Presentation for the contest "The history of my family in the history of the country." Competition "History of My Family" Literary Competition History of My Family

Presentation for the contest "The history of my family in the history of the country." Competition "History of My Family" Literary Competition History of My Family

Municipal budgetary general Education "Pludnovskaya Central School"

Nomination "Babushkin Album"

"Native people in the photo"

Performed: Learning 10 Class

Ovchinnikova Maria Andreevna

MBOU Zamrudnovo School

Leader: Additional teacher

education Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Consultant: Bulkina Tatyana Aleksandrovna (grandmother)


In this photo, I am depicted (removed) My great-grandmother Zulkina Natalia Ignatievna (right), Ovchinnikova (Bulkina) Svetlana Anatolyevna My mother - in the center and Zkulkin Anatoly Alexandrovich, my grandfather-Sleva. This photo was made in 1979 in my great-grandmother's house. In this photo, she is dressed in white in a flower shirt and brown sundress. My grandfather in a bright yellow shirt and black pants. My mom in this photo is very small, she is not yet either year. She is dressed in red blouse and white tights.

The great-grandmother was born before the war in 1916 and died in 1989. He lived in the village of Kirimakov Sanchur district of the Kirov region. She studied in the Karlakov Central School. All children including she went to school for 10 kilometers. The week children lived in the boarding school, this boarding was at the church. As soon as she finished seven classes, she with her parents moved to Gusygino village. Then he began to work in the Kirov region in the village of Gusygino (after the village was renamed "Dawn"). She worked in the collective farm, in the forest. She made logging, cut down the subjects of the forest, and in the spring it was planted new Christmas trees.

Having worked quite a bit, in 1941 she went to war.

In great Patriotic War She worked near Moscow, Sonya Trenk and Valila Forest. (I assume that the stew trenches near Moscow, my grandmother took part in the defense of the city before the great battle near Moscow (AF.2). Two years lived in the dugout and worked together with his friends for the benefit of our homeland. My great-grandmother had three children : Two Sons and Daughter. One of the sons was my grandfather (on the left in the photo) Zulkin Anatoly Alexandrovich.

Husband at the great-grandmother died early, in captivity, in 1943 and she had to educate three children of one. She combined the work and raising children, always all had time and never left the job. The great-grandmother is very small, slender, like a dandelion, but very strong, courageous and fun.

Once, my great-grandmother was in the forest and met the bear. She was not afraid, took himself in his hands, began with him without sharp movements, the bear sat down and fell. At this time, the grandmother began to move away from him, and he did not touch her.

She was a great worker and at work and at home. Everyone tried to help, raised my mother and my gratuitous. My grandmother - Bulkina Tatiana Alexandrovna is very grateful for her sensitive attitude towards her and her family, for their help and in general for the fact that she was in her life.

I am very glad that I had such a great-grandmother and proud of her. I am glad that my grandmother told me so much, I was very interested to know the story about her life, because I did not have time to see her. In many ways, with my great-grandmother you can take an example. I learned that in my family there are strong, courageous, dedicated people, about which I can tell.


In order to avoid dangerous situations when meeting a bear:

1. Whenever you see a bear, stop, keep calm and appreciate the situation. If the bear does not know about your presence, you can leave unnoticed, do it quietly, at the moment when the bear does not look in your direction. Carefully follow him. Go beside the bear by making a wide hook, or back back the same way what you came here. The most common situation is when the bear avoids meetings with you, and you do not suspect that it is nearby. The closer you turned out to be a bear when he discovered you, the most likely his defensive defensive reaction will arise.

2. If the bear moves towards you, make sure that its behavior does not change. Try not to look threatening, stop. Speak with a bear with a confident tone. It can calm him and help calm down you. Let me understand the bear that you are a man. If the bear can not recognize who you are, it can come closer or stand up on the hind paws to better consider or sniff. Standing bear with frauded paws usually shows curiosity, it is not dangerous. You can try to slowly move back diagonally, do not bring eye from the bear, but if the bear begins to follow you, stop and do not go from the spot.

3. Do not shout, and do not alter anything into the bear, protecting himself. It can provoke him to the attack.

4. Do not run! You will not be able to escape from the bear


Battle for Moscow (1941-1942)

The attack on Moscow was undertaken at the end of September, after the Wehrmacht's forces were able to break the resistance of the parts of the Red Army near Smolensky. In this offensive, more than half of the forces of the fascists were involved in the Soviet-German border were involved.

