The ratio of the diameter of the Sun to the diameter of the Earth. Size and mass of the sun

The ratio of the diameter of the Sun to the diameter of the Earth. Size and mass of the sun

The sun is the central object of our star system. It focuses almost all of its mass - 99%. It is possible to determine the size of the celestial luminaire using observation, geometric models and accurate calculations. Scientists need not only to know the diameter of the Sun in kilometers, as well as its angular sizes, but also track the activity of the star. Its influence on our planet is very large - streams of charged particles strongly affect the Earth's magnetosphere.

How to determine the diameter of the sun in kilometers

The determination of the diameter of the Sun has always occupied people interested in astronomy. Since ancient times, a person watched the sky and tried to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bthe objects visible on it. With their help, calendars were created and many natural phenomena predicted. Heavenly bodies for thousands of years attached mystical significance.

The moon and the sun became central objects of study. With the help of the Earth's satellite, it was possible to find out the exact dimensions of the star. The diameter of the Sun was determined with the help of "Bayley's" rosary. So the optical effect occurs in the full solar eclipse phase. When the edges of the solar and lunar disks coincide, the light makes his way through the irregularities of the lunar surface, forming red dots. They helped astronomers to determine the exact position of the edge of the solar disk.

The most detailed studies of this phenomenon in Japan were conducted in 2015. The data of several observatories were supplemented with information from the lunar probe "Kaguya". As a result, it was calculated how much the diameter of the sun is in kilometers - 1 million 392 thousand 20 km. For astronomers, other parameters of the shone are important.

Corner diameter of the Sun.

The angular diameter of the object is the angle between the lines running from the observer to the diametrically opposite points at its edges. In astronomy, it is measured in minutes (') and seconds ("). Under it is implied not flat angle, but the body (combining all rays coming out of the point). The angular diameter of the star is 31'59. "

During the day, the Sun changes its dimensions (2.5-3.5 times). However, such visibility is only a psychological phenomenon. The illusion of perception lies in the fact that the angle under which the sun is visible does not change depending on its position in the sky.

However, the sky seems to be a man not a hemisphere, but a dome who adjoins the horizon along the edges. Therefore, the star projection on its plane seems different in magnitude.

There is another explanation. All items as they approach the horizon are becoming less. However, the sun does not change its sizes. Because of this it seems as if it becomes more. An interesting psychological effect is easy to check: it is necessary to measure the diameter of the Sun with the misminity. Its sizes in the zenith and the horizon will be the same.

Sun studies

Before the invention, the astronomer's telescope did not have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the heavenly luminaries. In Europe, only sunny spots were opened in the 17th century. They represent the photospheres sprinkled on the surface magnetic fields. Mixing the motion of the substance in places of emission, they create a decrease in temperature on the surface of the Sun. At the same time, Galiley determined the period of circulation of the Sun around its axis. Its outer layer makes a full turn for 25.38 days.

Sun structure:

  • hydrogen - 70%;
  • helium - 28%;
  • the remaining elements are 2%.

In the kernel of the star there is a nuclear reaction of the conversion of hydrogen in helium. Here the temperature reaches 15 billion degrees. On the surface it is 5780 degrees.

After the appearance of spacecraft, many attempts to study the heavenly luminaries were taken. American satellites, launched into space from 1962 to 1975, studied the sun in an ultraviolet and X-ray wave spectrum. The series was named orbital solar observatory.

In 1976, the West German satellite of Helios-2 was launched, which approached the star at a distance of 43.4 million km. It was intended for the study of the sunshine. With the same purpose in 1990 went to space Sunny probe ulysses.

NASA in 2018 plans to launch Solar Probe Plus satellite, which will approach the sun by 6 million kilometers. Such a distance will become a record for the past decades.

Comparison with other celestial bodies

When determining the sizes of the Sun helps a comparison with other celestial objects. It is interesting to compare in perspective. For example, the diameter of the Sun is equal to 109 diameters of the Earth, 9.7 diameters of Jupiter. Gravity in the sun exceeds the earthly gravity of 28 times. Man here weigh 2 tons.

The mass of the star is 333 thousand. Mass of the Earth. Polar star more than 30 times. Among the celestial shining it has medium sizes. The sun giants are still far away. The biggest star VY CANIS MAJORIS has 2100 diameters of the sun.

Impact on the ground

Life on Earth is possible only at a distance of 149.6 million km. from the sun. All living organisms are obtained from it the necessary heat, and photosynthesis is made by plants only with the participation of light. Thanks to this star, such weather phenomena, as the wind, rain, seasons, etc. are possible.

The answer to the question of which diameter of the sun is needed for the normal development of life on such a planet, like the Earth, is simple - just like now. The magnetic field of our planet often reflects the "sun-wind attacks". Thanks to him, the northern and southern radiance appears on the poles. During the occurrence solar flares It may appear even near the equator.

Significantly impact shone and climate of our planet. In the period from 1683 to 1989 were the coldest winter. It was associated with a decrease in the activity of the star.

A look into the future

The diameter of the Sun is changing. After 5 billion years, it will produce all the hydrogen fuel and will become a red giant. An increase in the sizes, it will absorb Mercury and Venus. Then the sun will be laughed to the size of the Earth, turning into a white dwarf star.

The dimensions of the star decisive on our planet are one of the most interesting data not only for scientists, but also for ordinary people. The development of astronomy allows to determine the distant future of celestial bodies and contributes to the accumulation of information for the meteorological service. The development of new planets is also possible, the level of protection of land from a collision with small celestial bodies increases.

Heaven over head - the most ancient geometry textbook. The first concepts, such as a point and a circle, - from there. Rather, not even a tutorial, but a task. In which there is no page with answers. Two circles of the same size - the sun and the moon - moving across the sky, each with its speed. The remaining objects are glowing points - move together, as if they are attached to the sphere rotating at a speed of 1 turnover of 24 hours. True, among them there are exceptions - 5 points are moving as they do. For them, a special word was picked up - "Planet", in Greek - "Tramp". How many humanity exists, it is trying to solve the laws of this eternal movement. The first breakthrough occurred in the III century BC, when Greek scientists, taking into armaments, the young science - geometry, were able to obtain the first results about the device of the Universe. This will be discussed.

To have some idea of \u200b\u200bthe complexity of the task, consider such an example. Imagine a glowing ball with a diameter of 10 cm, motionless in space. Let's call it S.Around him at a distance of a little more than 10 meters drawn a small ball Z.diameter 1 millimeter, and around a distance of 6 cm draws a very tiny ball L,its diameter is a quarter of a millimeter. On the surface of the middle ball microscopic creatures. They have a kind of mind, but can not leave the limits of their ball. All they can - look at two other balls - S.and L.Ask, can they find out the diameters of these balls and measure the distance to them? How much do you think, the case, it would seem hopeless. We drew a strongly reduced model Solar system (S -The sun, Z -Land, L -Moon).

This is such a task stood in front of ancient astronomers. And they decided her! More than 22 centuries ago, without using anything, except for the most elementary geometry - at the level of grade 8 (properties of direct and circumference, similar triangles and Pythagore's theorem). And, of course, watching the moon and behind the sun.

