Istorija protiotrut - іstorіya otrut. Toxicology The science of antibiotics

Istorija protiotrut - іstorіya otrut. Toxicology The science of antibiotics

1. One of the first antidotes, whose formulation was passed down to us by the saved eye, was created by the court medicus of Mithridates VI Eupator (Pontus, II-I centuries BC). According to the final route (experiments were carried out at the same time on the affected meats), the sum was selected from 54 components (opium, various growths, ground into a powder of organic snakes). The monarch, who was afraid of panic, would be destroyed, having taken this drug for a long time. Vіn pochav іz small doses, yakі z skin day offal zbіshuvav. For the king's name, the name of the toxicological phenomenon is metridatism, which is the development of stamina to the deaky speeches that are formed in the body with a trivial intake. There is a peculiar "training" of enzymatic systems - 1 time, a decrease in the sensitivity of specific receptors - 2 times. Zgidno with a legend, if the moment had come, the king could not bring up self-destruction for help, he had a chance to throw himself on the sword. Rice. V. Shilova 2. Claudius Galen (Old Rome, 199-129 BC) was the first to put the word “antidote” in its current meaning, and so called himself one of yoga practitioners. The wines, having tried to fold the classification, will be wiped off, having divided them into cold ones, they will warm up and cry out rotten. On the thought of Galen, oppose the children for the principle of "the opposite is the opposite." As if the person had been drunk, which was to be disgusting, that it was cold, he should be warmed up by all available methods. I get dressed. The current toxicology does not add up to the level.

3. In the middle ages, the antidote "in the form of a mustache" was called "bezoar" like an expensive stone. As a matter of fact, the calculus is made of scalloped hair or fibers of roslin in the mucosal-intestinal tract of ruminant creatures and horses, and more importantly, pigs and dogs. Why youmu was attributed to tsіlyuschi domineering — lost a riddle. For one of the legends, the boyars of Miloslavsky, fearful of the life of the young Tsar Fyodor Oleksiyovich, hung a silver cup with a bezoar for him, wanting the miraculous protiotratu to appear powerless at the vipadka with the prince.

4. The champion for the number of ingredients can be the antidote of Mattiomus, dated 1618 p. Yogo registered mistiv close to 250 components.

5. Deadly hydrocyanic acid is often inactivated by the great zukr. In 1915 German chemists Rupp and Golze brought that glucose, as well as other products of oxidation, by combining with the acid itself and its salts, satisfies non-toxic cyangidrin. This fact is not known to infants, 1916. to the recruits, as if they tried to beat Grigory Rasputin with cyanistem potassium, we drink at the port wine and tastechko, that they had a chance to shoot.

6. One of the first representatives of the class of antidotes-sorbents, active in vugillia, dating back to about 1813. The promise of yoga victoria began in 1915. - at the protigas designs of Zelinsky. Through the opening of the vugill of a dewy or creaturely journey, they passed again or a water vapor with a set of micropores. As a result, 1 gram of water activated by such a rank instantly spreads over a surface of hundreds of square meters. Particularly effective wines against chlorine and other suffocating war gases, which were stopped during the first hour of the First Light War.

7. The first specially synthesized chemical antidote can be used Strzhizhevsky's antidote (1933), which zastosovavsya with mercuric chloride (mercury chloride (II)). Those who, in the interplay of mercuric chloride with sulphurous sills, transform into practically indestructible sulphurous mercury, it was like the example of the 18th century. However, the stabilization of the rozchins, which avenged sodium and magnesium sulfide, was only about 250 years away. The author tested the antidote on his own, drinking 0.2 g of sublimate (lethal dose) and drinking 50 ml of protiotruti for one hour. The toxicologist is alive, and medicine has been enriched with a new antitoxic drug.

8. British Anti-Luizet, BAL (1946), - the first antidote for fighting blasted speeches. BAL was created for the first time for the pіdbags of a thorough wedding dip: R. Peters, L. Stoken and R. Thomson knew exactly what lyuїzit diє on the sulfhydryl group. There are more than 100 enzymes, the activity of which can be halted when these groups are blocked. With the speeches, to avenge the SH-group, the conduction of the nerve impulse, the tissue breathing, the shortness of the membranes, the penetration of the clitin membranes is poor. Vikoristovuvavsya antidote as a buffer, presenting its own SH-group to the ointment, protecting the body's proteins by itself. Moreover, BAL appears to be a natural way of developing bonds between lusite and yogo “target” molecule; in this way, British antiluzit became the first toxicological drug. The majestic minus of the BALU is a therapeutic lesson. The juicy dose is one hundred parts of a gram, and the toxic one is ten, so it was even easier to control the overdose.

