Pillow for cabbage folk remedies. Pest Cabbage Processing: Fighting Capping Soviet. Protection of cabbage from butterflies Capupus folk remedies.

Pillow for cabbage folk remedies. Pest Cabbage Processing: Fighting Capping Soviet. Protection of cabbage from butterflies Capupus folk remedies.

Cabbage love not only gardeners and dackets, but also all kinds of malicious insects, which are very annoyed by vegetable culture in the process of its cultivation. In the article, we will tell you the best way to spray cabbage from the cruciferous fleece, cabbage flies and aphids. Thanks to these recommendations, everyone can get a rich harvest of beloved vegetable.

It is necessary to produce an effective struggle against pests before they appear. Before placing seeds in the ground, they are recommended to warm up about 20 minutes in hot water. Its temperature can not exceed 50 degrees. About two minutes after that, the seeds are cooled in cool water. If, after planting on the surface of the seedlings, the symptoms of any disease are found, they advise to make a culture with the following solution.

A tablespoon of copper sipop is divorced in 10 liters of water, a tablespoon of liquid tar soap is added. Processing is repeated after 3 weeks. It is permissible to perform a spraying solution "Topaz". To do this, 1 ampoule is bred in 10 liters of water and processed seedlings a couple of days before landing. Next, you will learn how to carry out cabbage from specific pests.

From cruciferous fleece

An unpleasant and dangerous view of the pests of our beloved vegetable culture is a cruciferous flew. The tiny bugs can cause significant damage to the future harvest, as young leaves damage. For effective struggle Apply infusions made of tomato leaves, garlic, wormwood leaves, cleanliness or potato tops from the calculation of the glass on the water bucket. A little liquid soap is added to the solution.

You can use a mixture of wood ash with Machore. Cabbage should be previously sprayed with water. Powder is recommended to take in a stuff and shake it over crops. Some gardeners apply black ground pepper instead of wood ash. You can still take the haired lime in dry form. In dry weather, a solution of vinegar is used to combat cruciferous flesh.

Make it easily - the tablespoon is dissolved in a bucket of water. A weak solution of chicken litter at the rate of 100 grams per 10 liters of water will help. If cultures are damaged strongly, you need to use the shop chemicals - "Accord", "Tabazol", "Tsunami". To scare away bugs, such cultures are sitting near the cabbage, such as dill, coriander, cumin, onions, tomatoes, garlic, flames of marigolds.

Video "What to handle cabbage"

From cabbage flies

Among the pests, the cabbage is also distinguished by a cabbage fly, which appears somewhere in mid-May. It prefers to lay eggs at the base of plants. The larvae, which appeared in a month and a half, deepen into the ground. There they brighten the rhizomes of vegetable culture, provoking its wilt and inevitable death. The soil near the landings advise to pollinate, applying a mixture of tobacco dust, ground black pepper, ash. Dust and ashes should be taken in 20 parts, and pepper - 1.

The soil around the plants should be loosened, the depth should be somewhere 3 cm. For larvae, a dense paper will become a barrier. Suitable for baking, paraffin and other. Squares are made of 15 - 20 cm squares each side or a circle. The design skeins in the middle and places on the stem of vegetable crops. The larvae that appear from eggs pending on paper is dying, because the barrier does not allow them to get into the ground.

No matter how hard the host tried to protect the cabbage, but sooner or later it can find that it appeared simply by the hordes of pests. So I do not want to apply chemistry, which is so abundant around. But how to protect the cabbage from pests so that it remains useful, environmentally friendly?

I need to handle cabbage, it is an important stage on the whole vegetative path. Another thing than to handle cabbage so that the harvest differs from the modified vegetable, which offers a modern trading network.

Pests: what uninvited guests can be found in beds with cabbage

Often it sometimes happens, yesterday the cabbage on the garden fascinated the views by their divine species, and today somehow drooped, the leaves twisted, caterpillars appeared, the word. From this you can not get anywhere. You want or not, such guests appear on their own beds.

