How to find out if damage on a person. How to recognize damage: correct signs

How to find out if damage on a person. How to recognize damage: correct signs

If you have a question about how to find out if there is a damage on a person, most likely, you have some suspicions that someone brought negative on you. Such a powerful negative impact, as damage, cannot remain unnoticed.

You can diagnose the damage both with the help of fortunenesses and using various magical techniques that are available to each to fulfill at home.

In addition, there are signs of damage, which are always manifested in everyday life. There are many of them, and there is nothing unusual about it. Such signs may be accompanied by the life of any person, but if there are quite a lot of them and the troubles arise not from time to time, but constantly, there is a reason to think about who you could go the road.

It is desirable that when diagnosing damage everything is used, than you have. So the output will be as accurate as possible. It also refers to the analysis of the recent, well-being and other factors, as well as magical techniques for determining negative impacts per person. In this article we will talk about the symptoms that are noticeable and without the use of specialized techniques.

General signs of damage

There are many types of spanking that can manifest in different ways. For example, the crown of celibacy far does not always affect the material position of the victim and its communication with relatives. But still, the general signs of the presence in the human life of a negative program exist. It is for them that you should pay attention, they are the symptoms of damage.

A couple of trouble can be considered a coincidence, but if you have quite a lot of such signs than before you pay attention to them, the better. The main reason for the appearance of a running damage is to ignore its signs at the very beginning. The longer a negative program was present in a person's life, the more difficult it will be removed. Therefore, it should be guided by the principle "The faster, the better."

We propose to disassemble the signs of damage on various aspects of a person's life, which can help not only determine if there is a negative, but also its possible focus.

How to determine damage on a person - emotional state

The first thing that any negative program is affected is the mood of a manifold person. As a rule, both mood and character will be spoiled. If you started irritate in trifles, often nervous without visible for this reason, and also noticed frequent mood differences, you should think about it. If it was not peculiar to you before and is not a normal state, of course.

The same category includes depression and thoughts on suicide, which are quite often accompanied by negative programs. Most often, this is the consequence of a series of trouble caused by damage, but it also happens that the damage is guided precisely in order to achieve human configure to such a state. There are techniques that make a person hear voices calling him to suicide. Obony hallucinations may appear, usually unpleasant.

The obsessive ideas are more often the cause of not so much damage as an attempt to manipulate with the help of magic. If you have become peculiar to the wishes unusual for you, which shocks your loved ones, it's time to think about whether these ideas do you like.

Heavy damage can cause the state of devastation and confusion, apathy. At the same time, there can be nothing to change anything in the life of a person, that is, no causes for such states is observed. It should be paid to rapid changes in its emotional statenot to run the problem. One of the most explicit signs The negative is disgust and even fear of sunlight. It does not like it, but in the particular owners of sensitive skin, but the sudden appearance of this should alert.

People who have good intuition begin to experience a bad premonition. Of course, it can occur without damage, but if you have long been haunting the unclear premonition of trouble, also in combination with the rest of the troubles, which are described in this article, you should contact a specialist or use the advice of our site and send damage back.

Reducing self-esteem - Another consequence of damage. A person does not like himself in the mirror, despite the fact that those surrounding assure it looks good. However, if the goal is in the desire for better appearance and no more, no reasons for excitement.

Symptoms Pulling on a person - relationship

Relationships with others are also affected by. Of course, they change not in best side. Many begin to hate their loved ones, even relatives. Sometimes damage is made on relationship with others, as well as to destroy the family. Do so colleagues who need to survive you from the team, those who you interfere with the receipt of inheritance, as well as rivals who wish to hover a husband. If you have no reason for hate, it is possible that it is in black witchcraft.

When damaged to the relationship, it happens that those surrounding begin to avoid the thowned. This may be a negative effect of any damage. A focused damage for loneliness, for example, repels people of the opposite sex - despite the external data and the character of a person does not pay attention to the destruction of the family - quorries with her husband, and some other varieties are directed towards relatives and team.

Another one of the signs of damage to loneliness or family destruction is constant scandals, the reasons for which in another time would not have enough for the usual household dispute. Intolerance, jealousy, the appearance of manual design and treason can not be ignored.

The fear of communicating with people, even the most close, may indicate that malicious magic has. This fear can be subconscious, expressing in unwillingness to communicate. If you have lost the desire to communicate with people and even see them, no reason does not appear.

Relationships can change not only with people, but with animals. Your pet can start you to be avoided or on the contrary, pester more than usual. It is believed that with a small negative, animals are trying to help him get rid of it, and the carrier of a stronger program carrying the danger to them, the pets are trying to stay away. Sometimes the disappearance of domestic animals also connect with the affairs of black sorcerers.