9. In the 1950s, a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SRSR A.I. Cherkess and Professor V.Є. Petrunkin modernized BAL. They replaced the third hydroxyl group with the SO 3 Na radical and hydrated the removed molecule. The preparation viyshov is active, more quickly and more quickly penetrating the blood, with a smaller spectrum of side effects. Vіn appearing superbly brown for the jubilation of rubbish with the hemispheres of important metals. Z tsієyu metoyu unitіol vikoristovuєtsya dosі.

10. In the 1960s, the first antidote appeared, which itself did not react with the ointment, but only had damage in the body, which was blamed for the abuse. It became atropine. Since the beginning of the emergence of the essence of functional antagonism and the creation of a whole class of synthetic atropine-like antidotes. Tsya robot maє i majchesne vіyskove znachennya, shards of atropine pratsyuє yak protiotrut in case of poisoning with organophosphorus rhechovins (FVV), the most intense representatives of chemical zbroї.

Oleksiy Vodovozov,
editor of the magazine "ABC",
medical toxicologist, medical blogger

How was it? A long time ago it was noted that in nature, speech is not easily unnatural, but deadly unsafe in creatures, and in humans - SHUT OFF. The likar (on horseback) trims in the hands of a roslin against a snake bite.

Toxicology. He divided the medicine, which increased the power and the mechanism of the injection into the body, as well as the cause of exaltation and the debauchery of the poison.

"King" otrut The great popularity among the workers of the naboo was white mish'yak As 2 O 3

Who doesn't have a knife V. Khlebnikov A more effective method was introduced in 1836. English chemist James Marsh. At the її basis - vodcrit K. V. Scheele, the reaction was inspired by the sour medium with zinc. As a result, a gas-like mischievous water is settled - arsine As. H 3 As 2 O 3 + 6 Zn + 6 H 2 SO 4 \u003d 2 As. H 3+6 Zn. SO 4 + 3 H 2 O

The march revealed that arsine, when heated to 300 - 400 OS, spreads out on a mish'yak that water. The gas-like products of the reaction, which avenged arsine, the chemist passed through a glass tube, which ended with a strong heating with a finger. At the exit of the tube, the wine claws a porcelain plate: on the white surface of the good, there was a commemoration of the fall of the bear at the looking gleaming metal mirror. However, other chemists have unobtrusively shown that such an overbearing reaction can lead to a pardon, the shards of such a mirror are settling in the presence of surmi. Todi Marsh, having tried to know the reaction, what I can do to separate the elements. On the doslidzhuvanu the flame of vines, having applied a drop of water and trimah її on a small vіdstanі in the half-light. Mish'yak is slightly oxidized to rozchinnoy in water, mish'yakous acid. When examining the difference with nitrate, srible was found to be yellow in the result of the reaction. HAs. O 2+3 Ag. NO 3 + H 2 O \u003d Ag 3 As. O 3 + 3 HNO 3 - This reaction is typical for Mish'yaku, but not for surmi. Marsha's attachment was showing up to 0.001 mg of mish'yaku.

The science of anti-rubbing. The development of science about resistance has gone in two ways - the exultation of destruction and the vibration of resistance to disgust. If you regularly take small doses of alcohol, then the body, zreshtoyu, sounds up to this and vibrates the opposite immunity - tolerance. The greatest view of this plan is the Pontian Tsar Mitridat Yevpator. Afraid of yogo to destroy, having carried out the scientific research of the rubbish speeches at once with the court physician. In order to increase the resistance of the body to rot, Mitrid trivaly hour having taken teriak - zillya, to the warehouse of which there were 54 bran speeches. The ancient experimenter should mark his own achievements: overcome by enemies, wreaths of turmoil, save yourself a life with a sword, for someone who wants to be scolded for a new one did not die. Mitrid Yevpator

Antidotes. (Greek “anti doton” - “what is given against”) This kind of struggle with otters came to us the same way from vikiv. For example, the Indians of Pivdennoy America, with the poisoned curari, washed the intestines with a tyutyun brew. Avicenna in case of poisoning with metal salts, recommending taking milk and oil. You need to put a strongman in front of them, who are busy with a meal. Force copes with hard work, And it’s not tasty to rob with taste. Arnaldo from Vilanovi. "Salerno Code of Health"

Universal wipe. The role of a universal protiotruti at the time of day was claimed by: cute, bezoar (zhovchny kamіn zhuynyh critters), otset, kitchen sil and a lot of other speeches. Frontispiece of the Arabic Manuscript "The Book of Protiotrut Teriaka".

