City Environmental Battery Promotion Give up. Practical-oriented project "Batteries, give up!"

City Environmental Battery Promotion Give up. Practical-oriented project "Batteries, give up!"

The action is carried out in order to promote environmental protection and attract the attention of people to the problems of environmental pollution and toasting the planet, as well as the development of the skills of the economic attitude towards the environment and increase the level of environmental culture and literacy.

Educational organizations of the city of Moscow, children's, youth public organizations, centers, associations, centers are invited to participate in the promotion. additional education And other organizations.

Promotion "Batteries, Give up!" It is conducted by the Office of Ecological and Educational Activities of the GPBU "Mosprod" together with the city methodological center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. Shares partner - MEGAPOLISRESURS LLC (acting factory for the processing of batteries, Chelyabinsk). Also, the share was supported by LLC "Charter" (Moscow), Pegasus transport company (Moscow) and Ecological Systems LLC (container producer for separate waste collection).

The action is held from March 21 to May 21, 2016 and consists of:
1. Preparatory Stage (deadlines: from March 21 to March 24, 2016). Registration of the participants of the action for a given form, indicating the timing of the export of batteries and receiving a container (in responsible schools by decision of the MMC), information posters "Dangerous waste", "Batteries give up" (in the department of environmental education and environmental and educational centers of GPBU Mosproda) for classes and organization of collection, storage of assembled batteries.
2. The main stage (timing: from March 25 to May 20, 2016).
A / holding ecological and educational lectures from March 25 to April 15 by an independent educational institution, with the involvement of specialists of the ECOLOGO-educational centers or departments of the environmental education of the Directorates of the Natural Territories of the GPBU "Mosprod".
b / collect battery educational institutions.
B / transmission of batteries to schools responsible for collecting batteries (according to the decision of the GMC).
G / assistance in organizing the export of batteries partner shares of the Pegasus transport company (in accordance with the scheduled schedule: April 14-15 and 19-20 May 2016).

No later than May 15, 2016 each educational organization Compensates the results of the internal competition and determines the winner class. Information on the number of batteries collected, as well as a winner class, is sent to the Organizing Committee for the Office of Environmental Education for awarding the participants of the action.
To participate in the promotion you need to send an application.

Awarding the winners of the action is carried out by the Departments of the Environmental Education of the GPBU "Mosprod" in educational institutions No later than May 24, 2016. The dates of awards are determined by agreement with the leadership of educational associations participating in the promotion.
The winners are awarded: a collective prize (a set of educational materials), a free excursion to the Ecological and educational center "Kuskovo", the diploma of the winner of the city environmental action "Batteries, give up!".

Container delivery addresses (100 pcs):

1. Svao, GBOU 354 School - Metro Baumanskaya, Lefortovo Pereulok, House 10, Contact person SAMIN Andrei Anatolyevich, 8-903-797-10-70.
2. UNUSAO, EPC Vorobyov Mountains - Metro Vorobyev Mountains, Andreevskaya Embankment, House 1, Contact person Muromets Julia Vasilyevna, 8-915-124-10-30.

3. CJSC, GBOU School No. 2101 - Metro Filevsky Park, Street Kastanaevskaya, House 29, Corpus 1, Contact person Kovalev Dmitry Evgenievich, 8-916-959-85-69

Elena Southrina

In the first days of November, our kindergarten "Chaika" supported the action "Batteries Give up!", Organized by the Ecological and Biological Center for our city of Dzerzhinsk. This action is held from October 17 to November 17, 2016.

The purpose of this promotion - To attract the attention of the public to the problem of environmental pollution, as well as the development of their skills of economic attitude towards the environment and increasing the level of environmental culture and literacy. Anyone who has old used batteries can take part in this promotion. All the batteries collected by us will be taken to ECCC and are organized for disposal.

During this important action

preschoolers learned:

Normal little the battery contains a huge amount of dangerous elements. and being on the landfill, it will start to lose the integrity of the case and will begin to allocate harmful substances into the soil, the groundwater and the atmosphere;

- store used batteries at home can notSince the dangerous elements in the air occurs. It is easier to accumulate several units of these elements and pass a party directly;

- store used batteries in the house need in polyethylene containers or boxes.

