Mat Fitzgerald - Champions Diet. Five principles of nutrition of the best athletes

Mat Fitzgerald - Champions Diet. Five principles of nutrition of the best athletes

Mat Fitzgerald.

Champions diet. Five principles of nutrition of the best athletes

Published with permission Perseus Books, LLC, A Subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc. and Projex International LLC Acting Jointly With Alexander Korzhenevski

All rights reserved.

No part of this book can be reproduced in whatever form without the written permission of copyright holders.

© 2016 by Matt Fitzgerald This Edition Published by Arrangement with Da Capo Lifelong Books, An Imprint of Perseus Books, LLC, A Subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc. (USA) Via Alexander Korzhenevski Agency (Russia). All Rights Reserved.

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2017

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Most athletes argue that a considerable role in their achievements is played by food. For athletes, acting in sports for stamina, diet is even more important. It is she who can lead to victory or prevent you to get to the finish. When High Gebresielissie, who won a lot from 1500 to 10,000 m many times, began to run marathons, he was confident in his abilities and on the London Marathon looked up in front of the tergat. High was at the peak of the form and was preparing to become the best in the world ... who could beat him? He won the wrong food. For 12 km to the finish, he felt that the forces leave him that the stomach rebelled, and came down from the distance. In the following years, Haile has established a power system, and this no longer repeated. Many athletes, like he, are mistaken, building their diet.

Although most professionals recognize the importance of a diet, and sometimes they even become obsessed with her, very few of them eat right. During the competition and in the process of training, some are excess of nutrients, and they lack them. Some consume too much fluid, while others are too small. In many athletes, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But often it can be prevented. There are a lot of reasons why athletes experience difficulties with food:

They do not know how to plan it;

Follow the wrong advice;

Not sufficiently listen to the body;

On the contrary, all the forces make themselves following the adopted plan;

It is not sufficiently flexible in the sense of changes to the existing plan.

Usually people believe that organize the system proper nutrition - A complex technical task that is difficult to solve. There is a lot of information on this matter, and recommendations often contradict each other. The main trend today is the exclusion from the diet of certain products and the use of so-called healthy food with small portions (vegetarianism, low-carb diets, paleodietes and many different diets serves as popular examples of such nutrition). Excluding from the diet is not too useful food and replace its nutrient in essence correctly. But if the diet becomes too scarce, the results will be deplorable. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the commercial interests of companies - product manufacturers, as well as about pursuit of sensations in the field of food. Everyone who writes a blog about diet, considers himself a real expert. It is not surprising, therefore, the athletes are often lifted.

As a scientist professionally engaged in sports nutrition, I for a long time I am in the forefront of research in this area. Numerous scientific work carried out by us in the Labs of the Birmingham University in the UK served as the basis of nutrition recommendations, which many athletes are guided to this day. Throughout his scientific career, I tried to translate complex scientific findings in practical advice and techniques. Research is usually carried out in laboratories, where almost all variables can be monitored. This is necessary for scientific work. However, laboratory experiments and experiments have limitations: they are not carried out at all in such conditions in which athletes are actually trained and competed. In the laboratory, we can create a drink using ultrapure ingredients. In reality, we use different drinks and products and often mix them.

The basis of any scientific recommendation should be a clear and clear scientific explanation. But it also serves as a foundation for the mass of delusions and confusion, since different people Differently assess the importance of scientific evidence. For some athletes, such proof is a friend who successfully passed a sports distance and claims that he managed to thanks to some particular drink. For other proof, there is a stunningly looking product that they bought a day before the competition on a specialized exhibition. After all, on its packaging it is written: "confirmed by scientific research." For me, none of these examples serves as evidence. To obtain them, it is necessary to establish a number of clear rules, based on compliance with which you can determine present Good sport results.

And it is in this area that Mat Fitzgerald manifests his talent! In order to distinguish between high-quality and mediocre scientific experiments, as well as between the qualitative and mediocre distribution of scientific achievements, which is not easy to do without certain training and skills, we need people who can bring scientific achievements and reliable evidence to the general public. Mat is able to understand and interpret the achievements of science, turning them into very simple and very practical recommendations for any athlete. It separates the facts from fantasies.