How to identify damage - health

He suffers from damage and well-being. Even if it was not a damage to health or death, most likely, the victim will suffer from frequent headaches, problems with pressure and toothache. At the same time, your dentist can tell you that you are all in order and there are no reasons for painful sensations. Reduced immunity, frequent colds and other not too serious, but regular health problems can also be the symptoms and effects of damage.

Regular injury obtaining can be associated with a multitude of reasons, ranging from character characteristics and ending with banal bad luck. But paying attention to this still stands.

Sleep problems are often signs of negative. Pay attention to the content of dreams, because sometimes we can see those who brought it. Many dedicated seen dreams in which their enemy rejoiced her victory. Nightmares and insomnia can be observed. Repeating noiseless dreams sometimes contain tips, and if you decide not to take damage at home, but to contact a specialist, it is better for him to know about them.

An unambiguous sign of damage to death or health is the appearance of diseases with which medicine cannot cope. Doctors put different diagnoses, treatment and reception of drugs do not bring relief or help only for a while. Sometimes it happens that the person is completely healthy in analyzes, but it feels bad, and the reasons for this doctors are not found.

The appearance of a person suffering from damage and its inconsistency of age is often a sign of the selection of beauty and youth, as well as simply damage to appearance. This is sin more often than a fair sex representative, usually rivals or envious, as well as strong witches who wish to look better, but it meets less often.

The weight is also susceptible to negative effects, usually it is excessive completeness or thinness, provided that the case is not in any physical disorders. Some are gaining several tens kilograms, and the sport and proper nutrition Do not help relieve extra centimeters.

The feeling of gravity on the shoulders, cold inside the body, as well as gravity, feeling squeezing in the chest, provided that traditional medicine did not reveal the reasons - one more symptoms of damage. Most often, they manifest themselves in the complex and can accompany any kind of negative.

There is also a damage to infertility. It is often accompanied by violations of the menstrual cycle in women, but for a man, the guidance of such negative may well go unnoticed. He can learn about the existence of a problem a few years after it appeared.

How the damage is manifested - good luck and money

Almost any business for which a threatened man is taken is doomed to failure. Good luck does not favor it. If the negative is sufficiently launched, and it was damaged to failure, the victim of witchcraft cannot even get to the reception to a specialist because of bad luck - the bus broke, the alarm clock was broken, etc. Some for similar reasons constantly postpone home diagnostics - I forgot to buy an egg, matches ended, etc.

At work, most likely await difficulties. There are damages aimed at work and financial position. They are always accompanied by problems with career growth, making money, as well as relationships with the bosses. Maybe even to dismiss and the inability to find a job.

Damage for money, as easy to guess, is always accompanied by monetary problems of any nature. Of course, if a person has no prospects initially due to the reluctance to receive education, for example, the case is clearly not in witchcraft. But when a successful person loses income or is forced to carry out spending on most of the income, we can talk about it.

Detergents sent to the family are usually accompanied by a lack of money in the family budget. The reasons for this are many, and not always the case in reducing the salary. But the fact remains a fact - the family suffers material complexity.

Indoor, where it is often torn, can often break the technique. This also applies to personal mobile phones, and household, as well as office equipment. Of course, no breakdown can be by the way, but the regular appearance of sudden problems of this nature can sometimes signal about problems not only with technology.

How to determine the damage yourself - spirituality and religion

Loss of a native cross is not only bad sign. It is also a sign of damage, like the loss of any amulet, sometimes even just the jewelry that you really liked. The fact is that when the subject that can protect against the negative gets too strong, it can break or get lost. Of course, it may be an accident, but it does not mean at all that it is not necessary to pay attention to this.

It is unpleasant to touch holy water, incense and other consecrated subjects. But it may depend on the religion, not every person is an adherent of Orthodoxy. Such signs of damage can only be applied with respect to believers earlier people, if it is not in revising them of spiritual values. Some people, due to their religion, the objects of the cult of the Orthodox Church are unpleasant, and negative energy here is not at all.

The native cross can and blame. If this cannot be attributed to the properties of the material, most likely, this is a sign of malicious magic aimed at you. Many believe that the believer cannot harm with the help of witchcraft. This is not quite so. To obtain such powerful protection, a truly strong faith and high level Spirituality, which can be achieved not every believer.

It is believed that manifold people become bad in the church, and also disappears the desire to overtake the threshold of the temple. The church candle near such a man smokes, but here it sometimes happens in the method of making candles, as well as material wicks. Completely extinguished during the service of the candle for whom they made damage to death. If you have become bad during the church service, this is not an indicator, because it is usually on holidays in the temples a lot of people, which becomes the cause of banal stuffiness, from which no one is insured. But when there are no reasons for a sharp deterioration of well-being, it is worth thinking.