In general, I am like a resident of my city, my country, it is a pity that it is only an action, and not the usual, ordinary event. I think that every resident of any city and the village must have information about the place of delivery of the used batteries, and not just the defenders of nature.

Publications on the topic:

From March 9 to March 11, an action "Road Maslenitsa" took place in the preschool institution, aimed at drawing attention to learning and compliance.

Nowadays, the problem of protecting the environment and ensure environmental safety has gained very important importance. Start off.

September 2, in our kindergarten, the action "I'm talented" took place. The first half of the day. The solemn rule under the motto "Talented.

March 18 Pupils of Sergievsky kindergarten Supported the district campaign "Crimean Spring". The purpose of this action was the acquaintance of children.

So summer has come! Time of heat, long-awaited walks in the forest! We are with the children of our garden during excursions, conversations learned that it grows in the forest.

The action "no terrorism" goal: formation of compassion for someone else's grief; The skills of the behavior of the house, on the street, in transport, in the park, teach them.

Share on BDD "I observe traffic rules" Social action according to the rules of the road "I observe traffic rules!" For older school age Purpose: Attracting the attention of the public.

Introduction ................................................... ..................................... p. 3-4

Goals and objectives of the project .............................................. .................. p. 4-5

Literature review................................................ ................... p. 6-10.

Project work............................................... .................... p. 11-13.

Conclusions ............................................................... ... p. fourteen

Conclusion ............................................................ ... p. fifteen

Literature................................................. ................................... p. sixteen

Applications ................................................. ................................ p. 17-20.


For the existence of a person, its harmonious development is primarily necessary for a favorable natural environment. A person's habitat does not remain unchanged. In recent decades, humanity faced a fundamentally new danger: an immeasurably threat increased, resulting from a production, seemingly creative, human activity. This is due to the fact that the position of the person himself is twofold. On the one hand, it as a biological species is an integral part of the nature of our planet. On the other hand, in contrast to other living beings, a person has socio-cultural needs and development mechanisms. A person creates techniques, new artificial matter, builds buildings, paves the roads and draws such resources from the natural environment that previously live creatures did not consume: ores, oil, gas. At the same time, the mass of alien waste is returned: plastic, metal, building materials. From year to year there is an accumulation of pollutants in a natural environment and living organisms. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, an increase in diseases associated with environmental pollution.

That's what they write about the protection of nature our classmates.

Vladimir A. "To preserve live nature, you need to take care of it. It is impossible to cut plants and break the trees, you can not climb the nature of plastic and glass, you can not leave the unintended fires in the forest. For birds in the cold season, you need to build feeders. "

Vika N. "To preserve the living nature you need to observe the environment, in the forest to behave organized and follow the rules of behavior, plant trees, flowers, to make feeders for birds and feed them, guard and protect the nature."

Veronica M. "... You can sort garbage. Save fuel, electricity, water. Select the right disposable dishes - instead of plastic only cardboard. "

2. Project goals and objectives

The theme of our project "Batteries, give up" after participating in the collection of batteries, announced in 2016 by the "Malaya Sosquiva" reserve during the Marsh Parkov. In our school is constantly paying attention to environmental education. In connection with the announcement of 2017, the Year of Ecology (Appendix No. 1) we decided to repeat this campaign at the level of the entire gymnasium, expand, to attract the attention of all students to the problems of battery disposal issues. Nowadays, the batteries are the most common power sources for electronics and small machinery. Batteries are used in the clock, remote control, computer mouse, children's toys and many where else. The need for their replacement occurs quite often. But not everyone knows how the battery needs to dispose

The purpose of our work is the propaganda of environmental knowledge among students of the gymnasium

We set themselves the followingtasks:

1. Examine this problem on literary sources.

2. Develop a number of activities to promote environmental knowledge

3. Riping environmentally friendly people from younger school age through participation in environmental promotions.

The novelty of our work is In the fact that in the city of Soviet, there is no centralized collection of batteries in the population.

Announced "Malaya Social" announced a battery collection campaign will not be available to most of the population of the city.

