Globalization of human activity. Lyudina facing global problems of modernity

Globalization of human activity. Lyudina facing global problems of modernity

Social change is more important than education social philosophy. Particularly heightened interest in the current era through the acceleration of the “rhythm of history”, with the emergence global problems presentness. Problems that are of a human nature are called global. The smells stick out from the interests of both humanity and the skin of people. This decision is conveyed by the United Nations to most powers and international organizations.

All global problems are related to each other. The stench did not emanate intermittently, but became a single result of the spontaneity and uneven development of humanity. In the other half of the 20th century, with the influx of scientific and technological progress and the accelerated pace of development, various problems were complicated, disproportions in socio-economic, political, cultural development, and demography increased. current and environmental situation. Who cares that the crisis of modern civilization, as a result, is caused by scientific and technological development itself.

Economic interaction and increased technical capabilities are harmonizing the globalization of humanity. The people will no longer rise up. The planet becomes an opening for the formation of peoples. Humanity is uniting with global civilization, and the problems of development are becoming global.

1). Problems of mutual nature and matrimony. An increase in the rate of proliferation will lead to the extinction of the ecological crisis and will confront people with the problem of exhaustion of unprecedented natural resources. In the 20th century, mutual nature and partnership are entering a new stage. To describe this stage, V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of “noosphere”. The noosphere (sphere of reason) is the sphere of interaction between people and nature, between which the supreme force is rational human activity.

2). Unevenness of socio-economic development of regions and corners of the world. There is a growing divide between the richest and poorest peoples, one of the reasons for which is the colonial system.

3). Demographic problem. The increasing pace of population growth in other countries is leading to a shortage of food and resources. Soon, depopulation threatens these guilty countries.

4). Health problems. Poverty and overpopulation in other countries lead to an increase in epidemic illnesses. In guilty countries, the number of heart-related and mental illnesses is increasing, which is the result of the increasing rhythm of life. And the threat to all humanity has become the increase in such unprecedented diseases as cancer and HIV/AIDS.

5). Zagostrennya political wipes. After the fall of the socialist bloc, the United States became a single pole of international politics. Their interests inevitably collide with the interests of rich countries. Support for Israel is causing the US to lose power Muslim world. The situation will be strengthened by the growing migration of the population from ancient countries, including Muslim ones, to the developed countries of the West. In response to Zakhad's reaction, nationalist ideas began to expand. The nature of civilization has become supernatural. Humanity is faced with one global problem of our time, which is international terrorism.

6). Threat of war. The possibility of the cessation of local military conflicts among the world is being preserved. The expansion of the mass population is uncontrolled by doctors, this problem is one of the most dangerous.

The skin from global problems of today itself threatens humanity. And, intertwining purchases, they put under nourishment the very possibility of the continuation of human history. The prospect of the end of history appeared in the thoughts of many philosophers. It became especially troubled in times of violent social upheaval. For the remaining two centuries, humanity has felt the rhythm of history has accelerated, and the social hour has become stronger.

False prophets have prophesied “the end of the world” many times. I would like to believe that once again it is possible to eliminate the accumulation of cleaning products and to enter into new era your history. Whatever it is, there's a lot of wealth left behind us.

1. What is the similarity and essence of global problems of existence?



Nina, more than philosophers, sociologists, and historians converge to the idea that at the current stage of human development, a unified civilization is being formed throughout the entire planet. The acceleration of these ideas in science and growing knowledge has coincided with awareness of the globalization of social and cultural processes in to the current world.

What does the term globalization of social and cultural processes mean? The etymological term “globalization” is related to the Latin term “globe” - that is, the Earth, the Earth’s body, and means the extra-planetary nature of these and other processes.

The globalization of social, cultural, economic and political processes in the modern world, some of the positive aspects, has given rise to a low number of serious problems, which are called “global problems of today”: environmental, demographic, politically too. All these problems are important for today’s and future humanity. A specific analysis of the skin is within the competence of special sciences: sociology, demography, etc. Philosophers concentrate their attention on clear sensory nutrition, look at these problems under the shadow of the possibilities and prospects for the survival of mankind.

Global problems of modernity have confronted humanity with the search for new ways to develop, to awaken their resources from the past.

