Download the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Download the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Promotional Charters of the Armed Forces Russian Federation

Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

(as amended by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2011 No. 38, from 07.29.2011 No. 1039, of January 14, 2013 No. 20)

This charter determines the rights and obligations of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the relationship between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, as well as the rules of internal order.

This Charter is guided by military personnel of military management bodies, military units, ships, enterprises, organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including military educational institutions vocational education Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - military units), and the persons of civilian personnel, replacing military positions. The provisions of the Charter, including the duties of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, are equally related to the military personnel of all military units and units.

The duties of officials not specified in the Charter are determined by the relevant provisions, instructions, instructions and guidelines.

The action of this Charter applies to military personnel of other troops, military formations, bodies and military units of the Federal Fire Service, as well as on citizens designed for military fees (hereinafter referred to as military personnel).

On the ships, the internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the ship's shipment of the navy.

In peaceful and wartime, in the training and teachings on teaching military personnel in battle, as well as during the fulfillment of tasks in the conditions of emergency or armed conflict, the internal service is determined by combat charters, instructions to ensure combat operations, as well as this charter.

General provisions

1. The daily life and activities of military personnel in the military unit are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the internal service.

The internal service is designed to be maintained in the military unit of the internal order and military disciplines that ensure its constant combat readiness, the safety of military service, the study of personnel, organized by the fulfillment of their other tasks in everyday activity and the protection of the health of military personnel. It is organized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

2. The internal service requires organized actions of military personnel regardless of their desires.

The fulfillment of the requirements of the internal service develops a sense of responsibility, independence, accuracy and conscientiousness in servicemen. Understanding, goodwill and willingness to help each other contribute to strengthening the military partnership and the cohesion of military teams, make it possible not only to carry out tasks in everyday activity, but also to withstand heavy tests in the combat atmosphere.

3. The requirements of the internal service must know and conscientiously perform each soldier.

At the beginning of the military service, the soldier needs special attention. Strict control of the commanders (bosses) and their personal example help the military personnel to realize the requirements of the internal service.

4. The management of the internal service in the military unit is carried out by the commander of the military unit, and in the location of the unit - the commander of the division. When placed in one room, several units whose commanders do not have a common direct chief, the order of the commander of the military unit, the internal service leadership is assigned to the commander of one of these units. The direct organizer of the internal service in the military unit is the head of the headquarters, and in the location of the company - the head of the company.

Responsibility for the state of the internal service in the subordinate troops is assigned to all direct supervisors. They must provide subordinate military units and departments assistance in organizing and ensuring the fulfillment of internal services and systematically check its condition.

Part one. Servicemen and relationships between them

Chapter 1. Rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel

General provisions

5. Defense of the Fatherland is a debt and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Military Service is a special type of federal public service, executed by citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - armed forces), other troops, military formations and bodies, military units of the Federal Fire Service and the Special Formations created for military time, as well as foreign citizens in armed Forces, other troops, military formations and organs.

6. Citizens (Foreign Citizens), held by military service, are military personnel and have the status established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The servicemen include:

officers, ensigns and Michmans, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education, sergeants and elders, soldiers and sailors, held by the military service under the contract (hereinafter - servicemen passing the military service under the contract);

officers designed for military service in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

sergeants and elders, soldiers and sailors, passing military service, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education before entering into a contract with them (hereinafter referred to as military service providing military service).

Each serviceman is assigned the corresponding military rank. Military titles are divided into military and ship.

7. Servicemen have the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen with some restrictions established by federal constitutional laws and federal laws.

The servicemen are assigned responsibilities for preparing for armed protection and armed protection of the Russian Federation, which are associated with the need for unquestioned fulfillment of the tasks in any conditions, including risk for life. Due to the particular nature of duties assigned to military personnel, they are provided with social guarantees and compensation.

In the armed forces, the Russian language is used as a state.

8. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the content and volume of rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel depend on whether they are in the execution of the responsibilities of military service or not.

The soldier is considered to perform military service in cases:

a) participation in hostilities, the fulfillment of tasks in a state of emergency and military situation, as well as in armed conflict. Military personnel who are foreign citizens are involved in the fulfillment of tasks in the conditions of military situation, as well as in armed conflict conditions in accordance with the generally accepted principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) execution official duties;

c) martial duty, combat service, service in the garrison dressing, the performance of duties in the daily dreasing;

d) participation in the teachings or campaigns of ships;

e) the execution of the order (orders) or the orders given to the commander (boss);

e) staying on the territory of the military unit during the service time set by the schedule (regulations) or at another time, if it is caused by the official need;

g) staying in the service business trip;

h) finding treatment, following treatment and forth;

and) following to the place of military service and back;

k) passing military fees;

l) stayed in captivity (with the exception of cases of voluntary passage), in the position of the hostage or interneed;

m) of a missing absence - before the recognition of a serviceman in the manner prescribed by law is missingly missing or declared by his deceased;

n) protection of life, health, honor and dignity of personality;

o) assisting internal affairs bodies, other law enforcement agencies on the protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen, law enforcement and public security;

n) participation in the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the natural and technogenic nature carried out without the introduction of a state of emergency;

Current page: 1 (A total of 44 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 29 pages]

Promotional Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 2012

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495

"On approval of the Promotional Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

(as amended by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10/23/2008 No. 1517

(as amended from 01.03.2011), dated January 14, 2011 No. 38, from 04/24/2011 No. 561, from 29.07.2011 No. 1039)

In accordance with Article 4 Federal Law Of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ "On Defense", in order to bring the Principal Statistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, decree:

1. Approve the accompanying:

Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Charter of the garrison, commandant and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize invalid:

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1993 No. 2140 "On approval of the Principal Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 51, Art. 4931);

subparagraph "A" of clause 2 of the Presidential Decree No. 197 of the President of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1997 "On the recognition of the decree of the Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation of June 12, 1992 No. 620" On the formation of the border troops of the Russian Federation "and making changes to some presidential decrees Of the Russian Federation "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 11, Art. 1298);

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2002 No. 671 "On Amendments to the Principal Statutes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 27, Art. 2676);

paragraph 4 of Appendices No. 1 to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2003 No. 1365 "On the change and recognition of some acts of the President of the RSFSR and the President of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of improving government controlled in the field of security of the Russian Federation "(meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 47, Art. 4520);

paragraph 1 of Annex No. 1 to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 3, 2005 No. 918 "On the change and recognition of some acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 32, Art. 3274).

Moscow Kremlin

President of Russian Federation

Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495)

This charter determines the rights and obligations of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the relationship between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, as well as the rules of internal order.

This charter is guided by military personnel of military management bodies, military units, ships, enterprises, organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including military educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - military units), and civilian personnel who replace military positions. The provisions of the Charter, including the duties of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, are equally related to the military personnel of all military units and units.

The duties of officials not specified in the Charter are determined by the relevant provisions, instructions, instructions and guidelines.

The action of this Charter applies to military personnel of other troops, military formations, bodies and military units of the Federal Fire Service, as well as on citizens designed for military fees (hereinafter referred to as military personnel).

On the ships, the internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the ship's shipment of the navy.

In peaceful and wartime, in the training and teachings on teaching military personnel in battle, as well as during the fulfillment of tasks in the conditions of emergency or armed conflict, the internal service is determined by combat charters, instructions to ensure combat operations, as well as this charter.

General provisions

1. The daily life and activities of military personnel in the military unit are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the internal service.

The internal service is designed to be maintained in the military unit of the internal order and military disciplines that ensure its constant combat readiness, the safety of military service, the study of personnel, organized by the fulfillment of their other tasks in everyday activity and the protection of the health of military personnel. It is organized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

2. The internal service requires organized actions of military personnel regardless of their desires.

The fulfillment of the requirements of the internal service develops a sense of responsibility, independence, accuracy and conscientiousness in servicemen. Understanding, goodwill and willingness to help each other contribute to strengthening the military partnership and the cohesion of military teams, make it possible not only to carry out tasks in everyday activity, but also to withstand heavy tests in the combat atmosphere.

3. The requirements of the internal service must know and conscientiously perform each soldier.

At the beginning of the military service, the soldier needs special attention. Strict control of the commanders (bosses) and their personal example help the military personnel to realize the requirements of the internal service.

