A gentle generator with a resonator. Generators on magnets working without fuel

A gentle generator with a resonator. Generators on magnets working without fuel

Beautiful generators - the embodiment of the dream of the eternal engine. These are devices that are able to capture different kinds free energy and convert it into an electric current.

One of the most popular models converts energy into an induction current. For the first time, she was built by a scientist Adams, in honor of which she received its name.

The scheme of a simple gesture generator (Bedini has the same principle of operation):

The basic components of the Adams aggregate are as follows:

  • the generator within which the electromagnetic field occurs;
  • inverter that converts magnetic pulses to alternating current;
  • which accumulate energy for its further use.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the phenomenon electromagnetic induction. The rotation of the motor depends on the strength with which it is repelled from the poles of magnets. The main constructive element is a multi-pole ignoretor direct rotation generator. Magnets are installed on the outer edge of the generator. Their number depends on the desired power. There are very high efficiency in such aggregates - about 90%. If necessary, they are well connected to each other, forming a single offline network.

How to make a gesture generator with your own hands

The most primitive unit of Adams type is easy to assemble at home. It will be not too powerful, but will allow you to try the model, and also be able to charge a mobile phone.

Composite components

For the manufacture you will need:

  • Neodymium magnets. They will need about 15 pieces. It is desirable that all magnets are one size. The power of your aggregate depends on their magnitude.
  • Copper wire.
  • A couple of coils. You can wind them yourself, but you can take ready-made from any existing motors.
  • Sheet steel will be required for the manufacture of the frame case.
  • Bolts, washers, nails. Furnitura will need to fix small parts.

The process of assembling a gesture generator on neodymium magnets consists of only a few steps:

  • If you make coils yourself, then wrap each isolated copper wire diameter 1.25 mm. You need to wear up in the bottom upward direction.
  • From the sheet began to make a frame for the housing. Its sizes depend on the size of the coils. Coils must be installed so that the space for free rotation remains from the end.
  • The device is ready, it remains to test it. Connect the multimeter and turn the magnets. If the voltage at the ends of the winding occurred, then everything turned out.

Adams energy generators can be used both for autonomous power supply of houses and shipping, automotive and even astronautics. Their main advantage over other sources of energy is that they do not need any raw materials for processing and they do not depend on weather conditions (as heli-station and wind generators).

Below are the other advantages of such devices:

  • "Fuel" serves kinetic energy.
  • Have a very high efficiency.
  • Have compact sizes and easy to manufacture.
  • Approximate service life of generators - two decades.
  • In no way affect the health of people and the environment.
  • They can work both indoors and outside, resistant to atmospheric precipitation.

If you are interested in alternative energy, useless electric generators are indisputably deserve your attention. They are well complemented by alternative energy.

The best-selling generator (hereinafter - BTG) from the transformer is an idea that is fond of many inventors in the world, from the times of the famous N. Tesla. Unlike the mythical "eternal engine", such BTGs should receive a primary powerful energy pulse from the outside, and then, converting it by the desired chain elements, to obtain the current / voltage necessary for the drive of engines or other consumers. It is known a few varieties of BTG based on a transformer with KZ Vitka, consider the most real designs.

General principles of action

The essence of all developed installations is to redirect the used portion of the power back into the secondary chain, losing the minimum of energy. The remaining part must produce a transformer.

The sequence of operation of such BTG is as follows:

The initial power from the supply battery (for example, solar) accumulates by a high-base capacitor.

Upon reaching a given potential difference, the capacitor is discharged, and transmits the pulse to the primary winding of the transformer. As an intermediate service, a capacitive stage of two parallel connected diodes and a capacitor is used, which smoothes the inevitable voltage ripples.

The power is perceived by the inductance coil, which is connected to the primary winding of the transformer. The secondary winding is a sequentially connected vibrational circuit and another inductance coil, in parallel with which the diode bridge is working, the destination of the latter is to limit the peak power values \u200b\u200bthat theoretically can achieve infinity.

The part of the primary winding of the transformer is reserved under load, and the part is connected to the ground. This is necessary to limit the generated power and extension of the service life of the schema.

In order to avoid spontaneous pulse discharge, all other elements of the scheme - the primary oscillating circuit, as well as the conclusions of the primary and secondary transformer windings are grounded.

