All-Russian competition of young writers for children. Literary contests

All-Russian competition of young writers for children. Literary contests

There is a place for step forward. Now there are many writers, screenwriters and copywriters who have not yet managed to approve their positions in the creative environment. What to do if you do not have special education and promising dating, but at the same time you have already written one or two stories or script? Modern technologies help young and adult transsings to declare themselves. You do not need to write on the table and wait for a late assessment of your creativity. Understand how the texts are in demand, you can now.

Competition "City Legend" for fiction lovers

Participation and victory in the competition "City Legend" will provide the publication of the story in the collection of the club "Contact", which was created by fantasy lovers. The club's publication is sent to major libraries - so you can get, firstly, the official publication, secondly, fame in the circles of literature lovers. Each winner will send an instance of the collection by mail. There will be three prizes in the competition. Deadline March 15, prizes: publications and gift publishing houses.

Literary Prize "Electronic Letter"

Get a prestigious literary award is important, especially for a beginner writer. "Electronic letter" - a reward to which the contestants, downloaded their books (printed in the standard Word file) to the portal. The authoritative jury will evaluate the work, as part of which Denis Dragunsky, Dmitry Bykov, Andrei Vasilevsky, Natalia Kochetkova, Sergey Chonishvili, Natalia Lomykina.

Platform "Litres: Samizdat" will help earn those who have already written the book. Outside the competition you can upload your own works and track sales. The publisher will pay you a percentage that can achieve impressive sizes. Deadline March 15, prizes: literary premium, publication, percentage from the sale of books.

Grand for participation in the project "Transboundary journalism"

If you have conceived a bright research project, you have the opportunity to fully reimburse the costs and beautifully declare yourself. Bloggers, journalists and freelancers who are friends with the word can participate in the Grand Competition. While working on a project, participants will be united into a group and begin to create materials on acute and interesting topics relating to many countries (Russia, Baltic countries and Asia), their inhabitants and relevant events. Thus, participants using mentors will be able to create interesting materials and resolve the issue of further publication. Dedine March 4, prizes: payment of expenses, free mentoring, publication.

Learning in the summer media school in Prague

Thanks to the Boris Nemtsov Foundation, you can win free training with travel, accommodation and nutrition in Prague for 3 year old weeks. It is enough to go through two selection stages: the initial and Skype interview. All those who are interested in the right and interesting coverage of current events are invited to cooperate: bloggers, copywriters, journalists.

To participate, it is enough to schedule a project that experienced mentors will help you embody in Prague. Deadline April 1, prizes: free education, Shuttle service, accommodation, food and assistance in project implementation.

Russian Reporter magazine and Competition "I - Creator"

To participate in the "I-Creator" contest, it is necessary to prepare material about the heroes of our time, which occupy an active social position, are volunteers or simply come into dispute with injustice. The winners will be 6. Deadline on March 15. Each winner will receive a cash reward and popularity.

Publisher "Chivo" is looking for authors

For those writers who finished work on manuscript and do not know where to run with her, applying applications to the publishing house "Chivo". Just make sure the manuscript meets the requirements and send it to the address specified on the site. Deadline: During the year. In case of success, you are waiting for the official publication and earnings.

Literary Competition "Red Nose"

All those who appreciate humor and are ready to provide their work in prose or verses to the jury, - act right now. There is still time to select the works or write them from a clean sheet. Deadline March 25, 2018, prizes: diplomas, award and monetary reward.

Posted on By.

Actual literary contests for 2019 for experienced and beginner writers. Placed in accordance with Deadlands (dates, when the work is completed). The necessary information is indicated: nominations, age of participants, topics and genres, the amount of work taken.

The list of contests is regularly updated and replenished!

International Contests-2019

31.01. Annual international internet contest "Family Glory page.Works dedicated to wars and conflicts are accepted, pages from family history, internationalist compatriots, rear workers. This is a project for people of all ages and professions. Conditions: You need to register on the site.

15.03. Literary competition "History and legends." Everyone participates. Prizes: diplomas, gifts, for winners - publication. Send work to the address: There are requirements for registration. Genres: historical novel or story, epic, fairy tales, folklore, epic, ballads, odes, poems, vision, fiction, fantasy. Topics: "Sledge" (at the heart of the legend of the bold Bulgarian named blemish); "Sofrat".

31.03. Competition Short Story "From the Great to Funny." Participants: aged 14 years. Prizes: The winning stories sound on the radio "Gomel Plus" on Saturdays and Sundays at 18.15, the names of the winners are called weekly in the organizer's social groups. Radio broadcast on the Internet on the site

01.04. International competition of poetry. Humorian poetry is accepted. Participate who want no restrictions on age, nationality and citizenship - who writes on english language. Prizes: money, publication.

15.04. International literary contest of stories in the genre of fantasy XXII "span fantasy." Requirements for stories: in Russian; only fantasy (but in the broadest sense!); the size of 7,000 to 40,000 characters excluding spaces; Not previously published (including on the Internet).

