The worst catastrophes of the world. The worst disasters in human history 10 worst disasters on earth

The worst catastrophes of the world. The worst disasters in human history 10 worst disasters on earth

It is difficult to assess the scale of these other light catastrophes, even if the traces of some of them can be seen through rich fates after the fall.

In these articles, we can imagine 10 of the worst catastrophes in the world, as if they were called out by goal-directed actions. Among them are feet that were seen on the water, near the ground on the ground.

Fukushima accident

The catastrophe that happened on the 11th of March 2011 will suddenly appear in the collection of man-made and natural disasters. The strongest earthquake hit nine balls, followed by a tsunami called out to the electric power supply system of the Daiichi nuclear plant, after which the process of cooling the reactors with nuclear fire was started.

Crimea zhahlivyh ruynuvan, vyklyanih earthquake and tsunami, tsya good luck has led to serious radioactive contamination of the territory and water area. In addition, the rulers of Japan had the opportunity to evacuate over two hundred thousand people through the temple of serious illnesses due to hitting a few people with radioactive contamination. Due to all these recent events, the Fukushima accident is entitled to be called one of the worst disasters in the world in the twenty-first century.

Zagalnі zbitki vіd accidents are estimated at 100 billion dollars. The sum includes the cost of liquidation of inheritance and the payment of compensation. Ale, if you don’t, you can’t forget about those that the robots from the recovery of the last catastrophes are continuing to do, that obviously increase the sum.

In 2013, the Fukushima AES was officially closed, and only works are carried out on the territory of the region to eliminate the past accidents. Fakhіvtsі vvazhayut, scho for ordering budіvlі that infected territorії need at least forty years.

As a result of the accident at Fukusima, re-evaluation of safety calls in the nuclear power industry, the fall in vart cost on natural uranium, and the reduction in the price of shares of uranium mining companies.

Zіtknennya in the airport of Los Rodeos

Possibly the greatest catastrophe in the world, which became in the aftermath of the collapse of litakiv, became in the Canary Islands (Tenerife Island) in 1977. In the airport of Los Rodeos, two Boeing 747 airliners, which belonged to the companies KLM and Pan American, hit the golden smoothie. As a result, 583 out of 644 were lost, among them passengers, as well as crews of airliners.

One of the main reasons for this situation was the terrorist attack at the Las Palmas airport, which was ruled by terrorists from the MPAIAC organization. The act of terrorism itself did not cause human casualties, but the airport administration closed the airport and pinned on the ground, fearing repeated incidents.

Through the whole of Los Rodeos, we appeared to be overwhelmed, the shards straightened the planes to the new one, they straightened to Las Palmas, and there were two Boeing 747 flights PA1736 and KL4805. In this case, it is impossible not to recognize the fact that it is possible that the company Pan

The American, having a sufficient supply of fuel in order to land at another airport, but the pilots obeyed the dispatcher's order.

The reason for the silence was fog, which seriously obscured visibility, and also collapsible in negotiations between air traffic controllers and pilots, as if they were shouting with a strong accent of air traffic controllers, and this fact, that the pilots constantly interrupted one another.

Zitknennya Doña Paz with tanker Vector

On December 20, 1987, the passenger port "Doña Paz" (Donya Paz) was registered in the Philippines with the oil tanker "Vector", which caused the greatest catastrophe in the world, which has become a peaceful hour on the water.

Under the hour of silence, sometimes following your standard route Manila-Katbalogan, passing through two days. On December 20, 1987, around 06:30 "Donya Pas" flew over Tacloban and went straight to Manila. At about 22:30 at times, passing the Tablas duct by Marinduke, for the information of eyewitnesses that they lived, the weather was clear, ale with hvilyuvannyam on the sea.

The silence happened even after the passengers fell asleep, sometimes getting out of the tanker "Vector", which was carrying gasoline and petroleum products. As soon as the zіtknennya of vinyl was strong, it was connected with it, that the oil products spilled over the sea. A strong blow and a pozhezha practically called out the panic among the passengers, moreover, it was quiet behind the hardships, who, having survived on the ferry, did not have the required number of vests.

A total of 26 people survived, including 24 passengers from Donji Past and two people from the tanker Vector.

Mass destruction in Iraq 1971 r_k

For example, in 1971, a batch of grain treated with methylmercury was imported to Iraq from Mexico. Understandably, the grain was not recognized for processing in the product of eating, and there is little vicariousness only for planting. It's a pity that the local population did not know the Spanish language, and apparently it was written earlier, as if they said "Do not get used to the zhu".