In the house, which was done by damage, the holy water spawns.

What to do if you have a sampling

If you have found not one and not even two signs of damage, you should not hurry. Sometimes it may be in banal bad luck or coincidence. As mentioned above, separately all these reasons can not be signs of malicious witchcraft, but if there are too much, there is such a probability.

There are many techniques that allow you to confirm or refute the presence of the negative. This is a rite with an egg, and the diagnosis of matches and many others. You can learn about it in more detail in the relevant article on our website. Our techniques will help you find out if you are damaged. However, trust intuition and own dreams are also worth it.

If you think your trouble is not a simple coincidence, do not hesitate. On our site you can find detailed recommendations of how to remove damage and send it to the one who did. In addition, you can find both protection methods - prayers, amulets and chambers. Do not forget that there are practically no detractors from each person, and how far they can go - only they know.

In this article, I will tell you how to learn how to find out the evil eye on home, I will bring the signs of available methods of checking negative not related to complex rituals. When it becomes necessary to check the evil eye on yourself, it is possible to do it at home. There are no special difficulties, and no special skills are required. With a magic spool on a person, it is somewhat more complicated, since the impact is much more serious than the evil eye. At home to find out if there is a damage, it is possible by applying controlles or layouts on Tarot cards. it effective methods Checks in the presence of negative in biofield, but they require knowledge and skills.

Alone to know whether damage - how difficult it is and what you need to know?

It is possible to determine the damage on a person alone on the runes, for example, there is a good alignment for the identification of magical negative RUNIC Wax. Shows any kinds of presence of the magical negative on a person, and, in addition, it makes it clear where it came from, who is initiated and what, on what areas of life witchcraft will affect the negative key. However, if you do not know the runes, you can hardly read and understand their message.

Tarot cards are very informative and help you know whether there is damage to you. Especially dark decks, if it comes to negative. Some Mages believe that the system of runes is complex and is uninformative, another ruined messages seem simple and understandable. With the diagnosis on the maps of the Tarot decks also a lot of their features. Simply put, the magician works with the fact that he is closer in spirit. If you seized any prediction system, you can learn about the status of your own biofield, as well determine damage on a person at home. IN otherwise You need the help of a Runologist or Tarologist.

As for how to find out the evil eye on home, everything is simple here, and now I will tell about it.

Alone to know whether there is a slogony - several options for home diagnostics

First, I, Mag, I will say with a complete certainty that a person is sensitive, Intuitu, living in sensations and trusting his body, will certainly feel the evil eye, for the evil eye is nothing more than a charge of negative energy that will certainly affect the person, and will act in negative key.

  • sudden weakness in the limbs
  • dizziness,
  • damage in the eyes
  • feeling of weightlessness
  • nausea

- These are signs of energy strike. If you are an insightful person, you are this moment, these signals of the body do not miss.

In addition, if your inner voice tells you that you have been smoothed, it means that it is, and you need to try at least alone to determine the evil eye. There are such rituals in witchcraft. They are quite simple, applicable at home, and do not require special skills and serious knowledge in the field of magic. Applying these methods of home diagnostics yourself, you will be able to identify negative, and even with some ability, to understand what character, and what intensity is this negative.

I, Mage I propose to try to determine the evil eye at home with:

  1. wax candles
  2. spichek
  3. fresh chicken egg

The diagnosis of magical methods allows a person to find out whether there is a slogony, and also independently check the damage at home. Easy witchcraft rites are applied even practicing magicians.

How to determine damage and evil eye at home with a candle

Diagnostics can be carried out on any day, regardless of the lunar phases. So you can diagnose the magic negative in yourself, and it is possible to independently determine the negative on a person, for example, family member. I, Mag, I will remind you interesting factFor reflection. The one who diagnoses another person does not matter to which item is to identify damage, definitions of protection, love votors, etc., it must be clean. In other words, the diagnosis should not be induced negative, observing the truth.

If a person who detects a magic negative from another, he goes to the damage made on him, then the answers are most likely incorrect. Therefore, before diagnosing other people, it follows Check dampel; You can make it yourself, applying a witch ritual with a candle, or a method for diagnosing a chicken egg.

To carry out the diagnosis of the evil eye from himself with the help of a candle, not very convenient, although if you try, you can make and get objective answers. But, you can always choose witchcraft rites to independently determine the presence of damage, convenient for you. So, as is the detection of negativity in the biofield with a candle of natural wax. I, the magician spoke no longer once, it was the natural wax, and not paraffin, color or perfumed.