A few scientists have worked on the decision. We will highlight two. This is a Mathematician Eratosthene, measured the radius of the globe, and astronomer Aristarh, the calculated dimensions of the moon, the sun and the distance to them. How did they do it?

How to measured the globe

The fact that the land is not flat, people knew for a long time. The ancient marigors observed how the picture of the starry sky gradually changes: new constellations become visible, and others, on the contrary, enter the horizon. Flooring in the distance "go under water", the latter are hidden from the appearance of the tops of their mast. Who is the first to express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shag-likeness of the Earth, unknown. Most likely, the Pythagoreans, who considered the ball perfect from the figures. A half a century later, Aristotle cites several evidence that the Earth is a ball. The main thing is: During the lunar eclipse on the surface of the moon, the shadow from the ground is clearly visible, and this shadow is round! Since then, attempts have been made to measure the radius of the globe. Two simple way Outlined in the exercises 1 and 2. Measurements, however, were turned out to be inaccurate. Aristotle, for example, made a mistake more than one and a half times. It is believed that the first who managed to do this with high accuracy was the Greek mathematician Eratosthene Kirensky (276-194 BC). His name is now everyone known thanks rweet Eratosthene -method to find simple numbers (Fig. 1).

If you draw out from a natural row unit, then cross out all even numbers, except for the first (number 2), then all numbers, multiple three, except for the first one (Numbers 3), etc., as a result, one simple numbers will remain as a result . Among the contemporaries of Eratosthen was famous as the largest encyclopedist scientist, which was engaged not only by mathematics, but also geography, cartography and astronomy. For a long time he headed the Alexandria library - the center of world science of that time. Working on the preparation of the first Atlas of the Earth (this, of course, was about the part known by the time), he conceived to hold accurate measure The globe. The idea was as follows. In Alexandria, everyone knew that in the south, in the city of Siena (modern Aswan), one day per year, at noon, the sun reaches Zenit. The shadow disappears from the vertical pole, the bottom of the well is illuminated for a few minutes. It happens on the day of the summer solstice, June 22 - the highest position of the sun in the sky. Eratosthen sends his assistants to Siena, and they establish that exactly at noon (on a sunny hour) the sun is exactly in the zenith. At the same time (as written in the original source: "At the same time,"), i.e. at noon on a sunny hour, Eratosthene measures the length of the shadow from the vertical pole in Alexandria. It turned out a triangle ABC (AC - Six, AU - Shadow, rice. 2).

So, the sunbeam in Siena ( N.) perpendicular to the surface of the Earth, and therefore passes through its center - point Z.. Parallel ray in Alexandria ( BUT) makes an angle γ \u003d ACB. With a vertical. Taking advantage of the equality of the underlying angles with parallel, conclude that AZN. \u003d γ. If you designate through l. the length of the circle, and through h.the length of her arc AN., I get the proportion. The angle γ in the triangle ABC Eratosthen measured, it turned out 7.2 °. Value x -not anything else, as the length of the way from Alexandria to Siena, about 800 km. Its eratosphen gently calculates, based on the average time of the movement of camel caravans, which regularly went between two cities, as well as using data bematics -people of the special profession, measured by steps. Now it remains to solve the proportion, receiving the length of the circle (i.e. the length of the earth meridian) l. \u003d 40,000 km. Then the radius of the Earth R.raven l./ (2π), it is about 6400 km. The fact that the length of the earth's meridian is expressed in such a round number of 40000 km, it is not surprising if we recall that the unit of length in 1 meter was introduced (in France at the end of the 18th century) as one forty-million dollar part of the earth's circumference (by definition!). Eratosthenes, of course, used another unit of measure - stadium(about 200 m). The stages were several: Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian, and which of them used Eratosthen - unknown. Therefore, it is difficult to judge for sure about the accuracy of its measurement. In addition, the inevitable error occurred by virtue geographic location Two cities. Eratosthen reasoned like this: if the cities are on one meridian (i.e., Alexandria is located exactly north of Siena), then noon in them comes at the same time. Therefore, making measurements during the highest position of the Sun in each city, we must get the right result. But in fact Alexandria and Siena - far from one meridian. Now it is easy to see this, looking at the card, but Eratosthene had no such opportunity, he just worked on the preparation of the first cards. Therefore, its method (absolutely faithful!) Led to an error in determining the radius of the Earth. Nevertheless, many researchers are confident that the accuracy of the measurement of Eratosthene was high and that it was mistaken in less than 2%. Humanity could improve this result only after 2 thousand years, in the middle of the XIX century. A group of scientists in France and the expedition of V. Ya. Struve in Russia worked on this. Even in the era of the great geographical discoveries, in the XVI century, people could not achieve the result of Eratosthene and used the incorrect meaning of the length of the earthly circle at 37,000 km. Neither Columbus nor Magellan knew what the true size of the Earth and what distances they would have to overcome. They believed that the equator's length is 3 thousand km less than in fact. They would know - maybe they would not float.

What is the reason for such a high accuracy of the Eratosthe method (of course, if he used the right stage)? To him measurements were localon the distances, foreseeable by the human eye, i.e. not more than 100 km. Such, for example, methods in exercises 1 and 2. At the same time, errors are inevitable due to terrain, atmospheric phenomena, etc. To achieve greater accuracy, you need to measure global, At distances, comparable to the radius of the Earth. The distance of 800 km between Alexandria and Sienna turned out to be quite sufficient.

1. How to calculate the radius of the Earth according to the following data: from the mountain 500 m high view of the surroundings at a distance of 80 km?
2. How to calculate the land radius according to the following data: the ship with a height of 20 m, sailing from the shore to 16 km, completely disappears from the view?
3. Two friends - one in Moscow, the other - in Tula, take on the meter six and put them vertically. At the moment during the day, when the shadow of the pole reaches the smallest length, each of them measures the length of the shadow. In Moscow, it turned out butcm, and in Tula - b.see express the land radius through butand b. Cities are located on one meridian at a distance of 185 km.

As can be seen from the exercise 3, Eratosthene's experience can be done in our latitudes, where the sun is never in Zenith. True, for this you need two points necessarily on one meridian. If you repeat the Eratosthene's experience for Alexandria and Siena, and at the same time make measurements in these cities at the same time (now there are technical capabilities for this), then we will get a sure answer, and it will not matter how the Meridian is Siena (why?).

How to measured the moon and the sun. Three steps of Aristarha

Greek Samos Island in the Aegean Sea is now a deaf province. Forty kilometers in length, eight - width. On this tiny island, three greatest geniuses were born at different times - Pythahur Mathematics, Philosopher Epicur and Astronomer Aristarh. About the life of Aristarha Samossky knows little. Dates of life are approximate: about 310 BC, Died, died about 230 BC. As he looked, we do not know, not a single image preserved (a modern monument to Aristarkh in the Greek city of Thessaloniki - only fantasy sculptor). Many years spent in Alexandria, where he worked in the library and in the observatory. His main achievement is the book "On the values \u200b\u200band distances of the Sun and the Moon," according to the unanimous opinion of historians, is a real scientific feat. In it, he calculates the radius of the sun, the radius of the moon and the distance from the ground to the Moon and to the Sun. He did it alone, using very simple geometry and all the well-known results of observations of the Sun and the Moon. This Aristarh does not stop, he makes some of the most important conclusions about the structure of the Universe, which was much ahead of their time. It was not by chance that he was called "Copernicus of Antiquity" later.