Thus, the energy consumed by the circuit is permanent and sufficient to power the load of the local lighting, as well as the drives of any small devices or devices. At the same time, due to the impulse of the output voltage, the BTG on the transformer cannot be used to power the DC motors.

Important! It should be noted that any external energy source is a solar battery, magnets, etc. - does not differ in power. Therefore, despite the absence of mechanical transmission systems, part of the energy will be dissipated in contours and get lost due to electrical resistance of the wires.

The free energy generation machine, invented by John Bedini, consists of the following nodes:

  • Electromagnetic two-layer coil.
  • Core from bonded together welding rods.
  • Magnets pairs.
  • Rotor disposed over the core.
  • Isolating base - wood stands or plexiglass.
  • Diode bridge with transistor and smoothing capacitor.

Loads, one output of which is connected to the secondary chain, and the second - with the supply external battery. The battery can be connected to the amplifier, then the installation power will increase.

The bat engine works like this. A two-layer coil is a regular CE-generator on a transformer with KZ Vitka. In this case, the outer wire receives power from the battery, and the internal transmits power into the secondary circuit, while forming an electromagnetic field in a massive core (it is stronger than a massive core, and the more turns in the primary winding). Rounding in a variable magnetic field, this core forms the engine rotor. The case of the transistor is a collector, one of the poles of which is connected to the emitter. The second pole is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer. With sufficiently reliable insulation of the windings, all the energy generated by the rotating rotor will be sent to the load.

When assembling the battery engine scheme, follow the following required rules:

Take care of a reliable fastening of all parts of the composite core of the primary winding, since when rotating the rotor, part of the rods can be combined with each other, and significantly weaken the magnetic field of the primary winding. It is recommended to glue the rods with super light glue;

To control the parameters of the power generated, it is recommended to use a neon tracking lamp, which is connected parallel to the emitter and collector. When you turn on the diagram, this lamp should not light up (threshold voltage 80 ... 100 V); in otherwise The current in the secondary winding is too large, which will lead to the rotor of the transistor.

Power batteries must be fully working, in chargeable state and not have leaks on the body, otherwise they can explode.

Capanadze beauty generator

This type of BTG can be assembled in several varieties. Its base (as in bat engine) is a transformer with low-voltage primary winding. The current frequency in the Capanadze generator schema can be changed, for which the corresponding switch is provided in the circuit. It is located in smoothing capacitors, which in the scheme can be from one to three (with an increase in the number of amplitude of the current ripples decrease).

Parameters coil of particular Do not have, since the current stabilization is made due to the inductance coil, like the Tesla generator.

Important! When the battery circuit is turned on as a power storage device, the current in the secondary winding of the transformer increases sharply to values \u200b\u200bsufficient to power the load.

Depending on the initial requirements, the following BTG Chanpampuse performs are known:

With an electromagnet and a transformer, a total capacity of up to 15 ... 20 W. The primary circuit should be calculated on a high voltage while the voltage in the secondary chain should not exceed 120 V. To stabilize the frequency in the secondary winding of the transformer, include an inverter. In order to control the operation of the scheme, the BTG protective body is performed from acrylic glass.

An electronic switch generator for which the second transformer is embedded in the circuit. The initial frequency of the current in this embodiment is reduced, and should not exceed 12 Hz. The rest of the scheme is identical to the previous one, with the exception of the inverter: it is calculated on the small values \u200b\u200bof the electrical conductivity.

BTG transformers from three parts, for which a powerful electromagnet and a capacitor battery is needed. The scheme provides more opportunities for branching output stream of energy. The conductivity of the inductor should be low, otherwise the output frequency drops sharply. Increase productivity and reliability of such a BTG due to the use of several inverters with frequency converters.

General restriction for all types of BTG on transformers - increased electrical safety requirements and relatively small power values.

Nikola Tesla is one of the most famous scientists in the field of electric power industry and electricity, whose scientific heritage still causes numerous disputes. And if practically implemented projects are actively used and are known everywhere, some unrealized are still objects of research, both serious organizations and amateurs.

Generator or Eternal Engine?

Most scientists denies the possibility of creating a generator on free energy. It should be argued by the fact that even in the past many modern achievements also seemed impossible. The fact is that science has many areas where studies are not fully conducted. This is especially true of issues of physical fields and energy. Those types of energy that we know can be felt and measured. But it is impossible to deny the presence of unknown species only on the grounds that there are no methods and instruments for their measurement and transformation.

