Phenomenon Le Pen. Where did France come from leaders in France? French nationalism: royalists and jacobins

Phenomenon Le Pen. Where did France come from leaders in France? French nationalism: royalists and jacobins

One of the leaders of the presidential race Marin Le Pen ( National Front) Promises that within 6 months from the beginning of its presidential term, negotiations will begin negotiations on the exit of France from Shengen, from the euro zone, and then the referendum on the exit of the country from the European Union is organized. What happens on the political field of France? Are French really want to say goodbye to the EU?

2016 was a record for France in the number of immigrant adopted - 85,700 applications for refuge. Let it be smaller than the Italians (121,200) or the Germans (722,300), the influx of refugees from the war in Syria, as well as the exacerbation of old humanitarian crises (Sudan, Afghanistan, Haiti), made a matter of ownership of Schengen and the European Union No. 1 of the presidential Campaigns in France.

"A rare case, when the European question began to occupy such an important place in candidate programs, as in this campaign. The European Union is that it became the main line of debates between candidates for the presidency of France, "writes a former diplomat Pierre Vimont (Pierre Vimont) as a note for the Carnegie Foundation.

Open or closed France?

The French will answer this question on Sunday, April 23. The French right nationalists led by Marin Le Pen insist on the fact that Schengen no longer guarantees security, and France should restore its borders and strengthen control over them. In addition to protecting borders, Le Pen promises to stop the unity of families and benefits for unemployed migrants. And also to revise whether France is needed as a currency.

Such radical measures are offered only nationalists. Emmanuel Macron, the main opponent Le Pen, believes that the control should have to be strengthened at the borders of the Schengen zone, and not at the boundaries of individual countries. And there can be no speech on the extraction of France from the European Union.

The next in line to the presidential chair - Francois Fiyon proposes to increase the budget for the protection of the borders of the Schengen zone, and another candidate Jean-Luke Melenson generally proposes to "stop politician militarization." Extreme lefties have very low ratings. They support the principle of solidarity with the whole world and believe that all borders should be removed, both inside the European Union and outside.

Elysee Palace

How did the lawwarts come forward in the presidential race in France?

Sociological studies say that radicals are impressed by the young: 29% among those who will choose the president for the first time, vote on Sunday for Marin Le Pen. And in this category, Macron loses in the ratings of Le Pen. At the same time, 60% of everyone who supports the National Front, vote for representatives of this party to "express a protest against other politicians", and only 40% - due to the fact that they fully share the ideas of the extreme right.

"The global political context was issued favorable for Marin Le Pen. It can be noted here and distrust of the elite, which grows in France in recent years, the atmosphere of "Plum candidates" ("Dégagisme" from Franz. R. Dégager - to merge, escape), as it turned out from Cecile Duflo, Nicolas Sarkozy, Alain Jump, Francois Hollandes, Arno Manther Duflot, Nicolas Sarkozy, Alain Juppé, François Hollande, Arnaud Monteburg, Manuel Valls, "Eddy Fougier writes, political analyst and research institute researcher (IRIS) in their column on

"Perhaps the reason (the popularity of Le Pen - Approx. website) The fact that this presidential campaign was tightened just around such issues on which the National Front has always specialized: security, national identity, immigration and Islam, and this split, which we observe, opposes not "left" and "right", and More "Patriots" and "Globalists", so says Le Pen, and especially, it will be so if in the second round she will meet with Macron. "

Emmanuel Makron.

At the same time, despite approximately the same rating on the eve of the first round, in the event that Macron and Le Pen remain in the second, polls show a confident macron victory - 66% against 34%.

"The French electoral system itself is very difficult for the state to take control of the nationalists: presidential elections in two rounds, and then still to keep power, it is necessary to ensure themselves by the majority of the votes of the National Assembly during the parliamentary elections," writes Eddie Fuzhie.

In general, the French media are not very concerned that Le Pen wins the presidential election. The fall of 2015 is remembered, when in local elections the National Front won 43 departments from 96 in the first round, but most of them did not manage to defeat socialists in the second. And it happened immediately after the terrorist attack in Paris.

What will happen to Europe after elections in France?

"Marin Le Pen is not French Donald Trump," writes Denis McShin, the former European minister from the UK for the magazine "Independent". "She is no longer one child of the presidential bloc. They are Emmanuel Macron. He, or someone else from the right center falls into the second round with Marin Le Pen and receive the presidential post. "

"These elections will become decisive for the future of the European Union," Jornal De Négocios is written by the Portuguese magazine, - much more defining than Braccisite or the election of Donald Trump in the United States. The European Union will survive the new American president, and the "divorce" with the UK, even if it is difficult. But without pillars, France-Germany will no longer be eurous. "

The general context of elections in France has changed very much since the previous presidential campaign, especially in the last year. This was added to this: shock from the exit of the UK from the European Union, the strengthening of populism in politics, the migration crisis.

Marin Le Pen promises that during 6 months the beginning of his presidential period will begin negotiations on the exit of France from Schengen, from the euro area, and then the referendum on the release of France from the European Union is organized. These radical ideas sound in a country where 70% of citizens speak "for" France in the European Union. At the same time, 72% of the French are going to go to the elections on Sunday, but 43% of them have not yet decided exactly who will vote for, noted in the study of the Institute of Political Research Cevipof.