20.06. International literary Competition "Petroglyph-2019". Purpose: Attract attention to the theme of the heritage of culture, literature, stories,
Architecture, north, natural wealth of the regions of the Republic of Karelia. Age: 18+. Works are accepted only by now living authors, in Russian. Each participant can send 1 prosaic work
A volume of up to 20,000 signs with spaces, in the nomination "Poetry" - no more than 7 works. Prizes: diplomas, memorable gifts, it is possible to publish in Almana "noon or" North "(Petrozavodsk). Participants are entitled to perform in one or more nominations. Competition nomination:

  • Poetry
  • Realistic prose (small artistic prose)
  • Fantastic prose (small artistic prose)

31.12. Programs newspaper "Litaratura and Mastaztva":

  • prograchi _ B. Mіkulіcha - for the nailed Publikatsya Costor of Propes on Staronians of the newspaper "LIM";
  • programmer ІMA A. Bachyla - for the nailed Phalichnaya Publikatsya at the Staronians of the newspaper "LIM";
  • berezkin Prize - for the best literary and critical publication.

Works on participation in the competition are taken in electronic form by the version of the newspaper "Literature and Art" (Lim_New@Mail.Ru) from January 1, 2019 with the notes of "Prose", "Poetry", "Critica". Information on the results of the competition will be printed in the newspaper "Literature and Art" no later than January 31, 2020

You can also see what are being held.

If you have not yet decided whether it will be useful to participate in contests, it may be useful.

P.S. Are you participating in literary contests? What do they give you? Share reflections. And I wish you, colleagues, lung keys and shock mice!

Do you have information about the literary contest for adults? Write me to e-mail:


    Oleg, if you do not have the opportunity to study in the Litin Institute, proceed on the principle of "learn from anyone and somehow." The main thing is your sincere desire and talent, but remember: the latter need to constantly develop. Read the classics, analyze, draw conclusions.

      • Svetlana, finding what was awarded the work that is weaker than yours, you will not experience pleasure. You will feel disappointment, bewilderment and indignation.

        • I have already passed it. But left everything on the conscience of the jury. Let them eat negative emotions, and not me. I do not worsen karma, but they should think about it. And no matter how hard they tried to cover the non-resident actions, conscience - she will not calmly sleep. So these are their problems, not mine.

          • "I do not worsen my karma, but they should think about them. And no matter how hard they try to cover the unacceptable deeds, conscience - she will not sleep calmly. "

            Svetlana, remorse of conscience will not torment the jury as long as they do not show his finger. It is necessary to criticize, and the criticism must be fair.

            "So these are their problems, not mine." Perhaps, therefore, talented authors have solid disappointments in contests. Everyone believes that the improper decision of the jury is not their problems. The jury also thinks that this is not his problem that it may draw a problem, therefore ignoramus, lazy and machinators come out with dry water. It will be quite another thing if we express a decisive protest. And if you still argue claims and unite, the jury will be forced to give up.

            • You know, Alexander, it was, but the time passed when I criticized, pointed out, suggested - even if it is true, with the knowledge of the case and with respect for the person. Now I adhere to the Council "Not Cause Good": if I do not ask for advice and review, I try to keep them with you. It does not always work, yes, but I try. The world is fair and early or late himself puts emphasis.
              Therefore, above and wrote someone what is most important for me - participation in the competition, because I see one of the options of self-development. And the victory is an excellent bonus, but not an end in itself.

              "Perhaps, therefore, talented authors have solid disappointments in contests. Everyone believes that the improper decision of the jury is not their problems. The jury also thinks ... "And in my opinion, any disappointment is not from the wrong decisions and not from anyone who thinks. In my opinion, disappointment occurs when the expectations do not match. Exit - cancel expectations that do not depend on us! What I am doing. Participation in the competition and self-development depend on me - participating (when it turns out), but the results depend on other people and circumstances (the jury and their opinion / experience / mood ..., more / less talented and successful authors and other things) - for these results We chase, I do not do rates on them. And there is no disappointment. But there is joy, if notice or win. 🙂

              But "dry out of the water", if there is no one, no one comes out, in this I have been convinced of life: everyone gets reality with their own hands. Another thing is that it is not always what it seems right and fair to us. Everything is so relative in the world!
              For example, you helped familiar - staged it to your company. He, choosing from poverty, began to destroy your company from within his negative. It seems you made a good deed - good. And it turned it by the collapse of your brainchild - bad ...

              I do not try to convince you, Alexander: Each of us lives with your experience, installations and other things. Just express an opinion. But I am glad to post it in response to your deployed smart comments. Thank you.

    • Tatiana, if we consider that artworks written "in the best traditions of Russian literature" are required, it is hardly a story-fantasy. Although you better follow the link to the site of the organizers and clarify this question from them.