  • The person you will diagnose on the detection of traces of damage and the evil eye, put on the chair face east. Hands diagnosed freely lie on the knees, opened palms up.
  • Stand up behind him, holding a burning candle in your hand. Read the Prayer "Our Father" if you and your patient baptized Christians, live in line with the establishments of the Church and are under the protection of the church egregor. In this case, Christian forces are called upon. If you do not have a relation to the Christian egregor, then it is clear that, wishing to independently check if there is a damage on a person, you call on your assistants.
  • Clockwise go around a person three times. Candle hold at a distance of 10 -15 cm. From the body of a person, and with spiral movements, drive it from the top of the cranks and back. If the flame of the candle is calm, does not change its color if the candle does not crack, does not spark, does not black and not cry, then the biopol is clean.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

There may be like a random effect of envious with strong energy, and the impact directed, but not fully aware of the person himself. Sloracted may be a detractor, friend, girlfriend, relative, i.e. Anyone who does not love you, or loves overly, or acutely envy you. Not every person has so dare and honest in front of him to admit that he is envious, because it is unsightly, shameful vice. Therefore, people (who are mostly a good opinion about themselves) envy deny. If a person is jealous, he sometimes hides it so carefully from himself, which is not aware of the fact that someone is able to join someone. Although, there are obvious enviouss and packers, and there are many of them.

And finally, I, Mag, I remind you, you yourself can jamps yourself, thus spoiling your affairs. In real magic there are rites that allow you to protect yourself from the self-heading. Let's go back to the candle with which we are trying yourself know whether there is a slogony. The energy spank is localized behind the population and in the upper part of the human body - neck, shoulders. The destruction zone of the evil eye is usually small. Candle will know if there are energy damage in the biofield. However, the candle will not behave as violently, as in the case of the presence of the magic damage in the human aura.

The damage is a strong impact, accompanied by certain actions of the sorcerer and the words of force. This damage causes significant damage to biopol. So the candle you use to Check damage at home, reacts rapidly with a change in the color of the flame on red or purple, with soak, sparks and a crackling, unpleasant smell. Sometimes the candle melts with strong drifts, - pays. The larger the negative man in the test man, the energetic will be reacting the candle.

How to independently determine the evil eye with matches

This is old people's recipe Definitions of the presence of the evil eye and magical damage on a person. Home diagnostics using matches requires clarification, especially if you suspect a negative much more stronger than a banal evil eye, and you want to determine the presence of damage.
To carry out the ritual you will need:

  1. cold Water Glass Capacity
  2. matchbox

Take an odd number of matches, no less than 3. Some time hold them in your hands, having a clear intention, and thinking about the need for home to determine damage and evil eye. Having charged them with its energy, these matches in turn light and throw in the water. Then look at the result.

  • If all matches swim on the surface of the water, not intersecting, it means that you are fine. There is no evil eye or magical damage.
  • If matches are tilted down or float each other, it can be interpreted as the presence of a evil eye.
  • If at least one match fell and is in the water layers, there is a chance that there is a damage.

Home diagnostics of yourself with matches - one of the easiest. And, of course, the received answers require clarification. For funny confidence, I am recommended to determine the damage by different ways.

How to independently check damage on yourself - damage to the egg

Predated rustic signs checked whether the person does not curse, with the help of fresh chicken egg. The egg has a sensitive biopole. When contacting someone else's energy, the biological field of the egg reacts to the negative, which leads

  1. fresh chicken egg
  2. capacity from transparent glass with cold water

The egg should be from homemade chicken, fresh. Hold the egg in the palms, and then begin to gently roll them on the body of the patient from the head to the legs. Then sweep the egg into the water without damaging the yolk. And look.

  • If the yolk is torn, or looks like a felled, it can be interpreted as the presence in biofield breaks. There is a chance that there was a magical attack against you, someone made damage.
  • If there are serious impacts caused by witchcraft, the protein in the water will be muddy, white threads, protein sings, dark splashes will be viewed.
  • In the presence of air bubbles in the structure, we can talk about significant damage to the biofield. Rolling the egg is well also the fact that this ritual can also know whether the curse can be found.

The second way to diagnose the negative is similar to just described by me, magic, but it is even easier. First, the container with water hold over the head of the diagnosed person. Water will take information from its aura. Then the egg is broken into the water and see what the result is. Interpret seen it follows, as in the previous method.

And the third way as independently determine the negative on a person or on yourself the most simple. In the headboard bed to put a glass container with water at night, breaking into it a chicken egg. In the morning you can check the status of the biofield appearance eggs.

Damage, in fact, is an intentional evil act against a person. The brain with the word "damage" draws pictures of some terrible rites with mirrors, witch in the hoods. But, as a rule, damage is the result of someone else's evil suggestion to man. Faith in damage makes a person vulnerable. Thanks to this, the task of an evil figure is simplified - "victim" is easier to bring the evil eye.

More and more people are interested in: how to find out if there is a damage to me? How to understand that you are damaged and how to get rid of the result of someone else's evil as soon as possible from the material.