The task of the Center group was the implementation of the Typhoon plan. As a result, the Germans were able to fall deep into the rear of Soviet troops and surround the four armies under Vyazma and two - under Bryansk. Then more than 660 thousand Soviet soldiers came to the fascist captivity.

The Red Army had no reserves behind the front line. Only the heroic resistance of the Soviet troops made it possible to sow the forces of 28 German divisions. A lot of soldiers managed to escape from the environment. But, it gave time to organize the defense of Moscow. As a result, German troops managed to approach the capital at a distance of 20-30 km.

By the beginning of December 1941, the fascists took Khimki moving the channel Moscow - Volga. In the east, the troops of the Wehrmacht switched out and reached Kashira. The decision to evacuate enterprises and government agencies was adopted by GKO as early as October 8. The city switched to siege. In October, troops from the country's depths were deployed to Moscow. Focusing on the information received from intelligence that Japan does not want to enter into war from the USSR, the leadership decided to transfer troops from the Far East.

At this most difficult moment, the commander-in-chief western Front Appointed Zhukov GK. By the end of November 1941, the Germans managed to take a wedge. And on this, their further promotion was finally stopped. Advanced Germanic parts have lost the punching ability due to the fact that the front stretched. And the cold began the reason for the frequent failures of the technique. To conduct combat operations in such difficult weather conditions, the personnel of the Wehrmacht was not ready. The psychological pressure was enormous for the German soldiers and the heroism of people who defend their homeland. These two factors led to the fall of the combat spirit of the German troops, which became a serious miscalculation of German leadership.

The position of the Red Army remained extremely difficult. But, despite this, on the Red Square on November 7, 1941, a military parade was held, at which Stalin came with the patriotic speech. The troops from the Red Square went straight to the front. The parade made a huge impression on the USSR citizens.

The phrase spoken by Politruk V. Klochekov: "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind - Moscow" has become a real motto of defense. The Red Army latched the strikers of defensive battles.

During this time, it was possible to form three new armies. They were intended to strike in German troops at the moment when they are maximally exhausted. After that, at the suggestion of Zhukov, a transition was planned to counteroffensive. The main task set up to Soviet troops was the elimination of the threat of capturing Moscow. To fulfill it, it was necessary to break the shock groups of the Center "Center". Here summary planned by the Soviet leadership of the operation.

Battle for Moscow 1941-1942 Started on the night of December 5 on the 6th. A powerful counteroffensive has been made throughout the front. The beginning of the battle near Moscow and the active offensive of the Soviet troops became a surprise for the fascists. As a result, the enemy was discarded at 120-150 km. from the capital. Tver and Kaluga liberated in December. But, the most important value of the battle near Moscow is the refutation of the myth on the invincibility of the Wehrmacht's troops. The troops of the fascists for the first time suffered serious losses.

The results of the battle near Moscow inspired Soviet soldiers and the entire USSR people. It is worth noting that this battle was of great importance not only for the course of the Great Patriotic, but also the Second World War. The names of the heroes of the battle for Moscow remember today. This is Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Viktor Talalikhin, Timofey Lavrishchev, Vasily Klobkov and many others.

City Competition Multimedia Projects "The story of my family in the history of Russia"(Next Competition) is held by the city methodological center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow as part of the city festival of scientific and technical creativity of youth "Education. The science. Production" In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599 "On Measures for Implementation public Policy In the field of education and science, "Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 27, 2011 No. 450-PP" On approval of the state program of the city of Moscow "Development of the formation of the city of Moscow (" Metropolitan Education ")" for 2012-2018 "(Ed. from 08.04 .2015), Education Development Strategy in Russian Federation For the period up to 2025 (appliance. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 No. 996-R. Moscow).

The competition is aimed at forming and developing the interest of students to modern multimedia technologies, contributes to the construction of a system of interaction between the educational organization with family based on the study and maintenance of the best samples of family education, which is based on the traditions and continuity of generations.

Purpose: The involvement of schoolchildren and students in project activities that promotes the study of the historical and cultural heritage of their people, the basic national values \u200b\u200bof Russian society, universal values \u200b\u200bin the context of the formation of Russian civil identity.

