Conspiration to get rich. How to independently make strong conspiracies for wealth

Conspiration to get rich. How to independently make strong conspiracies for wealth

Money magic is a kind of white magic, designed not only to reduce the influence of negative factors, but also increase positive, affecting all operations carried out with money. Remember:

Never use magic to get rich at the expense of other people. It is only necessary to count on the help of higher strength, and of course to their own strength.

No ritual will work, if not helping him. This principle applies to all types of magic, not only for monetary, i.e., if you have a ritual for money and sit back, then the money itself will not appear. Money is not taken out of the air. No magic is capable of it. The essence of monetary magic is that it helps to earn, opens up new opportunities before man. The emergence of this kind of possibilities is often called a happy case. But in fact, these cases are not so accidental. So the monetary magic works.

You need to be confident in your desire to have money. There will be no absolute confidence - magic will not work.

Magic, including monetary, is associated with emotions. If the financial condition oppresses, not confident in success, then magic will not work. To achieve success, it is necessary to maintain a positive view of the world.

Conspuses are a spell-verbal formula that has magical power. It is impossible to give an accurate definition of conspiracy, since not all of its species fit into the forms of desire or comparison. Conspiracy is based on faith in the magic of the word.

Conspuses exist in all types of magic, including monetary ().
When performing a ritual with a conspiracy, some rules must be observed.

1. It must be remembered that the purpose of the conspiracy is to speak, to ensure the well-being of a person. Conspuses should be chewed. It is impossible to read conspiracies in humans, they will lose their strength. A man pronounced must possess the power of will.

2. Conspiracy will only affect if it is believed in its power! Conspuses need to be pronounced not only by words, but also soul.

4. Before any plot, it is necessary to pronounce prayer: "Nikolai, the ward of God. You and in the field, you and in the house, in the way and the road, in Heaven and on Earth: implicit and save from any evil. "

5. As a rule, the conspiracy for money is read on the growing moon ***.

6. When plotting for money, a green candle is used (if the candles of the desired color have not found, then a white candle is used, it is considered universal). Candle must exorp completely. If you need to lie down, the flame is trembled with fingers ***.

7. Conspiracies, as a rule, learn by heart.

*** - If there are no other instructions in the conspiracy itself.

Conspiracy for money

Make a growing moon. Grind the green candle and concentrate on the flame. Repeated a conspiracy from 3 to 9 times to feel its strength:

"I wish the healing and harmonious energy of this candle to become mine. Let the magic of money flows through my life. I attract money as a magnet. I am open and susceptible for wealth. Around me light and love, they keep me in all my efforts. May I have everything according to my word. "

Candle to leave to dogel.

Fast plot

Get quick money will help a conspiracy for money with green candles. This conspiracy will help find a way out of the most difficult situation and solve problems. To do this, you will need two green wax candles. At noon, lit candles and looking at the fire, read the plot:

"Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves went through the sky, the bags were dragged, there were money in bags. These bags opened, all fell money! I then went on the bottom, the money all collected yes home would take. Candles are burning, go to the house. Amen!"

Conspiracy is read three times, after which the candles leave to trample. Put a piece of wax into the wallet as a mascot, to improve the result.

Strong conspiracy for money from Vanga

For the ritual, take a small piece of black bread. For the ritual, your stomach should be empty (no 2-3 hours before the ritual). At night, no one should be near. Put a piece of bread in front of me and tell me three times such a plot:

"God, as you fed during the lifetime of all hungry and needy, so help you and all members of my family so that they always felt satiety. Attract good luck to me, and take the mountain. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy will come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny and help everyone who needs. Amen".

After pronouncing a conspiracy, bread should be eaten. This ritual is only once.

Conspiracy for money on birthday

Conspiracy is read in the hour of his birth. If you do not know an hour, then you should read at midnight on your birthday. When reading a conspiracy, no one should be nearby. Light a candle and put in front of the icon. Conspiracy is read 12 times:

"The cross will come out, the Lord bless. Amen. Lord God, Vladyko all over the world visible and invisible, all days and summer of my life depend on your holy will. Thank you, a premium fee that you have dialing to live another year; I know that for sins I am inadequate this grace, but you give me her in an unfamiliable person to your people. Provided and more mercy to me, sinful; Continue my life in virtue, peace of mind, in health, in the world with all the affinations and harmony with all the neighbors. Feed me an abundance of earth fruit and everything that needs to be satisfied with the needs.
Most of all cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation so that I, following him, after the many years of the world in the world, going into the eternal life, awarded to be the heir of the kingdom of your heaven. Himself, Lord, bless it started for a year and all the days of my life. Amen".

After being well-being in all matters, as well as in cash.

Conspiracy for money - on the towel

Take a new white or yellow linen towel. It is famous for a towel 12 times. Folding, every time you read a plot:

"Lord, bless conspiracy to talk! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go, the slave of God (name), crossing, at four roads worshiping, I will go under the east, under the eastern side. In the fat side of the Okian-Sea, the Borebitsy fish splashes in that atomine-sea. Fish-Boryboy! Take my towel, swim in the countries of extension, where the river of the Zlatitsa flows. In that river, the water is golden, on baking sand Golden. Having splash-misses my towel in the Golden River, dry on the Golden Sand, carry back to me! Bluebits fish sailed to the countries are extinguished, to the River Zlatitsa, rushed to the towel in the Golden River, dried on the Golden Sand, brought Belorybits to the Towel to me, the servant of God (name), and I will cut down the towel, the towel will be fastened. I wipe your hands, I add gold, I wipe my face, I add the beauty, the way would be wondering, I urge the way. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Thus, uttering a conspiracy 12 times, take the towel in one end and shake it so that it turns out. Wrap your face, neck and hands with a towel, remove it in the headboard.
At this place no one should sleep, besides you. If anyone falls on the towel, then the plot will lose its strength.