2. What are the main global problems of today and their current trends?


· Philosophy: an initial handbook for VNZ, edited by V.P. Kokhanovsky (7th Edition). – Rostov ND: “Phoenix” 2004 With. 542-557.

· Yu.A. Chernavin. Philosophy in structural and logical diagrams. Navchalny Pos_bnik M. 2005, 69.

Global problems of reality are united, dynamic, then. He changes his position at the hour, the system, which is open, - it may include problems of hidden human significance that arise, and people in the world know them.

Among all the global problems, the problem of war in the world until recently seemed to be the most pressing problem of our time. During the last 55 years, 14.5 thousand were raised. 3.6 billion soldiers died. In more than 50 years of war, the world had 250 soldiers, they suffered the fate of 90 powers, whose hidden costs exceeded 35 million people. This is to say about those who have not yet matured in the world’s splendor for full-time involvement in wars, but they want objective minds to develop such maturity. A lot of peoples and powers are looming directly ahead of us on the basis of the reasons that will give rise to war. Why do you need to circle and then start the race?- a kind of cancerous fluff of humanity. The problem of disarmament and military expansion is not new. She has long praised thinkers and humanists different countries. Disintegration is an urgent necessity, but not a one-time act, but an important and trivial process, where the “everything and nothing” effect cannot be stagnated. These current problems are likely to be addressed by the growing forces of peoples and powers.

Ecological crisis - a sharp decline in the natural environment of humans (the biosphere) as a result of the growing deterioration and contamination of the earth, water, and atmosphere.

In order to alleviate the ecological crisis, people need to invade the biosphere, pollute the natural environment...

The demographic situation on Earth has become increasingly unstable due to its unsafe nature. In the wake of the 19th - 20th centuries, the population fought for 75 years and grew from 1 to 2 billion. The third billion reached the beginning of the 60s - in half a century. Until 1975, already after 13 years, the population of the planet had grown to 4 billion. Nina, increasing every decade by perhaps a billion, the population has exceeded the figure of 5.5 billion and threatens to reach 8-10-12 in three or four decades (future massacre there is billion people).

At the same time, an extremely unfavorable factor is that the growing population is facing us in front of countries that are developing, where up to 80% of the planet’s inhabitants live, and many countries are not saving money to support the subsistence level of their Hulks To characterize the gap between poverty and wealth that exists between different regions Earth, ecologists provide the following data: animals that were born in the extreme part of the world live 20-30 times more than the resources of the planet, while those in the extreme part of the third world.

Fourth, no less terrible threat is the crisis of human spirituality. There is no fresh look at the world. Sustainability of humankind has lost its senses.

The rise of global problems of existence is at the forefront of all humanity. Humanity may develop effective forms of spivorobition, which would allow all countries to live together, subject to the dominance of social - political, religious, ethnic and other worldly organizations Ientation. And why should one hide on the song of a basic valuable orientation. Many modern philosophers appreciate that such basic orientations can contribute to the value of humanism.

Global and all-world (human) problems, being the result of friction in the uterine development, did not arise from Rapto and others today. Some of them, such as, for example, problems of war and peace, health, have arisen before and were relevant at all times. Other global problems, such as environmental ones, appear to be increasingly linked to the intense influx of sufficiency into the workforce. Initially, these problems could be too private (alone), food for the whole country, the people, then they became regional and global, then “problems that may be of vital importance for all humanity.”

In philosophy, under global problems, it is customary to understand extra-planetary problems, which, due to their severity and scale, put the need for humanity away from nourishment. Politicians, writers and public figures started talking about them lightly, especially in the 70s and 80s, when these problems revealed their severity and scale.

Our humanity is faced with the most pressing global problems that threaten the very foundation of civilization and the very existence of life on our planet. The term itself "Global" originates from the Latin word “globe”, the Earth, the earth’s core, and from the end of the 60s of the 20th century there was a widespread expansion to identify the most important and pressing extra-planetary problems of the current era, so exist of humanity as a whole. This is the totality of such most pressing everyday problems, which most likely lie in the future social progress of mankind and which, in their own way, may be the ultimate cause of this progress.