It is important to provide for the situation, knowing how to spray cabbage. But after the detection, it is not too late to correct the situation. The main thing is not to launch and leave on a self-shot. Without a person, culture will die.

Among the most common pests can be noted:

  • slugs;
  • cruciferous flea;
  • scoop;
  • lichki moth cabbage;
  • caterpillars

It is so disgusting. After all, all these pests destroy not only sheets. They penetrate into the cochanists, in the cauliflower heads, excrete all the web, exhaust a dense texture with strokes filled with excrement. Even to give a cattle of such a crop not every owner. But the situation can be completely changed, knowing how to deal with cappos pests.

Many breeders spent not one ten years to understand how to treat cabbage from pests and do not harm the plant and man. It is clear that preference is given to chemicals, but many do not trust them. Nevertheless, there is no help from them and harm to the human body, if you follow the instructions to manufacturers and the Soviets proposed here.

You can handle cabbage from pests folk remedies. They exist enough. But not always the tips of the experienced gardeners will help make emergency measures, when to save the future harvest is necessary in a few hours. We will not be ahead of the events, we will deal with everything in more detail.

Traditional Cabbage Pest Pest Methods

Beautiful, useful cabbage. She is not a gift is considered to be a queen among the abundance of vegetable crops. All of her love, and adults, and children. Do not be squealing pests, which are just a lot. The fight against the pests of cabbage is a complex painstaking work, but culture will definitely thank the owner for the works.

Passing past the trays where the cabbage lies, it is difficult not to notice how large, beautiful, dense kochens without a single trail from the pests of cabbage. But such beauty is possible only if the pest cauldron was carried out. And not alone, but at least five and even more.

In order to conduct disinfective events in a timely manner, it is necessary to know, at least about the time of active development of pests.

This is necessary in order to most correctly choose the drug for plant processing. After all, it is impractical to erabe each abominality.

It is better to make so that the wave, ticks, slugs, all sorts of butterflies, caterpillars were destroyed at a time. There are special, universal drugs that can destroy everyone with one fear, without harming the plant and man. Therefore, many gardeners constitute a special table, where the time of active breeding of pests is taken into account.

  1. Processing is necessary even for seedlings of cabbage a few days before landing in the ground.
  2. The cabbage word is most active in June. Just in this period, she lays eggs. It is necessary to spray cabbage.
  3. Trips are small, barely noticeable, but quickly sucking from the plant all juices. Availability can be determined at the moment when the cabbage leaves become passersby by a web. These cabbage pests and how to deal with them is not entirely clear, as they are in the soil. If the soil is disinfected, they will not be, but if not, it is necessary to treat the Earth to the land of the Borders mixture before disembarking.
  4. Cruciferous bugs, such innocuous "soldiers" for which children hunt. But at the apparent harmlessness, their appearance can deprive the plant of all the juices of the cabbage juice feed these pests. As a rule, the formation of Kochan stops, the culture dies. The active development of the pest occurs throughout the summer and only in August they move into the soil at the winter. Therefore, spring disinfecting events are important here.
  5. The cabbage fly is able to apply irreparable harm in the week and postpone the hordes of the larvae, which develop in the root system and the lower leaves of the plant. The plant is tugged, acquires a gray shade and dies.
  6. Caterpillars just burned the leaf and embryos of Kochan in a short period of time. Active throughout the summer period.
  7. Capping mole over the summer period produces seven or eight generations that eat everything.
  8. Butterfly kapuetrian, another pest beloved by children. It grows up lightning, laying the hordes of eggs on the back side of the sheet in the form of yellow-dimensional growths. Which hang out and eat all the streaks on the sheets, kochene, trunk.

This is not all pests, especially if you consider a huge number of rodents who are not averse to being reached by fresh harvest. Regardless of whether the cabbage till appeared or hit the hordes of mice, they all should be instantly destroyed. And it is not enough.

Want a rich, healthy harvest, prepare for the active struggle for it. Analyzing the proposed list, it can be understood that the pests of cabbage and the struggle with them continue from spring and up to the harvest.

