Shocking hypotheses about Saturn Saturn Titan. Satellites Saturn: Titan, Ray, Japp, Dion, The Afony

Shocking hypotheses about Saturn Saturn Titan. Satellites Saturn: Titan, Ray, Japp, Dion, The Afony

Titanium - the largest satellite Saturn and the second largest Solar system: photo, size, weight, atmosphere, title, methane lakes, Cassini study.

Titans commanded the earth and became the progenitors olympican gods. That is why Saturn's largest satellite called Titan. It takes 2nd place in size in the system and exceeds the volume of Mercury.

Titan is the only satellite Saturn, endowed with a dense atmospheric layer, which a long time prevented to study surface peculiarities. Now we have evidence of the presence of fluid on the surface.

Detection and name of the satellite titanium

In 1655, Christians Guigens noticed the satellite. It was inspired by the findings of Galilean near Jupiter. Therefore, in the 1650s. He took up the development of his telescope. At first he was just called Saturn Saturn. But later, Giovanni Cassini will find 4 more, so he was called in position - Saturn IV.

The modern name went from John Herschel in 1847. In 1907, Hoseel Komas Sola tracked the Titan's darkening. This effect when the central part of the planet or the star seems much brighter edge. This was the first signal to detect the atmosphere on the satellite. In 1944, Gerard Koyper applied a spectroscopic device and found a methane atmosphere.

Size, mass and orbit satellite titanium

Radius - 2576 km (0.404 Earth), and the mass of titanium satellite - 1.345 x 10 23 kg (0.0255 from earth). The average distance is 1,221,870 km. But the eccentricity in 0.0288 and the inclination of the orbital plane at 0.378 degrees led to the fact that the satellite approaches 1,186,680 km and removed 1,257,060 km. The above photo is presented, where the size of titanium, land and the moon is compared.

So you found out, some planet is a satellite.

Titanium spends 15 days and 22 hours to orbital span. The orbital and axial periods are synchronized, therefore dwells in the gravitational block (turn to the planet with one side).

Composition and surface of satellite titanium

Titan has greater density due to gravitational compression. Its indicator of 1.88 g / cm 3 hines an equal ratio of water ice and rocky material. Inside it is divided into layers with a rocky core covering 3,400 km. The study of Cassini in 2005 hinted on the possible presence of the underground ocean.

It is believed that the titanium fluid consists of water and ammonia, which allows you to fix liquid state Even at a temperature mark in -97 ° C.

The surface layer is considered relatively young (from 100 million to 1 billion years) and looks smooth with shock crater. Height changes 150 m, but can reach 1 km. It is believed that the geological processes were influenced. For example, on the south side, a mountain range was formed with a length of 150 km, width - 30 km and a height of 1.5 km. Filled with ice material and layer of methane snow.

Pathers Sotra - a mountain range stretching into a height per 1000-1500 m. Some vertices are endowed with crater and it seems that frozen lava flows have accumulated at the base. If there are active volcanoes on titanium, then they are provoked by energy incoming from radioactive decay.

Some believe that we have a geologically dead place before us, and the surface was created due to crater strikes, fluid flows and wind erosion. Then methane does not receive from volcanoes, but is distinguished from the cold lunar interior.

Among Titan's satellite craters highlights a 440-kilometer two-zone blowing pool of Minerva. It is easy to find on a dark pattern. There is also a sylap (60 km) and KSA (30 km). The radar review was able to find crater forms. Among them are a 90-kilometer Ring Guabonito.

Scientists theoretically the presence of cryovulkans, but so far only superficial structures with a length of 200 m are hinting, which look at the lava flows.

Channels can hint on tectonic activity, which means that we have young formations. Or is it old terrain. It is possible to find dark areas that are spots of water ice and organic compounds shown in UV review.

Methane lakes satellite titanium

Saturn Saturn Titan draws attention to its hydrocarbon seas, methane lakes and other hydrocarbon compounds. Many of them are marked near the polar sections. One in the area covers 15,000 km 2, and the depth is 7 m.

But the largest - Kraken on the North Pole. The area is 400,000 km 2, and the depth - 160 m. It was possible to even note the small capillary waves with a height of 1.5 cm and speed - 0.7 m / s.

There is also a sea of \u200b\u200bleague, located closer to the North Pole. By area covers 126,000 km 2. It was here in 2013 NASA first noticed a mysterious object - a magical island. It will later disappear, and in 2014 will appear again in another form. It is believed that this is a seasonal feature created by rising bubbles.

Mostly lakes are concentrated near the poles, but similar formations are also found on the equatorial line. In general, the analysis shows that lakes cover only a few percent of the surface, because of which Titanium is much arguing our planet Earth.

Atmosphere of satellite titanium

Titanya is still the only satellite in a solar system with a dense layer of atmosphere with a notable amount of nitrogen. Moreover, it even exceeds the earth density with a pressure of 1.469 kPa.

Represented by an opaque haze blocking the incoming sunlight (reminds Venus). Lunar gravity is low, so the atmosphere is much more earthly. The stratosphere is filled with nitrogen (98.4%), methane (1.6%) and hydrogen (0.1% -0.2%).

In the composition of the atmosphere of titanium there are traces of hydrocarbons, such as ethane, acetylene, diacetylene, propane and methylacetylene. It is believed that they are formed in the upper layers due to the decay of methane UV rays, which creates a thick could orange color.

Surface temperature reaches -179.2 ° C, because, compared to us, the moon receives only 1% of solar heat. At the same time, the ice is endowed with low pressure. If it were not for the greenhouse effect of methane, then on titanium would be much cooler.