It is also impossible not to notice the fact that the grain was delivered to Iraq from late, and the planting season has already passed. All this led to the fact that in some villages, sown with methylmercury, the grain began to grow.

After the implantation of the whole grain in the zhu, such symptoms were observed, as the names of the terminations, the loss of the mind, the disruption of coordination. In the wake of the evil misfortune, mercury was taken away by about a hundred thousand people, of whom about six thousand perished.

This turn of events called for the fact that the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health became more control over the circulation of grain, and began to be seriously placed before the labeling of potentially unsafe products.

Massive death of townsfolk in China

Regardless of those who are not included in our list of catastrophes, called out by the purposeful actions of people, their revulsion is blamed, shards of blame for banal foolishness and insufficient knowledge of ecology. Prote cei vpadok more than meritorious for the title of one of the worst catastrophes in the world.

Within the framework of the economic policy of the “Great Haircut”, a large-scale struggle was carried out against the rural poor, among which the government saw some of the worst in China - mosquitoes, squints, flies and humpbacks.

Specialists of the Chinese Scientific and Prehistoric Institute of Zoology praised that through the gorobtsy, having stretched out the fate of the grain, for the help of which it would be possible to feast about thirty-five million people. Grounded on tsoma, the plan for the subsistence of these birds was broken up, a kind of praise by Mao Zedong on 18 January 1958.

Mustaches of the villagers actively began to poluvat birds. The most effective way was to keep them from falling to the ground. For which grown up, that children screamed, beat at the basin, waved poles, ganchirks meagerly. Tse allowed the lyakati hvilin and did not let them land on the ground with a stretch of fifteen hvilin. As a result, the birds simply fell dead.

Through the river of watering on the gorobtsiv, the harvest was truly increased. However, caterpillars, locusts and other grasshoppers began to actively breed, and they ate the carrion. This led to the fact that through the river of the harvest they fell heavily, and famine set in, which caused the death of 10 to 30 million people.

Disaster on oil platform Piper Alpha

The Piper Alpha platform was launched in 1975, and the oil bottle was launched on it in 1976. Years її prevailed for a bottle of gas. Prote on the 6th lime of 1988, fate became a wind of gas, which called for a vibe.

Through careless and ill-conceived personnel, 167 people died out of 226 who were on the platform.

Understandably, after the prospect of bottling of oil and gas on this platform, there will be more applications. The insured costs were close to 3.4 billion US dollars. This is one of the most important catastrophes in the world, connected with naphtha-like shoes.

The death of the Aral Sea

Tsya podіya є the biggest environmental disaster on the territory of the Kolishny Radyansk Union. If the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake after the Caspian Sea, Lake Superior in Pivnichniy America, Lake Victoria in Africa. At the same time, the Aralkum keletel is found in this city.

The reason for the emergence of the Aral Sea is the creation of new canals for agricultural enterprises on the territory of Turkmenistan, which took water from the river Sirdarya and Amudarya. Through this lake strongly stepped into the shore, which brought to the bare bottom covered with sea sill, pesticides and chemicals.

Through the natural evaporation of Aralsk during the period from 1960 to 2007, the sea has consumed close to a thousand cubic kilometers of water. In 1989, the water basin broke up into two parts, and in 2003, the water became close to 10% of the cob.

Serious changes in the climate and landscape became the result of the tsієї podії. In addition, out of 178 species of backbone creatures that lingered in the waters of the Aral Sea, only 38 were lost;

Vibuh of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform

Swelling on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, which began on April 20, 2010, is considered one of the largest man-made disasters with a negative impact on the environmental situation. 11 people perished and 17 suffered in the midst of the storm. Two more people perished during the liquidation of the aftermath of the catastrophe.

Through those that blew trumpets at a depth of 1,500 meters, in 152 days about five million barrels of oil flowed into the sea, which created a flame with an area of ​​75,000 kilometers, moreover, 1,770 kilometers were swamped.

The bottling of oil created a threat for 400 species of creatures, and also called for fishing before the introduction of fences.

Mount Pelee Volcano Eruption

On May 8, 1902, the fate was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in the history of mankind. Tsya environment caused a new classification of volcanic eruptions to appear, and changed the orders of many scientists to volcanology.

