Work plan "Magic paper" (work with paper in Origami technique). Prospective Plan of the Origami Mug "Magician paper day paper in kindergarten planning

Work plan "Magic paper" (work with paper in Origami technique). Prospective Plan of the Origami Mug "Magician paper day paper in kindergarten planning

for children from 3-4 years

Explanatory note

Currently, teachers, early development experts insist that the development of intellectual and mental processes should be started with the development of the movement of hands, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers of the brush. This is due to the fact that the development of hand brushes belongs to an important role in the formation of a brain, his cognitive abilities, the formation of speech. It means that the child and its brain develops, it is necessary to train hands. "Sources of creative abilities and dating children - on the tips of their fingers. In other words: the more skill in a children's hand, the smartest child, "said V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Improving the identity of the child involves the development of various abilities, skills, which develop in productive artistic activities. Speaking of abilities, TS Komarov allocated the following properties of the person's personality defining its ability to activities: perception and forming on this basis imagination, handmade, emotionally - positive attitude to activities. All these qualities of the child's personality we can develop in a process with different materials.

The child recognizes the world with the help of manipulations, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to learn and explore their properties, while learning and their creative abilities, change what is touched. One of the assistants of the child in this is the most important thing for his development is - working with paper.

Applique- This is one of the simplest, fascinating and effective types of artistic activities. Children are happy to work with paper, because it is easily processing. Especially attractive for children Non-traditional work techniques with paper, with unconventional material: tangible, crumpled paper, cotton discs, paper napkins, candy candy, etc. Unusual combination of materials and tools, accessibility, simplicity of execution equipment satisfies research need for them It awakens a sense of joy, success, develops labor skills and skills. Allows the children of younger preschool age to quickly achieve the desired result and makes a certain novelty to the work of children, makes it more exciting and interesting, which is very important for working with kids

Application (Technique Paper Plastic) - This is synthesis different species Fine activities: modeling, appliqués, drawing, designing from paper. Images in paper plastic are performed in a semi-disconnect version, all parts and parts are pasted on a cardboard, which serves as a color background, which allows children to create bright individual and collective compositions.

Creating beautiful appliques with your own hands, seeing the result of its work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper allows children to show patience, perseverance, fantasy and artistic taste, to show creative abilities, acquire a manual skill that allows them to feel independent. All this has a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed personality.

The purpose of the program: The development of manual swelling in children through the strengthening of the shallow motility of the fingers and the organization of the joint visual creativity of children and adults.

Main goals:

  • the formation of the ability to transmit the simplest image of objects, the phenomena of the surrounding world by means of a volumetric applique;
  • learn the main techniques in the paper plastic appliquancy technique (breaking, fringing, rolling into a lump); the ability to work with glue, gluing the items, connecting one to the other;
  • learn to work on a given space (accumulation of elementary experience in compiling a composition)
  • enrichment of sensory impressions (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of paper);
  • development of shallow motility, coordination of the movements of the hands, Eyemer;
  • development of speech skills;
  • development of creative fantasy, aesthetic and color perception;
  • education of neat work skills;
  • education of the desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective work.

The program is designed for children of primary preschool age (3-4 years)

This is due to the fact that in this age is characterized by a significant increase in physical possibilities, especially the active development of small muscles of hands, a change in the psychological position and feeling of adulthood adulthies, the desire to show their individuality and creative abilities.

Circle classes are held 1 time per week with a duration of 15 minutes in the afternoon, according to subgroups. The duration of productive activities with children may vary depending on the situation and the desire of children. The flexible form of child labor organization in leisure activities makes it possible to take into account the individual features of children, desire, health, the level of mastering the skills, finding at a certain stage of implementation of the plan and other possible factors. Each child works at its level of difficulty, starts work from the place where he finished.

Classes are in the form of a game, poetic forms, fairy tales, moving and finger games, characters (toys and dolls from various theaters, images of a particular character who beats) are used to play a certain plot.

Program of implementation of the program 8 months

Expected results of work

The solution of the tasks of this program will help children to master the main techniques in the paper "paper plastic": to break and flicker paper, coordinate their efforts and actions, transfer the image of the subject, the phenomena of the surrounding world. Mastering the skills of working with glue, and the most important thing will be opened by the skillfulness of the hands, a shallow motorcy, when the movements of both hands become more consistent, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated.

The result in the implementation of the program isexhibitions of children's work in children's garden;

days of presentation of children's work parents (employees, kids); Drawing up the album of the best works.

Thematic Plan of Circle "Magic Paper"





Autumn leaves

Teach children carefully tear the paper into pieces of different sizes and shapes, gluitive pieces of paper to the cardboard, create an image of the leaffall, continue to get acquainted with "warm" flowers (yellow, orange, red).

Bilateral paper bright colors (yellow, orange, red), 1/2 album sheet, glue, brushes, napkins.