At first glance, Mat lists general principlesCommitted by common sense. But it is precisely this often lacking athletes when approaching their nutrition.

Mat dedicated to the study of the diet of athletes a lot of time, the countless number of hours he asked them about what they eat. He found that the diet of many athletes around the world engaged in sports for endurance are very similar. Many of these athletes have never talked to sports nutritionists, and sometimes they did not even hear about sports nutrition. Nevertheless, very remarkable common features are detected in their habits and preferences for food.

The book "The Champions Diet" describes five key food habits opened by Mat. And it turns out that they are all substantiated in the scientific literature and are confirmed by evidence collected during laboratory research. Yes, it will be discussed about outstanding athletes who are significantly superior to the possibilities of an average athlete engaged in sports for stamina. However, you want - believe, you want - no, outstanding athletes are also people. Of course, they have certain individual differences, but still their organisms are arranged in accordance with the fundamental principles of physiology and biochemistry, just for all of us.

The book of "Champions Diet" to a certain extent exposes the problem of nutrition of athletes. In it, you will not find anything superfluous, myth about new-fashioned diets will be debunk, and the top will take common sense. I often ask myself a question why many athletes begin to build a power pyramid from top to bottom. Often, first of all, they ask me about sports food additives. Then follow questions about sports drinks. And much less often athletes are interested in the problem of a balanced healthy diet. So this book will help you first create a well-balanced diet that meets the principles healthy nutritionAnd then adapt it to its load and goals.

The champions diet that MAT offers is that it is deprived of any extremality. She is very practical, it is easy to observe, and she will definitely give its results - excellent well-being and high sports achievements. I consider this book very useful. I hope you agree with me.

Asker Yukendroup,professor, Exchange Specialist at Athletes, Loughborough University, England, Director of the Consulting Company in Development, Research and Sales of High Quality

1. What eating the most endless people in the world

What is common among professional runners from the USA, rowers from the national team of Austria, world-class swimmers from Argentina and Champions in Triathlon from South Africa?

Diet. Elite athletes acting in hardness sports, in all countries feed on approximately the same. Although there are some superficial differences in specific preferences for one or another products, the most enduring planet people have common nutrition habits that make up the system that can be called champions diet. Unlike conventional diets designed to relieve weight or overall health promotion, most of which were invented by one person or a group of people, the champions diet evolved over many generations of athletes in countless international competitions. In the course of this long-term process, the habit and style of food, which prevented the achievement of the highest results, gradually disappeared, and continued their existence only those that were best answered by the target athletes.

Published with permission Perseus Books, LLC, A Subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc. and Projex International LLC Acting Jointly With Alexander Korzhenevski

No part of this book can be reproduced in whatever form without the written permission of copyright holders.

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Most athletes argue that a considerable role in their achievements is played by food. For athletes, acting in sports for stamina, diet is even more important. It is she who can lead to victory or prevent you to get to the finish. When High Gebresielissie, who won a lot from 1500 to 10,000 m many times, began to run marathons, he was confident in his abilities and on the London Marathon looked up in front of the tergat. High was at the peak of the form and was preparing to become the best in the world ... who could beat him? He won the wrong food. For 12 km to the finish, he felt that the forces leave him that the stomach rebelled, and came down from the distance. In the following years, Haile has established a power system, and this no longer repeated. Many athletes, like he, are mistaken, building their diet.

Although most professionals recognize the importance of a diet, and sometimes they even become obsessed with her, very few of them eat right. During the competition and in the process of training, some are excess of nutrients, and they lack them. Some consume too much fluid, while others are too small. In many athletes, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But often it can be prevented. There are a lot of reasons why athletes experience difficulties with food:

They do not know how to plan it;

Follow the wrong advice;

Not sufficiently listen to the body;

On the contrary, all the forces make themselves following the adopted plan;

It is not sufficiently flexible in the sense of changes to the existing plan.