The volcano prokinuvshis sche near the quarter of 1902, and for a stretch of the month in the middle accumulated steam and gas, as well as lava. A month later, after the fall of the volcano, a great haze of gray color erupted. The peculiarity of this eruption is those that lava came out of the peaks, the same as from side craters, like roses on the slopes. In the aftermath of the heavy vibe, one of the main ports of the island of Martinique, the place of St. P'yer, was destroyed again. The disaster took the lives of thirty thousand people.

Tropical cyclone Nargis

Tsya catastrophe developed like this:

  • Cyclone Nargіs settled down on April 27, 2008, in the Bengal zatotsі, and fell down to the shores of India, in a straight line;
  • On the 28th of April, the wines ceased to collapse, the proteasic flutter of the wind at the spiral swirls began to significantly increase. Through this cyclone began to be classified as a storm;
  • On April 29, the wind speed reached 160 kilometers per year, and the cyclone started the rush, and even then in the same straight line;
  • 1st day of the week, the rush of the wind changed to skhіdnyy, and with it the wind was steadily rising;
  • On May 2, the wind speed reached 215 kilometers per year, and the op- ivdays sighed to save the M'yanman province of Iravada.

After UN tribute, in the aftermath of the violence of the elements, 1.5 million people suffered, of which 90 thousand perished, and 56 thousand disappeared without a trace. In addition, having seriously damaged the great city of Yangon, and a lot of settlements were completely depleted. Part of the country was left without a telephone connection, the Internet and electricity. The streets were littered with smіtty, ulamka budіvel and trees.

For usunennya nasledkіv tsієї catastrophe needed to unite the forces of the wealthy kraїn svіtu and such international organizations as the UN, EU, UNESCO.


natural disasters not peredbachuvani, ruynіvnі, їх not zupinity. It is possible for the people to be afraid of them the most. Proponuemo you top rating in history, the stench took away the greatness of life.

10. Banqiao dam disaster, 1975

Rowing was encouraged to stream winds close to 12 inches a day. However, in 1975, the fate of the people realized that this was not enough. As a result of the closing of cyclones, typhoon Nina brought from itself light wood -7.46 inches per year, which means 41.7 inches per day. In addition, due to confusion, rowing could not win its role anymore. For a few days, 15.738 billion tons of water broke through it, like a deadly wind sloshed through the nearest city. Over 231,000 people perished.

9. Earthtruck at Haiyan, China, 1920

As a result, an earth coward, which is on the 9th row in the top rating the most deadly natural disasters in history, 7 provinces of China suffered. Just in the region of Hainian, 73,000 people perished, and over 200,000 perished all over the country. Underground posts were carried on by the advance of the coming three rocks. It called out the sound of great cracks in the ground. The Earthquake seemed to be strong, that the deacons of the river changed their course, the deacons had natural rowing.

8. Tangshan Earthtruck, 1976

On 28 March 1976, it was called the strongest earthworm of the 20th century. The epicenter was Tangshan, a roztashovan in the province of Hebei, China. In the densely populated great industrial city, practically nothing was lost in 10 seconds. The number of victims is close to 220,000.

7. Antakya (Antiokhiya) earthworm, 565 rіk

Regardless of the small number of details that have gone down to our days, earthshaker becoming one of the most and took with them more than 250,000 lives and gave great battles to the state.

6. Earthquake in the Indian Ocean / tsunami, 2004

It became December 24, 2004 to the same day on Rіzdvo. The epicenter is located near the coast of Sumatri, Indonesia. Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Thailand suffered the most. Another story is an earthworm with a size of 9.1 -9.3. it became the reason for other earth cowards in all earthly backwaters, for example in Alaska. In addition, it caused a deadly tsunami. Over 225,000 people perished.

5. Indian cyclone, 1839

In 1839, a super-great cyclone came to India. On the 25th of the leaf fall, a storm practically stole the place of Koring. Vіn ruinuvav literally everything, іz chim coming into contact. 2000 vessels, which were at the port, were taken off the face of the earth. The place was not renewed. Storm winds, like vines, killed over 300,000 people.

4. Cyclone Bola, 1970

After Cyclone Bola passed through the lands of Pakistan, more than half of the ornih lands were fertilized and sown, and a small part of the rice and grain crops were removed far away, but the famine did not die. In addition, close to 500,000 people perished in the wake of the rain and the wind, like a wine caused. Wind strength -115 meters per year, hurricane - category 3.

