Install protank mods 9.15 1. Reinstall protank modpack extended version for wot

Install protank mods 9.15 1. Reinstall protank modpack extended version for wot

Fixed freeze when entering the hangar
Mod updates Trap icons in battle
The display of tokens has been corrected
Corrections for a number of other bugs

Forward renovation:

Updates XVM to 7.8.2
Donation of a hangar for the honor of February 23
Added the function of turning on the speedometer in wheel tanks
Mod updates to the glance armor
Updated panel damage


If you choose a mod for 3 views, then you must update the modpack (there are shoals there).

The decal of new tanks has been added to the Skins Estet.

Updates XVM (Dodana statistics by Tab).
Mod updates for 3 views.
There are new skins.

Deviz tsiy multipack maximum fps. At tsyu zbirku uvіyshlo great number new mods, good news, and new items. The collection is constantly updated and completed. Skin gravets in the whole modpack know for yourself a new mod, as it will not be a fps problem.

Show / Prikhovati

Target from ProTank

Standard sight with reload timer. The sight is a classic view + a reload timer. Aim for quiet, hto do not like cardinal changes.
vibir- aim to achieve the minimum, showing the hour of reloading and your performance.
vibir Desertoda- even after the great size of the sight, I can animate reloading, showing the reloading hour and the supply of power in the units.

commander's camera- Allowing to marvel on the battlefield from the height of a bird's-eye.
horizontal stabilization- to see the delivery of the letter after the building, aiming at the point of the building to be re-produced.
bagatorazny zoom- increase in sniper mode x 2,4,6,8, 16, 20
- switch to sniper mode only on the onslaught of the key shift
Vidalennya blackout in sniper mode- I saw the black ones around the edges of the screen in sniper mode.
Increase robotic light bulbs up to 10 seconds

  1. Automatic cola will look around - it will appear in front of your eyes, all additional modules and perks are taken into account, if you want to add the maximum amount of time to your building.
  2. To add a square of 1000 m - to add a square of the maximum view of tanks.
  3. Dodati a pointer - a pointer to showє, kudi is directed to your line.
  4. Dodati sight art-sau - showing kudi at a time exactly on your line on the map.
  5. Turn on the additional minicart - now, behind the additional ctrl key, the minicard will be added to the center of the screen.
  6. Add indicator to register in wukh:
  • greenery thief of manifestations
  • the red enemy is missing
  • Syriy the adversary does not appear

7. Stopping the enemy on the mini map, showing where the enemy is straightened, so that we are in your possession, the mod will not be fenced off.

Markery XVM over technology

Configuring markers from ProTanki - bad luck, attack and attack badges.
Dodati nicki ally - add in markers over the tanks of Niki ally. Korisno in clan and company battles.
Nalashtuvannya for color slime - changing color markers from people with colossal slaptoy.

Log of the inflicted shkodi

- Sumarny Shkodi - showing the skіlks was played on the occasion і zavadali Shkodi.
- the report log of the shkodi, showing by whom and the skelts you put the shkodi, where the list is pererahuvannya, a maximum of five rows.
Smuzhka xp in wooh

  1. Smuzhka xp vseredin_ wuh, You will get a smuggle of xp all-around vuh for all imaginable tanks, you can use the fps or the appearance of mikrolagiv.
  2. Smuzhka xp call wuh, You will receive a smuggle xp call vuh for all imaginable tanks, you can use the FPS or the appearance of microlags.

Information panel:

  • only reload and look around, when aimed at the enemy, only look around and reload hour,
  • The standard configuration shows only basic information about the enemy's tank.
  • with hit timer, to appear not only straight, the stars led the fire on you, ale and a timer for a hundred hours otrimannya shkodi.
  • for color slips- a mod to replace the color of the standard marker on the color, which is suitable for people with a small amount of time.
  • wide arrow- mod replace the standard arrow with a wide red arrow.