For skeptics, any proposals of generators, schemes and ideas based on the transformation of free energy seem to be eternal engines that work without consuming energy, and even capable of producing surplus already in the form of known energy, thermal or electrical.

There are not talking about eternal engines. In fact, the eternal generator uses free energy, which is currently not yet clear theoretical justification. The sooner the light was considered? And now it is used to generate electrical energy.

alternative energy

Supporters of traditional physics and energy deny the possibility of creating a workable generator, operating with existing concepts, laws and definitions. There is a mass of evidence that such devices cannot exist in practice, since they contradict the law of conservation of energy.

Supporters of the "Conspiracy Theory" are convinced that the calculations of the generator exist, as well as its working prototypes, but they are not presented to science and the general public, since they are not beneficial to modern energy companies and can cause the crisis of the economy.

Enthusiasts have repeatedly made attempts to create a generator, they built a lot of prototypes, but for some reason, the work reports regularly disappear or disappear. It is noted that network resources dedicated to alternative energy are periodically closed.

This may indicate that the design is actually operational, and it is possible to create a generator with your own hands even at home.

Many confuse the concepts of the generator and the transformer (coil) of the Tesla. For clarification, you need to stay on this more. Tesla transformer has been studied enough and is available for repetition. Many manufacturers successfully produce various models of transformers both for practical use in various devices and for demonstration purposes.

The Tesla transformer is an electrical energy converter from low voltage to high. The output voltage can be millions of volts, but the design itself does not represent high complexity. The genius of the inventor is that he managed to collect a device using the well-known physical properties of electromagnetic fields, but at the same time in a completely different way. A comprehensive theoretical substantiation of the device does not exist so far.

The construction is based on a transformer with two windings, with a large and low number of turns. The most important thing is that there is no traditional ferromagnetic core, and the relationship between windings is very weak. Given the level of the output voltage of the Tesla transformer, it can be concluded that the usual method of calculating the transformer, even taking into account the high frequency of the transformation, is not applicable here.

Tesla Generator

Other purpose has a generator. The generator design also uses a transformer similar to high-voltage. Working at the same principle with a transformer, the generator is capable of creating an excess of excess energy, significantly superior to the initial launch of the device. The main task is to manufacture the transformer and its configuration. The exact setting of the system to the frequency of resonance is important. The situation is complicated by the fact that such data is not available in free access.

How to make a generator

To assemble the Tesla generator, it is necessary quite a bit. On the Internet, you can find data on the assembly of the Tesla generator transformer with your own hands and schemes for launching the structure. Based on the available information, the recommendations are given below how to make an independent structure assembly, and a brief configuration technique.

The transformer must meet conflicting requirements:

  • High-frequency free energy requires a decrease in dimensions (similar to the difference in the size of television antennas of meter and decimeter ranges);
  • With a decrease in dimensions, the efficiency of the design.


The question is partially solved by the selection of diameter and the number of primary winding of the transformer. The optimal diameter of the winding is 50 mm, so it is convenient to use the segment of the plastic sewer tube with the corresponding length. It is experimentally established that the number of turns of the winding should be at least 800, it is better to double. The wire dimer does not have a significant value for the homemade design, since its power is small. Therefore, the diameter may lie in the range from 0.12 to 0.5 mm. Lower importance will create difficulties when winding, and more - will increase the dimensions of the device.

The length of the pipe is taken taking into account the number of turns and the diameter of the wire. For example, the wires of the PEV-2 0.15 mm diameter with insulation is 0.17 mm, the total winding length is 272 mm. Rates from the edge of the pipe 50 mm for fastening, the hole is drilled for fastening the starting start, and after 272 mm one more - for the end. The reserve of the pipe from above is a couple of centimeters. TOTAL The total length of the pipe cut will be 340-350 mm.

For winding the wire, its beginning is made to the bottom hole, leave there in 10-20 cm and fastened with scotch. After the winding is performed, its end of the same length is drawn into the upper hole and also fix.

Important! The coils of the winding should fit tightly to each other. The wire should not have beggars and loops.

The finished winding is necessarily coated on top of an electrical lacquer or epoxy resin to exclude the shift of turns.