Term "global problems", ahead of the introductions of the 1960s in the West, prompting a wide expansion of the significant activities of the Roman Club. However, many of these problems were transferred to the beginning of the 20th century with such important developments as E. LEROY, P. TEILHARD DE CHARDIN і V.I. VERNADSKY . From the 70s the concept was fragmented by them NOOSPHERY"(The sphere of reason) was immediately switched to the investigation of global problems in the philosophy of Galusa.

Current global problems - naturally a legacy of the entire global situation that developed on Earth in the last third of the 20th century. For a correct understanding of their approach, the essence and possibility of their versatility, it is necessary to understand in them the result of the latest world-historical process in all objective super-judgment. These provisions, however, cannot be understood superficially, considering global problems as traditional local or regional problems, crises or troubles that have simply grown to a planetary scale. However, being a result (and not just a sum) of the advanced development of humanity, global problems and specific developments of the current era itself, inherited by the unevenness of the socio-economic, political, , demographic, environmental and cultural development.

Global problems loom so fast: 1. Be of a planetary, global character and, from this, the vital interests of all peoples, all powers. 2. Threaten (if a solution is not found) with the destruction of civilization as such, or with a serious regression in the minds of life, in the development of marriage. 3. To strengthen the collective strength of all powers, all the world's cohesion for their superiority.

Global problems can be classified using the following groups: 1. A group of current political problems that includes the prevention of military actions between powers due to the persistence of mass disease, the spread of nuclear and other particularly deadly types of disease (chemical, bacteriological). 2. Ecological group global problems associated with the catastrophic destruction of the natural basis and the foundation of light civilization. 3. The independent group solves the problems of resource security of today and future generations of people. This includes problems of food and energy supply, problems of economical, rational utilization of minerals, water and other natural resources that are being discovered. 4. A group of pressing social and medical-biological problems that must be faced: a demographic problem, the problem of combating the most dangerous illnesses that are rapidly spreading (SNID, tuberculosis, etc.), the problem of biological destruction, genetic catastrophe, closely connected with a lot of politics. , environmental, technical and economic (location of industrial facilities unsafe for people’s health, etc.) problems . 5. The negative trend of the current world economic development is preventing the continuous growth between economically developed countries and a lot of countries of the “third world”. At this time, the regions of the “third world” are characterized by economic growth that is sinking. . 6. Until new, ever more complicated global problems lie international terrorism, which sends a cry to the current marriage. Show yourself even more diversely. It is up to them, first of all, to create and support “hot spots” in unstable areas of the world. International terrorism itself, linked to the extremist current in Islam, has created hot spots in the territory of Kolishny. Radyansky Union(Chechnya, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan). Other manifestations of international terrorism include: crimes against individuals, storage of transport means and others.

From the end of the 60s to the beginning of the 70s, global problems of humanity became the focus of attention of various specialists (economists, sociologists, political scientists, mathematicians, ecologist, computer scientists) elyuvannya too). Moreover, the investigation of these problems from the very beginning was carried out in connection with the changing prospects for the development of light civilization. Without a sufficiently clear understanding of what light may emerge from the future that humanity will face at the beginning of the third millennium, it is important to identify the ways in which global problems will arise.

Since the beginning of the 70s, global forecasts, which were formalized in the form of testimony to the Club of Rome, have become widely popular. Term ROMAN CLUB signifies international community organization, created in 1968 by rock and inspired by the idea of ​​integrity for the minds of NTR. The founder and “father of ideas” of global forecasting with wikis mathematical methods that computer modeling is rightfully respected J. FORRESTER . At my job "Light dynamics"(1971) created a version of the model of world economic development based on the considerations of two most important, in their opinion, officials – the population size and the congestion of the middle class.

A particularly strong effect in the first global forecast, to take revenge on the coronavirus Club of Rome "Between the Growth"(1972). Its authors, who identified a number of the main, from their point of view, light processes (the growth of the population of our planet, the growth of industrial production per capita, the increase in living mineral resources, the growth of congestion in an excessively natural environment) and the vikoryst mathematical apparatus and computer technology, created a dynamic “MODEL OF THE WORLD”, which showed the need to limit the development of any civilization. The authors of the study concluded that if we do not limit the growth of these factors and do not take them under control, then the growth of industrial production itself will lead to a socio-economic crisis here in the middle of the 21st century Aunt.

