Rus

used the achievements of the masters of other countries, also formed their cultural


V.. Conclusion.

5.1. Homework: §10, to study the art of ancient Russia, write new words.

  1. Write "Sinquen" about the culture of ancient Russia.

  2. Estimates

Coaching plan on the topic
"Study in action. Lesson Study »
The subject of classes: "Research in action. Lesson Study »

General goals: Create conditions for acquaintance with the concept of "research in action" as a form of research by a practitioner. Prepare teachers for the adoption of research ideas in action and as its variety - "Lesson Study", understanding its tasks, the ability to implement in their activities.
Learning results: Teachers will know what a "study in action" is, to understand its tasks; The list of the main main stages of the study in action and differences between "Lesson Study".
Form a positive attitude to the reflection of its pedagogical activitywhose tool is a "study in action" and Lesson Study.
Review its pedagogical methods of work in such a way as to be actively involved in the practice of teaching and learning in order to implement changes accompanied by a systematic collection of evidence of the impact of these changes.
Key ideas:

A pedagogical study in action based on the school is a process through which practitioners think and respond to school problems. This form of research is not so much "in" and "pro" education, how much "for" him. Based on this, the appointment of the teacher is its own involvement in the process of self-energic research in order to be able to understand and improve its own practice.

Stages of holding time

90 minutes of CUCH and the action of participants

Introduction 3 min The formation of a collaborative environment.
Workout "Our Day" (in pairs they welcome each other the main events of the school day)
Seaming in the group on color sticker-wishes.
- What interesting happened today from your colleague?
- What events have you pleased together?
- What was very surprised?
Goaling 10 min a) reflection of one of the school day lessons.
Please answer questions:
The objectives and objectives of the lesson are achieved by most of the students, because ____________________________
Most successful were ______________, since _
Did not go to the result ______________________, since ________
The forms of activity organization ________ were successful.
The most effective techniques were _____________________
Change in the next lesson must be _________________.
B) "Brainstorming":
-What action was produced now?
-Why does the teacher reflect the constantly after the lesson?
C) access to the topic
Every teacher, almost daily, meets with various problems that are forced to decide and overcome independently. As a result, the practice of a teacher is changing and he chooses the most effective techniques, methods, forms of classes and becomes a successful teacher. But this process of studying its own practice is not the property of other teachers. Everyone passes this path alone. World experience proposes to make a study in the action of the practice of each school and make results in the property of everyone.
C) defining its level of knowledge (reception "2 apple trees" (stickers apples green, yellow, red).
D) Summing up for the formation of target space and motivation to activities.
- What questions would you like to get answers? (recording questions on stickers)
Study of theoretical issues 30 min 1. Acquaintance with information on the topic of various sources:
Slidesh programs, infatomation bullure, resource Internet
Task in groups:
1. To explore the material on the study in action, issue a poster.
2. Examine material about Lesson Study, present in the baby book.
3. Examine material on research in action, prepare a scene demonstrating the peculiarities of the process.
4. Examine material about Lesson Study, write a fairy tale about the process.
2. Protection of the Poster and Baby Baby
- What general features have both studies?
- What process is more common? What is the private case in common?
3. Scenes and reading research on research, the definition of fidelity and accuracy of representation of information.
4. Summing up

Practical part 20 min - What is the most difficult in ID and Ls? (In the group discussed answers to questions)
Definition of the topic of research using answers to questions

 I would like to know ...

 The most effective learning medium for students is
- Assay and highlight those themes that are the most common in the group.
Reflection 15 min Reflecting on learning, work with feedback board:
1. How has your understanding of research in action changed?
2. What questions did you receive answers to what you need to get in the next coaching? (analysis of the issues on the board specified at the beginning of the classes; defining tasks for the next coaching)
3. What prevented you in the training?
Summing up the personal growth - determination of the position of the position of "2 apple" (apple stickers)

