Coleno: Past and Future - Photo. Orenburg Region: Nature, Industry, Attractions

Coleno: Past and Future - Photo. Orenburg Region: Nature, Industry, Attractions

Yesterday, a grand festival was held in the east of Orenburg, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the development of virgin and lands.

Orenburg region The second in the volume of the new Pashnya after Altai. Now it is difficult to imagine, but only for the first 1954, 1 million one hundred and thirty thousand hectares of the steppe took place in our field.

Disputes about the need to rise virgin and to this day. However, do not forget that at that time the country was in dire needed bread. The first hungry post-war decade has not yet ended. The international situation was such that the USSR was supposed to count first of all on its own resources and ensure what is now called food safety of the country.

How then wrote newspapers, on the call of the March plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the youth of the whole country responded. Tens of thousands of young people, someone in the call of the heart, someone in pursuit of a long ruble, and someone on the ultimate recommendation arrived in the Orenburg steppe. Reality immediately put everything in its place. Weak left, and those who endured the difficult field conditions, forever remained faithful to choose their youth.

Vecina raised in Orenburg 44 Hero of Socialist Labor. More than 10 thousand people for their work feat were awarded orders and medals.

First of all, it was for them on June 7 in the famous settlement Komsomolsky Adamovsky district and a regional holiday was held.

More than three hundred delegates from all virgin regions of Orenburg gathered at him. They were the most honorable guests.

The representative delegation led by the acting Governor of the Orenburg Region Yuri Berg, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly by Sergei Grachev, a deputy of the State Duma, Viktor Zavarzin, was to congratulate them. The delegation included ministers of the regional government, heads of cities and districts, deputies of the regional ZS.

Solemn events began with the discovery of a virus unique to rural settlement.

Major celebrations unfolded on a large field, not far from the village. Each virgin district - and this is the Dombarovsky, Gay, Yasnensky, Kvarzensky, and, of course, Adamovsky - created peculiar expositions from the history of mastering virgin. There were also a dance flooring, and autolant, and film edge, and radio jelly.

The gathered reminded that the virgin became a multinational edge, and improvised national foundations were located near the scene: Kazakh, German, Tatar, Ukrainian, Mordovskoye and Cossack smoke. The arriving delegation of regional leaders was welcome in each of them. And in Mordovsky I.O. Governor and got into dance at all.

For guests and participants of the holiday, a special exhibition of verified technique was worked, including rare instances. A friendly match between the teams of the agricultural technical school and the village of Komsomolsky passed on the football field.

On the main scene, the main theatrical action unfolded.

Opening the holiday, Yuri Berg recalled the gathered that the mastering of virgin is the grandeur of the twentieth century, which was not in world history. But first of all his speech was addressed to veterans.

"Here are present," he said, "the heroes of the order of the Pleiads of those who first stepped on the steppe lands, survived the hottest days. Thank you, dear veterans of virgin! And Low Bow!

A whole hour on stage by the forces of the Oerburgh Russian People's Choir and the regional philharmonic displaced the enchanting theatrical and musical action, with songs, dances, scenes from the life of primuses.

A wedding of the driver and an accountant from the village of Komsomolsky Dmitry and Lyudmila Pussenis was becoming a very unexpected continuation of the virgin history. Congratulating them, Yuri Berg said:

"You, your children are the future of the virgin region," and handed the newlyweds a gift - Lada Grande car from the regional government.

After that, over the course of several hours there were performances of teams from cities and districts of our entire area.

The holiday was a success. This is the general opinion of the owners, veterans and guests of the solemn events.

In conclusion of the holiday, journalists did not miss the opportunity to ask a question to the members of the delegation on their attitude to the film "Ivan Brovkin on Valine", which made the village of Komsomolsky known to the whole country. Of course, everyone recognized this kind and cheerful film with one of the most beloved. The story with the film received its continuation. Together with journalists, operators of the possible remune of this film worked, which would allegedly remove the creative group from Chelyabinsk.

Who will play Ivan Brovkina and Zakhara Tshacha is still unknown. But the preliminary arrangements for the production of the film are already achieved.

The development of Orenburg virgin is already history, and for her our today's life.