Important! A healthy, well-fledged plant growing on a fertilous neutralized soil independently can resist pests and diseases.

But it is impossible to let everything on samonek, so the entire vegetative period needs to control the development and growth of culture.

Few people saw professional breeders who are constantly on the cabbage plantations with the goal so that the cabbage wave is destroyed or some kind of infection. People there are rarely. What do they use, killed can sleep well? No one is going to make secrets from this and share with them with pleasure.

  1. Uninfection of the soil must be carried out in the fall and spring. For this, the Bordeaux mixture is perfect. But it is necessary to use it in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. This will help destroy everyone who has gathered to winter in the ground or suddenly survived in winter and is going to appear on the surface.
  2. With the help of the same mixture consisting of vitriol and lime, not only the cabbage fault will be destroyed, but also the larvae of the May beetle, the bear, which are no less harmful to the cabbage than those listed above.
  3. To eliminate the spring disintegration around the site, where butterflies are actively multiplied, the same TLL attracted by the aroma of nectars. It is better to plant around the beds for cabbage blackbreak, trichogram, nitobia, Diadroomus, these are plants that scare pests and attracting their enemies to the site.

If a wave on the cabbage appeared in the cultivation process or a few days after the seedlings falling down, it is necessary to process the soil and make a plant with a solution of dryer, actara, decis. 20 milliliters of any drug must be dissolved in ten liters of water.

After that, actively treat the soil and plant, making a break for five days. Repeat at least two times.

Do not be more popular today tool, which also recommends breeders. They are treated with the soil and plant. It:

  • Fury;
  • Spark -m;
  • Bolkla.

Only 2 ml of any drug is bred in three liters of water, after which the soil and plant are treated.

Important! The proposed drugs are quite strong, so they are not recommended to be used during the formation of Kochan. At this time, it is better to use folk remedies that are no less detrimental and will help protect the plant.

Here are represented chemicalsthat can be used before or immediately after disembarking cabbage seedlings. That is, while the cabbage did not form a cochanus or throw out inflorescences. Next, it is necessary to fight using biological preparations.

Biological preparations for the destruction of pests

Biological preparations are created on the basis of mycelium of useful fungi, bacteria. They are absolutely safe for humans and animals, but destructives for pests. Also, these tools can be used to warn. Pests and causative agents are dying for 12 hours. Preparations have a dividing, steady effect. Among the most common can be noted:

  • Bicol;
  • Bitoxibalin;
  • Anthof;
  • Verticiline;
  • Actor;
  • Avernet.

These are precisely those drugs that can be bold to use to protect the future harvest. Each agent has different period Impact. It is necessary to hold the recommendations that the manufacturer gives. Not every company is equally fault, therefore it is impossible to give the same proportion.

The treated primer and the plant are completely disinfected, so it is worth taking into service what exactly your site.

Folk Methods

Many experienced gardeners are happy to share all their secrets even for a good crop at their neighbor. Sades - the people are generous, so you should not make a mystery out of this.

For example, if last year Kila was fixed on the site, then this year it is best to plant cabbage. And the affected plants are destroyed outside the site. This is a fungal disease, whose disputes are survived even on fire, if they smoke for several hours. Moreover, dropping with smoke to the next area, such disputes infect him.

Therefore, cabbage can not be planted, and on an infected area boldly grow:

  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • dill.

These are cultures that perfectly disinfect the soil after Kiel. And only next year, holding disinfecting procedures additionally, planting cabbage.

You can protect your cabbage and keep the harvest with nettle. It is easy to find on each site. The bushes are kidding and laid between rows, under the bushes. This scares pests. Moreover, thanks to this method, the soil does not dry up, which is important for moisture-like cabbage and the Earth receives many beneficial substances from the plant additionally.

Plot with cabbage can be protected by a lively hedge of sharp smelling plants. This is mint, sage, calendula. They do not like almost all pests, and they will quickly leave the limits of your site.

