Demo version of the Arm for. What you need to know about the All-Russian Check Works (PRD)

Demo version of the Arm for. What you need to know about the All-Russian Check Works (PRD)

In 2015, Russian students of the fourth grades first wrote a PRD (All-Russian inspection work) in the Russian language and mathematics, in 2016 it was added to them by the Armed Mire.

What is a PRD?

What do they differ from the exam and why are they needed?

What is a PRD?

PRD applies to assess the quality of school education.

ERP in its essence - these are total tests on the most important subjects elementary school. Invented them in order to soberly assess the level of training of graduates of the elementary school of all educational institutions Russia. Check whether the knowledge of schoolchildren meets the requirements of GEF. Find out which regions and schools give good education, and which are "for a tick".

Indpor fundamentally changes the attitude towards study. It is important to understand and assimilate each topic from grade 1. Previously, the school was only repetition and reproduction, now the system changes to the other side: its own reasoning, reflection, searching for the method of action.

Many compare the EPR and EGE. Of course, they are similar, because both are the test of schoolchildren's knowledge. But they still differ fundamentally. The ege affects the further fate of the graduate of the school, on his chances to enter this or that educational institution. ARP is not a state final certification and on the fate of the schoolchildren does not affect anybody, all graduates of graders grades are moving to high school, regardless of the results of the enterprise.

In 2019, as an experiment, it is proposed not to record the specific days of the All-Russian inspection work in grade 4, and to enable schools to carry out these works at a time convenient for them during the week.

As the leader explained Rosobrnadzor S.S. Kravtsov: "Such an approach will be implemented through the use of the formation technology of options from the banks of tasks." Individual sets of tasks will be formed for each school, which will eliminate the possibility of abuse.

In 2019, participation in the PRD 4, 5 and 6 classes will be mandatory, in 7 and 8 classes - voluntary. In 2020, the Arms will become compulsory and for 7-8 classes.

Which classes give apr in 2018-2019 academic year?

Form of HDD.

ARP is carried out in the form of test work. By performing the tasks of the PRD, schoolchildren cannot use any auxiliary materials. The tasks of the PRD are developed at the federal level, therefore uniform materials for verification and uniform criteria for evaluating learning achievements throughout the country are used.

Where are the UPR?

All HDPs are held in the same school who visits the student.

What are the results of the RMD?

On the one hand, an arbitrariness does not affect anything. These are simply test work necessary to assess the level of preparing a particular student and eliminate existing gaps in knowledge. Neither further teaching the child, nor on his final certification at the end of the year, nor on the receipt of it in the university, the results of the ERP do not affect. Even Rosobrnadzor does not recommend using the results of the PRD to place the annual stupid marks. ARP in grades - this is not an "EGE for elementary school" because, according to the results of industrial complex, no compulsory decisions are made, important to determine the further fate or the educational trajectory of the schoolboy.

On the other hand, the results of HDP in 4 and in other classes can be part of the student portfolio. Of course, these results can only be taken into account at the request of the child and his parents. For example, when moving to another school.

Why do I need an arrangement?

Annual testing of students will allow:

  • identify the shortcomings of the curriculum in different subjects;
  • check the quality and level of knowledge given by a specific school, in comparison with the results of other schools in Russia;
  • develop uniform educational standards for all schools;
  • to give students the opportunity to prepare psychologically to the EEG (because Methods of Methods are similar to the exam, which means that the child will feel calmer, performing a similar work not for the first time);
  • make schoolchildren do through each school year, not just in the graduation class.

In addition, the results of verification works are needed:

  • schoolchildren and their parents, because they can appreciate how high-quality education gives a school, as well as identify gaps in knowledge;
  • educators, as they will receive an independent assessment of the quality of their work;
  • school directors. They, in turn, can also objectively appreciate the work of teachers primary classes;
  • departments of Education, because they will see weak schools. Special support measures are being developed for such schools.

How to prepare a child to the UPR?

Especially cooking a child to an ART is not needed. The most important thing is to tune in to a positive way, not to create a nervous situation, calm the child and explain that this is just a part of the educational process. Let him write what he knows.

What guides to choose to prepare for the EPR?

Workbooks and methodological manuals to prepare for HDPs in grade 4 are now producing a lot. Mostly, this is a publication representing template tasks for demorality with a minimum of training moments. Therefore, we recommend to get acquainted with. Their peculiarity is that they are aimed at conscious generalization and systematization of knowledge learned by the child, skills, ways of action.