The calculation of the Aristarha can be consecrated for three steps. Each step is reduced to a simple geometric task. The first two steps are completely elementary, the third is a little more complicated. In geometric buildings, we will denote through Z., S. and L. Land centers, sun and moon, respectively, and through R., R S. and R L. - their radii. All the celestial bodies will be considered to be balls, and their orbits are circumference, as he believed Aristarkh himself (although, as we now know, it is not quite so). We start from the first step, and for this, just watch the moon.

Step 1. How many times the sun is further than the moon?

As you know, the moon shines reflected in sunlight. If you take a ball and shine on it by a large spotlight, then in any position illuminated, it will be exactly half the surface of the ball. The boundary of the illuminated hemisphere is a circle lying in the plane perpendicular to the rays of light. Thus, the sun always illuminates exactly half the surface of the moon. The form of the moon seems to us depends on how this illuminated half is located. For novoluniaWhen the moon is not visible at all in the sky, the sun illuminates its opposite direction. Then the illuminated hemisphere is gradually rotated towards the Earth. We begin to see a thin sickle, then - a month ("growing moon"), then - semicircle (this phase of the moon is called "Quadrature"). Then day from day (or rather, night from night) semicircle grows up to full Moon. Then the reverse process begins: the illuminated hemisphere from us turns away. The moon "olde", gradually turning into a month, turned to us with the left side, like the letter "C", and, finally, disappears on Novoku night. The period from one new moon to the other lasts about four weeks. During this time, the moon makes a complete turn around the Earth. From the new moon to half the moon, a quarter of a period is held, hence the name "Quadrature".

The remarkable guess of Aristarch was that during the square sun raysLighting half the moon perpendicular to the straight line connecting the moon with the ground. Thus, in a triangle Zls. Corner at the top L -straight (Fig. 3). If you continue to measure the angle LZS., Denote it through α, then we get that \u003d COS α. For simplicity, we believe that the observer is located in the center of the Earth. This will not strongly affect the result, since the distance from the ground to the Moon and to the Sun, the land radius is significantly superior. So, measuring the angle α between the rays Zl and Zs. During the quadrature, Aristarkh calculates the ratio of distances to the moon and to the sun. How to simultaneously find the sun and the moon in the sky? This can be done in the early morning. The complexity occurs differently, unexpected, occasion. In the time of Aristarch, there was no cosine. The first concepts of trigonometry will appear later, in the works of Apollonia and Archimedes. But Aristarkh knew that such triangles were, and this was enough. Having a small rectangular triangle Z "l" s "with the same sharp angle α \u003d L "z" s "and measuring his part, we find that, and this ratio approximately equal to 1/400.

Step 2. How many times the sun is more than the moon?

In order to find the ratio of the radii of the Sun and the Moon, Aristarkh attracts solar eclipses (Fig. 4). They occur when the moon boils off the sun. With partial, or as astronomers say, private, the eclipse of the moon only passes through the Disk of the Sun, without closing it completely. Sometimes such an eclipse can even see the naked eye, the sun shines as on a regular day. Only through a strong darkening, for example, wrapped glass, it can be seen as part of the solar disk is closed with a black circle. Much less often takes full eclipse when the moon is completely closed with a sunny disk.

At this time it becomes dark, the stars appear in the sky. The eclipses were horrified on the ancient people, were considered the forerunners of tragedies. Solar eclipse is observed differently in different parts of the Earth. During the complete eclipse on the surface of the Earth, the shadow arises from the moon - the circle, the diameter of which does not exceed 270 km. Only in those areas of the globe for which this shadow passes, you can observe a complete eclipse. Therefore, in the same place, the complete eclipse occurs extremely rare - on average every 200-300 years. Aristarchu was lucky - he was able to observe a complete solar eclipse with his own eyes. On the cloudless sky, the Sun gradually began to fill up and decrease in size, twilight was installed. For a few moments, the sun disappeared. Then he glanced the first beam of the world, the sun disc began to grow, and soon the sun lit up in full force. Why does the eclipse last so a short time? Aristarh replies: The reason is that the moon has the same visible sizes in the sky as the sun. What does it mean? We carry out a plane through the centers of the earth, the sun and the moon. The resulting section depicted in Figure 5 a.. The angle between the tangents spent from the point the moon circumference is called angular sizeMoon, or her angular diameter.The angular size of the sun is also determined. If the angular diameters of the Sun and the Moon coincide, they have the same visible sizes in the sky, and when the moon, the moon really turns off the sun (Fig. 5 b.), but only for a moment when the rays are coincided Zland Zs.. In the photo of a complete solar eclipse (see Fig. 4), the equality of the size is clearly visible.

The withdrawal of Aristarch was amazingly accurate! In reality, the average angular diameters of the Sun and the Moon differ in only 1.5%. We are forced to talk about medium-sized diameters, as they change throughout the year, as the planets are moving not around the circles, but by ellipses.

Connecting the center of the Earth Z.with sun centers S.and Moon well as with touch points Rand Q., we get two rectangular triangles Zsp.and Zlq.(see Fig. 5 a.). They are similar, since they have a pair of equal sharp angles β / 2. Hence, . In this way, attitude of the radii of the Sun and the Moon equal to the attitude of distances from their centers to the center of the Earth. So, R S./R L. \u003d κ \u003d 400. Despite the fact that their visible sizes are equal, the sun turned out to be more moon 400 times!

Equality of the angular sizes of the moon and the sun is a happy coincidence. It does not follow from the laws of mechanics. Many planets of the solar system have satellites: Mars has two of them, Jupiter - four (and several more dozen small), and all of them have different angular sizes that do not coincide with sunny.

Now we proceed to the decisive and most difficult step.

Step 3. Calculating the size of the sun and the moon and distances to them

So, we know the ratio of the size of the Sun and the Moon and the attitude of their distances to the Earth. This information relative: She restores the picture of the surrounding world only with an accuracy of similarity. You can remove the moon and the sun from the ground 10 times, increasing the same time their size, and the picture visible from the ground will remain the same. To find the real sizes of celestial bodies, it is necessary to relate them to some famous size. But from all astronomical values \u200b\u200bof Aristarhu, only the radius of the globe is known R \u003d.6400 km. Will it help? Although in some of the visible phenomena taking place in the sky, the land radius appears? It is not by chance that the "Heaven and Earth" say, bearing in mind two inconsistencies. And yet there is such a phenomenon. This is a lunar eclipse. With it, applying a fairly ingenious geometric construction, Aristarkh calculates the ratio of the radius of the sun to the radius of the Earth, and the chain closes: now we will at the same time we find the radius of the moon, the radius of the sun, and at the same time the distance from the moon and the sun to the ground.

