Labor education of children. Card Survey on the topic: observations of houseplants of a card file

Labor education of children. Card Survey on the topic: observations of houseplants of a card file




Introduction ............................................................................ p. 2.

1. The value of the corner of nature in the upbringing ........................................ 3.

2. Organization of observation in the corner of nature ........................ ... p. five

2.1. Junior group ....... ................................................................ five

2.2. The middle group ......................................................... ... p. 6.

2.3. Senior group ..................................................................... .. 10

2.4. Preparatory group ............................................... sixteen

Conclusion ..................................................................... ... p. 31.

List of references .......................................................................... .. 33.


The educational significance of nature is difficult to overestimate. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes it kinder, softer, wakes up the best feelings in it. The role of nature in the raising of children is especially great.

In the preschool institution, the guys acquaint themselves with nature occurring in it at different times of the year by change. Based on acquired knowledge, such qualities are formed as a realistic understanding of nature phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, logically think, is aesthetically applied to everything alive. Love for nature, careful attitude towards her, care for living beings give birth not only interest in nature, but also contribute to the formation of the best features of character, such as patriotism, hard work, humanity, respect for the work of adults, guarding and multiplying natural wealth .

To acquaint children with nature, to raise love for her will help the corner of the nature of the kindergarten, where houseplants and some animals are contained.

Inhabitants Corner of Nature Children see daily, which makes it easy to work as an educator; Under his leadership, the guys systematically observe and care for alive creatures. In the process of care for them, children receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of plant and animal peace on Earth, on how plants and animals grow and develop, what conditions need to be created for them. The educator teaches children to comparative analysis: comparing animals, find similarities and distinction between them, the general and different in plants, helps to notice the interesting features of the appearance, animal behavior. When viewed by indoor plants, the guys on the beauty of colors and leaves, on how those in a plant group and well-contained aquarium decorate the room. All this contributes to the formation of the feelings of the beautiful.

In the process of systematically care for plants and animals, the educator forms certain labor skills in children, teaches carefully to the inhabitants of the corner, take care of living beings, thus strengthening in children interest in nature, perseverance in achieving the result. Planning work, it should take into account specific conditions: the level of knowledge and skills of children of their group, the features of the natural environment.

1. The value of the corner of nature in education.

A corner of wildlife is of great importance for the implementation of the ideas of ecological education of children. First, the constant presence of plants and animals allows for children a sense of necessity in children. Secondly, systematic observations in the corner of nature and the availability of objects contribute to the development of specific ideas about plants and animals. Thirdly, attracting children to care for the inhabitants of the living corner lays the basics of a caring, responsible and careful attitude towards living beings, brings up love of nature. Fourth, beautiful and healthy plants and animals affect children's emotions, developing aesthetic feelings.

In general, when selecting objects for a living corner, it should be proceeded from the conditions and capabilities of a kindergarten and a natural environment.

To fulfill its role a corner of wildlife in children's garden Must meet the following requirements:

- "Better less, yes better", i.e. Use a small number of objects, but healthy, well-groomed and beautifully fit in the interior of the room better than a large number of randomly located, calving and dying individuals;

- When organizing a corner of nature, be sure to find out the question of the allergy of children to those or other plants and animals. If such a problem exists, then you should restrict ourselves to the general corner of nature, or animals contain in a separate room, or exclude allergenic objects from group corner;

- selected objects must be beautiful, typical, with pronounced signs;

- Plants and animals should be safe for children, i.e. not poisonous, without barns, are not aggressive, etc.;

- the inhabitants of the corner must be unpretentious and accessible in care;

- Selection of plants and animals must be carried out with regard to the age characteristics of children.

The corner of wildlife can be common to the whole kindergarten, in this case it performs more aesthetic task and serves to conduct periodic observations and excursions, as well as a corner can be organized in each group, and then it contains constant systematic observations and develops the skills of Care of plants and animals. In group corner are used, along with constant, temporary objects, for example, cut branches of trees, digged with flowerba plant, puppy, kitten, etc.

2. Organization of observation in the corner of nature.

2.1. Junior group.

Plants are used the most vivid, attractive, large, with well-distinguishable bodies. The main task: To teach to learn, distinguish and call 2-3 types of plants and their parts (stem, leaves, flower); To teach properly water with water from the watering can and wipe the leather leaves with a damp cloth. To solve this problem, plants can be used: geranium zone, fuchsia hybrid, Begonia Emerging, Balzamin Sultanovid, etc., Ficus Rubbone, Hibiscus Chinese Rosa, Aucuba Japanese, and the like will suitable for production of plants care skills. It is necessary that the plants are studied by 2 copies of each species. In addition to permanent objects in the younger group, temporary are used in the junior group: the onions grown on the feather, the distillation of tulips and hyacinths grown on the green dill and salad. For a successful acquaintance with plants, games can be used: "Find the same", "Find a couple", "big and small", "find all flowering plants", "find a plant similar to the grass, on the tree", etc.

Animals used in the youngest group should also have typical signs of their class and differ in the form of a body, a method of movement, living conditions, food character, so it is advisable to use gold fish or golden crucia, canary, and as temporary - rabbit as permanent objects , hamster, guinea pig, etc. Children of the younger group should help the tutor in caring for animals (pour food to the feeder, pour water into the drinking, pour sand into the cage).

In the second younger group, the results obtained in the preceding groups are expanding. Labor skills to care for plants and animals are given: With the help of the educator, children feed fish, birds, watered houseplants, wipe the big leaves, sow large seeds of colors, plant onions, watering plants on the beds and others.

Care houseplants Kids still unavailable: The teacher does it himself, but necessarily in the presence of children, attracts their attention to his actions, suggests looking like water from the watering can be poured, as it absorbs into the ground; Some children can help a little adult: to hold watering can, pour water into it, wipe a wide sheet with a damp cloth, etc. In the process of work, it is necessary to explain to children that watered plants and wipe the dust from the leaves so that they grow better.

Caring in the presence of children behind houseplants, it is necessary to attract the attention of children to the plants of the corner, increasingly and more often attract them to satisfying assistance and to observations, using different techniques for this: offering to stroke the dense smooth leaves of plants, sniff, admire Geranian flowers, Fuchsia, Remember how this room plant is called, etc. At the end of winter, the kids put onions. Each child puts his bulb into the filled ground box (the bulb can be planted almost close).

It is proposed to children first to touch the ground: it is soft, loose, consider your bulbs. Then each child does a shallow hole in directions, puts her bulb (sprout up), and then presses her in the Lukovica should sit in the ground.

In the corner of nature, flowers brought from walks, caught beetles, butterflies, etc. are placed. Acquire children to put flowers in a vase, banks, making up bouquets of them.

A beautifully decorated aquarium in the group will immediately attract the attention of children.

Aquarium is a reservoir model where almost all biological processes inherent for natural ponds and lakes occur. Observations for the life of fish and plants not only help to understand and love nature, bring up artistic taste, but also contribute to the development of observation skills, leaving organisms.

Watching the floating fish, it is explained how the fish swim by moving the tail and fin, it is asked if they have eyes, mouth. When feeding fish, children watch how fish quickly swim to the stern and grab it.

In the future, when feeding fish, kids are always invited to see how this is done, and then it is proposed to help some help feed fish. Of course, the children do it under the supervision, since they themselves do not immediately digest how much feed can be given to fish.

From the first days of familiarization of children with animals, the teacher encourages kids to watching animal habits: Offers to see how the bird began to root the grains, how floats fish in water.

It must be remembered that the interest of children is manifested in the most unexpected forms: the baby really likes the fish, and he launches his hand into the aquarium to hold her in his hand; He wants to stroke the bird, as a result of which it remains without a tail. Therefore, it should always be on worse and in time to stop such actions of children, explaining to them that it is impossible to do that, fish or a bird can get sick.

Bird care is much more difficult than fish. Bird must be fed regularly, and more than once a day, otherwise she will die. The cage should always be very clean. Water in the drinking should be changed at least twice a day, daily change the sand at the bottom of the cell, clean the jersey.

In the course of the instructions, the interest in the animals in children is strengthened, the kids are glad to watch them. But the knowledge of children about animals obtained in the process of episodic observations, fragmentary, often unsystematic; Children cannot express their impressions in speech, since their vocabulary is very small. Given this, the educator in animal observation classes not only specifies knowledge, strengthens the interest of the kids to animals, activates the desire of children to care for animals, in addition, the purpose of these classes is to deliver joy to children from communicating with living beings.

At the beginning of the class, the educator uses such techniques that help cause interest in children, attract their attention to the observed. For example, he makes a simple riddle; It does not matter if the children do not guess her, or the animal will be wrong. The teacher immediately brings the "Live Freight" group, and the children see about which animal it was discussed.

The questions of the children of the younger group are asked for concrete, such as they will be able to answer in one or two words, for example: "What ears, big or small? Long legs are long or short? " An animal is considered according to plan: first head, then torso, paws, tail. You need to give children a holistic idea of \u200b\u200ba living being, emphasizing that it moves, eats, i.e. Pay attention to the habits of an animal. You can offer one-two kids feed, say, rabbit, while paying attention to how it eats.

For the first observation, you should choose such an animal that children could not only consider, but also to stroke. The relationship that manifests himself is very important to the animal: his attentiveness, care is the best example for imitation.

Animal observation classes cause great interest in children. For a walk, children usually do not depart from the rabbit: everyone carries her herbs, treats him, strokes, calling him affectionate names. But the care of mammals in the kids is not available, so it should not hold in the younger groups of rabbits.

For a complete acquaintance with any animal, it is advisable to hold no less than two observation classes. If, during the first observation, children get acquainted with animals and receive the most elementary ideas about him, then when re-examining the knowledge of children is complemented and expanded, becoming more sustainable and interest in the object of observation.

After two months, you can re-occupy the observation of the rabbit - the same or other (adult or young). At the beginning of the classes, the educator uses another drink to attract the attention of children: reminds them that they have already seen the rabbit, and asks if they want to watch it again.

At the repeated occupation, the teacher is achieved from children of greater activity in considering the description of the animal, pays more attention to his habits. Here you can use the elements of comparison, ask: what color was the wool in the rabbit, which we considered before? Which of them is more? " You can feed the rabbit with another kind of feed, such as green oats, which children themselves raised, cabbage, salad. When viewed by the cub clarifies their name - rabbits, rabbits.

In about the same way, the teacher introduces children with pets - a cat, a small dog or a puppy.

An occupation for the observation of fish can be carried out in the same environment: put children in a circle, in the center of which to put a pelvis with water. Start a lesson with the famous reception children, but you can and otherwise: make a jar with water, in which the fish is located, and let the fish in the pelvis. Approximately also monitored the bird.

In the first animal observation, children in the younger group are sometimes so absorbed in the object of observation, which can be considered little - remember the fact of viewing itself, so the tutor should not be limited to one occupation. In the process of primary observation, the teacher gives children elementary knowledge about the appearance and chassions of birds and necessarily talks about the need to care about it. Then attracts kids to the care of the bird, watching her habits. For this purpose, the bird's observation is re-monitored. You can look at it with a proposal to consider the bird that lives in the group. If the educator managed to call in children a positive attitude towards an animal corner of nature, children are very willing to respond to the proposal of the teacher, despite the fact that they see the bird every day. The teacher at this occupation gives additional information about the bird (for example, the body of the bird is covered with rugs; the bird pecks herbs, etc.).

Knowledge of the birds are also getting on a walk, during systematic observations of birds at the feeders. Under the leadership of the teacher, they note the most characteristic, few signs of the appearance and the hawves of birds, compare contrasting birds, recognize their names. The kids see that the older children and the educator systematically feed the birds, care about them (especially in winter, when there is little food for birds), it strengthens the positive attitude of children to living beings and raises the desire to take care of them.

Knowledge of animals are consolidated by children in the process of didactic and mobile games ("who is like screaming", "Sparobushki and the car", etc.) In addition, the teacher picks up literary material for children: poems, stories, paintings for viewing - it has an emotional impact. For children and strengthens a positive attitude towards animals.

2.2. Medium group.

IN medium group Children should have the ability to see a variety of forms and quality of items, the ability to compare, to establish the difference and similarity. The main task It is the acquaintance of children not only with the peculiarities of plants, but also the conditions necessary for their lives, as well as the formation of new leak care skills (watering from the fine-satellite watering or spraying, removal of dust from the pubescent leaves with a soft brush). In the course of work in the corner of nature, children should see the dependence between the method of care and the state of the plant and the inverse dependence - from the value, the amount of the surface, fragility, i.e. In appearance, determine the way of care - how much moisture and light is required by this plant (for example, if the plants are fleshy leaves, like aloe, it is rare, and if the leaves are thin, fragile leaves, "transparent", like Balzine, then you need to pour it often). When selecting objects, it is necessary to take into account the variety of leaves in form and magnitude, it is advisable to use different types One kind (for example, geranium zonal and fragrant, begonia eternal and rex). As new plants, Agava American, Aloe tree, asparagus Cherish, Adiantum Venus Hair, various types of begonia and geraniums can be used. To memorize plants, the game "Hidden Plant" can be used, and duty are organized to consolidate the skills for care and forming a caring relationship.

When observing animals, children find out the dependence of movement from the characteristics of the structure of the limbs, compare animals of the same class, but different types.

Fish: body of oval shape; covered brilliant scales; on the back, stomach, tail - fins; Fish are large and small; different in color; Floating, then climb up, then fall down. Fishes are used differently in appearance and sobs - pond crucian and climbing, varieties of goldfish, except for a telescope and voulehwood, etc.

Birds: distinction in the plumage, the shape of the beaks, the color of the eyes, features of the legs; The body is covered with feathers; Sings (chirbing), bathes, pecks food. Canaries and wavy parrots.

Mammals: Form of face, color and length of wool, body size, ears, etc.; Information about the habits (listened, turn and raise the ears, wash off, sweatily steps, keep food in the legs). It is recommended to use animals of one squad, but different families - a hamster and guinea pig.

When caring for animals, children should be able to select different types of feed, wipe the walls of the aquarium, wash the drinkers and feeders, grow oats for food.

In the middle group, children are more independent. They acquired some knowledge and skills to care for plants and animals in the corner of nature. Now they can already under the supervision of daily executing instructions: pour plants, feed fish, birds, pouring fresh grass rabbit, etc. Now it is worth the task - to continue to form interest and love for nature in children, take care of animals and plants.

At first, under the supervision, and then the children independently perform plants care assignments: wipe large leaves, watered. In the middle of the winter you can already have a joint washing of houseplants with small subgroups of children.

It is entrusted to two-three children to wipe the plants, the rest to play, explaining that others will do this work next time. Pots with plants are put on the benches or on the floor, if the plants are high.

At the beginning, it is proposed to see how to wipe the leaves, showing how to carry out a rag on the sheet in one direction from the cutting to the end, otherwise the sheet can break. Then children rush the sleeves to not be swap them. Each is invited to wet a cloth in the pelvis, squeeze it, put a leaf on the palm of the left hand, and if the sheet is large, put a sheet on the whole handle, to the elbow, and carefully wipe, while working it is necessary to watch every child. Two-three children can be entrusted to wash the pallets in another pelvis with warm water.

Inspecting the plants after work, it is necessary to ask children: "What are the plants after they were flushed?" Test children to the conclusion: Care is needed by plants, then they will better grow and develop.

The acquaintance of children with fish, birds, small animals is a corner of nature.

The child of the fifth year of life can assist in caring for birds: wash the drink, pour water, pour food. Put ice and feeder to a certain place. In the process of this work, children are watching the birds, as they drink, swimming, splashing water, put delicacies-shoots of oats in a pot, which they themselves have grown for them.

The participation of a child in the care of birds contributes to the upbringing of a caring attitude towards living beings, the abilities carefully observe them, find out (small birds even adults often seem very similar).

In the corner of the nature of the middle group, you can contain a guinea pig or rabbit (if there are appropriate conditions). Now observations of these animals may not only be crotward in class, but also during the care of them.

The kids are still knowledge of the birds and with constant observations of them on the site: the feeders, on the trees, and the like. Notes which feed they eat how different birds eat differently. These observations can be used when conducting classes.

If the opportunity is given, in the summer, the educator also draws the attention of children on animals in natural conditions of their habitat: birds found in the forest, squirrel jumping on trees, fish in the reservoir. The guys are glad to consider animals, compare them with the inhabitants of their corner of nature.

In summer conditions, you can re-monitor rabbits: see how they jump in the grass, as small rabbits rose, behind which the senior guys are constantly taking care. So strengthens interest in animals and positive attitude towards them. This is also facilitated by reading fiction literature on animals, viewing illustrations, as well as a variety of children's games.

However, it should be remembered that an example of adults is the main condition for education in children of interest and careful attitudes towards nature.

During the winter, children sow oats for rabbits and birds (they need green food), like the kids put onions, they are following its growth, carefully watered (without pouring bulbs).