Conspiracy from lack of money

Removes, including the lack of money, which is plowing. Take a white candle, melt in the iron mug on fire. When wax boils, throw a coin there and read a plot:

"God has a paradise, in paradise the garden. The devil has boiling hell. You kipi, candle, kipi, you are a copy of my wealth, a copy. While this wax money, with me, all wealth will go to me. Angel stands at the Paradise Garden, the devil stands at boiling ad. My business will not be a department. Short, closure. Lock, lock. I clean, clean. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When we remove the word with a noise coin from wax, so that it was in the wax. When the wax pellet will be cooled, which should be worn with me everywhere. You can do it on three coins, and wearing three cakes with you.

Conspiracy for money - on a young month

Conspiracy is read when the horns of the young month will appear, 40 times in a row:

"Month-Molod, your horns are children, you walk around the sky, you think the stars. There is a day from the day and arrive. So my money grew, they arrived and always in my house, and in his pockets were. My word is firmly, my business is tenacious, aminea plugging, aminea closure. The spirit is always holy, and I am always rich. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Predice plot

Happy Easter Hand in the day before. Conspiracy is held in the Great Thursday. At the same time, no one should be at home.

Take the pelvis, pour water into it and throw a trifle there. Then pin the little men and read a plot over the pelvis three times:

"Water you, water, all drink you, all love you. All will holy in baptism. I ask you, water, forgivers: Mother clean water, sorry, mother-water, help. Like you a lot in the lake, the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in every human glass, so I had a lot of money: and on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, on Thursday, and on Friday, and in Saturday, and on Sunday. Like a lot of water, so that I, the slave (e) of God (s) (name), a lot of good, zlata and silver. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this water, wash the table, windows, doors and floor. It is necessary to wash in the manner. Floors to wash from the threshold in the room.

Strong conspiracy

On the growing moon, at night. You will need several paper bills of any nominal and as many coins. Read the conspiracy over the money:

"A magnificent moon, you grow so rapidly, so let my income and my income. Share your light with my money so that there are more and more each day. The money quickly grows because the lunar light is drunk. They are all the power of the moon absorb and my home is filled. "

Money put in such a place so that the Luna light fell on them, after going to another room. The room in which you will, like the room in which there are money lit by the moon should be dark, the light until the end does not include.

Two hours later, enter the room with money. Take your wallet and put this money there. Coins may not be spent during 30 days. They must lie in the wallet to attract big money there. These coins and bills have the positive energy of the Moon, and it is she who is the best assistant in this kind of business. A month later, money can be spent and, if you want, spend the same ritual again.

Conspiracy for money - on poppy

When the new moon comes, go to the market and buy a poppy woman. Let's let the money without passing, if it does not work, then do not take the surrender. Do not bargain.

Come home, spread the black handkerchief on the table, draw a circle on it. Pull poppy in the circle. Then an unnamed finger of his right hand draw a cross on Mac and say a plot:

"At sea, there is one island on the ocean, there is an earth on the island. There is a Lord God, Mother of God and me. I approach them closer, I worship them down. Mother of God, you lived on Earth, I took bread in our hands, I paid money for the bread, I walked money in the wallet. Without money, food will not give, clothes do not wear clothes. Feed, Lord, I, how much poppy on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I lock my words, I close my business. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Such questions like: Where to give a handkerchief and poppy? There is no indication in the conspiracy, then the scarf is used further as you wish. Mac can be added to some kind of dish. This plot will work if you keep the edible post on Friday, do nothing on this day (work).

Conspiracy to make money

If you have no money and hopes for a quick receipt of money, read the conspiracy so that the money was found:

"I'm going, the slave of God, according to the chip field, will go to Mount Kamenin, on that mountain stone standing is new, in it the angels sing, the archangels of the corner, in that church, the light burns nonetable, the light is the light of the Lord. So the light worship, the Lord is praying: Lord! In you wealth for those in need, heart joy for grieving, healing for all vulnerable, consolation for all networks. Ascension. God, my God. Your true, Yako, in the light of your assert and Az, the glory of yours, is also the only beggar from the father, and it will imagine inside the image of your incomprehensible, but it created the person. Oh God, my Savior. The light of my mind and the soul of the soul of Muya, but you will put your kindness of kindness, and I will be incessantly in you, cautiously wearing the Spirit of your saint, izh, let them become like you, to my all Your one. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, for the difficult visitors, commemorate with the Father and the Holy Spirit and the abode of your coordinate inside me. Amen".

Conspiracy for money - on the threshold

On Saturday, go to church, to defend the evening, and on Sunday to go to the morning service.
Going out of the house, pour on the threshold of coins, cover them with straw, and put the rug on top. This conspiracy is read:

"I will leave the threshold, an angel on the road. I go beyond the threshold, go to the gate, I will go dear, I will pass Dubrawa, I will go out for 7 roads, on 8 crosses. Crosses back I guess, crosses in the sides of the sides, the crosses should throw themselves, wealth is withering. The cross is evil, the Lord is crucified, give not Srebra-Zlata, give the hearts rich! On the cross, jesus, Jesus Christ, the only beaches of the father of his son, grace, lubva and generous unimproved vividly! Wem, Yako sins for my sake, from inevitable personally people, the blood of your spoil on the cross learned the echo, the southerly Az, unworthy and ungrateful, accomplished by my pouring business and in any weights. Thus, the depth of lawlessness and the uncleanness of the Muya intelligently the cleansing on the crucifallo on the cross of the Redeemer of my recovery, with humility and faith in the depths of the ulcers, the mercy of your mercy, I, I, forgive, for myself for forgiveness and souls of my correction. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Money - perform an intermediary in handling goods. For such a function, lightness and speed with which money can exchange for goods are important.

In the church put a candle, to the icon of the Savior, the Lord of our Jesus Christ. To say to himself: "Lord, forgive me with the pleasures of me, sinful."

After committing a ritual, money in the house will not be translated.