With the lunar eclipse, the moon goes into the shadow of the Earth. Hiding for the land, the moon is deprived of sunlight, and thus stops shining. It does not disappear from the form completely, since a small part of sunlight is dissipated by the earth's atmosphere and comes to the Moon bypassing the Earth. The moon darkens, acquiring a reddish hue (red and orange rays are held through the atmosphere). On the lunar disk, the shadow from the ground is clearly visible (Fig. 6). The round shape shape again confirms the shag-likeness of the Earth. Aristarkha was also interested in the size of this shadow. In order to determine the radius of the circle of the earth shadow (we will do it by photograph in Figure 6), it is enough to solve a simple exercise.

Exercise 4.On the plane there is an arc of a circle. With the help of a circulation and ruler, build a segment equal to its radius.

After making the construction, we find that the radius of the earth's shadow is about times more than the radius of the moon. We now turn to Figure 7. The region of the earth's shadow is painted with gray, in which the moon falls during eclipse. Suppose the centers of circles S., Z.and L.lying on one straight line. We carry out the diameter of the Moon M. 1 M. 2, perpendicular direct Ls. The continuation of this diameter crosses the total tangent circles of the Sun and Earth at the points D. 1 I. D. 2. Then cut D. 1 D. 2 is approximately equal to the diameter of the earth shadow. We came to the next task.

Task 1. There are three circles with centers. S., Z. and L.lying on one straight line. Section D. 1 D. 2 passing through L., perpendicular to direct SL.And its ends lie on the general external tangents for the first and second circles. It is known that the ratio of the segment D. 1 D. 2 to the diameter of the third circle is equal t., and the ratio of the diameters of the first and third circumference is equal Zs./Zl \u003d κ. Find the ratio of the diameters of the first and second circles.

If you solve this task, then the attitude of the radius of the sun and earth will be found. So, the sun radius will be found, and with him and the moon. But it will not be able to decide. You can try - the task does not take one given. For example, the angle between common external tangents to the first two circles. But even if this angle would be known, the solution will use the trigonometry, which Aristarh did not know (we formulate the appropriate task in exercise 6). He finds a simpler exit. We carry out the diameter A. 1 A. 2 first circles and diameter B. 1 B. 2 second, both - parallel segments D. 1 D. 2 . Let be C. 1 I. FROM 2 - Cut Points D. 1 D. 2 with straight A. 1 B. 1 and BUT 2 IN 2 accordingly (Fig. 8). Then, as the diameter of the earth's shadow, take a segment C. 1 C. 2 instead of a cut D. 1 D. 2. Stop, stop! What does it mean, "take one segment instead of another"? They are not equal! Section C. 1 C. 2 lies inside the segment D. 1 D. 2, meaning C. 1 C. 2 < D. 1 D. 2. Yes, the segments are different, but they almost equal.The fact is that the distance from the ground to the Sun is many times larger than the diameter of the Sun (about 215 times). Therefore, distance Zs.between the centers of the first and second circle significantly exceeds their diameters. It means that the angle between common external tangents towards these circles is close to zero (in reality it is about 0.5 °), i.e. tangents "almost parallel." If they were exactly parallel, then the points A. 1 I. B. 1 would coincide with the touch points, therefore, the point C. 1 would coincide with D. 1, A. C. 2 S. D. 2, and therefore C. 1 C. 2 = D. 1 D. 2. Thus, segments C. 1 C. 2 I. D. 1 D. 2 Almost equal. Intuition and here did not let the Aristarha: in fact, the difference between the lengths of the segments is less than a hundred percent share! This is nothing compared to the possible measurement errors. Removing now excess lines, including circles and their common tangents, come to such a task.

Task 1 ". On the side of the trapezium BUT 1 BUT 2 FROM 2 FROM 1 Points are taken B. 1 I. IN 2 so that the segment IN 1 IN 2 parallel grounds. Let be S., Z. U. L. - Mid-segments BUT 1 BUT 2 , B. 1 B. 2 I. C. 1 C. 2, respectively. Based C. 1 C. 2 Lies cut M. 1 M. 2 with middle L.. It is known that and. Find BUT 1 BUT 2 /B. 1 B. 2 .

Decision.Since, then, and therefore triangles A. 2 Sz.and M. 1 the coefficient Sz./LZ. \u003d κ. Hence, A. 2 Sz.= M 1 LZ.and therefore point Z.lies on the cut M. 1 A. 2 . Similarly, Z.lies on the cut M. 2 BUT 1 (Fig. 9). As C. 1 C. 2 \u003d T · m 1 M. 2 and then.


On the other hand,

It means . From this equality we immediately get that.

So, the ratio of the diameters of the Sun and the Earth is equal, and the moon and land is equal.

Substituting the values \u200b\u200bknown to us κ \u003d 400 and t. \u003d 8/3, we get that the moon is about 3.66 times less than the Earth, and the sun is 109 times more than the Earth. Since the radius of the earth R.we know, find the radius of the moon R L.= R./ 3.66 and sun radius R S.= 109R..

Now the distance from the ground to the moon and to the Sun are calculated in one step, it can be done with an angular diameter. The angular diameter of the β of the Sun and the moon is approximately half-generated (if you are completely accurate, 0.53 °). As ancient astronomers, he was measured, about this speech ahead. Lowering tangent Zq.on the circumference of the moon, we get a rectangular triangle Zlq.with acute angle β / 2 (Fig. 10).

Find from it what is approximately equal to 215 R L., or 62. R.. Similarly, the distance to the Sun is 215 R S. = 23 455R..

Everything. The size of the sun and the moon and the distance to them were found.

5. Prove that straight A. 1 B. 1 , A. 2 B. 2 and two common external tangents for the first and second circles (see Fig. 8) intersect at one point.
6. Solve Task 1, if an angle is additionally known between the quantity between the first and second circle.
7. Solar eclipse can be observed in some parts of the globe and do not observe others. And lunar eclipse?
8. Prove that the solar eclipse can only be observed during the new moon, and the lunar eclipse - only during the full moon.
9. What happens on the moon when the lunar eclipse is happening on earth?

About the benefits of mistakes

In fact, everything was somewhat more complicated. Geometry was only formed, and many things familiar to us from the eighth grade school were completely not obvious at that time. Aristarchh was required to write a whole book to set out what we outlined on three pages. And with experimental measurements, too, everything was not easy. First, Aristarkh was mistaken with measuring the diameter of the earth's shadow during the lunar eclipse, having received the relation t. \u003d 2 instead. In addition, he, it seems, proceeded from the incorrect value of the angle of β - angular diameter of the Sun, considering it equal to 2 °. But this version is controversial: Archimedes in his treatise "Psammit" writes that, on the contrary, Aristarkh used almost the right value of 0.5 °. However, the most terrible error occurred in the first step, when calculating the parameter κ - the rating of distances from the ground to the Sun and to the Moon. Instead of κ \u003d 400, Aristarch has turned out κ \u003d 19. How could it be mistaken more than 20 times? Let us turn again to step 1, Figure 3. In order to find the ratio κ \u003d Zs./Zl, Aristarh measured the angle α \u003d SZL, and then κ \u003d 1 / COS α. For example, if angle α would be 60 °, then we would get κ \u003d 2, and the sun would be twice the ground than the moon. But the measurement result was unexpected: the angle α was obtained almost direct. It meant that catat Zs.many times superior Zl. Aristarch has turned out α \u003d 87 °, and then Cos α \u003d 1/19 (we will remind that all the calculations are approximate). The true value of the angle, and cos α \u003d 1/400. So measurement error in less than 3 ° led to an error 20 times! After completing the calculation, Aristarkh comes to the conclusion that the radius of the sun is equal to 6.5 radii of the Earth (instead of 109).

