Prospects for democracy in China. Where more democracy, in China or in Russia

Prospects for democracy in China. Where more democracy, in China or in Russia

China is one of the oldest states on Earth - survived in its long-term history of periods of consolidation, centralization, expansion to the external limits and expansion of their possessions and periods of desolidation, decentralization, decay of the empire into separate, often warring principalities, periods in which the influence of Chinese culture The neighboring peoples fell. In China's history, you can allocate a long period. independent, autonomous and even closed from the outside world of developmentWhen the country has developed on its own basis, at the same time taking all the reasonable innovations of the neighbors, which were not so much. During this period, the political system of China was a typical eastern despoty, a hierarchical empire, which included diverse territories and people, and political culture had a clearly pronounced sentence with the traditions of honoring power and general seniority, with the norms of the patriarchal family, a circular order in the peasant community and a paternalistic state .

Another important period of China's history, which can be called european influence period He began in the era of great geographical discoveries from the appearance of Portuguese ships in Chinese ports, the development of maritime trade and the foundation on the southeastern coast of Continental China Portuguese Colony of Aomyn. At first (XVI - XVIII centuries), the emperors of the Manchurian Dynasty Ming, which ruled by the country, seeing the destructive nature of the European influence on the feudal entry of the Minsk society and the state, on the strength of their power, in every way preventing the establishment of connections with Europeans. But in the XIX century. The efforts of the leading colonial powers of the UK, France, Russia, and then the United States, Germany, Japan, who, winning wars (for example, the first and second opium wars of the United Kingdom with China, the Franco-Chinese War, the Japanese War) and (or) imposing Trading, Markets, Squares (settlements of foreigners), the borders and naval bases, led not only to the transformation of the omnipotent of the Empire into a half-colony, but also to strengthen the European cultural influence, the development of industrial relations in it. Political process in the Chinese Empire half colonia mode Detected conflicts that can be divided into 1.confliers between the Chinese and foreigners and 2.Thisnricate conflicts.

But the most significant conflict at the time, which played an important role in the birth of democracy was conflict between European cultural influence and Chinese cultural tradition.

This conflict generated acceleration in economic development, changes in the social structure of society and the image of thought, innovation in public life and political culture. Representatives of the "Western" direction of thought, progressive government officials put forward the concept of "self-esteem by imitating foreigners", that is, borrowing from the most developed nations technical achievements For the construction of ships and the production of guns, re-commitment of the army and fleet to strengthen the internal political position of the empire and prevent its partition. At the same time, they categorically objected to borrowing Western political ideas. At the initiative of "imitators to foreigners" in 1870-1880. Translations began on chinese European textbooks and books in mathematics, technology, shipbuilding, geography, economics. Children of officials and landowners began to send for education abroad. Weight this very reminded the processes that took place in Russia during Peter I.

Transformation of the Western flow of thought in political movement for reform It happened after the next defeat of the empire this time in the war with Japan 1894-1895, which caused the loss of Taiwan and payment (already once) huge contributions. Immediately after receiving news about the conditions of the Japanese-Chinese, the so-called Simonoskin agreement, representatives of the liberal community were in Beijing a collective memorandum by the Manchurian court in Beijing, in which the inability of the political regime was condemned to confuse Japanese aggression, contained a call to continue the war and carrying out urgent reforms in the field of economics, culture, Political governance, military affairs, which should not only strengthen the international position of the country, but also prevent inner gravestics and rebellion of Taipinov's rebellion. The main political requirement was introduction of the Constitution and the establishment of parliament ..

At the platform of this Memorandum in August 1895, the Association of Strengthening State, which became a political club of supporters of liberal reforms on the one hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, headquarters movement of liberal constitutionalists. Immediately in Shanghai and Nanjing, branches of the Association opened, and one of the leaders liberal reformers Kan-Yeva began to produce a newspaper, who took the liberal patriotic position against the affected sentiment, against the country's section, for the transformation of the Chinese state and society in the European Spirit. The imperial government has already closed the newspaper and the Association in December 1985, but its business as the first liberal protoparty in China continued other unions, societies and clubs created on the liberal-patriotic platform of the Memorandum. In the same period there was a significant amount of newspapers and magazines of the liberal-reforming direction. Another famous liberal reformer was Lianch Qicho, who distinguished the "bloody and destructive" for his own culture and "bloodless" progress options. The exemplary state of modernization for Liang Qição was Japan, which preserved the imperial board and many norms of traditional culture, but adopted by the Constitution, parliamentarism and political parties, conducted reforms in various fields: from education and land use to the military industry and the armed forces.