3. Earthtruck Shensi, 1556

The greatest earthworm in history it became 14 fierce 1556 fate in China. Having moved the epicenter near the Veit river valley, as a result, nearly 97 provinces were affected. Buli zruynovanі budinki, half of the people, some of the living bouldered. For some kind of tribute, 60% of the population of the province of Huaskian perished. Usyogo died 830,000 people. Underground parcels were still pivroku.

2. Along the Zhovtoy River, 1887

The Zhovta river in China is very calm until the new era and the exit from the banks. In 1887, the turn caused 50,000 square miles of flooding to occur. For some kind of tribute, the flood took the lives of 900,000 - 2,000,000 people. Farmers, knowing the peculiarities of the river, bred rowing, yakі ryatuvali їх types of shorіchnyh povnovodstva, but in that turn the water carried away і farmers those їхні budinki.

1. Povin central China, 1931

For statistical data, after all, that trapalas in 1931, became scariest in history. After a long dry season, 7 cyclones came to China, and they brought hundreds of liters of wood with them. As a result, three rivers emerged from the banks. Povin drove 4 million people.

During the course of history, the people were stuck with stingy catastrophes, as if they were taking away the greatness of life. Below is a list of ten of the most marvelous and unimaginable of them.

Panic fear of elephants at the fox Chandak

In the spring of 1972, the region of Chandaka in India was choked with terrible dryness due to anomalous speck. Mistsevy elephants, yakі zvuchay did not call out problems, literally god-willed, in the high temperature and bad weather. Residents told the authorities that they were afraid to enter the fields through the wondrous behavior of “veletniv savani”. The situation worsened later. 10 lime, elephants, having given in to an unreasonable panic, flowed in and practically blasted 5 forces. 24 individuals died.

In the spring of 1971, about 90,000 tons of grain arrived in the Iraqi port of Basra. That's right, American barley and Mexican wheat, processed with methyl mercury to improve rotting. The grain was wrapped in a bright horn color, and on all the bears there was a warning about safety, but only English and Spanish language. The first bears were distributed to farmers, the stench was stolen from the docks and sold to the starving population.

The Iraqi detachment, afraid of the storm of the drive of their malicious non-balance, having attached this history. Nothing was known about her for two years, until the American correspondent, not knowing the evidence, 6530 incidents of mercury poisoning. Officials were aware of less than 459 fatal accidents, but the real number of victims was close to 6,000 people. In addition, another 10,000 suffered such side effects as blindness, deafness, and brain damage.

On April 15, 1947, the French vintage ship arrived in Texas. There were about 1,400 tons of fertilizer and ammonium nitrate on board. Tієї zhі nіtі, on the ship blazing the fire. On the Svitanka, the city of Vlad was significantly stormed by the stovpas of black dim, who came out of the ship, the shards of the chemical plant of the city were known for only 300 meters from the fire of the fire. The tug of the vessel was prepared, so that the vantage was taken by the sea. Proterapt's majestic stovp ignited the ship. For the wealthy, it became unstoppable that the stench blew. The half-day wall spread to the chemical plant, which brought about a vibe. Most of the business district was wiped off the face of the earth. Fire viruvav uzdovzh coastline, de buli majestic tanks of butane. After the op- ivnoch , a new Lantzugian reaction of vibrations began. As a result of the disaster, over 500 people died, and close to 1,000 were seriously injured.

On the 30th of Cherry 1098, a majestic vibukh became the river of Pidkam'yan Tunguska, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia. Vibuh at the window, svidshe for everything, buv yelling by a meteorite or a fragment of a comet, with a radius of 20 meters. The energy of the vibuhu deposited close to 10-20 megatons of TNT, which is 1,000 stronger for a bomb thrown on Hiroshima. The Tunguska Vibuh contains about 80 million trees, which is about 2,150 square kilometers. Ruinivni traces of the meteorite, which can be seen from the satellite.

Empire State Building disaster

On Saturday, April 28, 1945, a veteran of the army attacked the US Air Force B-25 Mitchell bomber, from Massachusetts to New Jersey, there was also another pilot and a young sailor on board. Through the fog, visibility was bad. A year later, people on the streets of Manhattan smelled the faint roar of an engine and sounded a bomber that strayed through the midst of darkness. A few hours later I crashed into the Empire State Building. Ulamki letaka fell to the ground. One of the engines broke through dirka on the 78th version, passed through this wall and veered into the opposite side of the bud. Another dvigun drank at the elevator shaft and fell at the basement. If the fire tank of the litaka vibrated, it burned 6 surfaces. Luckily, not all offices worked on Saturday, only 11 people and three passengers of the aircraft perished.