Conspiracy on wallet for women

Light three green candles. Take the money and nominal icon and at three o'clock in the morning put the right hand on paper money, left - on the icon. Read the plot, looking at the icon:

"Hello, dark night, I am your receptional daughter. My wallet is a vegetable garden, no one will take my fruit. Who took my good luck, who took my wealth, passed through the candles back. On Monday I took a shovel, put the land on Tuesday, I bought the grain on Wednesday, I collected grain on Saturday. As a lot of grains in the field, and how they do not consider them, and how they are not to eat them, so it would be a lot and many money in my wallet. The word is my hard. May it be so".

Candles should be twisted and burn to the end. When they become smoke, open the window to go up. By reading the conspiracy, hide money in the wallet and remove it for three days. After a wallet, you can use as usual.

Conspiracy for money from poverty

For constant lack Money, you need to get a cow horn, hoof or bone from foot. You can take a beef leg bought in the store, only the bone should be carefully cleaned from meat. Putting bone B. cold water, leave for a day. Then water to pour water, and leave the bone in the sun. When the bone is dry, pronounced poverty:

"I will leave, blessing, go, crossing, towards me 7 angels, 7 Archangels, 7 saint, 7 of my patrons. "Angels, Archangels, saint patrons, where have you been, what did you see?" - "We were on the saints of the mountains, saw the ox of the White, fled That ox white through the mountains, carried Bed-poverty for the sea. Dried for the sea, there is a white stone Alatyr. I threw the hell of that bad poverty for Alatyr-Stone, I became her horns to tear my horns, trampled my feet. I scored, flooded, but I threw on the bottom of the sea, on the yellow sand, where the wind does not feel, the sun does not warm, it does not go rain. " Laying, trouble-poverty, do not rise. Yesterday, neither tomorrow, and in this day I closed you a key (a), and the key in the well drowned (a). The word is firmly like God's truth. Amen".

Upon completion of the ritual, it is necessary to complete the bone into the white handkerchief and hide at the threshold. In the near future, the lack of money will cease to disturb you.

Conspiracy for baptism

Conspiracy to pronounce on the night of baptism from 18 to January 19. At midnight, you need to dial water from the crane to an aluminum bidon. At the edge of the bidon, attach a cross from a coniferous tree (spruce, pine, cypress, juniper). The cross can be done by himself. It is necessary to bandage two chopsticks with a criss-cross.

At the edges of the bidon, attach three church candles. Throw three coins in the water (in the old days they threw silver, gold and copper). If you do not find three coins of different metals, then take two coins of two metals, for example, silver and copper. A plot is read over water 12 times:

"I get up in the night, I take the water with holy. Holy Driver, Holy Noah, sanctify the soul and body, start, the angels, the wings of quiet autumn, bring the world of God, God for my house. God we give, God for the table, the preservation of the Most Holy Virgin and John the Forerch: the Baptist of Christ, honest forerunner, the extreme prophetic, the first martyr, postmen and deserts mentor, cleanliness to the teacher and the near friend of Christ! I pray, and you don't resort to you from your intercession, do not leave my sins falling with many; Update my soul with repentance, IKO with second baptism; Cleaning me, the sins of Dexternago, and Ponodi Deli, Hulling Nacifices is perfectly included in the kingdom of heaven. Amen".

After read over the water and coins of the prayer of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Conspiracy for money - in Maslenitsa

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa go to where the folk walk took place, find any coin or bill on Earth, take her left hand saying:

"Walked yes I found how I (name) went to these money, so that the money went to me. As now many people were here in honor of Maslenitsa, it would always have a lot of money, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on dough

Check good dough. When it starts climbing, three times, doubt this mass by hand talking:

"As you, a test, grow up, climb up, up, down and wrench grow up, so I would have been going on money in my house, they were growing up and ever ended. My word is fast and dispute. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy on a coin (for multiplication of money)

They inspire a five-air coin (or 5 rubles), and worn with them everywhere. A month later, they get rid of her and make a plot for a new coin.

"I go to the trading of a merchant, returning at the Sobolo, well done. I'll call home treasure. Give God, so much money so that there was no place to put. Amen".

Conspiracy for money - for non-working woman

This conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband of a woman-housewife has a good earnings, not tired at work so that the family remains forces. Conspiracy is read on Monday, when the husband goes to work. To hold a husband for the threshold, barefaches and pronounce a plot:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will stand, young slave married (name), in the morning early, I will go out in a clean field, in a clean field there is a holy tree Oak Mamrysky, three keys hang on tom. Those keys of three holy hairs, three saints. And the first key is St. Anthony, and the second key is St. John, and the third key is St. Eustafia. Side, worship, the worship of God will pour. On the Self-Martyr Antonie, John and Eustafie! Watch from the celestial the title on requiring your help and do not reject my speech; But Yako, the babies of benefactors and the petitioners, the pray for the Christ of God, and a humoring and a multi-facest one, will preserve the husband of my wedded (name) from all the Lutago. Yes, the Lord will not condemn our sinners on our lawlessness, and yes, not in evil, we will turn the good, giving us from our all-Russian God, but in the glory of His saint named and in the glorification of the tightness of your intercession. Yes, your prayers will give us the Lord's world of thoughts, abstaining from fearful passions and from everyone is bad. On the Self-Martyr Antonie, John and Eustafie! Give the slave of God (name) in the hands of the power, mind, in the heart of thoughts clean, in the house is good, in the family love! Help, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy for the girl - marry a rich

Go to church, put 12 candles for yourself for the health and 12 candles for the healthy zeal. When you put candles for the health of the future groom, pronounce a plot for marriage:

"Lord, humbly and save your slave, whose name I don't know, but which you intended me in my husband. Amen".