Research in action
A pedagogical study in action based on the school is a process through which practitioners think and respond to school problems. This form of research is not so much "in" and "pro" education, how much "for" him. Teachers are often puzzled by problems arising in classes and are actively trying to solve them. At that moment, when the teacher is involved in the practice to make changes in it, while systematically collects evidence of the impact of these changes, it is immersed in research in action.
However, in all cases there is a single intention, the essence of which is to change the practice in response to the problem marked by the practical researcher. Another important feature of the study in action is that it is always carried out by a member or with the participation of its members in an organization or community, not a team of researchers from the outside, typically studying teachers or students in action.
Study in action for teachers is an effective way to continue growth and training, when using practical experience. A study in action begins literally where the teacher is currently being and improves it as much as he wishes it.
Thus, research in action:
the process of performing actions in order to improve teaching and learning together with a systematic study of practical actions and their consequences;
It is largely developed and carried out by practitioners analyzing data on the basis of its work for the purpose of its improvement;
type of applied research, in the process of which the researcher is actively involved in the case for which this study is carried out;
It is considered in the context of the rich traditions of a qualitative study that has formed in the field of anthropology, sociology and ethnography, etc.
How to conduct research in action?
The first step of the study in action is a conscious commitment to fulfill its fulfillment. It is necessary to determine the sufficient amount of time to think about the practice used in the class. According to the approach of the University of Cambridge in the center of the interpretation of the concept of professionalism is the ability to research, i.e. - The ability to formulate issues in situations that are perceived by others as granted, for example: "What gives the result in your class, in your teaching method?", "Who is learning?", "Who is excluded from the process?", "As a curriculum contributes to learning? "," When you realize that you do not manage the situation? " and MN.D.
Ask questions like this kind of not quite comfortable. Answers to them can create
even greater discomfort. But as long as the teachers do not solve complex issues, it will be impossible to improve the situation in classes. In a word, research in action -
The method allowing the teacher to know ourselves in this role, to perceive yourself as
A critical thinker accompanying students in the world of knowledge and development.
At the very beginning of the process, in accordance with the approach of the University of Cambridge, the teachers require a serious attitude to the process, during which they will sometimes have discomfort. In addition, we appeal to teachers with a request to devote every day for 10 minutes of their time to describe your lessons on paper. this work Requires discipline and performance, but we believe that this process develops a new skill.
The purpose of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasons negatively affecting the effectiveness of the practice, and search for ways to eliminate them.
Sales process - Practicebased on thinking and reasoning.
Essence of the teacher participates in the study in action, as well as uses the results of external expert assessment, applying various forms of cooperation with colleagues
Stages ID:
1. Determination of the area of \u200b\u200bthe problem
2. Suitable problem
3. Data canceling
 Information from class logs. Questioning.
 Studying personal cases.  Study of various situations.
 Protocols meetings, meetings.  Sample student work.
 Poll.  audio recordings.
 Video.  Photos.
 Reporting information on academic performance, attendance of students.  Abstract
 self-examination.  Materials of the Focus Group
 Interviewing.  Observation.
 Projects, performances.  Checklists.
 Portfolio.  Situational entries
4. Pretending results
Is it really an improvement and do this fact confirm this fact?
 If there are no improvements, then what changes need to be actions to get the best results?
Lesson Study
Lesson Study is a combustive approach to teacher training and practice development.
Similar to research in action, assumes a number of cycles. The central place in Lesson Study has the process of "Learning Learning" or "Learning lesson", in which collaborating teachers explore the process of learning students to find out how they could develop a certain approach to improving the quality of training. Key features of Lesson Study are creativity and scientific accuracy. Creativity is initiated by teachers working together to develop new teaching approaches, and scientific accuracy suggests a collection of student training data, which will confirm the effectiveness of new approaches.
Groups usually consist of at least three teachers, which is a factor that is favorable affecting the experience and knowledge of each other. Despite the fact that only one teacher will teach a lesson, the Group takes responsibility for him and any assessment of teaching and classes as a whole relates to the work of the whole group, not a separate teacher.