Errors were inevitable, given the imperfect measuring instruments of that time. It is more important that the method turned out to be correct. Soon (according to historical standards, i.e., about 100 years), an outstanding astronomer of antiquity of Hipparh (190 - approx. 120 BC) will eliminate all inaccuracies and, following the method of Aristarch, will calculate the correct sizes of the sun and the moon. Perhaps the error of Aristarch was even useful in the end. The opinion was dominated by the opinion that the sun and the moon is either at all have the same dimensions (as it seems to the earthly observer), or differ slightly. Even the difference was 19 times surprised by contemporaries. Therefore, it is possible that, find Aristarh correct ratio κ \u003d 400, no one would believe in this, and maybe, the scientist himself would refuse his method, considering the result by reason. The well-known principle states that geometry is an art well to argue on poorly performed drawings. Praphrasing, it can be said that science as a whole is the art of doing loyal conclusions from inaccurate, or even erroneous, observations. And Aristarh did this conclusion. For the 17th centuries before Copernicus, he realized that in the center of the world was not the earth, but the sun. So for the first time a heliocentric model appeared and the concept of the solar system.

What in the center?

The presentation of the Universe, who familiar to us in the art history, dominant in the ancient world, was that in the center of the world - a fixed land, 7 planets around it are rotated around the circular orbits, including the moon and the sun (which was also considered the planet). Ends all the celestial sphere with stars attached to it. The sphere revolves around the Earth, making a full revolution in 24 hours. Over time, the corrections have repeatedly entered this model. So, they began to assume that the heavenly sphere was stationary, and the Earth rotates around its axis. Then began to correct the trajectories of the planets: the circles were replaced by cycloids, i.e. lines that describe the circumference points when it moves along another circumference (these wonderful lines can be found in the books of N. Berman "Cycloida", A. I. Markushevich "Wonderful curves", as well as in Quantate: Article S. Verova "Secrets of Cycloida" No. 8, 1975, and Article S. Gyndikin "Star Century Cycloida", No. 6, 1985). Cycloids were better coordinated with the results of observations, in particular, explained the "digital" movements of the planets. It - geocentricthe system of the world, in the center of which is the land ("Gai"). In the II century, she took the final view in the Almagest book of Claudia Ptolemy (87-165), an outstanding Greek Astronomer, the same name of the Egyptian kings. Over time, some cycloids became more complicated, all new intermediate circles were added. But in general, the Ptolemy system dominated about one and a half thousand years, until the XVI century, before the openings of Copernicus and Kepler. At first, the geocentric model was adhered to Aristarh. However, the calculation that the radius of the sun is 6.5 times more than the radius of the Earth, he asked a simple question: why should such a big sun rotate around such a small earth? After all, if the sun's radius is more than 6.5 times, then its volume is almost 275 times! So, the Sun must be in the center of the world. 6 planets rotate around it, including land. And the seventh planet, the moon rotates around the earth. So appeared heliocentricthe system of the world ("Helios" - the Sun). Already Aristarkh himself noted that such a model best explains the visible movement of the planets in circular orbits, it is better consistent with the results of observations. But she did not accept scientists or official authorities. Aristarkh was accused of wormless and persecuted. Of all the astronomers of antiquity, only Selevk became a supporter of a new model. Nobody accepted her anymore, at least, historians have no solid information on this. Even Archimedes and Hipparh, who revered Aristarch and the developing many of his ideas, did not decide to put the sun to the center of the world. Why?

Why didn't the world accepted the heliocentric system?

How did it happen that during the 17th centuries, scientists did not take a simple and logical system of the world proposed by Aristarkh? And this is despite the fact that the officially recognized Geocentric system of Ptolemy often gave failures, not agreed with the results of observations of the planets and the stars. Had to add all new circumference (so-called nested cycles) For the "correct" description of the motion of the planets. The Ptolemy's difficulty did not scare difficulties, he wrote: "Why am it surprised by the complex movement of heavenly bodies, if their essence is unknown?" However, the XIII century of these circles has accumulated 75! The model became so cumbersome that careful objections began to be heard: did the world really work so hard? The case with Alphonse X (1226-1284), the King of Castile and Leon, the state that occupied the modern Spain is widely known. He, the patron of science and the arts, who gathered in his yard, fifty best astronomers of the world, was mentioned on one of the scientific conversations that "if during the creation of the world, the Lord had the honor of my advice and asked my advice, much it would be easier." Such audacity was not forgiven even to the kings: Alfons was lowered and sent to the monastery. But doubts remained. Some of them could be resolved by putting the sun into the center of the Universe and adopting the Aristarha system. His works were well known. However, many centuries, none of the scientists decided to such a step. The reasons were not only in fear of the authorities and the official church, which considered the theory of Ptolemy is the only true. And not only in the inertness of human thinking: not so easy to admit that our land is not the center of the world, but only a private planet. Still, for this scientist neither fear, no stereotypes - not obstacles to the truth. The heliocentric system was rejected by quite scientific, can even be said, geometric reasons. If we assume that the Earth rotates around the Sun, then its trajectory is a circle with a radius equal to the distance from the ground to the Sun. As we know, this distance is equal to 23 455 radii of the Earth, i.e. more than 150 million kilometers. It means that the Earth moves to 300 million kilometers for six months. Giant value! But the picture of the starry sky for the earth observer remains the same. Earth is approaching, it is removed from stars by 300 million kilometers, but nor the visible distances between the stars (for example, the form of constellations) nor their brightness changes. This means that the distance to the stars must be several thousand times more, that is, the celestial sphere should have completely unimaginable sizes! This, by the way, was aware of the Aristarh himself, who wrote in his book: "The volume of fixed stars in so many times the volume of the sphere with the radius of the earth-sun, how many times the volume is larger than the volume of the globe", that is, on Aristarchhu It turned out that the distance to the stars is equal to (23 455) 2 R.This is more than 3.5 trillion kilometers. In reality, the distance from the Sun to the nearest star is still 11 times more. (In the model we presented at the very beginning, when the distance from the ground to the Sun is 10 m, the distance to the nearest star is ... 2,700 kilometers!) Instead of a compact and cozy world, in the center of which land is located and which is placed inside the relatively small Heavenly sphere, Aristarkh drew the abyss. And this abyss frightened everyone.

Venus, Mercury and the impossibility of a geocentric system

Meanwhile, the impossibility of the geocentric system of the world, with the circular motions of all planets around the Earth, can be installed using a simple geometric problem.

Task 2. The pressing of two circles with a common center are given. ABOUTThe two points are evenly moving on them: point M. one circle and point V. On the other. Prove that either they move in one direction at the same angular speed, or at some point in time MOV. stupid.

