General description of the sign. All you need to know about Gemini All about the Zodiac Gemini

General description of the sign. All you need to know about Gemini All about the Zodiac Gemini

Twins are one of the most interesting signs of the zodiac signs. We have prepared for you information about 10 unusual facts About these people who can hit you.

Fact Sixth: Gemini love to travel. Even they themselves do not understand why, but they just like to go by car to the music in another city. They love road romance - roadside cafes, sleep in the car. They are ready to go somewhere even alone, just only to go.

Fact seventh: Absolutely in all these people are looking for a reason to think and reflect. It concerns music, movies, books. They can not without it, since it seems to them that their brain is gradually atrophied. They are inborn philosophers.

Fact eighth: they are good friends. Do you need to pull the car from the mud at 4 o'clock? They will come even if they cannot help. Appreciate their friendship, because they love you with all your heart. They are a lie, but there is no place to lie, so if they tell you that you mean a lot for them, then it is.

Fact ninth: They often can't thank a person for good. This applies to second halves and parents. If they see that they are helping those who live with them, then you can not always hear a loud thank you. They just quickly get used to good, including sincere good.

Fact tenth: They are gossips. Gemini love to talk about common acquaintances, telling secrets. In most cases, it is harmless, but sometimes they can pass a stick, so they receive physical punishment in the form of beats. Ah-yes, on mistakes, they never learn, and fundamentally.

Learn what metal fits you by the sign of the zodiac. The strength of nature, expressed in metal ornaments, can become an excellent assistant in finding happiness and good luck. This is especially true of our twins, the energy balance of which is especially unstable. Good luck and do not forget to press buttons and

05.09.2016 05:33

Each person is capable of almost everything, the main thing is to learn how to manage your energy and use the maximum ...

  • Planet patron: Mercury
  • Element: air
  • Mascot: beryl, Topaz
  • Color: orange
  • Chinese horoscope sign: horse
  • Good luck day: verenity
  • Difficult day: thursday
  • Lucky number: 5 (5)

Gemini Zodiac Sign: Talisman and Color Stones

  • Governor - Mercury manifests itself uranium, as it acts as the highest Octava Mercury and Mars.
  • Motto:"I think". "Revival".
  • Brief description of twins: Positive, double, male, sterile, beautiful, eloquent, volatile, air sign. Manages trade, communications, publications, newspapers, books, intellectual spheres, press, transport, constant changes, new experience, assimilation.
  • Personalityactive, informative, sociable, spiritual, movable with a lack of conventions. disadvantages - duality and impermanence, nervousness and restlessness, trick, imitation, superficial mind, chatty, lack of feelings.
  • Temperamentmovable, Sanguine.
  • Souland mind With the predominance of Energy of Mercury (thought, activity).
  • Spiritand Mind With the predominance of the energy of Jupiter (social, morality).
  • The basis of the worldview - Mathematism.
  • In esoteric Christianity The twin sign corresponds to the apostle Jacob. The stage of the alchemical process personified by the twins is fixation. The feat of Hercules is the extermination of the pimpalian birds.
  • Colors:purple, gray, light yellow, gray-blue, orange (green - unsuccessful).
  • Metals:gold, amalgam, silver.
  • Plants:daisy, poppies, buttercups, jasmine, daffodil.
  • Mascot:snake, mask.
  • Happy numbers:3, 5 and all numbers divided by 5, 12, 18.
  • Good days:wednesday, Sunday. Unlucky day: Thursday.
  • Common diseases:disorders and damage to the respiratory tract, especially bronchi, as well as voice ligaments. Intercostal pains, damage and wounds in the field of palms, hands and shoulder belts may occur.
  • Stones twins: Topaz, Beryl, all the motley stones.
  • Stones zodiac signopposite to twins (Stone Stones), being in the dissonance with their kind, can destroy well-being and life: hyacinth, pomegranate, turquoise, zircon, all red and green stones.
  • The happiest talisman for twins In March and April, Yasma will be, in October - Beryl, in November - Topaz and Beryl, in December - Topaz.