Debug Panel

standard- show ping in battle more.
Number of slips- for people with colossal slit

Ushkodzhen Modpack Panels from ProTank

- fast new interface of the panel. Vaughn has been transformed into a colo, the hp of the tank is located at the bottom in the middle of the screen, if the tank is removed, there will be a list of how your tank has been sent and what kind of shell it is, kindly go with the OverCross sight.
- standard panel, slightly expanded functional. Timer for repairing a single module, spilling over time, and for a person who lost and information about those, having given you a little time, a reload timer attacking you, the enemy, and even more about it.
Ushkodzhen Vid Gambiter panel for color slips- for people with colossal slit
- the panel has been reorganized into a number, ale of the last change of the given panel, in that, when the ctrl key is jammed, you are instructed to show off the modules with the aim, and by pressing the cursor onto the required module, you must show the panel without a good reason. Information about shooters.
Ushkojen DamagePanel- it's a standard view, like the sound of the bachiti from the gully of the rejected loss and information about the shooters.

Mini Custom DamagePanel- a minimalist viglyad from the gully of the rejected loss and report information about the shooters.
Mini panel Ushkodzhen -minimalisticheskaya panel with a clear-cut interface, the panel showing kodi otrimations. good to go for monitors with low permission.

Panel made by BioNick- the panel for the speedometer display, control when blocking the track, animation when the tracks are turned off, plus the log of the discarded shkodi.

Sumarne number of hp teams
The standard config is a mod that will show a total number of xp missions of commands, data about the enemy will be embedded in the world of detecting opponents.
Config Armagomenn - indicator of the indicator with a number of HP commands.

Radial menu (command trojan)
1. Configuring from ProTanki - the commanders replaced the tank jargon with more bi-movity.
2. Standard configuration - may not appear as standard.

Zovnishniy viglyad Wot

Enable camouflage and writing, I turn on camouflage and take away all letters and badges

Bili tanks, wagons, caterpillars- mod to rob the corpses of tanks and cars white color for a shorter visibility, when the caterpillar is hitting, the tank won’t get old, but it can be seen even better at a great distance and allowing the shooter to immediately translate it on the wrong track.
Follow the tank alone- the time of day on the tank is indicated by the color points of the worm-name probitty, the green one is not probitty.

Color icons of tanks

1. Color icons of tanks from ProTanki- Daniy mods to store icons for lt in green colors, and in golden st.
2. Colored icons of tanks from Jimbo- mod zabarvlyuє all icons, lt - zhovtiy, tt - golden, st-green, pt-blue, art-saucervony.

Replace the Shoste badge afterwards
light bulb Sonechko
Bombarduvannya light bulb
Light Bulb Yaskrava Light Bulb
light bulb Radar
Light Bulb Chrest and Skull
light bulb shark
Deer light bulb to follow you
Light Bulb Eye of Sauron

contour skins

100% Contour skins. povnotsіnnі skins with zones probittya

50% Contour skins. skins for weak computers. skins with squeezed textures. not all tanks are presented.

Automatic assistant LBZ, MA three modes of robots:

  • tame- the most active zavdannya
  • Shvidky- pass zavdannya without additional minds
  • Walking through with a sign- go only with a visit

Hangar replay manager- now you can directly in the hangar view your recordings of battles and viclades on the website
WG Social- You can visit the results of your battles on Facebook and Contact.

Adjustment of visual effects

Preloading battle sounds. lower podlagivanie
Turn on fog on all maps
Enable emblems on tanks. tidying up pidvisannya in battle.
turn on hmari
Turning on Dima from killed tanks
Turn on dim and fire for building
Enable vibuhu tank effect
Activate the effect of the projectile vibuhu. The effect of hitting the tank
Turn on the tree
Connect dim from swirl pipes
If you have a weak computer, then, having connected all the functions, you will immediately connect them to load on your computer and you will need FPS.

Installing mods from ProTanki:

  1. download the file
  2. Run the installer and select the mod if you want to install it.

