Summary of the development of the middle language. Summary of work on the development of the language and culture of the language in the middle group

Summary of the development of the middle language. Summary of work on the development of the language and culture of the language in the middle group

Getting busy developing a movie in middle group

Activity 1. Conversation with children on the topic “What do you need to learn to say?”

Purpose. Help children understand what they are expected to do in language development classes.

Stay busy

“We will understand the whole river of work in the classroom with the development of our language correctly and speak beautifully with our native Russian language,” the teacher begins. - Why do you think it is necessary (and why is it necessary!) to be kind to my dear one? The teacher listens to the children’s voices and encourages them: “A rich supply of words, it is clear for those who are not native, will be recognized, the kindness of language is an indicator of human culture.”

Continuing with Rozmov, the teacher predicts that all the children’s words must be understood correctly, without compromising, as long as they don’t say anything about it. “Let’s check, am I right?” - the whipper pronounces. Vin shows the bright toy, for example, a fox. Children describe them.

“Well done,” praised their teacher, “they guessed the miracle words. Let me add to your description of the chanterelle. Her art is brighter, in different colors: light yellow, orange, bright ore. The tail is bushy, the ear is erect, the cheeks are white, and under the neck there is a fluffy white cape.”

The curler conveys the respect of children and babies through the images of fabrics.

“Your respect will be appreciated by the fabrics for pillowcases, carpets, and linens,” explains the teacher. - Who chooses what type of fabric?

The stitcher helps children correctly characterize the fabric. It shows how you can start your argument differently: “I want a pillowcase made of fabric...”, “I like fabric...”, “I think the most beautiful fabric...” And so on.

The teacher explains what is customary to say stretched out, not stretched out . Ask for clarification of the meaning of the word underground

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children about the fact that they need to learn to speak Russian correctly.

Activity 2. Sound culture of the language: sounds with i

Purpose. Explain to children articulation of sound h , direct in the correct, expressive way (in words, phrasal promotion).

Stay busy

“Live and live, Tongue at his little buddy,” the wiggler begins to get busy. - And Yazichka’s little buddy is a company. The little box opens and closes. (He sits back and loosens his teeth. His lips begin to laugh.) The tongue either looks out of place or hides.”

The teacher instructs the children to let their tongue out for a walk, and then turn it around to bed.

“The tongue really loves to sing carnage songs,” continues the whipper. – I think he sang: “I-i-i.” How did you sleep? Do you want to sleep with me at the same time? Then help me: “I-i-i-i.” (They sleep quietly.)

“Sssssss,” water poured out of the tap. - Tongue, in

“Sssssss,” water poured out of the tap. “Little tongue, please, be kind, and my little song.” “Good,” said Tongue after a while and fell asleep: “S-s-s-s.” (It appears very often.)

Let's sleep on a song of water together. For the song to sound good, you need to press the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth.

Shut your mouth and get it over with. Now press the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth again and quietly sing: Ssss.

Let's listen to Oleg's (Sashka's) song of water. (4-5 children scream, including the quiet ones who did not make a sound.)

And now let’s sleep on the song all at once.

The water flows in a small stream and sings a quiet song.

Now the drinking water is louder. Quiet. It's really quiet. The tap was closed.

When you sing the song of water very and very often (that’s how it is!), you feel as if the wind is dancing around your lips. Do you want to change gears at Tsomu? Then create the same parkan as mine (bring it to your lips, but don’t press it to them), and let us dance a little.

Marvel: now I can hear the singing song of the water, and the paper I rub in front of my mouth will begin to break. What did you study? (Papirets broke into.)

Take the same kind of paper (thin pieces of cigarette paper lie on the tables) and sleep on a song of water. Let's admire Dimi's courage when she sings a song (Katya, Olenki...).

Place the papers and listen: The tongue begins to write other songs, similar to the song of water. As soon as I fell asleep: “Sa-sa-sa.” What did the tongue fall asleep? Then: “Sya, all, all.”

Su-su-su - berries in the fox,

Us-us-us – in Yalintsi there is a lot of namism.”

The vikhovatel reads the Russian folk song “Soroka, forty...”:

Forty, forty,

Magpie white-sided.

I cooked porridge,

I jumped on the threshold,

I called guests.

The guests sensed

They kissed me.

Guests - at your discretion,

Porridge - on the table.

The teacher repeats the song, encouraging the children to pronounce words and sounds h (Viewed in italics).

Then he teaches the children a riddle:

The tablecloth was as white as the whole world.(Snow)

Lesson 3. Start of the show: “Our tumbler”

Purpose. Have children follow the plan to look at the toy and learn about it with minimal assistance from the teacher.

Stay busy

Place the tumbler on the table with its back facing the children. They ask in chorus and one at a time (2-3 children): “Tumbler, turn around!” The tumbler encourages the little ones to call the tumbler differently: “Tumbler with the great blue eyes and long howls, turn around for us!” (Choral and individual prayers.)

The tumbler spins, the children look at its majestic blue eyes and long black eyes, and exchange enemies.

“Our tumbler is even better than a teacher,” he said. “She has great blue eyes...”(long, rosy cheeks).

“Our tumbler is not short of a garne. Vona is awesome, isn’t it?” - The teacher asks, moving on to the next part I will describe. (So, she’s awesome: she’s wearing a red coat with white tails and a red hat with a white collar.)

“Our tumbler is a fun toy,” continues the wiggler. - You turn it a little, and it begins to jingle and go around. Show me how." Children walk around and “ring” like tumblers.

The whipper gives a quick description of the doll. Then ask the children to tell them about the tumbler, showing them the plan for the discovery: “Our tumbler is awesome. She has... Our tumbler is an awesome doll. On it... Our tumbler is a fun toy... "

The teacher calls out to 2-3 boys. If the child needs help, he comes up with an exit phrase, for example: “Our tumbler is a nasty doll. Chew..."

“We started learning today,” the teacher tells the children, “and we heard a good story about the tumbler. Vaughn stayed with our group until the end of the day. "Who will make you happy by hearing about how beautiful she is, how ugly she is, and how cheerful she is."

Note . Before getting ready for an outing, the teacher tells the children that their eyes are blue in tumblers. “About someone who has blue eyes, they often say blue-eyed. And our axis Andriy is black-eyed, Olenka is gray-eyed ... "

Children understand who has eyes. This allows for the unique expressions: “The eyes are white and the eyes are black.”

Activity 4. Reading Versha I. Bunin "Leaf Fall". Compiled stories about the doll

Purpose. Encourage your children to write stories about the toy. Learn about early autumn, get to know poetry and develop a poetic ear.

In front of the robot.Before the hour of the walk, “look for” the signs of autumn: describe the colors, listen to the leaves and, as a result, notice that “the dusty cobwebs of the fabric shine like the edges of the wood.”

Stay busy

The teacher tells the children when it’s time for fate, from which month autumn begins. “The ear of autumn is early autumn, even in the morning and burning hour fate, about which many miracles have been written. I’ll read one of them to you.”

Reading Versh I. Bunin “Falling Leaves” (2 times).

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, golden, crimson,
Cheerful, lined moan
Standing over a light galyavin.
Berezi zhovtim rіzblennyam
Shine near the dark blue,
Like the elders, the yalinkas darken,
And between the maples there is blueness
Here and there the leaves are dripping
Shine into the sky until the end.
The forest smells like oak and pine,
During the summer the sun dried up,
I Autumn, a quiet widow
He enters his stern mansion.

“Wait,” the teacher exclaims to the children, “it’s so beautiful to learn about autumn nature only in a poetic (perfect) creation. The little doll, who came before us to do some work, froze in a silent grip!

The teacher explains that the tumbler told the toys about how the children delighted them by singing about their beauty, describing their clothes and their musicality. Now I just want to hear about everything and these beautiful little balls. “Are we happy? - The teacher asks. - Let’s see, then. And tsya lyalka is even worse. She has... Lyalka is ugly. She has... Lyalka is not simple, but language..."

The teacher asks any of the children to tell about the doll. Let me explain why the story came out without repetition.

The teacher will finish reading Versha I. Bunin "Leaf Fall".


Activity 1. Reading K. Chukovsky’s tale “Telephone”

Purpose. Delight your children by reading a funny story. Correct the staged scenes from the creative work.

In front of the robot.The pages of the book cover an illustrated version of K. Chukovsky’s tale “Telephone” (more beautifully with the little ones by V. Suteev).

Stay busy

The winner is saying that the children marked the new book and guessed what it’s called. I can guess the nickname of the author of the work. Ask to guess other fairy tales by K. Chukovsky. Then he reads the story “Telephone”.

The teacher will talk to the children, who cares telephone Rozmova seems funny. “Especially for me,” as the speaker pointed out, as if the power was being supplied, “I found the pig’s rant and the author’s testimony funny:

- Why can’t you send the nightingale?

Today we are together

From nightingales

Miracle song

Let's fall asleep.

- No, no, nightingale

Chee does not sleep for pigs!

Call out to the crow!”

The teacher encourages the children to use the phone. Vin informs that immediately the call will be made from Dima’s (Olina’s, Sasha’s) phone. Before the child speaks, the children say: “Ding-ding-ling, ding-ding-ling.”

Hello! They can hear you, like a whirlwind. “Here I am, crocodile (witch, rhinoceros...).” Then a lesson begins (if necessary, with the help of an adult).

Note. This game should be played in the next day (in the neighborhood, on the street), helping children remember and read dialogues clearly.

Activity 2. Sound culture of the language: sounds s i

Purpose. Direct children to the isolated sound h (in warehouses, words); read the sound h hard and soft; separate words and sounds z, z.

Stay busy

The teacher asks the children to guess the whistling song of the water that flows from the tap. Children finish this song all at once and individually.

“Now listen with particular respect,” the whipper shouts to the children and captures the sounds z (z-z-z-z-s) i z (z-z-z-z-z) . – What did you smell? Well done. Almost two similar songs sounded, two sounds that could easily be confused. When they are twisted, the tongue is pressed to the lower teeth. Shall we recheck? The sounds seem similar, except the sound h go out jingly.

Z-z-z-z - This little song is really good to get out of the mosquitoes. Flying in at the evening hour z-z-z-z-z you can feel left-handed, right-handed, behind, above your head.”

The teacher encourages you to have fun. One group of preschoolers pretends to be mosquitoes, who sleep sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly, while other children wave themselves and shoo away mosquitoes. Then the boys switch roles.

Based on the individual choice of mosquito song (3-4 types), the shortest song is selected - the soloist mosquito.

The vikhovatel continues: “At the musical mosquito school there are little mosquitoes (they can also be called differently: you are boys, and they stink...) mosquitoes ), You are children, and they stink... ( mosquitoes )) make folding songs. For example:

For-for-for, zy-zy-zya- I lost the queen.

a-za-za, zya-zya-zya - I lost the queen.

Who spent it? Queen - tse...(Shah's figure). This means that the checker has lost his queen.

Zya-zya-zya, for-for-for- Grandma has arrived. (Children repeat the cleanup routine.)

Zyu-zyu-zyu, zu-zu-zu- Don't tease the goat.

Why don’t you tease this horned creature?”

The teacher reads to the children lessons from A. Prokofiev’s poem “On the Green Galava”:

On the green galyavina

The balalaikas started playing,

The pipe is on a spree,

A pipe-buzzer.

The teacher asks to name words with sounds s, s . I explain that the top three words begin with this sound.

The Vikhovatel preaches: “I am missing the words. When you feel a word that begins with a sound h , clear at the valley.” The teacher says coming words: hare, rabbit, black, sonitsa, green, blue, buzkovy, zorya-zaryanytsia - the sister of the sun.