With the development of chemistry, the statements about the drug will be wiped off and antidotes thoroughly. When vicarious, the most simple chemical methods and neutralization were wiped off, as in the shells, - illumination of the non-destructive siege, adsorption on the activated vugill. It was later established that the antidote can be explained far from the beginning, and it’s better to wipe it in the blood before drinking.

Dose. The whole amount of speech, which gives a sing-song infusion on the biochemistry in the body. Ring out for 1 kilo of living vaga.

Dose classification. Ø Minimally debilitating (preventing minimal changes, if a person does not see it)

Classification of chemical elements For the size of the toxic dose, all chemical elements were divided into chotiri class: Supertoxic (potassium cyanide KCN (10 mg / kg)) Highly toxic (mercuric chloride Hg. CI 2 (37 mg / kg)) Toxic (diethylamin 5) 2 NH (940 mg/kg)) Low toxicity (sodium chloride Na. CI)

With regular ingestion of alcohol in the body develops: Tolerance - immunity to vibrations against alcohol, with regular reduction of small doses of alcohol. Sensitization - increasing the sensitivity of the body to disgust. Cumulation - accumulation of rubbish by the body in pro clitin depots - fat prosharka, brushes, good tissues. When this happens, the speech is already completely overwhelmed by the body.

The classification is rejected. Wipe off a wide spectrum (speech, which, when it enters the body, enter into interaction with the Cosmos with some biological molecules, without showing a high vibrancy, ruining a lot of structures). For example: halogens, mustard gas, strong acids. Turn off the narrow spectrum (together with one biological structure in the body). For example: cyanide, organophosphorus slugs, toxins.

Zahisna diya antidote can show up at any stage of turmoil. The simplest way is to wipe off the sack (detoxification) before you drink wine at the roof, - at the slunk, on the skin too thin. Detoxification is due to the fluctuations of the chemical breakdown, or the connection of the abrasive speech.

Sometimes, before antidotes, they add such speeches, like, plunging into the process of destruction, filling up the internal reserves of the body, most importantly the liver. The organ itself takes the brunt of the fight against hardship. In the liver, the rot is bound to a water-spraying form and is removed farther through the blood, and then from the cut through the nirk or through the intestines. However, the ability of the liver is not without bounds: if it is disgusting, it often enters the body, otherwise, in a great number, it ceases to work.

Ida Gadaskina

Return to life (Before the history of antidotes *)

* A synonym for antidot "antidote" is similar to the Greek "antidotum" tobto. "what is given inside."

You can only say that you are guilty of life, who is smart enough to turn the damage back to normal.

I.P. Pavlov

It has long been apparent that nature has created an abomination, if there is something else, I will rebuke it, it is necessary to know more than one’s mind, but it’s not easy on the right. With a traditional figure, as she knew the supremacy of power, oppose, respecting Mithridates. Nevipadkovo, behind one of the ancient versions, defending itself against the taint, accepting it as a blast. In the spirit of the ancients, create, to avenge the list, not only wipe it off, but wipe it off. In the middle of the early years, which came before us, there are two verses written at the top of the works of a Greek poet and a doctor, who is alive in the II century. BC, Nicandra of Colophon - "Theriacas" (about the nature of the trashy creatures) and "Alexipharmaca" (about the weeds wipe and rub). The author divides everything into two groups: the childish one is the same swidko. Describes the virulent power of opium, aconite, fading, yew tree and rich others. As a protiotrutu vіn recommend warm milk, warm water, mallow or nastіy іz llyannogo nasinnya, sob vomit vomit and get wet wiped off.

Claudius Galen brought sickness to the exaltation and destroyed the singing theory. At the work of "Antidotes" wines are poured out in the cold, they growl and cry out rottenness. Teza yogo to say: "To exalt the ailment, it is necessary to beat the protolezhne". This thought took place in medicine for a long time and was adopted by the Arab physician Ibn-Sinoy (Avicenna), the author of the famous work "The Canon of Medical Science" (about 980 ... 1037).