Rain, rain - cap, cap

Teach children tear down small pieces of paper from great, gently glued to cardboard. Spatial leaf development

Umbrella, 1/2 white cardboard, colored paper (shades of blue) glue, brushes, napkins

Apples in the basket

Learn to mive paper, slip out of her lumps, foaming into the glue glued them to the cardboard, gently working with glue. Development of symology.

1/2 album sheet with a basket image, yellow red paper pieces, green,

Rowan branch

(collective work).

Continue to learn to ride small pieces of paper into a tight lump and make up a bunch of rowan. Educating the desire to make the application and bring the work started to the end. Strengthen hand brushes, develop fine motor skills.

¼ toned watman leaf, arid leaves of rowan, paper napkins of red; glue, brushes, napkins



Continue to acquaint children with paper and its properties (sensory development); Learning to mive paper, rot from her lumps, gluitive them to the cardboard; To form interest and positive attitude towards appliqué.

Bilateral paper of bright colors; Round-shaped cardboard sheet (plate); PVA glue.

Ice cream in a waffle cup

Learning to successively perform work:, roll napkins in a lump, to dip in glue and apply close to each other, develop color perception.

Katya doll, 1/2 album sheet with a picture of a wafer horn, colored paper napkins, plow glue

Fat tummy

Teach children to form chicks from paper, glue them in a certain place of the foundation; Carefully paint, without leaving the contour pencil.

Bilateral paper black and brown flowers, pictures with contour images of bears and Cheburashka; PVA glue; colour pencils

Petushok-Golden Scallop

(collective work)

Exercise in coming and rolling in flax flashes from paper napkins (paper plastic technique). Continue forming appliqué skills (sticking paper balls on the tail silhouette).

¼ Toned Watman Sheet With Silhouette Cock Tail Without Colored, Colored Paper Napkins; glue, brushes, napkins


Snow drifts on trees

(collective work)

Fasten the ability of children to gently tear the paper into pieces of various sizes and shapes, gently glued to the base (on the crown of trees, on the ground), the spatial mastering of the sheet, the development of imagination. Continue learn to act together.

¼ toned watman sheet with the image of trees, white paper sheets; glue, brushes, napkins

We blind snowman (collective work)

Consider knowledge of children about the round form, about the difference in items in magnitude, learning children to work with cotton disks of various sizes, to form an image, which is correctly placed in size. Exercise in accurate gluing, properly wise a cotton disk.

Picture depicting a snowman, picture from previous occupation, cotton discs of different sizes, pieces of color cardboard, markers, glue, brushes, napkins

Fluffy collar for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Learn to tear off the sheet of paper pieces and stripes, flicker paper in lumps, use paper depending on its qualities. Educate interest in appliqué.

Pictures blanks with the image of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, White Paper, Glue, Brushes

Christmas tree

Teach children to make an applicative image of a Christmas tree made of ready-made forms (triangles), with partial overlay on each other. Continue to learn to ride from small pieces of paper balls, gently use glue. Educate independence and friendly relations to other children

½ album sheet, billet from green paper (triangles of different sizes), double-sided paper of bright colors (candy), glue, brushes, napkins


Bunny white sits

(collective work)

Exercise in the ability to rig the paper napkin in lumps, make it an object, complement the image of the missing details. Gently use glue. Develop a desire to work together with other children to educate friendships

Bunny Toy, ¼ Toned Watman Sheet, White Paper Napkins, Cottage Discs, Cuttings, Glue, Brushes, Napkins

Snow drops on the meadow on the meadow

(collective work)

Continue to teach rolling out of small pieces of paper balls and stroke evenly through the entire sheet. Develop aesthetic perception, the desire to bring the work done to the end.

Picture from previous occupation, pieces of foil, white paper, glue, brushes, napkins

Federal birds

Fasten the ability of children carefully tear the paper into pieces of small size, gluing pieces of paper to the cardboard; To form interest and positive attitude towards appliqué.

Bilateral brown paper; ½ album sheet with contour image of birds, toy bird, glue, brushes, napkins


Kitten named Woof"

Fasten the ability of children carefully tear the paper into pieces of various sizes and shapes, gluing pieces of paper on the contour. To form interest and caring attitude towards pet.

Kitten toy, ½ album sheet with contour image of a kitten, double-sided paper, colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins

Curly lamb

Exercise in the ability to tear off pieces of paper pieces and stripes, flickering paper in lumps, use paper depending on its quality. Rail interest in working with paper.

Toned paper with a loaf of lamb, white paper, toy lamb, glue, brushes, napkins.


(pyramid, nevosha)

Continue to learn to roll napkins in lumps, make a craft from several balls, correctly with their largest, consolidate knowledge of basic colors. Brigade careful attitude to toys.