With the skin rock of the fire of Gilingham, Kent, England, they sporadzhuyut their own house from the tree and window, for a popular anti-skin demonstration. A handful of lads are selected to take part in the demonstration. On September 11, 1929, 9 lads, from 10 to 14 years, as well as 6 pozhezhniks, dressed as participants in a spring evening, went up to the third on top of the house. Behind the plan, the firefighters set fire to the dim’s checker on the first version, turn on the “holy” for help, the fireworks and exits, and then burn the empty booth, demonstrating the fire hoses in action. However, paromilkovo on the back of the cob, the fire is a real fire. Glyadachi, like they accepted in a right way, the body that burned for the mannequins, hovered and applauded, not suspecting about the right cry. That day, 15 participants in the demonstration perished.

The majestic cylindrical gasometer, the largest in the world at that time, which was in the very heart of the industrial center of Pittsburgh, had a wind. On the 14th leaf fall of 1927, the repairmen began to search for holes, vicorist blowtorch in half-lights. Approximately about the 10th wound, the stench showed a vitic. As a result, the tank, which could hold close to 5 million cubic feet of natural gas, rose in a row, like a shovel and vibrated. The majestic shmatkas of metal could be seen for about a kilometer, and the wind of the crushed vise and fire destroyed everything in the boundaries of a square mile. So 28 people were killed, hundreds were injured, the bribes are estimated at $ 4 million dollars.

On September 15, 1919, the workers and residents of Boston found themselves on the streets, enjoying themselves on a surprisingly warm day. Raptom with a low rumble, the champagne tank of the Purity Distilling company swelled and the majestic quill (curls of 2.5 to 4.5 m) of black treacle fell on the site. No walkers, no cars, it was impossible to make up the sweat that swept through the streets around 60 km/year. 8700 m³ of molasses, which was assigned to the rum, faded impersonal people: 21 people perished in the poison, being untimely vibrated from the viscous speech, another 150 were consumed to the likar. In addition, the flurry of wind blew up the flyover of the above-ground air intake. The smell of molasses still lingered near Boston, and the port was reddened brown to summer.

Panic at the Baptist Church

Three thousand people—mostly blacks—came to the Shiloh Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, on the 19th of September, 1902, to listen to the Booker Thaliapher of Washington. Ceglyana budіlya church bula zvedena zveda recently. Steep descent passage, pilgrimages at the ceglin, through the doors to part of the liturgy. After the promotion of Washington, a like began to drive to the city, and the word "fight" (beat) was taken for the word "fire" (fire). The mustache of the parishioners set off in a pan_chnu vtechu to the descent. Quiet, who was the first to get to her, began to pidshtovhuvat zzzadu, and the stench began to fall. Others fell right on them, until the bodies, which screamed, did not hide a 4-meter-high bath, which again barricaded the passage.

Trying Washington and the ministers of the church, calling people to peace did not give a result, the stench could only shamelessly guard that their brothers and sisters were either suffocating, otherwise they were trampled to death. In fact, there was no fire, no strikes, prote 115 people perished.

Our Snake at Saint-P'yère

The volcanic activity of Mount Pelee, in the town of Saint-P'yer, Martinique, sounded so insignificant that no one from the bagmen did not give up his respect to open, to smoke, and underground mails in April 1902. Nezabar (on the cob of grass) sprouted without interruption a board of ashes, and in the field a pungent smell of sirka appeared. As a result, more than a hundred pit-headed vipers flew up from their nests on the mountain hills, to which the stench became unacceptable for life, after which one of the quarters of Saint-P'yère, the population of mulattos, was filled. Damned snakes up to two meters long, killed 50 people and an indeterminate number of creatures, the first ones were wrecked with mischievous stray intestines. Ale tse bov is more than an ear.

On the fifth day of May, a majestic sound, boiling brood, zіyshov by the sea, calling out a tsunami, which drove in a sprat of hundreds of people. And, on top of all the misfortunes, three days later - 8 May, the volcano erupted, as a result of which a majestic bunch of baked lava straightened right into the place. In just three hvilin, the place was completely erased from the face of the Earth. Mayzhe perished all 30,000 inhabitants of Saint-P'yère, only two were lost alive.