In the senior group, children must learn to compare, classify and summarize. The main task It is the formation of ideas about the growth and development of animals and plants, changing them for the seasons, on the conditions necessary for normal growth and development.

When working with plants, copies are used with a variety of types of stalks of stalks (curly, stranded, reprehensive, etc.), modified shoots (bulbs, rhizomes, tubers). Children get acquainted with the appearance, a variety of stalks, leaves, flowers, vegetative reproduction (stem cuttings and mustache), determine the deposit methods depending on the nature of the structure of the stems and leaves. Recommended objects: 2-3 types of tradesansans, Rhocissus Rhombic, Golden SzindapSus, Persian cyclamen, Camery-forming, Amarilis, Clivia, aspidistra high. Children in the middle group must master new plants care operations: feeding and reproduction with cuttings and mustache. To better memorize plants, you can apply the game "Guess the description".

When working with animals, children find out their fitness to the conditions of habitat, i.e. The relationship is "building-lifestyle", and also get acquainted with the details in the external structure (in the beasts wool on the face shorter, on the back and stomach is longer; feathers in birds are longer on the wings and stomach). Multiple animals are used as objects.

Fish: Voualehvost, telescope, coin, etc.

Amphibians: Frogs, tritons.

Reptiles: Turtles.

Birds: Canaries, wavy parrots (reproduction in captivity).

Mammals: Guinea pigs, hamsters, white rats, rabbit, etc.

The corner of nature in the senior group is characterized by a large variety of plants and animals. The organization of labor and observations is also different here, since children already have ideas about plants and animals and the skills of care for them. Therefore, the care of objects in the corner of nature is carried out already on duty under the guidance of the educator.

In this group, the long-term observations of children for the growth and development of plants and animals occupy a large place. The systematic and properly organized educational work with children in the corner of nature plays a major role.

The care of plants in the corner of nature is carried out by duty under the guidance of the educator (dutymen are organized at the beginning of the year). They watered plants. Plant polling is for children difficult care. Drinking the process of watering itself, they can water the same plant several times a day. Therefore, this work is carried out by children under the control of the educator. Attracting all the guys alternately to the watering, it is necessary to teach every child, as needed to hold the watering can be properly (applying her spout to the edge of the pot), to accustom to pour water to the little, not in a hurry, it is necessary to pour water until all the earth in a pot is wet and On the pallet will not seem water.

Basic animal classes and childcare information are received during classes. However, the process of familiarization with animals should only be reduced to classes. The educator encourages children to observe animals during the day, at the end of each classes gives children a job assignment. Work in animal observation classes enhances children's interest in living beings; It is important to support the mood guys, managing long-term observations. In the classroom, the animal does not always "show" all its habits, and in the process of systematic observation of him, the guys can learn a lot of interesting things. During the discussion of the work and observations of the duty officer, the teacher asks the guys to talk about what they saw, encourages the most attentive. Thus, the teacher constantly supports the interest of children, does not give him to fade. Helps this and their own interest of the educator, his attention to animals.

In the corner of nature of the senior group, there may be the same animals as in the group preparatory for school. The difference is only in the volume of knowledge that children receive about a particular animal, less independent care for it (it is always under control and with the direct participation of the educator), a more limited period of stay of some animals in the corner of nature.

The main requirement that needs to be performed when the animal content in the corner of nature is the creation of normal conditions for their lives. Before purchasing animals, it is necessary to prepare the room for them, trying to bring the conditions of the animal stay in captivity to the natural and pre-harvest food. Animals can not be kept in small, narrow, low, non-suitable cells for them, embossing natural movements.

The protein and most birds are better to contain not in the cells, but in spacious avoices (from the floor to the ceiling) made of wooden frames with a metal mesh stretched.

For animals such as rabbit, guinea pig, hedgehog, we need wooden cells - low, but spacious, giving the opportunity to move freely.

With a lack of space in a large aviary for birds, you can allocate a place for the content of the guinea pig. In this case, the premises of sufficient volume with a plywood ceiling will be blown out in the avoire, so that the animals do not disturb each other.

Small birds can be kept in small cells. It is better to hang on the wall near the window at an altitude of 1.5 m from the floor.

For animal care, a special inventory needs. All objects of animal care are placed together with plant care inventors. Some items, such as a brush, upholstery, etc., convenient to keep directly in the enclosures.

Adults should be remembered and to understand the children that the content of birds, animals in the corner of nature should be given the most serious attention. A living creature is not a toy, it requires a lot of attention and careful care: daily in the same time to feed two three times, changing the water as dirty. (Do not forget on the day off leave food, water!)

It is very important to clean the cage daily. Once a month to produce thorough cleaning: all of her parts wash with warm water with soap.

It is impossible to allow the animals to dangle from non-dissolution. Therefore, the release of them sometimes from the cage, it is necessary to take precautions: close the window and the window so that the bird does not fly out, the protein does not jump out. It is impossible to leave unattended for a long time any animal.

Fish are mandatory and permanent inhabitants of the corner of nature in all groups of kindergarten.

The best aquariums in all respects are wide quadrangular in metallic frames (frame). A new aquarium should be checked if he does not take place, then wash thoroughly, wipe dry and put on a certain place, best on a special table at a small distances from the window.

By installing the aquarium, it is necessary to prepare the soil - thoroughly washed and calcined coarse river sand. It must be put on an uneven layer - with a slope to the middle of the aquarium and to one of its edge, then the dirt will accumulate in one place, and it is easy to remove it with a glass or rubber tube. On top of the sand, put pebbles, seashells, plant plants to give an aquarium similarity with a natural reservoir.

It is especially important to plant plants. Only under this condition can be supported by biological equilibrium in the aquarium. Plants enrich water with oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of fish, and absorb carbon dioxide. In addition, the eggs are set off by caviar on the leaves of plants, the leaves serve as a refuge for the fry, for some fish they are added nutrition.

After the soil is prepared, plants are planted, you can fill the aquarium with water. Water from the crane should be pre-withstanding for several days in another dishes. In any case, it does not fit it, as it is less than air in heated water. Pour water should be careful not to wash the planted plants. You can do this in different ways: to use the hose, putting it on the ground, a special funnel for pouring water or pour water to a sheet of paper papers on a saucer, put on the bottom, or direct the water stream to your hand, lowered to the aquarium.

In the aquarium, it is advisable to place several freshwater snails; They are kind of sanitary cars - purify the walls of the aquarium and eat the residue of the feed.

It is necessary to replenish the aquarium by fish gradually, considering and comparing new fish with placed earlier.

In the corner of the nature of the elder group of fish should be different: unpretentious aquarium fish - a goldfish and its varieties and fish of freshwater reservoirs, such as a small carp. With good care, it is growing rapidly, and children, starting him to watch him in the older group, will continue to observe the group preparatory for school.

An important condition for the content of fish in the aquarium is the correct feeding. The best food for all fish is a living food: moth-larva mosquito dergun. Each fish to day should be given two - four worms. Store the moth in a damp cloth in a cool place, so it is saved during the week. From dry feeds mainly use daphnia. Dry feed Fish also gives a certain norm.

It is good to alternate dry food with a living moth, when feeding only dry food, the fish are poorly growing, and the heat-water does not multiply. It should not be fed with bread or crumbs, as water zaises them and the sand is contaminated, it is necessary to change the water.

Fingering fish is needed at the same time (once or twice a day), throwing food better in the glass frame-feeder so that it does not break through the whole aquarium. It is not difficult to teach the fish to climb the food on the sound of the bell or on the sound, resulting in tapping with something about the wall of the aquarium. It increases the interest of children to care for fish. Food remnants, descended on the bottom, must be caught in a glass tube.

This is done like this: the tube, covered on top of the finger, lowered to the remnants of the feed, on the bottom, then remove the finger, and the feed along with water rises into the tube; The tube is again closed with a finger and removed from the water. So repeat until the feed remains at the bottom.

For a rubber tube, you need to have a suction balloon (ordinary children's rubber canister).

If the fish are fed correctly, the dirt from the aquarium is removed and there is a sufficient number of plants in it, water can not be changed for months. But if these rules are not respected, the fish feel bad, it is necessary to change the water often.

In polluted water with a small amount of oxygen, the fish is choking and, standing almost vertically at the surface of the water, swept the atmospheric air, which is very excluded them. You also need to avoid the overpopulation of aquarium. It should be processed from the fact that for each fish 10 cm long, no less than 2 liters of water is required.

Change the water in the aquarium and wash it best in the presence of children, attracting them to help, water to pour the hose water. Before this fish is removed by a special sacc. In no case can you allow children to take fish with hands: Fish can get sick.

Two-three children wash pebbles, sand and plants is washing the teacher several times with children.

It is not necessary to always change the water completely, it is possible to pour it into the aquarium, wipe its walls and add fresh water, while fish is not removed and plants are not removed.

In the senior group, children continue to watch and behind the insects - Beetle Plavuntie, if he stayed in a group from summer,

After moving from the cottage to the city, the teacher finds out that it remains in children in memory of this beetle, suggests him to compare him with fish, asks why he is in a separate bank, and not with the fish. Children view floating beetles, feed him, watch how the beetle grabs meat with its strong jaws; Some children remember how he crawls. In the process of care for the inhabitants, the children will notice that the beetle rises from time to time to the surface of the water and puts the rear end of his body (it breathes, capturing the atmospheric air). Sometimes children notice at the rear end of the body of the beetle bubble air. The teacher explains that during the breath, the beetle takes the air under the wings and then it is under water.

It should be remembered that the bottom of the bank, in which there is a female beetle, it is necessary to put the pebbles more larger, so that the beetle could be lingering at the bottom, otherwise his body is relatively easily pushed with water, and he has to make efforts to not be elapsed.

As in the middle group, in the older it is best to have any graining bird - Chizhi, bullfiner, scoop, chcheletk. They all make children with songs, haggles (for example, Chiz is fun fun), attract the colorful feathers.

In addition to those birds that are recommended for the middle group, the elder group can have a blue. It feeds on insects, their larvae and eggs (even in winter), in search of them, she sometimes keeps in a variety of poses sometimes on the finest branches of the tree.

Tits arrive at the feeder if putting hemp seeds, crushed sunflower seeds, slice of sludge. At the trough, the sinitsa behaves like a real owner: distinguishes other birds and even regular visitors - Sparrow.

In the corner of nature, children can get acquainted with the blue even closer: they will notice its mobility, they will look at thin and at the same time a strong beak will see what the title (there are several types there is a bright plumage: black head, white cheeks, black stripes on lemon yellow background Chest (black strip is brighter expressed in the male). The tamed blue can be released, but it is necessary to feed in the cage, then it will fly to it herself. When the tit out of the cell, it is necessary to follow it, as it can clog into toys and die or fall into the aquarium, in a bucket with water.

The sinic feed is a mixture of ant eggs with a grated carrot, cannabis seeds. In addition, the kidneys will be added and fruit trees, Salad slices. Blue can not be kept with other small birds, as she can score them to death.

Daily care of birds in the older group is as follows: Preparation of feed, washing feeders, cream, baths for swimming, filling of feed in feeders, filling water cream and bath, cleaning cells with drawn bottom (sand change, porch cleaning), arrangement of feeders ( Not in porchos), cream, baths in cells. In winter, children prepare birds with a lacquer - green seedlings of oats.

All bird care is carried out under control and with the direct participation of the educator.

There are cases when graters fall out of the nest. It can be taken and focused by pieces of meat, a bun, twisted in milk, earthworms. Such grapple can grow, get used to and even fall out. Especially often it happens with the closure, which had damaged wings. The room for it can be done, extinguishing at the end of the corridor or elsewhere with a wire mesh a small space. In a non-frosty winter, he can arrange housing and in the yard. In the summer he will live on the plot. Grach quickly becomes manual and walks for children, bringing them great pleasure. Children get acquainted with the habits and the life of birds.

Care for live objects in the corner of nature is carried out by duty under the guidance of the educator. This work teaches a child to justice and accurately fulfill its duties and at the same time makes it possible to accumulate knowledge and labor skills.

Duty in the older group are introduced at the beginning school year. The work of duty officers in the corner of nature, where children are dealing with alive organisms, is more difficult than other duty.

In the corner of nature there is no literal repetition of the same actions, so children must constantly show the initiative, smelting. The fish require one care, the beetle-female - another (although, not difficult), for birds need to create completely different conditions than for fish, etc. Yes, and houseplants, as already mentioned, need various care: Some love the sun, others, on the contrary, need to be removed into the shadow, some need abundant polyvka, others are afraid of excessive moisture. All this obliges the caregiver to carefully plan the work of children to care for the inhabitants of the corner.

Before the first duty officer in the corner of nature, a conversation is held: the tutor shows and tells what the duties of each duty are being made, introduces the content of the locker, in which the items needed for duty shows where the aprons hang, where sex brushes are hanging, and so on ., explains what order they need to be left after duty.

In the corner of nature, a few people are on duty: one or. Two take care of plants (depending on the number of plants and children's skills), one feeds fish and swimming, two care for the bird, one prepares and puts food, water, the other is watching the bird to fly out of the cage, then he takes out From the bottom of the bottom, pouring dirty and pour pure sand.

At the end of the duty, the teacher checks whether everything is done correctly: whether there are no feeders and drinkers under arshek, whether porridges are clean, gives an assessment of work and indicates how to fix the errors that were allowed. Attendant by the end of the year it is better to appoint, for two to three days.

Cleaning the corner of nature is periodically carried out with the participation of the entire group. With the right organization, cleaning passes calmly and fun. All the items that the children enjoyed during cleaning should be left clean and folded in order to certain places. At the end of the work, the teacher conducts a conversation with children about how every member of cleaning has manifested itself, what value has a common cleaning and how duty must maintain purity and. Order in the corner.

In the older group, direct observation of animals is advisable to complement the artworks, showing the diamers and movies, reviewing illustrations.

2.4. Preparatory group.

IN preparatory group Generalized knowledge of plants and animal live corners and conditions necessary for their life, growth and development. The main task: Teach children to see cyclicity in the development of nature on the examples of living corner inhabitants. To add knowledge with new information about the peculiarities of the life and development of plants and animals and their fitness to environmental conditions. Plants used for this purpose should be from different natural zones and with different vegetative development cycles, for example, Cippelus spreaded, Havortiya Pearlong, violet DVYABAR. On Clivia, Amaryilis, Gemantus, it is possible to observe the features of seasonal changes (winter-separation of peace, there is no watering). Children in the preparatory group also get acquainted with various species vegetative reproduction: leaves (DVIDSBARY VALIAL, Begonia Rex), bulbs (hemantus, amarylis, clivia), the division of the bush (asparagus, cipers), elbow (chlorophytum, briefilulum). Children should be able to fully care for well-known plants and own in various ways of vegetative reproduction.

When working with animals, attention is drawn to the details in their structure and lifestyle (in the fish eyes, they float in different layers in the aquarium, they are kept singing or packs, etc.). Attention is drawn to the reproduction of some animals (hamster, white rat). Children summarize: for animals to feel good, conditions should be close to natural. Therefore, it is better to use unpretentious animals of their locality. Recommended objects may be such.

Fish: Guppies (niphelistic), swords, Barbus, labyrinth; From the local reservoir Karas.

Birds: In addition to Canareques and Parrots, Snegiri, Schies, Tits.

Mammals: In addition to hamsters and guinea pigs, squirrel.

The corner of nature in the group preparatory to school should differ from the corner in the older group, both in terms of quantity and a variety of inhabitants. Significantly expands the volume of knowledge that children receive 6-7 years old, thanks to a deeper acquaintance with the life of various types of plants and animals, as well as as a result of attracting children to more complex types of care.

Given the possibilities of children and the requirements of the program, in the corner of nature preparatory to school of the Group, in addition to plants recommended for the older group, such plants need to be made that require different departures depending on the conditions of their life in their homeland. Educals are very important to know about the life of each plant in their homeland in order to ensure the correct care for the inhabitants of the corner of nature.

Clivia Begonia Rex Amarallis

It is interesting to have such plants on which you can show the children with different methods of breeding: not only with stem cuttings and live bushes, but also on bulbs-kids, siblings of the village of bush, as well sheet cuttings (Begonia Rex, Uzambar violet).

No need to chase over a large number of plants - it is important that they are always in good condition.

Care of plants. With some types of plant care - watering, washing leaves, removing dry leaves - children got acquainted in previous groups. In the preparatory school, the group of children teach new receivers: loosening, spraying, in different ways Purification of leaves from dust, spring - feeding, transplant, reproduction of plants. They must understand the meaning of this or that type of plant care.

In the preparatory for school, a group due to a large number of animals and birds, for which green food is needed throughout the winter, as well as in connection with the increased independence of children of crops and landing in the corner of nature, they take more space than in the older group.

Children should be involved in the preparation of the Earth: to choose pebbles, wands, break, sow, pour the land to be wet, but not too raw and did not stick to the hands.