The day is chosen conditionally, and the figure "50 years" is also conditional. Miscellanerts from Central Russia, who rushed in the second half of the XIX century were talked to the cinema, who did not know the sow of a subaneum barbecue in the second half of the XIX century. Family remember that the first plan of mastering the clarity was born in 1940 (for example, in the Chelyabinsk region in 1940-1942 it was planned to "raise" 544 thousand hectares), but the war prevented. Tserly lift today: 2 million hectares abandoned in the 1990s, whose development government threw this spring billion rubles, is also a "raised virgin". And yet the first association, which pops up in the head with the word "virulent", is the February-March-March Plenum of 1954, it is a gust, confusion, romance and miscalculations. It is virgin with a capital letter.

Today there is no number in experts scolding or praising the "decision of the party and government". But let's fit "in the skin" of those who have accepted this decision. The beginning of the 1950s. The country needs 32 million tons of food grain per year. We harvest 31.3 million. Where to take? To squeeze out of the earth more than it gives, you need money and time. In the state, which finished a terrible war 5 years ago, there was no money. In a situation where it is necessary to feed the people every day, there was no time. Nonpaja hectares Manii simplicity - "Come and take." They came, took.

First joy: yield on new lands was very high. For example, in the Urals - 22 centners from the HA against the usual 6-10. The first error: it turned out that the bread is not easy. Statistics on Magnitogorsk: 955 people filed a statement that they want to be virgin, but only 149 of them had at least a superficial attitude towards agriculture. The rest are the enthusiastic youth, which seemed to (and propaganda only supported these moods), as if it would not matter what to raise: Magnitake, another HPP or arable land.

Pashnya revenge. That is negative, which is associated with the virulent - and dust storms, and the death of pastures - all this is the revenge of the agricultural gods to those who entered their temple, not "praying." And the very state itself, having received the first virgin bread, which allowed to cut out on the "plus" the grain balance of the country, seemed to cool down to his own venture, played. The second half of the 50s is marked by a constant decrease in the pace of work on virgin and attention to them. If in 1954-1956, 2.6 million hectares were mastered in the Urals, then in 1960 - only 29 thousand hectares.

Boots went from there, from where they did not wait. 1957th: Stolenoy, in alphabetical order, the transformation of collective farms in the state farm, lining the villages. 1958th: Liquidation of MTS with a forced redemption of technique by collective farms, who have nothing to pay for it. From here - a sharp increase in agrarian debts, which from this time and until today becomes the curse of the Russian apk. Already in 1970, 32 percent of state farms are unprofitable in the Urals, in the 1990s almost everything is unable. The yield falls sharply: the earth gets tired, there is no support. In 1950, the yield around the future virgin lands - 12 centners with ha, in 1956 - 13.8, but already in 1958 - 7, almost as a terrible drought in 1955. Vecina satisted by enthusiasm. She gave everything that could give an enthusiasm on his bare. She demanded money.

Money in the USSR was. In 1961, the country begins mass purchases of grain in the United States and Canada. At the same time, Akmolinsk was renamed to the Tselinograd. Coleno finally became a monument to "heroism and courage of the Soviet man." And our petrodollars supported the American farmer. With the first brown of grain from Canada a virgin died.

Figures and facts

The total area of \u200b\u200bnew lands is 43 million hectares (from them now in the territory of the Russian Federation - 16.3 million).

3.5 billion tons of grain - recoil virgin over 50 years.

337 new state farms are created only in Kazakhstan.

21.1 billion rubles of the USSR - the approximate value of the mastering program for virgin.

250-300 thousand people received apartments in virgin new buildings.

1.7 million people are the number of people involved in the program.

§ 2. The development of virgin and landfills

The party called for new lands. The feat on the development of virgin and landing lands was forever entered the history of our Motherland. The conquerors of virgin converters transformed the steppe edge. Hundreds of new villages, schools and hospitals, libraries and cinemas were created on the site of the heroic work of the Soviet man, the lines of railways and highways, power lines, giant elevators were built, and the most importantly, hundreds of modern state farms were built.

The development of virgin and departments was conducted on the basis of the decisions of the February-March-March (1954) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee "On the further increase in the production of grain in the country and the development of virgin and visitor land." CPSU Central Committee, regional and district committees, primary party organizations have managed to organize a powerful multi-volume movement of workers, collective farmers, intelligentsia, youth, students, warriors Soviet armywho went to the reserve, for virgin.