Centuries are passing by, and little is changing with the jubilation of the dust. Before us is the work of an Arab doctor, known to the names of Maimonides (1135 ... 1204), who lived near Cordovia, - "Likuvannya true". Here we judge the repetition of the ancient (relish, smell), the cares of one's own era and the practical caution of a thoughtful doctor. The main ones come in - that vomit is carried. The giving of repeated vomitting is drunk with the intake of milk and fatty soups, but it is transferred, so that the fat will neutralize the diet and not let it get wet. The recipes of various "great" and "small" teriaks have been introduced. Against a different warehouse, they took away the heady name “teriak”, behind the back of the Gathering: that’s what they called opium in Persia, which was highly regarded by medical authorities. Folding teriak, which is made up of 70 ingredients, having created the Cretan Andromachus, the liquor of Nero. The Romans probably trusted the recipe; Historians write that the mother of Nero Agripina, being afraid of being cut off at the order of the son, after the skin hedgehog took the protiotruta (Tacitus).

In the course of time, the warehouse of the teriaku was aggravated, or after saying goodbye, and yogo victorious like faces and like otrutu. Special dress until the XVII century. koristuvavsya teriak, like and po'yazany z im'yam Mitridat and protyag vvazhavsya a panacea for ailments and ailments. Wine is made up of 50 different ingredients. More in the XVIII century. they prepared a plaster, leaking out with a warehouse, which, in case of pain, was applied to the stomach. The famous Buv and Orvietsky, or Venetian, Teriak (Orvietan), which is a vintage of the 17th century. at the sight of birdies, who were found by the charlatan Iєronіm Ferranti, a native of the city of Orvieto (Italy), who settled in Paris and traded his money there *.

* For the first German pharmacopoeia 1535 p. 12 speeches were included in theriac: angelic root, valerian, citvarne nasinnya, cinnamon, cardamom, opium, myrrh, sirchiste zalizo, honey and others. In the French Pharmacopoeia of the 16th–17th centuries. up to theriacu, including 71 ingredients. Tilki in 1788 Vіn buv z neї vyklyucheniya z coming commentary: "The one who occupied the floor of the old and the floor of the great place in pharmacy and therapy, the teriak is now leaving the arena of history and moving into the realm of legends."

For a long time there was a faith in the talismans, which went through the whole history of mankind *. As the first person, the life of which lay in the distant watering, putting a significant wear on the most part of the animal, then for centuries the amulets became vishukanish and often expensive. Tse buli expensive stones, like nіbito changed the color and were ahead of the bіdu. There were goblets, crushed in the warehouse, some kind of sweating, as if the wine had been brought in with a wipe. Tse buv priyom likіv, scho suprovodzhuvsya magical spells chi sing the sacred hymn. (In one of the Platonic dialogues, it is guessed that Socrates, for the necessary reception of likiv in the form of a headache, accompanied the sacred song).

* Natіlny cross, which is worn by Christians, is a daytime talisman that protects from “unclean forces”.

I’ll call the stone “bezoar” the most famous talisman (like the Arabic word “bezodar” - wind, tobto speech, which rozsіyuє force wipe off). Іsnuyut different retellings that tell about the stone going. The axis is how to describe yoga in the 12th century by the Arab doctor Avenzoar from Seville: “... The best bezoar is set up at the Descent like the eyes of a deer. The great deer in these lands eat snakes to become stronger, and before it, as if it were nasty, they will hurry to throw themselves into the cold water, in the same way they will get bogged down with their heads ... . If you mend tekti from the eyes, then the vologa, accumulating under the eyelids, thickens, catches, shrilnіє ... Seeing that the devil has passed, the deer come out of the water and turn on their flock. Tsya speech becomes step by step hard, like a stone, and for help rubbing a deer against a tree or another object falls. Cey bezoar is the best and the best in medicine” (V.M. Karasik, 1939).

What is the bezoar really? This gleaming from a greenish-black vidlivy kamіn vyaguvavsya z zhuynyh critters: antelope, kіz, horses and іn. turned into a stone, typical for zhovchnokam'yanoy ailments. Pricing such a stone for a vaga of gold, and sometimes a dear one for gold, which is dear to you for a vaga.

Bezoar stone used by the English Queen Elizabeth I (1533...1603). On the cob of the XIX century. the Shah of Persia sent a bezoar stone to Napoleon, and then the emperor said that the stone was empty and he threw a stone at the fire.