Practical significance:

1. Educational activities (talk about the dangers of battery components and their meaning in nature and human life)

2. Collection of batteries on the school site (convenient to parents transfer batteries through a student)

3. Transfer batteries to the reserve

4. Subject to many years of work in this direction, the results will lead to an improvement in the environmental situation in the area.

3. Literary review

The battery is a galvanic element, which is a compact autonomous source of DC. There are two types of autonomous DC sources: primary - one-time, not intended for recharging, and secondary - rechargeable. The principle of action of the battery is simple, it was described by the Italian physicist Allesandro Volta in 1782, on the example of a galvanic element created by it with a zinc anode and a copper cathode immersed in a sulfuric acid solution. The main components of the battery, of which it consists of 90% is the electrolyte and two electrodes: the anode connected to the negative pole (-) and the cathode connected to the positive pole (+). If you connect the battery to the electrical circuit, redox processes will begin to occur in it. Interacting with the electrolyte, the anode material will begin to oxidize and allocate negatively charged particles - electrons - which the electric current is formed. During the operation of the battery in the anode (-), an excessive amount of electrons is produced, and the only output for them is moving to a positive pole. Interacting with the cathode material, electrons are neutralized as a result of the reaction of recovery. It is an excess of electrons in the negative pole and their lack in a positive pole leads to a constant redistribution of electrons between the poles and creates an electrical voltage. Redox processes proceed in the battery constantly until it is connected to the electrical circuit, changing the initial composition of the materials of the anode and the cathode: minor elements are formed, which prevent the movement of electrons. This leads a battery in disrepair.

Classification of electrolyte batteries

  • Salt batteries
  • Alkaline batteries
  • Mercury batteries
  • Silver batteries
  • Lithium batteries
  1. Salt the batteries appeared in the second half of the XX century and became the next stage of the development of the manganese-zinc batteries already described. Salt (coal-zinc, manganese-zinc) batteries. They use passive carbon and manganese dioxide, electrolyte of ammonium chloride and cathode from zinc. In the interruptions between operation, nutrition elements can "restore" - this is due to the leveling of local inhomogeneities in the electrolyte composite caused by the discharge. This slightly prolongs battery life. Dignity: Low price (from all existing batteries Salt batteries Cheapest) Disadvantages: It is difficult to distinguish between varieties on symbolic or verbal information; a strong reduction in voltage during the discharge; At the end of the guaranteed storage period, the loss of the container reaches 30-40%; At low ambient temperatures, their container tends to zero.
  2. Alkaline or as they are often called, alkalaine batteries (from the English alkaline) appeared in 1964. From manganese-zinc their distinguishes chemical composition Electrolite - Alkaline electrolyte is used here. Such batteries have a long shelf life, and during operation, the voltage on the electrodes changes much less than that of elements with a salt solution.Advantages: large capacity, which means a longer service life; better work at low temperatures; possess good tightness (the probability of leakage less); can be stored longer saline elements (up to 5 years); The self-discharge rate is lower (after a year of storage at room temperature, the loss of the tank does not exceed 10%). Disadvantages: decaying the discharge curve is higher andprice and large than salt batteries, weight (15-25%).
  3. Mercury battery - in which the anode is zinc, cathode - mercury oxide. Anode and cathode separated by a separator and a diaphragm impregnated with an electrolyte-40% alkali solution (potassium hydroxide on an adsorbent). From alkolinov, mercury batteries are distinguished by a large constancy of voltage, higher capacity and energy content, as well as higher cost.Advantages: the constancy of the voltage, high energy intensity and energy consumption, resistance to high and low temperatures, long shelf life.Disadvantages: high cost, mercury toxicity with disruption of tightness, problem of collecting and safe disposal.
  4. Silver battery- a galvanic element in which the anode is zinc, cathode - silver oxide. As an electrolyte, alkali is used in such a battery: sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (con). Their voltage is 0.2 in higher than coal-zinc in the same conditions.Advantages: the constancy of the voltage, high energy intensity and energy consumption, high and low temperature resistance, long service life (silver batteries serve 40% more lithium analogs), long shelf life.Failure: high price.