"It is necessary to recognize that all electoral logic is broken. Everything happens, as if a political offer no longer complies with the request of the voter, and it is impossible to predict the result. Here we will not protect the choice of "smaller evil", from the decisions of the last minute, as well as "why not?" Abbreviated to simple skepticism, "Luc Rouban writes from the National Center for Scientific Research.

Veronica Chigir / TP, sources FRANCETVINFO .FR, lemonde .fr, jornaldenegocios .pt, independent .co .uk, lepoint .fr, CourrierInternational .com

Marin Le Pen (from 2011)


Jean-Marie Le Pen

Foundation date: Headquarters:

Paris, France


french nationalism, national-conservatism, Euroskepticism, anti-globalism, protectionism

International: Allies and blocks:

The international cooperation:

  • In "Freedom" (cooperation is discontinued in 2011 - according to Marin Le Pen, or in 2014))
Number of members: Places in the National Assembly: 2 / 577 Seats in the Senate: 2 / 348 Places in the European Parliament: 23 / 74 Website:

National Front on wikisklad

"National Front" (Fr. Front National, Fn) - Ultrably Nationalist Political Party in France. Founded in October 1972 by the French politician Jean-Marie Lez foam, which is its permanent leader since its foundation until 2011. From 2011 to the present, the President of the Party is his daughter, Marin Le Pen.

In fact, the appearance of the party was associated with the search for an alternative way to power of socialists. The most successfulness of the National Front party has achieved in the elections to the National Assembly in 1986 (35 seats) and to the European Parliament in 2014 (24 places). Later, in connection with the return to the majority system of elections to the Parliament of France, the parties could not conquer places in the National Assembly. 2002 In the elections of the President of France, Jean-Marie Le Pen came out in the second round, gaining 16.86% of the votes. In the second round, he scored 17.79% of the votes, losing Jacques Shirac. The first half of the 2000s "National Front" based on the results of parliamentary and municipal elections was the third most important part of the country. At the parliamentary elections of 2007, the party scored 4.3% of the votes, without receiving a single place in the National Assembly. At the 2012 parliamentary elections, the party received two places in parliament.

  • 1 Political program
  • 2 Euroskepticism
  • 3 Regional Elections 2010
  • 4 parliamentary and presidential elections in 2012
  • 5 Elections in the European Parliament (2014)
  • 6 Presidential Elections 2017
  • 7 Financing from the first Czech-Russian Bank
  • 8 Notes
  • 9 literature
  • 10 Links

Political program

The main provisions of the political program of the National Front in general are the following:

  • termination of further immigration from non-European countries and tightening requirements in obtaining French citizenship;
  • return to traditional values: abortion restriction, promotion of large families, preservation of French culture;
  • conducting protectionist policies, support for French producers, small businesses;
  • countering European integration processes, a large degree of independence of the country from the European Union and international organizations.

The NF success was largely obliged to anti-imaging rhetoric, which was present in his program from the first years of existence, but only in the early 1980s, which had become political dividends, which was associated with an increase in the relevance of this problem in France. The 80s immigration became the central theme of the entire political discourse of Lepenovts, which made millions of indigenous French, dissatisfied with their socio-economic position, take a fresh look at this party and give her his voices in elections. From that time, the NF is headed by the enemy camp "Emancipation" of immigrants, seeing in them "Violence Speakers", "Promptists of workplaces" and "insatiable beggars".

In 1983, Le Pen nominates the slogan that declares the right of the indigenous French to preserve its culture in conditions when the ethnocultural situation in the country begins to change in front of the eyes, negatively assessing the multicultural project integration of immigrants. Thus, the party program involves the possibility of naturalizing immigrants only on the basis of an assimilative approach, when a candidate for citizenship should be ready to perceive "spiritual values, customs, language and principles that form the basis of French civilization." Thus, representatives of any races and ethnic groups may become citizens of France, provided that they will become the French in spirit and culture.

The socio-economic program of the party involves a radical restriction of the state intervention in the internal economic life of the country (simultaneously with protectionism in foreign Policy), freedom of entrepreneurship.

During the 2002 Presidential Campaign, the main emphasis was made on the problem of legality and public order. Current NF installations include toughening penalties for most types of crimes, restoring the death penalty. The NF is inclined to establish responsibility for those performed in France, especially in the suburbs, crimes on immigrants. Therefore, security restoration (Sécurité) in the country is directly related to the repatriation of foreigners to their homeland and the restriction of further immigration.

The party is positioning itself as the only alternative to both the left and right parties, and calls on the French for the implementation of the "second french revolution", In the course of which all real power would have moved into the hands of the people and the new" sixth republic "of an authoritarian type would be established in the country, based on the principle of direct democracy.

In 2014, the party acted in support of the actions of the Russian Federation during the Crimean crisis, which was the reason for the breaking of relations from the Ukrainian Party "Freedom". The representatives of the National Front, in particular the European Parliament deputy Jean-Luke Schaffhouse, in the fall of 2014, supported the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR, watching the unrecognized Kiev elections of the leaders of these formations in the Donbas.