Then read the prayer:

"Father holy, open the smart eyes of our heart and give us truly to know you, the Creator and our God; The coordinations are supected to the word and your son, and it will imagine his incomprehensible image inside us, and it was created by the person; The people of the life of the Spirit of your saint and not a village of saint; Having in the hearts our lights are divine by lubva; Prime and missed the eternal everlasting with the only soccer son of your and the Spirit of your holy. Lord Jesus Christ, the only beggar son of the original one of your father, holes in the overwhelmed soul of Moyya, Jaco and Az, wisely the narrower of you, the Creator and God of my. I pray you: do not reject me from your face, but, the despite of all my oakyancy, all my lowness, IVA is your light, about the light of the world, and give me to know your love to a person. About the sweet Christ, from the father who is sent to the holy of your students and the apostles of the Spruce, Sainch, this, goodwill, no obvious and those who teach us to know your and open the path of salvation of yours. Amen".

This night you need to wear a new shirt, take two branches from different trees, to press them together by covering thread, if necessary. Put branches on a saucer, light the candle and, dripping wax, say plot:

"Two twigs hit forever eternal, they are clicked - they will not discharge, on good, on Zlato-silver, for the arrival, on the rating, for the eternal life. Amen".

It is necessary to say, until the whole candle does not burn. Then the twigs are removed in a secret one before the wedding. After the wedding, they need to let the river.

Who does not dream of gold ingots and inexhaustible sources of income. Conspiracy to profit does not guarantee you the ocean of money, but improve the material condition will help. All rites are suitable for white magic, therefore no negative consequences are not necessary.

Improve material condition using magic rituals

Conspiracies will bring good luck when you use white magic. It is impossible to refer to rites with bad intentions, then they will be addressed to your favor. Very soon you will get good money, career growth or just winning a small amount.

One conspiracy will not cost, a person must apply his own great effort to getting money.

It is possible to perform a strong conspiracy on money profit at home without resorting to the help of experienced magicians and psychics.

Selection of conspiracy

Ritals are different: effective and those for which you do not need to spend time. The following conspiracies are recognized themselves.

  • on holy water;
  • on monetary bill;
  • for big salary;
  • for success in business;
  • on church candle;
  • on a copper coin;
  • on food salt


Careful preparation before carrying out rites is not required. But you can use uncomplicated recommendations.

  1. The inner calm is important. Stop worrying and panicing. Tune in to relaxation and positive. To do this, take a seitant position and breathe deeply.
  2. Specific digit. If you have a lot of debt, you need to write them all on a separate sheet of paper and calculate the total amount.
  3. Consider after what time you could get this amount if not debts.
  4. Write down everything from which you can refuse to repay this amount.
  5. The resulting digit is allocated with a circle and remember.
  6. Follow the rituals should be completely longer.
  7. Visualization of thought. Think that the final figure already belongs to you

The most effective ritual

Material care about tomorrow's day is in the first place. People want to dress well, eat tasty, fly abroad, visit courses in the shower. To get it, and attract good luck, you can use the help of magic rites and conspiracy.

After the ritual, the keys become amulet for wealth

A powerful action for the receipt of money, has a rite made in the morning, on Monday. When the sun does not go, go to the door and insert the key in the lock. A strong conspiracy to your fast profit needs to be read without a hitch:

"Gray wolf went to the forest to find a white hare there. But he did not catch it up. But found a forged casket, upholstered with gold and steel. On Tom Larz, the castle is silver, a dozen. The key from it is reliable from people hidden in water. Only I find the key between herbs and stones in the water stroit. Not a simple person, not a gray wolf, and I have a slave of God (pronounce your name) the key is intended. I will find the key and the casket of chamber, gems and a stone from it. Saku Silver and Gold, and the key to the hide, so that everything came true. "

The key in your hands turns into a certain amulet, put it in a bag or wallet. Soon cash arrivals will come to your home, and you can fulfill all your dreams and ideas.

Magic actions on the candle

Perform strong ritual It is advisable for successful business management, good trading, an increase in customers. Debtors return your debts, and cash buyers flock into the store.

Read a conspiracy on income in business, as soon as it is dark, on a growing moon. Take a large candle in the temple, to take the holy water there. For maximum effect, laid church service. As soon as everything is ready, burn the candle and clearly read the conspiracy on large profits:

"You (pronounced the name of the debtor) gradually melt, while you do not return debt. If you do not return debt, then soon you completely melt. Money return and no longer Tha! May I have so my proven cock! Sealed (sealed) with fire in the evening, but not the day (called its name). "

At the morning, the candles are cut back to the church and put under the icon you prayed.

The rite acts very quickly, the next day the debtor will return to you the desired amount of money. If the amount was large, the money will return within two days.

Conspiracy on wealth

The ritual is held in the new moon, on an odd number of day. Take a large bill in your hand and read the conspiracy for wealth:

"As much dirt in a swamp, like a lot of fish in the water, so I have a lot of money. Month, grow and me, Slava God (pronounce your name), wealth will certainly give. " Three times to pronounce: "Amen".

Then, put the bill in the darker angle of the apartment. After 7 days, repeat the ritual.

On the rapid growth of money

In the full moon, take some copper coins or bills, put them on the window. It is important that the coins are lit by lunar light.

Coins must be put on the window so that they will illuminate the moonlight

A conspiracy for unexpected profits is read at home:

"The light of the moon of money is drunk, constantly grow, in force add, my house is overwhelmed."

Money should fly on the window of the day. You can spend them in the store, it will be possible in 30 days. Conspiracies on the moon attract wealth to the house.

Cash Credential

In search of work, we are not the first time, we find profitable. Try before starting to search, perform several rituals.

Put the plant in the house. During the landing, read the conspiracy on profits at work:

"I am planting and growing blessed. Grow and bloom, good me carrying me. The same and the matter will bloom and good will bring. "

When the first leaves appear, money will come to you.

If you expect career growth, you can speed up the process by saying magic words:

"The metal is attracted as a magnet and money is attracted to me. To grow my salary, like the moon in the clear sky, and work will remain in place. There will be no refusal of a greedy eye. Cash, go to me! "

Conspiracies for profits from Natalia Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova can be trusted and such a difficult thing as attracting money. In order for profits to grow, and not decreased, read its conspiracies.