4. The management of the internal service in the military unit is carried out by the commander of the military unit, and in the location of the unit - the commander of the division. When placed in one room, several units whose commanders do not have a common direct chief, the order of the commander of the military unit, the internal service leadership is assigned to the commander of one of these units. The direct organizer of the internal service in the military unit is the head of the headquarters, and in the location of the company - the head of the company.

Responsibility for the state of the internal service in the subordinate troops is assigned to all direct supervisors. They must provide subordinate military units and departments assistance in organizing and ensuring the fulfillment of internal services and systematically check its condition.

Part one
Servicemen and relationships between them
Chapter 1
Rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel
General provisions

5. Defense of the Fatherland is a debt and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Military Service is a special type of federal public service, executed by citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - armed forces), other troops, military formations and bodies, military units of the Federal Fire Service and the Special Formations created for military time, as well as foreign citizens in armed Forces, other troops, military formations and organs.

6. Citizens (Foreign Citizens), held by military service, are military personnel and have the status established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The servicemen include:

officers, ensigns and Michmans, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education, sergeants and elders, soldiers and sailors, held by the military service under the contract (hereinafter - servicemen passing the military service under the contract);

officers designed for military service in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

sergeants and elders, soldiers and sailors, passing military service, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education before entering into a contract with them (hereinafter referred to as military service providing military service).

Each serviceman is assigned the corresponding military rank. Military titles are divided into military and ship.

7. Servicemen have the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen with some restrictions established by federal constitutional laws and federal laws.

The servicemen are assigned responsibilities for preparing for armed protection and armed protection of the Russian Federation, which are associated with the need for unquestioned fulfillment of the tasks in any conditions, including risk for life. Due to the particular nature of duties assigned to military personnel, they are provided with social guarantees and compensation.

In the armed forces, the Russian language is used as a state.

8. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the content and volume of rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel depend on whether they are in the execution of the responsibilities of military service or not.

The soldier is considered to perform military service in cases:

a) participation in hostilities, the fulfillment of tasks in a state of emergency and military situation, as well as in armed conflict. Military personnel who are foreign citizens are involved in the fulfillment of tasks in the conditions of military situation, as well as in armed conflict conditions in accordance with the generally accepted principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) execution of official duties; c) martial duty, combat service, service in the garrison dressing, the performance of duties in the daily dreasing;

d) participation in the teachings or campaigns of ships;

e) the execution of the order (orders) or the orders given to the commander (boss);

e) staying on the territory of the military unit during the service time set by the schedule (regulations) or at another time, if it is caused by the official need;

g) staying in the service business trip;

h) finding treatment, following treatment and forth;

and) following to the place of military service and back;

k) passing military fees;

l) stayed in captivity (with the exception of cases of voluntary passage), in the position of the hostage or interneed;

m) of a missing absence - before the recognition of a serviceman in the manner prescribed by law is missingly missing or declared by his deceased;

n) protection of life, health, honor and dignity of personality; o) assisting internal affairs bodies, other law enforcement agencies on the protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen, law enforcement and public security;

n) participation in the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the natural and technogenic nature carried out without the introduction of a state of emergency;

p) committing other actions recognized by the court perfect in the interests of personality, society and the state.

If necessary, the soldier on the orders of the commander (chief) is obliged to begin the fulfillment of military service responsibilities at any time.

The soldier is not recognized as dead (deceased), who received injury (injury, injury, contusion) or a disease in the performance of military service responsibilities, if it was a consequence:

finding out the location of the military unit or installed outside the military unit of military service, except for the cases provided for by paragraphs "L", "M", "N", "O", "P" and "P" of this article;

voluntary bring itself into a state of intoxication; The act of the act recognized in the prescribed manner is socially dangerous.

Rights of servicemen

9. Servicemen are under the protection of the state. The rights of military personnel and the procedure for their implementation, taking into account the peculiarities of military service are determined by federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

No one has the right to limit military personnel and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, as well as to interfere with their work activities, with the exception of persons authorized by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Principles of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. (hereinafter referred to as communal statutes) and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

10. The state guarantees the legal and social protection of military personnel, protects their lives and health, as well as other measures aimed at creating living conditions and activities that meet the nature of military service and its role in society.

The implementation of legal and social protection measures of military personnel is entrusted to state authorities, local governments, federal courts of general jurisdiction, law enforcement agencies within their powers, and is also the responsibility of commanders (chiefs). The realization of the rights of military personnel in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation may also contribute to public associations.

Commanders (chiefs) guilty of non-fulfillment of responsibilities for the realization of the rights of servicemen are responsible in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

11. The leading of military oath (obligations) is carried out in accordance with the provision provided for in Appendix No. 1.

The soldier before bringing to the military oath (obligations) cannot be involved in the performance of combat missions (participation in hostilities, the martial duty, combat service, guard service) and tasks in the introduction of a state of emergency and in armed conflict; Armament and military equipment cannot be enshrined for servicemen, disciplinary arrest cannot be applied to the serviceman.

12. Female servicemen and military personnel raising children without a father (mother) enjoy social guarantees and compensation in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on the protection of family, motherhood and childhood.

13. Servicemen in the performance of the responsibilities of military service, and if necessary, in the extramanent time, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, they have the right to store, wearing, the use and use of weapons.

The rules for the storage of weapons, the conditions and procedure for applying by its servicemen are determined by this Charter and Charter of the Garnisar, Commandant and Kasual Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. When wearing and using weapons, servicemen are required to provide its safety and eliminate access to unauthorized persons.

Servicemen in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation may apply weapons personally, and commanders (bosses) to order subordinates to apply weapons to protect life, health and property in the state of the necessary defense or extreme need in the following cases: to reflect armed or group attack on protected state and military Objects, as well as on the location of military units and divisions, buildings and structures of military units, military echelons, machine columns, single vehicles and guard, unable to protect them in other ways and means;

to curb the attempt of violent assistance with weapons and military equipmentunable to protect them in other ways and means; To protect military personnel and civilians from an attack, threatening their lives or health, unable to protect them in other ways and means;

to delay the person who committed unlawful actions and providing armed resistance, as well as an armed person who refuses to fulfill the legal requirements for the delivery of weapons, unless otherwise suppress resistance, to delay this person or remove the weapon from him is impossible.

The commander (boss), in addition, has the right to apply weapons to personally or order to apply weapons to restore discipline and order in the case of open disobedience of subordinate in combat conditions, when the actions of disobedient are clearly aimed at the state treason or disrupting the combat missionality, as well as when performing tasks In a state of emergency.

14. The use of weapons should be preceded by a clearly pronounced warning about this person against which the weapon is applied, unless the delay in the use of weapons creates an immediate danger to the life of a military personnel or other citizens or may entail other serious consequences: when refilling an attack using weapons, combat and special equipment, vehicles, aircraft, marine or river vessels; When shooting from conservation with weapons or on vehicles, when shooting in conditions of limited visibility, as well as when shooting from vehicles, with marine or river vessels during their movement.

Servicemen have the right to use weapons to supply alarm or call call, as well as against an animal, threatening life or people's health.

When using and using weapons, the soldier is obliged to take measures to ensure the safety of the surrounding citizens, and if necessary, to provide the first assistance to victims.

It is forbidden to apply firearms against women, persons with obvious signs of disability, minors, when their age is obvious or known, except for the cases of the armed or group attack, which threatens the life of a serviceman or other citizens, unless otherwise reflecting such an attack or means Resistance is impossible.

About each case of application or use of weapons The soldier reports to the commander (boss).

15. On all cases of theft, loss, damage or failure of weapons, military personnel are obliged to report to their direct boss. The commander of the military unit initiates a criminal case, notifies the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the territorial bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the prosecution authorities of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Bodies Investigative Committee Of the Russian Federation on the circumstances of the embezzlement or loss of weapons indicating the model, caliber, series, numbers, the year of release of each unit and takes measures to find the stolen or lost weapons.

In the case of the return of the stolen or lost weapons to the military unit, the commander of the military unit is obliged to inform the state bodies that have previously informed about the embezzlement or loss of weapons.