The victor tells us how many times this child has shown mercy. “Be respectful next time,” says the teacher.

At the end, the reader reads:


Sontseva sister,

The day is fading

The month is on fire.

The victor asks the children to watch out for it to be dawn this evening.

Activity 3. Commencement of the Russian folk song “Tin-tin-sweet”

Purpose. Help children remember and read the song clearly.

In front of the robot.Know in advance what kind of poetry children remember. Guess them the vertices of A. Barto (from the series “Toys”: “Vedmedic”, “Ball”, “Boat”), Russian folk songs “Pish the cat for the market...”, “Ogirochok, girochok...”, “Finger-cotton” ..."

Stay busy

The whipper tells the children that he now knows what the vertices remember.

“It was especially welcome to hear... - he names the names of 3-4 children. “I think that you too will be pleased to hear the stories of this Viconn.”

Children (2-3 children) read verses (of their choice).

The teacher tells every child who knows the Russian folk song to memorize so that later they can please some of their loved ones, who have “gifted” them a miraculous crown:


It's muddy in the city.

The house needs to be heated,

Grandma hurries:

There's a turnip in the oven,

There is a treasure in plates.

Whale to plate - jump!

Sobі nіs obpіk.

“It’s dark, it’s dark, it’s dark in the city?” – asks the trainer, instructing the boys to repeat the rows with a firm intonation (choral and 3-4 individual voices).

“Is it too rough to heat your house? Is grandma in a hurry? - Tsikavat teacher.

Then he reads the first six rows and explains: “As grandma hurries and already baked turnips on the plates, then everything will come for dinner. Ale came first... ( Keith).

Whale to plate - jump!

Sobi nos obpik.”

Children repeat the rows one by one.

The teacher reads the poem in full. Then he asks the child to come to him, urging her to choose a one-year-old to play the role of a cat.

The first two rows are followed by all children. Next, the text is read by a child, showing how he puts turnips on plates (the situation is obvious). Another child, who imitates a cat, shaves to a plate, carries a third of the burns and leaves (depicted or with storms).

Then the children change roles.

If you allow an hour, you can play a skit with the participation of other children.

Activity 4. Reading poetry about autumn. Folded information - descriptions of toys

Purpose. Get children to understand poetic language. Continue reading the stories about the toy behind the song plan (inheritance of the teacher).

Stay busy

The witcher predicts that early autumn has passed and another autumn month will end: “The weather is changing, great changes are taking place in nature. And turmoil has appeared at the top about the autumn, Listen..."

The teacher reads the verses of A. Pushkin “Already the autumn sky was dying” (lessons from the novel “Eugene Onegin”), A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come.” Tsikatsya, who deserves such a thing. I promise to read them again just to get busy or on a walk.

The caregiver shows respect to children in two different ways from the outside looking in soft toys, for example, two cheburashkas (kishechok, dogs, etc.).

“Today we continue to read news about toys,” explains the teacher. “I’ll tell you about one, and you’ll tell me about the other.” Choose a toy. Let's start practising. My Cheburashka is a charming toy. There are great soft ears, garni black dark eyes. What do you tell us about Cheburashka?

Children, following the teacher, describe their toy.

“My Cheburashka is sewn from a smooth dark brown hutra, and my face is made from a beige hutra. What about your Cheburashka?

My Cheburashka is so feisty and cute that I want to take him in my arms and squeeze him to my chest. What can you say about your Cheburashka?

“You did a wonderful job,” as the teacher encourages the children to exchange toys. - I’ll tell you about your Cheburashka, and you about him. Ozhe..."

“The Axis spared our Cheburashkas. The stench of so much fun was recognized both about ourselves and one about another,” the teacher concludes this part of the lesson.

Then he reads a poem that most children enjoy. As the children’s thoughts were divided in the evaluation of the top ideas, after reading, create resentment.

Leaf fall

Activity 1. Reading the tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Purpose. Introduce children to the English tale “The Three Little Pigs” (translated by S. Mikhalkov), help them understand its feelings and see the words that convey the fear of the piglets and the suffering of the wolf scalded by sprinkling.

Stay busy

“Today I will read you a story about the three little pigs. Qia English Cossack, and the Russian translation is translated by Sergei Mikhalkov, - the master begins to get busy. - Listen. Get roused and roused. The Kazka is a lie, but she has a problem, let’s teach the fellows a lesson.”

The teacher reads a fairy tale.

“Father, good fellows and little girls, what did this fairy tale teach you?” - The teacher will continue to be busy. The children’s audible voices and voices echo them: “Loiding, believing that it’s easy to get out, is a bad sign. Showing off and boasting are also not suitable. Guess how the piglets clanged as they walked toward the wolf: “The fear in them... ( legs rose ), skin bristles... ( tremtila), wear... (dry ). And they screamed all over the forest.”

Ask Vikhovatel to guess what Kastya has about Vovk. “With what kind of roar did the scalds fly out of the chimney? ( Z wild.) Z dahu vin... (squinting ). How many times have you thrown yourself over your head? ( Chotiri.)

If you have an hour to spare, you can sleep with your children to Naf-Naf’s song:

No beast in the world,

A cunning beast, a terrible beast,

Don't damage these doors.


Note. With children, who do not separate sounds s i s , The winner repeats Naf-Naf’s song and asks to name the words first with one sound, then with another sound (shown in italics).

Activity 2. Sound culture movie: sound ts

Purpose. Guide children in deaf ears ts (Isolated, in warehouses, in words). Improve the intonation and promotion of the language. Read the words that begin with the sound ts , focusing not so much on the place of the word, but on its sound.

Stay busy The Whisperer tells the children that the stench has begun to make similar sounds s, s – z, z . “I will tell you that you are not mistaken. Be respectful, every teacher. - Pussy eats sour cream from a bowl. What sound do you hear? ( Sound iz.)

“And recently two gazelles called and fell asleep” (Korny Chukovsky “Telephone”), - the teacher repeats three the rest of the words and asks: What sound is heard in all these words? ( Sound z. )

The teacher praises children for their ability to distinguish sounds by ear.

Then he asks that children love riddles, and asks them to guess one of them.

Two ends, two rings,

In the middle of the carnation.(Knives)

After the children guess the riddle, the winner, lightly intones the sound ts , the words appear:rings, ends, knives.

What sound did I see in the voice? - The teacher asks. – This sound can be carefully learned to pronounce correctly and clearly. For now, let's cluck like squirrels:“Tsk-tsk-tsk” (choral and 3–4 individual types). And now they are shouting loudly:“Tsip-tsip-tsip” . And we pour grain into it. Don't stop pecking. Kurchat was marked by Scratchy's gut. What does a kishka sound like? “I’m infected,” they say, “Scratchy,” they say. dac-dac-dac “. What did the gut say? Tell her: “Drya, don’t you dare scratch and smoke!” The Kurchat are gone. A target appeared. Sit there, watching your face, without water and without mileage, like the target of a fairy tale you know:

And the target was caught by the sight Without water and without mileage.

Which fairy tales are the target? Who wrote this miracle tale?(Samuel Marshak. “A Tale about a Smart Target.”)

The stitcher is asked to repeat the completed rows so that in wordsRiltse, Voditsa, Miltse there was a little sound ts.

Then the teacher encourages them to have fun. “I mince words. When you feel the sound of a word ts , Lyasne in Dolon.Heron... clicking... walking... flower... growing... blooming... circus... arriving... number... five" (Between the words of the vikhovatel there is a pause, roaring to yourself up to three.)

The teacher calls the children who were in a hurry and lost.

“Any kind of game requires you to be respectful, make decisions independently, and not rely on your friends. Even though we are busy, this means that we have something to begin with, and possible amends,” the conspirator concludes.

Note. If you take an hour, you can teach children to memorize the following (from Czech poetry, S. Marshak):

Do you know the letters A, Be, Tse? Sit on the gank, the man's pants are worn,

Don't freeze when I'm getting cold.

If children remember the verses, they can introduce the game. The grown-up (and child) follows the first row, finishing up with any of the children, and the child at the end moves through the three rows of the top.

For individual robots You can play with children:

Skoromovka: “Water flows from here all day long”;


The girl is with the mate, and the braid is on the street.(Carrot)

You are not a beast, you are not a bird,

I carry it like a knitting needle.


Activity 3. A story based on the painting “A Dog with Puppies.” Reading books about the autumn season

Purpose. Have the children describe the picture in song sequence, name the picture. Get kids into poetry.

Stay busy

The driver of the Frenchman, before having fun, brings the picture into the group and deprives the children of it for independent examination.

When looking at the picture, children exchange emotions and are able to note a lot of details.

Based on the teacher's whining, the boys guess what the picture can be called.

“You’ve looked at the picture and maybe you’ve already figured out what it might be called,” the teacher begins to get busy.

A hearing care provider for children, corrects their hearing, explains that the name of the picture is not necessary for a long time, but the short name makes it clear what the picture is about.

The teacher praises such titles: “The dog and the little ones,” “Dog’s door,” “About the dog,” etc.

Then he gives his name: “A dog with puppies.” Let me explain what can be said with baby animals, or maybe with puppies.

“In order for the story from the picture to come out smoothly, without repetition, it is necessary to first tell everything about the dog, then everything about the puppies and, finally, describe the facts yourself,” explains the teacher. “Ozhe, respect for the dog.”

Having listened to the children, the teacher repeats the spoken word and gives a sign of recognition. Then she informs about the puppies, adjusts their nutrition, corrects the children’s phenotypes, etc.

“And now you need to describe the door where the dog and the little ones live,” the teacher prompts. Make sure that children correctly identify spatial landmarks and clarify where - there, here ( bill, order, in, at etc.).

Then the teacher composes a story based on the picture, and asks the children to follow through without repeating again: “I’m going to try to escape them.” First I’ll tell you about the dog, then about the puppies, and then about the trust.”

Children listen to the teacher’s message, then listen to the child’s message (for the day).

The teacher informs the children that the rest of the month of autumn is approaching the end - gloomy and rainy leaves are falling and that the events of this time are very different, not least about early autumn.

The student reads A. Maykov’s verse “Autumn leaves swirl in the wind...” (or A. Koltsov’s verse “The wind blows...”). If you have an hour to spare, read A. Blok’s poem “The Bunny.”

Activity 4. Compiled speech about the toy. Didactic to the right "What's wrong?"

Purpose. Check how much children are trained to write a consistent story about a toy. Correct children by creating words using analogies.

Stay busy

“During the previous lessons, we started writing stories about the toy,” the teacher guesses. “Let’s check how things will turn out for you without my hints.”

The teacher puts a bunch of toys in front of the children: a doll, a vedmezha, a Cheburashka, etc.

“Have you forgotten how you told us? - the whipper crows. - Tell me a story about a tumbler - a garna, a funny toy, a funny toy."

The teacher calls out to the children as they pick up toys and write down answers. If a toy turns up unclaimed, you can turn into a child something like this: “And Piggy was so dead that Arina would tell about her! You can’t imagine what you’re doing?!

“Autumn is coming to an end. It's cold, it's freezing. Ale mi don't blame me. Enjoy the gifts of summer and autumn. Drink juices, compote. Yo varennya, Jamie. Who loves juices? - The whipper asks.

Having listened to the children’s comments, I clarify: “Orange juice – from oranges, apple juice...(Z apple) , pear... peach... cherry... plum..."

Varennya with chornitsa.(Chornichne) , lingonnits ... ogini ... raspberries ... apricots ... »

Note. Possibility of having fun and playing with children at the Cafe-Frozovo group. The recruiter recruits two children to serve as waiters and informs them and the upcoming cafe attendants that the choice of ice cream, juices, jams is extremely tempting.