On monitoring the quality of education

All-Russian audit works (PRD) and regional test work (RPR) are not state-state certification. They are conducted by an educational organization on their own, using uniform tasks for all Russian FederationDeveloped at the federal level in strict accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. These are diagnostic work to assess the individual achievements of students.

UPR and RPR can be compared with the control works traditionally held in the past decades in many regions and individual educational organizations. The distinctive features of the PRD are the unity of approaches to the preparation of options, conducting the work themselves and their assessment, as well as the use of modern technologies, which make it possible to provide almost simultaneous execution of works by students of all educational organizations of the Russian Federation.

The tasks of the PRD are developed at the federal level, the tasks of the RPR - at the regional level.

What gives VDP and RPR

Specialists from Rosobnadzor report that such a test knowledge in school allows you to:

  • Psychologically prepare students for exams in the senior class, in particular to GIA and EGE.
  • Determine the number and level of knowledge that have been obtained during the course of the year has passed.
  • It will give an incentive to systematic classes over all years, in addition to 9 and 11 classes.
  • The minus in learning programs for verifiable subjects will not be unnoticed.
  • Parents will be aware of the level of learning knowledge.
  • It will be possible to improve general System learning.

Normative documents

The schedule of all-Russian inspection works in general educational organizations for educational subjects studied at the levels of primary general, basic general and medium general Education For 2018-2019 academic year

Schedule for regional research in the quality of education in general education organizations of the Stavropol Territory in 2018-2019 academic year

date Class Thing Form of
9.10.2018 4 Russian language RPR
9.10.2018 9 Informatics and ICT RPR
11.10.2018 4 Mathematics RPR
23.10.2018 9 Social science RPR
24.10.2018 4 The world RPR
25.10.2018 9 Geography RPR
13.11.2018 9 Mathematics RPR
14.11.2018 3
15.11.2018 9 Biology RPR
20.11.2018 10 Foreign language RPR
21.11.2018 2 Comprehensive verification work In Russian. Mathematics surrounding the world Regional Complex Verification Work
22.11.2018 10 Informatics and ICT RPR
27.11.2018 10 History RPR
29.11.2018 10 Chemistry RPR
4.12.2018 10 Physics RPR
5.12.2018 9 History RPR
6.12.2018 10 Biology RPR

ABBREVEATURE VRP (All-Russian testing) entered our life in 2016. "Conduct a PRD", "prepare for the EPR", "cancel the Arbitration" sounds almost as familiar as "to pass his ege". However, it does not prevent the reader to check what he knows about the Arbitration.

After the abolition of graduation and intermediate exams (this happened in zero years), the leaders of education lost the possibility of doing a solid slice of knowledge of schoolchildren. And only in 2016, on the wave of success of national research in the quality of education, in Russia they decided to fill this gap with the help of the united countries of the test.

Schools, municipalities and regional departments of education, it was recommended to analyze the results of the PRD and clarify whether schoolchildren's knowledge correspond to federal state standards.

All is well, and all in business. But this additional check becomes a headache for teachers, parents and children.

Not exam, but monitoring

All-Russian verification work is not an exam, but monitoring, which is held to determine the level of training of schoolchildren in all regions of Russia.

Therefore, the PRD is regulated by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2017 No. 69 "On conducting the monitoring of the quality of education".

This is the youngest of the monitoring research in education. He is only two years old. But during this time 95 /% of all Russian schoolchildren has already been attended.

By the way, to say "to pass through" - not for sure. It is more correct - "write an HPP".

Necessarily or not?

Arms thought about voluntary testing of schoolchildren's knowledge.

Today, the IPR objects are divided into mandatory and optional.

Optional Items of PRD pass in the mode of approbation: they choose the school itself to check the level of preparation of students.

In 2018, All-Russian checks for 4 and 5 classes are mandatory, and for the 6th and 11th grades - no.

But even on optional items, it is impossible to refuse to participate in the PRD: This decision is not taken by a student or his parents, but a school.

However, in reality, the school does not always choose the items of the UPR. Most often choose school.

The decision is made by the Regional Department or the Ministry of Education. It is them that Rosobrnadzor instructs to form a representative sample of schools for HDD.

For example, in 2018, at least 60% of schools of each subject of the Russian Federation should participate in the All-Russian audit work in the Russian language for 2 and 5 classes.

Officials of regions and municipalities are entrusted to include 10% of urban and as many rural educational organizations with the highest and lowest results of the state final certification in 9 and 11 classes.