The competition takes part projects performed by educational educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, in the following age categories:

  • students: 6-10 years old ( primary School), 11-13 years old, 14-18 years;
  • college students: 15-18 years old.

Design works are submitted in the following nominations:

  • "Family relic";
  • "Family tradition";
  • "Family Dynasty";
  • "Personality in the history of Russia";
  • "Family tree".

Competition is carried out from September 2017 to April 2018in three stages:

I. School stage of the competition

The school stage of the city competition is held in educational organizations in September-November 2017.

The educational organization conducts preliminary protection of projects, according to the results of which the best works are allowed to participate in the interdistrict stage of the city competition.
The decision to participate in the interdistrict stage of the city competition The author of the project accepts independently when school stage The educational organization does not hold.

II. Interdistrict stage competition

The interdistrict stage of the competition is carried out from 4 to 15 December 2017 In accordance with the schedule. The schedule is published September 25, 2017 on the site in the section Contests / History of my family in the history of Russia.

The author of the project on time from October 1 to November 25, 2017it is necessary through the personal account to register your work. Placing the project materials for participation in the interdistrict stage is not required.

III. City Stage Competition

Location: GBOU School № 498 (ul. folk, d. 11/2).

The award ceremony of winners and the winners of the competition will be held April 25, 2018 at 15:00 in GBPOU "Sparrow Mountains" (st. Kosygin, d. 17) at the final event of the urban festival of scientific and technical creativity of young people "Education. The science. Production".

about the city competition of multimedia projects
"The story of my family in the history of Russia"
As part of the Urban Festival of Scientific and Technical
creativity youth "Education. The science. Production"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation determines the conditions, the procedure for organizing and conducting the city competition of multimedia projects "The history of my family in the history of Russia" (hereinafter - the competition).

1.2. The competition is held by the city methodical center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow as part of the city festival of scientific and technical creativity of young people "Education. The science. Production "In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599" On measures for the implementation of state policy in the field of education and science ", by Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 27, 2011 No. 450-PP" On approval of the State Program of the city of Moscow "Development of the formation of the city of Moscow (" Metropolitan Education ")" for 2012-2018 "(Ed. Dated 04/08/2015), the strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 (app. Order orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 . № 996-P Moscow).

1.3. The competition is aimed at forming and developing the interest of students to modern multimedia technologies, contributes to the construction of a system of interaction between the educational organization with family based on the study and maintenance of the best samples of family education, which is based on the traditions and continuity of generations.

1.4. Participation in the competition is voluntary and means familiarizing and consent of the participants with this Regulation.
By registering the work on the competition, the participant agrees using the organizers of personal data, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The purpose and objectives of the competition

2.1. Purpose: The involvement of schoolchildren and students in project activities that promotes the study of the historical and cultural heritage of their people, the basic national values \u200b\u200bof Russian society, universal values \u200b\u200bin the context of the formation of Russian civil identity.

2.2. Tasks:

  • the admission of the younger generation to the study of family values \u200b\u200band traditions;
  • the formation of all-Russian identity on the basis of civil-patriotic and spiritual and moral education;
  • mastering modern multimedia technologies;
  • creating socially significant projects.

3. Competition participants

The competition takes part projects performed by educational educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, in the following age categories:

  • students: 6-10 years (elementary school), 11-13 years old, 14-18 years;
  • college students: 15-18 years old.

4. Competition nominations

Design works are submitted in the following nominations:
● "Family relic";
● "Family Tradition";
● "Family dynasty";
● "Personality in the history of Russia";
● "Genealogical Tree".

5. Stages of the competition

Competition is carried out from September 2017 to April 2018.

5.1. School stage of the competition

The school stage of the city competition is held in educational organizations in September-November 2017.

The educational organization conducts preliminary protection of projects, according to the results of which the best works are allowed to participate in the interdistrict stage of the city competition.
The decision to participate in the Interdistrict Stage of the City Competition The author of the project takes independently when the school stage is not held in the educational organization.

5.2. Interdistrict stage competition

The interdistrict stage of the competition is carried out from 4 to 15 December 2017 In accordance with the schedule. The schedule is published September 25, 2017 on the site in the section .

