Reveal the secrets than the peanuts are useful for the woman's body. Properties and peanuts for men and female peanuts benefits for the body of a woman

Reveal the secrets than the peanuts are useful for the woman's body. Properties and peanuts for men and female peanuts benefits for the body of a woman

Food is needed to any living organism to maintain the flow of exchange chemical reactions and energy recovery. Nutritionists recommend replenishing the diet to the most simple products, including peanuts.


Peanut belongs to the genus of flowering plants of the bean family. This is a low plant annual with corrugated leaves and short inflorescences. The fruits are developing in the mesh of the ocopulodnik and resemble the beans in their form.

In Europe, peanuts called "Chinese Walnut". It is the residents of the Middle Kingdom for the first time introduced Europeans with earthwoods.


About 70 species of peanuts are cultivated worldwide. The most common varieties are considered:

  • "Earth Walnut" or Peanut Cultural - The plant is cultivated for food and medical purposes (as the basis of parenteral pharmacological preparations).
  • Peanut Pinto - less common plant used in food and to obtain oils and paste.

The remaining types of peanuts are preferably wildly and do not find proper use.

A peanut varieties that can be found on sale:

  • Spanish - Fruits are distinguished by a slight size and contain a high concentration of oil.
  • Ranner - The fruits are inherent in excellent taste and simplicity of processing.
  • Virginia - the grade is cultivated in South America, Russia is practically not used.
  • Valencia - Fruits are distinguished by a large size and pleasant, pronounced taste.

Composition and vitamins

The chemical composition of peanuts is listed below.

Substance Use for the body
Fixed oils Energy and structural functions, cell membrane components, preservation of the body's energy reserves.
Fatty acids (Arahanovaya, Stearinovaya, Oleinovaya, Miristinovaya, Cyrusina, Laurinovaya) Cell energy source, provision of full carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Proteins The substance catalyzes the flow of basic biological and chemical reactions, organizes metabolism, mechanical and structural function, providing a cell cycle, immune response, the formation of a cytoskeleton.
Globulins Participation in the transport of iron, blood clotting processes, formation of immunity. Globulins make up a significant part of blood proteins.
Arahin Provides the growth and development of muscle tissue.
Glycosides Participation in tissue breathing, synthesis processes.
Starch Reducing the level of sugar, energy formation, support for the immunity of the intestinal tract, anti-inflammatory protection.
Sahara Ensuring the energy costs of the body, supporting the barrier functions of the liver.
Triterpen Saponins Antitumor activity, cell protection, anti-inflammatory activity.
Amino acids Implementation of metabolism, normalization of blood composition. Amino acids are part of the cell walls.
Purina The substance is involved in the formation of RNA, DNA and other natural compounds.
Vitamins Group B. Ensuring the metabolism, visual functions, hemoglobin synthesis, the release of energy from food. Vitamins of group B contribute to cellular division and regulate nervous system.
Vitamin E. Immunomodulator, antioxidant, ensuring reproductive functions.
Pantothenic acid Acceleration of wound healing, participant of antibody synthesis.
Biotin. The substance helps to release the energy from elements containing calories.
Choline An important neurotransmitter that improves the memory and functions of the CNS, a member of the synthesis of amino acids, regulates the insulin level, lipotropic and hepatoprotective substance.
Vitamin C Ensuring the normal activity of bone and connective tissue, antioxidant, participant of metabolic processes.
Vitamin RR Participant of oxidative reactions, metabolism of amino acids, fats, proteins. Reduces cholesterol concentration, an anti-flagrand substance.
Ensuring muscle contractions, secretion of hormones, neurotransmitters, bone and teeth health.
A biogenic substance involved in enzymatic reactions, energy supplier in living cells, supports the function of the heart, nervous system, expands the vessels, stimulates the bore.
Sodium The enzyme activator provides membrane transport, healthy aqueous and acid-based balance.
We are needed to maintain acid-alkaline and water balance, ensures the occurrence of muscle contractions and membrane potential.
Ensuring the health of bone and dental fabric.
Iron Oxygen exchange processes catalyst, DNA synthesis participant.
Zinc (more about products containing zinc) The substance is necessary for producing men's hormones and seed fluid, normal prostate activities.
Copper The composite element of enzymes, ensures the growth of tissues, a member of a protein exchange.
Selenium Organizes full-fledged metabolism, is part of myocardial proteins, muscle tissue, contributes to the production of thyroid hormones.
Manganese Provides tissue growth, contributes to blood formation, affects the functions of the CNS.
During Civil War Between the North and South of America, it was peanuts that served the basis of the nutrition of soldiers.