Perhaps parents will ask: who needs the results of GIA, if the UPR will write second-hat?

Just according to the results of OGE and EGE, regional authorities define the level of school and its place in the regional or local rating. If your school is listed among the very best or, on the contrary, goes to chronically lagging behind, it can get into the list of participants of the Arms for some subjects, not even wanting it.

Unfortunately, last year parents, teachers and director and complained that they were decided for them (and, most importantly, at the last moment), they decided to participate in the All-Russian verification work on this or that object.

Who and how is the assignment of the UPR?

This question worries both teachers and parents. The tasks of the united for schools of the controls are drawn up at the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII), taking into account new state standards (GEF).

Get the official permission to an interview with the compilers of assignments of GIA or PRD is very difficult, even if you are familiar with these scientists.

The ideologists of a new type of monitoring say that the landmark for them was the tasks of a comparative international study of Pisa, at which schoolchildren from Russia failed at least twice.

Pisa issues are focused on practical use School Knowledge in real situations. The Russian specialists developing tasks for the UPR are striving for this international "bar".

However, in the options of All-Russian test work for high school classes, both traditional tasks are included, which experienced teachers have already met in the demossiys of OGE and EGE.

"- In MRP demulsions, many tasks from OGE for the 9th grade came to me," says Ksenia Gennadevna Pudovkin, Teacher of Geography and Biology of School No. 2 of the city of Simsha district of the Chelyabinsk region. - Arms in my subject answer federal standardsTherefore, in many tasks, not knowledge is checked, but the ability to work with information. "
"- If the subject was taught in the system from the 5th to the 11th grades, the student is able to write an APR on it," many teachers consider it. - Quests of the All-Russian inspection work - basic level, no subtleties are not used in them. "
"- With our children, the demolism of the Armenia with their children - and no one wrote to the twice in the class. Enter the same! ", - Other advise others.

What objects of the EPR are considered the most difficult: pay attention!

Russian language:

Last year, the Russian teacher, who prepared children to the federal control, found questions more in tasks for grade 5 high level - on topics 6 and grade 7, which students have not yet passed.

If you are not sure about the knowledge of children, it is better to open the demolism of the PRD on the website of the FII and get acquainted with the tasks. Russian language is the subject that never prevents from doing.


Some teachers during the All-Russian inspection on biology for grade 5 have found several tasks on topics that dealt only in textbooks for 6 and even for grade 7.

"" After this inspection work on biology, children are very worried, "he told one of the moms," someone from the classmates of my daughter did not have enough to school three of one point, someone - two points to the school four. For them, it is a big stress. And in fact, almost all the tasks of the Criminal Procedure, which gave our children, were not under the class 5 program. "
"- There is currently a single biology program for grade 5," answered the request of the teachers of this subject in Rosobrnadzor. - In general education organizations of the Russian Federation, ... Work programs are 12 different collectives of authors. "

However, if at your school, the Arms in Biology has already passed, it means that the problem is familiar and the conclusions did.


The second difficult subject of All-Russian test work was history.

"- The results of the Arms in history have shown that schoolchildren 5 and 11 classes do not know enough history of their native land and famous historical figures, do not know how to establish causal relations between historical events and analyze different types Sources of historical information, "said Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor.

On the History for Grade 5, there were really questions about the history of the native land. One teacher is little CityFor example, analyzed the training tasks of the PRD and calculated that the children would ask the question about their famous countrymen. His class learned in advance the answer (the famous countryman at the milestone was only one). And at the UPR class, they were offered to call the historical event associated with their small Motherland. What they wrote instead of this fifth-graders - no need to explain. The confusion was complete, and the school has long discussed, whether it is impossible to reformulate the issue of the PRD, so as not to put in the whole class low points.


This year, some students may arise difficulties with Arms in geography: the school should decide herself, will be given it in 10 or in grade 11.

She can decide it, by the way, at the last moment (see above).

In order for children to be nervous, here is a free ERP simulator in geography, which is conveniently opened and gives tips:

How are the estimates on the UPR?

"-VPR is not only a single meter and the same tasks that make children across the country, this is also the same evaluation criteria," Sergey Stanchenko emphasizes, head of the NIKO monitoring research project (national education quality studies), which have become predecessors of the enterprise.

Federal Coordinator of Arms Rosobrnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science). It should not be confused with the FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements), in which the tasks for the UPR are compiled.

Rosobrnadzor is engaged in the administration of PRD: It appoints regional coordinators of the All-Russian inspection. They become departments and ministries of education of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which form in their subjects of the Russian Federation a list of municipal coordinators of the enterprise.