The world leaders look gloomy, although not so pessimistic, in line with the globalism of the recent past M. MESAROVIC і E. PESTEL at the meeting with the Roman Club “Humanity at the Turning Point”. New complex interconnections of economic, social and political processes have too much of a middlebrow That of natural resources is presented as a complex rich hierarchical system. Considering the inevitability of a global environmental catastrophe, M. Mesarovich and Ege. Pestel will change the output from the transition to “organic growth”, then. until the balanced development of all elements of the planetary system.

The Nobel laureate, world-famous ethologist and philosopher names his list of problems that threaten the destruction of all humanity if they are not resolved. CONRAD LORENZ . Vin names 8 fundamentally significant processes-problems.

Just as recently, the most important priority among global problems was the problem of defeating the light thermonuclear war with its most important consequences for many of humanity, then today the connection m of the strong presence of two gigantic military-political blocs, the utmost respect for leaders and politicians chains the process of ruination Dovkilla humanity and the search for nobles and savings. Overhauling the processes-problems of today's humanity, I have the utmost respect for what K. Lorenz calls the “deadly sins” of our civilization. It's too ostentatious. According to K. Lorenz, these sins themselves, as if to pull humanity back, do not allow its ability to sing and develop rapidly. K. Lorenz carefully comments on the skin problems he names. K. Lorenz calls one of the greatest sins of modern humanity overpopulation of the earth. The worst evil of humanity, behind K. Lorenz, desolation of natural living space. Testifying about the ruin of the modern natural environment, K. Lorenz shows that the result of this is people’s deep reverence for the beauty and majesty of nature. The ruination of external nature is associated with accelerated development of technology- The third sin of humanity, according to K. Lorenz, is disastrous for people, as long as we blind them to all relevant values. Nowadays, we interact more and more often with people, television or a personal computer, which may completely replace human energy, the light of nature, and mysticism. Scientific and technological progress has a lot to do with the fourth sin of immediate marriage the frailty of people, the importance of everyone strong feelings and affects. The constant thoughtless distortion of pharmacology and the degeneration of the minds of the natural environment contribute to the emergence of the fifth problem - the process of today's marriage. genetic degradation of humans- an increase in calcification, physical and mental pathology, which is recorded in children who are born. The greatest mortal sin of humanity is break from tradition. It is extremely dangerous for an immediate marriage and a family sin. growing indoctrination of humanity Because there are more people who belong to the same cultural group, there has been a more streamlined infusion of technical skills into the public mind. It is clear that such a unification of the views of the people of today’s industrially apologetic society is echoed by the minds of the public and social propaganda. Respectfully, history has never known such complex methods of integrating and unifying people’s views. I, find out, nuclear war- the eighth sin, which causes humanity such insecurities that are easier to solve, but not without insecurities among all these other problems.

It is important that humanity has already crossed that boundary, if Original type Economic growth with its extensive, high-income, resource-intensive production becomes unpleasant in view of the fact that it affects the health of people. Therefore, one of the most important tasks today is the balance between the economic development of marriage and the need to preserve natural ecosystems. Research – the development of fundamentally new, resource-saving, low-income and waste-free technologies, the search of nobles for the reliable acquisition of powerful (radioactive, chemical) lethal wastes, development effective methods and preservation and purification of the natural environment different appearance Promislovikh zabroudnen too.

For the effective fulfillment of all these tasks on a planetary scale, the necessary great financial and material resources, in addition to the rich representatives of various profiles, the cooperation of powers both bilaterally and and on a rich side basis. And here the United Nations Organization plays an indispensable role, and for various reasons.

Today, the activities of the regions of the world community within the framework of UN programs from a very central point contribute to the excellent international cooperation in Galusia, the protection of the biosphere, the coordination of national programs for the protection of waste products, the organization of systematic monitoring of the environment on a global scale, the accumulation of environmental knowledge, the exchange of information with them food

In the 70s of the 20th century, it was decided to continue to straighten out the thoughts of the 20th century., which can be called PHILOSOPHY OF GLOBAL PROBLEMS . This philosophical approach, regardless of the extremely broad view of world problems, still places people at the center of respect, both today and tomorrow.