Useful and therapeutic properties

The healing properties of peanuts are disclosed as follows:

  1. Vasodinating action, increase in vascular tone.
  2. Ensuring cell regeneration.
  3. Antitumor activity.
  4. Restoration of brain functions and CNS activities.
  5. Regulation of cholesterol level.
  6. Normalization of intestinal microflora.


Peanuts can be used by testimony:

  • Handicapped blood pressure.
  • Heart and vessel diseases, heart attacks, strokes.
  • Depressive states, nervous disorders, insomnia, overexcitation, neurosis.
  • Dysbacteriosis of the intestine, digestive disorders.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Diet nutrition with low protein content.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Sexual dysfunction in men.
  • Deterioration of cognitive functions (memory violations, attention, intelligence).


Peanuts should not be used in the presence of these states:

  • Obesity.
  • Gout.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract flowing in acute form.
  • Allergy to the product.

Before adding a product with additional information:

  • Pregnancy and feeding. Doctors recommend limiting the use of peanut during the child's waiting. In some cases, the product must be completely excluded from food. Lactating women peanuts contraindicated.
  • Allergy to peanuts.Allergies need to use walnuts with caution, as it can cause the development of anaphylactic shock, if a person suffers from the intolerance to the components of peanuts.
  • Persons with varicose veins It is necessary to consult with the doctor about the possibility of drinking peanuts.
  • Earthwood can be taken in food during diabetes mellitus. It helps to reduce cholesterol levels, regulates the metabolism in individuals with diabetes of any type.
  • IN childhood Product is used with cautionSince it is able to cause an allergic response. Beginning is necessary with small portions and track the reaction of the body.
Peanuts - a valuable additive into many drinks, dishes, economic, cosmetic and drugs.

Peanut Health Recipes

Earthwood can be used to treat multiple diseases and negative states covering the body.

Recipe from dizziness


  • Peanut leaf - 50 g
  • Water - 250 ml.


  1. Vegetable raw materials poured with water and is brought to a boil.
  2. The mixture is dumped on slow heat until ½ volume is achieved.
  3. The decoction takes 200 ml of 2p / day for three days.

Recipe from Gaimorita


  • Peanut fruits - 100 g.


  1. Nuts are heated on low heat.
  2. When peanuts warm up, healing inhalations are carried out.
  3. The procedure is carried out once a day for 10 days.

R eTSPT from chronic bronchitis


  • Peanut Raw - 60 g


  1. Fruits are boiled for 15 minutes.
  2. The portion of nuts is eaten by an empty stomach for 30 days.

Recipe from acute laryngitis


Peanuts in the peel - 50 g.


  1. Nuts are poured with water (in a volume of 500 ml).
  2. The mixture is brought to a boil and is digested about 10 minutes.
  3. The resulting decoction takes 70 ml of 4p / day.
  4. Ready peanut is used in food.

Application in urology with prostate adenoma

Recipe with prostate adenoma


  • Peanuts - 100
  • Kornevishche Altea Drug - 30 g.
  • Milk - 500 ml.


  1. Peanut is roasting and crushed into small groom.
  2. Rhizome is cut and mixed with recycled nuts.
  3. The mixture moves to the thermos and poured hot milk.
  4. The remedy is for 10 hours. And 100 ml of 4P / day is accepted.
  5. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
The taste properties of peanuts depend on the place of its origin. The sweetest grade is grown in Argentina.

For more information about Peanut, look in the video:

The benefits and harm of peanuts are discussed every day more and more. For many, this useful walnut is considered an integral part of the daily diet and added to salads, desserts and main dishes, and there are people who do not even tolerate one smell. Before turning on the nut on the menu, you should familiarize yourself with its healing properties and contraindications.

Where growing and what peanuts looks like (earthen walnut)

Peanuts - valuable agricultural culture. For the first time was discovered and began to be successfully grown in South America, where he was later seen by Europeans as a promising plant. Today, the earthen walnut, the benefits of which became known already in the XVI-XVII centuries, began to be actively cultivated in many countries in huge quantities.

The optimal waste temperature of the nut is considered from 20 to 30 degrees, so it is grown in Russia in the Black Sea coast area, in the Caucasus and the south of Ukraine. When creating appropriate conditions and ensure proper care, it comes out well throughout the CIS.

