"" Bear planet together "project on the environment (preparatory group) on the topic. Urban ecological festival "We take a planet together urban ecological festival we carry out the planet together

"" Bear planet together "project on the environment (preparatory group) on the topic. Urban ecological festival "We take a planet together urban ecological festival we carry out the planet together

October 12, 2017 in the State Geological Museum. IN AND. Vernadsky wounds held a solemn opening of the III of the city ecological festival "Bear Planet together". The president of the State Geological Museum of the Festival took part in the festival opening ceremony. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS Yuri Nikolaevich Malyshev. The framework of the solemn discovery was awarded the members of the staff of the ecolonters, as well as the presentation environmental projects and concert numbers prepared by students of Moscow schools.

The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the State Environmental Budgetary Institution "Mosprirod", the Institute of Content and Training Methods, the Museum of land, MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov, the Main Botanical Garden. N.V. Cycin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center for Development of Children and Youth of Your Nature, Moscow Children and Junior Center for Ecology, Local Studies and Tourism, International University of Professional Innovation, MEGAPOLISRESURS LLC.

The festival is held by the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education with the support of the Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow. The mission of the festival is to develop the cognitive, creative, research activities of children and young people in conservation and improvement of environmental friendliness, healthy and safe lifestyle.

In the festival program from November 2017 to June 2018, contests and shares of the environmental orientation for preschoolers and school students and colleges will be held. Among them, the contest of projects of the Inter-University Academic Navigation Center for the specialties of the mining and geological profile on the basis of the museum "Wealth of the Subsorate of My Country" and the Festival "Tree of Life", the final of which traditionally takes place in the State Geological Museum. IN AND. Vernadsky wounds.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation determines the procedure and conditions for the IV of the city ecological festival "We take a planet together" (hereinafter - the festival).

1.2. The festival is aimed at the development of cognitive, creative, research activities of children and youth of the metropolitan region to preserve and improve environmental quality of the environment, the formation of a culture of an ecologically advisable, healthy lifestyle.

1.3. The festival is aimed at implementing the tasks of the development of environmental education formulated in Federal Law December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"; Federal states educational standards pre-school, primary, main and medium general Education; Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2012 No. 2423-p "Basics public Policy in the field of environmental development of Russia until 2030 "; Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 10, 2014 No. 394-PP "On the main provisions of the new environmental policy of the city of Moscow for the period up to 2030".

1.4. The founder of the festival is the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

1.5. The organizational committee is being prepared for the preparation and holding of the festival.

2. Goals and objectives of the festival

2.1. Objectives: Increasing the environmental culture of students, the formation of sustainable skills of environmentally responsible behavior, the acquisition of the experience of environmentally directional activities.

2.2. Tasks:

  • create conditions for improving the creative activity of students in the field of project and research activities to improve the environmental quality of the urban environment;
  • facilitate the effective socialization of students in a developing city;
  • attract the attention of students to address the tasks of state environmental policy, topical environmental issues of the metropolitan region, innovative experience in the use of modern technologies to improve environmental quality;
  • to promote the development of the social partnership of educational organizations in the field of improving the efficiency of the use of educational resources of the urban environment.

3. Participants of the festival

3.1. Participants in the festival are educational and teachers of educational organizations of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

4. Dates of the festival

4.1. The festival is held since October 2018 to June 2019.

5. Thematic directions of the festival

Contests for students:

Children's green cinema

Competition for teachers:

Environmental Promotions:

Partners of the festival

GPBU "MOSPRIA" Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow

GBOU to "Moscow Children's and Youth Center for Ecology, Regional and Tourism"

Museum of land, FGOU VPO "Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov "

FGBUN "State Geological Museum named after V.I. Vernadsky Russian Academy Science » Zoological Museum of FGOU VPO "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "

FGBNA "Institute of Development Strategy for Education RAS" FGBUN "Chief Botanical Garden named after N.V. Cycin of the Russian Academy of Sciences » ANO "Center for the Development of Children and Youth" Your Nature "" Botanical Garden of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "Pharmaceutical Garden»

FGBOU V. "Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (Madi)" FGBU "State Public Science and Technology Library of Russia" ANO DPO "International University of Professional Innovation" ANO Ecological and Educational Center "Reserves" GKU "ENERGY" Department of the Fuel and Energy Economy of the city of Moscow

Gagah city of Moscow"Park" Charity " FGOUOU VPO "Russian University of Friendship of Peoples" Botanical Garden of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov FSBI "National Park" Losina Island "
GBPOU "Sparrow Mountains" Gau. "Moscow Zoo" SFT GROUP Holding

According to emerging issues, you can contact the city methodical center (ul. Vorontsovskaya, d. 6a, p. 1).

Project participants: Children, parents and educators of the senior and preparatory group.

4 . Address of organization: 127322 Moscow, Street Milashenkova, d.10b

5. Project type: Intergroup, long-term, research - creative.

6. Purpose, direction of project activities: Research activities for the studynature in all its manifestations, the meaning of living and inanimate nature in a person's life;

7. Tasks:


- the formation of the foundations of the environmental culture of preschoolers through practicalactivities with alive and non-residential objects, observation, experiments, researchwork and work with didactic material;

- the formation of knowledge about the meaning of living and inanimate nature in a person's life;

- show positive and negative human influence on the world.


- drawing attention to others natural objects, Development of skills to see beautythe surrounding natural world, the diversity of its paints and forms;

- raising the desire and abilities to maintain the world around the world;

- Education of the sense of responsibility for the state of the environment.


- Development of skills to observe the living objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;

- Development of the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of his paints andforms;

- Protection and strengthening the health of children, developing the skills of a healthy lifestyle.