Common duties of military personnel

16. The serviceman in official activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Principal Charters and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of the state, the reflection of the armed attack, as well as the fulfillment of the tasks in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation, constitute the essence of military debt, which obliges a serviceman:

to be a faithful military oath (obligation), unless to serve the people of the Russian Federation, courageously and skillfully defend the Russian Federation;

strictly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, the demands of the Principles of Commanders are unquestioning unquestioning;

improving military skills, maintain armament and military equipment in constant readiness for use, take care of military property;

be disciplined, vigilant, store state secrets;

to rush to military honor and combat fame of the Armed Forces, his military unit, honor of his military title and the military partnership, with the dignity to carry a high title of defender of the people of the Russian Federation;

comply with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

17. The soldier must be honest, brave, when performing military debt, show a reasonable initiative, to protect the commanders (bosses) in battle, protect the military banner of the military unit.

18. The military personnel is obliged to exercise patriotism, to promote peace and friendship between nations, preventing national and religious conflicts.

19. The soldier is obliged to respect the honor and dignity of other servicemen, to cut them out of danger, help them with a word and work, to keep from unworthy actions, prevent other servicemen of rudeness and bullying, to promote commander (chiefs) and elder in maintaining order and disciplines. It must comply with the rules of military courtesy, behavior, the fulfillment of military greetings, wearing the military form of clothing and the signs of difference.

All cases that may affect the fulfillment of the servicemen of his duties, as well as the comments made him, he is obliged to report to his immediate boss.

For violation of the statutory rules of relationships between military personnel associated with humiliation of honor and dignity, mockery or associated with violence, as well as for insulting with one serviceman, the perpetrators are involved in disciplinary responsibility, and in their actions of the crime - to criminal liability in their actions.

20. The serviceman is obliged to know and comply with the Security Requirements of Military Service in everyday activities. He must take care of the preservation of his health, study everyday hardening, physical fitness and sports, refrain from harmful habits (smoking, alcohol use), prevent drug use and psychotropic substances.

21. According to official issues, the soldier must contact its direct supervisor, and if necessary, with the permission of the immediate superior to the senior boss.

For personal issues, the soldier should also contact the immediate boss, and in the event of a special need for a senior chief.

When appeals (making a proposal, applying or complaint), a soldier is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

22. The soldier is obliged to know and comply with the norms of international humanitarian law, the rules for the treatment of wounded, patients, persons who suffered shipwreck, medical personnel, spiritual persons, civilian population in the fighting area, as well as prisoners of war.

23. The soldier during the fighting, even being in the separation from its military unit (division) and in full surroundings, should have a decisive resistance to the enemy, avoiding capture captured. In battle, he is obliged to fulfill his military debt with honor. If a soldier, being in a helpless state, including due to severe injury or contusion, will be captured by the enemy captured, he must search and use any opportunity for his liberation and liberation of his comrades from captivity and return to his military unit.

The soldier captured by the enemy captured, when interrogation has the right to inform only his last name, name, patronymic, military rank, date of birth and personal number. It is obliged to preserve the honor and dignity, not to disclose the state secret, to show resistance and courage, to help other servicemen who are in captivity, keep them from the party to the enemy, reject the enemy's attempts to use a serviceman to cause damage to the Russian Federation and its armed forces.

For military personnel captured or as hostage, as well as internated in neutral countries, the status of military personnel is preserved. Commanders (chiefs) are obliged to take measures to exempt these servicemen in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law.

Special duties of military personnel

24. Each serviceman appointed to the military office has duties who determine its powers, as well as the amount of tasks performed by him in accordance with the military position.

Official duties are performed only in the interests of military service.

Official duties and procedure for their execution are determined by federal laws, the national charters and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as by the relevant manuals, instructions, regulations, instructions or orders of commanders (bosses) in relation to the requirements of this Charter.

25. Servicemen who are in combat duty (combat service), in daily and garrison dresses attracted to eliminate the effects of natural disasters, as well as other emergencies perform special duties. These duties and the procedure for their execution are established by federal laws, the national charters and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and are usually temporary.

To fulfill special duties, servicemen can end up with additional rights (on the use of weapons, special funds, physical strength, presentation of requirements required for execution, subordination to strictly to certain persons and other rights), which are determined by federal laws, the Principal Charters and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility of military personnel

26. The servicemen regardless of military rank and military position are equal to the law and may be involved in disciplinary, administrative, material, civil and legal and criminal liability, depending on the nature and severity of the offense committed by them.

27. For disciplinary responsibility, military personnel are attracted for disciplinary misconduct, that is, for illegal, guilty actions (inaction), expressed in violation of military discipline, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, do not entail criminal or administrative responsibility.

28. For administrative offenses, servicemen carry disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with the exception of administrative offenses for which they are responsible for general reasons. At the same time, administrative punishments in the form of administrative arrest, correctional work, and to sergeants, seniors, soldiers and sailors, passing military service, cadets of military educational institutions of vocational education, should not be applied to the servicemen; Also in the form of an administrative fine.

29. To material responsibility, military personnel are attracted for material damage caused by their state in the execution of military service responsibilities, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

30. For civilian liability, servicemen are involved in failure to fulfill or improper performance of obligations provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, for losses and moral damage caused by military personnel who are not in the performance of the responsibilities of military service, state, individuals and legal entities, and in other cases stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

31. Criminal liability, military personnel are involved in committing a crime provided for by the criminal law of the Russian Federation.

32. Servicemen subjected to disciplinary or administrative recovery due to the commission of an offense are not exempt from criminal responsibility for this offense.

In the event of an offense associated with the causation of the state of material damage, the servicemen reimburse damage regardless of bringing to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for actions (inaction), which caused damage.

When attracting servicemen to justice, the infringement of their honor and dignity is unacceptable.

Disciplinary statute
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
(approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 N 1495)

This charter determines the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel on its observance, types of rewards and disciplinary recovers, the rights of commander (bosses) for their application, as well as the procedure for submitting and consideration of appeals (proposals, applications and complaints).
The disciplinary charter is guided by military personnel of military management bodies, military units, ships, enterprises, organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including military educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - military units).
The effect of the disciplinary statute applies to military personnel of other troops, military formations, bodies and military units of the Federal Fire Service, as well as on citizens designed for military fees (hereinafter referred to as military personnel).
The provisions of the disciplinary statute in relations with military personnel are guided by the persons of civilian personnel, replacing military positions.

Chapter 1. General

1. Military discipline has strict and accurate compliance with all servicemen of the order and rules established by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Principal Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Principal Statutes), other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and orders of commanders (chiefs).