* A new insight about the power of the bezoar stone was revealed by the American biochemist Andrew Benson. Vіn vvazhaє, scho kamenі dіysno є two mechanisms zneshkodzhennya spoluk mish'yaku. Between the phosphate salts of the stone and the arsenates (with trivalent mish'yaku) there is an exchange reaction: the mish'yak is near the stone, and phosphorus is at the roses. Arseniths (halfs of pentavalent mish'yaku) link into a non-toxic complex with hydrolyzed keratin, which is made from hair white in stone (Chemistry of Life, 1980, No. 3, p. 27).

Step by step, the bezoar began to be called the most famous people. In the 17th century, for example, the fathers of Goa (a port on the southern coast of India) prepared the "stone of Goa", in the middle of which there was a small apple, in the middle of which the powder of resin, coral, pearl, sapphire, other expensive stones, gold and ambri. Three pieces of powder were washed away from the stone and they took it internally like the best faces in case of illness. Buv Western bezoar, Sonyachny, Chavunny and richly rich stones. The faith in their jubilee was so strong that if the famous anatomist and physician, the lifeguard of the French king Charles IX, Ambroise Pare, took off the bezoar from Spain, blamed it on the court cook, condemned for theft before the increase. Kukhar having taken off the dust (mabut, mercuric chloride) and dying, wanting to Pare, zastosovuvav іnshі zasobi, bazhayuchi yogo vryatuvati.

The squalid wind of the dust that swept over Europe at the hour of the midday midday brought it to the point that people, as if they did not trust one alone, joked all the powers to prevent the destruction. The ancient institute of the mother of the gospodarstvo taster їzhi. In the era, we are talking about yaku at once, tasting boules were at the courts of all European secular and church lords (in Europe, the stench took away the name of the mouthpieces).

* Tsej call, mabut, having skhodі mayzhe doninі. If the German archaeologist Hugo Winkler worked in 1907. over the excavations in Bogazskoe, wine and yogo companions were once asked for an insult until I hit. Be sure to stand by the cook, who is guilty of kushtuvati the skin weed that appears on the table, so that the guests are not afraid of poisoning.

In the Middle Ages of the Crimea, trying їzhi, various teriaks and bezoarivs appeared so called “credenci” (from the Latin “credere” - “trust”). Kredenz entering at the serving table to go. With a shaky price, as it is possible to hang like that, they covered the food and drink with a lid, after which the cooks, knowing the sample of the strains that are served. Use the middle of the tsієї expensive kryshka buv rіg kazkovoї creature "unicorn". Rig nibito mav magical power; Vіn not enduring anything unclean and vicious in that number, - and on whom yogo glory was grounded, - otruєnoї їzhi chi pittya. I “sweated” at their presence.

The Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey gave Ivan III a ring with a part of the horn of the wondrous beast from the "Industrial land". It was important that, as if to the point of ringing, with your tongue before the cob of the meal, you protect the wine from the dirt. The goblets of that bowl, studded with cinnamon horn, never saw a “sip”, as if they were pouring rotten wine into them.

It is important to say that the stars have spread rumors about the basis of the “unicorn”, but it is possible, however, that Marco Polo is truthful and far from easy-going, putting his hand to these tales, transforming the Probe rhinoceros into a mythical unicorn. “Their wool is like that of buffaloes, and the elephant’s legs, in the middle of the chola tovst and black rig, bite the stink, I tell you, with their tongue, with their tongue they have long thorns ... At a glance, the beast is indulgent.” Nadali, a legend was created that it was miraculously able to tidy up more than an unoccupied - a symbol of purity - and turn yoga into a hand-made creature. Like a horn, a tooth of a narwhal was sold, the quality of such a mass in rich times outweighed the quality of gold. Pope Clement VII in 1533 having presented his onukovy nephew of Catherine the Medici with a similar “revealer will wipe off” a dozhina of two litas to її vesіllya with Henry II, the future king of France. The gold frame for the new one is the responsibility of the famed celebrity Benvenuto Cellini, sculptor and jeweler, who at that time was Clement VII.

* Narwhal - marine life. The males of the roses have an arched long-lived tusk.

While in case of ailments, it was empirically possible for some people to know the right path of rejoicing, then in the event of an ailment, the sickness was overwhelmed for a long time. It doesn’t matter to know the explanations: the smokers of trimali in the secret recipes will be wiped away, the charlatans were zatsіkavlenі in order to zatsіkaviti public. All this led to the fact that in medicine for a long time it was not possible to instill burdensome guards and ailments were often explained to them by rubbing, and by ills, navpaki, by ailments.