Call for money

Go to the most profitable store in your city, and best on the market. Fold the little men together and say a whisper of the word:

"The money is big, Malaya's money, that the bargain is going on, let me go to me, follow me, follows, the shelter in my house will find. At now, for centuries, at all times. Amen".

For money

Conspiracy is read at the growing moon, it works for attracting money and for good luck.

Conspiracy spend on a growing moon

Lift big bills over your head, saying:

"That spent from the hands will leave, then back to the hands will come again. Now, confessed, in the eyelids. Amen".

Whispering on profit

To make money in large volumes, you need to get into full moon, go to the shore of any reservoir, and read the acting whisper:

"How many of you, the grain, in the sand, so would fate sent a lot of money to me. For a strong farm read for a arriving moon: Lord of Lord God, the power having every creature, you molim, you ask you, the skin of the skin and multiplied by the herd of the Patriarch Jacob, the same bless the herd of my cattle, multiply and strengthened a thousand times for me , slave (such something). Sokreya is a holy swift. My estate and my yard from the beast of the forest, from the man of evil, from an envious eye, from the chamber, from the sorcerer, from the thief, from the death conspiracy, from the Flood and save from the fire, Lord, save me. Holy Spirit will find on us. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, confessed, in the eyelids. Amen".

Very soon you will get your first profit.

On pigeons

"How many grains I throw you, so that a lot of wealth sail me. Amen."

During the ritual you need to feed pigeons

Conspiracy on the pin

For the rite will need: sugar, salt and rice. At night, pour the ingredients in the desired sequence. First spoon sugar, then pinching salt and some rice. In this mass, stick a new pin and read the conspiracy for money:

"Salt, I attract the salt, rice. Lord God, do so that money has always been money in my house, and my family never needed material benefits. May it be so".

From the pin it turns out a good amulet, which can be put in the wallet.

Conspiracy on a broom

Broom, as a symbol of home well-being, use and to attract wealth.

Buy a new broom, but do not take the surrender. Plays up put it in the corner of the front door. Try to charge it for money, using a magic spell:

"Denyushki money, I will call good luck and wealth!"

For profit for christmas

In Christmas, all cherished dreams and desires, possess a magic property, come true. For this you only need to read a special prayer:

"For the first time, in God's hour, I will conspire yourself for today, for tomorrow, forever from poverty and poverty, from cold and hunger, like Jesus Christ in Christmas was born, so it would have appeared a neracted ruble. Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times) "

Appeal to the highest forces will work correctly if you believe in what has been said.

On baptism

Conspiracies, tested in baptism, also work for human enrichment.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, take all corners of the house with holy water. Then, stand in the center of the main room and say a plot of profit:

"How the Holy Water is full-on-one-descendant, so that my house is full of silver bowl."

Leave the remnants of water in the glass, and in the morning drink it to the bottom.

Rite with ring

Your grandmothers still remember a strong way to profit. It will take: your ring, cut red fabric.

Need to speak a ring to make money in the family more

First speak the ring:

"I wear a good luck on the finger, in my pocket wealth put. My faith is with me, my strength and my success with me. Money to me River passionate, money in my wallet, in my chests. The crust is full of gold, and silver, everything that I said will come true. The key, castle, the word Vedovo is spent, and power in it. Amen".

At night, put it on the fabric, and in the morning put on my finger. The ring will become your guard to attract wealth.


If you want to make a surprise to close people and buy them new housing, take honey and holy water. Type water from the spring and sanctify it. When you select the desired option, pour half a glass to your feet, step up 7 steps on the ground, read the plot for the purchase of a new property:

"There will be a slave of God (name) on the water of clean, on the water of a fresh track in the next. There will be a path to his light, not bumpy. The slave of God (name) is the side of all the pits yes, Koryagi, sticks and obstacles. Hiding from the eye at night he will appear, explicitly he will see. May it be so. Amen"

Counts for profits Many: you can talk keys, brooms or just read strong prayers. Money horseshoe helps well, hanging over the front door.

People want to live in prosperity and use different methods To fulfill this desire. If you work a lot, but the profit does not increase, use magic rituals. Or maybe you are looking for a new job, you want to get rid of debts or you urgently needed money. For everything there is a special conspiracy, which will certainly help get intended.

Each person dreams of a comfortable existence. Some people to ensure themselves with cash are arranged to work for several works, looking for surplus sources of income, someone is waiting for an inheritance from a wealthy relative.

Conspiracy will help improve the financial situation.

However, not all of humanity lives waiting for a miracle. Most people chose a different method to multiply their finances. With the help of special rituals and prayers, you can attract good luck and money in your home and family. How are conspiracies for good luck and money? What kind of instructions for holding a rite should be adhered to?

Rules of conspiracies

Conspiracies on the attraction of money can be the most diverse and significantly retire from each other. However, the spell will quickly need to adhere to some rules for the execution of rites:

  1. Conspiracy for wealth is performed on Wednesdays. This day of the week is the most prosperous to attract urgent money. Any conspiracy, solid on Wednesday, will bring efficiency and multiply the capital.
  2. Conspiracy to attract money, it is advisable to read at a decreasing month. The magic of the moon during this period has an incredible force.
  3. So that in the future the money was found, spend the ritual in full silence, without unauthorized persons.
  4. Never tell anyone about the rite spent. This is not necessary for further consequences to be sad and unforeseen for the artist.
  5. Follow all the rules of instructions, read prayers in accurately written with written words. Magic loves accuracy, in this respect it is quite delicate.
  6. In order to have conspiracies for money in the near future, believe in virtue of magic, its effectiveness. Any your desires: the increase in capital, good luck, the urgent amount of money will be performed thanks to the belief.
  7. It is forbidden to read prayers for pregnant women. The baby in the womb is very susceptible to the power of magic, so the consequences of the rite can be unpredictable.
  8. If the spell pronounces another person (at your request), then you will definitely thank it. Give him a small gift.
  9. Three days before the rite, follow the post.
  10. Attracting good luck, financial well-being and wealth at home, be absolutely calm. In your heart must reign peace and the complete absence of anger.