5.3. City Stage Competition

Location: GBOU School № 498 (ul. Folk, d. 11/2).

The award ceremony of winners and the winners of the competition will be held April 25, 2018 at 15:00 in GBPOU "Sparrow Mountains" (ul. Kosygin, d. 17) At the final event of the urban festival of scientific and technical creativity of youth "Education. The science. Production".

6. Procedure for the competition

6.1. The procedure for the interdistrict stage of the competition.

    • the project to the author through the personal account you need to register a project (see the instructions on the website in the section Contests / History of my family in the history of Russia);
    • in the absence of a personal account, the author of the project gets access to a personal account on the website of the city methodological center and registers the project (see the instructions on the website of in the section Contests / History of my family in the history of Russia).

For the accuracy of the information in the Personal Cabinet of the Competition, the project manager is responsible.

6.1.2. The interdistrict stage of the city competition is carried out with the assistance of inter-district boards of directors (MRSD) on basic sites in accordance with the schedule.

6.1.3. According to the results of the interdistrict stage of the competition, the Organizing Committee determines the passing score at the city stage of the competition and forms a list of its participants

6.1.4. The results of the interdistrict stage of the competition are published December 22, 2017 On the site of the city methodological center in the section Contests / History of my family in the history of Russia.

6.1.5. The project involved in the interdistrict stage of the competition is assigned the status of the "Participant of the Interdistrict Stage of the City Competition" The history of my family in the history of Russia. " The author (authors group) of the project receives a certificate in electronic form, which is placed in the Personal Account.

6.1.6. Each contestant with the same project can take part in the interdistrict stage of the competition only once.

6.2. The procedure for holding the city stage of the competition.

6.2.2. In the event of a change in the name of the project (after the inter-district stage of the competition), it is necessary to make amendments in the Personal Cabinet of the Contestant. The project manager must inform the contest coordinator for changes.

6.2.3. The results of the city stage of the competition are published March 30, 2018 On the site of the city methodological center in the section Contests / History of my family in the history of Russia.

6.2.4. According to the results of participation in the city stage of the competition, the project is assigned the status: "Winner" / "Vessel" / "Member".
The author of the project marked by the status "Winner / Correspondence of the City Competition" The history of my family in the history of Russia "receives a diploma at the final event of the city festival of scientific and technical creativity of young people" Education. The science. Production".

The electronic version of the certificate "A participant in the city competition" The history of my family in the history of Russia "is posted in the author's personal account (group of authors) of the project.

7. Requirements for the project

7.1. The title of the competitive project should not repeat the name of the competition / nomination.

7.2. The project submitted to the contest should contain information about the relatives of the contestant.

7.3. Individual and collective projects take part in the competition. The authors of the collective project are educational related relationships.

7.4. Project Manager are teachers, teachers, teachers additional education, Masters of production training and representatives of the parental public. The project management can exercise no more than two leaders.

7.5. The following requirements are presented to multimedia projects:
Format and expansion:

  • video: AVI, WMV, MPG, MOV, MKV, FLV, MP4;
  • animations: SWF;
  • presentations: PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PDF.
  • video, 3D projects - no more than 1 GB;
  • presentations - no more than 40 MB.

In case of non-compliance with the above requirements, the project protection is carried out on the computer of the contestant.

7.6. The contestant on the day of the competition should have backup Project on electronic media.

7.7. Project Protection Duration - up to 7 minutes, answers to the questions of the jury - no more than 3 minutes. Questions to the contestant can only ask members of the jury.

8. Project evaluation criteria

8.1. The project is estimated at the following criteria:

  • depth of the disclosure of the topic;
  • the relationship of the presented material with the history of the country;
  • use of modern multimedia technologies;
  • quality and aesthetics of the project execution;
  • culture of public speech (argument, logicality of the presentation).

Each criterion is estimated on a 5-point system.

9. Summing up the competition

9.1. The project status is determined in each age category.

9.2. The results of the competition are published on the website of the city methodological center in the section Competitions / History of my family in the history of Russia, with an indication of the educational organization and the name of the project, but without specifying personal data, as well as in the author's personal account.

9.3. The results of the competition are final, the appeal is not provided. The materials presented for the competition are not reviewed.