2. Military discipline is based on the awareness of every military personnel of military duty and personal responsibility for the protection of the Russian Federation. It is based on a legal basis, respect for the honor and dignity of servicemen.
The main method of upbringing in military personnel of discipline is a belief. However, this does not exclude the possibility of applying force measures to those who are unfair refers to the fulfillment of their military debt.
3. Military discipline obliges each serviceman:
to be a faithful military oath (obligation), to strictly comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation and the demands of the People's Communications;
fulfill your military debt skillfully and courageously, conscientiously studying a military affair, take care of state and military property;
Unquestionable to carry out the tasks in any conditions, including risk for life, stealing the difficulties of military service;
be vigilant, strictly store state secrets;
Maintain the rules of relationships defined by the Principles defined by the Principal Communications between military personnel, to fix the military agreary;
to provide respect for commanders (chiefs) and each other, comply with the rules of military greetings and military courtesy;
behave with dignity in public places, not allow themselves and retain others from unworthy actions, to promote the protection of honor and dignity of citizens;
Comply with the norms of international humanitarian law in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
4. Military discipline is achieved:
education in military personnel of moral and psychological, combat qualities and conscious obedience to commander (chiefs);
knowledge and compliance with servicemen of the Laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the People's Commissars and Norms of International Humanitarian Law;
personal responsibility of each soldier for execution of military service responsibilities;
maintaining internal order in the military unit (division) of the internal order of all military personnel;
a clear organization of combat training and full coverage of personnel;
The daily demandingness of commanders (bosses) to subordinate and control over their extension, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant concern for them, a skillful combination and the right use of measures of persuasion, coercion and social impact of the collective;
The creation of the necessary conditions for military service, life and system of measures to limit hazardous factors of military service.
5. For the state of military discipline in the military unit (division), the commander and deputy commander of educational work are responsible, which must constantly maintain military discipline, demand from subordinate to its observance, to encourage worthy, strictly, but to accurately recover from negligent.
6. In order to maintain military discipline in the military unit (division), the commander must:
study the personal qualities of subordinates, support the rules of relationships defined by the national charters between them, allocate military team, to strengthen the friendship between military personnel of different nationalities;
To know the state of military discipline and the moral and psychological state of personnel, to seek a single understanding by subordinate commanders (chiefs) of requirements, tasks and methods to strengthen military discipline, lead their activities to strengthen the military discipline and the moral and psychological state of personnel, teach the practice of applying promotions and disciplinary recovery;
Immediately eliminate the identified violations of the rules of service of service and decisively stop any actions that can cause the harm of the combat capability of the military unit (division);
organize legal education, work on the prevention of crimes, incidents and misconduct;
Rising subordinate servicemen in the spirit of the strict fulfillment of the requirements of military discipline and high focus, develop and maintain their self-esteem, the consciousness of military honor and military debt, to create in the military unit (division) intolerance to the violations of military discipline, to ensure their legal and social protection;
analyze the state of military discipline and the moral and psychological state of subordinate servicemen, in a timely manner and objectively report to the superior commander (boss) on violations, and about crimes and incidents - immediately;
When committing a military personnel of an offense, having signs of a crime, immediately report this fact to the military police.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2014 No. 161)
Respect for personal dignity of servicemen, care for their legal and social protection - the most important duty Commander (chief).
7. The commander (boss) must know the needs and requests of subordinates, to achieve their satisfaction, prevent the richness and humiliation of personal dignity of subordinates, serve as a model of strict adherence to the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Principal Communications, to be an example of morality, honesty , modesty and justice.
8. The activities of the commander (chief) to maintain military discipline is estimated not by the number of offenses in the military unit (division), but to accurately comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Principal Communities, the full and effective use of their disciplinary power and the fulfillment of their duties in order to guide the domestic order, timely prevention of violations of military discipline. No violator of military discipline should be taken from liability, but no innocent should be punished.
The commander (chief) that did not provide the necessary conditions for compliance with the statutory order and the requirements of military discipline, which did not accept measures for their recovery, including the obligation to report to the territorial body of the military police on the commissioning of the offense, having signs of a crime, is responsible for this.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2014 No. 161)
The commander (boss) does not carry disciplinary responsibility for the offenses committed by his subordinates, with the exception of cases when he hidden an offense or did not accept the necessary measures within its credentials to prevent offenses and attract responsibility of the perpetrators.
Each soldier is obliged to promote the commander (boss) in the restoration of the order and maintaining military discipline. For evasion from promoting the commander (boss), the soldier is responsible.
9. The law of the commander (chief) to give the order and the obligation of the subordinate to unintently obey are the basic principles of unity.
In the case of open disobedience or resistance of the subordinate commander (boss), it is obliged to restore order and military discipline to immediately inform the indicated fact in the military police and before the arrival of the military police, to adopt all the measures established by the laws of the Russian Federation and the national charters of coercion, up to detention and attracting the intruder To the responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, weapons can be applied only in a combat situation, and in conditions of peacetime - in exceptional cases, not tolerance, in accordance with the requirements of Articles 13 and 14 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2014 No. 161)
10. Apply promotions and disciplinary penalties (except
Disciplinary arrest) can only direct chiefs. Use
Disciplinary penalties, in addition, are entitled to the authorities specified in
Articles 75 - 79 of this Charter.
Disciplinary arrest for committing coarse servicemen
Disciplinary misconducts specified in Appendix N 7 are assigned by
By the decision of the judge of the Garrison Military Court.
Right to send materials about gross disciplinary misconduct in
Garrison Military Court for making a decision on the application of
The serviceman of the disciplinary arrest belongs to the commander of the military unit
and the head of the military police organ.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2014 No. 161)
The right to apply for the application to a serviceman disciplinary
arrest provided commanders (chiefs) from the commander of the department and
Above or face conducted a trial.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2014 No. 161)
Disciplinary power provided by subordinate commanders
(chiefs), always belongs to higher commander (chiefs).
11. Commanders (bosses) whose posts are not mentioned in
This Charter (Appendix N 1), with respect to subordinate to them
military personnel use disciplinary authority in accordance with
military rank, provided by the staff for the military
a) junior sergeant, sergeant, foreman 2 articles and foreman 1 article -
authority commander of the department;
b) Senior Sergeant and the main foreman - the authority of the deputy
commander of the platoon;
c) foreman and chief ship foreman, ensign and Michman,
Senior Envastor and Senior Michman - the authority of the German company (teams);
d) junior lieutenant, lieutenant and senior lieutenant - power
platoon commander (group);
e) Captain and Captain Lieutenant - the power of the commander of the company (combat
boats, ship 4 rank);
e) Major, lieutenant colonel, captain 3 rank and captain 2 rank - power
commander of the battalion;
G) Colonel and captain 1 rank - the authority of the regiment commander (ship 1
rank), brigades;
h) Major General and counter-admiral - the authority of the division commander;
and) lieutenant-general and vice-admiral - the authority of the commander of the corps
K) Colonel-General and Admiral - the authority of the army commander
l) General Army, Admiral Fleet and Marshal of the Russian Federation -
Power of the commander of the military district, front, fleet.
With temporary performance of duties (positions) for service
Commanders (bosses) use disciplinary power on military
posts announced in the order.
12. Deputy (assistants) of commander of military units
(divisions), senior assistants of ship commander in relation
subordinates of the servicemen enjoy the disciplinary authority for one
The stage is lower than the rights granted to their direct supervisors.
On ships where there is a senior assistant and assistant commander
Ship, the latter uses disciplinary power per stage below
rights granted to the senior assistant.
13. Officers from the deputy commander of the regiment and below when finding
divisions or teams on a business trip as their bosses, and
Also when performing a military commander of the military unit
An independent problem outside the place of deployment of your military unit
Enjoy the disciplinary power per step above the rights of the occupied
Military position.
Servicemen appointed by the commanders of the teams in the above
Cases enjoy disciplinary power: sergeants and elders - power
German elders (teams); foreman, main ship foreman,
Envastor, senior ensign and Michman, Senior Michman - the authority of the commander
platoon (group); Evaligners, senior ensigns and Michmans, senior
Michmans, holding posts of platoon commander (groups) - power
Commander company.
14. Officers - Commanders of educational units in the military
educational institutions of professional education ministry
Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - military educational institutions
vocational education) and educational military units in relation
subordinate individuals enjoy disciplinary power per step above
Rights of the occupied military office.
15. Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for military personnel
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation enjoys disciplinary power in
The full volume of rights defined by this Charter.
16. Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation,
Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and they are equal
use the disciplinary power to one step below the right,
Provided by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
We replace military posts for military personnel enjoy
disciplinary power in accordance with the staffing military

Chapter 2. Encouragement

General provisions

17. Promotions are an important means of raising servicemen and
Strengthening military discipline.
Commander (boss) within the rights defined by this
Charter, must encourage subordinate servicemen for special personal personal
Merit, reasonable initiative, diligence and difference in service.
In the case when the commander (boss) believes that
granted to him not enough, he may apply for
promotion of distinguished military personnel by the authority of the superior commander
18. For courage and courage, manifested when performing military debt,
Executional management for troops and other outstanding services to the state
and armed forces of the Russian Federation, for high rates in combat
preparation, excellent development of new samples of weapons and military equipment
commanders (chiefs) from the regiment commander (ship 1 ship), they are equal and
above, commanders of individual battalions (ships 2 and z rank), commanders of individual
military units enjoyed in accordance with Article 11 of this Charter
Disciplinary power of the battalion commander, have the right to apply for
representing the subordinates of the servicemen to the award of state
awards of the Russian Federation, certificate of diploma of the Russian Federation,
departmental signs of distinction, as well as to promotion in the form of announcement them
Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10/23/2008 No. 1517)
19. The following types of rewards can be applied to the servicemen:
Removing the previously applied disciplinary recovery;
Announcement of gratitude;
Message to the Motherland (at the place of residence of parents of the serviceman

gained incentives;
awarding certificate, valuable gift or money;
Awarding a personal photo of a military personnel shot at

Assignment of ordinary (sailors) of the military rank of the corporal (senior
early assignment of the next military rank, but not higher

Assigning the next military rank one step above
military title provided by the staff for the military
rewarding the badge of the excellent person;
Entering the Book of Honor of the Military Part (Ship) surname
distinguished military personnel (Appendix N 2);
Awarding with a nominal cold and firearms.