½ album sheet, colored paper napkins, PVA glue; Pyramid

Fly airplanes

(collective work)

Fasten the ability to make an object from several parts of different shapes and size (rectangles, strips). Correctly position the subject on panel (in the form of Russianflag). Gently use glue, smear the whole form. Bring up a sense of patriotism, the ability to rejoice in the overall result

¼ Toned Watman Sheet, (in the form of Russianflag), billet for aircraft

(rectangles, strips),colored paper

glue, brushes, napkins.


Flowers as a gift mom

(collective work)

Teach children to create a beautiful composition of flowers (bouquet). In a mixed technique: Paper plastic + torn paper, develop aesthetic perception, form a figurative representation. Rise a caring attitude towards mom, the desire to please her.

Toned watman sheet with a branch contour image, yellow napkins, green colored paper,

glue, brushes, napkins.

Watching the sun in the window

Continue to teach children to work in mixed technique: paper plastic + torn paper, supplement at the request of missing parts, develop imagination, feeling of color and shape.

Lickey sheet of paper with window, yellow paper napkins, yellow paper, markers, glue, brushes, napkins.

Crested chicken chicken with her yellow chickens

(Collective work 2 classes)

Fasten the skill neat
and consistently perform work: roll from napkins lumps, inceap them into
glue and upload along the contour. Develop color perception. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bpoultry.

¼ Toned Watman Sheet, Yellow Paper Napkins, Colored Paper Slices, Cottage Wovers, Felt Packs, Toy Chicken, Glue, Brushes, Napkins.


Clouds - White Horses

Teach children carefully tear the paper of different stiffness into pieces of different sizes and shapes, fix sticking skill; (inside the contour). The development of aesthetic perception, the ability to work together.

Toned watman sheet with a river image, white paper napkins and paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

White boats

(collective work)

Learning to make the image of a ship from finished forms (trapezium and triangles of different sizes). Forming the ability to freely place the details, gently glued, well to miss the edges of the details, use the napkin

Picture from previous occupation, blanks for craps from colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

Cheerful clown

Manufacturing in the technique of paper plastic balls for clown-jugglera; Sticking them, leaning on a visual landmark. To bring up independence and desire to bring the work done to the end.

¼ Watman Sheet with a clown image, candy candies, paper napkins of bright colors, glue, brushes, napkins

Kolobok -Rumenoye Bok

Develop the aesthetic feelings for the transmission of an artistic fairy-tale image in the application technology, teaching the paper of different stiffness, consolidate the knowledge of round shape and yellow.

Grandmother (Puppet Theater) Shirma, Yellow Double Sided Paper, Yellow Napkins, Cardboard Round Shape, Eyes, Mouth Nose For Barrock, PVA Glue, Napkin


Festive salute

(collective work)

Exercise in the technique of paper plastic. Sticking paper balls on a prepared dark background (multicolored lights salute in the sky). Develop a sense of rhythm.

Blue Cardboard, Paper Napkins Bright Colors, PVA Glue


fly to Nekco

Fasten the ability to rody from paper lumps of different sizes, make a image of parts, complement the missing parts. To form interest in insect.

Toy ladybug

½ album sheet,

red paper napkins, black colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins


Continue to teach a piece of pieces and stripes from a sheet of paper, flicker paper in lumps, stick on the prepared picture, tightly press them to each other, supplement the image with the missing parts. Easy careful attitude towards insect.

½ Album sheet with contour image Leaf, paper napkins of green, pieces of colored paper, glue, tassels, napkins.

Dandelions in the grass

(collective work)

Fasten the skill of children carefully tear the paper into pieces of small size, gluing pieces of paper along the contour, stick the workpiece partially so that it turns out volumetric (leaf) to develop the ability to work carefully. Rise a desire to work together.

¼ toned watman sheet, blanks for leaves of green paper, yellow paper, glue, tassels, napkins.


  • Appliques and crafts from paper for children 3-4 years old: Dragonfly, 2010.
  • Grishina N.N, Anistratova A.A. Drills from pieces of paper - M., Onyx, 2009
  • Neusticone. Magic napkins - hoop, 2003, №1
  • Ryabko N.B. Classes on the pictorial activities of the preschooler - paper plastic. Educational and practical manual - M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4" Bear "of a combined species

cities Gorno-Altaisk »

CIRCLE "Magic paper".

The program is compiled for 1 year, for children 5-6 years.

Educator: Degtyarev O.I.

Senior group

gorno-Altaisk. 2015.

Explanatory note.