Annolete plant belongs to the family. It has the appearance of a small bustle with a branched stem, the leaves in the shape of a pen and small yellow flowers, the flowering period is only one day. The fruits of the plants are developing in the soil, which is why this name received. The length of the beans varies from 1 to 6 centimeters. Each contains 2-4 seeds of red, brown or white shade.

Chemical composition and calorie peanuts

Not in vain, it is advised to use peanuts on a diet. It is perfect for rapid saturation and long-lasting hunger. The caloric content of peanuts per 100 grams depends on many factors, and, in particular, on the method of culinary processing.

Nutritionists believe that the beneficial properties of the nut are due to the impressive content of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. A person will be quite a sufficiently small handstone of the useful nuts to provide the body in the necessary number of energy-valuable components.






Useful properties of peanuts

The use of peanuts for the human body is invaluable due to the significant content of the living essentials. With regular use of the product, it is possible to prevent the occurrence and development of a number of unwanted diseases. Studying the beneficial properties of delicacy, experts came to the conclusion that he is capable of:

  • reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • eliminate the formation of hazardous free radicals;
  • clean the gallbladder and eliminate the occurrence of stones;
  • stimulate the metabolism;
  • avoid accumulation of excess fat;
  • adjust the blood glucose level;
  • eliminate skin problems;
  • clear the body from toxins and slags;
  • improve the work of the nervous system;
  • redet muscle and mental fatigue.

These useful properties of the product are able to positively affect the performance of many organ systems. It was noticed that people who include various dishes with this healthy walnut, less often suffer from characteristic diseases that appear with age.

Important! Peanuts are actively used to prevent Alzheimer's disease in the elderly.

For women

After long research, scientists concluded that the useful walnut reduces the possibility of forming malignant tumors in lactic glands. In addition, the product does not allow the cycle failure and is positively acting on the reproduction. In adolescence helps to improve hormonal background. Peanutsis for women after 50 years is manifested in reducing the production of hormones and the obstacle to the production of cancer cells. The use of peanuts in coconut glaze is important for a woman, since the product contains a lot of batteries, has pleasant flavoring properties and eliminates the occurrence of excess fat.

For men

With age, there is a decrease in sexual activity, the emergence of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy. In this case, certain medicines often prescribe, as well as a mandatory diet with the presence of useful peanuts. In addition, the nut is useful for athletes, since it is capable of improving the absorption of calcium and eliminate the feeling of muscle fatigue after grueling workouts.

Men who suffer from erectile disorders should be used daily by 25-30 grams of these healthy nuts. The benefits of salt peanuts for men are that it optimizes the activity of the sexual system in the presence of various pathologies and eliminates their further development.

Can peanuts in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Reception of healthy nuts at the time of pregnancy early timing It is able to influence the development of the nervous system of the baby and reduce the likelihood of the development of deformations and defects in the nervous tube by 70%. After childbirth, the woman as much as possible is depressed, but due to the benefits of the product and the large content of serotonin, it can be easily avoided.

During lactation, it can harm the child, since the components in peanuts are able to lead to an allergic reaction. But after thermal processing useful nuts They become less dangerous for the baby and are recommended by doctors for a rapid weight gain of the crumbs.

Important! Nursing mothers should abandon the use of peanuts in chocolate and baking with its use due to the heavy load on the digestive system, which is not desirable for the baby.

From what age peanuts can be given to children

Walnut ranks third in the list of products, which is capable of provoking serious allergic reactions, so before you give it to the child, you must consult a pediatrician, as well as collect information about the chronic diseases of the parents and their relatives. If the infancy in the intolerance of this walnut was observed, it is worth a clinging. In the last reports it became known that the doctors allow the useful peanuts to the diet only after the occurrence of 3-4 years.

Are peanuts useful when weight loss

Experts recommend to use peanuts for weight loss due to its nutritional and useful properties. If you use peanuts on a diet as an independent product and as a supplement to all kinds of disadvantages, you can not feel a feeling of hunger for a long time and eventually eat less. Sweet and salty peanuts to thin people are strictly prohibited. With such a culinary processing, the product will slow down the process of weight loss and will harm the figure.