Promotions applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman

20. To soldiers, sailors, sergeants and seniors apply
The following promotion:

c) message to his homeland (at the place of residence of parents

the place of the previous work (study) of the serviceman about the sample execution of them
military debt and about the promotions obtained;
d) awarding diploma, valuable gift or money;
e) awarding a personal photo of a military personnel shot at
unfolded battle banner of the military unit;
e) assigning the military rank of the corporal (senior sailor);
g) early assignment to sergeants (foreman) of the next military
title, but not higher than the military rank provided for by the staff for

h) assigning the next military title to sergeants

and) awarding the badge of the excellent person;
k) in the book of honor of the military unit (ship) surnames

To the servicemen passing the military service under the contract for
Posts soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman, all types apply
the promotions specified in this article, with the exception of the provided
Item "B".

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman

21. Commander of the Department, Deputy Commander of the platoon, Starmin Rota

a) to remove the disciplinary recovery previously applied by them;
b) declare gratitude.
22. Commander of the company (combat boat, 4 rank ship) has the right:

b) declare gratitude;

or individuals on the upbringing of which he was) either at the place of the previous work
(studies) of a serviceman about the sample execution of military debt and
Received promotions.
23. The battalion commander has the right to:
a) remove the disciplinary recovery previously applied to them
Disciplinary recovery in cases specified in Article 35 of this
b) declare gratitude;
c) report to their homeland (at the place of residence of the parents of the military personnel
or individuals on the upbringing of which he was) either at the place of the previous work
(studies) of a serviceman about the sample execution of military debt and
Received promotions.

Togo, have the right to apply the encouragement provided for in paragraphs "G" - "K"
Articles 24 of this Charter.
24. The regiment commander (ship 1 ship) has the right to:
a) remove the disciplinary recovery previously applied to them
Disciplinary recovery in cases specified in Article 35 of this
b) declare gratitude;
c) report to their homeland (at the place of residence of the parents of the military personnel
or individuals on the upbringing of which he was) either at the place of the previous work
(studies) of a serviceman about the sample execution of military debt and
gained incentives;
d) award diploma, valuable gift or money;
e) award a personal photo of a soldier, shot at
unfolded battle banner of the military unit;
e) assign the military rank of the corporal (senior sailor);
g) ahead of schedule to sergeons (foreman) next military
title, but not higher than the military rank prescribed for
occupied military position;
h) Assign to sergeants (foreman) next military title on
one step above the military rank provided by the staff for
His military office, to senior sergeant (chief senior)
and) reward the badge of the excellence;
K) to enter the honor of the military unit (ship) of the name of the surname
distinguished by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman.
25. Division Commander, Corps Commander (Squadres), Army Commander
(flotilla), commander of the military district, front, fleet, im
equal and higher against the subordinates of the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and
Elders enjoy the right to apply promotion in full of this

Promotions applied to ensigns and Michmanam

26. The following promotions are applied to ensigns and Michmans:
a) the removal of the previously applied disciplinary recovery;
b) announcement of gratitude;
c) awarding diploma, valuable gift or money;

distinguished by ensigns and Michmanov;
e) early assignment of the military rank of senior ensign and
Senior Michmana provided by the staff for the occupied military
e) assigning the military rank of senior warrant and senior
Michmana one step above the military title provided by the staff
For a military position.

Rights of commanders (chiefs) on the application of promotions to subordinate to them
Ensigning and Michmanam

27. The platoon commander (group), commander of the company (combat boat, ship
4 rank) and battalion commander have the right:

Disciplinary recovery in cases specified in Article 35 of this
b) declare gratitude.
28. Commander of a separate battalion (ship 2 and 3 rank), as well as
Commander of a separate military unit, enjoying in accordance with the article
11 of this charter by the disciplinary power of the battalion commander, commander
Shelf (ship 1), division commander, corps commander (squadron),
In addition, they have the right to apply the promotion specified in Article 26
of this Charter, with the exception of those provided by paragraphs "D" and "E".
29. Commander of the Army (Flotilla), Commander of the Military Troops
District, front, fleet, they are equal and higher for subordinate to them
ensigns and Michmanov enjoy the right to apply encouragement in full
The amount of this Charter.

Promotions applied to officers

30. The following promotions apply to officers:
a) the removal of the previously applied disciplinary recovery;
b) announcement of gratitude;
c) rewarding with a certificate (including nominal) gift or
d) enhancing the honor of the military unit (ship) of the names
distinguished by officers;
e) early assignment of the next military rank, but not higher
military title provided by the staff for the military
e) assigning the next military rank for one step above
military title provided by the staff for the military
posts, but not higher than the military rank of major, captain 3 rank, and
a military person who has a degree and (or) scholar title,
Having been engaged in the military position of the professorship-teaching staff in
military educational institution of vocational education, not higher
military rank of colonel, captain 1 rank;
g) awarding with nominal cold and firearms.
31. In military educational institutions of professional
Education, except for the promotions listed in Article 30 of this
Charter, also applies to the name of honor the names of the listeners and
cadets who graduated from the Military Educational Institution of the Higher
vocational education with a medal "for the excellent end of the military
educational institution of higher vocational education
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "or received at the end
military educational institution of medium professional
Education diploma with honors.

Rights of commanders (chiefs) on the application of promotions to subordinate to them

32. Commander of the company (combat boat, ship 4 rank) and commander
Battalion have the right to:
a) remove the disciplinary recovery previously applied by them
Disciplinary recovery in cases specified in Article 35 of this
b) declare gratitude.
Commander of a separate battalion (ship 2 and 3 rank), as well as
Commander of a separate military unit, enjoying in accordance with the article
11 of this charter by the disciplinary power of the battalion commander, except
Togo, have the right to apply the encouragement provided for in paragraphs "in" and "g"
Article 33 of this Charter.
33. Shelf commander (ship 1), division commander, commander
Corps (Squadres), Army Commander (Flotilla), Commander of Troops
Military District, Front, Fleet, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
Of the Russian Federation, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and
They have the right to them:
a) remove the disciplinary recovery previously applied by them
Disciplinary recovery in cases specified in Article 35 of this
b) declare gratitude;
c) award diploma, valuable gift or money;
d) put in the book of honor of the military unit (ship) of the surname
distinguished officers.
Apply the promotion provided by paragraphs "D" and "E" Article 30
of this charter, can officials who have the right to assign
Military ranks in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for applying rewards

34. Commanders (bosses) can use encouragement as in relation to
individual serviceman and in relation to the whole personnel
military unit (division).
For one difference, the soldier can be encouraged only once.
In determining the type of encouragement, the character is taken into account
merit, diligence and differences of the serviceman, as well as the previous attitude of his
to military service.
35. A serviceman who has disciplinary recovery may be
Encouraged only by removing previously applied. Right withdrawal
Disciplinary recovery belongs to the commander (boss),
which the recovery was applied, as well as its direct supervisors having
Not less than he, disciplinary power.
The right to remove the disciplinary recovers specified in Articles 75 - 79
of this charter, belongs to the direct commander (boss) having
Disciplinary power not less than the boss applied.
Along with the serviceman can only be filmed
disciplinary action.
The commander (boss) has the right to remove disciplinary recovery
only after it played his educational role and
The soldier corrected his behavior with the exemplary fulfillment of military
36. Disciplinary removal - disciplinary arrest -
carried out by the commander of the military unit, if the soldier is not
will make a new disciplinary offense: with soldiers and sailors - no earlier
three months after the execution of the decision of the judge of the garrison military
ships on the appointment of disciplinary arrest; from sergeants and foreman - not
earlier than six months; with ensigns and midshipmen - no earlier than
in a year.
Removal of disciplinary recovery - decrease in military rank
(posts) - with soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman is not carried out
Earlier than six months since its application.
Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders are restored in the same
military rank only when appointing them to the relevant military
The removal of disciplinary recovery is a decrease in military position - with
ensigns, Michmanov and officers are carried out no earlier than a year with
day of its use.
Disciplinary recovery - a decrease in military position - may
be filmed from a serviceman without simultaneous recovery of it in
Former posts.
Disciplinary Recovery - Disability Warning
service corresponding - carried out no earlier than a year since its
37. Encouragement - Announcement of Gratitude - Applied as in
with respect to the individual soldier and in relation to the whole personal
The composition of the military unit (division).
38. Promotion - Message to the Motherland (at the place of residence of parents
a serviceman or persons on the upbringing of which he was) or
the place of the previous work (study) of the serviceman about the sample execution of them
military debt and about the promotions received - applied to
military personnel passing military service. At the same time home