The first signs of damage

What is damage and how does it manifest? Harm to man, his family, car, house, household goods, money, photo. The ritual of failures are carried out to dissolve a married couple, disrupt the harmony of their relationship, so that the person can give in to drugs, alcohol, gambling, quickly broke up and became a beggar. What is damage and how does it manifest? Signs of damage on a person:

  • Consider your palms. The owner of a strong biofield is possessed by three clear lines. These are lines of life, mind, hearts. When crossing the last two additional line, the owner of the palm is easy to smooth.
  • Cross-shaped symbols on the palms also talk about a strong vulnerability. These characters can warn about the damage to the induced not on the owner itself, but on the grandparents, parents. This means that the evil eye is inherited.
  • Moles, especially in large quantities, Signal: Their owner is subject to a strong slohal and induced damage.

What does man feel, or in other words, how to find out if you have a damage or evil eye? Independent symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • frequent pains;
  • nervous voltage;
  • excessive irritability;
  • sharp mood change;
  • fear in front of sunlight;
  • man often sick, gets injuries;
  • permanent sense of confusion;
  • depressive condition and stress.

The integrity of the aura during the evil eye is violated, and the person is very difficult to resist painful sensations and a severe condition of not only the soul, but also the body. All of the above symptoms may not be due to the evil eye and deliberate damage, but it is worth a renowned, check yourself. Available ways, for home checking your energy and expansion to someone else's influence, exist.

Methods for determining damage or evil eye on a person

How to find out if there is an intentional damage on me, light ways? There are several effective and affordable ways:

  • We need a glass of water and a raw egg (the usual chicken is suitable). A glass of cream is put on a top, an egg is driven into a glass. How to recognize damage? Divorces broke into the glass, silver balls - there is harm. The yolk falls smoothly to the bottom - do not worry, damaging or the evil eye has nothing to do with you.
  • How to find out if there is a damage on the family using matches? Procedure, spend with each family member. Take a glass of clean water. Hold in your hands, focus on your thoughts for a while. So you pass your fluid energy. To increase the expected effect, add a pinch into the water. Light the match, wait until it burns almost to the end, throw the residue into the water. Watch, by what happens to Ogrom, you will learn how to check if there is a damage. The grinding is sinking in the water - there is an evil intent, and if it remains afloat, it means that the trouble has passed you.
  • Set signs of damage on a person, with a candle. The candle reacts to the aura of the room, so this ritual requires not only the "tests" of the candle, but also special prayers and conspiracies. Purchase an ordinary wax church candle. Light a candle and drive around a person. Do not worry if it burns a constant discreet flame. There are reasons for concern, only when the flame is fading, smoking with black smoke and cracks. In this case, the trouble is invisible.

  • Diagnostics using gold provides a high-sample metal for the effectiveness of the study. Jewelry with impurities for this method are not suitable, but best to use a ring of pure gold. Having spent their cheek or hands on clean skin, on it, in the case of an induced damage or a decline, a dark color strip will remain.

How to find out who smoothed or crawled damage

Not always the one who smiles, looking into your eyes, wants sincere well. How to find out who made damage or evil eye? To find out before the festival of baptism or christmas, pour holy water into any container. Give her a day, then in front of sleeping. If there is a challenge, then you will be aware of the conviction of evil acts. The filling will enjoy your drops, diseases, failures.

How to get rid of damage at home

Evil intents bring unpleasant consequences into your life. How to remove the evil eye or damage on your own forces? Following simple instructions, you will get to stop the trouble:

In former times, black magic practiced only chosen, sorcerers and witches in secret were engaged in their rites and kept them in strict secret. Today, the ancient recipes for guiding the evil eye and curse are available to the general public. In fact, they can take advantage of anyone to take revenge on their enemies, neighbors and even relatives. From here there is a question - how to find out if there is a damage on a person, and is it possible to defend it?

The most unprincipled magicians can damage even a child. However, children often become innocent victims of curses induced on their parents. Fortunately, there is an opportunity to determine the threat of a magical attack, learn about the induced evil eye and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.

Black damage - how to determine the symptoms

Unexpected dismissal, a series of small troubles, family squabbles and health problems ... What is this "black strip" in life or magical revenge on the part of the unfair? How to find out what damage you? It is possible to determine this by some features. We suggest you pass a simple test that will help check if there is a damage on a person. It is fast and for free, you just need to answer a few questions.

Online test for damage

How to understand what damage you? Any magical attack invades the spiritual sphere of man, in his. This may not entail cardinal changes. Someone becomes nervous and inflated, others, on the contrary, fall into apathy and depression. You can independently determine the curse on the sensation of oppressive longing and anxiety for which there is no reason.