Properities of the Assistant "Adamovsky"

Orenburg in the struggle for virgin bread. Our Orenburg (then Chkalovskaya) region has become one of the areas of mastering the centenary and landlord lands. Already during the preparation for the February-March Plenum, the CPSU Central Committee was determined the possibilities of the edge in the development of virgin and landlords. The main virgin lands had to be mastered in Adamovsky, Kvarzensky, Novora, Akbulak districts. Plenum of the Chkalov Region of the Party, who passed on March 24, 1954, discussed the decision of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee of March 2, 1954, set the task of mastering 1 million hectares of virgin and lands in the region, provided a system of measures to ensure that this task was implemented.

In September, in order to effectively master the clarity, the Bureau of the Communist Party of the CPSU decided to build a narrow-chain railway In the main district of the virgin - Adamovsky.

The powerful flow of volunteers rushed into our area to master the virgin lands. Already by February 1955, 11 thousand people arrived in the area. The flow of modern agricultural equipment was directed to virgin. Only in 1956 the region received 6 thousand combines, 4 thousand cars, more than a thousand tractors. On the virgin lands of the Chkalov region, then 11 new state farms were created.

In 1956, the production of grain was dramatically increased on the basis of the development of virgin and lower lands, which made it possible to pass 153 million pounds of bread. Our territory was the first in the country to fulfill the scoreposition plan.

In the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the awarding of the Chkalov region said: "For outstanding achievements in the development of virgin and landlords, major successes achieved by the working people of the Chkalov region in increasing the production of grain, and the fulfillment of the commitments made by the State of 150 million pounds of bread Award Chkalov region Order of Lenin. " Then only one Adamovsky district passed 29 million pounds of bread (in the past before the mastering of virgin best years The area handed over no more than 1.5 million pounds).

Overcoming difficulties. Documents of those years and participants in the events are told not only about the heroic weekdays, but also the difficulties that the central and difficulties met at first. Student days still stood, and they lived in tents, no water supply was established, lacked the canteens, newspapers and magazines came with great delay. Bread was brought from afar. But gradually life has been established. Bakeries, dining rooms, baths, hospitals and schools were erected, residential buildings and clubs were built. However, the housing is acutely and at the beginning of the 60s. Not removed. A person in the clarity states accounted for less than 4 square meters. meters housing.

Many material and domestic difficulties were to some extent were compensated by the most popular care and love, which was surrounded by Cynnikov: artistic brigades came to them from Moscow and Leningrad, Orenburg and Orsk. Hundreds of agitbrigad, lecturers arrived here to make their contribution to the common cause. Everywhere, Komsomol organizations gathered librars, musical instruments, sports equipment; And all this increasing flow went on a virgin.

On this tractor on May 18, 1954, the first furrow was laid in state farm "Eastern". He became a monument to primuses.

For 5 years, the costs of organizing new state farms on virgin in our field with estimates paid off. From 1954 to 1962, 1783.5 thousand hectares of virgin and landlords were mastered in Orenburg. Due to this, the production of grain and the passage of its state increased dramatically. So, if for 1949-1953 The region passed and sold the state of 213 million. Poods of grain, then from 1956 to 1960, 673 million pounds, or almost 3 times more.

However, despite these achievements, it should be noted that in the course of the development of virgin and lowering lands, insufficient attention was paid to the protection of soils from erosion, the ecological side of the case, which has adversely affected the following years. And now it takes a special concern for saving the soil of the edge.

The party and the government highly appreciated the work of Herborobov, the conquerors of virgin in Orenburg. Over 6 thousand centuries were awarded orders and medals, and 18 most distinguished themselves were awarded a high title Hero of Socialist Labor.

§ 3. Development of education, science and culture

Education and science. In the 60s. The transition to universal secondary education began. The network of schools grew, the contingent of students and teachers increased. In 1970/71 academic year There were 448 medium, 676 incomplete medium, more than a thousand initial and 115 schools of working youth.

Deduska secondary school and collective farm them. Kirov the first in the country became laureates of the Leninsky Komsomol Prize for success in labor education Pupils.

Along with factory forms, the state system of training for the framework of modern working professions is growing.

New educational buildings and student hostels of agricultural, medical, pedagogical institutions were built. Orsk perspective opened, the opening of an independent Orenburg Polytechnic Institute was preparing, branches of other universities worked. In the 1970/71 academic year, 17.4 thousand students were studied at the university, including 9.8 thousand-on day offices.