Children 6 - 7 years old as needed independently sow seeds: Oats, salad, wheat, barley; Sizza root for getting a young greenery. They can also grow chopped cabbage leaves for a turtle.

In some kindergartens, large galvanized antiques in size and width of the windowsill are successfully used for indoor gardens, 12 cm highs. The advantage of galvanized boxes is that they can be used for a number of years not only for landing in winter, but also For growing seedlings of flowers, vegetables, as well as for washing plants during collective cleaning.

In addition to green feed, the work can prepare a certain amount of seedlings for their flower bed and garden.

In the corner of nature, the eldest and preparatory school groups can have identical animals, but children's knowledge of 6-7 years old, skills, quotes associated with the care of the inhabitants of the corner are complicated. In addition, in the corner of the preparatory school, some animals can be kept longer, as long-term observations should be held here (for the same animal, for the growth of young).

In all groups of kindergarten, the corners of nature are permanent inhabitants. But in the preparatory for school, it is advisable to keep in aquarium along with cold-water fish and some heat-water, such as Guppies, Middle Mares, Macro, Scalaria, etc. This will give an opportunity to the tutor not only to expand the ideas of children about the life of fish, to increase interest in them, but also to bring Guys to summarize accumulated ideas, to the formation of the concepts of "fish".

To heal water uses a special heater or a conventional light bulb, suspended on the cord from the side of the aquarium, below the water level. Thermal fish are interesting in that they breed in the aquarium.

Guppies, swordsmen - whipping fish, they dreamed living, fully formed fry. Guppies mouthed fry for a year 6-7 times, from 10 to 50 pieces.

With the appearance of fry adult fish, it is necessary to separate, otherwise they can eat their offspring. Feed kids cyclops and infusories.

Such heat-growing fish like McOurod, Scalaria, Thenecia, -rometer. Each of the listed fish postpones caviar to a certain place: some build a nest (Macoopod), other caviar swollen directly to the bottom of the aquarium or a certain plant.

Falls appear from caviar about 35-50 hours. As soon as the fry will begin to swim, they are littered from the aquarium.

To create normal living conditions Animal in the corner of nature and organization proper care And the observations of them for educators should be found with the biological features of animals, with their lives in vivo, with the rules of content.

When conducting animal observation classes, the educator deepens the knowledge of children. For example, when observing fish, asks, in which water layer of the aquarium, these fish most often are, how they are kept - a stink or one, get along with other fish or fights, etc. The educator leads children to understanding that animals need to create conditions close to natural: in the aquarium there should be plants, on the bottom of the sand, small stones, etc. It is necessary to feed animals by what they eat in nature.

When familiarizing with new animals for children, primary observations are carried out by the type of those that were held in the older group, but with more complex content: for example, in such a lesson, you can talk about the life of an animal in nature, about the benefits of him for a person. Teaching a comparative analysis when familiarizing with animals, the tutor conducts children to conclusions and conclusions.

As in the senior group, comparative observations are carried out; One of the animals, familiar to considering in previous groups, the children of the seventh year of life can compare the memory with another relating to this class. Knowledge of children of this group about animals not only expand, but also complicated: they are summarized. For this purpose, a generalizing conversation is included in animal observation classes. It should be very small, since the main thing in such classes is the viewing, observation of living beings. A generalizing conversation should be closely related to the topic of observation. (For example, a conversation about the winter birds, which forms the concept of this group of birds, and monitoring some of them).

If, in the preparatory school, the children were repeatedly attracted to comparing animals and know how to make such an analysis, it is possible to start a comparison with the identification of the differences (as recommended by us at the beginning), but from establishing signs of similarities between them.

Squirrel-cheerful, deftly jumping animal. In summer, her wool is bright redhead, in winter - gently gray on the back and pure and white on the stomach and breast.

In kindergarten for proteins it is desirable to have a cage on a metal frame, covered with a solid iron grid (protein tree can be obsessed). The cell must be spacious enough (at least 1 m3 per animal) so that the protein can make long jumps. It is better to arrange a spacious aviary height from the floor to the ceiling. In such a aviary, you can keep all the Belich family. In the summer, the avoer is installed in the air.

For sleep, the protein should hang a house with a small inlet and roof on the loop, which would be opened half to clean. In the house put soft rags, torn to pieces of paper, moss, hay - all this will serve as a squirrel with a bedding (the cotton is not recommended, as it stuck in claws).

Overalling with a house, the squirrel itself will make a nest similar to the bird. Falling asleep in the nest, the squirrel is covered with a tail like a blanket.

Food proteins in captivity must be closer to natural. During the day, the protein eats at least 20 g of nuts (cedar, walnut or forest), not less than 20 g of apples or carrots, sunflower seeds or acorns, some dry mushrooms (mushrooms need to be twisted in water). With a big hunting eats a bunch, peel of oranges and mandarins. It is necessary to put in an eraser and fresh branches of deciduous trees, giving chalk, table salt, water (salt and chalk must be put in separate cups), it is useful to give some milk.

Proteins never eat from feeders. Exactly with handles, holds a squirrel with front paws nut, a bump or carrot and turning into all directions, nibbles them with their sharp teeth-cutters.

Cell cleaning should be made daily. To simplify cleaning, the floor in the aviary is recommended to be covered with a piece of linoleum, on a table or a windowsill if the cell is standing on it, put the cape. Cleaning for a protein is easy, because the protein is very clean.

Once a month, it is necessary to clean the whole cell lying with hot water (in order to avoid smell).

The following types of animal care are fully accessible to children to school: Wash the drinking, feeder, pour clean water and give the desired amount of feed to each animal; Wash and cut root roots, greenery for animals and birds; Help adults when cleaning animal cells, when changing water in aquarium: Carefully catch from aquarium with a small sacc of fish and transplant them in pelvis with indoor water, rinse seashells, pebbles, partially rinse sand; Caution with a circular to remove the top layer of water and pour fresh water; After duty, put in order and put in place inventory used; Cleaning in a shopping cabinet: wipe the dust, wipe the shelves of the cabinet, to stretch the rags, wipe the linous aprons with a damp cloth, jumped and dry the dishes for feed and other angle inventory, carefully put everything in their place. In addition, the educator attracts children to the harvesting of animal feed for the winter: the collection of cones with seeds, acorns, drying the collected herb on the hay, etc.

It is necessary to pay attention to the familiarization of children with the objects of care of plants and animals, show and tell where what lies, hanging what is needed for what to agree on the procedure for using inventors. Children must correctly call those items that they use.

To make it easier for children to find the storage location of each subject, you can stick the corresponding pictures.

On duty in the corner of nature are organized since the beginning of the school year.

On the first days of September, the educator conducts a lesson at which children recall how they cared for plants and animals in the older group, reports the need to resume duty.

From the responses of children, the educator finds out whether the children have been remembered, as they cared for indoor plants, as well as the fed of those or other animals. The teacher tries to clarify how important and care for animals and plants for the correct development, clarifies the duty duty, emphasizes their responsibility for doing business.

When teaching children, the care of plants and animals should use a variety of techniques: a personal example, showing, explanation, reminder, belief.

The leading reception in teaching children by labor skills is the show of the teacher in combination with the explanation, how to do how to care.

The first time the show is given to the whole group in class or outside it. But that the children captured the right skills, one show, of course, is not enough, it is necessary to check the execution of its individual children in the future during duty and show again if the child does wrong. Along with this, you need to repeat the entire group; It should be short, but emotional to raise interest in duty officers to the care of plants and animals. To this end, it is advisable to organize observation of the work of an educator or nanny, which sometimes perform duty officers. "Today I will be on duty," says the teacher to children. Or: "Today we have nanny duty. See how it will work. "

The procedure for appointment of duty. Combining children for duty, their skills, interests, behaviors and relationships should be taken into account. Those who still do not have enough skills, should be prescribed to be on duty along with children, copier with the task; Guys with unstable attention, as well as passive prescribed to work with more active, purposeful. Children's relationship should also be taken into account. Therefore, preferably lists of duty compile together with children.

It is advisable to assign on duty on each object separately: on the care of plants, for fish, birds and other animals.

Caring for one animal, the child exercises in the execution of the same techniques and improves them. In subsequent duty he can care for another inhabitant. Later, when children acquire certain skills, you can provide them with the opportunity to agree on how to care for what animals will take care of them to independently distribute duties among themselves. The tutor imperceptibly tells the Children's choice of living corners.

At first, children are on duty on one day, but as the skills are mastered for more duty - within two or three days. The duty for several days increases the responsibility of the guys for the state of the object, for which they care, brings up a sense of debt, and labor skills are improved.

It is advisable to draw up a list of duty for every month. It makes clarity to the distribution of duty, facilitates control so that every child can take care of all the inhabitants of the corner of nature for a month.

The presence of duty officers does not exclude individual animal care assignments, for example, to help duty with difficulty, replace the sick or missing comrade, go to the kitchen for food, take a walk with a turtle and others. Along with short-term labor orders, longer individual orders are possible (for one - The week of the week), for example, care for plants outside the group room - in the office, on the stairs, in the lobby, or animals living on the plot: rabbit, dog, chickens, with chickens, etc., both duty and Separate orders are very valuable in the upbringing of the guys of mutual assistance. You need to teach children to remind each other about your duties, help comrades (more experienced teaches less experienced or shows a new one, how to dudge).

Managing on duty, the individual features of children should be taken into account: one must be able to assist in a timely manner so that the child does not feel his powerlessness, otherwise the interest in labor will disappear; another praise in front of comrades and parents for conscientious attitudes towards their work; on the third, on the contrary, may have an impact of a remark made with all children, with parents; On the fourth strongly there are positive examples of comrades. Sometimes, perhaps, you should remove the child from duty for unfair attitude to the duties.

As the children's skills are mastered, the role of the caregiver should be changed: it may not be able to directly participate in the work of children, but carries out everyday control, which guys feel all the time (it is worth a two or three days to weaken it, as some lose interest in fulfilling duties) .

It is necessary that the children will be reported to the educator about the end of the work, asked to check the made. If you find any omission or it turns out that it is done wrong, the child corrects or commends. Well at the end of the day give an assessment of the work of duty.

In the second half of the year, you can periodically hold reports on duty before the team when transferring duty. Children tell the whole group as they cared for plants and animals, which is new, interesting noticed. The educator attracts the guys themselves to the assessment of the duty officer. Such reports before the team increase the responsibility of the duty officers for fulfilling their duties.

An important condition for the upheaval of hard work is a sense of satisfaction and joy from the results of work. Therefore, when assessing duty, it is necessary to emphasize that the good condition of plants and animals is associated with the conscientious fulfillment of duties.

Collective cleaning. To cleaning the corner of nature should systematically attract all children. Collective cleaning requires a clear organization of labor and training required conditions.

Before starting with children, negotiate how to distribute work. This can be done in different ways, for example, break the children to the subgroups and each subgroup to give a certain task, while explaining what and how to do. So, several children replace partially water in the aquarium, the second subgroup washes the plants and put them in place, the third is engaged in cleaning cells, aviary.

It is necessary to distribute the load so that children can end the work at the same time. It is important to ensure that everyone, being a member of a common cause, has taken place to fulfill the instructions to him, bring the work started to the end.

During the work, the educator should have in the field of view of all children, to provide in need of timely assistance, maintain in children a cheerful mood and the desire to fulfill work well.

Upon completion of cleaning, it is necessary to clean up the group: put everything in place, to inspect everything, cause children a sense of satisfaction from collectively done work. "In the corner it became pure, beautiful, and that you did everything together," says the teacher. It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of collective labor: that it is difficult and for a long time to do one, easily and quickly make everyone together.

Thanks to the participation in collective labor, children are formed such valuable qualities as friendship, the ability to distribute work among themselves, to assist a friend in difficulty, rejoice in the success of others, to obey the requirements of comrades.

In the process of education of labor skills and skills, consistency in the work of two educators is of great importance, as well as an agreement with a nanny-cleaner of the group. The educator explains the Nyan the meaning of the duty and collective labor of children, reveals their content. It is very important to teach the nanny-cleaner with the right receptions of plants and animals. It is also desirable that she participates in collective cleaning.

Conclusion .

To love nature, you need to know it, and to know, you need to study. In the process of knowledge of nature, aesthetic feelings and tastes are also developed. The perception of the aesthetic phenomena of nature and the experiences arising from this are depending on the circle of representations, values \u200b\u200band common development man.

A large role in the aesthetic education of preschoolers by means of nature belongs to the pedagogical team of kindergarten. The task must be in front of them - consistently, systematically, purposefully develop and improve the aesthetic tastes of children.

The observation of the surrounding reality has a profound impact on the comprehensive development of the child's personality. In the process of observation, the child includes all analyzers: visual - the child sees the size, the color of the object under study; The auditory - the child hears the sound of the wind, the water splash in the river, the knock of the raindrops, the rustle of the leaves, the murmur of the stream - all this is charming for a child's rumor. The taste makes it possible to finely distinguish - the sweet taste of honey and the salty taste of sea water, the taste of spring water and meadow strawberry. Touching is the second eye of the child. Feeling nature objects, the child feels all the roughness of the bark of trees, grapple sand, scales of cones. And smells! Sea odors, which worries the imagination of the child - the smell of poplar kidney after the rain, the smell of spring, the smell of warm earth heated from the sun. No wonder K.D. Shushinsky wrote that the child "thinks with forms, paints, sounds." Develop observation in children - this is the task that rises to the educators.

Work in nature has a great educational significance. It expands the horizons of children, creates favorable conditions for solving sensory education problems. Working in nature, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, states of nature objects, assimilate ways to establish these properties. The educator teaches children to focus on the properties of nature objects to perform employment. So, to determine whether the plant needs in watering, it is necessary to take into account its condition (elasticity, density of leaves and stem). As a result, children make up a reference idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties, qualities, states of nature objects.

Working in nature, children in practice absorb the dependence of the state of plants and animals from meeting their needs, learn about the role of a person in the management of nature. The assimilation of these ties and dependencies contributes to the formation of the relationship of children to nature, work becomes meaningful and targeted.

In the process of labor in nature in children, knowledge of plants (properties and quality of plants, their structure, needs, main stages of development, methods of cultivation, seasonal changes), about animals (appearance, need, movement methods, habits, lifestyle, seasonal Changes). Children learn to establish the connection between the conditions, the lifestyle of the animal in nature and the ways to care for it in the corner of nature.

Work in nature contributes to the development of observation and curiosity in children, inquisitiveness, causes their interest in the objects of nature, to the work of a person, respect for people of labor.

Labor in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development Children, as in most cases it passes in air, is diverse in nature, and this contributes to the development of movements, strengthening nervous system Child.

The aesthetic needs of children are satisfied in the work. Square and interesting work gives them joy, and this is the basis for education in the future desire to work, sustainable interest in labor.


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  10. Markovskaya M. M. "Corner of nature in kindergarten: the book of the educator of a kindergarten", Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1989
  11. Nechaeva V. G. "Education of a preschooler in labor", Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1983
  12. Nikolaev S. N "Creating conditions for environmental education of children", Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1993
  13. Nikolaeva S. N. "Education began ecological culture in preschool childhood: work technique with children in the garden.", Moscow, "New School", 1995
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Introduction 1.

Children's work in the corner of nature in junior groups 2

Children's work in the corner of nature in medium groups 3

Children's work in the corner of nature in senior groups 5

Children's work in the corner of nature in preparatory groups 10

Conclusion 23.

References 25.


The perception of nature helps to develop such qualities as cheerfulness, emotionality, sensitive, attentive attitude towards everything alive. A child who loved nature will not mindlessly tear flowers, rip nests, offend animals.

Nature contributes to the mental development of children, their logical thinking and speech. If you teach children to admire the bright pares of the sky at sunset and sunrise, the expanses of the intricate shape of the snowflakes, the flight of the swallows, the child flies artistic taste, he will be able to know deeper the worldwill strive for the creation of beauty with your own hands.

Nature is full of extraordinary miracles. It never repeats, so you should teach children to search and find a new one in the already known, seen.

Acquisition of a child to an independent mortgage work, his acquaintance with the work of adults is the most important means of forming the moral basis of the personality of the child, its humanistic orientation, volitional qualities.

Square "kind" and "smart" work, work, often related to the game, is precisely the necessary activity of the child preschooler (in addition to the actual play), which meets its age characteristics. The systematic inclusion of the labor activity of the child in the process of its education in the family and kindergarten is immeasurably increases the intrinsicity of the period of preschool childhood, as well as the level of training for school and, in the end, to adulthood.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the success of labor education is impossible without much attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including a small, unique, peculiar personality with his interests, attachments, opportunities, features of nature.

Direct communication with wildlife gives a child brighter ideas than books and pictures. Therefore, in early age groups, conditions are created for everyday communication of children with nature, corners of nature are organized, where children have the opportunity to observe fish, birds, plants, see the care of the teacher about them, get the first elementary labor skills.