Rituals can not be made pregnant women

Adhering to the data of the Soviets, any conspiracy on cash wealth and luck will be successful.

Varieties of cash rites

Monetary magic has several types, it all depends on the choice of the executor of the rite. The conspiracy is made in the situations where a person wants to gain his capital, which he lent.

However, the debtor is not in a hurry to give duty, thereby the return hours are moved out for many years. After making a rite money in a short time to return to the house. The debtor will constantly chase thoughts on the return of funds.

To attract welfare to the house, you need to hold a conspiracy for money. Sometimes people work without twisting hands, from morning to night, and there is not enough money. Magical manipulations will help to cope with this problem. Uncomplicated prayers and rituals will provide every family.

To follow the rapid attraction of finance, it is necessary to conduct a strong conspiracy for money. Arrivals may look like a lottery winnings, prosperous and profitable loan design.

Conducted ceremonies to receive funds can solve almost all financial problems. Therefore, as soon as the troubles begin, do not postpone reading magic spells in a long box!

Coins are able to attract wealth

To make money in the family, you need to make a cash plot. This rite is able to improve the financial well-being of a person, and not once, but for a long period.

Rite with coins will improve the well-being for a long period

Purchase the coins of golden color, wait for the decreasing month. After sunset, go to the nearest intersection. Take coins into the right hand and direct them on the light of the moon, and read the prayer:

"Everything grows from the Sun and multiplies, and money from the lunar light. Grow, set, add. Enrich me (your name), come to me. Amen!".

Pronounce magic words at least three times. Having come home, hide money into your wallet, and Early in the morning, go to the shop for shopping. By purchasing the necessary goods, be sure to use a conspiracy trifle. The power of magic will begin to act literally after a couple of days. You will be pleasantly surprised by the rapid appearance of wealth.

How to quickly get financial well-being

Attract the rapid cash can be plotting in which the green candle appears. The ritual will be able to solve the most difficult financial situation. For its implementation, you will need a couple of green shade candles.

In the phase of the descending Moon, exactly at twelve days of the day, put two wax subject on the shiny tablecloth. Then bring the match to the fitroom, burn them and say the conspiracy:

"Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves went through the sky, the bags were dragged, there were money in bags. These bags opened, all fell money! I then went to pione, money all collected yes home took. Candles are burning, go to the house. Amen!".

After the prayer is pronounced three times, give candles to burn naturally. While the spars of the candle are warm connected them. Put this piece in the wallet and never lack. Sparks of the candle will perform your happy, magic talisman. The attraction of money will occur soon.

Water will improve financial well-being

Profit to increase significantly, if you do not neglect magic and make cash rituals. The magical force of conspiracies is only unilaterally: it attracts paper bills into your wallet, brings good luck and luck. You will need only faith and the desire to become rich and confident by a person.

For the effectiveness of the conspiracy, you need to dream of becoming a confident and rich man

This ritual is made in their own, after twelve day of the day as follows. Take a transparent container pour into it 200 grams of water and lower at least three coins. Relax, Think of wealth, and read prayer:

Magic text to read five times, then hide the glass with the trifle away from prying eyes. No one should know about the magic vessel and the fact that you conducted a ritual. So that money constantly was kept in your family, spray the conspired liquid your wallet, in the morning and evening.

Piggy - the path to a stable financial situation

Magic money helps people in the most hopeless situations. Disposable winnings are good, but the stable income is better. You can attract money using an ordinary piggy bank.

To do this, you will need to go to the store and purchase a new piggy bank. When Wednesday occurs, wait until midnight and lower the large bill on the purchased item and say:

"Cash rites do I, I attract bills to the piggy bank. To make money into my house, the road was not forgotten. One to one, the second to the second! And all to me! ".

Repeat magic words need not less than three times. After that, put a conspiracy piggy bank to the most prominent place in your apartment. Daily lower there on one golden coin or paper, corrupt money. Conspiracy will begin to act almost immediately. The piggy bank will pour wealth to you and good luck.

How to make the debtor return money

Very often happens so that you helped good man. Loaded him a considerable amount. Then they came for a debt, and it is not possible to return funds. How to be in this situation, what to do? Maybe magic will help?

Magic will help return debt

There is a special conspiracy, which is able to influence the mind of a person, thereby encouraging him to return other people's money to the true owner.

This rite is simple enough and is done at home. To make it you will need a regular broom or broom. After sunset, looking at the pool Read:

"I send to the slave of God (name) what. Let this well burn and bake, chasing the corners, the bones breaks, does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink, she does not give peace (name). While that debt will not return to me. Amen".

Show the spell three times, and in thoughts, imagine how the broom hits the owl person. Prayer is very strong and effective, her words are able to cause a sense of guilt in man, awaken conscience. The attraction of funds will follow immediately.

The strongest conspiracy on financial well-being and good luck

Man is the owner of his own life. Everyone can be the owner of good luck and wealth, it is worth only to make a little effort. To attract monetary state and fortune to yourself, it is necessary to hold a magic ritual.

Green candle can attract money

To do this, you will need to purchase candles of different colors: white, green and brown. Each color has its own purpose. White color An animation of the executor of the rite, green attracts money, brown accompanies the work of magic.

Install wax items on a solid surface. You have to get a triangle. White candle should stand opposite the man, brown on the right, green on the left. Mandatory in this sequence. By burning a white candle, say:

"Flame as a soul, soul as a flame."

Then bring a match to a green candle, uttering:

"Profit in profits, money in money." Over the brown whisper: "Cases in affairs, paths in the ways, all noses."

When the candles ruined a bit, connect them together, in the center of the triangle and read the prayer:

"In force, power in power, I am with the strength and power of that."

Wait until the wax items will store (independently). After that, collect the remnants of the candles and store in any convenient place for you. To make large bills, never throw out and do not part with your magic talisman. Only so you can attract money to yourself.

