Horoscope for February Lion Snake.

Horoscope for February Lion Snake.

February 2017 will be marked by two eclipses - moon and sunny. This means that most of the month you need to make decisions, control emotions, do not risk. A half-moon eclipse will occur the 11th, but his influence of the lions will feel from February 6 to 16. During this period, it is impossible to make decisions relating to love relationships, families, health. It is also not recommended to buy or sell real estate.

February 26 an annular solar eclipse will occur. The Horoscope Lev for February 2017 advises from the 20th day and to spring to forget about the signing of important documents, conducting public presentations, conferences. Also at this time it is impossible to start work on new projects. It is better to get away from social life, to do current affairs.

Love horoscope Lion for February 2017

Eclipses will adversely affect the emotional setting in the family. It will not be easy for both men and women and children. Lions will also be struggling to restrain feelings, control words. But still it is worth trying not to succumb to provocations, do not participate in scandals. In February, it is not time to pour oil into the fire by morals, it is better to calmly explain your desires, if necessary, serve a helping hand. Thus, it is possible to avoid conflict and make a relationship with family members warmer.

Favorable days for love in February 2017 for Leo: 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23 February.

Financial horoscope Lion for February 2017

In the days close to eclipses, it is better not to take any important decisions. Also standing with caution to relate to business offers. Lions should be understood that part of the information during the eclipse period is hidden, it will pop up, but later. In February, it will be more beneficial for inaction than activity. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to move away from business and relax.

Favorable days for money in February 2017 for Leo: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28 February.

Horoscope Health Sign Sign for February 2017

Eclipses themselves change consciousness, affect the psyche, if you add more alcohol to this, the hellish mixture will be released. Therefore, from alcoholic beverages it is better to refuse or at least not to abuse them. In the period of the lunar eclipse, the lions are recommended to stop the choice on light, be sure to be fresh to avoid poisoning. During this period, unloading days, light diet are useful. When taking medicines, it is important to comply with the dosage. From cosmetic procedures of deep impact it is recommended to refuse.

Contrary to expectations, the year began for Lviv very good. Will a positive trend in February 2019? Many lions hope so much, because love is worth them now in the first place. Love horoscope contains the most important information about the romantic relations of representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

Love Horoscope for Lviv for February 2019

Astroprognosis of love foreshadows the lions in a light strip with insignificant inclusions of trouble. In February, the people of this sign will be at the height. They will begin to constantly handle various issues to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Some lions will be difficult to resist the temptation to start a new relationship, without completing the old. A love horoscope recommends that they hear their heart, but not to give in to call, otherwise there are no problems in February.

The end of winter in 2019 will be quite complicated for Lviv. In February they have to constantly find out the relationship with their halves. It does not mean at all that lions only will quarrel and swear. On the contrary, they will guilty try to make them. Lions will have to be desperate to prove their right. Stars recommend not to retreat from this purpose because of fear to spoil relationships. For a couple during this period, the truth, rather than pretending and humility.

On the love front of lonely lions in February everything will be much more optimistic. People of this sign will at the disposal at once seven favorable days for dating and starting relationships: 1, 4, 9, 18, 20, 25, February 27. Despite such a generous gift of fate, the lions will not face the need to limit themselves into unsuccessful dates, because they are simply not this month.

Love Horoscope for Women Lion for February 2019

Girls Lviv in February will begin the search period best Life. If at the beginning of 2019, they practically didn't want to change anything, then in the last month of winter, the representative of the sign is not just thinking, but begin to build their bright future. The love horoscope recommends that they carefully analyze whether innovations are needed in relations. If the lions girls will understand that they no longer feel any feelings for their partners, the stars approve of their decision.

The ideal time is waiting for Lviv-Girls in February, planning soon to marry. On the Love Front, they will have a full calm. In February, the lions of the girls finally certify in the correctness of their choice.

Good forecasts for February give the stars and married women lions. They will be able to achieve their long-standing goal against spouses. Each lioness has its own, but the stars will have full assistance to the plans for improving family well-being. Unprecedented discoveries are waiting for married girls Lviv in the intimate sphere in February. Their men will show themselves in all its glory, delivering wives an incredible pleasure.