For the secondary winding, you need a more serious wire with a cross section of at least 10 mm2. This corresponds to a wire with a diameter of 3.6 mm. If there is thicker, it is even better.

Note! Since the system operates at a high frequency, then, thanks to the skin effect, the current is distributed in the surface layer of the wire, so instead you can take a thin-walled copper tube. The skin effect is another excuse for the large diameter of the wire of the secondary winding.

The diameter of the turns of the secondary winding must be twice the primary, that is, 100 mm. The secondary can be coated on the segment of the sewer pipe 110 mm or on any other simple frame. Pipe or suitable disc needed only for winding process. The rigid winding in the frame will not need.

For the secondary winding, the number of turns is 5-6. There are several design options for the secondary winding:

  • Solid;
  • With a distance between the turns of 20-30 mm;
  • Cone-shaped with the same distances.

The cone-shaped represents the greatest interest, as it expands the setting range (has a wider frequency band). The lower first coil is made with a diameter of 100 mm, and the upper reaches 150-200 mm.

Important! It is necessary to strictly withstand the distance between the turns, and the surface of the wire or tube must be made smooth (in best case Polish).

Washing diagram

For the initial start, a diagram is required that submits to the Tesla Generator Transformer Pulse Energy. Next, the generator goes into an auto-oscillating mode and constantly does not need in external nutrition.

In the slang developers, the device for washing is called "Chercher". Those who are familiar with electronics know that the correct name of the device is a block generator (shock generator). Such a schematic solution produces a single powerful electrical impulse.

Many variants of blocking generators are developed, which are divided into three groups:

  • On electronic lamps;
  • On bipolar transistors;
  • On field transistors with an isolated shutter.

A tube electromagnetic generator on powerful generator lamps works with high output parameters, but its design is hampered by the presence of components. In addition, it is required not two, and a three-winding transformer, so the lamp unit generators are rarely found.

The widespread swing was received on bipolar transistors. Their circuitry is well developed, setting up and adjusting is simple. The transistors of the domestic production of the 800th series (CT805, CT808, KT819) are used, which have good technical parameters, are widespread and do not cause financial difficulties.

The distribution of powerful and reliable field transistors made it possible to design a block generator with increased efficiency due to the fact that MOSFET or IGBT transistors have better voltage drop parameters on transitions. In addition to the growth of efficiency, it becomes less problematic problem of cooling transistors. Verified schemes use IRF740 or IRF840 transistors, also inexpensive and reliable.

Before collecting the generator to the finished design, again recheck the quality of the manufacture of all components. Collect the design and serve me. The transition to an auto-oscillating mode is accompanied by the presence of voltage on the windings of the transformer (at the secondary output). If there is no voltage, you need to configure the frequency of the block generator in the resonance with the frequency of the transformer.

Important! When working with the Tesla generator, it is necessary to observe increased caution, since at startup in the primary winding there is a high voltage capable of leading to an accident.

Application generator

The Tesla generator and the transformer were constructed by the inventor as universal devices for wireless transmission of electrical energy. Nikola Tesla repeatedly conducted experiments confirming his theory, but, unfortunately, traces of energy transmission reports were also lost or reliably hidden, like many other designs. The developers only recently began to design energy transfer devices, but also at relatively small distances (wireless chargers for phones - a good example).

In the era of inevitable exhaustion of reserves of irregular natural resources (hydrocarbon fuel) Development and design of alternative energy devices, including a non-fuel generator, has a high meaning. An electric generator on free energy during its sufficient power can be used to illuminate and heating houses. Do not refuse research, referring to the absence of experience and profile education. Many important inventions are made by people who were professionals in completely different areas.


Not always local electrical networks are able to fully provide electricity at home, especially if it concerns the country cottages and mansions. Interruptions with constant power supply or its complete absence causes to look for electricity. One of these is the use - instrument capable of converting and accumulate electricityUsing the most unusual resources (energy, tides and sings). His principle of operation is quite simple, which makes it possible to make the electric generator with your own hands. Perhaps the self-made model will not be able to compete with the analogue of the factory assembly, but this is a great way to save more than 10,000 rubles. If we consider the homemade electrical generator as a temporary alternative source of power supply, then it is quite possible to do the homemade.

How to make an electric generator that it will be necessary for this, as well as what nuances will have to be considered, learn later.