Scientific research expands. They are conducted by scientists of universities, employees of research institutions, manufacturing. Issues of history, economics, geography and cultures of our region are studied by scientists of the Pedium Institute, the main paths and prospects for the growth of agricultural production - scientists of the agricultural institution.

The team of the research institute of milk-meat cattle breeding has brought a new, Kazakh belong breed of cattle of meat direction. In the fourth-five-year plan for improving the technology of nickel production, state premiums were awarded twice. They were awarded engineers E. P. Petrov, N. F. Uspensky, L. L. Chermak, director of the S. M. Tepicin Combine. For the creation of a new rolling mill "850/700/500" Chief Engineer of Yuzhuralmashzavod B. Yu. Kulik became the laureate of the Lenin Prize. Scientists, designers, engineers and workers have created dozens of new high-performance and economical machines and mechanisms. Among them are steel-smelting converters, steel crashing buckets, installation of continuous casting steel, hydraulic presses, metal-cutting and drilling stans, etc.

Culture.In the postwar years, the construction of cultural institutions was carried out with a big scope. The construction of a new building of the Drama Theater was completed in Orenburg, a musical comedy Theater was built, in Novotroitsk - the Palace of Metallurgists. In 1954, the planetarium opened in Orenburg.

In 1956, the regional exhibition of the national economy was opened in Orenburg in a specially constructed building. In her pavilions, the achievements of chopores and livestock breeders are shown, the best cars and products of Orenburg factories and factories are exposed to the achievements of culture.

The number of libraries grew, seal, cinema, broadcasting developed. Since 1961, when televoder was built in Orenburg, regular transfers of Orenburg television begins.

The spiritual culture of Orenburgers enriched. In the region of 5 professional theaters: Orenburg, Orsky, Buguruslan, dramatic, musical comedy and dolls. In Orenburg, there were also 12 folk theaters, musical and dance groups. Traditionally, regional sights were held, turning to the real holidays of folk talents. Large methodological assistance to these teams provided the regional house of folk art.

There were 26 children's music schools in the region, where more than three thousand children were studied. Certificate high Development The musical culture of Orenburgtsev was the creation in 1958 of the Orenburg folk chorus. Not only talented musicians and performers work in the region, but also composers: D. Gendelev, V. Laptev, A. Tibizov, S. Turin, Yu. Eirich, V. Zaitsev.

Creative successes awarded the work of writers and artists of the region. The readers of the novels "Riga Bastion", "Seventh Transition", "Faced Time" B. Burlaka, Tale "Wonderful Doctor", "Rural Teacher" and Roman "Rural doctor" A. Gorbachev, Novels "Officers" and "Speed" A. Risbin, poems A. Wozniak, M. Trutneva, etc.

The Orenburgs were remembered by the local artists of N. Lladyaeva, N. Yeryshev, S. Muhamedzyanov, Sculpture N. Petina. In his works, they portrayed the heroes of modernity: builders, innovatives of production, conquerors of virgin, they chased the beauty of native land. In 1957, the artist's house was built in Orenburg. It accommodated creative workshops of artists and at the same time they demonstrate their paintings. In the summer of 1962, the Museum of Fine Art opened in Orenburg.

Questions and tasks

1. What are the main directions of development of the Industry of the Orenburg region in 1950-1960-Hg.7

2. Tell me over the construction of industry objects in our field, I read Komsomol.

3. What was the national economic significance of the development of virgin and landlords9

4. What success is characterized by the development of education, science and culture of Orenburg in 1950-1960??

Starry hour of virgin
Reforms and people in the USSR

On August 16, 1956, a resolution "On the irrigation and mastering of virgin lands" was adopted in the USSR. More than one and a half million people went to the steppe of Kazakhstan, the Volga region, Siberia and the Urals.

"It is so honored in the vernant state farm" Leninsky "front of the harvest" / PHOTO: Joseph Bujnevich

Mastering the virgin in color images from the archive of the magazine "Spark" - in the photo gallery "Kommersant". The development of virgin lands began in 1954, when the grain deficiency was scheduled in the USSR. 50 thousand Komsomol members from the central part of the country went to the Aktobe region (the Kazakh ASSR) to swallow the steppe and plant breadcrumbs.


"Sweene" / Photo: A. Guest

During the development program, more than 45 million hectares of land were plowed and planted with new cultures: 25.5 million hectares - in Kazakhstan, in Zavolzhye, Siberia and the Urals - 17 million hectares.