Decision.If the points move in one direction with different speeds, then after a while rays Oh.and OV.will be heated. Next corner begins to increase monotonously until the next coincidence, i.e. up to 360 °. Consequently, at some point it is 180 °. The case when points are moving in different directions, is also considered.

Theorem.The situation in which all the planets of the solar system is evenly rotating around the Earth in circular orbits, it is impossible.

Evidence.Let be ABOUT - Center of the Earth, M. - Center of Mercury, and V -center Venus. According to many years of observations, Mercury and Venus have different periods of circulation, and the angle MOV. Never exceeds 76 °. By virtue of the result of the problem, the theorem is proved.

Of course, the ancient Greeks have repeatedly met with similar paradoxes. That is why, in order to save the geocentric model of the world, they forced the planets to move not around the circumference, but by cycloids.

The proof of the theorem is not quite honest, since Mercury and Venus rotate not in the same plane, as in the task 2, and in different. Although the planes of their orbits almost coincide: the angle between them is only a few degrees. In the exercise 10, we suggest you eliminate this deficiency and solve an analogue of task 2 for points rotating in different planes. Other objection: maybe angle happens stupid, but we do not see this, because on earth at this time day? We accept it. In the exercise 11 you need to prove that for threerotating radii will always come in time when they will form blunt angles with each other. If at the ends of the radii - Mercury, Venus and the Sun, then at this point in time, Mercury and Venus will be visible in the sky, and the sun - no, that is, on the ground there will be night. But should warn: Exercises 10 and 11 much more complicated task 2. Finally, in the exercise 12 we offer you, no much, to calculate the distance from Venus to the Sun and from Mercury to the Sun (they, of course, rotate around the Sun, and not around Land). See for yourself how simple it is, after we learned the Arystarh method.

10. Two circles with a common center are given in space. ABOUTFor them evenly with different angular velocities move two points: point circle and point V.on the other. Prove that at some point angle MOV.stupid.
11. Three circles with a common center are given on the plane. ABOUTThree points are moving uniformly with different angular velocities. Prove that at some point all three corners between the rays with a vertex ABOUTdirected to these points, stupid.
12. It is known that the maximum angular distance between the Venus and the Sun, i.e., the maximum angle between the rays directed from the ground to the centers of Venus and the Sun is 48 °. Find the radius of the orbit of Venus. The same is for Mercury, if it is known that the maximum angular distance between Mercury and the Sun is 28 °.

Last barcode: measurement of the angular sizes of the sun and the moon

Following step by step by aristarha's reasoning, we missed only one aspect: how was the angular diameter of the sun measured? Aristarh himself did not do this, using the measurements of other astronomers (apparently, not quite faithful). Recall that the radii of the sun and the moon, he was able to calculate, not attracting their angular diameters. Look again to steps 1, 2 and 3: Nowhere to the angular diameter is not used! It is only needed to calculate the distances to the Sun and to the Moon. Attempting to determine the corner size "on the eye" does not bring success. If you ask several people to estimate the corner diameter of the Moon, most will call an angle from 3 to 5 degrees, which are many more true meanings. It affects the illusion: the bright white moon against the background of the dark sky seems massive. The first one who spent mathematically strict measurement of the angular diameter of the Sun and the Moon was Archimedes (287- 212Do AD) he outlined his method in the book "Psammit" ("Calculation of grains"). The complexity of the task was aware of: "Get the exact value of this angle is not easy, because neither eye, nor hands nor instruments, with which the countdown is made, do not provide sufficient accuracy." Therefore, the archimeda is not taken to calculate the exact value of the angular diameter of the Sun, it only estimates it from above and below. It puts a round cylinder at the end of the long line, opposite the eye of the observer. The ruler is sent to the sun, and the cylinder is moved to the eye until it departs the sun completely. Then the observer goes away, and on the end of the ruler there is a segment MN.equal to the size of the human pupil (Fig. 11).

Then the angle α 1 between straight MRand NQ.less angular diameter of the Sun, and the angle α 2 \u003d POQ. - More. We denoted through PQ.the diameter of the base of the cylinder, and through the middle of the segment MN.. So, α 1< β < α 2 (докажите это в упражнении 13). Так Архимед находит, что угловой диаметр Солнца заключен в пределах от 0,45° до 0,55°.

It remains unclear why the archimedes measures the sun, and not the moon. He was well acquainted with the book Aristarha and knew that the angular diameters of the sun and the moon were the same. The moon is much more convenient to measure: it does not blind eyes and the borders are clearly visible.

Some ancient astronomers measured the angular diameter of the Sun, based on the duration of the solar or lunar eclipse. (Try to restore this method in exercise 14.) And you can do the same, without waiting for eclipses, but simply watching the sunset. Select for this day of spring equinox March 22, when the sun rises exactly in the east, and comes exactly in the West. This means that the point of sunrise E.and sunset W.diametrically opposite. For the earth observer, the sun moves around the circle with a diameter EW.. The plane of this circle is with a plane of the horizon angle of 90 ° - γ, where γ is the geographical latitude of the point which an observer is located (for example, for Moscow γ \u003d 55.5 °, for Alexandria Γ \u003d 31 °). The proof is shown in Figure 12. Direct Zp. - The axis of the rotation of the Earth, perpendicular to the plane of the equator. Latitude Points M. - angle between the segment Zp.and the plane of the equator. We will spend through the center of the Sun S. Plane α, perpendicular axis Zp..

The horizon plane touches the globe at the point M.. For an observer located at the point M., The sun is moving around the day around the circumference in the plane α centered R and radius PS.. The angle between the plane α and the plane of the horizon is equal to the corner MZP.which is 90 ° - γ, since the plane α is perpendicular Zp., and the plane of the horizon is perpendicular Zm.. So, on the day of equinox, the Sun enters the horizon at an angle of 90 ° - γ. Consequently, during the sunset, it passes a circle arc equal to β / cos γ, where β is the angular diameter of the Sun (Fig. 13). On the other hand, in 24 hours it passes through this circle full of turnover, i.e. 360 °.

We get the proportion where exactly six, and not nine, because Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were open much later. More recently, on September 13, 2006, by decision of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Pluto lost the status of the planet. So planets in the solar system now eight.
The true cause of the Opal of the king Alfons was, apparently, the usual struggle for power, but his ironic remark about the world's device was a weighty reason for his enemies.

The sun warms and illuminates our planet. Life on it would be impossible without energy shining. This also applies to man, and to the whole earthly flora, fauna. The sun feeds the energy all the processes occurring on Earth. Earth gets from the sun not only light and heat. The life of our planet continuously affect particle flows and a variety of solar radiation.

The effects of the Sun strongly affects the human health. Many people have deterioration of well-being.

This article will consider general information about the sun, namely, the composition, temperature and mass of the sun, influence on Earth, etc.

general information

The sun is a star closest to us. Sun studies give information on the conditions of reactions occurring in its depths and on the surface, allow you to understand the physical nature of the star bodies that we see as dimensionless sparkling points. The study of the processes occurring in the vicinity and on the surface of the Sun helps to understand the phenomena characteristic of the near-earth space.

The sun - the center of our planetary system, which also includes 8 planets, dozens of satellites planets, thousands of asteroids, meteoric bodies, comets, interplanetary gas, dust. In the whole occupies 99.866% of the total mass. According to astronomical standards, the distance from the Sun to the Earth is small: the light goes only 8 minutes.