5 . Lithium batteries They have the constancy of the voltage, the largest capacity per unit of mass, high energy density. The lithium battery includes a lithium cathode, an anode from various materials. The cathode and the anode are separated by a separator and a diaphragm impregnated with organic electrolyte. Dignity: they are lungs, differ in a very long storage period (up to 10-12 years), resistant to high and (since do not contain water) very low temperatures.Failure: high price


On the battery pack, there is almost always a sign in the form of a crossed garbage container, which reports that it cannot be thrown along with the rest of household waste.

In general, batteries are chemical devices whose elements react, giving electricity to the output that we use. These elements are mainly toxic and dangerous: lead, accumulating in the body, strikes the kidneys, nervous system, bone tissue; Cadmium harms light and kidneys, mercury is striking the brain and nervous system; Nickel and zinc can cause dermatitis; Alkali burn mucous membranes and skin.

After throwing out, the metal coating of the battery collapses from corrosion, and heavy metals fall into the soil and groundwater, from where it is not far to rivers, lakes and other water bodies used for drinking water supply. Mercury is one of the most dangerous and toxic metals, it has the property to accumulate in the tissues of living organisms and can get into the human body both directly from the water and when eating foods prepared from poisoned plants or animals.

And if the battery burns on the incineratory factory, then all toxic materials contained in it will fall into the atmosphere. According to the rules, they must be disposed of at special enterprises. Although pleasure is not cheap, in developed countries, the process of collecting used batteries from the population and the subsequent competent disposal is well established. It is believed that one finger-batteries Contamines heavy metals about 20 sq.m. Soil. In the forest zone, this is the territory of habitat of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand rainworms.

Project work

Initially, we outlined the main stages.

Stages of project implementation


Implementation period

Mechanism of implementation

1. Preparatory

december 2016.

Development of stages of practical activity

Preparation of rapporteurs (acquaintance with literature and Internet sources)

2. Planning activities



Drawing up a graph of class visits with lectures

Distribution of classes of different shifts between Valeriemi Levchenkonataly

3. Main

February May


Implementation of the project - the production of a large-scale action in the lobby of the school

Transfer of collected batteries in the reserve

4. Analytical

After the promotion

Summing up the action. The decision is to make an action perpetuity.


  • At the first stage, we studied literature on this issue and prepared a speech for students (Appendix No. 3)
  • The next stage - performances in front of school students with conversations
  • The third stage was shorter, but the most significant in our promotion: during the week we were notified by the gymnasium on the campaign by posting ads and distributed personal leaflets (Appendix No. 2).
  • A poster was prepared"One finger battery, thrown into the garbage bins, pollutes with heavy metals about 20 m2 earth. In the forest zone, this is the territory of habitat of several thousand rainworms, two trees, two moles or one hedgehog.

Rent a battery - Save Hedgehog! "

The poster was placed in the lobby of the school. For 2 days the battery was taken from the population.

  • In May, during the events of the month "save and save", we have passed the collected batteries in the "Small Sumaving" reserve.

Conclusions for work:

Based on our tasks we have

  1. He studied this problem on various literary sources.
  2. We developed and conducted a number of events within the school on promoting environmental knowledge - we visited with conversations 18 primary classesBefore high school students (grade 21), biology teachers performed.
  3. When conducting an explanatory conversation at the initial stage of work, we noticed that most students, even senior classes, did not think about the dangers of batteries for the environment.
  4. The work performed was quite effective - students have passed batteries in large quantities And very active. More than 500 people participated in the promotion. Approximate amount of batteries collected - more than 1000.


After the promotion, we believe that the goal we set is achieved. The "Malaya Social" reserve presented certificates for active participation in the promotion of the exhaust batteries "Smoke" the most active class 4 b and us, class 5 students.

We continue to collect batteries throughout 2018, despite the fact that the year of ecology is over. In the Biology Cabinet there is a container where you can put batteries at any time.

Our work is an important event in helping the city, implementing a separate garbage collection. And we are included following the results of 2017 in the register of pilot sites for conducting lessons in leaning


  1. Want to know everything! Large illustrated intelligence encyclopedia / lane. from English A. Zykova, K.Molkova, O. Lake. - M.: Publishing House Eksmo, 2005.-440 p., Il.
  2. Mamedov N.M., Avuragina I.T. Ecology: Tutorial for the 10th grade of the general education organization / M .: LLC "Russian Word - Tutorial", 2014.
  3. Sources of the Internet.