Caterpillar, wave, tick, butterfly do not tolerate soda, vinegar and mustard. Take the package of dry mustard and dissolve it in ten liters of water, you can add a glass of vinegar. This mixture is easy to spray a plant. And the soda is simply poured, but a bit, on the bottom side of the moistened leaves of cabbage.

Naming alcohol quickly leads to a person's consciousness, it also affects the cabbage. This is a real nitrogen that is necessary for the favorable development of culture and is destroyed for its pests. Three tablespoons on the bucket of the rescue will be enough to bring the plant into a feeling, watering it next to the root. In the same solution, spraying, and all pests will leave cabbage at rest.

Cabbage pests are a bit. However, it is difficult to deal with them - you will tell you any gardener who has experience in growing cabbage.

This article will give you useful information on how to protect your cabbage from pests without using any insecticides.

Protection of cabbage from pests by folk remedies

If you want not only to get rid of insects, but also to keep your plants are environmentally friendly, use the following means:

  1. The trouble is an omnivorous insect that is not bent and cabbage. It sues juice from her young leaves, as a result of which the plant stops in development. But worse than the fact that the Tly population increases very quickly, especially if it is warm weather. Fight with insects with spraying. A glass of wood ash is mixed with 10 liters of water, then mustard powder and any liquid soap (1 tablespoon) are added there. The resulting solution spray leaves of cabbage from the bottom. There are also effective processing of plants that are particularly loved by the TEL.
  2. Not in vain received such a name. The greatest harm to plants are caterpillars that appear from the eggs pending. Insects eat leaves, completely destroying the future harvest. The cabbage scoop is also valid - a night butterfly, the larvae of which is very loved by cabbage. Against these pests use such a folk agent as a solution of 2 glasses of ash and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap on a bucket of water.
  3. Capping fly docks plants since mid-May. This insect postphes eggs to stem cabbage, and a week later, larvae appear. They are the greatest danger: the larvae vague into the stem and roots of the plant, having broken down in them, and in the end, the cabbage dies. Start the first processing as early as possible, so as not to give the cabbage fly to make the masonry eggs. To do this, prepare a dry mixture of a teaspoon of pepper, 100 g of wood ash and as much tobacco dust. Email all plants on the bed with the resulting mixture, and after the procedure, rub the top layer of the soil.
  4. The cruciferous flew is no less dangerous: it eats tender young cabbage leaves, which then dry out. That is why the flesh should be started to fight from the moment of the first germination. So, against this pest of cabbage will be effective the next folk remedy. It is necessary to prepare a solution, which includes 10 liters of water and 1 cup of tomato steps, potato tops and chopped garlic. Give the solution to brew for several hours, and then strain and add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap there (any). Moisten the cabbage leaves with the resulting liquid. Cabbage protection from this pest is possible and using vinegar. The cruciferous fleece will leave the bed, if we treat cabbage to a glass of acetic essence dissolved in a bucket of water.
  5. And the snails are not averse to cappost, and they are omnivores: they eat leaves, and roots. They are able to scare a mixture of wood ash, table salt, powder mustard and ground pepper.

What else from the folk remedies can handle cappist from pests?

In addition to the means described above, the cabbage and others are effective from pests - for example, a bay leaf. It is used in the form of infusion, in can be added and carnation. The decisive factor here is the smell, unpleasant for most harmful insects.

Cabbage pests well helps pollination of her leaf tobacco dust, ash or lime-membrane.

In antiquity, one of the most beloved and popular vegetables in the human diet was cabbage. Thanks to the large content of various vitamins, it can protect human body from numerous ailments for a whole year. Cabbage growing is not a time-consuming process, so no bedding costs without this beautiful vegetable. His beauty I. useful properties she attracts many pests that are so strive to quickly spoil her appearance. For the preservation of the harvest, you should take care in advance about the means against pests. This article will introduce you to the most common cabbage pests and will help to overcome them in a matter of times.

Cabbage pests and how to handle cabbage from them

The question is how to protect cabbage from pests - many breeders and gardeners are set. Many do not even suspect that this vegetable culture There is already infected in the garden, as many cabbage dates are hiding inside the coach and / or under the leaves, so the cabbage to combat pests should be prepared in advance. This article will not only tell, but also give a photo of cape pests.