Liberal reformers opposed conservative groupingsmilitary, landlords, officials, the boredrals who tried to maintain the status quo, and if you exercise any reforms, then subject to preservation political system Empire and under the guidance of the ruling dynasty. It should be noted that in the ranks of the Imperial Camarilla there was no agreement on the issue of reforms. If the Emperor Gasyuy listened to the liberals, then the All-powerful Empress Tsyshi served as the center of attraction of conservatives, which were interested in tightening long-standing reforms. After the death of Guasyu and Chizyi, the emperor became (1908) a three-year PU and, and his regent is his father Prince Chun, who became the leader of the court conservative Camarilla. The leader is different nationalonservative Groupings representing not the Mangzhurian Qing Dynasty, and the Han Elert became General Yuan Shikai, the son of a major official.

Another direction of the liberal-democratic movement was represented by the Union of Renaissance of China, which united the representatives of the South Intelligentsia, most advanced in the capitalist development of the country's provinces. Unlike liberal reformers, revolutionary Democrats Painted the first target armed overthrow of the Mangchurian monarchy and the establishment of the Democratic Republic. Therefore, the Union of Renaissance China was created abroad, in Honolulu (Hawaiian Islands) during 1894-1895. The leader and the chief ideolog of the Union of Renaissance from its very creation was Sun Yatsen. His political program was based on "three folk principles":

  • 1 .nationalism, Meaning that the priority is the overthrow of the Manchurian (Qing) dynasty and the return of the government of the National (Han) government, which in relations with foreign campaigns and governments should defend national interests;
  • 2. democracy, meant that after the overthrow of the Qing monarchy should establish a democratic republic;
  • 3. folk welfare That is, a fair decision of an agrarian question by nationalizing the Earth and establishing equal rights of all working on it.

These political forces that have not yet formed in political parties: Liberal Constitutionalalests, National Conservatives and National-Democrats and confronted the imperial regime in the Xinhai Revolution, which canceled the imperial system of government, the bill of time to the reign of Godhals (Manchurian emperors) and introduced republican form of government (1912). The government compiled from representatives of liberal-constitutionalists and revolutionary democrats was headed by Sun Yatsen, and a temporary president was elected Yuan Shikai.

In 1912, the rightest, conservative reformists, configured liberals and democrats are combined in Republican Party (RP at Gonghadan), Opided the population of Northern China.

More left, revolutionary reformators Customized Democrats and Republicans in the same year under the leadership of Sun Yatsene formed National Party (NP in Homindan) The program of which, relied on the "three folk principles", but in it, compared with the program of the Union of Renaissance, estimates of the actions of colonial powers in relation to China were mitigated. Homindan relied on the population of more developed southern and southeastern provinces.

At the end of 1912 was adopted the first constitution of China (Total 56 articles), which introduced the republican political system with the presidential form of government. President was elected by Parliament for 4 years. He was considered the head of the executive authority, the commander-in-chief of the army, had the right to publish decrees, the appointment of civil and military officials. Parliament - the National Assembly consisted of chambers of Representatives and senataelected by provincial parliaments. The Cabinet of Ministers was appointed with the consent of the National Assembly and was accountable to him. The constitution contained the first in China's history declaration of citizens' rights (Art. 5-15), secured civil equality "Without the difference in tribes, classes and religion", the inviolability of the individual and property, freedom of speech, petitions and assembly. It was proclaimed universal suffrage.

However, the democratic political system in China was only proclaimed, but did not actually function, except for the parliamentary elections in December 1912, at which a convincing victory won the National Sun-Yatsen Party, who gained 90% of the vote.

In 1913, the civil war began between government troops under the leadership of President Yuan Shiki and the revolutionary forces under the leadership of Prime Minister Sun Yatsen. Yuan Shikai believed that the revolution reached its goal and now the main task of the government to take an anarchy and establish a peaceful life. Sun Yatsene performed for the continuation of revolutionary transformations. Civil War Completed by the defeat of the Homintan. Sun Yatsen was forced to emigrate.