The NF was one of those parties that opposed the ratification of the European Constitution in 2005. According to Le Pen, France should not join any international organizations that will limit French sovereignty in making political decisions. Thus, the NF protrudes with the sharp criticism of the current European integration policy, "turning Europe to a certain federation under the command of a new world order." Advisions of this model, French Rights offer the version of "Europe of Nations" or the "Europe of a hundred flags", which suggests the preservation of national states within the pan-European cultural space, and not a single strictly unified state.

Regional elections 2010

On March 14 and 21, 2010, regional elections were held in France at all twenty-six regions of the country, including overseas departments. These elections are considered to be a breakdown before the 2012 presidential elections. Overall, the opposition coalition "Left Union" led by the "Socialist Party", gaining 54% of the votes. The Soyuz Party for People's Movement managed to collect only 36% and leaving only one region of France - Alsace.

Significant success in the current elections was also achieved "National Front". He managed to go through the second round of voting in the twelve regions of the country. The result, he collected about 2.0 million votes (9.17%). In addition, Le Pen himself, headed by a party list in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, achieved here better results In the history of his party, gaining 22.87% of the vote and providing their supporters of 21 out of 123 deputy mandates at the local council, which almost twice the similar indicator of the party in the elections in 2004. In the north of France, in the North Pa de Calla region, for the National Front, the local list of which was headed by the daughter of the Marin Le Pen party leader, gave their voices of 22.20% of voters, which guaranteed the "National Front" 18 of 113 In the Regional Council (for comparison: in 2004, the party "was content" here only 5 deputy mandates from 112).

Also NF received representative offices in the regions: Languedoc-Roussillon (10 of 66), Picardia (8 out of 57), Central region (7 seats), Lorraine (10 of 73), Rhone-Alpes (17 of 157), Burgundy, Champagne- Ardennes, Upper Normandy.

In general, the most active "National Front" was supported in the Mediterranean regions of the country, where the most important share of the immigrant population. The party was less than all the vote in the western regions and the capital Il de France, where the NF failed to overcome 10-12% barrier.

Parliamentary and presidential elections 2012

After unexpected success in the presidential election of 2012, the Marin Le Pen Party leader, where she gained almost 20% of the votes, "National Front" could count on a high result in the elections to the lower chamber of parliament. In the elections held on June 17, the NF was able to delegate only two deputies to the National Assembly, and the party leader itself could not win the second round, losing the candidate from the socialists of Philippe Keleva. But she succeeds for her niece, 22-year-old Marion Mareshal-Le Pen, who became among this also the youngest deputy in the lower chamber.

Elections to the European Parliament (2014)

From 22 to 25 May 2014, elections in the European Parliament were held in 28 countries, where 751 deputies are sitting. Analysts predicted the strengthening of the positions of the extremely right nationalist parties, completely opposing the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe EU, and Euroschaptics. According to the January research of the Economist magazine, these political forces will be able to receive from 16 to 25% of votes, but according to the head of the strategic assessment of the Center for Situational Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Utkin, the growth of their support will not "change the European political landscape", which will determine the centrists (right and left).

According to the results of the elections, the National Front has increased its presence in the European Parliament from 3 to 22 deputies, while in France the party ranked first with a result of 25.4%. In late June 2014, it became known that the "National Front" refused to create a coalition with the Polish Party "Congress of New Rights" due to ideological disagreements, as well as the Hungarian and Greek Party "Yobbik" and "Golden Zarya", which, taking into account the absence The consent of the Alliance "Party of Independence of the United Kingdom" practically reduced the chances of the Nationalist Association in the EU Legislative Body (to create a group in the European Parliament, it is necessary from 25 deputies from seven countries, which is currently not at the French party and its allies on the coalition) . On June 16, 2015, the National Front found enough allies to form the Europe of Nations and Freight factions in the European Parliament.

Presidential Election 2017

In mid-August 2014, the Marin Le Pen Party leader announced that during the year thematic platforms, participants in which will be created by the development and promotion of four areas: social sphere, industry and potential of coastal regions, youth policy, ecology and energy. This event is carried out under the slogan "51% in the second round", hinting at the victory in the presidential election in France 2017.

Financing from the first Czech-Russian Bank

On November 23, 2014, AFP reported receipt of a loan party in the first Czech-Russian Bank of € 9 million, the conclusion of an agreement with the Russian bank the agency's interlocutor explained to the reluctance of French financiers to work with the National Front. The Jean-Luke Schaffhauser helped cooperation with the Russian bank of the party, who was elected to the European Parliament from the RassembleMent Bleu Marine coalition.

The "First Czech-Russian Bank" in the past through Stroytransgaz, first controlled by the families of Viktor Chernomyrdin and Rem Svyheryre, and now belongs to the structures of the billionaire Gennady Timchenko who in March 2014 for this reason came to the sanction list due to the action of the Russian Federation in the Crimea and in Ukraine). Marin Le Pen itself did not see the connection between this bank and the Government of Vladimir Putin, and the parties of this loan, in her opinion, cannot be called the form of the lobbism of Russia's interests in the Ukrainian question.