Preschool age - Bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child's connection with the leading spheres of being is established: the world of people, nature, the substantive world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. Inquisitive develops, interest in creativity is formed.
To support this interest, it is necessary to stimulate imagination, the desire to be included in creative activity. In practice on drawing, modeling, applications in children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, the skills of visual and constructive creativity are being improved.
One of the most interesting directions of the artistic and aesthetic cycle is designed from paper. When working with paper, children are improved by a number of essential mental qualities, as well as a platform for the development of creative deposits.
The content of the circle program "Magic paper" involves the development of the creative abilities of children when designing from paper when interacting with other activities. In the process of implementing a circle activity, the ability of preschoolers is formed to select the necessary means for the presentation of creative abilities, the desire to achieve a positive result, free operating instrument, in different ways, combining and transforming them in different ways.
Classes Mug "Magic Paper" are aimed at the comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of preschoolers, an increase in their effectiveness. One of the main objectives of design activities from paper is the development of the identity of the child, its abilities, creative deposits, intellect. Training skills does not displacing the immediacy of children's perception. In the process of designing paper, in addition to the development of small motility, the child develops spatial imagination, artistic taste and accuracy. Design activities from paper teaches concentration of attention, as it makes focus on the process of making crafts, teaches to follow oral instructions, and also stimulates the development of memory, spatial imagination.
For training, play forms of children's activity should be widely used. Accounting for specific features of children's design activities allows to determine the tasks of the work of the Mug "Magic Paper":
· form mental backgrounds;
interest in the result and sense of pride for him, the desire to improve its quality;
promote gradually deploying a system of objects arising from each other;
a variety of ways to work with various materials and tools;
improve the ability to reproduce the simplest samples of crafts and buildings.
When designing from paper, children learn from various techniques to work as bending, repeated folding, cutting, gluing. A visit to the "Magic Paper" mug will allow you to develop the ability to work with your hands, to teach to the exact movements of the fingers, improve the shallow motility of the hands, develop the eye. In the process of creating a composition in children, a sense of color, symmetry, idea of \u200b\u200bthe depth of the paper sheet is formed. They will learn correctly position items on the sheet plane, to establish a connection between the objects located in different parts of the background. Highly important moment Work with paper is the relationship of classes with independent creative activities of children.
Extensive opportunities for activating the educational process gives the use of the relevant pedagogical technologies, in particular, technologies involving the construction of the educational process on situational, primarily a gaming basis. The choice of methods and techniques contributes to the formation of the motivation of the exercise, the formation of common technological skills and skills. In the selection of the content of methods and forms of the educational process, the level of preparation of the development of children, individual and psychological peculiarities, children leaning. Among the techniques used in the process of implementing mug activities that increase the motivation of learning should be called:
activation and individualization of training;
games and game situations;
creative works, etc.
Purpose of the program Mug "Magic Paper" - Comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering elementary receptions of designing paper.
Problems of the program Mug "Magic Paper":
· to form skills to follow oral instructions;
teach various techniques to work with paper;
to acquaint children with basic concepts;
enrich the child's dictionary with special terms;
create compositions with paper made of paper.
· develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;
develop a shallow motility of the hands and the eye of the eye;
develop artistic taste, creative abilities and fantasies of children;
develop in children the ability to work with their hands, teach to the exact movements of the fingers;
develop spatial imagination.
· bring up interest in designing paper;
form labor culture and improve labor skills;
learning accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, contain in order workplace.
Methods used in the classes Mug:
· conversation, story, fairy tale;
view illustrations;
show sample execution sequence.
Form of occupation - Thematic joint activities.
aspect learning on this program Children:
to be accessed by various techniques for working with paper;
rechange to follow oral instructions;
will create compositions with products made of paper;
open attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination;
· they will open the shallow motility of the hands and the eye of the eye;
open artistic taste, creative abilities and fantasy;
get acquainted with various techniques of work with paper;
master the skills of labor culture;
improve its communicative abilities and acquire skills to work in the team.
Forms of summing up Mug "Magic Paper":
· drawing up the album of the best works;
conducting exhibitions of children's work.
Organizational and methodological support of the program (the age of children, the deadlines of the implementation, the regime of classes, the reconciliation of groups).
The program Mug "Magic Paper" is calculated for 1 year (with children middle group). For the successful development of the classesthe number of children in the group of a circle should be 15 people. Classes are held four times a month from October to May.

Number of classes

Number of children in a subgroup

Per month

In year




Perspective Plan Mug "Magic Paper"

For 2015-2016 year .




"Journey to" Paper Country "

Teach children to distinguish the types of paper for properties and qualities. Develop the horizons and curiosity. Relieve a sense of collectivism, the desire to find answers to questions on their own.


Crafts in the technique "Paper lump

«. Rowan branch »

Continue to learn to ride small pieces of paper into a tight lump and make up a bunch of rowan. Educating the desire to make the application and bring the work started to the end. Strengthen hand brushes, develop fine motility.



Fasten the ability of children to form lumps, transfer and gently stick on the background. To form a positive attitude to work. Eat independence.


Crafts in the technique of "Paper Chicks":


Continue to teach children to form lumps from paper. Apply glue with brush. Learning to carry pieces of paper on a drop of glue with a cotton waller dipped in water.