Appendix number 1.

  • Presidential Decree Russian Federation from August 1, 2015 № 392 "On the holding of specially protected natural territories in the Russian Federation"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 5, 2016 No. 7 "On the holding of ecology in the Russian Federation"

In 2017, the year of ecology and the year of specially protected territories will be held. During 2017, a comprehensive state program will be implemented to attract the attention of society to the environmental development issues of Russia, the preservation of biological diversity and ensuring biological safety. And we can make your mortgage contribution to the common cause. One of the directions of work is to improve waste management.

In 2017, more than 20 polygons of household waste will be recouced in Russia. In dozens of regions, new waste-sorting, garbage processing complexes and waste management centers will be opened. In many regions, the country will continue the introduction of a system for collecting mercury-containing and hazardous waste.

In the Moscow region and Kazan is planned to launch an innovative pilot project "Zero damage to waste". The formation of market conditions will continue to actively introduce separate waste collection.

"The gigantic resource potential of Russia is definitely has a planetary value. Our country has colossal reserves fresh water, forest resources, enormous biodiversity and acts as an ecological donor of the world, providing him with almost 10 percent of biosphere stability. "

V.V. Putin

Appendix No. 2.


2017 year declared the year of ecology

The problem of environmental pollution is on the agenda. Household waste, which are not processed by years are especially dangerous: plastic, glass, metal. In addition, items use objects that cannot be thrown together with household waste - mercury lamps, batteries. They need to be recycled.

We collected during the batteries in the time of the shares we transfer to the "Malaya Society" to the reserve, which they sends them to Khanty-Mansiysk. The first collection of batteries took place in May 2016.

Appendix number 3.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
Full version Works available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


IN modern world Finger batteries received widespread. Each of us enjoys batteries in your life. The remote control for the TV, clocks, toys, phone numbers, cameras, lanterns that every person have in the house, at work, at school there is always an object that works on batteries. But this is a whole energy station operating on certain chemicals in physical laws. A huge amount of modern inventions requires autonomous energy sources - batteries and batteries. But sooner or later, each battery fails and needs to be thrown out. And the used battery immediately falls into the garbage bucket. But few people know how strong the effect of these little batteries on environment and human health.

After studying a huge number of literature, Internet sites, I decided to help the Nature with my parents, by informing the population of the negative impact of batteries and the campaign to collect finger batteries in our gymnasium.

Object of study:palching battery.

Subject of study: The effect of batteries on the environment and human health.

Hypothesis Research:palching batteries tightening affects the environment.

Purpose of the study: Studying the effect of finger batteries on the environment.

Research tasks:

1. To study the effect of the batteries on the environment.

2. To carry out experiments with the battery in order to check the hypothesis.

3. Collect used batteries for the purpose of proper disposal.

Relevance This study is due to the increased attention of the human impact on the environment. The batteries contain many different metals - mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead, lithium, manganese and zinc, which have the property to accumulate in living organisms, including in the human body, and apply significant harm to health.

Poisonous substances from the batteries penetrate the soil into groundwater, fall into the rivers and in the reservoirs, from which we drink water, without thinking that harmful chemical compounds with boiling do not disappear.

The relevance also lies in the fact that the population of the city is not enough informed about the actions aimed at collecting and disposing of the used batteries.

Research methods: Analysis of literature, data sites, surveillance, observation, experiment.

Novelty of research It is that the study examined issues that are not sufficiently studied and require further study.

Practical significance Studies are that the work carried out during the study will be useful for the environment.

Chapter 1. Main part.

    1. How the finger battery works.

Electric batteries, undoubtedly, useful thing. After all, many toys work from batteries, and it is very convenient. And it would have to include them in the outlet, be confused in long wires. In addition, the electric current from the network is not suitable for toys, we would need another special box for correcting it. Batteries give toys and other useful things independence and independence.