The teacher introduces children to various forms of animal husbandry before school: Are you cold? Chocolate, top, fruit? With jam, with honey? What kind of jam? If it’s necessary, you should sell the order,” then.


Activity 1. Reading the Russian folk tale “Little Fox and Wolf” to children

Purpose. Familiarize children with the Russian folk tale “The Fox-Sister and the Wolf” (model by M. Bulatov), ​​help them appreciate the characters’ stories, and dramatize the lessons from the work.

In front of the robot.In front of the book rolls, on the back of the book, place an illustrated version of the fairy tale. If it is not necessary, increase the children’s respect for her, ask her to look at the little ones, and guess who this fairy tale is about.

Stay busy

The teacher shows the children the book and asks whoever wants to know about it. Listen to the children's hearing, supply power.

““Liska-sister and Vovk” is a Russian Cossack even seen at home. - the teacher continues Rozmova. “We know your fathers, grandfathers, and grandmothers.”

Reading a fairy tale.

Then the children understand what they can say about the wolf, about the fox; Why do they still call this shahrai and deceiver so affectionately: little fox-sister?

The teacher teaches the children to play out the final conversation between the fox and the wolf. The Vikhovatel calls on the Vikonavians for their roles.

Vikhovatel. As the fox approaches the wolf (one child tries to fight another), she slowly begins to move.

Lisitsya . Spare the unbeaten beating, spare the unbeaten beating!

Vovk . What do you say, little fox?

Lisitsya . And I, jiga, say: beat the beaten to spare.

Vovk . Yes, little fox, yes.

Vikhovatel . He brought the fox to the wolf’s hole, he jumped out, hid in the hole, and hovered over the wolf.

Glyadachy . Laugh and laugh.

The lesson is played again with the participation of other Vikonavians.

Activity 2. Reading and memorizing verses about winter

Purpose. Get kids into poetry. Help children memorize and read verses clearly.

Stay busy

The teacher understands in children that it is time for fate, as the first and two coming winter months are called.

The teacher reads verses 3–4 about winter, for example: A. Fet “Mom! Look at the end...", I. Surikova “Winter” (in short), S. Drozhzhina “Walking the street ...”, N. Nekrasova “No wind blows over the forest ...”. Then it’s time to figure out who deserves what kind of honor. (Children explain. They are still unable to remember the names of the vertices.)

“And I really should be the leader of Mikoli Nekrasov,” he seems to be a master. “I never hope that Moroz the Voivode (voivode is the chief commander) walks around and checks that the rivers and lakes are frozen, and that there is snow on the ground.”

The teacher reads the verse. Then he repeats the first sentence and asks the children to think whether Frost the Voivode is walking quietly through the forests and fields:

It is not the wind that blows over the forest,

The streamers ran away,

Moroz the voivode on patrol

Go around your villages.

“Let’s try to read the series loudly, without shouting and even calmly,” says the speaker. (Chorus and 3–4 individual voices.) The teacher informs which of the children was able to read the verse the most.

“Guess what Moroz the Voivode checked?” - ask the whipper. The skin response is accompanied by the reading of the corresponding line of verses, which the children then follow.

The student reads the book in its entirety several times. Then he instructs the children to read it all at once, but almost silently (for memorization and training of the articulation apparatus).

Note. Nowadays, the teacher reads the verse more than once, so that the children remember it and can read it on the new day in the nursery and at home.

If there are groups of children younger than 4 or 6 months, it is better to reinforce to their memory the simple verse of W. Orlov “Why should a witch sleep in the winter.”

- Mishko, veterinarian,

What's wrong with you?

Why are you sleeping?


- Because

Snow and ice

Chi not raspberry

І not honey.

This idea can be staged. The whipper chooses a child to play the role of the witch. Other children crow about why they need to sleep in the winter, and the “witch” (with grumbling, dissatisfaction) explains the reason for winter hibernation.

In this way, you can also successfully act as a new speaker or any other saint.

Lesson 3. Let's start talking about the painting “Axle is a snowman!”

Purpose. Encourage children to formulate clues from the picture without repeating or overloading the relevant information. Start guessing the name of the picture in your mind.

Stay busy

It’s a favorite among children who like winter because they love winter fun and excitement. “And since there was a lot of snow, it’s a sin not to make a snowman, isn’t it? - the teacher continues Rozmova. - Axis, for example, something like that!

Shows the children a picture. There is an opportunity to look at it and exchange enemies. Then ask to guess the name of the picture.

The witcher names the most common names, explains that they are the most accurate and the shortest.

“And the artist called his painting “The Axle is a Snowman!” Is it true, a flaming snowman? Please describe him..."

The teacher explains the children’s learning and gives a clear description of the snowman.

“And now we need to tell you about those who are around the snowman,” the teacher helps the children. Auditory inputs, set precise nutrition, as stated above.

“It was a beautiful winter day, and it was just as beautiful as it was, right?” - like a champion, I have the utmost respect for children for the way nature is depicted in the picture.

“What a wonderful time we had today. They guessed the names of the pictures. The time has come to rest,” the whipper concludes the lesson.

Activity 4. Sound culture movie: sound sh

Purpose. Show children articulation of sound w , read clearly the sound (isolated, in warehouses, in words); separate words with sounds w.

Stay busy

“Listen,” every teacher, “what am I going to tell you about today.

My little tongue really loves to look out of the window. Marvel at how to work (shows).

It seems that the little tongue is hanging out: revealing that it is a fox, spreading its tail (spreading it wide) and putting it on the street, so that fox tail ich basking in sunshine. The axis is like this (showing).

Raptom Tongue having caught the great dog. When he got angry, he ran up to the box and grabbed his tail behind his upper teeth, and closed the box so that the dog wouldn’t run in after him. And the tail still stays behind the upper teeth. Try and grab the tip of your tongue by your upper teeth.

Having chewed the little tongue and looked again, marvel at what a dog is. He turned up the alarm, but didn’t let his tail drop. I was already afraid that the dog was in charge here. We've been trimming our ponytail for an hour and will let it burn out. The axis is like this (showing). Several times the tongue was opened and closed, and the tail was still raised and raised. The axis is like this (showing). But the dog was nowhere to be found. Vaughn has long since flown in.

And now let's play like this. I’ll say: “The tail is warming up for the little girl,” and you put the word on your lower lip - on the side of the little girl. Axis like this. Then I will say: "Dog!" Axis like this. Then you will open and close the little box, and keep your tongue in the little box and trim your tail up. Close the box, but don’t lower the tip of your tongue!

Next, the teacher teaches the children, who have raised the tip of their tongue, rounded and pursed their lips, to say:"Shhh" (2-3 times). When tsomu vidikh is not guilty buti trivalim – 2-3 seconds.

The whipper destroys the respect of children who promote the sound w on the valley, brought close to the mouth, but not pressed to the next (fence), one can feel the rush of the wind.

Children who can't hear the sound w , bring the valley to the company of the whipper, which is:“Shhh.”

Then the children watch out for the loud sound of the sound, which sometimes leaves the cotton wool from the bottom of the whipper, which they direct themselves (the cotton wool, prepared from behind, lies on the tables).

“Now let’s play,” says the whipper. - You can see the leaves. The leaves are tricking. The wind began to blow and the leaves began to rustle: “Sh-sh-sh.” Now they fumbled harder, then completely. The wind has begun to subside, the leaves are playing more quietly, even more quietly, completely quietly.”

The hiss of an angry gander is played out in a similar way.

“Words that begin with sound w, “It’s very rich,” the teacher said. - Chicken, pustun, shampoo, hat, checkers, checkers, shashlik.

Let's see if you feel the sound w , if I miss the words. When you feel a word that begins with a sound w , clarify from the valley:fur coat... heat... seam... garniy... shakhtar... overcoat... shipshina... rozheviy... curtains. (Having said the word, the teacher says to himself up to three, then pronounces the next word.)

Different words appear in the German riddle. You will have to guess the riddle and almost the words with sound w".

Vikhovatel reads the verse “Ravlik” (from German folk poetry in the province of L. Yakhnina):

Fat plump Budinok - curl,

Drive along the road, Drive along the valley,

Take your time, don’t rush, show me your horns.


Activity 1. Reading the Russian folk tale “Winter” to children

Purpose. Help children understand Russian folk tales in their own way. Get to know the fairy tale “Winter” (in the style of I. Sokolov-Mikitov).

Stay busy

Vikhovatel ask the children to name Russian folk tales.

Then conduct a mini-quiz:

- Shows the covers (or illustrations) of the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Geese-Swans” and asks to guess the names of the creations;

- reads a lesson from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare” and pronounces the name of the story: “The fox was doing well in the winter, and when spring came to winter, it began to blow away the snow, warm the earth, and then Liskin’s palace spread out with water under the mountain. ік";

– sings the fox’s song from the fairy tale “The whale, the song and the fox”:

Pivnik, pivnik,

Golden comb

Look at the end -

I'll give you some peas.

“How rich in words and sound w This song seems to be a whirlwind. – Sleep together with me, and then name the words that make the sound w".

The teacher places several clues on his desk - pyramids, mushrooms, etc. The child(ren) say the word, the teacher picks up the object and repeats the song.

The breeder informs the children that today they will get to know a new fairy tale - Zimovya. The teacher clarifies that it is winter. He listens to children's hearing, but still doesn't explain anything to them.

Next he reads a story.

The victor asks the boys to think about why these even hungry wolves, who could easily have killed the rulers in the winter, went without anything and so during the winter.

Note. Activities that help children guess the story, find out why the animals spent the winter, what they killed, why they laid the soil, what they laid between the decks.

The teacher explains that such a deck, cod, caught that moss.

It’s easy to work with this robot, as soon as you look at the little ones with the children.

Activity 2. Sound culture movie: sound

Purpose. Direct children to correct and clear voices and (Isolated, in sound-inherited words); Mean words with sounds smartly and.

Stay busy

“Yazichok is sitting at the door,” the teacher begins to busy himself. – I feel like someone is singing a song: “W-w-w-w.” “I can’t sleep like that,” Tongue said, embarrassed. - I know the song of the leaf, the gander, the snake. Alas, this new song is completely different. There’s a jingle: “W-w-w-w.”

“W-w-w—this is the song of a beetle,” explains the teacher. - It sings just like a gander’s song ( sh-sh-sh) ale just a dzvinko, with a voice. The song of the beetle is sung by the neck. Apply it to your throat and sleep: “W-w-w.” What do you smell?(The throat sings this song.)Now apply it to your throat and begin to sing the gander’s song. Is your throat sore?

Let's start singing the beetle's song. Open your mouth. Place the tongue on the lower lip. Now gently lift it up and grab it by the upper teeth so that the tip is not visible. Shut your mouth. Finish off the little things. Let's do it again. As soon as you grab your tongue far away, behind your upper teeth, you immediately start singing: “W-w-w-w.”

Children sing the song of the little beetle and the song of the great fat beetle.

The teacher started to carry out the “Beetles” game. The boys join hands and make a fist. The breeder breeds between 6 and 7 children. The stinks represent beetles. (It is important that in the middle of them there were those children who could not clearly hear the sound and.)

“There is a big room with a windowless window,” explains the teacher. “People left, but the windows in the room were not repaired.” (The children lower their hands and spit.) Bugs and revelers flew into the room: “W-w-w.” The stench began to fly throughout the room. When the wind began to blow, the windows began to open. The beetles flew to the sky, did not hurt and fell. The beetles have eaten! Lie on your back, wrestle. It's pathetic to jingle. Let's help the beetles - let's turn them over on the stalk and, having removed the lids, release them into the wild. Stop them from flying."

Gras repeats itself.

