Scattered sclerosis and how to treat. Scotched sclerosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Scattered sclerosis and how to treat. Scotched sclerosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes we meet people suffering from this disease in the street or elsewhere, while they can still walk. One who for any reason came across multiple sclerosis (RS or, as neurologists write, SD - SClerosis Disseminata) recognizes it immediately.

In the literature you can find information that multiple sclerosis is a chronic process leading to disability, but it is hardly a patient to count on a long life. Of course, it depends on the form, not all of them are equally progressing, but the longest life of the sclerosis is still small, just 25-30 years with a remitrating form and constant treatment. Unfortunately, it is almost the maximum term that is far from all.

Age, floor, form, forecast ...

Life expectancy - 40 or more years - the phenomenon is extremely rare, because in order to establish this fact, you need to find people who are sick in the 70s of the 20th century. And in order to determine the prospects for modern technologies, you need to wait 40 years. One thing is laboratory mice, another person. Complicated. When, with a malignant RS, some die in 5-6 years, while the sluggish process allows a person to stay quite a long time in an active able-bodied state.

RS usually debuts at a young age, for example, at 15 years and to 40less often 50, although there are cases of disease in childhood and on average, for example, after 50. However, despite the fact that multiple sclerosis does not apply to rare diseases, the expansion of age boundaries does not happen and often, so the emergence of multiple sclerosis Children are considered to be an exception rather than the rule. In addition to age, RS prefers female sex, however, like all autoimmune processes.

Patients die often from infections (Urosepsis, pneumonia), called intercurent. In other cases, the cause of death becomes bulbar disorders, under which swallowing, chewing, function of the respiratory or cardiovascular system, and pseudobulbar, and accompanied by violation of swallowing, facial expressions, speeches, intelligence, but cardiac activity and respiration does not suffer. Why this disease occurs - there are several theories, but its ethiology is not fully understood.

Forms and Patomorphological Changes of the Nervous System

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are very dependent on which zone there is a pathological process. They are due to three forms located in different stages of the disease:

  • Cerebrepinal, which is rightfully considered the most common, because the frequency of occurrence it comes to 85%. In this form, multiple already appear in the earliest stages of the disease, which lead to the affix of white substance and the dorsal, and brain;
  • Cerebral, including cerebellar, eye, stem, cortical species flowing with the lesion of the white matter of the brain. With the progressive flow with the appearance of a pronounced jitter from cerebral form, one more: hyperkinetic;
  • Spinal, for which the spinal lesions are characteristic, where, however, the more often suffers from the chest department;

Patomorphological changes with multiple sclerosis are associated with the formation of multiple dense red-gray plaquesForming foci of demyelinization (myelin destruction) of pyramid, cerebelling paths and other CNS departments (central nervous system) or peripheral nervous system. Plaques are sometimes merged between themselves and reach quite impressive sizes (several centimeters in diameter).

On the affected areas (the focus of multiple sclerosis) accumulates, mainly T-helpers (when the content of T-suppressors in peripheral blood), immunoglobulins, mainly IgG, while for the center of the center of the sclerosis, the presence of IA-antigen is characteristic. The exacerbation period is characterized by a decrease in the activity of the complement system, namely, its components C2, C3. To determine the level of these indicators, specific laboratory tests are used to help determine the diagnosis of PC.

Clinical manifestations, or rather, their absence, the duration and severity of remission of SClerosis Disseminata are determined by the coming intensive treatment and the corresponding reaction of the body - reeselinization.

It should be noted that to other forms of sclerosis of the RS does not have a relationship, although it is called sclerosis. Many people explaining their forgetfulness inherent for old age refer to sclerosis, however, in the case of multiple sclerosis, although the intellectual abilities of a person suffer, but it has a completely different (autoimmune) mechanism and occurs at all other reasons. The nature of the plaques and PC are different and if the clerical damage of the vessels (!) Is due to the deposition of cholesterol (low density lipoproteins - LDL), then in this situation foci of demyelinization arise as a result of replacing normal nerve fibers on connective tissue. Foci is dissipated arbitrarily in various zones of the head and spinal cord. Of course, the function of this area is significantly violated. Detect plaques can a myreo or.

What can be the cause of multiple sclerosis?

Discussions, defending this or that point of view regarding the etiology of multiple sclerosis, continue to this day. The main role, however, belongs to autoimmune processeswho are considered the main cause of the development of PC. Violation in the immunity system, or rather, an inadequate response to some viral and bacterial infections is also not discharged by many authors. In addition, the prerequisites that promotes the development of this pathological condition include:

  1. The impact of toxins on the human body;
  2. Increased level of radiation background;
  3. The effect of ultraviolet radiation (in white-skinned lovers of the annual "chocolate" tan, obtained in southern latitudes);
  4. Geographical location of the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent residence (cold climatic conditions);
  5. Permanent psycho-emotional tension;
  6. Operational interventions and injuries;
  7. Allergic reactions;
  8. Lack of visible cause;
  9. The genetic factor on which I would like to especially stop.

SD does not apply to hereditary pathology, so it is not at all necessary that a sick mother (or father) will be born a obviously sick child, however, it has been reliably proven that the NLA system (histocompatibility system) has a certain meaning in the development of the disease, in particular, the Lokus antigens A (HLA-A3), Locus B (HLA-B7), which, when studying the phenotype, the patient with multiple sclerosis is detected almost 2 times more often, and D-region - antigen DR2, determined in patients up to 70% of cases (against 30-33% in Healthy population).

Thus, it can be said that these antigens carry genetic information about the degree of resistance (sensitivity) of a certain organism to various etiological factors. Reducing the level of T-suppressors, overwhelming immunological reactions, natural killers (NK cells) involved in cellular immunity, and interferon, ensuring the normal activity of the immune system, characteristic of multiple sclerosis, possibly due to the presence of certain histocompatibility antigens, since the NLA system Genetically controls the products of these components.

From the beginning of clinical manifestations to the progressive flow of multiple sclerosis

the main symptoms of the PC.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis do not always correspond to the stage of the pathological process., exacerbations can be repeated with different intervals: at least a few years later, at least a few weeks. Yes, and relapse can last only a few hours, and it can reach a few weeks, but each new aggravation takes place heavier than the previous one, which is due to the accumulation of plaques and the formation of drain, exciting all new sites. This means that for SClerosis Disseminata is characterized by a remote course. Most likely, because of such inconstancy, neurologists came up with a different sclerosis name - chameleon.