Slugs love moisture very much. They are strongly activated during the rain or on cloudy days. Seeing at least one mollusk on the cabbage sheet, after a couple of hours there will be a whole mass there. The lifespan of the slug reaches several years. Within one season, the female produces several generations. The body of slugs is very flexible.
You can overcome them using a gorky pepper solution or apply various food bait.


Also this pest is also called Kapoolenka.

The Medveda is a major insect, which can be in length more than six centimeters. At first glance, it is a little bit like a cancer. The back of dirty-brown color, belly has a yellowish tint and covered with thick, small hairs. Kapolenka uses its front paws for the digging of the Earth.

This pest is very common in Russia and in Europe. For his saturation, he eats the roots and stems of various plants, seeds and numerous roots. Usually dwells underground.

It is very difficult to overcome the bear, but it is possible if it is difficult to pour the soil with a solution with a solution with 0.3% chlorophos. Another also effective way The fight against this voracious insect is a bait consisting of a mixture of grain crops together with chlorophos.

Capping Tla

The wave casts on the cabbage in the middle of the summer. Outless females lay on the leaves of eggs, brilliantly black. They themselves consist of an egg-shaped body with a length of 2 mm and covered with whitish dust. Females covered reproduce larvae. With the help of the trouble, the TLA sucks juice from plants.

Cabbage from pest - Tlima can be spraying plants insecticide "Match" and "Aktara".

Capping mole

This insect is very often found on cabbage plantations. The front wings are long, painted in a dark, slightly wavy strip, and the rear is dark gray. Mole cabbage puts out the caterpillar cabbage sheets with eight legs and having a brown head on which black dots are located. Caterpillars instantly eaten leaf pulp, thereby forming moves. They also damage the top kidney, after which the plant ceases to grow and dies.

Effective struggle against catwalk can serve a deep chilly plowing of land. It is also recommended to perform a spraying of drugs containing phosphorods in a timely manner.

Capping fly

Anyone who sees bored cabbage sheets on garden Groke, it begins to set the goal, how to save this vitamin vegetable, without damaging its health. Surface gardeners in their arsenal have many folk councilov and methods that will allow to say goodbye times and forever with cappos pests.

For spraying, diverge vinegar is bred 6% in ten liters cold water. Before processing it is better to inform about the weather. In hot dry days, spraying advise specialists after sunset, as the cabbage leaves can get burns.

  • Experienced breeders advise to cover the entire cabbage seedlings with a nonwoven cannol. It will protect the plants from the scorching sun and prevents the access of various insects to the plant. As soon as cabbage is strengthened, and the leaves will become more hard and rude, can be removed the canvas.
  • Can be caught with pests can be tincture made of onion husks. Its strong smell scares almost all pests and at the same time onions a beautiful fertilizer for a plant and land.

For the preparation of the tincture you will need half a kilogram of onion husk, which should be pouring four liters of hot water. It follows a few days (3 - 4 days). Before the treatment of cabbage from pests should be added to the tincture of one teaspoon of the Degtyar shampoo. Such a mixture spray cabbage is recommended once every three to four days.

  • If you do not know how to spray cabbage from such pests like caterpillars, then try inexpensive, but an effective way. Eggs and larvae of caterpillars love the wasps and eat them with pleasure. For bait, take old jam or sugar syrup and pour them cabbage. The wasps will instantly fly to your plantation and will neutralize your crop from insects.
  • The folk method for the struggle and prevention of cabbage flies and its larvae is a bay leaf. The laurel sheet bag is brewed in one liter of hot water and spray plants so influence. Spraying can be regularly. The bay leaf is a fairly effective remedy for cabbage pests.

Cabbage treatment of chemistry pests

Not only folk remedies and methods are used to treat and protect white cabbage, but also chemical. Unfortunately, large areas of this culture cannot be handled manually or when immediate wrestling of pests is needed. The most popular chemicals are:

  • Fury;
  • Cemifos;
  • Spark - m;
  • Bolat and others.