At the XVI-XVII centuries. alchemy from the hands of philosophers and winemakers, who whispered from ancient, ancient times the philosopher's stone, which is guilty of transforming base metal into gold and curing ailments, to pass to the secular sovereigns. Stop not less interested in financing the work of alchemists, and yourself go to the shops. The idea of ​​​​a panacea, like a fork of all ailments, all the ruins, turned the youth of the old people, led the minds of alchemists and doctors. Now, the main faces of that counter were the numerical warehouses that were created in the alchemy laboratories. It is necessary to take care of the fact that the interests of medicine did not go out of the field of the dawn of chemists for a long ten years, so that chemistry, as an independent discipline, forcibly made its way to the higher school and richly celebrated chemists were illuminated by doctors.

At the beginning of the 19th century, chemistry was already standing on its feet, and it was indicated that a rational chemical principle should be included in therapy step by step, samples of the reaction, vikonan in samples (in vitro), transferred to a living organism (in vivo). This is how the first counters appeared, who did not often spend their value and dosi. The simplest was the reaction, which gives a non-destructive form with a brittle semicolon, as if changing the soaking in the blood from the intestinal tract.

We will introduce a sprat of applications. When reacting with half mercury (sublimate) from sirvodnym, non-toxic and non-toxic sulfide is dissolved. Proteoday water is inherently unstable and will require special preparation. In this hour of victory, so the titles of antidotum metallorum are won, in which the water of the day is prepared for the way of Strizhevsky, which gives us stamina. Alkaloids with tannin give non-distinct tannins, and add tannins in the current warehouse behind the antidote warehouse. The oxidized form of the shell often loses its toxicity. In case of contamination with certain alkaloids, stagnate potassium permanganate, which is a strong oxidizing agent. The introduction of a powder of specially processed wool (activated wool) into the shell leads to sorption of low inorganic residues on the wool. The names of the anti-rut can bring mischief, only the stinks of the stench zastosovalis indefatigably after the turmoil, until the disgust has not yet got wet in the roof. Modern toxicology focuses on the creation of antidotes, which would be effective in depressions, if the rub is circulating in the blood near the tissue.

Have 1945 r. in England in the laboratory of Peters buv synthesizing 2,3-dimercaptopropanol, which took the name of British anti-lusite (BAL). I will call my fault goiter to the fact that this drug is to blame for the use of toxic drug (chlorvinylchlorarsine), which victories like a battle bruise speech in the last century of light war. Luzite takes revenge on its molecule mischiak i, like a lot of metals and non-metals (mercury, mischiak, cadmium, chromium), enter to the group of so-called thiol otters, it is toxic to lie in the presence of sulfhydryl group (SH -) proteins and amino acids. It is explained that some sulfhydryl groups compete with biological ones and instead of the “otrut-receptor” complex, the “otrut-antidote” complex is established, which is progressively introduced into the body through the nirks and the mucosal-intestinal tract. On the basis of this principle, the development of vitchisnic preparations is based: unithiol and dimercaptosuccinic acid (succimer).

Their own group of modern antidogs, when attacked with metals, is folded in half, so that various complexes (chelati) are established with them, which are removed from the body from the section. Salts of aminopolycarboxylic acids and a number of controversial preparations give good results: Trilon B and pentacin; high excretory activity can also be D-penicylamine.

In the fight against shkіdnikami silskogo gosudarstvo, іz zasmіchennyam vodim and weeds often zastosovuyut phosphororganіchnі spolki. As a rule, qi remove the vibrating galvanizing enzyme, which takes part in the transmission of nervous excitement (cholinesterase). In the present hour, as an antidote, vicorists are reactivators of cholesterase, preparations and the head rank of the class oximes. Practically good results were obtained with vicarious dipiroxime (TMB-4), pralidoxime (2-PAM) and similar drugs that inhibit the enzyme. Other ways to regulate the enzyme based on biochemical mechanisms that regulate the physiological activity of the enzyme are being developed.

On a different principle, the choice of antidotes is based on the so-called physiological activity. The alkaloid atropine, for example, leads to the expansion of the chin, the appearance of sweating, frequent breathing and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels and bronchial tubes as a result of blockade of the parasympathetic nervous system. Navpaki, alkaloid muscarine to cause ringing of the eyelids, worsening of sweating, increased heartbeat, shortness of the smooth muscles of the vessels and bronchial tubes: the symptoms resemble a damaged parasympathetic nervous system. Later, poisoning, caused by atropine, can be treated with no less poisonous muscarine.