Yuan Shikai banned Homindan. Was accepted new edition, Constitution (1914), according to which the president received a lot of great powers and the right to be elected for 10 years, and the National Assembly became one-palate. If, according to the Constitution of 1912, China was the presidential republic, then in accordance with the new version of the Constitution, he became unambiguously presidential republic. But this NA was the Democratic Republic. A significant part of the deputies of the National Assembly appointed by the president himself. The elections were actually not carried out, and the "president" yuan Shikai hatched the plans for the revival of the Empire, giving her daughter to marry the deployed emperor PU I. However, death (1916) prevented him with his plans. Vice-President Yuanhun, who took the presidency of the presidency, announced the resumption of the Constitution of 1912. Emigrants returned to the country, including Sun Yatsen. The power of the central government has even weakened. In the provinces, the leaders actually moved to the commander of the hired provincial armies - Duju. Duan Zijui became the new prime minister. It was he who, with the support of Duzzyune, insisted on China's entry into the war on the side of the Entente (August 14, 1917).

In the peak of the Beijing Government in Guangzhou, another government was created under the chairmanship of Sun Yatsen, who did not recognize the Beijing Cabinet, put his task to establish the Constitution of the five authorities in China (legislative, executive and judicial, both in the West and another examination and control, as traditionally developed in China) and implement a program from the three principles of G Ohomintang.

In the conditions of the powerlessness of the central authorities and the external pressure of foreign powers in China, there was a kind dujunat regime,who had deep historical roots. Quite often, in the history of China, in the weakening of the central government, the neighboring provinces were combined into groupings that defended common interests. The most influential during the First World War was the Baiank Group (Northern Provinces), in turn, who was divided into Fantian (Manchi), Zhiliic and Anhuaean groupings. The premier Duan Zijuy was restored on Baians. In the southwest, Yunnan and Guansean Grouping were developed, which President Yuanhun was relying. Foreign powers also used these groupings to promote their own interests. So, for example, Japan financed Fantyan and Anhui, the United Kingdom - the Zhili group. Duzyunat regime was established because he allowed the regions on the one hand to support the weakened central authorities, on the other - to lobby their own interests, with the third stabilize the entire political system.

  • , 9th - see Isaev B.A. Parthology. Part II. Party and political systems of leading countries of the world. St. Petersburg., 2007, p.240-245.

China: Wealth and Democracy

If China reaches the western level of welfare, will he accept a Western model of democracy?

In his report, Economists Malkhar Nabar (Malhar Nabar) and Papa N'Diaye (Papa N'Diaye) argue that if the Chinese authorities can carry out the necessary economic reforms, then by 2030 China will become a high-income economy. In nominal expression in the economy with high income, gross national income (GNI) exceeds $ 12,616 per person. In fact, it is a demarcation line between rich countries and poorly. Of course, China will fall into the club of the rich nations with its current GNI on $ 5,720, but the Chinese economy is still very far from the vast wealth of the United States (where the GNI is $ 52,240 per capita). However, given the size of China, this country will certainly overtake the United States by 2030 and will become the largest economy in the world.

It will have enormal consequences for the future balance of forces in world politics. Equally, the status of a country with high incomes will create colossal consequences for the Chinese Communist Party (PDA) and for the inertia in the country of the internal political system. With the current state of affairs, the Great Socialist Revolution in China has already been transformed into a developed version of intensive capitalism. Launched in the 1980s, Deng Xiaopin, market reforms created a poorly hidden capitalist culture in the country, which towers over the communist facade.

Already at first hints on reform, foreign commentators began to immediately welcome the death of communism and the beginning of the triumph of democracy. It seems that persistently repeated refrain on the impending end of the PDA serves as a consolation retreat for commentators, which are fermented (absolutely correctly) the despotic nature of the communist system. But in many ways it is made from fear of the increasing country not from the western camp. Alex Lo (Alex Lo) from South China Morning Post writes about critics of the communist regime that they "demonstrate their own democratic convictions and criticize the Chinese state system, believing that the central government does not have real legitimacy, and that when growth will slow down, excitement will begin society, and the mode will collapse over time. " Morality on the topic of non-compliance with human rights in China is one thing, and the reality, consisting of the main CCP in the country, is completely different.