“And right away,” as a teacher, “I’ll read you a poem called “Why does the bouquet sing?”

The beetle on the dark shirt has arrived to the lads,

On the river there is a strong force - Sleeping with the ringing song,

Having gulped down the licorice juice, having fallen asleep at the end of the day,

She drank the bouquet from Marinka, but Marina didn’t understand: Why is she sleeping the bouquet? N. Golovina

“Why did you sing the bouquet? - The teacher asks. - Do you want to hear a story about how a beetle fell asleep at the little girl’s door and got angry with the little girl? I will tell you, and if I ask you, help me.”

The vikhovatel reads a lesson from the book “Drinking Bouquet” by V. Biryukov:

The beetle flew to its right side, jingling: “I want to drink.” (What and how is the jigsaw beetle? (Chorus and individual species.))

Having dipped a purple pot on the pot, he said: “Here I’ll find out what to put in.” He climbed up at the door and looked around: “Garneau! You can fire!” (What did the beetle say?) Having tasted the bottom of the cup with his ears and said: “Sik!” Delicious!

After drinking I felt happy. “Fire well!” - the beetle fell asleep. (What did you sleep about?)

Having slept, slept and not noticed that I had fallen asleep. A girl was walking through the meadow, collecting her tickets. I picked up some different colors and put a jar of water in it.

And the jizhchanya blared: “Buzz! Where did I go? People live here." (What did the beetle jig about?)“You did well today, and I will delight you with new riddles,” the teacher concludes.

Lying, lying, she ran into the river.(Snow)

And in the riddle words with sound and? Name them.

Krokuesh - to lie in front,

If you look around, you’ll run home.(Road)

Lesson 3. Start of the conversation about the painting “Tanya is not afraid of the frost”

Purpose. Have the children look at the picture and talk about it in song sequence; read the vigaduvati name of the picture.

Stay busy

The groom tells the children that he really wants to get to know them about Tanya, who went out for a walk: Do you want to admire a girl like me?

“You can tell about those who are busy with the girl, and also about those who have a beautiful child. Why do we need to know? - Tsikavat teacher. - Let’s start with the description of the dress. It's cold in the winter, and Tanya is warmly dressed. On it...(coat, felt boots, hat, scarf, mittens).Do you deserve Tanya's winter coat? Won...(green, with brown color).Have you been given a coat by the farmer?(On the kishens, sleeves of the coat, there is an ozdoblennya from the khutra.)What is Tanya’s hat made from?(This one is sewn from brown hutra.)Who wants to know what dress Tanya went out in? (1-2 types).

Children, why bother Tanya? (Audible sound, noun.) So, Tanya pours snow from the green bucket with a blue shovel.

Marvel, boys, at the garni of wood! On them…(Snow) . You can’t see the little needles on the birch tree – they hid in the snowflakes. And there was snow on the green Yalintsia. Marvel at how the snow lies on this valley, the white bushes are scattered on the hills. What is scattered across the bottles?(Handkerchiefs. The axis is hustochka and the axis. There is one more axis.)

Who else would like to hear about how beautiful your hair is? Maybe we didn’t note something? (There is a crow sitting on a birch tree, and there are little booths behind the trees. etc.)

Would you like me to tell you about this picture? Listen. It's winter outside. Tanya took her lunch and went for a walk. It's frosty in the winter, but Tanyusha is not cold. She's wearing that winter coat and that farmer's hat. The coat is warmer and garne. It's greener than the brown, rusty clod. On the sleeves and sides of the coat there is embellishment from the khutra. Tanyusha in the black felt boots. Vaughn did not forget to put on her scarf and mittens.

Tanya is working. There, with a blue shovel, he pours snow from the green bucket.

And then it was white and white. Through the snow: on the ground, on lava, on trees. You can't see the birch trees and their leaves - they're covered in snowflakes. Only a little yalinka is green. There may be snow on it. Otherwise, there would be white bushes hanging on the green heads.”

The teacher asks the child to tell him about the destruction of the painting. Evaluates the story (and about all the stories in song sequence).

Then the teacher asks the children to name the picture. Indicates further names. Indicates the author's title: “Tanya is not afraid of frost.”

Activity 4. Reading your favorite books. Memorized verse by A. Barto “I know what needs to be learned”

Purpose. Know what kind of poetry children know. Help children memorize a new word.

In front of the robot.Prepare plastic sheets in a green color. Give children the opportunity to learn superfluous light in green color. Ask the boys to read their favorite poems.

Stay busy

The teacher guesses that before (he clarifies the meaning of the word) the children read their favorite poems and even quieted them down. “I didn’t get the hang of it all,” I’m a teacher, “so I’ll definitely listen to your favorite stories today.”

Children (3-4 individuals) read verses, including “Why should a witch sleep during the winter” by V. Orlov, “No wind blows over the forest...” by N. Nekrasova, “Tin-tin-sweat.”

The teacher reads the first rows of poems by A. Barto (verses 2–3 from the “Toys” cycle), so you know what the children are doing and who wrote them.

The teacher tells us that in Barto there are a lot of miraculous works for young children and older children. “What do you care about children? - Tsikavat teacher. Since you are already great, you will have the opportunity to read Agnia Barto’s serious poem. - Let me tell you right away, did you miss summer? Agnia Barto knew a way to please herself, how to turn the summer around. I have been honored with such pleasure. Listen."

The student reads the book several times. Then, at the same time, the first part of the top is silently washed with the children, and the child reads to a friend, as if marveling at the absent ones through a plate of green color.

I know what you need to see,

So that there would be no more winter,

To replace the tall piles

The hills were all green.

“Do you know?” the teacher asked the child.(I know.)

I marvel at the skelce

Green color,

First winter

Transforming for the summer.

The reading is repeated in guises.


Activity 1. Mini-quiz on K. Chukovsky's tales. Reading the work “Fedorina’s grief”

Purpose. Help the children guess the name and location of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales. Learn from the fairy tale “Fedora’s grief.”

Stay busy

The teacher shows the covers of books and illustrations of K. Chukovsky’s tales, reads lessons from the works and helps to guess what the name of each tale is and how it will end. For example:

For the sake of bunnies and whites,

For the sake of the boys and the girl,

Hug and kiss


“Well, my dear grandfather,

for my son."

(Kradene Sun)

Misha caught the pussy,

They planted a mish-trap...


The fireflies were coming out,

Vogniks fired -

It became fun

That's good!

(Fly Tsokotukha)

The Whisperer reminds the children that all these wonderful fairy tales were written by Korniy Ivanovich Chukovsky. And the fairy tale “Fedora’s Mountain” was also written by Grandfather Korniy.

The teacher reads a fairy tale. Gives children the opportunity to exchange enemies. Then he asks who in this case turned out to be especially mediocre. The teacher reads lessons to the children, including an episode that the teacher himself did.

Note. Keep busy and listen to K. Chukovsky’s tales at the recording.

Activity 2. Sound culture movie: sound h

Purpose. Explain to children how to make sound correctly year , direct the loud sound (isolated, behind the words, vertshakh). Develop children's phonemic hearing.

Stay busy

“Today,” as a teacher, “we are starting to sing a new song. What kind of song is this, you can guess for yourself. Listen.

Pishov Yazichok take a walk and come to zaliznytsia. There was a majestic steam locomotive standing there. He sang loudly: “Ch-ch-ch.” The tongue began to sing the song of the locomotive. Having raised the tip of his tongue, he began to fall asleep: “ShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yourHHHHHH your yours already you your yours?” Show how the tongue has broken back. Shut your mouth and let your tongues do the talking. Now let your tongues lift the ends again, pull the tongue back and tap them on the stele: “T-t-t.”

Now tap the tip of your tongue on the spine, let the warm wind blow on your face (blot it in front of your mouth) and go to sleep: “Ch-ch-ch.” (Children repeat to the right several times.) What song did we learn today? What is this song?

Tongue deservedly deserved to be grabbed by the locomotive. The steam locomotive shvidko: “Ch-ch-ch-ch”, then even more... When the locomotive got louder, the song died down. Listen now to how Olya sings the song of the locomotive. (Ask 3-4 children who cannot hear the sound clearlyyear.)

Having become a tongue, I guess and sing, - the teacher continues his occupation, - various songs, similar to the song of a steam locomotive:

Chu-chu-chu- I don’t want to stand

I don’t want to stand -choo-choo-choo;

Cha-cha-cha, ch-ch-ch-ch, ch-ch-ch-ch.

Ach-ach-ach - they baked a kalach.

Och-och-och - the night has come.

Chok-chok - heel.

Children repeat the movements and cleaning steps after the trainer. The teacher reads to the children the verse “Three Revelers” (from French folk poetry, translated by N. Gernet and S. Gippius):

Three revelers were walking by the field,

After the walk they said something like this:




The teacher reads the first two rows, and the “three revelers”, chosen by the teacher, chug through each other.

The reading is repeated in guises.

Then the teacher preaches: “I can’t understand the words. When you feel words with soundyear, Lyasne in Dolon. Be respectful. Do it yourself.

Tea... charmer... charmer... gushchavina... chortenya... beshketny... siskin... gorobets... cough... chhati».

For example, the victor means who has indulged in pardons.

Having finished the lesson, the teacher gives the children a new riddle:

White barrel,

There is no bitch in her.


Note.The occupational position for individual work with children is completely vikorystuvovat the worker's job.

Activity 3. Organizing the stories according to the painting “On Galyavin”

Purpose.Help children see and describe the picture in song sequence. Please read and guess the name of the picture.

Stay busy

“If it’s cold outside, it’s gloomy and gloomy, then I want summer to come soon,” the student begins to get busy. “I really want to settle down at the junction of the river, like my family.”

The teacher shows the little ones a picture, giving them the opportunity to exchange enemies. Then he guesses: in order to gather information about the picture, you need to look at it...(In song sequence).

“Let’s take a look now at what is likely to happen. A cute mother in a blue cap and her charming daughter, sitting on logs of wood, peeling potatoes.

Burn a lot. At the cauldron - the axis of the veins is visible - the water is boiling. Behind my mother's back lie the collected dry silks. The boy was still carrying a bunch of golden hair around his red cap. Only kits do not pay for the Kiss drink. Lie down on the kilimka, like a human being, crossing your legs. After all, the cats should sleep during the day. And we have more for Kazakh cats.

Well, we looked at this part of the painting called “Bilya Nametu”. It will be impossible for any of you to integrate everything said in the confession.”

The hearing aid provides hearing support to one or two children.

“Now let’s take a look at what’s going on nearby – Rozmov’s teacher continues. - There... Tato will bury cans in the hole so that there is no waste of smudge at the tourist stop. Is it correct to repair the wine?”

The whipper tells the children to look at the picture and learn about how beautifully the child is.(The river flows through the forest with birch trees and small yalinka trees. The grass is green. The little sparkling flowers are blooming.)

“And now I’ll tell you a story about the whole picture,” he said. - I saw a warm day in Garni. Mom and daughter sit on logs of wood, peel potatoes and pray.

The redness of the cat is on the cusp of Kis, lie on the dark kilimka, it seems. In the morning, bury the marks and products from the mice.

He digs a deep hole and buries tin cans.

And there is beauty all around! Under your feet there are greenery with bright flowers, there is a river and a forest with snow-white birches and small apple trees.”

Note.At the next day, the teacher shows the picture again to listen to the children’s responses.

Activity 4. Lesson in sensitivity

Purpose.Tell the children about how it is customary to greet guests, and how best to show the guest so that they are not forced.

Stay busy

“Once, after going to the middle group, an unknown woman left,” the conspirator begins to confess. - "Hello, children!" - Vaughn said. The boys, although they were already busy, the stench was playing, they greeted greetingly: “Good afternoon.” What did the children say? How did they smell?