Develop composite skills. Fasten sticking.


"List Falls".

Develop the creative abilities of children using an unconstructive method of appliqué - paper break. Rise the aesthetic feelings of joy, love for the nature of the native land. To teach pupils to accuracy and discipline, to restore order on your workplace.


Crafts in the technique "Target"


Purpose: Development of the creative abilities of children using an unconventional method-breaking paper. Relieve accurate.


Crafts in the technique "Target".

Autumn forest".

Teach children to create a picture "Target" technique. Development of children's creative abilities.



"Christmas tree."

Teach children glue from colored paper with a bulk tree. Develop spatial perception, maintain interest in paper plastic.



Christmas tree toys from "accordion".


Show children how to make an unusual toy on the Christmas tree from ordinary colored paper.

Secure paper folding skills by way of "accordion". Teach Matreushka



Crafts in the technique of Quilling - "Snegir and Rowan".

Teach children to wrap a narrow long strip on a stick. To acquaint with the main form, on the basis of which all other forms are made in a quilling technique - "Tablet". Learning tightly screw the strip on the pencil, gently apply glue, press. Development of color perception, improving the compositional construction of the image, depending on the shape of the base.


Crafts in the technique of "Quilling" - Collective work - "Goldfish

Fixing the ability to wind the basic form "Tablet", "Free Spiral". Develop the ability to work in the team, negotiate with comrades. Develop a sense of rhythm and color, independence, to promote gaming communication.


« Crafts in the technique "Quilling"


Continue to teach children to the main receptions of Qwill: "Free Spiral", "Tablet". Fasten the skill with scissors, neat glue, make a picture of parts, tested accurate gluing. Develop the perfection and imagination.




Expand the presentation of children about holidays. To make a desire to make a gift with your own hands .. relieving accuracy .. developing creative skills, independence, initiative.


Crafts in the "Quilling" technique - a gift for the Pope - "Rocket".

Continue to learn the neat handling of scissors, cut strips of the desired width, twist them into the main forms of queening. Forming the composition, gently stick the items. Rail to the guys pride and love for their homeland, form a positive attitude to the results of their activities.


« Origami from Square

Curious Corner History

Teach children design, bending a piece of paper square shape diagonally, learning to bend triangle according to the scheme, educate in children attention and patience.




Fasten the ability to fold the square diagonally, to show that the triangle can be folded once again in half and still get a triangle. Teach children to make a small composition from origami, supplement it as necessary for various parts made of paper. Develop imagination


Dog "Tuzik and his friends

Continue to teach children to bend a square-shaped sheet horizontal and vertical axes (the basic form of "book"; fasten the ability to fold the square into the triangle, bending the resulting triangle in different directions.


Crafts in the technique of terethery.

"the sun".

Introduce children with new technology. Relieve accuracy.



Crafts in the technique of terethery:


Continue to master the technique of a carriage.




Acquaintance with the phenomenon of axial symmetry and the development of technology of volumetric symmetric application: folding the square (rectangle) in half, cutting half of the image (the fold line is the middle of the flower) according to the drawn or imaginary contour and receiving a symmetrical silhouette. Enrichment and expansion of the possibilities of mastered technology.



Learn to combine cast materials used as auxiliary in the manufacture of crafts from paper; Develop a creative imagination.



Teach children to create bright images from the material at their discretion; learn correctly select material for crafts on the proposed topic; develop creative imagination; Development of shallow motility hands.



Teach children work collectively, consulting, using knowledge and skills of working with various species Paper obtained earlier. Development creative thinking.



Fastening ideas about the structure of flowering plants. Mastering the rational method of obtaining the same elements: folding the paper strip twice or three times in half. Registration of colors.

I. Educational and methodological manuals. Internet resources:

1 . Davydova G.N. Paperoplasty. Floral motifs. - M: Publisher "Scripture 2003", 2007

2. Hannah Lind. Paper mosaic. - M: Iris press, 2007

3. Sergeant T.B. Origami. Basic forms. - M: Iris press, 2012

4. Novikova I.V. Quilling. Paper crafts in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2011

5. Dolzhenko G.I. 200 figures and toys of paper and origami. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2011

6. Anistratova A.A., Grishin N.I. Crafts from pieces of paper. - M: from the onyx, 2010

Subject: Magic paper.

Purpose: The development of the creative possibilities of each student.

Tasks: 1. To introduce children with the paper history, its properties.

2. Develop a shallow motorcy, enrich the vocabulary, connected speech.

3. Educate hard work, accuracy in work, careful attitude to subjects made of paper.

Travel course.

I.Org. moment.

Every day - always, everywhere

In class, in the game,

Boldly, clearly speak

And quietly sit.

II.Opening conversation.

Carefully listen to the poem that will read the penetration of C, and tell me what it is?

Simple paper fresh leaf?