Without any doubt, the Chinese Communist Party is launched in swimming on unknown waters. Economic development has already generated society, which is more educated, is better paid and has become more material. The Chinese already have a certain degree of personal freedoms that are unprecedented for Chinese society. These freedoms can hardly be put in one row with freedoms of liberal democracies, but China's citizens become more politicized, more often and definitely expressing their point of view. So, recent demonstrations against the initiatives of local authorities show that people can mobilize against the authorities. Today, the Chinese become witnesses of phenomenal economic progress, and as a result they expect more and more strive. And this causes the question of which citizens of China will require their leaders when apparent endless economic development will come to an end.

This question seems to be timely in the light of the 25th anniversary of the mass cruise on Tiananmen Square, which still hangs over the CCP. At that moment, communism did not die, but many observers are confident that he will fail when the Chinese middle class will begin to require reforms. Such animate of the thoughts of observers is based on the progressive Western parcel that those who have gained wealth will require new political decisions. This is a linear concept of the past: from the handicraft workshop to the capitalist enterprise; from mercantilism to the free market; from the monarchy to the National State; from elite society to the democracy of the masses. All roads are safely passed, and the end point of the route is invariably to liberal democracy. But in the industrial era, the dissemination of wealth in the middle class environment in the West forced the elite to revise the conditions of political control. Together with industrialization, with an increase in abundance and financial well-being, with the development of media, people began to acquire increasing significance. In such conditions, even the conservatives in the face of the British Prime Minister of Benjamin Dizraeli (Benjamin Disraeli) began to show unheard of benevolence, giving the universal eligible right to men in an attempt to stop the most radical demands of the people. Even German Chancellor von Bismarck became the initiator of the innovative social security reform, going for concessions to the sentiments of revolutionary workers. Old regimes adapt to changes, and those who did not go to such measures came across dangerous prospects for confrontation with the crowd.

In the modern context of our globalized world, the general storyline on democratization has entered a deadlock. In the US, there is a stagnation and polarization of the political system. Skepticism and dissatisfaction reigns in Europe. In addition, there is a myth of the Arab Spring. Third-party observers seem to be shocked by the fact that the revolution in the countries of North Africa, such as Egypt, instead of the proclamation of a new era of democracy led to a modern thermal reaction, and the military returned to their old self-abandoned habits.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe collapse of the Communist Party and about the gradual victory of democracy in China is nothing but an exceptionally erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bthe current situation. The party in the Chinese society acts as a harmonizing and fracting force. This is a much more important consideration for the middle class, taking into account the painful heritage of the historical fragmentation of China in the 19th and early 20th century. It goes without saying if the PDA will be able to raise the country and lead it to the upper echelons on the income of the population, the party will become a powerful tool for strengthening the legitimacy of the regime.

If you want, Chinese nationalism is a much more popular topic of discourse in the main part of society, whether it is a populist hatred of Japan or huge crowds of people who flow daily on the raising of the flag to the Tiananmen Square. As for the preservation of harmony, the nationalism can become for PDAs with a stick about two ends. The manifestations of patriotism help maintain unity and distract the attention of the population from sharp internal problems. At the same time, zealous nationalism is harmful to China's international reputation and threaten to weaken the idea of \u200b\u200bhis peaceful growth. Nationalism, like everyone else in China, must be carefully managed and conducting that it does not cause social destabilization.

Such management and social stability are keywords in the lexicon of the management of the CCP. Beijing learns to report for their actions before the people. For example, due to amplifying concerns about air pollution in the capital, the authorities began to pay more attention to protection issues ambient. Aimed at solving the problem of air pollution Changes in politics demonstrate the ability of the authorities to redistribute resources for the purpose of finding and eliminating the shortcomings. Thus, given the attention of the authorities to public opinion, thoughtful and gradual changes in the coming years and decades seem to be quite likely, although it will largely depend on the courage and decisiveness of the party leadership. Time will show what this will take form: giving new powers to the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives, making decisions at the party level with the wider involvement of various forces or more developed democracy in the field. However, the PDA is not a hitch card house. As Eric Lee writes (Eric X. LI) in Foreign Affairs, Beijing is more than "able to stubbornly and dynamically delivering the country from ailments due to the adaptability of the PDA, the system of meritocracy, as well as the party's legitimacy in Chinese society."