The size of the sun requires separate attention. This is a huge not only in size, but also by the volume of the star. Its diameter exceeds the diameter of the Earth 109 times, the volume, in turn, is 1.3 million times.

The approximate temperature of the sun surface is 5800 degrees, so it shines almost but due to the strong absorption and dispersion of the short-wave portion of the spectrum of the terrestrial ball, the direct sunlight next to the surface of our planet gets a yellow shade.

The temperature in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe Sun comes to 15 million degrees. Due to the rather high temperature, the substance of the Sun is in a gaseous state, and in the bowels of the giant star, the atoms of chemical elements are divided into freely moving electrons and atomic nuclei.

Sun weight - 1.989 * 10 ^ 30kg. This digit exceeds a mass of 333 thousand times. The average density of the substance is 1.4 g / cm3. The average above almost 4 times. In addition, in astronomy, there is a concept of the mass of the Sun - the unit of measurement of the mass, which is used to express the mass of stars and other astronomy facilities (galaxies).

Gaseous solar mass is held using a general attraction to its center. The upper layers are squeezed with its weight deeper, and with an increase in the depth of the layer of the layer, the pressure increases.

The pressure in the depths of the Sun reaches the value of hundreds of billion atmospheres, so the substance in solar depths has a large density.

This leads to the flow of the sun, as a result, hydrogen turns into helium and highlights nuclear energy. Gradually, this energy "seeps" through an opaque solar substance first into the outer layers, and then emitted to world space.

The composition of the Sun includes elements such as hydrogen (73%), helium (25%) and other elements in a significantly lower concentration (nickel, nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, calcium, iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, neon, chrome).

Today we will talk about the fact that the earth is small and about the size of other huge celestial bodies in the universe. What are the size of the Earth compared to other planets and the stars of the Universe.

In fact, our planet is very, very small ... Compared with a lot of other celestial bodies, and even compared to the same sun land - a pea (a hundred times less by radius and 333 thousand times by weight), and there are stars in Once, hundreds, thousands (!!) times more than the sun ... In general, we are people, and each of us especially, microscopic traces of being in this universe, atoms, invisible to the eyes of creatures that could live on huge stars (theoretically, and maybe practically).

Thoughts from the film on the topic: It seems to us that the earth is big, it is so - for us, since we ourselves are small and the mass of our body is negligible in comparison with the scale of the universe, some have never even been abroad and in most people do not leave The limits of the house, the room, and the universe almost do not know anything. And the ants think that their anthill is huge, however, we will come to an ant and not even notice it. If we had the power to reduce the sun to the size of the leukocyte and reduce the proportionate Milky Way, it would be equal to the scale of Russia. And there are thousands or even millions and billions of galaxies besides the Milky Way ... it's not to fit into the consciousness of people.

Every year, astronomers open thousands (or more) new stars, planets, celestial bodies. Cosmos is an uncharted area, and how many more galaxies, star, planetary systems will be open, and it is possible that there are many similar solar systems with theoretically existing life. We can judge the size of all celestial bodies only about, and the number of galaxies, systems, celestial bodies in the universe is unknown. However, based on the known data - the ground is not the smallest object, but also far from the biggest, there are stars and planets in hundreds, thousands of times more !!

The biggest object, that is, the heavenly body, in the universe is not determined, because human capabilities are limited, with the help of satellites, telescopes we can see only a small part of the universe, and what, in the unknown gave and beyond the horizons, we do not know ... perhaps even big Heavenly bodies than detected by people.

So, in the framework of the solar system the largest object - the sun! Its radius is 1,392,000 km, then Jupiter is 139,822 km, Saturn - 116 464 km, Uranus - 50,724 km, Neptune - 49 244 km, Earth - 12742.0 km, Venus - 12103.6 km, Mars - 6780.0 km, etc.

Several dozen large objects - planets, satellites, stars and several hundred minor, it is only out of open, and there are not open.

The sun is greater than the land on the radius - 100 times, by more than once, by weight - at 333 thousand times. These are the scale.

The land of the 6th size of the object of the solar system is very close to the scale of the Earth Venus, and Mars is half less.

Earth is generally a pea compared to the sun. And all other planets, smaller, for the Sun - almost dust ...

However, the sun warms us independently of its sizes and our planet. Did you see, presented, walking on the ground soil, what is our planet in comparison with the sun almost a point? And accordingly - we are on it - microscopic microorganisms ...

However, people have the problems of pressing full, and sometimes there is no time to look on the earth under their feet.

Jupiter more than 10 times more landthis is the fifth remoteness from the sun of the planet (classified as a gas giant together with Saturn, Uranium, Neptune).

Earth after gas giants The first object in size after the sun in the solar system, Then the remaining planets of the earth group, Mercury after Saturn and Jupiter satellite.

Planets of the earth group - Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars - planets located in the inner field of the solar system.

Pluto less than the moon is about one and a half times, today it is ranked with dwarf planets, he is the tenth celestial body in the solar system after 8 planets and Erides (a dwarf planet, approximately similar to Pluto), consists of ice and stones, in area like South America , a small planet, however, and she is more in comparison with the Earth with the Sun, the Earth is still two times less in proportions.

For example, Ganymed is a satellite of Jupiter, Titan - Saturna satellite - just 1.5 thousand km less than Mars and more pluto and large dwarf planets. Dwarf planets and satellites open recently - many, and already stars - more than a few million, or even billion.

Objects a little less than the Earth and half less than the earth in the solar system are several dozen, and those who are slightly less - several hundred. Imagine how much flies around our planet? However, say "flies around our planet" is incorrect, because as a rule, each planet has some relatively fixed place in the Sun system.

And if one asteroid flies towards the ground, it is possible to even calculate its approximate trajectory, the flight speed, the time of approximation to the ground, and using certain technologies, devices (such as lesters asteroid using heavy-duty atomic weapons in order to destroy part of the meteorite and how Consequence Changing the speed and path trajectory) Change the flight direction If the planet threatens the danger.

However, this theory, in practice, no such measures was applied, but cases of an unexpected fall of celestial bodies on the ground were recorded - for example, in the case of the same Chelyabinsk meteorite.

In our consciousness, the sun is a bright ball in the sky, in abstraction - some substance, which we know about satellites, observations and experiments of scientists. However, all that we see with your own eyes is a bright ball in the sky, which disappears overnight. If you compare the sizes of the sun and the earth, then it is about as a toy machine and a huge jeep, the jeep will dismiss the machine without even noticing. Also the sun, possess it at least a little more aggressive characteristics and the unrealistic possibility of moving - it would absorb everything in its path, including the Earth. By the way, one of the theories of the death of the planet in the future states that the sun will absorb the earth.

We are accustomed to living in a limited world, believe only what we see and take as a givenness just what we have under your feet and take the sun as a ball in the sky that lives for us in order to light the way with simple mortal, warm us, give We are energy, in general, we use the sun on the full program, and the thoughts that this bright star carries the potential danger, seem ridiculous. And only units of people will seriously think that there are other galaxies in which there are celestial objects more those in a solar system in hundreds, and sometimes thousands of times.