Dosledzhennya protiotrut for acute diseases may be of great importance not only for toxicology, but also for pharmacology. It is invisibly simpler to make trouble in the experiment, it’s easier to make the creature sick, it’s easier to watch for the success of the triumph of trouble. Therefore, the development of the pathogenesis of the blight and the methods of their exuberance may be of great methodological significance.

Finishing this sketch about wipe, wipe those faces, you need to say a few words about the successes and difficulties of daily drug therapy. The 20th century brought a revolution to this region; sulfanilamides and antibiotics, hormones, vitamins, hypotensive drugs, blood substitutes, psychopharmacological preparations and a number of other equally important drugs appeared. The current arsenal of medicinal remedies is available in thousands of names, moreover, a part of them become synthetic sprouts. Advances in pharmacology have led to the fact that a lot of ailments have practically developed, more flow is much easier and may have a more favorable result.

At one time, close to thirty years ago, a new problem was caused by a side effect of many medical problems. Have 1967 r. first creations of the international center for the development of sideline health at the All-World Health Organization (WHO), and then a similar center for the development of the health care system in our country. There are over a thousand medicinal preparations, cultivars of diseases of the liver and liver paths. The number of places in the middle of medical complications is also the damage to the intestinal tract. On the basis of evidence that it is accumulating, it was found out that people have been stagnant for a long time, with insufficient knowledge of the characteristics of the organism of the ailing person, they can call forth great unfortunate appearances. In some cases, the cause of drug aggravation is the genetic peculiarities of the organism, about which no medicine or ailments are suspected.

Bring serious respect for evil faces and addiction to self-exaltation. Maliciousness with vitamin preparations can bring harm to others, but not to mischief. Іstotno vplivaє on diyu deyakyh likarskih zabіv odnochasne vzhivannja alcohol.

A new and still little developed problem is the interplay of certain medical conditions with food products and the need for doctors and nutritionists and require special medical attention.

Appearance of effective anti-truth, having blown the old way, shukan rich generation of people. Naturally, that this way is tied up at this hour, if people have become vіdomі otruzhivaet. In Ancient Greece, there was a change, so if you could wipe it off, you could stop your anti-truth. This principle, one of the creators of such a name, Hippocrates, was supported by other prominent representatives of medicine to protract richly, although in a chemically significant way it was not possible for such hardships. Approximately up to 185-135 years. e., you can see the antidote of the Pontian king Mithridates VI Eupator (120 - 63 pp. BC), which consisted of 54 parts. Vin including opium, various growths, dried and ground parts of the snake's body for powder. Yes, it is known that Mithridates, having taken his antidote today in small portions, in order to increase hostility to the point of disgusting, be like some kind of otters. Retelling to certify that it was successful. If against the king the insurrection was fired under the cursing of Yogo son Fernak, Mithridates having put his hands on himself, all try to get out of it appeared to be martyr. Vin died, throwing himself at the sword. Years on this basis, another universal proto-tournament was created under the name "ter'yak", as if by a stretch of riches it was victorious in different lands for the exaltation of the wicked, wanting a little more calmness and pain-smoothness.

In II-I centuries BC. at the courts of the deacing tsars, they used to drink a lot of rubbish on the body, from their own monarchs they showed interest in their weddings, and sometimes they took a special fate from them. It is explained by the fact that in those epochs (and dosi) otters were often zastosovulysya for driving. Zokrema for whom the serpent was victorious, the bite of some looked like the destruction of the gods. So, for example, the emperor Mithridates and his court physician set up experiments on people sentenced to death, such stinks were given to the bites of blasted snakes and which were examined by different ways of exultation. For a year the stink was folded "Taєmnі memoirs" about otrut and ottiotruti, as if they were carefully protected.

For the early middle age, more valuable at a glance practical joys of fighting against the difficulties of recognition of the famous "Canon of Medical Science" creations in the period from 1012 to 1023 p. He described 812 pharmaceutical preparations of herb, wild and mineral treatment and the middle of them without a trace. At the Skhodі, there were widened navmisnі otruєnnya, especially in a special way, wiped off to a zhіzhі. That is why in the "Canon" they hope especially for the sake of how to save themselves from the dust. The "Canon" gives impersonal specific recommendations on how to remove the vicarious rub in case of various intoxications. For example, milk and butter were punished with salts, and with steel thyrsas - a magnetic salve, which, once you get into it, picks up the salve that rises in the body, and other alloys. Particularly open space in the works of Ibn-Sini is borrowed from the bites of bruinous arthropods and snakes and methods of combating these traits. Not having drunk the wines without interest and intestinal poisoning, zokrema with brittle mushrooms and zipped meat. How to protiotruti Іbn-Sіna radiv antidote of Mitridat, as well as figs, citvarny root, ter'yak, wine.