  1. Maybe I try? In fact, my desire is only a victory. I could never afford to be somewhere whose backs. My story "Long Road Home" has already taken the souls and minds of many.
    Ilgiz Akhmetov

        • As for whom, Alexander. I have not decided to show my poems to other writers for a very long time. I needed a decent share of courage to decide for the first time and get them out of the table. And on the competition, where they will evaluate, compare, many are not solved to send their creations.
          As for the dispute with the jury - I do not see in this sense. You can, of course, express your opinion, tactfully and unobtrusively. But criticize ... they set the rules - they violate. And this, as I said, their problems. I will not torment me the conscience. :)

          • "At the competition, where they will evaluate, compare, many are not solved to send their creations." Their doubts are incomprehensible. For the fact that they will send works to the competition, do not shift anyone. And to write only in order to hide the manuscript to the table, meaningless. It's like a singer with an opera voice to perform in the dense forest. Just no one explains to people what's what.

            "As for the dispute with the jury - I do not see the point. You can, of course, express your opinion, tactfully and unobtrusively. But criticize ... they set the rules - they violate. " There is a single literary theory, which all experts must adhere to. If the jury violates the rules, you must declare it. If it does not know or deliberately does not indicate the criteria for the evaluation of artwork, it is necessary to make it so that he knew and indicated. The main thing is to speak publicly, and not in personal messages, to be as soon as possible and discard empty fears. Let me remind you of the words of director Sergei Bodrov: "The one for whom the truth is, that stronger."

            • I and doubts, and fears are understandable - because each of us has their own experience, and not always rainbow. Another thing is important to understand and recognize that there is this problem, and try to cope with it.
              As for the second paragraph ... I thought here: probably, this is a male thing - with a saber to rush into battle. I now prefer simply not to participate in contests that cause bewilderment, it is not clear that they seem unfair, etc. If everything was not participated, ignored - from my point of view, it would be the best protest. :)

    Svetlana, good afternoon! Tell me, please, my grandmother is 94 years old, she is a young prisoner, recorded his memories. I edited them, designed in a small brochure. I want these memories of the terrible years of the German captivity, they reached the reader. What competition, in your opinion, will suit. Grandma is very proud of his book, often reread and cries ... thanks

    • Olga, I do not know if there are contests where brochures are accepted. But in the form of an essay, you can send an annual international online contest "Family Glory page". As far as I know, they are printed by the work sent on their website. Try also send a manuscript to the Big Book National Prize. Later, a competition for the national award for humanism in the art "for the benefit of the world" is being held, where you can also send a manuscript.
      Remember that many contests can send manuscripts that have not previously published anywhere.
      You will receive more detailed information if you follow the relevant links on the links.
      If you are not interested in contests, and the goal is to give the world to the world of grandmother, you can publish it for free on Litres platforms or in Ridero.

      • A starting author to break through the "big book" is very difficult. If he does not have a book, you have to send a manuscript, and this can only be done in paper copies. Even if the printer stands at home, the costs of paint, paper, parcel (or even parcel) will follow. This amount will be checked that you do not want to participate in the competition. Add a real probability to lose to it, and you will understand that the sheepbank is probably not worth it. Even experienced writers cannot get to the "Big Book". Not surprising - there fight comes For millions, and the selection is quite tough.

        • Alexander, material expenses for the manuscript in 1-3 copies, in fact, are not so great. And if there is a goal, quite achievable. I used to not seek the causes, but to consider opportunities.
          In the "big book" I did not participate, there is no experience. But if I decided to send a manuscript there, I would simply take and sent it, and there be how it would be. Sheepbank may well cost the selection if you look at it under a different angle. I think what - you, Alexander, have already understood from my answers to your comments above.
          So, Olga, just choose contests, prepare the manuscript - and send. Your attention and effort will be enjoyed by your grandmother. Successes to you and grandmother!

          • "The material costs for a manuscript in 1-3 copies, in fact, are not so great." Svetlana, who is small, and to whom are great. The fact that Russian is good for the German - perfection. Before getting involved in a low-job case, you need to weigh your capabilities.

            "In the" big book "I did not participate, there is no such experience. But if I decided to send a manuscript there, I would just take and sent it, and there be as it would be. " If you are used to risk, please do not advise others. Many professional writers cannot even get into the Long List of this Prize. In addition to material expenses, the participant is waiting for another problem: the manuscript must recommend someone - as a rule, either a writer organization or a publisher.

            In my opinion, Olga should choose contests on which the authors and the works are not too high demands.