The initial stage is also not a certainty, the disease can develop gradually, but in rare cases can give a rather acute beginning. In addition, at an early stage, the first signs of the disease can not be noticed, since the course of this period is often asymptomatic, even if the plaques already take place. Such a phenomenon is due to the fact that with a few foci of demyelinization, healthy nervous fabric takes on the functions of affected areas and thus compensates for them.

In some cases Any one symptom may appear, for example, vision of vision for one or both eyes under cerebral form (eye variety) SD. Patients in a similar situation can not at all anywhere to treat or limit himself to a visit to an ophthalmologist, which is not always able to attribute these symptoms to the first signs of a serious neurological disease, which is multiple sclerosis, since the discs of optic nerves (zN) the color could not be changed With RS, the temporal half of the occasion pale). In addition, it is this form that gives long-term remissions, so patients may forget about the disease and consider themselves quite healthy.

The basis of the neurological diagnosis - the clinical picture of the disease

The diagnosis of SClerosis Disseminata puts a neurologist, relying on the diverse neurological symptoms, manifested:

  • Tremor of the hands, legs or the whole body, a change in the hand writing, it is difficult to keep some object in hands, and a spoonful of the mouth becomes problematic;
  • Disruption of coordination of movements, which is very noticeable by gait, first the patients walk with a stick, and subsequently transplanted in a wheelchair. Although some still hard to do without it, as they themselves are not able to sit in it, so they are trying to move with the help of special devices for walking, based on both hands, and in other cases used with such a goal or stool with such a goal. What is interesting, for some time (sometimes quite a long time) they succeed;
  • Nistagmom - the rapid movements of the eyes, which the patient, follow the movement of a neurological hammer in the left and right side, up and down alternately, cannot control itself;
  • The weakening or disappearance of some reflexes, abdominal - in particular;
  • A change in taste, a person does not respond to the favorite normal products and does not receive pleasure from food, so it will noticeably lose weight;
  • Numbness, tingling (paresthesia) in hand and legs, weakness in the limbs, patients cease to feel a solid surface, lose shoes;
  • Vegetative-vascular disorders (dizziness), why at first, dissipated sclerosis is differentiated and from;
  • Dresses of the facial and triple nerve, which is manifested by the skeleton of the face, the mouth, the abnormal of the eyelids;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle in women and sexual weakness in men;
  • Disorder of urination function, which is manifested by rapid urges in the initial stage and urine delay (by the way, and stool too) in the progression of the process;
  • A transient decrease in visual acuity or both, bias in the eyes, losing sights, and in the future - retrobulbar neuritis (neuritis the visual nerve), which may end with full blindness;
  • Chant (slow, divided into syllables and words) speech;
  • Violation of motility;
  • Disruption of the psyche (in many cases), accompanied by a decrease in intellectual abilities, critics and self-critics (depressive states or, on the contrary, euphoria). These disorders are most characteristic of the cortical species of the cerebral form of PC;
  • Epileptic seizures.

Neurologists for diagnosing PC use a set of some signs. In such cases, symptoms characteristic of SD are used: Charcot Triad (jitter, nystagm, speech) and Pentada Marburg (jitter, nystagm, speech, disappearance of abdominal reflexes, pallor of optic nerve discs)

How to figure out the manifold of signs?

Of course, not all signs of multiple sclerosis may be present at the same time, although a cerebrospinal shape is distinguished by a special diversity, that is, it depends on the form, stage and degree of progression of the pathological process.

Usually, for the classical PC flow, the increase in the severity of clinical manifestations, which lasts 2-3 years to give the deployed symptoms in the form of:

  1. Paresis (functions of function) of the lower extremities;
  2. Registration of pathological stop reflexes (positive symptom of Babinsky, Rossolimo);
  3. Noticeable gait instability. Subsequently, patients are generally losing the ability to independently movement, but there are cases when patients cope with the bike, the main thing, holding the fence, sit on it, and then it went normally (it is difficult to explain such a phenomenon);
  4. An increase in the severity of trembling (the patient is not able to perform a pioneer sample - to get the tip of the nose with the index finger, and the knee-heel sample);
  5. Reduced and disappearance of abdominal reflexes.

Of course, the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is primarily based on neurological symptoms, and laboratory studies are assisted in identifying diagnoses:

Confirms the diagnosis (MRI), as well as blood from Vienna and the Spinal Point, allowing to detect oligoclonal immunoglobulins (IgG), which are recognized by markers of sclerosis.

Disappointing diagnosis - SD

At the initial stages of the spinal shape of the sclerosis of it It should be differentiated from(The same paresthesias, the same weakness in the legs and even other times in pain). Other forms are also differentiated from many neurological and vascular diseases, so the diagnosis of PC takes time and continuous observation of the neurologist, which is possible only in stationary conditions. As a rule, the doctor is in no hurry to speak the patient about his suspicions, because he himself wants to hope for the best. Still, the doctor, although accustomed to everything, is also not easy to inform the person about such a serious illness, because the patient immediately goes shifting literature on this topic. And make their own conclusions.

The state of the patient man continues to deteriorate, however, who is rapid, who - not very (the disease can stretch for years), but it will be noticeable signs, because In the CNS there were irreversible processes.

The patient receives 2, and then 1 group of disability, as practically not capable of any work. With a remote (benign) form, a disability group can go in that order: 3, 2, 1 until the RS finally wins and will not take the top of the human body.

forms of the flow of PC

Meanwhile, each patient wonders: whether multiple sclerosis is heal? Of course, a person hopes that the medicine is already found, and he will hear a positive response, which, unfortunately, will still be negative. The pathological process with the help of modern treatment methods can be significantly suspended, but Medicine has not yet learned to cure completely PC. True, very High hopes scholars are associated with stem cell transplantationwhich, hitting the body, begin to restore the myelin shells of the nervous tissue to a normal state. It is clear that such treatment is not only very expensive, but also inaccessible, due to the special difficulty in the allocation and transplantation of them.

And yet it needs to be treated!