  1. All-Koscow Og'єднанна «Freedom» Ta National Piece Front Frances Pіdpisali Protocol about SPIVPRATSYA - OFIKION STORINKA VO "FREEDOM"
  2. "Change the plague on the cholera - badly" - Izvestia
  3. 1 2 3 Like Marine Le Pig Pores with ukrainian nationalists "Ukrainian BBC Service", 03.06.2015
  4. Vladimir Zhirinovsky will support Marin Le Pen (Rus.)
  5. Le Front National Compte 83.000 ADHÉRENTS, Le Plus Haut Niveau Depuis SA Fondation
  6. Parties and elections in europe
  8. 8 Ridiculous, Racist Things Actually Said by Far-Right Eu Politicians
  9. 1 2 Institute of Religion and Politics
  10. Lenta.Ru: Peace: The leader of the National Front did not pass to the Parliament of France
  11. The granddaughter of the Creator of the "Naceront" le foam was elected to the French Parliament - policy news.
  12. European Union nationalist
  13. Nationalists and EuroSkeptics strengthened positions in the European Parliament
  14. Le Pen loses millions and father
  15. Ultra-right eurisports created a fraction
  16. "National Front" made an application for a victory. // Newspaper "Kommersant". № 145 of 18.08.2014
  17. Pavel Ruipin. French nationalists took a loan in the Russian bank "", 11/23/2014
  18. 1 2 Party Le Pen: We did not ask 40 million euros from Russia "Russian BBC Service", 11/27/2014


  • Program of the National Front (for elections to the Legislative Assembly of France, June 1997) (Russian translation, published in the magazine "Golden Lion")
  • Bunin I. M. Le Pen and the National Front in France. M. Inion 1987.
  • Bunin I. M. Phenomenon Le Foam. // World Economy and international relationships. - № 8 - 1989.
  • Vasilyeva N. Yu. National Front Yesterday and today // French Yearbook 2003. M., 2003.
  • Vasilyeva N. Yu. Ultra-right France and European Construction // World economy and international relations. - 2001. - № 10 - p. 98-107.
  • Potemkin O. Yu. "France for the French" (Le Pen and National Front in the 80s) // working class and contemporary. peace. - M., 1990. - № 1. - P. 75-78.
  • Tevdoy-Burmuli A. I. Right radicalism in Europe // Modern Europe. - 2005, No. 4.


  • Official site

National Front (France) information about

The characteristic feature of the party landscape of modern France is the increase in the number of supporters and the political weight of the National Front, representing the extremely right pole of the ideological spectrum. The accumulated political capital is converted by the party to significant electoral successes of various levels. So, in the elections to the European Parliament, the National Front won a convincing victory, receiving about a quarter of the votes of French voters. In addition, following the results of municipal elections in March 2014, the supporters of Marin Le Pen brought 14 cities with a population of more than 9 thousand people, and at the Department of Earctions in 2015 were able to draw up hard competition as moderate right and socialists. Thus, the understanding of French political processes is impossible without determining the situation of the national front in the modern party-political structure of the country. In other words, it is necessary to determine whether the Marin Le Pen Party is currently the system-forming or erosion of the monopoly of the Union for the People's Movement and the Socialist Party to the authorities did not reach its limits.

Former French President Valerie Zhiscar d 'Esten on the pages of his book, it was noted that if political parties threaten splits, the explanation would be as follows in the fact that the French themselves are split. In many ways, this can be attributed to modern France. Among the main problems that share the French society, it is necessary to note the issues of immigration, European integration and fundamental republican values, ascending to the ideals of the Great French Revolution. In many respects, the lack of unambiguous answers to the tasks raised strengthens the position of the Marin Le Pen.

The National Front, as a political movement, actually grew on the problem of immigration. The party's legitimacy was drawn from the so-called "joint program of the left forces" from 1981, which proposed the provision of electoral law to foreigners. Immigration topics to this day occupies one of the central places in the political rhetoric of the extreme right, sharply criticizing the approaches of the Union for the people's movement and socialists. Indeed, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of labor migrants increased by 61% in the first three years of Nicolas Sarkozy presidency.

However, the arrival of Marin Le Pen in the leadership of the party in 2011 was marked by new epoch In the policies of the National Front in the issue of immigration policy. If earlier, the Jean-Marie Le Pen's party existed in the perception of most French only in the context of immigration and internal security, then his daughter significantly diversified the ideological baggage of the National Front, enriching his theses that cover all spheres of social life. Marin Le Ren herself noted that her role as presidential president of the National Front lies in the "promotion of the socio-economic program of the party, the environmental concept and views on the role of the state in France."

In the field of immigration policy, the National Front also rejects the accusations of xenophobia, often sounding in his address in the French media. So, Marin Le Pen has repeatedly emphasized that the National Front is a patriotic party that is not based on xenophobia.

At the same time, it is impossible to deny the fact that in the program of the National Front Marin Le Pen still retained the idea of \u200b\u200bcombating immigration. For example, the concept of the so-called "national priority" was actively advanced, allowing the French to obtain an advantage over foreigners in accessing a wide range of social benefits, a supplemented requirement to reduce the number of immigrants arriving annually 20 times in 5 years. Meanwhile, after the arrival of Marin Le Pen In 2011, the ideology of the party in the field of immigration policy was less contrary to the so-called republican consensus. So, in the program, an extreme right Frenchman recognizes any citizen of France regardless of its origin. As mechanisms for adapting new citizens to the realities of the French society, ideologists of the National Front consider exclusively assimilation, condemning communitarianism. Such an approach is traditional for France: it is assimilation that made it possible to unite the country in a single state-nation in ethnic composition.