10. Organizing Committee Committee

10.1. The contest organizing committee performs the following functions:

  • decides on the procedure for holding the competition;
  • determines the conditions, deadlines, stages of the competition;
  • determines the criteria for evaluating the work;
  • determines the passing score at the city stage of the competition;
  • determines the number of points establishing the status of the "winner" / "medalist" / "Participant of the City Competition";
  • approves the composition of the jury of the competition;
  • organizes the registration of the participants of the competition;
  • exercises organizational and methodological support of the competition;
  • organizes the awarding of the winners and the medalists of the competition.

10.2. The Organizing Committee of the Competition reserves the right to change the date and venue of the interdistrict and city stages of the competition.

11. The procedure for the interaction of the Organizing Committee and MRSD

11.1. The head of the competition in coordination with the head of the MRSD determines the educational organization for the interdistrict stage of the competition.

11.2. The head of the educational organization, which is a base platform, appoints the responsible for organizing and conducting the interdistrict stage of the competition (hereinafter referring to a responsible performer), as well as interaction with the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

11.3. Responsible performer until September 20, 2017 Provides information coordinator information about the date, time and place of the interdistrict stage of the competition.

11.4. The contest coordinator provides the responsible performer access to the registration data of the participants in the interdistrict stage of the competition.

11.5. Responsible performer based on the data obtained:

  • forms groups of contest participants in age categories and nominations; distributes groups of participants in the audience competition (at the rate of no more than 12 people); forms assessment statements;
  • forms the composition of the jury of the interdistrict stage of the competition at the rate of at least 3 experts on the group of participants in the competition. The composition of the jury is formed from educational institutions, teachers of professional educational organizations, educational organizations higher education, representatives of public organizations.

11.6. The Organizing Committee of the Competition Consultations for responsible performers, members of the jury, project managers on the organization and holding of competitive events within the framework of the city festival "Education. The science. Production".

11.7. Upon completion of the interdistrict stage of the competition no later than December 19, 2017. The responsible performer sends a consolidated information on the participants with the contest coordinator, indicating the estimated points (EXCEL format) and the final protocol, certified by the head of the educational organization, which is a basic platform.

11.8. The organizing committee of the competition sums up the results of the interdistrict stage of the competition and publishes them on the website of the city methodological center in the section Contests / History of my family in the history of Russia.

Structure Organizational Committee Competition

  1. Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna - Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  2. Antonov Nikolai Viktorovich - Deputy Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  3. Krivosheeva Lyudmila Borisovna - Senior Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  4. Vagin Evgeny Aleksandrovich - Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  5. Karelina Svetlana Valerievna - Methodist of the city methodological center of the Moscow Department of Education;
  6. Lyashenko Svetlana Gennadievna - Methodist of the city methodical center of the Department of Education of Moscow;
  7. Montlevich Tatyana Alekseevna - Methodist of the city methodological center of the Department of Education of Moscow;
  8. Nikityuk Marina Alekseevna - Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  9. Puzatkin Oleg Viktorovich - Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  10. Sergeeva Elena Viktorovna - Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow;
  11. Sidorkina Olga Konstantinovna - Methodist of the city methodical center of the Department of Education of Moscow;
  12. Chernyak Tatyana Grigorievna - Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow.

Social partners

Regional public organization of support for veterans of the Military Service "Officer Club";
- Moscow City Public Organization of Pensioners, War Veterans, Labor, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies.

Latiable father's diary ...

Of all photos from the family archive, I especially are especially roads. On the first, on the left, was captured by my dad, quite young, in the form of a fighter of the railway troops of the Red Army, and on the second, right - a very young girl in the soldiers coin - my mother.

Father, Leonid Alekseevich Zelensky, was born in Ukraine, not far from Kiev. Graduated with a red diploma Kharkov Institute railway transport. He worked at the factory, then the main engineer of the railway station, and in 1941 he became the chairman of the collective farm "New Life" in the Kharkiv region.

The beginning of the war found his father when he visited his parents. There came the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office and his father, and his youngest brother. I have stored this agenda on which the father wrote a simple pencil: "All night went on foot, grookly to the thread, but managed to ask the draft item, not late."