The serviceman is sent to the commendable sheet with sample report
The fulfillment of the military debt and the promotions received.
39. Encouragement - awarding with diploma, valuable gift or money -
applied to all servicemen, with literacy
Awarded both individual servicemen and the entire personnel
military unit (division), as a rule, at the end of the training period
(academic year), when dismissing from military service, as well as in summing up
Competition results (contest).
40. Encouragement - awarding a personal photo of a serviceman,
removed during the unfolded battle banner of the military unit, is applied in
With respect to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman.
A serviceman in respect of which this encouragement is applied,
two photos are awarded (servicemen are photographed in the parade
Form, with weapons) with text on the turn: To whom and for what is handed.
41. Encouragement - Assigning the military rank of the corporal of the elder
sailor; Assigning the next military rank ahead of time, but not higher
military title provided by the staff for the military
posts; Assigning military rank for one stage above military
the title provided for by the staff for the military position, but not
above the military rank of major, captain 3 rank, and a military personnel,
having a degree and (or) scholar title that occupies military
The position of professorship-teaching staff in the military
educational institution of vocational education, not higher
military rank of colonel, captain of 1 rank - apply to
servicemen for special personal merits.
42. Encouragement - awarding the badge of the Excellent - announced
by order of the commander of the military unit and applies to soldiers,
sailors, sergeants and foreman who were honors for
one period of training, as well as in relation to the cadets of the military
educational institutions of vocational education that
were honors for the school year.
43. Encouragement - a worship of the military unit (ship)
The names of distinguished military personnel are announced by the order of the commander
military unit and applied to:
soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders of the last period of study,
passing military service on call, achieving excellent indicators in
combat training that showed impeccable disciplines and high
Consciousness when serving, - before saving from military service
(cadets and listeners of military educational institutions
vocational education - at the end of training);
servicemen undergoing military service under the contract for
impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as all
military personnel who have particularly distinguished themselves in the performance of their military debt,
- Throughout the term of their military service.
When declaring an order for the book of honor of the military unit
(ship) a serviceman is awarded a commendable diploma signed
commander of the military unit (ship). On the book of honor of the military
parts (ship) of the surname of the military personnel passing military service
Call, besides, communicated to the homeland (at the place of residence of parents
a serviceman or persons on the upbringing of which he was) or
The place of the previous work (study) of the serviceman.
44. Encouragement - awarding with nominal cold and firearms
- is an honorary award for distinguished officers for special personal personal
Merit to the state and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Awarding with registered weapons is made in accordance with

45. Promotions are declared before building, at meetings or meetings
servicemen, in the order or personally.
Announcement of orders for encouraging or awarding distinguished
Servicemen are usually carried out in a solemn atmosphere.
Simultaneously with the announcement of the order about the promotion of military personnel as
The rule is awarded certificates, valuable gifts or money, personal photos
servicemen filmed with the unfolded battle banner of the military unit,
Chest signs of excellent, and also read the text of the message to the Motherland
(at the place of residence of parents of a serviceman or persons on education
which he was) or at the place of the previous work (study)
a serviceman about the sample fulfillment by the military debt.
46. \u200b\u200bThe soldier is considered not having disciplinary penalties
After their removal by the appropriate commander (boss) or after
one year from the date of application of the last recovery, if during this period
It did not use another disciplinary penalty.

Chapter 3. Disciplinary Responsibility of Servicemen

47. Military personnel are involved in disciplinary responsibility for
Disciplinary offense, that is, the unlawful, guilty effect
(inaction), expressed in violation of military discipline, which in
accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation does not entail
Criminal or administrative responsibility.
For administrative offenses, military personnel carry
disciplinary responsibility in accordance with this Charter,
the exception of administrative offenses for which they carry
Responsibility on general reasons. In this case, the servicemen cannot
administrative penalties in the form of administrative
arrest, correctional work, and to sergeants, foreman, soldiers and
Sailors, passing military service, to the cadets of the military
educational institutions of vocational education before concluding
they are a contract for the passage of military service
administrative fine.
The soldier is attracted to disciplinary responsibility only
for the disciplinary misconduct for which it is established
The perpetrators of the disciplinary misconduct is recognized
The soldier who has committed an unlawful action (inaction)
Intentently or by negligence.
Wines of a serviceman attracted to disciplinary
responsibility should be proven in the manner defined
federal laws, and established by the commander's decision (chief) or
Entering the legal force of the judge of the Military Court.
Attracting a serviceman to disciplinary responsibility not
frees it from the performance of the duty for the non-performance of which
Disciplinary recovery was applied.
Circumstances mitigating, aggravating disciplinary
Responsibility and excluding it, as well as taken into account when appointing
disciplinary penalties are determined by federal law "On status
servicemen. "
48. The serviceman involved in disciplinary responsibility,
has the right to give explanations, to submit evidence, enjoy
legal aid to the defender from the date of adoption of the judge of the garrison
Military Court decisions on the appointment of judicial review of materials about
Rough disciplinary misdemeanor, and in case of detention due to
committing a rough disciplinary offense - from the moment of detention,
get acquainted at the end of the proceedings with all materials about
disciplinary offense, appeal the actions and solutions of the commander,
engaging its disciplinary responsibility.
A soldier in respect of which manufactured by materials on
Rough disciplinary misdemeanor, also has the right to participate in the judicial
Considering these materials.
49. The soldier cannot be attracted to disciplinary
responsibility at the expiration of one year from the date of the commission
disciplinary offense, including in case of refusal to excitement or
termination in relation to his criminal case, but if there is in his
Actions (inaction) of signs of disciplinary misconduct.
Execution of disciplinary recovery must be started before
The statute of limitations to disciplinary responsibility. If a
The execution of disciplinary recovery at the specified period is not started, it is
Not executed.
When attracting a serviceman to disciplinary responsibility not
It is allowed to humiliate his personal dignity, causing it physical
suffering and manifestation towards him rudeness.
50. When attracting a serviceman to disciplinary responsibility
It turns out the circumstances of the disciplinary misconduct and
The evidence is collected.
Evidence when attracting a serviceman to disciplinary
responsibility are any actual data on the basis of which
commander (boss) examining materials on disciplinary
offense, establishes the presence or absence of circumstances
Military personnel disciplinary offense.
As evidence allowed:
explanations of the serviceman attracted to disciplinary
Explanations of persons who are known circumstances
To solve the issue of attracting a military personnel to
disciplinary responsibility;
Conclusion and explanation of a specialist;
Special readings technical means;

offense, assesses evidence in its inner conviction,
Based on a comprehensive, full and objective study of all
The circumstances of the disciplinary misconduct in their totality.
Use of evidence obtained in violation of legislation
Of the Russian Federation is not allowed.
Commander (boss) examining materials on disciplinary
offense, must take the necessary measures to ensure safety
physical evidence and documents before making a decision on
Results of consideration of materials on disciplinary misconduct.
Procedure for the return, transfer and destruction of material evidence
determined by the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory
Legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Charter (Appendix N 6)
and the charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