A modern rupture of the National Front with the political heritage of Jean-Marie Le Foam also says about the desire to fit into the republican value system with the political heritage of Jean-Marie Le Pen. After the interview given to them on April 9, 2015, Ryarolol's ultra-right magazine, where the honorary president of the party justified the activities of Marshal Peten and the use of gas chambers during World War II, it became apparent that the radical slogans of the founder of the party are incompatible with the task of demargalizing the national front. However, the split in the party, considered Marine Le Pen as a tactical move aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the ultra-right ideology, had a slight effect. According to a survey conducted in May 2015, among voters who have never ever voted for the Party Le Pen, only 13% of respondents answered that the care of Jean-Marie Le Pena could encourage them to make their choice in favor of the National Front in the future.

The current president of France first completely devoted his speech to immigrants only in December 2014

However, the anti-European rhetoric of the National Front also does not bring tangible fruits. According to surveys, only 26% of the French are dreaming of a franc return. The proportion of citizens who want France to develop independently of the European Union does not exceed 22%. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the preservation of a single European market is necessary for France, since 8 out of 10 of its main trading partners are members of the European Union. In addition, France is a leader in Europe for the production of agricultural products. Finally, in France, support for European integration is traditionally sensitive to the economic situation within the country, being high in the years of favorable conditions and low during the recess years. Therefore, it is not surprising that the growth of the popularity of the national front ideas coincided with a period of economic instability in France. It is likely that with the normalization of the situation in the economy, the popularity of the National Front will decrease.

On the increased role of the National Front in French politics can also be judged by its place in the concepts of Francois Francois and Nicolas Sarkozy. Thus, the Socialists dedicated to the National Front of the Fiftieth Document, criticizing the main provisions of the Marin Le Pen program. Prime Minister France also assigns an important place in its rhetoric to the National Front. In an interview with the Gazeta Le Monda Manuel Valls, noted that a shift of the terrorist threat arising in January 2015 after the shooting in the editorial office of Charly Ebdo, came the threat that the National Front could become the first party of the country.

"The French do not want Europe to be sieve. If she can not protect his borders, this will take France. "

The influence of the factor of the national front to the position of Nicolas Sarkozy is also large enough. In fact, the growth of popularity of ultra right ideas forced former president Transform your political strategy. After coming to power, the leader of the Union for the people's movement noted that the France of the Future should be a country in which the "cultural diversity will be perceived as wealth", which is a change to the disputes that "who more French" comes "the real equality of citizens" . However, faced by the end of its term with an increase in the attractiveness of the national front for ordinary French, Nicolas Sarkozy sought to put forward the slogans similar to the ideas of Marin Le Pen, hoping to attract the electorate of the National Front to his side. It is noteworthy a change in the rhetoric of the former president of the republic."The French do not want Europe to be sieve. If she can not protect their borders, this will be used by France, "Nicolas Sarkozy noted in April 2012 .

Finally, the weak political positions of extreme left parties in France, such as the Communist Party or the left batch of Jean-Luca Melanchon, actually leave the National Front, the only center of the attraction of voters, disappointed in the Socialist Program and moderately right.

Results of election campaigns recent years Confidently demonstrate that the vote for the National Front ceased to wear a protest nature, replaced by the conscious support for the ideas Marin Le Pen. However, the National Front still failed to win the electoral support of the middle class. Thus, the main part of the voters supporting Marin Le Pen makes workers, unemployed (37% of the total) and persons with an average education level

Thus, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions. First, the National Front currently demonstrates the modification of its strategy, seeking to get rid of the part of the party, the only sphere of interest of which is immigration. Secondly, Marin Le Pen seeks to enter their batch in the so-called republican consensus. This can be seen on the rupture with the actual racist ideology of Jean-Marie Le Foam and on the use of traditional values \u200b\u200bof the republic in the argument. In addition, the only strong center of attraction of protest voting is now extremely right. Finally, the growing popularity of the National Front has a significant impact on the strategy of the socialist party and the Union for the People's Movement.

However, the support of the Anti-European Ideas Marin Le Pen is temporary, being dictated by economic difficulties. In addition, Marin Le Pen is not yet able to attract the middle class to its side, which is definitely weakening its position.

These findings suggest that the national front at this stage could not finally undermine the system based on the dominance of the Union for the People's Movement and the Socialist Party. The extreme right ideology is in a state of structural transformation, the result of which will determine the political history of France XXI century.

Photo source:

Résultats Des Élections Européennes 2014 // Ministère de l'intérieur

URL: )/er2014/fe.html.

President Olland and Immigration: Response Le Pen and Sarkozy // RFI 12/16/2014 URL:

Marine Le Pen, the daughter of a famous law-friendly policy and the new leader of the National Front. Its popularity is growing. Grows against the background of the growth of anti-immigrant moods. In French society, as well as throughout Europe, it is hard to depart from the crisis.
Marin Le Pen's popularity is obliged to both own charisma and related relations. Cold Northern Madame, twice formerly married, now living in partnership, mother of three children, lawyer to the brain of bones and the heiress of the most provocative policy of France Jean-Marie Le Pena, it is inhaling new energy in the family business - FRONT National Battery. This party encourages the French to unite and perform the "Unified Front" for the protection of national interests. How this party understands them. And she understands them very peculiar.