Gemini: zodiac sign description, full characteristic

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

Passing on the sign of the twins, the Sun illuminates the plant world, promotes the growth of plants, leaves, trees. For twin people, the duality of nature is characteristic, the result of which is the desire for multiplicity and diversity. The influence of twins is manifested in extraordinary lightness, intellectual severity and adaptation. Inner duality makes them somewhat non-permanent, changeable and indecisive, which, however, does not prevent them from spontaneously to show their will. Gemini people love to learn.

They are engaged simultaneously and alternately by many cases, showing special interest in literature, journalism and books at all. They quickly grab and assimilate the material, possess the magnificent oratorical talent. Often this sign is found in the horoscopes of speakers, publicists, publishers, artists, as well as business people and secretaries (advertising bureaus, transport services).

Description of the character of the sign of the Zodiac Gemini says that sensitivity and susceptibility gives them to the nature of youthful features that continue to deep old age. Gemini are easily addicted, they have a living mind and exceptional intellectual abilities. True, their knowledge most often is superficial.

Strengths - intellectuality, versatility, clarity, flexibility

Weak sides - impatience, contradiction, indecision, windiness

An excess or disadvantage of these qualities is often expressed in excessive levity and superficiality. According to the description of the Gemini sign, women are especially subject to this quality. The ability of twins to intellectual combination sometimes takes a negative character when communicating with other people. Gemini can deceive someone else's trust and affect the views and opinion of other people, inclining them in their favor.

Gemini "break a comedy" in everyday life, but often these cakes are hiding under the mask of goodness and it is difficult to recognize. Double and surfaceness - negative qualities of twins. In conjunction with their rare giving conviction, this can lead to actions contrary to laws and norms of humane behavior. People of this captivating, mysterious sign are confused, including astrologers, their oscillating, non-permanent personality.

Gemini - Mood People, in bad mood They often make stupid, unreasonable deeds, which later regret. Full description of the sign of the Zodiac Twins is a great confirmation of this. The diversity is their main feature, but they should learn to concentrate attention on something one and not spread through trifles.

Mercury lays in the brain twins model of curiosity, forcing them to analyze everything, divide, join again, and then rebuild to the following task.

From the characteristics of the sign of the zodiac, twins can conclude that no sign gives such a meaning of youth impressions, which then affect the entire future life. If from childhood, moral norms were laid, they will develop, strengthen them, turning into philosophy of productivity and satisfaction. If in his youth, they did not produce proper norms of behavior, then, in more mature age, the twins will rebel against conventions; They will tear the binding their family bonds, deny power and society.

According to the description of the sign of the zodiac, the twin is a man who grew up in such conditions will not be easy to build a long relationship. Some twins, conscious of their outstanding mental abilities, become smug and prim, begin to feel their superiority over the surrounding, indulge in their desires, which mainly ends with intellectual extension and fatigue.

Money, Career and Best Professions for Gemini

Gemini sign professions: For a sign, two extremes are characterized - a rich amateur, who received a great inheritance, or carefree, ruined by the artist (poet), who crosses the treasures of his intellect.

What professions are suitable for twins? They have a high ability to intellectual adaptation, which opens a wide field of action. Quite often, the fate of these people develop stepped. These steps are at least two, they differ from each other and pronounced, which is the main characteristic of this dual sign. The only way to overcome duality for twins is to perform two types of work at the same time, at the same time giving a greater value one. Profession, suitable twins, should be chosen based on these qualities.

Gemini in love and social relations

Gemini is inherent in some coldness that they themselves and the people around them are often taken for high feelings. This is especially true with a man twin. But they are far from so emotionally, as they seem, and the rapid change of their mood is only a fraudulent depth of feelings.

Gemini should make an effort and become more sensitive to their friends, beloved and relatives. Slowness annoys the twins, but they should understand that other people are not so fast and more prompt as the children of Mercury. They must study patience and moderation in everything - this will help make communication with the twins are more enjoyable.