Black magic can destructively influence the financial sphere. Often, magicians spend blocking, which creates a man of material difficulties. How to check if there is a damage on a person in this case? To find out if you need to restore the recent events. You have accumulated many debts, the planned plans are not implemented for incomprehensible reasons? Customers leave you, sales are falling in the firm, you were fired from work? If such troubles pursue you too active, then to solve the problem you will need the help of a strong magician.

Damage - how to determine it with magical methods

Not all people tend to rely on intuition. How to find out if there is a damage or evil eye, or problems are not associated with a magical attack? You can check this in several ways.

Method with a candle. You will need a church candle - put it on the table covered with a white tablecloth, and burn. Then, read three times the prayer "Our Father" and the following conspiracy:

Then take the candle to the right hand, and hold it for a few minutes. If the flame begins to sneak and crack and crack, then you have become a victim of the evil eye. Candle is burning smoothly and bright? In this case, you can congratulate you - your biofield is clean, no negative programs are detected.

Method with egg. Do not know how to check if there is a slogony or damage on a person? To determine the negative magical impact, an ordinary chicken egg will be required. The person who is allegedly assigned to curse must hold the egg in his hands for a few minutes to have an energy exchange. Then the egg is required to carefully smash so that the yolk is intact, and pour into a glass with water.

If a noticeable accomplishment is observed in the egg protein, then the person cursed an explicit dilettant, you can try. A good deal - if the yolk is similar to the edge, and there are black dots in it. In this case, the curse brought a real professional, and that it will also be necessary to help the assistance of the competent magician. If the egg has a normal appearance (without deposits, points and extraneous enclosures), there was no magical attack.

Damage to loneliness - how to determine it

Magical impact may affect the most different spheres of human life. A common curse is the so-called "crown of celibacy". This damage deprives a person the opportunity to find his soul mate and create a family.

We will tell you how to determine if there is a damage to celibacy. There are several signs for which it can be found:

  • The emergence of moles or pigmentation on the body;
  • Sharp and nothing justified loss or weight gain;
  • Long lack of relationship with the opposite sex;
  • Understated self-esteem, the emergence of numerous complexes about appearance;
  • Apathy, longing;
  • Deadness from other people, no friends.

Determine the presence of damage will not be difficult if you have a silver ring. During the day we carry it on your finger, and in the evening - put it in a saucepan with water, and bring it to a boil. If water is simply brown, then you do not have a curse. You can only talk about damage only if a foam cap will appear above the pot.

A believer can learn about the presence of a negative program in the Church. To do this, you need to go to the temple, and pray before the icon of your saint-patron. If such an image does not turn out to be, then men can pray from the icon of Christ, and women have the Virgin. During prayer, watch your feelings. If you feel severity, discomfort or fear, then it means that the seal of loneliness is brought.

Damage is a negative impact on a person who can lead to problems in all spheres of life and even to death. Very often, the manifestation of a negative program can not be noticed immediately by wringing everything in a series of failures or just a coincidence. But if the black bar does not end too long, perhaps the reason in magical effects.

There may be various household symptoms on the presence of a negative program on a person or house, which are difficult not to notice. We will be listed below.

On death

The damage to death is one of the most dangerous. The earlier the damage to death is recognized, the higher the chances of getting rid of it.

Symptoms are damage to death:

  1. Sharp deterioration in health, aggravation of chronic diseases.
  2. Diseases are not amenable to diagnosis or standard treatments are ineffective.
  3. Constant weakness.
  4. The death seemed to go on the heels: the person damned to death often becomes a witness to accidents, fires, etc.
  5. A person does not stand her eyes look.
  6. Blackening or loss of a native cross.
  7. In the service in the church, the candle goes out in the church.

Important! The damage to death does not kill instantly, usually takes away from several months to a year. But, the longer the damage on a person, the harder it is to get rid of it.

For seven

Find out whether there is a damage on the family, you can in some symptoms.

Symptoms are:

  1. Frequent quarrels are usually not reasons.
  2. Nervous spouse disorders.
  3. Treason.
  4. Irritability and intolerance of spouses to each other.
  5. Problems with family budget.

For loneliness

Right for loneliness - one of the most popular types of spanking. Usually, the porch is subject to the weak floor, and the impact is aimed at repeating the opponent.

Symptoms damage for loneliness:

  1. Lack of attention from the opposite sex.
  2. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy.
  3. Health problems, frequent diseases.
  4. Menstrual cycle failures.

On beauty

A damage to the beauty of the Witch is one of the loved ones, because it is able to extend the youth for many years.

Symptoms are damage to beauty:

  1. Begins to fall out hair.
  2. Problems with skin, rash.
  3. Sharp aging is the appearance of wrinkles, the skin acquires a hortal shade.
  4. Fast extra weight or altitude.
  5. No desire to follow yourself.