Anti-greenhouse effects fog reflecting sunlight. Simulations showed that complex organic molecules may appear on the satellite.

Hot planetary crowns

Astronomer Valery Shematovich on the study of gas shells of planets, hot particles in the atmosphere and discoveries in Titan:

The inhabitability of the titanium satellite

Titan is perceived as a probiotic medium with complex organic chemistry and the possible subsurface ocean in a liquid state. The models show that the addition of UV rays in such an atmosphere can lead to the formation of complex molecules and substances, like Tolinins. And the addition of energy causes even 5 nucleotide bases.

Many believe that there is a sufficient amount of organic material on the satellite to activate the process of chemical evolution similar to the earth. This requires water, but life could persist in the subsurface ocean. That is, life is capable of satellite Saturn Titan.

Such forms should be able to survive in extreme conditions. It all depends on the heat exchange between the inner and the upper layers. Do not exclude the presence of life and methane lakes.

To test the hypothesis, created several models. The atmospheric shows that in the upper layer there is a large volume of molecular hydrogen, which disappears closer to the surface. Low levels of aciteline also indicate the body consuming organisms.

In 2015, researchers even created a cell membrane capable of functioning in liquid methane under the lunal conditions. But in NASA, these experiments are considered hypothesis and rely more on the levels of acitena and hydrogen.

In addition, experiments still concerned earthly ideas about life, and Titan is different. The satellite lives far further than the sun, and the atmosphere is deprived of carbon monoxide, which does not allow to keep the required amount of heat.

Titan satellite research

Rings Saturn often overlaps the moon, so it is difficult to find titanium without special tools. But then it follows the barrier from the dense atmospheric layer interfering to consider the surface.

For the first time, Pioneer-11 was approaching Titan in 1979, which brought pictures. He noted that the moon is too cold to maintain life forms. Next was followed by Vozhugora 1 (1980) and 2 (1981), which provided information on density, composition, temperature indicators and mass.

The main information array got from the study of the Kassini Guigens Mission, which arrived to the system in 2004. The probe pressed the surface details and color spots that were previously unavailable for human vision. He noticed the sea and the lake.

In 2005, the Guuizens probe was descended to the surface, imprinted surface formations near.

He also got the images of the dark plain, which hinted on erosion. The surface was much darker than expected scientists.

IN last years Increasingly raise questions about returning to Titan. In 2009, TSSM project was tried to promote the EJSM (NASA / ESA), whose probes will go to Garáname and Europe.

They also planned to do Time, but in NASA decided that it was appropriate and cheaper to run to Mars Insight in 2016.

In 2010, the possibility of launching JET is an astrobiological orbital apparatus. And in 2015, they came to develop a submarine, which can plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bKraken. But while it's all at the discussion stage.

Colonization of satellite titanium

Among all satellites, Titan seems the most favorable goal for creating a colony.

Titan has a huge number of elements that are needed to maintain life: methane, nitrogen, water and ammonia. They can be transformed into oxygen and even create an atmosphere. The pressure is 1.5 times the earthly, and the dense atmosphere is much better protecting against cosmic rays. Of course, it is filled with flammable substances, but a huge amount of oxygen is necessary for the explosion.

But there is a problem. Gravity is inferior to the grounds of the earth's moon, and therefore human organism We will have to fight against muscle atrophing and bone destruction.

It is not easy to cope with frost in -179 ° C. But the satellite represents a lacking piece for researchers. The probability is great for life forms that can survive in extreme conditions. Perhaps we will come to colonization, because the satellite will be the starting point to the study of more remote objects and even exit the system. Below is a map of Titan and high-quality photos in high resolution from space.

Satellite Map Titan

Click on the image to enlarge it

Titan satellite photos

The Cassini apparatus approached the distance of 2 million km on May 29, 2017 to capture the night side of Titan in the photo. In this review, it was possible to emphasize the expanded atmospheric nebula of the Moon. For all the observation time, the device managed to fix the satellite from various angles and get a full overview of the atmosphere. The high-altitude foggy layer is displayed blue, and the main chimka is orange. The difference in the color can be based on particle sizes. Blue is most likely represented by small elements. For shooting, a narrow-edge chamber with red, green and blue filters was used. Scaligence - 9 km on pixel. The Cassini Program acts as the general development of ESA, NASA and the Italian Space Agency. The team is located in LRD. Two cameras on board are also created by them. Freed photos are treated in Boulder (Colorado).

The Titan's surface was able to observe in detail in the photo when landing the Guigens probe. But still most of the area displaced the Cassini apparatus. Titan still remains an interesting mystery. This review shows a new territory that has not been noted in previous observations. This is a composite image of 4 almost identical wide-angle pictures.