A more detailed description of the personality and secrets of communication with the twins can be obtained by studying the position of the Sun in the dean (1/3 of part), or in the 10-degree sector of the zodiac sign.

Gemini zodiac sign symbol: What does the image of the twins mean

The symbol of twins ♊ means the possibility of connecting an unconnected - the moon of growing and moon of aging, the moon, which perceives the moisture of space and the earth, past and the future, young and old, developed and backward, active and passive, evolutionary and involutionary, life and death. At the same time, 4 main spirals are laid in this symbol, 4 elements, thanks to which communication with the macrocosm occurs.

People born under the twin sign are inherent in uncommon intermediary, communication and compiler. Belonging to the element of air allows them, as well as the Aquarius, bring knowledge into a rational, logical form to the world. Guardian twins - Mercury - acts as the principle of the mind of a particular, without high abstractions, a flight of thoughts, higher knowledge.

However, some twins are characterized by the ability to concentrate thoughts and high performance, allowing to generate brilliant ideas and bring them to perfection. This is expanding the consciousness of humanity, destroy the restrictions in time and space. Therefore, one of the designations of the principle of twins is an expanding square - the extension of the borders of the bone matter.

Gemini can shift old knowledge to a new modern language. For this they require luck and activity. Help the twins exalted ascending moon node associated with fortune, and (in esoteric astrology) Mars, the patron sieve of all active manifestations. Gemini - tireless travelers, scientists, journalists, poets that can operate with information, in a word, thought. They have a clear speech, fast and movable intelligence, irrepressible traction to everything new.


State and political leaders: N. Bauman, N. Bakunin, Kamo, Victoria, P. Marat, D. Kennedy, I. Tito.

Public and religious leaders: D. Krishnamurti.

Scientists: A. Leonov, A. Karpov, K. Linny.

Art figures: K. Savrasov, V. Khodasevich, M. Voloshin, M. Sholokhov, A. Arbuzov, Chukhrai, R. Wagner, I. Albehenis, K. Doyle, A. Duncan, L. Olivier.

State and political leaders: Peter I, N. Schors, Ya. Sverdlov, J. Marshe.

Scientists: K. Timiryazev, N. Burdenko, I. Kozhevitub, A. Smith.

Art figures: A. Pushkin, P. Chayadayev, I. Kramskaya, M. Glinka, E. Mravinsky, L. Sobinov, A. Khachaturian, P. Cornell, R. Schuman, T. Mann, P. Gogen.

State and political leaders: A. Nevsky, Yu. Andropov, Dimitrov, Che Guevara.

Scientists: L. Magnitsky, T. Petrosyan, B. Pascal.

Art figures: I. Goncharov, V. Belinsky, I. Stravinsky, A. Nezhdanova, I. Moskvin, V. Solobukhin, A. Tvardovsky, R. Christmas, Sh. Gunov, R. Straus, J. Offenbach.

Categories: , / / From 12/12/2015

Gemini (in Lat. Gemini) - the third sign of the zodiac cycle. The twins period continues from May 22 to 21. On the main features and features of the nature of people born under this sign, tells the astrologer

Background information about the sign of the twins

  • Planet Governor -
  • Planet in Fall -
  • Element - air
  • Symbol - Gemini

Character twins

When it comes to twins, the first thing is remembered by a song: "Well, and friendship begins with a smile." Gemini should not smile a stranger in the bus or talk to another reader in the library, where further interesting acquaintance is tied. Gemini easily converge with people, unobtrusive and pleasant in communication.

Despite extensive friendly connections, close friends have a little. Therefore, few people know their true character well. Because of this, they often remain undervalued: people perceive their mobility, intelligence and non-merging temper, and do not see the other wonderful qualities of this sign. What other features are twins?

Gemini man. Characteristic

Intellectuals and do not give will animal instincts. They equally respect men and women and are the Yary Supporters of Equality, which does not prevent them from the well-to-penetrate, because they adore charming. They work in a variety of work, but if you dug deep, then everyone will find some talent in the art, which they did not give the go because of pragmatism.