You are white like chalk. Do not dare and clean

Your surface is

Draw not touched a hand

What do you become? When, what

Will you be written with your hand?

To whom and what you bring.

Love? Separation? Truth? False?

Will you lie on the table?

Il turn to the protocol,

Or doubt you poet

Barlessly met dawn?

No, waiting for you to go different.

Once a pencil color

It will be throughout the leaf,

His filled with emptiness

And blue will be the sky,

And the red will be a steamer

And black in the sky will smoke

And the sun will be gold.

What is the poem written about? (about paper sheet)

What do on paper? (they write, draw, from her make various things and decorations)

The topic of classes "Magic paper".

Story about paper history.

Paper is a material known to each kid. But there was a time when no one even knew that such a material could exist. Ancient people painted on the stone - it was very uncomfortable. Just imagine that you decided to give your drawing to a friend, and he will have to carry a piece of rock, on which the drawing is made. Stopped the stone age, but the papers did not have the paper.

But with the development of man, writing began to be improved, and together with it there were new materials for its implementation, which, unlike stone, can be easily handled and transferred.

IN Ancient Egypt wrote and painted on glued stems aquatic plant Papyrus, and in Asia on the skin of the cattle, such a material was called parchment. Parchment - writing material from calf leather, common to the invention of paper.

And only in 105, a person named Tsai Lun made paper. Paper has become widely used. The opening of the paper was considered an outstanding event, and for a long time remained in strict mystery. And now it is no longer a secret and with paper we can meet everywhere. Modern paper is made of wood. Every 30 kg of paper retain one birch. Saving thousands of kilograms of paper - save hundreds of hectares of the forest.

What did people draw in ancient times? (stone, livestock skin)

What do we write and do now? (on the paper)

2. Acquaintance with paper properties.

Showing 2 sheets of paper (simple and velvet).

Carefully look at the paper, and tell me what it is in shape, color? (White or color, rectangular or round).

Put 2 sheets and give touch.

What paper to the touch? (smooth, rough)

Smoothness - Condition of paper surface.

Experience 1. A glass covered with a napkin and a landscape sheet. Leap water. Napkins quickly pass water, and the sheet is more denser.

Waterproof - The degree of water transmission.

Experience 2.On the table in children is a paper leaf. Let's try to bend the leaf.

Is he flex? (Yes) Let's try to minimize the leaf.

Looked? (yes) the ability of paper will change, called elasticity.

Experience 3. Let's try to break the dry and wet sheet.

What sheet of paper is lighter? (Wet)

Strength - paper resistance to break.

Today in the class we will make a craft from paper, and what you know, guessing the riddle.

What is this maiden

Not seamstress, not master

Nothing herself sews

And in needles round year. (Christmas tree)

III Sample display and analysis.

Look carefully on the sample.

What is our Christmas tree? (barrel, branches)

What is the shape of the trunk? (cone)

What are the twigs like? (loops)

What color tree?

Fizminutka. The wind blows into our face

The village was hardened,

Wind quieter, quieter, quieter

The village is higher above, above.

IVSequence of work.

Cut part of the circle.

We glue this part. It turns out a cone.

Cut the paper strips.

We make a loop.

We glue the loops, starting below. Glue the first row.

Glue above the second row

Even above the third row ... .. Fifth row.

Let's repeat how we will do the Christmas tree.

V. Rules of safe work with scissors.

Stored in a closed form.

We transmit rings forward.

You can not swing and brought close to the eyes.

VIPractical work.

VIIExhibition of work. Outcome.

Guys, look, our beautiful crafts turned out of an ordinary piece of paper. And we have a magic paper. Let us relate to carefully not only to crafts from paper, but also to notebooks and books, because they are also made of an ordinary piece of paper.

Thematic day plan "Magician paper"