Peanuts in diabetes

Scientists from Toronto after a long thought came to the conclusion that all representatives of the legume family positively affect the human body suffering from diabetes. Observing when using useful peanuts, the dosage can be controlled by the level of sugar and save the body from toxic substances. Best of all this nut to eat boiled or fried. The benefits of boiled peanuts manifests itself in the ability to prevent diabetes development, as well as many oncological problems and heart disease and vessels.

Peanuts in folk medicine

The benefits or harm of peanuts for human health should be studied before cooking. medical agents. It is actively used in folk medicine As an independent product and as the main component of many healing recipes. Useful properties of peanuts use for effective treatment Many chronic diseases:

  1. Hemophilia. It is recommended to apply 1 tbsp. l. Peanut butter three times a day before meals. This tool can be replaced by 150 g of raw or slightly roasted nuts.
  2. Larygit. 120 g of crude walnut cook for 15 minutes. Use decoction daily 50 ml to restore voice and reduce body temperature.
  3. Prostatitis. Handful of roasted nut to connect with 3 tbsp. l. Altea rhizomes. Place in thermos with 500 ml of hot milk. Leave the night to appease, drink 10 ml after eating for 10 days.

In addition to tinctures, milk are used for healing purposes, butter from walnut. The benefits of peanuts is in a light choleretic action. He will relieve problems with digestion, positively affect the overall condition of the skin and brain activity.

Held tincture to strengthen immunity

The benefits of peanut husk have long been used in medicinal purposes. Tincture based on it is considered best tool To strengthen immunity. For cooking you need to fry peanuts and clean it from husks. Pour the waste by vodka in the proportion of 4 h per 250 ml and send it in a warm place for about two weeks. Apply every day 10 drops, drinking milk. Peanuts in the shell, the benefits of which is indisputable, is used quite often, but requires long heat treatment.

Peanuts with honey to increase potency

Indispension peanuts for potency with adding honey. At first, these ingredients were mixed to increase the taste properties, but later noticed that they both provoke an increase in the ability to intercom. But before proceeding with the treatment of diseases with folk remedies, you need to consult with a specialist.

Peanut milk for diseases of the gastrointestinal

If one-piece nuts can irritate the sheath of mucous digestive organs, then milk, on the contrary, helps with problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. With daily use, milk can significantly improve the operation of the digestive system, facilitate the flow of aggravation of ulcers and gastritis.

Marinated peanuts from pressure

Peanuts are useful in any form for the circulatory system, since it is considered a supplier in the body of the necessary substances that contribute to the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Marinated peanuts are actively used by people suffering from hypertension. To prepare a tool, you need 100 g of raw fruits to pour vinegar, cover with a lid and send to a warm place. If you take on 10 nuclei of an empty stomach and before bedtime, soon the increased pressure will no longer be a problem.

Rhoo peanuts from cough

Walnut is able to eliminate any inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, therefore recommended when problems with gas exchange in the lungs. To prepare a decoction from peanuts against cough, you need 90 g of nuts to cook for 20 minutes in 350 ml of water. The resulting liquid to drink every morning 15 minutes before breakfast. The course of use is 1 month.

What a peanut is useful: raw or fried

The benefits of raw peanut is still discussed, since its technique in some cases can cause enormous harm to the body. The use of this gift of nature in a thermally untreated form can cause severe allergies and disorders of the digestive organs.

Fried peanuts, the benefits of which has long been studied, is more loyal to the internal organs and retains all the beneficial properties after culinary processing. No matter how much they spoke about the benefits of fried peanuts with salt, such a product does not always justify expectations. It is necessary to cook it at home, since the stores are not deprived of a large amount of taste amplifiers.

How many peanuts can be eaten a day

Any product in excessive quantities can cause significant damage to the human body. Therefore, you need to make it in the menu correctly so that there are no undesirable consequences. The daily nut norm is 30 g.

Anticipation of peanuts and contraindications

Walnut has both useful properties and a number of contraindications. Improper storage or excessive use of the product can be caused by a significant harm.

Aflatoxin poisoning

For long storage Raw peanuts can notice the formation of mold and other fungi. It is this nut is considered to be the most frequent source of Afratotoxin. Therefore, before use, you should carefully inspect the product and thoroughly wash it.


In the composition of peanuts there are components, which reduce the assimilation by the body of such batteries such as zinc and iron is phytinic acid and other anti-nitrists. To neutralize their action, you need to use more fruits and vegetables.