Satellites-shepherd · · · ·

Satellite name:Titanium;

Diameter: 5152 km;

Square: 83 000 000 km²;

Volume: 715.66 × 10 8 km³;

Mass: 1.35 × 10 23 kg;

Deltyral t.: 1880 kg / m³;

Rotation period: 15.95 days;

Treatment period: 15.95 days;

Distance from Saturn: 1,161,600 km;

Orbital speed: 5.57 km / s;

Equator length: 16 177 km;

Tilt orbit: 0.35 °;

Speed. Free Fall:1.35 m / s²;

Satellite: Saturn

Titanium - The largest satellite Saturn, as well as the second largest satellite solar system. For a long time it was believed that Titan was the largest moon of the solar system. Since modern studies, scientists drew attention to the size of the satellite of Jupiter Ganymed, who has a radius (2634 km) by 58 km more than Titan (2576 km). Saturna Saturn is not only larger than the rest of the moon, but even some planets. For example, the radius of the first planet from the sun of Mercury is 2440 km, which is 136 km less than the titanium radius, and the last planet of the solar system - Pluto, by volume 10 less satellite. Titanium size Among the planets is close to Mars (radius 3390 km), and their volumes are in a ratio of 1: 2.28 (in favor of Mars). In addition, Titanium is the most dense body among all Saturn's satellites. And the mass of the largest moon is more than other satellites of Saturn combined. Titan's share accounts for more than 95% of the mass of all Saturnian satellites. It is a bit similar to the ratio of the mass of the Sun and all the other bodies in the solar system. Where the lot of stars account for more than 99% of the mass of the entire solar system. Density and mass Titanium 1880 kg / m³ and 1.35 × 10 23 kg is similar to Jupiter satellites - Garimist (1936 kg / m³, 1.48 × 10 23 kg) and Callisto (1834 kg / m³, 1.08 × 10 23 kg).
Titan - twenty second satellite Saturn. Its orbit is located farther than Dion, The Afony and Enceladus, but almost three times closer than the orbit of Japet. Titan is out of the Saturn rings at a distance of 1,221,900 km from the center of the planet and no closer than 1,161,600 km from the external layers of the atmosphere of Saturn. The full turn of the satellite makes almost 16 terrestrial days, or rather in 15 days 22 hours and 41 minutes from the average speed of 5.57 km / s. It is 5.5 times faster than the rotation of the moon around the Earth. As the moon and many other satellites planets in the solar system, titanium has synchronous rotation relative to the planet, which has become the result of the tidal forces. This means that periods of rotation around their axis and circulation around Saturn coincide, and the satellite turns to the planet always the same side. In Titan, as well as on Earth, there is a change of seasons, since the axis of rotation of Saturn is inclined relative to its equator by 26.73 °. Nevertheless, the planet is so distant from the Sun (1.43 billion km) that such climatic seasons last 7.5 years each. That is, winter, spring, summer and autumn on Saturn and his companions, including Titan, alternate every 30 years - it is so much time is necessary Saturian system To completely turn around the sun.

Titan, like all the other large satellites of the solar system, was opened in the era of the Middle Ages. Although optics and telescopes of that time strongly inferior to modern, yet on March 25, 1655 Astronoma Huygens Christian I managed to notice a bright body next to Saturn, which, as he installed, every 16 days appears in the same place of the Disk Saturn and therefore turns around the planet. After four such revolutions, in June 1655, when Saturn's rings had a low slope relative to the Earth and did not interfere with the observation, Guigens finally made sure that he found Saturn's satellite. Since the invention of the telescope, it was the second case of opening a satellite, 45 years after detection Galileem. Four largest messengers of Jupiter. Almost two centuries satellite did not have a specific name. Titan's real name was proposed by John Gershelem - English astronomer and physicist in 1847, in honor of the native brother of Kronos - Titan.

Titanium size (left below) in comparison with the moon (on the left above) and the earth (right).

Titanium 15 times less land and 3.3 times more moon

Atmosphere and climate

Titan - the only satellite of the solar system has a rather dense and thick atmosphere. It ends at an altitude of about 400 km from the satellite surface, which is 4.7 times higher than the atmosphere of the Earth (for the conventional border between the air shell of the earth and space accept Line Pocket at an altitude of 85 km from Ground surface). Titanium atmosphere has an average weight of 4.8 × 10 20 kg, which is almost 100 times heavier than the earth's air (5.2 × 10 18 kg). Nevertheless, due to weak gravity, the acceleration of the free fall on the satellite is only 1.35 m / c² - 7.3 times weaker than the earth's attraction, and therefore, as far as the pressure is descending, the titanium surface rises only to 146.7 kPa (just 1.5 times more earthly atmosphere). The atmosphere of titanium is largely similar to the earth. Its lower layers is also divided into troposphere and stratosphere. In the troposphere, the temperature with a height drops, with -179 ° C on the surface and up to -203 ° C at an altitude of 35 km (on the ground the troposphere ends at an altitude of 10-12 km). Up to the height of 50 km, an extensive tropopope extends, where the temperature remains almost constant. And then the temperature begins to grow by passing the stratosphere and the mesosphere - approximately 150 km from the surface. IN ionosphere At an altitude of 400-500 km, the temperature rises to the maximum mark - approximately -120-130 ° C.

The titanium air envelope consists almost 98.4% of nitrogen, the remaining 1.6% is methane and argon that prevail mainly in the upper layer of the atmosphere. This is also a satellite similar to our planetSince titanium and earth are the only bodies of the solar system, the atmospheres of which are mostly made of nitrogen (on the surface of the Earth, the nitrogen concentration is 78.1%). Titan does not have an essential magnetic field, so the upper layers of the air shell are strongly susceptible to the solar wind and cosmic radiation. IN upper atmospheric layersUnder the influence of ultraviolet solar radiation, methane and nitrogen form complex hydrocarbon compounds. Some of them contain at least 7 carbon atoms. If K. will descend titan's surfaces And to look up, the sky will be orange, since the dense layers of the atmosphere quite reluctantly produce sunbeams. Also, such a color of air can form organic compounds, including nitrogen atoms in the upper layer of the atmosphere.