This does not in any way guarantee the PDA strong viability on the entire foreseeable future. As in any political system, changing socio-economic conditions inevitably affect political regimes. But even if the regime loses its communist facade, on the site of which a more democratic model will appear, no one and nothing suggests that the elite or "red princes", playing the role of the invisibility, will be shifted from their positions to power. In fact, the revolution and changes in the current status quo are usually not so radical, as it seems to people. Pragmatic elite inevitably negotiates in conditions of a changing situation, and the impression arises that political order has also changed. Reform easily, but throw away the power of the elite and dynasties from the system much more difficult. The presence in China's colossal inequality in income shows that in the case of post-communist decay, the elite will be ready to occupy the corresponding positions in the formed Bresca, as the oligarchs did in Russia. Thus, the West must be very careful to monitor political stability in China. Yes, liberal political reforms are urged to improve the human rights situation. However, the radical split of the political system can be anticipated by an indefinite future for China and for the whole world.

The American traveler compares American democracy with Chinese.

Non-competitive democracy

In 2005, Germany passed its technology of high-speed rail transport in China. Today high-speed traffic railways The PRC is more, faster, safer and cheaper than in Germany. They work exclusively on the basis of Chinese intellectual property, and in the global market, Chinese trains replace German. So coincided that in the same 2005, the center of Carter began to transfer to Beijing the technology of American democracy. Today, democracy in the PRC is more, faster, safer and cheaper than ours (American. - S. D.), and works solely on the basis of Chinese intellectual property. For an improved version there is a potentially huge market. Replace Lie chinese democracy American? Will we be surprised in the future if their model becomes competitive?

For three thousand years, there was no question more important than state administration for the elite. From her point of view, the commentary of Deng Xiaopin of 1977 on Western democracy "It's too early to talk about it" was just an expression of common sense.

It was only 40 years old, and we may already have the right to agree with this. Only 20 percent of citizens of such new democracies, like Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Latvia, Poland and Bulgaria, trust their authorities. Among the British confidence in Parliament is even lower, and we have less than 10 percent of the inhabitants trust Congress. Western democracy loses legitimacy because for decades the agenda of governments has been contrary to the agenda of citizens. But, how once said Margaret Thatcher, there are no alternatives.

Today there is an alternative. And if we compare American democracy with Chinese for seven "axes" - constitutionality, election, popularity, procedures, efficiency, independence and financial support, we can at least start the conversation.

Constitution China says: "The state bodies of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of democratic centralism. The All-China Public Representatives Assembly and the local meetings of people's representatives of different levels are formed through democratic elections. They are responsible for the people and are under its control. All administrative judicial and prosecutorial bodies of state are created Assembly of people's representatives, in front of which they are responsible and under the control of which they are. " American founding fathers carefully avoided the words of "democracy" in all constitutional documents. For the fact that in the PRC they said - for someone, maybe empty - words about democracy, we have to anemble in China.

Elections In the PRC mass, they are more transparent, their system was created by the center of Carter, who watched their holding and continues to expand this franchise ( on the will of Wen Jiabao Premiere, in 2012 The year of saying: "The experience of many villages shows that the peasants can successfully choose rural committees with success. If people can manage the village well, they will be able to manage the city and district. We must encourage people to bold experimentation and testing democracy in practice." Today, for the approval of all appointments to key posts and for the adoption of legislation, almost unanimous voting is required at the congress of 3200 national representatives elected by a democratic way. In the US, the rich and nobody not elected people nominate and finance candidates for elected positions. Nick did not choose the electoral collegium elects the head of the executive. Account - 2: 0 in favor of China.