Children's work in the corner of nature in junior groups

In the second younger group, the results obtained in the preceding groups are expanding. Labor skills to care for plants and animals are given: With the help of the educator, children feed fish, birds, watered houseplants, wipe the big leaves, sow large seeds of colors, plant onions, watering plants on the beds and others.

Care of indoor plants kids still unavailable: The tutor does it himself, but necessarily in the presence of children, attracts their attention to his actions, suggests looking like water from the watering can be poured into the ground; Some children can help a little adult: to hold watering can, pour water into it, wipe a wide sheet with a damp cloth, etc. In the process of work, it is necessary to explain to children that watered plants and wipe the dust from the leaves so that they grow better.

Caring in the presence of children behind houseplants, it is necessary to attract the attention of children to the plants of the corner, increasingly and more often attract them to satisfying assistance and to observations, using different techniques for this: offering to stroke the dense smooth leaves of plants, sniff, admire Geranian flowers, Fuchsia, Remember how this room plant is called, etc. At the end of winter, the kids put onions. Each child puts his bulb into the filled ground box (the bulb can be planted almost close).

It is proposed to children first to touch the ground: it is soft, loose, consider your bulbs. Then each child does a shallow hole in directions, puts her bulb (sprout up), and then presses her in the Lukovica should sit in the ground.

At the end of April, at the beginning of May, sowing large seeds of beans, beans, nasturtiums.

In the corner of nature, flowers brought from walks, caught beetles, butterflies, etc. are placed. Acquire children to put flowers in a vase, banks, making up bouquets of them.

A beautifully decorated aquarium in the group will immediately attract the attention of children.

Watching the floating fish, it is explained how the fish swim by moving the tail and fin, it is asked if they have eyes, mouth. When feeding fish, children watch how fish quickly swim to the stern and grab it.

In the future, when feeding fish, kids are always invited to see how this is done, and then it is proposed to help some help feed fish. Of course, the children do it under the supervision, since they themselves do not immediately digest how much feed can be given to fish.

Bird care is much more difficult than fish. Bird must be fed regularly, and more than once a day, otherwise she will die. The cage should always be very clean. Water in the drinking should be changed at least twice a day, daily change the sand at the bottom of the cell, clean the jersey.

Child labor in the corner of nature in medium groups

In the middle group, children are more independent. They acquired some knowledge and skills to care for plants and animals in the corner of nature. Now they can already under the supervision of daily executing instructions: pour plants, feed fish, birds, pouring fresh grass rabbit, etc. Now it is worth the task - to continue to form interest and love for nature in children, take care of animals and plants.

Indoor plants - permanent inhabitants of the corner of nature in all groups of kindergarten. This makes it possible to teach children to care for plants.

The care of plants at the beginning of the year is carried out in the presence of children. Gradually attracting them to satisfying assistance, showing how to pour water, how to keep a watering can, water, wipe the leaves, calling the objects of care, catching children to put everything in their place.

At first, under the supervision, and then the children independently perform plants care assignments: wipe large leaves, watered. In the middle of the winter you can already have a joint washing of houseplants with small subgroups of children.

It is entrusted to two-three children to wipe the plants, the rest to play, explaining that others will do this work next time. Pots with plants are put on the benches or on the floor, if the plants are high.

At the beginning, it is proposed to see how to wipe the leaves, showing how to carry out a rag on the sheet in one direction from the cutting to the end, otherwise the sheet can break. Then children rush the sleeves to not be swap them. Each is invited to wet a cloth in the pelvis, squeeze it, put a leaf on the palm of the left hand, and if the sheet is large, put a sheet on the whole handle, to the elbow, and carefully wipe, while working it is necessary to watch every child. Two-three children can be entrusted to wash the pallets in another pelvis with warm water.

After work, the floor wipes, rinse the rags, squeeze them and hang for drying, then plants put in place

Inspecting the plants after work, it is necessary to ask children: "What are the plants after they were flushed?" Test children to the conclusion: Care is needed by plants, then they will better grow and develop.

The acquaintance of children with fish, birds, small animals is a corner of nature.

The child of the fifth year of life can assist in caring for birds: wash the drink, pour water, pour food. Put ice and feeder to a certain place. In the process of this work, children are watching the birds, as they drink, swimming, splashing water, put delicacies-shoots of oats in a pot, which they themselves have grown for them.

The participation of a child in the care of birds contributes to the upbringing of a caring attitude towards living beings, the abilities carefully observe them, find out (small birds even adults often seem very similar).

Introduction 1.

Children's work in the corner of nature in junior groups 2

Children's work in the corner of nature in medium groups 3

Children's work in the corner of nature in senior groups 5

Children's work in the corner of nature in preparatory groups 10

Conclusion 23.

The perception of nature helps to develop such qualities as cheerfulness, emotionality, sensitive, attentive attitude towards everything alive. A child who loved nature will not mindlessly tear flowers, rip nests, offend animals.

Nature promotes the mental development of children, their logical thinking and speech. If you have to adoperate children to admire the bright pares of the sky at sunset and sunrise, the expanses of the intricate shape of the snowflakes, the flight of the swallows, the child flies artistic taste, he will be able to deeper the world around the world, will strive to create a beauty with his own hands.

Nature is full of extraordinary miracles. It never repeats, so you should teach children to search and find a new one in the already known, seen.

Acquisition of a child to an independent mortgage work, his acquaintance with the work of adults is the most important means of forming the moral basis of the personality of the child, its humanistic orientation, volitional qualities.

Square "kind" and "smart" work, work, often related to the game, is precisely the necessary activity of the child preschooler (in addition to the actual play), which meets its age characteristics. The systematic inclusion of the labor activity of the child in the process of its education in the family and kindergarten is immeasurably increases the intrinsicity of the period of preschool childhood, as well as the level of training for school and, in the end, to adulthood.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the success of labor education is impossible without much attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including a small, unique, peculiar personality with his interests, attachments, opportunities, features of nature.

Direct communication with wildlife gives a child brighter ideas than books and pictures. Therefore, in early age groups, conditions are created for everyday communication of children with nature, corners of nature are organized, where children have the opportunity to observe fish, birds, plants, see the care of the teacher about them, get the first elementary labor skills.

In the second younger group, the results obtained in the preceding groups are expanding. Labor skills to care for plants and animals are given: With the help of the educator, children feed fish, birds, watered houseplants, wipe the big leaves, sow large seeds of colors, plant onions, watering plants on the beds and others.

Care of indoor plants kids still unavailable: The tutor does it himself, but necessarily in the presence of children, attracts their attention to his actions, suggests looking like water from the watering can be poured into the ground; Some children can help a little adult: to hold watering can, pour water into it, wipe a wide sheet with a damp cloth, etc. In the process of work, it is necessary to explain to children that watered plants and wipe the dust from the leaves so that they grow better.

Caring in the presence of children behind houseplants, it is necessary to attract the attention of children to the plants of the corner, increasingly and more often attract them to satisfying assistance and to observations, using different techniques for this: offering to stroke the dense smooth leaves of plants, sniff, admire Geranian flowers, Fuchsia, Remember how this room plant is called, etc. At the end of winter, the kids put onions. Each child puts his bulb into the filled ground box (the bulb can be planted almost close).

It is proposed to children first to touch the ground: it is soft, loose, consider your bulbs. Then each child does a shallow hole in directions, puts her bulb (sprout up), and then presses her in the Lukovica should sit in the ground.

At the end of April, at the beginning of May, sowing large seeds of beans, beans, nasturtiums.

In the corner of nature, flowers brought from walks, caught beetles, butterflies, etc. are placed. Acquire children to put flowers in a vase, banks, making up bouquets of them.

A beautifully decorated aquarium in the group will immediately attract the attention of children.

Watching the floating fish, it is explained how the fish swim by moving the tail and fin, it is asked if they have eyes, mouth. When feeding fish, children watch how fish quickly swim to the stern and grab it.

In the future, when feeding fish, kids are always invited to see how this is done, and then it is proposed to help some help feed fish. Of course, the children do it under the supervision, since they themselves do not immediately digest how much feed can be given to fish.

Bird care is much more difficult than fish. Bird must be fed regularly, and more than once a day, otherwise she will die. The cage should always be very clean. Water in the drinking should be changed at least twice a day, daily change the sand at the bottom of the cell, clean the jersey.

In the middle group, children are more independent. They acquired some knowledge and skills to care for plants and animals in the corner of nature. Now they can already under the supervision of daily executing instructions: pour plants, feed fish, birds, pouring fresh grass rabbit, etc. Now it is worth the task - to continue to form interest and love for nature in children, take care of animals and plants.

Indoor plants - permanent inhabitants of the corner of nature in all groups of kindergarten. This makes it possible to teach children to care for plants.

The care of plants at the beginning of the year is carried out in the presence of children. Gradually attracting them to satisfying assistance, showing how to pour water, how to keep a watering can, water, wipe the leaves, calling the objects of care, catching children to put everything in their place.

At first, under the supervision, and then the children independently perform plants care assignments: wipe large leaves, watered. In the middle of the winter you can already have a joint washing of houseplants with small subgroups of children.

It is entrusted to two-three children to wipe the plants, the rest to play, explaining that others will do this work next time. Pots with plants are put on the benches or on the floor, if the plants are high.

At the beginning, it is proposed to see how to wipe the leaves, showing how to carry out a rag on the sheet in one direction from the cutting to the end, otherwise the sheet can break. Then children rush the sleeves to not be swap them. Each is invited to wet a cloth in the pelvis, squeeze it, put a leaf on the palm of the left hand, and if the sheet is large, put a sheet on the whole handle, to the elbow, and carefully wipe, while working it is necessary to watch every child. Two-three children can be entrusted to wash the pallets in another pelvis with warm water.

After work, the floor wipes, rinse the rags, squeeze them and hang for drying, then plants put in place

Inspecting the plants after work, it is necessary to ask children: "What are the plants after they were flushed?" Test children to the conclusion: Care is needed by plants, then they will better grow and develop.

The acquaintance of children with fish, birds, small animals is a corner of nature.

The child of the fifth year of life can assist in caring for birds: wash the drink, pour water, pour food. Put ice and feeder to a certain place. In the process of this work, children are watching the birds, as they drink, swimming, splashing water, put delicacies-shoots of oats in a pot, which they themselves have grown for them.

The participation of a child in the care of birds contributes to the upbringing of a caring attitude towards living beings, the abilities carefully observe them, find out (small birds even adults often seem very similar).

In the corner of the nature of the middle group, you can contain a guinea pig or rabbit (if there are appropriate conditions). Now observations of these animals may not only be crotward in class, but also during the care of them. (Rabbit can not be kept in the group room.)

It should be remembered that an example of adults is the main condition for education in children of interest and careful attitude towards nature.

During the winter, children sow oats for rabbits and birds (they need green food), like the kids put onions, they are following its growth, carefully watered (without pouring bulbs).

In the spring corner, and the whole group room, the first spring flowers are decorated: coltsfoot, blue and white armor, sleep-grass, hooker, goose bow or others.

In the summer in the corner of nature, children bring plants fields, meadows and forests.

The corner of nature in the senior group is characterized by a large variety of plants and animals. The organization of labor and observations is also different here, since children already have ideas about plants and animals and the skills of care for them. Therefore, the care of objects in the corner of nature is carried out already on duty under the guidance of the educator.

In this group, the long-term observations of children for the growth and development of plants and animals occupy a large place. The systematic and properly organized educational work with children in the corner of nature plays a major role.

As in all groups of kindergarten, constant and compulsory plants, the corner of nature are houseplants.

The care of plants in the corner of nature is carried out by duty under the guidance of the educator (dutymen are organized at the beginning of the year). They watered plants. Plant polling is for children difficult care. Drinking the process of watering itself, they can water the same plant several times a day. Therefore, this work is carried out by children under the control of the educator. Attracting all the guys alternately to the watering, it is necessary to teach every child, as needed to hold the watering can be properly (applying her spout to the edge of the pot), to accustom to pour water to the little, not in a hurry, it is necessary to pour water until all the earth in a pot is wet and On the pallet will not seem water.

When leaving the bulbous plants, only the land is watered and in no case poured a bulb. It is necessary to explain to children that watering plants should be water, which already stood in the room. It is also necessary to recall that the leaves of plants need to be kept clean, wash with warm water: cold water It is harmful. Plants with small leaves (for example, a tradescania, begonia eternal) watered from watering can with a pitchfork, setting plants in a pelvis.

It is necessary to show how to loosen the land in pots, gradually escaping to this care and children.

During the spring-summer period, when plants need more nutrition, it is necessary to feed the plants with organic or mineral fertilizers when children, attracting children to work (pour plants with water before and after feeding), explaining the purpose of feeding.

In the senior group, children introduce some ways to reproduction of plants. To do this, transplanted and multiply two or three plants. Children take part in this work.

Well, if every child will monitor the growth and development of his stalk and all interesting (at will) sketch into an individual album. Such albums can be used as illustrations to a conversation about room plants.

Grown plants Children can give kids or replenish the corner of nature at home.

In the corner of nature of the senior group, there may be the same animals as in the group preparatory for school. The difference is only in the volume of knowledge that children receive about a particular animal, less independent care for it (it is always under control and with the direct participation of the educator), a more limited period of stay of some animals in the corner of nature.

The main requirement that needs to be performed when the animal content in the corner of nature is the creation of normal conditions for their lives. Before purchasing animals, it is necessary to prepare the room for them, trying to bring the conditions of the animal stay in captivity to the natural and pre-harvest food. Animals can not be kept in small, narrow, low, non-suitable cells for them, embossing natural movements.

The protein and most birds are better to contain not in the cells, but in spacious avoices (from the floor to the ceiling) made of wooden frames with a metal mesh stretched.

For animals such as rabbit, guinea pig, hedgehog, we need wooden cells - low, but spacious, giving the opportunity to move freely.

With a lack of space in a large aviary for birds, you can allocate a place for the content of the guinea pig. In this case, the premises of sufficient volume with a plywood ceiling will be blown out in the avoire, so that the animals do not disturb each other.

Small birds can be kept in small cells. It is better to hang on the wall near the window at an altitude of 1.5 m from the floor.

For animal care, a special inventory needs. All objects of animal care are placed together with plant care inventors. Some items, such as a brush, upholstery, etc., convenient to keep directly in the enclosures.

Adults should be remembered and to understand the children that the content of birds, animals in the corner of nature should be given the most serious attention. A living creature is not a toy, it requires a lot of attention and careful care: daily in the same time to feed two three times, changing the water as dirty. (Do not forget on the day off leave food, water!)

It is very important to clean the cage daily. Once a month to produce thorough cleaning: all of her parts wash with warm water with soap.

It is impossible to allow the animals to dangle from non-dissolution. Therefore, the release of them sometimes from the cage, it is necessary to take precautions: close the window and the window so that the bird does not fly out, the protein does not jump out. It is impossible to leave unattended for a long time any animal.

Fish are mandatory and permanent inhabitants of the corner of nature in all groups of kindergarten.

The best aquariums in all respects are wide quadrangular in metallic frames (frame). A new aquarium should be checked if he does not take place, then wash thoroughly, wipe dry and put on a certain place, best on a special table at a small distances from the window.

By installing the aquarium, it is necessary to prepare the soil - thoroughly washed and calcined coarse river sand. It must be put on an uneven layer - with a slope to the middle of the aquarium and to one of its edge, then the dirt will accumulate in one place, and it is easy to remove it with a glass or rubber tube. On top of the sand, put pebbles, seashells, plant plants to give an aquarium similarity with a natural reservoir.

It is especially important to plant plants. Only under this condition can be supported by biological equilibrium in the aquarium. Plants enrich water with oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of fish, and absorb carbon dioxide. In addition, the eggs are set off by caviar on the leaves of plants, the leaves serve as a refuge for the fry, for some fish they are added nutrition.

After the soil is prepared, plants are planted, you can fill the aquarium with water. Water from the crane should be pre-withstanding for several days in another dishes. In any case, it does not fit it, as it is less than air in heated water. Pour water should be careful not to wash the planted plants. You can do this in different ways: to use the hose, putting it on the ground, a special funnel for pouring water or pour water to a sheet of paper papers on a saucer, put on the bottom, or direct the water stream to your hand, lowered to the aquarium.

In the aquarium, it is advisable to place several freshwater snails; They are kind of sanitary cars - purify the walls of the aquarium and eat the residue of the feed.

It is necessary to replenish the aquarium by fish gradually, considering and comparing new fish with placed earlier.

In the corner of the nature of the elder group of fish should be different: unpretentious aquarium fish - a goldfish and its varieties and fish of freshwater reservoirs, such as a small carp. With good care, it is growing rapidly, and children, starting him to watch him in the older group, will continue to observe the group preparatory for school.