Love Horoscope for Men Lion for February 2019

The man-lion can confidently count on the favor of the stars. In February, he will be surrounded by the attention of women than not premier to use. The lion at the end of winter is unlikely to be able to change something. This is especially true of single sign representatives. Lions will be deeply indifferent to the tender feelings of the fans, so it is not necessary to count on something more than short-term meetings.

Good luck will not bypass and married lions. They fate will give a chance to restore the confidence of wives. It is impossible to miss this unique opportunity. Why are the lions faster, which side approach your spouse to establish relationships, the better for themselves.

Those lions, who and so everything is in order in the love sphere may not worry. The stars decided to give them a breather and did not make any obstacles in enjoying happiness with the beloved.

Love horoscope for Lviv for other months 2019

Venus almost completely and independently pecks the fate of Lviv in February. Hence the exacerbated sentimentality and suddenly covering the whole and completely consciousness of Lviv memories. This will often become an obstacle on the way to achieving success on a professional field. And, if a lion is simply necessary for a financial breakthrough, you will have to squeeze the will in a fist and do not succumb to surpassed feelings.


Hi from the past, there may be new renewable connections with partners with whom you have already dealt with. Although they say that in one water it is impossible to join twice, but new cooperation with old partners will be successful and mutually beneficial.

Lion in February 2019 will feel physically shortage of time, he will spin, like a squirrel in the wheel, and still will not have time. From here, it will again arise the problems with which the Lerma has to face throughout life - the mass of unfinished affairs and unfinished projects, but now there are objective reasons for this, and not just too lazy. Colleagues, bosses, relatives and loved ones will draw attention to Lion, it will be very difficult for the development of priorities in this matter, but still he will try to share his benevolence and good location with everyone equally.

In February, the lion will be surprisingly active and energetic, colleagues and family members will not be easy to stay next to him, both in the direct and figurative sense of the word. If the work of Lero stopped bringing pleasure or satisfying his royal ambitions, it's time to make a creative component in the labor process, it will begin to argue easier and to fulfill the same routine work to you will become much more interesting.

Stars recommend lions in February to publish their nature in the exit of qualities such as greed and bore. At all, not many representatives of the sign are characteristic, but if it is in the nature of the lion, then in a terribly hypertrophied form, and others may suffer from this.

The financial situation of Lviv in February does not cause unrest and anxiety from the Lviv themselves, nor among their families. In this area, everything is stable and reliable.

Transactions, a mediator in which will be in February, are simply doomed to success, and their results will be able to strengthen the situation of the lion in society.

The stars secured lions advise to think about charity and patronage. All funds donated in February will be doubted in the near future.


The lion at the end of winter lives predominantly feelings. And on how positive they will depend on the family relationship. There are two options for the development of events. Or the lion accepts with some roughness and tension in relations with its half, or, having a slightly more explosive temper, will exempt the conflict situation. In the second case, Lero will have a month of discord and quarrel. It is even more offensive due to the fact that to clarify the relationship now, the lion has no real foundations. Most often, conflict situations occur precisely because of the urgent nature of the lion and his ability to turn themselves. For Lviv in February, the first version of the development of events is preferable, then the conflict situation will be quickly smoothed, it will come to no, and the lions will be able to be happy and comforted in the family of the family.

But in order for the novel to receive the beginning, Lev will have to show initiative and assertiveness. In the case of men's lions, everything is going smoothly, and for them it will not be practically no work, they just need to follow their nature. Women lions, most of which are accustomed only to taking attention signs, have to make some efforts. Feel free to the one who you need will perceive your actions as absolutely correct and logical, the lioness will quickly find a response in the soul of a pretty man. The times of gallant cavaliers are over, and Emancipation and feminism do not cause surprise. As a result of the fact that the Lioness will show some initiative, even a potential partner who has not previously paid almost no attention to it, will begin to take interest to it.

As for family lions, and for free, the past can remind yourself of meetings with old love. The development of such relationships will be an error for most of the signs of the sign. And so that there is no doubt that there is no doubt, analyze the reasons for parting with this person. It is unlikely that you want to survive a similar episode again.