In terms of popularity, the Chinese, still remembering the recent mistakes in public administration, will tell you that when Mao, Dan and Emperor Qin have not paid attention to the recommendations of experts, plunged into the Bed. Today there are more than a thousand firms conducting surveys of the population, and the power of generously spends funds for these studies. As Jeff Brown writes, "My Beijing Neighborhood Committee and the mayor's office constantly post ads, inviting groups of people - tenants, homeowners, those who are 70, women under 40, those who have and have medical insurance, pensioners - on various types of polls . Chinese Communist Party - the world's largest company conducting polls. And for this there are foundations - the Chinese "dictatorship of the people" is highly active at the daily level ordinary people. I know it because I live in the Chinese middle class community and I ask my neighbors all the time. I believe that their power is much more sensitive, responsive and democratic than those show with dogs and horses, which are held in my country (US. - S. D.). And I declare it completely seriously. "Even the arrogant Mao reminded his colleagues:" If we do not study public opinion, then we have no right to pronounce our own opinion. Public opinion is a guide to action. "That is why in China five-year plan are the result of an intensive study of public opinion. The fact that 62 percent of citizens take part in the vote, speaks of their confidence that everyone will be taken into account. On the other hand, as shown Martin Hils and Benjamin Page from Princeton University, who studied the reasons for participation in the elections of only 52 percent Yankees, the Middle American considers its impact on public policy close to the statistical zero. The account - 3: 0 in favor of China.

Procedures. Chinese engineers, economists, statistics and sociologists that produce political installations themselves are based on the principles of democracy. A seven of the highest decision makers * are prescribed independently of each other. Their cumulative experience of management activities is 200 years. To submit a bill to the congress of the All-Chinese Assembly of People's Representatives, six seven should be vote for it. If the Chairman of Si Jinping spoke advocated that global warming is a hoax (as president of the US President Trump. - S. D.), here it would be considered an autocratic leader, but not democratic. If he needs a new climate policy and he will convince five colleagues to support her, he will be able to try to extend his vision in accordance with the adopted procedure for consideration and decision-making. But without solid data confirming the rightness, he will not be able to put forward its legislative proposal. And the popularly elected popular representatives whose work is not paid by the state, have repeatedly proved that they are able to postpone the implementation of projects, "favorite" individual leaders for decades. Democracy by moving specific data, year after year reduced the abyss between public expectations and power capabilities. Therefore, the approval by the Chinese ( authorities' policies are at the level of 96 percent, which is even higher than in Switzerland ( or Singapore, and all the more substantially higher than ours (US. - S. D.) 20 percent. Account - 4: 0 in favor of China.

Efficiency. American presidents are similar to medieval monarchs, which we took for a sample, introducing this post. As the Secretary of State of Abraham Lincoln William Henry Seward wrote, "we are elected the king for four years and endow it with absolute power at a certain framework, which, however, he is waved for himself to interpret." Our presidents hire and dismiss the highest officials, secretly can ban 50 thousand citizens to fly by airplanes, order to paint people, torture them, put in prison or kill. They can also imagine the country in the war. No Chinese leader, even Mao at the peak of power, could not work out anything like. The Chairman of the PRC is not even waven to choose the Prime Minister (this is always his strongest rival in the struggle for the highest post). It can make decisions if, when voting, their colleagues will be supported in proportion 6-1 or 7-0. And it does not have the right to hire or dismiss officials, to choose, appoint or temporarily remove members of the Congress of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives.

Initiativepresident Obama in the field of health care was based on its popularity and promises. And how the researcher from Stanford University of Robin Daverman explains, in the PRC initiatives are based on mathematics: "China is a giant portfolio from the tests held. Millions of tests are held throughout the country. Today, innovative tests are covered by all sectors of the economy and field of activity - health before poverty reduction , Education, Energy, Trade and Transportation. In each of the 662 cities in China are experiments. In Shanghai - with free trading zones, in Guizhou - with a reduction in poverty, in 23 cities - with education, in northeastern provinces - with reforms of state-owned enterprises . Pilot schools, cities, hospitals, markets. Pilot all. Mayors and governors, these primary researchers are divided by the results of their "laboratory research" on studies in the Central Party School and publish them in "scientific journals" and newspapers owned by the state. Large political initiatives pass "clinical trials", starting in small towns. These initiatives generate volumetric data. They are then analyzed. If the statistics look good, the number of participants in the experiment increases. Tests are conducted for 10-30 years, then 3,000 members of the Congress of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives are invited to consider the data obtained and conduct a state experiment in the three main provinces. If he is completed by success, the State Council (Mozgian Trust of China) will cast a plan and will return its 3,000 members of the congress for the final vote. This is a very transparent procedure. And if you have positive data, and I have negative, then your bill will pass, and mine is not. The congress of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives vote in fact unanimously, since bills are supported by a huge amount of data. This allows China to make a lot in a very short time - your winning decision will be quickly distributed throughout the country, you will become the hero of the first bands of newspapers, you will be invited to Beijing to meetings high level And you will get a boost. And as you can imagine, competition for finding a solution is very high. "From the point of view of efficiency, lawmaking, based on the production of data, wins perfect. The score - 5: 0 in favor of China.