What consequences can expect a person

Attract well-being with magic manipulations is easy. However, not every person thinks about the possible consequences of such rites. When magic begins to attend our life, the human worldview can be completely changed. Aura makes the energy quite different, sometimes changing even the colors and character of the soul.

If there is no faith due to higher strength, then the plot will not bring positive results. Sometimes it happens that prayers, amulets and spells act on a person quite negatively and carry a number of negative consequences. Instead of wealth, a large amount of money is lost, weakness, fatigue and apathy appears instead of good luck, the state of health is very often deteriorating.

But if you make a rite for all the rules and instructions, then money and luck will be near you for many years. By activating their action once every three years, the negative will not arrive.

Cut out rites with faith and pure heart. Read carefully conspiracies for money and good luck, do not deviate from the instructions. Always remember possible, unpleasant consequences associated with magic. Holding all the rules to attract wealth will be easy, a positive result can expect everyone!

People always strive for wealth. And this desire is quite substantiated, because the presence of money provides a worthy existence, opens up a lot of new opportunities. Everyone is looking for its way of enrichment, and people who believe in magic often use a conspiracy on wealth.

The sacrament requires the performer of the most serious approach and responsibility. When working with rituals of this nature, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Do not make a rite for the sake of entertainment and without faith due to witchcraft. Lightness, curiosity and desire to simply check the action of the rite, doubt and incredulous attitude of magic are not welcome.
  • Reasonable solitude and concentration as result.
  • Mystery rite. Nobody cannot tell any intention to fulfill the rite or the direct implementation of it - someone else's energy can interfere with the effect.
  • The presence of all the necessary attributes. Items that will be needed in the process of pronouncing a conspiracy, you need to prepare in advance. Something to replace the required attribute cannot be replaced. If it did not work out to get everything you need, you should choose another ritual.
  • Text it is advisable to read by heart. You can not pronounce it from the computer monitor. If you can not rely on your memory, rewrite the words personally on a blank sheet of paper and read from it.
  • Be sure to take into account the days forbidden to occupy. These include: church holidays (two-month holidays), day of own name, sadmitsa (Sunday), post, the day of the commemoration of the saints.
  • Consider the Phase of the Moon. It is recommended to pronounce text on a growing moon. If you need another phase, it is usually stipulated in the instructions.
  • Care of the ritual process.If, during the pronouncing of the text, something prevented you (knocked out, the candles went out, someone distracted, etc.), the rite immediately stop and return to it no earlier than in a week.

Examples of effective conspiracies and rites for wealth

Below are one of the most effective tried by many people in practice.

On the yellow coin

A very simple way, for the execution of which only a coin made of yellow metal (any dignity) and a sunny day will be required. The money must be put under direct solar rays and read out loud 3 times:

Under the rays of the daylight, the coin should be ruined at least 12 hours. Next, it should be placed in his wallet, separately, and never spend. The coin will serve as a magnet for finance.

Summer conspiracy on cracks in the ground

This method is suitable for use in hot summer daysWhen cracks are formed from the scorching sun on earth. The moon should be in the growth phase. First you need to find a rather deep and wide crack in the ground. Also need handful of coins (Preferably of yellow metal, without zeros).

Holding coins in the left palm, spell three times:

Then shifting the coins into the right palm and read the text three times. After pronouncing words with the right hand, the coins must be lowered into the earth's crack and leave there.

On a thread with a needle

Simple, but at the same time a rather strong ritual for wealth consisting of prayer and conspiracy. Need scarlet, new needle, nightgown (Pajama). Thread to skip in advance through the wax so that it is better in the needle. Procedure:

  1. Prepare thread with a needle before bedtime.
  2. To go to bed in a shirt (pajamas), turned inside out.
  3. Wake up to sunrise, take a needle with a thread in the left hand. Right hand Crighted three times and talk prayer:
  4. Without removing the night shirt, start doing on her stitches. The process is accompanied by reading text:
  5. Calculate the number of stitches so that the remaining thread is enough for 12 nodes. Touch the nodules, cut the thread.
  6. The needle and everything that remains from the thread in it, bury in a deserted place or throw in the ohut of the reservoir.

On key

One of the effective conspiracies to attract wealth and wealth. For carrying out door lock and key (It is better to buy new in advance especially for this purpose). A suitable day for holding a rite - Monday.

It is necessary to get up early in the morning, insert the key in the door lock, silently (close) and read 9 times:

After 9-fold conspiracy, the lock should be pulled out, and hang the key to the rope and wear it on the neck as a church - exactly so much time as it is necessary to obtain the desired wealth.

For the most brave

The force below this rite is that it gives eternal luck in all matters related to money. After this conspiracy, the money will literally stick to the performer.

And now about a spoonful of tar in this barrel of honey. For the delightful result of this ritual, the Contractor will have to pay. He will receive money and wealth, but will lose sincere love from all the people around him, even the most relatives. Before performing the rite, the performer must think very carefully and decide what is more important for him - material prosperity or love.

Conspiracy is read 3 days in a row, starting third after the new moon day. Lead time - midnight. Attributes: 3 church candles - the biggest (buy in advance), drinking water . Mandatory conditions: clear, cloudless night (if clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, the ritual should be transferred to another lunar month), from the window of the room where the rite is carried out, the moon should be visible.

Procedure for the first night:

In the next two nights to do the same actions. Sparks from candles can be thrown out. The effect of the conspiracy will follow in 3 weeks.

Possible consequences

Anyone is aware that the use of magic can lead to certain consequences, among which are often negative. Regarding conspiracy on wealth, you can not be afraid of some negative manifestations, if you choose a simple rite from the white magic arsenal - it is recommended to begin a magical practice of novice. And simple white methods are suitable for home use. Sophisticated rituals better leave professionals.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and rules of the work indicated above. If you have a ritual with errors, there is a risk to face easy malaise. Usually it goes fast enough.