51. In order to curb the disciplinary offense, the establishment
the personality of the violator, as well as the preparation of materials on disciplinary
misdememplate and ensure timely and correct consideration to
The serviceman can be applied the following measures
Production based on disciplinary misconduct:
Personal inspection, inspection of things under a serviceman,
inspection of the vehicle;
seizure of things and documents;
temporary removal from the execution of official and (or) special
removal from the management of the vehicle;
Medical examination.
The right to use these measures possess:
The head of the garrison, the assistant head of the garrison on the organization of a garrison service, duty officer by garrison - to a serviceman when carrying garrison and (or) guard services; temporarily located in the garrison; located outside the location of the military unit, the place of service (outside the garrison in which they pass military service) without documents certifying the person and (or) the right of stay outside the location of the military unit, the service place (in this garrison)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
on duty on military unit - to military personnel, younger or equal
To him on the military rank, held by military service in one of the military
parts, in cases not tolerance;
military police servicemen in cases determined by the Charter of the Military Police;
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
Heads of military communications on types of transport, bosses
military roads and military commander railway
(water) plot and stations (port, airport) - to the servicemen
Time to follow the paths of the message;
Officers of the military automotive inspection of the garrison - to
military personnel - vehicle drivers of military units,
committed disciplinary misconduct and (or) violation of requirements
Regulatory legal acts in the field of safety of road safety
Senior soldier - to the younger serviceman in violation
The last military discipline in the case specified in Article 79 of this
The procedure for applying measures to ensure production based on
The disciplinary offense is specified in Appendix N 6.
52. When committing a disciplinary misdemeanor commander
(boss) may limit itself to a reminder to a serviceman about his
Responsibilities and military debt, apply to it measures to ensure
production based on disciplinary misdemeanor, and in the case of
The need to attract to disciplinary responsibility. At the same time
must take into account that the application applied as a measure of strengthening military
The disciplines and the upbringing of military personnel must match the severity.
perfect misconduct and the degree of guilt set by the commander
(boss) as a result of the proceedings.
Are not disciplinary remark, recycling,
Criticizing behavior or instructions on service omissions, pronounced
commander (boss) subordinate in oral or writing.
53. In order to public condemnation of the military person who has committed
disciplinary misconduct or violating the norm of international
humanitarian law, by decision of the commander (boss)
Considered and discussed: soldiers and sailors - at the collections of personnel;
sergeants and foreman - at the meetings of sergeants and foreman; Evalochnikov I.
Michmanov - at the assembly of ensigns and Michmanov; officers - on officers

Chapter 4. Disciplinary Recovery

General provisions

54. Disciplinary recovery is a state established by the state.
measure of responsibility for disciplinary misconduct perfect
servicemen and applied to prevent the commission
Disciplinary misconduct.
The following types of disciplinary can be applied to the military personnel.
strict reprimand;
deprivation of another dismissal from the location of the military unit or with
ships ashore;
deprivation of bad sign of excellent;
Warning of incomplete service compliance;
decline in military position;
decline in military rank per step;
Reduced in military rank for one step with a decrease in military
early dismissal from military service due to non-fulfillment
contract conditions;
deductions from the military educational institution of professional
deductions from military fees;
Disciplinary arrest.

Disciplinary recovers applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and

55. To soldiers, sailors, sergeants and seniors can be applied
The following types of disciplinary penalties:
a) reprimand;
b) strict reprimand;
c) deprivation of another dismissal from the location of the military unit or
from the ship to the shore;
d) deprivation of the badge of the excellent card;
e) a warning of incomplete service compliance;
(e) Reduction in the military office of the Efreitor (senior sailor) and
sergeant (senior);
g) a decline in the military rank of the Efreitor (senior sailor) and
sergeant (senior);
h) decline in military rank with a decrease in military position
Efreitor (senior sailor) and sergeant (senior);
and) early dismissal from military service due to non-fulfillment
contract conditions;
k) disciplinary arrest.
To soldiers, sailors, sergeants and seniters passing military
Call service, all types of disciplinary recovery are applied,
Specified in this article, with the exception of the provided paragraphs "D"
and "and", and to the undergoing military service under the contract - with the exception
stipulated by paragraph "B".

soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman, disciplinary recovery,
The article provided for by paragraph "to" of this article is not applied.
To cadets of military educational institutions of professional
Education, in addition to the disciplinary recovers specified in this
article (except for disciplinary recovery provided for
Clause "and"), a disciplinary penalty can be applied - the deduction
From the military educational institution of vocational education.

subordinate to them soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman

56. Commander of the department, deputy commander of the platoon, Starmin Rota
(Teams) and the platoon commander (group) are entitled:

b) denying soldiers and sailors of the next dismissal from the location
military unit or from the ship ashore.
57. Commander of the company (combat boat, ship 4 rank) has the right:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;

c) warn about incomplete service compliance with soldiers and
58. The battalion commander has the right to:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) denying soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders of the next
dismissal from the location of the military unit or from the ship to the shore;

Sergeants and foreman.
Commander of a separate battalion (ship 2 and 3 rank), as well as
Commander of a separate military unit, enjoying in accordance with the article
11 of this charter by the disciplinary power of the battalion commander, except
of whether the right to apply disciplinary recovery provided
Points "D" - "F" of Article 59 of this Charter.
59. The regiment commander (grade ship 1) has the right to:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) denying soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders of the next
dismissal from the location of the military unit or from the ship to the shore;
c) warn about incomplete service compliance with soldiers, sailors,
sergeants and foreman;
d) deny the badge of the excellent card;
e) reduce in the military position of corporators, senior sailors,
sergeants and foreman;
e) reduce in the military rank of corporators, senior sailors, sergeants
and elders one step from senior sergeant, chief senior and lower,
including reduced in military position;
g) ahead of schedule to dismiss with military service due to non-fulfillment
Terms of contract soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman.
60. Division Commander, Corps Commander (Squadres), Army Commander
(flotilla) and commander of the military district, front, fleet and them
equal in relation to the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders subordinates
Enjoy the right to apply disciplinary penalties in full
of this charter.

Disciplinary recovers applied to ensigns and Michmanam

61. The following types can be used to ensigns and Michmanam
Disciplinary penalties:
a) reprimand;
b) strict reprimand;

contract conditions;
e) disciplinary arrest.
To female servicemen passing military service as
ensigns and Michmanov, the recovery provided for by paragraph "E" of this
Articles, not applied.

Rights of commanders (bosses) on the use of disciplinary penalties to
subordinate to them to ensigns and Michmanam

62. The platoon commander (group), commander of the company (combat boat, ship
4 rank), battalion commander have the right to declare reprimand and strict
Commander of a separate battalion (ship 2 and 3 rank), as well as
Commander of a separate military unit, enjoying in accordance with the article
11 of this charter by the disciplinary power of the battalion commander, except

63. The regiment commander (grade 1 ship) has the right to:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;

64. The commander of the division and the commander of the building (squadron) are entitled:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;

c) reduce in military position.
65. The Army Commander (Flotilla) has the right to:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) warn about incomplete service compliance;
c) reduce in military position;

Contract conditions.
66. Commander of the military district, front, fleet and they are equal
With regard to the subordinates of them, ensigns and Michmanov enjoy the right
Apply disciplinary penalties in the full amount of this Charter.

Disciplinary recovers applied to officers

67. The following types can be applied to the younger and senior officers.
Disciplinary penalties:
a) reprimand;
b) strict reprimand;
c) a warning of incomplete service compliance;
d) a decline in military position;
e) early dismissal from military service due to non-fulfillment
Contract conditions.
68. The following types can be applied to the highest officers.
Disciplinary penalties:
a) reprimand;
b) strict reprimand;
c) a warning of incomplete service compliance;
d) a decline in military position.

Rights of commanders (bosses) on the use of disciplinary penalties to
subordinate to them officers

69. Company commander (combat boat, 4 rank ship) and commander
Battalion have the right to declare reprimand and strict reprimand.
Commander of a separate battalion (ship 2 and 3 rank), as well as
Commander of a separate military unit, enjoying in accordance with the article
11 of this charter by the disciplinary power of the battalion commander, except
Togo have the right to warn about incomplete service compliance.
70. The regiment commander (grade ship) and the division commander have the right to:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) warn about incomplete service compliance.
71. Corps Commander (Squadres) and Army Commander (Flotilla) in
The attitude of the younger and senior officers is entitled:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) warn about incomplete service compliance.
In relation to the highest officers, the commander of the corps (squadron) has the right
declare reprimand and strict reprimand, and the commander of the army (flotilla),
In addition, warn about incomplete service compliance.
72. Commander of the military district, front, fleet and equal
they have a right:
Regarding the younger and senior officers:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) warn about incomplete service compliance;
c) reduce in military position officers from battalion commanders,
They are equal and lower;
d) ahead of schedule to dismiss from military service due to non-fulfillment
The terms of the contract of officers from the commander of the mouth, commanders of combat boats and
ships 4 rank, they are equal and lower;
In relation to the highest officers:
a) declare a reprimand and severe reprimand;
b) warn about incomplete service compliance.
73. Deputy Minister of Defense, Commander-in-Chief
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and they are equal in excess of right,
Provided by the Commander of the Military District, Front, Fleet and
They are equal to them, have the right:
a) reduce in military position officers from deputy commander
regiments, senior assistants of commander of ships 1 rank, they are equal and lower;
b) ahead of schedule to dismiss from military service due to non-fulfillment
The terms of the contract of officers from the battalion commanders, they are equal and lower.