Short content project:

- accumulation information base by studied problem in progress educational activities, practical activities on the walk;

- systematization stages interaction alive and inanimate nature. in process observations and experimentation;

- analysis behavior man in nature;

- reflection knowledge, obtained experienced way, in valid species activities (fine, theatrical, mental, game).

9. Timing hold: september 2014 of the year may 2015 of the year.

10. The form hold: day (in framework organizations pedagogical process in time educational joint activities children and pedagogues), but so same observation, consider illustrations, experiments.

11. Expected results (product project): children be able to see beauty and diversity surrounding nature., be able to tell about self personal observations and impressions, activised vocabulary reserve and attentiveness to phenomena surrounding mira.

The project is divided into 3 stages:

1st - preparatory: setting goals and objectives, definitionresearch methods, preparatory work with teachers I.preschoolers, choices and preparation of equipment andmaterials;

The Ecological Festival "Bear Planet together" is aimed at the development of cognitive, creative, research activities of children and youth of the capital to preserve and improve environmental quality of the environment

Photo: The official website of the Moscow City Duma: https://duma.mos.ru

This was reported in the city methodological center of the Department of Education of Moscow.

Schoolchildren will take part in the opening ceremony of the festival - the authors of the best environmental projects, teachers of ecology, geography, natural science disciplines and social studies of Moscow schools, as well as partners of the festival - state environmental protection state-financed organization MOSPRIKA, Institute of Content and Training Methods, Museum of Lamonosov, Museum of M. V. Lomonosov, Chief Botanical Garden. N.V. Cycin RAS, the Center for Children's Development and Youth "Your Nature", Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Regional and Tourism, International University of Professional Innovation, State Geological Museum named after V. I. Vernadsky RAS, MEGAPOLISRESURS LLC.

In the program of the solemn discovery - welcoming appeals of invited guests, performances of leading researchers, awarding members of the staff of ecolonters, as well as concert numbers prepared by students of Moscow schools.

In the events of the festival "We save the planet together" this school year - Environmental competitions and promotions that will be held in the capital from November 2017 to June 2018, preschoolers, students of grades 1-11, college students, as well as families with children will take part. The guys are waiting for exciting contests on environmental topics, among which such as "young ecologists of Moscow", "Children's Register of Green Springs", "Ecosystems", "Wealth of My Country", "Tree of Life" and many others, including - in German , English, French and Spanish. Within the framework of the festival, the competition "Environmental education and upbringing" for Moscow teachers will be held, and all residents of the city will be able to take part in the loved and already traditional environmental promotions "Paper boom" and "Batteries, give up!".

The Ecological Festival "We" Bear Planet together "is aimed at developing cognitive, creative, research activities of children and young people to preserve and improving environmental quality of the environment, the formation of a culture of an environmentally friendly, healthy and safe lifestyle and is held by the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education with the support of Department of Environmental Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow.

Competition "Young environmentalists of Moscow" held from October 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 within Urban ecological festival "We save the planet together"in order to establish the foundations of the environmental culture of children, the development of environmental consciousness and thinking, the study of environmental problems and finding decisions in the field of efficient use of natural, energy and other resources of the metropolitan region.

Competition organizers: GBOU GMC Dogm and GPBU "MOSPRIA".

Participation in the competition "Young environmentalists of Moscow" can preschoolers and schoolchildren of 1-6 classes of educational organizations in the city of Moscow, as well as families with children aged 5 to 13 years.

Winners and winners of the competition "Young environmentalists of Moscow" are determined in the three age categories (preschoolers, schoolchildren from 1 to grade 4, schoolchildren 5 and 6 classes) in the following nominations:

  1. "How to help nature in the city?"(Research in the city, near the kindergarten, school, in his yard; participation in environmental action etc.).
  2. "How do we save the resources?"(The problem of saving water, energy and other resources in educational organizations, at home, in the city as a whole).
  3. "What to do with garbage?"(sorting, reducing consumption, packing selection, resource reuse).
  4. "We and our city"(Ecological problems of the capital and options for their decisions, the development of projects of an environmentally friendly city, microdistrict, territory kindergarten, environmentally friendly transport, use alternative sources Energy, development of appropriate signs of environmentally friendly behavior, etc.).
  5. "Our house is nature"(the relationship between man and nature on the examples of the nearest environment - in the city, in the natural park, in the courtyard, and the consequences of violations of such connections).
  6. "My favorite natural park"(Observations in natural parks, animals, plants of natural parks, helping the natural parks of Moscow, the Red Book of Moscow, PAs in Moscow, etc.).
  7. "Environmental Stories"(Environmental fairy tales and stories, cartoons with children, children's videos of ecological orientation (including those created on the basis of stated fairy tales and stories), children's environmental journals, transmissions based on materials of the Methodological set "Young environmentalists of Moscow").
  8. "We and our health"(human health with environmental, choosing a place to stay in Moscow, etc.).
  9. "Family Project"(With the participation of non-2 family members).

The certificate of the participant and the diploma of the competition of the competition is posted in the Personal Account. The winner's diploma is awarded the winners of the competition at the award ceremony. The date of the winners award ceremony will be communicated to the Organizing Committee of the Competition. Lists of winners and laureates of the competition are published on the website of the city methodical center until May 24, 2019.

Attention! The competition is permissible to participate in the competition. Until March 31, 2019a asset of the Competition fills the questionnaire and loads the project materials in the personal account of the student,and after invites other participants to join the work (the last field - I participate in the team). Form the team code, send it to all team members and now, entering your office and submitting an application for the competition, the team member does not dial everything again, but indicates the code of your command (see the instruction on page 31-33).

According to emerging issues, you can contact the city methodical center.

Mikhailova Elena Anatolyevna: mihailovaea@mosmetod.ru.


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