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Today, the respect of the whole world has been brought to Chile, where a large-scale eruption of the Calbuco volcano occurred. The time has come to guess about 7 biggest natural disasters the rest of the fates of the nobility, who can see us in the future. Nature is advancing on people, as before people were advancing on nature.

Eruption of Calbuco volcano. Chile

Mount Calbuco near Chile is an active volcano. The rest of the eruption occurred over forty years ago - 1972, that year was only one year old. But on April 22, 2015, everything changed to the worst day. Calbuco in a literal sensi vibrated, raising the volcanic peak to the height of a sprat of kilometers.

On the Internet, you can find anonymous videos about this amazing beauty of the sight. However, it’s better to look only at the help of a computer, thousands of kilometers away from the city. Really, it’s scary and deadly unsafe to change the order from Calbuco.

The order of Chile praised the population of all people at a radius of 20 kilometers from the volcano. I’m only the first stop. For the time being, it’s inconceivable, it’s still a long time ago, and the Skoda is real. Ale tse will definitely have a sum of billions of dollars.

Earthtruck in Haiti

On September 12, 2010, the fate of Haiti was unfailing earlier due to the scale of the catastrophe. There were a few underground parcels, the main one having a magnitude of 7. As a result, the whole country fell into ruins. It is planned to build the presidential palace - one of the largest and capital buildings in Haiti.

Zgіdno with official tributes, under the hour of the earthworker and after that, 222 thousand people perished, and 311 thousand people took away the poshkodzhennia of a different level. With whom, millions of Gaitians were deprived of a dahu over their heads.

It is impossible to say that a magnitude of 7 is unimaginable in the history of seismic alerts. The scale of the ruins appeared majestic due to the high level of deterioration of the infrastructure in Gaiti, as well as through the extremely low quality of all the buildings. Krym tsgogo, the same local population did not hurry to give the first help to the suffering, and also take part in the analysis of the blockages of that inspired land.

As a result, the Gait buv in the administrations of the international military contingent, which took over the control of the state after the earthworm, if the traditional organs of power were paralyzed and borderline corrupt.

Tsunami at the Pacific Ocean

Until December 26, 2004, most of the inhabitants of the Earth knew about the tsunami, including for assistants and films-catastrophes. However, that day will forever be lost in the memory of Humanity through the majestic whistle that saved dozens of powers in the Indian Ocean.

Everything began with a great earthworm with a magnitude of 9.1-9.3, which became a trifle on the pivnich overlooking the island of Sumatra. It called out to a gigantic whirlwind of up to 15 meters, as it rose on all sides of the ocean and the sense of the Earth hundreds of settlements, as well as the all-world popular sea resorts.

Tsunami hit the coastal zone in Indonesia, India, Sri Lancia, Australia, Myanmar, PAR, Madagascar, Kenya, Maldives, Seychelles, Oman and other powers on the birches of the Indian Ocean. Statistics narahuvali over 300 thousand died in this catastrophe. With what body, the bagatioh didn’t get to know - the blight took them away from the ocean.

The consequences of this catastrophe are colossal. In rich areas, the infrastructure was not renewed after the 2004 tsunami.

Eyyaf'yadlayeküll volcano eruption

The Icelandic name Eyyaf'yadlayekyudl has become one of the most popular words in 2010. And all the ravages of the volcano erupting near the mountain ridge are zim im'yam.

Paradoxically, at the same time, the hour of the eruption did not perish the same people. Then, naturally, it famously seriously ruined the business of life in the whole world, for us in front of Europe. Aje, a majestic bunch of volcanic ashes, thrown into the sky from the Eyyaf'yadlayekyudl vent, completely paralyzed air traffic in the Old World. The natural cataclysm destabilized the lives of millions of people in Europe itself, as well as in Pivnichny America.

Thousands of flights, both passenger and private, were covered. The cost of the airlines during that period was over 200 million dollars.

An earthworm near the Chinese province of Sichuan

Like an earthquake in Haiti, a great number of victims after a similar catastrophe in the Chinese province of Sichuan, like there was on January 12, 2008, was fooled by the low level of capital life.

As a result of the main underground mail with a magnitude of 8, as well as less distant shocks, more than 69 thousand people perished in Sichuan, 18 thousand went missing, and 288 thousand. were hurt.