The battery makes electric current: turns the wheels from the machine, walk the clock, the player works. And the battery "sits". What does it mean "sits"? Such a word is used to show that the battery consumes its energy. So a person when he starts to get tired, seeks to sit somewhere. When I spend all the energy of the battery, it will stop working and cannot create an electric current anymore. What happens in it? Inside the finger battery - two cylinders inserted one in another. There is a special solution or pasta between the cylinders. From one cylinder to another and flows electric current. For example, from one cylinder over the wire current goes into the motor machine, turns the wheels, and further on the wire is suitable for another cylinder. Electric current in wires is the movement of electrons, and in the solution between cylinders is the movement of ions. All the most interesting occurs on these cylinders, where the movement of electrons turns into the movement of ions.

Cylinders are made from different substances. One of them is made of metal. For example, zinc. In the metal, many electrons walk freely. This means that metal atoms turned into ions. Ions are several thousand times heavier than electrons, they are difficult to move from the place, and in electric current in the metal itself they do not participate. Current on metals is transferred by electrons. And in the battery, this metal one sidel will swing in solution. As a result, some of the metal ions enters the solution. And in the metal remain "extra" free electrons. The total electron charge becomes greater than that of ions. Such a mess in nature can not exist. Electrons are sent to search for positive ions. But through the solution they cannot pass, they have one way - through the wires, through the motor, twisting the wheels, the electrons enter another battery cylinder. And the second cylinder batteries is made from another substance. This is a substance that willingly snatches the ions from the solution, and with the help of electrons who come on the wires, forms some new substance with them, connecting electrons with ions and with their atoms.

This is how the electric current is supported. One cylinder of the battery gives positive ions into the solution, and electrons in the wires, and the other there is enough ions from the solution, and electrons from the wires and combines them into a new substance. And as the battery works, cylinders and a solution between them are spoiled. And when they finally ruin, they say that the battery "sat down".

The most difficult thing in the creation of the batteries is to choose a material for cylinders and a solution between them. These are usually rare metals. Therefore, in many countries, the "Sorts" batteries do not miscarb into the overall garbage, and they collect, and then at special factories, the materials from which they were made to use them again are restored.

    1. Conditional sign on the battery.

Looking at the usual finger battery, you will almost always see this sign on it, which means: "Not to throw out, you must pass to a special disposal item".

Fig.1. Conditional sign on the battery. And this sign on the battery is not good!

It is estimated that one finger battery, carelessly thrown into the garbage bucket, can contaminate with heavy metals about 20 square meters of land, and in the forest area it is the territory of habitat of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand rainworms! The batteries contain many different metals - mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead, lithium, manganese and zinc, which have the property of accumulating in living organisms, including in the human body, and apply significant harm to health.

    1. Danger of heavy metals located in batteries for a person.

Batteries contain various heavy metals, which even in small quantities can harm human health. This is zinc, manganese, cadmium, nickel, mercury, etc. After throwing out the battery, their metal coating is destroyed, and heavy metals fall into the soil and groundwater. These metals can get from groundwater to rivers and lakes or in the artesian water used for drinking water supply. One of the most dangerous metals, mercury, can get into the human body both directly from the water and when eating foods prepared from poisoned plants or animals, since this metal has the property to accumulate in the tissues of living organisms.

What are hazardous metals in batteries? Lead nacid mainly in the kidneys. There is also diseases of the brain, nervous disorders. Cadmium N.acid in the liver, kidneys, bones and thyroid gland. It is a carcinogen, that is, provokes cancer, and also causes dermatitis. Mercury influenceson the brain, nervous system, kidneys and liver. Causes nerve disorders, impairment of vision, hearing, impaired motor apparatus, disease respiratory system. Children are most vulnerable. Metal mercury - poison. According to the degree of impact on the human body, mercury refers to the 1st class of danger - "extremely dangerous substances." Regardless of the ways to enter the body, mercury accumulates in the kidneys.

    1. Recycling batteries.

The issue of recycling batteries is solved in different ways different countries World. So, in Japan, the batteries are diligently collect and stored until the optimal processing technology will be invented. In Europe, all supermarkets are containers for used batteries. The leader among countries is Belgium, in which up to 50% of nutrition elements are sent for processing. In the cities of the United States and Canada, containers for batteries are installed in crowded places.