The importance of global problems and their interconnections. - abundance of environmental problems. - global nature of the cultural crisis.- Globalization of military and political problems.

The importance of global problems and their interconnections. Global problems are not problems that the “world-people” systems face and are not local, but complex, planetary in nature. Their goal is to focus on the life of society, the share of humanity, the minds of its inhabitants, the state of the natural environment, social progress and the preservation of civilization. These include environmental problems, the protection of human health, demographic problems, problems of cultural crisis, food war and peace. Apparently, they are divided into environmental, demographic and military-political factors.

Current research allows us to bring to global problems more than two dozen problems, including:

Threat of environmental disaster;

Mineral-syrutine crisis;

Medical and biological health problems;

saving the species homo sapiens;

Problems of avoiding the war against vicious means of mass destruction;

Implementation of distillations;

Shortening of the areas of evil and poverty;

The problems of the energy crisis are the same.

The causes of global problems lie in the increased needs of people, adults technical features the influx of prosperity into nature, the scale of these influxes.

Prior to the characteristic features of global problems of today, there is evidence of a close interconnection between them, with the intensification of one leading to the intensification of all problems. We can say that global problems are not a complicated ball of problems. Therefore, try this sophisticated view and the solutions will be less effective. Global problems may arise in a complex, coordinated manner, among numerous numerical subjects of the world.

The abundance of environmental problems. At the stage of human development, most global problems arise from the active interaction between man and nature. The uncontrolled destruction of natural resources, the barbaric exploitation of natural resources raise the issue of a special social policy that regulates the relationship between humans and nature, destroying the problem of the need to protect both nature and humanity, as well as Saved from his future self. The environmental problem is aggravated by the fact that the world now has 150 types of plants and animals, there is dampness in the soil, congestion of water, atmospheric conditions in the air and an excessive environment in general. People become confused with chemical and radiation speeches all around themselves: from the Light Ocean to outer space. Changes in the biosphere, ionosphere, wind characteristics, soil and water, in which human life was born and became possible, indicate the destruction of this ecological niche, the destruction of all living things. K. Lorenz in the article “The Deadly Sins of Civilized Humanity”, with great respect for the pace of technology development, which is accelerating in geometric progress, talks about the threat of a new ruination of biocenoses, in which Rahunok like the living people.

Ecological problem of Bagatorinev. They are influential both on the national and international world level. The basis of the persistent environmental problem is rapid scientific and technological progress, oriented toward an ever-increasing growth. It threatens the rich countries with a shortage of natural resources. Soil, hydropower, fresh water, and fish reserves in rich countries have reached their critical levels.

The “Club of Rome” is one of the leading research centers that includes in its portfolio policies and activities that develop models for addressing crisis tendencies in the relationship between humanity and the center of its existence. Its activity is aimed at developing a new ecological concept, a system of approaches that will ensure safe living on earth. The obstruction of the Light Ocean by chemical and industrial wastes led to the creation of such organizations as the Confederation of the Lands of the Coastal Seas and the International Maritime Organization. Before entering to ensure a turn around the harmonization of the “people-nature” vein, please note:

Disposal of waste;

Exclusion of gases into the atmosphere when burning;

Developed energy and resource-saving technologies;

Stimulating the renewal of natural dowkill.

The environmental problem is immediately destroying the nutrition of the environment of people, the health of the body and spirit. A little information from biologists, geneticists, and doctors about the fact that humans face danger as a biological species. Genetic engineering, in its manifestations and achievements, poses a real threat to humankind. Increase in pathogenic microorganisms and weakening immune system under the influx of various stresses leading to catastrophic consequences in the ecology of people and cannot be deprived without respect. SNID – plague of the XX century. Today it is also a hidden human problem. These threads lie in mass drug addiction, sexual problems and prostitution, which destroy people and encourage them to engage in social activities.

When talking about the ecology of people, it is necessary to remember the real way of life of human populations. What is important here is not only the physicality of a person, but also the spiritual component. Of course, in order to give life to the spirit, it is necessary to ensure life to the body. This is the interdependence and mutual opposition of spirit and body as an action that flares up immediately with new strength Proterichya draws its brilliance from something else that would be more spiritual and more corporeal. In this sense, the key problem of human ecology has always been the problem of self-realization, which is understood as the development of everything potentially embedded in a new one. Montaigne once wrote: “The most important thing in the world is to be yourself.” The new term - “ecosophy” signifies a personal code of values ​​and a view of the world that signifies and initiates a special behavior that gives the joy of being oneself.