With this order of the People's Republic of China, having strongly encircled the international help in the disaster zone, trying to solve the problem with their hands. As the experts say, the Chinese wanted to capture the real scale of what had happened in such a manner.

For the publication of real data about the ruins of that ruin, as well as for articles about corruption, which led to such great figures of spending, the government of the People's Republic of China put the most famous contemporary Chinese artist, Ai Weiwei, on a spear of months.

Hurricane Katrina

Vtіm, far from zavzhd the scale of the last natural catastrophe to fall due to the quality of everyday life in that other region, and also due to the obviousness or the presence of corruption there. The butt of which can be hurricane Katrina, which hit like a sickle of 2005 rock on Pivdenno-Skhidnya escaping the USA in the Mexican zatotsі.

The main impact of Hurricane Katrina landed on New Orleans and Louisiana. Riven water, as it rose, broke through the dam in dekilkoh places, which protected New Orleans, and about 80 thousand square meters in the territory of the place stumbled under the water. At this moment, the number of districts was under construction, infrastructure facilities, transport connections and communications were underestimated.

The population, as it seemed, or did not comprehend the evacuation, revolted at the houses of the houses. The famous Superdim stadium became the main place for the selection of people. Ale vin changed into a pasture at once, so it was already impossible for him to leave the new one.

Under the hour of the hurricane, 1836 people perished, and over a million they slumped without a breath above their heads. The losses due to the natural disaster are estimated at 125 billion dollars. At the same time, New Orleans for ten years did not turn around to a completely normal life - the population of the place was about a third less than in April 2005.

On March 11, 2011, in the Pacific Ocean, on the island of Honshu, there were shipments with a magnitude of 9-9.1, which led to the appearance of a majestic tsunami curl up to 7 meters. The won fell on Japan, smashing the faceless coastal objects and pishov coal for tens of kilometers.

In different parts of Japan, after an earthquake and a tsunami began later, the infrastructure was built, including the industry. As a result of the catastrophe, 16,000 people perished, and about 309 billion dollars became economically spent.

Ale and tse appeared not the worst. The world knows about the catastrophe of 2011 fate in Japan, ahead of it, through the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which was the result of a tsunami collapse on it.

More than four years have already passed since the accident, the prote operation at the nuclear power plant has ended. And the nearest settlements were later settled. So in Japan it turned out to be powerful.

A large-scale natural disaster is one of the options for the death of our civilization. We took.

Most of the gloomy dictionaries interpret the main meaning of the word "catastrophe" as a podia with tragic traces. The very number of dead people and creatures, the history of our planet, is not so small already. The most terrible catastrophes poured into the further development of the affected lands for an hour, or to instill the beginnings of civilization.

With the development of technology, people began to master such oceanic expanses, which were unsuitable for their use, and then they turned their dreams up to the sky. With the appearance of majestic ocean cruisers, rich passenger airliners, there were significantly more deaths and victims of disasters. In the past century, there were man-made disasters, which can also be called one of the largest.

The biggest plane crash in civil aviation

Tenerifska is known to be the worst air crashes, as it caused the death of 583 people. Everything became on the 27th of Birch, 1977. without a hitch at the golden smoothness of the airport of Los Rodeos, located near the Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands). All the passengers of the Boeing KLM, including 14 crew members, perished, for the blame of one passenger, Robini Van Lanscott, yak vyrishila interrupt the flight for the sake of a friend, she landed near Tenerife. And the axis aboard the Boeing Pan American after the accident, those who were alive were pinned down. Away 61 people vryatuvatisya - 54 passengers and 7 members of the crew.

Through the terrorist attack, which was ahead of the day in the largest airport of the Canary Islands, Las Palmas, yoga was shut down, and the airport of Los Rodeos, at the link with these pods, appeared to be greatly overwhelmed. On a weekday, a lot of planes, not accepted by Las Palmas, filled up all the stops. Deyakі stood on the taxiways. Vіdomi reasons, scho brought to a greedy catastrophe:

  • fog, visibility through which the bula on the back was surrounded by 300 meters, and three times later became even less;
  • the presence of fires on the borders of the landing-landing smuga and the taxiway;
  • the dispatcher's strong Spanish accent, which the pilots had rottenly understood, rephrased and clarified yoga punishment;
  • during the daytime, the pilots were on the sidelines for an hour of negotiations with the dispatcher, the stench came in at Rozmov and interrupted one by one.