Zahist vid pozhkojen client at victorian earlier Wot Tweaker;
- Making a backup (backup copy) of your mods;
-Cleaning the client from the old mods;
-Graphical preview of mods, report description of mods.
Audio preview for sound mods;
-Great number of mods for vibration;
-Exclusive hand-made mods;
-Deviz MULTIPACK: "Maximum FPS";
-Downloading "important" mods from the framing right before the hour of installing the mods;
-Graphic settings of the client gri;
-Launcher -optimizer for new versions of mods and increasing FPS in grі.

Threes about Pro Tanki

Let's talk about the Pro Tanki channels and the th author Yusha. Yusha's real life as a state servant, and in conjunction with the tsim, it is impossible to expand and expand about his specialty, but sometimes we still know about it. The sound of yogo Yuriy, circa 1984 rock folk, maє 2 vischі osvіti(Academy of State Anti-Fire Service of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Name of Lomonosov), to engage in science in the field of safety and order of people (safety of people in life, safety of places). Krim tanks are in the middle of a flood, for example, a snowboard, but still a commander of a paintball commander. Yak, after all, having spent some time in Svit Tanks? At the groves, having spent a lot of time, here at 2010, they clicked on a fan resource. The first clan admission to the winners of the "Mitsubishi Lancer Club" (in which all came from the Lancer club, to the new yakraz and having polished at that time Yusha), along with the top clan "Psihy-By". Glory vodil to new came to the head of the clan of Tuziv, then and then they got to know about the Pro Tanki channel. Some of the videos were watched on the other channels, and then also on the Pro Tanki channels. The Tuzov front-planners, who were interested in the work of the author of "Yusha", quietly started to subscribe to the Pro Tanki channel, a few thousand, maybe 2000, 3000, and since the figure of 10,000 front-boards showed a turning point. Buv a ricky strip of up to 30 thousand, another of a strip of up to 60 thousand, and in a bag exceeded 100 thousand. Yak it seems that the car of the bullet was fired and it was already gone. The structure of the channel is simple, є a number of headings, but the main idea of ​​the channel is to help people grab into tanks and as much as possible to help. Most of the people in front of the channel are over 20 years old, and the majority of them are over thirty. Having reached the popularity of "Pro Tanki", we helped to develop new talented vododil (for example AnnetNova, Commentator Here), vikladeyuchi їх video in our VKontakte group. Yak appeared on the light one of the most popular mods? Nichogo unwitting! Vipusti vlasnu zbіrku mods' appeared if they wanted to ask її front-plates, from a collection of nothing special in them і imagined just an archive of mods. Then we started to ask, how would it be good to remember it, remember it there and todi Pro Tanki zrozumiv, so it would be good, so would it be good, then it would be good to remember it. First robots, in principle, were never seen from modpacks by their authors. You can tell a story, scho on the cob of wine orinuvavsya according to the template of Jova's yak. However, later on, they started asking for chips, but the picture was displayed if it was pointing at the mod, so the text descriptions were present. The creation of the Pro Tanki multipack has become more and more sophisticated, adding uniqueness and becoming one of the most popular and most popular modpacks in the group.

PROTANKI - TOTAL CYLA TEAM Z gravtsiv World of Tanks, development and testing. YouTube PROTANKS - not only development videos, but also basic materials - guides and look around, and also - a ringing bell with corystuvachi and negotiation of mods. All at once, allowing the gravitates to proponate one of the most powerful modpacks - for the proud PROTanki.

Vidmіtna of rice zbіrki modіv vіd PROtankі 1.6.0 - specially crafted installer of modpack. The development team went to the right, for which the installer could not only install the checklist, but also clear the client greetings, get the FPS in battle, save the old adjustments, etc. The very mods for installation can be vibrated to your own taste, or take the familiar bugger on the video from Youtube PROTank the configuration of the "Yak at Yushi" mods, or install the config without lowering the FPS.

It is also the original knowledge є "Mod Center" in the World of Tanks hangar, through which you can set up more mods from the download, without the need to go from the grid and restart the client.

More details about the installer interface and the basic version of the modpack - in the video from the author of the download:

Extended version of the protank modpack:

New mods in zbirtsi vid Protanki 1.6.0

In the hangar of mods for autoinstallation of great possession - a masking net, a stereo tube, a box with tools.