The treatment of multiple sclerosis also depends on the forms and stages of the disease, however there are general provisions that the attending physician adheres to:

  1. Purpose of therapeutic plasmapheresis. The procedure that entered into medical practice somewhere in the 80s of the last century has not lost its importance and in our time, since in most cases it is very beneficial for SD. Its essence is that the blood taken in the patient with the help of special equipment is divided into red blood (ermass) and plasma. The erythrocytic mass returns to the bloodstream of the patient, and the "bad" plasma containing harmful substances is removed. Instead, an albumin, donor freshly frozen plasma or plasma-substituting solutions (hemodez, reopolyglyukin, etc.) is injected with a patient;
  2. The use of synthetic interferons (β-interferon), which began to use at the end of the last century;
  3. Treatment with glucocorticoids: prednisone, dexamethasone, methipred, or ACTH - adrenocorticotropic hormone;
  4. The use of vitamins of group B, biostimulants and myelino-forming drugs: biosinax, kronssial;
  5. For additional treatment - the purpose of cytostatics: cyclophosphane, azatiotric;
  6. Adding muscle relaxants (Middokalm, Leiorzala, McCortex) to reduce high muscle tone.

It should be noted that in the 21st century, the treatment of multiple sclerosis is noticeably different from any years, say, 20 back. The breakthrough in the therapy of this disease was the use of new treatment methods that allow to extend remission to 40 or more.

In 2010, in Russia, the immunomodulatory drug of Cladribbin entered the medical practice (trade name - Movectro). One of the dosage forms - pills, very much like patients, besides, prescribe it courses 2 times a year (very convenient), but there is a "but": the drug is used exclusively in the case remisted flow Sclerosis scarked and is absolutely not shown in progressive form, so it is prescribed with extreme caution.

Recently, the popularity of drugs of monoclonal antibodies (MA) increases, which were synthesized in laboratory conditions and formed the basis of targeted treatment, that is, monoclonal antibodies (immunoglobulins - Ig) have the ability to affect only those antigens (Ag) that need to be removed from the body . Attacking myelin and binding to a certain specificity antigen, antibodies form complexes with this AG, which are subsequently removed, and, it became possible to harm it. In addition, Ma, hitting the patient's body, contribute to the activation of the immune system in relation to other alien, and therefore not very useful, antigens.

And, of course, the most advanced, most effective, but most expensive and not all available is newest technologyused in Russia since 2003. This is a stem cell transplant (SC). Regenerating white substance cells, eliminating scars formed as a result of myelin destruction, stem cells restore the conductivity and functions of affected areas. In addition, the SC positively affect the regulatory ability of the immunity system, so I want to believe that the future - for them and multiple sclerosis will still be defeated.

Ethnoscience. Is it possible?

With multiple sclerosis It is hardly necessary to rely on the healing properties of plantsIf scientists all over the world are fighting for this problem. Of course, the patient can add to the main treatment:

  • Honey (200 grams) with Luke Juice (200 grams), which will take 1 hour before meals three times a day.
  • Or mummy (5 grams) dissolved in 100 ml of boiled (chilled) water, which is also taken on an empty stomach along a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Even scattered sclerosis at home is treated with clover, which insists on vodka, decoction made of a mixture of hawthorn leaves, roots of valerian and root grass, drink a glass of boiled nettle leaves with a yarrow or use other vegetable components overnight.

Everyone chooses at WISH, but in any case, self-treatment would well agree with the attending physician. But therapeutic physical culture with multiple sclerosis should not be ignored. However, here should not be reed only on itself, excessive independence is absolutely nothing to do with this severe illness. The attending physician will select the load, the LFC instructor will teach the exercises corresponding to the state and capabilities of the body.

By the way, at the same time, the diet can be discussed. The doctor who treats is heavily gives his recommendations, but patients are often trying to expand their knowledge in the field of dietology, so they turn to the relevant literature. Diets such really exist, one of them developed a scientist from Canada Ashton Embami, where it represents a list of prohibited and recommended products (easy to find on the Internet).

Probably, we are not particularly surprised by the reader, if we note that The menu should be full and balanced, contain the required amount of not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also to be rich in vitamins and trace elements, so vegetables, fruits and cereals must be included in the patient's diet. In addition, regular problems with intestines should be taken into account, accompanying multiple sclerosis, so it is necessary to try to ensure its uninterrupted work.

Video: Scattered sclerosis in the program "Live Great!"

Most often, the person is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, when it is affected mainly by the head and spinal cord.

The course of the disease depends on which area is amazed. Sclerosis is called the replacement of parenchyma with a dense connective tissue and this is not an independent disease.

It develops against the background of other pathologies. Credit this dangerous disease or not? What to do when it occurs? How to treat him?

    The causes of the occurrence and risk factors

    The feature of sclerotic formations in the vessels is associated with the destruction of myelin - Special fat membrane intended for isolating the processes of nerve cells and accelerate the transmission of pulses by nerve fiber with low energy costs.

    What doctor to contact?

    In addition to the burning issue, whether this disease is treated, many patients want to know which doctor is treating this disease of the brain vessels. To start competent treatment, a good neurologist is needed. It is he will determine what to do in a particular case of illness and how to treat it. Will be better if you contact immediately into the specialized department, for example, in a neurological clinic.

    In major megalopolis, there are various centers of neurological orientation, or centers for scarmed sclerosis. Many of them work free.

    How to treat?

    So, let's talk about the treatment of sclerosis. Consider the main methods that allow you to get rid of this unpleasant illness.


    The basis of drug therapy is preparations from the group of beta interferon and acetate chamber. But the problem is the high cost of these medicines.

    Therefore, it is recommended to start treatment as early as possible, in this case, well-chosen symptomatic therapy will also give good results. A complete recovery does not guarantee any doctor, since destroyed cells are not amenable to recovery. But the maintenance of normal vital functions is quite possible.

    This includes the following drugs:

    • hormonal medicines;
    • immunomodulators;
    • media with immunosuppressive action.

    As an additional symptomatic treatment, apply:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • nootropics;
    • preparations for reducing muscle hypertonus;
    • B-blockers;
    • medicines antidepressants;
    • soothing.


    Surgical therapy includes two main modern methods:

  1. Deep brain stimulation for tremor - It is carried out only after all conservative methods have been triggered. But did not give a positive result. The operation is shown to patients with severe tremor, for which each movement of the limb ends with torture.

    During operation, a special device is implanted, allowing you to eliminate a similar feature. The procedure is very complex. Therefore, to carry out its experienced specialist.

  2. Medication Implantation for spasticity removal - For this method, there must also be indicators of the failed conservative treatment. The operation is shown to people experiencing severe pain or spasticity.