An important condition for the content of fish in the aquarium is the correct feeding. The best food for all fish is a living food: moth-larva mosquito dergun. Each fish to day should be given two - four worms. Store the moth in a damp cloth in a cool place, so it is saved during the week. From dry feeds mainly use daphnia. Dry feed Fish also gives a certain norm.

It is good to alternate dry food with a living moth, when feeding only dry food, the fish are poorly growing, and the heat-water does not multiply. It should not be fed with bread or crumbs, as water zaises them and the sand is contaminated, it is necessary to change the water.

Fingering fish is needed at the same time (once or twice a day), throwing food better in the glass frame-feeder so that it does not break through the whole aquarium. It is not difficult to teach the fish to climb the food on the sound of the bell or on the sound, resulting in tapping with something about the wall of the aquarium. It increases the interest of children to care for fish. Food remnants, descended on the bottom, must be caught in a glass tube.

This is done like this: the tube, covered on top of the finger, lowered to the remnants of the feed, on the bottom, then remove the finger, and the feed along with water rises into the tube; The tube is again closed with a finger and removed from the water. So repeat until the feed remains at the bottom.

For a rubber tube, you need to have a suction balloon (ordinary children's rubber canister).

If the fish are fed correctly, the dirt from the aquarium is removed and there is a sufficient number of plants in it, water can not be changed for months. But if these rules are not respected, the fish feel bad, it is necessary to change the water often.

In polluted water with a small amount of oxygen, the fish is choking and, standing almost vertically at the surface of the water, swept the atmospheric air, which is very excluded them. You also need to avoid the overpopulation of aquarium. It should be processed from the fact that for each fish 10 cm long, no less than 2 liters of water is required.

Change the water in the aquarium and wash it best in the presence of children, attracting them to help, water to pour the hose water. Before this fish is removed by a special sacc. In no case can you allow children to take fish with hands: Fish can get sick.

Two-three children wash pebbles, sand and plants is washing the teacher several times with children.

It is not necessary to always change the water completely, it is possible to pour it into the aquarium, wipe its walls and add fresh water, while fish is not removed and plants are not removed.

In the senior group, children continue to watch and behind the insects - Beetle Plavuntie, if he stayed in a group from summer,

After moving from the cottage to the city, the teacher finds out that it remains in children in memory of this beetle, suggests him to compare him with fish, asks why he is in a separate bank, and not with the fish. Children view floating beetles, feed him, watch how the beetle grabs meat with its strong jaws; Some children remember how he crawls. In the process of care for the inhabitants, the children will notice that the beetle rises from time to time to the surface of the water and puts the rear end of his body (it breathes, capturing the atmospheric air). Sometimes children notice at the rear end of the body of the beetle bubble air. The teacher explains that during the breath, the beetle takes the air under the wings and then it is under water.

It should be remembered that the bottom of the bank, in which there is a female beetle, it is necessary to put the pebbles more larger, so that the beetle could be lingering at the bottom, otherwise his body is relatively easily pushed with water, and he has to make efforts to not be elapsed.

As in the middle group, in the older it is best to have any graining bird - Chizhi, bullfiner, scoop, chcheletk. They all make children with songs, haggles (for example, Chiz is fun fun), attract the colorful feathers.

In addition to those birds that are recommended for the middle group, the elder group can have a blue. It feeds on insects, their larvae and eggs (even in winter), in search of them, she sometimes keeps in a variety of poses sometimes on the finest branches of the tree.

Tits arrive at the feeder if putting hemp seeds, crushed sunflower seeds, slice of sludge. At the trough, the sinitsa behaves like a real owner: distinguishes other birds and even regular visitors - Sparrow.

In the corner of nature, children can get acquainted with the blue even closer: they will notice its mobility, they will look at thin and at the same time a strong beak will see what the title (there are several types there is a bright plumage: black head, white cheeks, black stripes on lemon yellow background Chest (black strip is brighter expressed in the male). The tamed blue can be released, but it is necessary to feed in the cage, then it will fly to it herself. When the tit out of the cell, it is necessary to follow it, as it can clog into toys and die or fall into the aquarium, in a bucket with water.

The sinic feed is a mixture of ant eggs with a grated carrot, cannabis seeds. In addition, kidney willows and fruit trees are added, slices of bass. Blue can not be kept with other small birds, as she can score them to death.

Daily care of birds in the older group is as follows: Preparation of feed, washing feeders, cream, baths for swimming, filling of feed in feeders, filling water cream and bath, cleaning cells with drawn bottom (sand change, porch cleaning), arrangement of feeders ( Not in porchos), cream, baths in cells. In winter, children prepare birds with a lacquer - green seedlings of oats.

All bird care is carried out under control and with the direct participation of the educator.

There are cases when graters fall out of the nest. It can be taken and focused by pieces of meat, a bun, twisted in milk, earthworms. Such grapple can grow, get used to and even fall out. Especially often it happens with the closure, which had damaged wings. The room for it can be done, extinguishing at the end of the corridor or elsewhere with a wire mesh a small space. In a non-frosty winter, he can arrange housing and in the yard. In the summer he will live on the plot. Grach quickly becomes manual and walks for children, bringing them great pleasure. Children get acquainted with the habits and the life of birds.

Care for live objects in the corner of nature is carried out by duty under the guidance of the educator. This work teaches a child to justice and accurately fulfill its duties and at the same time makes it possible to accumulate knowledge and labor skills.

On duty in the older group are introduced at the beginning of the school year. The work of duty officers in the corner of nature, where children are dealing with alive organisms, is more difficult than other duty.

In the corner of nature there is no literal repetition of the same actions, so children must constantly show the initiative, smelting. The fish require one care, the beetle-female - another (although, not difficult), for birds need to create completely different conditions than for fish, etc. Yes, and houseplants, as already mentioned, need various care: Some love the sun, others, on the contrary, need to be removed into the shadow, some need abundant polyvka, others are afraid of excessive moisture. All this obliges the caregiver to carefully plan the work of children to care for the inhabitants of the corner.

Before the first duty officer in the corner of nature, a conversation is held: the tutor shows and tells what the duties of each duty are being made, introduces the content of the locker, in which the items needed for duty shows where the aprons hang, where sex brushes are hanging, and so on ., explains what order they need to be left after duty.

In the corner of nature, a few people are on duty: one or. Two take care of plants (depending on the number of plants and children's skills), one feeds fish and swimming, two care for the bird, one prepares and puts food, water, the other is watching the bird to fly out of the cage, then he takes out From the bottom of the bottom, pouring dirty and pour pure sand.

At the end of the duty, the teacher checks whether everything is done correctly: whether there are no feeders and drinkers under arshek, whether porridges are clean, gives an assessment of work and indicates how to fix the errors that were allowed. Attendant by the end of the year it is better to appoint, for two to three days.

Cleaning the corner of nature is periodically carried out with the participation of the entire group. With the right organization, cleaning passes calmly and fun. All the items that the children enjoyed during cleaning should be left clean and folded in order to certain places. At the end of the work, the teacher conducts a conversation with children about how every member of cleaning has manifested itself, what value has a common cleaning and how duty must maintain purity and. Order in the corner.

The corner of nature in the group preparatory to school should differ from the corner in the older group, both in terms of quantity and a variety of inhabitants. Significantly expands the volume of knowledge that children receive 6-7 years old, thanks to a deeper acquaintance with the life of various types of plants and animals, as well as as a result of attracting children to more complex types of care.

Given the possibilities of children and the requirements of the program, in the corner of nature preparatory to school of the Group, in addition to plants recommended for the older group, such plants need to be made that require different departures depending on the conditions of their life in their homeland. For example, cacti (philocactus, siegocactus) or other, the birthplace of which are anhydrous desert, where 3/4 years is almost no rain, in room conditions Also require a rare watering and more solar location. On the contrary, plants of tropical marshes, such as cipers, etc., which are accustomed to homeland large quantity moisture, require more infusion of watering, DM is harmful direct sunlight. And such plants like Crynum, Amarillis, it is necessary not only to water from the pallet, like all the bulbs, but also create peace of rest in the cold season. Amarillis is also interested in what can be breeding in different times.

Educals are very important to know about the life of each plant in their homeland in order to ensure the correct care for the inhabitants of the corner of nature.

Clivia Begonia Rex Amarallis

It is interesting to have such plants on which you can show the children of different methods of breeding: not only with stem cuttings and live bushes, but also on bulbs, kids, siblings of the village of bush, as well as leaf cuttings (Begonia Rex, Uzambar violet).

A varieties of some plants are also made, for example, various begonias, geraniums or others. This makes it possible to educate children to find similarities and differences between plants. It is desirable to have plants in the corner of nature, grown by children from the seeds (for example, lemon) and cuttings. It is good to have any plant of different ages, such as crying young, crying with a large crown and a blooming or other plant.

No need to chase over a large number of plants - it is important that they are always in good condition.

The choice of plants for a corner of nature largely depends on the specific conditions of each group room - its lighting, temperature.

Care of plants. With some types of plant care - watering, washing leaves, removing dry leaves - children got acquainted in previous groups. In the preparatory for school, the group of children teach new techniques: loosening, spraying, different ways to clean the leaves from dust, in spring - feeding, transplant, reproduction of plants. They must understand the meaning of this or that type of plant care.

One of the most important and difficult to develop plants care is watering. Children need to be taught not only to water correctly, but also determine the lack of moisture in the pot on dryness of the upper layer of the Earth.

At the beginning of the school year, when renewing duty in the corner of nature, it is necessary to repeat the reception of the correct plant watering.

Children's attention should be paid to the saucer and on the drain hole at the bottom of the pot, which flows excess water. It is not necessary to drain it, because together with water is washed out of the ground some amount of nutrient plants desired, so it is better that it is absorbed into the ground.

Nothing fascinates children like watering. Sometimes one duty pool plant and the other watered it. Other extremes are observed: children, fearing to fill over the plant, watered it not enough or completely forget to pour. The plant will start to fall from the lack of moisture. Therefore, it is very important, especially at first, follow the work of children.

In the process of care, the teacher explains that some plants, such as Primulus, Tradesska, must often watered, so that the Earth always has been raw, others, such as aloe, cacti, on the contrary, - only when the land in the pot will dry away; In some plants (cipers), water should always be on the pallet.

It can be explained to the children that there are plants that in winter almost do not need to water, for example, Krunum, Amarillis, only occasionally pour water into the saucer: they do not grow at that time, and rest.

All knowledge, skills are absorbed by children not immediately, but gradually.

When planting plants, it is necessary to take into account the period of development (season), weather, the degree of dryness of the room. During the growth period (in spring and summer), the plants require abundant watering, that is, more frequent, during the rest (in autumn and winter) - moderate, more rare. But in hot-sized rooms, especially when steam heating, when the land in pots dries quickly, it is necessary to water the plants in winter often. More need to water the plants during flowering. In summer, it is useful to carry plants for the rain.

Plants are usually harmful both excessive watering and heat drying. In the first case, the Earth zaksats, the leaves are yellow and fall off. Then you should transplant plants into a smaller pot, trim the reinforced roots and places of the cut can be sprinkled with charcoal. With a strong drying, the water is not absorbed by the dry room, and the pot rolls along the walls. In these cases, it is necessary to put a plant in a pelvis with water so that the water reached the edges of the pot, and keep until the earth is soaked with water through the drain hole (five to six hours).

Spraying. For better growth of plants in the spring and summer you need to not only water them, but also to spray the room temperature daily. Children can be taught to spray plants from the sprayer or using a spray plug inserted into the bottle. At first, the teacher sprinkles the plants himself in the presence of children and gradually attracts duty officers to this work, it is necessary to ensure that the children spray plants carefully: it is recommended to put plants in the pelvis, in a baking sheet or on the canlenka, laid on the floor.

In the summer, in the heat, well spray plants twice a day. It is necessary to explain to the guys that it is impossible to spray plants in the sun: burns appear on the leaves. Some plants whose leaves are covered with hairs (begonia river, geranium), you can not spray.

In dry rooms for humidification of the air, it is useful and in summer and in winter to put between plants with water vessels: jars, plates, deep saucers, jugs.

The teacher teaches children to take care of different plants. First reminds how to wash large dense leaves of such plants like a "friendly family", ficus, clivia, phylodendron, etc.

You can then show how to wash with a tassel of aloe leaves, folded, "branded" leaves of curculigo, how to clean the dust with a soft dry brush fragile, pubescent geranium leaves, begonias, which can not be sprayed.

You can suggest the guys to think about how to wash small leaflets of Tradesska, Fuchsia, Eternal Begonias, explain and show that small leaflets are rocked from the watering can (toy).

When washing plants under the shower, children only observe the work of adults (in this case, it is necessary to cover the ground in a pot in a glued circle, and to lay a rag or towel from above so that the water does not blur the earth).

You should teach children to wash not only the leaves of plants, but also pots. Switches and pots should be washed with soap warm water at least twice a month. The pot with a plant needs to be put in the pelvis on the grille or the bench so that soap water does not get through the drain hole to the roots of the plants. After washing the pot and the saucer is rinsed with warm water. (Usually, children do this work during collective cleaning under control and with the help of an educator.)

Loosening. An important view of the care of indoor plants is the looping of the Earth in the pots. It is necessary to explain that the compacted land does not pass the air and water to the roots of plants, so the plants grow worse.

It is necessary to loosen the earth very careful not to damage the roots. The first time the tutor loans in the presence of children, in the future he attracts children to help and, giving them stupid sticks, suggests to explode the land in the pots of those plants that have no roots on the ground. (Earth in pots should always be loose.)

Falker of plants. In the spring and summer, when the plants grow, give a lot of leaves and flowers, they need more nutrition.

Washing Palm Tree Leaves Cleaning Golden Palm Letacies Brush

Children prepared for the school group should be in an affordable form to tell about the value of the feeding and after showing the tutor of taking feeding, similar to the watering, entrust this work to children (helpful solutions prepares a teacher). It is necessary to teach children to water the solution of theme without a mesh, carefully, so that the drops do not get it on the leaves and stem; Before feeding and after it, plants are watered with simple water. Fertilizing with handsome mixtures, children are performed only under the control of the educator.

For feeding, organic and mineral fertilizers consume. Mineral mixtures are sold in chemical stores in the packages on which the method of their use is indicated, the dose is 25 g on 5 liters of water.

Supporting from organic fertilizer is prepared as follows: any dishes are filled with manure and poured to the top with water, give to stand the week, stirring from time to time. When watering, the solution is diluted with water: one part of the manure solution is diluted with seven-eight parts, and a solution of bird litter is ten parts of water.

It is useful to mix organic fertilizers with minerals (on 5 liters of infusion of 25 and mineral fertilizers).

Undercumation is used once in seven or ten days, starting from April to August. It is impossible to feed plants after transplanting (for a week or two), as well as plants, patients and at rest.

Patent plants. In the spring, they look at all plants, choose those in the bottom hole pots are visible roots. Offer children to think why it happened. If the guys do not be able to explain, you need to tell them that the roots of the plant are not placed in the pot "they have already become in it. Closely, so the plant must be transplanted into a more spacious pot.

Having filled the plants requiring transplant, the educator along with the children lists what you need to cook for transplant: pots of different sizes, land, sand, shards, scoops, sticks. On the eve, children can sift the Earth or simply clean it from garbage.

In order for all children to have an idea of \u200b\u200ba plant transplant, one or two plants in the spring of transplanting in the classroom. The educator in the presence of children takes out one plant from the pot "The children look tightly braided with the roots of the earth. With the help of the sticks, they free the roots from the old earth and unlock them. Long, the plated roots of the plant are even more surprised by children. The need to transplant becomes more obvious to them.

Plant transplant:

1 - knocking out a coma from the pot;

2 - rupture of the surface of the coma;

3 - trimming roots.

Replanting plants, the educator explains all his actions and attracts guys to help. Very good to spend with children Clearing Clearing - Plants with a powerfully developed root system (the remaining plants can be transplanted without children).

Plants should be replant if they are closely in a pot or if they are ill (there is a suspension in growth, the yellowing of the leaves or their fiction, the formation of underdeveloped shoots or leaves).

The transplant must be carried out, as a rule, to a new pot. The difference in the diameter of the old and the new pot must be no more than 1-2 cm (the old pot must enter the new one), otherwise the Earth in too a spacious pot can scatter before the roots grow. New pots need to soak in water to squeeze the air from their pores. Old pots must be thoroughly wash with hot water with soap and soda, riding and dry and dry. This can be done with the help of children. It is best to plant plants in matte clay pots, as their walls are permeated with the smallest holes that freely skip the air to the roots. It is impossible to plant plants in pots, painted by oil paint or icing, in enameled or aluminum pan, in faience dishes, in tin cans. This dishes do not let the air through the walls, so the plants in them are poorly developed and dying.