Pratsyuє mod the next rank - after the cob one-time installation I will hand, the configuration of the tank will automatically be saved, and when the combat vehicle is re-vibrated in the carousel of tanks, the possession, you know how to turn on your own place from the tank.

Color icons from Slon1973

Replace the standard images of tanks in the information panels and cool screens in the battle on the bright color icons: green - lt, zhovti - medium tanks, sіri - important tanks, blue - pt-sailers, rzevі - arty.

Eyepieces of the teams in the rakhunki panel

In the modpack, from the PROTANCY xp commands in the rakhunku panel, they show not only the indicator of total power, but the number of the applied shkodi, the number of builds from the punches and the rejection of the medal "Main caliber" in the flow.

Original dispenser of tanked shkodi

Tsey duzhe cinnamon for important tanks The mod in the modpack is a PROTANCY of complete reorganization and to take revenge not only on the backward number of the shkodi damaged by the armor, but on the indicator of minds on the "Steel wall". Mod will be set up through the "Mod Center".

Mod dossagnen in battle

I will show the shells over the panel in the mountains and take them out for the battle bags. For example, "Scythe of Death", "Staleva Stina", "Impenetrable", etc.

"Skins of the natural"

Chi is not a novelty, ale tezh important mod, like varto zgadati okremo. The "skins of the natural" modpack from the PROTank - not the texture of the penetration, which can only be seen in battle when aiming at the tank of an ally or an adversary.

Zbirka from PROTank has been expanded

The current version of the collection is updated to see the fashion of expanded statistics on the basis of XVM, which can be adjusted through the "Mod Center" from PROTank. Also, in the expansion of the space, the statistics of the effectiveness of the very itself is active, which is applied to "non-popular" fashions and that of fences before the launch and jumping through the official website of Wargaming.

Dodatkovo up to the XVM statistics, with the expanded collection, you can install the WN8 detector in battle, which will show your current result and an indicator of how beautifully you are playing a battle.

Zbirka warehouse

Zbіrka nastіlki ob'єmna, scho vibyr mods for setting the partitions for 8 crocs, do not work out the stages of optimizing and cleaning the client gri.


At the zbirku from the PROTANCY to the end of all the skil-some popular sights:

  • Standard scope with reload timer
  • "Vibir Jova" - OverCross.
  • "Vibir Desertoda" based on OverCross.
  • "Vibir Murazora" - sight J1mb0.
  • "Korean sight" Deegie Sight.
  • MeltyMap's MathMod.
  • "Vibir Spalakhi" from AtotIk.
  • "Sword of Damocles".
  • Taipan performances in two versions.
  • "Vibir ProTanki" - Minimalistic sights.
  • "Historical sight" HARDscope.
  • Sight Marsoff.
  • Sight Warplanes.
  • Sight "Thor's Hammer" -Myolnir.
  • Sight "Harpoon".
  • Strict aim from Andre___v
  • aim Valuhov
  • Sight Octagon Mod

Set be-like them on your savor.

cola vіdomosі

Number of views, or simply "development" - a graphical indicator of the stabilization of the tank when targeted. Chim colo more - it will be more accurate to build in the given moment and it will be more accurate to miss, for it will not be needed for the enemy's armor. The informativeness of the whole element of the game interface is even more important, so in the multipack from the PROTank you can vibrate to install one of 14 types of the different targets. A skin option for installing screen shots in battle.

Additional artillery sightings and cola types for art sau

Do not be astonished at those who, on the sights of "" the theme of the choice of sights for the artillery can be closed, the author of the multipack from the PROTANCES and in the whole vipad use the principle of "what is more, is more beautiful." Krim Damoclovim of the Sword, the list includes more than 13 art projects and 10 variants of cola types. It is recommended to put the Damocles sword with stakes at once in order to advance the shooting on the collar and not to hammer in your head.