Twin female. Characteristic

In twin women, it combines a slight attitude to life with erudition and excellent awareness in many areas. These are interesting and clever women who, however, do not always know what they want, but if you have already wanted something, then we will certainly achieve this.

What celebrities were born under the sign of the twins?

Lifestyle and psychological portrait of twins

Gemini feel well everywhere where there is a movement. They are gaining strength in companies, on excursions, for walks, making purchases and doing those affairs that can be done quickly and which do not require an in-depth approach.

Gemini love information, and they don't care where it comes from - from conversation, letters, media, internet. They are equally clever and in communication, and in the "processing" of texts. Their favorite places are crowded streets, mail, libraries, editorial board of newspapers and news programs.

In the house of twins a lot of interesting things. But their house does not look like a museum. It rarely meet things that can not be touched. All things have practical use. Exception - Collections: Twins are not indifferent to collecting and reach great skills in collecting intellectual collections - books, autographs, marks.

Pets do not cause dignity in twins. But they can have a fun companion-dog, a cat that easily transfers the absence of a host, or something, for what is curious to observe, for example, the colony of ants.

Easy in communication, friendly and charming twins enjoy great success at the opposite sex. Their novels are successful. Even if they do not end in the wedding, people break up with good buddies.

During the novel, the Gemini partner delivers a considerable headache. The desire of the twins flirting and flirting with others. Gemini do not understand what partner hurts. If they explain to them, they will stop themselves, because in general they are not in love, flirting for them is so, to sweat the tongue, and if this can not be done, they will switch to "safe" communication with people of their sex on the topic of books, politics , stories and other interesting things.

In love, twins are rational and somewhat superficial. African passions seem ridiculous. They are suitable simple and clear relationships based on common interest and equality.

It is easier for them to build relationships with weights and aquarius. But it pulls them more often than temperamental fiery signs - hairds, lions and sortiers, and with firing can be both the strongest sympathy and complete rejection. Curiosity pulls them to Capricorn, Fishes and Scorpions, but there will be little common between them. Gemini and Virgin feel great interest and attraction, but there are almost no passion in these pairs. Gemini and tales with cancers it is difficult to notice each other. But if you still wake up interest, it will be very curious and definitely not boring relationships.

Communicability and erudition of twins are in demand in schools and courses, in the editorial board, on shopping grounds. Gemini are successful in the role of realtors, logistics, guides, intermediaries. The ability to perceive money as abstract values \u200b\u200bmakes them excellent economists. Many twins work in banks and financial institutions. Enough among them and managers of those areas where they need to negotiate: supply, sales specialists, customer consultants.

And what do the twins want? They do not seek a big career. Money for them is also not the main thing. But neither nonsensebrenniki nor the people with a complete absence of ambulance will not call them. They want the boss to give them professional skillSo, and praised, and raised, and paid a worthy salary. They themselves could become big bosses, but they are given a long tongue and excessive democratic behavior. Yes, and responsibility for other people is not what attracts them.

Gemini and money

Gemini know how to earn. They know a lot in the area where they work, and besides, they can find part-time and a temporary source of income. Most often it is associated with movements and information: transfer the parcel, to ride a colleague, to perform an intermediary, write an article or take up the tutoring.

They have many acquaintances and buddies who are ready to help them with money. Big Credits Twins are reluctant, because they do not like long commitments. But by themselves loans do not scare them, they are easily understood in the conditions of credit contracts and know how to find a beneficial option for themselves. Therefore, twins with several small loans for gadgets, small techniques and training courses are quite frequent.

Gemini could be rich if they knew how to save and seriously belonged to the financial side of life. But they do not put material well-being of the goal of life, although smart, know that without money - nowhere and can provide everyday needs.

What are the twins in work, love, sex and friendship? What the twins do not like and what is important to remember the sign of the zodiac!

"Life on a volcano" is short description The daily life of the twins. Representatives of this sign are dreamers who are not afraid to fulfill everything conceived and solve the standard problem creative. But the paths for the exercise of their goals they use all sorts of: from the usual conversation with another to the sincere letter to Santa Claus. They are for non-standard thinking and personal records.