            • "If you are used to risk, please do not advise others."
              Alexander, if you are used to handing out the directions to the left and right, please do not specify me what to write. This is my right - to say what I think. And the right of a person is to do, as he considers it necessary. Everyone has their own head on shoulders. In addition, you do not need to distinguish what I said: I do not give advice at all. I asked me - I replied, as I thought it was necessary.
              This is me just respecting the personality of another person who communicate with. Because I have a similar one for your tone.
              As for the costs, I insist: print 1-3 copies of manuscripts - the costs are small for people who wish to keep their book in their hands and take it all possible for this. The same one who is used to cannuity and cripple, and pay - and all will find than being dissatisfied.
              In general, I am for the positive and for the position of the owner of life, not the victims. Therefore, I am looking for options, and not endlessly lay tears about unfulfilled dreams, a bad environment, foolish weather and that "I did not understand ... I did not recognize ..." Little money? Look for how to earn. Screaming them will definitely not add.

    I am writing the "bikes of Jora Mariupolsky" this is an expulsion anecdotal case taken from life. This genre is closest to me. He started in the "Priazovsky Worker" in the city of Mariupol. Printed in different publications. I would like to collect in the book. Himself to publish. Pension will not be offended. How to be - I can't do any mind!

    • Konstantin, try publishing a book in the electronic version. You have an electronic publishing house of Strelbitsky in Ukraine (my book "Nymph and Hooligan" was published there). But me, however, most liked the Russian Publisher Reader: It is easy to figure out what to make a book itself - completely free if knowledge and skills allow, and also to print, from 1 copy to "how much you want". At the same time printed books of excellent quality, I can argue, because Verified by own experience. True, the printed books have to pay, but, alas, charity is now a rare phenomenon, and as in my opinion, often even harmful. 🙂

      Konstantin, for some reason, it is impossible to get to your site: knocks out the error 404. So I removed the ulla of your blog.

      • The most important thing is to understand that the author is more important: to become a recognized writer or release a book, because "I want to read." For the first version, the Publishing House of Strelbitsky does not fit - there is a bad editor. If the author simply wants to fucked his pride, then any samizdat will be used. However, you need to be careful where they offer to sign a bluded content contract. So you can get into literary slavery or lose copyright.

        "For printed books you have to pay, but, alas, charity is now a rare phenomenon, and as in my opinion, often even harmful." Harmful phenomenon is when the author does not pay for his work, and when they are trying to pull out money from it, it's already rudeness. If you want to earn, share with the author, because he also spends time and strength, he also needs to live on something.

        • You are right in many ways, Alexander. As for charity, all the more: the writer itself, I know it. However, the "harmful" charity still happens: I saw books that do not just represent artistic or other values, but illiterate, "nothing" is on dear glossy paper. Here is such charity - continuous harm (I will not paint it). So those who want to help the author should still be met with the work in which he is going to invest money may be consulted with experts.

          • "However, the" harmful "charity still happens: I saw books that do not just represent artistic or other values, but illiterate. Here is such charity - continuous harm. So those who want to help the author should first get acquainted with the work in which he is going to invest money may consult with experts. " Svetlana, this is a well-known fact. Only the careless man will buy a suit without making sure that it can be worn. It happens differently: the sponsor gives money to the publication to a friend, a relative or the "necessary" person, and, instead of reading the manuscript, asks to give a book with an autograph. Approximately this falls any trash on the store counters. Or the grief writer pays his money, if, of course, he is rich.

            • Undoubtedly, Alexander. And this is also well-known facts. 🙂

            • Good evening!
              You raised, Svetlana, an important and difficult question. It is unlikely that I will answer it within one comment. In addition, if you write and edit Mastak, I haven't learned the book to sell books yet. Although I understand perfectly well that this today has become a pressing need. And learning.
              But I just do not advise you to fall into despair and cry: this condition does not help, but only hurts. Think for what and for whom do you write? I am writing because I can't not write - and in any case calmly. Because I know: I will write with any scenario, with sales or without.
              Publishers today are promoting the authors of the promoted. In beginners to invest risky: it is not known whether they will bring profit. Therefore, if you are not yet Daria Dontsova and not Sergey Lukyanenko, it is necessary to tune in to the self-level. And to quarrel the sleeves - work is to have a lot. Including, actively communicate with readers through the social network.
              Competitions are another good move, in vain you underestimate them. If your works are standing, they will notice them, sooner or later. And then it will be possible to go to the publisher: they say, won in such competitions, issued such books.
              But first of all, create a book promotion plan. For some reason, I am sure that you do not have it. However, as for me too. And so we do not earn up with you. 🙂
              By the way, I would be interested that you have for books, what is your name, author? Tell us about yourself in a letter to E-Male, about your work: I will publish your story and, for example, your story on this site. You look, someone else will pass through my site on the book page and buy it.
              We raised the topic, we will assume that we have not yet closed. I will also write about it, I will learn and share your experience. Want to try together? 🙂
              You, too, all the best, thesis, and in addition inspiration and big sales!

    The mystery of Genesis opens.
    Talented art people.
    Writer talent thinking.
    And the essence of the thoughts of the word.
    In art turn.
    Writer talent as revelations.
    In the sincerity of feelings in words.
    Talent Writer story in the novel.
    Beautiful gentle good words.