    A pump implant is introduced, which is able to release certain drug doses at the bottom of the spinal column and thereby remove pain and spasticity.


Another method name is acupuncture. It is applied as symptomatic treatment, much facilitating the course of the disease. Acupuncture acts on the body as follows:

  • facilitates pain;
  • removes muscle spasms;
  • eliminates numbness and tingling;
  • eliminates the problems of the urinary system;
  • fights with a depressive state.


Homeopathy cannot replace the main treatment of multiple sclerosis, but can improve the quality of life of the patient. All drugs are made on the basis of plant additives, therefore, they practically do not bear the side effects. Nevertheless, each person's body can perceive one or another drug in different ways, so the reception should be carried out after the doctor's consultation.

Folk remedies

As auxiliary treatment, folk remedies can also be widely applied. This includes massage movements in the field of lesion, breathing exercises. The benefits can bring products from honey, in particular, flower pollen, a honey-leek mixture, a bee poison. Many medicinal herbs help with multiple sclerosis, such as black cumin, red clover, rowan bark, garlic, etc.


To multiple sclerosis not touched you in life, try to observe simple rules:

  1. Avoid three main angry: infectious diseases, intoxication of the body and overwork.
  2. If you are sick, follow all the rules of treatment, are at home, stick to bed mode, call the doctor and follow all its recommendations.
  3. Enter an active lifestyle, engage in sports, communicate with interesting people, have personal hobbies.
  4. Power must be balanced, the diet should be enriched with vegetable food.
  5. Exclude smoking and adopting alcoholic beverages.

Thoughtful of his health, a person should not even be wondering if moderate physical exertion needed to prevent vessel sclerosis - they are necessary. But you do not need to hardly play sports, it also harms the body. A sufficiently normalized physical education aimed at maintaining the body in good shape.

Thus, it can be concluded that scattered sclerosis appears not in one day and already at the first signs of illness it is worth visiting a doctor. It is he will determine how to cure a concrete case of sclerosis most effective way. If you are engaged in self-medication, you will not only delay the recovery process, and you can harm your body and become disabled. A qualified doctor is able to appoint such a course of therapy, which will capture all aspects of the disease and eliminate many symptoms of sclerosis, and will not allow pathology to progress.

If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor, the quality of the patient's life will be much better, and the exacerbations will become much less common, it may stop at all. Do not think that you need to follow health only during the disease. If you work yourself in the absence of all aahns, it means that they will not appear at all. It is much easier to warn the development of sclerosis than to subsequently rapid the fruits of a random live life.

Sclerosis Call a pathological sealing organs caused by the death of functional elements and replacing them with a connective tissue. Sclerosis predominantly affects the cardiovascular system.

Scarmed, or multiple, sclerosis Call chronic diseases of the nervous system, in which in the head and spinal cord, as well as in peripheral nerves, multiple lesion foci are developing.

Symptoms:symptoms of sclerosis depend on what organs and tissues are amazed. The beginning of the disease is characterized by a decrease in vision (sometimes two in the eyes), weakness and numbness of the limbs, instability when walking.

What's happening?The development of sclerosis in most cases is caused by inflammatory processes, especially chronic (tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), and tissue exchange disorders (with long-term oxygen starvation on the basis of circulatory disorders or cholesterol metabolism). As a result of the progression of the disease, the normal functions of the affected organs are reduced to their fullest loss.

The reasons

1. Hereditary predisposition.

2. Viral diseases.

The cause of the disease is a virus that is not transmitted from patients healthy. As a rule, multiple sclerosis affects people aged 20 to 40 years. In the future, all the listed disorders are enhanced, then a period of improving the state occurs, after which a new flash with progressive deterioration is to be.

Scattered sclerosis - long-term disease, can reach 20 years or more.

Sometimes multiple sclerosis appears suddenly, but more often develops after infectious diseases, especially influenza, injuries, pregnancy and childbirth.

It is classified on a lesion to cerebral, spinal and cerebrospinal.

Signs of the disease

The weakness of the legs or hands on the one hand is characteristic. The gait and coordination of movements is changing. Can be detected trembling hands, torso or head.

The muscle tone can be both elevated and low. The speech becomes chanting, fierce.

With prolonged course of the disease, personal changes are noted: memory and mental abilities are reduced, the patient becomes evil and aggressive, loses criticism of its own state and behavior.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnostics is based on the study of the spinal fluid and computed tomography, with which the foci of the damage of the spinal or brain is detected.

Treatment of the disease

It is selected individually. Corticosteroids are prescribed, immunosuppressors, glucocorticoid hormones. Sometimes plasmapheresis is carried out and drugs that improve metabolic processes are used. As well as vascular and antihistamines.


Forecast for life bowl of all favorable.

Eating black rowan rowan, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, horseradish, parsley, apples and rosehip, raspberry and apricots, grenades and barbaris;

Drinking spring water;

Each morning drinking an empty stomach on a glass of hot water.

The prophylactic of sclerosis is a warning and timely treatment of diseases that are potentially able to lead to sclerotic changes.

Methods of traditional medicine can be facilitated by the patient's condition, and with favorable circumstances and the big desire of the diseased - cure him.

In most cases, the causes of sclerosis are various inflammatory diseases, as well as a violation of metabolism due to a long oxygen starvation of tissues, disorders of the functions of endocrine organs, etc.

Sclerosis can develop in all organs and human tissues.

  • Removes organic salts from the walls of the vessels and cleans the blood of the Japanese sofa: 50 g of colors or fruits of sorphy to insist 0.5 liters of vodka for a month. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 3-4 months. Those who can not be used alcohol, brew 1 tablespoon of 1 glass of boiling water over the night in thermos. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • Removes inorganic salts, soothes, regulates the pressure of the mistletoe white. Plant dried, destroyed into powder. Root overnight in thermos 1 teaspoon of finished powder 1 cup boiling water. Drink 2 tablespoons with small sips 15-20 minutes before meals for 3-4 months. The combination of mistletoe and sorphy cleans the vessels well, makes them elastic. It is useful to apply these plants to those over 40 years.

Decorations and infancy

Half fill the liter can be dried with pink clover heads, pour them 0.5 liters of vodka and put for 2 weeks in a dark place. Drink 1 tablespoon before bedtime. The course of treatment is 3 months, break - 2 weeks.

Mix 20 g of yarrow grass, 20 g of mistletoe "white, 50 g of cystosyra bearded. Glass of boiling water brew 1 tablespoon of a mixture, insist, shook, 2 hours, strain. Drinking sips during the day.