In stores and markets you can meet others, as well as very good chemicals for cabbage processing. It should be breeding strictly according to the instructions that are specified on the package.

White cabbage is not only an excellent vegetable for the preparation of numerous dishes, it is an excellent medicinal plant that many centuries is valued by their useful substances. Without this unique product, no house is required. We hope that this article will become an excellent instruction that will save your garden from malicious parasites.

Vegetables are popular garden plants. Like any culture, attention during the cultivation requires cabbage. Landing and care, the struggle against pests are the daily care of the garden on the plot.

In the process of growing garden crops, the gardener faces insects, damage to plants. Cabbage pests damage cultures throughout the growth, but most of them are dangerous in the earliest period of development. This is due to the fact that young plants have tender juicy leaves that attract insects, but the shoots themselves are still weak to withstand such an onslaught. Cabbage pest control is the main task of the gardener, if he wants to get a good harvest as a result of his works.

Landing cabbage and care for her

Landing and care for cabbage is carried out as follows:

  1. Capulate seedlings. Cabbage is a light-loving plant, it is required a large number of moisture and temperature 21 ° C. The optimal time for disembarking seed is the end of April, and in open sad Cabbage is planted in early June. For planting seedlings prepare a special soil, which consists of half the number of manure and half of the garden land. You can add coarse sand in such a soil, pine HvoyIt will be very useful to add 25 grams of fertilizers such as "phoscade" or "nitroposka" on the bucket of such soil. The soil thickness for the disembarkation must be at least 12 cm. The distance between the rows of seedlings is about 12 cm, in a row between the plants - about 1 cm. Two weeks after seedlings, the seedlings are thinned so that about 5 cm should be left between the seedlings. And they plan them into separate pots with a diameter of 7 cm.
  2. Seedlings are ready for landing when she appears 6 real leaves. The landing scheme is on average 60x60, that is, about three sprouts per 1 m square. Place shoots in the open soil in the evening or in cloudy weather. The land around the sprout crimp and wipes well, the ground in the arsenic thorns braid. Water seedlings as needed, general recommendations are as follows: before the formation of Kochan 3 liters per square meter, and after - five liters on the same area. After a couple of weeks, instead of missing or infected sprouts, retreating 10 cm from the old wells, put the fresh.
  3. With poor height, the cabbage should be filtered by a mineral fertilizer or a solution of a mining cowboy, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 6, and one tablespoon "phoscade" or "nitroposki" is divorced in 10 liters of water. Each plant is watered by spending half-liter solution on it. If the soil is very dry, then after fertilizers, the same amount of simple water fills. After that, the cabbage is dipped, it is important in care, as it leads to the formation of pressing roots. For the first time, they dip three weeks after disembarking wet ground, and in the second one - a month after that. Throughout the season, it is carried out up to five loosenings and are twisted three times before irrigation or precipitation.

Dangerous cruciferous fleece

One of the most dangerous pests for young cabbage sedresses and other cultures of this species is a cruciferous flew. It is small jumping beetles with a body length of about three millimeters.

After the winter ended, this pest can hide the surface layer of soil, fallen leaves, greenhouse and greenhouse slots. Wake up the beetles in early spring while settling the soil. Initially, adult insects eat cabbage weeds, and then the cabbage vegetables, freshly dried seedlings begin to eat. They damage mostly young leaves of plants. Beetles tear out small holes on the leaves, which leads to the fact that the leaves dry out, the plant dies.

Especially important is the struggle with the pests of cabbage - cruciferous flews - in hot spring weather, when too much is divorced. At this time, the pest is able to destroy absolutely all seedlings of the planted seedlings on significant areas, as it can eat the volume, three times higher than the weight.