Estimates for the Arms are set to every student on a special scale developed by Rosobrnadzor of the Russian Federation.

Then the obtained PCP points are translated into school marks.

If the subject is optional (the school itself chose it to carry out the discretion of students' knowledge), the translation in the mark is carried out at the discretion of the teachers themselves.

Please note: if your area has decided to take into account the estimates for the UPR at the final certification, they must be taken into account in the entire class, and not to individual students.

It may not be so that someone will be an assessment for VRPR and put in magazine, and other children in the classroom are not.

If the item is recognized as required, school teachers also evaluate it. But in this case, they should put points strictly according to the criteria developed by Rosobrnadzor.

These results are entered into an electronic form and no later than in two days are loaded through the personal account of the school on the portal of All-Russian checks.

What can you get a two-time deuce?

Let's see, for which you can get a twice in the All-Russian verification work on mathematics in grade 4.

If the student scored for his work from 0 to 5 points - his knowledge is considered unsatisfactory. I scored 6-9 points - you get the top three, 10-12 - four, 13-18 points - rejoice, parents and teachers, you have an excellent student!

Russian language in grade 4 is estimated differently. The one who scored less than 13 points receives a twice, 14-23 points - the top three, 24-32 points - the four, 33-38 points - the top five.

Perhaps it will surprise and disappoint many parents who were convinced: if the test work is federal, then the tasks of the PRD should be checked in Moscow.

No, the VPS check is in place, at school, immediately after students surrender. Does this not a computer, but the teachers themselves.

"We recommend colleagues to collectively check out several works of PRD," explains the audit algorithm Sergey Stanchenko, "see what mistakes made in them students, and then agree on themselves, how to evaluate the results, in accordance with federal criteria."

With the regulation of the CRP and samples of verification works, teachers can find on the official website

Worried - this is normal

All-Russian check works are written in one day for the whole country. Moreover: even at one time.

For UPR in Russian, 2 and 5 classes are recommended, for example, leave 2-3 lessons in the schedule.

All this imposes a certain responsibility to the school administration.

And we must prepare for the fact that the whole school will be nervous: this is normal when the whole country performs the same job at the same time.

Some explain to children like this:

"When in childhood we wrote a control Rono, we also worried. But for the test, we were set in a classroom mark, and your school estimates would just take into account. "

Some adolescents object:

"Why then try, if you do not put marks on the Arbitration?"?

The answer to this is simple: the PRD points will declare with all the class. And this means - those who are frivolously reacted to the federal control, are waiting for no most pleasant moments.

Plus, additional classes may appoint additional classes to all.

Do you need it? The same.

How to write a bit on perfectly?

Education executives argue that to fulfill all the tasks of the Arms easily. It is only necessary not to launch classes and not walk school lessons.

Teachers who have studied the demolism of the Armenia in their subject, do not always agree with that. They say that only a few students will be able to solve the high points of the task of federal controls without training.

This fact indirectly recognizes Rosobrnadzor himself when Does not recommend teachers (quote):

  • specifically prepare a class for the implementation of buildings of the enterprise
  • do it during vacation or after lessons,
  • evaluate for the federal control log
  • avoid scattering items on the tasks of the UPR.

How long is it required to prepare for the UPR?

It all depends on the textbook, according to which the subject is taught, from class and from the teacher.

"- With children, of course, you will have to repeat everything before the PRD. I needed about three lessons with my motivated students, "says Yevgeny Vladimirovna Zhinkina, teacher physicists of school number 32 with in-depth study of English language Ozersk Chelyabinsk Region.


MPP-2018 schedule for grade 4

  • PRD in Russian - 04/17/2018 (dictation) and 04/19/2018 (test part);
  • In mathematics - 04/24/2018;
  • According to the subject "Enough Mir" - 04/26/2018.

Arm-2018 schedule for grade 5:

  • russian language - 17.04.2018;
  • mathematics - 04/19/2018;
  • history - 04/24/2018;
  • biology - 04/26/2018.

Pupils of the 6th grades will have to write an HDP in the mode of approbation:

  • in mathematics - 04/18/2018;
  • biology - 04/20/2018;
  • in Russian - 04/25/2018;
  • in geography - 04/27/2018;
  • according to social studies - 05/11/2018;
  • on history - 15.05.2018.

ARP for graduates in the 11th grade was postponed to March and April in order not to strengthen the stress arising from preparation for the exam.