Comparison of the earth's atmosphere and atmosphere of titanium. The air of both bodies mostly

it consists of nitrogen: titanium - 94.8%, land - 78.1%. Also in medium layers

Titan's tropospheric, at an altitude of 8-10 km contain about 40% of methane, which

Under pressure condenses into methane clouds. Then on the surface

drop out rains from liquid methane, as on earth - water

Titanium snapshot from the side of the Cassini spacecraft. Atmosphere Satellite so

dense and opaque, which is impossible to see the surface from space

An interesting topic to discuss Titan is undoubtedly climate satellite. The temperature at the titanium surface is on average -180 ° C. Due to a dense and opaque atmosphere, the temperature difference between the poles and the equator is only 3 degrees. Such low temperatures and high pressure counteract the melting of water ice, as a result of which water is practically no water in the atmosphere. The surface of the air almost completely consists of nitrogen, and during the rise, the nitrogen concentration decreases, and the content of ethane C 2 H 6 and methane CH 4 increases. At an altitude of 8-16 km, the relative humidity of gases increases to 100% and condensed into the discharged methane and Ethan Clouds. The pressure on titanium is sufficient to maintain these two elements not in gaseous, as on earth, condition, but in liquid. From time to time when the clouds accumulate enough moisture, to the surface of titanium, like a terrestrial sediment, fall ether-methane rains And formed whole rivers, the sea, and the oceans from the liquid "gas". In March 2007, during a close rapprochement with the satellite, the Kassini apparatus found several giant lakes in the North Pole area, the largest of which reaches a length of 1000 km and is comparable from the area with Caspian Sea.. According to probe studies and computer calculations, such lakes consist of carbon-hydrogen elements, such as ethane C 2 H 6 -79%, methane CH 4 -10%, propane C 3 H 8 -7-8%, as well as a small content of hydrogen cyanide 2-3% and about 1% butylene. Such lakes and the sea, with earthly atmospheric pressure (100 kPa or 1 atm), in a matter of seconds, they would dissolve and turned into gas clouds. Some gases, such as propane and ethane, would be left at the bottom, because they are heavier than air, and methane would immediately rise up and dissipated in the atmosphere. In Titan, it is completely different. Low temperatures and pressure 1.5 times higher than the earth, maintain these substances in sufficient density for the liquid state. Scientists are not excluded by the fact that on Saturn's satellite in such seas and lakes may well exist. On Earth, life was formed by the interaction and activity of liquid water, Titaninstead of water, ethane and methane can serve. It is clear about not about large and even small animals, but about microscopic, simple organisms. For example, bacteria that absorb molecular hydrogen and feed on acetylene and highlight methane. As earth animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Wind On the satellite surface is a very weak speed of not more than 0.5 m / c, but it increases with the rise. Already at an altitude of 10-30 km, the wind blows at a rate of 30 m / s and their direction coincides with the direction of rotation of the satellite. At an altitude of 120 km from the surface, the wind goes into the most powerful vortex storms and hurricanes whose speed rises to 80-100 meters per second.

Titan Panorama Review in the artist's view. Methane lake surrounded by rocky

Mountain structures have a dark yellow or light brown and beautifully harmonize

With a sky of an orange shade, like a blue sea - with a blue atmosphere of the earth

The main elements in the turnover and interaction of the atmosphere are methane and ethane,
which can be formed in the depths of titanium and emit into the air when
the eruption of volcanoes. In the lower layers of the atmosphere, they condense into liquid
and forms clouds, and then falls on the surface as methane and et alone rains

Surface and structure

Titan's surface, like most Saturn satellites, is divided into dark and bright areas that are separated from each other with clear boundaries. Like the earth, the surface of the satellite is divided into land plots - the mainland and the liquid part - the oceans and the sea from the liquid "gases" of methane and ethane. The largest continent of Titan is located near the Equatorial area in the Light region - Ksanada. This is a huge mainland, the size of Australia, is an exaltation consisting of mountain arrays. Mountain ridges of the mainland rise in a height of more than 1 km. In their slopes, like earthly streams, flow liquid rivers, forming on smooth surfaces methane lakes. Part, more fragile rocks, is subject to erosion, and from methane rains and flowing down the slopes of streams from liquid methane, caves are gradually formed in the mountains. The dark area of \u200b\u200btitanium is formed due to the accumulation of particles of hydrocarbon dust dropping out of the upper layers of the atmosphere, washed with methane rains from the elevations and brought to the ecatorial areas of the winds.

To say exactly what the inner structure of Titan is very difficult. Presumably in the center is located solid kernel From stone rocks, the size of 2/3 of the radius of titanium (about 1,700 km). Above the kernel is located mantle Consisting and dense water ice and methane hydrate. Due to the tidal forces of Saturn and near the lying satellites, the satellite core is heated, and the energy generated inside, pushes hot rocks to the surface. In addition, as on earth, in the depths of titanium, radioactive decays of chemical elements occur, which serves as an additional energy to eruse volcanoes.

In April 1973, the Spacecraft of NASA was launched towards the planets-giants "Pioneer-11". After six months, he made a gravitational maneuver around Jupiter and headed further towards Saturn. And in September 1979, the probe was held at 354,000 km from the external atmosphere of Titan. Such a convergence helped scientists to establish that the temperature on the surface is too low to maintain life. After year "Voyager-1" Approached the satellite at 5600 km, made a variety of pretty high-quality atmospheric pictures, determined the mass and sizes of the satellite, as well as some orbital characteristics. In the 90s, the atmosphere of titanium was studied with the help of powerful optics of the Hubble telescope - in particular Methane clouds. Scientists have found that gaseous methane, like a water pair, is moistened in the upper layers and goes into a liquid state. Then, in this form, falls on the surface as precipitation.