The Lesson Study approach is the initial stage involves a joint detailed planning. The study lesson is then conducting one of the members of the group, and the remaining members are observed. All results relating to the learning process of students are systematized and analyzed by all members of the group immediately after the completion of the research lesson and, then, work together is overpowered by the results obtained in the learning process to provide Lesson Study a greater efficiency.
There are a number of steps in the Lesson Study process, which became and approved over time:
1. The Lesson Study group coincides with the rules system that ensure the effectiveness of its work, in the process of which all members relate to each other with respect.
2. The Group agrees the key idea of \u200b\u200bthe study, which is usually framed in the form of a question and determines what to learn and whom, for example, "how we can teach X to more effectively use the possibilities of Y in order to improve their training."
3. The members of the Group examine literature to find a response relating to their key research idea and summarize their results to use them in planning.
4. The group decides which class and what three "studied students" will be in the center of the research lesson and will represent groups of a class with a high, medium and low level of academic performance.
5. The Group plans a research lesson, emphasizing special attention on the upcoming assimilation of "studied students"
6. One teacher leads a research lesson, while others are observed and make notes with an appeal of special attention to the three "studied students (A, B, C)"
7. Teachers interview multiple students to clarify their opinions about the research lesson.
8. The Group discusses the research lesson immediately after its end. The discussion follows the established structure:
observations of learning "studied students" in comparison with preliminary forecasts made in the planning process and establishing the causes of the differences;
class training in general;
the course of the research lesson and the teaching process;
setting the purpose of the subsequent research lesson in accordance with the established and studied;
Joint planning by the next Lesson Study group.
After the Lesson Study cycle (usually three or more), the Group agrees the changes in the approaches of training and curriculum, which will be taken and popular.

The objectives and objectives of the lesson are achieved by most of the students, because __________

The most successful students were _______, since__

Did not go to the result ________________, since ____________________________

Activated forms of activity organization ________________________.

The most effective techniques were _________

Change in the next lesson need __________

The objectives and objectives of the lesson are achieved by most of the students, because _________________________
The most successful students were ______, since ____

Did not go to the result ____________, since ________

Activated forms of activity organization ________________________.

The most effective techniques were ____

Change in the next lesson need ________

The objectives and objectives of the lesson are achieved by most of the students, because __________________

The most successful students were _______, since ___________

Did not go to the result _____________, since _____________________

Activities of activity organization ________________________
The most effective techniques were ________________
Change in the next lesson need _______________

 The only thing I would like to change is ...

 My practice could be improved by ...

 Students with whom I work, you need ...

 I would like to know ...

 I wonder why ...

 The most important thing in teaching is ...

 I need to learn how ...

 The only thing I would like to change is ...

 My practice could be improved by ...

 Students with whom I work, you need ...

 I would like to know ...

 I wonder why ...

 The most important thing in teaching is ...

 The most effective learning medium for students is ..

 I need to learn how ...

What does the GEF lesson look like? Sample Consider later, first find out the peculiarities of the modern organization of training, its components.

Work expert

The lesson, which is developed in full compliance with the second generation standards, has serious differences from the traditional form.

Analysis of the lesson in GEF in primary school based on the consideration of the development of junior schoolchildren Universal training actions. The expert, evaluating the professional activities of the teacher, pays special attention to the use of problem learning teacher.

The main parameters of the modern lesson

The scheme for analyzing the GEF lesson includes an item in which the skill of schoolchildren is noted independently formulate the subject of training sessions. The main task of the teacher includes a summary of the guys to the awareness of the topic. The teacher only asks clarifying questions, when answering which students correctly form the goals of classes.

Analysis of the GEF lesson in elementary school contains a plan for achieving the goal set at the beginning of the classes.

Schoolchildren perform a Wood (universal educational actions) According to the plan developed together with the mentor. The teacher organizes frontal, pair, individual activity.

The scheme for analyzing the GEF lesson contains an item in which the teacher's ability to propose to the guys various options Works, including individual tasks.

Among the distinguishing characteristics of the modern lesson from the traditional form, we allocate the presence of a presence of a master control, as well as self-control. Any lesson analysis in the GEF school contains reflection. Main mistakes, shortcomings, gaps in knowledge identified during self-esteem are eliminated by schoolchildren on their own. The guys evaluate not only their own Wood, but also analyze the achievements of their classmates.

At the stage of reflection, it is supposed to discuss achieved success, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of the conducted classes.

When drawing up a homework, the teacher takes into account the individual development of children, selects the exercises and tasks of various levels of difficulty, in the lesson acts as a consultant who gives advice to the guys in the process of their independent activities.

Analysis of the lesson in the GEF - scheme

How should the learning analysis of GEF look like? Sample scheme developed for new educational standardsIt has significant differences from the classic form.

We highlight the main items taken by experts into account when evaluating the modern training session. So, what includes an analysis of the lesson on the GEF? The sample for the Watching assumes the presence of goals, organizational actions, types of schoolchildren motivation. The lesson must fully comply with the psychological and physiological characteristics, age of children. Analysis open lessons GEF is compiled for a separate occupation (event). The expert's card indicates the data of the teacher, name educational institution, training subject, methodical kit, occupation topic, as well as the date of the lesson.