Father got into the railway troops, his battalion built the road to Stalingrad, Kizlyar, Astrakhan, pulled Rails in Kalmyki ... In 1943, the young assistant of the platoon commander was in Kuban, in the village of Relo-Kuban. There lived with my parents my future mother, Lydia Kharitonovna Lotareva. She just finished school and recorded on the courses of radio robes to go to the front.

They seemed to be fate itself. Leonid ordered to gain employees for work with writers in the Army headquarters. Lydia graduated from the school with honors, wrote very competently, and she had a wonderful handwriting ... and my future parents met.

They were not separated until the very end of the war. In the Father's Diary there are records from the countries that they were freed from the enemy: Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Austria ... "Today, May 8, 1945, at 23.00 on the radio announced the end of the war. Universal babysitting and joy! " (from the father's diary). And the last papin "military" record: "On June 20 at 18.40 left Austria in the USSR !!!".

Dad demobilized at the end of 1946 in the rank of captain and received the position of head of the railway station. In the same year I was born, and in 1948 I had a brother Anatoly. The post-war life was very difficult. My childhood memories are connected with constant crossings, the father was often translated from one station to another. Accommodation we often got a miracle experienced bombing. I remember how to shone the moon in the ceiling in the ceiling and snow fell. And there was still constant hunger. Father's diary sheet: "I and Lida, Mom and Valya starve. Down to the hospital, the doctors said - from malnutrition. Commissal - heart dystrophy ... do I cut it? A family?".

Withstand! Mom and dad lived a long life, raised to their feet, learned us with my brother. Today, there are three grandson and three lips of my expensive parents on Earth. Thanks to all the participants of the war: both alive and left, for what we live in this light!

Valentina Zelenskaya, Art. Staroshrechbinovskaya Krasnodar Region

We are waiting for your letters!

1. Golubevsky Parish School of the West Siberian Training District st.Golubevskoye Jarkent County of the Semirechensk region. F. I-137 , 13 E.Khr., 1883-1912

2. Golubevsky Stali Board of the Semirechensky Cossack troops, art. Golubevskaya Jarkent district of the Semirechensk region F. I-128 , 78 units. XP., 1885-1917

3. F-738, op 1 "Collection of metric books of the Akmolin region."
F-738, OP.1. D. 36 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1900,1905,1912.
F-738, OP.1. D. 37 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1900,1903,1904,1906,1907.
F-738, OP.1. D. 38 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1902-1906.
F-738, OP.1. D. 39 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1908.
F-738, OP.1. D. 40 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1909-1910
F-738, OP.1. D. 41 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1911.
F-738, OP.1. D. 42 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1912.
F-738, OP.1. D. 43 Metric Book village Alekseevskoye, Akmola County, Cosmo Damianan Church. 1900-1913

F. I-39, OP.1 of the military board of the Semirechensky Cossack troops, 2854 units. xp 1868-1918

F. I-39, OP.1 Military Board of the Semirechen Cossack troops, 2854 units. xp 1868-1918
D.153 Correspondence with Static Atamans on the representation of the Cossack List Representations, 1894
D.163 Report of Stanic Atamans on Born, Dead, Marriages, 1895 - 1905
D.199 Alphabetical list of lower ranks for 1898g
D.208 Warning list of the Cossacks of the Terminal Part, 1899g.
D.212 Correspondence with Static Atamans on the view of the submarines of the Cossacks, 1900-1901
D.221 WORKER lists of officers and the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops and infantry regiments, 1901-1917.
D.226 List of Cossacks and horses belonging to them, 1902g.
D.248 Correspondence with Static Atamans on the representation of the Cossack List Lists for 1903
D.284 Lists of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops for 1905.
D.285 lists of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops for 1905.
D.286 Lists of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops for 1905.
D.337 Cossack lists presented for award 1906-1907
D.342 Correspondence with the military business rule of the Siberian Cossack troops ... (There are lists of Cossacks ...) 1907-1912.
D.380 petitions of peasants-immigrants Voronezh. lips. about the rank. They are in seven. Kaz.visko (there is a displacement list of peasants), 1909-1914.
D.473 List of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops 1909 - 1910.
D.474 List of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops 1909 - 1910.
D.475 List of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops 1909 - 1910.
D.476 List of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops 1909 - 1910.
D.477 List of the lower ranks of the Semirechensky Cossack troops 1909 - 1910.


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