The last and more significant stage in the study of Titan, is considered the mission of the interplanetary space station " Cassini Guigens ". He committed the first span by Titan on October 26, 2004 at a distance of only 1200 km from the surface. From such a close distance, the probe confirmed the presence methane rivers and lakes. Two months later, on December 25, Guygens separated from an external probe and started four hundred kilometer immersion through the opaque layers of the atmosphere of titanium. The descent lasted 2 hours and 28 minutes. During this time, the on-board devices have discovered a dense methane haze (tiers of clouds) at a height of 18-19 km, where the atmospheric pressure was approximately 50 kPa (0.5 atm). The outer temperature at the beginning of the descent was -202 ° C, while on the surface of the titanium was approximately -180 ° C. To eliminate the impact clash of the satellite surface, the device descended on a special parachute. In the management of cosmic flights, who observed the diving of the Guygens, was very hoping to see liquid methane on the surface. But the device, contrary to desires, plunged into solid soil.

The project of the future called "Titan Saturn System Mission. "It will be the first in the history of navigation

Outside the land. The device will be for 3 months to boil ocean spaces from liquid

Methane and admire the sunset of a giant Saturn with his rings

Of particular interest for the researchers of the solar system is the largest satellite Saturn Titan. It belongs to the number of the largest satellites of the planets. According to Voyagerov, the Titanium diameter is 5150 km. According to its size and mass, he is a little inferior only to the satellite of Jupiter Gamorn and about 2 times superior to our moon.

Titan is the only one of the satellites with a dense atmosphere. Another of the terrestrial observations it was known that methane is present in its atmosphere. Spectral observations made by Voyager-1 confirmed the presence of methane, but at the same time showed that its content in the atmosphere is small - about 1%, whereas by 85% the atmosphere consists of nitrogen (mainly molecular) and 12% from the inert Argon. In small quantities, hydrogen cyanide (NSM) is detected - blue acid (very strong poison), as well as molecular hydrogen.

The atmospheric pressure at the surface of the titanium is approximately 1.5 times higher than the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Earth; The temperature is about -180 ° C. It is close to the so-called triple point of methane, that is, the temperature at which it can be simultaneously in a solid, liquid and gaseous state.

Probably, the titanium atmosphere has similarities with primary gas shells, which Venus had, Earth and Mars at the dawn of their existence. But in contrast to these planets on the titanium temperature, so low that the atmosphere could be preserved in its original form. Consequently, her study could shed light on the problem of the development of planetary atmospheres. It is not excluded that in those physical conditionsthat have developed in Titan, methane plays there the same role as water on Earth. And this means that under the nitric sky of titanium with methane glaciers can flow methane rivers, and methane rains fall out of the clouds. The world of this satellite Saturn, apparently, exceptionally peculiar.

All satellites, in addition to a huge titanium, superior to the size of Mercury and having an atmosphere, are built mainly from ice (with some admixture of rocks at Mimas, dyon and rei). Unique in brightness is Encelada - it reflects the light, almost like fresh snow. The darker of the surface of the Phoebe, which is therefore almost visible. Unusual surface of Japtend: its front (along the movement) of the semisfer is very different in reflective ability from the back.

Of all the large satellites of Saturn, only Hyperion has the wrong form, possibly due to the occurrence of the once collision with a massive body, for example, with a giant ice meteorite. The surface of the hyperion is strongly contaminated. The surfaces of many satellites are essentially modeled. So, the largest ten-meter crater was detected on the surface of the dies; On the surface of the Mimasa lies crater, the shaft of which is so high that it is clearly noticeable even in the photos. In addition to craters, there are faults on the surfaces of a number of satellites, furrows, depressions. The greatest tectonic and volcanic activity was found in Enceladus.

Now, every person knows that oil leakage, whether in the soil, river or ocean, threatens to everything alive. And it is only worth it to happen how special teams are urgently sent to the environmental disaster to eliminate pollution focus. But what we are fighting on Earth, on another planet can be a conventional natural environment, and possibly the habitat. Indeed, in the immense universe, the planetary worlds may not be at all like one on another. Lifumers of life on them can be diverse. And with which future space travelers are not met there! But it is difficult to imagine even desperate fantasies: oil seas on the planet! It turns out that there may be such planets whose continents are washed by oil seas. And not somewhere in the depths of the galaxy, but in our solar system. Such an exotic celestial body can be satellite Saturn Titan.

Unfortunately, the Titan's surface could not even see the "vyazhugorers" because of the thick haze. And the ground radar of the Titan's surface pointed out allegedly that the hydrocarbon (oil!) Ocean was splashing ...

In 2005, the descent probe Kassini first made a landing on Titan. Scientific foresight of scientists was largely justified. Titan is a really amazing world of hydrocarbons - the world of methane, where methane can be found literally at every step. And although the global oil ocean in Titan did not turn out, the presence of natural hydrocarbon pools is not excluded.

The area similar to its geological structure on the surface of the Earth, on Titan first discovered in 1994 with the help of the Hubble orbital telescope. But considering it in detail then it was impossible. And to Saturn, the satellite of which is Titan, on October 15, 1997, the American Interplanetary Station "Cassini" started.