In 2018, the latest HDP in biology for grade 11 will be written on April 12, and the Arms of History suffered March 21.

Schoolchildren of 11 classes will write Arm by:

  • foreign languages - 20.03.2018;
  • on history - 03/21/2018;
  • in geography - 3.04.2018;
  • in chemistry - April 5, 2018;
  • in physics - 04/10/2018;
  • biology - 12.04.2018.

PRD in elementary school

In the 2nd grades will take Russian language, in the 4th grades - the UPR in the Russian language (dictation and tests), mathematics and subject "surrounding world." Time to solve tasks: 45 minutes

PRD in basic school

In the 5th grades of students are waiting for an arrangement of mathematics, biology, history and Russian language (twice - in October and April). Since 2018, an History in the Russian language has been added to the Communicable Arbitration of the Russian language. Figy-graders perform the tasks of 60 minutes

In the 6th grades, it is necessary to hand over in the mode of approbation in Russian, mathematics, history, social studies, biology and geography. For 2018, the participation of the school in the UPR for the 6th grades is not necessary. An educational organization can choose the subject by which it would like to conduct a control cut of knowledge.

PRD for senior school

In the 10th grades, students will hand over in chemistry and biology. In grades - on biology, foreign languages, history, chemistry, geography and physics. Arms choose those graduates who do not pass a profile exam on this subject. Schools can hold to choose from, in 10 or 11 grade Arms in geography. Time to solve the tasks of the PRD for eleventh graders - 90 minutes.

Information and technological support of the PRD is carried out on the site

Merzlyak Line. Mathematics. Algebra. Geometry (5-11) (b)

Line UMK geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

Line Ukk V. P. Dronova. Geography (wind rose) (10-11) (bases)

Line UMK Volobueva-Ponomarev. Universal history (10-11) (bu)


PRD in questions and answers

Why is it created when it is carried out than threatening, how to prepare for it psychologically? Apply for official data and interviews of Rosobrnadzor representatives.

All-Russian checks (PRD) - Practice designed to establish regular testing of schoolchildren's knowledge for compliance with federal state educational standards. The first time of Russian schoolchildren wrote in 2015. Since 2016, all-Russian checks have become regular.

Having studied official sources, we answer questions about the UPR, which most often ask parents.

Basic information: Why, for whom, how

Why did you need to enter an arrangement? Is it really not allowing all the necessary information?

Profile EGE for all subjects Students are not in common order, but on the choice, that is, there is no possibility to get full data on how the subject of the rest of the students has been learned. In addition, graduates are aware that their future study, career, career depends on the results of the EE, therefore, it is very carefully preparing for profile exams, most often resorting to the help of tutors and visiting special courses. Therefore, in the results of the USE It is impossible to judge what the role of the school in the success of graduates. In order to get a more transparent picture, all-Russian checks are introduced, compiled according to the unified requirements.

In the 11th grades of Arms are held only for those students who have not chosen the EGE on the relevant subjects. That is, who gives the exam in geography, he does not write an HDP in geography.

"Now schools themselves check how students have mastered the items that are not included in the USE or GIA-9, they themselves conduct test work. They hold them on their own tasks. No one controls how these tasks are drawn up, what their level of complexity, as their execution is estimated. Entering the Armed Forces, we offered schools a single standard of assessment ... "- Anzor Museev, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, in an interview with Mia Russia today dated December 14, 2016.

Tip: Try to use the new feature of the KSLUKUP - the improved version of the FPR function, which operates in any direction and returns exact default coincidences, simplifying and easy to use than its predecessor.

The PRD function is used if you need to find elements in the table or range by lines. For example, you can find the price of the automotive part by the part number or receive the name of the employee based on its employee code.

SAMI simple feature PRD means the following:

PRD ( the necessary conditions To search, the column number in the range containing the return value returned approximate or accurate match is indicated as 1 / truth or 0 / lies).

Tip: The secret of the ERP function is to organize data in such a way that the desired value (fruit) is displayed to the left of the returned value to find (quantity).

Use the PRD function to find the value in the table.


PRD (desirable_dation, table, number_libes, [interval_view])

For example:

    PRD (A2; A10: C20; 2; Truth)

    PRD ("Ivanov"; B2: E7; 2; lie)

    PRD (A2; information about the client)! A: F, 3, lies)

Argument name


skeeping_New (mandatory)

Value for search. The value you want to find must be in the first column of the range of the cells indicated in the argument table_Array. .

For example, if Table-array covers cells B2: D7, then lookup_value must be in column B.