Our guest’s name is Lyudmila Ivanivna,” introducing her to the consecrator. – Vona asked permission to be present at our meeting.

At the hour of the conversation, Natalya (the axis of wisdom!) brought a table to the guests and asked: “Would you rather sit down?” With what words did Natalya turn towards the guest?

Lyudmila Ivanivna cooed at Natasha.

“Do you want to marvel at how our cyclamen blooms?” asked Pavlik’s guests. What did Pavlik say? What did I say?

“Do you want me to show you our pig?” - Olena asked. What did she feed?

“I can show you some books,” said Igor.

“And I’ll make you some kava to taste,” Mashenka chuckled and hurried to the stove.

“And I...”, “And I...” - rushed from all sides, because all the children wanted to show it, to tell the guests, so that she would belong to them as guests, so that she wouldn’t force her.

“What lovely, dear children,” thought Lyudmila Ivanivna. And when she turned home, she told her friends and acquaintances about her fight with her children. This is the discovery of the ore of the Vedmezha. You can also reach the middle group. The ore-haired doctor wanted to marvel at the children in the living room. Which children?

It’s time for the medical doctor to reach our group. Run to the window and marvel that the witch is not coming. (Exercise pause). Can not see? Then I’ll go and marvel at the corridor. And quietly rejoice that you can show me the bucket, tell me about it.”

Bring the whip into the group of the wedge. After the children have reported to the teacher and asked for his help, the teacher suggests showing the teacher what is going on with the group. The whipper earns the respect of the children as the child holds the bucket to marvel (show) what is going on. For example: “I want to show the witches our fish,” says Sashko.

“I think this will be great for our guest,” the fan praises. “Go tell the veterinarian to marvel at the fish.”

“Mishenko, do you want to marvel at the fish?” - Ask the witch Sasha.

Children show the treasure chest of animals, plants, books, favorite toys, and learn about the teacher’s assistant. The veterinarian “keeps” the children for their hospitality.

At the end of the day, children read V. Orlov’s book “Why should a witch sleep during the winter.”

Activity 1. Getting ready to celebrate spring and International Women's Day

Purpose.Familiarize children with A. Pleshcheev’s work “Spring”. Practice the smart way of wives with the saint.

Stay busy

The witcher reminds the children that birch is the first month of spring and no matter what the weather is like outside, spring is already close.

The teacher reads the verse “Spring” by A. Pleshcheev (in short):

The snow has already melted, the streams are running,

Spring has begun to bloom at the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest is covered with leaves.

The heavenly sky is pure,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

The hour of evil khurtovins and storm

The first time has passed for a long time.

“Well, can we, in our native town (village), see signs of spring?” - The teacher asks.

The winner concludes the child(ren)’s speech with rows of tops: “The snow has already melted, the streams are running... The sun has become warmer and brighter,” then.

Then he reads the verse again.

The teacher reminds the children that birch - the first month of spring - marks International Women's Day. On this day it is customary for mothers, grandmothers, and sisters to give them gifts, souvenirs, gifts.

“What words are customary to say when someone is a saint? - Tsikavat teacher. “How do you get mad at your mothers, handing them flowers that you made with your own hands?”

Children tell their grown-ups to get healthy, for example: “Dear mother (grandmother, christened). I wish you this holy spring. I wish you good health and happiness.”

The teacher explains that people can be blessed by “good health,” “good friends,” “all kindness,” “a good son (daughter),” etc.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher can read Versh I to the children. Kosyakova “Everyone is out”, as the boys learned from another young group.

Activity 2. Sound culture movie: sounds š – year

Purpose.Guide children to correct vocalizationsschand differentiation of soundsy – year.

Stay busy

“My tongue has learned to sing a new song,” the whipper begins to get busy. – Listen: “Sh-sh-sh.” What did you smell? Try to sleep, but don’t forget to place the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, and stretch your mouth (pull the tips of your lips to your ears, and so on).”

Children make the sound all at once, then only girls (only boys, Sashko, Olya, 4-5 children).

"Soundschsimilar to the sound we knowyear. These sounds are to be loved if they are lost. You're not going to trick us, are you? Shall we recheck? Then quietly, or clearly, repeat after me:

Asch-asch-asch – ach-ach-ach,

Cha-cha-cha - sha-cha-cha,

More-more-more - ech-ech-ech.

Now the boss is even more important. You need to guess what sound is heard in the words of this proposition: “Girls and boys shave like balls.”

And what kind of sound is there in the words of these perfect rows (Samuel Marshak “About everything in the world”):

I clean the puppy with a brush,

I'll scrape your sides.

And now it’s even more important to be in charge. The word needs almost a soundschand shout in the valley:I’ll put on my raincoat... I’m catching a pike... I’m looking for a dead fish... I’ll give milk to the hedgehog(The teacher says the words with a pause).

If you have cooked borscht for lunch, it’s a good idea to remind the children when they arrive: “Hey, look for us here.”

If you have an hour to spare, then learn about the reverse vertices I. Selvinsky “What is right?”


At the heart,


On a prize?(Is that right?)


At Valyantsi,


On a prize?(Right wrong?)


At the heart,

On the prize

Buckwheat?(What's wrong?)


In Greece,


At the rude?(What's wrong?)

Note.Having taught the children the verse “What is right?”, you can introduce them to the folds of your inversions, oriented to the following rows: “Porridge on the mountain, Masha on the bed.”

3. Russian fairy tales (mini-quiz). Reading the tale “The Pivnik and the Bean Seed”

Purpose.Help children guess the names and names of fairy tales they already know. Learn about the Cossack tale “Pivnik and bean grain.”

Stay busy

“One popular Russian folk tale is called “Pivnik and bean grain,” the whipper begins to get busy. - Vi bobi koli bachili? For those who are not studying, after being busy, marvel. Bean grain is not small at all. Why am I telling you about this, you will understand after listening to the story.”

The teacher reads the TV.

“I respect how good the Kazka is,” continues the whipper. “What do you think?”

The hearing aid supports the hearing characteristics of children. It’s a good thing that all the heroes helped to get these chickens: the farrier, the hospodar, the cow, the housewife.

The teacher pays respect to the boys for the richness in words that sound affectionately: not grain, but...(grain), Not mister, but...(Mrs.), Not a cow, but...(cow), that little blue one, not the throat, but...(neck), not oliya, but...(olii).

“We got to know a new fairy tale. What other Russian folk tales can you name? - The teacher asks.

Next he shows the covers (little ones) of the fairy tales with which the children learned their fate. Before the next reception, ask the boys to name the tale and guess how it will end. The Whisperer explains the tale of the story:

- from the beginning of the phrase: “Once upon a time in Khatintsi there was a kitten, little man... (“Zhikharka”);

- lesson: “Grudzi, you guys are friendly, go to war with me, beat the bad berries!” (“The War of Mushrooms and Berries”, designed by V. Dahl);

- songs (to the rows): “Heavy stone at the bottom of the draft, the seam grass has confused his legs...” (“Sister Olenka and brother Ivanko”). And so on.

Activity 4. Folded description from the picture

Purpose.Check out what children can do to complete the song sequence, starting a conversation about the pictures; Who understood the stench, which means the name of the picture.

Stay busy

“During class, we got to work with you to make statements based on the picture,” the teacher begins. “And today I want to recheck what you have learned.”

The teacher demonstrates to the children the painting “Kulbabi”. (As there are no such paintings, you can also select the painting “A Cat with Kittens”, by S. Veretennikova.)

The witcher will tell the children what the story will be like, without repetition, so they can see the picture in order: first the story of the witcher, then the children, and then the one who tells the story of the heroes.

The teacher listens to the child (behind the basket), ask her for the date of the name of the picture. If necessary, it helps to publish a sermon: “The kids are out and about…”

Then he hears two more sounds. He fills the bag and explains what the children have already learned.

Finally, the activity asks the boys to run and blow on kulbabi, in order to practice the trivialities (the situation is obvious).

Activity 1. Reading to children a fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “A fairy tale about Komar Komarovich - Long nose and about Shaggy Misha - Short tail”

Purpose.Introduce children to the author's literary tale. Help them understand why the author so cheesily calls a mosquito.

In front of the robot.First of all, read to the children “The Tale about the Good Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak (from the repertoire for children 3–4 years old); repeat the unnamed name of the Kazka - a characteristic of a hare.

Stay busy

The teacher reads to the children a lesson from “Tales about the Good Hare - Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak: “The young rabbits giggled, covering their faces with their front paws, the kind old hares laughed at the foxes and they chewed up the sheep’s teeth... »

The Whisperer feeds the children, who made the hares laugh, whatever happened. Guess who, having written a fairy tale, listens to yet another story from the author.

The teacher reads “A Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Bear and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail,” giving the children the opportunity to exchange enemies.

“The witch Mishko, Short Tail, appeared in the distance,” says the admirer. - Thinking that the great and strong, no one gets well. However, the clumsy and hairy one had mercy. The mosquitoes outwitted him and drove him out of the swamps. And the axis of the Mamin-Sibiryak mosquito will suffocate. I'm a mosquito, and a light-hearted one! What does she call you in a shady manner?..”(Komar Komarovich.)

If there is an hour left, the teacher reads 1-2 lessons from the story for the children's choice.

A tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about the hairy Misha - a short tail

It was the same day when all the mosquitoes fled into the swamp. Komar Komarovich – his long nose clasped under his wide arch and fell asleep. I sleep and hear the most heartfelt cry:
- Oh, fathers!.. oh, carraule!..
Komar Komarovich jumped up from behind the arch and shouted:
- What happened?.. What are you rehearsing?
And the mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak, nothing can be said.
- Oh, fathers!.. The witch came to our swamp and fell asleep. As he lay down on the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes, and as he died, he killed a whole hundred. Oh, bad luck, brothers! We only carried our feet away, otherwise we would have crushed everyone else...
Komar Komarovich - for a long time he immediately became angry; angry at the bear and at the evil mosquitoes, who squeaked to no avail.
- Hey, vi, stop squeaking! - Vin shouted. - I’ll go and marry the witch right away... It’s so simple! And you scream only darma.
Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew off. It’s true, there was a witch lying by the swamp. Having climbed into the thickest grass, these mosquitoes lived from a long time ago, lolling and sniffling, just whistling as if a pipe was playing. The axis is a soulless creature!.. Climbing into someone else’s place, gratuitously destroying many mosquito souls and still sleeping so sweetly!
- Hey, man, where did you go? - Komar Komarovich shouted to the whole forest, so loudly that he himself became scared.
Furry Mishko, having flattened one eye - no one is visible, having flattened the other eye - was amazed that a mosquito was flying over his very nose.
- What do you need, friend? - Mishko muttered and began to get angry. Well, just like that, you’ve gotten tired of it, and then some wretch is eating.
- Hey, go and say hello, uncle!..
Mishko flattened his offended eyes, looked at the brat, smacked his nose and remained angry.
- What do you need, you worthless creature? - Vin darkened.
- Get out of our place, otherwise I don’t like to fry... Let’s take your fur coat with you.
Vedmedeva became funny. He rolled over onto his other side, covered his muzzle with his paw and immediately began to snore.

Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted throughout the swamp:
- I quickly babbled at the hairy Bear... I won’t come again.
The mosquitoes marveled and asked:
- Well, what about the witch now?
- I don’t know, brothers... I got very angry if I told you that we’re coming, because we’re not going. I don’t like to fry, but I just said straight out: let’s take it. I’m afraid that if I’m not guilty of fear, I’ll fly to you... Well, I’m guilty myself!
All the mosquitoes squeaked, buzzed and argued for a long time, as if they were secretly aware of the bears. Never before in the swamp has there been such a terrible galas. They squealed, squeaked and screamed to drive the bear out of the swamp.
- Let’s go home, to the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp... Even our fathers and children lived in this very swamp.
One thoughtful grandmother Komarikha pleased the Vedmedeva with peace: let him lie down, and if he gets enough sleep, he’ll go; But everyone attacked her so much that the poor lady began to fight.
- Let's go, brothers! - Komar Komarovich shouted loudly. – We’ll show you you... like that!
Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. It’s scary to be afraid to fly and squeak and fly. They arrived, marveled, and the witch lay down and did not break.
- Well, that’s what I said: I died, poor thing, out of fear! - Komar Komarovich boasted. - For the most part, he’s such a healthy doctor...
- Now go to sleep, brothers! - A small mosquito squeaked, flying all the way to your nose and not being pulled back there, like a small mosquito.
- Oh, the homeless man! Ah, soulless! - all the mosquitoes squealed at once and created a greedy hubbub. - Having crushed five hundred mosquitoes, knocked out a hundred mosquitoes and slept like nothing had happened.
And the shaggy Mishko is whistling with his nose as he sleeps. - He’s pretending to sleep! - Komar Komarovich shouted and flew towards the bear. - I’ll show you the axis right away... Hey, dude, pretend to be!
As soon as Komar Komarovich swooped in, as soon as his long nose landed right in the black nose of the bear, Mishko huddled up like that, praising his nose with his paw, but Komar Komarovich never happened.
- What, uncle, didn’t you deserve? - squeak Komar Komarovich. - Go, otherwise it will be worse... I’m not alone now, Komar Komarovich is a long-time bearer, but they flew with me and my grandfather, Komarishche is a long-time bearer, and a younger brother, Komarishko is a long-time bearer! Go, uncle...
- But I’m not going! – the witch shouted, sitting on her hind legs. - I’ll tell you to dry out...
- Oh, man, you’re boasting for nothing...
Komar Komarovich flew again and the witch flew straight into the eye. The witch roared in pain, smacked her paw in the face, and again there was nothing in her paw, only a few of her own eyes without tearing out her claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered over his ear and squeaked:
- I'll give it to you, uncle...
Mishko got a little angry. By turning up the roots of a whole birch tree and starting to fight mosquitoes with it. So let’s break this shoulder. Beating, beating, getting tired, and there is no hungry mosquito, they hover over it and squeak. Then Mishko swallowed an important stone and threw it at the mosquitoes, again there was no sense.
- What did you take, man? - Komar Komarovich squeaked. - But I’ll still give it to you...
No matter how long or short Mishko fought with mosquitoes, there was a lot of noise. There was a hint of rhubarb in the distance. And how many trees have he torn out, how many stones have he torn up!.. I still wanted to cover up the first Komar Komarovich, because the axle is here, right above the ear, and I can grind the witch with my paw, and again nothing, just my whole face in the blood tattered
Mishko was excited to find him. Sitting on our hind legs, kicking and inventing a new thing, let's roll around in the grass to crush the entire kingdom of the mosquito. Mishko rode and rode, but nothing came of it, and he became even more tired. Then the witch covered her face in moss - it turned out even worse. The mosquitoes cling to the witch's tail. The witch was still angry.
“Strike off, I’ll give you the axle!” he roared so loudly that it was almost five miles away. - I’ll show you a thing... I... I... I...
The mosquitoes came in and wondered what would happen. And Mishko climbed a tree like an acrobat, sowing on the current branch and roaring:
- Anu, come up to me now... I’ll break off all my noses!
The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the witch with all their might. Squeaking, circling, licking... Mishko, struggling and fighting, inadvertently knocked about a hundred mosquito swarms, coughing, as if he were going to burst out of a bitch, like a bag... However, he moved up, smelling a killer bug and said:
- Well, did you take it? Bachili, why am I trimming trees?
The mosquitoes laughed even more subtly, and Komar Komarovich said:
- I’ll give you... I’ll give you... take... take!
The witch was still ill, having lost all strength, and it was difficult to walk out of the swamp. Sit on your hind legs and only blink your eyes.
The toad was spinning his belly. She jumped up from behind the bush, sat down on her hind legs and said:
- I wish you, Mikhail Ivanovich, a nice turbulence for yourself? Not varto.
“And that’s not good,” the witch greeted. - I’m like that... Don’t let the stink come to me in Barlig, but I... I...
How Mishko turns around, how to escape from the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - for a long time he flies after him, flies and shouts:
- Oh, brothers, trim! Now, witch... Try it!
All the mosquitoes came out, rejoiced and said: “It’s not good! Let's go, the swamp is lost behind us! » Axis i

Activity 2. Sound culture of the movie: sounds l, l

Purpose.Guide children to a clear voicel(In sounds, words, phrasal language). Improve your phonemic accuracy - read the meaning of words with soundsl, l.

Stay busy

“My tongue has learned to sing a new song,” the whipper begins to get busy. - I listened to this song in India. Indik ran around the yard, getting angry and muttering: “Bl-bl-bl, bl-bl-bl.” What is Burmotiv Indic? In order for you to come up with an indica song, you need to puff out your cheeks and pucker your tongue and run slickly and slickly: “Bl-bl-bl.” Try it...

Now let your tongue bask in the spring sunshine, make it wide, raise your tongue and seal your upper teeth.

Laugh broadly and sing: “L-l-l.” Stop it and try to sleep again: “L-l-l.”

Let's hear how Katya came up with this song. (Calls 3–4 children.)

“Indica,” continues the teacher, “has an angry song.” When she sleeps, her lips hit each other. Turn it over, that's true.

Tired of the little one, the song is easy to sing, softly: “Li-li-li” (soundіguilty of sounding quieter). Help me, little ones. (The song is sung by the first girl, then by the boys, and then by a number of children individually.)

We constantly sing different songs. Some are similar to the song of the indica, others are similar to the song of the bell:

La-la-la - la-la-la,

Li-li-li - li-li-li,

Lu-lu-lu - lu-lu-lu,

Ol-ol-ol – yal-yal-yal.”

The teacher shows the children a toy tiger and asks them to describe it.(Small, white, curly, with a medal on his neck...)

The teacher instructs the children to listen carefully to the song (“Summer”, from Macedonian poetry, translated by L. Yakhnin), which has a lot of soundsl, l.

Dvichi reads:

SummerBythe field was walking,

Summer sewed - embroidered.

Meadow– with quotas,

Lis - sheets.

Then the teacher reads the first two rows, and the children try to name the words with soundsl, l.

The teacher asks, which means: “The summer was sewing and sewing.”

Continue to the right, “Don’t have mercy.” Children are caressing near the valley, as if they sense the word and soundslor elsel: tsybulya... chasnik... lemon... fox... beauty... convalia... white... fox... little boy... toad... frog.

If you have an hour to spare, you can please the children by giving them the fun verse of V. Orlov “At the Bazaar”:

- Are you coming, frog-toad?

- From the market to home,

Dear friend!

- What did you buy?

- All of it:

I bought KVApustu,


I Quartoshka.

Activity 3. Learning to learn: work with a matrix picture and handout pictures

Purpose.Encourage children to create a picture and learn about their place, to develop a more creative mind.

Stay busy

The wizard tells the children what they know how, using a vikorist flannelgraph and album pictures-matrix, they can create interesting stories on a given topic.

“Let’s review what we’ve already learned,” like a teacher. – We store together the paintings on the theme “Fox Galyavina”.

The painter places 2-3 pictures on the flannelgraph (trees, bushes, berries, etc.) and explains: “This is a forest gala. So far there are no creatures, birds, berries, or mushrooms on it. Let me show you your help. A witch and an elk will hang out on the galya... (he picks up the creatures); berries ripen (overheat), mushrooms grow, mushroom pickers appear..."

The teacher shows how to put together a picture. Having included the pictures (no more than 5), the following is the answer: “At night, there was a fungus under the tree - hysterolus. I'm sick of your little squirrel, I want to pick up a mushroom. Alas, she was nervous. A girl with a cat showed up at the galya. The girl shook the squirrel. The squirrel tagged the girl. What do you think happened next? The squirrel came in, and the girl left. Having lost the fungus under the tabernacle - birch bark. Why did I miss out?

Then the whipper calls out two more children.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher talked about the fact that the children have learned to independently create pictures on the theme “Fox Galavina.”

Note.Since the group contains “I’m Starting to Speak” albums, the activity can be organized differently. The child creates a picture on flannelgraph, and two children (or four, including two albums) - on an album frame. First you can hear the child working at the flannelograph, then the children creating pictures on the spot (after getting home, whichever one of the two partners is compatible with).

Activity 4. Making vertices

Purpose.Help children memorize and read one of the poems clearly.

Memorization of the verse by Yu. Kushak “Deer”

The deer got angry
But she didn’t get up.
At the deer
Mami is gone.
I'm stroking you
I'm longing for the valley,
I'm yoyo stronger
I'm already shaking.
I follow me everywhere
Vіnko galloping in,
Let him think,
What am I yogo mom.

Stay busy

The Whisperer tells the children about the wealth they gained from Yuri Kushak’s “Deer,” which was not at all fun, but rather destructive.

The teacher reads the poem, asks the children, and it’s hard to learn anything. Having taken care of her children, she rejoices and reads the verse once again.

The teacher gives the children the following nutritional messages:

The deer got angry

But she didn’t get up?(4–5 confirmation)

The highly saturated form of spitting allows children to quickly remember the top of the cob.

The teacher repeats these rows and adds two steps to them:

At the deer

Mami is gone.

The teacher asks the preschoolers to read the poem quietly and so that they sound like an orphaned child (4-5 words).

“The child,” continues the teacher, “tried to help the fawn:

I'm stroking you

I'm in good health.

I'm yoyo stronger

I'm really shaking."

Children are corrected in different reading rows (4–5 individual types).

The teacher reads the first two parts, top and bottom:

I follow me everywhere

Vіn galloping locked.

Let him think,

What am I yogo mom.

“Father, the deer is always following its friend,” the teacher explains, “if the child, judging from everything, does not allow the child to gallop after her. Otherwise the word would have appearedlocked».

The teacher reads the two books, but in different ways. In one sentence, the words are seen with intonationfollow me, the other has a wordlocked. Decide which of the options for recitation children enjoy more.

The vikhovatel reads the verse thoroughly. Then he repeats yogo, and the children quietly and practically silently read the verse at the same time with him.

Busy 1

Memorization of the Russian folk song “Did Wants to Cook Yushka”

Stay busy

The teacher seems to intend to please the children who have learned them from the Russian folk song “The grandfather wants to cook a duck.”

The teacher reads the verse. Ask the children why the song is really good, and why it can stink.

“It’s a shame not to read this little song. If you are old enough, you will be pleased if you sense it in your victor,” continues the vikhovatel.

The teacher repeats the first few rows, and after a pause the children begin to recite the names of the animals (2-3 repetitions), remembering the name of the cat and the bird.

Grandfather wants to cook yushka,

Did pishov catch the yorsha,

And behind my grandfather is the whale Lavrentiy,

Behind the cat is Terenty.

The student once again reads the last line and adds two rows to the next step:

Pull Woodies

Uzdovzh street.

“How easy is it for a cat and grandpa’s vodka to pull? - The teacher asks. - It would be easy, it would be another word, not a wordpullThe song would have been victorious. Pull the kit and the stump of the wudka, sing:

I carried Grandpa myself.

It is necessary to help the old one."