Complex mod P-MOD

A rare representative of the category of complex mods, P-MOD allows you to add a lot of changes and changes to the tune of fine tuning. All the functions of the mod in the installer of the collection are shown in PROTANCES without explanations and screenshots, it is worthwhile. It is highly recommended to pay respect to the inclusion of "dynamic effects" of the camera (shaking when building, shaking when hitting on your tank, etc.) and on post-battle statistics, as you can show the yak in the "center" in the hangar, so - in chat.

Complex mod XVM

"Korisny Boyovi Modi"

Mods got into the whole lot, which can be easily brought to the other categories. Price - versatile and not even polish, for example - Safeshot mod or antispam in battle chat. I especially respect in a whole lot of radios to turn on the indicator of the best enemy - in the corner of the corysna ric, literally "eyes on the potilitsi".

boyovy interface

The development of the combat interface modification is to take revenge on the mod, to control the serious inflow for the success of the grave in battle as a whole. Price markers directly to the shelling of your tank, the panels of the ears from the ridge beam, directly to the opponents on the mini-cards, etc. Obov'yazkovі prior to installation of a zygo razdіlu - kuti horizontal guidance and damage panel from the Gambiter from the beam of the trimmed shkodi.

"The beauty of the reception"

Here we select mods, as they introduce visual changes into the objects on the battle locations and in the game objects - probit skins, white wagons, color decals, etc.

hangarny modi

The development is no worse than the corny modification of the zagalny character, like a vertical tree, the development of tanks at the tabs of the previous technology of new nations. Unambiguously, let's be honest about the problem, you can call out of fashion the joke of the sovzvodnykh on the site 3WOT will increase the analogy to that of the century.

sound mods

Various options for sounding sound and sound modes on the edge of the platform in the range of selected in a whole lot. Mod, which is insanely varto to get up - "cry of the cry" in case of a critical malfunction of the internal module of the enemy's tank, or a contusion of a member of the emergency.

modi hangar_v

A whole lot of razdіl is possible to cheat with "hangar mods" - here we select the options for replacing the standard base or premium hangar of World of Tanks for more tsikave or corisne. "Minimalistic hangar" to spare you a hundred part of the system resources of the game computer and the FPS in battle. Svyatkov's or thematic hangars can be set up for versatility, as a substitute for the snail.

The price of the most beautiful collection for the current WoT day, welcome to the satisfaction of the most popular tankies.

In the modpack version 1.4.1, the smallest mods have been removed, as they clicked for the change, the efficiency of the gravity and the urgency of the gameplay. Modi is optimized for more accurate updates, so the procedure is as correct as possible. Above the zbirka sheds, there is a team of home-made modders, who know what is most needed by tankers for modernization of the game client.

By the day, there is a modpack for the current day, which is not only a guarantee of the quickness of the corystuvachiv every hour of the day, but the optimization of the client for robots on weak computers. As a result, WORLD of TANKS started literally letting go of the armored vehicles.

Features of mods Protanki 1.4.1 for World of Tanks

The version has become aware of the sutta of wines. Zokrema, practically all mods are from PROTank bullets, broken down, there have been other grains and bugs. Bula dodana voice acting for zbitty zhopolennya from a powerful or neutral base: "Go get zvidsi!". The voice acting of Viktor Usepusev (WoT commentator) has been updated - new virazi have appeared.

Modpack from PROTank version 1.4.1 - the most beautiful thing, but it was launched by the modders in the last hour. Yusha does not start up his kids, adding old and filling new mods, so the tanks could cut off the maximum satisfaction with the favorite gree. To that the zbirka is honored to trim in the leading positions, competing with modpacks Jova, Piranha, WoT SPEAK and WoT FUN.

The modpack has taken into itself only those necessary for a comfortable modification:

  • The versatility of hangars.
  • Wide range of targets.
  • Sounds in battle.
  • "Skins" with tricky areas of tanks.
  • Informative mini-pictures.
  • Damage panels.