Usually people believe that it is difficult to organize a system of proper nutrition - a complex technical problem that is difficult to solve. There is a lot of information on this matter, and recommendations often contradict each other. The main trend today is the exclusion from the diet of certain products and the use of so-called healthy food with small portions (vegetarianism, low-carb diets, paleodietes and many different diets serves as popular examples of such nutrition). Excluding from the diet is not too useful food and replace its nutrient in essence correctly. But if the diet becomes too scarce, the results will be deplorable. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the commercial interests of companies - product manufacturers, as well as about pursuit of sensations in the field of food. Everyone who writes a blog about diet, considers himself a real expert. It is not surprising, therefore, the athletes are often lifted.

As a scientist professionally engaged in sports nutrition, I for a long time I am in the forefront of research in this area. Numerous scientific work carried out by us in the Labs of the Birmingham University in the UK served as the basis of nutrition recommendations, which many athletes are guided to this day. Throughout his scientific career, I tried to translate complex scientific findings into practical advice and techniques. Research is usually carried out in laboratories, where almost all variables can be monitored. This is necessary for scientific work. However, laboratory experiments and experiments have limitations: they are not carried out at all in such conditions in which athletes are actually trained and competed. In the laboratory, we can create a drink using ultrapure ingredients. In reality, we use different drinks and products and often mix them.

The basis of any scientific recommendation should be a clear and clear scientific explanation. But this also serves as a foundation for the mass of delusions and confusion, since different people differ differently to the importance of scientific evidence. For some athletes, such proof is a friend who successfully passed a sports distance and claims that he managed to thanks to some particular drink. For other proof, there is a stunningly looking product that they bought a day before the competition on a specialized exhibition. After all, on its packaging it is written: "confirmed by scientific research." For me, none of these examples serves as evidence. To obtain them, it is necessary to establish a number of clear rules, based on compliance with which one can determine the real cause of good sports results.

And it is in this area that Mat Fitzgerald manifests his talent! In order to distinguish between high-quality and mediocre scientific experiments, as well as between the qualitative and mediocre spread of scientific achievements, which is not easy to do without certain training and skills, we need people who can bring scientific achievements and reliable evidence to the general public. Mat is able to understand and interpret the achievements of science, turning them into very simple and very practical recommendations for any athlete. It separates the facts from fantasies.

At first glance, MAT lists general principles responsible for common sense. But it is precisely this often lacking athletes when approaching their nutrition.

Mat dedicated to the study of the diet of athletes a lot of time, the countless number of hours he asked them about what they eat. He found that the diet of many athletes around the world engaged in sports for endurance are very similar. Many of these athletes have never talked to sports nutritionists, and sometimes they did not even hear about sports nutrition. Nevertheless, very remarkable common features are detected in their habits and preferences for food.

The book "The Champions Diet" describes five key food habits opened by Mat. And it turns out that they are all substantiated in the scientific literature and are confirmed by evidence collected during laboratory research. Yes, it will be discussed about outstanding athletes who are significantly superior to the possibilities of an average athlete engaged in sports for stamina. However, you want - believe, you want - no, outstanding athletes are also people. Of course, they have certain individual differences, but still their organisms are arranged in accordance with the fundamental principles of physiology and biochemistry, just for all of us.

The book of "Champions Diet" to a certain extent exposes the problem of nutrition of athletes. In it, you will not find anything superfluous, the myth of new-fashioned diets will be debunk, and the top will take common sense. I often ask myself a question why many athletes begin to build a power pyramid from top to bottom. Often, first of all, they ask me about sports food additives. Then follow questions about sports drinks. And much less often athletes are interested in the problem of a balanced healthy diet. So this book will help you first create a well-balanced diet that meets the principles of healthy nutrition, and then adapt it to its load and goals.

Available in formats: Epub | PDF | FB2.