"Best Penarka Maria Rogachev with his pet" / Photo: Yakov Rymkin

The labor force to ensure new lands was attracted from the western part of the USSR. Mobilized Komsomol members relied free passage, the benefits of about a thousand rubles. In addition, for 10 years they provided a preferential loan in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. for the construction of housing. For five years, 20 billion rubles allocated from the state budget for these purposes.


"Girlfriend-Tortanist Maria Kiparenko (left) and Sofia Borsch arrived in the Komsomol ticket to master the virgin lands in Northern Kazakhstan" / Photo: N. Drachinsky


"Night cleaning in the state farm" Sunrise "of the North Kazakhstan region" / Photo: Joseph Bujnevich


"Young centers - a tractor driver and a team of brigades arrived at the virgin" / Photo: B. Kuzmin

In total in 1954-1959, 1.7 million people participated in the development campaign on the development of new agricultural land.


"Student MVTU named after Bauman works on a virgin combiner" / Photo: Semen Friedland

"In 1956, he struck the starry hour of virgin. The harvest in the steppe was grown by the richest: instead of the promised 600 million, 1 billion grain pounds were passed, "Leonid Brezhnev wrote in the book" Coleno ".


"Coles Bread" / Photo: Dmitry Baltermanz

In 1956, a record harvest of 125 million tons of grain was collected in the USSR, half of them were obtained on virgin lands.


"Novoseli Tractor Brigade: From left to right, Mikhail Antipov, tractor driver Ivan Zanin and Nikolay Soloviev" / Photo: A. Guest

"People have to be considered natural processes and adapt to them, opposing their fiction of wildlife. But whatever it happened and despite all the difficulties, the virgin bread remained the cheapest, "wrote Nikita Khrushchev in his memoirs.


"Cinema without address. Cinema Bus "Malytka" "/ Photo: K. Kasimov

In virgin regions organized their usual leisure time: clubs, cinemas, libraries.


"For the second year in a row, he holds the championship among the mechanisters of the state farm" Lenin Zhol "Kokchetav region Family link of the Communist Marat Mutagarov. Together with him there are three native brothers - Communists Rafhat, Rashid and Komsomolets Farid "/ Photo: Joseph Buzhevich

To get a quick result and high harvest, virgin lands fertilized chemicals. Their consumption, and, accordingly, the production in the country has doubled.


"Here he is, virgin bread" / Photo: V. Krupin

Specialists ignored the characteristics of the steppe zone climate - the active use of fertilizers led to frequent dusty hurricanes, erosion and loss of soil fertility.


"Tractors" Kazakhstan "at the shipping platform of Pavlodar Tractor Plant» / Photo: Joseph Bunevich


"It is widely known in the republic to achieve senior shepherd of the Lugovsky's house of the Jambul region, the delegate of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, the Hero of Socialist Labor, Proverinnik Nadir Begazieva" / PHOTO: Joseph Budnevich


"On the central current" / PHOTO: Joseph Bujnevich


"Lyuba Gravszyn trailers (left) and Galya Kazakov" / Photo: A. Guest

A sharp outflow of the labor force from the central part of the USSR negatively affected the indicators of agricultural production in these areas. In 1974, the country's authorities announced the "second virgin" - this time in the non-sinnamine European part of Russia.


"Livestock - the second virgin of Kazakhstan. Livestock feeding complex for 30 thousand sheep heads in the Uygur district of Alma-Ata region »/ Photo: Joseph Bujnevich

The disarm of the giant lands in Kazakhstan led to the reduction of pastures and hayfield fields. This affected the traditional industry agriculture In the region - animal husbandry, which turned out to be in the early 1960s in the crisis.


"Elevator Elevator Ayman Seitkaisimova" / Photo: Oleg Knorring


"Twenty-third prags spent behind the helm of the Combine Primezelinnitsa Mayra Khasenov. Before entering the field. Mayra Khasenova, husband Silubek and son Moscow (son named after the capital) "/ PHOTO: Joseph Bujnevich

Tsine epic seized so seized Soviet UnionIn 1961, the city of Akmolinsk in Kazakhstan renamed Tselinograd (now it is the capital of the Republic - Astana), in 1963, the Ust-Uyan district of the Kurgan region was renamed a virgin.