The desire to have an electric generator in its use is overshadowed by one nuisance - this is in the cost of the aggregate. No matter how cool, but the most low-power models have a fairly transcendent cost - from 15,000 rubles and higher. It is this fact that comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bhis own creation of the generator. However, Sam the process can be difficult, if a:

  • no skill in working with tools and schemes;
  • there is no experience in creating such devices;
  • there is no need for the necessary parts and spare parts.

If all this and a huge desire are present, then you can try to collect generator, guided by the assembly instructions and the attached scheme.

It is no secret that the purchase of the electric generator will have a more advanced list of features and functions, while homemade is able to bring and malfunctions to the most inappropriate moments. Therefore, buy or do it yourself - the question is purely individual, requiring a responsible approach.

How the electric generator works

The principle of operation of the electric generator is based on the physical phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The conductor passing through an artificially created electromagnetic field creates a pulse that is converted into a constant current.

The generator has an engine that is able to produce electricity, burning in its compartments a certain type of fuel:, or. In turn, fuel, falling into the combustion chamber, in the combustion process produces gas, which rotates the crankshaft. The latter transfers the impetus to the slave shaft, which is already able to provide a certain amount of energy at the output.

Many in their lives thought about the possibility of possessing the source of renewable energy. The brilliant physicist of the Tesla, who worked at the beginning of the last century, known for its unique invention, did not offer his secrets, leaving only hints to their discoveries after himself. They say, in their experiments, he managed to learn how to manage gravity and teleport objects. It is also known about his works in the direction of obtaining energy from under space. It is possible that he could create a free energy generator.

A little about what electricity is

Atom creates two types of energy fields around him. One is formed with a circular rotation, the speed of which is close to light velocity. This movement is familiar to us as a magnetic field. It applies to the plane of the rotation of the atom. Two other perturbations of space are observed along the axis of rotation. The latter cause the appearance of electric fields. The energy of rotation of the particles and is the free energy of space. We do not make any costs so that it appears - energy is initially laid by the universe in all particles of the material world. The task is that the vortices of the rotational of atoms in the physical body are one, which can be removed.

The electrical current in the wire is nothing but the orientation of the rotation of the metal atoms in the direction of the current. But one can focus the axis of rotation of atoms perpendicular to the surface. This orientation is known as an electric charge. However, the last method involves the atoms of the substance only on its surface.

Amazing near

The free energy generator can be seen in the work of an ordinary transformer. The primary coil creates a magnetic field. The current appears in the secondary winding. If you reach the efficiency of the transformer more than 1, then you can get a visual example of how free energy generators are working with self-care.

Enhancing transformers are also a visual example of a device taking out of the outside of the energy.

Superconductivity of materials can increase productivity, but to create conditions so that the degree of useful action exceeds the unit until it managed to anyone. In any case, public statements of this kind do not exist.

Tesla Free Energy Generator

The physics in textbooks in the subject matter is mentioned extremely rare in textbooks on the subject. Although his discovery of alternating current now uses all humanity. He has more than 800 registered patents for inventions. All the energy of the last century and today is based on its creative potential. Despite this, some of his works was hidden from the general public.

He participated in the development of modern electromagnetic weapons, being director of the Rainbow project. The famous Philadelphian experiment, teleported a large ship with a crew on a unthinkable distance - his hand. In 1900, the physicist from Serbia suddenly rich. He sold a part of his inventions for $ 15 million. The amount in those times was just huge. Who purchased the secrets of Tesla, remains mystery. After his death, all diaries that could contain and sold inventions were disappeared without a trace. The Great Inventor did not open the world as the free energy generator works and works. But, perhaps, there are people on the planet with this mystery.

Generator Hendershota

Free energy may have opened its secret to American physics. In 1928, he demonstrated a wide public device, which was immediately dubbed with a gender shendershot generator. The first prototype worked only with the correct arrangement of the device according to the magnetic field of the Earth. Its power was small and accounted for up to 300 W. Scientist continued to work, improving the invention.

However, in 1961 his life was tragically broken. The killers of the scientist did not suffer punishment, and the criminal proceedings in fact only entered the investigation. There were rumors that he was preparing to run the serial production of his model.