On January 14, 2005, separated from the station "Cassini", in the dense atmosphere of Titan, the descent apparatus "Guigens" entered. And the station itself, both in 2005 and in 2007, transferred to the center of control of the Saturn satellite surface to the center.
The photos obtained from the station produced a great impression on scientists. Snapshots of the terrain, bearing the name of Fenasal, very much resembled the Earth Desert Kalahari. And the plot with the name Bell is the Rub-El Hali desert in Oman. The dunes have a height of about 100 meters, the width of one to two kilometers, and the length of hundreds of kilometers. Not far from the North Pole of Titan, large lakes are clearly visible. Luckiness to even consider how something flows through the channels. The terrain was strikingly similar to Canada, Finland or Karelia. Found I. large river, similar to the Egyptian Nile. It has a length of about 400 kilometers and flows into the sea. This is the first extraterrestrial river in the solar system. And Titan - the first extraterrestrial world, on the surface of which there is some kind of liquid. The similarity of Titanium with the Earth complements the fact that it has a dense atmosphere in which the clouds swim, fog is formed and rains are formed. It is due to the presence of an atmosphere, the satellite of Jupiter always caused the interest of astronomers. The presence of an atmosphere opened American astronomer Gerard Koyper in 1944. And 95 percent it consists of nitrogen. Oxygen is practically no oxygen. And the size of Titan is impressive, he is inferior only to Saturn Saturn Gamorn. And in Titan there are, as well as on earth, seasons. Despite the similarity of the photographs of the titanium surface with the earth's landscape, between titanium and the earth there is a significant difference. The temperature of the mysterious satellite Saturn differs from the earth for 100, and in some areas and 200 degrees. With a minus sign. That is why not water flows in his lakes and canals. These are liquid carbohydrates consisting of a mixture of methane and ethane. BUT more precisely, out of 80 percent of ethane, 10 percent of methane and, approximately 8 percent of propane. The remaining 2 percent comes on butene, butane and acetylene. Simply put, titanium is a natural liquefied gas warehouse. And it seems the largest in the solar system. Just the blue dream of all gas producing companies. The total reserves of hydrocarbon fuel in titanium are several times higher than the reserves of our planet. Transferred pictures to the ground and the descent "Guigens" apparatus. In the frame hit pebbles and major stones. Some of them reach a dimer of about two meters. And the surface is as if polished. Scientists put forward the assumption that stones can consist of ordinary water with an admixture of ammonia. At a temperature of about minus 180 degrees, water acquires extraordinary strength. There was an explanation and filling the local deserts "sand". It can be frozen hydrocarbons drop apart from the atmosphere. According to earthly concepts, it is rather not "sand", but "snow". Despite the external similarity with our planet, a reasonable life is possible in Titan. Almost two hundred-permount frosts greatly make it difficult to formation and the development of highly organized forms of life. But the simplest life on it can exist. In 2010, a group of NASA specialists stated that they found explicit signs The simplest forms of life in Titan. Only not familiar to us oxygen-hydrogen, and methane-hydrogen. Subsequently, this statement of confirmations did not find, but it is impossible to completely exclude such an opportunity. Biologists cannot give an unequivocal answer to the question of the possibility of living in temperature at a temperature of about minus 180 degrees. Therefore, they are evading that such creatures are not yet known to our science. True, one researcher from NASA Chris McCay makes existence on the titanium of life, which may well use instead of oxygen titanium atmosphere hydrogen. Only, if you manage to find life on Satent Saturn, it is unlikely to be like anything known to us. The hypothesis is extended and the ocean can be located on a mixture of water with ammonia under the hundredokilometer thickness of ice. In which the existence of new, unknown forms of life is possible. The estimated period of operation of the station "Cassini" was four years. Then he was extended until 2010. Then until 2017. It seems that Saturn, and Titan continue to submit some interest to researchers.

For the category of enthusiast scientists who are interested in the existence of suitable extraterrestrial worlds, the famous phrase: "Is there any life on Mars, there is no life on Mars," ceased today to be relevant. It turned out that within the solar system there are worlds that are much more interesting in this aspect than a red planet. An example is a bright example - the largest satellite Saturn Titan. It turned out that this heavenly body is very similar to our planet. The information that scientists have today allows the existence of a scientific version that life in Titan Saturn Saturn is quite real fact.

What is so interested in Titan for earthlings?

After the man of the tens of years has been unsuccessful to find the world within our solar system, who at least from published resembled our land, information about Titan instilled in the scientific community. The scientists began to be interested in closely by the celestial body, since 2005, when the automatic Guigens probe landed on the surface of one of the largest satellites of the solar system. Over the next 72 minutes, the onboard photo and the video camera of the spacecraft passed on the ground a photo of the surface of this object and other video materials about this distant world. Even for such a limited time, reserved for the tool research of a distant satellite, scientists managed to get a comprehensive amount of information.

The landing on the Titan's surface was carried out within the framework of the international program "Cassini-Guigens", aimed at studying Saturn and its satellites. Launched in the distant 1997, the automatic interplanetary station "Cassini" acts as a general development of ESA and NASA for a detailed study of Saturn and the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthis planet. After 7 years of flight to the expanses of the solar system, the station delivered a Space Probe "Guigens" to Titan. This unique apparatus is the fruit of the joint work of NASA and the Italian Space Agency, whose team pinned high hopes on this flight.