    I have a small question, as a person has no experience in competitions.
    When the author directs his work to the competition, can not lose his work after the competition is over and someone will take advantage of his work, but already from himself? After all, to track the fate of the work is impossible, and when it suddenly be published under a different name, then restore justice, most likely, will not be able to ... How to be, what can you advise?

    • The question of how to protect your work is always relevant. And, I understand it, I have a new topic for the post. 🙂 Thank you.
      As for your question (in order not to leave completely unanswered now), I will offer such options.
      1. Lay it on some of the sites on the Internet or publish in the press. But (!) - Not always, such works are taken to the competition. See the conditions carefully.
      2. Give to read the manuscript with several reeers (for the court it is quite wonderful witnesses - if you have to prove something). Ask them to write them in social networks or your blog reviews.
      3. You can also place an excerpt / excerpts from the work on the Internet sites: and the opinion will hear, and the authorship is fixing.

      • Thank you, Svetlana!
        The question about authorship is not simple. Can I use notary? Let's say I send my work to the contest with the mark "notarized", as a certain patent version. How important is it justified from your point of view?

        • Fedor, I'm not sure that the notaries provide similar services. But ask: if a lawyer takes it out such a document, I think you will sleep calmer.

          • An option with a notary is quite real and applicable. But the cheapest option is to send the printed text to my email address by registered letter with the description of the investment. Mail fixes the date. When you get an envelope, do not open it. If it comes to the court and determining the authorship, this is proof. The envelope is revealed in the lawsuit

            • Antonina, this is a very similar tip. Thank you.
              I'll take a note myself, I think, and those who come here for information, your advice can be useful. Moreover, yes, this option is cheaper than notary services. 🙂

    So, I sent my story to the contest ... now it remains only to wait. In justice, of course, we relieve weakly. But when read, I believe, everyone will receive a huge charge of patriotism, love for life and hope for this very justice.
    "Memory is not just a cold stone on God forgotten abandoned alley. This is a guide star in our heart ... "
    Ilgiz Akhmetov.

    • Ilgiz, you probably do not quite understand that I just give information about contests - with reference to the original sources, but I do not work in any of them. Therefore, it is unlikely that your ingenious creation is unknown, which you are unknown where sent.
      Be careful when you read other people's texts and collect information - it is your inattention that can cause is not enough. After all, it is important to start sending your texts to where it is necessary to comply with all the conditions. I wish you success.

    "Time passed when I criticized, pointed out, suggested - even if it is true, with knowledge of the case and with respect for the person." Svetlana, you just think that it passed. Unfair organizers and members of the jury of contests are calculated. There is no criticism - no and hassle, you can continue to donate the head in an inexperienced authors.

    "Now I adhere to the Council" Not Cause Good "." It's a delusion. Good appreciates at all times, and those who do not accept it are or fools, or ungrateful people.

    "The world is fair and sooner or later plays accents." The world is huge, but helpless, and no people will put any accents.

    "It is most important for me - participation in the competition, because I see one of the options of self-development. And the victory is an excellent bonus, but not an end in itself. " There will be no development if the jury encourages mediocre works, and the participants are silent like fish. This is a closed circle, not a development.

    "In my opinion, any disappointment is not from incorrect decisions and not from anyone who thinks. In my opinion, disappointment occurs when there are no expectations with the result. " Incorrect decisions, especially organizers or experts, all lead to a dead end. This shows the practice and proves logic, and naturally, that such a result generates disappointment.

    "Exit - cancel expectations that do not depend on us!". If we accept the competitive lawlessness, irresponsible organizers and the jury are finally encouraged

    "Self-development depends on me but the results depend on other people and circumstances." If the results are incorrect, it is necessary to report it. Today, one was mistaken, tomorrow - the other, the day after tomorrow - the fourth is mistaken, and then our world will turn into one big mistake.

    "For these results, I do not chase, I do not do rates." If you are participating in the competition, it already means that you want to achieve exactly the results, and good.

    "" Dry out of the water, "if there is no nobody, no one comes out, the life has been convinced more than once." I will tell you, on your own experience: the accumulating jury goes dry out of the water when no one says: "You are wet!".

    "Everyone gets his own reality to do it".

    "All about the world! For example, you helped familiar - staged it to your company. He, choosing from poverty, began to destroy your company from within his negative. It seems you made a good deed - good. And it turned it with the collapse of your child. " Well, here everything is very simple: if the employee does not cope with his tasks, it is either down in office, or dismiss.