The PRC won the battle for survival and is invulnerable from military and economic points of view. So needs in such authoritarian giants, like Mao and Dan, no longer. Today, the agenda defines researchers, experts, scientists, shareholders and concerned citizens. After 2000, foreigners are allowed to conduct research and publish non-political results without providing the questionnaires themselves. Researcher from Harvard University Tony Seik, who conducted surveys in the most more than ten years, reports that 96 percent of the population is satisfied with the activities of the authorities of the country. And according to the EDELMAN'S 2016 report report, they trust them almost 90 percent of citizens. According to the World Values \u200b\u200bSurveys, 83 percent believe that the country is managed in their interests. Compare this with 38 percent in America. Account - 6: 0 in favor of China.

With a financial point of view(We exclude financial democracy from our polite conversations, and they are not) 95 percent of the poor Chinese own their homes and land. Team heights in the economy - in banks, insurance companies and the municipal sphere - in collective ownership. And with inequality here are struggling to it. In the report published in 2017, "HTTP: // Global Inequality Dynamics, The US National Bureau of Economic Studies states that although after 1980 the share of the most The poor half of the Chinese national income decreased from 27 to 15 percent, the same figure in the United States fell from 20 to 12 percent. At the same time, one percent of the richest people in China owns 13 percent of personal incomes of the population. But America's elite (1 percent of the population) grabbed 20 percent of income. Since these data has been collected, China got rid of poverty in cities and, as the World Bank adds, "we have every reason to expect that extreme poverty in rural areas will be completely eliminated by 2022." The income of each Chinese (not only the poor) doubles every 10 years over the past 40 years. This is a unique achievement of global scales. In the United States, as a researcher from Stanford University Raj Cetty, in the same period in the middle class, the most massive income drop is observed. Account - 7: 0 in favor of China.

We want or not to call the Chinese democratic system created in the 20th century, it is still clear that they have improved our bizarre model of the XVIII century. I wonder how long will it take before they start selling their version?

The author (Godfree roberts) is a journalist, writer, traveler. Born and grew up in Australia, received a doctorate of pedagogical sciences at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst, USA). Lives in Thailand, Australia and the USA.

China with its 5-thousand-thousand history of civilization has a bright culture standing in one row with a culture ancient Egypt, Ancient India and Babylon, he made a huge contribution to the development and progress of mankind. The Chinese nation is hardworking, courageous and wise nation, its long-term historical traditions and a holistic cultural formation are recognized as a world.

China has survived the long period of the domination of the feudal society. Since 1840, when the capitalist powers of the West began to unleash one after another aggressive wars against China, due to the rottenness and weakness of the dominant feudal class, China gradually turned into a semi-pefe and semi-colonial country. Over the next 110 years, China has been a robbery object from almost all major and small imperialist states. The Chinese nation was plunged into the bunch of disasters. Imperialist aggression from the outside and the feudal oppression inside the country deprived the people of any democratic rights. To change the fate of the state and nation, the Chinese from generation into generation rose to resistance, heroic and dedicated struggle.

In the process of movement for the salvation of the state and the people, some advanced Chinese have gone to the West in search of a path to achieving this goal and prepared in China a bourgeois-democratic revolution. The revolution of 1911, which was held under the leadership of the harbinger of the Chinese democratic revolutions of Dr. Sun Yatsen, put an end to the system of absolute monarchy that prevailed in China more than two thousand years. However, the bourgeois republic, created after the 1911 revolution in the image and likeness of Western democracy with its parliamentarism, multiparty, etc., could not realize the urgent desire of the Chinese people to independence and democracy and soon defeated under the onslaught of various Chinese and foreign reactionary forces. . People with bitterness sighed: "Only the imaginary republic acquired at the price of countless lives and blood." The position of the Chinese people remained tragic, it was subsequence, enslavement and operation. In 1921, a group of advanced representatives of the intelligentsia who perceived democratic and scientific ideasBy combining Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese working movement, founded the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, the Chinese revolution under the leadership of the CCP joined the stage of a new-generation revolution aimed at a decisive struggle against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism. As a result of a 28-year-old persistent and selfless struggle, it was possible to achieve national independence and liberation of the people.