Maxim as possible to protect yourself from potential negative consequences by the following techniques:

  1. Orthodox prayer "" - read it follows after the completion of the rite, three times.
  2. Protection against the impact of dark forces. Four simple ways (the first two are held at the end of the ritual):
    • cut off the strand of your hair and burn the candle flame;
    • in winter: Empty after the rite of the bladder, I urine pour into a snowdrift behind your home;
    • strong protection with blood: in front of the rite to come to the nearest from the threshold of his house, the trunk to grab it with his hands, then take a sterile needle or to pricks to blood the ring finger of the left hand. Drop 7 drops allocated blood into the base of the tree;
    • for believers: go after taking a conspiracy in the temple and put a candle for health.

In this article:

Man always sought to become the owner of material benefits. The whole story is a constant struggle for survival, and subsequently for money and power with which survive becomes much easier.

Conspiracy for prosperity and wealth - universal magic ritual, the main purpose of which is to get money from a variety of sources. Such rituals include magic capable of providing promotion on the service staircase, which helps in finding a treasure contributing to increasing earnings and other.

Today, conspiracies for money are relevant as ever, they are extremely popular with beginner and advanced practitioners. In a world where everyone decides, finances are difficult to resist and not try to improve their financial situation with the help of special rites. Everyone can test such magic, since many effective rituals are posted on the Internet in open access.

Features of rituals for wealth and money

To carry out most rites for wealth, the Contractor must use valuable items and materials. Most often in such rituals are used:

  • coins;
  • cash bills;
  • precious stones and metals.

The use of such things increases the efficiency of the applied rite, and also increases the speed of the results. In addition to the materials, the actions of the Contractor play a large role in monetary conspiracies. In many rituals, the practitioner must collect, clean, point or decorate the things used. All these actions are also associated with material supply and symbolize financial well-being.

How to get rich quickly

Most of the well-known conspiracies for money have a sufficiently long impact. Those of them that are conducted with the help of special items can work throughout the human life, provided that it will always keep a conspiracy subject with him.

At the same time, it is not necessary to hope that immediately after the monetary ritual, wealth will fall on the performer, like snow on the head. This does not happen.

To get a good result, a person will have to work, do something in order to get material benefits with standard ways.

The work of the contractor not only increases the chance of a favorable outcome of the conspiracy, but also increases the possible rate of appearance of the first results.

Most often, rites aimed at obtaining financial resources, begin to work almost instantly, however, it is a slow magic that you need time, magic to the prospect. Therefore, it is worth expecting the first results not earlier than a few months after the ritual.


This magic ritual must be held early in the morning on Monday, standing in front of the door lock.

Read the conspiracy concentrately without thinking about outsiders

The key must be the key. We read the words of the conspiracy:

"He went gray wolf into the dark forest to look for a white hare. The hare was not caught up, but found a casket forged, steel upholstered, yes gilding. Castle on Larz Tom Dozhai, Silver. The key from the Larz in the water is hidden, from people reliably charged. Only me is the key in the water stroy to find, between the stones, and the herbs. Not a man is simple, not a wolf gray, and I am a slave of God (name) the key is intended. I will find the key, the casket is a chamber, a stone, gems from it take, gold, silver gather. The key is hidden to come true. "

After that, you need to get the key from the castle and carry it on the neck as a coast. For security reasons, it is better to use new key and a lock that are not currently used.

Conspiracy for money

"As the king becomes gifts to give dear and the slave of God (name) from those gifts will come. He will not be (me) to refuse, I'll take a gift, I will say that thanks. There will be a round ball spinning, there will be a sword to glisten the sword, and in my pockets there will be forever gold ring. I will go to the king-king Bosaoy, Nagya, I will bring the bowl of the human bowl, the bowl is simple. Not a feet in the blood, I do not work hands in corn. There will be gifts king to give, so I will be the first. I will tell you the slave of God, I will do it. I will accept wealth, but I will not refuse. "

Conspiracy on medical

To carry out the ritual, a honey is needed, a handful of oats and some peas you need to add to honey.

Honey, peas and oats symbolize money

Stirring with hand honey, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

"Cunitsa porridge sweet ladies, gingerbread her pierced honey. I will bring a curbbing muck money, fertile land, houses are high, decoration, and gold coins. If a black raven becomes a gingerbread curtain to take away, I will be His (name) with a stick from the Kunitsa. Kohl will be the bear that gingerbread rails, I will drive it, yes to scold. And for that I will receive wealth from the curtain, monetary grace. "

The strongest rite of money

For ritual will need 20 fresh apples. It is best if you can disrupt them yourself, but the store products are suitable.

If you buy apples, then the seller can not take delivery in any way.

On the first day you need to distribute 14 apples in the street.

On the second day, half of the remaining apples also distribute. On the third day you need to go to the church, there to put them on the commemorative table and read the words of the conspiracy:

"Remember the poverty of my rest, and let the wealth stay with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If you want to turn the cash flow to your side - you do it, do not doubt

Prayer for money

To carry out the rite, you need to light five white church candles, turn it around three times and read prayer:

"Jesus Christ is my hope and a support, and the Most Holy Mother of God's Puzzle. In the sky, the angels walked, bags with money carried, the bags were opened, but all the money fell out. I am a slave of God (name) on the ground went, those money found, they collected them, but took home. I now lit the candles, my wealth was distributed. Candles burn, money in my house arrive. Forever and ever. Amen".

Now you need to wait until all the candles are burned, the remaining wax roll into the ball and we carry it with you. You can put some wax into the wallet.

Powerful rite for wealth

This ritual must be carried out in full moon in even numbers. With an even nominal coin, we go to the church, where it is sanctified. Now with the same coin we go to the forest, we find aspens. Under the aspen, you need to dig a small hole, put a coin there, pour out the earth and pour clean spring water. At this time, we read the words of the conspiracy:

"Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, bless. Let me grow so much, and it aggregates crops. The coin mouse does not shrink, the worm does not stick, let my no one leaves money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".


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