The teacher directs the children to the variously read remaining rows, teaching them to read their doubles: the child representing the cat reads the row as a whole, and the child representing the song, silently, agrees with the cat: “It’s impossible.” , I need some help." May be repeated 4-5 times. Soon the Vikonians are changing.

Vikhovatel is wondering who is among the children of fishing and what do they know about the yorgies. Then he explains: This is a funny folk song, there is a lot of slyness in it. Like the fish that your grandfather is going to catch to cook the fish, the fish, the prickly fish. It’s important to clean it, but you’ll get tired of getting caught in fish.”

The teacher repeats the song. Children read at once from the teacher almost without a voice, but clearly articulated words.

Note.At the next day, the teacher reads a song for the active assistance of the children. The child listens, as she showed the need to read the song on her own.

Activity 1. Day of Victory

Purpose.Let me know that it is very sacred for children to know about this. Help you remember and read clearly the poem by T. Bilozerov “Holy Victory”.

In front of the robot.Let’s return to our father’s children and tell preschoolers about relatives who took part in the Great Vietnamese War.”

Stay busy

“It’s a lot of luck that when your grandparents were children, that long, terrible war ended,” the wizard begins to get busy. - Much of the place and village was destroyed. A lot of people died. Do you know anything about this?

The teacher listens to the children’s auditory signals and identifies their speech patterns.

“The distant grass days the battles ended, and peace was signed. And from that hour every day our land, our people, marks the Day of Victory,” the teacher continues his occupation. – On the streets you will see old people with orders and medals. Smile at him, greet the saint, wish him health. There are a lot of songs and verses written about Victory Day. I’ll read one of them to you.”

The vikhovatel reads T. Bilozerov’s poem “Holy Victory.” Asks you to be worthy of vertsh. She reads the story suddenly and teaches children to memorize it.

“Grandfathers and grandmothers will be grateful to you, because on the Day of Victory you will calm them down by reading this verse. And I will help you memorize this.

Victory Day

“The whole country is naked”?

The teacher gives the children food, teaching them to complete the text with a firm intonation (choral and 3-4 individual voices).

The whipper repeats the top of the cob, adding two more versts to the first three versts:

Our children dress

Military orders.

The teacher also reads the rows with a strong intonation. Initially, all children respond to nutrition, then 2–3 children individually.

The student reads the first five rows of verses. He asks why the great wars have adorned the orders and where their path lies.

Ikh zranku cry road

To the local parade.

I thoughtfully from the threshold

Follow them

Grandmothers are amazed.

The teacher reads the poem in full. Then he repeats this pose with activities.

Activity 2. Sound culture of the movie: sounds r, r

Purpose.Guide children to clear and correct voicesR(Isolated, in chistomovka, in words).

Stay busy

“I will introduce you to the deepest and most rumbling sound,” the teacher begins. - This is the soundR».

Ask children to hear this sound(r-r-r-r), repeat this, try to figure out where the tip of the language is under the hour of understanding the sound(behind the upper teeth)and what to expect with my(The wind murmurs the trembling tongue).

“Sound study and words, in which there is soundR, very richly,” says the teacher and encourages them to say the following: kar-rr, krak-krack, quack-quack, groo-groo, whoa; cancer, river, chamomile, mitten, humovy, erysipelas.

The teacher should ask the children to help him read S. Farhadi’s “Magpies”, in which there are many words that begin withkarrr. The groom reads the pressure cooker, having gotten home from the children, so the stinks behind his sign will be clearly announcedkarrr, And we call it a word.


Sitting on a green hillock,

Start the magpies












The victor then proceeded to the right, “We didn’t have mercy.” Children are caressing by the valley, having felt the word that begins with the soundR: Veselka... radio... repair... flytak... rocket... early... late... baby... kripak... child... baby... applique.

The teacher asks the children to guess what the sound isRat the top of S. Marshak “About everything in the world”:

Rojeland fromeriy krit-

Destroying the city.

Once the children name 2-3 words, the teacher reads the poem one more time and names the words that the children did not name.

Finally, ask the children to guess the riddle:

Without arms, without legs,

And the doors are closed.


Activity 3. Saying goodbye to preparations

Purpose.Bring back respect to children who are being deprived children's cage, wish him a good way.

In front of the robot.Tell the boys about what's going on with the children preparatory group It will be graduation party. It stinks to walk to school.

Take a look at the children’s “diplomas” of graduates, admire their photographs. Ask the boys to give the older children souvenirs made with their own hands (at the kindergarten and at home).

Stay busy

The winner is to ask the boys to know about those who have prepared gifts for children, who are saying goodbye to the kindergarten, and to whom exactly the gift will be given.

“I would like to say some kind words to the boys when they say goodbye,” the teacher suggests. - What do you think needs to be said?

Having listened to the children, the teacher shows them a greeting: “Dear guys! You are already great (grown), and we give you a little time (a little bit) too late. Start on five feet. Come and visit us..."

Note.At the graduation party, the children may be forced to attend the ceremony, and celebrate one another.

Activity 4. Literary kaleidoscope

Purpose.Know that children love stories, fairy tales, stories; You know the stink of riddles and medicine.

Stay busy

“Very soon, at the end of summer, you and I will move to senior group, - Rozmov’s teacher begins. – Let’s just check who has accumulated some literary baggage – a stock of tales, proofs, verses.

Mostly from Russian folk tales. Guess what. (If the children have forgotten the story, the teacher prompts: shows the book, reads the lesson then.)

And what types of species can be named (for example, about creatures).

What kind of books have you read?

What are your favorite doctors?

What riddles do you remember?

Who deserves what kind of verse?

And I also want to please you and read a small verse about the willow that we still love.”

Noisy, warm winds

Spring has been brought to the fields.

Earrings are fluffy on the willow tree

Mokhnati, or dzhmeli.

Ya. Yakim

Presenting a summary of the lesson on the development of language in the middle group of the kindergarten will help the teacher conduct a lesson on the topic “Autumn”.


This activity for the development of language in the middle group includes the following task:

  • Pin the familiar sign of autumn
  • Develop an active vocabulary for children, enriching them with new concepts
  • Form in the middle group to describe the subject using additional symbolic schemes
  • Trenuvati
  • Improve cognitive processes and communication skills

This summary can be used for open study of language development in the middle group of the kindergarten.

Materials and ownership

  1. flannelograph from the “signs of autumn” set;
  2. diagram with symbols to describe the item;
  3. disk z musical theme"autumn";
  4. small squares of yellow paper;
  5. toy bunny.

Stay busy

Partially available

The teacher turns on the music, everyone listens, then the teacher says:

- Guys, do you think it’s time for rock to write such a melody? (Autumn) Let's guess what we are doing on the streets of autumn.

The children testify, and the teacher displays the following images on the flannelgraph: boards, gloom and others.

– It’s important to marvel and say what is shown in these pictures.

Vikhovantsi over-insurance:

  • let's go;
  • leaves fall;
  • enjoy the sun;
  • The birds are flying.

If this summary is being reviewed for fun, it is important to choose great pictures. The stench lingers but is clearly visible to all guests.

Folded notification

The children go out and name the main signs of autumn (flannelograph with pictures and support).

The hare is like that for everyone. He repeats the confession, vikory and words that sounded so new.

Examples of similar evidence-descriptions can be found in the notes of GCD for the development of thinking in children of the middle group (4 years).


Children follow the teacher’s hands, repeating:

The wind is in the room and sleeps (we inflate our cheeks, we walk with our hands);
All the leaves are healthy. (the dols represent the flight of leaves);
Fly like a bird. (waving his arms like wings);
It's autumn to have fun! (Submitted locally).

A dynamic pause in the activity of obov'yazkova is present in all notes from the Federal State Educational Standard, not obov'yazkova's mind.

Description behind the symbolic diagram

The teacher says that you shouldn’t drink a rabbit, but there’s something in her hands (a maple leaf). Children are encouraged to help the little animal guess what it is. It is not possible to name an object; information about it is required.

Kozhen, based on the little symbols of the authorities, describes the leaf:

  1. What is our color? (Yellow, lemon)
  2. What shape is it, what is it similar to? (To the valley, to the star)
  3. What size? (Great, wide)

The hare guesses, correctly names the riddle object (arkush), and asks for help.

Applications of symbolic schemes can be found in complex notes for the development of language for the middle group of Zotulina, as well as other authors.

Gra "In my hands..."

The teacher trims the yellow arkush. Children are encouraged to pass everything on one to another, calling it power. The Whisperer pays respect to the diagram with symbols that lies in the middle of the stake. Children pass one sheet of paper to one another, calling his color, size, and other powers (zhovty, great, bright). The teacher praises the ears, additional evidence.

“The leaf fall is in control!”

The whipper distributes squares of paper, demonstrating the folds of their knitted fabrics. They all form “leaves”, then they begin to blow them out of the valley. The game will end, the teacher will say: “The leaves are circling, flying, which means......!” (Leaf fall).


The rabbit says goodbye to everything and asks you to give it some leaves. If you are having a busy day, you must also say goodbye to your guests.

Software settings:

- formulate correctly the sound [ts], correct in different visual sounds [s], [z] isolated, in stock, in words, in words with sounds [s], [z] in phrasal words, in cleverly create changes - pestlivi names;

- develop correct speech patterns, phonemic hearing, intonation expressiveness; , signs and words; enhance the understanding and encourage dialogue;

Gut drapery

Material and ownership: magnetic board, magnets, screenshot, sheet, cards with images of tits, chickens, guts, for many children – story cards.

Stay busy

Children stand at the stake.

U. Children, hold hands and laugh together together.

The laughs made us happy. Let's say, what are we like? (Fun, kind, affectionate, reasonable, beautiful, gentle.)

Well done! Children, what do you like to do? (Sing, dance, paint, play.) To love to play - let's play.

Gra "Make a proposition"

Children look at the screenshot of story cards, then draw one at a time and talk about those depicted on them. For example, the girl is tempting to become a boy, and the boy is riding a horse.

Art. Well done, boys, you have confirmed that your eyes have improved. What does it help you and me to say? (Tongue.) Perhaps the tongue can still sleep. Let's guess how the tongue sings the song of water: ssss. We fall asleep at once. (Ssss, then individual types of 2-3 children.) Now let’s remember the mosquito song: s-z-z. Let's fall asleep all at once. (Z-z-z, then individual types of 2-3 children.)

Well done! Guys, today is the best leaf for us (shows). Let's find out who it is (reads):

“Hello, guys! This is me - Merry Tongue. Help me, kindly, to hear the songs of the water and the mosquito, as they were in the rivers.”

Can we help the Cheerful Tongue? (So.) Listen to the propositions and say what song they like. (Reads the proposition: “The goose sleeps in a sweet sleep under the goose under the wing,” with the intonation sound [s], then the proposition: “Booby the bunny’s teeth are sick,” with the sound [z], the children agree.)

Well done, boys! You correctly knew the songs of the water and the mosquito. The cheerful tongue of the leaf asks to recognize you from one more song. Listen: tsk-tsk-tsk. Help me sleep quietly. (Tsk-tsk, then individual versions of 2-3 children.) This song is sweet when my little darling sleeps: ching-ching-ching. Let's fall asleep together.

(Tsing-tsing-tsing, then individual types of 2-3 children.) And the wasp and titmouse. (With the help of magnets, attach a card with images of the little darling to the back.) The little darling sleeps merrily. They smelled their song, they looked out, but they didn’t dare to come out. Call them: tsip-tsip-tsip. (Tsip-tsip-tsip.) Don't go. Call out to the Kurchat, Vika (Sasha, Artem). (Individual types of children.)