Before speech, tse is far from reversal corns, as they went to the warehouse of the warehouse. When the mod is installed, it is not necessary to turbuvate, but it is more likely that it will be prone to malfunction, or if it is buggy. All the pardons are promptly corrected, if you want to go to the edge of the country. On top of that, the modpack has integrated the function, which has seen the gravity about the update. That tank will be constantly updated in the course of the pod and grati with the mods that are relevant for the current version of the green ..

Tsіkavo, scho on view of competitors, mod from Yushi “to be friends” with FPS. It’s all natural, even far from all lovers of tank battles є happy volodar men of a tedious fit, as it is easy to win modern resources at the maximum graphical adjustments. That is why the team PROTANKі to rob everything, so that the masters of weak computers and laptops could become more and more happy with their love.

Modi from the PROTank come in three options, for example, the skin can be used to secure the optimal option for yourself. It looks like this:

  1. BASE - basic option, you can activate the display of statistics.
  2. FULL - extended version, it is possible to stitch behind the statistics branch.
  3. ULTRA is a very "important" option, since all the mods are already included in the installer, so it doesn't need to be added to the net.

The third version of the introduction through those, but the domains do not cope with the number of intrusions. Melodiously rich in tackling the problem when installing a multipack from PROTANKS.

Zavantazhiti STANDARD Protanki 1.4.1

03/19/2019: Zbirka updated \ u200b \ u200b- book bezkoshtovno 38
Modpack for patch 1.4.1;
XVM updates;

to describe

Modi vid ProTanki "Multipack" one of the most popular modpacks for grie world of Tanks, which are active in the Russian commercial segment of the gravitational class. The Danish mod pack has chosen in its best modifications from the ones, allowing the maximum polyshity of the interface and to improve your efficiency in battle, the experts are forgiven game process and more informational content with lists of commands, panels, audio suprovodu.

Why should multipack mods from ProTank be so popular among gravitas? Danish mod pack є one of the most benevolent to koristuvach during installation, especially tse is relevant for undersized koristuvachiv computer. In the installer є clearing the folder with modifications before installing the new version, fixing the wrong "curves" of the installation of modifications, as well as the possibility of setting backup copy your installed mods. Zbirka and zagist files of the client greedy are given for free when they are modified by the Wot Tweaker program.

I have seen the middle of the modpacks as a list of ProTanks and manual previews from reports and navit audio previews for modifying sounds. On the vibe of a corystuvach, there is a really wide assortment of modifications, including only exclusive mods and some important modifications, as it will be necessary to download from the Internet if you do not want to be able to use it for some reason.

Surely here you will know and vibrate of all sights, like Kiril Oreshkin, Dzhova, Murazor, Spalakha, artillery sights, vibration PROtank and aim with the mode of colonic slap. Dostupnі on vibіr kіlka poshkodzhen panels rіznomu oformlennі, polіpshennya vіdsutnі boyovomu chat i funktsіonalu camera - vіdklyuchennya vіddachі pіslya postrіlu, NoScroll, scho zaboronyaє vhіd i vihіd Zi snayperskoї regime kolіschatkom bears, dodatkovy server pritsіl scho dozvolyaє not promaschuvati through rassіnhron i lagіv, mozhlivіst turn on the camouflage display on tanks and change the sounds of the notification about it.

All the modifications of XVM are also included in the Danish mod pack - polish markers above the tanks, point directly to your stovbur, directly to stovburov opponents on the mini-cards, polish the lamp "Shosto pochuttya"

Present in the buildings and all the necessary mods for the hangar - extensions, description of the button and smart, cues, statistics for the session with additional data has been expanded to control its efficiency, a two- or three-row carousel for tanks, which needs a large machine і і і і іnіsіnі years with date for control over the hour, we will spend in grі.

Among the features that can be seen in multipacks from PROTanks from others is the whole richness, which allows you to install it in the same way and on the English-speaking client.


Run the installer and follow the clues.

Rozdil zavantazhennya modiv
Name fashionversionpatchserverRosemirPosilannya
1601 our server63620 Kb
Modi vid ProTanki1601 Mail Disk0.1 KBblackmail
Modi vid ProTanki [Basic version]1601 our server106878 KB

Save in Odnoklassniki save VKontakte