Pour 1 teaspoon of Aralia Manchurian 1/2 cup of water or 50 ml of alcohol. Within 1 month, drink 30-40 drops of the resulting tincture of Aralia Manychur 3 times a day before meals.

Raw 2 glasses of boiling water 3 tablespoons of chopped dandelion root, bring to a boil and boil 15 minutes on low heat. Drink 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is necessary to dig roots either early in spring, before flowering, or after fading the leaves.

Mix 15 g of root grass, 25 g of hawthorn leaves, 25 g of hawthorn flowers, 10 g of Valerian root. Pour 1 cup cold water 1 tablespoon of the mixture, insist for 3 hours, boil 4 minutes, insist 20 minutes, strain. Drink sips during the day

Mix 30 g of yarrow grass, 15 g of Barwinka Small, 15 g of field horsetail, 15 g of mistletoe white, 15 g of hawthorn flowers. Pour 1 cup of cold water 1 cup mixture, insist 1 hour, boil 5 minutes, strain. Drink up sips during the day.

It was insist of 40 g of a meadow clover by 0.5 liters of 40 percent alcohol for 10 days. Take before lunch or before bedtime for 20 g.

Mix in 10 g of nettle rattles and yarrow grass. Pour 1 spoon of a mixture of 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Take 0.5 glasses for the night. In addition to the basic action, the decoction improves metabolism.

Mix 30 g of dandelion root, 30 g root of drinking, 30 g of the root of the soapy, 30 g of yarrow grass. Insert in 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 1 hour. Take 1 cup in the morning and in the evening. Treatment is long.

With multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis, fresh onion juice, mixed with honey (1 cup of juice on a glass of honey) is useful. Within 3 weeks, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals or between meals. If necessary, treatment extend up to 2 months.

Recipes for the treatment of sclerosis

1. Garlic oil. The head of garlic of medium-sized cleaned, crushed into the crawl. Fold in a glass jar and pour a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. Put in the refrigerator down. The next day, take a lemon, stop, cut the bump (from the place where it grows), squeeze a teaspoon lemon juice And merge into a tablespoon. There, add a teaspoon of garlic oil, stir. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course from 1 to 3 months, then a month break and rate repeat. Removes brain vessels, cardiac spasms, shortness of breath. Excellent vasodilator.

2. Heather. 1 tablespoon of crushed heather with a top of 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, insist, shook, 3 hours, strain. Drink as tea and water at any time of the day, drinking with anything. It is used in atherosclerosis, nerve disorders, insomnia, cardiovascular diseases, blood circulation violations of the brain, liver diseases, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder. First week take 1/2 cup, and then on a glass.

3. Garlic. 1/3 bottles filled with chopped garlic. Pour vodka or 50-60-degree alcohol. It was insisted for 14 days in a dark place, every day shaking. Take 5 drops 3 times a day before eating on a tea spoon of water cold. Cleans the blood system from all sorts of deposits, removes increased pressure, cleanses the stomach, is beneficial in the spasms of the brain vessels.

4. Honey, onions. Grate the onion onion on the shallow grater, squeeze. A glass of onion juice mixed with a glass of honey. To stir well if honey snapped, slightly warm in a water bath. Take on the tablespoon 3 times a day per hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. It is used in atherosclerosis, especially when sclerosis of the brain.

5. Active lifestyle, overweight fighting, diet. Restriction in the diet of sugar, sweets, animal fats. Avoid cholesterol products: brains, egg yolk, caviar, fatty varieties of meat and fish, vitamin D, salty salt and extracts of other substances (meat, broths, ear). It is recommended: cottage cheese, well-meal herring, cod, oatmeal, vegetable oils: olive, corn, sunflower, flax. More vegetables, fruits rich in vegetable fiber. With overweight, unloading days are recommended: apple, kefir, curd, compactitive, etc. Walking more in clean air, drinking spring, well or passed through filters tap water. The sediment of chlorine, salts, lime clears blood vessels. Well purifies vessels, removes deposits: apples, horseradish, garlic, rosehip, flowers buckwheat, Heather, Sabelnik, Vitamin Rrutin, Sea Cabbage, Parsley - Greens, Roots, Red Rowan. Drink green tea.

6. Clover red (blooming velocities, collected at the beginning of flowering). 40 g flowers to insist in 500 g of vodka for 2 weeks. Strain, squeeze. Take 20 g before dinner or before bedtime. Course for 3 months with a break of 10 days. After 6 months, the course can be repeated. It is used in atherosclerosis with normal arterial pressure, accompanied by headaches and noise in the ears.

7. Hot water. Daily in the morning on an empty stomach drink 200-300 g of hot water, as far asleep. This cleans the blood vessels, cleans them and removes all sorts of deposits from the body.

8. With sclerosis, accompanied by noise in the head, a mixture of clover with stem in equal portions is taken. Mix to brew, like tea, and drink during the day.

This infusion is also used in the treatment of gastric ulcer, gastritis and colitis.

9. Ninexil. The nine of nine on vodka is an antique agent with senile sclerosis. 30 g of dry root in 500 ml vodka insist 40 days. Take 25 drops before meals.

10. Cora rowan. 200 g boring 500 mL boiling water and boil on low heat for 2 hours. Take 25 drops before meals.

With senile sclerosis take a thick puzzle rowan.

11. Propolis. A 20% solution of propolis on a 70% ethyl alcohol of 20 drops in warm water 1-2 times a day in the morning and at lunch for 20-30 minutes. before meals. Course of treatment for 1-3 months depending on the individual tolerance of the patient.

Scattered sclerosis (PC) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system with a continuously progressive course, which is based on autoimmune damage (demyelinization) of conductive paths of the head and spinal cord and manifested by the appropriate disabled symptomatomy.

PC is considered a multifactorial disease, but for last years The leading role is assigned to the viral damage to the nervous system. By provoking factors, significantly increasing the risk of multiple sclerosis, we can consider heredity, features of the functioning of the immune system, lipid metabolism. The disease may appear at any age, more often in the people of the "white" Europeanid race, are more susceptible to women.