The device is so easy to perform that almost anyone can do it. Followers of the inventor have recently posted information on how to assemble the Hendersh "Free Energy" generator. The instruction as a video tutorial clearly demonstrates the process of assembling the device. With this information, it is possible for 2.5 to 3 hours to assemble this unique device.

Does not work

Despite step-by-step video, collect and launch a free energy generator with their own hands does not work with almost no one who tried to do it. The reason is not in hand, but in the fact that a scientist, giving people a scheme with a detailed indication of the parameters, forgot to mention several small details. Most likely, it was made consciously to protect its invention.

It does not make sense and the theory of the falsity of the invented generator. Many energy companies Thus, they work to discredit scientific research alternative sources Energy. People walking on a false path will eventually wait for disappointment. A lot of inquisitive minds after unsuccessful attempts rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bfree energy itself.

What is the secret of Hendersh

And with those who solved to trust, took the obligation that the secret of launching the device will be saved. Hendershot was well versed in humans. Those who he discovered the secret to keep knowledge about how to run a free energy generator. The device startup scheme has not been solved until now. Or those who have succeeded, they also decided to save knowledge advantage in secret from others.


This unique property of metals makes it possible to collect free energy generators on magnets. Permanent magnets generate a magnetic field of a defined orientation. If they are properly positioned, then you can force the rotor for a long time. but permanent magnets Have one big drawback - a magnetic field over time is very weakened, that is, a magnet is demagned. Such a magnetic fluid energy generator can only perform a demonstration and advertising role.

Especially a lot in the network schemes for assembling devices using neodymium magnets. They have a very strong magnetic field, but they are also expensive. All devices on magnets, whose circuits can be found on the network, perform their role of unobtrusive subconscious advertising. The goal is one - more neodymium magnets, good and different. The well-being of the manufacturer is growing with their popularity.

Nevertheless, magnetic engines generating energy from space are entitled to existence. There are successful models that the story will go below.

Bedini generator

An American physicist is a researcher John Bedini, our contemporary, invented the surprising device on the basis of works.

He announced him back in 1974. The invention is capable of increasing the capacity of existing batteries by 2.5 times and can restore most of the broken batteries that are not charging the usual method. As the author itself says, the radiant energy increases the capacity and cleanses the plates inside the energy storage. It is characteristic that when charging, there is no heating.

Nevertheless it exists

Bedini managed to establish a mass production of almost eternal radiant (free) energy generators. He succeeded, despite the fact that both the government, and many energy companies, to put it mildly, were unbelievable by the invention of the scientist. Nevertheless, today anyone can buy it, ordering on the author's website. The cost of the device is a little more than 1 thousand dollars. You can purchase a set for self-assembly. In addition, the author does not impart mysticism and secrecy for its invention. The scheme is not a secret document, and the inventor himself released step-by-step instructionsallowing you to assemble a free energy generator with your own hands.


Not so long ago, the Ukrainian company "Virano", specializing in the production and implementation of wind generators, the beginning of the sale of beauty generators "Vega", which produced 10 kW electricity with a capacity without any source from the outside. Literally in a matter of days, the sale was prohibited due to the lack of licensing of this type of generators. Despite this, it is impossible to prohibit the very existence of alternative sources. Recently, there are more and more people who want to escape from the chain arms of energy dependence.

Battle for Earth

What happens to the world, if such a generator appears in each house? The answer is simple, as the principle where the free energy generators work with self-care. He will simply stop his existence in the form in which it is now.

If the electricity consumption will begin on the scale of the planet, which gives a free energy generator, an amazing thing will occur. Financial hegemon will lose control over the world order and collapse from the pedestals of their welfare. The priority task is to not give us really free citizens of the planet Earth. On this path, they were very successful. The life of a modern man resembles a squirrel run in the wheel. Time to stay, look around, not to start slowly.

If you stop, you will immediately fall out of the "closure" of successful and receiving a reward for your work. The award is actually small, but against the background of many who do not have it looks significantly. Such a lifestyle is the path to nowhere. We burn not only our lives for the benefit of others. We leave our children an unenviable inheritance in the form of a polluted atmosphere, water resources, And the surface of the earth is converted into a landfill.

Therefore, everyone's freedom is in his hands. Now you have knowledge that the free energy generator can exist in the world. The scheme, with the help of which humanity will throw a centuries-old slavery, is already running. We are on the threshold of great changes.


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