Option of filled circuit

What will the analysis of the GEF lesson look like? Sample card will answer this question.

  1. Basic goals.

The presence of educational, educational, developing lesson purposes. What amount they have been achieved? Have practical goals have been implemented that the teacher put before students?

  1. Organization of lesson.

How was the occupation organized? Logic, structure, type, time frame, compliance with the selected structure of the methods for the class.

What else includes an analysis of the lesson in GEF? The sample for the width contains a block on the formation of the cognitive interest of schoolchildren to the studied learning discipline.

The main content of the lesson

The feasibility of the scientific approach to the material under consideration is estimated, the compliance of the teaching level of the age characteristics of schoolchildren, the school program.

Any analysis of the GEF lesson, the sample of which we will consider later, implies the manifestation of cognitive activity and the degree of independence of schoolchildren by modeling a teacher of various problem situations. To resolve the guys use their own life experience; The subject of the theoretical base with practical training actions is carried out.

The lesson should contain interprecotement, as well as the logical use of the material studied in previous activities.


Experts assess the topicalization of knowledge of knowledge available among schoolchildren. Analyzed the creation during the lesson of problem situations specifying issues - techniques used by the teacher during operation. The duration of reproductive and search activities is compared, the volume of independent work of schoolchildren.

A special place in the analysis is given to use during the class of dialogue, the principle of differentiated learning, non-standard situations, feedback between the teacher and the child, a competent combination of several activities.

The presence of illustrative demonstration materials that contribute to the increase in motivation, the full implementation of the tasks set at the beginning of training sessions, their compliance with the objectives and objectives of the lesson are evaluated.

Individual attention when analyzing the lesson in GEF is given to the consideration of psychological organizational moments: accounting for the individuality of each child, the direction of actions of the teacher for the development of thinking, memory, imagination, alternation of tasks of various degrees of complexity, the presence of emotional unloading of children.

Expert Evaluation Options

For example, an analysis of the lesson "The World World" according to GEF implies not only the summation of the number of points for each item, but also additional explanations of experts.

With full accordance with the lesson (classes), all the requirements of the FGE card specialists exhibit maximum amount Points. If the criteria are made in the teacher partially or not fulfilled at all, it is displayed from 0 to 1 point.

In the column about the organization of the lesson, experts take into account the diversity of the forms of training sessions: the assimilation of new information, the integrated use of URU, actualization, generalization of skills, control, correction.

In the column on compliance with the requirements of GEF, the Wood is analyzed. The expert examines the abilities in groups: regulatory, educational, communicative, personal qualities.

For example, an analysis of the reading lesson according to GEF assumes the formation of all ogud, but special attention is paid to personal qualities.

Scheme of lesson analysis in the framework of the GEF

Theme is water.

The total number of points is 24 points.

A brief analysis of performance

The main objectives of the lesson are achieved, implemented during the training sessions (2 points).

An explanation lesson is presented with a logical structure, the optimal ratio of the time steps (2 points).

Motivation is ensured by applying a demonstration and individual experiment (2 points).

This lesson is focused on GEF, the didactic principles are observed, the formation of universal learning skills (2 points) is carried out.

During the classroom, the teacher applies modern technologies: project and research activities, ICT (2 points).

The lesson material corresponds to the age characteristics of schoolchildren (2 points).

The relationship between theoretical knowledge and their practical application is traced, special attention is paid to independent activities, the development of cognitive activity (2 points).

When forming new skills and skills, the teacher is focused on the previously studied material (2 points).

During classes for schoolchildren, problem situations are created, the teacher formulates special issues aimed at the need to adopt independent decision (2 points).

The teacher used the problem of problem learning, a differential approach, design and research activities, combined the tasks of a reproductive nature with creative tasks aimed at developing logical thinking Schoolchildren (2 points).

Independent work was explained in full, the search for information, observation, practical experiments, comparing the results obtained (2 points).

During the lesson, high-quality feedback was felt between students and a mentor, a comfortable psychological climate (2 points).


In order for the lesson to be conducted according to the requirements of new federal educational standards, it was considered an effective and efficient, the teacher must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe criteria that they must be fulfilled. The GEF study analysis scheme allows the teacher to conduct self-analysis, identify problems in work, to eliminate them before the assessment of its activities will begin to engage in professional experts.


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