Gemini forgive a lot, as they are charming and friendly . Often too chatty, but in this chatter it is characterized by sincerity and straightness. They constantly find out the relationship with others, not only because the truth is important for them, but also because they are simply boring.

This zodiac sign is the most air of air signs. He is inherent in the mulberies of fantasies, turns on turns, falling at the bottom, upshots to the desired stars and meditation in weightless space. All incredible for them seems ordinary and familiar. Reading books begins with the last page, the apartments change annually, well, if not apartments, so repairs in them for sure. Their mood changes at the speed of light, and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situation and dry out the water laid in their blood.

Each representative of this sign has its own personal ideal to which he seeks. And after reaching this goal, they drastically change their ideal on a completely opposite goal, to which they go with the same perseverance. It happens that halfway they stop to pass, and then no matter how "accidentally" lose the target from the view.

Gemini in work

Monotoncy kills the Creative Twin Stream, influxed him physical power And is the first indicator of the offensive of depression. Although the depression in the twins is a fleeting phenomenon. She quickly comes and also quickly disappear. But this sign of the zodiac has a special guardian angel. Success follows them on the heels. In any start, they become professionals. The sign with the recognition "Best of the best" constantly in the field of view of their friends. But the "ordinary place" again absorbs the boredom twin, and he is looking for "oxygen" in his other endeavor. Tryingness and energy of this sign do not cease to hit phlegmatics and introverts.

Gemini in love

Male twin It is in the eternal search for an intelligent interlocutor. It is important for him to know that he has a personal space for his interests, but at the same time his personal interests should be part of the interests of his partners. Usually, the twin men get married more than once, since they are constantly self-improvement, and this process requires full compliance of the partner, which is often impossible. By their nature, he is not jealousas I am confident in your abilities and opportunities. His choice is a smart and beautiful partner.which can be trusted in any life situation.

Woman twinit is in the eternal search for happiness and a miracle. Today, her chosen one is the best and reliable man in the world, and tomorrow she criticizes every step every step. She is not blind in love, like other signs of the zodiac. She soberly looks at the shortcomings of the partner, but never ceases to love him.Gemini women like all sorts of attention signs: surprises, gifts, elementary SMS with funny content. In response to this, you will receive an avalanche of attention and love, just remember that tomorrow may, from where, either take, the second twin appears, and then no one will know what to expect from this woman. No need to even try to bind her to yourself, she is used to flushing like a bird,that Always remembers the way home.

Gemini in sex

Male twin -mr. in bed. He likes experiments in sex and various toys from "adult" stores. The representative of this sign loves to look at his "sacrifice" during intimate proximity, so light is a mandatory tool in their foreplay.. He says what the woman wants to hear, does what other men avoid.

Woman twin - A witty interlocutor, so even in the process of proximity to the partner, it does not stop to silence at least a minute. She does not need a special situation, it is important to energy partner. She does not like to rush in love games, because the long foreplay is her horse. It is curious from nature, so men are interested in her openness to all new and unexplored. Twin women have sex more often than representatives of other signs of the zodiac, because her sense of "conducting experiments" is always on the verge between the peak and Nirvana.

Erogenous zones twins

One of the most erogenous zones of twins (both men and women) are considered hands. Especially finance tips. Easy touch to fingers causes trembling and goosebumps throughout the body. In men, the tips of the fingers serve the zone that you need to stimulate to excite it, bitten and sucking them, and women should caress the space between the bones of the fingers and the wrist with a slight touch or a kiss.

Gemini in friendship

The twin avoids "problematic people" who enjoy his "free ears" and friendliness. He loves his comfort zone and rarely close enough new people. They have a sea of \u200b\u200bnew acquaintances, but few real friends. But if the twin still dodged someone close, then he was very difficult for him to say goodbye to this man forever. He is constantly trying to solve the problem, find a way to cope with the conflict situation, because "attachment" to people for him is not an empty sound, but the rate of life.