We want to introduce such practices in Russia. We learned that IKEA stores take used batteries. Substances derived from batteries during processing (graphite, zinc and manganese salts), can be used to further be used both to create new batteries and in other industries, in particular, in pharmaceuticals.

But in our city there are no such shops, there are no large containers for collecting these batteries. We suggest clutching your finger batteries into small plastic bottles from under shampoos, containers from under Kinder surprises, etc. Any container is suitable, which can be closed tightly. Of course, such a large-scale problem can not be solved without the help of the state, but also not to do anything too.

Chapter 2. Experimental part.

Having collected all the information about the effect of batteries on the environment and the human body, I with my parents spent experiments that would help me prove the hypothesis about the dangers of batteries.

2.1. Study 1. "The influence of water on the battery."

Together with the parents, we had experience "the influence of water on the battery." We placed the battery into aqueous solution. As a result, the darkening was observed, then the rust (Appendix 1).

Those. In this case, the formation of heavy metals salts occurs. In the same way, salts can be formed in nature, which leads to their fall into the soil and groundwater.

This experience is simple and close as possible to real conditions. When the batteries are simply thrown out and lying on landfills, respectively, they are affected by various precipitation.

Output: Our hypothesis was confirmed. Based on scientific literature using its own observations, experience, it can be argued that the ejected batteries in the garbage cans are dangerous to humans and the environment.

2.2. Study 2. "The effect of an alkaline environment on the battery."

My parents and I decided to check how the alkaline environment affects the battery. For a start weighed the battery before experience and after it. Then placed the battery in the acidic environment. Got a battery (Appendix 2).

Conclusions: As a result of the fact that the soil can be sour, the batteries can react with acids there. The reactions will flow with hydrogen release. The release gas in arson makes very strong cotton. And what will happen if every family will incorrectly dispose of batteries?! How much gas is accumulated and what can it lead to?

And again our hypothesis was confirmed. Based on the experience done, it is safe to argue that the ejected batteries in the garbage tanks are dangerous to humans and the environment.

We found out that the recycling process provides 100% processing: the battery is physically divided into a metal casing and internal content. The internalities are divided into carbon, liquid and solid fractions, then heavy metals are sequentially crystallized by electrolysis.


My parents and I thought and decided to carry out a campaign to collect batteries "Batteries, Give up!" In the gymnasium number 2. Pupils did not remain aside and took part in it. In parallel, we conducted the following job:

    speech on class hours among students of our gymnasium on the topic: "The benefits and harm of the batteries";

    organization and collection of students of the gymnasium used batteries in order to properly dispose;

    appeal to the residents of our city through the Gymnasium website and social networks with a call not to dispose of used batteries (Appendix 3).

We are people who consider themselves the smartest inhabitants of the planet, but see what we do? The rainworms are loosened and enriched with her nutrients, and we destroy it. Plants without tired of removing heavy metals from the ground, and we fold them there. And the main source of heavy metals, mercury, lead and cadmium, and alkaline metal lithium - spent batteries. Even one single finger battery infects 20 square meters of land! So let's help to help disinterested and hardworking underground residents and plants! After all, in the end, all the poisons that we carelessly send to the garbage, return to us - with water from the tap, with the smoke of a burning landfill, with fish caught in rivers and lakes. Want to drink clean water, breathe clean air? All over the world, spent batteries are collected and disposed of separately from domestic garbage. Let's and we do the same! Do not forget that poisoning with heavy metals contained in batteries leads to heart failure, damage to the kidneys and liver, the defeat of the central nervous system And even to death!

List of used literature

1. Aklenova MD "Encyclopedia for children volume 14", m: Avanta +, 2001

2. Volodin V.A. "Encyclopedia for children volume 17", m: Avanta +, 2000

3.Subes. B.V. " encyclopedic Dictionary young technique", M: Pedagogy, 1988

Materials of Internet resources:




Attachment 1.

Fig.1-2. Study 1. "The influence of water on the battery."

Appendix 2.

Fig.3-4. Study 2. "The effect of an alkaline environment on the battery."

Appendix 3.

Fig.5-6. Promotion "Batteries, Give up!" In gymnasium №2.

Fig.7. Promotion "Batteries, Give up!" In gymnasium №2.


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