Disciplinary Says applied to military personnel
Military police

73.1. The right to impose a disciplinary recovery on military police military personnel have only their direct supervisors in the manner defined by this Charter.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/205 No. 161)

Disciplinary recovers applied to citizens designed to the military

74. Citizens designed for military fees can be applied
Disciplinary penalties in full, with the exception of the envisaged
items "in" and "g" of Article 55, paragraph "D" of Article 61 and paragraph "D" Article
67 of this Charter. In addition, they can be applied
Disciplinary recovery - deductions from military fees.

Application of disciplinary penalties in special cases

75. The heads of garrisons, assistants of the heads of garrison on the organization of garrison service, the senior maritime bosses have the right to apply disciplinary recovery to military personnel undergoing military service in the garrison or temporarily located in the garrison, in the following cases:
a) when disciplinary misconduct concerns the violation of the rules of carrying garrison or guard services;
b) when disciplinary misconduct was performed outside the location of the military unit;
c) when disciplinary misconduct was performed during the period of stay on vacation or on a business trip.
Heads of garrisons, assistants of the heads of garrison on the organization of garrison service, the senior maritime bosses have the right to apply disciplinary recovery to the servicemen, in cases provided for by clauses "B" and "B" of this article, taking into account the provisions of Article 75.1 of this Charter.
The heads of military communications on the types of transport, the heads of military roads and the military commandants of the railway (water) plot and station (port, airport) have the right to apply disciplinary recovery to the servicemen for making them disciplinary misconduct while following the communication paths.

75.1 Chiefs of military police departments have the right to apply disciplinary recovery to the servicemen in cases:
When the disciplinary misconduct concerns the violation of the rules for carrying the guard service during Gauptvakta;
When disciplinary misconduct was performed outside the arrangement of the military unit, during the period of spending on vacation, on a business trip and was revealed by a military police officer (outfit) or a military personnel delivered to the military police body;
When disciplinary misconduct was performed during the content period in the disciplinary military unit or on Gaupvatahte;
When the message (application) on disciplinary misconduct, perfect servicemen, was recorded directly to the military police organ.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
76. With regard to military personnel who allowed disciplinary misconduct
In the cases specified in Article 75 of this Charter, the bosses enjoy
The following disciplinary rights:
Head of the garrison and senior marine boss - power,
provided by him at the main staff of military position;
Head of Military Messages on Vehicles and Head
military road - power in accordance with the military rank,
provided by the staff for the occupied military position (article 11
of this charter);
Military Commander Garrison, Military Commander Railway
(water) plot and stations (port, airport), assistants of garrisonov heads
on the organization of the garrison service - the power of one step
Above the rights granted to them in accordance with the military rank,
provided by the staff for the occupied military position.
77. Chiefs who applied recovery in Articles 75, 75.1 and 76
of this Charter, report this commanders of military units in which
servicemen who committed disciplinary misconduct are held military
service, and make the appropriate mark on vacation ticket,
Travel certificate or prescription.
The serviceman upon arrival at the place of permanent military service is obliged
report to your immediate boss on application to it
Disciplinary recovery.
The soldier who did not report on the recovery applied to it bears
For this disciplinary responsibility.
78. With the joint fulfillment of duties with servicemen, not
subordinate to each other if their official relations are not defined
commander (boss), superior of them in military position, and when
equal positions - Senior by military rank is a boss and
enjoys the disciplinary authority provided to him by
Military position or military rank.
79. In violation of the younger servicemen in the presence of a senior
soldier military discipline Senior soldier is obliged to make
the younger serviceman reminder and, if it does not raise actions,
can apply the other measures established by the general charters
Before delivering it to the Military Police Department.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)

The procedure for applying disciplinary penalties

80. To a military person who committed disciplinary misconduct may
only those disciplinary recovery that are defined
This charter corresponds to the military rank of a serviceman and
disciplinary power of the commander (chief) that makes a decision on
Attracting the violator to disciplinary responsibility.
81. Adoption by the commander (boss) of the decision to apply
The subordinate serviceman of the disciplinary penalty precedes
The proceedings are carried out in order to establish perpetrators,
identifying the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of disciplinary
The proceedings are usually carried out by direct commander
(chief) of a military person who committed disciplinary misconduct, or
Another person appointed one of the direct commanders (chiefs). For
This serviceman appointed for the proceedings should
have military rank and military post not lower than military rank and
military position of a serviceman who committed disciplinary
misdemempute, with the exception of a military police assigned for
conducting a proceedings that may have military rank and military
position below the military rank and military position of a serviceman committed
Disciplinary offense.
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
In the cases specified in Articles 75 and 75.1 of this Charter, the proceedings
held by the head of the garrison, the senior maritime boss, the boss
Department of Military Police, Head of Military Messages on Vehicles,
Head of Military Roads, Military Commandan
railway (water) plot and station (port, airport) or
Appointed persons.
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
The proceedings are usually carried out without writing
materials, except in cases where the commander (boss) demanded
Submit materials proceedings in writing.
Materials of the proceedings about rude disciplinary misconduct
We are executed only in writing.
During the proceedings, it must be established:
Event disciplinary offense (time, place, method and other
circumstances of his commit);
a person who has committed disciplinary misconduct;
Wines of the serviceman in making a disciplinary offense, form
guilt and motifs of the disciplinary misconduct;
Data characterizing the identity of the soldier who has committed
disciplinary misconduct;
the presence and nature of the harmful effects of disciplinary misconduct;
Circumstances excluding disciplinary responsibility
military personnel;
circumstances mitigating disciplinary responsibility and
circumstances aggravating disciplinary responsibility;
the nature and degree of participation of each of the servicemen when committing
disciplinary offense by several persons;
Causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of disciplinary
Other circumstances that are important for the right solution.
The question of attracting a serviceman to disciplinary responsibility.
The commander (boss) has the right to decide on punishment
a serviceman who committed disciplinary misconduct, its authority
either for up to 10 days to submit to subordinate to the upstream
commander (boss) Materials proceedings
Military personnel disciplinary misconduct for decision making.
When committing a coarse disciplinary misconduct
(Appendix N 7) or upon receipt of data on its commitment
The direct commander (chief) of the serviceman is obliged immediately
To report this in the prescribed manner commander of the military unit.
The commander (boss) decides on holding
proceedings on the fact of making a rough disciplinary offense and
Appoints responsible for his conduct.
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
Proceedings on the fact of marsman
Disciplinary offense ends with the preparation of the protocol
(Appendix N 8). When conducting a proceedings on the fact of the commission
coarse disciplinary offense group of servicemen protocol
Compiled in relation to each of these servicemen.
The protocol together with the materials of the proceedings is provided for
familiarize yourself with the serviceman committed a rough disciplinary misconduct,
and with a proposal for the period of disciplinary arrest, which is advisable
Appoint a serviceman, or on the use of another type of disciplinary to it
The recovery is sent to the commander (boss) for consideration.
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)






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(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
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(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
Disciplinary recovery.
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)





(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)
(as amended by the Decree of the Russian Federation of 03/23/2015 No. 161)





  • Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • {!LANG-8f4cc3947538e6d33656e52acd6f1068!}
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  • {!LANG-75735ea5e0d413fc15ed4126218d2d39!}
  • {!LANG-6cd142ddae99c20d989301b2c8017e06!}
Moscow Kremlin
№ 1495















President of Russian Federation
№ 1039











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