Child Lev.

Little imprint due to their age and misunderstanding the words "need" fully, you will have to live a certain period of a decline in vital energy and laziness. But at the same time, lionok will be affectionate and stopped that the parents simply do not have enough will to reproach it in this. Warm hugs with small palms with ease will eliminate any of your desire to be outrage about anything that he did not. Get the opportunity to a child for a small timeout, beat him with your kisses and tenderness, it really needs him more than anything. Very soon the usual behavior of your fidget will return to the circles.


Many Lviv, despite all the well-being, which is inherent in their life in February 2019, can disturb health problems. To greater extent it concerns the musculoskeletal system and directly the spine. Stars warn about possible complications in this area, do not resort to help treatment folk remedies and manual therapy, the chances of making a fatal mistake. Consult with experts.

In February 2017, a lunar eclipse is expected in the constellation, which will be a signal about the end of something important in your life. It may seem for you that serious changes have happened in life, but you will be rightfully rewarded for the entire work done, Major Fruits. But if you were lazy and irresponsible, then you are waiting for the difficulties that you most likely just surrender. But you should not despair, because if you all do it right and try to make efforts, you can easily pass this period. Try not to give the will to emotions at this time and let yourself relax.

In the middle of the year you are awaiting good events that will be associated with a sunny eclipse in your sign. It will happen in August 2017, and in the period from July 2017 to the beginning of September 2017, Mars will be in the constellation of Lion. But remember that in the first week of September 2017 there will be Mercury in the retrograde phase.

Solar eclipse will help you begin work on some new project, will give new ideas and prospects for your future years. In general, this event will contribute to a favorable journey or the beginning of a new fruitful period of life. In any case, at this time your attitude will be raised, and good prospects will wait at each step. In this, including Mars, which will give more enthusiasm and courage to make important decisions.

It is quite possible a retrograde phase of Mercury will cast you to something that you missed or simply, which could have forgotten in a hurry. He will make you make a breather and will not give emotionally to burn out. Therefore, pay attention to each trifle and do not be afraid of serious obstacles on this new and promising path.

Horoscope for 2017 for lion about love

At the end of last year, Saturn was in your love sector and will be it next year until December 2017 and it is precisely for this reason that your approaches to understanding love and relationships with a partner, and their perception will not be perfect. Of course, you will more ripe treats a partner and take it too seriously and you will not go to the easy intrigue. It seems that earlier you did not receive true pleasure from love relationships, but for the next year this situation will begin more or less change. Only when Saturn will leave this sector, you will be able to sigh and take the fruit of your powerful if you correctly treated the partner earlier.

Nevertheless, the beginning of the year in this regard will not be so rainbow and the situation will complicate Mercury, which is some time in the retrograde phase, that is, in the opposite move. At this time you will be concentrated on existing problems. By the way, such a picture will be observed in December 2017, since Mercury will again be in the retrograde phase and in the same horoscope sector, however, at the same time, this sector will leave Saturn, which will give you the opportunity to recover a little. At such periods it is recommended to be more often with each other and try again to register the fire of love.

At the same time, in the first half of April 2017, Venus will enter the retrograde phase in your sector of intimate intimacy, but the consequences of this will not last long, taking into account the planet Neptune planet.

But to start a year it follows in order to give the will of passion and this will contribute to the finding of Mars in January 2017 and the solar eclipse in February 2017 in this sector. Try during this period to strengthen emotional connections with others and do not forget about the importance of intimate proximity. In August 2017, the lunar eclipse will be influenced by the lunar eclipse in the relationship sector and at this time it is worth paying attention to the decision of any problems on this part and release all those who have turned with you from your life, as well as reunite with those who proved their loyalty In relation to you, and constantly contributed to one degree or another.