The main contraindication to the use of the product is the individual intolerance to the organism of some component and allergic. The use of nuts, a person who has a tendency to allergic reactions can lead to severe consequences, ranging from banal rash and ending with serious food poisoning.

How to choose and keep peanuts

Purified peanuts must be packaged in containers. Before buying, you need to carefully inspect the packaging for damage, damp or insects. Sharp smell is the main sign of corruption. Store nuts are necessary in the refrigerator, putting into a hermetically closed container, not more than 9 months.


As part of the calorie, the benefits and harm of peanuts, who have long been studied, due to the efforts of nutritionists. To competently enable it in your menu and eliminate the possibility of harm to health, it is required to carefully read the useful properties and possible harm Product.

The benefits of peanuts knew in Ancient Greece. The Greeks gave the strawberry nut the name "Spider" due to the fact that the shape of the shell resembled a spider cocoon.

Peanut is an annual plant belonging to the bob family. It is grown in southern countries where hot and humid climate. Ripe fruits are removed from the ground, conduct heat treatment, and then sent to the stores.

Peanut nucleus is eaten fresh or fried, used in cooking and confectionery. It makes edible oil with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Beneficial features Peanuts help strengthen health.

How peanuts grow

Peanut is a representative of legumes and grows underground, unlike other nuts, for example, walnuts and that grow on trees.

Peanut composition and calorie

Peanut seeds contain many fats, proteins and amino acids.

Composition 100 gr. Peanuts in percent of the daily norm is presented below.


  • B3 - 60%;
  • B9 - 60%;
  • B1 - 43%;
  • E - 42%;
  • B3 - 18%.


Peanut calorie content - 567 kcal / 100 gr.

Peanuts - source of nutrients and energy. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

People who use peanuts over 2 times a week reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The study shows that peanuts stood the health of the arteries.

The use of peanut butter and peanuts for breakfast helped women with obesity to reduce appetite and eat less food throughout the day.

Peanut butter protects normal and dry skin from acne, and also treats dandruff.

Peanut helps to eliminate free radicals causing cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Harm and contraindications of peanuts

Peanut is one of the strongest allergens with dangerous consequences. Allergic to the product suffers 1 child out of 50. Many people believe that food allergies cause only a stomach disorder or a rash on the skin. However, for most people, food allergies can become fatal. Currently, 16 proteins present in peanuts are officially recognized as allergens.

Many store peanuts contain sugar, so diabetics should be excluded from the diet.

Excessive drinking peanuts may worsen the operation of the digestive tract.

Pregnant and lactating women before drinking peanuts, it is better to consult with a doctor.

How to choose peanuts

Choosing raw peanuts, pay attention to the fragrance. With the smell of damp or fungus, refuse to buy, since such a product will not bring benefits.

Do not buy roasted or salt nuts. After processing, the number of useful substances decreases in them.

Peanuts did not have so long ago in the center of the gene scandal. Check where and by whom it is made to not buy toxic peanut seeds. Check on the packaging or in the quality certificate, the presence of genetically modified products, harmful additives and shelf life.

How to store peanuts

Keep peanuts in a dry cool place without light access. To extend the storage period, dry the nuts in the husk on a contradictory with a low temperature.

Peanut butter or other peanut products do not use after the expiration date. Watch out for compliance with storage conditions - in the refrigerator, nothing threatens them.

Methods of frying peanuts

Peanuts in fried form is useful in disruption of digestion. Thermal treatment of nuts helps the body absorb useful enzymes and vitamins.

There are several traditional ways of how to fry nuts.

In a frying pan

At the hot frying pan, pour the nuts purified from the husks and fry to golden brown, preferably without oil. Optionally add salt.

Home fried peanut retains useful properties, eliminates the addition of chemicals and preservatives.

People appreciate peanuts as a comfortable and nutritious snack. The bag of these delicious nuts can be taken on the road, to work. Peanut butter and cookies are wonderful delicacies. But how is fried peanuts for women? Maybe this is just empty calories? Scientists argue that a modest earthworm is a real treasury of women's health.

What is the fried peanuts for women

Useful substances in peanuts

Raw nuts are in fact relate to the family of legumes. Therefore, they are similar in properties with "relatives" - beans and lentils. The product is rather caloriene (550 kcal per 100 g), but exclusively rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid. The amount of protein is 2 times higher than carbohydrates. Peanut contains a lot of fats, but it should not scare girls behind the figure. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats do not turn into ugly stomach folds.