Educator MBDOU "DSCV № 110" Bratsk Klandina G.A.
Objectives and objectives: Consider and expanding children's knowledge of the invention by mankind of paper, writing, about the properties of paper, about the role of paper, books in human life. Develop the ability to compare, analyze, prove its point of view, listen to the opinion of other children, interact in the team of children and adults. Relieve careful attitude towards the book, paper, the desire to maintain the country's forest resources and the native land.
Integration: Cognition, Health, Safety, Socialization
Joint educational activities Children's teacher Independent activities Children Correctional activities Cooperation with society Creation
subject-developing medium
Directly organized educational activities Team work
In the 1st and 2nd half of the day 1. Communicative activity - rhetoric
IOS: "She says silently"
(about the book)
2.Productive activities - Drawing with research elements
IOS: "On what paper it is better to draw"
Note: The drawing is created under reading the poem of S. Mikhalkov "Sheet of Paper"
1. Mini-conversation
"What was the paper?"
2. Presentations
"How did the paper appear?" "How do paper?"
3. Experience
"Production of paper from waste paper"
4. D / game
"What would happen if there were no paper?"
5. Games with "Magic" Microphone:
"What is paper?"
"What is the paper?"
6. Reading
A. Smetanin "Paper boat named" Book "." Compete at the request of children
1. Origami
"Airplane (boat)" of dense and thin paper
With an element of research "What paper is easier to fold?"
2. Game with the ball "Call paper" - instruct Nastya
3. Experiments
With paper
In an experimental corner. Help draw results in the table.
1. Etude
"Paper Fali" to develop imagination, strengthen the emotional-psyological state of children
2. Gymnastics to strengthen eye muscles
"My paper plane" 1. Ask parents to bring waste paper and different paper for research for research and experimental activities
2. Excursion to the printing house 1. Clay plate
With a cliff, bark grades, writing illustration, different texture paper, table
2. Paper items:
Napkins, boxes, notebooks, books, wallpaper, business cards, albums, notepads, conversions, packages, etc. 3. Ball
4. "Magic" microphone.
3. Slide presentation "How to make paper?", Laptop, multimedia.
4. Food processor, waste paper, water, tanks, frames with a grid.
5. Books: copyright, homemade, babies and different format, on the density of covers and bindings, encyclopedia, fairy tales.
6. Acts of poems A. Smetanin,
S. Mikhalkov

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Selezian kindergarten" Teremok "

Perspective mug plan

by origami

"Wizard paper"

for 2016-2017 academic year

Head Mug:

Explanatory note

"The origins of the creative abilities and custody of children at the tips of their fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest streams that feed the source of creative thoughts. In other words: the more skill in the children's palm, the smartest child. "

Origami is the folding of paper figures without glue and scissors. This paper folding technique allows not only to interest the children and involve them in the creative process, but also develops a small motorcy, the consistency of both hands, constructive thinking, which is necessary to prepare children for school learning. The only working material in Origami is paper.

Origami develop the cognitive abilities of children, skills and manual skills, labor culture. But origami also raises and adjusts the character, strengthens volitional qualities. Origami classes help tune in to a positive, life-affirming worldview and do not require special devices equipped with a workplace. Therefore, everyone can add origamine figures everywhere in any situation. After all, there are only hands and a sheet of paper.

Not yet fully developed bone muscular fabric of the body, as well as hands allowing a five-year-old child to easily perform small and accurate movements, hatching, weaving, folding. Such classes for the child are a big job. Performing various actions, such as cutting, painting, folding paper, the child exercises his hand and tends to accurately coordinate her work with the work of the eye. Such coordination of vision and movement is prerequisite Further successful performance of any action. When the movement is controlled by vision, it reaches high quality.

That is why it is very important and necessary to deal with the child exactly such activities, among which the origami occupies the main place.

Objective: Comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering elementary techniques Origami, as an artistic way of designing paper.

Tasks Mug:


● To acquaint children with basic geometric concepts and basic formations of origami;

● Forming the skills to follow oral instructions;

● teach various techniques to work with paper;

● To acquaint children with basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, corner, side, vertex, etc.;

● enrich the dictionary of children with special terms;

● Learn to create compositions with products made in Origami technique.


● Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;

● Develop a shallow motility of hands and eyemeter;

● develop art flavor, creativity and fantasy;

● Develop the ability to work with hands in children, tend to accurate finger movements.


● educate interest in the art of origami;

● expand the communicative abilities of children;

● form labor culture and improve labor skills;

● Teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, keep working in order

Methods used in the classes Mug:

    Visual Visual Practical Reproductive

Work forms Mug:

conversation viewing illustrations of the exhibition of children's work

Materials and equipment:

    Paper Scissors Adhesive Napkins Workcloth Brushes

Expected Result:

By the end of the year, children will be able to:

● Learn to various techniques for paperwork;

● Learn the main geometric concepts and the basic form of origami;

● learn to follow oral instructions;

● will create origami products;

● Allow attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination, eye meter, fine motor skills, artistic taste;

● master labor culture skills;

● Clause work skills.

Classes are organized in the form of circle work and complement the content of the main educational program in Dow.

Number of classes:

Per week -1, in the second half of the day, the duration of the occupation of 20 minutes;

Per month - 4 classes;

Per year - 28 lessons.

Diagnostics - 2 (beginning of the year and end of the year).

The duration of one occupation is 20 minutes.

The method of organizing children is a subgroup.

Perspective work plan Mug "Magician paper"

Medium group

Goals and objectives

Paper fairy tale "Cheerful frog"

View the types of bending, teach to find a fold line, angle, side. Secure knowledge O. geometric Figures. Teach children to fold the frog: folded a triangle from the square, get the sharp corners towards each other so that the ends intersect and bend the same corners in opposite sides. Develop imagination, resourcefulness, attention, perfection. Application to draft handle.