People simply do not fit in the mind that such a speed of light, how the celestial bodies move in the universe, these are not the formats of human consciousness ...

We talked about the size of the celestial bodies within the solar system, about the size of large planets, they said that the land of the 6th largest object is sunny system and that the earth is a hundred times smaller than the sun (in diameter), and by weight of 333 thousand However, there is in the Universe of the celestial bodies much more than the sun. And if the comparison of the Sun and the Earth did not fit into the consciousness of ordinary mortals, then the fact that there are stars compared to which the sun - the ball is not to fit in us.

However, as evidenced by studies of scientists, and there is. And this is a fact based on the data obtained by astronomers. There are other star systems where the life of the planets exists like our sunny. Under the "Life of Planets" means not earthly life with people or other beings, but the existence of planets in this system. So, to the question of life in space - every year, the scholars come to the conclusion that life on other planets is only possible, but it remains only assumptions. In the solar system, Mars is the only close under the conditions to the earth planet, but the planets of other star systems have not been investigated in completeness.

For example:

"It is believed that land-like planets are most favorable for the occurrence of life, so their search attracts close attention to the public. So in December 2005, scientists from the Institute of Space Sciences (Pasaden, California) reported on the detection of the stars similar to the sun, around which the rocky planets are presumably formed.

In the future, planets were found, which only several times of massive land and probably should have a solid surface.

An example of an exoplanet of the earth's type can serve as supest. As of June 2012, more than 50 supermenities were found. "

These are the supermenities and there are potential carriers of life in the universe. Although this is a question, since the chief criterion class of such planets is a mass of more than 1 time more than the mass of the Earth, but all the discovered planets rotate around the stars with less thermal radiation in comparison with the Sun, as a rule of white, red and orange dwarfs.

The first supest found in the inhabited zone in 2007 is a planet Glize 581 C near the star Glize 581, the planet had a lot of about 5 masses of the Earth, "removed from his star by 0.073 a. e. and is located in the area "Life Zones" of the star Glize 581. " Later, another series of planets near this star was opened and today they are called as a planetary system, the star itself has a low luminosity, a few dozen times smaller than the sun. It was one of the most sensational discoveries of astronomy.

However, back to the theme of big stars.

Below are photos of the largest objects of the solar system and stars in comparison with the Sun, and then with the latest star in the previous photo.

Mercury< Марс < Венера < Земля;

Land< Нептун < Уран < Сатурн < Юпитер;

Jupiter< < Солнце < Сириус;

Sirius< Поллукс < Арктур < Альдебаран;

Aldebaran.< Ригель < Антарес < Бетельгейзе;

Bethelgeuse< Мю Цефея < < VY Большого Пса

And on this list, the smallest stars and planets (truly large in this list, perhaps, only the star Vy of a big dog) .. The biggest even cannot be put in a row with the sun, since the sun simply will not be visible.

The Equatorial Radius of the Sun is used as a unit of measurement of the star radius - 695,700 km.

For example, the star VV Cefheva is 10 times more than the sun, and Between the Sun and Jupiter, the most large star is considered Wolf 359 (a single star in the constellation of a lion, weak red dwarf).

VV Cefheva (not to be confused with a star of the same name with the "prefix" a) - "The eclipse double star of the Algol type in the constellation of the Cefi, which is at a distance of about 5,000 light years from the Earth. Component A is the seventh along the radius of the star, known science for 2015 and the second largest star in the Milky Way Galaxy (after VY of Big PSA). "

"Capella (α Aur / α Eastern / Alpha Easy) is the brightest star in the constellation of the erection, the sixth of the brightness of the star in the sky and the third in brightness in the Northern Hemisphere sky."

Capella 12, 2 times more sun on the radius.

Polar star 30 times more than the sun on the radius. The star in the constellation is small Medviditsa, is located near the North Pole of the World, the supergiant of the spectral class F7i.

Star Y Round Pdes More Sun in (!!!) 300 times! (that is, more than 3000 times somewhere), a red giant in the constellation of the racing pieces, one of the coolest and red stars. And this is not the biggest star.

For example, the star VV Cefhea A is more than the sun on a radius of 2050-1900 times! And the star is very interesting to its impermanence and "thumbiness": "The luminosity is 275,000-575,000 times more. The star fills the cavity of Rosh, and her substance flows to the next companion. Gas expire speed reaches 200 km / s. It has been established that VV Cefhea A is a physical variable pulsating with a period of 150 days. "

Of course, the majority of us will not understand the information with scientific terms, if concise - the star is hot, losing matter. Its dimensions, strength, the luminosity brightness is simply impossible.

So, the 5 largest stars in the universe (recognized as such from now known and open), in comparison with which our Sun is a pea and dusting:

- VX Sagittarius - 1520 times more than the diameter of the Sun. Supergigant, hypergigant, a variable star in the constellation Sagittarius, loses its mass due to star wind.

- WOH G64 star from Golden Fish Constellation, the red supergiant of the spectral class M7.5 is located in the neighboring galaxy large magtel cloud. The distance to the solar system is approximately 163 thousand centuries. years. More than 1540 times radius.

- NML Swan (V1489 Swan) More Sun on Radius at 1183 - 2775 times- "Star, Red Hypergigant, is in the winned constellation."

"UY Shield - Star (Hypergigant) in the Constellation of the Shield. Is at a distance of 9500 sv. years (2900 pc) from the sun.

This is one of the largest and most striking famous stars. According to scientists, the radius of the shield is 1708 the radii of the Sun, the diameter of 2.4 billion km (15.9 a. E.). At the peak of ripples, radius can reach 2000 sun radius. The volume of the stars about 5 billion times more than the volume of the sun. "

From this list we see that there are about a hundred (90) stars much more than the sun (!!!). And there are such stars, on the scale of which the sun is a grain, and the earth is not even dust, but an atom.

The fact is that the places in this list are distributed on the principle of accuracy of determining parameters, mass, there are approximately more huge stars than the UY shield, but their dimensions and other parameters are not specified, however, the parameters of this star once may be questioned. It is clear that the stars of 1000-2000 times more than the sun exist.

And, perhaps, there are some of some or form planetary systems, and who will guarantee that there can not be life ... or not now? Didn't it be or never? No one ... We know too little about the universe and space.

Yes, and even from the stars presented in the pictures - the latest star - VY large PSA has a radius equal to 1420 radii of the sun, but the star of the UY shield at the peak of ripples about 2000 sun radius, and there are stars presumably more than 2.5 thousand sun radius. Such scales cannot be submitted, this is the truth of extraterrestrial formats.

Of course, the question is interesting - look at the picture the first in the article and for the last photos, where many, many stars - how does such a number of celestial bodies coexist in the Universe quite calm? There are no explosions, the collisions of these the most supergigants, because the sky, from what apparently for us, tends to the stars ... In fact, it's just a conclusion of ordinary mortals that do not understand the scale of the Universe - we see a distorted picture, and in fact there are enough space there all And perhaps there are also explosions and clashes, it simply does not lead to the death of the universe and even part of the galaxies, because the distance from the star to the star is huge.


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