Autoimmune attack on myelin shell with RS

Objectories of PC therapy

Is multiple sclerosis treated? This question can definitely answer that there is no! The disease is considered chronic, fully cured it at the present stage of world medicine is not possible, so the therapy of the PC sets several important goals and tasks:

  1. Treatment of emerging exacerbations.
  2. Preventive (prophylactic) drug treatment, which change the direction of the disease to a more favorable.
  3. Reducing the frequency of relapses and severity of their manifestations.
  4. Symptomatic therapy to improve the quality of life.

To date, more than 120 different drugs throughout the world apply to the treatment of PC. Each of them is used at a certain stage of the course of the disease. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the set of reasons: age, the rates of development of PC in each particular patient, a response to therapy, the treatment of drugs. The earlier treatment started, the more effectively. The diagnosis is carried out according to the MRI of the brain, as well as neurological symptoms.

Over the past decades, Europe has managed to reduce mortality from multiple sclerosis by almost 30% due to the introduction of the latest developments!

Pathogenetic treatment

Dispel sclerosis requires lifelong treatment

Treatment of multiple sclerosis, elimination or reduction of symptoms is aimed at partial or complete suppression of autoimmune inflammation of nervous tissue, that is, to combat the demyelinization of nerve fibers at the time of exacerbation.


The main drugs used in our country are glucocorticosteroids (GKS) and adrenocorticotropic pituitary hormone (ACTH).

Pluses of hormonal therapy with exacerbation:

  • reduction of blood damaging autoantiboders;
  • reduction of the receipt of immune complexes to CNS cells;
  • fast relief of exacerbations, reducing the severity of the symptoms of the PC;
  • anti-inflammatory, anti-voice action, decreased permeability of capillaries;
  • accelerating the transfer of nerve pulses between neurons.

GKS is not able to stop the course of multiple sclerosis! Hormone therapy applies only during periods of exacerbation in order to reduce immune inflammation, symptomatic manifestation and recurrence duration!

Corticosteroids help reduce the severity of exacerbation of multiple sclerosis

Cons treatment GKS:

  1. Pulse therapy with large doses of hormones on one side reduces the manifestation of the PC, and with the other disrupts the normal production of their own hormones with adrenal glands, there is their insufficiency that, ultimately, after a couple of months, leads to new RS recurrences and progression of the disease.
  2. The own immune defense of the organism is reduced, the attacks of lymphocytes on myelin shell are rapidly. Over time, treated with hormones becomes less efficient than from the very beginning.
  3. GCS cause impairment of mineral metabolism, increase the risk of infections, especially viral, which in the background of the available disease of the nervous system leads to weighting of the existing symptoms.
  4. Complications: Izsenko-Cushing syndrome, impaired menstrual cycle in women, psychosis, excess hair growth on body, hypocalcemia with increased bone fragility, osteoporosis and frequent fractures, steroid ulcer stomach.

GKS Treatment Schemes:

  1. Synacten depot (synthetic corticotropin with zinc). It is introduced intramuscularly 1 ml (20 units) once a day for 7 days, then 1 ml 3 times a day in a day, then 1 time per week.
  2. Prednisone short courses 2-9 weeks: 15 mg per day for a month; 40 mg per day to two months or 100 mg per day 40 days; 150 mg every 4 hours intravenously drip, and then 120 mg orally for 7 days. Choose one of the schemes.
  3. Dexamethasone is 16 mg per day inside within one week.
  4. Methylprednisolone 100 mg inside a day.
  5. Corticotropin (ACTH) is used by 1000 units for 10-14 days with different schemes.

The treatment diagram is selected individually

Hormonal therapy schemes are provided very much. In each case, the attending doctor in the hospital selects the most suitable for his patient. The abolition of the drug is gradually made up to complete or leave a supportive dose. Pulse therapy is recommended only for heavy exacerbations of PC.

In some cases, with an aggressive rapid flow, a spinal form, the endoommumbal administration of the GCS (in the spinal channel) together with Cyntorbin (cytostatic drug) is possible.


The second place in the treatment of forms of multiple sclerosis is rightfully occupied by immunomodulating drugs of the interferon group and not only, such as:

  1. Interferons Betta 1A (in the Russian Federation, Sinnowex is used, abroad avonex; Rebiff 22, Genfakson).
  2. Interferons of Betta 1B (Betaferon, Ecstavia, Rondbetal for subcutaneous administration).
  3. Nervater (Laqingamer). The drug has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, protects the nerve cells, reduces the activity of demyelinization, reduces the frequency of relapses, the severity of the flow of multiple sclerosis, the degree of disability.
  4. Human immunoglobulin 10% for intravenous administration (octagam, Hamunex).
  5. Copaxon (Acetate Glaciamer). The preparation of Teva is designed specifically for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. It is a complex of 4 amino acids with a modulating influence on immunity. Through a number of complex reactions, it stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory substances by T-lymphocytes, ensures the protection of nerve cells from damage. Unlike interferonov, a local action has, without affecting all the unmunign system links. It is used both with the initial manifestations of PC and during the recurrent remitting flow. Contraindicated in children under 18 years old and pregnant women. The course of therapy is long for 20 mg daily subcutaneously.

Specific immunomodulating drug, which is intended for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Domestic alternative analogs of Copaxon: Glacirate and AksGyran FS. All immunomodulators have an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing damage to myelin of the nerve fiber, sharply slow down the formation of pathological T-lymphocytes, playing a key role in autoagression, reduce the migration of leukocytes from the bloodstream in the CNS. Thanks to the listed effects, the frequency is reduced, the duration of recurrences. The course of therapy is designed for a long time (from 6 months and longer). With good results, treatment is carried out for life.


This group of drugs is used in the case when the treatment carried out by previous means (hormones, immunomodulators) did not give a visible effect, or a deterioration in the flow of multiple sclerosis has occurred.

The most commonly used cytostatics:

  • Azatioprin. It does not penetrate the BGB, therefore it has its own action on the periphery, leading to the oppression of the synthesis of active T-lymphocytes. After 2-3 years of treatment, a decrease in the frequency of relapses can be noted, as well as the severity of the clinical picture. Side Effects: Disruption of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, a decrease in the number of blood leukocytes, a negative effect on the bone marrow (12% of patients).
  • Methotrexat. It has a good immunosuppression on T- and B-lymphocytes, its effectiveness has been proved against the slowdown in the PC in a dose of 7.5 mg per week inwards. From side effects there is a risk of liver cirrhosis.