Horoscope for Lion for 2017 year about money and career

In the first half of August, Mercury will enter the retrograde phase, which will be in your money sector. Thus, you should thoroughly consider financial expenses and be prepared to protect yourself from extra and unnecessary spending and not to enter your sleep on the "black day". Only so you can with a high head-raised head and with minimal losses Complete this difficult period. If you give slack, wait for financial problems. But there are good news, because in September in September, Mars will go to this sector, which will be there until the end of October 2017, which will give you the opportunity to correct your financial situation and provide for this good prospects not only for this, but also To ensure itself the key to stability and security in the near future.

In the period from March 2017 to mid-April 2017, Planet Mars will be in your sector of professional activity and is the very time when it is worth paying attention to your own goals and long-term plans that you have developed earlier. Yes, you will be more ambitious and you will seem to make a bet on what you thought over last year and stick to this.

In mid-December 2017, Saturn will leave your love sector of the horoscope and goes for the next couple of years in the work sector, where Pluto is already located. At this time, it is worth paying special attention to the career growth and professional activity as a whole, to organize its workplace and engage in only what you like. If you do not receive pleasure from work, then be prepared for stagnation and problems associated with this transition of Saturn. Remember that this planet wants fruitful work from you, the results of which will help you in life. But if you feel that you simply have no strength, you should work on yourself, still find resources in yourself and change everything.

Horoscope for 2017 for lion about home and family

In mid-October 2017, Jupiter will go to your sector and family and from now on for a whole year you should pay more attention to communicating and interacting with relatives, spend more time with your family and improve your situation with housing. You can easily start repairs, change the situation in the house, to rearrange something and work a little over the design of the housing. Only at home you will feel comfortable and safe and you can find strength for further carefree life.

In December 2017, these trends will only increase because Mars will go to the same sector, and you will receive even more energy and strength from your homely focus, which will certainly allow everything to change to the better. Try not to spoil relationships with your family members or with those who you consider that by the end of the year. It will make you only stronger, and you will feel that the whole world is in your hands.

Horoscope for Lion for 2017 about the state of the soul

Since the beginning of the year, Jupiter will be the consciousness management sector and will stay there until mid-October 2017. At this time, your consciousness will show amazing activity, you will constantly come up with new ideas, receive advice from others and, of course, give your own in return. In general, you will tend to share your knowledge with others and want to look at everything not only on the one hand, that will give you the desire to know the new one. This year will be favorable in terms of desire for knowledge. At the same time, even if the knowledge gained is too much, you can easily cope with this. Also this year you can dedicate yourself to the training of other, writing activities, public speeches, because the necessary words will develop themselves, and you will not climb them into your pocket.

When Jupiter leaves this sector, then at the end of October 2017, Mars will come to his shift, which will remain there until December 2017 and this will allow you to be spiritually charged, open and capable on a lot. This year you can better know yourself, openly interact with others, be honest and able to hear and listen. Only in March, when Venus joins the retrograde phase, your mental state will be reduced and during this period we recommend that you do not require much to demand from ourselves and dedicate time to peace of mind.

Brief Monthly Horoscope for Lion for 2017

Horoscope Lev for January 2017

From the very beginning of the year it is worth recording priorities and more seriously treat life. Think 2017 gote about what should be changed in order to make life better in the coming year. Do all that you feel all the soul and body that these changes and installations will really be able to change your life for the better.

Horoscope Lev for February 2017

At this time, you will be more emotional and sensitive and if you are more often engaged in self-analysis, then come across a very difficult period. You even want to just get rid of some things in your life. Remember that there are people who are able to give you support and provide the necessary assistance, which will provide an opportunity to cope with difficulties.

Horoscope Lev for March 2017

All related to new experience, opening new perspectives in life, you will perceive very reluctant. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you simply burned out or you need more personal space in order to deal with your business without outsiders who literally climb into every little thing with their advice and teach lives.

Horoscope Lev for April 2017

During this period, you will feel emotionally deserted from others and simply can not do anything with it as you will be fully immersed in our own goals, ideas in professional activities And your thoughts will be only about your own life. You fall out of the view and you will need some time so that everything fell into place.

Horoscope Lion for May 2017 2017

This is a great time to dream about the future and how you can achieve certain goals. You will have a great opportunity to get additional support from friends, the team in which you are working from family members. If you use it, you can easily increase your potential and significantly increase the prospects for future success.