Many believe that in the first round of presidential elections in France, which will be held next year, Marin Le Pen will achieve unprecedented success. But she will win the election only if it will come out in the second round not with Sarkozy, but instead of Sarkozy. That is, against the left candidate.
Then the situation of 2002 will not happen again, when all the left should vote for Hill Schirac against Le Pena-Fenal Father, nor the 2007 situation, when the right to vote for Hill Sarkozy against Segolan.

Therefore, Marin declares that the greatest danger is associated with Nicolas Sarkozy.

Marin inherited from the Father Love for Herbal phrases and stalk hints. Nicolas Sarkozy, she called "Agent of Soviet, Losing Popularity."

Marin scares the right: "Sarkozy can repeat what was done in 2007, namely: to speak with a number of extremely harsh applications concerning the threats, regulation of immigration processes, European protectionism. However, these statements will remain just words. After all, for 4 years in power and 9 years at the head of the security system, when he served as the Minister of the Interior, until he became president, he, strictly speaking, did nothing. I repeatedly told him: he has loud words and weak hands. But sometimes the French are deceived, thinking that this time he may have fulfilling his promises. However, in reality, he did not fulfill a single promise given during his campaign in 2007. "

But in order for real right to defeat pseudo-right ... This right should change.

I am now interested only by these changes. Is it possible to talk about Marin as a new one (in relation to the option that has symbolized her dad) the face of French nationalism? Does the Front National Mutation have undergone? Or is it just cosmetics?

The main argument of opponents in a dispute with a new favorite pre-election race: "Marin Le Phapina daughter".

They say that Marin only laid the father's xenophobia. That Front National is adapted, and does not change.

On the other hand, many trying to look from the outside see what to talk about continuity after election to the leaders of the National Front Marin Le Pen can only be in one case: the daughter inherits the father.

Nationalism, of course, remains nationalism. But ... not only rhetoric changes, but the political course is expected to be apparent adjustments.

Today, the nationalists are rapidly gaining popularity, and the main merit in this owns Marin Le Pen. Compared with the 82-year-old Father, 42-year-old Marin looks not just an energetic, but also respectable politician. She is trying to save the party from the "unacceptable" fly, thanks to which people will no longer be ashamed to support the ultra-right.

Marin Le Pen in his first speech as Chapter Front National did not fail to specify the purpose of the change: to change the party, uniting those who beat the alarm, trying to disperse society, comes "Builders' Party", and the National Front Party turns into a Power Instrument .

The former French nationalism le foam-dad was inherited by the lines going through the collaborators of Marshal Henri Felippe Peten (speaking as a defender of traditionally conservative values) to antideofusamas, and from them to French royalists and catholic ideologists. The former French nationalism contrasted itself to the republic (monarchists w, Deri behind their leg), was religious and intolerable, famous for anti-Semitism and homophobia.

Marin Le Pen says: " Real defenders of the republic are us"She says that FN will defend" strong, republican and secular"The state that will protect citizens from" economic crisis, Islamism, globalization and will ensure their safety".

Fn under Jean-Marie Le foam positioned itself as an archaic, marginal opposition to the democratic nature of the state. Decease dinosaurs against Citroen. The party headed by his daughter wants to take power in the republic. " Democracy does not scare us"- says Marin -" The state has become a vertebral post of France, which we love so".

She, unlike his father, who was a captive of the traditional right rhetoric, understands that on one criticism of the elections do not win. If, besides the negative, the Front National will not be any clear program, the voter will allow them to further only criticize power, amusing the public.

From the conservative, radical and marginal batch, the National Front of Marin Le Pen's efforts should turn into the "Great Republican Party".

FN members until recently were rather in the village of Luliters of the French Republic, now they have chosen the Chairman of the party, ready to strengthen this state and defend. The new FN is focused on loyalty to republican values: freedom, equality, fraternity and social justice.

Rotate more than radical.

How far is Marin Le Pen ready to go in his republicanism?

The selected marine line promises the maximum expansion of the electorate, including due to supporters of the left, and as a result - the emergence of new doctrines, often poorly consistent with the "National Front" political discourse.

Is it just talking about a peculiar mutation of ultra right?

Marin Le Ren abandoned provocative escapad of his father, who could not resist not to cause public indignation, publicly doubting the existence of gas chambers in concentration camps.

She also opposes Islamization, but ... offers for this xenophobia a completely different lining. If the dad and his team have been confined that Muslims are inappropriate in Catholic France that the Islam says a man-based manifold, which encourages terrorism, then Marin Le Pen acts in defense of secular republican values, women's rights, which are dug in Islamic countries, as well as the rights of Jews or homosexuals.

The face of nationalism has changed. But the time has changed.
Marin speaks about "ponhekha": " You know, if you put a cow in a stable and she will live there for some time, still the mare will not become».
For the FN leader, disbelief in the possibility of European integration ... Nothing amazing.
But with the report that the multiculturality failed to perform no leaders of marginal political flows, but the leaders of the states: Merkel, Cameron, Berlusconi, say that cultural mutual penetration does not occur.