Technique transplant. In a pot, cooked for transplanting, put on the waste hole with the hump up the clay stalks, so that the free slots remain under it, through which the excess water can flock on the saucer. Then pour a layer of coarse sand in 2-3 cm, which is necessary for better penetration of air and water to roots from the bottom: the sand is drainage. From above drainage pour a little ground.

Before placing a plant into a new pot, you need to carefully inspect it with an earthen room: fallen, broken or damaged roots cut off with a sharp knife. Cuts sprinkle with crowded charcoal.

The prepared plant is lowered in the middle of the pot so that the roots are evenly distributed throughout the pot, and the root neck of the stem (location in the root) was at the level of 1-2 cm below the edges of the pot. The plant is maintained with the left hand, and the right puffed the ground and pushed it with a wooden stupid stick between the roots; From time to time tapping the pot on the table or shake it to leave the Earth; The ground is crimped around the plant with large and index fingers of both hands while the root neck will not be at the required level.

After transplanting, the plant is abundantly watered and put five to six days to the shaded place before rooting. Polyvka at this time is replaced with daily spraying. If the land in the pot starts to dry, then the root system of the plant began to work.

Sometimes it is necessary to transplant the rapidly developing plant in a more spacious pot, without breaking the earth coma. This transplant is called transshipment.

Sowing and landing. Already in the second younger and secondary groups, the children saw, how delicacy for birds, the rabbit are the gentle young seedlings of oats, and took part in his crop. In the senior group, children in the classroom sow seeds of oats, salad, plant roots - beets, carrots, trouser - and grow fresh greens on animal feed (rabbit, sea pig).

Oats can be sowed in the boxes, in paper cups, putting them after sowing in a common box, tightly to each other.

It is necessary to provide the opportunity to each child yourself to do the entire simple sowing process, after which it is suited to put your box into one common box on top of the shallow layer of the earth on top of the shallow layer (by 2-3 cm). Near the box you need to put a bucket with water, and each child carefully polls its sowing from a spoon. (If you watered from the watering can, too much water hurts.)

Before landing, rootes are considered. Children gives a task to make a hole in the ground (in a pot or in a box) and so plant beets or carrots so that the whole rootpode is in the ground, and only the top braking above the ground.

In the preparatory for school, a group due to a large number of animals and birds, for which green food is needed throughout the winter, as well as in connection with the increased independence of children of crops and landing in the corner of nature, they take more space than in the older group.

Children should be involved in the preparation of the Earth: to choose pebbles, wands, break, sow, pour the land to be wet, but not too raw and did not stick to the hands.

Children 6 - 7 years old as needed independently sow seeds: Oats, salad, wheat, barley; Sizza root for getting a young greenery. They can also grow chopped cabbage leaves for a turtle.

In some kindergartens, large galvanized antiques in size and width of the windowsill are successfully used for indoor gardens, 12 cm highs. The advantage of galvanized boxes is that they can be used for a number of years not only for landing in winter, but also For growing seedlings of flowers, vegetables, as well as for washing plants during collective cleaning.

In addition to green feed, the work can prepare a certain amount of seedlings for their flower bed and garden.

Sowing flower seeds to seedlings is held at the classroom (approximately in early May, so that the seedlings did not exceed). Before sowing, seeds should be considered, compared, remember, from which plants they were collected, show previously dried flowers or illustrations to increase the interest of the guys to growing these plants. For the cultivation of seedlings, you can use the same boxes and pots in which there were indoor gardens.

In the senior group you can sow seeds of marigolds and nastures, cucumbers or pumpkins.

Classes are organized in this way: each table is put a box with moisturized land, two saucers with seeds and wands whose ends are painted (label). After the show and explanations of the educator, the children independently make the pits with the help of sticks, put the seeds there and fall asleep the seeds of the earth, and the teacher carefully sprinkles her and put boxes on the windows with children.

Seed seeds are encouraged to fall asleep with sand, which is best passed air, a more complete aeration occurs; The sand during watering is not washed away as easily as the earth, as turning after the watering in the crust, it is easy to settle and skips water. After sowing the land covered with sand, again sprinkles. Sowing should be protected from drying out, sharp fluctuations in temperature; We must give them as much light as possible.

When the rabbits are growing, they must be searched (picking), after which they will quickly go into growth.

Observations for the development and growth of plants should be carried out to the transplant to the ground and continue them after landing on the site.

In the preparatory group, it is desirable to grow two or three types of vegetables and flowers. It is not necessary to grow all those plants that want to plant on the sediment site. The whole point of this work is to show the children growth and development of the plant from seeding before receiving new seeds. It is desirable that the lesson preceded an excursion to one of the greenhouse farms, where children could see how even early spring are well developing plants. If they create the necessary conditions.

Best of all in room conditions, seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, nasturtiums, binds are possible. It is more convenient to grow seedlings in paper cups, in peat pots or in ordinary flower pots of small size. In the seedlings grown in the pots during landing the earthlings, it is not destroyed, seedlings are good and does not get sick. Making paper cups and planting seedlings are held with children in classes.

In the corner of nature, the eldest and preparatory school groups can have identical animals, but children's knowledge of 6-7 years old, skills, quotes associated with the care of the inhabitants of the corner are complicated. In addition, in the corner of the preparatory school, some animals can be kept longer, as long-term observations should be held here (for the same animal, for the growth of young).

In all groups of kindergarten, the corners of nature are permanent inhabitants. But in the preparatory for school, it is advisable to keep in aquarium along with cold-water fish and some heat-water, such as Guppies, Middle Mares, Macro, Scalaria, etc. This will give an opportunity to the tutor not only to expand the ideas of children about the life of fish, to increase interest in them, but also to bring Guys to summarize accumulated ideas, to the formation of the concepts of "fish".

To heal water uses a special heater or a conventional light bulb, suspended on the cord from the side of the aquarium, below the water level. Thermal fish are interesting in that they breed in the aquarium.

Guppies, swordsmen - whipping fish, they dreamed living, fully formed fry. Guppies mouthed fry for a year 6-7 times, from 10 to 50 pieces.

With the appearance of fry adult fish, it is necessary to separate, otherwise they can eat their offspring. Feed kids cyclops and infusories.

Such heat-growing fish like McOurod, Scalaria, Thenecia, -rometer. Each of the listed fish postpones caviar to a certain place: some build a nest (Macoopod), other caviar swollen directly to the bottom of the aquarium or a certain plant.

Falls appear from caviar about 35-50 hours. As soon as the fry will begin to swim, they are littered from the aquarium.

To create normal living conditions to animals in the corner of nature and the organization of the right care and observations, educators need to get acquainted with the biological peculiarities of animals, with their lives in vivo, with the rules of content.

Squirrel-cheerful, deftly jumping animal. In summer, her wool is bright redhead, in winter - gently gray on the back and pure and white on the stomach and breast.

In kindergarten for proteins it is desirable to have a cage on a metal frame, covered with a solid iron grid (protein tree can be obsessed). The cell must be spacious enough (at least 1 m3 per animal) so that the protein can make long jumps. It is better to arrange a spacious aviary height from the floor to the ceiling. In such a aviary, you can keep all the Belich family. In the summer, the avoer is installed in the air.

For sleep, the protein should hang a house with a small inlet and roof on the loop, which would be opened half to clean. In the house put soft rags, torn to pieces of paper, moss, hay - all this will serve as a squirrel with a bedding (the cotton is not recommended, as it stuck in claws).

Overalling with a house, the squirrel itself will make a nest similar to the bird. Falling asleep in the nest, the squirrel is covered with a tail like a blanket.

Food proteins in captivity must be closer to natural. During the day, the protein eats at least 20 g of nuts (cedar, walnut or forest), not less than 20 g of apples or carrots, sunflower seeds or acorns, some dry mushrooms (mushrooms need to be twisted in water). With a big hunting eats a bunch, peel of oranges and mandarins. It is necessary to put in an eraser and fresh branches of deciduous trees, giving chalk, table salt, water (salt and chalk must be put in separate cups), it is useful to give some milk.

Proteins never eat from feeders. Exactly with handles, holds a squirrel with front paws nut, a bump or carrot and turning into all directions, nibbles them with their sharp teeth-cutters.

Cell cleaning should be made daily. To simplify cleaning, the floor in the aviary is recommended to be covered with a piece of linoleum, on a table or a windowsill if the cell is standing on it, put the cape. Cleaning for a protein is easy, because the protein is very clean.

Once a month, it is necessary to clean the whole cell lying with hot water (in order to avoid smell).

The following types of animal care are fully accessible to children to school: Wash the drinking, feeder, pour clean water and give the desired amount of feed to each animal; Wash and cut root roots, greenery for animals and birds; Help adults when cleaning animal cells, when changing water in aquarium: Carefully catch from aquarium with a small sacc of fish and transplant them in pelvis with indoor water, rinse seashells, pebbles, partially rinse sand; Caution with a circular to remove the top layer of water and pour fresh water; After duty, put in order and put in place inventory used; Cleaning in a shopping cabinet: wipe the dust, wipe the shelves of the cabinet, to stretch the rags, wipe the linous aprons with a damp cloth, jumped and dry the dishes for feed and other angle inventory, carefully put everything in their place. In addition, the educator attracts children to the harvesting of animal feed for the winter: the collection of cones with seeds, acorns, drying the collected herb on the hay, etc.

It is necessary to pay attention to the familiarization of children with the objects of care of plants and animals, show and tell where what lies, hanging what is needed for what to agree on the procedure for using inventors. Children must correctly call those items that they use.

To make it easier for children to find the storage location of each subject, you can stick the corresponding pictures.

On duty in the corner of nature are organized since the beginning of the school year.

On the first days of September, the educator conducts a lesson at which children recall how they cared for plants and animals in the older group, reports the need to resume duty.

From the responses of children, the educator finds out whether the children have been remembered, as they cared for indoor plants, as well as the fed of those or other animals. The teacher tries to clarify how important and care for animals and plants for the correct development, clarifies the duty duty, emphasizes their responsibility for doing business.

When teaching children, the care of plants and animals should use a variety of techniques: a personal example, showing, explanation, reminder, belief.

The leading reception in teaching children by labor skills is the show of the teacher in combination with the explanation, how to do how to care.

The first time the show is given to the whole group in class or outside it. But that the children captured the right skills, one show, of course, is not enough, it is necessary to check the execution of its individual children in the future during duty and show again if the child does wrong. Along with this, you need to repeat the entire group; It should be short, but emotional to raise interest in duty officers to the care of plants and animals. To this end, it is advisable to organize observation of the work of an educator or nanny, which sometimes perform duty officers. "Today I will be on duty," says the teacher to children. Or: "Today we have nanny duty. See how it will work. "

The procedure for appointment of duty. Combining children for duty, their skills, interests, behaviors and relationships should be taken into account. Those who still do not have enough skills, should be prescribed to be on duty along with children, copier with the task; Guys with unstable attention, as well as passive prescribed to work with more active, purposeful. Children's relationship should also be taken into account. Therefore, preferably lists of duty compile together with children.

It is advisable to assign on duty on each object separately: on the care of plants, for fish, birds and other animals.

Caring for one animal, the child exercises in the execution of the same techniques and improves them. In subsequent duty he can care for another inhabitant. Later, when children acquire certain skills, you can provide them with the opportunity to agree on how to care for what animals will take care of them to independently distribute duties among themselves. The tutor imperceptibly tells the Children's choice of living corners.

At first, children are on duty on one day, but as the skills are mastered for more duty - within two or three days. The duty for several days increases the responsibility of the guys for the state of the object, for which they care, brings up a sense of debt, and labor skills are improved.

It is advisable to draw up a list of duty for every month. It makes clarity to the distribution of duty, facilitates control so that every child can take care of all the inhabitants of the corner of nature for a month.

The presence of duty officers does not exclude individual animal care assignments, for example, to help duty with difficulty, replace the sick or missing comrade, go to the kitchen for food, take a walk with a turtle and others. Along with short-term labor orders, longer individual orders are possible (for one - The week of the week), for example, care for plants outside the group room - in the office, on the stairs, in the lobby, or animals living on the plot: rabbit, dog, chickens, with chickens, etc., both duty and Separate orders are very valuable in the upbringing of the guys of mutual assistance. You need to teach children to remind each other about your duties, help comrades (more experienced teaches less experienced or shows a new one, how to dudge).

Managing on duty, the individual features of children should be taken into account: one must be able to assist in a timely manner so that the child does not feel his powerlessness, otherwise the interest in labor will disappear; another praise in front of comrades and parents for conscientious attitudes towards their work; on the third, on the contrary, may have an impact of a remark made with all children, with parents; On the fourth strongly there are positive examples of comrades. Sometimes, perhaps, you should remove the child from duty for unfair attitude to the duties.

As the children's skills are mastered, the role of the caregiver should be changed: it may not be able to directly participate in the work of children, but carries out everyday control, which guys feel all the time (it is worth a two or three days to weaken it, as some lose interest in fulfilling duties) .

It is necessary that the children will be reported to the educator about the end of the work, asked to check the made. If you find any omission or it turns out that it is done wrong, the child corrects or commends. Well at the end of the day give an assessment of the work of duty.

In the second half of the year, you can periodically hold reports on duty before the team when transferring duty. Children tell the whole group as they cared for plants and animals, which is new, interesting noticed. The educator attracts the guys themselves to the assessment of the duty officer. Such reports before the team increase the responsibility of the duty officers for fulfilling their duties.

An important condition for the upheaval of hard work is a sense of satisfaction and joy from the results of work. Therefore, when assessing duty, it is necessary to emphasize that the good condition of plants and animals is associated with the conscientious fulfillment of duties.

Collective cleaning. To cleaning the corner of nature should systematically attract all children. Collective cleaning requires a clear organization of labor and prepare the necessary conditions.

Before starting with children, negotiate how to distribute work. This can be done in different ways, for example, break the children to the subgroups and each subgroup to give a certain task, while explaining what and how to do. So, several children replace partially water in the aquarium, the second subgroup washes the plants and put them in place, the third is engaged in cleaning cells, aviary.

It is necessary to distribute the load so that children can end the work at the same time. It is important to ensure that everyone, being a member of a common cause, has taken place to fulfill the instructions to him, bring the work started to the end.

During the work, the educator should have in the field of view of all children, to provide in need of timely assistance, maintain in children a cheerful mood and the desire to fulfill work well.

Upon completion of cleaning, it is necessary to clean up the group: put everything in place, to inspect everything, cause children a sense of satisfaction from collectively done work. "In the corner it became pure, beautiful, and that you did everything together," says the teacher. It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of collective labor: that it is difficult and for a long time to do one, easily and quickly make everyone together.

Thanks to the participation in collective labor, children are formed such valuable qualities as friendship, the ability to distribute work among themselves, to assist a friend in difficulty, rejoice in the success of others, to obey the requirements of comrades.

In the process of education of labor skills and skills, consistency in the work of two educators is of great importance, as well as an agreement with a nanny-cleaner of the group. The educator explains the Nyan the meaning of the duty and collective labor of children, reveals their content. It is very important to teach the nanny-cleaner with the right receptions of plants and animals. It is also desirable that she participates in collective cleaning.

A diverse work in nature gives children a lot of joy and promotes their comprehensive development. In the process of labor, love for nature, careful and caring attitude towards it are brought up. Children develop interest in labor activity, conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In the team, children teach to work together, help each other.

Work in nature has a great educational significance. It expands the horizons of children, creates favorable conditions for solving sensory education problems. Working in nature, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, states of nature objects, assimilate ways to establish these properties. The educator teaches children to focus on the properties of nature objects to perform employment. So, to determine whether the plant needs in watering, it is necessary to take into account its condition (elasticity, density of leaves and stem). As a result, children make up a reference idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties, qualities, states of nature objects.

Working in nature, children in practice absorb the dependence of the state of plants and animals from meeting their needs, learn about the role of a person in the management of nature. The assimilation of these ties and dependencies contributes to the formation of the relationship of children to nature, work becomes meaningful and targeted.

In the process of labor in nature in children, knowledge of plants (properties and quality of plants, their structure, needs, main stages of development, methods of cultivation, seasonal changes), about animals (appearance, need, movement methods, habits, lifestyle, seasonal Changes). Children learn to establish the connection between the conditions, the lifestyle of the animal in nature and the ways to care for it in the corner of nature.

Work in nature contributes to the development of observation and curiosity in children, inquisitiveness, causes their interest in the objects of nature, to the work of a person, respect for people of labor.

In the process of labor, practical skills of plant care and animals are generated, intelligent skills are developing: planning work, select materials and tools, schedule a sequence of operations, distribute them in time and between work participants, evaluate the results, etc.

The work in nature creates favorable conditions for the physical development of children, since in most cases it passes in the air is diverse in nature, and this contributes to the development of movements, strengthening the nervous system of the child.

The aesthetic needs of children are satisfied in the work. Square and interesting work gives them joy, and this is the basis for education in the future desire to work, sustainable interest in labor.