    • I read everything with interest everything you write in my blog, Alexander. But the more I read, the more I understand it: we are with you on different waves. In such cases, it is difficult to come to a common opinion. Or impossible. Therefore, I suggest everyone with my opinion - with full respect for the opinions of the other. In my opinion, this is the perfect way out when the paintings of the world are completely different. 🙂
      I will answer only on this item: "If you are participating in the competition, it already means that you want to achieve precisely the results, and good."
      You are right, results, and good, I want to achieve. But they do not depend on the decision of the jury. First, the contests motivate writing - and to do this to a person who works all day with other people's texts, often difficult. Secondly, for me it is also a check "I can not,", especially if you have to write to new theme for me. Won, became a laureate - an excellent bonus. Because I have no disappointment. And still sure: if negative happens to me (I was deceived or insulted, for example) - it means that I somehow created a situation in which it became possible.
      By the way, when I felt the mistress of my life, such negative situations began to occur much less often. 🙂

    "Probably, this is a male business - with a saber to rush into battle." Svetlana, in such cases there is no separation for sexual sign. The main thing is attentiveness, knowledge and logic.

    "I now prefer simply do not participate in contests that cause bewilderment, it is not clear, seem unfair, etc.". You can not always understand what competition in front of you. I have already published here "Symptoms", which should cause alertness, but still the situation is finalized after summing up. Yes, and that if the works of winners are announced. IN otherwise, Compare your product is nothing with what, that is, it is impossible to make a comparative analysis, determine whether the awarded work is really better.

    "If everything was not participated, ignored - from my point of view, this would be the best protest." So that participants understand what is happening, will have to give an explanation. And if you just go to the proud silence, it will not help you or your colleagues.

    • The refereeing is subjective phenomenon: each person has its own experience, values, ideas, and so on. And it's just unreal to please everything, even if the jury tried to be as objective as possible. At least because the author himself is not always objective when it comes to his works.
      I had to work more than once with the authors, albeit not in contests, but one on one. Oh, what are different they are and what complex.
      And I myself am the author. And I conclude: you need to write, write. And time will put everything in its place.

    Svetlana, and from which contests will advise to start a child for 14 years. Son wants to become a screenwriter. B I want someone to look at his texts professionally. Issued a review. We like what he writes, but we are parents. We can not be objective.

    • Svetlana, unfortunately, can hardly help you with something. I choose exactly contests for adults, and not for children and adolescents. But I think, if googled, you can find such. You can also try to send a script for the monopoly contest "Monolith" (until 25.07) - it is in the list of this publication, you will follow the link to the site of the organizers: in this competition there are no age limits.
      As for the texts, they can also be shown to someone from writers, screenwriters, directorists: they quickly grab how the text is suitable. But best, while the boy is still too young, go to the district center of creativity with him, sign up to the corresponding circle or studio. You can also try to contact the editorial office of the local newspaper.
      I wish you success!

    • Svetlana, try sending your stories to the Competition "Dark Light Magic".

      Or does not necessarily contest, but just want to publish? You can on this my site. True, if the stories are really interesting and do not require large edits. If the edit is much - the editor is paid.

Contest position

about the regional literary competition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Rostov Regional Writer Organization.

"Steppe Flames"

The founders of the literary competition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Education of the Rostov Regional Writer Organization (hereinafter referred to as the competition) are the Rostov Regional Office of the Russian Union of Writers, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Rostov Region, the Committee on Youth Policy ZS RO and the Committee on Youth Public Chamber RO, as well as the Don State Public Library, MBC RG CBS.

A corporator or sponsor can be any organization that supports the goals and objectives of the competition.

1. General Provisions

1.1 This Regulation determines the conditions for the participation of authors in the literary competition, as well as the timing of its holding and the procedure for summarizing the results of the competition.

2. Objectives and objectives of the competition

2.1. Education in the younger generation of love for native land, native language and native culture;

2.2. Admission to literary creativity;

2.3. Acquaintance with the history and culture of Don by means of literary works;

2.4. Detection and promotion of talented young authors writing in Russian.

2.5. Promoting the works of members of the Rostov Regional Writer Organization;

2.6. Preservation and increase in the cultural and historical heritage of Russia;

2.7. Publication of works of the contest winners in the periodicals of the PRP.

2.8. The competition is held in three main and one additional nominations among the writers of two age groups: from 16 to 40 years and over 40 years.

3. Organizing Committee Competition.

Zimenko Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich - Chairman of the Organizing Committee;

Popova Antonina Anatolyevna - Secretary of the Organizing Committee.

4. The procedure and conditions of the competition

4.1. The competition is accepted by the work of all writers and writers living in the Russian Federation and abroad writing in Russian.

4.2. To participate in the competition, a participant's questionnaire must be submitted in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Regulation.

5. Requirements for the work of the participants of the competition.

5.1. Works are sent only by e-mail to the address: in the program "Word" without maquetting and archiving;

5.2. In the subject of the letter, be sure to indicate: "At the contest" Stepnaya Flames "

5.3. Works that do not meet the requirements of the Competition will not be considered;

5.4. The works presented to participate in the competition are not reviewed and the participants of the competition are not returned.