R-kumarovaya and oleic acids in the composition of walnut - strong antiques. They suppress the oxidation processes in the body, that is, slow down its aging. The same property has vitamin E, which is quite a few peanuts. Other vitamins, B4, B3, maintain the health of the nervous system and regulate the metabolism.

The benefits and harm of peanuts for women

Biological substances in the delicious walnut are beneficial on the health of men and children. But especially great the advantages of peanuts for the female organism. Here are the most important:

· Strengthening the heart. Polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of ischemic disease;

· Help in a healthy diet. Peanut is rich in protein necessary to update body cells. The handful of nuts replaces the uncomplete baking during snacks;

· Bulk rejuvenation. Antioxidants suppress the growth of free radicals causing cell aging;

· Improving hair, skin, nails. The abundance of vitamin E has a beneficial effect on women's beauty;

· Benefit during pregnancy. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium - indispensable substances for normal fetal development. Folic acid warns the occurrence of congenital defects in the child;

· Vitamin E acts at conception and course of pregnancy.

Useful properties are better manifested in roasted nuts.

Among the harmful properties of peanuts should be noted primarily allergic. It happens not only congenital, but also arises from overeating nuts. The valuable product can be only on a handful per day. From large portions there are headache, heartburn, gas formation. In addition, the peanuts are infected with the arrangement of the fungus "Aspergillus Flav". Non-abalchest greenish yellow nuts can not be eaten. They are infected with fungus and can cause skin cancer, stomach, liver.

Peanut or earthwood is one of the popular and loved by many varieties of nuts. The handful of peanuts serves as an excellent snack and will saturate the body with useful substances.

What is useful to peanuts for women, in particular?

It is the opinion that peanuts, despite its high calorieness, helps in weight loss.


Earthwood contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. But truly valuable component is vegetable protein. Peanuts are more than a third consists of protein of plant origin, which makes it a product number one among vegetarians. What is useful to peanuts for women and, what substances are included in its composition?

  • Vitamins of group B, A, E and PP;
  • Vegetable fats (lionic and folic acids);
  • Magnesium;
  • Biotin and others.

However, despite the rich composition, peanuts due to its high calorie content should be used with caution even to people with a normal mass body. 100 grams of raw peanuts contain about 550 kcal. However, according to scientific research, there is a completely lack of cholesterol, and therefore people with cardiovascular diseases can freely include this product in their diet.

Beneficial features

Increased protein content in peanut enhances the feeling of satiety in the body. It is this quality of earthwood is used in many diet diet. Peanut diet is especially popular among fashion models. However, this is not the only property of peanuts. What is useful peanuts for women? Regular use of an earthen walnut has the following effect on the female organism:

  • Normalizes the metabolism;
  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Helps to overcome stress and depression, improves mood;
  • Increases the concentration of attention and strengthens the memory;
  • Prevents the growth of malignant tumors;
  • Improves the digestion process;
  • Regulates the hormonal balance in the body;
  • Reduces the risk of developing congenital pathologies in children;
  • Prevents the development of premature aging;
  • Protects the cells of the body from the effects of free radicals.

Surprisingly, it contains 25% more polyphenols in the fried peanut than in the cheese. It is these substances that make an earthen nut to have a maximum antioxidant effect on the body and serve as a prevention of heart disease, early aging and oncological diseases. But along with roasting peanuts loses many useful vitamins for the female body. With nervous excitation, peanuts have a calming effect on the body, helps to restore the strength and get rid of insomnia. And the peanuts is a natural aphrodisiac.

Damage to peanuts

However, despite the whole list of positive properties with the use of peanuts, you need to be very careful, especially for women. First, as already mentioned earlier, peanuts are a very high calorie nut, so consuming it in large quantities, you risk quickly gaining overweight. Secondly, peanuts - a strong allergen. In each particular case, the reaction of the body on the earthen walnut can be different. Most often it is irritation and itching of the skin, swelling of a person, but in some cases anaphylactic shock may be provoked. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call "ambulance".

How to store

To fully appreciate what peanuts for women are useful, it is important to comply with product storage rules. Shallow smell, mold and stains on the shell are not allowed. In violation of the storage and transportation of peanuts in the product, poisonous substances relating to the number of powerful allergens - aflatoxins may begin to accumulate. Store peanuts are needed in a dry place, almost at zero humidity. IN otherwise On its surface can be formed by a mold fungus, which falling into the body is striking weakened organs.


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