On house

The damage to the house has an impact on all its inhabitants, acting often for several years.

The house is cursed if:

  1. Digested houseplants.
  2. Animals behave wary, do not come true for a long time.
  3. The inhabitants experience constant fatigue, as if the house "drinks" all the energy.
  4. There are unpleasant odors: rot, Gary, dampness.
  5. Bad dreams.
  6. The holy water is spoiled in the pitched house.

Check out the video, which tells about the symptoms of damage:

The presence of several of these signs can talk about the presence of a negative program. To find out for sure, you need to diagnose.

How to recognize yourself, is there any or family?

There are various ways to diagnose, allowing you to identify whether you or your family damage. The most proven I. effective methods We describe in detail below.

With the help of egg

For diagnostics, you will need:

  • 0.5-liter bank of clean water;
  • fresh egg.

How to check:

  1. You need to put a jar with water and hold 3-5 minutes so that water absorbs information from the energy field.
  2. Then in the water, carefully, so as not to burst the yolk, break the egg and look the result:
  • If the water remained clean, and the yolk dropped to the bottom - there are no negative programs.
  • The filaments and bubbles from the protein and bubbles speak about the presence of damage.

Important! If the threads after some time fall on the bottom - the damage is made intentionally.

With the help of candes

For diagnostics, you will need:

  • a large mirror in full growth;
  • wax church candle.

How to check:

The candle flame is slow, clockwise, "shine" reflection in the mirror. Start from the head, slowly going down to the floor. Signal about the presence of damage will serve the crackle and soot of the candle. The type of damage depends on what level it starts to smoke. At the head level - damage to death, chest - loneliness, if the candle smokes in the legs - damage to the overlap of roads and good luck.

With the help of matches

For diagnostics, you will need:

  • water container;
  • three matches.

Matches need to hold a few minutes in their hands to charge them with their energy. In turn, the match set up and throw in the water and watch the result:

  • Matches float on the surface, not touching each other - no damage;
  • Matches on each other or leaned down - the evil eye is possible;
  • If some match went under water - perhaps damage.

With a pet

Pets are often becoming assistants in identifying negative impacts. Cats are especially good for this.

A homemade cat, even the most affectionate, will feel tense, sitting on the knees at the manifold, and try to escape. If this is an unusual behavior, it may say about the presence of damage.

Using tarot cards

One of the most reliable ways to diagnose is diagnostics on tarot cards. For diagnosis, damage is better to take the deck of dark tarot cards, since they are more intended to identify negative impacts. We will need only older arcanes. You need to pull one card, asking the question "Is there damage to me?".

If the moon cards fall out, hermit and tower are light, household damage, self-heading. The hermit indicates damage for loneliness. Maps Supreme Priest and hanged talking about the presence of church damage. As a rule, it is damage to the disease or death. It is quite difficult to remove such damage.

Death and the court indicate damage through the cemetery. Sometimes a person himself brings on his misfortune, bringing something from the cemetery.

Important! It is impossible to bring objects from the cemetery to the house, and also leave photos of living people on it. This may cause damage.

The Supreme Priestess indicates a love damage. The devil indicates a damage from which a person begins to suffer from various kinds of dependencies. This is a very powerful damage.

Important! For one hundred percent confidence it is worth spending several types of diagnostics.

How to understand that you have a negative impact on you?

When the diagnostics showed the presence of damage, I want to know from whom she came, because even after delivering it from it, this person can continue to harm. It happens that the damage is unknown. Very strong emotions of anger, despair and irritation in aggregate with the wish "So that you die!" Can lead to a damage of a person who goes this message.

Negative programs can lay close relatives who say: "It's cold on the street. Cooking! "," No money ", etc. Such seemingly innocuous phrases can carry the so-called domestic damage or evil eye. Moreover, bad thoughts and words can be damaged on yourself.

But, if someone's damage caused someone from the side, there are many ways to reveal the identity of the ill-wisher.

Casting wax

Find out who brought damage will help wax. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. A small amount of wax should be melt on a water bath and pour into a cold water container.

Then look the results:

  • If the wax feels geometric figures Or the silhouettes of animals - damn the man.
  • If the wax pattern is folded into the hearts, flowers, the moon - the negative came from a woman.

Sometimes wax even looms silhouettes of people and faces with characteristic features or strange figures talking about the emancipation profession. The numbers indicate how a damage was made long ago, and the letters on the initials. The stronger the injured damage, the more information opens.

Knowledge in a snow

One of the most common and simple methods - Disclosure of the enemy through the dream. Before you go to bed, you need to relax and stop the inner dialogue, get rid of obsessive thoughts.