Skeeping_New It may be a value or link to the cell.

table (mandatory)

The range of cells in which the search will be performed desired_station and returned value using the RFD function. You can use a named range or table, and instead of references to cells, you can use names in the argument.

The first column in the range of cells must contain lookup_Value. . The range of cells should also contain the return value to find.

number_stolbets (mandatory)

Column number (starting with 1 for the left column table_Array. ) containing a return value.

interval_Prising (optional)

A logical value defining which coincidence should find a function Pr- Approximate or accurate.

    Approximate match: 1 / Truth It assumes that the first column in the table is sorted either in a numerical format, or in alphabetical order, and then will look at the nearest meaning. This is the default way if another is not specified. For example, \u003d PRD (90; A1: B100; 2; truth).

    Accurate coincidence: 0 / lies Searches accurate value In the first column. For example, \u003d VD ("Smith"; A1: B100; 2; lie).

Beginning of work

To build the syntax of the PRD function, you will need the following information:

    The value you want to find is the desired value.

    The range in which the desired value is located. Remember that in order to properly work the Function function, the desired value should always be in the first column of the range. For example, if the desired value is in the C2 cell, the range must begin with C.

    The column number in the range containing the return value. For example, if the value B2: D11 is specified as the range, the number B must be the first column, and as the second - "C", etc.

    If you wish, you can specify the word truth if you have a sufficient approximate match, or the word lie, if you need the exact match of the return value. If you do not specify anything, the default is always meant the truth, that is, an approximate coincidence.

Now combine all the arguments listed above as follows:

ARP (a desired value; Range with a desired value; A column number in the range with a return value, approximate correspondence (truth) or an exact coincidence (false)).


Here are some examples of using the FPR function.

Example 1.

Example 2.

Example 3.

Example 4.

Example 5.

Combining data from multiple tables on one sheet using the PRD function

You can use the PRD function to combine multiple tables into one if one of them has shared fields. It can be especially convenient if you need to provide access to the book to users of earlier Excel versions that do not support data work features with multiple tables as data sources - by combining sources to one table and change the data source data component to a new one. Table, data function can be used in earlier Excel versions (provided that the data itself is supported in an earlier version).

Common troubleshooting


Possible reason

Incorrect Return Value

If the argument interval_Prising It matters true or not specified, the first column must be sorted by alphabetically or by numbers. If the first column is not sorted, the return value may be unexpected. Sort the first column or use the value of a lie for exact compliance.

# N / D in the cell

    If the argument interval_Prising It matters the truth, and the value of the argument skeeping_New less than the smallest value in the first column tables The value of the error # n / d will be returned.

    If the argument interval_Prising It has a false value, the value of the error # n / d means that it is not possible to find the exact number.

For more information about troubleshooting errors # N / D in the FPR function, see the article Correction Error # H / D in the FPR function.

If the value of the argument number_stolbets more than the number of columns in table The error value will appear # Link!.

For more information about troubleshooting errors. Link! In the Function Functions, see the article Correction Error # Link! .

# Mean! In cell

If the value of the argument table Less than 1, the value of the error # value will appear!.

For more information about eliminating errors # mean! In the PRD function, see the article Correction Error # mean! In the FPR function

#NAME? In cell

Error # name? Most often appears if quotes are missed in the formula. While searching for an employee name, make sure the name in the formula is taken in quotes. For example, in the function \u003d VD ("Ivanov"; B2: E7; 2; FALSE) Name must be specified in format "Ivanov" And nothing else.

For more information, see the Error Correction # Name? .

Errors # Transfer! In cell

Do not save numeric values \u200b\u200bor dates as text.

When searching for numeric values \u200b\u200bor date values, make sure that the data in the first column of the argument table are not textual values. Otherwise, the FPR function can return the wrong or unforeseen value.

Sort the first column

If for argument interval_Prising It is indicated the value of the truth before using the PRD function, sort the first column tables .

Use wildcard signs

If the value of the argument interval_Prising - lie, and argument skeeping_New represents text, then in the argument skeeping_New It is allowed to use wildcards: a question mark (?) and asterisks (*). The question mark corresponds to any single symbol. Asterisk - any sequence of symbols. If you want to find exactly a question mark or an asterisk, you should enter the Tilda icon (~) before the desired symbol.

For example, a function \u003d VD ("Ivano?"; B2: E7; 2; false) will look for all the entry Ivanov With the last letter that may change.

Make sure that the data does not contain erroneous characters.


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