Girls, call them chickens. (Kind of girls.) Guys, call them smokers. (Videotypes of lads.) Let's call out at once. (Tsip-tsip-tsip.) Viishli kurchata. (With the help of magnets, attach a card with images of Kurchat to your back.) What are Kurchat? (Small, fluffy, fat.)

Gra "Ti is my piece"

Art. I'll finish, and you continue. I am a cur, and you are a part of me. Who are you? Say it kindly. (Pirushka, dzobik, cheek, paw.)

Now you little curly children, I call you: tsip-tsip-tsip.

Fizkultkhvilinka "Kurchata"»

Children compose hands in accordance with the text.

The Kurchat have escaped,

They knew the grain.

They pecked, they pecked,

We beat again.

The worm was caught

They pecked, they pecked,

We beat again.

Koritsa was simmered with water,

They ran up, got sick,

We got some water and got drunk.

We got sick, got some water,

They got drunk, they shook us with boobs,

We cleaned the feathers and went home.

Art. The chickens came out to admire the titmouse, and they were spotted by Scratchy. (Behind the help of magnets, attach a card with images of a cat to the back.) What is the name of the cat? (Scratchy.) Scratchy: “Now I’m smoking tsap-tsap-tsap.” What did Scratchy say? (Individual types of 2-3 children.)

Vika, wag your finger at your gut and say sternly: “Dryapa, don’t scratch the chickens.” (The girl’s answer, then the individual answers of 2-3 children.) And now we will threaten the guts and say sternly: “Drags, don’t scratch the chickens.” (Videotypes of children.) Scratchy came and made fun of us. And the chickens flowed in. Only my little son continues to sleep. How does my little darling sleep? (Tsin-tsin-tsin.)

Have you enjoyed the story about Pussy Scratchy? (So.) Let’s figure it out at once, I’ll begin, and you continue. Sleeping merrily... (titmouse). The titmice sensed a pussy... (chickens). The chickens came out to marvel at... (titmouse), and they noticed... (gut). Kishka's name was... (Dryapa). Drag said: ... (now I’m smoking tsap-tsap-tsap). Who was Scratchy angry at? (Us.) Who did we lie to the cat Scratchy? (Kurchat.) How did your little tongue learn to sing a song? (Tsk-tsk-tsk.)

It’s wonderful that your tongues can sing different songs, and you can respectfully hear one another. Well done! Now let’s hold hands and say at once: “Dyakuyu!”

Peremozhets All-Russian competition"Required article of the month" GRUDEN 2017

Age of children: 4 – 5 years

OD has a vikorist of technologies: healthy technologies, what runs, modeling


  • Development of existing components of language, practical adaptation to language norms
  • Develop the way of thinking about the composition of descriptive information from the selected graphic schemes



  • Read the children's description, connection and subsequent story about games with different schemes.
  • Secure the item and cover it with a backdrop to show the original symbols.
  • In the inventory - to identify the object, consistently describe the parts, the power (color, shape, size, depth, appearance behind it, and finally determine the evaluation judgment.
  • Learn the names of objects, their parts, parts, materials, including those made.

Developing plant:

  • Strengthen the skills of the correct Wimov
  • Develop phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills
  • Develop the grammatical language of the movie.

Vikhovny Zavodnya:

  • Vikhovuvati dbailye stavleniya do іgrishok
  • Vikhovuvati will help each other.

Demo material:

Little bear's toy, graphic diagram to describe the toys, pictures of different toys, pictures of creatures, toys to describe: doll, car, ball.

Distribution material: green and red signal cards (on the child's skin).

Slovnikov's robot:

Expand the active vocabulary for the ranks of bright annotations.

Stay busy.

Organizational moment.


All the children gathered in the colony,
I am your friend, and you are my friend.
Mitsno let's hold hands
And let’s laugh at each other.

Vikhovatel: Guys, we have a guest coming, but you need to guess who this guest is.

This animal lives with the fox.

He has a brown, warm, thick fur coat.

This animal has large, fat, cliche-footed paws.

This animal loves honey and berries.

During the winter, sleep with Barlosia and wet your paw.

Children: Witch.

Vikhovatel: That's right, children, you are a witch. Having gathered here, let’s call him out, just quietly, so that he doesn’t get angry.

"witch doctor" quiet (Poshepki).

Vikhovatel: He doesn’t sense us. Let's call the veterinarian a little louder.

Children: Children call the witch, pronouncing the word "witch doctor" louder.

Vikhovatel: Still, he doesn’t sense us. Let's call out the Vedmedic loudly.

Children: Children call the witch, pronouncing the word "witch doctor" vocally.

The witch appears.

Witch: Hello guys. I marveled at your toys. Do you like to play with these games? What are your favorite toys?

Main part:

Vikhovatel: Vedmedic, we especially love to play with toys like we have in our group. And we will let you know about our favorite games. Bear, sit with us and listen to the boys describe their favorite toys. And our diagram will help us describe the toys.

Ale first nizh start with the little bits of course.

And in the forest the growth of the black
And in the forest the blackness grows,
Sunitsya, lokhina.
To pick the berries,

You need to squat more deeply. (Squat.)

I took a walk with the fox.

I’m carrying a cat and berries. (Walking on the spot.)

Folding descriptions behind graphic diagrams.


How can you gratify?

Vikhovatel: And, Mishko, we have a fun toy "Vanka-Vstanka" , guys, let's show how we play with Vanka-Vstanka.

Fizkultkhvilinka: Dynamic pause "Vanka - Vstanka" .

Vanka-Vstanka, Vanka-Vstanka,

Stop freaking out. Hands on the belt, pulled the jacket to the right/left hand

Sit down for a while. Squat

Walk along the path. Walking

Put on your shirt. Rotate the tube

Chow down on Tumbler. Nailed forward, hands to the sides

Vikhovatel: Well done, boys and girls. Let's sit down quietly.

Vikhovatel: And now I’ll preach to you, Mishko, play with us at the same time. Children take signal cards if you feel the name of the toy shown in the picture is incorrect, and they must pick up the red card, if the correct one is green.






Vedmіd: And I already know the great group “call me kindly” . I’ll show you pictures of the creatures, and you guys have the responsibility to call them affectionately.

Kishka, dog, goat, chickens, pitching, horse, squirrel, hare.

Children: Kishechka, goat, chickens, horse, squirrel, bunny.

Vikhovatel: Well done, boys, you fought well against the Vedmedic.

Witch: Guys, I was honored to be your guest. You tell me very well about your games. I will also draw such a diagram and describe the toys to my forest friends. Thank you. Good bye.


Vykhovatel: Guys, today we didn’t just play with Teddy Bear, but we figured out how to describe toys, we played some fun games, and I’m doing great today.

Details: Nikitina Olga Oleksandrivna

municipal budgetpreschool lighting installation combined type children's kindergarten No. 10 of municipal lighting Ust-Labinsk district

State budgetary preschool lighting installation

Children's kindergarten No. 81 of a developmental type with priority promotion of activities with the cognitive and mental development of children

Viborzkogo district of St. Petersburg

Abstract: "Engaging in the development of language among the middle group."

Vikonala: whipper

Petrova Victoria Oleksiivna

m. St. Petersburg


Forward view:

State budgetary preschool lighting installation

Children's kindergarten No. 81 of a developmental type with priority promotion of activities with the cognitive and mental development of children

Viborzkogo district of St. Petersburg


Vikonala: Whisperer

Petrova Victoria Oleksiivna

m. St. Petersburg



"Working on language development in the middle group."

Lesson for language development for children of the middle group on the topic: “Travel to the edge of the colorful olives”

Integration of lighting areas: cognitive development, mental development, social and communicative development.

Viktorized technologies: health, gaming, ICT.

Goals: to develop the dialogical and monological language of children, to bring the tales to independent continuation, taught by the teacher.


Osvitny:strengthen children's knowledge about the use of extra action, matching colors with objects. Read correctly, use pronunciations, create words with the help of suffixes. Continue working on a clear understanding of the words and phrases. Prodovzhuvati read and know the singing sound in words. Put words into parts into smart divisions, make diagrams. Understand and explain the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, voices and voices, hards and softs.

Developing: development mental processes: respect, memory, misery. Adopt the development of coherent language, the apparatus of articulation, phonemic hearing.

Vikhovny: you need to do your duty, sit still and take care of your duties as a teacher.

Material for GCD:

Versh O. Wenger “Colories of Vespers”. Colored olives: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. "Charming little bag." Subject pictures about winter, spring, summer and autumn. Multi-colored springs for physical education. Robots sew on the skin of a child. E.V. Kolesnikova “from words to sounds.” Humic ball of medium size.

Indiscriminate lighting activity:

Children sit together on chairs in front of a magnetic board.

Children, marvel at the colors that have touched us. Nowadays, painters, artists, craftsmen prepare furniture, textiles, toys in a variety of colors? Do you like babies? What color do your olives like?

The teacher distributes colored olives to the children (at the time of the day).

Marvel, you have transformed into a different-colored olive. Now let me tell you about yourself (what color you can paint with this color). And I’ll help you and read the verses.


Red radishes grew on the garden bed,

Entrust the tomatoes to the red boys,

Red tulips stand on the window,

Red apples lie on the ground.

(After the top child talks about the red sheep. Make sure that the answer is complete propositions).


Orange fox

I dream about carrots all night,

Looks like a fox tail

Pomarancheva too.

Now the orange olive will tell us about himself.


Let the sun be amazed at the earth,

To quilt the yellow dormouse after the sun.

The yellow pears hang on their necks,

Chew the leaves from the tree to fly.

Now let the yellow olive tell you about yourself.


We grow: green cibula

I green cucumbers,

And behind the window is a green meadow

And the tree is green.

Under the green scent of green booths,

And in new life there is a cheerful gnome,

Wearing new green pants,

What is sewn from maple leaves.

The “green olive” comes out, she says to herself.


In the blue sea Ostrivets

(the path to the island is far),

And on the new growth the flower -

Blue - blue hair.

“The Blue Olive” speaks about himself.


The violet foal came to live in the forest,

I’ll take it and bring it to my mother on National Day.

Together with the violet buzz we live together

On the table in a white vase with a closed window.

“The Violet Olive” also speaks about himself.

What are the olives you need? How should you deal with them? Where are the olives saved? But they are colorful not only olives, but also music. How do you think that music can be “colorful”? And now, let's take different colored springs and show our colorful dance.


Phonogram "various colors" with springs.

Now everyone get up in a group and we’ll play with the game “Great – Small”. I will name a great subject, and to the one to whom I throw the ball,


And now marvel at the sheep and tell me about them, how stinky they are. (Long, wooden, different colors, smooth, ribbed, sharp...) All of this is very clear. And how do we put the sheep in an obscure little bag, put it in someone else’s hand and try to find out about which sheep? How can you tell the color of the olive that is in your little bag?

And now marvel at the picture (spring) Tell me what color the objects in the picture are, which olive painted the most here.

The same goes for the picture about summer, autumn and winter.

Well done, boys. Now wonder what we have lying on our tables? That's right, these are our sewing. Ale first, we need to understand in them, guess what “sound” is (that’s what we say and feel). And what is “litera” (tse that we write and bachimo). What sounds are called vocal (which can be heard and stretched) What sounds are called vocal (which cannot be stretched and is helped by either the lips, or the teeth, or the tongue).

The work is carried out at Kolesnikova's work stations.

Topic No. 25. “Sounds R - K. Zafarbovvaniya objects. Modeling. Listening to a nursery rhyme.

Well done, you've had a really good time today. What did you most deserve? And I was honored that you were respectful, that you ended all your duties well. Here I have boxes in a charming little bag. Tsikavo, what is that? These are colorful olives. Now the smells are yours and you can paint with them everything that suits you.