Methotrexate has an immunosuppressive and cytostatic action

  • Cladribbin. Effectively suppresses the maturation of lymphocytes and monocytes, which leads to lymphopration. At the same time, autoimmune damage to the myelin shell slows down, but due to the secondary immunodeficiency, the risk of infections is increasing. The effectiveness of the drug according to the MRI of the research of the brain is proved compared with the placebo group (reducing foci of damage).


According to its mechanism of action and testimony to the appointment similar to the previous group. Due to the active suppression of autoimmune complexes and cells, the progression of PC and the destruction of myeline slow down. Famous and efficient preparations:

  1. Movektro (Production of the United Kingdom).
  2. Gilenia (Switzerland).
  3. Lemtrade (Alementuzumab). DEPARTMENT OF RF Sanofi company. It is a monoclonal antibody (MCA), selectively binding to glycoprotein on the surface of malignant lymphocytes and leading to their lysis (death). Appointed 12 mg per day intravenously 5 days. Repeated course in a year of 12 mg per day for 3 days.
  4. Oitxiximab (antitumor agent with immunosuppressor effect on lymphocytes). Used in the primary progressive course of multiple sclerosis.
  5. Tisabar (Natalisumab) is an analogue of the previous preparation from the group of ICA. It is impossible to use in children under 18.
  6. Okrelizumab (Okrevus). US company company ROSH. This is the newest and best drug From a group of monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of recurrent and primary progressive PC. It is applied every 6 months parenterally, significantly slows down the development of the disease, reduces the severity of the available and appearance of new symptoms, restores performance, increases the level and quality of life.

Contemporary preparation for the treatment of PC

Non-drug treatment of PC

In addition to the drug therapy of multiple sclerosis, scientists are tirelessly looking for new methods and methods for the treatment of this formidable disease. Below are some interesting data on the latest techniques that allow not only to stop damage to the nervous system, but also to return the patient to a full-fledged active life.

Bone Stem Cold Stem Cells

Is it possible to cure multiple sclerosis in the future? English scientists give hope for it. British doctors transplanted their own stem cells and expanded the boundaries of the possibilities in the treatment of PC. The essence of treatment is the fence of the bone marrow sample, then the patient passes a course of chemotherapy to suppress the activity of the immune system. After the procedure, the patient with multiple sclerosis is satisfied with their own stem cells taken earlier. After 1-2 months, immunity begins to fully function, which leads to a sharp slowdown of damage to myelin in the CNS. There is evidence that this way several people have already been able to abandon the wheelchair. Studies in this area continue.


This is the procedure for cleansing the liquid blood (plasma) by passing through special filters. In such a way, antibodies, circulating immune complexes, pathological protein molecules and much more are removed from the blood. Plasmapheresis is successfully used in the treatment of psoriasis, myasthenia, as well as multiple sclerosis.
The procedure is shown in the ineffectiveness of pulse therapy, as well as an addition to therapy drug diagrams. It gives a good and fastest result to get rid of neurological symptoms. One of the complications can be considered infection of blood, a disruptability of the resulting, which is extremely rare.

Nanotechnology in the treatment of PC

Chemists of the Scientific Research University in Tel Aviv (Israel) in 2016 was proposed an unusual, but very promising way to restore the lost functions of the nervous system by the use of fullerene molecules. The latter contain a very high concentration of carbon and is able to exhibit pronounced antioxidant properties. Due to this action, it is possible to maintain life, activity of nerve CNS nervous cells. At the moment, fullerene therapy is at the stage of active study. It is possible that, thanks to this discovery in the coming years, many patients with PC will receive new opportunity In the treatment of the disease.

Studies in Montreal

In the Montreal Research Institute interesting way The treatment of multiple sclerosis. The new drug, consisting of two protein molecules, "treats" at the cellular level and restores the operation of the immune system, reducing the attack of T-lymphocytes on the myeline shell. The drug treats not only the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, but also affects the cause of its occurrence.

Methodology of Professor Neumyvakina

Hydrogen peroxide has an antiseptic effect

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Neimevakin I.P. It proposes to fight with multiple sclerosis with the help of conventional hydrogen peroxide. He believes that PC is nothing more than immunodeficiency as a result of the body's glukening, its fatigue, overvoltage. To return all organs and systems to life and make it necessary to function normally, you need active oxygen. As soon as the immune system Recover, she will immediately cope with Neurovirus damaging myelin. So far, supporters of this non-traditional technique are a bit, and the method itself is not confirmed by scientific research.

Symptomatic therapy

It is carried out by all patients to reduce the severity of pathological symptoms and getting rid of painful signs.

  1. Nootropics and vascular preparations for improving memory, attention, thinking.
  2. Tranquilizers to improve sleep, reduce negative emotional reactions.
  3. Antidepressants help in the fight against depressions in heavy patients, improve mood and appetite.
  4. Analgesics, NSAIDs, amitriptyline stop chronic muscle and articular pain.
  5. Vitamins of group B, Betta blockers are used with tremor limbs.
  6. Miorlaxants with muscle spasms.
  7. Diet with an increased amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  8. Medical gymnastics, exercises, massage, yoga, water wrapings.
  9. Physiolesis (electrophoresis, muscle stimulation, magnetotherapy).
  11. Reflexotherapy (acupuncture sessions).
  12. Homeopathy is rarely used and only where the symptoms are not strongly pronounced.
  13. Operational (surgical) treatment to eliminate spastic paralysis.

Symptomatic treatment of RS should be adequate and high-quality

So far, an effective treatment scheme of multiple sclerosis has been developed, which would fully and ever cured this disease. Nevertheless, searches effective way continue. In addition, in 2016, scientists have developed a vaccine against the PC. While tests are carried out on laboratory animals (Russian drug KSEMS and vaccine). Perhaps in the future there will still be an effective means in the fight against this terrible ailment.

Scattered sclerosis is a chronic disease, affecting the spinal and brain. He arises as a result of the emergence of inflammatory foci on myelina. This adipose tissue, located around the spine and brain, which protects them like an insulation of electrical wires. The defeat of myelin shell leads to the further spread of inflammatory foci throughout the central nervous system.

This disease should not be confused with the word "scattered" contained in its name means nothing but the presence of small foci of illness, which are as if scattered by nervous system. But "sclerosis" indicates the nature of violations. This is a scar cloth, having a kind of plaque. In medicine it is called sclerotized.

Prevalence of pathology

Patients with multiple sclerosis are, as a rule, young people aged from fifteen to forty years. But the disease has exceptions. Sometimes it is observed both in childhood and in more mature age. However, when a person crossed his fifty-year-old border, the risk of this pathology decreases at times.