When it is possible to do this, you need to pronounce a plot:

"I am going to rows, I look with my eyes. Among the ranks of Light there is a saint Samson. The name of God, Eternal and Living, I say the holy word, Saint Samson, IVA I have a tricky dream. Let me saint Samson enemy of mine point, through the sleep of the prophetic face it will show it. Live and Most Holy Trinity, help, Lord Jesus Christ, the dream of my bless, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Another conspiracy option:

"I go down to the kingdom of Morpheus, I'm sinking in sleep. Let the gift of broadcasting for me on this night will open, and the whole truth about the enemies will see. Through sleep, I will see the face of the enemy and find out the name of his present. My Sleep My Lord himself wakes up and my enemies save me from all enemies. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing you need to go to bed right away with the intention to see the offender in a dream. If everything is done correctly, you can see the face of the enemy. It is better to immediately cook the handle and notepad to write seen.

Using needles and candles

You need to purchase two candles in the church. One of them is settling, and the other is to break and melt over the flame first. Wax pour into a container with water. If the wax took out the outlines of a kind of item, the genus of this item will point to the floor of the Nelefactor. After that, three needles are taken and stuck in the resulting image.

When plugging each candle, repeat:

"Tip in the water! Water - under the canopy! Whoever slave God (name) evil wished, he will come to my threshold! Do not stew, come! Slave of God (name) Show! Amen!".

Capacity with water put the threshold overnight. The next day, it will not be felt more likely to know - the arrival of a visit, a call, a random meeting on the street.

With the help of a pendulum

For this method, you will need a pendulum from a natural stone, the black tourmaline is best suited. If there is no stone, you can take a wedding ring. The selected item is suspended on the chain and rises into the air. If this is the first experience with the pendulum - it needs to be configured.

To begin with, you need to ask the pendulum obvious questions (for example: I am a woman? I was born in January? Etc.) and look at his oscillations. Usually oscillations in the direction of back and forth and clockwise mean "yes", oscillations from side to the parties and counterclockwise - no.

After setting up the pendulum, you can go to the issues of the enemy. The answer to the questions should be "yes" or "no", questions should be clear and understandable.

An approximate plan of questions is:

  • Pulling a man / woman?
  • Are we familiar personally?
  • I will see this person in the near future? Etc.

With the help of higher forces

In the capture of the unfair can also help the rite with the appeal to the highest forces.

To do this, take:

  • seven rusty keys;
  • capacity with boiling water.

The keys rush in boiling water with the words:

"Whoever Slave God (Your Name) wishes the harm to bring, that in his house wants to make a damn. There will be no enemy to my peace, the hell will drive him out of the chambers. Amen".

The next day, the unfair will manifest itself.

With a ritual through a lining

Important! As a rule, damage to the house is superimposed through an object that is carefully hiding in the house. Perhaps her brought her close to the house.

If a lining was found in the house, with the help of a ritual, you can find out who made it.

To do this, you need to buy the packaging of new identical needles, firmly squeeze them in your hand, investing all your intention to learn your cheap. Then needles stuck in the found item, each question is asked:

  • Who did this?
  • Who wishes me evil?
  • Who is my enemy?
  • Who wants to lime me? etc.

After the ritual item sprinkle a third salt to block its negative impact.

Within a few days, it is worth looking more carefully to others. If someone avoids communication or, on the contrary, exhibits an excessive friendliness - most likely, this particular person harmed.

On tarot cards

Tarot cards are capable of give an accurate and capacious result.

Senior Arcans:

  1. An inverted moon, the tower is a household damage from a loved one.
  2. Magician - unfortunately nipped young man.
  3. Supreme Priestess - Negative comes from an elderly woman.
  4. Supreme Priest - Pitch brought an elderly man.

Junior arcans.


1. Elderly dark woman, lonely or alone lives;

2. Woman from work;

5. Mature man, diluted;

6. husband or lover;

8. Girl;

9. married woman, Kuma, neighbor.

Page - relative of her husband.

Knight - business partner, employee.

The queen is a close girlfriend who owns magic.


1. Parents of the spouse, sworn enemy;

3. Divorced woman;

4. Former beloved;

5. Military or treated wife;

6. Woman;

9. Old woman

Page - young girl.

Queen - widow.


1. Young rich woman;

4. Relatives

6. The one who gave money and gifts.

9. Careless relative or girlfriend

Queen - relative. Many animals.

King - Father's relatives.


1. On the festival, at the wedding, the girl is light

2. Loveman made a spell

4. Relatives

Knight - rejected fan.

Queen - wife, mistress.

Video: how to find out who did it?

Check out the video in which it tells how to find out who brought damage:

The damage is dangerous and, the faster it will be discovered, the easier it will get rid of it. And it is necessary to get rid of it, since the outcome can be disappointing.


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