A peculiarity of a twin quarrel is its lightning hot temper and instantaneous impairment. He will not be afraid to come first, and he needs two times less than you to cool down after conflict.

Gemini do not likewhen limit their freedoms. They are trying to escape from an imaginary prison, because any encroachment on their familiar life lifestyle can take them out of equilibrium. They do not like to admit that made a mistakeSo long and ingeniously unscrew the facts in your direction. They are not lying, they simply do not tell the whole truth.

Conventional stories in the twins are becoming a fantastic adventure. Although much what they say, you can safely divide for four. They do it to create special piquancy or drama in their stories. The public is exactly the place where the twin is fully revealed as a witty interlocutor, attentive listener and the wise adviser. He is a true friend and charismatic partner, so twins are always bright sparkle of any campaign at any time of the day and night.

Important to remember

Each sign of the zodiac carries some kind of semantic characteristic of the characteristics of the character and behavior, but each person alone is individual and unique. We must all remember that in life it is necessary to focus on self-knowledge and self-development. Sometimes it is easier for us to fall on our date of birth than our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems.But, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

Horoscopes read, read and will read to just find out someone "closer" or explain the cause of some stupid deeds. Tip: "Love your shortcomings and misses your loved ones, because they make us unique and unique people." Live already today, realizing that each of us is free in your choice and in your decision. Respect others and then you will not come across the problem of "incompatibility of zodiac signs."

Marina Poznyakov

Vika Di

Gemini - the third sign of the zodiac, his element - air, planet patron - Mercury. People born under the sign of the twins usually distinguishes liveliness And the swiftness of gestures, they all the time are in motion and not a minute are sitting on the spot. People of this sign filled with energy And the thirst for permanent activity - they often make several things at the same time, strive for the implementation of the ideas that came to mind and literally accustomed to mind.

Twins no distinguished punctualityand forever late, compensating for this lack of diligence and consignment. They are surprisingly easy to rise, any adventure can captivate them in an unexpected journey. Monotonous work kills them, and the twins in the blink of an eye can change not only the place of work, but also of residence - usually winds them In endless searches. All their lives they can spend what is called, on suitcases, ready for any minute to break from the place.

Rapid and restless twins

Duality of characterInherent in twins, makes them rushing from one to another: these people strive for some unattainable ideal all the time, but they can not really understand what he is.

Their life priorities change all the time, at one time they are only interested in a career, they can already be obsessed with family and personal growth.

Inside, twin people can be extremely wounded, but he is always strong and confident outside, will never show his weakness.

Others never can predict, what kind of twins will be today, and with them worth being ready for everything: sharp mood drops, depression, changing cheerfulness and so on. But they themselves try to treat life easily and try to convey this philosophy the rest.

Description of this sign in itself can be controversial: Gemini Elusive Nature, in them can be combined at first glance, incomprehensible - calcality and romanticism, the desire for benefit and selflessness.

Characteristics of twins on the sign of the zodiac: Relationships and love

In relations with twins can be very difficult due to their changeability. Nevertheless, the twins are capable of sincere feelings and if they are in love, they are in this report. With them exactly do not have to miss Or brake them: moving twins themselves can pull their partner.

In relations, twins show sincere feelings

However, you should not forget that relations can be bored with twins, and then they cannot be held from the rupture. The facts are such that they need a certain freedom In relations and at the same time care and attention.

At the same time, the conversations about love they do not support what they mean that they prefer the evidence of the words.

Monotonous family life With its burden of obligations and debt can be very quickly bored with twins: such people need regular restfrom home care, so they like traveling to the sea in warm edges.

Dates of the twins: birth period

Twins - summer sign, whose date begins at the end of May and continues for almost a month until the end of June. Dates of the twins - from May 22 to 21.

Twins compatibility with other zodiac signs: for love and marriage

Unlike other signs of the zodiac, the twins are not very launched with other air signs - weights and aquiet. Is that scales can be an excellent work partner - their cooperation is fruitful. But the relationship between them is unlikely to be educated, it is a bad option.