Work in nature is only in the case of educational importance if its organization and content respond to certain pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

The most important pedagogical requirement is the organization of a diverse content of the labor: animal care (birds, fish, mammals), plants, plant growing in the corner of nature, work on the site (in a flower bed, in the garden, in fruit garden). Only a diverse work causes interest in children, the desire to participate in it.

In the process of labor, it is necessary to form practical skills and skills in unity with knowledge. So, for example, when transplanting flowering plants in the fall from the soil in the older group, the educator fastens the ability to distinguish and correctly call them (Astra, Georgin, etc.). He introduces children with a root as part of the plant, explains the connection between the cold and the state of the plants, forms the signs of transplanting plants (dig up with an earthen room; dig away from the stem, so as not to damage the roots; pick up pots in accordance with the root system). When planting floral seeds in the preparatory to school, the group should consider them, highlight the color, value, form, etc., to correlate with the image of the flowering plant, remember the process of growing this plant before the formation of seeds, and then start landing. With such an organization of labor, the child acquires not only skills, but also the knowledge necessary for him in further work.

An important pedagogical requirement is the awareness of labor, which implies disclosure to the child of its goals, results and methods of their achievement.

Labor activity of children in nature should be systematically more complicated. The skills of the care of plants and animals are complicated, the knowledge circle is enriched, the observation is developing, planning children's skills.

Labor activity should be regular. Educator Valo to bring each child to her.

Children's work in nature should be satisfied. The physical efforts spent by the child should not cause overwork. Otherwise, he has a negative attitude towards labor tasks. The duration of labor depends on its nature and age of children: in the younger group - within 5-7 minutes, in the middle - from 10 to 15 minutes with a small rest depending on the nature of labor, in the senior preschool age - 15-25 min with a break for rest or changing the nature of labor.

It is necessary to ensure the right pose of children in labor. So, when carrying water, watering can or buckets need to be worn in both hands; When working with robbles, a shovel body must be kept straightened. It is important that children are not for a long time in the same pose. For this purpose, one type of work with the other should be alternate (for example, soil looser with a water fever). The tools of labor should be absolutely safe and correspond to the growth and forces of the child, but at the same time it is necessary that the inventory is not toy, but a real.

The work of children in nature is organized in the form of individual instructions, collective labor and duty.

Individual orders are applied in all age groups of kindergarten, but special meaning Have in junior groups, where labor activity is only mastered. With individual form, the whole process of labor is performed by the child itself. This allows the educator to teach the baby with labor actions, to assist him, control the execution of employment, to evaluate the activities, take into account individual features. All this helps to form labor skills and skills, contributes to raising responsibility for the entrusted business, perseverance, accuracy, habits for labor effort.

Collective work in nature makes it possible to form labor skills and skills in all children of the group. Collective work Combines the guys, forms the ability to take a common goal of labor, to negotiate, to plan actions, coordinate them, help each other, evaluate the work.

By its structure, collective work can be organized as a common work (several children or the whole group participate in the work, each child receives a separate task; the results of the labor of all children are combined into one common result, for example: every child in the corner of nature rubs the leaves from plants As a result, we all made plants with clean) and work together (several children participate in work; the labor process is divided into several operations, each of which is carried out by one of the participants or a group of children; each labor participant makes its operation and transmits the object further, for example: Some children are leaving the land, others roll up, the third makes the beds).

On duty are one of the most common forms of organizing children in kindergarten. The duty involves the alternate fulfillment by children of a permanent and certain circle of responsibilities. In the corner of nature, children begin to dudge in the senior group. During the duty, they are improved by labor skills in nature, public motifs of labor are formed, etc.

1. How to introduce preschoolers with nature / ed. P.G. Samorova. - M., 1983.

2. Markovskaya MM Corner of nature in kindergarten. - M., 1989.

3. Observation and labor of children in nature. Manual for educators children. Garden. Ed. 3rd, recreation. and rear. M., "Enlightenment", 1976.

4. Education of the preschooler in labor / ed. V.G. Nechaeva. - M., 1983.

5. Bure R.S., Godina G.N. Teach children to work. - M., 1983.

Purpose: Develop the processes of deliberate memorization and recall, creative activity, a sense of responsibility for the entrusted cause, to form a critical attitude to the results of its activities.

Methods of manual for children

1. The educator does not give a fractional show of a new labor operation, but explains the whole process entirely.

2. Then this process is divided into logical stages (lay the furrow, plant seeds, fall asleep the earth, pour).

3. In the course of the performance of the work, the teacher resembles a sequence of stages, the efficiency of the use of equipment, assesses the quality of the work of the labor operation.

4. Errors are noted, they are offered ways to fix them.

5. The educator and children consider and explain the importance and need for labor. Why do you need to perform anything or other labor action, if: in pots with flowers, dry earth, on the leaves of colors dust, in the aquarium there is little water, in a cell in a hamster dirty sand, etc.

All inhabitants of the corner of nature can be divided into two groups: temporary and constant. Permanent representatives of wildlife are in the group for a whole year: houseplants, fish, birds, etc.

Temporary - only certain length of time. This is due to the fact that the vital activity of individual plants and animals of the local land is particularly pronounced in a certain period of the year.

Compliance with safety rules when working with a living object

Observations are carried out only for familiar objects.

Cannot be taken to observe poisonous plants, mushrooms or poisonous animals.

For observation, it is necessary to pick a living object only with a calm character (without signs of excitability or inhibition).

During the surveillance, it is necessary to comply with the calm situation to all those present.

The teacher must predict the behavior of the animal and prevent the occurrence of dangerous moments.

If the animal began to behave restlessly or aggressively, the teacher ceases to observe, eliminates possible dangerous situations.

Perspective planning for the year


Corner of nature in the group. Consider and climbing plants Corner of nature, their distinctive features: painting, size, shape of leaves, flowers, stem. The ability to allocate a variety of properties and qualities, to establish differences and similarities, to generalize in one way or another (Fuchsia, Balzamin, Aukuba, Chinese Rosan, Camellia, Aloe or Agava, Asparagus, several types of Begonias and Gerani). Beautiful bouquet of cut colors from a plot in a vase. On the tray of the gift of autumn - fruits: vegetables and fruits and seeds, of which they have grown.


Aquarium and its inhabitants. Consider, observation and recording of the inhabitants of the aquarium, differing in appearance and sobs (slow pond crucian and the coarse ridge, or a variety of goldfish: voualehvost, telescope and fish of the local reservoir). Their distinctive features: external structure, habits, habitat, size. Together with the careman, fishing and feeding fish.


Care of plants. Circumcision of dry leaves, grounding of the Earth, watering. Plant care requires from children of a middle group of skill and knowledge of the method of maintaining the plant clean, depending on the nature of the leaves: dialing or spraying plants with small leaves, wiping with a damp tassel or brush of carved leaves, dry tassel - leaves having a cannon. The main functions of the plant parts: the root holds and feeds the plant, the leaves capture the light, the stem transfers the food from the ground to other parts of the plant. Mark plant changes in the last month of autumn: plants freeze, usually do not bloom, some can fly out leaves. The conditions necessary for the growth of plants (heat, water, light, soil) are determined.


Pets care. Guinea pig and hamster. Calling animals, features of the appearance, bright manifestations of behavior. Determination of similarities and differences of animals. The establishment of a simple, clearly presented connection between the peculiarities of the external structure and the behavior of the animal (the structure of the mouth and the nature of food, the method of its mining; the structure of the limbs and method of movement, etc.). Mark animal activity in winter: lethargy, drowsiness, run little, eat little, sleep more.


Garden on the window. Looking, care, loosening and watering. Growing oats and greenery for animals. Monitoring of geranium growth on the window: how leaflets behave if the plant is rotated (plants require light).


Inhabitants of the living corner.Birds (canary, wavy parrot) who live in a group - viewing, care, feeding. Compare behavior, bird nutrition at home and on the street. Put the lilac branches cut into the vase. Watch the scattering of the kidneys on the cut branches and on the trees.


Care for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Fish are alive, they move, breathe, feed and require care: light and heat, moisture and food. Features of fish care: feeding for a certain measure, manifestation of care and assistance during the change of water in the aquarium. Observation of the fry of the Guppy and comparing them with an adult fish in appearance and behavior.


Red Book of our group. Plants and animals that need protection.

Houseplants on the site. Geranium transplant to the area and seed sowing colors. Landing seeds of garden plants (onions, peas, beans, salad, radishes, zucchini). Strawberry bushes: care, loosening and watering. Observation of plant growth stages: the appearance of sprout, bud, leaves. Transformation of bud in a flower, and a flower in the fruit, etc. In the course of observation, changes in the growing plants and those signs that remain unchanged (the form of the leaves, the color of the bud, the character of the stem, etc.)

The main task of familiarizing preschoolers with plants in the corner of nature is the development of active cognitive interest in the world of houseplants.

The close proximity of children to room plants allows you to organize at any time

· Long observations of plants,

· Organization of labor in the care of indoor plants;

· Business system.

IN junior preschool age children in joint activity They are more observers than performers, and, nevertheless, it is at this age that the sample of interaction with nature is crucial:

· Children hear and absorb a tender conversation of an adult with plants,

· Calm and clear explanations about what and how to do,

· See the actions of the educator and willingly take part in them.

IN middle The group The educator and children perform in a pair, but the priority remains for adults, which is expressed in the formula: "I do - you help me, you are my assistants. We care about our pets! "

Stages of the organization of labor in nature:

1. Observation-inspection of live objects, identifying their condition and well-being, missing conditions for full-fledged life and necessary labor operations;

2. Labor activity in the set and volume, which were defined during inspection;

3. Final observation, allowing to assess the usefulness of the habitat for living objects.

· Consider the external features of the structure of plants;

· Observation of the methods of their functioning;

· Acquaintance with the conditions of the external environment;

· Detection of the dependence of the state of the object from the presence or absence of the necessary conditions (including those that are created by the work of people).

In the younger group, the plants are interesting for observation of children's plants, spectacular, with bright painted, relatively large leaves.

Behind such plants, kids are able to care. These are houseplants of 3-4 species, in several copies, with large leathery leaves, typical space-standing stem, large, bright flowers, for example:

§ geranium zone,

§ aspidistra,

§ Begonia eternal

§ Fuchsia hybrid,

§ Amazon Lilia,

§ Clivia,

§ Koleus,

§ Balzamin,

§ Hydrangea,

§ chrysanthemum.

Children's work in the corner of nature:

o washing wide, leathery leaves,

In the middle group to 3-4 types of plants available, 2-3 new types are added, taking into account the following requirements:


· Surfaces and size of leaves (smooth, pubescent, small, with small cloths),

· The methods of cleansing the leaves (smooth washed with a sponge, small spray from the spray, pubescent wipes with a damp tassel, etc.)

· Values \u200b\u200band shapes of leaves, stems (thin, thick, oblong, rounded, etc.),

· Watering methods (for example, bulbous, sockets, tuber require watering into the pallet)

· Singles of one kind - Gerani, Begonias, Fuchsia.

The choice of new species depends on which plants were in the corner of the nature of the younger group.

Each type should be represented by several instances for comparison, it is desirable to have varieties, for example: violets with different color flowers, ampel plants (wax ivy, clergendrum).

Structure of observation of natural objects:

1. Collect children and concentrate their attention. (Nr: "Let's hear what the flowers say").

2. Use receptions that will provide children to independently obtaining sensory information. (We offer to look closely at the object and ask questions. After each question, there should be a pause of 2-3 seconds. Silence of silence and silence - the main point in observation: they allow children to focus in finding a response to the question. This is the moment of independent information. After waiting for the statements of most children: I confirm the correct information, they praised those who found faithful answers. In case of failure, we are not in a rush to make an explanation, but we ask new questions - clarifying, in a different way formulated. The main part must be solid. It can not be interrupted by long explanations, the story , foreign content. Strengthen the observation will help the actions and movements included in it, which are performed by the children themselves (to shift as a flower from the blow of a light breeze), careful tactile survey of the object.

3. Completion of observation should be emotional so that children after it are in a good mood. It is at the end of the observation that we read verses, make the riddles - and all this is about the observation.

A wide role in consolidating knowledge about houseplants can play a variety of didactic games, during which children are absorbed:

· Names of indoor plants (for the younger group 1 -2, then in each group another 2 - 3 names are added)

· Building plants: be able to determine their structure, comparing with a familiar object of the plant world: "like a tree", "like grass".

· Parts of plants:


Be able to describe the leaves: round, long - oval shape (like cucumber); coloring (green); magnitude (large and small); Surface (smooth, shabby);

To be able to tell about the colors: the name of the color within the main colors, the number of colors on the flower model (one, much).

Sequence of organizing games:

1. "Find the same" - finding plants in similarity.

2. "Find the description" - allows children to pay attention to the shape, the size of the leaves, color.

3. "Find the name".

Work on familiarization of children of junior and middle age with indoor plants is held 1 time per week in a specific sequence:

1. In 1 week of the month, an occupation is conducted to familiarize themselves with new houseplants or the rules of care for them;

2. 2 and 3 weeks are monitored, experimental activities, didactic games, reading fiction;

3. 4 weeks - work in the care corner of houseplants under the guidance of the tutor.

Didactic games
"In the world of indoor plants"
Didactic game "Body"
Each child is offered 1-2 cards with indoor plants, each of which is cut into 6 parts. The child must collect a one-piece image of a room plant and call it.
- Well, let's check, is everything right here?
- And now, tell us about this plant.
(Several children are called, each of them calls about some kind of plant.)
"What have I called?"
Purpose of the game: Teach children to determine the plant according to the word-description, according to the listed features.
Game Travel: The educator describes in detail one of the plants, proposes to guess what plant is speech.
"What happened?"
The goal of the game: to call plants by memory, develop attention.
The course of the game: several plants are nearby. Children cover their eyes, the teacher removes one of them, children with open eyes guess which plant was removed.
"Clean - we will go out"
The goal of the game: to allocate and call the characteristic signs of the plant, to connect and find it to be connected.
The course of the game: The teacher says: "From the plants that stand on the table, select one. I will ask what it is, and you will answer, just do not say the name of the plant. And together with the children, we will try to guess what plant you are fed. "
The teacher asks questions to the child, he answers, children guess.

Drawing: "And we grow a flower"
Subject: "And we grow a flower"
1. Teach children to portray familiar houseplants.
2. Develop a feeling of color and rhythm.
3. To educate interest in nature and the ability to reflect its components through artistic creativity.
- Aloe and painted plant sample;
- Gouache, paper, water, brushes.
Activation of the dictionary: Aloe, Gouache.
Enrichment of the dictionary: inclined lines.
Preliminary work:
Acquaintance with Aloe, viewing plants in books.
Main part:
Educator: We now know the names of some plants of our group, let's list them and show (shows the children call). And now let's try to draw aloe (children together with the educator remember the distinctive features of this room plant, determine the amount, view the pot). The tutor shows how to draw aloe, after the show, children are starting to work. And the tutor helps them.


Observations for the care teacher at indoor plants.


To form the concept of "room plants", highlighting the main signs: growing at home, in pots, people care for them. These flowers can not live on the street. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bone of the appointments of houseplants: they are beautiful, decorate the room.

Work in the corner of nature together with the educator: when watering the room plants, the educator gives children ordinary orders - to hold the watering can, put it in place, etc.

Card 2.

Observation 2. For watering houseplants.
To acquaint children with a way of care of indoor plants - watering, objects for work. Show how to properly water the plants (not to raise highly spout, water pouring carefully, under the plant).
Explore poems
On the window in such an early
Geranged blossomed.
Round leaves
Lush flowers
Individual work on learning the correct watering of plants (at first, holding a child's hand with a watering can

Card 3.

Let's show our corner of nature.

TARGET: Fasten the ability of children to navigate the group room, know where toys are located, objects for amusement, books, etc. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe corner of nature: this is a place where plants and animals are located. In the corner of nature, conditions have been created to meet the needs of plants and animals in light, warmth, nutrition. Teaching children to a caring attitude towards the inhabitants of the corner of nature.

Card 4.

Houseplants decorate our home.
TARGET: To form the concept of "room plants", highlighting the main signs: growing at home, in pots, people care for them. These flowers can not live on the street. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bone of the appointment of indoor plants: they are beautiful, decorate the room

When watering indoor plants, the teacher gives children ordinary orders: to hold the watering can, put it in place, etc.

Card 5.

We learned to water the houseplants.

TARGET: Clarify and consolidate the representations of the parts of the plant: the leaves of the stem, flower, root. Give an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe needs of the plant in water, light, warmth, soil nutrition; about leaving - creating the necessary conditions (primarily timely irrigation). To bring up a desire to help the tutor in the care of indoor plants.

Observation - Experience 3. With water and without water.
To form concepts about the needs of plants, allocate the factors of the external environment for the growth and development of plants (water).

Observation 4.. The results of the experience "with water and without water."