Teach children to fold the square in half, find the fold line, stroke her. Application and make a postcard. Develop fantasy and creativity, fine motor skills.

"Autumn carpet" Collective work

Create emotionally creative atmosphere. Teach children bending small and large corners, creating an image of a leaf, beautifully placed on a sheet. Develop fantasy and creativity, fine motor skills. Relieve a sense of collectivism


Teach children to fold the cup using famous additions of addition, carefully stroke the fold line. Develop attention, fine motor skills, memory.

"A friend for a friend"

Teach children of the skills of a neat addition of a square into a triangle, clearly stroke the folding lines. Learn to flex the corners in opposite sides. Develop attention, fine motor skills, memory.


Improve the skills of the neat addition of a square into a triangle, clearly stroke the folding lines. Learn to flex the corners in opposite sides. Develop attention, fine motor skills, memory.

"Bulk apple"

Secure the knowledge of children about fruits and their forms. Teach find the center of the square, bending the corners in the same direction, creating an image of a circle - apple. Develop a small motility of hands, attention.


Teach children to fold the bunny using the basic shape of the triangle, gently use scissors. To carefully listen to the explanation of the sequence of craft. Develop a shallow motility of hands.


To acquaint children with a basic form of a kite. Develop creativity and fantasy, collecting snowflakes from parts. Gently use glue.


Teach to find the square of the square, bending the corners in one direction, creating the image of a circle-snowman. Develop imagination, creativity, independence, diligence, fine motility hands.

"Elegant Christmas Tree"

Secure the ability to add a triangle base shape. Position the resulting triangles with each other since more. Decorate the festive Christmas tree with colored lanterns prepared by a soft paper twisting. Develop fine motor skills, fantasy and creativity

"Christmas tree toy"

Teach children to fold the circle in half, stroke the folding line, find half the circle, which must be lubricated with glue and glue with a half other circle. Develop a sense of rhythm.


Teach children to fold the fox using the base shape of the triangle, gently use scissors. To carefully listen to the explanation of the sequence of craft. Develop a shallow motility of hands.


To acquaint children with the basic form of candy, collect and glue a bookmark from "candy". Develop imagination, creativity, independence, diligence, fine motility hands.

Teach children to convert squares in the house: base and roof. Use artwork; Run the windows, door and pipe from rectangles. Educating accuracy and progress, bring the work started to the end.

"A car"

Teach children convert a square into the car. Use artwork; From rectangles to perform windows, door. Educating accuracy and progress, bring the work started to the end.

"Sailboat in the sea"

Teach children to tear off long strips and form their waves them, carefully use glue. From the square to make a sailboat in the way of addition of the square on diagonals, with the help of scissors cut half a diagonal and bend the resulting triangle

Fairy tale square


Teach children to convert the square in the fungus. Use artwork; From the rectangle to perform the feet of fungus. Educating accuracy and progress, bring the work started to the end. Secure knowledge of geometric figures. Develop imagination, resourcefulness.

"Flowers as a gift for mom"

Based on the base shape, a triangle to teach to make tulip buds, leaves. Teach composition composition. Develop artistic taste, imagination, attention, artistic taste, color feeling. Call a desire to work yourself.

"Cheerful triangle"

Fasten the skill of children to fold the triangle from the square: combining opposite angles, stroking the resulting folding line. Decorate the handicraft to the applique. Develop fantasy, creativity, fine motility hands.

Secure the skill of children to fold the base shape of the triangle, combine sharp corners, carefully stroke the folding line. Remember the rules of safe use of scissors. Decorate the handicraft to the applique. Develop attention, creativity.


Secure the skill to add a triangle from the square, combining opposite angles, stroking the resulting folding line. Teach to curb the resulting opposite angles in different directions. Cause a desire for creative design crafts.


Secure the knowledge of children about basic form of a kite, bending the angles to the fold line. Develop attention, perfection. Arrange the applique

Remember the performance of the base-shaped air serum, mark the authentication. Improve the skill of the lifting of a small corner, bending the corners in opposite sides. Remember the rules of safe use of scissors. Develop attention


Teach children to convert the square into the rocket. Use artwork; From the circle to run the porthole. Educating accuracy and progress, bring the work started to the end.

"Spring bouquets"

Remember the sequence of the basic form of the candy, tends to independently execute. Secure the name of the parts of the blooming plant. Call a desire to perform work yourself. Develop purposefulness, imagination, artistic taste


, "Everything about origami." Directory. C-PB: "Crystal", M: "Onyx", 2005 "Art of the countries and Peoples of the World", ed., M., 1989, "Geometry Tasks solved by Origami methods" (Annex to Origami magazine) 100 origami. Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", the Secrets of Origami for preschoolers. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 2004 Origami for the whole family. Series "Attention Children", M., 2010. Svetlana Sokolova Origami for the smallest. ed. Childhood press, 200


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