« 15 years ago, Muslims wore a handkerchief, women in the headscarves became more and more. Then the burda appeared, and more and more women in Paranja. And now we have in public places Muslim prayers" This situation, according to Marin Le Pen, resembles the occupation of France during World War II: " Of course, there are no tanks and soldiers on the streets, but still, this is the occupation of the territory, and it prevents French residents».

Unlike his father, it is less radical in the requirement of abortion ban and puts the desire to stimulate fertility to counteract the demographic crisis of Europe and strengthen family and family values.

It is much more than the Father, is engaged in social and economic issues (traditional niche left). The daughter of the FN leader in the mid-1990s settled in the economically unfavorable region Enan-Bonom, so that the needs to understand the needs of ordinary people.

Usually the right were against the famous French social. Marin protects it. When Nicolas Sarkozy last year conducted a pension reform, "trying to mobilize the active population for shaking the country's economy," Marin Le Pen acted it categorically against. She emphasized that the lack of funds can be compensated, without increasing the duration of each person's work, and reducing immigrants and the state participation of France in the EU.

This is not by chance. With the previous leadership, the National Front managed to benefit from the discharge of the Communist Party. Analysis of the voting in the 1990s showed that the nationalists began to gain voices in working outstands, where the Communists prevail unparalleled.

While the socialists went to university discussions, they kept intellectual games, reasoned about the post-industrial society, turned into neoliberal power, the nationalists captured their electorate.

It presses against corn sore, groaning an anti-globalism of an anti-right-right anti-globalism, whose addressee is a poor French:

« Today, all enterprises, especially large, signed the Charter, which prescribes hiring, first of all, people of another culture or other origin. This means that the Frenchman, a poor Frenchman with French roots, will actually be behind others. I think this is a complete breakdown of the republican principle of equality. For my part, I believe in dignity: Whatever the skin, the origin, the place will receive the one who deserves it. And agree that the person serves only because of his skin color, origin or religion, is, in my opinion, is completely contrary to the basics of the values \u200b\u200bof France.
This means that if you are a foreigner, you have more chances to get a job than the Frenchman. So, the head of one large French enterprise made a statement, which, however, led to the scandal. He said: "Personally, I personally prefer to make a person with the name Muhammed, with the name of Francois." As a result, the French are subjected to discrimination in their own country. This is still the world, turned inside out!

She suggests that immigration is used to reduce salaries. She says that foreigners working for penny dumping. She says:

« In France, more than 5 million unemployed. How can it be on legal grounds to allow another 200 thousand people a year to enter the country when 5 million are looking for work? It only increases the number of unemployed».

From the moment the flag of anti-globalism dropped ultrasound, it was raised by the ultra-right. Borrowing and part of slogans. Marin speaks about the death of the euro - as a contrived currency. She says that it is better to give up the euro as soon as possible and return to the old good francs than suffering from this doomed currency, which will lead to this Economic and Social Chaos.

- All the same, the European Union, like any empire, as the USSR once, is doomed to the collapse, "Says Madame Le Pen.

"The outcome of the stay of France in the European Union is the absence of borders and the complete loss of sovereignty. France has nothing left: no money, nor sovereign territory, nor the opportunity to make independent economic or political decisions. We are on a vassal position. France is not a nation more, but the appendage of the European Union and the dying euro. "

Most French voters are skeptical about the European Union. Most French voters do not want to pay from their own pocket for the stability of the euro.

And Marin Le Pen is the only presidential candidates who calls for the exit from the European Union and from the Eurozone. Waste from the empire, for the sake of the republic. Stop being vassals of the Brucelian bureaucracy for the sake of national sovereignty.

Marin Le Pen against France's membership in transatlantic structures.

Her Maxim Maxim: " Globalization - produces goods using work slaves to sell them unemployed ».

Traditionally it was believed that the European "extreme right" occupy anti-Russian positions (the inheritance of anti-communist rhetoric). Marin Le Pen says that good relations with this country are the only alternative to the EU structures suffering from the sovereignty of states and the hegemonic position of the United States.

"Russia is part of our civilization. We have common roots, a long history of magnificent friendship (...) We must turn face to Russia and develop an economic and energy partnership. I think that the" Cold War ", which America has arranged in relations with Russia. - This is a huge mistake, "Marin Le Pen said in an interview." In the interests of France - to turn around in the direction of Europe. Big Europe, which cooperates with Russia in the spirit of partnership. "

Le Pen comes primarily from the geopolitical situation. Speaking of "big Europe", it, of course, does not mean Europe regions managed from Brussels with supranational EU structures, and Europe of sovereign states, Europe of nations, which General and President of the Fifth Republic of Charles de Gaulle, - Europe "from Atlantic to the Urals. "

Like Sarah Peylyin, she imites Putin's style, she will be happy to quote the tough phrases of the Russian Prime Minister. "Vladimir Putin was absolutely right when he stated:" In 20 years, France will be the colony of their former colonies. " In fact, we see something like a revenge of these peoples. "

I wonder how the right and left in militaristic issues changed. Most of the lefts completely approve of Libya's bombing and demand to expand and deepen. Left intellectuals require to provide "fraternal help" and the Syrian people.