Global cultural crisis. Some of the global problems are resolved through the identification of families as victims of global upheavals. World wars and local military conflicts led to the loss of humanity’s faith in humanistic ideals. The crisis of human spirituality, the ideology that is living together is, in the words of the ancient philosopher M. Mamardashvili, “an anthropological catastrophe.” Everything is very typical of the end of the 20th century. The current recent philosopher J. Ortega i Gasset argues that the crisis of culture lies in the fact that European history has been handed over to the bribe of emergency. She has matured and is developing a new type of mass person, who is in love with everything and does not know morality. This type, which is parasitic, has the character of violence.

K. Jaspers has shown respect for those who, in the current situation with the time of decline and the death of ancient culture, have one essential aspect: technology during the collapse of antiquity was in a state of stagnation, in the current world and there in not-

At a noticeable pace, its “ruinous drying” continues.

With the development of a large part of the population, the need for it is also recognized today as one of the global problems of humanity. The economic gap between the populations of the most developed countries and the large mass of the most poor population of the countries that are developing cannot create a favorable background for the development of modern civilization and also includes to reduce global problems of today. The perspiration of the soul of the population of weakly developed countries is 12 times less in the middle, and the accumulated energy is 14 times lower in the middle ones. 3/4 of the population of developing countries live in unsanitary sewers, and 31% of the population live in absolutely disgusting dumps. The areas of disease and hunger indicate that the kingdom did not address the problem of its provision of food and energy resources, which led to the collapse and pathologies of the human population.

Globalization of military and political problems. Along with the global environmental problem of ensuring the world's nutrition and avoiding war, there is also a serious problem of human nutrition. The military and political leaders are faced with the problem of the nuclear race, the nuclear threat, and the nuclear war. A great number of experiments have been carried out and the accumulation of nuclear charges, the outbreak of military conflicts, and mass terrorism lead to a situation where humanity balances on the border of peaceful life. Even A. Einstein called so that the released energy of the atom would work for the benefit of mankind, and not for its poverty. The signing of agreements to reduce strategic nuclear arsenals greatly reduces the risk of a direct nuclear strike, but there is no threat of a technological nuclear explosion, and there are no guarantees against a repetition of the Chernobil catastrophe on a light scale. New types of infection, among which not only chemical and bacteriological, but also “genetic”, “plasma”, “sonic” diseases, introduce all new and sophisticated methods of infection. It’s a pity, because of the problem of war, humanity has to cross the threshold of the new millennium. Progressive philosophers, representatives of literature and mysticism have been calling for the preservation of peace on earth in the name of all humanity. The UN plays a special role in the most pressing global problems of today. The power of the world strives to coordinate the forces of humanity to minimize global problems of today, to ensure consensus and thorough communication of the world.

Philosophers are alarmed to note that the prospects for the rise of global problems are significantly different

the development of humanity itself and its culture. On the threshold of the XXI century. humanity, having come to grips with the need to solve the problems of the world order: the obstruction of the middle world with the outputs of industrial production, the improper use of natural resources; disturbed balance in demographic processes; unsafe radioactive disaster then. - It is impossible not to acknowledge the catastrophic nature of further technogenic development. Knowing the threats, identifying risks and assessing new challenges can improve activities while minimizing global problems. The descendants note that the negative legacies of scientific and technological activity can be brought down not by their own roots, but by their creators new technologies Before disposing of waste waste. This indicates the possibility of creating robotic doctors who live in the middle of the human body and provide any relief from the norms that arise, as well as the saturation of the ecosphere with robotic nurses who process waste products.

Philosophy cannot ignore the rising global problems of existence, since the possibilities and prospects for the survival of all humanity are connected with them. At the same time, it is impossible for philosophy to understand them in its own way. The emerging and complex rise of global problems of today or the gradual change in their current urgency can only be achieved by the combined efforts of practitioners and theorists of the world's strength, which will inform all possible problems what a place it is.