Twins compatibility with other signs - who is the best

It is important to remember that the twins from those people who want to see in their satellite of life at the same time friend, beloved and mentor. If relations with the twins begin with friendship, it is not necessary to worry, perhaps this friendship will carry into something more.

Sign of zodiac partnerCompatibility with twins
calf Little compatibility
Twins Good compatibility, friendship
a lion
Virgo Average compatibility, attraction
Libra Sustainable compatibility, love
Scorpio No compatibility
Sagittarius Average compatibility, friendship
Aquarius Sustainable compatibility, marriage possible
Capricorn Little compatibility
Fish No compatibility

Who fits twins in love is difficult to say for sure this capricious sign Located in difficult relationships with almost all signs.

However, a good and decent couple of twins can make a lion

His grace and royal magty makes a strong impression on twins who love successful people who know their price.

The most suitable relationships for marriage with twins can facel with Aries and Gemini. The best sexual compatibility in twins, oddly enough, with the Virgin and Scorpio.

Best sexual compatibility in twins with Virgin and Scorpio

Element of twins: air

Air element excellent transfers non-easy temper character: A non-permanent, changeable, forcing it to move where the wind will fall.

People of this sign it is better to live in a soft and cool climateWhere there is a lot of free space.

The apartment is better not to litter by unnecessary subjects, leaving complete freedom of creativity and the opportunity to constantly change everything. Best accommodation - Studio apartment, where many open space And you can safely change the layout.

Gemini Children: Select the name for small twins

Gemini in childhood - small restless meteors capable of doing everything at once. Such children are very inquisitive and constantly seek to learn something new, but they have a discipline obviously lame. Also, twin children are not distinguished by patience and prerequisites, they need a constant movement.

Too frequent bans depress them, introducing into despondency and depression. Parents should work on to ensure that mortify the twins accuracy and punctualityBut unobtrusively, otherwise the child will take away from the hands.

The appropriate name for the twin baby should be dug and beautiful to display the creative beginning of this nature.

Twin boy: Albert, Anton, Arthur, George, Oleg, Plato, Savely, Yaroslav.

Girl twin: Elena, Lika, Louise, Taisia.

Profession for twins: what to find yourself

Twins - creative people, with a feeling of taste and love for the beautiful.

Any profession associated with creativity is perfectly suitable for twins

Of these, designers, artists, dancers can get. Also analytic mind And the intelligence allows such people to advance in sales.

Profession for the sign of the zodiac - Gemini

A good choice of profession for will be journalism, medicine, music. Rather, they will find their vocation in design and floristry.

Gemini symbols: Talisman

The main symbol of twins is the twins themselves. Also talismans are a hand and star. For people of this sign, it's nicely to have an image or a figurine associated with the twins. The pendant is also suitable for the neck or other decoration, especially if it is made of gold - metal-talisman sign of the zodiac twins.

Talisman animal - snake.

Talisman-stone: Beryl, Topaz, Chrysoprase, Agat.

Tree and flower for twins: ash and jasmine

The patron of this sign consider ash and robAlso juniper and saffron.

Twins are useful walking through the coniferous forest, their own patron woman can be asked to defend and give strength

Gemini Zodiac sign flowers - daisy and Jasmine.

Twins Colors: Yellow and Blue

Cheerful twins will suit yellow - It symbolizes brightness and activity. Also, the people of this sign will fit all the shades of the blue - from the heavenly blue to a saturated turquoise and azure.

Metal for twins: Gold

Metal corresponding to proud twins is gold. Very successful type of metals that can be worn almost in any form, whether it is earrings, bracelets, cufflinks, or frames for glasses or wallet. A pleasant detail will be inserting Gemstone Talisman Gemini - agatha or Berylla.

Stone for Zodiac Sign Gemini - Black Agate

Gold - soft metal, but always shines and looks rich. This conveys partly nature of twins: despite the fact that they are soft and in the soul of vulnerable people, outwardly they try to look successful and proud. For them to some extent external image is very important, how they look in the rest of the rest.

March 23, 2018, 13:26

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