The results that scientists received from the working station "Cassini" and from the side of the Guigens probe were invaluable. Despite the fact that the distant satellite appeared before the gaze of the earthlings with a huge silent kingdom of ice, the subsequent detailed study of the surface of the object changed the idea of \u200b\u200btitan. In the pictures obtained using the Guugens probe, it was possible to disassemble the surface of the Saturn satellite, which mainly consisted of solid water ice and sedimentary layers of organic nature. It turned out that a dense and impermeable atmosphere of a distant satellite possesses almost the same composition as the earth's air-gas shell.

In the future, Titan threw a scientist another serious bonus. For the first time in the history of the development and study of extraterrestrial space outside the Earth, liquid matter was found by the same nature that was on the planet Earth in the early years of its existence. The relief of the celestial body complements the huge ocean, numerous lakes and the sea. All this gives reason to believe that we are dealing with a celestial body that could be another oasis of life in our solar system. Studies of the composition of the atmosphere and liquid medium Saturn satellite revealed the presence of useful substances necessary for the lives of organisms. It is assumed that, subject to certain conditions in the process of studying this celestial body, live organisms on titanium can be found.

In this regard, it becomes relevant to the subsequent study of the largest satellite Saturn. It is high like that, along with Mars, Titan can become the second space house for human civilization.

Academic view of Titan

Titanium dimensions allow it to be with the planets of the solar system. This celestial body has a diameter of 5152 km, which is more than Mercury diameter (4879 km) and a little less than Mars (6779 km). Titanium mass is 1.3452 · 1023 kg, which is 45 times less than the mass of our planet. By their mass, Saturn's satellite is the second in the solar system, inferior to the satellite of Jupiter - Gamorn.

Despite its impressive sizes and mass, titanium has a low density, only 1.8798 g / cm³. For comparison, the density of the Maternal Planet Saturn is only 687 k / m3. Scientists revealed a weak gravitational field from the satellite. The force of attraction on the surface of titanium is weaker than the earth's parameters 7 times, and the acceleration of the free fall is the same as on the moon - 1.88 m / s2 against 1.62 m / s2.

A characteristic feature is the position of titanium in space. Saturn's largest satellite revolves around his mother's planet on an elliptical orbit at a speed of 5.5 km / s, being out of the area of \u200b\u200bSaturn rings. The average distance from Titan to Saturn's surface is 1, 222 million km. The whole system is from the Sun at a distance of 1 billion 427 million km, which is 9.5 times the distance between our central luminaire and land.

Like our satellite, Moon Saturn turns to him always one side. This is caused by the synchronicity of the satellite rotation around its own axis with the titanium circulation period around the maternal planet. Full turn around Saturn His largest satellite makes for 15 terrestrial days. Due to the fact that Saturn and its satellites have a sufficiently high angle of inclination of the axis of rotation to the axis of the ecliptic, the Titan's surface present seasons. Every 7.5 Earth years on Saturn Saturn Summer is replaced by a cold winter period. According to astronomical observations today on the side of Titan, which is facing Saturn, is autumn. Soon satellite will drive sun ray Behind the mother's planet and the Titanian autumn will change the long and tall winter.

Temperatures on the satellite surface vary within the minus 140-180 degrees Celsius. The data obtained from the board of the Space Probe Guygens revealed a curious fact. The difference between the values \u200b\u200bof polar and equatorial temperatures is only 3 degrees. This is due to the presence of a dense atmosphere, which prevents the effects of sunlight on the titanium surface. Despite the high density of the atmosphere, due to low temperatures there are no liquid precipitation on titan. In winter, the satellite surface covers snow from ethane, water vapor particles and ammonia. This is only a small tolik of what we know about Titan. Interesting Facts About the largest satellite Saturn concerns literally any area, starting with astronomy, climatology and glaciology, ending with microbiology.

Titan in all its glory

The main part of the information about Saturn's companion until recently relied on visual observations, obtained from the board of the Space Probe "Voyager", which was accomplished in 1980 by him at a distance of 7000 km. A slightly opened the curtain of the mystery about this space object "Hubble" telescope. Getting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe satellite surface did not allow its dense atmosphere, which in density and thickness is inferior only by the Venusian and Ground Air Gas Sheath.

Remove the fienda to the fog that reigned over this celestial body, the mission of the Cassini automatic station was helped in 2004. For four years, the device was in the orbit of Saturn, exercising a consistent photography of its satellites and titanium including. Studies with the Cassini probe were conducted using a camera with an infrared filter and a special radar. Photos were made from different angles at a distance of 900-2000 km from the satellite surface.

The climax in the study of Titan began to land on its surface of the Guygens probe, named after the Saturn satellite opener. The device by entering the tight layers of the atmosphere of titanium, for 2.5 hours descended on parachute. During this time, the probe equipment carried out the composition of the satellite atmosphere, photographed its surface from a height of 150, 70, 30, 15 and 10 kilometers. After a long descent, the space probe landed on the surface of the titanium, tearing by 0.2-0.5 meters in dirty ice. After the capture of Guygens, he worked a little more than an hour, passing to the land through the AMS "Cassini" a lot of useful information directly from the satellite surface. Thanks to the pictures made from the board of AMC "Cassini" and the Guigens probe, a Titan map of the researchers was drawn up. In addition, scientists now owned detailed information about its atmosphere, climate data on the surface and relax features.

Satellite atmosphere

In a situation with titanium, scientists for the first time in the process of studying and studying the heavenly bodies of the solar system introduced the opportunity to study the atmosphere in detail. As expected, Saturn's satellite has a dense and well-developed atmosphere, which not only in many parameters resembles the gas shell of the Earth, but also surpasses it by mass.