6.1. Competition is held in two age categories:

7. Competition nomination.

7.1. The competition is carried out in the same nominations in both age categories;

7.2. Nomination "Prose": 1 story or tale, or feuilleton - up to 20,000 signs with gaps;

7.3. Nomination "Poetry": 1 poem (any forms) - up to 40 lines taking into account spaces, or 1 poem, or 1 ballad, or 1 cycle of poems - up to 100 lines taking into account spaces; or 1 wreath of sonnets

7.4. Nomination "Publicistics": 1 essay, or 1 essay, or 1 review, or 1 literary article - up to 10,000 characters taking into account spaces;

7.5. Topics of competitive works are free;

7.6. Additional nomination on a given topic: Work about the Don writer. Genre is free.

Prose - up to 20,000 characters taking into account spaces;

Publicistics - up to 10,000 characters taking into account spaces;

Poetry: 1 poem (any forms) - up to 40 lines taking into account spaces, or

1 poem, or 1 ballad, or 1 cycle of poems - up to 100 lines taking into account spaces, or 1 sonnet wreath;

7.7. Only one holistic work is accepted from one contestant and only in one nomination. Excerpts from the works will not be considered. The works of the authors who violate these requirements will not be considered.

8. Timing of the competition.

9. Additional contest conditions.

9.1. An assessment of the work and summing up the competition is carried out by the jury of the competition;

9.2. The work of the participants is assessed by members of the jury of the competition on a ten-point scale. Works that have been evaluated below seven points, prizes do not occupy;

9.3. The work of the participants is estimated by the release of the average score in five estimates of the members of the jury of the competition, which includes representatives of the Rostov Regional Office of the Union of Writers of Russia;

9.4. Summing up the competition and the award ceremony will be held on days to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Rostov Regional Writer Organization (October 2018);

9.5. The winners of the competition can be adopted in candidates or members of the Russian Writers' Union, according to the President of the Jury and the Chairman of the Competition Organizing Committee.

10.Semonia awarding the winners of the competition

10.1. According to the results of the competition, each nomination is awarded:

a) the title of the winner of the competition for the first place with awarding a degree diploma and a valuable gift;

b) the title of a diploma of the competition for the 2nd and 3rd place with awarding diploma II or III degree and valuable gifts

10.2 The jury has the right to establish additional incentive prizes.

Attachment 1

Application of the participant of the literary contest "Stepnaya Plobochi", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the formation of the formation of the Rostov Regional Writer Organization.

FULL NAME OF THE COMPETITION ______________________________________

Competitive Nomination __________________________________________

Title name _____________________________________

Date of Birth ________________________________________________

Place of residence (city, district) _________________________________

Place of work, position ________________________________________

Address email, telephone _______________________________

5th International Poethemical Competition

Moscow branch of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts "Russia, before your name ..."

The organizer of the competition is the section "Literature" Mo Pani.
The purpose of the competition is to identify gifted poets, the continuers of the best traditions of Russian literature.

Participants in the contest - citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as far abroad. The age of the participants of the competition is not limited.
Topics for works: landscape, love lyrics, civilian poetry.

The jury will pay special attention to the works in which the authors concern the topic of preserving the Russian cultural heritage.
Requirements for paperwork:

in one letter send all materials (not archive) in separate files:

First file: mini-resume free form ( short biography) With the name of the name, name, patronymic, age, place of residence, address for feedback (if postal, then with the index), phones (if domestic - with the city code).

The second file: small form - 2 works (2 pages of A4 format), large genres - 1 job (up to 5 pages). File call last name

The third file: a photo portrait of no more than 600 kb.

Work sent to the competition and decorated without complying with these requirements will not be considered. This will not be sent to the authors of the message.

In the subject of the letter to write the name and city.

Chairman of the jury - Vlad Krasnoyarsky (Kuznetsov Vladimir Semenovich), Poet, Professor Pani, Valid Member of Pani, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Head of Section "Literature" Mo Pani
Jury members:

Yuri Bogdanov, Poet, Valid Member of Pani,

Ivan Golubychy, Poet, Valid Member of Pani, Chief Editor of the Moscow Writer newspaper,

Lyudmila Grafova, Poet, Professor Pani, Valid Member of Pani, Translator,

Galina Zelenkina, Poet, Professor Pani, Valid Member of Pani, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia,

Natalia Rodionova,poet, Valid Member of Pani, Project Manager "Moscow Poetic ",

Lyudmila Ponutinko, a valid member of Pani, head of Pabis IIAP.

Winner's reward ceremony:

Grand Prix - cash premium, diploma Mo Pani,

The 1st place is a diploma of Pani, the books of members of the jury with the author's inscriptions.
2nd place - Diploma Pani, Invitation to the performances of Tetra Commonwealth of Taganka Actors

3rd place - grades of pan.

Possible awards with special diplomas. Diplomas and diplomas winners from all cities of Russia and abroad are sent in electronic form. Awards arrived at the awards ceremony personally.

The award ceremony will be held at the meeting of academics in November 2018 in the library number 6 named after V.V. Veresaeva (a place can be changed).