Harmful cabbage fault

No less dangerous pests for cabbage is the cabbage trouble. It is very small insects in two millimeters of a gray-white shade. The wave is multiplied by a pathogenetic way, without fertilization, laying out small elongated eggs, which winter on bars, weeds, on the cabbage seeds. In the spring, larvae appear, which are developing in outless insects, which again give birth to the larvae. After that, females appear with wings, which in the middle of the summer move to cabbage from weeds and there begin to multiply, each gives 40 larvae.

When the word massually multiplies, the leaves of the cabbage cultures are completely covered with woven, sucking juice and discoloring the leaves. At the same time, the latter are twisted, and the plant ceases to grow and give seeds. The fight against the pests of cabbage - tool is more effective before July, when the winged individuals are moving.

Cruciferous pest

Common cabbage pests are cruciferous bugs. An adult person of this insect has a body length from 5 to 10 mm. Winter bugs in weed thickets, piles of fallen foliage, on the gardens. In the middle of spring, they begin to eat cabbage leafy weeds and early cabbage cultures. And with the beginning of the summer, the female bugs lay eggs, of which the larvae growing in a month are born in a couple of weeks.

Plants are harmful and larvae, and adult insects. They pierce the skin of the culture and suck the juice from the leaves. In the headfield of the sheet remains droplets of the saliva of a cloud containing enzymes, squeezing leaf cells. Lessons are twisted and dying. Adult plants begin to grow badly, so to obtain a good harvest, the cabbage pests should be carried out.

Cabbage leaf

Almost all the terrain is common, such a pest as cabbage leaf. It is a small five millionth beetle, brilliant, egg-shaped.

The insect damages the leaves by measuring large holes in them. Insects winter in soil hidden by warm residues of plants, and in the spring crawl. In the left pulp foliage foliage, eggs are laying, of which larvae appear in a couple of weeks. They also feed the leather leaf. After about 3 weeks, the larvae descend to the ground and pound, and after 10 days, beetles are born from the doll.

Cabbage scoop and cabbage hidden

Another cabbage pest is the cabbage scoop. An adult insect is a night-brown-colored night butterfly in size up to 5 cm. In the end of the spring, the females are laying eggs, from which three weeks are born, naked, green sixteen traditional caterpillars with a length of 5 cm and develop 2 months. Damage to plants are applied precisely caterpillars - they scrape leaves from the bottom side, and then sprawl, and holes in them. Closer to the end of the summer caterpillars begin to eat kochans. Therefore, the processing of cabbage from the caterpillars is the main method of combating cabbage scoop.

Another common cabbage pest is a stem cabin hidden. It is a three-millionth black beetle. Adult individuals winter under the vegetable residues, especially plants are not harmful. The larvae of this insect is of great danger, which appear in spring from eggs. They gnaw leaves and cutters, get to the root itself. The foliage begins to yellow, plants cease to grow and die.

Cabbage pest control measures

The fight against pests of cabbage without chemistry is primarily as follows:

  1. In order to not give massively to appear pests, you need to regularly pour and remove weeds.
  2. In dry sunny weather, seeding seedlings or seedlings are covered with air-supporting nonwoven materials.
  3. It is also helpful to clean and burn herbal waste after harvesting and go well to pull the soil in the fall.

If the plants are amazed at the initial stages, then the struggle against the pests of cabbage by folk remedies. If they have already been very solved, it should be started to fight them chemical methodsWhat is less harmless way.

There are biological ways of the struggle that are that insects are attracted to planting cabins, which are enemies of pests.

It also helps manual pest control: it can be the conversion of butterflies on sweet food or on fire, as well as manual collection of caterpillars and pest eggs.

Pests of cauliflower and the struggle with them are similar and no different from other species.

Chemistry to combat pests

Often, all the efforts of the glooders to combat pests do not give proper results. The weather is played in this role: if there are arid hot days, harmful insects are developing faster. At the same time, they also eat plants more intensively. In these cases, it is necessary to look for more efficient methods.