The thickness of the Titan's atmospheric layer was 400 km. Each layer of the atmosphere has its own composition and concentration. Gas composition is as follows:

  • 98.6% leaves nitrogen N;
  • 1.6% in the atmosphere accounted for methane;
  • a slight amount of ethane, acetylene compounds, propane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, helium and cyan.

The concentration of methane in the satellite atmosphere, starting from a height of 30 km, changes upwards. As they approach the satellite surface, the amount of methane is reduced to 95%, but the concentration of ethane increases to 4-4.5%.

A characteristic feature of the titanium satellite air-gas layer is its anti-shipping effect. The presence in the lower layers of the atmosphere of hydrocarbon organic molecules neutralizes the greenhouse effect created by a huge concentration of methane. As a result, the surface of the celestial body due to the presence of hydrocarbons is evenly cooled. The same processes and gravitational field of Saturn, determine the circulation of the atmosphere of titanium. Such a picture contributes to the formation of Saturn's satellite in the atmosphere of active climatic processes.

It should be noted that the atmosphere of the satellite constantly loses weight. This is due to the absence of a powerful body magnetic fieldwhich is not able to keep the air-gas shell, which is under constant influence of sunny wind and gravitational forces of Saturn. To date, the atmospheric pressure on the satellite of the ocelled giant is 1.5 atm. This is invariably reflected on weather conditions, which change depending on the concentration of gases in the atmosphere of titanium.

The main work on the creation of weather in titanium is performed by dense clouds, which, in contrast to the earth's air masses, consist of organic compounds. It is these atmospheric formations that are a source of precipitation on the largest satellite Saturn. Due to the low temperatures atmosphere, the celestial body is dry. The greatest concentration of cloudiness is revealed in the polar regions. Due to low temperatures, the humidity in the atmosphere is extremely low, so precipitation in titanium is the crystals of methane ice and frost consisting of nitrogen compounds, ethane and ammonia.

Titanium surface and its structure

Saturna satellite has not only an interesting atmosphere. Its surface is extremely curious from the point of view of geology an object. Under the thick blanket of methane photographeses and cameras of the Space Probe "Guigens" found integers separated by numerous lakes and seas. As well as on earth, in the continent of abundantly rocky and mountainous formations, there are deep clefts and depressions. They are replaced by extensive plains and valleys. In the equatorial part of the celestial body, the extensive region of the dunes is formed by particles of hydrocarbonate and water ice. It is assumed that in one of these dunes and made the lunch of the Space Probe Guygens.

Complete similarity with a living planet adds the presence of a liquid structure. Rivers found on Titan, which have origins, winding rods and delta - places of flow of flow into marine pools. According to data taken from the pictures, some Titan Rivers have the length of the channel more than 1000 km. Almost all the liquid mass of titanium is concentrated in marine pools and lakes, which occupy an impressive area - up to 30-40% of the surface area of \u200b\u200bthis celestial body.

Proof of presence on the surface of the satellite of large clusters of the liquid medium was a huge bright spot, which long time confused astronomers. Subsequently, it was proved that a bright area in Titan is a huge pool of liquid hydrocarbons, which ranked the name of the sea of \u200b\u200bKraken. By area, this imaginary reservoir is greater than the largest lake of the Earth - the Caspian Sea. Another equally interesting object is the Ligai Sea is the largest natural tank for liquid methane and ethane.

Exact information on the composition of the liquid environment of the seas and Titan lakes was mined thanks to the work of the AMS "Cassine". Using the data of photographs and computer simulation, the composition of the titanium liquid was determined on earthly conditions:

  • ethan is 76-80%;
  • propane in the seas and lakes of Titanium 6-7%;
  • methane accounts for 5-10%.

In addition to the main elements presented in the form of frozen gases, hydrogen cyanide, butane, butene and acetylene is present in the liquid. The main accumulation of water in Titanium has a slightly different nature from the earthly form. On the satellite surfaces are huge over the volume of the deposition of superheated ice consisting of water and ammonia. It is assumed that the surface may be extensive natural tanks filled with liquid water with ammonia dissolved in it. In this aspect, the internal structure of the satellite is interesting.

Today, various versions about the internal structure of titanium are put forward. As in the case of all the planets of the earth group, it has a solid core, not iron-nickel, as on the four first planets of the solar system, but stone. Its diameter is approximately 3400-3500 km. Next begins the most interesting. Unlike the Earth, where the mantle begins after the core, in titan, this space is filled with densely compressed layers of water ice and methane hydrate. Probably, there is a liquid layer between individual layers. However, despite its coldness and stone nature, the satellite is in the active phase and there are tectonic processes on it. This promotes tidal forces that are caused by the giant gravity of Saturn.

Possible future of Titan

Judging by the research conducted in the last decade, humanity is dealing with a unique object of the solar system. It turned out that Titan is the only heavenly body, in addition to the land, which is characterized by all three types of activity. On the satellite Saturn there are traces of constant geological activity, which are confirmed by his living tectonic activities.

The nature of the titanium surface is also considerable. Its structure, the composition and relief speak in favor of the fact that the surface of the Saturn satellite is in constant motion. Here, as on earth, under the influence of winds and precipitation, the erosion of soil is observed, the weathelation of rocks and precipitation deposition occurs.

The composition of the satellite atmosphere and circulation processes occurring in it molded the climate in Titan. All listed features speak in favor of the fact that in Titan under certain conditions there may be life. Naturally, it will be different from earthly organisms of life, but its very existence will become a colossal discovery for humanity.

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