"New voices of Russian poetry"

Will change so much and collapse,
There will be new voices,
But the literature is the Great Russian
Never turn the sail.
From the poem Eugene
Evtushenko "Sails" (1969)

The main goal of the competition: The development of Russian language and Russian-speaking poetry as a unique phenomenon of world culture.

The main tasks of the competition:
expanding the geography of authors writing in Russian; Support and promoting the creative growth of Russian-speaking poets;
development and strengthening of cultural ties between Russia, near and far abroad;
creating a single international contestable space;
Identify the main directions and innovations in modern Russian-speaking poetic discourse.

Competition organizers:
Production Center "Mediastar" (Moscow) and the International Creative Association "Eurasian Cultural Initiative".

Supported by:
Eurasian Organization of Economic Cooperation (EOOP),
Publishing House "Open World",
All-Russian newspaper "Modern School of Russia".

The authors of any age can take part in the competition, regardless of the country of residence, writing in Russian and possessing copyrighted and exclusive rights to sent works.
All information about the competition is posted on the official website of the contest: (hereinafter - the site), as well as on the official pages of the competition in the social networks "Facebook" ( and "VKontakte" (
The author must send an application (see the application form on the contest website) to the email address: either on the postal address: the Russian Federation, 107023, Moscow, ul. Small Semenovskaya 11/2 page, CJSC "Open World" CJSC until October 15, 2017.

The application must indicate:
Real surname, name and patronymic of the contestant. If desired, the pseudonym may be indicated in brackets, under which the author publishes its works;
place of residence;
phone and email address for operational communication;
photography of the contestant;
summary information about the author in arbitrary form;
One file with copyright or works in the amount of no more than 3, total from 8 to 80 lines, in Russian, in Doc, DOCX, TXT format. The name of the file should be in Russian and contain the name, the name of the author and the creative pseudonym, if it is.

To the application sent to the postal address of the organizing committee, it is necessary to attach a manuscript or a printout of A4 format with copyright or works in the amount of no more than 3, a total of 8 to 80 lines, in Russian, indicating at the beginning of the name, surname and creative pseudonym (if he is) author.
By applying the application, the author agrees with the fact that it has exceptional rights to the assigned works. All the filed files must be entitled by the name and surname of the author. It is recommended to do this: "Ivanov I.I. _ (Name of poem / first line poem) »

The jury of the competition includes:
Valery Krasnopolsky - Russian poet and publisher;
Valentin Gaft. - People's Artist of the RSFSR, Poet;
Valery Sautkin - Poet songwriter;
Lev Yakovlev - poet and playwright;
Anatoly Kohan - chief editor of the All-Russian newspaper "Modern School of Russia", Professor;
Tatyana Medvedev - Executive Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Culture, Candidate of Science, Poets.
Prizes The winners of the competition will be awarded on December 9, 2017. On the Gala-concert of the International Cultural Forum "Eurasian Cultural Initiative".

Winners (participants who took 1.2 and 3rd place) of the competition will receive:
Diploma of the winner of the competition,
Certificate for publishing the book of poems of the winner of the competition,
The possibility of participation in the cultural program of the International Cultural Forum "Eurasian Cultural Initiative" - \u200b\u200b2017,
Interview on the TV channel "Open Eurasia",

Booklet competition with autographs of all members of the jury,
- Organization of arrival (arrival) to Moscow for non-resident and foreign winners of the competition for the final competition

Laureates, as well as the winner in the nomination "Prize of reader sympathy" will receive:
The diploma of the laureate of the competition,
Memorial prizes from partners and sponsors of the competition,
Booklet competition with autographs of all members of the jury.
In addition, the owner of the prize reader sympathy will receive a laptop from one of the contest sponsors.
Evgeny Yevtushenko was the last of the Great Pleiads of the Sixtiets poets, which were collecting stadiums to their speeches.
They will be studied as a phenomenon, this discharge company of talents, for some reason, they grunted exactly then during the period of thaw.
How could these several people make millions do not even listen to even, and wrapped with them written, and why did these lines changed life and fate?
From the sixties will forever remain echo. The fact of their occurrence and significance is absolutely contrary to everything that could somehow explain the "stroke of history". They were impossible in a Soviet country, but they took place as hardly the brightest page.
I ranked with my strange, angular, but always under the ribs by the rhymers Andrei Voznesensky.
I did not read, and almost sang our poems strange, from another dough stuck, piercing Bella Ahmadulin.
The soul of the seeming simplicity of amazingly deep Robert Christmas.
Understood into other worlds, mounted lines of Bulat Okudzhava.
And Evtushenko ... He as if he absorbed the wing to itself from everything that was in the sixties.
Such different lines written by him in different years.
Therefore, it, both heard, and scolded, as we wore on their hands, so they poured.
With him, the amazing era went together. No one left. Point!
His line: "If Russia is, then I will and I" know anyone.
But the line ended, cut into and - empty ...


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