Watering plants together with children. In the process of work, the teacher explains to children that the plants watered so that they grow better.

Card 6.

Conversation about the need for plants in the group room.

Card 7.


Continue learning to distinguish between the natural objects of the plant. Fasten knowledge about their structure. Learning to care for indoor plants (it is properly to hold a watering can, direct water stream, pour water with a small tricky, remove dust from plants with a damp cloth). To form interest in room plants. Call a desire to care for them, admire them. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bindoor plants as living beings.

Suggest children to find plants in the group room and approach them. Pay attention to the leaves (what color?) And flowers (beautiful), give the opportunity to smell them.

Show plants with clean and dusty leaves. What plant is more pleasant to watch? Why? What plant is hard to breathe?

What should be done to help him? Suggest rub the leaves, pour a plant.

Take a summary of: Live plant, it is necessary to take care of it, well-groomed plant healthy and beautiful.

Card 8.

"Caring for houseplants"


Continue to attract guys to work in the corner of nature, maintain interest in the care of plants. Continue to learn to care for plants.

Card 9.

"Plants that live in our group" (3, 65)

Purpose: To clarify the views of children about two already familiar room plants (Balzamin, Ficus, Koleus, Aspidistra), give other names (light, nettle, friendly family). Learning to distinguish the leaves, stems, flowers, know that roots in the ground. Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bplants: they are alive, they need good conditions - water, nutrients, heat, a lot of light. In such conditions, they feel good, they do not get sick, (they will not dry and not faded leaves). In the spring, they should be picked up with fertilizers, they are rooted with moisture and nutrients, then bloom, become even more beautiful. All: children and adults - they can be pleasant to look at them, they can be admired

Materials: Doll Doctor Aibolit on a car with a green cross, bag with fertilizers, watering cans.

Card 10.

Observation 5. Behind wiping wide ficus leaves.
To acquaint children with the ways of care of indoor plants, inventory. Learn carefully, wiped with a wet cloth wide leaves of plants.

D / game "big and small"
TARGET: Fasten the knowledge of children about the characteristic features of the appearance of indoor plants, their names. Fasten the concepts of "big" - "small". (Find plants with large and small leaves, a large and small plant, plants in a large and small pot, etc.)

Instructions under the guidance of the teacher: watering moisture-loving plants, cleaning inventory.

Card 11.

Washing houseplants.

TARGET: Fasten the names of plants and kids knowledge about them. Introduce children with a new plant with large leavesBut differing from the ficus of the structure (aspidistra, category, Maranth, Calla). Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions of the leaves, refine the method of keeping the leaves clean. Learn to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Maintain interest in plants and the desire to care for them. Move to use words: Care, water, wipe the leaves.

Card 12.

Observation 6. A visit to the older group to observe the work of children in the corner of the nature of the care of indoor plants.

D / game "Find similar"
Exercise children in the title of plants, teach them a simple description of the appearance of the plant. (Nadi plant similar to grass, tree; Find a plant similar to the picture, model, as in the photo; Find two similar plants, etc.)

Orders when watering plants: pour water to watering, cleaning inventory in place. Exercising children to keep a watering can with watering.

Card 13.

"Traveling to the country of flowers"


Formation of elementary ideas about room plants and ways of care.

Introductory: inviting children on a journey, in an amazing country of flowers._

Didactic game "Once, two, three - Flower Find" _

Filling a "magic empty".

Fingering gymnastics "Flower".

The verbal game "Tell the opposite".

Independent activities of children.

Final part: Conversation about traveling to colors.

Card 14.

"Acquaintance with geranium"


Learn among many plants to highlight flowering, call and show parts of the plant, find geranium.

Surprise moment: Comes doll and hides behind geranium. Suggest find it and say for which plant she hid. Children along with the doll admire the beauty of blooming geranium, share their feelings (beautiful, pleasantly smells, it is easy to breathe). Ask how to take care of Gerani, and offer to pour it away. In conclusion, the doll gives children a photo of blooming geranium and offers to put it next to the flower. For the day to ask children: where did the doll hide? What flower is the most beautiful? Where is he?

Card 15.

Viewing geraniums of his flowers, leaves.


Fix an idea of \u200b\u200bthe distinguishing properties of geranium (green, fragrant, round, fluffy leaves, white and red flowers), teaching it among other plants, continue to accomplish the work on the care of plants.

Surprise moment: Matryoshka comes and asks children to show white and red geranium. Considers plants with children.

Matryoshka: What do you breathe? (nose). What are you doing in kindergarten? So you are alive. And what else "drinks" water and breathes? You showed me geranium with white and red flowers. This plant is green, round, fluffy and fragrant leaves. Do Gerani have roots? I want to plant another geranium. Look: at the bottom of her thin white strings are roots. I will empty them in a pot, sank the earth and pollen. The roots will drink water, and Gerani will grow new leaves and flowers, because it is live. Plants love the sun, so they are closer to the light. It is impossible to touch the plants, you need to take care of them, you have to care for them.

Card 16.

Observation 3. Behind the blooming plants.
Attract children to observations on houseplants, changes in their development. Fasten the knowledge of colors and shades. Develop touch experience.
(Surveillance data to carry out as plants bloom during the year)

Assignments during the care of indoor plants: watering plants, filling the leaked water, rubbing the puddles of water after watering, cleaning the inventory.

Card 17.

"Acquaintance with Ficus"


Give an idea of \u200b\u200bFuchsia. Teach find fuchsia among other plants. Fasten watering skills. To form a careful, caring attitude to plants.

Surprise moment: Comes doll in a bright red blouse and white skirt. She offers to find a plant in the corner of nature, whose flowers are like her clothes. Children consider fuccia; Compare dolls and fuchsia flowers. Test children to conclusion: Fuchsia - a plant similar to a small tree with green leaves and red colors; Fuchsia is a beautiful plant, it has many colors, it requires care.

Card 18.

Viewing a ficus (stem, leaves).


To acquaint with ficus - a plant that has a dense trunk, like a small tree, large, green, smooth leaves. Fasten plant irrigation skills. Continue to educate careful attitude towards them.

Surprise moment: Masha and Vanya dolls come.

Masha: My Wanney came out and wanted to wash the leaves of the tree, but I went raining and did it for us. There was a bird flew. She said that in your corner of nature there is a green church with large leaves. They dreamed, they need to be washed. Help find it a tree. Consider, rubbing leaves, watered. Dolls give children pictures with a picture of a ficus.

Card 19.

Plant Observations


To acquaint with chlorophytum - a plant similar to green grass.

Showing a paper butterfly on a thin elastic band that allows you to mimic her flight. I draw attention to the plant on which the butterfly is located. We consider chlorophytum: the plant similar to green grass - leaves smooth, green, long. I spend the game "Where did the butterfly flew away?" (Butterfly sits on flowers, children call a flower, show how to care for him).

Card 20.


To summarize and consolidate the knowledge of children about the plants with which they already met, the ability to find and show them; Remind about the need 2-3 conditions for the life of plants. Fasten plant watering skills

Knock on the door. It includes a doll in a golk and apron, in the hands of Sheka.

Doll: I learned that you have many indoor plants in your corner of nature. Took a watering where To pour them. And I want to wipe the leaves at the ficus. Guys, why do you water the plants and wash them leaves? Show how you can care for plants.

Card 21.

"Acquaintance with Begonia"


To acquaint children with a houseplant of begonia and with its characteristic signs of flowers and leaves. Teach to compare begonia with grass. Continue to form interest and careful attitude towards plants.

Card 22.

"My Green Friends"


Repeat the names already familiar to children, houseplants, their parts (stem, flower, leaf). Learning to be able to notice changes in the development of familiar houseplants. Continue to form interest and love for plants, the desire to care for them. Continue to learn to water the plants correctly keep the watering can, pour water carefully and carefully, wipe the wide dense leaves with a damp cloth, under the guidance of the teacher.

1. Consider the passport of houseplants. Collaboration with the educator, watering, care of green friends.

Card 23.

"Acquaintance with Primula"


To acquaint children with indoor plant Primulus and with its characteristic signs of flowers and leaves. Teach the right thing to perform work on the care of Primulus, together with the educator. Continue to form interest and careful attitude towards plants. 1. Viewing room plants, primroses.

2. D / Game: "Clean, we will go out."

3. Collaboration with the educator, watering, care for primura.

Card 24.

"Houseplants similar to Kostik"


To acquaint children, more with one plant group - bush. Teach to allocate from the group of indoor plants, similar to the bush. Continue learning to distinguish vegetation groups: wood, grass, bush. 1. Observations on a walk for vegetation groups: trees, bushes.

2. Labor in the corner of nature care, at room plants.

3. D / Games: "Sell what you say", "Find what I will tell you," find a plant by name. "

Card 25.

"Acquaintance with the Tradesska"


To acquaint children with a contrast view of the room plant, a tradescania, with his characteristic signs. To teach the right thing to care for the Tradescania during the observation of children for the actions of the plant care teacher. Continue to form a careful attitude to plants. 1. Viewing houseplants, tradescans.

2. D / Game: "Find what I'll tell you."

3. Collaboration with the educator, watering, care for the tradescania.

Card 26.

"Description of the room plant"


Continue to teach children to describe plants, while noting the difference and similarity between them, and the most characteristic signs of the appearance (their parts, the form of leaves, on which plant group is similar, the size and color of the leaves and colors). Teach the description according to the plan proposed by the educator. Secure the knowledge of children about the names of the plant. Maintain and strengthen the interest of children to room plants and observations. 1. Drawing up a story about your favorite plant, according to plan. (individually in the morning segment of time)

2. D / Game: "Describe, I am guessing."

3. Collaboration in the corner of the nature of the house plant.

4. Photo for memory with your favorite green friends.

Card 27.

"Let's help the green friend"


Continue to form a careful and careful attitude to room plants, consolidate knowledge about the structure and functions of parts of the plant. Forming the concept that the plant is alive: it grows. Demonstrate a plating transplant from a small pot into a more spacious. To introduce children with one of the ways of reproduction of indoor plants - the division of the bush (from one plant - two). Check out the knowledge of the underground part of the plant. 1. Observation of the searchance of the room plant.

2. D / Game: "Flower"

3. Experience: "Who is better? "

4. Creating albums: "Flowers-like grass", "Flowers like a tree", "Flowers-like a bush"

Card 28.

Observation 7. Behind the flowering plant.
Attract children to observations on houseplants, as amended in their development. Learning to see beauty in colors, develop touch experience.
(These observations of blooming plants are carried out as they bloom.)

D / game "one and a lot"
Teach children with a simple description of the appearance of plants, develop observation. Teach modeling plants. (To the plant with one flower pick up an image; find a plant that has a lot).

Individual work on learning how to rub wide leaves of plants (ficus, calla, aspidistra, etc.)

Card 29.

"Acquaintance with Balzamin"


Continue to teach children to describe plants, featuring the differences and similarities between them and the most characteristic signs of the appearance. Teach the description according to the plan as an appreciated. Secure the knowledge of children about the names of plants.

To acquaint them with a new plant - balsamine, give it the household name "Spark".

Explain the name of the plant. Maintain and strengthen the interest of children to room plants and observations.

Travel course:

Children sit on chairs.

Educator - Guys, a bear came to visit us. He says that nothing knows at all about room plants. Let him tell him a little (children: "Let's"). Bear sitting more convenient and listen carefully.

Educator - Look and tell me what stands on my table? (children's responses).

What are these indoor plants called? (children's responses), for example (geranium, ficus). What are their leaves in shape, size, color, surfaces? Do plants have flowers?

What are they and how many of them? (children's responses).

Educator - Guys, look carefully and tell me which room plant I hold in my hands? That's right, it's a ficus, and let's look at it.

Educator - What size is it? (Answer children: "Big, similar to the tree"), answering the teacher's questions, children establish that the stem of this plant is straight, high, the leaves are large, in the form of oval, dark green.

Educator - What else can I say about the sheet? (offering touch leaf)

What is he on the touch? (children's responses: smooth, brilliant).

After that, summarize: what he said about the plants, as can be characterized by the plant as a whole.

The educator offers children also to tell about other plants, compare them among themselves in size, form and color of the leaves and other features.

Educator - Well done guys! Here you see a bear, how many guys know.

Teddy bear - yes, well done! Thanks to you guys, I learned a lot about plants. What they differ from each other, what are their leaves, what color. I used to think that all plants are the same, it turns out this is not at all.

Educator - Guys, and I have a surprise for you. I brought you a new room plant, want to meet him? (The answer of children is of course N E T). Are you a bear?

Educator - then look and listen carefully. Okay? I keep a new plant in my hands, which is called "Balzam", and in the people it is called simply "Spark".

Bear laughs above the title "Spark"

Educator - Yes, Teddy bear, you do not laugh, this flower, and called "Spark". And you want to know why? (children's responses). Because, he has many little red flowerflowers.

Bear - Well, now it is clear.

Educator - Guys, look at the flower and tell about it just as you told about other plants. (Children view "Spark", describe it).

Educator - like you, "Spark"? He will remain in our group. What place will we find for him? (children's responses).

That's right, the "light" will grow well there where a lot of light and the sun. And now we compare the "light" and another plant - a friendly family. Are they similar? What are they like? What are their leaves? (children's responses).

Asking questions, the educator encourages children to characterize each plant as a whole, and its comparison with others makes it possible to clarify the signs characteristic of each plant. At the end of the lesson are held didactic game.

Educator - Now we will play with you. Want to? (Answer children: ....)

One of the children "leads", and other children hide some plant.

Child turning should guess which plant was removed. At the end of the occupation, the teacher gives an assessment of children's knowledge, the guys put small plants into place.

Educator - Well, the Teddy bear, and we guys told you about room plants. Did you like it?

Teddy bear - yes! Thank you very much guys. Now, I can tell a lot of my friends, about room plants.

Card 30.

Acquaintance with the new room plant (Clivia, Zefranstez)

TARGET: To acquaint children with a new room plant having an atypical structure that differs from the previous ones. Allocate the distinguishing features of the appearance (similar to the grass). Exercise children in the ability to answer questions, making a simple description of the indoor plants, learn to compare them among themselves.

Card 31.

Observation - Study 8. Do I need to water the plant?
To form in children the electoral approach to watering plants in one of the ways: on touch (raw land sticky, dry - bulk). Develop touch experience (viewing samples of raw and dry soil)

D / game "Find the same"
Fasten the knowledge of children about houseplants. Learn to recognize plants in a photo, picture, model. Learn to explain your choice by comparing photos and object.

Attract to care for indoor plants: watering plants, wiping wide ficus leaves and long leaves Clivia

Card 32.

Let's help a green friend

TARGET: Continue to form a careful and careful attitude to room plants, consolidate knowledge about the structure and functions of parts of the plant. Forming the concept that the plant is alive: it grows. Demonstrate a plating transplant from a small pot into a more spacious. Teach children to compare items largest, use the words "more", "less".

Orders and joint work of children and educators on the transplantation of other indoor plants: to score in the pot of land, remove the inventory into place.

Card 33.

"Houseplants - our friends"


Develop in children cognitive interest in natural objects;

Form a positive attitude towards objects of nature, careful circulation skills;

Teach children to distinguish individual parts of the plants;

Expand the circle of observation of adults;

Eat hard work.

Integration of educational areas: labor, communication, knowledge, socialization, security, reading fiction.

Materials and equipment: Houseplants group, watering can, wet rags.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment. The educator invites children to pay attention to the corner of nature, leads children to the window sill, on which pots are facing in room colors.

2. The main part. Viewing houseplants. Educator (refers to children). On the windowsill are a pot with indoor plants. See what they are beautiful! They decorate our group and make air clean. Let's look at what parts each plant consists.

The game "I brought you a flower."

The tutor shows the children a flower and tells, from which parts it consists of:

I brought you a pot,

And the flower grows in the pot,

Here is a green leaf,

Here is a green skelter.

The educator offers children individually calling and showing parts of the room plant.

Look, each plant has leaves, they are different. This plant (shows spacecrulum) they are short and wide, and the other (shows the sicky tail) leaves are long and narrow. (Hereinafter follows the choral and individual answers of children with showing. "What leaves?" - Long, short, narrow, wide).

So that our plants grow well, bloomed and did not hurt, we need to care for them. But as? We water flowers. What do we need for this?

(Points to watering can and water flower). Guys, help me, please pour our flowers.

So that the leaves were clean and there were no dust on them, we wipe them with a damp cloth very neatly (demonstrates).

3. Speech mobile game "We will grow flowers."

The educator offers children to play - put flowers. Pronounces quadruses, accompanying his movements. Children repeat the game several times.

We dig, we dig

In the land of seeds throw.

Make, make a hole you

We will grow flowers.

4. Outcome classes.

Card 34.

Observation 9. For the searches of the flower.
To introduce children with one of the ways of reproduction of indoor plants - the division of the bush (from one plant - two). Check out the knowledge of the underground part of the plant.


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