Yakіsno іnshiy krok rozvitku vchennya about antidotes and otruti po'yazyany zі becoming khіmії as science і, zokrema - z'yasuvannya warehouse bagatioh otrut. This croc rose from the end of the 18th century, and it can be passed on to our time. Deyakі zі creations naprikintsі XVIII and on the cob XIX Art. Protiotruti іsnuyut і at once. Nasampered, only in the chemical laboratories of that hour, at spivpractices with physicians, protiotrutes were found - neutralizers of otruynyh rechovina, yakі utvoryali with non-toxic non-robust otraschinni in the water.

Tsіkavim є way to promote vugіllya in the practice of fighting against turmoil. Popri those scho, scho in the XV century. bulo vіdomo, scho village vugіllya znebarvlyuє zabarvlenі rozchini, і less like the XVIII century. tse at that hour forget the power of vugillya again vіdkrito. Like an antidote vugillya zgaduetsya in literature less than 1813 p. At the onset of fate in chemical laboratories, low margins of interest were stagnant when setting up rich experiments. So, it was found (1829) that the distribution of various salts, when passing through the village of Vugillya, consumes alloys. Ale experimental confirmation of the antidote significance of Vugill was taken only in 1846. Garrod. Prote with a stretch of the other half of the XX century. and navitt on the cob XIX Art. vugіllya was not recognized as an antidote.

It so happened that until the end of the 19th century there was a stopover of the vugill for assistance in the event of a breakdown, it was forgotten, and only after 1910. you can watch a friend appearing as an antidote.

The end of the 60s of the last century was marked by the appearance of a new type of anti-abrasives - speeches, which themselves do not react with bruises, but they tend to wear out or guard the damage in the body that manifests itself in case of intoxication. The same German experts Schmideberg and Koppe first showed the antidotes of atropine. Otruta and kindly do not try not to enter into a specific contact. Well, before other kinds of children, take it off, if at the hour, on the examination of practical toxicology, all the stench happened at the hour, the main rank remained 2-3 decades. In the number of speeches, which turn the activity, they replace the bio-structures with bruises, or they renew the life of important biochemical processes, damaged by the representatives of the bacterium. It is also necessary for mothers to be exposed, because a lot of antidotes are in the stage of experimental development and, moreover, other old antidotes are periodically refilled.

  • well. Greek part of the medical science, as a way of physiology (the science of a healthy person): the science of ailments or pathology; it will be divided into general, about ailments and ailments, and into private, about skin ailments, for її kind, especially


  • conchology Greek the science of shells, of conchoidal creatures. Conchiologist m. viviv tsyu science. Conchological, one can see it. Conkhoida crooked like folded authorities, about how to get around geometry
  • shell science


  • well. science about ancient coins and medals. A numismatist or a numismatician of m. vcheniy, who is engaged in this science. Numismatic, numismatic, what to lay down to the edge of science. Numulit m. vikopna shell coin, similar to a coin. Numulitny, numulіtny vapnyak


  • well. likar. science about ailments, dominance, causes signs of them. -Gіchniy, -Gіchniy, to which you can carry. Pathologist m. Pathogenia part of the pathology, vchennya about the journey and about the cob
  • the science of sickness
  • science about sickness processes in the body


  • well. Greek the science of nature is the law of sound; part of physics, sound science. Acoustic hall, according to the laws of acoustics of power, for sound (for a needle, moon), or for impact (resonance). Acoustic m. know the science of qiu
  • the science of all sounds
  • science about susіdіv behind the wall
  • the science of sound behind the wall is the sound penetration of the wall
  • science about those that we feel


  • well. Greek the science of ruh kinutih (metanih) tіl; none of especially harmonic shells; ballistic, to lie down to the edge of science; balista and balist m. projectile, for marking important speeches, especially the old vintage machine, for marking stones
  • Rukh Kul Science
  • the science of projectile movement
  • science about the movement of shells, a sack when shooting
  • the science of projectile flight


  • the collection of sciences about health and ailment, about the exaltation of that ill health, and also the practical activity, directed to the preservation of that zmіtsnennia of people’s health, the prevention of that elation of ailment
  • science about ailments and their likuvannya
  • say in Latin "the science of likuvannya"
  • collection of health sciences

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