Scattered sclerosis in women is three times more often than in men. But with the disease they are transferred easier.

The prevalence of the disease is influenced by geographical and ethnic factors. So, the most absentful sclerosis suffer from North America and Northern Europe. This is due to the disadvantage of vitamin D, which is produced in the human body under the action sun ray. But Koreans, the Chinese and the Japanese about this pathology practically do not know.

Who is still striking sclerosis? Risk group are people living in large cities. In the countryside, pathology manifests itself less likely. All these facts indicate that the development of multiple sclerosis affects the unfavorable environment.

The disease is quite common. This is from 20 to 30 cases for every hundred thousand people of the population. Moreover, with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, disability is obtained by many young people after injuries they gained.

Why does the disease occur?

The reason for which multiple sclerosis occurs is still not yet clarified. But in recent years, scientists associate the development of this pathology with violations in the work of genetics and the immune system.

In normal condition, our "body protection" is sharply reacting to the penetration into the body of an unknown object for it, which can be any virus or microorganism. She initially attacks the "invader", and then removes it. The speed of this process affects the speed of the connection between the links of immunity, as well as the production of cells intended for the elimination of risk.

What happens when sclerosis diffuse? Scientists believe that the immune system is subject to change under the influence of the virus. She begins to perceive myelin as a dangerous object and attacks the cells of this adipose tissue. Such a phenomenon is called "autoimmunity".

4. Mental and emotional disorders. The reason to appeal to the doctor can serve as a feeling of fatigue after a long rest. This is an early sign of multiple sclerosis. There is a disease and in cases where a person is difficult to remember or retell information. Signs of pathology are also constant irritability and discontent, lack of past ambitions and depression, as well as an excessive "public game." Of course, after 40-45 years, any person will assign all these signs to the impending old age. However, young people in this case are worth consulting a doctor.

5. Feeling constant fatigue. Of course, it is familiar to workaholics, young mothers and students. However, with constant manifestation, it is worth consulting a doctor. The feeling of constant fatigue overtakes patients with multiple sclerosis already in the morning hours. Still lying in bed, they have a feeling of gravity as after testing a triple shift. Sometimes such a feeling covers the patient right on the street.

6. Failure of the menstrual cycle in women. The presence of foci of pathology on nerve fibers leads to a violation of a hormonal background and a general disorder of the reproductive system.

7. Intestinal dysfunction. On the first signs of multiple sclerosis can tell a person his digestive system. If it, subject to a small use of flour products, rarely goes to the toilet for a long time and the constipation has become frequent, then this should be the cause of concern. Of course, such symptoms often occur with a sharp set of body weight, when changing a diet for weight loss or during pregnancy. And here it is necessary to analyze whether you have any other signs of multiple sclerosis.

8. Hand shake. If a person noticed that with difficulty button buttons or inserts a thread into a needle, then this may be the first sign of multiple sclerosis. After all, one of the symptoms of pathology is exactly trembling hands.

Scattered sclerosis is insidious because of the impermanence of symptoms.

Today, a person can have an eye to hurt, and tomorrow he will only feel dizziness and weakness. Then everything can stop, and the patient will feel quite normal.


In order to determine the presence of a disease, a specialist is carried out a neurological examination of the patient and its oral survey. Additional research methods are used.

The most informative of them today is the magnetically resonant tomography of the spinal and brain. In addition, watching the patient, the doctor sends it to immunological monitoring, that is, on a regular study of blood.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

To date, scientists have not yet found medicines that allow you to save people from this ailment. Medicines for patients who have been diagnosed with sclerosis, drugs during the course of therapy are prescribed such that remove the symptoms of the disease, facilitate the state, and also prolong the remission period and prevent the emergence of various complications.

Treatment with exacerbation

To date, two types of therapy are used to eliminate multiple sclerosis. The first of them represents the reception of drugs in exacerbation and deterioration of the patient's condition. The second type of therapy is interval. It applies to those patients who have a long-term improvement in the state with a diagnosis of scarm sclerosis. The medicine in this case patients take a long time.

The exacerbation is considered to determine the state of health, which is more than a day. In this case, the patient is prescribed to receive adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisone in the form of injections or tablets. This allows not only to remove inflammatory phenomena, but also prevent the occurrence of functional disorders. The greatest effect with such therapy gives a combination of such drugs as "cortisone" and "cycloofosphamide". The doctor also will individually select medication to eliminate symptoms in a patient.

Integral treatment

The purpose of this therapy is to restore nerve cells in the period between exacerbations. At the same time, prescribed medications protect the dorsal and brain from the attacks of the immune system.

During this period, and when there is multiple sclerosis in remission, the treatment is produced using such drugs as "Cyclosporin A", "Azatioprin", "Mitoxatron" and others.

Sometimes the patient is offered and surgical treatment. In order to reduce the immune attack, it can remove the spleen or sometimes with such a patient there is a bone marrow transplant.

It is possible to support the patient at home. What is the case of multiple sclerosis in this case? Folk remediesRecommended by healers:

1. Garlic oil. For its preparation, the chopped vegetable head is insisted on sunflower oil. Use lemon juice.
2. Honey with bow. This remedy strengthens the limb vessels and is absorbed by the clomes. For its preparation, pressed bulbous juice is mixed with honey.
3. Alcohol tincture of garlic. This tool is struggling with sclerotic formations and helps to remove vessel spasms.

Moreover, ethnoscience Recommends all patients with multiple sclerosis do not include sweets in his daily diet. There must be products with low cholesterol products, as well as those that do not provoke pressure increases. At the same time, the dishes are desirable to refuel with vegetable oils. It is also recommended that frequent drinking of green tea and natural juices.

Life expectancy of people with multiple sclerosis

How many years is measured by patients suffering from this neurological disease? It depends on the:

Timeliness of diagnosis;
- age in which the disease began;
- the effectiveness of treatment;
- development of various complications;
- availability of other pathologies.

How much do you live with multiple sclerosis? At the beginning of the 20th century, a maximum of thirty years was measured in patients with this diagnosis. And this is only if the course of illness was favorable.

How much do you live with multiple sclerosis today? In the 21st century, in connection with the development of medicine, these people receive more complete treatment. On average their life compared to the peers shorter for seven years. However, each rule has its exceptions, so it is very difficult to reliably predict the development of events.


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