"Recently, the tractor driver Leonid Panov was a miner, and now raises in Altai, in the Kulundy steppe, virgin" / photo: A. Guest

About 4 thousand cennists were awarded orders and medals, five of them received the title of Heroes of Socialist Labor.


"COLINE COUBLE. On the street Rain "/ Photo: Isaac Tunnel


"Merry minute" / Photo: A. Guest

With all the successes of the virgin program, the pioneers did not remain to live in the lands of the lands. From 1965 to 2000, only 100 thousand inhabitants left 100 thousand inhabitants of the Orenburg region. This is four times more than the number of agricultural workers in the region.

Mastering virgin

A.A. Chibilev, S.V. Levykin, E.A. Semenov

(Geographical Atlas of the Orenburg region. M.: Ed. Dick, 1999. p. 80).

In the fifties of the 20th century, the Orenburg region was in the zone of large-scale mastering of virgin and lands. From 1954 to 1963, 1.8 million hectares were placed on the territory of the region, which is 11% of the total area of \u200b\u200bvirgin, raised in Russia.

Regarding the region of the region of 35: Adamovsky, Akbulaksky, Svezlinsky, Yasnensky, Dombarovsky, Kvarzensky, Novoorsky, Pervomaisky, Gayai, Belyaevsky, are considered conditionally virgin. As a result of mastering the census in the territory of the region there was a change in the structure of land use. The sowing area in virgin regions increased by 3.5 times, including 5.5 times in Adamovsky and Svetlin.

Over 700 thousand hectares of land, over 700 thousand hectares of land was involved in the insistently intended plan. Among the newly plowed land, about 120 thousand hectares were sandy and samp lands, 600 thousand hectares - Solonsy, 500 thousand hectares - erosion-hazardous lands. The disintegration of low-rise agriculture in combination with a low culture of grain production led to a sharp drop in the natural fertility of the soil cover of virgin regions. 30 years after the start of mastering the tillage, the soil lost from 30 to 50% of gumus reserves. Land area susfied by wind erosion increased 5 times.

The development of virgin lands made it possible to quickly increase the production of grain, but did not ensure the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex in the region. In the lack of town years (1 time in 4 years), 15% of the area marked the complete death of crops, and on one third of the area, the yield did not exceed 2.5 c / ha.

The average yield of grain crops in virgin regions (7-8 c / ha) was lower than the average regional level (9-10 c / ha) and significantly lower than on the old-axial landmarks of the region (13-15 c / ha). In the virgin collective farms of Eastern Orenburg on saline and eroded soils, the average grain yield is 3-4 c / ha. The low efficiency of the virgin agriculture and the inexpediency of the organization of many grain state farms is evidenced by the data that 75% of modern agricultural enterprises in virulent are unprofitable. Capital investments, directed to the development of agriculture in virgin regions in time, transformed into gratuitous loans. Thus, the growth of gross production of grain in the Orenburg region was achieved at the expense of large financial investments, high production costs, deterioration of the environmental situation. Huge damage caused steppe flora and fauna. Dozens of biological species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, including typical steppe inhabitants: droughts and strept.

The development of virgin and landlords caused a wave of population migrations to the areas of new agriculture. In the first years of the virgin call to the Orenburg region, 70 thousand immigrants arrived, mainly from Ukraine, Central Russia and Belarus. Most primuses have no experience and traditions of steppe farming. Sigor climatic conditions and unusual steppe landscape prevented the consolidation of immigrants on new lands. Serious ethnic stress was the development of virgin and for the indigenous population of the steppe, which occupied pasture cattle breeding. Environmental nostalgia, the instability of the economic well-being of farms, led to inverse migration processes, frequent replaceability of the population. From 1965 to 1995, 280 thousand inhabitants left the area of \u200b\u200bthe region, which 4 times the number of primuses.

The combination of the environmental and socio-economic consequences of the development of Orenburg virgin census shows that the modern structure of land use in these areas needs no fundamental changes. The essence of these changes is reduced to the fact that the grain farming with the production of high-quality wheat varieties should be focused on the best soils using efficient agricultural equipment and adaptive-landscape agriculture methods. Low-product arable land of virgin areas where the production of freight grains is unprofitable should be translated into hay-pasture areas. This will make it possible to create a zone of a harmonious combination of gentle agriculture and highly efficient cattle breeding in steppe areas.


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