The KLM airline took the responsibility for the tragedy and paid significant compensation to the victims and those who suffered.

On May 5, 1937, a German cruise liner was launched, named after Wilhelm Gustloff, one of the leaders of the national socialists in Switzerland, which died down the river to the bottom.

Passenger liner, ten decks, 1.5 thousand. osіb, yogo was served by 417 members of the crew. The ship was built with the most advanced technologies, and it was even more comfortable. The liner was assigned to us for the construction of trivial and unhurried cruises. Have 1939 r. "Wilhelm Gustloff" was handed over to the Navy of Nimechchini. Nezabarom became a floating hospital, and then after 1940, the fate of insurance to the school of water workers near Gotenhafen. Yogo kolіr again becoming camouflage, і vіn vtrati zahist Gaazkoї kontsії.

After the torpedo attack, as a result, the Radyansky submarine chauvin under the command of A.I. Marinescu, "Wilhelm Gustloff" sunk on the coast of Poland on September 30, 1945. Zgіdno with official tribute, 5,348 people perished, but the exact number of passengers lost their homes.

Near the coast of Krim 7 leaf fall 1941 r. Hitler's aviation sank the Radiansk heat carrier "Virmeniya", on board of which, imovirno, there were over 3,000 people.

From the look of ecology, one of the biggest catastrophes is happening on the planet at the same time - the decrease in the level of the Aral Sea and its decline. So the name of the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake on the planet after the Caspian Sea (because of its isolation it can be qualified as a lake), Upper Lake in Pivnichniy America and Lake Victoria in Africa.

And then, as the flows of the Sirdar and Amudar rivers, which lived the Aral Sea, began to climb through the drainage system, the lake sank. At the turn of the year 2014, a part of it was practically withered, but the water changed up to 10%.

All this caused a change in climate, which became continental. At the bottom of the colossal sea appeared the food-salt of the Aralkum desert. Pilovi storms spread fine pieces of salt with interspersed with otrutochemіkіtіv and silskogospodarskih dobriv, as if they spent their time to the Aral Sea watering through the rivers, they can negatively signify on the health of people and creatures. Through the salinity, more sights of sea baggers appeared, spoils shone, people spent their work.

Prior to such catastrophes, which zachіpayut their deadly legacy of the population of the entire planet, we are next to save the accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. On the eve of the vibration of the fourth nuclear reactor, it was completely zruynovano. Works with the liquidation of the last dossi are not completed. April 26, 1986 During the disaster in a radius of 30 km, all people were evacuated - 135,000 people and 35,000 heads of thinness. Bula created a zone of exclusion, which is protected. In the form of radioactive speeches that were consumed in the morning, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia suffered the most. In other countries, it was also naked on the rise of the radioactive background. Over 600 thousand people took part in the liquidation of the legacy of the catastrophe.

The largest earthquake in Japan, which became the fate of 11 February 2011, and then the tsunami, caused a radiation accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, which may be the most important, somy rіven. Out of the blue, the faults of electric supply and reserve diesel generators were detected, which caused a failure in the cooling system, and then melting of the active zone of the reactors at 1, 2, 3 power units. The entire financial congestion, which includes decontamination work, compensation for victims and displaced persons, is approximately 189 billion dollars.

Another catastrophe, as it was mentioned in the entire biosphere of the Earth, is called the vibrations of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, which was consumed on April 20, 2010. at the Mexican Butt. Viklikaniya accident bottling of oil, becoming the largest. At the very moment of vibuhu and in the fire, scho vinikla on napіvzanuryuvalniy installations, 11 people perished and 17 out of 126 were injured, as at that moment they were on the platform. Two more perished. The naphtha seeped into the inlet for 152 days, in total it consumed over 5 million barrels before the inlet. Tsya technogenic catastrophe made a fatal impact on the ecology of the entire region. Various sea creatures, ribs and birds suffered. And on the Mexican tributary of the same fate, an increased mortality of whales was registered. Crimean oil, on the surface of the water (expanding in patches reaching 75,000 km²) there was a large number of underwater oil plumes, the depth of which reached 16 km, and the width of that elevation was 5 km and 90 m.

There are only a few terrible accidents, which can be classified as the most terrible catastrophes in the history of mankind. Often these catastrophes were viklikana viynoy or a whole black of vipadkovost, and in some vipadki grief brought ruinous force of nature.


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