Pages: 336

The year of publishing: 2017

Language: Russian

About the book5 Rules for which the most endless athletes in the world and that will help you improve health and sports results. Population plays a decisive role not only in health, but also in sports results. It is mistaken to believe that athletes withsting colossal loads and burning thousands of calories can afford to "eat anything". On the work, for adequate restoration and growth of the training at such a level, it is necessary to eat very high quality. And the habits of the best athletes are exactly accurately fit as sports fans, And to everyone who wants to be healthier and have a normal weight. Mat Fitzgerald, a well-known sports expert and author of many books, explored the best endurance athletes in the world (in different types Sports and parts of light - from Russian triathlets to rowes from South Africa) and brought 5 rules, which they all follow: 1) Eat everything; 2) Eat high-quality products; 3) Eat more carbohydrates; 4) Eat enough; 5) Eat based on His own features. When interviewed with the famous athletes and the latest research, the author offers a nutrition plan, which can follow each (yes, these 5 rules are critical for athletes for endurance, but they are suitable for everyone). All these five habits are substantiated In the existing scientific literature and confirmed by evidence collected during laboratory research. Many athletes begin to build their pyramid of food from the very top: starting with food additives. But the base of nutrition is a balanced healthy diet. This book will help you configure it for yourself. For whom this book is the runners, triathlets, swimmers, cyclists and other athletes in hardness types. For those who want to know how the best athletes in the world feed. For those who cares about their health , It wants to eat right and not to have excess weight. The Tsitates from the book man is united by common among professional runners from the United States, rowers from the national team of Austria, world-class swimmers from Argentina and Champions in Triathlon from South Africa? The diet. As this diet appeared, I developed a special questionnaire by a diet of athletes, which sent by different countries. In the answers received by me, 11 sports disciplines and athletes from 32 countries are represented. Having completed the project, I formulated the champions diet - the optimal diet of sports nutrition. Hayle's get-in stomach was at the peak of the form and was preparing to become the best in the world ... who could beat him? He won the wrong food. For 12 km to the finish, he felt that the forces leave him that the stomach rebelled, and came up with a distance. The coophald diet is those of athletes who begin to consume a limited amount of carbohydrates, usually suffer from symptoms of overtraining, the most serious of which is constant lethargy, decline Results, hormonal failures, sleep disorders and mood swings. It is easier than it seems to be in the most good form, you must eat just as the most enduring planet people eat. And it is easier than you can imagine the habitation in the change in our gastronomic habits is that it is difficult for us to switch from pleasure from low-quality delegations to remuneration in the form of excellent health, good physical form, external view, High quality of life and self-esteem.


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About book

Eat everything;
Eat high quality ...

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About book
5 rules for which the best athletes for endurance are energized throughout the world and which you can follow for improving health and sports results.

Nutrition plays a decisive role not only in health, but also in sports results. It is mistaken to believe that athletes withstanding colossal loads and burning thousands of calories can afford to "eat anything".

On the contrary, for adequate restoration and growth of the training at such a level, it is necessary to eat very well.

And the habits of the best athletes will absolutely fit both fans of sports, and everyone who wants to be healthier and have a normal weight.

Mat Fitzgerald, a famous sports expert and the author of many books, explored the best athletes of endurance athletes (in different sports and parts of the world - from Russian triathlets to rowers from South Africa) and brought out 5 rules, which they all adhere to:

Eat everything;
Eat high-quality products;
Eat more carbohydrates;
Eat enough;
Eat based on your own features.
Based on an interview with famous athletes and the latest research, the author offers a nutrition plan, which can follow each (yes, these 5 rules are critical for athletes for endurance, but they are suitable for everyone).

All these five habits are scientifically substantiated in the existing scientific literature and are confirmed by evidence collected during laboratory studies.

Many athletes begin to build their power pyramid from the very top: starting with food additives. But the base of nutrition is a balanced healthy diet. This book will help you configure it for yourself.

For whom this book
For runners, triathlets, swimmers, cyclists and other athletes in hardness types.

For those who want to know how the best athletes in the world eat.

For those who care about their health, want to eat correctly and not have excess weight.

about the author
Mat Fitzgerald is a famous author who is writing about sports for endurance and sports nutrition. Certified sports nutritional expert. Mat - the author of bestseller "Competitive weight" and a number of other books about sports and sports nutrition. He was co-author of the famous Runner Dina Carnases. Fitzgerald - Columnist and His articles were published in Bicycling, Men "s Health, Triathlete, Men" s Journal, Outside, Runner "S WORLD, SHAPE and Women" s Health.


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