As an avant-garde of the Chinese working class and at the same time the avant-garde of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, the Chinese Communist Party since its inception put his task and the development of folk democracy. The People's Revolution, led by the CCP, was aimed at implementing the democracy of the majority, and not the democracy of the minority. China's Communist Party, creatively combining the general truths of Marxism-Leninism with the specific practice of the Chinese revolution, put forward such democratic concepts as the "Workers' and Peasant Democracy", "People's Democracy" and "New Democracy", thereby enriching and developing a Marxist theory about the democratic system Board. She also applied such practical and organizational forms as the congress of employee workers, the Peasant Union, the Council of Workers, Peasant and Soldiers, the Conference of Counselors, the Conference of Representatives of various layers of the people, thereby created models of the implementation of democracy, corresponding to the specific conditions of the country and providing people Be a master of your destiny. All this, constituting a sharp contrast with the then regime of the domination of the Gomindan party, reflected the aspirations of the people and gained his support.

In September 1949, on the eve of the formation of a new China, the first plenary session of the People's Political Consultative Council of China (NPKSK) took place. It was an important session on which representatives of the PDAs, various democratic parties, folk organizations and non-partisan democrats on a democratic basis together discussed the most important issues of creating a new state, she installed political system and organizational forms of power of new China. At the session was adopted General program The People's Political Advisory Council of China ", which possessed the status of a temporary constitution. It was clearly provided: "The People's Republic of China is a state of a new democracy, i.e. People's democracy and under the leadership of the working class, the democratic dictatorship of the people, based on the Union of Workers and Peasants, which is splitting all democratic classes and nationalities in the country ... "; "State power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people. Assembly of people's representatives and national governments of different levels are organs through which the people carry out state power. " The proclamation of the People's Republic of China October 1, 1949 marked great victory Chinese people under the leadership of the CCP in the new-ceratic revolution and the fundamental change in its political situation.

Soon after the creation of a new China, in 1953. For the first time in the history of China, universal elections were conducted on the scale of the country, during which the masses as the owners of the country chose their deputies; From the bottom of the top at different levels convened meetings of people's representatives. In September 1954, the first session of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives (AUNP) of the first convocation was held, marking the official establishment of the Institute of Meetings of People's Representatives throughout the country. At this session, the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China" was adopted, which before that was widely discussed by the people of the whole country. In it, the state system of the democratic dictatorship of the people and the form of the Board through the meetings of people's representatives was identified as the basis of the political system of the PRC.

Democratic centralism is a fundamental organizational and governing principle of state power in China. The implementation of democratic centralism requires to fully deploy democracy, collectively discuss cases, fully express and reflect the desires and requirements of the people, and on this basis to collect together the right opinions, collectively make decisions to implement and meet the aspirations and requirements of the people. The implementation of democratic centralism also requires "to respect the majority and protect the minority", not allow an anarchic "broad democracy", not to put the personal will of the team above.

As a result of the search and struggle 56 years after the formation of the People's Republic of China, China finally said goodbye to the poverty and retardation, its productive forces are growing rapidly, aggregate state power is growing noticeably, the life of the people, the international situation is increasing, is continuously increasing, every day influences the international arena. This is especially true of the more than 20 years of the reform policies and openness, during which China created an economic miracle: the average annual increase in GDP is 9.4%. The life of 1.3 - billionth Chinese people as a whole reached a middle-randile level. It is steadily moving forward under the leadership of China's Communist Party towards the construction of a strong, democratic and civilized state and the implementation of socialist modernization is such a solid choice of the Chinese people.

The unity and stability of China is the happiness of the people who are also responsible for the common interests of the peoples of the world. The preservation of the unity of the state and social stability has always been and remains the most important thing of all nationalities inhabiting China. China's Communist Party of China as a faithful representative of the entire multinational people of the country, guided by scientific theory, relying on 3.5 million party organizations created throughout the country and 69.6 million party members, relying on their rich experience in managing the country and the ability to own a common The situation, comprehensively plans to develop development in the economic, social and other fields, makes efforts to build a harmonious socialist society and thereby ensures the unity of the state, social harmony and the stability of society.


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