Moscow Regional College of Arts and Technologies. Moscow Regional Music and Pedagogical College Description of the Educational Institution of the Moscow Regional College of Arts and Technology

Moscow Regional College of Arts and Technologies. Moscow Regional Music and Pedagogical College Description of the Educational Institution of the Moscow Regional College of Arts and Technology

Higher. Diploma CV No. 488839, Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, 1994, Qualification: Teacher of Physics and Mathematics, Specialty: Physics and Mathematics. Certificate No. 45, Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, 1994 Course: Applied Informatics. Professional retraining from 12/15/2016. on 05/15/2017 An agreement on education with FPKPP Penzgtu, Penza, under the program "Pedagogue vocational education. Informatics in the organization of vocational education ", 594h. Deputy Platters Higher, 04/25/15 Order of the Minister of Education MO of 25.04.12 No. 2076 Lecturer: Higher, 16.03.2016, Order of the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region No. 965 of March 18, 2016 2012. - "Actual problems of the development of professional competence of a computer science teacher (in the conditions of GEF)" (Cefficed invariant module (advanced training)), GOU PAPP, 72H., No. PA-33840 2013. - "Development of control and assessment funds by professional module" (Cathedral variable module), FSBI "Institute of Professional Administration and Science of the Russian Federation", Moscow, 72h., № 0489 2014. - "Mobile Robotics" (Cathedral Variable Module (advanced training), GOU SPO Mogly Resource Center of Electronics and Automation, 216 hours, No. 0239. 2015 - "Formation of a complex health-saving system in educational organization"(Cathedral variable module (advanced training), FGOU" Academy of advanced training and professional retraining of educators ", 72 hours, No. U-1217 / b." Design and implementation of curricula in the system of professional education based on WorldSkills requirements "(Cafedry Variable module (advanced training), FGBOU DPO " State Institute New forms of training ", 72 hours, No. 2910/15. "Organizational I. methodical work WSR experts on the competence of "Mobile Robotics", GBOU MO "Ramensky College", 124h., Ud. № 049 2015 - "Actualization of professional educational programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of the requirements of the professional standard" Specialist of Information Systems "(Cathedral Variable Module), GOU VO" State Humanitarian University of Technology ", 108 h., No. 094 2016. - "Innovative processes and their expertise in the context of the modernization of general education" (Cathedral variable module (advanced training), FGAOU DPO APK and PPP (72 hours)., No. U-1245 / b. 2016 - "Education and Society. Basics public Policy Russian Federation in the field of education "(academic invariant module (advanced training), GBOU to the MO" Academy of Social Management ", 36.00, No. 6165-16. 2016 -" Basics of upgrading professional training in the SPO system "(Cathedral invariant module (increase Qualifications), GBOU to the MO "Academy of Social Administration", 72 hours, No. 9537-16.

License for implementation educational activities from August 13, 2012 №69595
Certificate of state accreditation of October 03, 2012 №1777

Created in 1930 by order of the Education Department at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a music school was located in the Moscow region of Yegoryevsk. Initial task educational institution was qualified teacher training primary classes For general education schools.

College History

Only since 1958, a musical office opened in the institution and professional training of pop performers and musicians began. According to the current reorganization program, the school was renamed in 1991, and became known as the Moscow Regional Music and Pedagogical College, which preserves the status and production of specialists and today.

At the moment, the music institution is preparing students only in the day office in the following areas:

  • pedagogy additional education with elevated choreography levels
  • musical education,
  • drawing and visual arts
  • advertising and design.

Submit an application for admission, if the presence of a certificate is on the completion of the main or secondary general education. Selection committee Maximum simplified the procedure for issuing documents by creating an interactive page for applications on the Internet on the college website, where, among the background information, you can get a comprehensive advice from specialists about the competition for the specialty, social benefits and scholarship size. Enrollment Depending on the estimates received on the entrance tests, is made on public, or private financing.

Top of college

Talented teachers harmoniously combine the educational process with educational work, cultivating in the younger generation positive moral qualities and vaccinating the right attitude towards the cultural and moral values \u200b\u200bof modern society.

An educational institution has a good material and technical base, including a library, a dining room, a gym, equipped with modern equipment. Training audiences, as well as a conveniently located hostel, ready to provide comfortable conditions for studying and living in two hundreds of non-resident students.

The package of documents submitted for receipt must necessarily contain a certificate with the results of the EGE, and for students who have the main general education - Document with the results of state exams.

Form of study: Full-time, absentee

Type of study: Paid, free

Cost of education: 38400 - 47200 rubles per year

Training is made on the basis of 9 or 11 classes


0310 Music Education 0313 Preschool education 0311 art And Drawing 0514 Design 0317 Pedagogy of Additional Education

Examming items:

mathematics, Russian, creative test


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