A good result when dealing with pests give chemicals. Cabbage pest control means contain the following arsenal:

  • Preparation "Aktellik". It is used in the proportion of 20 ml on 10 liters of water, for the spraying of 10 m square. It will take one liter of solution.
  • "Bolk" is a biological product obtained from nautical collided worms, applied similarly to the first tool.
  • On large production areas, cabbage processing is effectively carried out by the use of preparations "Decis", Bi-58, Karate.
  • Such strong chemicals as "antio", "carbofos", "Decis Extra", "Roviikurt" is recommended only in critical infection of plants by pests.
  • Also, with a sufficiently strong attack of malicious insects, microbiological preparations "Bitokssibatsillin", "Lepiosocid", "Dipel" are used.
  • To combat breaking harmful insects, such chemicals such as Bazedin, Zeta, Biorine, Carbofos, Kinmix, Fosbecide, Diazinon, PhytoTerm, Intavir are used.

Fighting cabbage pests by folk remedies

People's methods of pest control are considerable popularity. It is caused, first of all, the fact that the drugs to combat pests can be made independently, they are harmless, inexpensive, their ingredients are easily accessible.

Many amateur gardeners use chemicals only in the recent case when all other methods no longer provide effective results. But chemistry is harmful to plants, and even more so for garden crops. Therefore, you need to try well to push the use of these substances as far as possible in time. In this case, the plants will already raise the power, coolant and will not be so interesting to pests. And try, applying folk ways Fight.

You can fight like this:

  1. It is effective to combat cabbage pests vinegar: a glass of vinegar 9% is divorced in 10 liters of water with the addition of 400 g of the cooking salt, then cappustcasted with a cabbage against leaf-racing pests.
  2. To scare away flew and beetles, you need to make cabbath dust cabbage plants daily. Either the same goal is stirred tobacco dust and ash or hawked lime in equal parts. For pollination, thirty grams of the drug should be left early in the morning.
  3. And even for fishing, glue traps arrange. To protect young shoots, they can be covered with tops from plastic bottles.
  4. Cabbage treatment from caterpillars is made by spraying with an ash (2 glasses) and liquid soap or a fabric shampoo (tablespoon) for ten liters of water, filled day. Either leaves can be sprinkled with ordinary food soda.
  5. Also effective tool is the early landing of spring garlic, dill, mint. When their shoots appear, cabbage landed. The smell of spices scares pests.
  6. They scare harmful insects and sharp smells, so for watering for ten liters of water you can add fifteen drops of fir oil or sprinkle with the foliage of the insertion of the chickens.
  7. It is effective to fight pests of cabbage vinegar: a tablespoon 70% vinegar is divorced in 10 liters of water and this solution is sprayed with this solution. The method helps against fleets and tribes.
  8. As soon as the plants appear the first heaps of the tool, the leaves need to wipe the cloth, which should be plentifully impregnated with soap solution. For such a procedure, it is also possible to use tiny foliage, potatoes, branches of whlen, tobacco, onion or globes of garlic.
  9. Cabbage treatment with sludge alcohol is against the sludge alcohol: 40 ml of alcohol dilute in 6 liters of water and pour straight on the leaves. Ten minutes later, the procedure is repeated.
  10. Butterflies and beetles can be scared with the spraying of onion husks, tomato tops.
  11. To combat pests, it is possible between the cabbage to decompose fresh nettle or sprinkle with mustard powder.
  12. Cabbage treatment with ammonic alcohol can also be carried out as follows: Dilute 10 mg of ammonia on 10 liters of water and pour this mixture under cabbage when the seedle falling down.

Biological measures of struggle

We can bring more benefits living on the site or the wasps attracted on it, because they feed the caterpillars to their offspring. You can attract them by the smell of diluted old jam, sweet compote or just sugar, which splashes cabbage.

Cabbage treatment against underground pests affecting roots (larvae scoop, cabbage flies, May beetle) can be carried out with the help of black ants. In order for them to come, under the fading bush also leave a sweet solution of jam in the tank.

Saving spicy herbs in the cabbage, you can be smell to attract gold-eyed, rider beetles, ladybugs are good helpers in the fight against slugs, butterflies, tool and flews.

Eggs of the cabbage scoop destroys the trichogram released in the cabbage.


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