And the right Marine Le Pen says: "We must stop talking absurdness, because we, firstly, are beyond international law. The case is not concerned not by the non-Natural zone, we participate in the overthrow operations of a certain person and a certain regime. And for this purpose, we arrange bombing, we send helicopters, and tomorrow, obviously, we will send ground troops there.
So the case is now not in humanitarian problems, the case is civil Warin which we support one of the parties. Moreover, this is an inter-bar war that should not touch us if, of course, we do not think that France or other countries must interfere with the internal affairs of one or another state.

We will not get out of this war, we will assign in it. In addition to everything, and I am ready to bet on the fact that, unfortunately, the regime that follows the Gaddafi regime will be Islamist. Perhaps one of the most rigid Islamist regimes, as we know that the rebels in Benghazi are mostly former jihadists, "filtered" past wars. "

And last: Marin and Jews, Front National and Israel. Knowing people say that the first man Marin was a Jew. The defloration of virgin splas with the help of a cropped flesh does not make a politician with a spherophile. But the political necessity ... Marmen went to inherit the party, which has a stable anti-Semitic reputation. Jewish leaders of France have already made a sharp criticism of the chairman of Front National.

The radio station of the Jewish community in France Radio J In March, at first, to the surprise of many invited the leader of the right-evident party to their ether, and then, yielding to pressure, after all, canceled the planned interview with Marin Le Pen in connection with the threats of the life of journalists.

« I do not want to exclude the national front from the republican elections, however, the performance on the Jewish radio is already too much"," Said the head of the representative council of Jewish organizations of France (CRIF) Richard Praskie. - " Invitation from the Jews may be regarded as respect for it » .

"The radio station received a number of threats to the lives of employees and was forced to cancel the interview," Marin Le Pen stated in television interview. "I believe that this contradicts democratic and republican values, the lack of koi characterizes and associations that consider themselves the representatives of the Jewish community."

"In fact, they do not want our Jewish fellow citizens to make sure that the "National Front" is not an anti-Semitic, racist and xenophobic party, "Marygri Le Pen stressed. - Because it would mean that they were 30 years old by the French people".

Many French Jews see Marin Le Pen Personality more attractive, but there is little different difference in views from her father - Jean Marie Le Foam.

In January, in an interview with the Israeli publication "Gaaretz" Marin assured that he would try to change the image of his party to establish relations with the Jewish community.

It will not be easy. Strong inertia. And inertia perception. And the inertia of the remaining dadish fools. Ivan Benedetti recently, a member of the Central Committee Front National, Counselor of the municipality of one of the suburbs of Lyon, Venusie, at a meeting with students of the Higher School of Journalism Lille called himself "Anteaevar, Anti-Isionist and Anti-Semitis". After the interview with Benedetti was published on the student site, Marin Le Pen announced the need to convene a disciplinary committee, in order to eliminate Ivan Benedetti from the rows of the National Front. Recently, two members of the Central Committee for photography with Nazi symbolism were excluded from the party.

Marin Le Pen skillfully brings the party from the "brown" angle in which she was stuck in many respects because of the anti-Semitic opinion of the Father. She calls the Holocaust is not different as a terrible crime.

French nationalism It has two varieties, and both of them differ significantly from the Liberal Anglo-Saxon model.
The first version of French nationalism can be called "extreme right" or "conservative". In it, the main emphasis falls on the unity of the state, the centralism of management, strengthening the vertical of the authorities.
This nationalism is associated with the direction that interprets statehood in a fundamentally conservative key (de Mistra and Louis de Bonald, later the royalists Charles Mors and Leon Dodé, etc. right up to the modern nationalist Jean-Marie Le Pen).
This course considers France as a state, culture, religious and political education (including the royal dynasty) by the highest value (according to the Catholic tradition, France is considered to be "the eldest daughter of the Church"), which should be protected, strengthen, store from external and internal enemies. For conservative nationalism, the inner enemy is no less dangerous than the external - it includes liberals, socialists, liberals, "strips of foundations", internationalists, later imagrangians, etc. Such nationalism is completely and next to pianicism and has an obvious Catholic lining. You can call it "right nationalism." Obviously, in its main parameters, it is directly opposite to the nationalism of the Anglo-Saxon.
In parallel, the nationalism of "right" there is a different version - the nationalism "extreme left". It goes back to Jacobinians * - the most radical elements of the Great French Revolution.
He originated in the revolutionary environment and set it a goal to mobilize the French society immersed in Chaos to reflect external enemies. But, unlike liberal nationalism, he focused class, labor, almost the socialist nature of France, the struggle for which, defending the interests of which was realized as the universal case of the disadvantaged masses who took freedom and equality for themselves and fell under the blow of predatory feudal regimes based on slave and operation . Jacobin nationalism had socialist, partly the communist features, it was the nationalism of the lowest class.
Many features of the "left" Jacobin nationalism made itself felt in the Soviet period in Russia: the phenomenon of "Soviet patriotism" fits organically into the Jacobin line. It should be noted that the left nationalism in its origins was anti-liberal and antiburnuisan - in contrast to the position of the girondists and other more moderate fractions of revolutionaries. But it was anti-liberalism on the left.

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