1. Lorenz K. All the mortal sins of humanity // Nutrition of philosophy. 1992, no. 3.

2. Ortega-i-Gasset X. Aesthetics. Philosophy of culture. M., 1991.

3. The world of philosophy. 4.2. M., 1992.

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Awareness of the need for separate minds to ensure the development and implementation of a basic plan of economic action, leading to the possible dispersion of problems and prospects for modern civilization as a world a philosophical vision of the procedural nature of economic actions that are adequate to processes on a global scale.

Nina, at the turn of the two millennia, humanity was faced with the most pressing global problems of today, which threaten the existence of civilization and the very life of life on our planet. The term “global” itself is derived from the Latin word “globus - ball”, dating back to the Earth, the earthly culture, and from the 60s of the 20th century, when it began to be widely used to identify the most important and important planetary problems of the current era that plague humanity as a whole Froliv I.T. The reality and significance of global problems. - M.: Znannya, 2002. - 48 pp. Cheers to this progress.

Before global problems, the first thing that lies ahead of us is Frolov I.T., Zagladin V.V. Global problems of existence: scientific and social aspects. - M: International Newsletters, 2002. – 238 p. :

  • - avoidance of light thermonuclear war, creation of a nuclear-free, non-violent world, which will ensure peaceful minds for the social progress of all peoples based on the consensus of their living interests, mutual benefits or that of global human solidarity;
  • - to address the growing gap in the levels of economic and cultural development between the developed industrial countries of the West and the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, which are developing in the current world of economic growth and, the elimination of hunger, evil and illiteracy, which has affected hundreds of millions of people;
  • - Securing the further economic development of humanity is necessary for this natural resources, both new and

unprecedented, including food, milk and energy;

  • - an ecological crisis that will lead to catastrophic consequences of human invasions into the biosphere, which is accompanied by congestion of the excessive natural environment - the atmosphere, soil, water basins - the outputs of industrial and agricultural supplies skogo virobnitstva;
  • - the introduction of a rapid population growth (“demographic boom”), which complicates the socio-economic progress in the countries that are developing, as well as the emergence of a demographic crisis in economically deprived countries through the decline in their nationality but lower than the level that will ensure a simple change of generation that is accompanied a sharply aging population threatens these countries with depopulation;
  • - timely transfer and suppression of various negative legacies of the scientific and technological revolution and a rational, effective approach for the benefit of prosperity and specialness.

These are the most important and pressing global problems of the current era, which humanity has faced at the dawn of the new millennium of its history. The list of global problems, of course, cannot be exhausted by other things; There are a lot of problems both in our country and beyond the borders of singing to include in new ones: international terrorism, the increase in drug addiction and alcoholism, the increase in SAIDs and other health problems, as well as highlight social welfare, cultural decline and moral values ​​too.

p align="justify"> The main importance, however, is not the compilation of a comprehensive list of global problems, but the identification of their similarities, the nature and characteristics, and, most importantly, the ideas of scientifically grounded and realistic in practical ways Yeshenya. This itself is connected with a whole series of low-theoretical, socio-philosophical and methodological principles they have been taught, which until now have formed a consistent concept of global problems of reality, which is based on the theoretical Well, the decline of the founders of the scientific world, on the achievements modern science and philosophy, which creatively disintegrates hundreds of modern minds.

Fixation of the unique nature of the investigation of the possible direct development of economical inputs and processes requires further clarification of various positions from various instruments. Assess the feasibility of implementing the development scenario that spits, allowing the philosophical tools to test the futurological and prognostic functions of philosophy.

With the help of philosophical analysis, those philosophical horizons are identified, on which a rational approach to the problematic situations that arise in human life and society is formed. Otherwise, it seems, philosophical analysis allows me to understand and, therefore, become the subject of reasonable understanding of our interests and aspirations, our dissatisfaction with ourselves and with the fact that we are driven away by all those who We live, and we act this way, not another. On this very basis, a rational course of action can emerge.

The special role of philosophy in the period of revolutionary renewal of marriage is due to the fact that philosophical analysis makes it possible to understand the historical circumstances, and therefore to combine a lot of what I'm crazy, which has become a stereotype, otherwise it's just dogma.