Horoscope Lev for June 2017

You better stay at this time away from everyone, dealing with personal problems and dedicate time to your own plans. Do not immerse those around them. Better emphasize how to get rid of it to enable something new to enter your life in the near future.

Horoscope Lev for July 2017

At this time, a new moon will be in the constellation of the lion. Note that in August 2017, a solar eclipse is expected in your constellation. In this regard, you can start building the foundation for the future perspective plansBut as long as it is better not to take any action, but just to live with it.

Horoscope Lev for August 2017

In connection with the solar eclipse in your constellation you will seem to you that all the planets are on your side and it's time to reap the fruits of what you have prepared the soil in July. You will perfectly handle the retrograde phase of Mercury and be able to go through this difficult time without any serious losses.

Horoscope Lev for September 2017

It is very likely that the retrograde phase of Mercury will give himself to know this month and you will periodically get up not from that foot, but later you can easily adjust the circumstances and then things will go uphill. It is possible that you should not hurry and slow down a step, but still moving forward for the sake of achieving the goal.

Horoscope Lev for October 2017

Try to shift the focus with your consciousness on emotions and then you will see that the result will not wait long. You will feel the emotional climb and work on your inland rod in order to feel better to feel and be able to cope with any difficulties that will wait.

Horoscope Lev for November 2017

This month is expected to the full moon, which will reward you for the storm's fruitful work done and if you correctly use your own potential, then since the beginning of the new moon you can direct all the efforts to some new project, which will allow rapid growth in the next six months a year .

Horoscope Lev for December 2017

Your best quality at this time is creativity, and the retrograde phase of Mercury will contribute to this. Therefore, you give yourself more time and prepare the ground in case you encounter difficulties. Accent attention on old projects and dedicate yourself to those hobbies that have been done before. Discover the old one that you are undeservedly forgotten, but loved very much.

The horoscope for February 2017, Lero promises a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and positive energy that will occur not only from people, but also from the environment. Enjoy frosty weather, breathe fresh air and rejoice that you have. The lion will want to create something new, both in professional and in the love sphere. By the way, for the creation of you in 2017 there are all - forces, opportunities and money. Just do not be overly ambitious.

A horoscope for February 2017 Lero woman predicts constant friction and problems in relationships with men. In matters of business and cooperation, there will also be cataclysms and zamins. The lion will constantly find fault in the chosen than creating a terrible setting in the family. If in 2017 you do not change the tactics of behavior in love, then remain alone.

The horoscope for February 2017 Lero is a man predicts a wonderful month when you are not only confident in your abilities, but also give other people a charge of cheerfulness. In love, money and work is still safe. Although, in February 2017, the lion did not exclude numerous intimate connections and flirts with a colleague. Be prudent when it comes to feelings.

Children's horoscope for February 2017 Lion

The child predicts a difficult period of growing up. You will constantly compare with someone and suggest how and what to do. Parents need to be actively involved in the life and studies of his daughter or son. Otherwise, in February, your teenager will definitely be exactly from the hands, feeling too independent. In 207, the child's lion needs to scold less and criticize, then he will delight you with its achievements in school and sports. Parents must suggest their child in February, how to behave in society, at the table and at the solemn events.

Health horoscope for February 2017 lion

Horoscope recommends more eating dairy products, fruits and fresh vegetables. Do not forget about kefir and yogurt, which improve the work of the stomach and intestines. If the weather in February allows, you can go to rest on nature, ride sledding, skating and skiing. Lion is desirable to make morning jogs, as well as less nervous for any reason.

Lion woman in February 2017 should not do plastic surgery. After all, there are still many other ways to rejuvenate and maintain external beauty. The man lion should carefully listen to his body. At the very same suspicious symptoms of the disease in 2017, please contact the hospital. Leo's well-being will be completely dependent on the mental state and who he communicates with February.

Favorable days in February - 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 25, 28
Adverse days of February - 10, 11, 17, 18, 21, 22

Love Horoscope for Lion for February 2017
Horoscope of Finance, Career for Lion for February 2017

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